My guest on the podcast this week is my client Samantha Siffring, who recently reached the 200K milestone in 2019. I’m so proud and happy for her reaching this level of success, with undoubtedly more to come.
Having created a full coaching practice with a waitlist of clients standing by to work with her, Samantha is now the sole breadwinner of her family. She has diligently used everything I’ve taught her and she’s sharing all of the transformations she’s experienced along the way to show you how all of this success is possible for you too. She shares some key before and afters of how she has changed as a coach, and how her approach has ensured not only her success but her clients’ as well.
Join us this week to see how you too have the power to make your dream coaching practice a reality. Samantha is a great example of breaking gender roles, strong women being able to take the reins and support their families, and maybe even retiring your partner!
If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!
What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
- Samantha’s mindset going into the 25K in 30 days challenge that I set.
- How Samantha stays present in her consults, even when there are other circumstances happening in her life.
- The most transformational things Samantha learned in 2K for 2K.
- How Samantha has attracted the best clients for her.
- Why Samantha doesn’t hold back when asking her clients questions on consults.
- Samantha’s ninja self-coaching trick she uses every time she sets a goal that guarantees success.
- Why not worrying about being validated by your clients benefits both of you.
- What got Samantha from the 100K milestone to 200K.
- The mindset that helps Samantha take full payment in advance, even when she won’t work with those clients for months.
- How Samantha coaches 23 clients a week.
- What “going to work” means to Samantha.
- Why Samantha’s clients are ready to say yes before they even get on the consult with her.
Listen to the Full Episode:
Featured on the Show:
- Join my 2K for 2K program where you’re going to make your first $2000, the hardest part, and then $200,000 using my proven formula.
- Follow me on Instagram!
- Samantha Siffring: Website | Facebook | Podcast
- Samantha’s post on the biggest lessons she’s learned in 200K.
Full Episode Transcript:
Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.
Stacey Boehman: Welcome to Episode 60. Today, I’m interviewing my client, Samantha Siffring. I have a little bit of a girl crush. Star student doesn’t quite cover it. She just made 200K in 2019 and Samantha has used everything I taught her in the most diligent way to create a full coaching practice with a waitlist through March. She’s now her family’s sole breadwinner. We talk about that. And I’ve also asked her to explain her biggest transformations. We talk about getting on a consult right after finding out her husband lost his job, how she coaches 23 clients a week and loves it, and what going into work means to her.
Stacey Boehman: We talk about coaching clients hard on objections, the difference between your coaching voice and your real voice. And if you listen all the way through, she shares a ninja self-coaching trick she uses for every time she sets a goal that guarantees she achieves it. There has never been an interview where we cover so much ground and I laughed so much. Please enjoy.
Stacey Boehman: Okay, so we were just chatting before we started this podcast and you were telling me that you were very nervous. And then I was late, forgot about the podcast, which never happens. It’s so crazy. And so, you were saying that you were laughing at yourself because you’re sitting there like doing your belief work. What made you laugh? What was so funny? I want to know and I was going to ask you, but then I’m like wait, let’s start the podcast. Tell everybody because they might love it too.
Samantha Siffring: So, I was going back through the past few months and just seeing like each day I would write down my thoughts of kind of like where I was in relation to my goal and then I would shift it. So, I was laughing at the before every single day and how I was like, nobody wants to work with me, my business is falling apart, everyone’s going to say no, I could never do this. And it’s so great to look at it now a couple months later and know I did it even with all of those thoughts in there.
Stacey Boehman: So, how long ago were you having all of those thoughts? Those thoughts by the way, are like what every coach goes through, right?
Samantha Siffring: Yes. So, partially like several months ago, partially also today because this is what comes up every day. It happens every day.
Stacey Boehman: That’s amazing. Partially several months ago, partially today, I feel like that’s the story of every coach’s life. Even mine, like I have to go back. People think like they have this perception of me and how good I am at selling and how much money I make and I’m like, no. There are days where I have to be like, “people like me.”
Samantha Siffring: We do like you.
Stacey Boehman: I’m like, oh yeah, that’s a thing. Or like people want this work. They want what I have to offer. It really is like the most basic things that you have to take your brain back to. And I think that that happens at every single level. When people tell me, I was just listening to my own podcast, which also I never do. Today’s a weird day.
Stacey Boehman: And I was talking about unproductive and productive fails and one of the things that I had said in there is like, don’t tell me like, “Oh, because I had this problem and I worked through it and I don’t have this problem anymore.” It’s like that is you lying to yourself. That’s you being unaware of your human brain. I don’t think that is ever true. In my million-dollar mentoring, we will laugh about like, oh my god, that’s just a thought. Our thoughts create our results. What? What do you mean?
Stacey Boehman: We’re going to talk about a lot of stuff on this podcast, but it shows your level of awareness to be able to say, oh yes, I worked through this a couple of months ago, but also, I had to work on this today. And I’ll have to keep working on this every day because that is the way of having a human brain. That is what we have to do.
Stacey Boehman: So, for everyone listening, I just want to give that lesson. It just hit me again today of like don’t say like I worked on that and now I’m through it. Just be careful of that because it might take your brain to a place where you’re losing awareness in the everyday stuff that you always have to work on, that is always your work. We never just get to this, I always say rainbows and daisies and butterflies land of you just never have that be a thing.
Stacey Boehman: People think, “Oh, I’ll get to 100K or in your case, you’re at 200K now. I’ll get to this place where I won’t have to work on the thought people want what I have to offer and it’s just not true. But I still love working on it now.”
Samantha Siffring: Work on it all the time.
Stacey Boehman: Yes. You have to work on it all of the time. I love that. Okay, so here’s why I wanted to have you on the podcast, so I’m going to give everybody a little backstory to getting you on the podcast because we schedule these things out like way in advance. And I’m super far behind on the people that have made 100K and 200K. I’m going to have to do them more frequently than every 10 episodes I think.
Stacey Boehman: But I wanted to capture you like I literally read your post in 200K and we’re going to talk about this, about your husband losing his job and then I told you, it’s like, I don’t remember what exactly what I said, but I’m like, “Great, you retired your husband. How fun?”
Samantha Siffring: Yeah. Pretty much you’re like, maybe he’s just retired now.
Stacey Boehman: Which is like not where you were, right? You were like-
Samantha Siffring: No. My mind was blown when I read that.
Stacey Boehman: Yeah. Well, I saw you on this like, and when I say I saw you, like I read your words and saw that you were teetering on this. I knew where you were in your business. You were really in this like upward momentum. And I saw in the way you were talking about it, it was like you are walking a tight rope and I’d be interested to know what your thoughts were about it and you could swing one way or the other.
Stacey Boehman: You could swing into like, yeah, this is not a problem at all because I’m such a freaking boss right now and I’m killing it and the momentum is there and I will handle this or swing back into really, it’s like the before and after, right? Who you’re becoming versus who you’ve been. And you could have easily swung back into like, now I can’t invest in my business. Now I can’t grow aggressively. Now I’m into the struggle and the lack and now I have to make money and you could have just stalled yourself out completely.
Stacey Boehman: And so, when I thought about like how do I want to respond to this and I’m like I want to respond to this in the way that I think about you, which is like this is not even a problem. But tell me like your experience of that. So, you’re making what? What were you making when he found out he was losing his job? [crosstalk 00:07:11]
Samantha Siffring: It was the best timing ever because I had been making like 10 to 12K a month. Up until then, that month was the month of the 25K in 30 days challenge.
