This week, I have my 200K student Neha Awasthi on the show. She got great results from being inside 2K, but she’s here to share all the details and stories behind the incredible amount of money she’s been making as a result of just signing up for the 200K program!
Neha Awasthi is a marketing and mindset coach who works with practitioners and life coaches, helping them in her role as a strategic creative. Neha describes herself as a proud Brown woman, Indian-Australian, and immigrant mother of a neurodivergent child and believes it’s important we own all of our titles and embrace all dimensions of our personality.
Tune in this week as Neha outlines the most helpful thoughts she’s been able to think about her sales process and how she shows up for her clients. She’s giving us so much wisdom around money mindset, believing in yourself and your client’s future, finding the meaning behind the money you want to make, and how she’s turned these beliefs into serious cash.
If you never want to spin in drama about your offers again and have clients throwing money at you so they can coach with you, join me for Offer Week. This is where you’ll get my brain, presence, and experience for a whole week, and it’s going to change your relationship to selling forever.
Click here to sign up for the waitlist for the next round of the 200K Mastermind!
If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!
What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
- Why Neha loves working with people who hold a meaning behind making money.
- The outrageous amount of money Neha has made since signing up for 200K before the program even started.
- Why it’s so important to think of sales as an artistic skill rather than a rigid structure.
- Where so many coaches miss the opportunity to give their potential clients the bitter elixir instead of the sweet poison.
- Our tips for anyone who’s chickened out from saying the hard thing during a consult.
- Neha’s philosophy on adventure and taking risks, even while experiencing doubt.
- Why devotion to a guru in this industry doesn’t equal a lack of devotion and belief in yourself.
- The shift in mindset and motivation Neha has made going from 2K to 200K.
Listen to the Full Episode:
Featured on the Show:
- Join my 2K for 2K program where you’re going to make your first $2000, the hardest part, and then $200,000 using my proven formula.
- Follow me on Instagram!
- Sign up for Offer Week here.
- Neha Awasthi: Website | Instagram | Facebook
- Neha’s Poem
- Kara Loewentheil
- The Life Coach School
Full Episode Transcript:
Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.
Hey, coaches, welcome to episode 159. I have a really special guest today and a really fun story and celebration testimonial. You all, we have to report all the monies on this call today with you. I have my 2K and now 200K student, Neha Awasthi. Did I say it right? I got in my head a little bit on that.
Neha: You said it perfectly, Stacey.
Stacey: I felt the pressure mounting. I was like, oh, no, here we go. Alright, with me today, so why don’t you introduce yourself, tell everyone who you are, where you live, your background, who you coach, anything that you feel is relevant to us. And then I’m just going to ask you about all the monies that you have been making recently.
Neha: I am Neha Awasthi, it’s just such a pleasure to be here, Stacey, and thank you for having me. I think this just feels like the trophy that I have been chasing for all of my life. It was just the wrong trophy. And I’ll tell you the story in a little bit. But I come from India originally and 16 years ago I landed in Australia with two bags and a brand new husband. And now I’m a marketing and a mindset coach.
And my favorite people are life coaches and practitioners because they have such a big heart, and purposeful business. And they have meaning behind the money and that is just the favorite thing in the world for me to really help them build their businesses and teach them all the skills that I come with, copywriting, marketing. I think of myself as part strategic and part creative. So I like to blend it all. And I’m also a brown woman. I like to say it out loud because I think we need to just own it.
And I’m an Indian Australian. I live in Australia. I am also an immigrant, mother to a neurodivergent child and wife to the most amazing husband. And the reason I spell it all out because I think these are all the titles that just get hidden behind one or the other title that we really like to associate with. But I like to own it all and I like to have this 360 degree multidimensional personality to myself.
Stacey: So I just have to say, when you were talking, I love all the things but when you were talking, the thing that hit me the most is the meaning behind the money. That has got to be – is that in your marketing? Do you market that slogan? Do you talk about that? Because it’s such a great, and listen, if you’re listening, you can’t have it, it’s hers. But it’s such a good, I was like, yes. Yes.
Neha: Yeah. I think it’s the, you know, it’s kind of meta because what I do and how I say things, it’s all really meaningful. Money, just talking about money, and make money, and this is it, it feels very dry and boring to me. So it would just come through, anyone who is reading anything that I ever say would just have a sense of that I embody that, that meaning behind the money. Because I start from that point, of embodying that in my own life, in my own values. And then that thinking probably comes through. And I hold that belief that other people are getting what I’m really saying.
Stacey: So good, I love it so much. I love all of the things. So okay, I actually wrote what I think I’ve observed from you in 2K. And I could be wrong based on my math so you can correct me. But if I’m not mistaking, you made 100K with 2K, then you signed up for 200K. And before we haven’t even started yet, in just 30 days after signing up you made $60,000. And then did you say you’ve also made $40,000 in just the last four days?
Neha: Yes, I did.
Stacey: What’s happening?
Neha: I know, what is happening, Stacey? But you know what? I have to say, I give all this credit to 2K. I wouldn’t even be able to, 200K because I haven’t even kind of logged in. And I went into mental drama when I joined in November. And I thought, okay, you know what? I’m going to shut this portal and I’m going to use it for fun things. If I’m on a walk and if I feel like I’m going to open it. Because I was like, oh my gosh, coming from India of course I have to be an academically good student. I have to be really mindful of that tenancy, even though I’m a very rebellious student.
So I thought, you know what? I’m going to shut this and just use it as an infusion injection every now and then if I feel like. But I have to give 200K credit to 2K because that is all I used all year round. And I just kept perfecting. And when I say perfecting, it wasn’t I was copying every step by step what Stacey is teaching, and I have to get it meticulously right. That’s not what I was going for. I was again going for the embodiment of the principles that you were teaching and then making my own and using that in the calls.
Stacey: Can you give an example of that, something that you might have learned through 2K, the way you perceived it to be taught and then the way that you integrated it into what worked for you? Is there an example that you could give people? Because I do sometimes think that people get really stuck on, I have to do it exactly the way Stacey says it. And it’s based on their interpretation of what I’m saying because a lot of times people think that what I’m saying, when I say, “Overcome objections.” They think I mean push them to say yes against their will. That’s what they think I’m saying.
So they interpret it wrong and then they’re like, I have to do it because Stacey said. And I also think there are so many coaches from so many different backgrounds, and schools, and methodologies, there is more woo and spiritual coaches. There is more really the psychiatrists and the very mental focused, thought focused coaches, so many different coaches. And I do think that 2K works for literally any type of coach. So just if you can think of an example I think it could be really beneficial for people to hear how you have integrated it to make it your own.
Neha: Yeah. And I’ll say, two things come up. So I had a consult yesterday again I signed up. But I was noticing what I was doing. I did not follow, you start here and do this and this. I actually, you know, she was a woman of color and she wanted visibility help, she wasn’t able to break through those barriers. And I know this is all the work I have done and I’m passionate about, hence the slogan unmuted, that is the work. And when I actually was in the objection module just a little bit before that consult. I think at some point you said there could be two ways to go about it.
And when you just said that one line what I really interpreted as, she’s giving me permission to use my own judgment and curiosity in that moment whether to go this way or that way. It was the husband’s objection, yes, I remember that. It was the husband’s objection. Because you know, you have to really take your teaching and then use your intuition, and curiosity, and connection with that person in that time to make it your own. Because you might not be able to sell that person, but I will be or other way around and that is the only differentiator, because of that connection and curiosity.
