Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | Being in the Advanced Room

We are talking about stretching your potential today, and I’ve got a great story to go along with this topic. I was an underdog for a very long time when I started coaching, and it’s something I’ve grown used to. In fact, I often want to be the underdog in a room more advanced than what I’m comfortable with, and this is what we’re diving into this week.

I’ve heard from numerous students who have made the jump from 2K into 200K that they feel they have no business being there, or that they can’t keep up with everybody else. I’d been selling mops in Walmart, scraping to make payments when I started coaching, but I worked my ass off and became the most improved player, so I know a little bit about stretching your potential, and I’m sharing the work you need to do to approach advanced work.

Listen in this week to discover why putting yourself in an advanced room helps you grow more than staying at a comfortable level. The mistake many people make is trying to keep up with those way ahead of them instead of focusing on their own growth and needs, and I’m showing you the real key to getting to the finish line and how to know if you need to move on to the next level.

If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why you have to do the work of managing your mind when you’re in a room that’s more advanced than where you currently are.
  • How to approach advanced work.
  • Why I always want to be in the room that makes me stretch.
  • How to know if you need to move on to the next level.
  • What will get you to the finish line, even if it’s hard.

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Full Episode Transcript:

Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast, where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hey coaches, welcome to episode 90. So I told you that I was going to share more stories with you. And I have a good one for you today. I recently got my Peloton. The Tread, Peloton Tread, like the treadmill. Oh my god, so excited. I told you I was going to buy one a long time ago. And I went to buy one and they stopped delivering because of COVID and I couldn’t buy one. I was so sad.

So I got on the list of notify me as soon as you start delivering again, and they did. And it arrived right away, like within two weeks. So we got our Tread and Neil and I have both been running on it like crazy. I love it. Like I’m actually obsessed. I think that the way I feel about the Peloton classes is how my community feels about 2K.

On my last run, I literally just cried at the end of the run. I felt just so happy to have found the Peloton community and to be a part of it and to take the classes that just pump me up and give me so much positive energy. I love that they’ll just yell at you in the middle of the run, “Yes you can, yes you can.”

Like they’re just yelling at your thought of I can’t do it. I just love it so much. Seriously, I could not be more overjoyed for my Peloton. I used to run a lot and I hurt my knee and had to stop running outside. And then I found a trainer instead and she was always telling me I got to get into cardio, but I’ve been a little bit afraid and so I’m just really excited to get back to running and to enjoy it again and the Tread just helps me not be so harsh on my joints, so I’m so excited.

So here’s the story. You ready? So the first class I took was a beginner class. It was one of those where they teach you, so I’m just going to walk you through so you know what I’m talking about. They have two knobs, one on each side. One increases the speed, one increases the incline.

And you, throughout the class, depending on which kind of class you take, you might be increasing the speed and then bring it back down, and then increasing the incline and then bringing it back down, or both. And then they tell you, the incline moves up by 0.5 and then the run moves up by 0.2. Actually, I think it does by each point, so you can do 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 increases.

So they’ll tell you throughout the class like, increase 0.2 from the last speed that you had, and they try to push you up as you run. So the beginner class just kind of walks you through all of that. And so I did that, so I understood how the Peloton worked. And then the next I did a walk/run, which was also a beginner class where you run and then you walk on an incline, and then you run.

The intervals are really there to help you start building your cardio up, your – what’s the word I’m looking for that I clearly need? My vascular strength. I don’t know. Anyway, so it’s there to help you grow your stamina. So I did it, it was great, and then on my third run, I decided to see what the intermediate class was about.

And it kicked my ass. It was so hard. Harder than I thought I was prepared for. But here is what I noticed that I wanted to share with you. I literally got off the Peloton and I was like, I have to record a podcast and tell them, tell everyone about this experience.

So me in that room, that Peloton room, the virtual room, in the intermediate class, that was a stretch. But here’s what I noticed. I kept my own pace. I didn’t make it mean at any point that I was behind, that I was falling behind, or that I didn’t belong, or that I should be in a different class, that I should have gone back to the beginner class, that this class was too advanced and I really needed to catch up and I was doing it wrong, or I wasn’t ready.

