Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | Making 300K Coaching Farmers with Charlotte SmithIf I told you that you could make 300K by offering life coaching to farmers, I bet you wouldn’t believe me. Well, my guest this week has done exactly that, which just goes to prove that you can be whatever kind of coach you want to be and still kill it in this industry.

Charlotte Smith grew up on a farm and knows farming inside-out. However, after she got certified, she had all kinds of stories about whether coaching is something farmers need, want, or could afford. Safe to say she got over those thoughts and stuck with it, and now she’s not looking back.

Tune in this week to discover some incredible stories from an unusual niche. Charlotte is sharing how she helps farmers manage their minds and make more money, how she decided this was the niche for her, and how you can make a ton of money charging reasonable prices for a beautifully crafted service.

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What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why you’ll always make more money in a niche where you have experience and passion versus a niche that sounds good on paper.
  • How Charlotte considered other niches after getting her certification, before committing to farmers.
  • Why farmers need life coaching more than most people might expect.
  • The work that Charlotte does with her clients and how she helps them manage their minds and make their farm profitable.
  • How most of Charlotte’s clients aren’t familiar with coaching before working with her, and why that has an amazing impact on how they work together.
  • Why it’s so important to Charlotte to focus on building one thing at a time in her business.
  • How Charlotte deepens her relationships with her clients so she can serve them at the highest level.

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Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hey coaches, welcome to episode 155. Today I have a really fun episode for you. I’m interviewing Charlotte Smith, one of my 200K Mastermind students who is killing it, making a lot of money with a really unusual niche. And you all know how I feel about the unusual niches. It just proves that there is a lot of money to be made in the world. And you don’t have to be stuck with being a relationship coach, or a weight coach, or a business coach. You can be the kind of coach that you want to be that works for your background, and your experience, and what lights your heart up.

So without further ado let’s introduce you. Charlotte, tell everybody who you are, your background, who you help, and we’ll dive in from there.

Charlotte: Sure, yes. I’m Charlotte Smith and I live in Oregon. And I coach farmers. And I had my own farm for years. I grew up on a farm. And so when I got certified a couple of years ago I had all sorts of drama thinking farmers couldn’t afford coaching. And I got over that in about a month. And you know what? They need help. They have the same human brain the rest of us do. And I’m so thankful I stuck with it because I actually thought, I could be an overdrinking coach or an overeating coach. Everyone says they make a lot of money.

And thank goodness I came back to this because I think all these niches are goldmines for so many people because they’re my people. And now I can help them and yeah, it’s just wonderful.

Stacey: Yeah. And I actually, so I know that other coaches have very different opinions about this. That you can make money in any niche, and you should choose the niches that are making the most money, bringing the most money in like weight, and business, and relationship, and things like that, overeating, overdrinking. But I was actually talking to Lindsay Dotzlaf about this recently. I know she’s your instructor for 200K, right, your breakout room instructor?

Charlotte: Yes.

Stacey: We were talking about this, and we both have a very strong belief that that is not true. You can’t just make money. I mean maybe you could. I find it harder for people to just choose a niche based on, I think I’ll make a lot of money doing this if they don’t have a background experience, a love for the people they’re working with and the topic that they’re serving on. I just think it’s so much harder. It’s such a much more uphill battle. And so for me I’m like, yes, you can make a lot of money as a business coach but also there are a lot of business coaches that don’t make a lot of money.

If you don’t want to live and breathe the business coach conversation or yes, you can make a lot of money as a weight coach. But if you’ve never, never struggled with your weight and you have nothing, no experience or life stories behind it. It might be a little bit of a challenge when people come to you with specific things about when they’re failing, when they’re struggling, that you may struggle to help them with if you’ve never been through that struggle. And certainly we can coach on anything using coaching tools, that’s why I love the model.

But to make it your main thing that you dedicate your entire, I don’t think I could be an overdrinking coach. I don’t drink. I’ll have a glass of wine every couple of months. It didn’t even bother me to be pregnant and just lose it completely. It doesn’t matter, I rarely drink. And if I do drink it might be half a glass of wine. I can leave half a glass. So what would I have to contribute to the stop overdrinking conversation? So I really love that you – I mean do you have thoughts about that? I love that you have this experience.

Charlotte: Yes. So the reason for my success, I believe there are a few things and one of them is because I am a farmer. Every problem they have I have experienced. Every struggle they have I know it. And I get emails like that. My farmers will say, “I follow all kinds of online marketers and coaches. And I’m hiring you because you get me. You know, you live it. You live it right now. You know what it’s like.” So that’s been my experience, that it’s been easier for me to make money and to connect with them because we share the struggles, the pain.

And I might be one step ahead of them. Or I might be five years ahead of them in getting through that struggle. But just the fact that I know their issues means a lot to them. And so yeah, my thought is the same, that if I’m going to hire a marriage coach I want someone who’s overcome the struggles they’re going to work with me on. So definitely, yeah, I think that’s been a big part of my speedy success is because I’ve lived it.

Stacey: Yeah. And I think there are certain caveats to that, for example, I really love my coach, Brooke. Are you certified with The Life Coach School? I can’t remember who is or who isn’t.

Charlotte: Yes, I am.

Stacey: And I never want to just assume, that feels very uppity to me. So one of the things I love about Brooke is she’s always I think had really great money beliefs. And it’s really served her to be amazing at coaching. I don’t know that she’s had necessarily some big struggle like I did when it comes to money. So I think that there is when you have – what’s the way I’m trying to say it? Is when you have a natural talent at something. I don’t even know that you have to have necessarily struggled. For me I have struggled at selling.

