Make Money as a Life Coach® | The Massive Fail Plan

As part of my January series on helping you set goals and do epic stuff this year, I’m introducing you to a concept I call a massive fail plan. Many of us try to avoid failure because we’re trying to protect ourselves from the emotional experience we might have of humiliation or fear, but what if this was actually the path to success?

We often plan out the steps and necessary action that needs to be taken to get to a certain goal, and on this episode, I’m helping you create a new plan that involves a lot of fails, and big ones at that too. I’m sharing why doing this is so necessary if you want huge successes, and I’m also shining a light on how aiming to not fail or fail less is actually holding you back from your dream business and life.

Join me this week as I dive into some indicators that you can use to identify if you’re cheating yourself out of a massive fail, and therefore cheating yourself out of the success you want. Truly failing is not easy, but practicing this work is going to bring you results that will blow your mind.

If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • How to identify the difference between being willing to do what it takes to accomplish a goal and actually executing it.
  • What a massive fail plan is and the types of questions you need to ask yourself to create one.
  • How you’re keeping yourself from making money by trying to avoid or lessen a failure.
  • Why aiming for less failure means aiming for less success.
  • How to tell if you’re cheating yourself out of a massive fail.
  • Why vulnerability is required to truly fail.

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Full Episode Transcript:

Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Welcome to episode 57, my coach lovies. How are y’all doing today? I am excited. Just got back from the Cayman Islands and we spent eight days. I got to spend it with my colleagues and my coach and my fiancé and we just – Neil and I talked and dreamed about our future and not just this year and our wedding, but the future years to come.

I got to mastermind with all of my million-dollar mentoring colleagues and it was just amazing. I got coaching, I got the beach, it was so beautiful. We just spent all of our time in the ocean and that’s all I can say about it. It was perfect. It was amazing. I feel refreshed and ready to tackle this year.

And one thing I’m super excited about, we have some changes happening is I’m going to start coaching live in 2K for 2K. What? It’s going to be so fun. What’s really funny to me is I made this decision and then it kind of feels like obvious, like that’s what we should have been doing all along.

Not in a way that it wasn’t great before, but just in like, I’ve only done those types of calls for my high-level mastermind. My 200K mastermind. That is where I really get in and coach my clients and 2K for 2K, we’ve always done the Facebook Live Q&A, which I love the energy of that and I love the community of that, but I really decided that this year, I want to take that work even deeper.

I just see the need in our community for the coaching. And we got a little taste of it over the summer when I did the course Making Money with the Model, which is now a bonus course in the 2K program. But we got a little taste of it and I really started to realize how hungry my clients are for that coaching, to see their mind and to use their mind at a higher level in their business when it comes to making money specifically and client work and finding clients, getting clients, all of that. Marketing their businesses.

And so I’m just super excited. We start – I think by the time you hear this podcast we will have already started, and it’s not just going to be me. I’m going to give my students access to my students as well that have really excelled at coaching with me, and applying the 2K process to their business and making hundreds of thousands of dollars.

They’re going to get to be coached by those students as well, which I think is very important because those students are closer to where my students are trying to make their first 2K or their first 20K or their first 100K. They have recently just gone through that. And so they have so much insight to offer and they’re such amazing coaches.

So I’m really excited. I made such powerful decisions in the Caymans about my business and the direction we’re headed this year, and now I feel the energy in my fingertips to implement it. I’m ready. Let’s go. So if you’re not in 2K, I really do recommend that you join. Now is the perfect time. You get access to daily coaching through Ask a Coach. You get the entire 2K process and my entire brain on consults and selling and marketing and overcoming objections.

You get bonus workbooks to apply the work as you go, and now you get weekly coaching with me and my multiple six-figure students, and the Facebook community, which is still to this day astonishing the level that everyone shows up for each other in that community. So it’s a really great time. You get lifetime access and of course, you know the deal. It’s a win-win. It’s winning the lottery. Truly, I feel that way about this program. I created it and I’m so excited to make it continuously better for my students this year.

Alright, so today we’re going to dive into massive fail plans as part of our January series on goal setting and creating results and basically doing epic shit a little at a time. And so in my 200K mastermind, I have my clients create their massive fail plan at our live event, and work the rest of the mastermind on applying it, which is two different things.

Even I have found on my journey that deciding what you’re willing to do, what you’re going to do to accomplish your goal is very different than actually going to work on it and executing it. So we’re going to talk about the difference on the podcast today, but just make sure when you go to do this work in your life, especially if you don’t have me to help you on it, if you’re not in 2K or 200K, make sure that you are always paying attention to whether or not you’ve just decided it and if you’ve followed through with actually working on it and applying it, and I’m going to tell you throughout the podcast how to know if you’re doing that.

