Make Money as a Life Coach® | Making Money with Kids at HomeOne thing that’s come up more than ever for my clients during this whole pandemic situation we’ve got going on, is how to make money when you’ve got all your kids at home. Balancing business and motherhood is always a hot topic, but this quarantine has given it a whole new dimension.

I’ve got five of my coaches from my 200K mastermind on the show this week, each with a unique perspective on running their coaching practice while their kids are at home all day every day. And they have even more insight because their clients are going through the exact same thing, whether their clients are coaches or working in corporate.

Join us on the podcast this week as we discuss the importance of prioritizing the things that are actually moving you forward in your business, how you can look at your daily tasks from a place of desire instead of obligation, and how you can create more freedom by being disciplined. This was an amazing conversation to be a part of, and there’s way more in here than I could ever begin to list!

If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • How to feel comfortable with saying no to the things that don’t bring you any joy.
  • The benefit of seeing any aspect of your life from a place of desire rather than obligation.
  • What you can do to create more desire around every aspect of your life.
  • How my guests think about time management and the concept of being disciplined in order to create freedom.
  • Where my guests used to get caught up around success and what it means about their ability to be there for their kids.
  • Why your thoughts around the time that you do have, whatever that is, are more important than the amount of time itself.
  • The ways my guests make time for the things that are really important to them, while also running a multiple six-figure business.

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Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hey, coaches. Welcome to a really special episode of the Make Money as a Life Coach podcast. Today, I have five of my students from my 200K mastermind here with me today to talk about making money with kids at home.

Originally, I wanted to do this episode specifically because of the coronavirus pandemic and how now, you know – it used to be I’d have coaches join 2K or 200K and we would always be coaching on how to balance motherhood and business. But now more than ever, if you weren’t a stay at home mom before, all kids are home now.

So, I thought this would be a great topic, not just for the pandemic and the quarantine that we’re experiencing, but building your business in general with kids at home. It’s such a hot topic for many of my students. And so, I wanted to bring the experts on.

And by all means, these are not the only coaches that we have in 2K and 200K that have kids, but I just wanted to grab a couple of them. Some of the coaches you’re going to hear from, their specific niches are working with moms and building their businesses. A lot of them have some very extensive experience with this and so I really want you to just hear their mindset and how they have excelled at both in such a powerful way.

Stacey: So, I’m going to have them introduce themselves, our panel of mom coaches. And then we’re going to start the conversation. So, let’s start with Rebecca Olson.

Rebecca: Hey there, I am Rebecca Olson. I have two kiddos. I have a three-year-old who’s obsessed with trains at the moment and tells me all about that all the time. And then I have a five-and-a-half-year-old in kindergarten that’s trying to figure this whole thing out at home. And I am a coach for working moms. I help them to achieve all of their career goals while still feeling 100% present with their kids and like they’re prioritizing their family even while they’re going after all of their career goals.

Stacey: So good, I love it. You’re going to have lots to talk about today. Alright. Next, we have Miss Lindsay Dotzlaf.

Lindsay: Hi, I am Lindsay Dotzlaf. I have two girls, seven and 10. And I am a coach for coaches. I help coaches master their coaching skills. And this whole thing has been really interesting. I feel like I’m learning as much as my kids are at this point.

Stacey: Fantastic, I love it. We’ll talk about that too. Alright, Catherine.

Catherine: I am Catherine Morrison. And I have what feels like a million children sometimes. I have a six-year-old daughter, a three-year-old son, and a nine-month-old at home. And I’m the business coach for employees who are looking to scale their business and move into fulltime entrepreneurship.

Stacey: I love it. Miss Samantha…

Samantha: Hello, I’m Samantha Siffring. I am a mom of three, so I have a 10-year-old, an eight-year-old, and a five-year-old, and I’m also a business coach for moms. So, I built my business with little ones at home and then they went to school and that was amazing, and now they’re back home and I’m just right back in what I teach all of my clients. So, I’m happy to share my knowledge today.

Stacey: Fantastic, and you’re also on multiple PTA boards, right?

Samantha: Yes. So, right now, I’m also in problem-solving mode with the school of how to stay responsive and pay our people and all of that.

Stacey: I love it. we definitely want to hear about that. And last but not least, Miss Danielle Savory.

Danielle: Hello, everybody. I’m Danielle Savory. I am a sex coach and a lot of the women that I work with are mothers. As we know, things can change, especially our minds, after becoming moms when it comes to sex. So, that is always a hot topic. And also just the logistics, like, kids are in the house, how do we have sex?

Stacey: So, it’s not just how do I work my business. How do I have sex?

Danielle: Yeah, so that’s a lot of what I’m overcoming with women is, “There’s children in the house. I’m afraid of them hearing,” all those sorts of conversations we have. I have two daughters, an eight-year-old and a six-year-old.

Stacey: I love it. So, you guys all have young kids. So fantastic. Okay, so here’s what I wanted to do. I wanted to start this conversation out with a passage I read from Glennon Doyle’s new book Untamed. It hit me to be true for every entrepreneur, whether you’re a mother or not. But I felt like I knew this podcast was coming up, so I’ve been thinking about it. And this hit home so much.

So, I’m going to go ahead and read some excerpts from it. So, she’s talking about guitars and she says that her wife comes in and says that she’s going to play ice hockey for fun. And she says, “I’m confused about fun. Abby is always asking me, what do you do for fun? I find the question aggressive. What is fun? I don’t do fun. I’m a grown up. I do family work, trash TV, repeat forever. But we are newlyweds, so I am still sweet. I say, that’s great, honey. Abby smiles, comes over to kiss me on the cheek, and then walks out the front door. I stare at my computer.

I have so many questions. Why does she get to have fun? Who has the time and money for fun? I’ll tell you who; everyone in this family except for me. Craig has soccer and Chase has photography and the girls have everything. Everyone has a thing but me. It must be nice to have time for a thing. ‘This must be nice but…’ stops me. It always does. Maybe it is nice. Maybe that’s why they all want a thing. Maybe I want a thing. I sit and think about the one thing I’ve always wanted to be; a rock star. I’m jealous of rock stars. If I could have one talent that I do not have, it would be singing.”

So, she goes on to talk about how she decides that she wants to take guitar lessons. So, then she says, “I love learning to play guitar. It’s hard, but it opens up another part of me, one that makes me feel more human. I think the word for this experience might be fun, but to have fun, I had to climb down from martyrdom mountain.

I had to allow myself one less thing to sigh about. I had to ask for help. I had to sacrifice some of my moral high ground; perhaps lose a few points in the she-who-suffers-most competition. I think we are only bitter about other people’s joy in direct proportion to our commitment to keep joy from ourselves. The more often I do things I want to do, the less bitter I am for people doing what they want to do.

