Make Money as a Life Coach® | Truth Bombs from Inside 2K for 2K

Over the last six weeks, I’ve been doing daily live coaching inside my 2K for 2K program as part of my response to the coronavirus pandemic. I believe people need coaches now, more than ever, and so this was a way for me to help my clients feel supported through this crisis and keep their minds in a place where they can help and serve their people.

These snippets of coaching that I’m sharing with you today are struggles that I see so many of my clients experience, so I know that they’re going to help you in some way too. I don’t hold back, so these truth bombs are going to hit hard and get you on track to serving your clients in the best way possible.

Join me on the podcast this week as I share some gems from six weeks of live coaching from inside 2K for 2K. This is going to give you an idea of what coaching with me is like, and we cover everything from how to take massive action, what it takes to sign clients, and how to grow your confidence and become an expert in your craft. You don’t want to miss this episode!

If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • How to start taking massive action.
  • Why your belief creates your action plan and how your plan can tell you where you are on your belief meter.
  • The truth about how many people you need to be connecting with to sign clients.
  • How your belief has an impact on the type of results you get.
  • Why you have to be willing to get creative to find clients.
  • How people misunderstand the purpose of the model.
  • Why you should never question if the potential client is the right person or not.
  • One thought to let go of when it comes to signing clients and a new thought to think instead.
  • Why you have to treat your brain like a toddler.
  • An exercise to help you grow your confidence and become an expert.
  • Why it’s impossible to undercharge.
  • How to build your business value.

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Full Episode Transcript:

Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hey coaches, welcome to episode 73. I have a super fun episode for you today. We just completed six weeks of daily live coaching inside 2K for 2K. It was part of my response to the coronavirus pandemic. I really believe as coaches, we can help the world right now by coaching people’s brains.

So I wanted to give my clients a huge burst of support and keep their minds strong and solution-focused. I wanted to keep them selling coaching instead of contributing to the decline of mental health in our world, in contributing to the fear, contributing to the drama.

I really wanted to keep them focused on their craft and selling and making money so they leave the pandemic feeling like they’ve accomplished something and they’re further ahead than they were. So we don’t have any corona talk in my program. We talk money, we talk selling.

So I asked my videographer, Matt, to pull some of the coaching truth bombs I handed out throughout those six weeks and give you a taste of what our coaching calls are like when you get inside the program. So when you join 2K for 2K, you get access to weekly live coaching and all of the past coaching calls we have done, including the six weeks of daily coaching we just completed. That’s inside there too.

So if you want to binge on something more productive than Netflix, if you’d like, they’re there. So get ready. I hold nothing back. Here’s some coaching truth bombs from inside 2K for 2K.

What it will require for you is to not believe about yourself that you’re just someone that doesn’t take action. You guys that are watching, I want you to think about this because this is an extreme example but you guys all go through this where you’re like, “I can’t take massive action, I can’t take action.” Yes, you can. You physically are capable of doing it. But every time you tell yourself that you can’t do it, you just quit ahead of time. That’s all you’re doing.

It’s like every time you say I can’t take massive action; you’re quitting ahead of time. I remember the first time I was even thinking about starting a program for 2K for 2K, I was going to call it Diva University. This was back when I was doing the Diva Business School stuff. And I remember that I literally didn’t know the first step about starting a program.

Literally no idea what it entails. No idea what I’m even going to put in it, how to even organize my thoughts. So my most basic idea for how I’m going to organize my thoughts was I’m going to buy a poster board and I’m going to put Post-Its on it and I’m going to write the content on the Post-Its, and I’m going to go across the board and each little Post-It will represent a module and I’m going to write what I’m going to teach on that Post-It and then I’m going to create an order.

And I remember being on the phone with my one-on-one coach who was like, “Okay, so the first step is you put your shoes on. The next step is you get your purse. The next step is you go to the car. The next step is you turn the car on. The next step is you drive to Target. Then you buy a poster board and Post-Its and pen. You bring them home. You write Diva University on the first Post-It. You post that on the board.”