I have all the selling stories but I’m also really good at it. And I’ve always been really good at it. So it’s not that you even have to necessarily have the struggle, but I do think it’s really important to have the passion, be really good at it, be on the other side. This is why I always tell people to sell general life coaching. If they don’t come in like you and know exactly who they want to help, I’m like, “Well, then just start coaching on everything until you find the thing that you love talking about.”

But having that, I’m really good at it, maybe I’ve struggled and overcame it. I have a lot to say about it. I have a lot of expertise. I have a lot of experience. All of that just makes you such a well-rounded coach.

Charlotte: Totally, yeah. And it’s funny you said to start with, general life coaching. A lot of people in the 200K Mastermind, when they first hear I coach farmers they’ll say, “Well, what do farmers need coaching on, what in the world?”

Stacey: That was going to be my next question is what you do with them?

Charlotte: All the things, yeah.

Stacey: All the things.

Charlotte: But believe it or not, I don’t think many people realize this. But when you sign up to be a farmer, when you decide to be a farmer and have a farm business. You’re signing up that you have more challenging circumstances than I would like to say any other business you could start. Because not only do you have all the things with starting a business, but you’ve got to deal with weather every day, mother nature, whether it’s too hot, too cold, with no notice.

Stacey: How interesting.

Charlotte: Yeah. You can go from 95 degrees to 25 degrees, your crop is ruined. Many families are farming with generations. So now you’re living with your in-laws. And you’re expected to run a business. And they think my father-in-law should not be telling me how to farm. Well, I’ve helped them that yes, when you start a farm you sign up for more challenging circumstances than any other business. And that’s okay. I can help you with that. I will coach you on that.

Even the circumstance that starting a farm takes a lot of money You’ve got to buy land or rent land. And then there is the infrastructure. So you put a lot of money into it and then you’ve got to – there’s this sort of sense of urgency to make some money to start paying off that huge debt. And then there’s laws and regulations. Again in the coaching business or many businesses you aren’t faced with laws and regulations that are strict like the farming world. So what I’ve helped them with is normalizing all that.

Yeah, we’ve signed up for a lot more challenging circumstances than any other business you could have started. And that just makes us more badass. That’s all the more reason, if you’re going to start a farm, get a coach. You can’t do it without it because we’ve got all these challenges.

Stacey: I love that so much. So you coach them on, they’re having their farming business and then within that you coach them on everything in their brain?

Charlotte: Well, it’s so interesting because I teach them how to build a profitable farm. So that’s why I think…

Stacey: I love that, oh my God.

Charlotte: Yeah, they hire me because they aren’t making money on their farm. And then when I ask, “Why aren’t you making money on your farm?” It’s my husband, my in-laws, the debt, it’s all the other things. So I live far from any town. It’s all the thoughts come up. So they aren’t making money because of their thoughts and that’s what I coach on.

Stacey: Yeah, you just help them become master problem solvers, right?

Charlotte: Yeah. And then when they start solving these problems which is a lot of accepting reality, they start making money.

Stacey: Of course. It’s so good. I think that in general for all business that’s what we’re teaching people is just how to be really good problem solvers. And the people that make the most money it’s because they’ve solved the most problems. That’s it. I love it, that’s so unique. I love that you coach farmers. Okay, so how do you coach them? What’s the container, do you coach one-on-one? Do you coach them in group? You’re going to have to refresh my memory.

Charlotte: Well, I was doing one-on-one and group both before 200K. And I thought I could continue doing both. And then I started studying all the modules before we got to Cabo and I realized, no, they’re going to want me to decide on one simple offer. And I really want to. I really want, because I found it started affecting the consults. They’d be like, “You do one-on-one or group? Well, maybe I’ll wait till your group opens again.” And I realized, I’m confusing, now they’re just not making a decision.

So I decided to be all in on my group and that was the gasoline. Focusing on one simple offer is everything. So yeah, I have one group, they sign up for a year, it’s $2,000 for one year. And right now I give three coaching calls a week. One’s general life coaching, one’s time management and one is, I call it advanced marketing strategies. They can bring one piece of marketing to me, and I give them feedback on it. And they do that for a year. And it’s incredible, it’s everything they need.

Stacey: And you’re making tons of money.

Charlotte: Yeah. And they are excited to pay me money and they’re excited – my goal is that they will be back year after year because this growth never stops.

Stacey: Yeah. So, how many people do you have in your group at any given time?

Charlotte: Right now I’m at 157. My first launch…

Stacey: So is it open all the time or is it they start a year together and they end a year together, how does that work?

Charlotte: Sure. I launch it four times a year. I don’t keep it open all the time because I love being able to focus on one thing. And I love being able to focus my week of launching and then go back to just podcast, relationship building. So four times a year I open it. I don’t have separate groups. They’re all in the group. So the new people just came in, I just had a launch. And some of the people are expiring, their year is up in February. So they’ve been in here for almost a year.

And I love it. The people who are just joining because I’m just completing my first full year. So now I’ve got more perspective. And it’s a testament to group coaching that the people who are just joining are up-leveling faster because they see the people who have been in it for almost a year, accept reality so much quicker. Oh, it’s okay that we have this, we live with our in-laws, and they try to tell me what to do because she’s doing it. So I love that I don’t do – because you see every model in 200K, so many different models. I love my model, it’s perfect.

It’s like you said, decide what your simple offer is and make it the right product. And it is, I love what I have.

