Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | Abdicating Responsibility to Coaching Processes with Lindsey Mango
Have you ever had one of those experiences where you have such a breakthrough moment of realization that you can’t help but see life in a totally different way?

This is exactly what happened when I was talking to one of my besties and fellow coach Lindsey Mango, and so I had to have her on the podcast to talk us through this amazing concept of abdicating responsibility to coaching processes. Lindsey is a life and business coach who helps people start their own coaching businesses, and if you are a coach, this is an episode you definitely don’t want to miss out on.

If taking responsibility for your results and the results of your clients feels scary to you, or if you find yourself obsessing over following a process or protocol to a T, you need to listen in to this week’s episode. Lindsey is showing us the power of taking control over your outcomes, why living in abundance is all about taking 100% responsibility, and how doing this actually gives you more security and predictability in your life and business.

If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why coaches tend to abdicate responsibility to the process or protocol they’re following.
  • How abdicating responsibility to coaching processes is detrimental to your growth and success.
  • The power of having people in your life that are committed to the same outcome as you.
  • Why taking 100% responsibility comes from being in total abundance.
  • Our thoughts on the purpose of having a process to follow.
  • How coaches are terrified of not leaning on a process to deliver results for themselves and their clients.
  • Our opinions on getting certified to learn how to coach.

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Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and life coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hey coaches, welcome to episode 125. Have you ever had one of those moments where you feel like you have such a breakthrough, such a massive shift or realization that you feel like you’ve left that matrix, and everything has changed and you’re seeing life in a completely different way than you’ve never seen it before?

If you’ve had that experience, I recently had this experience talking to one of my good friends, who is also a life coach and a business coach for coaches while we were in New York having this incredible lunch. She dropped some knowledge on me that changed everything and will help me help my students at such a deeper level, and I asked her to come on the podcast and share her concept and her idea with my audience.

What I want to offer is the sound – we had some issues, and the sound is a little bit off. My voice is a little bit louder than hers, and so you may have to turn your volume up and down. But I want to encourage you to not let this stop you from listening to the message and hearing this incredible conversation that we captured for your listening pleasure.

So bear with us with the sound and you will get some incredible insight into something that could potentially be costing you and your clients results. Alright, let’s dive in.

Stacey: Hey coaches, welcome to a really special episode I have for you today. So I have one of my besties on the podcast, Miss Lindsey Mango. Actually it’s Mrs. Lindsey Goodman technically, whichever one we’re going with. But I’m so excited to have her.

I want to kind of set up this conversation before we get started and then we’ll also do a little reminiscing about our New York trip. It was so amazing. So Lindsey went to New York with me. She’s in my wedding, to get my dress, do the final fitting at Kleinfeld. So we did an express fitting, and you go in and you go in the first day, they make the most alterations, and you go in the second day, and then they tweak it a little bit, then you go in the third day and they tweak it a little bit more and it’s a whole process.

And I actually thought it was going to be hours every day. They told us three to four hours every day. We were there for like, 30 to 45 minutes each day. So we ended up spending the entire trip just eating at fabulous places, shopping all over Fifth Avenue, doing the most exclusive, fun, high vibe things.

I decided that Lindsey – this is probably though honestly why I love traveling with Neil is you and Neil are like the same person and you’re just so positive and just how your mind normally interacts with the world. So it feels so good. So I decided on this trip that now Lindsey has to be my travel companion everywhere if Neil can’t go.

I need an emotional support human and when Neil is not available, Lindsey Mango will take over. But I have to set this up for why I’m having her on the podcast today. So we had lunch at this incredible restaurant called – what was it? Grande Boucherie?

Lindsey: Yes.

Stacey: Oh my god, so good. And we just have to take about that experience first of all, but Lindsey said something to me over lunch that blew my mind so much. I can’t even say it’s something I knew. It’s like, something – I feel like I knew all of the peripherals of this idea, but not the central piece that holds it all together.

So it felt like she said something so simple and natural for her that blew my mind so much that it was like, 30 minutes of me sitting there going, wait a minute, my mind hasn’t caught up, and it felt like leaving the matrix. And I was like, we have to have you on the podcast to talk about this because it’s so important for my clients.

So I just want to set up this episode and then I’m going to tease you a little bit because then we’re going to go back and we’re going to talk about this amazing lunch first and then we’ll talk about the thing and have an amazing discussion. So I want to tease you guys a little bit of what’s to come. This conversation blew my mind.

We’re going to try to reenact it, but we ended up being at that lunch for like, two hours, three hours? It was an intense lunch. We had a good time though; we had some cocktails too. So let’s first of all – we just have to tell them, I feel like we have to set the stage – hold on, let’s rewind.

Let’s introduce you. This is the order that we’re going to do things. We’re going to introduce you, tell them who you are, what you do, all the things you think are relevant to knowing about Lindsey Mango. Then we’re going to set the scene for this conversation and then we’ll dive into the conversation. Alright, so introduce yourself first.

Lindsey: I am Lindsey Goodman, but I go by Lindsey Mango. That’s my maiden name. Stacey actually was our officiant so…

Stacey: I was.

Lindsey: It was the best. She’s now offering that as well.

Stacey: I was actually thinking that, I just have to say, I’m going to interject for just a second. I was thinking about our wedding and I think one of the things that made me decide – so we’ve been talking about having a – which everyone listening will be so sad because we get messages all the time that people can’t wait for our wedding.

But I think we’re going to do a completely unplugged ceremony, reception. I don’t want any part of it on social media. And a big part of it is because I officiated – PS, I just want to clarify. If I mess up any words today, I had dental surgery yesterday so half of my face was just insane. I was sagging and half my face all day yesterday, couldn’t feel it, and now I can feel my face but I’m in extreme pain.

So I noticed – any time my tongue comes close to touching half of my face, I have a reaction. So if I mis-say any words, or have trouble with my speech on this interview, this is why. Okay, anyway, I realized being the officiant at your wedding, because I was so engaged in the moment, it feels like that memory is so deeply in my body forever. I got to be so present with you two in that moment. It was one of – seriously, one of the greatest joys of my life.

Lindsey: You’re going to make me emotional.

Stacey: It’s one of the reasons I was like, I want my people, even if they’re not officiating, to be that – it really set the example for me. So thank you for having that experience and that experience is now carrying over to my special day. So I appreciate that.

Lindsey: I’m so excited to be a part of your special day. Okay, so…

Stacey: So I officiated the wedding.

Lindsey: Yes.

Stacey: Just telling all about you.

Lindsey: So I help people start coaching businesses. And I was actually one of Stacey’s, what, second client?