Stacey Boehman: So good.
Samantha Siffring: And it was the day that I was about to earn it and then did earn it right after he lost his job, like the next consult, which was that afternoon. So, I was like, I’m not thinking about this. I’m doing my challenge. I’m finishing this out. And then I can think about the job thing. So, it was the craziest timing. It was my first 30K month and like that was massive, massive growth for me.
Stacey Boehman: So, what happened? What was your first thought when your husband finds out he’s losing his job and he comes home and tells you and you’re at like what? You were probably what, 150K, 60K? Where were you at?
Samantha Siffring: Yeah. Well no, probably less than that, a little less.
Stacey Boehman: Which is so crazy.
Samantha Siffring: I don’t know like 130.
Stacey Boehman: 130, that was a couple of months ago. You’ve paid like 70K in a couple of, can we just like laugh about that for a second? It’s ridiculous. Okay. So, you’ve got like 130 and people think that that’s like the most amazing amount of money ever.
Samantha Siffring: It felt like nothing in that moment really.
Stacey Boehman: Well, and it’s so funny because even if we go back, there was a point at which how much were you making where I told you, you need to stop having your business pay for your family. We had that conversation too, right? Where I was like, no. Business money is your money. Don’t spend it. So, when was that? How long ago was that?
Samantha Siffring: Two months before or something. I’m on a fast track right now.
Stacey Boehman: It’s so good. Okay, so let’s rewind. Let’s talk about that. So, you were helping contribute to the family with your business money and I don’t remember why we were even talking about it. What made that a problem or what made us have that conversation? Remind me.
Samantha Siffring: So, this was around the time that I applied for the mastermind and the reason I hadn’t applied-
Stacey Boehman: The first one, right?
Samantha Siffring: No, just this current one. The one where we’re in right now. And I hadn’t applied for the one before even though you told me I should because I was like, “No, I can’t do that.” We’re using my money. And I didn’t even tell you that. I just ignored you, as people do sometimes. But I came back around and was like, “I’m going to do this.” But like I even had to take out credit to be able to pay for it even though I was doing 10K months because I just wasn’t holding on to any of my business money. It was going to the family. Who even knows? Now, I’m like, where did it even go?
Stacey Boehman: That was the conversation with your husband and you’re like, “We have to live on your income from here on out. We’re not spending any of mine.”
Samantha Siffring: The beginning of the mastermind. Yeah. And he was like, “Cool, that’s great. We can do that.”
Stacey Boehman: So, you had this conversation, which was a big move for you, right?
Samantha Siffring: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Stacey Boehman: And you decided we’re going to not spend any of my business money. And then two months later that’s when loses the job.
Samantha Siffring: Yes.
Stacey Boehman: And then my coaching was like, just make a lot more money.
Samantha Siffring: And then I was like, “Wait, what? Now, we can lose this money.”
Stacey Boehman: Yeah. But in that two months, like how much money did you make?
Samantha Siffring: So, when the mastermind first started, I was still kind of doing like 10 to 12. And it wasn’t until the 25K in 30-day challenge that I actually got into some action like even the 10,000 in 30 days, I didn’t even do. I did 5,500. And so then, it was really like that 25K something shifted in me and I did it.
Stacey Boehman: What do you think it was?
Samantha Siffring: Really, I think I finally was willing to believe that my thoughts were going to create my results if I just was willing to explore that concept and try it for 30 days, that would be good enough. It was almost like you don’t even have to do the 25K. You just have to do the work of believing in the 25K.
Stacey Boehman: Yeah, that’s the biggest shift, right? It’s like focusing on your actions versus focusing on your thoughts.
Samantha Siffring: Yeah.
Stacey Boehman: You know, I don’t think it matters how long you’ve been a coach and what methods you know and how long you’ve been doing it. It goes back to the beginning of our conversation of like that is an everyday thing that you will rub up against is what your brain will want to focus on the actions.
Stacey Boehman: It will think that the how is very important and that you have to know ahead of time, it will go right to what you have to do to achieve something. It will never go to what do I need to think? What do I need to believe? Until that is like your most practiced thing and my brain isn’t even there yet. And I’ve been practicing it for four years. My brain always wants to go straight to what do I need to do?
Samantha Siffring: Yeah, I think that that was just such a shift and I even got some coaching on it. The person that I was talking to is like, “After you do this, imagine you’re there, what do you think about yourself after you’ve done that.” And my immediate thought was, “I’ll know that I always create my results.” And she was like, “Yeah. Think that now.” And I was like, “Whoa. Yeah, that’s it.”
Stacey Boehman: Yeah. That’s so good. Okay. So, here we are. You decide that you’re not going to spend any of your business money on your family. Two months later, you do the 25K in 30-day challenge. You really go all in on your thoughts, create your results. You make 25K in 30 days. Right before your last consult for that, your husband loses his job. So, what was your first reaction when he said that? Do you remember?
Samantha Siffring: First reaction? Yeah, I was like, holy shit. Just that feeling of like everything is over. That’s kind of how it felt.
Stacey Boehman: Do you think it’s over? Yeah, that’s like really intense. I mean, I’ve been through that when I’ve been with a partner who lost his job and was our main earner. It does feel a little bit like the bottom just completely fell out from underneath you.
Samantha Siffring: Yeah.
Stacey Boehman: And so, what was your thought going into the consult?
Samantha Siffring: My thought going into the consult was like, I have to completely put all of this aside and be here to serve her. Whatever this conversation with her is going to be. It’s all about her. It’s not about what just happened.
Stacey Boehman: That’s so good because don’t you think you see a lot of people post in 2K? I feel like a lot of them always ask what do you do when you’ve just had a fight? What do you do when you’re having a really bad day when you’re not believing, when you’re struggling, when the shit is falling apart? What do you do if you also have a consult? And this is the most simple answer. You focus on the person you’re serving.
Stacey Boehman: I love the idea of thinking about I could just set my fear aside. I can put it in this little bag here next to me and pick it right back up as soon as I need to or want to. But this moment right here is for this person on the other end of the phone or computer screen or whatever it is.
Samantha Siffring: Mm-hmm (affirmative). It totally felt like that. And the fear was definitely waiting for me in the bag after the call. But she said yes on the call. So, the fear, they didn’t look the same.
Stacey Boehman: That’s so good. But what if it had, that would be really interesting to think about. What do you think you would have done if that person had said no? Would you have maintained the mindset even if they had said no? I mean, it’s hindsight, but I’m just curious.
Samantha Siffring: I think in that initial moment I wouldn’t have, but like I always have these things that you’ve said that really stick with me and one of them is even when, like will you still hold this thought and this feeling even when, so eventually that would have popped in my mind and I would have been like, okay, I have a choice.
Stacey Boehman: Yeah. So, good. But you signed the client.
Samantha Siffring: I signed the client.
Stacey Boehman: Okay, so did you have any conversations with your husband about him losing his job and you making more money? What has been the conversation since then? Because now you went on from like 130, you’re over 200K now. And this is again, I just want everyone to know. We’re talking about a timeline that started, we’re recording this now in December, mid-December, and we’re talking about a timeline that started in, what, august?
Samantha Siffring: Yeah.
Stacey Boehman: It feels like it’s been years that have gone by, but it’s really just been a couple of months. So, what’s the conversation? That 200K Samantha has had with her husband about this situation?
