Become a Marketing Essentialist.

Join 2k for 2k today, and start making money as a life coach.

Students Enrolled

“This is exactly the support and training I needed!

OMG I am so excited! I just started this program and decided to just go for it and put out my first video and offer yesterday. And I just booked my first consult! This is exactly the support and training I needed!

Dana Sproule

2k for 2k helped over 5,000 life coaches make money and get their coaching businesses off the ground.

Here’s our secret

The 2k for 2k process was designed to be simple, practical, acknowledge where new coaches are in their mindset, skillset, and business acumen, and meet you where YOU are.

After selling 37 Million Dollars of coaching, I have learned…

The more complicated the plan, the LESS effective it is.

Take all the energy you have put into all the things you think you “should” be doing, or “have to be doing”, and just start talking to real people interested in coaching.

Learn how to take someone from a simple friendly conversation to interested in your coaching and asking YOU how they can work with you.

Learn how to have people reaching out to YOU in your DMs regularly.

And know exactly what to do when they DO book and show up for a call.

Take them from “thinking about it” to paying you.

You will learn…

 Effective beginner marketing skills (that took me to $325,000!).

 How to show up every day as a professional expert in your field.

 How to talk through money decisions, answer any objections or worries the client might have, and how to clear up confusion about how your client will get results working with you.

 How to make offers and how to get people reaching out to you to take you up on that offer.

 How to sell from a clean, unattached place in your mind, while powerfully advocating for your client and the results they want.

 How to run a mind blowing consult packed with so much value your client leaves transformed and ready for more.

Learn skills that will take you to 6-figures and beyond…

When you leave this program you will know how to sell life coaching forever with nothing more than your brain and talent.

Each lesson in 2k for 2k will help you understand marketing and selling better, along with the people who are buying coaching.

Learn skills that will take you to 6-figures and beyond…

When you leave this program you will know how to sell life coaching forever with nothing more than your brain and talent.


Each lesson in 2k for 2k will help you understand marketing and selling better, along with the people who are buying coaching.

The Details

When you sign up for 2k for 2k, you’ll receive immediate access to the complete online course. No waiting for modules to unlock. Binge watch the whole course or take it one step at a time  it’s up to you. You can take it in 30 days or less.

Once you’re in the program, you’re in – for life. 

You get lifetime access to the program.

This means, as long as I continue to offer 2k for 2k, you get access to it, plus any additional future updates.

And the program is guaranteed. You either make $2k, or we give you your $2k back.

(Click here to learn more about our program guarantee.)

What’s inside?


Module 1: Organic Marketing



  • 3 Simple Steps to finding clients on or offline
  • Selling (free) consultations
  • How to position your offer so clients reach out to you (the end of DMs)
  • When and what to share online when you first start out
  • Building relationships for long-term business (even as an introvert)
  • Selling misconceptions: what actually influences your selling and what does not

Module 2: Making Offers



  • 3 Requirements for making high-quality offers
  • Creating simple, compelling “Calls to Action”
  • Creating your free and paid offer
  • What to charge to sell more coaching and create demand
  • Creating comfort for your audience to engage with you (when your audience is small)
  • Creating comfort for your audience to buy from you (when no one else is)

Module 3: Clean Selling



  • How to serve your clients without pushing an agenda or convincing
  • Getting out of the “I want to hit my goal” and “I need money” scarcity
  • Thinking faster and more strategically on consults
  • Skillful problem-solving that will make you the most powerful person in the room (or on the phone)
  • Creating a safe place for your client to decide YES or NO, and (if YES) commit while on the phone with you
  • The process that makes you fall in love with selling and understand coaching on a deeper level

Module 4: Consults



  • 5-Step Method to Higher Converting Consults
  • A minute-by-minute breakdown of what to talk about with your client on a consult
  • How to talk about pricing
  • How to schedule and handle a follow-up
  • How to make your consultation transformational for your client
  • What to do after your client says YES to get them paid and on the first call