Stacey: Yeah, you were my second client, I think. There might have been someone in between that quit and didn’t like – so I only consider – the work that I did the deepest with the people who were there permanently. But there might have been – I had a ton of start and stop clients halfway in there but we just consider you my official second client.

Lindsey: I think the other Lindsay was the first.

Stacey: Yeah.

Lindsey: And through that journey of – we focus first only on myself. That was when Stacey was doing life coaching, I felt so stuck in so many different areas of my life. And I started to notice I’m at the center of this, I am the common denominator.

So when I met her at a networking event, I was like, I have to hire you, I know I need to change in order to get what I want. And through that journey, I fell in love with the art of coaching and how much it transformed my life. So that carried over into the work that I wanted to do in the world and helping other people get into this industry and start their businesses and make the impact that they wanted to on other people’s lives.

Stacey: I love it. And I want to acknowledge you and say two things I love about you is you are so positive leaning in your mind, but also you have this little bit of an edge from being an athlete. We always joke it’s the I’ll step on your throat mentality, being an athlete, Lindsey can be really tough too.

I just – you’re always totally owning every second of your experience in your life. It’s very inspiring to be around, especially because my mind leans so – and I talk about this frequently, but my mind leans really negative, really anxious. My first thoughts will always be dramatic ones. And also, you hold such space for that as a friend, as Neil does as well.

But you’re so coachable because of that. So I really wanted to acknowledge you for that is when we were working one on one and now even still, this last couple of years of your growth, I feel like you had to work through so much and you just take it in and even if it takes you a little bit, you’re so willing to sit with something that you have not thought of before, before rejecting it.

And I really love that about you, so I just wanted to acknowledge that and let everybody know that that is something that’s possible and when they work with you, I think that’s the experience they’ll see if you being so open to new ideas, new thinking, new possibilities, new way of doing things, and being so willing to investigate those right away before you throw them out and before you say that’s not going to work, or that’s not for me. And you really are willing to go all in on every area of your life, which is so fun.

Lindsey: Thank you.

Stacey: Okay, so anything else they need to know about you before we set up this outrageous lunch that we had and the conversation that ensued?

Lindsey: I don’t think so. I think let’s just jump in.

Stacey: I feel like they’re going to learn so much just about the things that come up in this conversation. So we’re at Grande Boucherie. We had just – this was day one, so we had just tried on my dress for the first time, and it was the first time I had – I just have to say, the first time I ever had my dress on. Because when I bought it, they only had made one in the entire world and it was for the runway model, so it was a size double, triple zero.

So they could only tape the front of it on my body – it’s like little bungee cords. They had it glued, and I had another dress on. So I had my dress on for the first time, it was such an emotional experience. And then we go right after to lunch at this insanely stunning, beautiful place, Grande Boucherie. I don’t even know what part of town it was. Doesn’t matter.

So beautiful and we had the most delicious, incredible lunch, all French food. We had – what was the cocktail that we had? It was so good. Something rose. What was it called? It was a thing, right? I looked it up. La Vie en Rose. In case you go there. La Vie en Rose. So delicious.

And then we had oysters and we had salad with warm goat cheese, steak, I think. Did we have steak and fries at some point? And then I looked this up today in preparation for our podcast. You’ll be really proud. So I’m terrible at French words so I looked up how to say my favorite dessert in French and the guy says it’s profiterole. Now, I can only say it like I’m a French man. Profiterole.

Lindsey: You did say it like a French man.

Stacey: I can only say it the word I heard him say it. I don’t know how to say it in my own voice yet. I was actually thinking about that, that’s what happens with coaches is when we’re beginners, we take in other people’s knowledge and teachings, and then we can only say it exactly the way they’re saying it, the way that we heard it in the beginning because we haven’t incorporated it into our own language and our own authenticity.

I was thinking about that this morning, which is such a mind-bender. That’s exactly what happened. So I can only say it like a French man. It’s fine. I’m going to go back; I’ll have an order of profiterole.

Lindsey: Yes ma’am.

Stacey: So we had this amazing lunch. So I want you guys to feel that vibe because we were having so much fun and eating the most luxurious food and sharing it so we weren’t overeating, and it was just the most fun. So we’re about one cocktail in, I don’t even know how we start talking about coaching, but of course it’s Lindsey and I so we’re always talking about coaching. And Lindsey tells me – can I tell them what you told me? And then we’ll kind of dive into the conversation.

Lindsey: Yeah.

Stacey: Okay. So I don’t know how this came up, but we were talking about coaches and maybe you’ll even remember, but coaches…

Lindsey: We were talking about health actually.

Stacey: Oh, we were. Yes, maybe you should set it up.

Lindsey: So recently I – if you don’t know me, I’m super into my health, take really good care of my health. And…

Stacey: D1 college athlete. Let’s just say. She got a full scholarship to the University of Louisville for volleyball.

Lindsey: And so that’s always been something that is just part of who I am. I’m super healthy and nothing ever goes wrong with my health is part of my self-concept there. And recently I went in for some blood work. There was nothing wrong, but they found some levels that were a little bit off.

And so it kind of started me down this journey of figuring out what was causing it and part of it was a big – what’s the right word I’m looking for? Like a mash, like a hit I guess against my self-concept. Because I was like, wait a minute, I said it was like, having a perfectly clean house and thinking I’m a clean person, and then opening a closet and there were cockroaches inside and you’re like, wait, how did this happen?

That’s what it felt like to me. I was shocked. So I go down this journey and I start to discover – they think it potentially could be an autoimmune disease and I have no symptoms so I’m super confused. And so I go on this whole journey and I decide that I’m committed to my health and I want to figure out if I can heal it on my own, without taking any drastic measures.

Stacey: Because they were talking – can we just talk about for a second, they were talking immediately you have to have your thyroid removed. Like, it’s gone, and you need to be on medicine for the rest of your life.

Lindsey: Yes. Especially with like, family planning and all of that, they’re like, here are the only three options and they were all very drastic. And for me, I didn’t want to be on medicine the rest of my life. So it was a lot to take in. So I go on this journey and I’m just kind of challenging the status quo on what doctors and things I’m reading and people even around me are telling me about if you have Graves there’s nothing you can do, the only options are these three things.

And so through that process, it’s kind of like with starting a coaching business. A lot of people in your life might say you’re not capable of doing that, or you tried a business before, that’s never going to work, or only x, y, z type of people can be successful coaches, you’re introverted, or you’re whatever. And so I started to see how easy it was going to be for me to take on all these stories from other people and medical professionals, who were telling me this is the only way.

Stacey: And they were really pushing back when you would have a different process that you wanted to teach so talk about that a little bit because that was really interesting what you said about – and for doctors listening, listen, this is not – I have to do a disclaimer. We love all of our doctor coaches, we love doctors, especially when we’re sick.

