Make Money as a Life Coach® | Million Dollar Launch

We just launched the most recent 200K mastermind group, and it was the biggest launch I have ever done. I made a million dollars in one day, over one launch, and I’m going to break it all down for you today.

I wanted this launch to be the biggest one yet, especially because of the pandemic and the various fears that people have about their ability to make money, and I knew that getting to this goal was going to turn your fears around and prove that it’s totally possible for you too.

There are so many aspects that guaranteed my success, and I know you’re going to want all the details, so I’m divulging all of it here on the podcast. So many of my clients get hung up on the how behind every step, and I’m showing you why that’s not necessary when you’re in full belief and in “having done” energy. There were some things that I’ve learned from previous launches that I implemented in this one that helped me, and I’m sharing these with you too.

Join me on the podcast today for a super exciting episode! I’m telling you how I did it, what my planning and strategies looked like, where my mindset was at, and why giving myself ample amounts of time was key. Taking these steps into consideration will guarantee your own success, whether you’re launching one-on-one coaching or bigger group masterminds, so take note!

If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why I wanted my most recent launch to be the biggest ever.
  • How I made a million dollars in one day with my 200K mastermind launch.
  • Where my mindset was during this launch.
  • What my planning and strategy looked like for this launch.
  • The things that I’ve learned from this launch.
  • What a launch is and the three main things you do in a launch.
  • Why giving yourself luxurious amounts of time to plan is crucial.
  • The 2 objections I planned to address going into the launch.

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Full Episode Transcript:

Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hey coaches, welcome to episode 75. I have the most fun episode planned for you today. We’re going to talk about my million-dollar launch. What? I’m so excited to break this down for you and tell you how I achieved this and just put the bug of possibility in your brains.

So we just launched 200K and we had the biggest launch we’ve ever done. We accepted the most people that we have ever accepted. I knew I was going to accept more than I’ve ever accepted before going into the launch. We always have double the people apply than we have room for, and even when we accepted more, there were still so many people we had to tell no.

But I talked to my mentoring group about it and here is what I really felt leading up to the months coming into this launch is we’re at an unprecedented time in this world where there is so much opportunity to be afraid. There are so many chances to stop believing, to get stuck in impossibility, to give up on your goals, to be overwhelmed with what’s happening at home or in the world.

And to not believe that people have money, to not believe that people want what you have to offer, to believe that it’s hard to sell. There’s so much of that available for you to indulge in. So I wanted a couple things to happen. I wanted my launch, number one, to be an example of what is possible in the world right now in a pandemic. And I also feel so compelled to help change the mental landscape of the world right now, especially because of this pandemic.

It’s just showing everyone what’s already been there in the world. One of the biggest things that I’ve seen out of this pandemic is other people’s inability to coach themselves and then their desire to try to change other people to make themselves feel better. And people’s fear around money and people’s fear around other people’s ideas and opinions.

Their perceived loss of control that they think that they had. There’s just so much happening in the world. So I really feel compelled. There’s a lot of people putting a lot of energy into the medical problem in the world and I think that there is a huge mental problem in the world that we can be contributing to.

And so for economic reasons, for my clients, and wanting them to make money and excel during this pandemic, and also for my own desire to contribute to the world and get life coaches out there helping people in really big ways, for both of those reasons, I didn’t want to deny a ton of people the opportunity to work with me and learn how to make money during this time.

That felt so important to me. For my contribution to coaches, and then my contribution to the world to get coaches out there selling coaching, and my contribution to the mental health of the world and the economic stability of entrepreneurship.

For all of those reasons, I wanted this launch of the biggest launch ever. And I really wanted to show what was possible to all life coaches, that you can be making a lot of money even this year, 2020, during a pandemic, no matter what happens in the economy.

So we made over a million dollars in one day. Well over. We’re going to do $1.4 or $1.5 million this month, which is so crazy because I remember last year, it took us six months just to make a million and I did it in one month. Like, what? So crazy.

What’s even better is that while I’m having this success in my company, my students in 200K, the ones I’m currently working with are also having their blowout success months and quarters and launches, which is so fun. Shout-out to Simone who just did a $200,000 launch. Shout-out to Elizabeth and Lindsay and I’m probably going to forget people. Samantha.