Module 5: Overcoming Objections



  • Red flags that show that the client isn’t a good fit for life coaching (and may need therapy or other treatment)
  • Client behaviors that indicate exactly what you missed on a consult to sell them, and how to fix it
  • How to compassionately walk a client through making a hard decision
  • The most common objections to life coaching and how to overcome them
  • How to coach hard on objections and blow your client’s mind

“Someone just said ‘yes’…

Someone just said “yes” to me on a follow-up, after she initially said, “now is not the right time for me financially.” I attribute this change of heart to the Clean Selling modules that I am going through for the first time. Before listening to the modules, I was confused as to why people weren’t saying yes to me when I made it clear that I could help them 3x the return on their investment (of the monthly payment) in the first month.

Natalie Hankins

Weekly LIVE Coaching

Whether you’re getting coached personally or learning from the coaching of others, group coaching is vital in changing belief systems and increasing your marketing and selling skillset. We coach on marketing, consultations, pricing, niches, making your first $2k or your next $25k. These calls are packed with value and allow you to connect to a community of coaches on the exact same path as you. Join LIVE every week, watch the replay in our member portal, or listen to hundreds of past coaching calls on our private podcast. Our instructors are the best in the industry and have walked the same exact path as you. They have mastered the 2k Process to teach you how to make money as a life coach quickly and effectively.

Ask a Coach

Get 1:1 help as you go through the process. Submit coaching and questions 24/7 in our member portal and get individualized coaching, tailored specifically to you as often as you need, to book consults and sign clients. Many of our students do our 30 day Ask a Coach challenge and make their money back in their first 30 days in the program.

Our Amazing Facebook Community

Whether it’s celebrating making your $2k back, signing your first client, or having your first 5-figure month, our online community is the place to share. Dive into the support, experiences, celebrations, and encouragement found in the 2k for 2k Facebook community. Our community gives students an opportunity to share and learn from each other while celebrating huge breakthroughs along the way. Remain focused and motivated by reading and responding to the daily engagement post made by our team. This community was created for your learning and the improvement of your selling process. 


The Consultation Code

The nuclear codebook of the life coaching industry. The 5 Step Sales Process laid out in a conversational form. Transition statements to make your consult flow. An in-depth look at WHY we need to overcome objections and why clients don’t simply say YES. An outlined approach to exactly what your client needs from you to feel safe to hire you (even if you don’t have a website or testimonials to share). And over 50 case studies of real consults from real coaches. What worked, what didn’t work, and what the solution is to closing the client.

2k for 2k Course Workbook

The best way to sell your offer is to be SOLD on your offer. The more sold you are on your offer, the easier it is to create a desire for your offer in others. By the end of this course workbook, you would have applied the 2k process to your own offer, and the results you help your clients get so that you can effectively communicate how you will help them (and the value of that help). You will run consultations like an expert, and you will have fun overcoming objections.

Bonus Courses and Content

Higher Converting Consults

In this 3 hour class I cover the most common consultation mistakes; including why you do them, how the client experiences these mistakes, telltale signs from your client that you have made them, and how to fix them. Changing just ONE of these mistakes can turn a NO into a YES. Learn exactly what to do to quickly increase your chances of signing a client TODAY from our expert panel.

Making Money with the Model

This 5 week course and workbook walks you through using the Model to make your money back with the course, and how to keep turning profit. Stacey breaks down each component of the self-coaching Model and shows you exactly how to apply it to making money, the 2k process, and each individual step to starting and growing your coaching business. Take a deep dive into the #1 tool that helped Stacey create an 8-figure business.

Interrupt your Self-Concept Training

Starting from the very beginning? Stacey walks you through developing self-belief, self-love, integrity, and your overall view of your self-worth as you start your coaching business by being able to tell people that you are a life coach. The most important piece of selling coaching is taking yourself seriously as a coach and a person. Stacey will show you exactly how to start breaking up old habits and negative self-talk and start growing your relationship with yourself so you can get out and make a difference in this world.