Samantha Siffring: Yeah. Okay. So, it’s kind of been an evolving conversation. So, when you first suggested maybe he’s retired now, I was like, “Look what Stacey says, maybe you’re retired now.” And he was like, “That’d be cool.” We both were kind of open to it and he has been applying for jobs and that kind of thing. He’s been on a couple of interviews. He’s gotten super picky, like everything we talk about, he’s like, I don’t like the people there. I don’t think I’d want to work with them. They’re boring. This doesn’t pay enough to motivate me to show up. He’s gotten like the standards are super high.
Samantha Siffring: And it’s been a couple months now that we’re just kind of like, he’s chilling. He does the school runs. He packs the lunches. He does the laundry. We’re both really happy how our life is now so we might just keep it this way.
Stacey Boehman: Yeah, I love that. So, I read your posts in 200K where you were like, “I made this much money and this much money and this much money,” and now you had said something like, my husband is only considering jobs now that like meet his standard and or really what he wants. And like him having that choice, like what you said, I read it and literally, I was at the dinner table with Neil, I just started bawling my eyes out. I probably shouldn’t read it on the podcast because I’ll just cry.
Stacey Boehman: But I told Neil and I was like sobbing in the most ridiculous way and he was like, “What’s happening?” And I was like, “You don’t understand. This is like why I do what I do. This is possible for everyone.” He thought it was a little crazy. But it really hit me like and it’s why I reached out to Michelle right away. I was like, we have to get her on the podcast. We have to talk about this.
Stacey Boehman: Because I do think this is so possible for so many people to not go into this like feminist revolution conversation but like it really is possible that women can be the breadwinners, that women can create opportunities. And there are some men that will want to work forever and there are some men who will be so happy to stay at home and do the laundry and make dinner and run the kids to school. They will love that as much as the millions of women who stay at home and love that.
Stacey Boehman: If we can break these gender rules and I just think for every woman that we can get making money on her own, we give her options, we give her power, we give her opportunity and it goes beyond her and into her family. And not just your husband, but your kids will see this dynamic and see all of this possibility and see their parents make decisions that don’t have to do with the bottom line. It will change the way they grow up. It’ll change the way they parent their kids. It’s such a big thing and you’re such a perfect person to lead that movement because your niche is helping women, moms.
Samantha Siffring: Totally, like just what you said is exactly like aside from my purpose for myself and my family, I have this really strong draw to help as many women as possible make their own money so that they aren’t in a relationship for the money. That’s not related to anything in my life. That’s just something I care about for no real reason.
Samantha Siffring: It just really speaks to me, but I feel like it’s the ultimate in relationship health and love and all of that to have I’m here because I want to be here. And so, women making their own money always meant a lot to me and now I’m like, oh and also, you can just have a house husband because that’s fun.
Stacey Boehman: Yeah, it’s so fun. I have a house husband too. It’s fantastic. I always call him my trophy fiancé. I’m like, like your job is to be pretty, just keep being pretty.
Samantha Siffring: Nice. I should say that now, trophy husband. Stuart would love that. He’ll be like, “Yes. That’s me.”
Stacey Boehman: Neil loves it. He’ll always like shimmy his shoulders like yeah. I love it. I love this for you. I think it’s just so brilliant and I want other people that are listening to believe that that could be possible for them, that they could be you. So, I want to take it back now to you joining 2K for 2K because that is really where the journey started and you are the example of working the 2K process all the way to 100K. It’s really fun to see that happen.
Stacey Boehman: People sometimes I think, think like, “Oh, 2K isn’t exciting.” But there are several of you that have used it to go to 100K, right? That’s not just this little thing. And so, I think you’re just an example of like, I watched you for almost a year just work the process constantly. You coach what? Coaches, entrepreneurs, who exactly do you coach? I know you coach like mom moneymakers.
Samantha Siffring: Yeah, mom moneymakers [crosstalk 00:20:47] coaches. They’re like all kinds of coaches, every kind of coach you could imagine. And then a lot of like online service providers, like graphic designers, web developers, that kind of thing, anything you could do from home on your computer with kids in the house or at school.
Stacey Boehman: The expert of that. Okay, so this is why I think it was so fascinating. I saw you for a year never show up as like I’m the expert and I’m here to teach you something. I watched you just put your niche aside. A lot of the people in 2K might be perfect people for you. And I watched you not be in there with that intention, but to be in there as a student for a straight year, like I mean it was insane. You would always post, this is what I’m working on, this is what I’m learning. It was always from that place of just being a student.
Stacey Boehman: And then of course you got like the craziest results from it. So, I want to talk about your 2K process and being a student of that, like not letting your niche and being a coach, like take you out of being a student of that. But I want to talk about that. So, where were you when you started 2K? Were you at 5K months yet?
Samantha Siffring: 2,000.
Stacey Boehman: 2,000? Okay. So, you were making-
Samantha Siffring: Consistently 2,000.
Stacey Boehman: Consistently 2,000. You joined 2K and then tell me about your experience. I know I basically just said it from my perspective, but I want to hear from your perspective what that was like.
Samantha Siffring: So, I joined at like the end of August and I had just missed a launch and this was when you launched and closed and I just missed one and then I had to like wait a month or something. So, I was like rabid by the time you opened again. And on your webinar, your link wasn’t working. So, I ended up just PayPal-ing you the money.
Stacey Boehman: Oh, that’s hysterical. I love it.
Samantha Siffring: Yeah. I was crazed and then got in. September was my first 5K month. I jumped from two to five. And then I was five or six every month for the rest of that year. And then 10 in January I think, or eight, something like that.
Stacey Boehman: I feel like it was eight and then 10 because I feel like I remember you like watching you go from 2K to 4K to 6K to 8K to 10K like exactly the way you talk about it. Just get consistent 2K a month more each time. And I just watched it. It was so fun to watch you do that. So, what was the experience like? What do you think was the biggest thing that helped you do that, that you learned in 2K?
Samantha Siffring: So, I feel like the biggest thing I personally did was take the process really seriously.
Stacey Boehman: Yeah. I saw that.
Samantha Siffring: Yeah. Study and implement every single thing. So, I already had a little bit of a following. I already knew how to get clients, but not more than what I had currently been doing. So, I think a big part of it was just kind of tweaking my approach, getting better on consults, being able to close them at a higher rate, that kind of thing. It was like little tweaks here and there. It wasn’t like I was starting from scratch and had to learn it all, but I studied really diligently so that I could make all of those things and implement and evaluate. I feel like the evaluation process changed my life.
Stacey Boehman: Yeah. I saw you do a ton of those, like that works like the process that I teach there. When you evaluate properly each consult, what is the biggest difference there? Why should people do that?
Samantha Siffring: So, I think it’s really grown my ability to coach myself and see what I’m doing, catch myself and thoughts or whatever it is, actually taking the time. I used to think about it and think like, oh yeah, thinking about it, it’s the same as writing it, and it’s totally not. When you write out what you’ve done and what you think worked, what you think didn’t work, then you’re like, “Oh, I see exactly what actually didn’t work and what needs to happen differently.” So, I feel like it is like that self-awareness that you don’t get when you keep it in your mind.
Stacey Boehman: Yes. That’s so good. I think people should take evaluating their consults as seriously as the consult.
Samantha Siffring: Yeah.