But let’s just start with what a fail plan is, a massive fail plan. When you think of your goal, often your brain goes to what you need to do to accomplish it. And in this instance, we’re going to be sort of okay with that. It’s like this massive fail plan sort of plays on the way your brain already operates so that we don’t have to change it.

So we’ve talked about the how versus the having done, and being in that having done energy. But for this exercise, I’m going to have you think about the how just a little bit, just in a different way. So instead of a list of what you need to do, I want you to sit down and think about how you might need to fail to accomplish this goal.

The question is literally how might I need to fail to achieve? What are the fails that could potentially happen on the way to achievement? What are the really big fails that are going to be necessary to happen? Just see what your brain comes up with when you ask it questions in that way.

That list becomes your plan. It’s not a list of all the things that you need to avoid, like your brain will try and tell you. It may be telling you that now. Your brain might be telling you that you need to stay away from doing Facebook Lives, that you need to not do a webinar, that you shouldn’t go to that networking event because you’re tired and you have stuff going on at the house that night, and it’s going to tell you not to tell anyone that you’re a life coach and when you introduce yourself, it’s going to say just go with what’s comfortable.

It’s going to try to keep you away from your massive fail plan. And so I want you to create a list of all the things that you need to actually run towards and do with great vigor. By the way, I love that word. Vigor. We aren’t making – this is what we’re not making. My colleague Corinne, I think she calls it this or something very similar, but we’re not making a half-ass fail list. We’re not making a list of things that we’re going to sort of fail at, that we’re going to half-ass on our way to trying to get an achievement.

And we’ll talk more about this. I have some examples when it comes to consults and overcoming objections where we don’t even realize we’re half-ass failing but we totally are. If you’re listening to this Corinne, thank you for that. I’m obsessed. I’m going to forever talk about it.

But instead, we’re going to make a list, it’s like the all-out-face-plant major-fail list. That’s the one that we’re going to make and then spend a lot of time working on getting our brain to do them, getting ourselves to do them, despite what our brain is telling us.

It really puts you in the mindset of getting messy and muddy and trying with all of your might and allowing yourself to fall and to fail. That’s what keeps us from going 100% all in is that we want to lessen the failure. We want to lessen the blow so we lessen our effort in what we’re doing, but all that creates is the fail, is the blow, is the greater disappointment.

My friend Lindsey Mango used to play college volleyball and I’m always kind of teasing her about the shit she does without any fear, and I’m always feeling like, the mom running behind her yelling like, “They’ll shoot your eye out.” And she was actually telling me that she rarely gets hurt because she learned this in volleyball.

She played this position, I don’t remember what the position is called, where she was always diving for the ball and hitting the floor. That was just part of her position. And she used to teach young players and one of the things that would happen is they would be constantly getting hurt because they were trying to avoid getting hurt.

So she would give me this example of when she was playing volleyball and she was going to dive after the ball, she just went with the fall. She put all of her body into the fall, versus her students would put their hands out to brace for the impact of the floor and in doing that, they would hurt their arms, their hands, themselves trying to protect themselves, instead of just letting themselves fall and hit the floor.

And I think that is what we do in entrepreneurship. We want to make money but we don’t want to hit the floor. We don’t want to fail, we don’t want to feel disappointment, we don’t want to look stupid, we don’t want to feel humiliated, we don’t want to be told no repeatedly, we don’t want other people to think things about us that don’t feel good when we imagine them thinking them.

We imagine people thinking things about us, we don’t want them to think things about us because of the way it will make us feel when we think about it. It’s so interesting. We could have a whole other podcast about that. But we’re always trying to protect ourselves from the fall, and in doing that, we actually do the opposite. We keep ourselves from making money. We keep ourselves from success. We keep ourselves from the way that we want to think about ourselves.

So the fail plan is all the ways you’re going to hit the floor on your way to scoring. It’s how to achieve your goal. Now, let’s talk about the idea of massively failing. I chose that word very intentionally. You have to be willing to fail massively. So we talked about the half-ass fail. Let’s talk about the massive fail because I think it’s an important piece here.

Because otherwise, when you’re half-ass failing, you’re like the volleyball players. You’re putting your hands out to try to protect yourself ahead of time and you do this very subtly and I think that the challenge is that most people, including myself, I see this happen with me all the time, we’re not aware when we’re subtly trying to protect ourselves. When we’re half-ass failing, we’re not aware of that.