They’ve done 100K launches. Danielle just had a huge launch. Claire is having a huge month. Everybody is killing it. And it’s so fun to watch that. I’m actually going to have them come on the podcast and talk about their six-figure launches and how to do that as well.

So it really is just – I want to really create this message for all of you that a lot of money is possible to be made when you’re not thinking about impossibility. When you’re not getting lost in corona brain and corona fear. When you’re not letting that swallow you and you’re not letting your clients’ fear and doubt and impossibility because of what’s happening in the world affect you and your business, and you coach through that and you believe bigger than that, so much is truly possible.

So I wanted to take some time and just tell y’all where my mind was. I really want to create a big ripple in this world. I want my coaches to make a lot of money this year. I want them to make more money this year than they’ve ever made before to prove that it’s possible and to keep people making more and more and more money, and to be examples of what’s possible and also to get out there and coach people because we need it in this world more than ever.

So it’s such an exciting time that we were able to bring this launch to life and make this happen and that we’re going to be able to help so many people at such a high level this year. So I’m really excited. But I wanted to do a podcast and I wanted to break down how I did a more than million dollar launch. How we did a million dollars in one day.

And I wanted to kind of break that down for you and tell you where my mindset was, what my planning and strategy was and kind of pull back the layers. I actually wanted to do this – the last time I did this launch, we did $750,000. And I wanted to do that, and then I just never did it.

We had so many podcast ideas at the time, it ended up going to the back burner. So here we are, the next launch, we’re finally getting to it. So I want to tell you how I did it.

Number one, I gave myself luxurious amounts of time to plan and think about this launch and my clients and every little detail. I just gave myself so much time to sit and think. I actually wrote the emails for this launch if you read them, I wrote those on – which is so ironic – the last plane ride that I’ll maybe take this year. Hopefully not.

We’re planning on doing the live event in Palm Beach for the 200K launch, but the last plane right for a very long time. I was on my way to Dallas to go to an event my coach was having called How to Be Interesting. And so I was on my way there. I was feeling so excited to meet with hundreds of coaches and see all my coach friends and colleagues and all my clients.

My coach always creates the most incredible live events and they are so important to me for my own psyche. So I was just pumped and it flowed out of me and I wrote all of the emails for that launch. Almost all of them. Just on that plane ride, two hour plan ride.

So it was just done. And I did that – that was in March, at the beginning of March. The launch wasn’t until May. So one of the things I learned from this launch was having so much time to have sat on those sales emails and think about them and make sure they were exactly the message I wanted to put out in the world.

There was no writing with urgency. There was no hustling to get them done. So they felt so strong. It was my best copy I think I’ve ever written. We chose the location for the event, which was originally New York. I’m going to talk about that later on the podcast, but we had chose the location of the event and actually put it up on our website back in November.

So I wasn’t – in past launches, we’ve been picking event spaces and doing that kind of like, right before the launch, and that was done. So I didn’t even have to think about that in the planning period of the launch. And then I spent the month of April thinking about my Instagram strategy, which is not something I would usually put a ton of time into.

We did a lot of it last launch as well. We really put a lot of energy into the Instagram launch. And so I had a ton of time and I was really proud of the copy that I wrote for my stories. And just in general, the message I was going to communicate through Instagram.

And one of the things I wanted to do for this launch that was different than any other launch I’ve ever done, even with 2K, is I wanted the Instagram strategy to be completely different than my email selling strategy and completely different than my Facebook ad strategy.

So normally, what I do is I write the emails and then I share them on Instagram. So if you’re not on my list, you still see them on Instagram, and then you get that message coming at you both places. And this time, I just wanted it to be very engaging.

So the emails were their own separate thing. The ads were their own separate thing. The Instagram stories were even separate from the Instagram posts. And I did something super fun and innovative that I haven’t seen anybody do and I thought was just so cool is I did a photoshoot at a testimonial event I did last year for my 200K students.

So we did videos of their experience in the 200K mastermind and then we also did photos of them. So I have a curated gallery of photos of my clients that all match my personal branding on Instagram. And so I took those and I put them all together in this really beautiful way and I asked my clients to write posts for my Instagram, which was so fun.