And you have to sometimes be that basic with yourself to get yourself started. I don’t know all the things, but I know the first step is put my shoes on. That’s like, I’m not even joking with that. Sometimes that’s the place that you have to go.

The act of questioning the plan takes you out of belief because it shows that you’re not fully in belief because you’re questioning the plan. You’re like, “But the plan… I really believe it’s possible but I’m not sure I’m doing the right things to make it happen.” That’s what’s actually happening and I think that you guys have to know that that’s what’s happening, otherwise you fix the wrong problem.

And whenever you’re in the like, “I got to know the how and I have to check the how and I have to make sure I’m doing the how,” like I just answered a question in Ask a Coach where someone was like, “I mean, I get that it’s my thoughts and stuff but I need examples for bridging the gap. I need to know specifically how I do it. I need you to give me examples, I need you to double check my examples, I need to know that it’s correct.”

I’m like, no, that’s being really focused on the A line, being really focused on your actions, thinking that the tangible thing that you say or the tangible thing that you do is what is going to sign a client. But when you’re actually fully in 100% I’m going to sign the client, you also have a plan to back that up. My belief creates the plan and the plan is the result of me having the belief and it tells me exactly where my belief meter is.

You decide what actions will create that money, guaranteed. You sit there and you say, “Okay, if I think I’m going to sign a client today, if I believe I’m going to sign a client, what actions are going to sign that client today? What am I going to do to call my people in? What am I going to do to serve people today?”

And then you make that list and then you do it. And then you keep doing it until you make 2K. Sometimes you guys use that against yourself of like, you believe that you’re going to make 2K today, and then you don’t and you’re like, “Well, it didn’t work.” But you have to keep doing that every single day and then what has to happen on the other side of the belief is you have to put enough value into the world that the value tips over and you give so much value someone can’t help but pay you.

So you have to have a plan of your value. A value plan. How you’re going to do it. How are you meeting new people? And how many new people are you meeting a day? Because sometimes I’m posting, I’m posting, I’m posting, I’m posting, but you’re not meeting enough people to be reading those posts.

Your reaction tells me that you’re not meeting enough people. Yeah, that’s why you haven’t signed a client yet. That’s it. There’s the belief that you’re actually going to make money, your product is amazing, you really believe in it, and you believe people want it, you believe people are actively seeking to look for it right now, like there’s someone today that if you connect with them they would find it, but then you actually have to go out and connect with those people.

You have to find those people. And you guys are like, where do I find those people? And you feel very greedy to know the answer to that, not specifically you, but just everybody on this call. Like, “Stacey should tell me exactly what Facebook group to join, I can get my 2K’s worth. I need to know exactly what group, exactly where to find these people.”

So many people act like that, right? But you have to do the work, you have to do the critical thinking of how do I find these people? Do I go to them? Do I bring them to me? How do I do that? Do I create a training? Do I create a Facebook event? Do I create a Facebook group? Do I go to Facebook groups?

Like, where do I find those people? Especially online right now more than ever, but I have to be creative and find those people. I got to be connecting with people all day long. Your day at the end of the day, you should feel like you connected with so many new people.

And I think you’re doing what everybody does. They’re nailing – you’re telling people who you are, you’re making offers to help, but it’s the same people over and over and over. And so then you start trying to troubleshoot what you’re saying to people instead of troubleshooting the amount of people who see what you’re saying.

It’s got to be like, however many people you think need to read an email or read a post to sign up with you, it’s probably 10 times that. So you just got to keep finding those people. It’s like, the name of the game is expand your network. You don’t even have to be specific. It doesn’t matter who those people are. It just matters – touching as many people as possible.

Because the six degrees of separation rule always applies to coaching. So someone you meet might know someone who knows someone who really needs coaching, and they might find you through those two people. You never know. My very first client was not even in my social media network.

I was coaching her friend, her friend told her about coaching, she was like, I have to have a life coach. She looked me up, sent me a message, how can I work with you? Expand your network and your reach as much as possible without thinking about am I finding the right people, where are the right people. Just let me connect with as many people as possible.