I didn’t have any of those things happening in my brain, even though I was definitely in a class that was more advanced than my current skillset. Like way more advanced. And what I did notice that was happening in my brain instead of those things is I was telling myself I know exactly how to modify based on where I’m at. Like this is not a problem, I can totally modify.

And this really stretches me in a good way. And at one point I was like, I’m definitely not going to feel under worked out today because that’s why I even took it to begin with is the beginner class I got off, because I go to the trainer multiple times a week, I got off and was like, I didn’t even really break a sweat.

I mean, it was a workout, but I didn’t feel like – when I go to my trainer, she always will ask us how we’re feeling. Neil and I joke about this. We always ask her, does it matter? Because even when we’re like, I’m dying, I can’t do anymore, she’s like, great, let’s do another set.

So when I leave those sessions, I feel like I have pushed – the trainer has pushed me farther than I would have been able to push myself. And in the beginner class, it felt kind of like, if I worked out myself. The level that I would push myself, versus the intermediate class was feeling like just like I’m at the trainer being pushed well beyond where I would comfortably push myself.

So I kept telling myself I’m going to feel really worked out today. And there was a point at the end where we had a 60 second run that you had to run like, all out, hardest you’ve ever ran. And I was so tired. And I caught this thought that I had, “I’m going out strong. I’m not missing my victory interval.” That’s what they called the last one is the victory interval. And I was like, I’m not missing that.

I’m not missing my accomplishment at the end of this run. I’m going all the way across the finish line no matter how tired I am and how hard it is. And I was telling myself I came here for the purpose of challenging myself and I want to be pushed and I can do this.

So I recently coached a 2K student who joined 2K and she’s also doing a coaching certification. And she was feeling so overwhelmed that she was in tears. And I asked her what she was thinking that made her sign up for 2K while she was in a certification and she said, “I really believed I can do this.”

And I asked her what she was believing in the moment with me on the call crying, and she said that I can’t do it, it’s too much. We think that one of those thoughts is the real truth, that either we can or we can’t, that there can only be one truth and we have to discover it, or we do discover it once we get into something, once we get into doing two things that we thought we could do, and then we’re in there and then we think we’re finding out that we can’t do it.

It’s what a lot of you think. You’re finding out you can’t do something. But there is no truth of being able to do something or not do something. There’s only the thought we prove true by how we show up. In this class, I just kept my own pace. I modified with no drama. Only total ownership of knowing exactly where I’m at and being totally good with where I’m at, and excited about the goals I’m working on.

I didn’t say I can’t do this. I didn’t compare and despair about what other people were doing. The other people who were on their 100th run or their 2000th run. Or people she was shouting out, she’s like, your 2400th run. I’m like, what? Did they buy a Peloton the day it came out?

But I was telling myself this is only my third run. I’m going to get it. And I worked my absolute hardest, but I want you to hear this. I worked my hardest. Not someone else in the class who was actually at the intermediate level, or maybe who should be at the advanced level but was in the intermediate class.

I don’t work at their hardest. I worked at my hardest. I improved my best time, which wasn’t even close to what she was pushing people to do. She was wanting people to be in the 7.5 range of running and I was at 6.3 was the highest one I got to. But I got to that at the end, and actually this last run that I did, I got to 6.5.

So I improved my best time. And I stopped to walk when I needed it, which is what I told this 2K student. I’m like, take what you need now. Do for you what you want and need, and where you’re at. Take this course for where you’re at. You don’t have to take it for where everybody else is at. You don’t have to take every single thing. Take a little bit at a time.

The other thing that I did is I let it be my run. And I see that that is what so many 2K students do and some of my 200K students do. It wasn’t like it was other people’s run that I was a part of. It wasn’t like I was joining the intermediate class as a guest. No, it was my run. It was my intermediate class. I was in the intermediate class; I am an intermediate runner.

Some of my 200K students, they’ll come in their first round and they think they’re part of someone else’s mastermind. So they’ll use the alumni, the returning students and their close bond and their knowledge and experience of the 200K process, they’ll use that to feel like outsiders, to feel themselves like outsiders.

But my most successful students, they make it their mastermind. They own it like shareholders. Like they share in the value created and the money made. The success that’s had in the mastermind is owned by them. Everyone’s success. They don’t just belong. It’s theirs. They created it.