And I asked them to teach my students, give them value, teach them something that they learned being in the 200K mastermind. Because I think a huge part of the mastermind is having the opportunity to learn from your peers who often will blow your mind as much as I will, and who will coach you at such a high level and expose you to new ideas and new thoughts and new ways of being that you have never been exposed to before.

So I wanted to kind of highlight that. And so we did that as the Instagram feed, as the posting. And I had a quote in the middle that said, “Mastermind,” and that it’s a group of thought leaders coming together to create value in the world. And then all of the – what do you call those Instagram – the little square posts?

I’m sure there is a technical word for that, but then all of the photos surrounded that quote and it was just so beautiful. And so we were posting multiple times a day photos of my clients, and then their teaching and offering to my audience, which was so fun.

So I had so much time to plan and think about all of this. And I put so much thought and energy into it. I mean, I started thinking about this launch in November when we did our last launch. I did an evaluation of what worked that time, what didn’t work, what I want to do differently for next time. I started thinking about and building out my strategy, and I just gave myself luxurious amounts of time to plan and do that.

So here’s why this is so important. There are three main things that you’re doing in a launch. And just to clarify, a launch is just a specified selling time. So the selling is a given. It’s the whole point of the launch. You’re selling something that opens and closes.

So the three main parts to selling something that opens and closes are creating a plan, coaching yourself, and then executing that plan, and then coaching yourself some more. So there’s the coaching of your brain and you becoming someone different to create a different result, because ultimately, your launches for the most part will always be creating a different result.

Sometimes it’ll be the same amount of money, but it’ll be a different result that you’re creating, meaning maybe it’s more evergreen and requires less effort of you. Each time I have adopted my strategy – there have been times where I sold for three months straight, then there were times where I only kept the application process open for a week.

This time, we only kept it open for three days. So it changes a little bit each time. So there’s the plan and then there’s elevating my self-concept and my self-coaching and my thinking to execute that plan and make it done. I talked a lot during this past launch, that’s one of the things I teach in 200K is creating your selling to come from the confidence of it’s done. That having done energy.

I really brought that to this launch. So I will say I don’t think a lot of people understand that launching is such a mindset game and that it’s all a mindset game really. Your plan is very important, your execution is very important, but it’s held together by your mindset. Our thoughts create our results.

So everything that you do in a launch, all the prep work and the planning and the execution, everything has to be designed to support your mindset, including giving yourself enough time to do all this work, giving yourself luxurious amounts of time to think about your selling strategy, to think about your clients and how they will receive your selling strategy, to think about yourself executing the selling strategy.

And to have it done in enough time where for this launch, it was done so far in advance that during the actual week where we were open, I was even beyond the point of coaching myself into believing my results. That was already so done that I was like, doing other things.

It didn’t even feel like we were making a lot of money or it just was – the day that we actually brought all the money in was such a strange day. Neil and I just kind of ran errands. We bought a jacuzzi. I ate Taco Bell for lunch. It was the weirdest day. And we walked our dogs and then watched Ozark and went to bed.

And I wasn’t even heavily focused on the money coming in. It was just so in my brain that we joked that our richest day ever was kind of a poor day. We didn’t really do anything exciting. It was raining in Louisville and I was like, I definitely don’t feel rich today.

But that’s where my mindset really was in my planning and execution is it was just I gave myself so much time to coach myself and be in the it’s done energy that it really was done before it ever happened. So much so that I didn’t even need to be manning that and watching it and finding out if it really was done. It just was.

So I just want to emphasize how important that really is, the mindset and how you show up in that launch is more important than anything else. And within the planning and executing, there are parts of the launch within those things. There’s your pre-launch plan, your launch plan, your onboarding plan, and then your delivery.

So that’s another reason why you have to have so much time to create a really well-executed launch is because you need to have time to think about those things. What are you going to do leading up to your selling? What’s your strategy when you’re selling? How are you onboarding your people? What’s their experience like after they pay you?