This was just one experience that Lindsey had that really gave her a profound look at the coaching industry at well that she’s going to share with us today. So don’t take offense, we all love you. So you’re talking to the doctors and you’re telling them the process you might want to follow.

Lindsey: So I’m talking to them and I’m like, to me, taking my thyroid out is the last option. I absolutely do not want to do that. I want to do everything in my power to avoid that. And a lot of them were like, well, if it’s Graves, if it’s an autoimmune, there’s no other choice.

And so I start to ask questions and do some research on my own. I’m like, well, I’ve been on birth control for 14 years, my aunt had some serious reactions to it, cousins, could that be it? And every time I brought that up it was like, no, absolutely not, that can’t be causing it.

And I’d be like, well, I think I’m allergic to some foods that I’ve been eating a lot of, and maybe that’s causing part of it. So there was a bunch of different things that I was trying to figure out what’s causing this issue. And again, every time, it was kind of like, no, it can’t be that. It was basically just like, this is part of your DNA, there’s literally nothing you can do about it.

And I joked with my husband Chris, I’m like, you know, sometimes it’s good I’m a little bit stubborn because I’m like, no way, that’s not the only way, it’s impossible. And so as I was talking to them and discovering this, I had to lean on my own self-concept and my own belief, apart from the belief systems that they had.

And I’m so grateful I am who I am today and I’m a coach because I think back five years, I would have been a totally different person and I would have just taken what they said to heart and been like, okay, there’s no other option. But because of this skillset, I was able to really lean on that and what I started to realize as I was bringing up all of these different options was that doctors and medical professionals, just like anyone else, learn a process in school to diagnose things and how to handle them once they’re diagnosed.

And what I realized, because they felt very – as soon as I brought up all these kind of out of the box options, they’re like, no, absolutely not, I started to realize that the reason why they were kind of resistant to it was because it didn’t fall into their protocol. It didn’t fall into the process that they learned, this is what you do, this is how you do it when these are the symptoms.

And so what I noticed was that that, following a process for a medical professional or for anyone, it gives people security and safety. And I understand that, but especially when it comes to the medical field, that you have people’s lives, they are on the line in a lot of those scenarios.

And so doctors and medical professionals want to lean on that process so that they’re not necessarily the ones responsible for making a gut decision. They can say I followed the protocol and if something goes wrong, they can lean on that and kind of give the responsibility from themselves on to the process, which I totally get.

Having someone’s life in your hands is a really big deal. And it also just offered me this perspective that this is just the process they know, this is just the process they understand. There’s only so much to it. At one point in history we thought the world was flat and it wasn’t true. And so I started to question that.

And the realization it gave me, what Stacey and I started talking about was that most people, coaches, medical professionals lean on a process so that they can give the responsibility of the outcome to the process. So they can take the responsibility off of themselves and put it on the protocol or the process they’re following. And it made me think about how as coaches and getting started as a coach especially, we love to do that because it feels like, well, I’m not responsible, Stacey or Lindsey’s process is responsible for getting me the outcome, or I’m not responsible for their results, they are, or the model is, or whatever it is.

And how detrimental that is because you’re taking all of your own power away in that scenario and giving it to something else. And we all know when we don’t have that full 100% responsibility, then we are not in charge of our outcomes.

Stacey: Yeah, we can’t predict the outcome either, which is what I think a lot of coaches struggle with, especially on consults. I don’t know if this person can get the results, I don’t know if I can help this person. Because when you don’t own the process of helping them, then you can’t predict the outcome ahead of time with confidence and say I know I can help you, I know this will work, I know that you’ll get these results, which ties so much into my work of – I was thinking about this this morning.

I get the most confusion, pushback, resistance, fear, questioning around my teaching of owning – something we teach in 200K is owning your clients’ results. Not putting them in your result line but you taking full responsibility for your clients always getting 100% results.

And whether you’re someone who does that in a way that is not healthy and productive and it’s unuseful, where you try to control other people, or whether you’re someone on the other end of the spectrum who says, well, it’s totally on the client, it’s not me, it’s all about them, they have to show up, they have to do the work, those are two ends of the spectrum and I don’t think being on either end of the spectrum – what’s the word I’m looking for?

I don’t think it gets you out of – there’s a better word for that, but I don’t think it gets you out of the middle where you own everything that you are in control of and the more you believe you’re in control of in the coaching relationship in a way that feels calm and productive, the better your clients are going to get results.

And when you said this, this really – my mind just exploded. It really did. Because I think about how many of my clients go into the confusion of trying to create 100% results for their clients and believing they can take that on, how much fear comes up for them because they don’t want to take on the responsibility of someone else’s results.

If you took it the most basic fear they have, the worst-case scenario is they don’t want to be responsible at the end of the day if someone doesn’t get results. And even if they weren’t owning that, just like in the selling process, so many clients, they’re afraid to overcome objections, they’re afraid for clients to put money on credit cards, they’re afraid, afraid, afraid because they don’t want to take on that level of responsibility.

And I think what makes the best coaches in the industry are the ones who are willing to take on that responsibility and not let it crush them. It’s not about I’m going to try to control my clients, that’s not what either of us are saying. But one of the things that you had said, and you can talk a little bit about this that really struck me is you said, I only want to have friends in my life, family in my life, medical professionals in my life, people in my life that I feel like are – and maybe I’m going to say it wrong but committed to the process and as committed to my outcome as I am.

So do you want to talk a little bit about that? Because I feel really strongly about that with my clients. I am as committed to their outcome as they are, and I do think that makes the difference in the coaching relationship.

Lindsey: Yeah. So through the work I was doing on this, I hired a health mindset coach and we talked about this and this is what had come up. That part of where I try to get into control is when I don’t trust that someone else is all in on the same outcome that I am. And that gets me into what I call overcompensating energy.

And so the thing that I realized is that if I trust that I only bring people into my life that are committed to the same outcome that I am, then I can stay in my 100% responsibility, but then I also attract people who also feel that sense of 100% responsibility. And to me, that’s where the magic happens.

That’s where the magic happens as a coach with our clients, in our relationships, in our friendships, in our marriages. And so seeing it from that lens with my health and just with everything, my life, really helped me feel committed to being in that 100% responsibility and only allowing other people in my life who were in that space. Because then, again, that’s where the magic happens.

Stacey: Yeah. That’s like, what I was just thinking when you were saying that is like, that’s also like the commitment or having the standard of only working with the best clients. It’s a different way of saying it. It’s the way I’m hearing it anyway, just through my own lens is like, that’s one of the reasons I have such a rigorous process when it comes to joining 200K and two million is because I’m going to fully own those client results for my students, and I only want to take on the best people who are also fully owning their outcome as well, who are fully committed to their outcome.

