Are you ready to make money?

Signing your first few clients as a Life Coach is easier than you think.

And your current knowledge and experience are enough. 

Students Enrolled

“The best investment I’ve made.

I just made my $2k back & more! I joined 2k for 2k this month and my mind is blown by how much has changed in less than a month, and how it was done through my thoughts and this program. Before this program, I hadn’t sold any packages – like zero this whole year! … But I’ve been using the program to help me evaluate & learn how to do consults, and evaluate my own thoughts, feelings, & beliefs about myself and my business. …I can honestly say this has been the best investment I’ve made so far! … ”

Nicole Fujiyama

"I signed a client yesterday.

I’ve not had loads of consults recently and wanted to stay unattached to the outcome. So, I spent all afternoon listening to the ‘Clean Selling’ modules (while cleaning my house!!) … filling my ears with Stacey’s wisdom. It worked!!

The client was a yes on the call. She paid in full this afternoon. She joined my email list less than a month ago and booked the consult after 3 emails. It doesn’t take long – which is great news for me as it challenges one of my old stories that “it takes so long” to create a client. It really actually doesn’t!

So grateful to 2k for 2k!!”

Anna Charles

I made over 20x my money back...

“Hi everyone! I am a Nurse Practitioner and I joined 2k for 2k one year ago while I was still in a coaching certification program.

Not only did I make my 2K investment back in the first month, while I was still in certification, I have now made over 20x my money back in the first year of being part of the group.

Stacey Boehman has created something pretty amazing for all of us new coaches to follow in order to get consults and sign clients.

Thank you!!”

Karena Hammon

2 consults today resulting in 2 yeses!

“What is happening!?!?!

2 consults today resulting in 2 yeses!

The thought that I took from Stacey Boehman’s coaching last week: “Coaching with me is powerful.”…

2k for 2k works when we work it!

Be encouraged… keep showing up. People need and want coaching today! Not when we have it all figured out and have our perfect marketing plans, systems, etc. They need/want it now!”

Martine Nash Williams

You don’t have to be tech-savvy to sell life coaching.

It’s not a Rubik’s cube that can only be solved by a select few.

It’s truly not as complicated as you think.

Here’s the secret… 🤫

It’s as simple as meeting people, telling them you are a life coach, and offering to help them.

Then, all you have to do is a simple consultation, and be prepared with how to handle objections.

That’s it.

I walk you through every single step inside the 2k for 2k program.

I’ll tell you everything you need to know, and everything you don’t.

So that you don’t get distracted.

Simple isn’t spending months on a website, or endless hours determining the perfect messaging.

Simple isn’t boiling down how life coaching can help someone, your purpose, mission, and expertise, and all the ways you help people get results into a one-sentence elevator pitch.

In the beginning, you don’t even know how to articulate what you do, how you do it, and who your “ideal client” is.

And that’s OK.

I will help you with what you DO need to know.

I’ve helped THOUSANDS of coaches sign their first clients, and finally make money as a life coach.

I’ve found the SIMPLEST way to do it.

In 2k for 2k, we remove everything from your to-do list except the most basic and vital steps.

Because until your coaching practice is full of clients, you only need to focus on TWO skills. Getting consultations. And closing them.

Our 5-step process helps you do this at any experience level. This is a master course on selling.

The ultimate consultation program.

Then the parts of selling you experience the MOST uncertainty and confusion with…

👉 Your niche

👉 Your offer

👉 Your pricing

I help you make these decisions right away –  quickly – based NOT on what the “industry” suggests, but based on what’s best for your business, your clients, and the outcome you want to create for them.

My Irresistible Offer Protocol helps you feel confident and move on to making offers to people who need your help.

And if you already have an offer you’re selling and you’re making money, how you know this program is right for you… is if you want more consultations and you want to close more of them.

Your selling skills impact how hard YOU have to work as an entrepreneur. But it also impacts how many people actually get help from you as a coach. Because if they are signing up for a consult, they WANT to hire you. And if they don’t, it’s because of your selling 90% of the time.

So your number 1 job is to make them feel safe and ✨excited✨ to do it.

And that’s a sales skill. 

Whether you are a brand new coach still in certification or a seasoned coach selling coaching for years, but it feels a little stale, and you know you could be selling more, 2k for 2k is the next step.

Whether you want to make your first $2k or your next $20k, these 5 simple steps are everything you need to know…

You will learn:

Module 1: Organic Marketing

✨ 3 Simple Steps to finding clients on- or offline

✨ How to sell a free consultation

✨ How to approach signing a client TODAY

✨ When and what to share online when you first start out

✨ Building an audience for long-term business success

✨ Selling intangibles: what attracts or repels potential clients

Module 2: Making Offers

The energetics of high-quality offers

✨ How to call your audience to take action

✨ Creating your free and paid offers

✨ Creating comfort for your audience to engage with you (when your audience is small)

✨ Creating comfort for your audience to buy from you (when no one else is)

Module 3: Clean Selling

How to serve your clients without pushing an agenda or convincing

✨ Getting out of the “I want to hit my goal” and “I need money” scarcity

✨ Thinking faster + more strategically on consults

✨ Skillful problem-solving that will make you the most powerful person in the room (or on the phone)

✨ Creating a safe place for your client to decide YES or NO, + (if YES) commit while on the phone with you

✨ The process that makes you fall in love with selling and understand coaching on a deeper level

Module 4: Consults

5 Step Method to higher converting consults

✨ Minute-by-minute breakdown of what to talk about with your client on a consult

✨ How to talk about pricing

✨ How to schedule and handle a follow-up

✨ How to make your consultation transformational for your client

✨ What to do after your client says YES to get them paid and on the first call

Module 5: Overcoming Objections

Red flags that show that the client isn’t a good fit for life coaching (and may need therapy or other treatment)

✨ Client behaviors that indicate exactly what you missed on a consult to sell them, and how to fix it

✨ How to compassionately walk a client through making a hard decision

✨ The most common objections to life coaching and how to overcome them

✨ How to coach hard on objections and blow your client’s mind

Join 2k for 2k NOW

⚡️ You get on-demand access to the 5-Step Process. 

⚡️ Access to our Online Community of life, business, and health coaches. 

⚡️ Weekly LIVE Coaching.

⚡️ Unlimited coaching through Ask a Coach.

⚡️ Access to the Private 2k for 2k Podcast.

⚡️ 6 Workbooks, including the highly sought out Consultation Code.

⚡️ Over 10 Bonus Courses (including Higher Converting Consults, Offer Week, Making Money with the Model, & Mastering the Art of Renewals).

⚡️And more…

2k for 2k is a ONE-time investment of $2,000.

You get access for the lifetime of the course.

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