Stacey Boehman: If you do a consult and you don’t evaluate, it’s like you might as well have not done it, especially if you get a no. If you get a yes, great. But it’s really as if you just didn’t do it at all, all that effort, all that knowledge. It’s like there was this our container of the best self-awareness you could ever get and when you don’t evaluate, you just throw it away.
Samantha Siffring: Throw it away. I have this thing that I tell all my clients and think to myself all the time. When I get to know on a consult, I think however much they would have paid me, if they said yes, that’s how much value I just paid for in lessons that I need to learn from them.
Stacey Boehman: That is brilliant. Yes.
Samantha Siffring: So good. Everyone should think that.
Stacey Boehman: It’s so good. Yeah. Oh, that’s a really good one. That’s a great way to think about it. I love it. I might steal it. It’s perfect. So glad it’s on the podcast now. Everybody could learn it. So good. Okay, so you rocked 2K all the way to 10K months. Now, we’re caught up into present moment. So, this August, you joined the 200K mastermind and it’s December now. So, how many months are we in? Five months? Are we five months in?
Samantha Siffring: It’s been four full months.
Stacey Boehman: Four full months. So, four and a half. We’re in the middle of the fifth month. Okay. And I had you guys do this exercise where I taught you at the very beginning of this idea of a massive fail plan and you come up with all your fails. And then I had you guys look at that, evaluate that, and then write all the fails that you still need to do. And then all the things that you’ve learned from the fails that you’ve already done.
Stacey Boehman: So, on the page, and you’ve given me permission, we’re going to link this up so everybody can see what’s possible and available when you do this work. It’s just a great post. Every time I read it I’m like, it’s so good. But your evaluation of what you’ve learned was lengthy and an amazing example of what I teach. And so, even though some of the things they have heard me talk about, some of the things they haven’t, I want them to hear it from you who’s just gone through it. Because I think that the way you explain it will be different than the way that I explain it.
Stacey Boehman: So, I’m going to read some of the things that you’ve accomplished since August and then I want to ask you in your opinion, how you did it so that other people can learn from it. Are you game?
Samantha Siffring: Yes. Sounds fun.
Stacey Boehman: She’s going to let me link it up in the show notes. We’ll figure out how to do that. Okay, so let’s talk about, you said that your voice changed, that you used to have a coaching voice and then like you voice and your husband noticed that your voice would change and now it’s all the same. I think this is the hardest thing to do. And in the beginning as a coach is you have this voice in your head when you’re being a coach versus like your real life and bringing your real life voice into your coaching, into your copy, the way that you speak in everything is I think the secret to attracting your best clients. But tell me how you did it. Tell them how you did it.
Samantha Siffring: Yeah. I feel like for me it was a confidence thing. I would have this like phone voice that I would use for coaching and that kind of thing.
Stacey Boehman: I love it. What was the phone voice? Can you do it for us?
Samantha Siffring: I don’t even know. Now, I’m like, I don’t know. But it was like I would almost feel like I was becoming a different person.
Stacey Boehman: Yeah.
Samantha Siffring: It felt like a persona and it felt like persona both places. In my real life I feel like I was like kind of timid and had like a baby talk voice sometimes and then I feel like-
Stacey Boehman: It’s so good.
Samantha Siffring: Priceless. And then I felt like in coaching, I had this like fake coaching voice and I feel like they’ve like morphed into now, I’m just me everywhere all the time, but like totally confident me.
Stacey Boehman: That’s so good. I wonder if it also has to do something with vulnerability. I’ll tell you why. This is very interesting that you said you had this like almost baby talk voice. Because before I met Neil, I had this thing that would always happen when I was in a relationship. Every relationship, every time. Like clockwork, halfway in, the guy would start talking to me in baby voice. And then couldn’t get him to stop. And I’d be like, what is happening? It’s not sexy. No matter who it was and no matter how manly like it would happen, and I’m like, what is happening? Neil is the only one that has never talked to me like ever in baby talk. it’s not cute. You might think it sounds cute.
Samantha Siffring: It’s not cute.
Stacey Boehman: It’s not cute. And so, I’m sitting here thinking like when you said that, it just made me think like why doesn’t Neil do it? And the only thing that I can think of is that I’m a different person with him and when I say vulnerable, I don’t mean like mushy. I mean, like raw and real. This is who I am. No matter what. Even in the most scary moments, like this is just like I’m just more grounded and more open to, this is who I am and the real me and I’m not trying to be someone else.
Stacey Boehman: And I think maybe the baby talk for them was them trying to almost like be someone else in response to me showing up as someone other than who I was. That’s like a really deep thing to think about. And for those of you listening, you don’t have to go that far into it. But I do think that it’s possible in which confidence comes from your willingness to be vulnerable. But this willingness to be vulnerable and be exactly who you are and be exposed in that who you are. Because why else would you need confidence, right?
Samantha Siffring: Yeah.
Stacey Boehman: You tell me what do you think?
Samantha Siffring: I think that’s exactly right and I think it is my vulnerability as a coach to be willing to show up. I know that’s some of the other things we’re talking about, like willing to go anywhere with a client.
Stacey Boehman: Okay, I literally wrote it down with some, like what does this mean? I think I know what it means, but everybody has to hear it. So, you said there is nowhere I won’t go on consults.
Samantha Siffring: Yeah. Oh my gosh.
Stacey Boehman: What is that? We’ll swing back around, I’m sure asking you what the vulnerability, but like what does that mean? There’s nowhere I won’t go on consults.
Samantha Siffring: That sounds so brave. Okay.
Stacey Boehman: That should be a mantra from now on for everyone.
Samantha Siffring: There’s nowhere I won’t go. Yeah. I feel like we all have those questions that come in our mind on a consult that we want to ask him. We’re like, “Oh no, I couldn’t ask that.” I just asked all those things.
Stacey Boehman: Give me some examples, what are some? I’m putting you on the spot. But if you can think about something that would be like, “Oh no, I can’t go there. I can’t ask that.”
Samantha Siffring: Yeah. Okay. I’m trying to think. I’ve had some really deep recent consults, so I’m trying to think of an exact question. I ask why to everything. Everything that people would normally think we wouldn’t ask why. We would just accept that. I ask why to all of it. I think also I’m willing to have them say like, I just don’t like you like or whatever I’m afraid they might think about me.
Stacey Boehman: Yeah.
Samantha Siffring: Sure. Say it.
Stacey Boehman: Yeas. People sometimes, I’ll be like, “Listen, if you don’t like me, that’s fine.” I love just putting out and I’m thinking of a context too, but I remember when I would do consults, sometimes I would ask them whatever their objection was. I’d be like, sometimes that’s just true. That’s just the circumstance. And sometimes it’s that you just have like a weird feeling that you can’t really identify. It’s like you’re not quite sure if you believe in you or you’re not really sure about this coaching thing or maybe you’re not really sure about me. No matter what it is, you can tell me anything, but what are you thinking? I think what you’re saying is you create a space where anything could be said.
Samantha Siffring: Yeah.
Stacey Boehman: By them too. One thing when you’re willing to say anything, you can do that, but are you willing to hear anything?
Samantha Siffring: Yeah, and I didn’t use to be, And I’m aware of like in the past, there were questions I didn’t ask clients because I was afraid of what they were going to say. And now I’m just like … I just recently had a client and she decided not to renew and our conversation about that was totally … I was like, is it something with me? What’s coming up for you? I’m okay for it to be anything. And we could have an honest conversation about it and end in a way that felt great to both of us.
