Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | Offers Q&AI am currently knee-deep in the middle of Offer Week, and in between all the teaching and coaching, I’ve been receiving so many valuable questions about making offers. So, this week, I thought it would be fun to let you hear some of the questions and my in-depth answers on this podcast.

Not sure how to simplify your potential client’s decision-making process to sign with you? Don’t know how to have a simple offer, or why you’re not making the money you want? Strap yourselves in, coaches, because this is your go-to episode for all things offers.

Listen in this week to hear my answers to some of your most common questions about creating amazing offers. I’m offering my thoughts on what not to do when making offers, and my top tips for overcoming objections effectively and making the decision-making process as easy as possible for your clients. 

I want to invite you to Making Offers Bootcamp, starting January 27th! We’re continuing Offer Week inside 2K for 2K with six weeks of a constrained focus on making offers, in addition to our regularly scheduled weekly live coaching call. If you want in, make sure to join us by clicking here. 

Click here to sign up for the waitlist for the next round of the 200K Mastermind!

If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why I teach my students not to have multiple offers or packages. 
  • What it takes for someone to go for a six-month versus 12-month package. 
  • My thoughts on one-off coaching offers.
  • Why the price doesn’t change the energy of the decision being made. 
  • The reason some of you are scared of having a longer-term coaching package. 
  • What happens when you get overly attached to your clients. 
  • How often to meet with your clients. 
  • The detriments of holding too tightly to your offers. 

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Full Episode Transcript:


Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hey, coaches, welcome to episode 160. So I am knee deep in the thralls of offer week. I am coaching coaches from all income levels on their offers, what they are selling for five days straight over a week time. And every day we’re going in, I shared my irresistible offer protocol. I’m sharing my process for guaranteeing results and my zero objection strategy and I’m coaching them on their offers over, and over, and over.

And one of the things I’m doing is I’m answering questions in between, at the beginning of the calls. And one of the things I thought would be fun is to answer some questions. We got so many. I mean hundreds of questions. And so I thought it would be fun to let our podcast listeners, audience hear some of the answers to these questions and give a little bit more value for our students in the training as well. So I’m going to spend this episode answering questions on offers. Are you ready? Let’s do it.

But first if you missed offer week, if you did not sign up for many reasons, we had someone reach out and say, “I almost didn’t sign up because I have done all your free stuff and I thought there’s not possibly anything else I can learn from Stacey.” And she was like, “I’m blown away, what on Earth.” And we had someone else that almost didn’t sign up because they couldn’t come to the live calls. And they were like, “Oh my gosh, doesn’t even matter, the replays are incredible.” We had lots of little things that kept people from signing up.

And so if you missed offer week, we’re not doing it again any time soon. But you can join 2K for 2K and you get access to all the worksheets, the irresistible offer protocol, the zero objection strategy, guaranteeing results. You get access to all of that and all the replays inside 2K for 2K under bonuses. And I want to invite you to making offers bootcamp. So we started this series with offer week where I’m coaching everyone for a week on their offers.

And then we’re continuing inside 2K for 2K, we’re continuing the work with six weeks of a constrained focus on making offers and here’s why. So I told my students in offer week, “What’s going to happen is you’re going to create your offer using the irresistible offer protocol. You’re going to create that. You’re going to decide on your offer and be sold on your decisions and be really excited. And then you’re going to go out in the world and you’re going to market that offer.

And when you’re in the world marketing that offer, getting people to sign up for consults, maybe you’re even selling that offer on consults. What’s going to happen is you’re going to encounter the selling experience.” The selling experience is not always rainbows, and daisies, and butterflies. You’re going to have your brain in the selling experience. You’re going to have your brain and all of its thoughts and fears around failure. And no one’s taking me up on my offer and this person said no and they said my offer was too expensive.

Or they said they weren’t a 100% sure, they couldn’t understand really what coaching was. You’re going to encounter not only your own brain and your own brain’s thoughts presenting to you all of your doubt, that’s what’s really going to happen. It’s going to present all of your doubt, every place that you are not certain about your offer, your brain’s going to offer you that over the next six weeks. And then other people are going to offer you their thoughts about your offer. It’s going to be a great time.

And what I told my offer week students is, “I don’t want you to make decisions and then change those decisions because of the selling experience, because you’re not enjoying your own brain’s thoughts while you’re selling, and you don’t like other people’s thoughts while you’re selling.” Instead we’re going to manage your brain and your thinking, we’re going to find thoughts to fuel you while you are making offers.