You got to be willing to get as creative as possible. I remember that was the reason I succeeded so quickly was I was so willing. I didn’t have this program. I didn’t have anybody. This was before even like, my life coach school had any kind of business program. I just had – I took a certification, six days, no additional help.

So I had to get super creative and the reason I was so successful is because I was willing to do that. I think most people in this call, you guys have to check your willingness to get super creative and think on your own. Like, where do I find these people?

I created networking events. I went to networking events. I would drive hours. I know you guys can’t do that right now physically, but I would go into groups and participate. I created my own group. I created a coach-a-thon where I just coached people live on Facebook Live.

I did a my favorite things giveaway where I gave away and mailed out $500 worth of products. I don’t even know. Just all my favorite things. And I sat there and sold the thing I was giving away, got people to share the video out to other people, and then in between items, I would talk about coaching and why it’s so powerful and the program I’m offering and offer for people to do one-on-one.

And I even gave away one-on-one coaching consults with that my favorite things giveaway. And what else did I do? I started a Facebook group. I would post – I just stayed in creativity about how can I reach people, how can I go out to them, how can I bring them in to me. And I was willing to just implement every idea I had. Every single one. Staying in the belief the entire time that I’m going to sign clients.

I agree with you. I think that we have to keep going no matter what. You have to take action whether you feel good or whether you feel bad. That’s just a piece of consistency where one of the most important lessons you ever learn is show up no matter what, even when.

I teach that concept of like, even when, you have to show up as if your business is your baby. So if you’re sick, you don’t stop taking care of the baby. If you’re having a bad day or you’re feeling a lot of shame or you’re feeling really angry or your sister is a narcissist or whatever, whatever life circumstance you have, if you have a baby, you have to take care of the baby no matter what.

I 100% am on board with you there. But is it easier to take care of the baby when you’re feeling in control of your emotions, when you’re feeling very intentional with your time, when you’re feeling not on edge or not ashamed or not blaming your narcissist sister for something that’s happening to you?

When you have a choice on how you want to feel and you decide to feel powerful or courageous, which courageous doesn’t even feel good, but courageous, does taking care of the baby – is it easier and more effective?

You think the actions are what you’ve got to do to get results. I’m on board with you. I take a lot of action in my business. I am a mover, I’m a shaker, I’m a grinder, I’m a hustler, and I love it. I produce a lot of content. I love doing that.

But I just know I get more effective results when I’m believing, for example, that my clients really want what I have to offer, when I think that my offer is really amazing, and when I’m really checking in with myself. Like, something I asked myself yesterday in my own self-coaching was on a scale of one to 10, how much do I believe that any single person on this Earth could join 2K and learn how to make money in 30 days?

Like, what is my scale from one to 10, 10 being the most belief, how much I do believe that any person no matter what could get a result? And I just went with the first number and it was a seven. And I was like, okay, so what would I need to believe to make it a 10? And I found all of these thoughts and then I said, what was I believing that made it a seven? And I found all of these thoughts.

And now I know that those thoughts are there when I’m marketing my business, whether I pay attention to them or not. So I’m still going to take action no matter what and I’m still making a lot of money. It’s almost like, when you look at your thoughts, the actions you take become more educated action.

So it gives you a way to problem-solve and evaluate when you don’t get a result that you want, and it also gives you a way to have more educated effective action in the future, from your choice. Because sometimes our brain offers these thoughts – some of these thoughts that came up, I was like, oh, that’s ridiculous, that’s not even true.

Just a sentence in my brain that I’ve never thought to question. And now I just will never think that thought again because I’ve truly questioned it and it just makes my belief in my program go up just a little bit more, and then it makes the selling that much more effective.

I think the thing that people get stuck with the model is they don’t realize that the circumstance is neutral, but also the result is neutral. So let’s just say you have a thought and you take a bunch of action – actually, let’s just say you didn’t even know what the thought is.