Stacey: Yeah, that’s so, so good. That is actually why I don’t give canned objection responses because I think that when you have the spouse objection, I have to check with my spouse, or I talk all my money decisions over with my spouse. If you just have one line that you have thought of that to say to make that statement wrong, or to convince that person otherwise. You don’t know actually why they have said it. So if you only have one reason, one line to come back with, one objection talking point and it doesn’t match the reason they’re saying that.
Or if it’s not what they need to hear, or it’s not the most intuitive way to carry on the conversation further then you’ve broken the trust with the client. And that’s often when people will get defensive, when they feel you are just being a salesperson telling them they’re wrong for doing that, or thinking that, or having that policy in their marriage. And everybody might be a little different.
That statement could be coming – you could go 100 different ways in the conversation, and you have to trust yourself having listened to that client, heard what that client said, feeling that moment to decide which door am I going to open. What question might I ask? What thing might I say? And I think that is what most coaches are scared to do, they’re scared to get in that moment, and they’re scared to not have something very specific to say. They want to know exactly what it is, but they miss what I think creates the transformation for the client.
They miss the moment to connect with their client. They miss what blows their client’s mind is that moment where they mix what they know with their intuition, with what is actually happening with the client to engage in the conversation in a really present way. Does that make sense?
Neha: Totally makes sense. And I will tell you from my observation. It is because people don’t think of sales as an art skill. When we are learning something when we were a child growing up, we learned to practice handwriting on those dotted lines, we just kept over and over again, at least we did in India. I’ve spent hours perfecting my handwriting in handwriting classes. So I know that process intimately.
We practice on those dotted lines and that is okay for a little bit. But then what happens? They give you five lines and then they give you two lines and then you go on from two lines to lined pages. It’s the progressive sort of taking off that scaffolding. And you have provided such an extensive in depth, that dotted lines. But at some point you have to let go of some of those dotted lines and the progress, and look at it as a craft, as a skill and not rely on those dotted lines completely all the time 100%.
Because then you haven’t really developed your own handwriting and your own unique style. It’s like I literally see sales and marketing as an art skill, like Michelangelo. If he kept chiseling at a stone and he carved out David. And then that was the art form. And I think we all have to, at least I do, marketing and sales, it’s all a skill of connection and you keep chiseling away at things that are probably internally and externally, strategically skill wise, and your own beliefs about those things.
It’s about those chiseling away things that are not required, not helpful and that’s how you create your own David. And at least that’s how I went about embracing 2K. Because otherwise what is the difference? If you take another sales script which have never worked, you rattle out same to same words. Now you’re trying to apply the same thinking to 2K process which is not going to work. And you have provided such in depth mindset to keep. And at no point you say, I actually went over the video. I’m sure at some point Stacey would say, “Do this.”
And she is going to say, “Take the yes and go for the yes.” And I actually got coached on that earlier in the year. I remember that I am pretty sure, but where is that part? When Stacey is going to say, “Get the yes out of them,” what is the point of doing a sales course if that’s not what she’s teaching? So I do have mental drama, I had to discover how I was going to really – what lengths I was going to apply to 2K to make it work.
Stacey: Yeah, that’s so good. So yeah, for everyone listening, Stacey’s never saying, “Get to the yes no matter what.” I think selling is coaching and coaching is selling. So our job is to show up on the call, listen to our client, give them presence, hear them. And be willing to fight for what it is that they want on the call, to be able to call them out on thoughts that just might be. And don’t even call them out, call them in with thoughts that might be in the way of them helping themselves. To show them what they don’t see.
To stand for them and believe for them deeper than they’ve ever had anyone believe for them. And do that to the highest degree that you can and also be thinking about, and this is something that I think doesn’t cross people’s mind when they’re so hungry for the money is also be thinking about is this person ready to take this on? There’s a difference between being interested and qualified and ready, emotionally ready, financially ready. In a space where they really are equipped with understanding.
You’ve now told them what it is that is required for them to get the result they want. You’ve had that conversation with them, and you know what the journey looks like. And are they ready to take that? And is your coaching really truly the best solution for them? I am thinking about that all the time. We get hundreds of applications for 200K. And every round we tell people no. And sometimes we tell them no and they come back, and they beg us to get in. But we have these filters where we know at this point based on these things we know in our experience you’re not quite ready.
And we want to make sure that you succeed. So it’s not about just getting to a yes. It’s about finding the people, through that call, both of you realize that it’s a good fit. And then you help them through anything that’s in the way of them saying yes, not just push your coaching down any person that shows up on a consult’s throat. There’s been many times I’ve told people, even the one-on-one that I’ve told people I don’t think they’re ready or I don’t think it’s a good fit.
Or I’ve told people who are in dire financial situations, “Listen, this seems a really risky move based on the situation you’ve told me, to invest further. So if you’re going to do it, this is what I really want to point out to you. And this is where I want you to be, and this is how committed. And this is what you’re going to have to go through.” There have been times where I have really told people, “I want you to take a couple of days and think about if this is really what you want to spend your money on based on what you’ve told me.”
So our job is to serve the highest good, not to just get money in your PayPal account.
Neha: Yeah, I had a consult a couple of days ago and I said exactly the same thing. She was a friend/wanting to be a client. And as soon as she came on the call she said, “I think I’m going to really get ready for this in May.” The first question, I didn’t do anything. I said, “Why are you even here then? If you’re not already in your mind that you’re going to be ready in May, that means you’re not ready right now so what brings you to the call right now?” And I coached her on that, and I left her with that.
Stacey: That’s such a good question, yes. I always say that too though. It might be the same thing as I’m thinking it out loud. But when people say, they do the consult and they say something similar at the end, “Well now’s not really the best time. I have this coming up, this coming up.” I always tell people to ask them why they got on the consult right then and there then? Because something is telling them that there is an urgency to what they want otherwise they would have put the call off itself as well.
And again you have to ask them, and you have to think about it, but it could also be that they’re in their mind extending the process. They’re like, “Okay, I’m going to do an intro call, I’m going to find out information. Then I’m going to sit with information. Then I’m going to think about it. Then I’m going to try to save for it.”
And even if that’s the case, I’m like, “Okay, so tell me, do you save for things now? Do you have a track record for being able to think about things and to save things? If you do, great, let’s do it. But if you don’t, let’s make sure we don’t set you up for just delaying to try to feel more comfortable and to be more courageous at a later date.” So I just think it’s so powerful to be willing to be present and ask the questions and not assume that you know, but to just ask, “Why did you get on the call today then, today of all days?”
Neha: Exactly. And they have to really see the truth that no one else is going to really tell them. Everyone else is just going to be their friend who just hangs out with them, have wine, and tell them all the nice things. But they have got this one moment like you teach. They have got this one person who’s going to be brutally honest for their own dreams and their own good. And they need to hear that. That if you’re here just for curiosity’s sake, then stop that habit right now. That is not serving you. They need to hear it from someone.
And we as coaches, we need to demonstrate that courage ourselves and when else we are going to do that if not in that first moment of meeting someone? I think it’s the opportunity for us to demonstrate courage and who we are in our beings on the sales call. This is how I look at sales calls which takes all of the – you know how people have, it’s slimy, it’s this and that? No, I feel it’s an opportunity for me to tell them the most honest truth. And for them to see the possibility in me.
Stacey: That is so good. Okay, so for everyone listening, I want everyone to think about this because we coach, you see, we coach this all the time in 2K. I want everyone to think about, based on what Neha just said, if you have chickened out on a consult of saying the hard thing, risking the relationship, if you’ve held back in any way, not set an observation because you think it will be rude. I would sometimes preface things, especially when I was newer, and I didn’t know but even now sometimes I’ll do it.
