Frequently Asked Questions

When does the challenge start?

The challenge starts on October 21st, 2024, and ends on November 22nd, 2024. But you will have extended access for 9 extra days until December 1st, 2024 at midnight so that you can go through the finish line and beyond (if you need to) to achieve your challenge!

What are the times and dates of the calls?

The Challenge #1: Monday, October 21st, 2024

12PM PT / 1PM MT / 2PM CT / 3PM ET


The Challenge #2: Wednesday, October 30th, 2024

10AM PT / 11AM MT / 12PM CT / 1PM ET


The Challenge #3 : Monday, November 4th, 2024

12PM PT / 1PM MT / 2PM CT / 3PM ET


The Challenge #4: Thursday, November 7th, 2024

10AM PT / 11AM MT / 12PM CT / 1PM ET


The Challenge #5: Tuesday, November 12th, 2024

12PM PT / 1PM MT / 2PM CT / 3PM ET


The Challenge #6: Wednesday, November 20th, 2024

10AM PT / 11AM MT / 12PM CT / 1PM ET

What if I can’t attend live?

I totally get that. I run a multi million dollar business and also have a toddler at home! I rarely make my coaching calls LIVE. I am a huge replay watcher. I often watch them in 20 minute segments of my days and I don’t use it as a reason to not get what I am coming for in my business. I actually LOVE it. Because it feels like a gentle tapping in to bigger and bigger energy reserves throughout the day. It’s my best way to recharge and reset my mindset!


We will be uploading call replays same day as soon as they are available from Zoom.

What do I get access to right away?
  • The Revenue Challenge Process: 10 classrooms to help you master your mindset, energy, and value creation for your people to make your revenue goal inevitable, ON-DEMAND. (The moment you sign up!)
  • “Best of Coaching”: Replays from some of my favorite coaching calls from past challenges to help you tap into energy and wisdom whenever you need it.
  • 6 LIVE coaching & Q&A calls: Questions, Coaching, and workshopping throughout your 3o days.
  • Private Facebook Community: I’ll be supporting you throughout the challenge and keeping the group energy up and focused on what’s in your control.
  • An extra 9 days of access to the community, calls, and modules to go through the finish line and make your challenge happen!


I believe a big part of this challenge is believing you already have enough demand to scoop it up right now in 30 days. 

So I’m also including my most popular demand training EVER. 

5 classes on believing ONE thought: “I am in demand.

You will have everything you need to make a SPLASH over the next 30 days and create momentum that can build through the end of the year.

Do I have to have Facebook to participate?

NO. There is a community component that is OPTIONAL. 

The Revenue Challenge process, past coaching calls replays, current replays after the live calls, and the Creating Demand Workshop are all hosted inside our company member portal. You will get access right away when you sign up.

Can I use my 2k for 2k $299 credit on the Revenue Challenge?

YES! You absolutely can. There is an option on the checkout form for a “Coupon Code.” Make sure you see this reflected in your new total BEFORE you hit submit. And if you have any issues, email support@staceyboehman,com. We can take care of you.

How much money do I need to have made to do the challenge?

There is no “set” amount you need to have made to join the challenge. However, I do recommend if you have not made any money, to start with 2k for 2k and learn the foundational marketing and selling skills needed to sign those first clients and make those first dollars! 

This is an advanced Entrepreneur Series course and what this means is that it requires the ability to emotionally be able to handle a goal-setting container. How you know this is you:

  • You will feel supported by a revenue challenge vs overwhelmed and unable to take action.
  • If you have a freeze response when it comes to creating revenue. 

It is also an advanced course because it is a container focused on revenue, but not a container to learn marketing and selling for the first time. It is a container to support the mindset needed to elevate your marketing and selling, to show up and have a greater impact with the marketing and selling you are already doing. 

If you are already in 2k for 2k and really want to take this challenge, then I believe having the 2k for 2k marketing and sales process AND this challenge experience could be just the support you need to really unleash yourself and go BIG for something. 

I plan on signing up for 200k Mastermind in November. Should I wait to do the challenge with my mastermind class?

I’m so excited to hear you are wanting to join us for the January 2025 class of the 200k Mastermind! 

If this feels exciting to you NOW, I would NOT wait. 

If you could use this container to blow your mind with revenue, there is no good reason ever to wait!

AND… there will be something special (about surprise) at the end for 200k Mastermind students enrolling in our next class so you won’t want to miss the opportunity!

For me, it’s always “What could help my business NOW?” For this reason, my growth and my business move really fast. Just this year, in 2.5 months, my business looks and feels completely different than ever before. So always saying YES in the moment, you have the ability to propel yourself forward.

Is this the $25k in 30 day challenge? What’s the difference?

YES! If you have heard me talk about the $25k in 30-day challenge, it is the same thing. However, $25k was always an arbitrary number chosen for the 200k Mastermind. I designed the challenge to help students make their money back right away so they can profit on top of creating a return on their investment. It actually started as the $10k in 30-day challenge. And now there are students at so many different revenue brackets that some are doing $15k in 30 days, some are doing $50k in 30 days. I have done this challenge for $2.5M in 30 days! You choose your revenue challenge. Something exciting but that you truly see could be a possibility over the next 30 days. We want a good mix of stretching and also believability so you can take tangible, consistent action. 

Inside of 200k Mastermind, we will still refer to the challenge as the $25k in 30-day challenge because so many students have achieved this result just from the concept and outcome being presented to them, and being in a room full of students having achieved it. The intention we have created has been very powerful for students wanting to create $200k.

What if I don’t achieve the revenue I set out to achieve with the challenge?

You keep going! One of the things you will learn in the challenge is the difference between our theory of value-to-revenue ratio and then actually what it takes. 

So the point is to keep going until you find out how many days it actually takes you if you don’t do it in your original 30-day thesis. It’s not uncommon for 200k students to achieve $25k in 40 days or 55 days. I always say, when this happens, you won’t be disappointed. You will be PROUD. 

In the Revenue Challenge process, I teach you everything you need to do to achieve the challenge in 30 days, but also what to do moving forward if you do not. I also teach you what going through the finish line actually looks like, and what to do after the challenge.