And when we both show up at that level where I’m owning your outcome and you’re owning your outcome, the only thing that can happen is 100% results, right? Or more. 150%, 200% results.

Lindsey: So good. And then I think about – you were talking about the two ends of the spectrum, where the 100% responsibility is in the middle, how I see it is that those both actually come from lack. Being in overcompensating energy where you’re blaming yourself and all of these things actually comes from a place of lack, like I’m not doing enough, it’s not good enough.

And then on the flip side where you’re like, it’s all up to them, that also comes from a place of lack. So to me, that 100% responsibility is being in total abundance. And when I think back, I wrote a post about this the other day, when I think back to our journey, me meeting you for coffee and hiring you, I think that’s what made my results just explode is because I think we both had that 100% responsibility and allowed so much – you gave me the power to feel 100% responsibility for my life and every result that I created in it. And that’s all I needed I feel like, especially at the time.

Stacey: Yeah. And I was able to do that because I was taking 100% responsibility. It was one of the first things that I learned because – and I think I learned this so deeply because my – I need to a podcast separate on this on victim mentality because I haven’t really talked about it a lot on this podcast. It’s a really triggering topic right now I feel like in the coaching industry.

But the way I think about it is like, I’ll just say briefly is setting aside actual victim circumstances, victim mentality is when you make everything woe is me, and the world is against me, and it’s not fair. And that, and I had so much of that when I came to coaching.

And my first full year of coaching I feel like was just unwinding my view of the world and my interpretation of the world, of being everything is other people’s fault, everything is in other people’s hands, nothing’s in my hand, I’m a victim of the world, and nothing good ever happens to me, the universe doesn’t support me, unwinding that.

And in order to do that, I had to learn to take responsibility in areas that I felt were complete – I mean, really truly out of my control. And that I think was, even when I started my business, what allowed me to sign clients so quickly is believing that people reaching out to me was in my control.

And that even marketing that is organic, where people are reaching out to you and you’re not paying for people and you’re not reaching out to them, even that is within my control. And figuring out how that’s true made me so successful so quickly.

And I do think – and this will be fun to talk about and what I think is so fascinating is that when you are in a place of abundance, of being able to handle and be responsible for someone else’s results and their life and their outcome from a place of being and knowing how to be responsible for yours, you being the first domino, it’s so easy to teach other people when you’ve gone first.

And when you’re not leaning on a process to deliver an outcome for you and you’re not making it responsible for your results, I think most coaches want to run away from this because they believe that doing that will be terrifying. So they don’t want to be responsible, they don’t want to deviate from the plan because it will be scary, it will end badly.

They don’t want to take on their clients’ failure. That’s really what it is. They’re like, I don’t want to own the outcome because if it’s bad, then I own that. And so they’re living in this mindset of the worst-case scenario of what if something goes wrong, but really, this is what’s so interesting is that being in that amount of sufficiency in your life and business, you call it abundance, I call it sufficiency just because it’s easier for me to get there.

But living in that amount of abundance in your life and business, having that amount of power and control over your outcomes, I know it seems scarier, but it actually feels safer and is more predictable and reliable. For me, for example, my worst case is my clients don’t get results and for me, in that case, the worst thing that happens is an emotion that I feel and an emotion that my client feels.

And then for my own business policies, I give them a refund. And when I have learned to survive that, to handle that, to take that on, to make peace with that worst case, I create so many more best-case scenarios. My focus can go all the way there, so I create more of it. When I’m willing to lean into the lack of safety, I create more of it.

So just like I would love to bring it back to your numbers, your test results, and you being willing to investigate all the possibilities and trust your gut and go with what you believed was right, being unattached to what everybody else was telling you was the process, can you tell them what happened?

Lindsey: Yeah. So I had three or four test results that were bad because the first one I’m like, this isn’t possible, I’m a healthy person. And then it confirmed. And then I went back in after I made some decisions to cut out some different things in my diet, really worked on my thoughts of course, about the diagnosis, about myself, about my health, and started to lean into trusting me.

My test results completely changed. I ended up only having one level that was still a little off, but everything else returned to normal. And it’s so crazy. I literally actually went in on Monday this week and I thought I was going to have to wait because we’re family planning because these levels are off, and they actually told me like, you’re good. Whenever in the future you want to start, all of that, you’re good to go. So I ended up with an even better outcome than I could have even expected.

Stacey: Yeah. So I want everyone to hear that and just pause for a second because I think we’ll talk about this in a second too, like, the difference between completely disregarding a process versus just being willing to think outside it. I want to just kind of pause and have everybody just really think about what would have happened if the doctors had just said this is your only process, this is it, and you were just like, okay, this must be it.

And you let the process be in charge of your outcome and you stepped out of responsibility of any kind of your own health results. It’s so easy – I feel like in business it gets – I don’t know what I’m trying to say here but it’s harder with your health outcomes to really see that you could be in charge. It’s easier to just accept a diagnosis.

So I just think it’s really interesting that you could have just accepted it, you could have believed you had no ability over the outcome, you could have delegated all responsibility to their process, to their protocol, to their diagnosis, removed yourself. It would have taken away all the pain of the responsibility. Can we talk about that for a second?

When you owned that, I’m sure it was really uncomfortable to go through all the research, to do all of the reading, to change, stop eating things you loved. That probably wasn’t an enjoyable process. So you could have phoned it in to the doctors, you could have given them all the responsibility, but then you also would have potentially already removed your thyroid and been on medicine the rest of your life.

Lindsey: It makes me kind of emotional to talk about because the other thing was it didn’t just feel like my own health. I kind of had the thought like, okay, if I have to get my thyroid out, that’s something I get to deal with and get to have and I’ll work with that the rest of my life. But the other thought I had was that it would impact my future children.

And that’s where it felt even more like, oh my gosh, if I take full responsibility of this and I let it go too far, infertility is something that’s part of the long-term effects of that. It felt like it was so much more than just my life and my health. It was like, the responsibility of the life and health of my future children.

And that was so frightening and so – I was like, I can deal with it for me, but to think I could play a role in their health and what could happen to them felt really, really scary. And it really did. There were moments where I was like, maybe I just go with the three options, this might feel a lot safer and better because if I don’t get an outcome I want, then I’m going to have to live with that. But the thought I had was that I sold myself on why I was willing to take that route and how I could live with…

Stacey: What were your reasons for that? That’s really interesting. Why you were willing to risk that.