You take a bunch of action and the result that you get is no clients. That is not actually inherently a problem or a negative. So some people think that the model is supposed to show them how to be better or how to get better results or how to be better humans, but that’s not inherently a negative result.

So you don’t even have to do a model or think about your thought and what created it unless you want to. Unless you’re like, but I don’t like this result and I believe I could probably have a better one so let me use that. But no result that you ever get is negative.

So there would never be like, I have a result so I have to use the model. It’s just I could use the model if I personally choose I want a different result. Does that make sense? Like some people think debt is negative and they’re like, “Oh my god, I have $33,000 of debt, it’s really bad.” But it’s actually pretty neutral.

And you use the model not to be out of debt and be better. You just use it to see how you got there and if you want to change it. Because some people will be negative $33,000 in debt but it’s because they invested in their business and they feel great about it. They’re like, I wouldn’t change that at all.

For everybody listening, I would always make every single consult, every single one, they were the right person, you did it wrong. I would do that every single time so that you’re never questioning – because right now you’re in this energy of like, I don’t know if they’re the right people or not, am I getting the right people, which means you’re thinking, is this effort producing something that I want? Is it the right effort?

I don’t want you guys thinking about that. I want you guys out there like, massive action for your value bank and then just owning every single time you don’t sell, it was my fault, here’s exactly what I did wrong. In my hunch, this is what I think I did wrong, this is why I think this is the problem, and then this is my plan to fix it moving forward.

What would change about what you’re going to do moving forward if that were your thought process? Your plan doesn’t even matter. You guys think that the plan matters. It doesn’t. Just throw everything out that you can think of, that you can pull off. Put all of that out there. That doesn’t matter.

What I’m saying is what’s going to be different moving forward if your plan – if you just dropped the idea that they weren’t the right people and you believed they were the right people, you just didn’t sell them right, what will be different about you going into that plan?

When you guys are doing consults, there’s a difference between convincing someone to buy or even in your marketing, convincing someone to sign up, there’s a difference of that versus teaching someone decision-making, which is what overcoming objections is. It’s just teaching decision-making.

So I just want you to shift your brain a little bit because you’re making it very personally about you. If you’re at the place where you’re like, “People don’t want to work with me,” they want to work with me might be too big of a jump. So where I’m taking you instead is people don’t want to work with anybody. People want their results. That’s what they care about.

So instead of me thinking about them wanting to work with me, what if I started thinking about how do I get them results? How do I communicate with to them that I can help them get results? How do I get through to them? How do I make that result possible for them?

Let me just start thinking about them and the result they want instead of me. And if I do 30 consults and only two people sign, all that’s happened is I didn’t communicate to them that they could get their results simply and doably. I just missed that somehow.

So it’s not about them not wanting to personally work with me. I just didn’t communicate something and I have to work on that. And when I stay focused on that, instead of thinking they don’t want to work with me, I’m more productive in my thinking and in my problem-solving.

Because this about this; if it’s not that they don’t want to work with you, then you have to get to work, right? There’s not a good reason to take a break or not show up, right? You have to really get to work if it’s not that reason.

I have a client right now in 200K who makes a lot of money, but she kind of hit this plateau where she wasn’t making more money and she wasn’t scaling to millions like she wanted. And one of the most painful things that she’s having to do right now is she had always been making it about like, people want to work with me and it’s all about her and her story.

And she hadn’t spent the excruciating, painful time of thinking about her people and making it all about them and what do they want to hear and staying in it’s all about them and I have to just figure out how to communicate to them, and that’s my number one job.

And now she’s in that and she’s like, oh my god, I did this, and I talked about this group of people and they totally lit up and they were like, oh my god, this is me. And then I talked about this group of people and they were like, oh my god, this is me. And then I talked about this group of people. She has like, three different client avatars.

And she’s like, I’m realizing I just wasn’t speaking to them. I wasn’t talking to them. And it’s literally just the switch of – and a lot of you guys are going to be like, wait, but how do I do that? It’s literally just thinking, what haven’t I said that they need to hear?