Stacey: Yeah. So what she’s referring to, for everyone listening is so many coaches spend so much time trying to find the right offer. And thinking that there is a right offer. There is a very specific thing that you can offer your people that will be the right thing for them. And when you finally land on it, that’s when you’ll make money versus just deciding this is the container, this is how much it is. And then selling yourself to be so sold that it’s easy to sell other people on it. Everyone that works with me, everything I sell, that was like, “That was the best container,” whatever you offered.

People loved it when it was a small group in 200K. And they thought it would be the end of the world when we sold more than 30 slots. They were like, “30 slots is the perfect number, it’s the best container ever.” And now we’re at 100 people and they’re like, “This is the best container ever. I love how big this group is. I love how big the energy is. I love the breakout sessions. I love every single thing about it.” And I’m like, “That’s because I sell myself first on loving it and then I help you love it.” And really there’s literally no container.

I’ve loved every container I’ve always been in. There’s no container that is better than any other container. It’s just what you are offering and then your client also deciding those thoughts that it’s amazing, which I bet it is for farmers. I think about, that must be such an isolating job a little bit. I mean I think coaching is a little bit isolating too. So to be in a bigger container I think is everything.

Charlotte: They love it, yes. And I think no one has ever doubted my group ever because I’m in love with it. And it’s like, yeah, this is the most amazing thing ever. And then they get in there and they’re like, “Yes, it’s the most amazing thing ever.” So I really, yeah, I can’t emphasize enough that teaching us to love your group or love your offer is everything, but you’re right, farmers. I was coaching someone yesterday and I said, “Think about someone like a friend.” We were talking about marketing.

“Think about one of your friends who would love to come to your flower farm.” And she said, “I have no friends.” She said, “I live out in the country. I homeschool my kids all day.” And this is a lot of farmers. And I realized, oh, so my group, my 157 people with studying likeminded things that are uplifting and personal development versus what they’re used to and their families they’re surrounded by. They love it too and it’s given them, yeah, they’re online friends. And I’m encouraging to meet more in person, have in person friends too.

And that can be a challenge on a farm when you live rurally. I certainly have urban farmers too.

Stacey: Yeah. Do you see yourself ever doing an event for them, bringing them together? Or is that something that would be challenging? Can they not leave the farm or is there better times of year to do it? I’m curious, I could just see you having a whole farmers conference.

Charlotte: Yeah. Well, I’ve been a keynote speaker at conferences now for nine years. That was my – I also attribute a lot of my fast success in the coaching business to having hugged so many people in person and sat down with them at a conference. And then their farm, they invite me out for a farm tour and dinner at their house after the conference. And so I’ve done that. And I’ve imagined doing that in person some day after COVID, but yeah, so I do imagine that.

Stacey: So this is not maybe the time of the season of life to be starting live events.

Charlotte: Right. And I’m so in love with focusing on one thing that I’m just like, no. No, I’m not doing anything else but this.

Stacey: I do find that when people are always asking me, “When are you going to do this? And when are you going to do that?” And when they’re feeling so much lack for something they think they want to do in the future, but they’re not there yet, it’s always because they have not sold themselves yet and fallen in love with the simple offer. Once you do, and all of the byproducts of that, you’re like, “No, I don’t want to do anything else. This is it.”

Charlotte: Yes. And I do. I think so again, my personal relationship with people is what’s got me this far. We’ll see how that scales. But if I’m traveling I will seek out because I have farmers in every state. So wherever I’m going I’ll just see who of my clients lives nearby and say, “I would love to have dinner with you.” And they’re just like – it would be like you calling me saying, “I’m Portland, do you want to have dinner?” I would die. So they’re just like, “Oh my gosh.”

Stacey: I have done that before. I have actually been known to do that.

Charlotte: Yes, well do it if you’re ever in Portland. But I do love to do that because it just strengthens, the more you can sit down with your actual clients and talk about just everyday life stuff. It deepens my knowledge of them and what I can write to them about and talk about on my podcast and all that. So yes, I really love the in person when possible.

Stacey: Yeah, that’s so fun. I love the group. I love thinking about you bringing community to them. That just feels like such a big piece of a job that can be really lonely. I love that for them. And I love that your price right now, I don’t know if you ever plan on raising it, but I love that it’s $2,000 especially for this conversation. Because I know so many coaches. I’ve been thinking a lot about offers lately. And I know that one of the biggest thought errors is you can only make a lot of money if you’re charging a lot of money. That’s the only, it seems so logical.

You have to be charging $10,000, and 20,000, and 30,000, and $40,000 if you ever want to make a lot of money. And you’re such an example of that’s not true at all.

Charlotte: Yeah. And this is really deeply important to me that I make my program accessible to farmers. And like I said, I have been to the Appalachian Mountains speaking. And I’ve seen the poverty there. And I’ve seen the struggles they have. And yes, many of them are affluent but there is more that can use this help and I want to make it affordable to them. And that’s just my belief and my value. And I love that I can do that.

Stacey: Yeah. And also I think it’s part of your positioning, thinking about your ideal person and where they are. Some people, their positioning will be that they will – let’s just say they’re working with lawyers for example. They might say, “Well, my people would never take $2,000 seriously. It needs to be 12,000 or 20,000.” Or you hear doctors say, “Well, if there’s a lot of them in their residences, and they have so much student loans.”

But thinking about your person and not in they would never pay this but in a way of thinking, what would make it accessible. What makes sense for who they are, for who I am as a coach? I think that’s really important. My program’s $2,000, I make millions of dollars off of it.

