Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | Selling Long-Term Coaching
I see so many of you with limiting beliefs around long-term coaching, which wouldn’t be a problem if these beliefs weren’t directly affecting your clients. These limiting beliefs are holding you back from creating the best offer for your clients, and I’m showing you how to start thinking differently about selling long-term coaching this week.

If you have thoughts that your client won’t want to work with you long-term, or that selling shorter-term coaching is easier, you won’t make your offer to suit your clients’ needs. And then your clients are missing out on what they need from you, and nobody wins. It’s all about thinking about your client and offering them what they need to get them all the way to their results.

Tune in this week as I break down the limiting beliefs I see showing up frequently among my clients and show you how to create your offer in a way that puts your client at the forefront. Learn why if you’re struggling to get people to sign up, it is always about the selling and never about the price, and why taking the time to sit and think about what will be most beneficial to your client will help you come up with the offer that they deserve.

If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • What I consider to be long-term coaching.
  • Some thoughts many of you have that keep you from selling long-term coaching.
  • Why you should choose a timeframe that will allow for success, failures, and generally being human.
  • How to make new habits ways of being who you are permanently.
  • One thing that helped me when I started selling year-long coaching packages.
  • Why selling a long-term coaching program from the beginning makes more sense.

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Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast, where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hey coaches, welcome to episode 124. Today we’re going to talk about selling long term coaching. So this is a really interesting topic. I think it’s something worth talking about just because I’m seeing so many of my clients who have a lot of limiting beliefs around long term coaching. And that wouldn’t be a problem if I didn’t think it affected the client. So we’re going to talk about that today.

Really this episode is going to be about creating your offer in a way that supports your client and thinks about your client first over any potential discomfort you might have around doing something that you might have a thought is scary. Some of you don’t, which is so fascinating. When I started coaching, when I hired my first coach I signed for a year. I just assumed that’s the way everybody did it. That’s what she offered me and so as the client I just assumed that’s the way it works.

So I just want to give you the very first thought. Whatever you offer your client likely they just will assume that’s the way it works unless you give them a weird creepy feeling that leads them to suspect otherwise, unless you’re weird about it, you’re uncomfortable around it. If you’re comfortable with whatever your offer is they’re going to just have the thought this is the way it is. Unless they’ve worked with a lot of coaches but even so, if they’ve worked with a lot of coaches, most likely they have worked with a lot of different length of coaching.

They’ve done a lot of different coaching packages and they’re all very different, they really aren’t uniform. So that’s another thought I want to give you, maybe not the first one but another thought I want to give you is that not all term lengths of coaching, there’s not a uniform time that we’re all selling. We all sell different things for different offers. And I’m going to talk about why this is so important as we go on.

But first I just want to offer that what my guess is, and I talked to some of my 2K students, so I have a good feeling that I had a hunch and then they proved me right. That these are the thoughts that a lot of you have that keeps you from selling long term coaching or even considering it. And what I consider long term coaching, I just want to offer, is something that’s 6, 12, 18 months, something that’s longer. I would say anything beyond six months. So that’s what we’re going to just make the definition, of course it’s subjective, but we’re just going to say six months or longer.

But I would even say the long-term coaching really, I would say is about a year, that’s where I would say is right and that what I would consider long term coaching. But we’re going to add six months in there. So here are the thoughts that many of you have that keep you from doing this. We’re going to start here.

So you may believe that selling shorter, cheaper coaching is easier. And we can even break those apart. Some of you just think selling a shorter-term coaching is easier for you and the client for many reasons, that it will be more appealing to both of you, a shorter term. It’s less commitment.

And then some of you think just having a cheaper price is going to be easier to sell, more appealing and less of a commitment for a financial investment. So there’s the time and there’s the financial piece of it. And you believe that having shorter term, cheaper coaching ultimately is easier, better, more fun. The client likes it more, you like it more. So that’s the first category of limiting beliefs is that it’s shorter, it’s cheaper and easier.