And instead of changing your offer because of somebody else’s thoughts and opinions, I’m going to teach you how to explain your offer better and how to get clearer at it so that you can change their thoughts. Because I loved how Grant Cardone says that in every sales experience, someone’s being sold. So if you’re on a consult, either your thoughts are selling the client or their thoughts are selling you. And if they say no and you couldn’t overcome their objection and they were a perfect client, they really were a good fit, but you couldn’t overcome their objection, they sold you.

And I want to teach you how to sell them. But not by changing your offers, which is going to be the inclination, once you have an offer and then someone tells you no and they give you their thoughts. Often their thoughts are going to mirror your own thoughts about your offer, your own uncertainty. And it’s going to be really challenging or it’s going to be really tempting to change your offer and challenging not to.

And so I’m going to hold space for everybody in 2K for 2K to go through making offers bootcamp, six weeks of making offers and getting coached on your brain, and your thoughts, and other people’s thoughts. And sticking with your decisions until people buy. And we’re going to make a lot of money together as a community. So how we’re doing this is you can go through offer week if you sign up for 2K for 2K right now. You can go through offer week in the bonuses tab and be prepared.

We’re going to have one week in between offer week and making offers bootcamp. Making offers bootcamp will start on January 27th and we’re going to do one call a week hosted by me, every week we’re going to do a call where we focus on making offers, for six weeks straight. Now, that is in addition to our normal regularly scheduled weekly live coaching call that we do every single week.

We do them on Mondays, we do them every week and it’s open coaching on anything in the 2K process, whether it’s marketing, or making offers, or selling, or consultations, or overcoming objections, or all of the things in between, anything to do with making money as a life coach. We coach on that every week and then we’re going to go in and have a specialty call on making offers. And the entire community is going to focus on it together at the same time. And you’re going to come out the other side really truly having mastered your offer and mastering selling your offer.

And the more confident you get about your offer the more confident other people will feel to take you up on that offer. So that’s what we’re doing. I want to invite you to join us. You can join us right now, just sign up for 2K And you can come in and participate in making offers bootcamp and you can also get offer week inside the bonuses tab. Okay, so come join us. But for now I want to share with you the things that we’ve been talking about in offer week, some of the questions that have come up and my answers to them. Alright, let’s do it.

So one of our participants asked, “Besides the confidence you exude in your offer, what else does it take someone to go for a six or a 12 month coaching package?” Alright, so what this person is asking is, if you want to sell a 12 month over a six month, a client on the phone, how do you help them through that gap? So first of all I want to offer based on this question that whatever you offer them, if you offer a 12 month package, in your brain you might know that there was a six month that you were considering, but they don’t know that.

So that’s the first thing to consider and is really important. Us as coaches we know about all of the offers in the world. We know that some people offer six weeks, and some people offer three months, and six months, and 12 months. We know that there is one-on-one coaching, we know there’s group coaching, we know that there’s programs. We know all of the offers. We’re exposed to them. But it’s really important to remember that the person on the phone with you is only exposed to what you offer them.

So the only reason that they would need to go from six months to 12 months is if you offer them both. And one of the things I taught my students in offer week is to not do that. We think multiple decisions makes it easier for someone to yes to something. But I want to offer, that multiple decisions makes it easier to say no to everything. What? That’s right. I’m on a roll today. It makes it so much more complicated. Think about it for you, if you have to decide between two things what are you likely going to do?

I asked my students this and they were like, “I’m going to take the time to think about it.” Exactly. They’re going to need time to think about it. They’re going to need time to consider it. They’re going to need more information about each one. they’re not going to say yes, that’s why you want to have a simple offer. You just want to offer them one thing to buy on the call. This is even if you have two offers. So if you’re selling one-on-one and group you need to be clear when you’re selling which one. And when you’re on a consult only sell one of those.

Don’t sell one and if they say no, then sell them another one. No, you just sell them one. You don’t even give yourself the option to offer another offer. You’re either in a sales cycle where you’re selling one-on-one or you’re in a sales cycle selling your group. Think about this. If you’ve followed any of my sales processes I’m not selling 2K at the same time as selling 200K. And I’m not selling 200K and then – well if you’re – at the end what we do, do, if you don’t get in we do suggest that you join 2K after applications are closed.