Charlotte: Yes, I do keep that in mind that if, yes, they can go out and buy $100,000 tractor. But they’ve never spent money on personal development in their life. So I really am comfortable with the price and I’m comfortable communicating to them that price. And I believe in it.

Stacey: Yeah, and you’re making money in it. This is the deal. You can make 100K by charging 10K to 10 people. Or you can charge $1,000 to s 100 people and it really doesn’t matter. What I will say, this is what I do think matters is when you start your coaching business thinking about who you are and where you are. So for example, for you, you had been going to these – I was going to say these talks or these circuits, I don’t know why.

Charlotte: Conferences.

Stacey: Conferences. I couldn’t come up with the word for whatever reason. You’ve been going to these conferences and hugging people for nine years. So your network was huge, whereas when I started I had been traveling for seven years. And I had been thinking, people are stupid, I don’t like any people. I don’t want to make friends. I wasn’t friends with the people I worked with. I didn’t make friends in new cities. I was a loner. So I didn’t have any network. I had to build my network, I talk about this all the time because I don’t think it has to be.

Some people use it as a barrier of I could never become a coach because I don’t have any network and I’m an introvert and I don’t like people. And I’m like, hand raised, me too. I like people now, but I didn’t in the beginning. I had to work on that. So I had very few people. And of those people they were not going to be people who bought coaching or at least bought coaching from me. And so I had to start with higher end coaching as a strategy that worked better for me.

And when I say higher end, it was $5,000 for a year. So we’re talking about a really small difference between where our prices are. But I do think you can consider that, and if you know no one it will be much harder to find 156 people in the very beginning of your business to buy a $2,000 product. But if you have the network that can be a really great strategy.

Charlotte: Yeah. And I did not start with a $2,000 product. I left Cabo with 10 women and Lindsay saying, “Your price is going to be $2,000.”

Stacey: So, interesting, what was it before?

Charlotte: Well, a year ago I started out at 1,000.

Stacey: But you do one-on-one, right?

Charlotte: Oh gosh, one-on-one. So I got certified March of 2020. And I was so excited that farmers would pay me $50 an hour for coaching.

Stacey: If you don’t know any better, some people are like, “I could never charge 100, it’s just not enough.” And I’m like, “What?” For me I would have thought $50 an hour was the most amazing thing too.

Charlotte: Yeah. And Bev was my instructor and one of the things that was in my coach instruction group was you didn’t coach for less than $100. And I just – that didn’t work for me in my situation because my farmers have never heard of coaching ever. And I needed people to coach. So I looked at it, it was like my master’s degree. Instead of paying for a master’s degree, I charged $50 an hour for coaching. I had 20 clients immediately. They still didn’t know what coaching was but they’re like, “I can talk to Charlotte one-on-one for 50 bucks an hour, I’m going to sign up.

Stacey: You presented them with a hell yes offer, an irresistible offer, that you felt was irresistible.

Charlotte: Yes. So it quickly went up to 75 and then it quickly went up to 100. And it gradually kept going up. But with 20 clients a week, my coaching skills up-leveled quickly at the beginning. Rather than I had colleagues who said, “Well, we were told not to charge less than this and I have no clients because I’m worth this amount of money. You’ve got to do what works for you.” And that hell yes, every step of the way. And I celebrated, still a year and nine months ago I was making 50 bucks an hour and I love that.

Stacey: Oh my gosh, you are like the star pupil having all the right thoughts for a coaching business. Seriously, I had such similar thoughts to you. For me it was whatever gets me in the door, I don’t care, just total humbleness. I coached 12 people for free for six weeks. And all of those people said no. I only came up with $5,000 in a year of coaching because that was what I was paying my coach. So I just had no other reference. And I do remember at the time, I don’t know if they’re still doing this, but the LCS was recommending that you do six week packages.

But for me that made no sense because I was like, “What would I do with only six weeks?” I’m paying my coach to coach me every week 52 weeks out of the year. And I had been doing that for a year. And I was like, I can’t imagine not having – how would we get results in that amount of time? I’m sure that you can, so I’m not saying that’s wrong. Let me be very clear. But for me it was wrong. For me I had a different experience. It wasn’t a difficult stretch for me to sell year coaching because that was what I was doing. And it was the first coaching experience I ever had.

So it was all I knew is you hire a coach for a year, you work on everything, on all areas of your life. That was my only experience.

Charlotte: How fascinating because I’m the opposite. I would, “Why would I hire a coach for a year? I don’t know what we’d talk about.” And so I was doing six week packages for $50.

Stacey: $50 a session, right?

Charlotte: I mean $50 a session. And like I said, that lasted about a month. And I was like, “Whoa, this is too much work.”

Stacey: But it lasted a month because you offered such a hell yes offer that you created demand so much quicker than being stuck on a higher price that you feel entitled to and then not getting any clients.

Charlotte: And not up-leveling your skills. I could see myself because I watched back all my coaching calls the first year probably. I could see myself get better from week to week. And I thought, if $50 an hour is what I pay to become more skilled every week, sign me up. So yeah, and then so really it was only Cabo which was less than six months, four or five months ago.

Stacey: It feels like years ago, right?

Charlotte: It does feel like years ago that I switched to 100% group and no more one-on-one. And okay, to be straightforward, I have a few one-on-ones. But I’ve told them, “Your grandfathered in and when you quit you won’t be able to re-up.” So I’ve got, I think three one-on-ones each week. Otherwise every ounce of focus, and energy, and love, and support goes into my group which is what’s given it the fuel to do so well.