And then I’m in the point now directly after the launch where I’m already creating content and delivery, my deliverables for this live event that I’m going to do, for the entire six months of the mastermind. I’m already creating stuff to deliver and I don’t even have to deliver it for several months.

So when you give yourself so much time, your plan, it’s such higher level, well thought out plan, and then your deliver is really well above expectation. That’s how you overdeliver is how much time you give yourself to plan.

So this is where usually when I talk about a pre-launch plan and a launch plan and an onboarding plan and a delivery plan, this is usually where people want to get in the weeds and get caught up in the how. Tell me about all of that, tell me how to do all of that, right? I literally just stuttered thinking about the energy that people come to me in when they’re being very graspy for the how.

So they want the specifics. So here’s what I want to tell you. This is what I do. It’s so simple. I want you to really hear it. It’s so simple, yet it created a million dollars in one day. Are you ready? I set a goal, I commit to that goal, I raise my self-concept, my belief in myself to be able to confidently create my how, my strategy.

It’s different every single time. No one gives it to me. My coach doesn’t tell me this is how you should do it because of all the people in my million dollar mentoring, none of us have the same launch strategies and selling strategies. None of us. I don’t even know what my coach’s is. I have no idea what she does in her launches and what her plans are and how she executes them and delivers them. I don’t know any of that.

I just know I get the coaching for how to create my own and then we create a theory for it and then we go out and test it. And then we use the results to say if that was a good plan or not. So I set a goal, I commit to that goal, and then from the moment I set that goal, I start working on getting my self-concept up enough to create the how, the plan, the strategy to make that result happen.

Then once I create the plan and the strategy of how I’m going to make that result happen, how I’m going to do the launch, what I’m going to do in the pre-launch, what I’m going to do during the launch, what I’m going to do after for the onboarding and then what I’m going to do for the delivery, once I have that set, then I coach myself and bring my self-concept up to execute it.

This is not complicated. Set a goal, make a plan, execute it, and coach yourself the entire way to be the person that it’s just done. I didn’t have any questions really. Not very many. I had a few when we met for million dollar mentoring. I had a few, things about more like what to do about my live event, which again, I’ll talk about in a minute.

I got coaching on that and I got coaching on something else. I’m forgetting what it was now. But something else that had nothing to do with my actual launch. But my plan was done. I didn’t need help with it.

So I think when you raise your self-concept to the person who creates the result, the how becomes inevitable. You just come up with that. You don’t need someone to validate it. You don’t need someone to approve it. You don’t need someone to tell you it’s the right plan.

When you raise your self-concept, your belief in yourself that that result is done, the how becomes inevitable. And then you just keep coaching yourself the entire way through to execute that and I want to say flawlessly because it won’t be in the beginning, but as you do this, it does get more and more flawless where the execution is just precision.

That’s what I help my 200K students with. I get them like, the first launch I feel like is the same as learning how to coach. You just got to get it out of your mouth. So it’s going to be messy and you just got to get it out. But then every time after, you get more and more and more precise in your delivery.

So I create a plan that is so detailed of exactly what I’m going to do from raising my self-concept. I just make decisions. No one tells me what I need to do. I make decisions and then I look at that plan, those set of decisions for what I’m going to do, my timeline, when I’m going to start the pre-launch, when I’m going to do the selling part, all of the details of the launch.

I look at that plan, and I say is that going to create the result I want? And if it’s yup, 100%, then I move forward. And if I don’t feel that way, I reevaluate my plan. Like, I want to look at my plan and be like, yup, done. And that is truly how I felt when I looked at my plan for this last launch. It’s done.

I don’t need to now coach myself into the belief that it’s going to happen. My plan tells me it’s going to happen. And I just get better and better at this every single time. The first time I did this, I was like, I don’t know if this plan’s going to work. I’m going to keep working this plan until it does. That was my strategy.

So I launched for three months. I did a webinar and then I did one-on-one calls for 200K, which cracks me up now. And I did that for three months straight and my goal was like, 10 people each month. And I really worked that and it was a very loose strategy, but I had to just get started with something and then it’s just gotten more and more precise every time.