Sorry guys, my nose is so stuffy. I can barely breathe and I keep messing up what I’m going to say, and you know, I’m just not going to have Pavel edit out all the things. My nose is very stuffy today. Welcome back to Kentucky, home of all of the allergies in the Ohio river valley. So if you’re like, what is happening with her voice, it’s that I cannot breathe at all through my nose.

Anyway, so you’re going to subtly try to figure out how to not fail. You’ll be subtly half-ass failing. It never presents itself. Most often it doesn’t present itself as obvious. So when we go to do these things, our brains are like, sure, yeah, fall, but just with one hand out. Just like a finger out. And then we break our finger.

So here is one way that I want you to be able to become aware and recognize if you’re cheating yourself out of a massive fail. Because I speak to a lot of coaches who say they’re willing to take a lot of action, they seem to have a lot of courage. They tell me this, but underneath that, here’s what they’re doing. You’re aiming to get it right. Really think about that for a second if you’re subtly – like you’re aware of the possibility of failure, but you’re trying to keep yourself out of it by trying to get it right ahead of time.

So you might be saying like, oh yeah, I’m totally on board for failure, but you’re also like, but also, I’m just going to get it right so I don’t have to worry about that. That’s shortcutting your failure. It’s not the massive failure that we’re talking about with this plan.

Some of my clients, I’ll be coaching them and I’ll be telling them what they need to do, and I can literally see on their faces that they’re thinking, “Well, I mean, not going to do that. That’s a bit extreme. But I’ll do this other less extreme thing and tell you that I’m doing this thing,” and really this is what I mean. They’re trying to get out of a little failure.

When you aim for success, you fail more often. I want you to think about it like this. When you are aiming for a little less failure, you’re also aiming for a little less success. Let me say that again. When you’re aiming for a little less failure, you are aiming for a little less success.

So let me give you an example of that because again, I feel like this happens so subtly and so subconsciously, we’re not even aware of it so I want you to just be able to use this podcast to become aware of it. So my clients will tell me that they’re willing to hear no on a consult. This is how I teach them. They have to be willing to hear no.

But then they go in with the intention of trying to get the yes. They’re like, I’m totally willing to get a no but also like, I mean, my job is to get the yes. And so they spend the entire consult thinking about how to get the yes, how to position themselves to get the yes, how to think about the client’s problem to convince them to say yes, and even when they go into overcoming objections, the moment they hear no, they’re like, oh my god, I have to turn this into a yes. And the whole consult is about being obsessed with the yes. That’s not truly being willing to massively fail and to get the no.

So just be aware if you say you’re willing to get the no, I would rather you be like, you know what, I’m not willing to get the no so my massive fail plan is getting some no’s so I can be willing to sit in the discomfort of that, versus, I would even rather you coach the hell out of your client and be willing to get no four times on a consult. Five times on a consult for showing up for your client.

But not from the perspective of trying to get a yes but just coaching them and really showing up for them and showing their mind and being willing to push and hear no over and over and over. That is when you really serve your client.

Another example of this is when you say that you’re willing to risk the relationship with the client. That’s one of the things I teach in 2K that you’ll learn more deeply about if you’re in the program. We’re not going to dive into it too much today but I really talk about being willing to risk the relationship so that you coach at your highest level.

And I will have clients tell me that they’re willing to risk the relationship. But then, on the call, something comes to mind that they could say that is very risky and they water that down and they’ll, like, go a little bit in with it. Like, they’ll risk a little, and then if the client pushes back, they will pull back completely and be like, you know, one of my clients used to joke that someone would say no to her and she’d be like, “Okay, bye, thanks.”

But a massive fail is saying the thing you want to say exactly the way that you think it, whether it’s nice, whether it’s politically correct, whether it will offend. Like, whatever it is, like, really being willing to risk the entire relationship, laying it on the line, now I do want to be clear, for the client, not for yourself, for the client.

This is the way that I go into a consult. It’s like, by the end, this person is going to love me or hate me, but we’re going to get to the truth. That’s really how I feel about it. And because of that, I am willing to risk the relationship. I am willing to hear no. I’m willing to even do it wrong. I’m willing for someone to be upset. I’m willing for someone to say no.

Like, I’m going to crash and burn, but I’m going to lay it all on the line. Like, really be willing to let someone else have whatever reaction they’re going to have.