Stacey: That’s so insane. I love that so much. There’s just so much about what you’ve said. I hope people go back and listen to this episode over and over because it really is, even the mindset of what you said earlier about having 20 clients a week. And how much practice you got and how much experience you gained, and how much better you got at coaching. I just read a post, or listened to something, I don’t know. Somewhere I just heard a coach say, “I don’t want to be coaching 20 hours a week.”

And I had the thought, you guys have to work on your thoughts about coaching 20 hours a week. Now, if you’ve been doing it for 10 years and you don’t want to coach 20 hours a week, I get that. There will be a time where your experience level, you don’t need to be coaching 20 hours a week. But if you’re in the beginning stages and you’re like, “I don’t want to coach 20 hours a week”, you just want to consider why. Because it’s not that you have to but your experience, it is like getting a master’s.

You could dabble, you could do five credit hours a year or a semester and eventually get your degree. Or you could do the amount that they tell you to do and be full-time and you get done so much faster. So for me I think you get so much when you’re willing to do 20 upfront for at least a year. I did it for three. I’m not saying you have to, but I will say, if people wonder why I’m so good at coaching today and why I’m so fast, and why I can hold space for so many people, it’s because of that reason. And because I’ve done a bajillion groups. I used to sell my groups for $1,000 for six months.

But that was for me an accessible price. That was, I was coaching network marketers. And I knew that network marketers could pay $1,000. A lot of them were paying that for their startup kits. So they were used to that number being something you invest in your business. And so they were referring all their people to me, and I was filling group, after group, after group with 20 and 30 people. Thought I was the richest person in the world. But again I remember, there was one point where I had 20 clients and I was running three groups at night.

So I was doing my calls during the day and then I had group calls at night from I don’t even know, eight to nine-thirty at night or something crazy. I was all in. I was very crazy. I don’t necessarily think everyone has to do that. But that level of experience is what got me to millions of dollars within five years.

Charlotte: Yeah. And there’s something to be said for that too because again I was with colleagues in coach training who afterward I was getting faster dopamine hits of my own success and evidence of my own success that then gave me more motivation to go further faster. And I could see some of them just, “Oh, I haven’t gotten a client yet,” four months later. Because different thoughts, different prices. And so there’s something to be said for getting that evidence of your success sooner rather than waiting a year or two and fizzling out.

Stacey: Yeah, I agree with that as well. I think that’s a 100% true. Everybody just needs to take all of your little gems, write them down. And what’s so fascinating for everyone listening is what we are saying is not you have to do it Charlotte’s specific way. Because we had very different ways. Or even my specific way. It’s the message is what feels like a hell yes for you that you can see easily selling. Start with that.

Charlotte: Yes. And I think that my niche, knowing absolutely nothing about coaching, it was really good for me to do it that way. And at first when I first got certified, I spent about a month where I was mad at them for not like, don’t farmers get it, don’t they know what coaching is?

Stacey: It makes selling really easy when you’re mad at them.

Charlotte: I know. And so that’s why I was going to switch niches. And then I had a scholars coaching session. So 20 minutes, I don’t remember who it was, never met her before. And she’s like, “Wait a minute. So you have people that have never heard of coaching, and you get to be the one that teaches them what it is, and how it serves them, and that you can help them with it?” And it instantly 180 degree shift in my mind of this is the best thing ever. They have not been exposed to coaching and they are my little kindergartners who have never seen the alphabet before.

I get to see their brains light up and that’s exactly what’s happened is I have taught farmers what coaching is. And I offer the solution and it’s just been wonderful.

Stacey: That’s so great. You really have created your own blue ocean. No one else is out there, the money that you make will be endless which is so fun.

Charlotte: Yeah. I love it and it’s so meaningful to me because it goes all the way back to my childhood and being raised as a farmer. So it’s just like my whole life culminating in this. It’s where I’m supposed to be. Yeah, it’s really exciting.

Stacey: Oh my God, that’s so fun. That’s really so fun. This is something else I was thinking about before I got on here. I’ve been trying to wrack my brain about whether I’ve coached you in 200K or not. Have I ever coached you one-on-one?

Charlotte: No.

Stacey: I didn’t think so. I was like, I think this is the first time I’m going to talk to Charlotte today. I was thinking about that because, so there’s so many things that I want to say about that and acknowledge you on. But I was talking to Lindsay, I think in Cabo at some point. And she was like, “Oh my gosh. I have this student in my group, Charlotte Smith, you’re going to love her. She’s amazing.” In only Lindsay’s voice that she can do. She’s like, “She’s so interesting and so unique. And she coaches farmers. Look out for her. She’s going to be really successful.”

And then there you went, I haven’t coached you at all personally. And you have made so much money.

Charlotte: It’s been so fun and shout out to Lindsay. She coached me yesterday in our small groups, yeah.

Stacey: It’s so fun. So tell me, tell everyone what that experience has been like for you. How have you – you paid 25K which is a lot of money. And I’m not coaching you ever, every week. I am coaching you through everybody else. But you and I have not personally had a conversation. So tell me what your experience has been like, your mindset is like that has allowed you to make so much money? What’s the value for 200K for you that’s allowed you to do that? Because I think it’s so intriguing to me.

We have this every round, people who have never been coached by me and they’re some of the highest earners in the room.

Charlotte: Yeah. Well, my income does not directly correlate to have to be coached by Stacey one-on-one. I learn, because when I’m being coached, and maybe this is everybody, that you’re in a different place in your brain. To be coached by Stacey, when you’re on stage and I’m in the audience there is a level of nervousness of course and all that. And so I get so much out of watching other people be coached by you because I’m not in that space. Although I could be coached by you. And then when I rewatch the video with Lindsay or someone else, I get more out of it.