I made my rock star debut on Instagram recently. I played Every Rose Has its Thorn and three times as many people watched as there are seats in Madison Square Garden. I am just saying.” And she says, “Deep magenta.” That’s the color that she would be if she were like Pink and she was a rock star.

So, I thought this was so true. I was reading it and the thing that struck me that’s true, I think for everybody, is when you decide to have something for yourself – no matter what that is, whether it’s a business or guitar lessons – you are adding something into your day that you will never have just time for because we use all of the time we have. Like, when I was single and didn’t even have a partner and I lived in a tiny apartment and worked but had plenty of free time, I never had plenty of free time.

I would fill it up with cooking and looking up new recipes and going to the store and cleaning up and watching TV and hanging out with friends. Like, I used all of my time. I never felt like I was sitting around twiddling my thumbs. So, when I started my business, I had to look at how I’m spending my time and cut things out and put in time for my business. I think you have to do that, no matter what you have in your life. You will have to create room for something that isn’t there just because the human experience is we use all of our time.

And then I think the other thing that was so striking is that she made time for guitar lessons because she decided she wanted it. And I think so many of my students that come to me talk about their business, especially in the beginning, in a way that comes from scarcity and “have to” and it feels like this obligation. And so, they’re kind of approaching motherhood, taking care of the house, and their business from this place of obligation.

Nothing is fun, so I think that whether you’re a parent or not, when you start a business, you have to know that you will have to make room for it, which will mean re-prioritizing. It will mean letting things go. It will mean asking for help. It will mean changing your thoughts about what’s important and what isn’t and it will mean that you have to make your business fun and you have to want to do it.

If you don’t want to do it, it’s just one more thing on your to-do list. And I think that sometimes we think wanting to do something or having fun with something is just something that happens. It either is or it isn’t. We don’t think we have control over that, that we can’t decide to think something and create desire for it. And the more desire you have, the more room you will create for it, the more excuses that you will overcome, the more things you’ll say no to, which, Lindsay, I think you had.

I coached you one on one when you started your business and I remember. So, I’m curious what your thoughts are about this. I remember you going through all of the things that you were spending your time doing, not as a whole, being a mom. I’m talking about the little everyday things you were doing. And you had to start saying no to things and deal not only with your own thoughts about saying no, but then other people’s reaction to you saying no. so, I’m curious your thoughts about that.

Lindsay: Yes, it’s so funny, as you were reading that, my mind was kind of going down this lane of all the memories of the things that I had to learn t say no to. And it feels now like I live in a totally different life and body and world from that time. But I think I just started saying no to the things in my house. Like, saying no to dishes. And I know I joke about this a lot, but one thing I would always say – like, one day, my husband came home from work and he said, “Oh you didn’t do the dishes.”

Now, my husband is amazing and he’s not normally the type of guy who would be like, “What, you didn’t do the dishes?” But it was just this tiny offhanded comment. It felt literally like a slap in the face. And I literally walked away and started crying. And then I thought, no wait a minute, does he do the dishes at work?

And so, I came back to him, of course, red and mad and all the things in that moment, and I said that to him. And he felt terrible. But then, what I realized was that became the perfect mantra for me. It had nothing to do with him at all. And it wasn’t about him asking me if I did the dishes or why I didn’t or whatever. I don’t even remember exactly how he phrased it at this point. But it became my mantra, like, is that what everybody else does at work? Do they feel like they have to do laundry or dishes or wipe butts? I don’t think so, not most people.

And it really became the thing, like, then I started seeing it in all the areas of my life. Like, is this a thing that I have to say yes to or has it just become the norm, where I think this is what I’m supposed to e doing just because I’ve always done it that way.

Stacey: Yeah, so, could you give the audience an example of a couple of those types of things; things that you’ve always done that you chose to start saying no to?

Lindsay: Yeah, I think a huge one for me is I’ve always had lots of friends. And I’ve always been the person that planned – when I say always, I guess until a few years ago – I was always the friend that planned the things. So, if I didn’t plan the things, we weren’t getting together. And that became apparent very quickly when I stopped planning all the things. My friends kind of stopped being together.

And then they would text me and say, “We haven’t done anything in so long.” And it was like, “Yeah, I know.” Like, I’m just going to sit in this – and it was so uncomfortable for me, but it was just one of those decisions of that’s not the person that I am anymore because I was just filling that time. Not that I didn’t love my friends, but I was planning all the things because I didn’t want to be at home alone with my thoughts. I would rather be out doing all the things so that I didn’t have to sit in the discomfort of doing the hard things like growing a business.

Stacey: Yeah, and do you remember any of the things? Because I just remember coaching you on this, but I can’t remember specifics, about things that you said no to that other people weren’t happy with that you had to navigate. I’m curious if you remember any of those.

Lindsay: I definitely had to say no to my family a lot, which was hard for me as well. Within my family, I was also the person that would – like, I’m definitely the extrovert of my family, so I was also the person in that scenario that would get everyone together and say, like, let’s do this thing. So, they noticed as well and they would ask me to plan things or to do things. And I would say no.

And then another huge one is that when I had kids and my kids started going to school and I had all this free time because my business hadn’t grown yet, I thought, like, this is so perfect. I’m going to do PTA and I’m going to do all the field trips and I’m going to volunteer in the classroom and I’m going to just be the perfect mom who shows up, who does everything, who knows everyone.

And then my business started growing and it was like, wait a minute, I don’t actually like doing any of these things. So, I had to create very – and I still have them – very strict rules for myself of when I’m allowed to say yes to something and when I’m not.

Stacey: And you created those rules. Nobody imposed them on you. And so, what is your criteria for when you’re going to do something versus when you’re going to not. Is it something you want to do? Tell everyone so they can figure it out for themselves.

Lindsay: Yeah, so I’ll give you a really specific example. So, with my kids in school, I have a very strict rule that it has to be, one, fun and something I want to do, and it has to involve being with my actual child and their friends. So, at their school, it’s like there’s PTA meetings, there are meetings with other adults. That’s a no. There’s chances to sign up for, like, you can volunteer to go in and make copies and staple papers and that’s a no.

But going to my kid’s class, hanging with their friends or reading to them or helping the teacher, like physically helping in the classroom, yes, if there’s time, that’s great. Field trips, definite yes, they’re my favorite. So, it just was like, I would just go down the list. Do I want to do this? Yes, okay. Does it involve my kids? Yes, alright. Do I have time in my schedule, yes or no? And am I willing to move things if I don’t? And sometimes that was a yes and sometimes no, but it just really helped me mentally, like, weed out the things. And it just was black or white, like this is a yes or it’s a no.