Samantha Siffring: So, I think in the past, it would’ve been like, “I’m afraid they’re going to say something that would hurt my feelings.” Now I’m like, “You can’t hurt my feelings.”
Stacey Boehman: Oh, that’s so good. I feel like if everyone listening could take one thing from this interview it would be, that like you would sign 90% more people if you really genuinely believe there was nothing they could say that would hurt your feelings
Samantha Siffring: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Stacey Boehman: You would coach so much better if you were really truly in the space where there’s nothing that they could say that would hurt your feelings.
Samantha Siffring: Yeah. My clients’ results are insane right now. Everybody is achieving their goals.
Stacey Boehman: Of course, because there’s nothing they can say or do that will hurt your feelings.
Samantha Siffring: It’s so good.
Stacey Boehman: So good.
Samantha Siffring: Yeah. And I feel like people are saying yes so much more or we’re having really great conversations about why it’s a no right now and I’m leaving them with unbelievable food for thought of the questions that I ask. Here’s a really fun example. Somebody came on today on a consult and she had booked it like a month ago almost. And she was talking about like how she didn’t have the money or whatever. And I was like, what you could have done … This was like really ballsy now that I’m saying it.
Stacey Boehman: I love it.
Samantha Siffring: [inaudible 00:35:16] I was like, “What you could have done is taken what you’ve just told me you already know to do, gone out and sign five clients and come to this called cash in hand,” and she was like mind blown at like, “Wait, why didn’t I do that?” And I asked her like, “Why didn’t you do that?”
Stacey Boehman: What’d she say? I need to know.
Samantha Siffring: She was like telling herself she didn’t know how and I was like, “You just told me you know how from my free stuff what’s really going on?” Yeah.
Stacey Boehman: Oh my god, that’s so good.
Samantha Siffring: She didn’t make the time. She didn’t prioritize it. It’s not important.
Stacey Boehman: Yeah. I just think like this is what, especially when you’re a new coach, I think that you’re just looking for people to say yes to validate you in such a big way that you would never say that to someone and it’s exactly what you need to say to them. Can we get to the truth of you just don’t want this? And not from a place like this is what happens.
Stacey Boehman: People in 2K, they learn the process and learn how to overcome objections. They hear us talking on a podcast and they get really brave and they’re like, “I’m going to say the hard thing,” but they’re like saying it from a place that isn’t total love for their person. They’re saying it from a place of being a little bit, if they were being honest, mad at them for saying no to them, right?
Stacey Boehman: They’re like, I needed you to validate me and I needed them to make money and I need to make my 2K back and you’re doing it wrong and you should have said yes because now I have to overcome an objection, which I don’t want to do because it’s uncomfortable and now I’m mad at you and I’m going to tell you this hard thing. They’re not even aware of it that’s totally what they’re doing. But when you can get to a place where you love the person on the other end, no matter how they behave and whether they came cash in hand or not is when you can say that and it blows their mind and changes their life.
Samantha Siffring: Yeah.
Stacey Boehman: So good.
Samantha Siffring: And I feel like that’s what makes it different that I’m willing to go anywhere, that it’s always coming from love. I will say things that I’m like, if this was just written in text, in print on the internet, it would be so offensive.
Stacey Boehman: I think that all the time. Actually, I text Lindsay. I don’t remember what it was. I was recording a podcast. And I literally sent her a screenshot and I was like, “Can I say this on a podcast? I think I might have sent some people.”
Samantha Siffring: Yeah. But when it’s said like one-to-one, there’s so much love and the trust and safety that’s built, it actually helps. It moves them forward. Yeah.
Stacey Boehman: Yeah. So good. But this is how you know, because sometimes don’t you think a lot of people think that they’re doing that?
Samantha Siffring: Yeah.
Stacey Boehman: How you know is how the person reacts to it, I think, for the most part. Sometimes they might have a bad reaction and you’re totally in the good place. But I think for the most part, and here’s why I think this is because I’ve said some ballsy ass shit. You’ve probably seen it in 200K. We’ll say whatever I say it on the 2K live. And I rarely get someone that is defensive or angry or upset about it. And if they are, I’m in such a place of love that I will coach them on that or bring that up too. And then we always get through that.
Stacey Boehman: But I remember in the beginning people would get very defensive with me and it’s because I was also coming from that place of judging them for them saying no and being upset that they said no or having an opinion about how they shouldn’t say no, which is what people think overcoming objections is, is like tell them they’re wrong for saying no and then talk them out of it. It’s not what we’re doing here. But yeah, being in that place of just loving them and willing to say whatever and risk the relationship makes you more money than I don’t know.
Samantha Siffring: Yeah.
Stacey Boehman: Same amount of money as thinking like you can’t hurt my feelings.
Samantha Siffring: Yes. It’s so fun being in the place I am now with a waitlist. These people are joining a waitlist to be my client in March. So, I just feel like I’m like-
Stacey Boehman: They’re paying you. You wrote that in your thing. Tell me about that. Because this is like a little … For the people that are listening that maybe are in this position where they’re getting to a waitlist, there’s so much fear. We’ve coached on it so much with a bunch of people in 200K of having someone pay in full and then they can’t start. Even though I do that for 200K, you pay like three or four months in advance and then you don’t start. I don’t coach you in between. That’s just the way it is. I fill up fast. So, tell me about the mindset that’s gotten you to that point where you’ll take a pay in full months before they start.
Samantha Siffring: I reminded myself like I just did this. I paid in full in November for February.
Stacey Boehman: Yeah.
Samantha Siffring: So, asking somebody to pay in full in December for January is like almost nothing and it’s the holidays anyway. They’re probably happy to start. Even though like a week before I was like, it’s about to be the holidays. They’re happy to start now. I can just choose whatever thought I need.
Stacey Boehman: I love it.
Samantha Siffring: Yeah. And they were happy to start both times and happy to pay in full both times. But I just stayed in that place of like, this is what I did. This is totally normal, and I just offered it and those spots for January, they’re like, yep, great. Here you go. Here’s the pay in full. See you in a few weeks.
Stacey Boehman: That’s so good. Yeah. I think you just have to be in the mindset where you’re committed to that, that is your truth. You find a thought that you love even if it was a different offer two weeks ago, right?
Samantha Siffring: Yes.
Stacey Boehman: And then you just offer it from a place of being in service to them. The way I think about it is if you are getting to the point where you have a wait list and you don’t offer someone to pay in full, like you’re taking away the opportunity for them to continue to be your client.
Stacey Boehman: We had that conversation recently somewhere about people feeling bad about telling clients who are not finished working with them, that I think I was talking to Maggie and we were talking about, well, I don’t have a spot open for three months and do I go ahead and sell that out because then I don’t give my people that are already working with me the opportunity. I’m like, “No, sell it to them.” And she was like, “But they’re not finished yet.” And I’m like, “That’s great. Sell it to them anyways.”
Stacey Boehman: They are going to want the opportunity to have that spot before some person on your list that isn’t working with you, they want to take it. Which is why I always give the people in 200K the first dibs for the next mastermind. It doesn’t matter if they haven’t finished the mastermind. You want the opportunity to keep your spot.
Samantha Siffring: Yeah. Yeah. We made up a lot of stories.
Stacey Boehman: We do. It’s like is the story you’re making up if you’re going to make them up, is it serving you? Is it making you more money? Okay, so you started a waitlist since 200K. You started selling advanced and full payments. There’s nowhere that you’re willing to go. This is what I wanted you to talk about. You have a pretty full coaching calendar. How many clients do you have?