I’ll be like, “Listen, I’m about to say something really blunt because I can’t think of a more suave way to say it. So I’m just preparing you ahead of time, this is the only way I can think to say it. I just have to come, it’s got to come out how it’s in my brain. And I’m just letting you know this is what’s about to happen.” So I prepare them sometimes, I know the way it’s in my brain is super blunt. And I think there could be a better way to say it but it’s not coming to me right now.
But think if you’ve held back in any way and what you’re thinking about your client when they’re giving you an objection, is you’re judging them a little bit for holding back. You’re thinking they should be more courageous. They should be willing to be more risky. They should just say yes to their dreams. They should be so bold, but you’ve held back. You can only ask them to do the extent of what you’re willing to do on the call. So I think that’s so brilliant.
It’s not only your opportunity to exercise for them what it’s like to have a coach and how that’s different than having a friend, or a colleague, or a family member talk to you about your problems. But then on top of that you’re also demonstrating for them, you’re modeling for them, the example that you want to provide for them and how they could show up for themselves. And if you don’t do that you’ve missed both of those opportunities.
They get to the end, you tell them some couple thousand dollar price for coaching, but you haven’t demonstrated courage and a willingness to risk. And you haven’t modeled that going all in. So if you haven’t done those things, shown them what a real coaching call is, shown them what taking bold action is, how can they make a decision on a multi thousand dollar package when they haven’t seen you deliver what they need to see to make that decision?
Neha: Yeah. And in the email to that person I wrote it in a different way what you just said. I’d rather be a friend who gives you the bitter elixir than the sweet poison.
Stacey: Yes. And you guys have to think about if you’re like, “Oh, but I can’t do that.” I will tell you and I was thinking about this earlier too is the only way you can ever do that is if you’re coming from love. You can’t do it from judgment. You’ll always, and this is also how you’ll know. If you’re not able to go there with your client, if you’re not able to say the hard thing, or even just ask a question or hold space for them at any point during the call but especially during objections. It’s always because you’re judging or you’re not in service and love.
It’s always hard to say a hard thing when it’s coming from a negative place. I was actually just talking to my mom about a boundary that I need to set. And I had just talked to her about boundaries. And I was like, “Mom, I just like, I can’t even imagine saying that.” And she’s like, “Remember, boundaries.” And I was like, “Yes, mom, but boundaries have to come from love from myself and love for the other person.” I was like, “I don’t feel love for this person.” So I know it’s going to come out mean, it’s going to come out awful.
And so I haven’t done it yet because I’m going to obviously coach myself a lot more. I was like, “I don’t even like this person.” So I was like, “I have a long job to get to.” But I was thinking about that with sales is it’s very difficult if you are not in love with the client, if you’re not feeling love for them genuinely, it’s so hard to say the hard thing. And I think that that’s something that from the way that you’ve spoken so far on this interview, it’s like that’s something I can tell is you’re all in with your clients.
Neha: Yeah. And that is so true. I never even thought about the judgment because again, it doesn’t occur to me because I’m here for love. I’m here to spread love. People who are coming to me – I don’t know. That judgment part didn’t even occur to me but now you’re saying it I can see that. But I am here to love on people.
Stacey: I’m a judgy person.
Neha: No, I’m sure I judge them. But when I have my coach hat on, we all know this. When we put on our coach hat on we are not in that space of judging. We have all the love for that person and for who that person can be more than what that person is right now. I teach to my clients, always be looking and thinking, imagining the higher version of that person in your mind. When you hold that vision of who that person can be, you will have no time to look at the person who she is right now. And that is the only job.
Stacey: Can everybody hear that? Say that one more time. They need to write that down in their notebook, they need to replay that statement. Say it one more time. When you are thinking of them as their highest self.
Neha: When you are thinking of the person in their highest self, when you hold that vision for that person you have no time to think about who that person is right now on or off sales call.
Stacey: That is so brilliant. What on earth, everyone just write it down, repeat that to yourself over and over. I love that so much. Okay, so let’s pivot for a second. I feel I can always talk about sales all day long. But I want to peel out and we are peeling out some of your thoughts about sales. But I want to peel out some more thoughts. So when you joined 2K how much money had you made when you started 2K?
Neha: I probably would have made about I think 7,000 or 8,000 in the eight months before, thanks to Kara Loewentheil, because that’s how my coaching journey started. In 2019, November I joined her membership. And I have to tell you this story because it’s a money mindset and very relevant.
Stacey: Okay, love it. Talking about the Clutch, Kara has a membership called the Clutch, and that’s what you were in.
Neha: Yeah, the Clutch, yes. Yeah, November 2019 I host this Instagram meet up because I was itching to get out of the house and be more than a mother. It was that time. I was itching to do something. I was like, you know what? I’m into photography, I don’t see any meet up here. I’m going to organize this Instagram meet up. I organized this Instagram meet up. Nobody turns up. And then one lady she messages me that, “I’m running late, I’ll be there.” And I was like, “Sure, I’ll wait for you. I’ll just have a coffee and chill out.”
I didn’t have even many friends at that time, whatever. So she comes and I was like, “I’m looking for something that just teaches mental mastery. That’s what I’m really yearning for.” And she says, “Have you heard of this podcast, Kara Loewentheil?” “Yeah, okay, sure.”
Stacey: That’s so great.
Neha: Yeah. And going back from that meet up, I said, “That was the purpose that nobody else turned up, but this person turned up. She gave me this resource. I’m going to listen to a couple of episodes.” I do that and I was like, “You’ve got 100 bucks, yeah, I’m going to join Kara’s membership, 100 bucks, yeah, no worries.” You know what I’m going to do? I’m going to join it, in a month I’m going to take everything because as an Indian I have grown scrappy, I am very much into DIY, I was actually at that time.
And I was like, I am going to take everything in one month and just say bye to Kara and I’ll be off my way, I can do this. And I joined the Clutch membership and I’m so glad she has policies what she has. I joined the membership and then the decision came to actually join for the rest of the year. Because I made massive changes in that one month. I was like, “Oh my gosh, what is happening?” I am just feeling better, everything is different. I am having a different relationship to my son and his autism and my marriage.
And I said to my husband that, “This is what I’m thinking. This thing is really working but I’m thinking of terminating it and not really going ahead.” He’s like, “Why?”
Stacey: Why do our brains do that?
Neha: Yeah, “Why do you want to do that if it is working?” And I was like, “Yeah, but it’s 800 bucks for the whole year.” I don’t know. And in that time I was also learning and teaching myself urban sketching, someone just asked me to do a sketch and paid me for that. So they paid me $400 for that. And I said, “Sure, that’s half of the membership. I’ve got the money, $400, sure.” And then he’s like, “You’ve only got the difference of $400.” So I was like, “Yeah, but I don’t want to borrow it from you at all.”
He’s like, “Yeah, but you’re not thinking of any other alternative.” I was like, “What?” He said, “What about if you sold another sketch?” And I was like, “Oh yeah, that’s an option.”
Stacey: Oh my God, I love your husband.
Neha: Yeah, I do too for that.
Stacey: So great.
Neha: I sold another sketch, I got the money for paying the membership. And Kara only once ever coached me in March, which is when I started freelancing, teaching people iPhone photography and things like that. It was only this year, Stacey, that I decided that I’m going on one-on-one coaching all in. And I feel I have lived five lives in this one year.
Stacey: I think you have. I mean I always say that, but I think that’s so fun when you evolve so quickly and your brain transforms so, it does feel like you’ve lived multiple lives and you’re multiple people. And I just think it’s the awareness of reaching your potential, reaching different and new levels of your potential which I think is so fun. So you came into 2K, you’d made $8,000 as a life coach?