Lindsey: I just believed that I am very capable. I feel very responsible and capable of creating anything that I want in my life. So I think that’s a part of my self-concept. I also think that when it comes to the work I teach and being a coach, the path I always want to choose is going for the best-case scenario. I would rather spend my whole life taking responsibility, failing, and end up not getting the outcome I want than choosing the safe route.

So it also felt a little bit like this is an opportunity for me to be an example and not put my money where my mouth is but do the work and lean into I’m always wanting to be an example of what’s possible, and if that means risking something that’s really, really scary for the outcome that I really want, I’m willing to do that. I’d rather spend my whole life and die feeling proud of being that person than not.

Stacey: So good. And I want to just say – put a caveat that we’re not here giving medical advice and you didn’t have any symptoms, so that was one of the things that also I think early on when I talked to you made you question a severe medical procedure for something that there were not even symptoms for.

And we’re not saying – I want to be careful. We’re not saying if you have an autoimmune disease that you should just throw all what doctors have to say out the window at all. It’s not what we’re saying. But I do want to bring it back to coaches because so many of them feel what you just expressed with putting your children at risk, putting your family at risk, I do think a lot of coaches feel that way about building their business.

They’re investing money, they’re investing time. A lot of coaches are taking out loans on their house, loans on credit cards, cashing in IRAs. They are doing big things to – and not just coaches, all entrepreneurs. But we both coach coaches, so we’re just going to talk about it in this context.

But it is I think such a risk to be an entrepreneur and there is so much on the line and there is so much fear that you’re putting other people in your lives and yourself and your future at risk that it can feel so safe in the moment to latch on to a process, let’s say what a coach is telling you to do, or latch on to going to a coach training, and you’re like, the type of coaching you learn how to do.

I remember thinking I’m going to pay this much money to The Life Coach School and then I’m just going to magically have clients. Like I’m going to get clients from this investment. I totally delegated responsibility and I remember – I don’t know if I told this story on the podcast but the class after my class, Brooke offered this business support along with it, where they were going to help you build your website and stuff.

And it was like, three months after my class. And I think they had only charged a couple thousand dollars more, and I remember emailing her and saying like, I really want to pay the extra money to get this offer. And she was like, sorry, that’s not the offer I offered for you. I changed my offer but it’s not available to just purchase the rest of it.

And I remember at first being so mad, and so victim, like that’s not fair, I should have waited, all of these things. The most beautiful thing is I shouldn’t have waited because the fact that I didn’t get it is what got me out of my freaking house to meet people and tell them I’m a coach and make offers.

It’s the thing I coach people on, it’s the thing I teach people on, so if I hadn’t broken that and I had believed with The Life Coach School’s responsible for everything that happens in my business, Brooke’s responsible for everything that happens in my business, if I had delegated that responsibility and I did, I got mad and that really was the scariest place.

And there was something about when I took ownership over it and I was like, no, I’m going to make this money, I’m the one – my future is on the line, I’m putting this in my hands, I’m moving forward, that changed everything for me. It’s such an important thing.

And I think this could be a good time to talk about it is we’re not saying – I think there’s a difference of we’re not saying don’t follow a process. We’re not saying don’t get certified, don’t – the people listening from 200K are probably like, “Wait a minute, all Stacey talks about is a process.”

And I’m not saying don’t follow the process, but it’s a fine line. The process itself, the coach, the certification, the lack of certification, all of that is just a circumstance. And then there’s the outcome you want and then there’s how you show up to it.

And the level of ownership you take over it, and I think that is what you teach your clients so beautifully is that no matter what their C is, if they want to start a coaching business, it doesn’t matter what that C is. You’re going to teach them how to own that result for them every time. We just came back from Vegas and there’s the saying that the house always wins. It’s like, the coach always wins.

Lindsey: Yes. So good.

Stacey: I love that. Okay, so let’s talk about this too because I think this also ties into, we’re not saying don’t follow a process. One of the things I was thinking about when you were talking earlier is that the reason we are both so – and you just touched on it just a second ago too.

The reason that we are both so highly coachable and we get so much out of our coaching, the reason I don’t show up to my coaching with my coach and mistrust the coaching I get and question it to death, the reason I’m able to lean all the way in is because I’m not delegating responsibility to the coaching, to the coach, to get my results.

I’m still bringing me with me to that relationship. I forgot what you just said a second ago, but it really keyed me in on that is like, you’re showing up, owning it, and when you’re owning it, even if you’re following a process even if you’re being coached, when you’re owning it, you feel so much more empowered to lean in and to listen. And when you’re not owning your results, I recently had someone, a couple people in 200K that were like, “Really?”

I don’t even know how to describe it, but they were like, I’ve been so obsessed with Stacey’s process and following the process and trying to be a good student that that’s why I’m not getting results. And I was thinking like, no, that’s your ego trying to be the best student and trying to latch onto the process, to rely on it to create your result.

And it’s not that you can’t be capable of following the process and not getting lost in it. It’s just all about your thoughts showing up to it. Do you want to talk a little bit on that?

Lindsey: Yeah. So I think the biggest thing that has to happen first with any process, I teach my students a process too, and in order for a process to work, you have to have 100% belief that you will produce an outcome and you will get the result and you are in charge of the result before and simultaneously while you execute the process.

Because if you don’t have that, then I think about this all the time, if there was just a cut and dry process, that worked every single time and there was no responsibility, somebody would just be selling this process and every single human would get results.

And the reason why some people don’t is because they don’t show up to it being 100% in ownership over the results they’re going to create with the process. I kind of think about it like a relationship. I think the best marriages, the best relationships are both parties are in 100% responsibility in the relationship.

Meaning if somebody is having an off day, or off week, an off month, the other person is showing up all in on making the relationship everything they want it to be. And the same is true on the other side. And when those two come together, that’s when you produce the best outcomes, no matter what.

You can still have a great marriage if somebody is having an off week. So I think about the same thing with the process. Everyone probably follows the 200K process a little bit different, or my process as a coach a little bit different. But when they show up 100% responsibility, it doesn’t matter whether they follow the map perfectly, they always produce an outcome because they’re taking control over that outcome and using the process to their advantage to getting there faster.

Stacey: Okay, hold on, what did you just say exactly the way you said it? It was like, follow the process to the T, what did you say?

Lindsey: I said like, follow it like you’re following a map kind of.

Stacey: Yeah. So I think it’s really interesting for everyone listening to notice if you do that. If you get caught up in the minutia of, am I doing it perfectly? If you get very caught up in the details, in the specifics, in the am I doing it right.

I see this happen a lot with coaches who use other people’s coaching in the group against themselves. Like, well, I saw you coach this person on this, I got to find out how I’m doing that wrong and apply it to me. It’s like, notice that behavior is you really giving responsibility to the process instead of yourself.