Stacey: And I think that’s so powerful because I think what it takes to do that is believing that you have a choice to do that, like believing that you can say no to some things even if you want to do them, and do whatever you had planned in your business, or to feel like you have the power to move something in your business to go and do something you want to do with your kids.

Like, knowing that you have that choice and that power and you’re the one that gets to prioritize, I think is so powerful because a lot of people try to approach it with a lot of resistance. And on both sides they’re experiencing have-to. And then you’re meeting both sides of have-to with resistance and defensiveness. And I think that’s true for everybody in any given situation. So, it’s so powerful to just break that apart for everyone and say it’s so powerful to see each side you have a choice, you’re the one that’s making the choice, you get to make and call all the shots and you can decide, sometimes it’s a yes, sometimes it’s a no. you get to decide all the rules.

So, Samantha, I think it’s really fascinating – I don’t know for sure. I think you’re a little bit different. I’d love to hear your perspective because you love to do all the things too. So, how do you fit doing all the things? And tell everyone what all the things are with running a business.

Samantha: Yeah, so all the things are obviously the family, the business, I am on the board for our kids’ school and we’re a parent-run school. So, I’m the treasurer of the school. It’s like a multi-million-dollar budget and lots of meetings with adults and no children, which I just love. I love getting out and feeling like this is really important work that I’m doing. It just feels great.

And then I also am a volunteer with my sorority. So, I have a regional position with that, so mentoring young women and female leaders and that kind of thing. And it’s always been my passion and I’ve looked so many times at, like, should I get rid of these things? And I’ve coached myself and been coached and always come to, “I make time for what I want to do and this works for me right now.”

Stacey: So, how do you make time to be on the sorority board and the treasurer and the PTA board and run a multiple six-figure business? Because I think that’s something that maybe we forgot in the beginning is that every single person on this call has a business that’s 100K or higher. You’ve already made 100K this year. So, how do you have time for all of that? How do you make time for that?

Samantha: So, I feel really grateful that my husband is home fulltime now. That is my number one secret…

Stacey: He wasn’t always…

Samantha: Yeah, he wasn’t always, but right now, it’s a major help that I’m not the one overseeing the schooling or cooking any of the meals or anything right now. So, a lot of the things that are on – or even cleaning, these are a lot of things on most women’s plates that just aren’t on mine. So, that is a major piece of it. I’m also really strict with my time.

Stacey: Okay, so tell us about that.

Samantha: Yeah, so I schedule my time, I use time-blocking. So, I look at my week, first I determine work hours and non-work hours and then decide what happens in each of those two categories.

Stacey: How much time do you give each of those categories? Do you know offhand?

Samantha: No. It kind of varies. So, I work from nine to five every day in my business, except Friday is a half-day. So, I know that. So, I guess I do. I just don’t know the total number of hours. But I know daily. And most of the work hours are client calls for me right now. And then I fit in the other pieces. I write content, I do my podcast, I have our coaching calls for the mastermind. And that’s just all in that time. And then the non-work hours, there’s a lot of family time. These volunteer roles seem really big, but really, it’s a handful of hours a week and one evening a week goes to each of those things.

Stacey: Okay, so how much free time do you feel like you have with your family? Because you said there’s a lot. And I think it’s so interesting to hear you talk about that, to hear you talk about how you work nine to five Monday through Friday, except Friday is a half-day, you also have two nights that go to these volunteer positions that you have. But your thought is still, “There’s plenty of family time.”

Like, when you explain your schedule to me, it feels very spacious. Like, there’s just so much time. We know that this comes from your thought about it. But I would love to hear more about the free family time.

Samantha: Yeah, see, when I think about it, I’m like, “Oh my gosh there’s so much family time.” The entire weekend, two-and-a-half full days of tons of family time, and then all of the evenings that I’m not spending on other things, three evenings, it just feels like so much time to me. And yeah, it is my thought.

Stacey: I love it. It’s so good. So, what are your thoughts about – because I know that your husband’s home now. He was not always. This is very recently. But you coach moms that are building businesses. So, what are the top things you’re coaching them on right now during the quarantine if they are the person that’s also running the school stuff and the meals and all of that? What can you tell the people that are experiencing that, specifically right now, whether it’s home quarantine or they’re the stay at home mom that has also decided to have a business, what can you offer them?

Samantha: Yeah, so I think the first thing that I’ve really been coaching a lot of people on that I didn’t anticipate is parenting. So, it is like, you set the boundaries. You’re in charge in this relationship. If they want a snack, they can wait, right? When you’re on your call, when you’re in your business, they know when it’s time.

I teach my clients to chop up their work and have time with their kids in between to keep meeting the needs of the kids in between blocks of work. And you really can create a system like that and enforce it. And it’s not going to be perfect. They’re kids. But we really set the tone. And I have a lot of clients who have realized through this how they feel like their kids are in charge. And the kids have all these demands and requests and all of that and the parent doesn’t even realize they can say yes or no.

So, I think that’s the first thing. Realize you literally are the boss in your house and you can teach your kids to understand that and respect that. So, that’s one thing. I think the other, we should all probably just lower our standards just a little bit.

Stacey: I love it. So, tell me more about that.

Samantha: So, we have this really perfectionist idea about what this should all look like, like our house should be spotless, these meals should be ready for Pinterest. Everything in our house should be ready for Pinterest and Instagram. The kids should be perfect at all times. We should look amazing at all times. All of these standards that are just made up. So, we should drop anything that’s not actually necessary.

Stacey: That’s so good. Glennon talks a lot about that in the book, about how in different generations, how women have approached motherhood and our generation is over-mothering in a really big way. And I just thought that’s so interesting that – yeah, totally 100%. Love it.

Alright, Rebecca, what do you have? What are your thoughts and experiences? I don’t remember if your husband works or not. What’s it like at home right now with the quarantine with you having a 100K business and having young kiddos at home?

Rebecca: Yeah, he has to go into his job for three hours-ish a day. And so, thankfully they’re flexible with that. So, I work eight to two, eight to three, and then he goes in after that, or he’ll go in and do a late night, like seven to 10. Then otherwise, he’s watching the kids and he’s taking his calls and he’s doing his meetings with them around. So, he is taking the brunt of it.

Stacey: I love that.

Rebecca: Yeah, I love it too. And I mean, it was a conversation – he looked at me and he was like, “Look, you get one more client than you usually get a month and you make more than I do in a month. So, I think you should be the priority here, not me.” And it was like, okay, I agree, I’m glad you agree too.

