Make Money as a Life Coach® | Making 100K Isn't a Fluke with Rebecca Olson

I’m bringing you another interview today with one of my 200K mastermind students, Rebecca Olson. I know I always say these interviews are my favorite, but this one might top them all… and you’re going to find out why. As a life coach for working moms, Rebecca helps women balance their successful careers with a happy home life, and she is a living example of the work she does.

Rebecca crossed the 100K milestone in her business in 2019, and she is walking us through some powerful thoughts she used to shift her mindset and energy to reach this goal. So many people feel like making money in their business is a fluke and believe that it can’t happen again. This is something I personally experienced too, and Rebecca was no exception, so she’s here to share the process she used to prove to herself that this wasn’t the case.

Join us this week as Rebecca shares some of her experience making 100K and in working towards 200K, and how she proved to herself that making money isn’t a fluke. We’re covering some key practices that are integral to becoming a successful coach, and Rebecca is also walking us through her self-coaching tools, so you’ll get to see all the ways she opens up her mind to new beliefs and the possibilities that become available to her.

If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • One thought that Rebecca uses to shift her energy into one of power and confidence in making money.
  • Why finding joy in the process of making money can be so life-changing.
  • The struggles that Rebeccas experienced in becoming a 100K earner.
  • Why self-validation is such an important part of the work she does on herself and with her clients.
  • How Rebecca self-coached herself out of believing that making money was a fluke.
  • Why learning to celebrate herself is an active part of Rebecca’s work on herself.
  • How the practice of celebration is integral to being a successful coach.
  • 3 key takeaways that Rebecca gained from joining 200K.

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Full Episode Transcript:

Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Stacey Boehman: Hey, coaches. Welcome to episode 65. Today, I am interviewing my 200K Mastermind student, Rebecca Olson, who in 2019, crossed the $100K line. I know that I say every time that the interview is my favorite interview, but this one really might be. I think you should definitely listen to it at least five times. Take all the notes and apply them.

I think this is the thing that really struck me by the end of this podcast, is you really get to see a self-coaching practice unfold. She walks you through her entire self-coaching practice in all the ways that she coaches herself, and the activities that she does to open up her mind to new beliefs, and the results that it creates.

We dive into the struggles of becoming a $100K earner. The issues you face once you get there. How to overcome those. We talk about money not being a fluke, and she’ll tell you how she proved that to herself and self-coached herself out of believing it was a fluke. We dive into self-validation. What it is, how to create it, and when you do create it, the two things you’re free to think about that will help you make $100K.

We also dive into leveling out the highs and lows of successes and failures, and why it’s so important in selling, on consults, in having a happy life as a coach. We discuss learning how to celebrate, and she shares her celebration practice, and how it’s affected her life and her business, and how she got her family involved.

Finally, I asked her about 200K, and she opens up about the three main things she joined to work on and how she got what she came for in just the three days of the live event. We have really ultimately the most important conversation about deciding to belong in the room. I really think that this hour that we’re about to dive into will speak to you if you’re just beginning to make money, or if you’re ready to scale to millions.

Make sure that you listen for the one thought she gives me that blows my mind. I’ve decided to use it forever. You can too. All right. So, here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to dive right into our personal conversation before the podcast even technically started because that is where the gems started. I want you to hear them all. The first one comes out talking about mac and cheese, and you got to hear it. All right. Let’s dive right in.

Rebecca Olson: I had a great little coaching session with myself this morning.

Stacey Boehman: That’s fantastic.

Rebecca Olson: In prep for this time.

Stacey Boehman: Good. Fantastic.

Rebecca Olson: Then I kicked my whole family out. I made my husband go get the kids croissants and things, so that they were not even mad.

Stacey Boehman: Croissants and things. I just imagine your kids eating croissants in a coffee shop somewhere.

Rebecca Olson: We have the best French bakery here. He’s like 100% French. If I could give you the accent I would, but I can’t. So, he’s amazing, and there’s literally 50 people in line whenever you go. My daughter loves it.

Stacey Boehman: How old are they?

Rebecca Olson: So do I. We go for both of us.

Stacey Boehman: That’s so amazing. How old are your kids?

Rebecca Olson: Five and a half and almost three.

Stacey Boehman: So, they’re like five and three and eating croissants at a French bakery.

Rebecca Olson: Yeah, and all sorts of other goody things that I couldn’t even tell you what they were or be able to pronounce them. They love it. They love it.

Stacey Boehman: I love that so much. We have my nephew Luke who was born on my birthday, so we’re just identical, but he is the food snob of the family.

Rebecca Olson: That’s amazing.

Stacey Boehman: Yeah, he is 11 maybe now, and the family will judge whether the sushi place is good based on Luke.

Rebecca Olson: How old is he now?

Stacey Boehman: Eleven. His last birthday, he asked my sister to make him ramen, homemade ramen.

Rebecca Olson: Oh, wow. I like this kid.

Stacey Boehman: She’s like, “When he goes to college, he’s screwed. They have pizza and chicken fingers. He’s going to eat nothing. He’ll be unwilling to eat yet.”

Rebecca Olson: It’s very true. It’s very true. That’s awesome.

Stacey Boehman: We’ll go out to dinner, and he’ll be like, “I’ll have a Cobb salad with grilled chicken, please.”

Rebecca Olson: Yeah, starting school this year, my five-year-old, we signed my kid up for cafeteria because it’s way easier than making her lunch every day. Come to the first parent teacher meeting, and they’re like, “You know, she’s not a great eater. She doesn’t eat her vegetables and her fruit.” I’m like, “What are you talking about? This kid eats everything that I put on her plate, all vegetables and fruit first.”

Stacey Boehman: You’re like, “She doesn’t eat your vegetables.”

Rebecca Olson: Maybe, or I’ve decided she’s never been introduced to any of those foods before. We’ve never given her chicken nuggets. We’ve never given her hot dogs. Of course, she’s had it, but not in an everyday format. Her palate is changing, which I hate.

Stacey Boehman: Yeah, I think our generation, not me when I say our, but it will be me soon, but I think our generation is raising bougie kids now.

Rebecca Olson: Totally, totally.

Stacey Boehman: We grew up on, Neil and I always joke, cream chip beef bagel dogs.

Rebecca Olson: Hamburger Helper, that was a big one in my family.

Stacey Boehman: Hamburger helper. It was a special night if you got Velveeta, like we were celebrating something.

Rebecca Olson: Totally, totally. Shake and bake chicken.

Stacey Boehman: Yes.

Rebecca Olson: That’s a good one.

Stacey Boehman: Now, we’re like, “Okay, we have to do it over. We have to change this.” It’s so funny how we’re all reacting to our parents about all of the kids of the world are just bougie and have the healthiest food from whole foods.

Rebecca Olson: 100%.

Stacey Boehman: Then they’re going to go back in the next generation, and they’re going to like be like, “You know what? Kraft Mac & Cheese. It’s fine.”

Rebecca Olson: It’s fine. I know, my grandma has a great story about when Kraft Macaroni and Cheese came out in a box. Of course, she had to buy it because everybody bought it. She wasn’t the sharpest tack. So, she followed the directions to a T. She made that macaroni and cheese. She put it in the pan, she sautéed it, she put the cheese on top, and she started to eat it, and it was rock hard because it never told her to boil the pasta. So, she did that.

Stacey Boehman: No.