Lindsey: I was going to say maybe you don’t want me saying this, but the thought I have is I’m not the greatest student. If you were to give me a test…

Stacey: No, I think it’s fine.

Lindsey: But the thought I have is she doesn’t care whether I’m the best student.

Stacey: Were you going to say if I give you a 200K test you would for sure fail? Is that what you were going to say? I agree. Fail. F.

Lindsey: But the thought I have is I always get results. So I don’t care whether I follow the process perfectly. I’m a human who always gets results. And I always use it to say okay, where can I improve? But my thought is it doesn’t matter if I check the boxes, it doesn’t matter if I do it all right, I am going to get results, period, no matter what. And so that’s where I don’t lean too heavily on the process.

Stacey: Yeah, I love that you don’t. It’s like Brooke and I. Brooke teaches Facebook ads and direct offers and you do it the opposite of the way I teach. And then I had so much fear about that for the longest time, I’m like, oh my god, but I’m literally negating everything you say. And she’s like, “But I love that. I love that there’s that contrast available,” and I feel the same about you.

I teach heavily inside a process and you’re more like, you have a process but it’s the process of not being attached to the process. And I love that. For you, it’s all about the commitment to the result and who you’re being in order to create that. And I just had someone in 200K who was like, “I think I should leave the mastermind because I’ve decided that what I want to do is outside of what you teach.”

And I told her, I was like, but you’re also making way more money than most of the people, why does that matter? Why would you leave? Nothing’s gone wrong, you’re making money, you’re doing it exactly the way you wanted to do it, the process is there.

For me, this is the way I think about having a process is it’s there to help guide you and to reveal all of your thoughts. And it’s like, the same could be true about not having a process. It’s there to guide you and reveal all of your thoughts. That’s all we’re doing.

Lindsey: 100%. I think it’s important to say I’m also not saying don’t lean on that. Because there are so many things in your process that I had to question and notice, where do I feel resistance? Why do I feel resistance? And I have to do the same things with my students and question that because if you don’t, I imagine there’s corners of the room that you’re not looking in.

But when you take that full responsibility and you use that for you, it’s like that’s where you’re going to create massive results, sign clients, hit your goals, whatever it is, quickly.

Stacey: Yeah, I also think you’re right. So I think there’s a subset of people who might be listening to this who are the rebels. And they’re like, the process resistors. They’re like, a process keeps me from my results because I’m unique and I’m original and I’m a special snowflake.

And that there’s something to be learned from that too. Because for me, this is the way I think, and I think that you are very similar. I think we could do any process; we could sell any offer, we would always create our outcome. How is that true? How do we make that happen? It’s taking 100% ownership.

It’s being willing to own the result. And I think that just boils down at the bottom line, you and I are both willing to feel failure. To experience failure, to have the worst-case thing happen. And I will even say, when it comes to coaching your clients is we’re willing to put that on our shoulders.

Lindsey: Yeah. And I think it goes back to what I was saying earlier that the failure of that feels better to me than the failure of the outcome that happens if I don’t do that. The outcome that happens if you don’t do that is never producing the result that you want, never being in control and empowered to create every result in your life.

So to me, the cost of that is so much greater than the cost of the feeling of failure or the feeling you have when a client doesn’t get an outcome that you want. And so that’s what helps me continue to choose that and teach my students to choose that over and over and over again.

Stacey: Yeah. It’s just a more invaluable investment with your emotions, right?

Lindsey: Yes.

Stacey: Like, I’m going to invest in more useful emotions, and the more useful emotions are courage and discipline, and I don’t know, can’t think of any more. Courage and discipline, it’s the only ones. It’s been a long day. But really, the productive negative emotion versus the unproductive negative emotion of pity and…

Lindsey: Blame.

Stacey: Blame, justification, negotiation, all of that, super unuseful. And I think that’s everything. I would rather invest my emotions in a more useful place that leads to a life I want to live and a result I want to create and keeps me playing the game with my highest level of buy-in. Keeps me bought in at the highest level.

Lindsey: So good.

Stacey: Okay, can we talk about one last thing? It’s kind of taboo though but we talked about it over lunch. I’m deviating. So we had to do two different parts of this episode. We had some sound issues and some other issues on the first half, but we got it together really well. I bet they’re not going to be able to tell.

But hopefully the sound is better on this half. So I had sent her – this is what we had previously talked about. I’m such an anal freak. I listened to the whole thing, wrote it all out, then typed it all out, then sent her notes of this is what we talked about, this is what we’re going to discuss. So I’m deviating a little bit from the plan.

But can we talk about getting certified to learn how to coach? Because we talked about this at lunch and I think that this is – I have both stances, which is so funny. People don’t understand. I’m like, you don’t need to be certified and absolutely you should go to The Life Coach School, it’s amazing. Both of my stances and full belief.

But let’s talk about – because one of the things that we talked about is the reason people feel so – there’s several boats of people but there’s the coaches who feel really angry if you talk about being a coach without being certified. Doesn’t matter what school it comes from. They’re like, you have no training, you have no ability to coach, what’s the word I’m looking for? You have no like…

Lindsey: Like, chops kind of.

Stacey: I love that you said chops. Are we in the 20s? What just happened?  Don’t have the chops for it. Oh my god, that’s amazing. No, the qualification. They’re like, you’re not qualified to teach anyone. So there’s those people who get really angry about it, right?

And then there’s the people – there’s a couple of boats, but then there’s the people who are like, I’m too good for certification. I’m like, it means something about me that I’ve made it without being certified. And then there’s the people that are like, desperate to be certified. And I do think what we talked about is it’s really important that it’s not coming from the place of – the only example I can use is the model just because that’s all I know, but I know there are other coaching tools out there.

But I have to have the model because the model is what will make me a good coach, and having the model is what will make me feel safe on a coaching call, and having the model is what protects me and the client from harm being had. So I’m curious for you to talk about your opinion about this.

Lindsey: Yeah. Well…

Stacey: Am I putting you on the spot? It’s a pretty taboo topic.

Lindsey: No, not at all. No, I think this is perfect because I think this is also part of my positioning and what I teach my students. So a little bit more about my journey and Stacey and I were talking about this at lunch. I coached with Stacey for three months basically on my life, all different areas, taking responsibility, growing, changing. And after three months, I was so profoundly impacted, I had the same life but the way I felt in my life had completely changed.

Stacey: You had what I would call mastery of mind transformation, meaning you had mastery level experience of transforming your mind in literally a couple of months because of how much transformation you had and what you went through. And when you have that level of mastery experience, it’s inevitable that you know how to help other people do that.