It’s just literally always making it about them instead of you. Even when you’re just sharing the basic hero’s journey that I teach you guys, sharing your transformations, sharing your fails, sharing what’s working for anyone that you work with, sharing what’s working for you, any breakthroughs you’re having, lessons, anything that inspires you.

It really is that simple of what inspires me right now that – what could help one person coming from a place of love, just focused on serving them? It can be that simple, but it’s got to be focused on them and then the constant – you have to be constantly writing to them, constantly offering value, constantly offering content, making it all about them. And it can’t ever be about you. And if you are ever going to make it about you, the only thought that you can have is that they do want to work with you.

This is what it is. You made a decision and now your brain wants to tell you that you made the wrong decision and that you need to make a different decision to get out of this decision. And really, you just need to have your own back.

I was coaching someone on this yesterday. You have to notice that that’s just your brain. Your brain – for all of you listening, you have to know that your brain is always going to feed you thoughts for you to change the circumstance. All day long. You’re going to be doing your thought work and your brain is going to come in, your unintentional thinking is going to go, “Change the C, change the C, change the C.”

It’s going to do that all day long the entire time you build your business and your entire life. And this isn’t just like, oh, that sounds exhausting, I don’t want to do that anymore. That is life. All humans, if you watch them, are out in the world trying to change the C. I think this world right now with the crisis is a fantastic human experiment to kind of watch where everyone’s trying to control other people to make themselves feel safe.

Everyone’s doing it. Like, let me control what other people are doing so I can feel safe. Let me change the C so I can feel a certain way, right? That’s just the human brain. It’s just going to feed that to you all day long and you have to decide intentionally what C’s you are going to create by making a decision. Does that make sense?

So you created the C of your niche my making a decision, right? So you create the C of your pricing by making a decision. You create the C of making an offer by making a decision. So there’s the C’s you create and then your brain is just going to want you to change them because it always thinks that that’s the problem.

It always thinks it’s something outside of us that is the problem, but it never is. So you have to have your own back when you make a decision and create a C for yourself and then you have to go to work to turn that C into a result, turn that circumstance into a result.

So here’s what I mean by that. You have to go to work to take your niche in style coaching, you have to go to work every single day in your brain and in the way that you feel and the actions you take to create the result of that niche working for you. It’s a lot of – you guys are all as entrepreneurs, raising children. You just don’t know it.

You’re like, your brain is the child and you have to constantly be redirecting it and guiding it and teaching it and telling it what’s happening in the world and explaining things to it. Your brain’s going to be like, “Why? I don’t want to do this. Why?” And you’re going to have to be like, “Well, because we want to make money and making offers means making money.”

You have to teach your brain. You have to treat it kind of like it’s a child and so if it throws a tantrum, we don’t decide that – if a child throws a tantrum because it didn’t get candy, we don’t decide, oh, the child should have had candy. Something has gone wrong. No, we’re like, it’s just throwing a tantrum.

So when your brain starts throwing a tantrum about not having consults and it’s like, you need to change your niche, you got to be like, no. This is what you do but you don’t get the candy and you can cry it out, it’s fine, but you’re still not getting the candy. You’re going to eat your broccoli.

I talk about being the strongest energy in the room and I also talk about being an expert. That’s what I mean by that is like, there’s a confidence level when you walk into a room with the thought, “I know what I’m doing, I know what I’m talking about,” there’s a confidence level that comes with that where people are intrigued by that.

People want to find leaders to follow. They want – it’s like Donald Miller talks about this in StoryBrand. Every movie that you watch, every single one, there’s a hero, that’s your client. And there is always someone they come in contact with that is their guide. Like Skywalker has Yoda.

Every hero, if you look at every movie, they have a guide. People are looking for guides. Heroes are always looking for guides to get them to the next place, right? So when you walk in and you’re like, the guide, you’re carrying that energy because your thought is I know what I’m doing, I know what I’m talking about.