Samantha Siffring: Okay. I don’t really want to be honest because it’s over 20.
Stacey Boehman: I think it’s great that it’s over 20. Yeah.
Samantha Siffring: I think it’s like 23 right now.
Stacey Boehman: So good. Why do you think that’s a problem?
Samantha Siffring: Because I’m like, it should be 20, but it’s working for me. I love it.
Stacey Boehman: Yeah. I think 20 is just like a number we all made up.
Samantha Siffring: It is.
Stacey Boehman: Like 20 is a great number.
Samantha Siffring: I knew it was because then I accidentally like fell over it.
Stacey Boehman: I love that. But listen, so many people tell me they cannot possibly do 20 hours a week coaching. It’s too much or they don’t want to blah, blah, blah. And you have more than 20 clients and you have kids and you have a husband.
Samantha Siffring: Yeah.
Stacey Boehman: How does that work? Tell me because it’s not possible according to all the people.
Samantha Siffring: I used to think this too and I have three kids and I’m on two boards, like volunteer boards as well. I’m somebody who likes a full plate so that’s just going to own up to that. But it works because of so many of the things we learned in the mastermind as far as like showing up like a professional.
Stacey Boehman: Yeah.
Samantha Siffring: Coaching is my job. I created a job for myself. I know we really love laptop lifestyle sometimes like that image. But I come to work, I have an office, I get dressed, I come to work early and I work a full workday five days a week. So, I just make that happen. It’s important to me and that’s how I get the people in.
Stacey Boehman: Yeah. Oh, that’s so good. I love that you said you come to work early, like you come to work and you come to work early, like you’re your best employee.
Samantha Siffring: Yeah. My first call is at 9:00 every day of the week and I have to be at my desk by 8:50 but that’s late to me. I really shouldn’t be there at 8:30 yeah.
Stacey Boehman: People are listening and they’re thinking like when they think about having 20 full clients, like they’re thinking about what they have to give up and how much work it is. But like you make 200K a year, you’re going to make what, 500 next year?
Samantha Siffring: Probably, the goal is four, but like, there’s no way I can’t get five. I’m going to accidentally get five.
Stacey Boehman: I love it, accidentally. I’m just going to accidentally make 500K. I love it. I’m just sitting here thinking, at 200K would you rather have $200,000 or bitch about how many hours that you’re coaching?
Samantha Siffring: Obviously 200,000. My life is so much better.
Stacey Boehman: This is the nicer question to ask. Is your life better when you have no clients or is it better at 20 clients? 23 clients?
Samantha Siffring: I used to cry every other night to Stuart when I didn’t have clients or when I just had a few clients and now, it’s like I’m either like neutral or like super excited. That’s what I go between instead of like super excited or depressed.
Stacey Boehman: Right. I have so many people that are like, “I don’t want to have the structured rigid business that you have.” And I’m like, “What do you mean? The structure of rigid business that I have, if that’s the way you think about it from the outside looking in, because I work three days a week and I get shit done. And I have an office and I don’t play around, but I have four other days of the week where I don’t work and I have all the money that I could ever have. And I buy all the things I could ever want and have all the savings I could ever … There’s nothing about my life that I wouldn’t want.”
Stacey Boehman: I’m like, “What don’t you want about my life? It’s pretty fucking amazing. Yes, I plan out ahead. Yes, I calendar out everything I’m going to do. But that creates freedom. It doesn’t restrict it.”
Samantha Siffring: That was a big lesson for me that planning creates freedom because I’m very free spirited. I want to do what I want to do in the moment and I’ve really had to become disciplined. Discipline is what got me from 100 to 200,000.
Stacey Boehman: Yeah. Yes. And I used to love the laptop life thing too and up until probably 300K, I would take coaching calls. Now, I’m like, oh my god, I can’t believe I’m about to say this on the podcast, but this will be helpful for people. I would take coaching calls in the pool, on the beach, driving, packing, doing laundry, like walking my dog, all kinds of shit. I used to think about like how much can I get done while I’m on this coaching call?
Stacey Boehman: Literally I want to punch myself in the face. What on earth? It was so inappropriate for the people spending so much money wanting transformation. When you’re at your desk, and I’m just saying this because there are people listening that are doing that shit. It’s like when you’re at your desk and you’re just focused on the person in front of you, you show up in ways that you can’t even imagine. It’s like you don’t know what you don’t know.
Stacey Boehman: So, like I thought at the time, like I coach my clients, they’re getting results. They love our calls. I love our calls. I’m killing it. I’m teaching them to have a business that’s free and they can do this stuff too. I had all the reasons why it was an amazing idea, but I didn’t know what I didn’t know. I didn’t know where I was capable of going in my coaching and what they were capable of receiving when I was actually fully focused on them and doing nothing else.
Samantha Siffring: Yeah, I totally agree with that so much. I think my year up to 100K was a lot like that. Like, “Oh, I’m just going to do calls whenever.”
Stacey Boehman: I’ll do it.
Samantha Siffring: Yeah. I just recently had a consult with a new client and she was saying, “You’re the fifth coach I’ve talked to and I’m saying yes to you for many reasons, but one of the other coaches I talked to said the wrong name, was in the Costco parking lot and was then like driving home as she tried to sell me a $10,000 package and that was just such a no for me.” I didn’t hear anything else and I was like, yes, here I am.
Stacey Boehman: You were at your desk in your office. That’s so good. I get it. Listen, if anyone is listening and you’re feeling very called out right now, I fessed up. I used to do it too, but you can learn from your mistakes if you’re doing it. It’s like you just have to really question like why? It will also say I used to spend money, not recklessly, but on coaching. My coach would have calls at the pool and the beach and whatever and I never saw that as a problem in the beginning. But I cannot imagine getting on a call with Brooke Castillo ever in my life in a bathing suit or like-
Samantha Siffring: That would be so weird.
Stacey Boehman: It would be so weird. She would never do that. And so, like as I started up-leveling my coaching and it’s just everything. When your client shows up, and I make you guys do that in 200K, like you have to show up like dressed ready for your day, onscreen. You can’t be listening on a call, calling in. You can’t come late. You can’t be driving or eating or all the things like.
Stacey Boehman: It’s like once you raise your standard, you give your client the opportunity to raise their standard. When they raise their standard and you’ve raised your standard, you’re both meeting each other at such a high standard, the opportunity for growth and transformation on both parts is so high. It’s like, why would you want to miss out on that?
Samantha Siffring: Yeah, absolutely. I feel like I was the only one who didn’t freak out at the standard with the mastermind. You’re like, “Everyone’s freaking out.” I was like, “No, I love getting dressed in a call.”
Stacey Boehman: I love that. I think it’s fascinating. This could be an entire other podcast of why people have so much drama about getting dressed for their day. This is the problem in our society, why did that create such drama, but like it’s the multitasking society. Because many people had drama that they couldn’t eat on the call or that they couldn’t come late. Or that they couldn’t miss more than four calls. I’m like, if you miss four calls, you’ve missed a month of the six-month mastermind.
Samantha Siffring: Yeah.
Stacey Boehman: So, much drama. It’s so fascinating. Okay. Anyways, I could go on a tangent of that forever. So, I want to talk about a couple more things. You talked about using the belief scale. That’s something that I talked about in the podcast. So, this could be really tangible for the people listening, but you said that you use the belief scale and you really worked it for yourself to make some money. So, talk about that, your experience of using the belief scale.