Rebecca Olson: Yes.

Stacey Boehman: Do you think this is like entrepreneurship a little bit though?

Rebecca Olson: A little bit, yeah, for sure.

Stacey Boehman: Like, “Wait a minute. I missed that step where you boil the water.”

Rebecca Olson: Yeah, because it didn’t tell me to do that, and I didn’t have the forethought to think that that’s what I should do.

Stacey Boehman: That is so good.

Rebecca Olson: So, she wrote them, and she let them know that their directions were not quite exact, and that they should fix it. They did eventually. Maybe it’s because of my grandma actually. I’ve never thought about that.

Stacey Boehman: That’s so fantastic.

Rebecca Olson: Maybe it was her letter that they were like, “Obviously, we need to put that in there.”

Stacey Boehman: We have to tell him about boiling water. That’s so good because I feel like that’s what happens with our clients. When I think about 2K, when someone says something obvious, I’m like, “Oh.” It’s that exact thing. I’m like, “Oh, I didn’t tell them that.” You have to tell them that step that maybe seems so obvious to you.

Rebecca Olson: Yeah.

Stacey Boehman: So good.

Rebecca Olson: Which is the hardest part. It’s figuring it out. What is that? What is it that is so obvious to you that you have to figure out how to explain to someone and systematize on some level so that you can explain it, and they can implement? That is the key.

Stacey Boehman: Yes. Every time something doesn’t go exactly the way I want it, even with my employees, I’m like, “Okay, I missed a step somewhere. What didn’t I tell them?” It’s always there. The same is true for coaching. If we just take responsibility, we find that little hole, and then we plug it for every other person that comes. I think that’s the whole thing. That should be the goal. That’s the focus.

Rebecca Olson: Yup.

Stacey Boehman: I love it. All right. So let’s just dive in.

Rebecca Olson: Okay. Let’s dive into the real part of the interview.

Stacey Boehman: So, let’s just have you introduce yourself. Tell everyone who you are, just a little bit about yourself, and then I have some questions for you.

Rebecca Olson: Okay. Well, I am Rebecca Olsen, and I am a life coach for working moms that are specifically looking to continue to meet all of their career goals without sacrificing time for their family.

Stacey Boehman: Oh, I love it.

Rebecca Olson: Yes.

Stacey Boehman: Yeah, that’s fantastic. So, you made a $100K last year.

Rebecca Olson: $106K.

Stacey Boehman: $106K.

Rebecca Olson: Let’s just be specific here.

Stacey Boehman: Because it’s never $100K on the dot. We have like what? In the 200K, we had a handful of girls that were like at $86K at the end of the year in agony. I think maybe one person that was like $100K on the dot, but then it’s like $106K, $115K.

Rebecca Olson: Totally.

Stacey Boehman: I just think if you’re on either of the spectrum, I like to think of it the $15K before the $15K after. Who cares? You’re a $100K earner. You’re going to make $100K. There’s no way you get to $86K, and you just never figure out $100K. I love that.

Rebecca Olson: Yeah, I love that. I’m in the process of that no matter where I’m at, so I’m just going to label it. I’m there. I’m already there. It’s done.

Stacey Boehman: Yeah, I love that. So, everyone listen to that. “I’m in the process of that wherever I’m at.”

Rebecca Olson: Yeah, that was one of my favorite thoughts last year, is I would say, “I’m just in the middle of making $25,000. Even if I had made no money, I’m just in the middle of it, and literally, I can feel my energy shift with that. So, I’ve used that on all sorts of goals. Like, “Oh, I’m just sit in the middle of doing that.” Even if there’s zero evidence that I’ve done it yet, it doesn’t really matter because I’m working towards it.

Stacey Boehman: I love that. Like, “I’m just in the middle of making $10 million.” That’s not your great thought.

Rebecca Olson: Obviously. It feels super powerful, huh? Yeah, it’s been a good one.

Stacey Boehman: I love it. Thanks for sharing that. I really do feel that. I’m like, “Oh, I am in the middle of it.”

Rebecca Olson: Yeah, of course you are.

Stacey Boehman: You tell me why it was magical for you, and I’ll tell you why it’s magical for me. When you actually think to yourself, “I’m in the middle of it,” how does that make you feel?

Rebecca Olson: It makes me feel kind of powerful on some level. There’s a confidence to it, but there’s almost a power to it too. I’ve already figured parts of this out. I can’t be in the middle if I hadn’t already figured parts of it out. So, it’s not like I’m starting from zero and trying to get somewhere. I have some of the knowledge already, and it just reminds my brain I’m not starting from scratch in any way. I’m not like pushing the rock, trying to get the rock moving down the hill. It’s already moving down the hill. It’s way easier than you think. It makes it feel easier.

Stacey Boehman: That’s so good, and people can believe that even if they haven’t made any money yet.

Rebecca Olson: Totally.

Stacey Boehman: I was just coaching on that twice this week about this idea of before you made any money, analogy is the perfect thing, you have to find things to tell your brain actively and remind your brain every day that you’re not pushing the rock for the first time. It’s already moving down the hill. How is that true? How have you grown? What things have changed for you?

Rebecca Olson: Yes.

Stacey Boehman: What are you now doing that you weren’t doing? What are you doing better that you weren’t doing better before? What are those small shifts that aren’t money before you have money? Then you can use money as the measurement, but even sometimes you can’t because I feel like my business at $2.5 million last year, from November until now, there was this really painful point where either we weren’t making any more money than we had been, we weren’t growing.

Then there were several months in a row where we were making way less than we had been. I really knew that the rock was moving. We were moving it way down the hill, and I knew that was happening. Then these next couple of months are going to be so insane, that we’re going to probably make what we made last year just in the first half of this year.

Rebecca Olson: Totally.

Stacey Boehman: But there’s been a four-month period where it’s been really way less than we’re used to, and I’m always looking at where am I moving the rock. So, that’s so brilliant. I think it’s the hardest when you haven’t made any money, but even when you have, you have to keep looking at where you’re moving the rock.

Rebecca Olson: For sure, for sure, for sure.

Stacey Boehman: So good, For me, what’s the feeling exactly? I know that the idea is it brings me the joy in the process. To me, there’s only a certain time where I get to be in the middle of making $10 million, and that’s a fun thing to be in the middle of doing. If you’re in the middle of getting a college degree, that’s so much fun. Not the studying and stuff, but the being in college.

Rebecca Olson: It is, and we’re so focused on the end result, getting there, our entire society is about getting there, achieving the goal, and what we hear from everyone is always like, “Okay, here I am.”

Stacey Boehman: Now what?

Rebecca Olson: “Now what do I do?” If we just had appreciated and found the joy all the way through the process, my guess is we wouldn’t ever have that plateau place because we’re always in movement.

Stacey Boehman: I do think that’s the secret to my success, is I remember exactly where I was. I was listening to a podcast of Brooke’s, and I can’t remember which teacher she was talking about. It was either Steve Chandler, or Steven Pressfield, or someone like that, but they were talking about finding joy in the process, and it really clicked for me.

I was really miserable in that river of misery, purgatory, just failing, not making money as a coach, where most people are that are listening to this podcast. I heard that, and I was like, “Oh, I am white knuckling everything I’m doing, and this is going to be miserable forever because I will always be in process. So, I have to find the joy of the process.”

Rebecca Olson: The process, sure.