The second is that clients won’t want to commit to something long term that they haven’t done before. It’s a similar version that it will be easier to commit to something shorter term but for the reason that they’ve never done something before. So they don’t know what it’s going to be like. So a lot of you get an objection of, “But what if I don’t like it when I get started?” And your thought is what if I don’t like them and what if they don’t like it? And so because it’s unknown, because they haven’t gone through the experience before, that they won’t want to commit to that.

I’m actually going to address all of these at the end of the episode. But first I just kind of want to walk through where I see a lot of coaches’ minds going when they think about how long they’re going to coach their clients for.

So third is that it’s too long to coach someone, they won’t like it, you won’t like it. The fourth is that you’ll run out of things to work on or talk about. The fifth is well, what if they get results faster than that, then what do you do with the remaining time, what will happen? Or the fifth is that it’s just never been in your awareness. So for me my only awareness was for long term coaching.

So short term coaching wasn’t even in my awareness, the idea that you can hire a coach for one session, I’ve never even heard of that. Even when people post that into my 2K group, I’m like, “What’s happening? What?” This is not in my awareness; it seems like a lot of work for me, that’s my thought about it. So I’ll give you another one of my thoughts.

When I was a new coach selling long term coaching, so I was selling yearlong packages, that was the very first package I sold was 12 booked packages. And my thought was that won’t be as much work as selling a shorter termed offer. When I was introduced to the idea that there were other potential options, I was like, “I want to do less work.” My thought was I want to go deep with my clients. I want to go take them all the way through the results that they’re going to get.

I don’t want to have to be constantly marketing. I’m going to spend my time coaching. And it’s the best for my clients. Now, I only had that belief because it felt like it was the best thing for me as a client with my coach. I actually ended up working with my first coach for three years. It took that long to get all the results that I wanted in my life. I mean you have to keep in mind that when I started my whole life was a mess, my relationship, my health, my money, my career, all of it, everything in my life, my mind was a mess. My house was a mess, everything was a mess.

So for me I was signing 12-month packages, but I needed three years to change my life. That’s how long it took to dramatically make changes. And now I’ve been coaching with a coach for the last seven years straight. So if you think about it what’s so fascinating is we’re coaches and many of us have bought coaching for years, and years, and years. But we’re like, “No one would ever do that.” I just want to offer it’s a thought.

So here’s what made me want to have this podcast is a few months ago I was listening to this podcast with Ryan Moran, and he had a guest on. And I cannot think of what her name was now. But she was in the bodybuilding, weightlifting industry. And she had said something about selling long term coaching as well. And it was the first time I’d really heard anybody talk about it as a thing other than myself. And I was like, “This might not just be an opinion I have. It’s something that really came up for her too.”

And what she said was really interesting which was, she was talking about how some people in her industry will sell four-month packages and how she sells 12-month packages. And she was talking to him about the time it takes to change her entire body, the actual body chemistry that you have, to change it completely around. And she was like, “It takes 12 months.” And so she said that she asked herself the question, I wrote it down is, “Why would someone sell me a program that wouldn’t deliver the results I want?”

And so she said from that moment on she started selling longer term coaching because that’s how long it would take to change her entire body chemistry. So the question that I want you to ask yourself with your offer, no matter what you’re selling now is are you selling what the client needs or are you selling what everybody else is selling? All the other coaches you know, are you selling what you think is easy to sell what will be the least difficult, the least uncomfortable, the least confronting to sell in order to try to get a quick sale?

I want to offer that you want to be – this is the way I think about it is I just always want to be really in integrity with what I’m selling. And what I mean by that is simply having sat down and thought, taken the time to think about what will be most beneficial to my client. What will help them get the results that they want guaranteed? That’s the way I think about it, what timeframe will allow for setbacks, failures and general humanness, life getting in the way?