Even if they’re an underdog, even if they’re between beginner and intermediate or advanced. I owned the run this way. So it was my class. I was contributing to this run; I was the run. This was my run. And it was actually surprising to me. It caught my attention because none of this required a lot of work or effort to manage my mind to do this.

And I just want to say for some of you, it will take a lot in the beginning to manage your mind and your effort to be in a room that’s bigger than what you want to be in, or what you think you’re supposed to be in. I was actually talking to my friend Lindsey Mango this past weekend. Oh my god, can I just say, a story within a story, the Omni in Louisville finally opened back up.

And for us residents, the Omni is our nice hotel. It’s the only really nice modern hotel we have. And we go there to hang out. They have restaurants, they have the only spa, like actual spa in Louisville. They have a rooftop pool, and so we have been so sad that they are not open.

So they opened, so Lindsey and I went and got 80-minute massages and they only do two-hour reservations at the pool so they can social distance and everybody can go. So we spent two hours in the sun, 75 degrees, in the pool, lounging with rosé and then got an 80-minute massage. It was everything. Can I just say, it was everything.

I’m like, oh, I forgot what it’s like pre-COVID. Okay anyway, side note. It was great. So I was talking to her at the pool and I was telling her about this story and she said, “Well, I think that you’ve just put yourself in so many underdog situations that you’re so comfortable now being in those types of situations. You’re just built up a tolerance for stretching yourself, so now it’s just your normal mindset when you do anything, even when it’s a thing you’re doing that’s much more advanced. If you’re learning a skill that’s much more advanced than what you’re normally used to, that’s just who you are now and how you show up.”

And it really hit me that that really is the difference. I have just done this so many times, it’s like I’ve created competency in approaching advanced work faster or sooner than I would normally approach it. I go into that situation before it’s a comfortable situation and then I’ve developed the ability to be in that situation and have models in my brain, have thoughts in my brain, beliefs in my brain that fuel me to show up and get more versus shutting down and getting less and making it this really not great situation for myself.

I’m really able to go in there and develop those skillsets and develop that mindset faster than what I see a lot of people doing because I’ve created that willingness to be uncomfortable in those situations and use my brain to my advantage. I went into million-dollar mentoring and I was the underdog.

To do what everybody else was doing to get to a million, I would have had to have tripled my business while everyone else was just doubling. We literally write everybody’s income on the board in order and I was always at the bottom. And I always had further to go to get to my goal. I was starting so far behind my colleagues.

And it wasn’t just my revenue. My business was messy. Like I had a million offers, I hadn’t created 2K yet, I hadn’t created 200K, so I didn’t have my signature offers figured out yet. I was still selling Diva Business School when I started million-dollar mentoring. That kind of kills me a little bit.

When I think back, I’m like, gosh, that seems like eons ago. But my mind was a mess, my business was a mess, I had revenue and I was a great coach, but I just had a lot of work to do. And they were so much further along. They had their offer set, they hadn’t been hustling, they had their business together, like their signature offers, their clientele. They really had the balance in their business and the structure of their business really put together.

So I had to do a lot of work to catch up. In fact, over two years of being the underdog, I had to do just to catch up, I had to do master coach training to learn how to manage my brain, my time, and my business more effectively, I had to do 100K mentoring so that I could go back to the basics and take care of the things I had missed when I was hustling and getting to six figures.

Because I was so good at sales, there were things I could bypass that you really almost have to do at six figures that you really have to know how to do when you get to seven figures. Because I’m just so good at selling, so I had to do all of that. I had to backtrack and fix some of the basic things in my business like processes and structures, and then I had to do all of that while still growing my income.

This is how some of my underdogs feel in 200K because this is all the shit I teach in 200K now so that nobody has to go – I teach you before you do what I did so you don’t have to spend so much time redoing everything and unwinding all of the problems that you create when you just hustled to money.

And so I had to do all of that, but I signed up for it. I was willing to work harder than anyone. I was willing to have to do more, all for the results that I wanted. This was also true when I started my business. I walked into the LCS training with the fanciest, most educated women, in my opinion, who all had money and life experience.

And here I am, I’d been selling mops in Walmart and scraping to make payments and to pay for my flight and my hotel, putting everything on a credit card, but I worked my ass off my first two years and I became the most improved player at LCS that year, going from 18k to 211K.