Stacey Boehman: The moment I found it, it’s never left.

Rebecca Olson: Wow, that’s cool. A lot of my clients, as working moms, have a goal of a certain level of success in your career and having a family. That’s it. Then they find me because they’re kind of going, “Well, I did that, and now what do I do? I have the rest of my life, and these were the goals that I’ve set for myself, and I don’t have anything beyond this. I don’t really know what the rest of my life is supposed to be about.”

Stacey Boehman: That’s so good.

Rebecca Olson: So, it’s wanting to get them into that process of recognizing that you’ve never thought beyond this moment. All we have to do is think beyond where you are now and help you to see a much bigger picture and get you there, ultimately, set you up.

Stacey Boehman: It’s so good. I love it. Okay. So, one of the things I was hoping you’d be willing to talk about today is $100K and when you arrived there, that feeling of it’s a fluke, and I don’t know how to do it again because this is the thing that I see every $100K earner go through. They hit it, like everyone. Everyone that’s been on this podcast has gone through it. Everyone.

They all got through that making money, but you are the first one that really broke it down and went to work to prove to yourself that it wasn’t a fluke. So, will you just talk a little bit about that? A little bit about the feeling of I can’t replicate this, and then tell everyone exactly what you did, tell yourself, “This wasn’t a fluke, and this is just who I am.” Can you just walk everyone through the before, during, and after of that?

Rebecca Olson: Yeah, I’m going to be really honest. This is still an active thought for me at times.

Stacey Boehman: I love it. That’s perfect.

Rebecca Olson: This morning, I sat there and thought about this a little bit. It feels very different now just three months into the year, but I still notice that that thought wants to be there. I thought I didn’t do that, and it’s not going to happen again, and it’s just completely a fluke, which is interesting because it really told me that life happens to me all the time.

That’s the way I’ve scripted my entire life on some level. That I didn’t really create it, it kind of happened to me. I was kind of lucky. I have good genes, whatever it is that got me here. So, coming into entrepreneurship and becoming a coach, all of a sudden, that wasn’t going to fly. It can’t just be a fluke for me to figure out how my business is going to work. I have to take ownership over it at some time.

Stacey Boehman: It’s really scary when you think that it is a fluke and you can’t reproduce it because it feels like, I think a lot of people would describe it as at any moment, the other shoe is going to drop, and I’m going to find out that this isn’t sustainable, that I can’t have this life or it’s all going to go away, and it’s all going to be for nothing.

Rebecca Olson: Yeah, for sure, for sure. I think for me, recognizing that that wasn’t just a business thought, that that was a life for me. That was a human thought that I was having about my life, and that I’m not really in control of it on some level, and I just have to wait for the divine, the universe, to hand it to me, and then I’ll run with it.

So, I think that in a lot of ways, that moment of I made a hundred $100K, I crossed the $100K mark in December 2nd or 3rd, really early in December, and I remember there was some joy in that. That was super cool, and awesome, and amazing, and it was like, “Okay, well, that’s never going to happen again.” That was probably literally my second thought. Like, “Well, that was it. Great. Okay, I’ve hit that.”

Stacey Boehman: I know. Can we just stop for a second and talk about that because everyone thinks they’re going to get to $100K, and it’s rainbows, and daisies, and butterflies, and as soon as you’re there, the thought is, “Well, that’s never going to happen again.”

Rebecca Olson: Never going to happen again. I’m sure I have said that to myself a hundred times since then.

Stacey Boehman: So good. That’s the thing, don’t wait to enjoy the process. Don’t think that once you get there, that’s when you get to enjoy it because you don’t. Your brain will always be coming up with things to make it less enjoyable. It’s just the human condition.

Rebecca Olson: Yeah, it’s the human condition to think that. Well, it’s also less scary to think that. It’s terrifying to not feel like you’re in control, but also, if I don’t have to take credit for anything, then I also didn’t fail as hard either. So, I think the overcoming of the security of life is a fluke, was a huge growth for me in 2019, and recognizing that I was finding a little haven in that thought, even though the thought is really scary and not helpful at all. But I was finding this Haven in it because it meant that I didn’t get to take credit for anything, and I didn’t get to fail at anything.

Stacey Boehman: I think I had that a little bit at the end of this past year. It was like the weight of being a multiple seven figure earner. To me, that really blew my mind, and now, it felt like all of a sudden, there’s this responsibility on my shoulders that I’m entering this new place in life. I kind of had a crisis about our money. I started reading everything I could about money.

I started looking at how I wanted to manage it, or how we were managing our money, how I wanted to manage my money. I started looking at literally everything, micromanaging every business expense. Like, do we want to keep spending this? Feeling like I had to be this like very responsible steward. It just felt so heavy in the beginning, and I had to really work through that. Like, “No, this is just now who I am, and it’s okay to be comfortable here and not be scared of all the money.”

Rebecca Olson: Yup, yup.

Stacey Boehman: That’s so crazy. So, you and I coached on it.

Rebecca Olson: A couple of times, I’m pretty sure.

Stacey Boehman: I do think it was a couple times, which is fine. That’s what I love about the Mastermind. It’s not just for making money. It’s about as soon as you make money, there’s going to be a shit load of other problems that you have, and it’s all the mind drama that you have about money. $100K earners, $200K earners also tend to forget that there will be periods. It’s the opposite of the fluke.

They forget there will be periods of time where they still won’t make money, and they go spend all their money, and then they’re not prepared for investments they need to make in their business. They’re not prepared for clients who quit. They’re not prepared to fire their clients when they realize they’re not their best clients. It’s just a not knowing of how to be that steward of that money. So, I love being able to coach you guys on making money, on having money, on repeating making money, on being someone who just is an earner. That’s the whole conversation that we have in $200K on the daily basis.

Rebecca Olson: Totally.

Stacey Boehman: So, we coached on it, and I told you, you had to tell yourself every single day exactly how you made $100K, so that it didn’t feel just like this thing that happened to you, but something you actively created every day. So, you did that.

Rebecca Olson: Yup, I did.

Stacey Boehman: What were some of the things that were on your list? Can you remember some? Hopefully, you’ve written it enough that you remember some.

Rebecca Olson: For sure, for sure.

Stacey Boehman: Tell everyone listening.

Rebecca Olson: Yeah, I think one of the biggest parts of that practice was having to go back, and zoom out, and see the bigger picture, which now, I do that a lot. I recognize that when I’m in the drama of something, it’s because I’m thinking about this moment, and I’m not putting it in the full perspective.

Stacey Boehman: Yeah, so good.

Rebecca Olson: The biggest part, I think, of having to do that over, and over, and over again is that I was stretching myself to think way back to January, and not just in the last couple of months where I had made $50,000 in the last couple of months.

Stacey Boehman: That’s so crazy too.

Rebecca Olson: But what was I doing way back in January? What was that?

Stacey Boehman: I said that’s so crazy too. You made $50K in how many months?

Rebecca Olson: Like three and a half.

Stacey Boehman: That’s ridiculous. I love it. Okay, keep going. It’s so good.

Rebecca Olson: So, when I had to go all the way back there, I could all of a sudden see this through line of all sorts of sayings that were going on in the entire year. One of them was this idea of I create my results in my life. I’m actively participating in that, and I could go back and see how I was actively participating earlier in the year in the right ways.

Stacey Boehman: Give me an example.