I remember even on my journey there were several times where it was like I was coaching and I wanted to change my life, and things would come up. And I would have periods of time where maybe I wasn’t the best client, maybe I wasn’t as committed. But I kept going because that’s what happens when you go to try to change your entire way of thinking, and being, and create something new with your life.

All the obstacles, all the objections that were always there are going to be confronting right in your face when you go to try to take action towards it. So you want to have a coach, as the client you want to have a coach that’s going to be there for you through all of that, through the humanness that’s going to happen, through life circumstances that come up. That can say, “Listen, no matter what life circumstances come up I’m going to hold your hand. I’ve got you and we’re still moving forward.”

So what timeframe will allow for setbacks, failures, and general humanness? What timeframe will set them up for success? What timeframe will give them time to settle into that result? Now, this is a good one. I want you to think about that again. What timeframe will give them time to settle into that result, to have it? Remember the success intolerance episode I did? If you have not listened to that I recommend going back and listening to it.

But I always tell my 200K and my two-million-dollar group students that they have to ebb and flow with achieving big things. They need time to let it settle in, to just become who they are. They need time to rest and recoup having gone through the river of misery and all of the difficulty of change and emotional toll that comes with that. And they need to be able to sit with and have that success before going for more. And I think this is true for every type of client. There is the change that you achieve and then there is maintaining the change.

And maintaining is different than learning how to create something once. Maintaining is about permanent self-concept change. So let me give you an example. Losing 25 pounds for me was very different than keeping it off. The first 25 I did pretty easily, I just did no sugar, no flour. No questions, it was super simple. And I got my hormone levels back to baseline. And got myself to the place where I could feel proper hunger and proper assatiation, is that the right words, being satiated? That could not be the right word, anyways, properly satisfied.

But then maintaining the weight loss for two years, for the last two years has been about reintroducing those foods back in my life, learning to not overeat them, not use them as an emotional buffer and to not eat when I’m not hungry. And to see how much flour and sugar my body can really have without having a weight reaction, even if it’s just water weight, without plumping up. And that took way more work than the first three months it took to lose the weight. Three months, that’s all it took, 25 pounds, done.

Two years of self-coaching and I hired another coach and two years of coaching on it consistently to keep it off. And it was much harder for me as the client, and it was different work. Working on urges to not eat any sugar or flour, figuring how much of it was in my life to begin with and then replacing it without using sugar and flour substitutes. And eating good food and getting enough food while doing that and not drinking alcohol, it’s so different than reintroduction. And that’s just on the action level.

Obviously, there’s the thought work to become the person who can do all these things habitually, it’s just who you are. And not be the person afraid to gain the weight back. And I saw this when I was working with my one-on-one clients for years on end. I worked with some of them for three years. Maybe that’s not years on end but for a while I saw that with them, the difference of achieving the result and then keeping it and not self-sabotaging.

I’ve seen coaches do that, they make a 100K and then they self-sabotage and all of a sudden, the next year they’re making 30K. They’re like, “I don’t know what happened.” It’s having support through every one of those stages. Maintaining so much of it is about not reverting back, to make the new habits and ways of being who we are permanently.

Another example, it took me 18 months to really know deep in my bones, I was someone who works out, it’s my self-concept that I was never going back no matter what challenges or obstacles came my way. And here’s what’s really interesting is I have worked with the same trainer now for almost two years.

The same trainer, there was a small three-month period when corona happened, and moms had to become – a lot of moms had to become teachers. And there wasn’t room for me anymore in her schedule, so I went and tried out other trainers. And they were not even close to how good she was. And in coaching me specifically because she has a physical therapy background too it was perfect for me. They were amazing trainers, but they were not amazing trainers for me for what I needed. And so I have been working with the same person for now two years.

I want you to think about this, if you think there’s no way that clients will want to work with you for even a year and there’s no way you would want to work with them. My trainer loves working with me. She works with my fiancé too. Sometimes you just go to the worst-case scenarios in your brain. You don’t make your offer or spend time thinking about the people who you would be sad to leave at even a year.