I went from barely making payments on my coaching to one of the school’s best success stories. And I feel the same now about running and working out. Put me in the harder room. I feel the same about that in any situation. It doesn’t matter, anything to do with life, put me in the harder room. Put me in coach, I’m ready.

Because after that run, here’s the interesting thing. After that run, I did a beginner run again just to see what that was like, and here’s what I found. I was very curious about this. After I had this theory for this podcast, I’m like, I’m going to run again, going to do a beginner class. And here is what I found that I suspected to be true and definitely was true.

It was harder to modify, to make it more challenging in the beginner class than it was to modify to keep up in the more advanced class. It was harder for my brain to manage that, to be the one to make those decisions. It was easier and more comfortable in the beginner class for sure, I didn’t have to manage my brain at all to go past what I thought I was capable of doing, to do that harder thing.

But that’s why I was harder to modify. The intermediate class pushed me so hard that I had to go to my max to keep up, and then I had to modify to not die. So the decision to modify and knowing when to modify was just like, I might actually pass out, I better modify, which was so much easier for me to manage than, I don’t know, should I be pushing myself harder? For how long? I think I can do more, maybe, should I do more?

And I didn’t leave that class feeling even when I tried to push myself harder, so they would do maybe a 30 second run and a 40 second interval, and I would run for 40 seconds and then walk 30 seconds, or run for 50 seconds and only walk for 20 seconds.

So I really did try to do my best to push myself my hardest, but when I got off at the end of the class, I just didn’t feel like I had gotten all of my potential out of me. So when you start feeling like your coaching or the skillset that you’re working on isn’t getting all of the potential out of you, you’ve got to move on to the next level, even if it’s harder and it feels sooner than you’re comfortable with.

You want to be in the room that makes you stretch. You guys have all heard the saying that you want to be – what is the saying? You want to be the least smart person in the room, you always want to be the lowest earner in the room. You want to put yourself at the bottom of the class because then you have so much potential to work up to.

And then you just want to learn how to manage your brain in that room. The more situations I put myself in above my comfort level with people doing the things I want to be doing, the more that just becomes who I am and what I do. So you want to do this often.

So because I built up tolerance to be in these situations, I don’t freak out and shut myself down. And I really want that for you. I want you to be able to put yourself in situations that seem bigger than where you are, set the goal, give yourself the deadline.

So for many of you, that’s 2K today. It might be 10K in 30 days, 25K in 30 days. And know that you can actually be in a more advanced room with the more advanced goal and not have thoughts that shut you down. It’s literally the difference between being where you are with sufficiency and believing that you’re getting where you’re going and feeling that trust.

That is what lets you modify without the drama and see yourself all the way through the finish line, even if it’s hard, even if you have to take breaks. It’s what keeps you focused on you and not what everybody else is doing. Believing that where you are is sufficient and believing and trusting that you will get where you are. That’s what allows you to do that.

I talk a lot about Maggie Reyes because she’s such a sponge with my work and she’s a really great student. And I think she up-levels everyone in the 200K mastermind by how she’s in the mastermind. I recently asked her to tell everyone in 200K how she gets the most out of 200K, even though she doesn’t raise her hand often.

And here’s what she had to say. She said, “I assume I will always get what I need. I ask myself, what part of this applies to me? I ask myself, is this relevant now or just something I need to keep in mind? And if it’s a later thing, I make a note of it and I move on. I assume everything is preparing me for my million-dollar business. Everything is useful in some way, like a kitchen where all the ingredients will end up in the stew eventually. And this thought gives me so much calm.

Calm is my most money-making emotion, so staying calm and cultivating calm is one of the highest and best uses of my time. I apply the coaching that I was given, Stacey might give me a specific thing that is for me, and then I put my eyes on my own papered execute that and only that until I’m there and genuinely need to focus on the next thing. I self-coach, peer coach, post in the group, and work through whatever I need to work through towards that goal.

I cultivate my inner CEO and my inner Stacey voice so many times I just know what to do or stop doing just by checking in with myself. And then I don’t need to raise my hand to get the answer. I already have the answer. Why is this mastermind so valuable to me even when I’m not personally coached every week? Because I elevate my self-concept daily just with the conversations we have. Because what we’re learning is not tactics. It’s principles. It’s not what choice to make today. It’s the mindset of making 200K level choices.