If we go through all the applications, we take the people, we send out the acceptance letters, we send out the acceptance emails and denial emails and in that email we do say that we do recommend, if you’re not in 2K join that so that you’re familiar with the work and use that lower risk investment to learn how to make more money by the next round, we do, do that. But I’m not in 200K sending emails out and saying, “PS, if you’re not at 25K yet make sure you join 2K.” I’m not doing that. Notice that? Have you ever seen me say that on an email? No.

I sell one thing at a time, it’s very clear what I’m selling. So even if you have two offers, you decide when you’re selling that group and you only sell that group. One-on-one not available, only group, that’s all you’re selling. And when you’re selling one-on-one, that’s what you’re selling. Listen, if someone is on a consult with you, this is a little bit of a tangent.

But if someone is on a consult with you and you’re selling group and they want your one-on-one and you don’t offer them that. And they don’t buy the group and then you start talking about one-on-one again, and they want one-on-one, they’re going to reach out to you and say, “Hey, I didn’t know that was available, can I take you up on that?” Just like 2K, 200K, so you don’t need to sell them both on the consult. Don’t do it. It makes it more complicated for them.

Now, for you, for the person who asked this question and for everybody listening, if you’re thinking about timeframes that you’re offering and you’re vacillating, facilitating, whatever that word is, between six and 12 months and you’re going back and forth. And you think what’s the difference, I’m selling people on six months already, but I want to sell them on 12 months, how do I accommodate for that gap? How do I get them? In my mind I’ve been selling them on a six month commitment, how do I get to that 12 month commitment?

If you’re saying what’s the difference in selling say a $3500 package versus a $7,000 package, six months versus 12 months, what the difference is for you is you explaining to them the value of that time. So even if they don’t know that there was a six month, if you’re selling 12 months, you have to sell them the value of working with you for 12 months, why that timeframe is so important, why they need it. And you help them believe that that is useful time spent, that it’s a needed time, that you need this time for all these reasons.

And you help them believe that they will get results in that timeframe. When I sold 12 month packages I was like, “Listen, most of my clients get results in three to six months. However here are two possibilities. You either get the results in three to six months and if you do you’re ahead of the curve. And once you get those results here’s what happens, your brain will be uncomfortable with your new life and want to get rid of it as soon as possible.

And it’s going to have a hard time maintaining the results. It’s going to want to go back to your most habitual ways of thinking and behaving. And it’s going to want to get back down to the results you normally have.” So this is why people who win the lottery can’t keep the money and they spend it, because their brain is used to not having money, so it wants to get rid of the money as soon as possible. So if you get results in whatever you’re selling them. And I used to say, just results, if you change your life because I sold all the results.

But whatever it is for you, could be the weight loss, or the money, or the relationship. If you see the change and you arrive at where you’re going in those three to six months, we need to spend the next period of time together working on that becoming who you are as a baseline, making that a permanent change. Maintaining and as we do that you will create more and more results.

One of the things that’s also really important to know is for you, I’m going to talk to you now as a coach, for you to know when a client comes to you and they want a result, they’re coming likely from their lowest form of belief. So the result that they want is probably a low expectation. If you are helping them lose weight they might say, “Well, I think I can lose five pounds, maybe 10.” But it may be that they need to lose 25 but they just don’t believe 25 is possible so they shoot low. So you can say there’s your low expectation goal.

And then there’s your blow your fucking mind goal and if we have time we’re going to work on that. And sometimes I will even set them up for re-signing up. And I say, “Otherwise, if it takes you all the 12 months to get your results then I’m going to offer for you to keep working with me for another year and in that year we’ll work on maintaining your results and then blowing your mind with what’s possible for you.”

And you don’t even have to think about that now, you can make that decision because once you get the results because it will be much easier to believe that you could blow your mind with other results. And then this could be the person you become forever, the person who has lost 25 pounds and never gains it back ever. It’s going to be harder to believe that from the start where we are now. So I’m going to give you the opportunity to redecide once we have accomplished this first 10 pounds.

So you don’t have to borrow those words, but that’s the way that I would present a 12 month package. We’re going to need this time. Now, conversely, I might say, “Also, some of my clients, they need the whole 12 months because there is failure that happens along the way, I want to prepare you for it.” You might be expecting to get to lose the weight in three to six months but it might be that you have a child who goes through a rough patch in school. And instead of focusing on our coaching, you start focusing on homework.