I have coached some of my clients for three years and I was devastated to when I had to give up one-on-one to start scaling my business. I was like, “No, I want to keep coaching my people.” Now we’ve just stayed friends instead. And they have to hire other coaches to help them with their life. But think about that. Some of you guys just really think, when you think about selling a six-month package or a yearlong package you think of the worst person and that you’re going to be in these situations that you can’t get out of, the worst people. And that’s just not the case.

You may love your people and I will say because one of the trainers when I interviewed him, one of the trainers was like, “You should definitely change trainers every three to six months. You don’t want to get the same routine.” I have found that simply not to be true. I’m in the best shape of my life. Every workout session still challenges me. There’s still so much to work on.

And what really fascinates me, which I think is so true for coaching too, unless you actually actively – unless your client actively learns to become a coach and breaks down the mechanics and tools in that container where they go to a coach training or they start taking on their own clients. Unless they do that, they will not have the same capacity that you have to self-coach themselves.

So for me I can go to the gym and I can do a pretty good job if I’m traveling to work out. But it always fascinates me that after two years I cannot remember all of the things that she has me do in a session, yeah, this one, yeah, that one. Every time I come back, I’m like, yeah, there’s only a couple of them that I remember to do and it’s probably the ones I like to do, not the ones I need to do that are difficult to do that I need more proficiency in. So I just wanted to go on that, a little bit of a rant because sometimes you guys think, you guys just you’re on the wrong track in your mind.

So I digressed a little bit. So you just want to think about what’s the timeframe that will allow them to never go back to who they were before they worked with you, no matter what challenges, or obstacles, or life changes that come their way. You also want to consider that they may get the first thing they – they might achieve what they came to you for and then want new things, especially if they’re there for life coaching for everything in their life. It could take two to three years to literally change every single aspect.

So just consider. I just want you to open your mind to this. Now, we talked about this in our 2K discussion as well. But you can do this with re-ups too of course. You can have them do three months and then every three months have them make a decision. You can do that. A lot of my students do that with six months, which I think is great. I just, again, this podcast is here just to double check that you’ve made the decision for your offer from a place that really serves your client.

And I want to offer the possibility of selling them a longer package if it makes sense for them and for you in the beginning makes more sense because each time they re-up they have to make a new decision and you have to sell them again. And in the beginning of your business this is not going to be potentially one of your best skills, the one of the things that you’re best at. So you may not be as good at re-ups and selling people again or selling in general. And you may not be as good of a coach to help people remake that decision from a clean place.

So it’s just easier for your client to make the decision once and not have to remake it. And it’s easier for you to not have to resell it again. That was one of the things that also helped me when I was thinking about selling yearlong packages is I knew it would be a difficult decision for them. I looked at what they wanted to achieve, and most permanent life changes I think do take at least 12 months.

And then I thought about around six months, around halfway is usually when you’re in the deepest throes of the river of misery and where it could potentially be the absolute hardest. And that’s the time I’m going to ask them if they want to continue on and keep moving towards the results. No way. That’s the time where they’re going to want to quit the most. And that’s true I would say for any of your coaching packages. So if you sell three months, a month and a half in might be their hardest time. If you sell six months, three months in might be their hardest time.

So you just want to consider that. You want to consider how long it’s going to take for them to get the result and then what’s that point where they’re going to be in the highest depths of the river of misery. And make sure that you’re not asking them to re-up during that time. I sell my masterminds every six months, once you’re in I tell my students, I offer them to really think about a three-year commitment. And I offer for them to stay with me for that three years because it’s what it takes to make permanent change at every level in your business.

I saw this for myself, it took me three years to really embody and become a multimillionaire. And that’s just who I am, I will always make millions. And not even like if the coaching industry went away, I’m like no, I would still find a way to make millions because now I’m just a millionaire. That’s just who I am, it’s just what I do. And it also took me a solid three years to become a multiple six figure earner in my mind, that it wasn’t a fluke. I wasn’t ever going to lose all my money and become poor again.