So, there is a lot of support there. And I know that not all moms have that. They don’t have that in a partner and it’s a very different challenge. And I think we’re all trying o figure out how to navigate our own challenge. But I think that’s really where the thought work behind this is so, so key, because as soon as you get into the comparison game, all of a sudden, you immediately go into lack, always when you start to compare.

Because the reason you’re comparing is because you don’t feel like you have enough. So it’s just, right off the bat, when you compare yourself to another mom and what they have, you immediately decide you don’t have enough innately, and there’s this need for you to just, like, to take ownership of your own decisions and your own choices based on your own circumstance.

And so, I was thinking about that when Samantha was just talking. And if you only have four hours to work in a day on your business, like, you can decide if that’s enough or it’s not enough. And if you sit in the thought it’s not enough, it will never be enough. And you will always feel behind and you will not make strong choices to move your business forward because it never feels like enough. Versus this is how much time I have and I’m going to choose what I’m going to focus on and it’s going to be the right thing to focus on.

That’s a very different energy that you bring to your business and to your work, you know, if that’s the time that you have. So, that’s been a lot of the work that I’ve had to do with my clients who are, generally speaking – some of them are business owners, but most of the moms that I work with are more in corporate America. And it’s the same conversation though, to decide it’s enough and put all of your best energy to the time that you have.

Stacey: Yeah. So, do you have clients who are working corporate America jobs from home, like virtually right now, with kids, I’m curious if that’s their situation because on top of that they might be trying to build a business and an entrepreneur, what would you offer that person who might be working virtually for their work, they’ve got kids at home, and they’re working this business? It’s like I’m stacking all the circumstances up.

Rebecca: I can think of at least one, maybe two that I have that are in that scenario. Most of the people I work with are in some kind of job transition and I have a few that are in a transition to wanting to start a business specifically and are starting to put the thought work and the energy towards that while working fulltime and at home with all of our kids and so forth.

And so, I think for a lot of people, there is a stack of this. So, it’s not unusual. And I think usually it’s the business that they just let go of first, it’s that work that they say, “That’s the extra work I don’t need to do right now.” And that’s the thing that they let go of. And so, we tend to focus there on having to decide, like, be really strong in our decision on why that’s actually the most important thing to be putting some energy towards right now, because it’s your long-term future.

And so, I mean, all of the work I do right now is trying to get people from their small immediate mind to where are you still going in your life, like, open up to possibility and perspective because not only is that going to help you get their quicker and to your future. It’s also going to open up your most effective and efficient energy for everything you’re doing today when you’re sitting in that level of possibility.

And I think one of the ways to do that is to start thinking further ahead. But we have to really coach on that. They have to really see why thinking further ahead right now is the best thing for them and why they should be making choices to do that.

Stacey: That is so good. I love it. And I always think too, if you don’t let there be a choice to let anything fall away, then how would you solve that problem? That’s really interesting too. I think that in this quarantine, we’re all going to find out what we’re made of.

Rebecca: Very quickly, we all are.

Stacey: Yeah, it’s just stretching us all to the max of all of our beliefs about what we can handle. And I think it’s actually a really beautiful thing. So, that’s so good. I love that, thinking about – because I do think right now, everyone is kind of tunneled in with what’s happening right now and not thinking about six months from now, a year from now. And I always say, whatever you’re doing today is creating what you will have six months from now.

So, if you don’t want your business to be postponed for a year from now, then you’ve got to keep working it now, even if you’re giving yourself an hour a day consistently, even just five days a week, that five hours still adds up to be something six months from now. And so, you have to think, where do you want to be in that six months and are you okay with prolonging it to another year? Do you love the reason? And just make sure it’s not from scarcity and from this place of feeling out of control of your time.

I think that’s the most important thing, is to really start with the thoughts about your time. That’s going to be everything. So, Miss Danielle, let’s hear from you. What are your thoughts? I love that you said that you have clients who are even learning how to prioritize sex with kids in the house, which is something that I think a lot of my students come to me and say is, like, they don’t have time for pleasure. They don’t have time for fun stuff. They can’t put themselves first. Like, everything else has to come first. So, whether it’s their business or anything else that they enjoy, I’m curious to hear your thoughts.

Danielle: Yeah, so, I just love hearing all of this because it brings me back to the early days of building a business. Both my husband and I, we live in a dual-entrepreneurship house. And so, I think it’s been really fascinating to watch our minds and juggling the kids. And when you read that passage, especially when she said something like, “Isn’t that nice?” That was my narrative for years. Like, “Oh isn’t that nice you get to go every day and follow your dream while I take care of the house and the children and everything so that you can do your thing?”

Like, there was a lot of resentment in that and there was part of me that was like, go for it, support your dream, I love you, do this. And the other part was like, WTF, what about me? Not realizing really that it was my thought creating that, not him not supporting me. I didn’t even give myself a chance to do that, let alone him a chance to support me because I preceded everything with that kind of thought.

And there was so much transition for me from building the business. I was that kind of, like, expectations and standards of myself of a Pinterest-worthy – every single party, I sewed my kids’ dresses. I knitted every single child that had a baby like a baby blanket. I quilted. I make everything from scratch, like crazy. To the point that I ended up in the hospital because I was so not meeting my own needs and got really sick.

So, learning how to not just prioritize pleasure but prioritize health, my mental health, my physical health, everything, to help me. And so that’s been such a huge part of my journey, is really watching these thoughts that are like, where are these standards coming from? And it wasn’t coming from anybody but me, right, like my standards. And little by little saying no and no and no and reprioritizing and learning that pleasure, fun – even how she talked about fun in there, what is fun? Who does this?

And I get that comment from so many people with pleasure. Like, what is pleasure? Like, who does this? It’s either you do your work, you do your job, and then if you’re lucky, you take care of yourself. If you’re lucky, you rest. Pleasure is like so far down the road. That’s ridiculous. Who has time for that? I’m just trying to make sure I sleep, maybe shave my legs once a month, shower. Like, we don’t have time for this extra thing.

And so, helping women to completely flip it all the way over, it’s not just inching in a little bit, but let’s completely flip the narrative over. I love and hate that saying, you’ve got to put your own mask on first. I love it because it’s like paying attention that we do have to take care of ourselves in order to help our child, you know, put your oxygen mask on and take care of that. But it’s still with the subtext of, like, you’re doing this for other people.

It’s still for someone else. It’s like, you better take care of yourself so that you can blank-blank for your family, which is still putting this burden on women that everything we have to do has to be for the benefit of others. Like, you should better work on your sex life for your marriage, for your husband, you know. You better do this so that you will be reenergized for the rest of your family, for the PTA. And that helps people get in the door. But really, when I work with them, I’m like, “But what if it’s just for you?” Like, why is that?