Neha: No, not as a life coach. No, I was just freelancing. I was doing Instagram for people, taking photographs and everything…
Stacey: But you thought, okay, I want to be a life coach. I’m going to do this one-on-one coaching?
Neha: Yes.
Stacey: Okay, alright. So you hadn’t sold any coaching and then you decided to join 2K for 2K?
Neha: So I had sold in that December, I think just about when I decided to join 2K I had sold my first package for a practitioner, a naturopath who wanted to create a course and things like that, so a marketing package. I had just sold that first package just about at the same time.
Stacey: So for everyone listening, the thing that I am hearing from you, I think you’re very similar to me. And I just want to encourage other people that you can, even if this isn’t your natural tendency, that you can be this way. It sounds like you are someone who just dives in, gets started and you’re just willing to try as you go, be messy, fail. I’m like that as well. I will walk powerfully in a direction and my husband will be like, “Is this the right way?” I’m like, “I don’t know at all.” But wherever I’m going I’m walking fast and powerfully there. I’ll just find out that I’ve gone the wrong way quicker than other people.
Neha: Yeah, it’s exactly like that. I call it, it works for me, holding that thought, the fundamental domino thought that just tips over all the other dominoes. And it is that, that, you know what? Even if it’s messy, if it’s going to go wrong I’m going to figure it out. And the analogy that I have in my mind, and I hold that vision because in the past I have done skydiving several times in several countries and it used to be my thing at the time.
Stacey: That’s so crazy.
Neha: So any time I think of, oh my gosh, what’s going to happen. I always tell myself that, you know what? There is a parachute and I’m going to land safely. And I am that parachute. And I am going to keep myself safe. And when I tell myself that, just a calm washes over me and I’m like, “Yeah, I’m just going to jump.” Because how long I’m going to sit at the edge of the airplane and just be wanting to jump and not have the thrill of actually doing it? Anybody can explain me all the things. I can watch everybody else doing it, but I want to do that skydiving myself. That’s how I kind of even look at sales goals.
Stacey: You know that I have skydived as well. It was my biggest fear, and I overcame it. And this was in 2014. And something powerful really, I mean I landed and dropped to my knees and just hysterically screamed and cried. And it was so much fear leaving my body. And then from that moment, I remember I wasn’t going to dive. All my friends were diving, all my colleagues. And I remember watching them land and seeing the joy and the excitement, I’m going to cry now thinking about it, and the exhilaration.
They had literally blown their own minds and I was watching them blow their own minds. I was watching the adrenalin of that. And I caught myself, I had this awareness of how trapped I was in my own fear. And I had no personal development. I had not listened to a single podcast or read a single book. But it was just this moment where I was so painfully aware, looking in the mirror and it was in that moment it felt like just flooding to me all the things that I was stuck in fear about. And all the ways that I felt trapped by fear of physical hurt, emotional hurt, all of the things.
And I remember saying, “I hate this feeling of being trapped by my fear, I hate this. It’s a debilitating feeling, and I hate it.” And I decided to jump. And it was for a team event. And they had all gone already. And the helicopter people, the people that take you up there, the plane people or whatever they were like, “We can’t take just one person.” So the CEO paid for a couple of people to go twice. And my best friend had gone already that day and she went with me again. And he paid for a whole plane full of people to go up with me just so that I could do it, so that I could get over that fear.
And I did, I landed, and I was terrified the whole time. Let me just tell everybody, I’m sure that’s not your experience because you’ve done it many times. But for me it was terrifying the whole time. Even when we were, the freefall, I think I blacked out during the freefall. And then we have it on video. It’s the greatest video that has ever lived. And then I come to and we’re not falling anymore, he’s done the parachute and we’re sitting there. And I’m holding onto my straps, which by the way are my straps. So if I unlock from him I am dying either way.
For whatever reason I was like, these are going to protect me. He tried to move my goggles and I was like, “No, don’t touch them. Don’t touch them. Don’t let me move.” And I was almost more terrified when I was actually just floating because it was the first time I realized if this parachute breaks we’re falling to our deaths. It was terrifying. And I did not feel good until my feet hit the ground. And I was like, “I survived this.” But something unleashed inside of me. And from that moment on every single thing measured up towards not jumping out of a plane so I guess I can do this.
I’m not freefalling so I guess I can do this. And that really did, that was in February and in May I met someone that said, “I’m a life coach, I can help you.” And I was like, “What’s a life coach? I don’t know but I for sure need it.” And then in June I found The Life Coach School podcast. And it was just one thing after the other. And I credit all the time every little step I took was from that moment of being willing. And for everyone listening, we’re not saying that you need to go skydive to become successful entrepreneurs.
But what we are saying is that you need to do your definition, your version of skydiving, whether that’s taking a big risk and investing in a program, or a coach, or telling your family, “I’m going to start my own business,” doing that first consult, making that first offer, whatever it is for you. You have to do the thing that you think will kill you and learn that you are going to have something catch you, you. And you’re going to land and have that experience. And the more times you have that experience the more willing you are to do bigger experiences like that.
Neha: Yeah. At this point I feel like reading a poem, Stacey, if that’s okay with you.
Stacey: Do it. Let’s go.
Neha: Okay. It just speaks to me, and I thought it would be just such a, yeah, valuable thing for other people. Because I think we all need to hear things in many different ways to create our own vision for adventure or whatever speaks to us. So here it goes.
I was taught to cherry pick from the tree of my dreams. My rebellious heart was pounding, and I attended to its scream. Then with a move of courage, power, and a blazing desire I let the old views, archaic models burn into ashes with that fire. I decided I wanted it all, the change, the wealth, the life. I decided to shut out the norm, the usual, this life. I touched some lives and turned into gold. I unmuted myself and I broke the mold. Doubt and fear are still with me but I’m on my way to more. I’m going to get there and that is the only thing for sure.
Stacey: Oh my God, that’s so good. Where did you find that? Did you write that?
Neha: I wrote it.
Stacey: You wrote it?
Neha: Yeah, I wrote it.
Stacey: You are so creative, I love that. Okay, can you somehow send that to my team so we can link it up in the show notes so that we can include it?
Neha: Yeah, sure.
Stacey: That’s so good. Oh my God, I love it. We’ve never had anyone read a poem on the podcast. It’s so incredible, I love it. Oh my gosh, okay.
Neha: I thought sales and poetry go together.
Stacey: Yeah, I love it. That hit me in my heart. Okay, so you’re courageous, you jump in, get started, you joined 2K. And you made 100K in how many months, a year, 10 months, what was it?
Neha: 10 months. And I remember that moment when I was looking at the sales. I wasn’t even reading the 2K sales, but I was just going up and down, scrolling up and down, up, and down. I remember that. And I said to myself, that’s exactly what I told at $100 when I invested in Clutch. And I’m not going to do that again. I’m just going to keep my focus on creating rather than losing. So I was like, “I’m going to hold that in my mind.” What can I actually create? What, if I experimented with this, what can I actually create?
If I can create $800 on demand, I did it in that time when I joined Clutch. If I do 2K, my goal wasn’t big. I did not set out in January 2021, make six figures, that wasn’t my intention at all. I was only looking at next two months, what am I doing next three months, that kind of thing.
Stacey: I bet that served you so much though because I think sometimes having a big 100K goal from zero, I think sometimes really gets in the way for people. I think what happens is in our minds, first of all 100K isn’t realistic to our mind if we haven’t made any money or if we’re not close to that. Our brain doesn’t really understand that goal. So it can feel really good about the goal without actually engaging in a specific plan to accomplish it or holding you accountable to accomplish it.