I had a lot of those thoughts, a lot of that dissonance from who I had been and then the results I had. And I had a lot of success intolerance. My brain was trying to sabotage me a lot for the first three years. So it took me that long. And I always think as long as my students want me to, I will be available to see them all the way through and then some. But here’s what I want to offer. I sell my masterminds every six months but I’m a master at selling, number one, and much further along in the game of selling and coaching. I’m a master coach as well.

And I have very good reasons for not selling it for a year for the specific offer. I actually want my clients at this more advanced stage to make the decision over and over again. I want it to be harder for them. So I want you to think about that. It’s all about thinking about your clients.

There was a time where I was like I don’t want them to have to make a decision six months in. I want to see them all the way through for a year. And I want them to make one clean one and then we keep going. It doesn’t mean we won’t have to coach when they want to quit or when they have fear come up throughout the relationship. But I really want them to make that decision one time. And now I’m at a stage and my clients are at a stage where what I’m teaching them now, I want them to make the decision over and over and I want it to be hard.

So there was a time where I wanted it to be easier for them and then a time where I wanted it to be hard for them. And that’s just factoring in who I was coaching at the time, where my skill level was at the time. So I just want you to consider these things when you decide your term lengths as well.

So now let’s break down a couple of these limiting beliefs that I knew you all would have and then my 2K students validated over and over, which is fantastic.

Alright, so let’s go with the first one, selling shorter, cheaper coaching is easier. Here’s what I want to offer. It’s actually often harder. What? People think – I want you to consider this, so a lot of humans think cheaper things equal less valuable. It’s what the human mind does. If it’s cheaper it must be less valuable. You often have to work much harder to prove the value of something cheaper. I have seen this. It was so hard in the beginning for me to learn how to sell 2K, people questioned. People still question us. “I don’t know, $2,000, am I really going to get a lot of value?”

People are used to actually buying more expensive things for a higher value. Now, I want to offer at best it’s the same. There is your neutral offer and then your thoughts about it. Again I didn’t know that short term coaching was a thing until I joined my coaching school. And they were teaching at the time, I don’t know if they still do, six-week coaching package. And it was the first I’d ever heard about it. You might be having the same thought now about a six-month coaching package or a 12-month coaching package.

But I want you to consider that if you could decide how to think if your thoughts are really in charge of everything. If you could decide how to think about any offer and it really was neutral, and it doesn’t actually impact the client’s buying decision, why not offer them what they need to get them all the way to their results? Now, if you’re like, “But wait, it does impact their buying decision because of how much money they have access to”, I want to say two things. Number one, coaches selling $200 coaching packages struggle to close clients too. It’s always about the selling. It’s never about the price.

If you take anything from this episode, I want you to hear me. So I’m going to say it again. It’s always about the selling. It is never about the price. It’s about the value you conveyed, never about the money in the bank account. And the second thing I’m going to say is if you don’t believe me on that make sure to join 2K. If you are already in 2K make sure to watch higher converting consults. It’s in the 2K member portal right now. I dive deep into this idea in this training. And I really unwind all of it that money is never the reason somebody doesn’t buy.

And this has been proven true and true over, and over, and over, and over by my 200K students, my 2K students in the beginning when they’d start doing the work. When they’re not confident on their price someone will say no, and they’ll offer them a cheaper price and they’ll still say no. What? It’s because it wasn’t about the price.

Alright, the second limiting belief, the clients won’t want to commit to something long term that they haven’t done before. This is similar to money. Coaches selling six-week coaching packages will still get people asking to do one session if that’s where their confidence level is at. If you’re selling a six-week package but you’re not confident at it, they’re going to ask if you do one. Your job is to sell them and clear up anything in the way of them thinking it’s a great idea to have a life coach for six months, or a year, or even 18 months. I sold 18-month packages.