And you have a big project that comes up and you get distracted and the way that you deal with the overwhelm of the work and then the distraction is you overeat. And so there may be failure, but I’ve accommodated for that because it’s normal. If you take a 12 month period of someone’s life there’s a lot of failure in that 12 month period.

And my job is not just to help you become successful and get the results. But also to help you through failure, to help you understand how to handle failure. How to handle stressful things in your life when they come up and not overeat. And how to get you through that and pick you back up and build resilience. So I’ve built that into the timeframe, we need extra time for life to happen, for distractions to happen, for stressful things to happen, for failure to happen, and for resilience to grow. So I’m giving you extra time. I want to give you more time than you need.

If you succeed faster you’re going to feel really amazing about the results and if it takes you a while at least I will have set you up for the proper expectation of what it could take. So you won’t be mad at me or yourself. So if you get them early everybody gets to celebrate, everybody gets to win, and we get to create more than we thought in the 12 months. And if it takes you the 12 months at least we’ve been honest about how long that will take, and we don’t have to stress about the time three months in and six months in because we’ve already decided to work together for a year.

So it’s just your job to frame the importance of whatever timeframe you choose, that’s just your job. You explain that to them but it’s much easier to sell them on whatever timeframe it is, whether it’s six or 12 months if you only offer them one thing.

Okay, so question number two, someone asked me about what I think about one off one time coaching offers. I think the only reasons that you offer those things, those one off sessions, there are two things. Number one, you think it will be easier to sell because it’s cheaper and has less commitment. And number two, you want to try it out with your client. You want to see how it is with them and you want them to see how it is with you. It’s like a trial. So you’re going to think it’s easier to sell or you’re afraid of commitment.

And I want to offer that one off sessions are not easier to sell because they’re not in service of the client, number one. I want you to really think about it. One session, how are you going to create a result in one session for someone? It takes time, that’s not me being limiting in my belief. It takes time to create results. So for me one of the things in the irresistible offer protocol is your offer is in service to your client. And the timeframe you offer them is a timeframe based on you walking them all the way through the result.

So someone in the offer, we got coaching on they were offering three month packages and they loved it because they wanted the person, if they got the results or if they didn’t, they wanted them to keep re-upping with them. They wanted to keep getting those payments coming in. But there’s really no difference in selling someone 3,000 every three months or 6,000 one time for six months, or 9,000 for nine months. The only difference is you’re making someone make that decision over, and over, and over again. And decisions are hard for people to make.

Your job and I teach you this if you join 2K in the consultations module, your job as a coach is to make the decision-making as simple and easy as possible for your clients. You want to take everything that might complicate their decision-making, you want to take that away or make it very simple for them. I also talk about this in overcoming objections. And having people make the decision on the call. And even if they have to talk to their spouse or they have to check their money, or they have to save for it.

I teach you how to walk them through that conversation so that you have made that process easier for them, so that you’ve prepared them. That’s your job is to make it very, very easy and to knock out every obstacle in the way of a client saying yes. And make the decision-making process easier. Asking someone to rebuy constantly over, and over, and over, does not make that decision process easier for them, it makes it more difficult for them.

It might be a thought error that it’s easier for them to just keep committing to one off sessions. No, it’s a decision every single time. And I want you to consider this thought. Everybody listen to me, this thought that it takes the same amount of energy in someone’s brain to make a decision once on a $5,000 package or it’s less energy, sorry. Let me say this, it’s less energy to say yes to a $5,000 say year long package, less energy than saying yes 52 times to a one offer package. I want you to really think about that.

Saying yes 52 times or saying yes one time. You might be saying yes to $100 52 times or saying yes once to $5,000. You think it’s easier. It’s a thought error that it’s easier to say yes to 100, 52 times, it’s not. It requires the same amount of energy to make the decision, that’s what I was trying to say earlier. It takes the same amount of energy to make the decision so just have them make the bigger decision at the very beginning. It’s not less energy to make a $100 decision versus a $5,000 decision.

And I know this because I’m making a decision right now on 60, 70, or 80,000 dollars. I have to talk to my husband as soon as I get done with this podcast. We’re going to make a decision, we’re going to buy something and it’s going to be 60, 70, or $80,000. The energy it requires for me to make this decision is the same energy, it’s just a decision. So I’m going to make it, the zeros don’t matter, it could be 6K, 7K, 8K. it could be 600, 700, 800. It’s the same decision.