So you find entrepreneurs that will go six months and they’re like, “I haven’t made any money. My goal is 100K.” And so you see that their mind hasn’t actually presented them this goal in a real way, that’s created an action plan for them, and a commitment, and a seriousness behind the action they’re taking. And I think when you do think about action and it’s a really big goal you think about actions that are so big and not those tiny little itty bitty actions.
And those tiny moments, those tiny decisions every single day, those are the ones that add to be 100K at the end of the year, not the big grand things that you come up with. And so I think that it’s for so many people, so helpful to be, I was like that too where I was not – I was just thinking about my first client, and then the one after that, and then the one after that. And the little things I needed to do and the little moments I needed to grab hold of, and each little decision that would compound.
I was very focused on those little, tiny things, not the big things. And I think that that works to both of our benefit and for everyone else who wants to borrow that. 100K sounds amazing and fun to tell people and of course 2K or whatever is, isn’t as sexy as 100K. But it is something that your brain can manage and present to you decisions and actions to take that are more realistic, that will compound over time.
Neha: Yeah. And I’m always saying that massive success in life or business in the tiny nuances and moments. And that just, you know, we can have the big desires but then those big desires are the result of the presence that you have today now. In marriages, in parenting, in business it’s all about those tiny things. When we say thank you with the full intention, when you say sorry for something that you have done, and you mean it. And in business too, it’s not anything different.
But we can’t have that as that big vision as the top of the mind all the time because that is scary to our mind. And then we just kind of freeze. And I like to make projects of things. So when I joined 2K I just, I really had this intention that I want to make sales an adventure for me. I don’t want to be scared of sales. I wanted to find a way that I feel I’m doing service, and which is why I resonated with you so much. Because it was the first time I had come across that I don’t have to push, I don’t have to convince. That’s exactly what I’m looking for.
I just went all in, and I focused on building my skills, skills of not people pleasing, skills of looking within where my beliefs were coming up. I had to do a lot of work in just owning that, I love marketing, I love copywriting. Because growing up in India, if you’re not a lawyer in junior or a doctor you’re basically nothing. That’s what the pursuit has been from my parents and from everyone. That was a big part of my work. And then working in the identity of a mom who wanted to be a certain kind of a mom and build character for a neurodivergent kid.
And the time, all of those things, that toolkit container gave me so beautifully. And I think what also served me so well was never wanting, never having this desire that Stacey should coach me directly or any other coach, coach me directly. I actually never ever went on any live call at all, I didn’t even attempt to, but I listened to every call.
Stacey: Wait, say that again.
Neha: I said I never went live on any call, but I listened to each and every call like it was personally delivered to me.
Stacey: I do that too. We have so many similarities, I swear we’re the same person. I do that as well. I do that to such a degree, my friends always make fun of me that I’ll be like, “Some major author, like Grant Cardone said to me once.” And they’re like, “Did he? Did he say that to you personally?” And I’m like, “Well, that’s how I received it. I received it at that level of personal. Tony Robbins said to me once,” but it really does.
Neha: And why not?
Stacey: That is how I feel when I’m consuming something, I consume myself in the work so deeply that it feels like they said it to me directly, it’s just me and Grant, we’re in the room together.
Neha: Yeah. And I read it like it is exactly that. You have to have the devotion. In India we have this concept of being devoted to your guru and the teacher. So the tradition is you can only take as much from that teacher in proportion to your devotion to that teacher. So that is the root.
Stacey: That’s so good.
Neha: That is a kind of mentor.
Stacey: What would you say though to people who are very scared about that? Because I’ve had a lot of pushback and a lot of comments about how closely I follow my mentor, Brooke, and how I just listen to everything she says and do everything she says. And I get a lot of flack from it. What people will say, or they’ll use it against themselves with me. And they’ll be like, “Stacey wants me to do this process and Stacey wants to take me out of my authenticity.” And of course these are not my best clients, but this is over the years what I’ve heard.
If I follow someone else’s process I can’t be unique. If I follow someone else’s method, my intuition is squashed, or my creativity is squashed. What would you say to that? Because I have said it 100 different ways and maybe you’ll say it differently. But I find that if you can’t understand what you just said and what it really does for you, not against you, unless you can actually get your brain to do it and actually experience it is the only way you can truly understand it.
And so I think a lot of people, it’s the same thing with selling, they think I’m telling them, when I say, “Follow the process,” they think what I’m saying is get a yes no matter what even if they’re not the right fit, push them to agree.” This is not what I’m saying. So what would you say if someone hears devotion to your guru and thinks that’s a negative thing, that it will negatively harm them, what would you say to that?
Neha: I think it’s like that’s why temples are everywhere, solace is rare. So what I mean by that is there are tools everywhere. They have experimented with all the tools, all the coaches, all the teachers. But they still haven’t found the result and what is the difference. And they have to look within because it is the fear of devoting, it is the fear of jumping off that plane. And until you do that nobody can describe it, nobody can tell you in words how thrilling it is, how amazing it is. Solace feels like this.
You have to actually let go of your fear for once and try it. Maybe it will work but give yourself three months that you will go all in. And just treating someone else like a god and see what happens. It’s only because when we are scared.
Stacey: Yeah. So what you’re saying is if what you have now isn’t working, be willing to try something different. And I was just having this conversation with my best friend, this exact thing. She’s doing a program that she was having some drama about. And I was helping her through it. And I said, “The worst case that happens is you get to the other side.” And what people think is if I try on someone else’s philosophy, or strategy, or idea, I will go down a road and one day not recognize myself.
And I think the opposite is true. I think and I was telling her, I was like, “When you get down the road, when you get to the end, when you’ve finished the program and you have come out the other side and you went all in, you’re all in with what they’re teaching you, all in with your teachers, you show up for you all in. When you get to the end you will have this moment and it might come a year later. You will have an experience where you either say, “This is still for me, or it isn’t because.””
That moment always happens, it never runs away from you, you never end up at a place where you don’t recognize yourself. So a tangible example of this is my coach, Brooke, did a company manual and she’s a program co-ord on, I think it’s entrepreneurial management. And she has a company manual and it’s all about hiring and creating your vision, and your company culture and things like that. And so I took the company manual, and this was two years ago.
And I took most of – I didn’t have a company culture, I didn’t have a company vision, I didn’t have a philosophy, I didn’t have values at the time. And I was like, “All of hers sound great, so I’ll just use hers. That sounds about right. I agree with all of these things.” So I took some of my words but there were literally paragraphs where I just took out of her company manual and paste it into mine. And then I didn’t end up finishing the project and I didn’t even have a team at the time, so it never felt pressing, and now I do.
So my COO and I met last month, and we spent a couple of days going over our company manual. And I was like, “Don’t worry, I already have most of it done.” We started it two years ago. And we pull it up and I was like, “This is not our philosophy. This isn’t how we run things.” After two years of actually having a team, and running a business, and having actually thought of things I was like, “This isn’t actually us. We’re more like this.” And not that hers was wrong.
But one of the lines was something like, we don’t spend a lot of time thinking about things, we just get out there and do them. And through teaching in 200K, I teach so heavily on the more time you spend planning the better your execution will be. And so our team spends an exorbitant amount of time thinking about something, talking about it, planning it and then we execute with fury and fire.