And I want to offer, I sold 18-month packages, my clients completed them and we’re still friends to this day, many of them. I loved them, almost all of my early clients I loved so much. And I wonder if it was just that my thought of, I loved my coach so much that I had the thought, everyone will love their life coach. And their life coach loves all their clients.

It was just my awareness of that’s what was the case, that was the reality, which is so fascinating when some of you were like, your predominant thoughts were I’m going to hate all my clients and they’re going to hate me, or some form of that. What if it’s not true, what if the opposite is available that your clients will love you and you will love them? I have seven bridesmaids and five of them are past clients. What? It’s enough on that one.

Alright, the third one, it’s too long to coach the same person. They won’t like it. You won’t like it. I want to just offer for all of you listening that your thoughts and their thoughts determine how the coaching experience goes and whether you like it, and they like it. Your job is to love coaching your client and choose thoughts that allow you to do that. Or refund them, let them go. Sometimes you’ve got to think if you sell a 12-month package you have to stay there, you’re in it for life, for 12 months, no way to get out. And it’s not true. You can refund them. That’s an option.

But your job is to really truly love your clients. Your job on a consult is to love every single person who comes on that consult no matter what your initial thoughts are, to find love and find connection. And then if they aren’t loving it, the coaching or you, your job is to coach them on that. They are probably just having thoughts. Sometimes you guys think it’s a circumstance that you will like, or that a coach is likeable, or a client is likeable. Or it’s a circumstance that coaching works for someone or it doesn’t. No, it’s all of their thoughts.

The model is always working. And selling a yearlong package doesn’t mean you’re stuck with a client when neither of you are having fun. Just don’t spend all their money that they pay you, be willing to let people go. And this is the way I think about it. It’s not about being fun, it’s not about me having fun or them having fun, because I’m also working. It’s my job. I am willing to let people go when it stops being useful for them. And then I just go find a new client. Did you guys hear me? It’s not always about if it’s fun or enjoyable. Is it useful?

You’re always going to have your favorite clients and the clients that for whatever reason you either don’t jibe with or they’re harder to coach, whatever. It doesn’t matter. You’re a coach or a professional. I imagine therapists and I’m like they’re not sitting in a room. I mean I imagine, maybe they are, I have therapists that listen to this podcast. But they’re not sitting there in the room hating life because maybe the person in front of them, they don’t want to go have drinks with later. They’re like this is my job. This is my duty, my calling to help people who are in pain.

So the only time I stop is if it stops being useful for them. And then I coach myself on my thoughts and I coach my clients on their thoughts about me. It’s all it is, is thoughts.

Alright, the next one is that you’ll run out of things to work on or talk about. Only if you don’t focus on creating a goal with them and then getting to that goal, moving all the way through, all the failure, obstacles, objections, creating that result, then having that result, then maintaining that result, wanting more. And the cycle continues only if you don’t focus on that. And even for those of you that have specialty niches, there is always a next layer to everything, weight loss, relationships, everything.

Alright, another one is what if they get results faster than that? So you sell them a 12-month package and it takes them six months and they get it. They get the results and you’re like, “Then what?” And a lot of you are afraid that they would ask for their money back. And circumstantially we have had this come up in 2K where clients have gotten results in half the time and they ask for half of their money back. But here’s how I think about it. Clients pay for results. You want to be clear about this in your own mind.

If you came into 200K mastermind and you made 200K in the first three months and came to me and said, “Hey, I don’t need the remaining six months, can I get my 12K back?” I’m probably going to chuckle. That’s not a thing. I’m like, “Congratulations. You can decide to make more money, or you can just leave and be good and be done.” But my job, I delivered. I delivered what I said I would deliver for the payment that I charged for.

So listen, this doesn’t happen often, but I do think if you understand that they’re paying for results and you’re clear about that and you’re clear with them. And I don’t even think it’s something you need to really talk about. But I just don’t think it will come up often. And I do think you can hold a boundary if it does. I would never refund someone for making money faster. Now, that’s never actually happened. But now that I’ve put it out there in the world just know, you will never get a refund for making too much money too quickly.