And once you have that, your next step becomes abundantly clear. It’s like when you have the thought, the actions are obvious. After LCS, I did an additional certification at the Tantric Institute for Integrated Sexuality, and one of the concepts I learned is transmission is greater than tools. Presence in and of itself heals. The quality of your presence is one of the most powerful things you can bring to a situation. The way you see people affects how they see themselves. When you can see them in their natural wholeness, it helps them see themselves too.”

And this was a quote that she had said by Layla Martin. So she says, “In this mastermind, I am in the presence of people who see me as my most brilliant, most sufficient self every week. Being in Stacey’s presence is more valuable than whatever she is specifically teaching in that moment. Basically, I am here for the transmission and the tools are useful too.”

So here’s what I love. This is how it ties in. Notice how with herself she is. Notice that she is with her mind, her process, and her result. She is not in anyone else’s. Notice that she’s there in the room, in the more advanced room for the transmission of energy. But just for her, for where she is in that exact moment.

So she finds the things in the room that are more advanced for her that she needs for the moment she’s in. And if there’s something else that might be relevant in the future, she just jots it down and she moves on. She’s not trying to learn it all and do it all at once. She has her focus for her growth and anything that isn’t her growth she just makes that note and she just moves on.

And this is how I felt in that run. I’m finding all the things for me now and the other things will be there for me when I’m ready. But putting myself in that intermediate class allows me to even know that there are other things to take note of. They go in my brain’s awareness. The possible results go in my awareness.

After that class, I could imagine myself taking that class like a normal class for me. I can imagine my stamina at that level. Whereas when I was in the beginner class, I could see how I could perfect that class forever and not push myself to any real major change because no major growth was required to be there.

And being in that room with those intermediate runners and the intermediate coaching they give you while you’re there, that energy transferred to me. Just my presence in that class grew me as a runner. So put yourself in more challenging rooms. The moment you notice you need to modify to get more out of it, you’ve got to get in a more advanced room. Before you think you’re ready, always believe you have more potential.

Then when you do put yourself in that growth situation, I’ll give you a couple examples. So let’s use the first one of 25K in 30 days. So many of you are working on that right now because the 200K mastermind is coming up and you want to qualify. Once you’re in that situation, you’ve got to manage your brain. You’ve got to focus on you.

Stay out of other people’s growth. Stay out of other people’s results and where they are, and stay in yours. And look and be expecting and desire the good kind of exhaustion using all of your potential. And don’t for a second spend time telling yourself I have no business going after this, this is too big of a jump for me, I’ll never be able to do this, everybody else is already there.

Stay away from all of those thoughts. You’re not behind. You do belong. But you do have to do the work. So be willing to start where you are and keep at it until you get it. I was actually thinking of my 200K students, my current underdogs in 200K right now. They’re in their first month and they’re going through this exact thing of being realizing they went from the beginner class to the intermediate class or the more advanced class and they know they’re in it now.

So for those of you that are my underdogs now, in this current class of 200K or any future classes of 200K, pay attention to what your business needs, to where you are at now in this moment. Modify based on where you are. Don’t try to keep up with the 500K earners.

Again, don’t indulge in I’m falling behind, I don’t belong, I should be in 2K instead of 200K, I should have never made the jump, it’s too advanced, I’ve got to catch up, I’m doing it wrong, I’m not ready, I have so much to work on. Don’t do any of that. Focus on you. Stay out of other people’s growth and results. Stay in yours.

And look for what is the stretch in your potential. Where can you squeeze in another 0.2 on the dial? Where can you do an interval without the walk in between, even just once? Be looking for those micro growth moments for you. And be inspired. That’s the last thing I will say is hearing the instructors shout out how many runs someone had done fired me up.

I want to get a chart, I want to track my runs, I want to get to 100 runs, then I want to get to 1000 runs. I’m using other people’s accomplishments for fuel and inspiration. Let’s do this, baby. Alright, end story, end rant. I love you all. Have an amazing week. Get yourself in the more advanced room. You can do it.

Hey, if you’re ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2k for 2k program where you’re going to make your first $2,000 the hardest part using my simple 5 step formula for getting consults and closing new clients. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

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