Money Mastery Course

When you first start selling coaching, all of your money beliefs are going to rise to the surface. Those beliefs will affect your own money-making as well as your ability to handle objections. We cover it all in Money Mastery.

Weekly LIVE Coaching

Whether you’re getting coached personally or learning from the coaching of others, group coaching is vital in changing belief systems and increasing your marketing and selling skillset. We coach on marketing, consultations, pricing, niches, making your first $2k or your next $25k. These calls are packed with value and allow you to connect to a community of coaches on the exact same path as you. Join LIVE every week, watch the replay in our member portal, or listen to hundreds of past coaching calls on our private podcast. Our instructors are the best in the industry and have walked the same exact path as you. They have mastered the 2k Process to teach you how to make money as a life coach quickly and effectively.

Ask a Coach

Get 1:1 help as you go through the process. Submit coaching and questions 24/7 in our member portal and get individualized coaching, tailored specifically to you as often as you need, to book consults and sign clients. Many of our students do our 30 day Ask a Coach challenge and make their money back in their first 30 days in the program.

Our Amazing Facebook Community

Whether it’s celebrating making your $2k back, signing your first client, or having your first 5-figure month, our online community is the place to share. Dive into the support, experiences, celebrations, + encouragement found in the 2k for 2k Facebook community. Our community gives students an opportunity to share + learn from each other while celebrating huge breakthroughs along the way. Remain focused + motivated by reading + responding to the daily engagement post made by our team. This community was created for your learning + the improvement of your selling process. 


The Consultation Code

The nuclear codebook of the life coaching industry. The 5 Step Sales Process laid out in a conversational form. Transition statements to make your consult flow. An in-depth look at WHY we need to overcome objections and why clients don’t simply say YES. An outlined approach to exactly what your client needs from you to feel safe to hire you (even if you don’t have a website or testimonials to share). And over 50 case studies of real consults from real coaches. What worked, what didn’t work, and what the solution is to closing the client.

2k for 2k Course Workbook

The best way to sell your offer is to be SOLD on your offer. The more sold you are on your offer, the easier it is to create a desire for your offer in others. By the end of this course workbook, you would have applied the 2k process to your own offer, and the results you help your clients get so that you can effectively communicate how you will help them (and the value of that help). You will run consultations like an expert, and you will have fun overcoming objections.

Bonus Courses & Content

Higher Converting Consults

In this 3 hour class I cover the most common consultation mistakes; including why you do them, how the client experiences these mistakes, telltale signs from your client that you have made them, and how to fix them. Changing just ONE of these mistakes can turn a NO into a YES. Learn exactly what to do to quickly increase your chances of signing a client TODAY from our expert panel.

Making Money with the Model

This 5 week course + workbook walks you through using the Model to make your money back with the course, and how to keep turning profit. Stacey breaks down each component of the self-coaching Model and shows you exactly how to apply it to making money, the 2k process, and each individual step to starting and growing your coaching business. Take a deep dive into the #1 tool that helped Stacey create an 8-figure business.

Interrupt your Self-Concept Training

Starting from the very beginning? Stacey walks you through developing self-belief, self-love, integrity, and your overall view of your self-worth as you start your coaching business by being able to tell people that you are a life coach. The most important piece of selling coaching is taking yourself seriously as a coach and a person. Stacey will show you exactly how to start breaking up old habits and negative self-talk and start growing your relationship with yourself so you can get out and make a difference in this world.

Money Mastery Course

When you first start selling coaching, all of your money beliefs are going to rise to the surface. Those beliefs will affect your own money-making as well as your ability to handle objections. We cover it all in Money Mastery.

A Peek Inside 2k for 2k

Are you ready to finally grow your coaching business?


Fill out the form below to get started.