Alright, and listen, here’s the other thing I want to offer is that our human minds are fascinating. Just notice if this is your thought, what if they get results faster, and I sold them something longer. Is the human mind can take a good result and turn it bad so quickly. Don’t make something that isn’t a problem a problem. Don’t make something that’s a good result a problem.

If you get them there in half the time, great, but also remember you spend the other half of the time working on them having and maintaining and/or creating something new and different that they hadn’t even thought about. You might have to do an exploration session with them about what other new things they want in their life. The work isn’t over just because they achieve the result, something really interesting to spend your time thinking about.

Alright, this is one that I hadn’t thought of, but I got in the 2K page that I wanted to offer. Someone had said they want the transformation to be quicker. And here’s the question I have for you. I feel really neutral about this. That might be true. But the question here is, is it? My clients want to make a million dollars in year one, of course they do. But the truth is it takes time. And I don’t think that’s being limiting. I think it’s being experienced. Of course you want to go with your experience. But make sure it’s a wide range of experience.

And what I mean by that is you’re always going to have your quick starts, your stars, your outliers, the exceptions, but you don’t want to sell coaching based on the exception. You want to sell it based on the rule, which experience; I want you to think about this, is better for the client. You tell them that it could take a year and it takes six months and they’re overjoyed. Or tell them that it will take six months and it takes a year and they’re frustrated, and mad, and they feel lied to.

Now, the same is true if you swap those numbers for six months and three months. You tell them it’s going to take six months, but it only takes them three, you want an overjoyed client, not a frustrated angry client. Now, I want to offer that this episode – again, I’ve said this a couple of times and I want to make sure you understand where this episode is coming from. It’s less about how long you sell a package for. This is not an argument for selling six months or 12 months or 18 months.

It’s more about breaking up decisions made about your offer from limiting beliefs or things you haven’t investigated yet. You might prefer that terminology better, just things you haven’t investigated yet, that they won’t buy that, that it’s too long. That you’re afraid they won’t like the coaching, or you won’t like them, and you’ll be stuck together. And really, it’s about keeping you from making it about you and starting to think about your client and their needs and setting them up for success, and a realistic look at how long that takes.

Don’t offer them something that doesn’t guarantee them the result, from where you are and from where your clients are. Knowing how long it might take you to get someone there, especially if you’re a newer coach. The better you get at coaching the faster you get at it as well. It’s also why I do six-month masterminds. I can get my clients results in six months. I can give them results in three months now. So think about where you are and where they are.

My clients who go in 200K are also more advanced. They have already gotten massive results in 2K or in other programs. They don’t always come from 2K. But they’ve already made a substantial amount of money in their business, so they’re at a more advanced level. But 2K, I sell lifetime access because I know. I know it takes some coaches longer. Many do it in the first 30 days. Some people have done it in 24 hours. But I’m not selling a 24-hour program because I know that that’s the outlier. I know that that’s the exception, not the rule.

So I ask my 2K students, I’ve said this a couple of times, but I ask them their thoughts on selling long term coaching of six, and 12, and 18 months. And really, I want to offer that it was 50/50 across the board for the people who responded at the time that I recorded this. 50% were totally onboard with long term coaching. And they favored six-month packages. And then the 50% who weren’t had some version of the uninvestigated thoughts I have mentioned in this episode.

What I want to offer is if you’re in the 50% that maybe had some – I touched on some of these thoughts that you have about selling longer term packaging, and you think about it and it actually does benefit your client more to have a longer-term package. Don’t let your reactionary beliefs decide the offer that you make your client, don’t let a limiting belief or a fear that you won’t be able to sell a longer-term package keep you from truly serving a client all the way through and getting them to where they want to be. Just start opening your mind. Make the offer that serves them the most.