But if I have to make this decision 100 times then I’m expending a lot more energy, but the price doesn’t make the energy of it change. I hope that that is clear, what I’m trying to say there. The price doesn’t change the energy of the decision, you guys think it does. You think the bigger the commitment, the bigger the decision, the harder, the more difficult the decision. And I want to offer that that isn’t true. What’s difficult is deciding over, and over, and over again. So I hate one off offers.

The only one off offer I’m going to offer is a consult, that’s it, which brings me to another question. So one of you guys asked the question of, “I’m afraid of offering a longer commitment because maybe I won’t like the client.” Or what if I’m stuck in a relationship, a year long relationship, which by the way I have to just say I was not promoting year long coaching packages. People went with that because it blew their mind that that was even a possibility because it’s what I sold in the beginning. I sold year long coaching packages.

It doesn’t mean you have to, that wasn’t part of the irresistible offer protocol as you sell them in your coaching. One of the things that we did in offer week is I actually didn’t tell people what to sell. I didn’t tell them a price they should sell something at. I didn’t tell them a length of time that they should offer. I didn’t tell them what their niche should be. I gave them a strategy and a philosophy and questions to ask themselves to come up with their perfect offer. And I taught them how to trust themselves on those decisions.

But some people had lots of questions about year long coaching packages. They’d never heard of anything like it, and they were presenting to me the thoughts that were coming up to them when they thought about it. And so one of those thoughts was, I may not like my client, and I might not want to coach with them for that long. What happens if I get stuck in a coaching relationship with someone I don’t like? Here is my answer. I’m going to on probably a huge riff on this, but I feel really passionately about it.

We’re not here to be friends with our clients. We’re here to get them results. Let me say that again. We are not here to be friends. We’re here to get results. I don’t need to like my clients. Me liking my clients is truly irrelevant. My opinion about your personality does not matter. You didn’t hire me to like you. And if you did, you need to coach your clients on that because we’re not buying friends here. That’s not what your life coach is. You’re not buying a friend. Friends are free.

You are buying someone’s mind who can show you your mind to help you get results or teach you a process and a philosophy to help you get results. So my opinion about whether I would have cocktails with you is completely fucking irrelevant and doesn’t matter at all. I don’t need to like you. I don’t need to enjoy your personality and who you are. I don’t need to think that we’d be great friends. I need to be able to look at your mind and tell you where you’re keeping yourself from getting results and how to get results. I need to be able to be that person that can help you clean your own brain out.

I need to deliver results, that’s it. In fact, what I find is when you do attach to your clients and you like them, and you love them, and they’re your favorite and you just want to put them in your pocket and take them with you everywhere, oftentimes you are biased. And you have a harder time coaching them and saying the hard thing to them. And it takes a lot, for me I do have some clients who are my friends, you guys have heard me talk about the Lindsey’s a million times.

And it does require me to put my coach hat on when I’m coaching them. I don’t necessarily have my friend energy hat on. And when I’m their friend I step out of being a coach which means I make them hold all my crazy shit, tell them all the things. This is what’s happening with me, and I ask for coaching. I do all the things. I let myself be a human with them in that friend space. And I do think that’s hard for some of you all to do that. And it doesn’t work with everyone.

There are people who I would love to be friends with, but I just don’t feel that they as the client could handle me as a real human, being a real human in a friend relationship. They need me for their own results to be the powerful authoritative coach figure, mentor in their life. They need that for them to get results. With my friends, the Lindsey’s, I know that they can handle it. They’re able to separate when I’m coaching them on their business and when I am being their crazy friend, but that is a rare circumstance.

And I actually had a client once say, this was when I was doing one-on-one, she said, “I just think it’s really unfair, you spend a lot more time with the Lindsey’s.” And I was like, “Because I’m friends with the Lindsey’s.” And one of the things I decided in my mind in that moment is I’m not required to be your friend. You’re not paying me to be your friend. It’s not a requirement of my coaching obligation. I don’t owe you a friendship.

So I’m only going to be friends with people who it feels natural for me to be friends with, that it just happens without effort. And I can handle the relationship, meaning I don’t act weird in our coaching relationship. I’m still able to hold space as your coach and set my friendship, and my thoughts, and my good bias, my positive bias aside and just be your coach and risk the relationship and coach you really hard. If I can do that, and I like you, and it feels natural we can be friends.