And so neither of those things are wrong, they’re just different philosophies. And it wasn’t a big deal. I just said, “Okay, let’s just delete all of this, start completely over. We have our own ideas now.” But for a while those served me, having her ideas when I didn’t have my own helped me borrow hers to get started. And were the perfect foundation for me to be able to get into action and to have some philosophy to lead my people by.
And now, now that we have led people for several years we’re seeing some of these things we want to keep them. And some of them we have different ideas and we’re going to start doing those. So for anyone listening, devotion to your guru doesn’t mean lack of devotion to yourself. It doesn’t mean that you leave yourself in order to join a coach, a guru, whatever it is, right?
Neha: Yeah. People think that it’s like brainwashing, or going blind on yourself, or ignoring yourself. That is not true. And people, it’s also hypocrisy as well because people do this all the time. People will go to cooking classes. Why do they go to cooking classes? They go because they trust the person, the chef who is teaching them the recipe and then they try and make that recipe over and over again. And they change a few spices here and there and then they have their own version.
They find their version through that recipe faster, better, quicker. And it is very hypocritical, I think it’s just the brain mechanism to really protect them from looking at that hypocrisy really underneath that. Because they’re doing that in so many areas of their life, if they chose to look at it, they’re going to experts, listening to them, following what they say and then they make their own. But when it comes to business and sales, suddenly it’s like that protective vault. No, they will lose themselves.
No, you don’t lose yourself, you’ll find yourself faster. You have spent all that time in confusion, and spinning, and following and with that same sort of energy of lack of devotion. This is why I say, what would happen if you were just to try it as an adventure for three months, just try it and see what happens. You would only get lost if you don’t trust yourself. But you’re a coach, you know how to trust yourself. You know how to come back to that place.
Stacey: Yes. And I will say I have had situations in my past where I have followed things that I agreed with at the time for lack of awareness and then got to a side where it stopped resonating and it stopped feeling like the right thing for me after I deeply investigated it. But I have no fear about being led astray or what’s the one that my friend was saying? There’s a thought about being taken advantage of. A lot of people have a fear of being taken advantage of. And I just never have that fear.
Because I do believe in my own intuition, my own inner alert system, I believe that. No one can take advantage of me unless I allow it. And even if I did, and even if they did I could still unwind that in any given moment. I have been in an emotionally abusive relationship, and I was in it for seven years. It took me seven years to wake-up, but I got out of it. So I know that there are situations that I can put myself in, in life that aren’t healthy for me, and I will always get out of them.
So there’s this little bit of piece of even if you went to the worst case scenario, you will always get yourself out of it. So there is really no fear. And I agree with what you said, it’s just such a distraction to keep you from taking action, to keep you from following the recipe and then getting the end result, like tasting the omelet. My husband loves MasterClass, so he learned to make omelets from Thomas Keller. And he does make his own version now. He makes egg white omelets because I don’t like egg yolk. And he makes them a little differently now.
But he loves MasterClass and so it’s like, are you willing to make the recipe the first time or the first couple of times exactly the way Thomas Keller suggests and taste it, and eat it? And make it enough times that you might decide, well, I prefer egg white. And I really like goat cheese instead of feta. And I actually have found with my oven it only needs to be in for this many minutes. And I have found with my pans that this works better. That’s all that it requires. And because of that I think you and I are both the same and this is why we get amazing results is we’re so coachable and teachable.
So we’re able to take that, whatever we’re taught, utilize it, make it our own. And you can only make it your own if you fully utilize it. That’s another thing, I always follow everything to the tee of what I understand. There’s never full understanding but from what I understand I follow it to a tee. And then after having followed it for quite a while then I will start adding little things, that I think it will be better this way. Or I might be willing to try it this way. And even for your own ideas and stuff, they’re all just theory too.
There’s shit I try all the time that doesn’t pan out. My guidance isn’t any better than somebody else’s most often.
Neha: And it is that fear, Stacey, I think it is that fear of going into the contrast of things. Whereas my husband says this beautifully, he says that “I’m ready to change my thoughts like I change my shirts.” When you have that thought you are not afraid of believing something totally different tomorrow and just land into that.
Stacey: Oh my God, that is brilliant. I love that. I’m willing to change my thought the way I would change my shirt. That’s so great.
Neha: Yeah. And I keep that vision in my mind, yeah. Am I actually willing to do that? When you want to be right about things and when you want to prove other people wrong, then you are not in the devotion space, and you can’t take the full juice out of it. And yes, there might be – I have had several instances where I have paid thousands of dollars and I felt that wasn’t the thing. But then I learned so much about it and about myself, how I made the decision, what was the intention.
I mean me and my husband had a business where we had quarter million of loss. We had to start our life all over again, being immigrants and having no family support, it was a turning point. But you know what? I would go back in the past again, do the same thing again because it turned our life around. We started from a clean slate, we put our values, it’s almost like we rebuilt our garden of life again. And we are living a dream life in relationship, in marriage, because that happened.
Stacey: That’s so good. That’s so good.
Neha: Yeah, it is about that, when you credit those ‘bad’ instances, bad experiences, we are forgetting to look at the other side of that because without that there is no life. Life is not just a life on the beach, life involves getting sand in your bum and sometimes having no cocktails and just a view.
Stacey: It’s so good. You know what I was thinking of? You gave this very beautiful, loving, spiritual analogy and I was feeling it with your husband. And I’m like this is so deep from your heart. And I was like, I have one that’s very materialistic, so we’ll just do both of those. And then I have a question for you, and we’ll move on. But I was thinking when you were saying this beautiful thing, I’m like it’s kind of like my bags. I have spent so much money on fashion over the years and I think a lot of women do.
You either go through phases, when I started learning how to actually curate my closet and things like that and what my style was. I have blown so much money on things that I thought looked beautiful on a mannequin and looked hot on the model. And it was the outfit of the person I imagined myself on vacation. People listening will probably identify with that, but you have a different version of who you are on vacation when you shop for vacation.
Neha: I relate with that too.
Stacey: You get there and you’re like, “I don’t want to wear this, this isn’t me.” So I have done that, and all that money has helped me with awareness, working on it, to find things that now I’m like, “That for sure, that’s the person I hope to be on vacation but it’s not who I actually am.” And then I get better at it so it’s the same to be true with your investments in your mind, they’re no different than things you might order off TV and try, recipes you try, clothes you try, that’s what we do.
We try things, we try them on, that’s how we find out what works and what doesn’t. And you can’t be afraid of that process, you can’t be afraid of having a bad experience, you might, and you just keep moving. It’s not a big deal. I’ve spent $4,000 on a program before and gotten in there and the whole thing was gloom and doom, every coach. They were talking about how the industry was going under. And how hard it was to make money as a life coach. And you would have thought it was the end of time, the Mad Max movies and they were the only coaches left surviving.
And the program was designed around their survival plan. And I hadn’t even made 100K yet and I was like, “I can’t be around this.” My mind, I can’t, I will never recover. And I didn’t make them responsible, I didn’t even ask for a refund. I was like, I needed this experience to like it gave me such a confidence boost to my own thoughts. I was like, “I am on the right track.” My mind is definitely not there, I believe in myself a lot more and the industry a lot more than they do. And I’m like, done, I got my value, and I just went on my way.
And just the boost of confidence I think and assuredness that I got from it, for me I was like, that’s my value. I got my $4,000 worth.
Neha: Yeah, it’s exactly that. Because you do not get the confidence if you don’t have this experience. If I take out all of those experiences from someone’s life I would also strip them away of confidence. I would also strip them because it is in those moments when you fall, and you get up when you find what’s within you. Which is why piecing all that together, you don’t lose yourself, you actually find yourself, or you create yourself, you chisel yourself.