So here’s the other thing that I think worked really well within this launch, within setting a goal, raising my self-concept, creating the plan, and then executing it. In the creating and executing of it, my selling process, my copy, every piece of how I sold to my clients the entire time, every post, every email, every Insta story, every seating that I did, I created three podcasts for the launch.

Advanced selling, coaching business models, my three selling philosophies. I did three bonus interviews with my 200K students. Every interaction that anyone had with me in being sold 200K, every one of those interactions I was so clear on the problem that my clients were facing and the solution to that problem and my very specific process to make that solution inevitable.

And then the impact that having the results of the solution, having the results that come from the solution, the impact of that and what that would mean to my clients. And I was so crystal clear on communicating that.

Now, a lot of you get stuck here because you’re not willing to not be crystal clear and figure out how to become crystal clear through trial and error. One of the things that I did the last 200K launch is I gave my students a book called Million Dollar Copy of the thousands of emails that I wrote over a year selling 2K and 200K.

What’s going to be so fun is I’m going to give them a book this next round that’s going to be so tiny and small of how I made more money, or the same amount of money with an eighth of the emails because the effectiveness got so much better.

So that is something that created inevitability for me to make this million dollar launch happen is I was so crystal clear. And I was even texting my two best friends, the Lindsays, throughout the couple of weeks leading up to the launch because I was having even more breakthroughs and even more clarity on exactly what my process was and exactly how to explain the problem to my clients and the solution to that problem and how to explain how my process makes it inevitable for them to get the results and the impact of that.

All of it was just so clear. And again, it goes back to giving myself luxurious amounts of time. I just had so much time to think about that. And then even to think about any objections that my clients might have. I sell only to my best clients. So I will tell you, that’s the third main thing that really made this launch as big as it was is I only focus and sell to my best clients.

And I teach my clients how to do that in 200K as well. And I think in the pandemic, I really felt like that was so important. And when you have lots of people applying, when you have more demand than you can accommodate, you have to be very clear on exactly who you’re looking for and who your best clients are and speak directly to them.

And even when I was going through applications and video submissions for this launch, I had to really look and be very discerning about the qualities and the very specific things I’m looking for for my best clients to make my mastermind the best mastermind it could possibly be.

And so I don’t typically talk a lot about objections in my selling, especially with 200K because my best clients don’t have a lot of them. Like, we did an information call after we did all the applications. We invited people who we thought would be really good fits to come to an information call.

And on the information call, it was like, I’m not coaching you at all on this 25K investment. If you have any drama, it’s not for you. Because my best clients don’t have drama around that. But I did think about my best clients though might have a little fear and what might that be. Like, what might keep them from being a hell yes?

And the two things that I came up with were feeling like – I was talking with my coach and she was like, one of the things is your mastermind tends to be very intimidating and people who totally belong in the mastermind, because of their drama, met with my such powerful marketing might count themselves out or not even think that they would be a great fit and never in a million years would they think I think that they’re a great fit.

Like I messaged someone in 2K and I was like, listen, you’ve got to apply for 200K and she was like, oh my god, I freaked out and then I cried and then I applied. So I was like, some of them just don’t think that they’re a right fit for it. They’re too intimidated. They haven’t even thought.

And what’s fascinating is my clients do this at 25K and they do this in 100K, which is really fascinating. They just haven’t raised their self-concept up enough to match my self-concept. And so that was one of the things I kind of laced in all of my selling is I raised their self-concept to match mine so that I didn’t have to back down from the powerful selling that I wanted to do.

And then the next objection that I really thought about and questioned whether I was going to talk about or not was the travel objection. I knew a lot of people had a lot of fear because it’s just uncertain whether we would be able to travel or not.

Now, I felt really solid in my selling around this because I have an amazing virtual delivery option that I’m really fucking excited about. And I also have a really great live event option that I’m really excited about. So I know 100%, they’re getting what they came for no matter what and both ways are totally awesome, but I knew that they were going to tell themselves stories about not being able to come or maybe they can’t come.

And so I kind of felt like if I didn’t address travel objections that it might be like not addressing the elephant in the room. And so I decided to do that last minute. And when I say last minute, like, the week before, I wrote the email and decided that I was going to address it. So those were the only two things.