But no, you will say gems to people that I see as a gem because I’m present, because I’m not worried about oh my God, she’s coaching me. And I’m in front of 100 people watching you.

Stacey: But you see it when I’m coaching someone in high drama and I have to tell them multiple times, “Go back and watch this.” Because you can tell the drama is so high for them that the gems I’m dropping are going right over their heads. You see it on their face that it doesn’t absorb into their body.

Charlotte: Yes. So that, it’s almost like thank you for volunteering to be coached so that I could watch and get 10 times more out of it, so really. And here’s the other fascinating thing that I realize is going on. I will think about, I’m going to ask Stacey for coaching today on this problem. And then because I know that you’re going to coach me and I know you’re going to ask me very specific things, I start answering those questions in my brain. And then I’m done, and I don’t need to raise my hand for coaching.

Stacey: That’s so good.

Charlotte: Not that I came to the same resolution but I’m being coached by you and you’re in your sleep because I’m thinking about what you’re going to ask me. And I think that happens, I have that with my own students. They’ll say, “Well, now that I requested coaching.” They go through the same mental process, they work it out.e#]

Stacey: Yeah, that’s so good.

Charlotte: So many things 200K, I do think the focus on one thing has been – and they insist, Lindsay, “This is your simple offer. That’s what you’re focusing on.” That is so good because it goes against our brain’s wiring. We want to offer all the things. We’re going to make more money if we offer five levels of coaching. And even though you say it in the training that we get when we join 200K, it’s still hard to go against our brain’s wiring and do it. And then when I do it, success just blows up.

So it’s almost like if I take nothing away from my $25,000 time, experience, other than focus on one thing, that is everything. That’s going to be why I’ll be making millions in a few years, yeah.

Stacey: 100%. I think that’s the gem and it is so hard. I think your brain every day is, “We should do this.” And even within that one simple offer within for example, 2K or 200K, to constrain even for example with 200K, the way we’ve done our launches has been the same for three years straight. The way we’ve ran the program for the most part has been the same for three years straight. I haven’t deviated a lot on the content. I’ve expanded on it. I’ve gotten better at teaching it and more clearer. And we’ve added things like webinars and launches as we’ve gone on.

But most of the stuff has stayed the same and even within that I catch my brain wanting to throw out 500 ideas that are like, “This will be a good one. And this will be a good one. And this will be a good one.” And just noticing, it’s just your brain desiring to hustle in order to try to create a result because it doesn’t want to do the work of changing thoughts. Because that requires the brain a lot more energy than just taking action.

Charlotte: I am so grateful you’re not adding all the things because I’m sure there’s a million things you can add. But truly my biggest growth comes from just pick one thing. You teach us hundreds of things. And you’ve taught me to just pick one thing and work on that. And that’s where the growth comes, that I don’t need more distractions, even though I’m sure there could be wonderful things. And the other thing is that because when we join we have access to the previous events.

So I’ve watched some of the other events and I’ve seen now that your time on stage teaching PSPR is so much more efficient and focused. And it’s like, wow, I learned more in this three days than in the past because you have been able to condense it. And then that’s an example of what I’m seeing in my coaching practice almost two years in is now, it’s why I can charge more than $50 an hour now. Because I can get them results in 10 minutes instead of an hour. And I see you doing the same thing on stage. You teach something, it’s like, it makes so much more sense because you’ve refined it. And you can go deeper faster.

Stacey: Yeah. My first event with 200K it took me three full days to coach them on, we coached one day on niches I think, and one day on offers, and one day on their goals and it was the whole event. It took me that long to do it. And now it’s not even something I really teach on stage. You guys do that in your small groups. But I teach very condensed work. And you’re right, PSPR is something that I have been teaching every round. And it came out finally in this simple format this last one because it got simpler in my brain.

The more I taught it, the more I used it myself, so that is true. And the other thing I was thinking of when you were talking is that I’ve seen this happen a lot especially with people in 200K, when they get to the level where they’re transitioning from one-on-one to group, where they have the thoughts that have been fed to us in the industry, especially from coaches who are selling one-on-one that you need a lot of support, you have to be coached personally on your very specific thing and that that’s more valuable.

So we sell that to people when we’re selling one-on-one. We sell it to ourselves so then when we get into group what I see is people, they’re like, “I have to coach everyone, it’s not valuable unless I have time to coach everyone.” And they hustle so hard in their groups, or they can’t even sell them because they don’t think that there could be the same level of value. So for you it’s like you have it both ways, where you’re getting so much value being in a big group.

And then because you coach a big group you also know that they don’t need to individually hear from you every single time to still get the same value, to still get a lot of results. So then they kind of fuel each other. It makes you better at coaching and delivering. It makes your clients more resourceful. You get more out of 200K, you give more in your program. It’s just such a good…

Charlotte: And I explain that to them just in case there’s any doubt. I’m always saying now because there are always a certain percentage of people who won’t sign up. They won’t raise their hand for one-on-one for whatever reason. And I say that, “You don’t even have to raise your hand and you’re going to up-level your life many, many, many times over because you’re watching this person get coached on her relationship.”

And then they write in the Facebook group in the community, and they will say, “I watched so and so get coached and I tried that, and it worked and I’m feeling so good.” So I show them evidence all the time of how the group is better than one-on-one. The other thing is with one-on-one they always seem to think they’re the only person with that problem.