Rebecca Olson: I was really looking at a couple of different things in the earlier part of the year, like my inability to fail, and how scared I was of that, and how that was holding me back. I was thinking about what people thought of me, like particular friends and family members that I literally had in their mind as I was making decisions as if I was wondering if they would approve of me or not.

I was becoming aware of who I was and how I was showing up, not necessarily the actions I was taking, but just the fuel behind the actions, and recognizing that they were way off, and that they weren’t helpful at all. So, I went through this period in March and April where I just purged of all of that. I brought it all up. I journaled about it a lot. I was coached on it a bunch with my coach at the time. I started to just let it surface and see all of the ways that those things were happening to me.

Then actually what I did is I went, and I ran, and I jumped in the ocean as this symbolic purge of this isn’t who I am anymore. II was doing stuff like that in the beginning of the year that I 100% believe was a huge part of what became my success at the end of the year because then all of a sudden, my actions were fueled totally differently, where I was no longer thinking about people and what they were going to say, or think, or do as a result of my own business choices.

Stacey Boehman: So, what were you thinking about? This is the thing, so many people come into even $2K, and they’re so worried about what other people think, that they don’t have any space or time in their brain to think of other things. I’m learning this with food. It’s like when you’re so consumed with food, it’s all you think about.

Rebecca Olson: Yeah, it’s all you think about for sure.

Stacey Boehman: There are other things available to think about, but you can’t even see them when you’re just thinking about food. So, what are some of the things that you started thinking about once you weren’t thinking about what other people are thinking about you?

Rebecca Olson: Probably I’d put that into two buckets. I could talk about what I was thinking about in terms of my client or my potential client, just beginning to really focus in on them instead of me. I just shifted perspectives. I started to think about their needs. I started to think about what their problems were. I started to think more about how I was solving their problems.

I went through a long period of inviting a bunch of my clients to interview a bunch of my clients and get testimonials from them, but hear their journey. Not just do that for me, but I did that on Facebook. So, these became big journeys for other people to hear and really helped them share those kinds of things. I just really started to focus on them a ton, and how I could better serve them, and how I could better speak to them, which obviously, you talk about that all the time.

We have to shift away from ourselves. We have to start thinking about our clients, and when we do that, results will follow. You don’t have to work on the results, just work on focusing on your clients, and the results will happen to you. So, I would say there was a big part of that, and I think the other part was just beginning to focus on more positive thoughts about myself, like that I was totally capable, that I have a track record of success in my life, and that I continue to will have success in my life.

I can’t ignore those things. I can’t disregard those things. I started to think about just my potential, and get excited about my potential, and see me the way other people see me in my potential, and just see myself as awesome, and that people need me, and they want me.

Stacey Boehman: Who are the people that saw you and your potential?

Rebecca Olson: Gosh, when I have these conversations with some of my friends around just this feeling of lack within me, I usually get this face like, “What are you talking about, Rebecca? You are one of the most successful, driven people I’ve ever met before. Why are you having this self-doubt? What’s going on for you in that?”

Literally, I get this face that they kind of look at me like, “This is so confusing to me on what’s going on inside that you’re telling me, and what I see evidence of your life and what’s going on in your mind.” I would say it’s all of my friends. It’s as if everybody has a secret about me that I didn’t know about. It’s just ridiculous, and I can laugh about it, but that was pretty deeply rooted there that I’ve had to really pull that up.

Of course, it still comes up on a completely different way, on completely different level now, but that belief itself has went sky high in 2019. I think that was one of the things that I saw in that evaluation coming full circle back to that, is the recognition of that belief in self had grown tremendously, and because of that, I could see the success in a completely different way. Right?

Stacey Boehman: Yes. I think that’s so powerful. Then what would you say to people who don’t have people in their lives telling them that they’re amazing, and it’s crazy that they’re saying these things? Because I feel like half of the people who want to become a life coach are just like you. They have everyone in their life that’s like, “What are you talking about?” Then there’s half of the people that are like me a little bit where I started, and people were like, “You’re going to be a life coach? Okay.” They’re like, “Is the bar low for entry? Can anyone be a life coach?”

Rebecca Olson: That’s so good. Totally. I totally know what you’re talking about. That’s so funny.

Stacey Boehman: They’re like, “You’ve been selling mops in Walmart for seven years, and now, you’re going to be a life coach? Tell me about it.” So, what would you say to the people? I’m just curious if you’ve ever thought about that because I think that whether you have people telling you or not, it’s a C. It’s a circumstance.

Rebecca Olson: Yeah, for sure.

Stacey Boehman: We have our thoughts about it. I think it’s so interesting because the work is the same. The work is the same to believe from nothing that you’re something.

Rebecca Olson: It’s totally the same.

Stacey Boehman: The work is the same to also believe what other people are saying about you that you don’t believe is true. It’s the exact same work. What are your thoughts about that?

Rebecca Olson: Because I work with a lot of people that are like me, this comes up all the time, and it’s the work of self-validation ultimately because you’re seeking validation, you’re seeking approval from other people. So, the work is all about how do you self-validate so you don’t need that anymore. That doesn’t mean you might not want them, or that it wouldn’t be super helpful to have those people that are doing that for you in your life, but you don’t need it in order to move forward. That’s been my work, is to really learn how to self-validate, and to help my clients learn how to self-validate, and to call themselves out, and to celebrate themselves, and to speak truth.

I just had a client that reached out, or maybe this was in my Facebook group or whatever, and she’s like, “For the first time in a meeting, somebody said something good to me and said something positive about my work, and I said something like, ‘Of course I would do that. I’m awesome.’ I walked away and was like, ‘Oh, my gosh. I said I was awesome and everybody heard me.’” I was like, “No, because you are awesome, but I’m so glad that came out of your mouth because that’s our work, is to learn how to speak that truth. You are awesome.”

Stacey Boehman: We can be like, “You suck,” and we’re like, “Yeah, that’s the truth,” and then we’re like, “You’re awesome. Oops, I can’t believe I said that.”

Rebecca Olson: Totally. I know. Isn’t that funny? Yeah, for sure. We believe every negative thing, but we can’t believe every positive. We hardly ever believe the positive.

Stacey Boehman: It’s so good. If you’re going to lie to yourself, at least lie to yourself in a way that makes you feel good.

Rebecca Olson: Absolutely, absolutely. That, at least, will move you forward.

Stacey Boehman: I think that the self-validation thing, just for everyone listening, is the key to having an amazing relationship, marriage, whatever, with your partner, an amazing relationship with your family, and I’ve really struggled with that. I had to do a lot of work with that. Neil has always been very positive and supportive, but my family, they just didn’t get it.

I don’t think I approached it in the right way in the beginning necessarily, but I think that I see so many coaches that come, and they’re so frustrated that their family doesn’t support them, that their spouse doesn’t support them. They say that the reason they can’t invest in themselves is because their spouse doesn’t support them. They blame their spouse for what they can and can’t do in their business.

When you decide to actively self-validate and take responsibility for your decisions. I’m always like, “No, it’s not that you can’t invest in yourself because your spouse said, “No.” You can’t invest in yourself because you delegated that decision to someone else. That’s the truth. The result can stay the same where you don’t invest in yourself, but it’s really powerful to tell yourself that that’s the truth. You delegated a decision, or you delegated validation, or you are delegating validation. You’re delegating belief in yourself.