Stacey: So good. Okay, so I want to ask you one last question and then I’m also going to give you an opportunity to think about if there’s anything you want to say to them and any messages you want to leave for them. But I do want to touch base on this because I think this was – and I read your post and if you’re in 2K you have to look Neha up, you have to read her post, where you went through so kindly and so generously. And said, “Here are all of the thoughts and all of the things that got me to,” at the time I think it might have been 160K.
But you went through, and you gave them all and they were so brilliant. And if everyone just followed them, took them all and borrowed them, tried them on, they would have so much success. But one of the things that you did say is that – so you had made about 100K and then you joined 200K and you made 60K in one month, this was just this past December. So 100K in 10 months and 60K in one month. Now, I know that you said that you didn’t spend a lot of time with 200K, and you would credit it with 2K. But I have to know what thoughts shifted, what thing happened?
You made that investment, something clicked, something happened that created that. That to me – I never use this term because I hate it with a passion, but I will say it this one time because I can’t think of another word to describe it. But it really was a quantum leap. It really was a massive jump in revenue that is so unheard of. I mean it happens all the time I feel with coaches, we’re just blowing our minds all the time, but it is such a big deal. So what do you think that was?
Neha: Yes, you’re right. Something happened because I’ll tell you what. Up till October it was 100K and December and January five days it’s 100K. It is disproportional. And what happened…
Stacey: Yes, to say the least.
Neha: What happened was when I joined 200K in November I went into straight mental drama. Oh my gosh. I could feel it in my body. That was the biggest investment. Imagine someone in 2019 who was scared to put $100, two years later she’s putting 25K. And mind you I have done CCP as well this year, so even more so.
Stacey: Okay. So for everyone listening, CCP is getting certified with The Life Coach School. That’s their terminology for the program because everyone’s going to be like, “What’s that? Is that a new method? Is that like NLP?” She got certified with The Life Coach School. Congratulations.
Neha: Yes, thank you.
Stacey: Okay. So what we’re hearing is you need to just join the Clutch, go to The Life Coach School, join 2K, join 200K, you’re on your way, we’ve got you covered.
Neha: I think so, I would actually, that would be the recipe.
Stacey: For sure.
Neha: And so what happened in November, I went straight into mental drama. I was like, “Okay, if this is coming up, this is what I need to deal with.” Why am I having this mental drama? And especially I found every time I would look at the login page, make your money back, make your money back. It would just ring in my head, make your money back, oh my gosh. I got so triggered by that phrase, make your money back, and I was like, what is happening? I don’t want to make my money back, Stacey.
And I was mentally fighting a war with you, I don’t want to make my money back. What do you mean, make your money back before the live event?
Stacey: Before you get to the live event, yeah. So what she’s on about is…
Neha: Yeah, I was like, “What does she mean?”
Stacey: Yeah. We encourage everyone to make their money back before they come to the live event, which I think the whole goal is people think I’ll learn how to make 25K when I join 200K. And I love to show them it was in them the whole time. That’s so fun to arrive knowing that it was in you the whole time. I mean who are you showing up to 200K as? Not the same person who joined, for sure.
Neha: I’m like, it’s a circus now, I am just going to sit back and just chill now.
Stacey: You have so much fun, yeah. This is what I love about giving people member portal access. The more time people have with that member portal, even if you don’t do anything but look at make your money back, make your money back, make your money back. Even if you do nothing, what it does is it forces you to get over the drama that would have come up in the room before you get in the room.
And that is the number one thing since we started giving access as soon as you pay, that the returning students have commented on is that the new students who come in now, they’re not seeing the same level of drama anymore. They’re like, “These new people coming in are like, it’s night and day.” Because they’ve gotten – so many of them have gotten over so much drama, make your money back, make your money back.
Neha: Yeah. And that statement triggered me so much that I thought, I completely went the other way around. I went out for lunch with my husband, and I told him all, literally just vomited all my thoughts. And he said that, “What if you just thought that 25K gone, puff, they’re gone?” And I said, “Yeah, actually I could think that but that’s a scary thought.” And I normalized that in my mind. I was like, yeah.
I just bought a really fancy thing for 25K, what would I actually buy? Bags and dresses are your thing. I was like, actually I would still buy 200K because I love learning, I love upskilling. That’s something I would invest on, yeah. So when I told myself that, I just calmed down. And I just went to work, I was like, “Okay.” And then I think – now you’re reminding me, okay, I have to give partial credit to 200K as well, maybe somewhere I…
Stacey: You’ve got to give credit to your brain, 200K is just a circumstance and your brain has just done some miraculous thing, so we’ll say no credit to 2K, no credit to 200K, all credit to you. But I was thinking, there’s something happened in your brain, there was something that shifted because it’s just such a huge jump.
Neha: Right. And what that was, first normalizing, that yeah, losing money, no big deal, it’s fine. I have created that before, I can do 25K again. What is the big deal?
Stacey: So you just made peace with the 25K has gone. So everyone needs to hear that. I have never heard someone say that before and I do think that that is so brilliant because it takes all the pressure away. You were having so much make your money back pressure. And when you just say, “I’m fine with losing it, it’s gone, it’s already been spent, it’s not coming back.” That just took away so much of I have to, and I should for you.
Neha: Yeah. And the question that I also asked that was really helpful was if I got that 25K back, if I had it in my bank and if I had to spend it today, because not spending is also kind of a money mindset. We just like to horde it, but that’s not the point of money. But if I were to spend it today, what would I do? I would spend it on something to do with upskilling myself, improving the quality and the value of my brain, or I would travel. We can’t travel, COVID, everything is shut, locked down [inaudible].
And okay, if I had to make that tradeoff, I spent it on the right thing anyway. So that just calmed me down. And then the other thought that really helped me was I think I heard it from you somewhere, I can’t remember, that what if I took my focus on not making money but helping others make money, because that’s what I do with marketing, with what I teach. What if I put all my focus on them getting what they want? And I went to work in creating training.
And I said, “I’m going to give my all to these people.” And not just in action but mentally, more so mentally, that I’m going to think about how can I help these people make money for free? It would be my gift. It would be my Christmas gift for them without them ever knowing that, that that’s what I’m thinking behind the scenes. And I stayed in that space. And then a couple of my clients renewed because they had made six figures before I did actually last year.
Stacey: So great.
Neha: A few of my people in the Facebook group, they made thousands of dollars using the training that I created. They started a post, they signed up. They couldn’t even wait for when I would open up these spots because they were like, “We need to have the consults,” because I didn’t have many spots at that time. So they came onboard, they said, “No, no, no, we are booking whenever you are starting.” So they signed up and yeah, that’s how just things started to happen.
And all the consults, I am always saying, I think the way I market I bring in people mostly who are already sold on who I am. I want to make sure, if someone is very new to me I actually send them back to watch me, get my vibe, understand. If they understand my accent, my English and all the things, if they’re very comfortable with who I am and then come on the consult because I don’t want to waste anyone’s time.
Stacey: That’s so good.
Neha: So anyway, even with that, I am okay with not being graspy of getting people on the consult so that I can convert them. I want them to take their time, their own decision before they actually come and talk to me.
Stacey: Okay. So everyone stop and hear that thought.
Neha: That would be the mental switch.
Stacey: Yes, okay. So everyone stop and hear that thought, it was such a good thought. And now I’m going to forget exactly how you said it, but it was the gist is, you’re willing to let someone. Say it again. Can you remember what you just said? Because now I got so excited about it that I lost the actual thought.
Neha: I think what you’re referring to is I said, I’m okay for someone to make up their mind before they come on a consult with me. I’m not in a rush.