Stacey: Yes. I was thinking of that earlier in the interview, how amazing it must be for them especially as farmers when you say the circumstances are so difficult in the industry. They have to be thinking it’s just me. And then they’re with 156 other farmers, then they’re like, “Oh, we’re all experiencing the exact same problems.”

Charlotte: They do. They think they’re the only ones with customers who walk through their house because they don’t know how to set boundaries. And then they get in there and they’re like, “Oh.” And they feel shame. I coach a lot on that, they feel shame because of this or that. That are very normal circumstances when you decide to be a farmer. And they get in the group, and they realize, I don’t have to be ashamed of this, it’s just, of course, this is what we’ve got going on. I don’t have to be ashamed.

Stacey: It normalizes so much for them. So much that causes them pain and suffering, believing this is only happening to me opens all of that wide up.

Charlotte: Yeah. And even the thought they have a lot of, I did something wrong. My whole flower crop got destroyed because I didn’t do it right. And they can come in there and see that yeah, 10 other people did the same thing and that’s okay, that’s how we learn.

Stacey: And then they develop so much resilience from that. They could fail 10 times themselves or hear that in person that 10 other people failed with them the first time. And they probably will develop the same amount of resilience. Isn’t that interesting? Because it’s like every time it happens individually it’s so easy to say, “This is me.” Going into making it about them and their self-concept is the way I describe it. But making it about their worthiness, making it about their ability to do things personally versus this is part of the business, this is part of farming.

Charlotte: Yes. And they tell me they do that all the time. “Oh, this thing totally failed but I remember that that’s okay, it happens to all of us.” And yeah, it’s wonderful. And you can’t get that in one-on-one. If I’m telling them, “Oh, other people have the same problem.” You can’t believe it.

Stacey: They’re not seeing it.

Charlotte: Yeah. When you see it in our Facebook group and on the calls, yes, they finally, yeah, just normalizes everything. And then they can move ahead. They can let go of the not good enough and the shame faster. And now let’s get to work. Now that you know it’s normal to have this huge failure happen, let’s get to work solving the problem.

Stacey: Yeah. It goes right back to the very beginning of this episode, becoming a better problem solver. I think the same thing is true for coaches. I’ve been thinking about this, it’s been so heavy on my mind. I’m going to do, I’m sure it will show up in the 200K content for this next round and so many other places. But this has been the thing I’ve been thinking about is the people who make the money the fastest that are the most successful are the people who when they fail, instead of going inward to it’s about my worthiness, it’s about me. People don’t like me.

They’re not buying because of some internal unworthiness or self-concept issue within myself. I don’t believe in myself enough. I’m not good enough. When they stop going inward and they start going to, okay, let’s look at my sales process. Let’s look at my copy. Let’s look at how I did this launch. Let’s look at how it was planned, how it was executed. Let’s get into the problem solving of the selling.

The people who are making the most money are doing that. I don’t sit around with my millionaire group that I coach with, and we don’t sit there and talk about our deep – most of the time we don’t sit around and talk about our worthiness as the reason why we haven’t made millions. We’re talking about strategy. We’re talking about technique. We’re talking about things like that, that you can’t be available for when you are still making sales results or business results about your own worthiness.

Charlotte: Yeah. And I’ve got to say, that’s where I…

Stacey: Or likeability.

Charlotte: Right, yeah. And my clients, my farmers in my group come to the program with that mindset of it’s my fault, I’m not good enough. And then I can coach them on it. But they can see others. And they can learn that our brain is wired to do that. It’s wired for survival, to make us think we’re not good enough and to tap into that shame. And you’re right, the sooner I can get them to a place of, you don’t have to worry.

I had someone recently say, “This keeps popping up. Do you think I should get therapy because there’s something in my childhood that’s causing this?” And I’m like, “No, our brain is wired to make you think you’re not good enough. And so that you have a better chance of survival. It’s okay, you can just let that thought float on by, get in the backseat.” And then I give them permission to, oh, I’m not the only one that feels this way. And you don’t have to believe it. Then we can get started making money. And the group helps them get past that faster.

Stacey: Yeah. I love that you said, “And then we can get started making money.”

Charlotte: Yes, because you can’t make money if you’re making everything mean you’re not good enough and you’re unworthy.

Stacey: Yeah. Or you’re not likeable, which is what is so easy for people when they’re selling. They’re like, “Oh, they just didn’t like me. My audience doesn’t like me, or they don’t think I’m valuable.” I love that. So everyone listening, the sooner you get over that the faster you can get to making money.

Charlotte: Yes.

Stacey: It’s so good. Oh my God, I love that. Okay, so we’re nearing our end of our time. I always ask people this question, but when you were thinking about coming on and you had no idea what we were going to talk about, me neither. This was such a fun conversation where we went. Was there anything that you were thinking about, I want to make sure I tell Stacey’s coaches who are listening? It’s okay if not but sometimes people are like, “I had thought about this and I wanted to say this.”

Charlotte: Yeah, something, because when I got the email they said, “How are you making so much money with farmers and marketing? We really want to get specific.” And I was like, what are the specific things I do? And you know what? It comes back to one thing. It’s I take one specific struggle, they might – last week, a woman says, “Every time I go up to feed the cows, I have to walk by the spool of wire my husband left when he fixed the fence. He didn’t put it away and it makes me angry.”

Stacey: It’s so good.

Charlotte: And I take that very specific example and I put it in my email. And I know that she needs to learn a few concepts. I don’t even talk coach speak. I don’t tell them what the concepts are, making circumstances neutral and all these things. I just give that very specific example of her words and every farmer listening to me knows exactly what I’m talking about, and they see themselves in that. They’re like, “Oh, yeah, my father-in-law left this or did that.” And so I’m very specific. I email once a week. I focus on email.