They’re always saying, “Oh, but my husband doesn’t believe in me.” It’s like, “Of course he doesn’t believe in you.” I tell Neil stuff all the time, and he’s like, “Okay.” I just don’t need him to believe in me. I think that self-validation is everything. Do you have any other thoughts about that before I move on? I have a question for you.

Rebecca Olson: No, not at this time. That’s the big one that takes up a lot of space.

Stacey Boehman: So good. Okay. So, before we move on, you spent quite a bit of time telling yourself that money wasn’t a fluke, and when you stopped saying all the things about yourself that were not serving you, you had time to think about your clients, and you had time to think about great things to say to yourself that felt good.

Rebecca Olson: Self-validating myself, yes.

Stacey Boehman: Self-validating yourself. Then the other thing that came up next for your work in this journey has been learning how to celebrate yourself.

Rebecca Olson: Oh, my gosh, yes.

Stacey Boehman: So, let’s talk about that.

Rebecca Olson: Yes.

Stacey Boehman: I want to do a podcast on that. I think so many people struggle with how to celebrate themselves, and you’re such a great example. I watch you learning how to do it. I think it’s so great. So, will you talk about that a little bit?

Rebecca Olson: Yes, yes.

Stacey Boehman: It’s another self-validation though, right?

Rebecca Olson: Yeah. Oh, sure. Oh, my gosh, for sure, for sure. I was writing about that this morning, as it’s one of the pieces that I’m actively working on. Celebration literally is definitely an active work right now. This is like a conversation I’ve had, I don’t even know how many times, with myself and with a life coach that I’ve worked with. We’ve talked about how my emotional journey is such a roller coaster. Hypothetically, one of the reasons for that is I’m at the top. The top is when I’m celebrating life, but I only allow myself to do that when big things happen.

Stacey Boehman: Okay. Yes.

Rebecca Olson: So, because big things don’t happen very often, big, big things don’t happen very often, what happens is I sit in the low for a really long period of time, and my peaks, the journey up and down is just really volatile. So, my work is to learn how to celebrate the small things so that up and down journey no longer feel so up and down anymore. It feels much more like even keel, a little bit more normalized.

Stacey Boehman: Yeah, it’s just who you are.

Rebecca Olson: Totally. So, I’ve heard that and just kept going. I don’t know what that means to you. I don’t know what it means to celebrate. I got really angry the last time this conversation came up. I don’t know how to celebrate. I screamed it, and she was like, “Look, let’s just say you’re working on learning how to celebrate it.” Then I’m like, “Okay, great. We’re working on learning how to celebrate it.”

Stacey Boehman: I love it.

Rebecca Olson: It was just like in that moment, I said, “I am going to learn how to do this.” So, I committed myself for 40 days to learn how to celebrate, and everybody was going to get involved. My entire family is going to learn how to celebrate with me. We’re doing this together. I got really determined about it.

So, the next day, I sat and I wrote a list of all of the ways I could celebrate because I needed to tell my brain of course I knew how to celebrate. That’s ridiculous that I don’t know how. So, I wrote literally a list of, I don’t know, there’s probably 30 or 40 things on it. I defined it for myself. I said, “Celebration is an act of appreciation or gratitude with physical movement.” That was my definition. Then I went and I actually looked it up in the dictionary, and that’s actually pretty accurate. It’s an action of gratefulness essentially.

So, a bunch of things on my list are all about dancing. Dance is on there a lot. Writing things down, speaking it out loud. I talked about drawing pictures with my five-year-old, and buying celebration horns to have at dinner time, and we light candles at dinner every day just to celebrate our meal, action things that remind me of celebration. It’s only been maybe two weeks at this point, and what I’ve noticed though is I’m seeing all of the little ways, the little things I could do to celebrate.

I’ll have a moment, I’ll get off a call with a client, and there’ll be just a mini transformation that happened in that. I might acknowledge like, “Oh, that was a really good call,” but now, I get up and I dance about it. I get up, and I do some physical movement to go, “Look at me like. That was awesome.” I get really into it, and something happens totally different in my brain as I’ve done it. Now, I’m starting to see all sorts of ways that that is happening. My energy and my vibe is way higher because I’m doing that all the time.

Stacey Boehman: Yes. Oh, that’s so good. I love that. I think it’s so important. I think you have to do that. I always say you can’t sell life coaching if you don’t love your life. It’s going to be really hard to sell life coaching, and I think that you can do that. You don’t have to coach for years, and years, and years, and perfect your life in order to go celebrate it. I learned how to celebrate my life when I had no money, and no furniture, and two spoons, and no boyfriend.

I learned how to do it when I had no circumstantial markers to say necessarily that I should be celebrating compared to what society would define as success. I learned how to do it then. I would celebrate myself and my life even if I were living in a box. I could do that, and I could celebrate myself in a Super 8 motel. I could really do it anywhere.

Whether it’s celebration or gratitude, I think that’s the most important thing that coaches do when they’re trying to grow their business. It’s just the most basic thing. You’re never going to sell life coaching if you think your life sucks, and you’re complaining about it every day, and miserable, and you think it has to massively change in order for you to be valuable to help someone else.

That’s the biggest lesson of all the things, is if you can not change anything and just change how you think and feel. That is what will start selling life coaching, not getting a new car, and having an office, and having a beautiful website. None of those things are going to create that feeling of celebration, and it’s the key. It’s everything.

Rebecca Olson: Yeah, the feeling that I have had over the last couple of weeks, I can tell is just significantly different than before. I don’t want to say that I’m trying to get into this happy vibe all of the time because life is 50/50, so that isn’t necessarily the case. But I am trying to get out of this very deep valley high mountain thing that just has me so scattered, that it’s really hard to focus. So, I’m turning my mountains into hills at this point, and I could tell how that vibration and that energy is going to sustain me so much better this entire year as I move ultimately the same actions that I was taking before.

Stacey Boehman: I think that’s why a lot of people think that when they make a hundred $100K, they’re like not sure if they could make $200K, or $500K, or even when they’re making multiple six figures, why they’re afraid to make millions. When you’re doing the up and down, that massive mountainous range in your emotions, it exhausts you.

Rebecca Olson: It’s very tired.

Stacey Boehman: It keeps a lot out of you to be so up and down, and so then you imagine, “Okay. So, now, I have to double that up and down. I have to double that effort. I have to double that emotional response,” and really, the more you level out those mountains and turn them into hills, the more you level out the success and the failure, the less energy your business starts taking to make money, and to grow, and to increase your goals.

Then all of a sudden, it’s like, “Wait a minute. Now, I’m making a lot more money with a lot less time and a lot less energy,” when you learn how to do that. It’s such a mindset shift, and I do think it’s the reason it keeps people from thinking that they could make more money. They’re like, “I don’t have more of me to give,” and learning that difference and how to balance that out is everything when you want to make more money.

Rebecca Olson: Yeah, for sure. Everybody says this on some level, but I hear it from moms literally daily. It’s like, “I don’t want to take any more from my family. I don’t want them to be the impact of my emotional journey.” Whether you’re an entrepreneur, which I work with those, and I work with obviously those that are just in a corporate life.

So, more effort in isn’t actually going to yield the results that you’re looking for. We’re trying to separate effort from results on some level. One of the ways that you do that is you learn how to manage your energy, and celebrate, and stay in a place of growth and learning, and it’s been night and day for sure.