Lindsey: Yes. So I was like, I have to help other people with coaching. And I felt this sense of certainty in it. Because of that mastery I signed a client the first day I opened my coaching business, because I had that belief and certainty that I had something amazing to offer people.

My thought was this is the key to the universe, why doesn’t everyone know this? Because it had transformed my life in such a profound way, and I felt so responsible for my results that I felt like that’s all I had to give other people. And so because of that, that was how I built my chops. Never going to live that one down.

Build my chops as a coach, that’s how I created my ability to coach other people. I built my belief in my responsibility over my results, I had massive mindset transformation in my own life, I produced completely different results, and then I took that, and I went out and I helped other people do the same thing.

And I never had a thought of like, I need something more, I need a certification, I need anything else, which is why I’m still not certified, not because I don’t think it’s not valuable. I just have the thought I believe I can get my clients results, I know…

Stacey: Well, you already have. You got yourself results. And it’s so interesting because I was thinking about this, I coached you and Lindsay Dotzlaf in the beginning, at a time where I had been certified with LCS, but I had been working with another coach longer who coached a variety of techniques. And I also kind of learned the beginnings of my coaching where not relying heavily on the model.

So I think that’s where I come from like, the first I would say 300Kish of my business, I really wasn’t coaching very much on the model. I was coaching more on other things I had learned and other coaching – I had been to a ton of different coaching seminars. And I was using other tools and techniques and really, I was just listening and coaching really is just listening and asking questions and posing alternate perspectives, right?

And that’s all I was doing. And so you and Lindsay both started your coaching businesses and learned from that place. And then it wasn’t until really, I joined Million Dollar Mentoring and got into master coach training that I became obsessed with the model and really started coaching on it hardcore.

But even my 2K process, and I was just teaching this – was it in 200K or two million? But I talked to them about how the importance of when I thought about the 2K process, teaching selling without incorporating the model in the modules. I do talk about it, I do offer it, you can learn it through – I have a couple different courses in 2K where you can study the model.

And we coach on it heavily in Ask a Coach, but the actual process is my intellectual property. It’s how I coached my clients, and it doesn’t really have anything to do with the model. It’s not like I’m like, in each module like okay, the model here is this, this, and this.

So you guys learned very much like I did. So this is how I think I have this dual personality or dual belief that people don’t realize is I’m like, I have to recognize the truth that you don’t have to be certified. I have to stand for that in the industry because half of my clients aren’t and they’re making money, and they were making money before they ever came to me. So how is that possible? It’s like I think I also changed a stance recently on – what was it that people freaked out about? Maybe it was that you have to have a one-on-one coach.

Lindsey: Yeah, I was thinking that was it.

Stacey: It might have been that. I really believe that. To be in integrity, you have to have a one-on-one coach. And then I’m like, I have to change my stance on it because I have people that proved me wrong. And I’m not going to go down with that boat, with the thought error because I just have too many people who have proved that wrong.

The same is true about certification. I know that you don’t have to be certified to be an amazing coach, to get your clients amazing results because I have too many clients who have proven that theory wrong. I also think for me, I loved that experience, I loved the school, I loved the model, I love teaching on it, I’ve had both experiences of heavily teaching it and not heavily teaching it.

And I think what I think is the most important and what I love about the work that you do is regardless of whether you’re certified or not, you take them back to okay, you either have a process or you don’t, and either way, there’s a result you want to create and there’s what you’re going to have to think, who you’re going to have to be, how you’re going to have to show up, the energy you’re going to have to embody to create that result.

And you’re going to have to do that regardless of whether you got a certification or not. You’re going to have to do that regardless of if you have a one-on-one coach or not. Whatever it is, it’s going to boil down to there’s you and there’s you. That’s it.

Lindsey: Yeah, that’s why the first step of my process is ultimately the process that I went through in starting my coaching business is change your own life. Essentially, it’s being a product of your work, being responsible for every result you create in your life.

Because you can’t go out telling other people they can do that if you aren’t doing that in your own life, if you’re not using – whether it’s tools, whether it’s responsibility, whatever it is to produce those outcomes. And to me, that’s where the integrity piece comes in. Not one-on-one coach, doesn’t matter what path you take. But it’s being in integrity that you are doing your own work, and in turn, you have the ability to have the belief in your clients, the belief in your work, the responsibility over that.

And that’s what’s going to create clients, that’s what’s going to create the belief that you need to talk about it and sell in a very simple and effective way because you’re like, this is amazing, other people need this, this works because it worked for me, now it can work for you. And to me, that’s what lays such a rock solid foundation in starting your business. When you have that, you don’t need all the other things.

Stacey: Yeah, everything becomes easier. I don’t think you’ve ever followed my consultation process ever. We have clients in 2K, they’ll come in and be like, “But I’m doing it wrong because I’m signing these clients and they’re not getting on consults, they’re just paying me without being on one.”

And I’m like, this is not a problem. Doesn’t mean something has gone wrong. So I’m always telling them, I’m like, you know that you can make money without doing consults? What? People will just give you money. It happens.

But it’s like, do you have a sales process now that you teach of how you did – because I remember when you first started signing clients, I really think you were winging it. You tell me. But you were just like, showing up coaching them. What were you doing on the calls? Because you were just signing them. I had no idea.

Lindsey: Yeah.

Stacey: I wasn’t teaching you.

Lindsey: Yeah, I teach a process in a way – it’s very simple, it’s very loose, it’s based off of how I think you ran my consult for me in a way. But it’s more about showing up to the consult with belief that you can help them. Because that’s the most important part. And everything you say after that, it doesn’t matter if you have that.

So that’s what I teach, and I do teach processes throughout how to actually launch your business and how to have the confidence to tell people about it and sign clients. But it’s almost like a cycle. It’s like you’re always going back to change your own life, do the own work in your own brain because that’s what’s going to overflow to everything else.

Stacey: Yeah. Don’t you think when someone starts the beginning of their business, whether they’ve been coached before or they are new to coaching but they know they want to be a coach, their first step – I’m curious what you actually tell your people is the first step, but don’t you think the first step is somewhere along the lines of taking stock of what results you have in your current life and figuring out how you created them?

And in the deeply understanding how you created them, that’s where the answer, the solution to creating what you want comes from, is the deep understanding of that. And once you figure that piece out, really truly, you could coach anyone on anything.

Lindsey: Yes. The whole first step is change your life and that looks – it’s kind of like two different things. One part of it is you’re looking at what expertise do I already have to offer because of what results I’ve created, and then we break down different things that change your own life so you can see how you built that.

Or it really is change your own life, that’s how – you helped me change my life in three months. And so you don’t feel like you have anything yet and it’s taking all these tools and changing your life and then being like, wow, I have a result, I’ve created a result in my weight, or my health, or my life in general, and then using that to go out and help other people.