Because you choose to think those thoughts that you just gave me over and over and over and over again and reinforce them by looking for evidence out in the world to prove those thoughts even truer, you grow your confidence, you grow your confidence, you grow your confidence, you walk into any room, virtual or live, and you help people. You give value, even if you’re not making direct offers, people feel that guide energy.

And they want it because they’re the hero and the hero needs a guide, right? And then you create really strong offers. People take you up on it because you believe you, they believe you. And then you go to work on doing the same thing in your consults.

And the stronger you get as you’re being a guide in your consults, the more clients you will sign. You’re going to have to work that belief over and over and over and over. All of the reasons. I want you to do for the next 30 days straight, every single day, you wake up and you spend at least 10 minutes asking yourself why you know exactly what you’re doing and what you’re talking about, and you just list out all the reasons.

And it’s kind of like what you’re grateful for except like, why do I know what I’m talking about? Why do I know what I’m doing? And at first it might be the same things over and over again, but eventually you’re going to come up with different thoughts.

You’re going to come up with even more thoughts. You’re going to start finding evidence. That list will grow and grow and grow and as it does, so is your confidence.

I’m going to stop you. You said you’ve been saying that word a lot. I’ve been struggling. I want you to notice that because I also pay attention to that. For me, I went through a phase this year, last year – I think it was last year, where everything I said was like, that’s so annoying. I’m so annoyed.

I noticed myself saying it all of the time. And I was like, oh, my brain is just feeding me that reaction. It’s like a habitual thought and a habitual state of being and feeling. And what’s interesting is just when you start noticing how often you say something like that, you can be onto yourself with awareness of it, the more you start to see yourself do it, you’ll start to detach from it and question it.

Like, am I actually annoyed? Am I actually struggling? I want you to just catch that because I have a feeling like, yes, we’re going to coach on it, don’t worry. But I have a feeling, just when you said that to me, it could really just be this habitual response your brain is feeding you that it’s going to start feeding you all of the time and then you’re going to find all of the evidence to support it and you can throw yourself into this spin cycle of struggling for a while until you break out of it and question it. So I just want to get it early and let’s nip it in the bud.

I always want to have – and I’m actually getting ready to do a podcast about this because I see this so often. Coaches talking about people undercharging. I think it’s impossible to undercharge. I’ve made so much money undercharging in my life. I’m like, it’s just not possible.

If I undercharge, it will always mean that I have a surplus of people who want to work with me, and I’ll never run out of a client base, I’ll never run out of making money. It’s just impossible.

So I know there’s a school of thought of like, oh, you’ve got to charge what you’re worth and get as much out of it, but what I’ve seen happen to coaches a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot is they go to that maximum price they could charge. I’m going to give you an example. I don’t know what yours is.

But let’s just say they’re like, I could charge $30,000 for my coaching. Like a year of coaching, I could charge $30,000. And they get someone to say yes at $30,000, and they’re like, see, yes, $30,000 in the bank, got someone to pay $30,000. But not everybody – that’s a 20% of the people or 10% of the people they find might be willing to pay $30,000.

But now, they’re expecting everyone to step up to that $30,000 but they don’t have – haven’t built a client base of people that are willing to pay $30,000 yet, right? So now it’s like, oh crap, I signed that one person but now I haven’t signed anybody for six months because I thought I had a line of people wanting to pay me $30,000. I had one person that was willing to pay $30,000.

So my job is just to keep you signing clients. I think signing clients is the most important thing you can do until you get to where you’re booking yourself solid. And when you’re there, and you’re like, no, but I only have a couple of spots, they’re very precious, I have to raise my prices, it feels like it’s just not even the same game anymore. It’s a definite no if you don’t pay this price because I only have this many spots left.

Your pricing has nothing to do with your self-value or worth. Your pricing has to do with your business value. And that is something that you can – all humans are inherently incredibly valuable but not all humans have inherent business value. That’s something you have to create.

And for me, the way that I want to create it is by getting as much coaching practice as I possibly can, as much coaching experience as I can. So for me, for all of you, the name of the game is get as much experience as you can as fast as possible, and be willing to do that at whatever rate it requires to get people in the door.