Stacey Boehman: And to self-validate, right? This is what I think. When you self-validate, your successes and your failures will stop being as high and as low. It’ll affect both. So, you won’t celebrate as high anymore. I remember when my clients used to first start telling me they were making money. I would have the high of them making money the way that I would have the high of me making money.

Then as I grew in my emotional capacity and in my own self-validation, I experienced less now of my client successes and celebrating that, and less of my own freak out about my successes. But I also don’t wallow in pity and shame in the failures. I move on from them so much quicker, and I’m so much more even keeled.

I think that’s a beautiful thing because then you get to think about other things. It seems like the more money you make, the more money obsessed you’ll be, and the more success you have, the more success obsessed you’ll be. Maybe the more failure you have, the more failure adverse you’ll be.

Really, if you do it this way that we’re talking about, it becomes success and failure is just what I do because I’m an entrepreneur, and this is just how it happens, and we grow, and this is just I’m a business owner. Then I have this other piece of me, and this other life I get to live and focus on, and I’m more present for it because I’m not experiencing such highs and lows.

Rebecca Olson: Totally. Yeah, for sure, for sure. That the effect doesn’t cross over as much anymore. Right?

Stacey Boehman: Yes.

Rebecca Olson: I think the positive effect crosses over always, and the negative does too, but if we even out the negative so that it’s not so low, then life on the other side, and you’re in your personal life, and your family life becomes way less affected and way more energized by the work that you’re doing.

Stacey Boehman: Yeah. Even when you talk about selling, in 2K, I teach that concept of clean selling, and that’s really what it is. If you can self-validate, and you can stop experiencing such a dramatic reaction to no and such a dramatic reaction to yes, it goes back to positive and negative belief bias. If you’re tied to the yes, and someone says yes, you’re going to get so excited, and you’re going to experience such a high in your emotions that you forget to talk about objections they might still have to prepare them for things that could happen after the call.

You might forget to set them up for their first call on this session. You might miss key things that are there that need to be accounted for. Then you also have such a negative reaction to no, you miss an opportunity to walk someone through who really could be a yes. Either of those like highs and lows impact your selling.

Rebecca Olson: For sure, for sure.

Stacey Boehman: When you can just sell, and it’s even keeled, and there’s no attachment to the failure or aversion to the failure, no attachment to the success, then you have what would be in your mind when you’re attached to the success. Having a version to the failure within your mind when that’s happening, all that crap about you, and all of that self-focus goes away.

Now, all of a sudden, you have your mind perfectly clear to focus on this other person and think about them, and your emotions aren’t tied into what you’re saying to them. All of a sudden, now, you’re thinking and coaching at such a high level, that you can really serve them, and you get such different results on your consults because of it.

Rebecca Olson: You talk a lot about obviously separating yourself from the results, whether that’s a yes or a no, and being really clean, and I’ve never thought about the idea that what you’re really seeking is validation on some level, either on the positive or the negative. You’re trying to find evidence of either one. I’m a good coach, or I’m a bad coach, or I’m good at selling, or I’m not good at selling.

Stacey Boehman: Oh, that’s so good.

Rebecca Olson: Yeah, they’re like, “See, they said no. I knew it.”

Stacey Boehman: I’m a terrible coach.

Rebecca Olson: Totally, totally.

Stacey Boehman: I’m never going to make it.

Rebecca Olson: I’ve never thought about it in that sense of self-validation, but it’s totally the same. There’s an absolute connection between what you’re trying to do when you’re not selling from a clean place. There’s no question about it. So, if you need less validation of yourself, or like if you can validate yourself on your own, and you’re not seeking it from them on the other side of the phone, that’s another level of just really detaching yourself from the results. For sure.

Stacey Boehman: Yeah, that’s so good.

Rebecca Olson: Yeah, for sure.

Stacey Boehman: So, let’s wrap it up, but I want to ask you a couple of things. People have been messaging me like crazy about the 200K Mastermind, and they want to just talk to all of you.

Rebecca Olson: It’s because it’s good, right?

Stacey Boehman: Which you guys don’t have time to do. You’re busy making money and serving clients. Maybe you can give them a little bit on this call. So, I’m going to just ask you a few questions that we get a lot, which is what are the biggest takeaways that make it worth the big investment to join? What really happens for you and your transformation in the Mastermind?

Rebecca Olson: What happens for me in the transformation in the Mastermind? So, this second round, this is the second time I’m in it.

Stacey Boehman:  Like 30 days into the second one, right?

Rebecca Olson: Yeah, something like that. Exactly. The live event this time around for me, I think I showed up in a completely different place.

Stacey Boehman:  I agree, yeah. You can tell that you had worked so much in the first six months. You were my student that was like, “Wait a minute, hold on. I’m going to raise my hand and tell you I don’t understand. That doesn’t make sense to me. Explain that more clearly.” I love that because it serves everyone.

Rebecca Olson: Sure.

Stacey Boehman: I think that that was you were looking for all the things that you were missing, or that you didn’t quite understand, and you were really this avid student of, “I’m going to get what I came for, and figure this out, and make sure there’s no holes I’m missing.”

Rebecca Olson: Yeah, for sure. I think the higher investment this time, and that this level of investment increased that within me. Obviously, you talk about this a lot. When you invest in yourself, you show up differently to this, to anything that you invest in. In this case, I showed up, and I was like, “This is going to be worth it in this one experience. 100% in the three-day event, it was going to be worth it in this experience,” and it was because I showed up and decided it was going to be that.

So, I thought about questions that I had, and what did I really want to walk away with, and what were the few key things that I feel I didn’t know what I needed to do in my business. I didn’t know how to solve my key problems that I was having. I wanted those to be solved here.

Stacey Boehman: What were the key problems? That will be helpful for them. Even though it’s not going to be necessarily the same that they have, but it would be helpful to know what were the three key problems.

Rebecca Olson: Totally, totally. A big one for me that I was wrestling with was I was getting two different types of people on my sales calls, and one was more geared towards my group program, and one was more geared towards my one-on-one. So, all in all, I was trying to basically figure out how do I speak to one person and not two because I was splitting my marketing message ultimately?

That’s a simplified version of the problem that was going on, but ultimately, it resulted in me doing away with my group program for now and deciding I was going to hone-in on my one message to my one-on-one client, that person, that ideal client, and fill my practice that way, and just let that half of my business go for now. That was huge relief to be able to decide that and move on. I decided it in an instant. It was like, “Oh, this just means I need to let this go for now. Okay. That’s all right.”

Stacey Boehman: I think it’s super helpful when you’re at a table with five other $200K earners.

Rebecca Olson: All of them were $200K earners. Totally. Yeah, they all were, and they were like, “Oh, yeah. That sounds great,” and I’m like, “Yeah, that’s exactly what I think.”

Stacey Boehman: So good. Okay. So, that was one of them.

Rebecca Olson: Yeah, so that was a big one. Then that dovetailed into a couple of different things that I think were a big piece of this one problem, which was like, “I have a sales funnel using a webinar.” So, it was the recognition that my webinar was literally speaking to both of those two people, and now, I needed to go, and I had to change my entire funnel from start to finish.

I needed to do the entire thing over again. So, that’s been something that’s been lingering anyway. Like, “I think it’s time for me to redo my webinar. My messaging might not be right.” Well, now, I figured out exactly why my messaging was right and made a decision that I was going to do that. So, I’m launching my first webinar next week on my entire new webinar funnel.