Stacey: That gave me chills all down my body.

Danielle: Yeah, and really, that is so deeply ingrained. Anything that we do, as moms, as wives, as women in general is usually for the benefit of someone else, and learning, yes, there can be benefits for everybody. You learn how to step into your sexuality, I’m damn sure guaranteeing your husband’s going to benefit from this, duh, right? But more importantly, you are. And we can use our own self and our own pleasure as a motivation to fill ourselves up.

Stacey: I love that so much. So, what are all the things – I’m just curious – that you do for you that you would consider in that you do it for you, and how do you make that transition when you are in such a place where everything is for someone else?

Danielle: Yeah, so I think it was little by little, it was working in meditation. It was building my business was for me. It was like, we could be fine on one salary. I could keep supporting my husband. There was no real reason to build a business. Yes, it demonstrates for my daughters everything. Yes, I’m helping all these other people. Yes, whatever. But I wanted to do that because I want to help other people. I want to put this message out there. I want to.

Building my whole business is, you know, for me. Will millions of women benefit from it? For sure, but it’s because I love using my brain. I love serving. I love this, right? So, that was part of the thing that was for me. And it was like, you know, there’s this thing, sacrificing, like, wouldn’t it be nice if I just had hours? And that wasn’t the case at the beginning. I was waking up at 4AM and doing this before everybody got up in the morning. It was grabbing an hour here, grabbing 15 minutes here. I created a whole system where I broke every single task down into 15-minute things. I wrote every single thing on Post-It notes so if I only had 15 minutes, I knew exactly what I could do with that 15 minutes.

It was working it in because I didn’t know what it was going to look like at home with a toddler and an infant. And I didn’t know if my husband was going to be gone for a couple of weeks because he’s trying to do his business. Like, I didn’t know. And luckily, I had support from family, and later they were in preschool and then regular school, and so that really helped.

But working on that, and now there’s so many things I continuously do for me, like getting together with my friends is for me. I really need the woods. I love hiking. And that’s a priority. And then obviously sex and self-pleasure is a huge part of my practice as well. And when Samantha talks about boundaries with your kids, like my kids, I don’t want to say they’re well-trained because I feel like that makes them sound like dogs – I have a puppy sat behind me right now and he’s not well-trained.

But I really worked hard with my children of, like, I understand that you want to do that, but mom and dad are doing this right now. Because we’ve remodeled houses and we’re both running businesses. There’s a lot of like, “You’re fine, there’s a book, there’s some crayons, like figure it out. You know where all the snacks are.”

Stacey: There’s some books and some crayons, figure it out…

Danielle: And it’s been so great for them. All of a sudden, I go outside and they’re doing Harry Potter wands that they’ve made. The whole house is decorated with Easter decorations they’ve made from scratch. They have fairy houses outside. Giving them the chance to be bored and figure it out has served them. And we close our door, like mom and dad need some alone time, or mom needs some alone time. And they very much know that it’s off limits.

Stacey: That is so good. You dropped so many gems. So, I love that you pre-wrote on Post-It notes, you look at what are all the things I could do with 15 or 20 minutes. Because I think so many of my students come to me and they have a 15-20-minute window and they don’t know how to use that time.

Danielle: They scroll…

Stacey: So deciding ahead of time, I’m going to grab any of these Post-It notes, any of them, I’m just going to grab one and I’m going to get to work. So good. And I love the truth bomb of giving your kids the opportunity to be bored gives them the opportunity to get creative. So good.

Danielle: When we talk about super-thinking and coming up with our ideas, what we’re really doing is forced boredom. And there are so many studies about the importance of boredom for children. And I think it’s always been a policy of mine, and now other people are realizing it. Kids don’t need entertainment. I don’t have my kids in extra curricular activities. I don’t have them in all of these things because I don’t want their schedule packed.

I think that’s just my own personal philosophy, but I want their brains to not have all the input. We barely do screens at all, and it forces them to figure out how to be on their own and use their brain and come up with solutions and come up with fun games and do all these things.

Stacey: That is so good. I love it. thank you so much. Alright, Miss Catherine, you have such a fun story. So, I’m going to give a little pre-story and I’ll let you jump in. Catherine came to me, and what exactly was your biggest fear? You were pregnant and you were afraid. You knew you were going to be high-risk, right?

Catherine: Yeah, I had had two high-risk pregnancies. My second kid was born at like 32 weeks and I was pregnant with my third. And I also had the story, like, success will take me away from my kids, like maybe now is not the right time, all the stories we tell ourselves.

Stacey: Yeah, so you came to me pregnant with baby number three. And you were afraid of being high-risk and building a business and adding the stress of building a business with also having this baby. And you ended up doing the 200K info call from a hospital bed, on bedrest. And you joined the first several calls that we did form the hospital bed, right?

Catherine: I don’t think it was the first several calls that we – I don’t remember.

Stacey: I think it was.

Catherine: It could have been.

Stacey: You were like a badass. How long were you in the hospital?

Catherine: I was in the hospital for a month. I do remember, like, the hunger games call, I think I went first and I was in the hospital and I remember then I wanted to stay on and be like, “Who’s the competition, I want to see if I’m in.”

Stacey: That’s right, I think you messaged me and said, “I’m in the hospital and people come in and out. Is there any way I can go first?” I’m like, yes, obviously, of course. So, I love that. Let’s talk about that a little bit. How did you end up doing it? How did you have a high-risk pregnancy, have your baby, and build your business to over 100K?

Catherine: I got over my bullshit.

Stacey: What was your bullshit?

Catherine: Actually, when I joined 2K, one of the first things you coached me on, it was before I had joined 200K, and I just really had the thought, success will take me away from my kids. And I was working in tech prior. I was a six-figure employee in tech and I was like, oh well I had a story at that time, a lot of my friends had a story that maybe we need to leave the workforce because it’s so hard. It’s so hard to be a mom and to work and to do these things.

And then I remember, you coached me in 2K and you were like, “I wonder how you created that for yourself.” Or it was something like that. And it was this moment where I just had this truth bomb where I was like, wait a second, did I? How much of that was the fact that there is, just yes, you have kids and you have things to do? And how much of it was like there was a mixtape running in the background of my head every single day that was telling me, this is hard, this is hard, this is hard?

And I think of it as a collective. This is just like in the media. Lie, it’s so hard. It’s so hard. And it’s like, really, guys, one, we can do hard things. And two, how much of a collective, as women, have we just been told to have that running through our brain all the time so that’s what our brain is focusing on?