Like, my first coaching session – I’ll give you an example of this. My very first coaching session that I ever got on the phone with someone, it was a free session arranged by my coaching school and I was listening to the woman speak. And I called her out on a story that she did not think was a story.

She was very triggered. And I don’t know if I didn’t say it right. Like, I’m sure I would have been better, now I would be better at coaching on what I coached her on. But at the time, I didn’t know how to say it right, but I wanted to make sure that I pointed it out, so I just said it.

And I am sure it came off super rough and she got very defensive. And then I offered her, after the session, to keep coaching with me for six weeks for free on this thing that I coached her on, and she was like an emphatic no. And that happened a lot to me early on because I didn’t know how to say it yet.

I was still working on my coaching. And one of the things I always tell my clients is you have to be willing to be really bad in order to become really good. And I learned from that massive fail, from that experience, I learned and had a greater understanding of what it was to hold space for a client and how to handle – because I think, when she was defensive and upset, it sent me into, like, a mind spin.

And I didn’t handle the situation well, in which now I’m able to coach and totally push my clients. And I have such a mind space where I’m just in their thoughts and I’m not making it mean anything about me and I’m not reacting to their emotion and I’m just in such a clean space that I’m able to coach so well on it and I know that I’m able to do that because of the times where I massively failed and then learned, like crashed and burned 100% and then learned how to not crash and burn through the crashing and burning.

So, the mastery I have for coaching and selling now came from the being willing to fall flat on my face over and over and over in the beginning. I learned to do it right only through messing it up and figuring out how to do it wrong. So I really want you to hear that, like, you can’t figure out how to do it right without figuring out how to do it massively wrong.

If you don’t fully fuck it up, you don’t fully learn what you did wrong and what needs to change and why, which is the secret to learning how to do it right. And by the way, even when you do fuck it up, you never know what comes of that. Sometimes, the client will still buy. In this case, the client’s not buying from me. She was pissed. But she emailed me a couple of months later and said that she couldn’t stop thinking about what I had said and it made her so mad that she decided to enroll at The Life Coach School and become a coach and figure it out. What? So good.

Alright, I have another example for you that is not a coaching example, for fun, to give you a good laugh. So, there was a time in my last year in pitching, maybe my second to last year, where I was sent to Puerto Rico as a trainer to help the Puerto Rican market out. It was doing horribly.

So, I had to go help them and in order to help them, what I knew I was going to have to do – it was so funny because I was like, “I’ll go, but I’m not pitching in Spanish.” And then I got there and I was like, “Oh, I’ve got to pitch in Spanish.”

So I speak Spanish, but like, enough for you to drop me off at a Spanish-speaking island and I would survive. Like, if people only spoke Spanish, I would survive. But not like I can have an in-depth conversation with you.

But I got there and again, I realized I had to pitch and I couldn’t just sit there and watch my trainees who I was there to help. I couldn’t just give them suggestions and watch and try to figure it out. Like, I knew they had to see me sell. Even if I totally fucked up the language and it was really messy, they needed to see my presence in front of people and the way that I command selling regardless of whether I know what the fuck I’m doing or not.

So, I got in there, like broken-ass Spanish for 20 minutes, literally inserting English when I just didn’t know what to say. I want you to imagine this scenario, really, truly imagine it. I’m in Puerto Rico, in a Spanish-speaking only store making an announcement at a Sam’s Club on an intercom in Spanish that I had to have my trainees write out for me so I knew I was saying it correctly, and then greeting 30 strangers in a language that you don’t speak well and then trying to sell them a slicer in a 20-minute demo.

That was the situation I was in and I did it over and over and over. It was a mess. I crashed and burned so much. But my trainees started to learn.

So, a week later, I had gotten my confidence up. We’re in another store and I’m talking about the safety handle for the slicer. It’s like a kitchen mandolin. So you put the food in to protect your hand. And the word for safety holder Manija de Seguridad. I said, Bajina de Seguridad. If you don’t speak Spanish, Bajina is vagina, in case you were wondering, vagina. To a group of conservative Puerto Ricans at Sears.

“You put the potato in the safety vagina and slide it right through the machine.” That is a massive fail on the way to learning how to pitch in Spanish. But there was no way I was going to learn that show without making the words come out of my mouth, even when the words were vagina. Even when the words were wrong.

Even in the beginning, when I was pitching and learning the psychology of live selling, you did one wrong thing like that and you lost the entire crowd for that hour, all your potential sales for that hour just walk off, which they did, by the way. My trainee was staring at me like a deer in the headlights. I saw offense wash over their faces and they were like, “I don’t know what’s happening with this girl but we’re out. I don’t want any part of a safety vagina.”