And I wanted to read a couple of – just a couple of comments from some of our 2K students who were totally onboard and favored longer term coaching six months or more. So you can borrow their thoughts too.

So Amanda has said, “I find it’s a good length of time for my clients. It allows time for failure. It allows us to form a solid coaching relationship. It gives plenty of time to coach through all aspects of her life experience. Most importantly, it is generally enough time to create some tangible results. She is able to develop some new skills and practice them, fail at them, evaluate them, and try them again and thus develop confidence.”

Amy Berg said, “My six-month package supports women with achieving their goals. I work with women who have excess weight and have experienced cancer. We have endless topics to coach on.” So that’s a thought, I just want to offer for all of you no matter what you coach on. We have endless topics to coach on. That’s what I believe too. The mind always needs cleaning out, literally always. We have a human mind, the way it’s designed. It will always need cleaning out.

She said, “I’m ready to offer yearlong packages now.” And this is my favorite. Are you guys ready? She said, “They deserve it.” Boom. What? They deserve it. Yes, Amy Berg, they do deserve it. I deserve it. You deserve it. We all deserve it. You get a yearlong coaching package. You get a yearlong coaching package. You get a yearlong coaching package. We all get them. I’m having too much fun.

Alright, Melissa Parsons said, “I love six months. It helps me really see and know my client. I love when my clients re-up too. So I love 12 months. I’m about to sign a client for a third six-month package. So I will have to get back to you on the 18 months. But I am certain I will love it too. I am committed to working with you Stacey for the next 32 months.” She says, “Four down, 32 to go. And then two-million-dollar mastermind in perpetuity.” I love that one, in perpetuity. I forgot I’d selected that one. That’s funny.

Well, I love all the coaching, Melissa, I love it too. I feel like I’m going to work with my coach in perpetuity as well.

Alright, and then Priyanka said, “I love creating the luxurious feeling of space when a client signs which is why I offer six months. I also love the decision that needs to be made if they decide to continue on based on their specific weight loss and mom life goals. That decision to continue on is a glorious decision within the coaching container. It is a recommitment to their new self. They get to see their growth and then choose it again. I would say so many of my weight loss clients absolutely benefit from this decision.”

She said, “As a 200K client I feel the same with that process. I felt a luxurious amount of time when we started and now can see how my brain thinks and feels differently. And even as the decision comes to continue on the 200K journey, it is a recommitment to my CEO self-concept. Even as I write this about deciding again, I feel my bubble expanding.”

Listen, I’m going to leave you guys with one last thought. So I have an annual review with my former assistant. And we get together, and we talk about the year and the successes, what change has happened, what growth has occurred, what contributions were made, what the plan is for the next year. And we reevaluate her position in our company. And this current annual review was our third I believe, second, third, so this will be her third year. So maybe it was our second.

And I was so excited to do this meeting. I offered her a substantial pay increase, a substantial increase in title. She is now our Chief Operations Officer, our COO. And I offered her some really fun bonuses. And it was so much fun to do that. And so I want to offer that offering your client to re-up can be a lot of fun. Being the client who decides to keep going can be a lot of fun. My 200K students who re-up, love it. I always had a really good time on my re-up conversations when I was selling one-on-one coaching.

But it all goes back, so I want you to consider your thoughts about working with your clients, with your students, whatever you call them, long term and seeing them all the way through all of their goals as it applies to what you offer.

I hope this was useful for you. I know that it was, judging on all of the conversation that came up just in our program. And make sure you join 2K if you want to be part of conversations like that and you want to be able to grab on to thoughts that I offered from some of my students here, if you want to have access to thousands of thoughts from all of the coaches selling coaching in our community. Alright, I’ll see you next week.

Hey, if you are ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2K for 2K program where you’re going to make your first $2,000, the hardest part, and then $200,000 using my proven formula. It’s risk-free. You either make your 2K or I give you your 2K back. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

Enjoy the Show?

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