So, for the most part, I was just very clear on the problem and the solution and the process that will make that solution inevitable and the impact that will have and that is what I spoke very clearly and articulately. And then I focused only on my best clients.

And the last thing I did that drove this million-dollar launch home is I oversold the launch. And I do this every single time. It’s something I teach my clients in 200K is how to oversell. A lot of you when you’re selling, whether it’s one-on-one or if you’re doing your first launch, you think about – let’s just say you’re going to do group launch where your goal is 10 people.

You sell thinking about 10 people and you sell for 10 people. And I just coached a client in 200K about a launch she’s getting ready to do and she was like, well, I’m going to definitely sell to like, 20 people. And I’m like, what? No. If you have 10 spots, I want you to sell to 100 people, 1000 people.

You have to oversell. Overselling helps you have the best clients, be able to choose from the best people, not just anybody who applies or anybody who pays you money. When we go into 200K, one of the things I teach all my students is we don’t just accept money. We don’t just pick up nickels, is what my coach Brooke talks about.

It’s not just like anyone who’s willing to give me money I take it. It’s a much more constrained selling mindset where you really decide who will give you money, who you will allow to give you money, and how many people you will allow to give you money, and that is it.

You leave money on the table in order to create more money for the future. But while you’re doing that, you also sell to create high demand that allows you to leave money on the table and to choose your best clients. So, I sold 200K like it was the first, last, and only time that I was ever going to sell this offer.

There is no shame in my offer game. I love overselling this mastermind. And the way I think about it too, I’m not just selling this mastermind. I’m selling next year’s mastermind and both of next year’s launches. We usually do two a year. Maybe next year we’ll do more, but I’m going to sell for next year and the year after and the year after. I’m selling for the legacy of 200K because I know that it takes time for people to raise their self-concept to even consider themselves for this mastermind.

It doesn’t need to, but I know that it does. So, I’m going to keep seeding that for them and keep helping my clients raise their self-concept and keep letting them – you know, I’m going to take them from impossibility, like, “I’ll never make it to this mastermind,” to possibility, to inevitability. I’m going to take them through that process, so it’s important for me to star selling them now, even if they’re not going to join for a year or two.

So, when you’re going into a launch, make sure you’re selling each launch like it’s the first, last, and only time your people are ever going to see that offer. And I really think that that showed through during this launch. We had more applications than we’ve ever had.

Even though we accepted more people, we still had to tell people no, mainly because there are restrictions for live events and I wanted to be able to take more people than I ever have and help more people than every before, that was very important tome this launch, but I also wanted to make sure, if there was a possibility for us to do a live event, that I didn’t go over what I think could end up being a minimum for live events.

So, we still had to turn some people away. Next round, we might not have to. But it was such a beautiful thing to see the numbers for our applications just go up and up and up and up. Like, that is me creating a legacy for this 200K mastermind, creating a brand much bigger than maybe I even understand and see right now. I’m like, “Let’s create the demand, I’ll figure it out later.”

And I think, sometimes, you guys, if you don’t have a plan for the demand, you feel like you can’t oversell and you can’t sell more than the imagined plan that you have and the imagined demand that you have. I’m like, “Let’s create abundant demand and then we’ll figure out how to deal with that.”

And I learned that form my coach Brooke, and it’s one of the greatest things that she ever taught me. I did the same thing my first 200K launch. Actually, I think it was my second one. I knew it was going to sell out, and so I was telling her, “Yeah, I think I’ll just send a couple of emails and I think it will be done. I don’t think I’m even going to do a big launch. Maybe I’ll just send it to my 2K people and make this money and be done.”

And she’s like, “What? No. You have to sell the shit out of that.” And it really opened up how small I was thinking. I was just thinking about filling that one launch. I wasn’t thinking about filling the next 10 launches.

So, that is something that was really profound, that really showed up in the result line of my launch is the overselling I’ve done in the past and the overselling – I just know that the next launch, it’s going to show up there too because of how well I oversold this time.

Okay, so now, I want to just talk to you, just briefly, about how to handle unplanned things in your launch. Because there were some unplanned things that happened.