Samantha Siffring: So, I started using it for the 25K in 30-day challenge and I think that might’ve even been the first time I ever used it. But you had posted an example of how you used it and I was like, “Oh that looks great, I’m going to do that.” So, I would then write the goal at the top of the paper. And I figured out this way, that really works for me when I set a new goal, I take a couple of days where I rate my commitment. So, what’s my commitment on a scale of 1 to 10? So, I’ll ask myself why. If I were 10 out of 10 committed, what would I be thinking instead and until I’m really solidly out of 10 committed, I stay with that and then I move on to confidence.
Samantha Siffring: With that 25K so much came up in the commitment of like this is Stacey’s goal, not mine. As I work through my drama with you before I would commit and now I just do that. I did it with raising my rates. I have done it with all of my monthly goals. I did it when I was getting close to 200K for this year. I started doing it around 200K. Now, it’s time to start doing it for next year.
Stacey Boehman: So good. So, on a scale of 1 to 10 which … Okay, so the belief exercise I posted for you guys, let me just make sure I remember. I posted my own self-coaching work. Was that what you’re talking about?
Samantha Siffring: Yeah.
Stacey Boehman: And I had asked on a scale of 1 to 10 how much do I believe I’m going to accomplish this? It was like when I did the making money with the model promotion and then I rated it a number and I think it was 2. If I remember, the number was very low. And then I was like, why did I rate it this number? And I wrote all of my thoughts and then what would I need to believe to make it a 10 was the exercise. I posted and I’d let you guys just see all of my drama.
Stacey Boehman: Okay. So, I love this. So, the question for everyone to ask themselves is when they set a goal on a scale of 1 to 10, I love using the scale of 1 to 10 people always think when I teach this in the consults, at some point in the consult you ask the client on a scale of 1 to 10 how committed are you to this work? And people always like, “I just feel so weird saying that,” and I’m like you don’t feel weird saying it when you use it in your own self-coaching. The more you use it, the less you feel like it’s weird.
Stacey Boehman: So, they’re supposed to ask themselves on a scale of 1 to 10 how committed are they to the goal that they set? And then do you ask yourself why and then yes. Why you gave it a number and then what you would need to make it a 10.
Samantha Siffring: Yes. The why it’s that number is such a gold mine of things that are funny a couple of months later, but things that oh so real in that moment.
Stacey Boehman: That’s so good, things that are funny a couple months later. Yeah. And I think that if you do that for yourself consistently, it’s so easy to ask someone else that. And if your why you rated it that number, if it’s super honest, that’s also when you’re honest with yourself, how you get clients to be honest with you and tell you the real thoughts.
Samantha Siffring: Yeah. And then you get really good at telling when the client or potential client is not being honest. When they’re like, I’m a 10 out of 10 and you’re like, are you? Really?
Stacey Boehman: Yes. I question that always. When people give me a 10, I’m like, prove it. You ready to pay in full today?
Samantha Siffring: I’m never a 10. My default is never a 10. Even on the day I hit my goals until it’s completely done, I’m never a 10.
Stacey Boehman: Yeah. But I think that’s because you have self-awareness, which is why you’re like killing it and your goals. Then I think that that is one thing that we have to grow. We have to mind for that all of the time even as coaches. Self-awareness is not something that you just get the moment you declare you’re a coach. It’s not something you get with time. It’s not something you get with how many coaches or clients you’ve coached. It’s like literally you’re not just guaranteed self-awareness. You have to mine it. You have to work on it all of the time.
Stacey Boehman: And I think asking yourself those 1 to 10 questions are such a great way to mine that and being willing to sit with yourself when you have thoughts that aren’t pretty when you feel things that aren’t pretty, when you have to be willing to like go all in with the nitty gritty of you before you can ask that of anybody else. I think that’s so brilliant. I love that. All right, so on a scale of 1 to 10 okay, that’s so good. And so, you just kept mining that. You just kept working that like how often did you ask yourself that?
Samantha Siffring: I do it every day and that’s usually what I do in that 10 to 30 minutes before I get started on work every day. I come in. I sit down. I do that. I see where I am. This month my goal is 40,000 and like there became a time where I was just like, it’s in the bag, it’s done. So, then I worked on some other things. So, I just really am conscious about not just doing it, but what do I really need? Where’s the transformation today?
Stacey Boehman: Yes. Where is the transformation today? What was it today for you?
Samantha Siffring: Today, it was totally about the consult that I had earlier that I was getting kind of nervous about, which is so funny. This lady would start in March if she said, yes, that was part of the transformation was like I’m just here to serve her. And so, I showed up and asked her every hard question in the box that I could think of and I felt like I really served her.
Stacey Boehman: Yeah. I talk about that in 2K a lot. The goal is just to seek the truth. That’s one of the modules in 2K is like just be a seeker of truth. My goal when I go on the call is to serve people and find the truth. And I’m not willing to let them not find the truth for themselves because I’m worried about my feelings.
Samantha Siffring: Totally. Yeah. That’s the key.
Stacey Boehman: That’s so good. I know, I love it. We’ve talked about it a lot. We’re just going to hammer it in. All right, one last question. Okay, so this is the last one I’m going to ask you. They’re all so good. Seriously, I could literally have you on here for two hours. I’m like, I want to ask about all of the things, but I’ll ask one more thing. Okay. So, you also talked about that you have been getting most people, they’re becoming a yes before they get on the phone with you that that’s what’s happening for you now.
Stacey Boehman: What do you think the big differences between when they weren’t sold before they get on the phone with you to when they get on the phone with you and they’re already a yes because it’s such a different consult. I would even have people ask themselves like, which one are you? Because there was a time where people were not a yes and then the work on the consult became getting them to a yes or getting them to a decision, a no, whatever it was. But they weren’t decided basically on the consult.
Stacey Boehman: And the way that that consult goes is so different than when they’re a yes. Then it just becomes like, let’s just talk about your drama that’s in the way, let’s iron out details and then it’s done. It’s a such a different conversation. So, what do you think is the switch from before to after?
Samantha Siffring: The major switch is that I’ve been talking to them in my copy. So, this was again a big thing that we worked on in the mastermind was talking to the people who are already a yes. And I really studied that and practiced that and I post a lot. I have a Facebook group. I post about five times a day. I am a content machine and it’s always insanely valuable. Somebody could just read my five posts a day and like get to 100K for sure because it’s just good.
Stacey Boehman: So good.
Samantha Siffring: So good. So, when I have the offers in there, it’s just exactly for the people who are ready. And it’s just so fun to see. Even today, I put out a post and then I got a text that somebody had filled out the form. It’s just like-
Stacey Boehman: Wow, that’s so good. I think this is true. We always talk about how with the model, your thoughts create your results. So, whatever your thought is will end up in your result. So, if you’re writing copy, which is for anyone listening, that’s like what’s copy? It’s just writing a blog, writing a post, like the words that you use is the copy, of the words that you write.
Stacey Boehman: So, if you’re writing to undecided people, you will attract undecided people. That’s just the way it works. So, if you get a ton of people that are undecided, it’s because in your mind you think they’re undecided and you’re writing to them undecided. You’re trying to get them to decide in your copy. It’s such a subtle thing. I feel a lot of people do that too, with like, they write to their haters. I’m like, why would you do that? Why would you write to the haters? That’s all you’re going to attract is more haters. That’s it.