So if I can get practice with somebody else’s business for $40 an hour, I’m going to do that all day long while I build my business. Now, I can charge $100 an hour in my business, but I’m still going to get that experience because that experience is going to build my business value, which again, has nothing to do with my self-value.

Your business value has to do with your experience, your ability to get your clients results, and actually, I want to say this for everyone listening. Your business value has nothing to do with your past training and credentials. So a lot of you feel very entitled to charging a lot because you’ve got a certification and you’re at a different level than the other coaches.

But it doesn’t matter. If you have a certification, if you have a master certification, if you have EFT training, it literally doesn’t matter at all. The business value is the experience you have getting people results. And until you have that, you want to be able to practice getting people results as much as you can, whether it’s for free, whether it’s for $40 an hour, $60 an hour, $100 an hour, it doesn’t matter.

But for me, I would be looking for all of the opportunity that I could find to gain that business value, to get that experience, and any money that comes in, I would consider it like, icing on the cake.

We have to teach people the importance of buying and investing and taking action and staying committed even when. It’s the most important lesson you could literally ever learn is how to stay on track even when, and then whatever comes after the even when.

It’s fascinating to me that this guy wants to be a coach and he wants to be a motivational speaker, but he’s not willing to take action even when. We attract in business who we are in life, so if he can’t figure out how to overcome his even when circumstances, how could he ever ask his clients to?

He has a thought that makes him feel uncertain. Money never makes us feel anything. It’s an illusion. This is so fascinating. He thought that he was making $40,000. That was never true. He just thought it was guaranteed. He was like, we lost $40,000. No, it was never there.

This is what my coach says to me. She’s like, “Your wedding, that was never on June 27th. That was never happening.” Like, what? But it was. She was like, “Never. It was never happening on June 27th.” So it’s really fascinating to even push your clients into that space of like – and when I say push, I just mean like, coach them hard.

That money was never there. And that’s true for all of you who are life coaches who are like, “A client quit, I just lost money.” No. That client was never finishing their package. That money was never there. We’re not ever guaranteed money. We just think that we’re guaranteed money. We rely on money. We count on money. We expect it. We plan for it. We spend it something ahead of time. But it’s never guaranteed.

Why doesn’t he have savings? Why is he not in a place where he’s like, it’s totally fine that we’re losing $40,000? He made bad decisions. You have to be willing to tell him that.

Speaker: I would never say that you made bad decisions.

That was a bad decision. What’s the thought – okay hold on because this is so good. I’ve been seeing a trend of what you all do. Your client gives you an objection and then you say, “I coached him on it a little,” but what you guys are actually doing is trying to convince them. You’re just telling them.

You need to tell him he made a bad decision. He bought a house and didn’t have enough savings to prepare for this $40,000 deficit. That was a bad decision. We need to figure out what’s happening in his brain that’s creating those decisions and then creating that result.

When you’re building a business, you have a baby. You should not ever be buying a house when you’re building a baby. Never. That’s a bad decision. If he’s made it, fine, we have to live with it, but we need to coach to make sure decisions like that never happen again.

The next bad decision he’s going to make is not get coaching to start a business that could generate him revenue when he can’t generate revenue as a chiropractor right now. So he’s like, I don’t have money, $40,000 isn’t coming in. So I’m not going to keep spending money in order to figure out how to make money while the money isn’t coming in. I’m just going to sit around on my hands.

But you have to be strong enough to say that to someone, even if it makes them mad. No one else in the world is going to say that to him. His wife is going to be like, “Oh honey, you’re doing the best you can,” right? “It’ll be okay, honey. It’ll get better. Don’t worry. We’ve been through harder times.”

No one’s going to be like, you made a bad decision. Why did you make that decision? Let’s coach on it, let’s figure it out so you never make a bad decision again.

Hey, if you are ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2K for 2K program, where you’re going to make your first $2000, the hardest part, and then $200,000 using my proven formula. It’s risk-free. You either make your 2K or I give you your 2K back. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

Enjoy the Show?

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