Stacey: Yeah, that’s like what Glennon was talking about with the martyrdom, right? It’s almost like a badge of honor for it to be hard and the harder it is, the bigger badge you get, and I don’t know what the word is, but yeah, that’s almost like where people are getting their significance. I think that’s what I’m looking for is people are getting their significance form their story of how hard it is.

Even Brooke talks about when people – million-dollar earners love when she’s in these networking events with million-dollar earners, they love to talk about how busy they are and how many hours they’re working and it really does make them feel significant and powerful and like they’re working really hard and making all this money and busy, busy, busy, busy, busy and when she took that out of her vocabulary, and then I learned that from her and took it out of my vocabulary, it’s life-changing to not be able to say even the word busy.

When people call you, sometimes you just don’t want to talk and you’re like, “Oh, I’m really busy.” But now, I can’t say that. I’m either not answering or I have to be truthful and say, “I don’t want to talk right now.” It’s like cutting that story out, I think the hard story and the busy story is ingrained in all of us, whether we have kids or not. But I think it’s one more circumstance to add and bring up that busy, that hard to the surface.

So good. And so, you have been pioneering what it’s like to be a mom-preneur. And I know not everybody loves that term. Lindsay hates it. But you’re like killing it. You have a new baby. We were at the 200K event. We were just laughing before the call started that you were just pumping in the room and you were like, “Yeah, girlfriend, do it.” Pumping on the calls, pumping in the room, you be you.

Catherine: I remember talking to the videographer, I was like, “Where’s the shot? Where should I go?”

Stacey: I love it. But you know, Rachel Hart was in my mastermind, my million-dollar mentoring. And we had a conference room. And she was like, “Do you guys mind if I pump?” And we’re like, no, do it. And I was sitting there thinking, like, I love that you all are showing up in that way because I hope to be a mom and I love that there are now examples of permission to do things like that that might not have been, you know, five years ago, 10 years ago, no one may have ever been doing that, who knows?

So, I really love that example you’ve set, for even someone like me. So, what encouragement, what advice can you give to the moms that are at home right now? In your experience, what have you been coaching your clients on? What have you been coaching yourself on?

Catherine: It’s funny because I think, for me, I coach employees. Like, they’re working their nine to five. Now they’re working their nine to five, they’re scaling their businesses, and they’ve got their kids at home. and it turns out that – we talk so much about how coronavirus is just bringing up what was already there. It’s just making it so much louder and more clear. And so people who were at a point where they realized that they were disorganized with their time or that they weren’t honoring their time or that there were just wasted minutes, to the point that you guys made before of 15 or 20-minute chunks that just get wasted with scrolling.

It’s like, all of a sudden, we knew that was there, it’s just like it wasn’t pressed before. And so, what I really love for the clients that I’m working with, it’s a forcing function. It’s almost like a container where I think they’re going to become mature entrepreneurs so much more quickly because if they have that desire to build their business, I’m going to totally honor my time-blocked schedule. I’m going to do these things when I say I’m going to do them. There’s no more excuses and I just think yes, this is showing us all what we’re made of. And if we go all in on leading super hard into our growth edge, we’re going to come out like 10 years further along. It’s like a container for massive growth.

Stacey: I love that. And I want o just say, because you brought up a really good point, is we’re going to find out how well we’ve been using our time and what we’ve been honoring and not honoring. And we’re going to see all of it really plainly and clearly.

I think a lot of people don’t want to deal with time management and they don’t want to look at their productivity because, what I hear from especially creative types and, I think, a lot of coaches tend to be creatives is we fear that takes away our freedom, to be managing every minute. So, I would love – I think we should go around and everybody kind of talk about that for them. Because there’s no way, with you all having kids and having these businesses that you haven’t mastered your schedule to some degree.

So, let’s talk about that as a group, what your thoughts are about the process of learning how to do it and then the result of having done it, I think it’s the opposite of what a lot of people think. But we’ll start with you, Catherine.

Catherine: Yeah, it’s interesting actually. So, there’s this guy Jocko Willink. I don’t know, he probably doesn’t have much overlap with the Life Coach School Stacey Boehman world, but he is an ex-Navy Seal and he has a quote that basically, like, discipline is what gives you freedom.

And I think about this too, like, when I was an employee and I didn’t know entrepreneurship was an option, I had the thought that the only thing I could do was manage my money really effectively. And so, if I wanted money freedom, I had to get really good at money management. And the same thing is true of your time.

If you want time freedom, you build the time in first that you want to have to have for funsies, and then you get your stuff done. You just have to really be willing to see it as those two things are not at odds. They are actually the thing, discipline will give you freedom in the end, whether it’s money or time.

Stacey: So good. Rebecca, what are your thoughts about that?

Rebecca: Yeah, I feel like only in the last six months or so, probably since starting this mastermind, have a I really taken ownership of my schedule. And look what happened; there was a result of way more money when I did that. And I think that it was me looking at my schedule and deciding what I was going to put into it first, and then allowing even my clients to schedule around that, or my sales calls to schedule around that.

I kind of just had this idea that I had to be open to everything and everyone. An then I’ll fit everything else in kind of around it. And eventually – I mean, it never probably really worked, but then it got to a point where it really never worked and I was finding myself constantly coming, even in the mastermind, saying, “I keep telling myself I don’t have time, I don’t have time, I don’t have time.” And it was like, well I’m never going to have time if I don’t make time, if I don’t put in the time for the things I want to do.

So, I started to just decide, this is when I was going to write my content. And this was when I was going to sit and interact with my mastermind, and this is when I’m going to sit and, you know, work on my training. I do a weekly training in my Facebook group and stuff like that. And I’m not going to fit that in anymore. And now I know that that’s when I’m going to do it.

Or, even with my family, I’m going to stop at three o’clock and I’m going to engage with my daughter who really needs me at that time, and then I will pick up at this time if I want to. That sort of thing. When I started to do that, I felt way more in control of my business. And I have used that phrase a lot lately. I’m in control way more than my business is in control of me. And it’s a really good powerful feeling for sure.

Stacey: I love it. Lindsay, what are your thoughts?

Lindsay: Well, first, you know, I was very resistant to scheduling my time for a very long time and I just had this thought, like, no all the freedom is in the having the time freedom. And I have worked on it so much and I’m so grateful that I have because now not only is my, pre-all of the stuff going on right now, I was getting so much more done. Obviously, it became a necessity as my business got busier and busier to manage my time better. But now that the kids are home and, unfortunately, my husband isn’t retired and he doesn’t do all of the things and he doesn’t also think my business is more important than his, yet. But he does work for a hospital, so I guess I’ll give him some leeway on that.