I don’t have a lot of extra time for social media. So I do social media a little, but I sell, I make money because I show up in their email every week. And then I follow your process for launching multiple emails a day for a week. But yeah, very, very consistent. And I use their very specific examples from my niche. I don’t use any coach speak and I don’t make it general, I talk about…

Stacey: Brilliant.

Charlotte: Yeah, and they love it. And then I realized when I got to Cabo, I was doing an unrefined version of PSPR. That’s kind of what I’m doing. So yeah, which comes back to…

Stacey: That’s so great.

Charlotte: Yes. And it really is just, you only have to do one little thing and just do it all the time, focus on that. Don’t do all the things.

Stacey: Just get better at it, yeah, I love that. I’ve been doing that with the 200K wait list. I have been just pulling things straight from the conversations that we’re having on the page and writing an email about it. And people are constantly posting in 2K, or on our Instagram stories or whatever and telling us how valuable those emails are. And it’s just so easy to do it. Just one conversation. And I did that too when I was one-on-one coaching. I would do a one-on-one call and then I would write something very specific.

And I might not release it for a couple of weeks, especially if it’s something, maybe my client needs a couple of weeks to get past or maybe not, depending on what it was. But whenever you can put it in their words and the coach speak is so, we talk about that a lot in 200K. I have a lot of copy do’s and don’ts, but coach speak is one of them. And I think it’s a rite of passage for new coaches. It’s the only way you can get it out sometimes is in fluffy language. But as you get more refined and as your brain has the capacity to hold a little bit more, letting go of that, taking extra time to say.

Even now I was just talking to my team about this, we’ve had some mistakes with our emails. And so we had our team – I love to be, I’m very particular about the emails. They have to be perfect when they go out. So now we have this process where three different people have to edit it before it lands in people’s inboxes which is a little extreme. And we won’t always do that. But that’s what we’re doing now. But what’s been really fascinating is that when three different people go through it they will all catch things that I’ve said in the email that don’t make sense to them.

And I think it makes perfect sense. They’re like, “What did you mean by this? What were you trying to say with this sentence?” And it’s such a window into, I understand what I was saying because I have probably an entire paragraph of some context happening in my brain when I write that once sentence and I’m, “Well don’t you see it means this?” And they’re like, “I didn’t get that from that.” And so it’s been so powerful. And I think even if you have peers look at your copy which you guys can do in 200K.

It’s so helpful to have someone say, “I know this sentence seemed really clear to you but I’m not sure what you mean by this terminology.”  And it’s just our brain trying to make shortcuts that come through in our copy and then it doesn’t make sense to our people and if it doesn’t make sense they don’t buy.

Charlotte: Yeah. And I love how you teach us in 200K, just make it very simple which I thought wasn’t educated enough.

Stacey: Or valuable enough, it needs to be very complicated and difficult, so people want to pay you to fix it for them.

Charlotte: So I look more credible. But I have really simplified what I say and no terminology other than they left a spool of wire on the ground. I talk in very literal things they can understand. And that’s what connects with people.

Stacey: Yeah, that’s so good. That is brilliant. Oh my gosh, okay, thank you so much for coming on. This was the best conversation. You are a brilliant coach. You’ve made a lot of money.

Charlotte: Oh my gosh, thank you. Thanks for having me.

Stacey: I can tell. I can tell in your understanding of the work and business. And it’s just really fun to have a conversation with someone at this level. And I know so many people are going to get so much out of it.

Charlotte: Thank you. Thank you. It’s a joy and an honor to be working with you. I’m so excited to be here and be in the 200K.

Stacey: I feel the same way. It’s a joy and an honor to have clients who are so much fun like this. It’s so brilliant.

Charlotte: I know. We love going to work every day.

Stacey: Yes. Yes. Alright, well, thank you so much for coming on. I actually have friends. I’ll tell you this really quick. I have two really good friends who are married and her husband, so my good friend, she was at my wedding. She was a fitness trainer, and her husband was in the army. And one day they just decided to have a farm. And then apparently her husband is like a genius prodigy. And he taught himself how to farm from books, he just read books and taught himself.

And now they have this giant farm where they grow berries, and I think cannabis, and produce of all kinds. And they’re building a house, I guess they’re also self-teaching themselves that. And she was telling me that there has never been something she does that soothes her soul like farming. And she was like, “I had so much anxiety and really strong, strong anxiety.” And she was like, “There’s something about farming that calms me down. I feel at home. I’ve never been at more peace. I’ve never felt better about life.”

They’re just so happy on their farm. They’re in Michigan. And so I told them when they get their farm, when they get their house built because they’re staying with their parents now. When they get it built, I was like, “We are coming out and we’re going to come visit, I want to see the farm.” So I’ll have to send you photos.

Charlotte: And I have lots of clients in Michigan.

Stacey: I will have to send your information to them as well.

Charlotte: Yeah, that’s wonderful. And it’s because you’re dealing with the senses. You go out and if you’re stressed out you go out and you pet your cow, and it breathes on you. And your stress level goes down 10 notches. Or you go put a shovel in the dirt and you see the worms and the things in the soil. And it just takes all your stress away which you need because there’s all these great circumstances with farming. But yeah, of course, animals, soothing, working in nature.

Stacey: It’s so good. I love that. Well, thank you for coming on. I enjoyed our conversation so much. And I will see you soon in 200K.

Charlotte: I will, alright, thanks, bye bye.

Stacey: Bye.

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