And that happens a lot, like, for various different reasons in various different ways, losing the crowd. Like, one person gets mad or offended that you’re selling something and would just take everyone with them. Like, I actually had a heckler once. That’s what they call them, hecklers.

They would say shit to us in the crowd and try to ruin our show. And I was making the announcement. We were in this, like, conservative small clothing store. I think it was called Belk, in Atlanta. And I’m making the announcement from the checkout counter.

And I can see my little booth. And I see a huge crowd of people. It was on New Year’s Eve and I saw a huge crowd of people gathering. And I’d been killing it that day. It was my first full day on the job by myself and was killing it.

And this old man comes up to the stage and starts yelling at them, like, “It’s a sales show. Run away.” And then he starts going underneath my counter, which is like covered with drapes. And he’s pulling out these ShamWows and he’s like throwing them everywhere. And he’s like, “Look, it’s ShamWow.”

And I am horrified. So I make the mistake of confronting this Belk shopper. And I start arguing with him. And then I get kicked out of the store on my first day by myself. Belk is like, “You are no longer welcome in our store. You have to leave.”

And so, from all of these – I remember, in the beginning, I got these hecklers and I would crash and burn on them. And then I learned how to handle them. It’s the same on your consults. You’re going to crash and burn at coaching, at selling. And then, from all the crash and burns, you’re going to learn.

So, you have to be willing to be bad at coaching, at selling. Like, you have to risk pissing someone off. You have to risk them hanging up on you, risk offending, risk losing the sale. This is your path to success.

Like, I had a client once not launch a group for a year because she was afraid of not doing it right and not selling it. You have to launch the group, even if no one buys. Do the webinar even if no one attends. Massively fail. Get muddy.

I spent $30,000 on Facebook ads my first time around on Facebook ads with someone who should never have recommended me spend that much money without a tested funnel. But I didn’t know either. And so I just spent 30K and it flushed down the toilet.

We hadn’t tested our funnel at all. We hadn’t seen if it was going to convert. We hadn’t scaled it slowly. I just lost $30,000. And at the time, by the way, it was a lot of money for me. I remember hysterically crying in panic, that I had like ruined our financial future. I laugh now.

Now, the funnel is working and making money for me while I sleep. But you just have to be willing to do something. I mean, I have put myself onstage to talk in front of people about coaching before I was even coaching clients. Like, I just got up and got it out of my mouth, like learning a second language, like pitching, you know. Brené Brown talks about being in the arena, getting trampled by the bulls. And I just love that so much. That is what you have to do.

Which brings me to another subtle way that we keep ourselves from failing and we half-ass fail and we don’t massive fail, and it has nothing to do with what we do, but everything to do with how we feel. A lot of times, we keep ourselves form failing by keeping ourselves feeling safe by shutting out vulnerability.

We don’t let ourselves truly go all in with belief because of how bad it will hurt to not get the result we want. We don’t open ourselves up for disappointment and rejection and humiliation, and that is what is vulnerability; opening ourselves up to emotional harm.

We don’t even tell the truth in our coaching. Like, I recently got coached in my million-dollar mentoring and I felt so vulnerable, I started crying. And it seemed so weird because, contextually, it wasn’t that big of a deal what we were talking about. But I realized, in that moment, looking back, I realized why I was crying is I was really showing myself to the group.

It felt like I had taken off a Band-Aid and exposed an open wound and I was letting other people see that in a way that maybe I hadn’t before. Maybe a couple times before, but, like, it wasn’t even that big of a deal. But to me, it was like it felt like I was laying it all on the line and now I was going to be kind of found out.

And I think, in my brain, I had felt so embarrassed by what I needed to be coached on that I had been trying to outrun it. And in the meeting, I went first. I decided to let it all out, to not hide, to not run. Like, in my brain, it was a fail just even having the thoughts I had and then having to get coached on it in the group.

It was all a fail. But what I decided was I was going to be seen in it. And so sometimes, even it’s the fail that we make up in our brain and it’s not even actually a fail, we’ve just made it up in our brain. But you have to have the vulnerability to put that out there and to be willing to get coached on something that might, in your brain, feel stupid or you should be further along or you shouldn’t still be dealing with it or whatever it is.

And I see my clients do this with me, especially in 200K. They will say, “I was afraid to ask you because I thought of what you might say.” They just make up in their heads what I’m going to tell them. And I always am telling them, you have to be willing to risk me saying that, or something different.