Stacey: Yeah, everybody think about that thought. So many coaches are so desperate to get someone on the phone that they don’t even care who that person is. And they get so distraught if they don’t show up or they don’t say yes. And I’m like, “No, those people just weren’t your people. They didn’t want coaching, you shouldn’t be coaching them.” It’s not a problem at all, you only want to get qualified people on the call. And you want to be willing to qualify people even if you haven’t made any money.
Not having made money does not mean you are expected to or should take unqualified people and try to get them to say yes. That’s not what it means. When we say you have to think like a 100K earner, a 100K earner thinks like this, a 200K earner thinks like this. Is I want to get qualified people on the call. The other thing I was thinking when you were talking, that I want to just make sure to point out that I think is so brilliant and why you made that 60K. Is you’re so focused on serving others, you were thinking about helping other people get the results that they want.
And I think a lot of times, with the Life Coach School we’re taught not to put other people in our models. And I do think that that’s for the most part, a good thought. But when you take something and you use it as your own, one of the things that I do is I do put other people’s results in my result line. And that has served me, when I was first making money it served me to not be focused on myself. Tony Robbins always – I was getting ready to say he always told me. Tony Robbins always says, “You can only be suffering when you’re focused on yourself.”
And so for me it helped me not be focused on the desperation I felt to make money, if I could just focus on helping someone out. I could leave all my problems aside to just give someone an hour and help them. That helped me. And now when I make so much money that we can’t possibly spend it and it just sits in our account. And now we have to figure out ways to invest it. There is not a huge motivator for me. 500K doesn’t motivate me, a million doesn’t motivate me.
And so the way that I get up and out of bed and working so hard and push so hard and have that fire in my belly is thinking about having a room with 200 200K earners, thinking about having 20 millionaires, thinking about, I just recently set a goal and I don’t know any way for us to ever track it. But I would love for 2K students to pool in $20 million, for there to be $20 million of value created, $20 million put into coaches’ hands from the 2K group, which is what had me create the making offers bootcamp that’s coming up.
I was like, “How do I get more money in more coaches’ hands inside 2k?” And so I think it’s so valuable, I want to just consider thinking about other people’s results. And making that achievement. Maybe it’s helping 10 people lose 10 pounds, whatever it is. When you’re focused on them and if you achieve that goal, I promise you the money will be flowing in for you. If you help people over, and over, and over, you’re never, ever, ever going to be stranded without money, you will never be without it.
So I love to put other people’s results in my result line. I love to take that on as a responsibility, as a desire, as a goal, as a commitment, I love it. I think that’s what served you so well.
Neha: Yeah. And I visualize it, it’s that imagery that I kept in mind, that I’m like a banian tree which has deep roots, it stays still, it has ancient history, it has wisdom inside of me. It has big branches, big leaves. And it has shade. And other people can come and take respite in it. I have the remedy, I have the skill. But I’m not going to be a hungry lion chasing the gazelles. That’s a very different energy. So when I show up as a banian tree with that depth and I’m still and I’m here to serve, I’m here to provide respite, the elixir, the cure that you need.
And all my job is that people find [inaudible] know about this banian tree exists. It’s a very different energy than when you think of, yeah, the hungry lion chasing gazelle, I have to go and hunt for it.
Stacey: Yeah, and no one knows I’m here. That’s so good. I love it. Okay, so I want to ask you if there’s anything else? We basically invited you to come on last minute this week. And I saw your post and I sent my person a message and I was like, “See if she can come on the podcast?” It was so good. So you haven’t had a ton of time to think about this interview. But when you were thinking about it, is there anything that you thought, I’m going to share this for people that we haven’t said yet that you want to share, or anything that’s coming up for you now?
Neha: Okay, I’ll say this, there are ideas I haven’t yet understood, maps that I haven’t yet created. There are adventures and roads I haven’t taken yet. There are journeys I haven’t embarked on yet. There are exotic places of dreams, my eyes haven’t seen yet. This journey isn’t the one with an end, just a momentous pause. That takes me to some place that my mind hasn’t imagined yet. I would leave everyone to think about that, whatever they are, wherever they are right now. And if they keep the vision to that place where they haven’t even imagined yet.
And create that expansiveness of vision and service for other people, love for other people, sales and marketing is just a tool to deliver their genius to those people. And if more people started to look at that, my heart would just sing songs. Because marketing for me is just self-expression and service, and money is the byproduct of that.
Stacey: It’s so good. Very good. Thank you so much for coming on and sharing your energy, it’s so calming, it’s so certain. And all of your nuggets, they were just – so I know people are going to freak out at this episode. So if people are listening to you, because you do coach coaches and practitioners. So if they’re listening and they’re like, “She is speaking to my heart, this is who I’ve been looking for, I need to be spoken to it in sales and marketing, and all the things. I need to be spoken to in this way,” how do they reach you?
How do they find you? Do you have Instagram? Do you have a podcast? Do you have – how do they get hold of you?
Neha: This is also something I would leave you with because I heard you say that you don’t need anything. And I was in that mindset when I joined 2K. I still don’t have a website. I don’t have a podcast. I have a Facebook group and that is it.
Stacey: Great. How do they join it?
Neha: So it is called Unmuted, if they type in Unmuted Marketing for Life Coaches and Practitioners they would find me. Or just connect me on Facebook or on Instagram at @_nehaawasthi, make sure you spell it right.
Stacey: Which is A-W-A-S-T-H-I, correct?
Neha: Yeah, so @_N-E-H-A-A-W-A-S-T-H-I, yeah. And we have another thing in common, Stacey. We have Neil in common, my son’s name is Neil, and you have a special person in your life, Neil. So every time I hear you talk about Neil…
Stacey: We have lovely Neils.
Neha: Yes.
Stacey: We have lovely Neils, I love that.
Neha: I think it’s fun.
Stacey: So we will, all of the links that she just shares with her Facebook group, her Instagram, and her Facebook we will also link up in the show notes. And if you want to grab the poem that she read, that she wrote, we will also, if you send that in we will put that in the show notes as well so that people can have all of the things from you. And you just find that at All of a sudden my brain went blank. And you can click on the individual episode, episode 159.
But we will have that in the show notes as well so that if you didn’t capture it or you don’t want to rewind the podcast you can just find the link there. We’ll make it really easy for you. Thank you so much for coming on. This was the most fun hour plus of my day, of my week. I really appreciate it.
Neha: Thank you, Stacey, thank you for all you do and all who you are in this world. And I’m just so glad I found you and I met you and yeah, it was just life changing.
Stacey: I feel the same way about you, it really does feel mutual, I love when I have students who have these stories, and the spirit. And it is a joy for me to have you in 2K and to have you in 200K. I’m going to see you soon virtually because you can’t travel with COVID. So I will also say this, she’s not letting COVID stop her, she’s attending virtually, right?
Neha: Yeah, totally, I am.
Stacey: You live in Australia so you guys can’t travel at all, right?
Neha: Yeah, we can’t at the moment but it’s all night for me, but of course, there is no question about it. And that’s what I was more excited about, I was like, I’m going to see her before the live event, whoa, that is just perfect.
Stacey: So fun. I love it. Alright, well, I will see you at the live event because we have the big virtual screens up so be prepared. I’m sure I’ll coach you. But I can’t wait, thank you for coming on, it was such a pleasure.
Neha: Thank you, Stacey.
Hey, if you’re ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2k for 2k program where you’re going to make your first $2,000 the hardest part using my simple 5 step formula for getting consults and closing new clients. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.