Samantha Siffring: Yeah. I used to write to people who are no’s to me and I used to write to people who didn’t believe in mindset for business, trying to convince them. It was so wrong. And now, I’m just like, I’m talking to the people who say hell yes to every single post that I write only, only those people.
Stacey Boehman: Yes. That is really the difference is we think that we’re supposed to do that. We need to overcome objections in our copy. We need to write to the people that are no’s and get them to be yeses. All that does is speak to the people who are saying no and it completely alienates the people who would be yeses. It’s such a subtle but huge shift
Samantha Siffring: It’s all about our thinking. I don’t want anybody to listen and be like, “Oh, I must need a Facebook group. I must need to post five times a day.” It’s all about your thinking. Even if it’s once a week or whatever and on Instagram or LinkedIn, it doesn’t matter.
Stacey Boehman: Yes. And I think that is so good to say because there are so many people in 200K that don’t either have Facebook groups at all or are not posting five times a day. And they’re like, that’s just what you love. That’s the way that you love to do it.
Samantha Siffring: It’s who I am. Yeah.
Stacey Boehman: That’s so good. Writing to the people who are already yeses. All right, so you’ve made 200K. You’re going to make four, 500 next year.
Samantha Siffring: Yeah.
Stacey Boehman: So good. Your husband may or may not get another job.
Samantha Siffring: He’s kind of loving his amazing life right now. He’s living his best life as we call it.
Stacey Boehman: Yes.
Samantha Siffring: We both are.
Stacey Boehman: Neil’s living his best life too. He loves it most days, most days. All right. So, if you could give one piece of advice to brand new coaches who have not made any money from where you are now, having recently been there more recently than me, what would you say to them?
Samantha Siffring: Yeah. I think really you just need to talk to people and also tell them you’re a life coach and make offers to help them, but get out and actually talk to people. I remember being extremely triggered hearing your story of driving six hours to a networking event because I was like, I’m never going to do that. It’s like guess I’ll never be successful.
Stacey Boehman: Which by the way, no one needs to do that either. But that was like I was willing, that was my jam, right?
Samantha Siffring: Right. And I was in the Facebook groups and really like I joined like 80 groups. It was insane. It was the online equivalent of a six-hour drive and I talked to everybody. And I just showed up consistently. I brought value in the conversation. I always tried to be the most valuable comment on the thread. I let them know, this is what I do with my clients. Let me know if you want to talk more. I just did that. I showed up and I talked to all the people. And that is how you do it. I did not know that before I started doing it but that is for sure how you would do it.
Stacey Boehman: Yes. I love that you said, people think when I say meet people, tell them your life coach, make offers to help them, that what I’m saying is meet people in order to tell them you’re a life coach and make offers to help them. But what I’m actually saying is get out there and talk to people. Get out there and talk to them.
Stacey Boehman: And if the opportunity arises for you to tell them your life coach, tell them that. Don’t tell them you’re a teacher. Don’t tell them that you stay home with your kids. Don’t tell them that you are in corporate, I don’t know, something. Don’t tell them that. Tell them your life coach. If they ask, if the opportunity arises and if it makes sense and you feel in your bones it’s the right thing to do, make an offer.
Samantha Siffring: Yeah.
Stacey Boehman: But even if you didn’t tell anyone you’re a life coach and you didn’t make any offers, if you went out there and you met people and you showed up in love in service and you just had conversations with people, you would make money, 100%, I did it. You did it. That’s so good. I love that so much.
Stacey Boehman: And I love the idea of being the most valuable comment on the thread and you said that earlier about your groups too. I just give them so much value they could make money just like being in my group, like just from those free posts. People are so afraid to over-give. They’re like, “I don’t want to give my best stuff away.” Give all of it away. Give your best stuff away. Give the most valuable comments. Treat everyone like they are your client. I think about it that way. Your action line of the model every single day is treat everyone like my client. The result will be you’re going to have a lot of fucking clients.
Samantha Siffring: Yeah. I consider my Facebook group like it is my goal for it to be more valuable than most people’s paid courses. I just tell myself that all the time and then people tell me that all the time. They’re like, “This is the best group on Facebook. It’s so valuable. You’ve changed my life.” And I’m like, “I don’t even know who you are. Thank you.”
Stacey Boehman: So good. How many people do you have in your group?
Samantha Siffring: I’m pretty close to 8,000.
Stacey Boehman: So good. I love that. We’ll have to grow that. How fun will that be?
Samantha Siffring: It is growing. It’s like growing by like a thousand a month now. It’s crazy.
Stacey Boehman: That is so fun. I love it. I love it for you. You’re such an example of what’s possible and I’m so grateful that you came on and we scheduled a coaching call to be on here and give.
Samantha Siffring: I told my client. No, she would be totally happy.
Stacey Boehman: She would be totally happy because this would be so valuable, like shared so much that so many people can really use. And so, I’m so grateful that I feel like I got you and the energy and the miracle and the vibe and I’m like, I got to get as much out of her as humanly possible. I love it. Well, thank you so much for being on.
Stacey Boehman: So, here’s what I want to do is I want to link up like how people can find you. So, who is your most ideal person that you work with and how can they find you? And then we’re going to link that up in the show notes too.
Samantha Siffring: Yes. So, I am looking for moms who have an online business who in 2020 want make between 50 and 200,000.
Stacey Boehman: I love it.
Samantha Siffring: The sweet spot.
Stacey Boehman: If they haven’t made that, they should still like join your group and stuff. Right?
Samantha Siffring: They definitely should, yes.
Stacey Boehman: Perfect. Because I’ve got a lot of people that are looking for – they’re not a life coach, but they really want to learn how to make more money and they really want to be coached and all of that. And of course, I tell them they can join 2K 100%. But I always am very clear with them, I’m not going to help you apply it to whatever it is you’re doing.
Samantha Siffring: Yes.
Stacey Boehman: If you’re one of those people listening and you want someone that works with all entrepreneurs, like hit Samantha up, she will help you.
Samantha Siffring: Yes.
Stacey Boehman: Okay. So, how do they find you?
Samantha Siffring: So, they can come to my website, which is just my name, And I just recently redid it and I spent like no more than two hours redoing the entire thing because that’s how I roll.
Stacey Boehman: I love it.
Samantha Siffring: Simple and fast.
Stacey Boehman: Simple and fast.
Samantha Siffring: And my Facebook group, you’re welcome to join. It’s called Online Business Building Mamas. And I also have a podcast, the Badass Mother podcast.
Stacey Boehman: How did I not know that either?
Samantha Siffring: You didn’t know I have a podcast?
Stacey Boehman: But I don’t need to know all that information.
Samantha Siffring: I got the best name.
Stacey Boehman: I love it. What is it? Badass …
Samantha Siffring: Mother podcast.
Stacey Boehman: Badass Mother podcast. That’s so good. All right, we’re going to link all that up in the show notes. So, for all the badass mothers out there, you can join Samantha’s group. You can listen to her podcast. She will teach you all of the things. Thank you so much for being on.
Samantha Siffring: Yeah, thank you. This was so fun.
Stacey Boehman: All right, well, I will see you later, girlfriend.
Samantha Siffring: All right.
Stacey Boehman: Bye.
Samantha Siffring: Bye..
Hey, if you’re ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2k for 2k program where you’re going to make your first $2,000 the hardest part using my simple 5 step formula for getting consults and closing new clients. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.