Stacey Boehman: I love it. Okay. Then what was the third thing?

Rebecca Olson: The third thing was probably an internal piece of just feeling like I deserve a seat at this table.

Stacey Boehman: That’s been my struggle even in my mastermind. I feel like I spent the last 18 months self-validating and working through that belief for myself that I have a seat at this table, and I had all of the millionaires in the group telling me I had a seat at the table. Like, “Come help me.” They would literally ask me for sales advice, or they would ask my opinion about something.

Or Brooke would be like, “Stacey, what do you think?” I would literally freeze and be like, “Why are you asking me? I don’t have anything to teach you.” It took 18 months for me to really work and be like, “I have a seat at this table.” Now, I comment on everybody’s stuff with my opinion. I don’t need them to validate that it was good, but I’m contributing at a higher level than I’ve ever contributed before.

We just recently talked in the group about one of the biggest things you could do in a mastermind is believe that you’re valuable and that you have a seat at the table because it changes not just how you show up in the mastermind, but then how you go out and you show up in your business.

Rebecca Olson: There’s no question.

Stacey Boehman: It’s everything, and now, it’s like I’m embodying myself. What I feel like is my truth, that I am a sales expert. I’m a leader, a thought leader, in the entire industry, in the entire world, when it comes to sales. Now, I’m showing up, and I’m doing that event with Brooke, selling expensive things, and it’s like, of course, this is what I do and who I am. It took a while to get there, and people would look at me and never believe that.

They’d be like, “Of course you are in Million Dollar Mentoring, and of course you have a seat at the table,” but I don’t think what you felt of having a seat at the table, I think, it’s so common. That’s what everybody thinks at every level. I think if we could open that conversation up even, and change people’s belief about that, so many coaches will show up at such a different level believing they have a seat at the table. What changed for you in that three days about the seat at the table?

Rebecca Olsen: So, when I showed up for the first mastermind, I think I had a seat at the table because you chose me. That was why I had the seat at the table. This time around, it was like, “No, I have a seat at the table because I deserve to have a seat at the table, that I’m worthy of having a seat at the table.”

Stacey Boehman: That you created that seat at the table, right?

Rebecca Olson: Yes, exactly. That I created this seat at this table. So, I think it was a desire to shift that energy and away from, “It’s a fluke. Somebody just happened to choose me,” versus, “I created this for myself.”

Stacey Boehman: Which isn’t true at all because we now lovingly call the 200K info call the Hunger Games call.

Rebecca Olson: Yes.

Stacey Boehman: Because I make you guys get on, and I don’t sell you on 200K at all. I make you guys sell me on why you should be in 200K because we just get so many applications. I need people who are hungry for it. We get so many qualified people every time, and I remember I talked to you a little bit, and before I moved on, you’re like, “Wait, stop. Hold on. What are you actually looking for here? What are you looking for? How are you going to know if it’s the right fit?” No one had asked that.

Rebecca Olson: No.

Stacey Boehman: You fought for your spot, and then even after the call, you like emailed us and you were like, “Listen, I didn’t get to say this, but this, this, and this.”

Rebecca Olson: I did not feel like I had enough time, and that I shared what I wanted to share, so I just inserted myself.

Stacey Boehman: I loved it. That was one of the reasons I chose you. I was like, “Listen, I want someone who’s willing to fight for themselves to be in here because that’s going to tell me that they’re going to show up, and they’re going to get the results that they came for, for themselves. They’re not going to be waiting on me to give it to them.”

Rebecca Olson: Yeah. So, I think that was the shift I was looking for coming in, and so how I showed up was probably in a couple of different ways. I intentionally sought out people within the mastermind that I hadn’t connected a whole lot with from the previous six months, and that I wanted to gain their energy, if you will, just to be in their presence, to hear their story, to share mine, to feel like we were equals because we all are.

No matter our results, no matter how much money we’ve made, we’re all here, and we all have something to offer each other. So, wanting to see that I had that, and so I intentionally was trying to connect in that way. I sat at different tables every day to connect with different people that were there. So, I did that. I had a running list of thoughts going throughout the whole mastermind or the whole live event.

So, when I had a thought about me or a thought about my client, I had two different pages going, that I would just start writing these things down. I just found so many thoughts around, “I’m doing this right. I’m doing all of the things that I’m supposed to be doing. I’m exactly where I should be.”

That’s really the thought that I’ve held onto a lot over the last three to four months. I’m exactly where I should be right now. I shouldn’t be anywhere else. Exactly where I should be, and I just continued to tell myself that over, and over, and over again while I was there. “I’m exactly where I should be right now. This is exactly where I’m supposed to be like.”

Stacey Boehman: I think this is the thing that also I’ve taken from Million Dollar Mentoring is that the way that we grow our businesses, and I taught you guys this at the live event, is this idea of balanced business growth. So, we don’t always have growth years in Million Dollar Mentoring. Some years, you actively choose not to make more money, but to focus on the backend of your business, and your customer service, and your deliverables, and even just your time off, and you’re taking care of yourself, and making sure you’re living the life the way that you want to live.

So, we’re not always having growth years. Sometimes we’re creating brand new things. People in the mastermind are writing books. So, everybody is doing this own thing, and so sometimes your revenue is going to be higher one year than someone’s, and then the next year, they’re going to double your revenue. It’s always changing, and it really has shifted even my awareness and experience of your income level does not make you the smartest person in the room.

Rebecca Olson: Define you.

Stacey Boehman: The most qualified, the most valuable. Everybody is on their own journey, and some people are going to pass you up at one point. That was my work, is attaching my gross to my seat at the table, and watching everybody else’s gross, and not allowing myself to be separate from that, and engage in the mastermind in a different way. I had to really work on that, and it was one of the biggest transformations that I’ve had. It was like, “So what? What if all of them double their income and surpass me? What if they triply surpass me?”

Rebecca Olson: You get to decide what that means.

Stacey Boehman: I get to decide what that means, and I get to grow my business only for me. So, this year, we set goals that were specific for, I’m getting married. I want to try to have a baby.” I have all this travel that we’re doing. I want that to be my main focus, and it was so freeing to make that decision for me. This was only me creating the race, but step out of the race.

Rebecca Olson: For sure, for sure. You did a whole podcast on this essentially, which is your human value versus your business value.

Stacey Boehman:  Yes.

Rebecca Olson: Ultimately, that’s what we’re talking about I talk with my clients because it’s mostly high achieving moms that are in corporate jobs. Their success in life is tied to the result of how good they are at their job. We’re talking about the same thing as entrepreneurs. We base our success based on our financials.

So, what we do is we blend that on some level to mean how good we are as humans and what success just in life means. We have to really untangle that all of the time and recognize that we have value and worth no matter your results in life. I could scream that from the rooftops all the time because it’s such a common conversation I have. Your value isn’t based in that.

Stacey Boehman: Yeah. Gosh, I love watching the before and after from mastermind to mastermind for all of you, but yours, to me, is the most potent. I feel like it’s so good.

Rebecca Olson: How so, Stacey? Tell me.

Stacey Boehman: To watch you be able to articulate your growth in the last seven months since you and I started working together, to see you articulated at this level of self-awareness, tells me the level of work you did in the mastermind. It really does. You’re describing it so well, that I know so many people are going to get so much value from it. Okay. One last question, and then I’m going to have you tell them how they can connect with you.