But it’s so interesting now, how I see it even on another because I’m not resisting the reality of my kids being home. They are home. I do actually have to help them, to spend some time with them, to schedule them into. And so, now my schedule is just so buttoned up. It’s like, next level. We have 15 minutes of free time. We’re going to go for a walk, we’re going to go play, we’re going to have a dance party because it’s snowing or raining or whatever ridiculous kind of weather it is outside.

But seeing the benefit of it is just next level, even with my kids. Seeing the benefit they have when I take the time out, even if it’s 10 minutes or 15 minutes, just me taking the time to say, “Hey, how you guys doing? What’s going on?” Or we’re on spring break this week, but to redirect them, “What’s your next assignment? What’s the thing that you’re working on right now? What craft are you doing?” My daughter is building a robot, I’m like, show me all the things. Show me the parts. Can it clean yet? Because that’s what I’m waiting for. But it’s just the next level realization of, wait a minute, okay, I’m even more on board with this whole scheduling thing. So great.

Stacey: So good. I love it. Alright, who’s next? Let’s see, Samantha, you’re next, right?

Samantha: Yeah, so something that I’ve noticed with myself and all my clients is that you start doing the scheduling and then things don’t work within it. You fail in it. And this always happens with my clients where we’ll have this grand plan, we’ll work on their schedule, they’ll come back the next week and be like, it didn’t work, scheduling’s just not for me. And I’m like, no, this is how it works. You have to fail, fail, fail until you really figure out how it works for you and how to work for it. And then, what you discover is you become so much more efficient in your business. It takes less and less time.

Stacey: That was my experience.

Samantha: Yeah, the more clear and disciplined you are about what actually happens in this time and how much time does it take, you realize how much time you’re wasting with scrolling and all those other things. You lump those into business time, it’s not business. It’s not a money-making activity.

Stacey: That’s so good. I think it boils down to what you have to learn when you schedule your time, the biggest thing you have to learn is how to get done what you said you were going to get done in the amount of time you said you were going to do it. I think that is the hardest thing to learn.

And one of the things that I will give is that I worked with Lauren Cash on Monday Hour One, and she teaches Monday Hour One and how you plan your week and then honoring that schedule. And one of the things she teaches is that when you have something scheduled and you take longer than what you said you were going to take – you get to decide how long you’re going to give yourself. But of you go over that, you have to then not finish it and move onto the next thing and then deal with the consequence of not having gotten done the thing that you said you were going to get done, like a podcast for example. You have to deal with the consequence of you didn’t get it recorded in this time. You said you were going to and you have to move onto that next task and you have to keep doing that. And then you have to go back and deal with that consequence. And if you don’t let yourself deal with the consequence, you never learn how to make yourself use the time that you have.

And now I’ve made myself learn, okay, listen, were down to the wire. Let’s just record something. It doesn’t matter what it is, or whatever it is. We have to send out an email or we have to do this, it can’t always be my best work, sometimes it has to just be the work that gets done in the amount of time I gave myself and you just have to move on. And I think that is very difficult to break if you’re not in the habit of doing that.

And so, I love what you said about you have to be willing to fail at it. and I even, when I was working with Lauren, went through and I did a whole week’s time journal. And it was astonishing to see how much time actually went to just sitting in drama. Like, you had to actually write down, like, this time was used thinking this wasn’t going to work. This time was spent being overwhelmed by how much I have to do.

I had to write all of that stuff down. And then it was all of a sudden like, wait, it’s not that I actually don’t have time to get all this stuff done. It’s that I’m spending all this time spinning in drama, being overwhelmed about the schedule, being scatterbrained. I spent so much time in my head, not actually in my business.

And I love what you say, when you’re scrolling on Facebook with no specific intention, when you’re spinning in your head or being in drama, you lump that into business time, and that isn’t actually business time. That’s like inefficient unproductive time, right? And it’s so important to see that so that you can start having power over it. so good. Alright, Danielle, what are your thoughts?

Danielle: Well, even though I shared that brilliant thing that I used to do, my mind is still very rebellious against scheduling and so I go in and out. I go in periods where I am very adhered to my schedule. I think about what ‘m going to do ahead of time. And voila, I’m actually a more pleasant human being, I make more money, but my brain is still like middle finger every time that I want to do it.

Like, right now, the only thing really on my schedule is sex. Everybody listening, schedule sex for the love, okay, just stop. Number two, hiking, you know. Number three… it’s not all of my business stuff because I want to make decisions on what I should be working on in business, and so that’s where my biggest resistance comes up. Like, what’s the best thing? What do I want to? What am I avoiding? And so, it’s so clear to me, the weeks that I don’t schedule, I’m really in a place of I don’t know and resistance and those weeks, I don’t produce anything like money or something that I’m proud of or moving forward towards something.

And so, like I said, it’s this push-pull, but I feel like it’s more and more awareness between. I think we talked about the podcast that I was on, like, one month that I created 50,000 or something and I was moving, I was in a wedding, I was traveling, I was doing all of this stuff. But just like you were talking about this drama, right? It was just like, any time that drama came up in my head, I was like, I don’t have time for this shit, onto the next.

It was just so efficient and I created so much. I was a part of so much. I was so present. And it’s continuously reminding my rebellious mind, actually you like this. This is something you want. And so, I’m going to just be honest. I’m still in that push-pull…

Stacey: I love it because people listening are going to be like, “Oh my gosh, they are all doing it so perfectly.” Like, I love that you say you’re still working on it. I didn’t start working on it until I was making a million, which is my biggest feat too, really.

Danielle: Yeah, and I still feel like that is going to be my biggest. But the more I schedule, the more I make decisions ahead of time, the more I commit to the decisions I’ve made, it always benefits – it’s more pleasurable, number one. I make more money. I’m actually nice to the rest of my family because I’m not blaming them for getting in the way of me not being able to do all the things, which is what we do.

We’re like, “I don’t have time for this. I’m the one that does everything.” And it’s like, actually no, I just haven’t committed and I’ve just sat in drama for the last three hours.

Stacey: That’s so good. I love what you say about how if you don’t plan your time and if you don’t decide how you’re going to use it, by default, most likely you will fall into sitting there with time saying, “I don’t know what to do.” And that’s another thing that Lauren taught me is you schedule for results. So, you don’t schedule for tasks. You schedule for what you will accomplish in that time.

So, it’s like, a podcast will be recorded, this email will be written, this call will be completed. So, you will write down the things that you will actually have at the end of that time, and I think that’s so powerful to see because when you schedule like that, you never have to say, “I don’t know what I should be spending my time with,” and you get less of that time sitting there spinning and being in drama.