Number one, in March, I was going to go meet my photographer. She was going to fly from California. I was going to fly from Kentucky. We rented the most beautiful photo studio in New York City, in Manhattan. So beautiful, so gorgeous. I bought all of these outfits and we were going to do an entire new branding shoot for the 200K launch, for my website.

I have this belief that new photos bring new energy and life into launches, especially at this level. I really like to have that because my positioning is always changing and growing and I really wanted to have that for this launch, to really match where I’m at now in my mindset. I don’t feel like my photos do that as much anymore.

And it was cancelled. So, I had to coach myself a little bit on using the same photos and not having new and exciting photos. And then, two weeks before the launch, I met with my million-dollar group and I talked to them about the live event being in NYC and Brooke was like, “Why on earth would you want to start that battle? Even if you can meet in NYC, why do you want to deal with that selling objection during your launch? It’s not fun. It’s not going to be fun to sell the place where the pandemic hit the hardest.”

So, I was really set on that and I knew how much work it took to find that location. At least that was the story I was telling myself. My colleague Corinne quickly gave me a smackdown about it. So, we mobilized and we found a new spot.

And I spent a lot of time actually, in this two weeks, investigating. I wanted – whether or not we like it or not, it feels very much like the response to this pandemic is straight down political lines and republicans have been opening quicker. And whether you agree with that or not, I didn’t want to choose someplace like California who’s talking about being closed the rest of the year.

So, I had to put a little bit of strategy about, okay, let’s look at what are the republican states? What are the states that seem like they’re going to be most likely to be open? And then. Of those places, what are the places that were the least hit?

And I looked at county by county and I found a county that is a very rich county, a very luxurious place. I chose a resort that tends to be less people because it’s more high-end that has a private beach. We even called to find out if the beach was private.

They had very little corona cases and so I really did a lot of research before we just changed the event. But then, we changed it. And I really got into a place in my brain where it was the best decision we ever made.

And then, I created a backup virtual plan for this event that I wanted to love more than the live event. I wanted it to be like an over-delivery of the live event. Like, we have to cancel this live event, the virtual plan will be a dramatic overdeliver for that live event. That’s the way I was thinking about it.

And so, we did that as well. And so, the unplanned stuff, the thing I want to kind of leave you with is that the unplanned stuff doesn’t become as big of a problem when you’re in that it’s-done energy. Like, you don’t get lost in all of the hiccups along the way because it’s just done. So, all of that stuff is just like you just handle it.

And when you have luxurious amounts of time to do that, then you’re not hustling and it doesn’t feel like putting out fires and you have time to be strategic. We didn’t just have to, like, pick one place and go for it. we examined six or seven different places and weighed all of our options of, you know, what we thought would be the best. And then, we were able to choose.

We even had time to negotiate the contracts and plan some incredible events around the live event. And so, we had just so much time to handle all of the unplanned things.

So, luxurious amounts of time. The only three things you have to worry about are planning, coaching, and executing, setting a goal and committing to it, overselling to your best clients and being very clear on your problem and your solution and your process that makes that inevitable.

That is how you do a million-dollar launch. Who’s coming with me? I cannot wait to teach my clients how to do their first 100K launch, 200K launch, million-dollar launch, two-million-dollar launch. We’ll do that later this year, 100%, it’s done. I’m so excited about it.

And listen, if you didn’t get in this 200K this time, if you’re not in this next class, we’re already planning the net one. You want to make sure you are on my email list. You want to make sure you’re checking the 200K page. It’s We will be announcing the next dates, enrolment, application dates when it starts, location of where it’s going to be. And it’s going to be good.

It’s going to be the biggest and best one we’ve ever done. That’s always true for everyone. So, this one that we’re doing in August will be the biggest and best one. The one that we do in January or February will be the biggest and best one. And it will always continue to be that way because we just keep getting better. We keep getting more precise. And our clients keep getting bigger, better results.

Are you coming with me? I am creating a movement of very rich coaches. Alright, I’ll see you next week.

Hey, if you’re ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2k for 2k program where you’re going to make your first $2,000 the hardest part using my simple 5 step formula for getting consults and closing new clients. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

Enjoy the Show?

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