Stacey: And I love that you did it in three months. People think this takes forever but you really did just go all in and you were working full-time. You had another business at the time. You were in network marketing. And you’re a fitness nut. Not really. Not a nut. You’re a fitness guru. And you had a relationship at the time.

It’s not like you were like, just – you got it done. Three months, you had such massive transformation. And you were one of my clients that would text me all the time and be like, well, what about this? So I could tell you were always thinking things through. And I think that also is what makes a really incredible coach is being willing to investigate and think through everything at a really deep level. I see you do that a lot.

Lindsey: Yeah, well, thank you. And I mean, you taught me that. And I think one of the biggest things was the transformation doesn’t actually take that much time. Starting the business doesn’t take that much time when you do your own work. It’s like a transformation can happen in a moment.

It’s why so many of my students come in, start their business in 30 days even if they haven’t had a lot of coaching experience. Because when they start to experience that transformation and create results with it, whether that’s 30 minutes, they had a realization, or just one moment, then they take that and it can go so much further.

Stacey: Do you think that your ideal people – the people you tend to attract right now, it’s going to change because the stuff we’ve been talking about, your stuff is getting so good. I know that you’re about to blow up into the level of where you don’t – it’s no longer my ideal person or my best people. It’s like everyone starts showing up.

Even the people you don’t normally attract, everyone starts showing up. And so you’re I think on the brink of that. But currently, the people that you have coming into your program, don’t you think they’re also those people who are less afraid of the failure?

I don’t know if that’s because they tend to be younger. I’m curious what you think. Because my people tend to be very afraid of the failure. But again, I have a highly anxious mind too, I get it, so I’m able to coach them on that. Whereas your people, it’s either they have so much more self-belief in themselves, so much more self-confidence, so much more willingness to fail, what do you think that is?

Lindsey: Well, I think for me, when I came to coaching, I was a D1 athlete and when I look at my life, that is a process of constantly building a self-concept that you fail, you shank a ball in the middle of a game, you get back, you keep going.

And so I think that played such a role in – it was like I had all this energy and this belief and this confidence, but I didn’t know how to take that and turn it into something and what to do with that. And so I think I attract a lot of the same people that they’re like – I don’t want to use this cliched term, but high achievers or people who tend to already have accomplished something in some area of their life, at some point they were an athlete or they were successful in school, they kind of have gone through that process of trying and failing and they’re motivated. They just don’t know how to take that and turn it into something valuable and put it out in the world. And so I think I just tend to attract that type of person because that’s who I am.

Stacey: I remember you telling this analogy and I may have told this on the podcast before, I can’t remember. Some conversation and you and I had at some point. But I remember you telling me that you used to help new people coming in learning volleyball, the new girls, like the younger ones, and they would always if they were afraid of getting hurt, they would always get hurt because when they would go to fall, they would always stick their hands out to try to brace for the impact.

And the way to not get hurt, the way to sustain the least amount of the energy is to just fall and just go all the way in it. And I’m always – we always joke that I’m running behind you as a friend, I’m always like, take more care, be more careful. I’m like your mother half of the time, like, I’m afraid you’re going to get hurt. But you never do.

Lindsey: I know. It’s because I have the thought, I’m going to be fine.

Stacey: And you lean into it. If you just lean into the failure, I think that’s where it’s at. That willingness to lean into the worst case, that willingness – it’s like you literally mind and body go all the way in. I think that’s – I love being around that.

So I just want to say for those of you listening who maybe aren’t that type of person yet, having a Lindsey in your life is the best thing you could absolutely do. You’ve got to join her program because it’s really – if I didn’t have you and Neil, I just feel like I would be much harder in my life.

I love having you guys bring me back to the reality. Lindsey’s always like, I’m very afraid of flying, and we have this running joke that Lindsey will always live. That’s the way her brain works. She’s like, I would just like – what would you do? If the plane was going down, tell me what your plan would be.

Lindsey: I’m like, the whole way down I’d be like, we’re definitely going to make it, it’s fine, there’s no way that I’m dying. But we joked once that I’m like, the plane would hit the ground and I think I would jump in the aisle, I might make it work.

Stacey: You would be like, the plane’s going down and you’d be running through it trying to find life jackets and busting out a window.

Lindsey: Making a thing, whatever they’re called, a parachute. We’re going to make a parachute, it’s going to be fine.

Stacey: I love that. That’s what I mean. For sure, I’m just giving in, we’re dying, it’s happening, I knew it was going to happen. That’s where my mind goes. You’re like, I will live at all costs. So I really do love having you in my life, I think that everyone needs someone like you in their life. They should totally join your program and learn all about this.

Really, my mind was so blown at just this idea that we really do want to lean on the process, on a certification, on a coach, on all of those things. We want to lean on those so that we don’t have to be responsible in the failure. I know that coaches have that tendency, but I never knew it was for that reason, that really blew my mind. So I’m so grateful that you came on and talked to my whole audience about it.

Lindsey: Thank you. I’m so grateful to be here.

Stacey: Is there anything else that we didn’t cover that we need to cover on this topic?

Lindsey: No, I think we hit all of it.

Stacey: Okay. So how do they join your program? They should do it immediately.

Lindsey: Yeah. Go to I focus on starting your coaching business and signing those first couple of clients, but starting and feeling confident, like you have something to offer, and you have the results and you have the belief in building that rock solid foundation so that you’re selling from a place of believing in what you offer and the transformation you offer because you’ve done it for yourself.

Stacey: I love it. So you could do it no matter where you’re starting, no matter what your background is. Join her program. She’s going to help you kind of break out of that – what do we want to call that? It’s just like this over-attachment to things that are outside of us that don’t actually create our outcome. We need to come up with something. Some kind of term.

Lindsey: Okay, I’m going to brainstorm on it.

Stacey: To come up with it. Alright, thank you so much for coming on. You can also follow her on IG. What’s your IG?

Lindsey: @lindseymango_.

Stacey: And then you have a podcast, Anything but Average.

Lindsey: It’s called Anything but Average.

Stacey: I love it. I love that you teach people how to have an extraordinary life and then teach other people how to do that. That’s so fun. Thank you for coming on.

Lindsey: Thank you for having me.

Stacey: Alright. I also told my 200K people that I’m going to have you come teach them this concept and this idea. It’ll be super fun. Thank you so much, y’all, hit up Lindsey, get in her program, and she’ll teach you all the goods about owning your results. Bye.

Lindsey: Bye.

Hey, if you are ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2K for 2K program where you’re going to make your first $2000, the hardest part, and then $200,000 using my proven formula. It’s risk-free. You either make your 2K or I give you your 2K back. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

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