So good. But it is definitely just rewiring the way we generally tend to think. And so, it’s always a little bit hard in the beginning, or a lot hard. I remember I had one call with Lauren where I literally had a nervous breakdown and cried the entire call. But now that I look back and I’m like, “Oh my gosh, I just can’t…” I have more time ever to just sit around and do nothing, and it’s fantastic to let myself get bored and see what comes up. And I could not have imagined that a couple of years ago. I was just always in that frenzy and in that spinning. So, I think that’s such a good topic for us to bring to light.

Okay, so, does anyone have anything, when you’re thinking about working at home in your business and making money with kids at home, is there anything that you guys feel like we have not covered? I feel like we covered a lot, but I want to make sure there wasn’t anything you planned on talking about today that you didn’t get to bring up?

Catherine: I have a quick tip. I did this on my Instagram story a couple of days ago. I just realized how much time this Coronavirus thing has brought up for me how I resist reality. I noticed the other day – because we have childcare, we have help, but the baby was crying downstairs and I was on a client call and then later I’m trying to design out stuff for my own intellectual property. And I was feeling irritated and I was like, “Well I know it’s not the baby’s crying. It’s coming from a thought.” And the thought was like, he shouldn’t be doing that, or I wish he weren’t doing that.

Stacey: Yeah, but he is doing that.

Catherine: Yeah, so, like the moment I found that thought and I just released it, it was like, I could feel the tension just melt from my body and I just started laughing. I’m like, he’s a baby, of course he should cry, he’s a baby. And so, just to be onto yourself, if you’re building a business and you’ve got kids at home, there’s some things that we tell ourselves like they shouldn’t be doing it. And just remember, they probably should.

Stacey: Yeah, because they are. It’s just reality. That’s what’s happening. So good. Lindsay…

Lindsay: The one thing I would add, because I just see all of my clients doing it – and it’s so funny, I was going to say resisting reality, but in a bit of a different way. Like, thinking, “I can’t believe this is happening to me,” right, like why are they home, why is this happening?

And then, added on top, the thought, “Now’s the time, if you’re a coach, now is the time. You should be out there. You should be getting all the clients, telling everyone we can save the world.” No, sometimes – I know for myself, that first week it was like, okay this is just a little bit of survival mode this week.

We’re going to do what we can do. We’re going to figure it out. I’m not going to get caught up in this, “Now is the time.” Also yesterday was the time and next year is the time and last month was the time. It’s always the time. No problem. So, the competing, resisting reality, and like, but now is the time to shine, everybody else is doing it, go do your thing…

Stacey: Yes, I just coached someone in 2K about that. I was like – because I’ve been saying that, like now is our time, to motivate people. But now they’re using it against themselves and they’re like, “Now is the time I have to use all of the time very well.” And they’re shutting themselves down over it.

And I literally just told someone in 2K, well, what if the time is also six months from now? I literally said, what if this time is actually no different than any other time? And what if it’s no more valuable now than it was before and it will be after? It’s neutral. And if that thought motivates you and excites you, go for it. But f it doesn’t then you’ve got to not say that to yourself for sure.

Lindsay: I just wrote almost those exact words in an email because all of my clients tends to be overachievers. And so they’re like, “No, but now is really the time,” and it’s this crazy frantic, “But I have to go do the thing.” And I’m like, no you have to control what’s in your house first, then go do the thing. Great.

Stacey: Then go use the time that is now. That’s a really good turnaround for it. It’s like, now is the time, or the time is just now and it’s neutral. I love that. Okay, anybody else? Samantha, what you got?

Samantha: I just want to say, to give yourself grace all the time, but also during this time. It’s just never going to be perfect. We’re human beings and that is so fine. Perfection is not the standard for us.

Stacey: So good, I love it. Love, love, love. Alright, anyone else?

Rebecca: I was just thinking about how – I just asked this question in my Facebook group. I said, you know, does it serve your employer, or in this case your business, to take care of your family right now? And I got mixed responses. Most people were on the no side and a few people were on the yes. And it’s this discussion of actually you taking care of you and what your family needs right now serves your business, it serves your employer immensely more because you’re not worried.

The mental load that you carry for the sake of your family is huge and it holds us all back when we don’t feel safe and when we don’t feel taken care of and when whatever, when there’s chaos in our family side of life, right? And so, this idea that actually, it serves your money-making venture to take the time to take care of your family because all of your action becomes way more productive and efficient and effective when you take action. And it’s a huge time save in the end, but you have to shift your thought in that way.

And I have a lot of my clients, like, take your work time to do this work because it serves them for you to do this. Like, they should pay you to do this kind of thought work for yourself because you’re going to be way better at your work if you do that.

Stacey: I love that. I feel like I heard ether Sheryl Sandberg or Ariana Huffington talked about this, but this idea that women – actually everyone at work, when they’re taking care of themselves, produce so much more. And it’s the opposite of the way a lot of times corporations run things, like, let’s get everything out of you we possibly can who cares what’s happening at home?

And I can’t remember who it was, but they were like, we have to reintroduce the idea or switch that up and say, like, we’ve got to care what’s happening at home because what’s happening at home impacts what’s happening at work, which is such a good thing to bring up. I love it.

Okay, listen, here’s what we’re going to do. Every single person on this call can help you, if you’re listening to this podcast, can help you in some capacity. We’re going to link up all of their information if you want to get help with one of these coaches, if what they do would really serve you, you can find their information in the show notes.

If you are really struggling with this, I really do want to highly recommend that you reach out to someone, that you get help with this because it does go back to what Rebecca was saying, what you do today and how you make use of this time does impact what happens in six months.

Not in a way that you should be like, “Oh my god now is the time,” but in a way that I just want you to know, you have the resources here, you have the podcast, and if you want to get better at this, you want to take advantage of these ladies’ expertise, please do so and know that it is an investment for your future, that there is a solution out there.

You’re not alone. People have gone before you. Jack Canfield always says that for every circumstance you have, no matter how chaotic it seems, no matter how impossible it seems, there is someone in the world who has had your exact same circumstance and figured out how to overcome it. And that transformed me knowing that.

There is someone out there, no matter what I’m going through, who has also gone through it and figured it out. And these ladies have gone through it. They have figured it out and they can help you do the same. And we can also help you in 2K, and a lot of these women are instructors in 2K, but I deeply want everyone to know that there are resources out there to help you with this. There are coaches who can get you through this and you can be a completely different person on the other side.

Alright, thank you, ladies, so much. We’re going to link together all of your information so that people can find you. We really appreciate your time. We know it’s very precious and I know this is going to help so many people. Bye.

Hey, if you are ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2K for 2K program where you’re going to make your first $2000, the hardest part, and then $200,000 using my proven formula. It’s risk-free. You either make your 2K or I give you your 2K back. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

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