You have to be willing to risk hearing my coaching. Really, you have to be willing to risk however you think you’re going to feel with my coaching, whatever that is. You have to open yourself up to feeling that uncomfortable and feeling that vulnerable because the alternative is not opening yourself up for coaching and learning and growing and then succeeding.

And that is the truth. If you’re not willing to fail, you’re not willing to succeed. So, what is your list of massive fails you will make in order to figure out how to succeed? Will you make a big offer on a Facebook live in front of everyone? Will you make an offer every day and let it come out wrong? Will you risk being salesy in effort to learn how to sell in a clean and confident way?

Will you totally mess up 10 consults in a row? What about 20? What about 40? Will you embarrass yourself? Will you let yourself feel vulnerable with what you really want in front of yourself and other people? Will you set a goal so seriously and be so all in with it, even as you are actively failing at it and even if you do massively fail the first couple times around?

Will you raise your prices and fail at that? Will you do a five-day training and risk no one coming and not get a single sale from it? Will you make a huge investment in yourself? That takes a lot of vulnerability, to put your money behind your desires and your goals and what you say you want.

What are the things that you know you need to do that you’re terrified of failing at? Put those on your list. Write them out. Then, you have to go do them. You have to head straight for them. You can’t just write it down. You can’t think in theory. You just have to go do it.

So, this is the part that won’t feel good. Imagine the biggest fear you have of failure. Go to that place in your body. Really go there. Like, even if you have to pause this, write down, what is your biggest fear that you have of failure? How will that feel?

Whatever your biggest fear of failing at, like I’m going to try for 100K all year and I’m not going to make it, how will it feel to fail at that? Go to that place in your body. Are you willing to feel that feeling over and over again?

Are you willing to sit in the discomfort if you have to do something new, something different in your business, or maybe just having a business is the discomfort because you’ve never thought like an entrepreneur your entire life, you’ve never had to learn sales and marketing? And so, it’s all uncomfortable. Can you allow the discomfort any time it comes up? How many times are you willing to allow it?

So, I told you I would tell you how you’ll know whether you’re just writing it down and deciding or whether you’re actually executing it. How are you going to know if you’re executing it is the feeling in your body that you will experience of executing something high-risk that could end in failure. Like, you will literally feel the riskiness of it.

You might think that you can’t feel bad and achieve the results that you’re trying to achieve that you have to feel positive to achieve results and that you have to feel good all the time to work on your goals. But really, truly, the big goals that you go after, the big things you go after in life, what you’re actually going to feel is not positive and excited and in total belief. You’re going to feel like you’re risking it all.

So, this is how you know and how you can check your massive fail plan. And then you can check your massive fail plan. And then, once you’ve checked your massive fail plan, then you can check your daily activities every single day against your massive fail plan, and did I do any of these things?

But how you know what you have on your massive fail plan is really a massive fail plan is does it move you closer to really risking something? Like, if you’re not risking something, not laying it all on the line in a big way, it’s not a massive fail. It very well might be a half-assed fail.

If you’re not risking something daily, I want you to think about the idea that you’re not moving towards your goals. In fact, that you’re staying close to where you already are. So, you have to go out there and be willing to really fail your ass off. Move right towards it. Work that list. Become an expert at failing.

Okay, so I want to leave you with a recap of ideas that I have introduced you to. Number one, a massive fail plan is a list of major fails you are committed to and willing to have that you will actively move towards in order to grow and hit your goal. It is the path towards success.

Number two, there is a difference between deciding to fail and actually taking the action to fail. And how you know the difference is how often you experience failure and how often you execute risky moves, how often you risk things, mostly your emotions.

So, number three, vulnerability is required to truly fail. You have to open yourself up to the failure. How you know you are doing this, again, you will feel the emotion of risking yourself, of risking your emotions. You will feel like you’re risking disappointment, you’re risking humiliation, you’re risking safety, you’re risking security by stepping out of what you’re normally doing and how you’ve normally been and who you normally are.

Number four, if you aren’t willing to fail – and this is the big one – you aren’t willing to succeed. Alright, my friends. Go out there. Make your list. Check it off. Go straight down it. Do all of the things. Feel that risk. Feel that vulnerability. Go all in 100%. Be willing to fall flat on your face without putting your hands out to protect yourself and you will make a lot of money. Alright, I’ll see you next week.

Hey, if you’re ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2k for 2k program where you’re going to make your first $2,000 the hardest part using my simple 5 step formula for getting consults and closing new clients. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

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