This is the deal. We have so many people that apply for 200K Mastermind, that we don’t necessarily need more people to apply, but we want everyone to apply because we want to find the best, of the best, of the best, which doesn’t always mean the highest grosser. We had someone in this time that had only made $9K when she applied, and now, she’s made a lot more money back, which is so fun.

Rebecca Olson: Yeah, I love it.

Stacey Boehman: We’re looking for the most committed, the most like all in. You just never know. We want to find the best people. So, people are going to freak out about the investment. Even people that are making $100K. That’s what I find really fascinating. They’re like, “I’m making $100K. There’s no way I could invest in that.” So, no matter what, their fear is about the investment. You made $50K in three months. It’s insane. So, if you could tell them one thing, what would it be about their decision to apply or not? I love that you’re thinking of it so carefully.

Rebecca Olson: I am thinking about it carefully because I had my own drama about having to make this investment. I wasn’t just at the cusp of the $100K mark having to make this decision for myself, and I was in the middle of my $25K month while I was making the decision.

Stacey Boehman: But it was so hard for you because I remember you had circumstances. I don’t remember what they were now, but you were like, “This is a really difficult decision for me.”

Rebecca Olson: Yeah, I would say the only reason it’s hard is because you don’t believe in yourself.

Stacey Boehman: Tell me more about that. Be specific.

Rebecca Olson: So, when I went through and I listed all of the reasons why I wouldn’t have invested, I went to that side of it and started on that part of the ledger.

Stacey Boehman: You’re such a good student. People are like, “What is self-coaching? How do you self-coach?” This episode tells you how you self-coach. Just follow everything Rebecca does. Okay, go ahead.

Rebecca Olson: I went to that side of the ledger, and I was looking at all of the reasons why I wouldn’t do it, and all of the reasons were just a lack of belief in me. Like, “I don’t know. I don’t have any evidence to prove that I can do this. I’ve never invested at this level. What if I don’t go all in and get everything out of it? What if I’m not doing everything I can now I want to do everything then?”

Everything about it was about me. It had zero to do with you. If I just went to that side, it was like, “Well, of course, I think Stacey is going to help me make more money, a lot more money, than if I didn’t make this investment.” I totally believed that on one side of it, and all of the other reasons why I wouldn’t is just because I don’t believe in myself. As soon as I saw that literally in black and white, “Well, that’s stupid. I’ll just believe in myself, and it will be fun.”

Stacey Boehman: Yeah, I love that.

Rebecca Olson: I hated that reason. I hated that reason for not investing, was a lack of belief in self. So, I just decided that I wasn’t going to do that.

Stacey Boehman: I’ve had a major leap like you going $50K in three months. I signed 18 clients in a six-week period or something crazy, and it was my first year, so four years ago. Gosh, time is flying. I went from $4K months to $12K months in a matter of six weeks. I’ve had that awesome jump. The one thing that I think is what you kind of hit on. I think it’s okay that you don’t believe in yourself because you don’t have the capacity to believe that things like that are possible until they happen.

Rebecca Olson: Yeah, for sure, for sure.

Stacey Boehman: I think what we think we’re capable of making is so much smaller than what we’re truly capable of making. When we think about like, “Oh, yeah, maybe I’ll make $200K this year,” it’s like, what if it could be $400K or $500K?

Now, of course, you know in $200K we don’t hustle ourselves into the ground to make a bunch of money to prove to ourselves that we can do it. But sometimes you’re like that person that can make $50K in three months, and you just don’t know it, and you don’t have the capacity to know it because you haven’t done it yet. But it doesn’t mean you won’t, especially if you put yourself in the room to do it.

Rebecca Olson: So, if I were to really boil it down, I would say love your reasons for our say no, if you decide not to say no, because that was the deal. I came up with the reasons why I would say no, and I looked, and I went, “I would never make a decision based on those things. That’s ridiculous.” I hated that reason. So, I decided to keep going.

Stacey Boehman: That’s so good.

Rebecca Olson: You say that a lot. You use that phrase. Make a decision and love your reasons.

Stacey Boehman: Yes.

Rebecca Olson: If you decide to not invest, love your reasons for it. No shame. You can tell anyone about it, and you feel nothing negative about it.

Stacey Boehman: And don’t BS yourself because some people will be like, “Oh, yeah. I really love this reason that I’m making a decision for my family and not myself. I love that reason.” It’s like, “Do you really?”

Rebecca Olson: It’s how you feel about it. When you say that, if you were to start saying that to 10 different people, how does it make you feel? Does it make you feel shameful? Do you hide when you say it? Do you feel sad? Do you feel some guilt?

Stacey Boehman: That is so good. Okay, hold on.

Rebecca Olson: Those are likely not the reasons for moving forward.

Stacey Boehman: Yes. You are such a brilliant coach. We have to just stop and have everyone hear that. Would you take your reason for anything, whether it’s the mastermind? I wanted to ask you just because we have been getting so many questions about it, and obviously, they can’t just talk to you guys about it. So, when I have you guys on the interviews, I’ll start asking you, but this is the question.

For whatever it is that you’re holding back, whether it’s 2K, 200K, Life Coach School certification, I get so many emails about that, or whatever other certification, or even becoming a life coach. People listening, they’re like, “I want to be one, one day. Whatever the decision is, how you test whether you truly love your reason is would you tell a room full of people that reason and feel great about it? What? Would you tell a room? That is everything. That’s so good.

Rebecca Olson: I think it’s really true because the thought of having to do that is going to produce a feeling. Do you love that feeling that’s going on inside of you?

Stacey Boehman: Yes. Oh, that’s so good. I love that. Okay. So, how do people connect with you, read what you’re up to, figure out how to work with you? Tell them how they find you.

Rebecca Olson: Yeah, for sure. So, I specifically help working moms that have a bunch of career goals but are feeling held back since becoming a mom. They don’t know how to make both of those things happen at the same time. So, if you are one of those people, then would love to talk to you. You can obviously find me at my website, I also have a free Facebook group, Working Moms That Want It All, that you can join. I do a lot of content teaching, so forth, in that group. Then, of course, I have a new webinar coming up. You could find that too.

Stacey Boehman: Are you on Instagram?

Rebecca Olson: I’m not.

Stacey Boehman: No? Okay.

Rebecca Olson: I wouldn’t follow me on Instagram. That isn’t the best place to follow me.

Stacey Boehman: I was like, “We’ll tag you.” We’ll link up all the ways that they can connect with you. We’ll link that up in the show notes so that you can go to, you’ll be able to get this episode. Go to the show notes. You’ll have all of Rebecca’s information right there, and definitely look her up. You’re amazing. This was so valuable for them.

Rebecca Olson: Thank you. Thanks.

Stacey Boehman: Seriously, the way you articulated everything. Everyone needs to listen to this episode 100 times on repeat.

Rebecca Olson: Thanks, Stacey, for being on. It’s been an honor.

Stacey Boehman: Thanks for coming on and sharing with my audience. All right. I’ll see you later today.

Rebecca Olson: I sure will. A couple of hours. All right.

Stacey Boehman: All right, bye.

Hey, if you’re ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2k for 2k program where you’re going to make your first $2,000 the hardest part using my simple 5 step formula for getting consults and closing new clients. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

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