And if I find that you can then hold space for me to be a real human and have real human thoughts then we can really be friends and we can spend a lot of time together. But that happens very little especially as I grow my client base, I don’t have that level of interaction. But that’s not the goal, it’s not the job. So be very clear, you don’t need to like your clients to help them get results. Your job is not to be their friend and they’re not hiring you to be their friend. And this is very, very, very important.

Because also when you do get friendship and business mixed together or a friendship and coaching, I’ve had this happen where I’ve had a coach who stopped being my friend when I stopped paying her. And that sucked a whole lot, that hurt my heart. I wanted to still be friends. So you just have to be careful that there’s not this subtle, we’re only friends when you pay me to be your friend. That’s not what we’re doing here. People are paying us to get them results.

And listen, you might think, yeah, but I want to enjoy the coaching session. Who’s job is it for you to enjoy the coaching session? Think about it right now, who’s job is it? It’s yours. How do you enjoy a coaching session? With your thoughts. You choose thoughts that let you feel joy about your session. You choose thoughts about your clients that make you want to coach them. I didn’t say that make you want to be friends with them. I said that make you want to coach them. There’s a big difference.

Your job is not to be friends, it’s to get results. So it doesn’t matter if you guys are a personality fit. I have lots of clients who are very different personalities from me. I have very religious clients. I have very soft energy clients, very sensitive clients. I’m very loud, and very blunt, and very irreverent. I have clients who don’t curse, and I say fuck all the time. I have clients who are very spiritual, and I am very process oriented. I’m like, “This is the thoughts to think, these are the actions to take, here is why, here’s the result that you will get. “I am very process oriented.

And I still help all of those clients. It doesn’t matter that we have different personalities. I could literally rant about this for an entire episode. It’s something I feel so passionately about is you absolutely do not want to mix the two up in an unhealthy way, that’s very unclear for you. You decide how you want to feel about your clients based on what you want to think about them. You do the job of making yourself enjoy the coaching relationship and the coaching client. You don’t ever need to worry about being stuck in a relationship with someone you don’t want.

And listen, at the end of the day, I will give you this one workaround is you can always refund someone. If they are not showing up as a client, if you’re having to work too hard for them as a coach, if it’s not a good fit for the client coach relationship you can refund them. I would never refund them because you don’t like them. But you can refund them if it’s not working out. You’re not stuck in the relationship, you can refund them for half of the coaching package or whatever is left. You’re not stuck.

I refund people in 200K. I’m like, “This is not working, I can tell, you haven’t made money in three months. It’s just not a good fit.” Or I’ve refunded people because they were selling to my clients and I’m like, “You’re out.” I have a really strong rule against that. You’re not coming into 200K as a business coach and thinking that you’re going to sign a bunch of one-on-one clients from the room. No, you’re out.

So I have boundaries and I honor those, I’m not stuck in those. But I don’t say, “I don’t like you. Your personality doesn’t match mine so you’re out.” I don’t do that. So you have to be in charge of that.

Okay, so another is, “How often should I meet with my clients?” I actually answered this on offer week, but I want to answer it for the podcast audience too because it’s so important. I really firmly believe, if you think about this, what serves your client best is to meet every single week and here’s why. The results you have right now in your life are a result of the actions you’ve taken habitually your entire life, from the feelings you’ve had habitually your entire life, from the thoughts you’ve thought habitually your entire life.

So we’re talking about changing habits that may have been ingrained for 20 years, 30 years, for very long periods of time. So they’re going to come to you, there’s a couple layers, but they’re going to come to you and they’re going to be on a call. And you’re going to help them unwind some of those habits and help them think intentional thoughts and feel intentional feelings, you’re going to create a plan for them maybe even for the week or whatever you do with them, a meal plan, or a food protocol, or a money protocol, whatever it is.

You’re going to create something for them and then they’re going to leave the call with you and they’re going to go out into the world. And their normal life is going to keep happening. And then their brain, their untrained, very new to coaching brain is going to want to revert back to all of those old ways of thinking. On top of that their brain is going to produce a lot of resistant thoughts about the work that you’ve covered with them. You’re going to have them do something new, think something new, feel something new. And their brain’s going to have a reaction to that.

And so in the time, in the six days between when they’ve had a call with you and your next call, their brain is going to be trying to convince them to go back into the safety, into the habitualness of their old life. Their brain is going to be trying to convince them that they’re going to die and that what they’re doing is bad, and scary, and wrong, and going to end up leading them somewhere they don’t want to go. So now I want you to imagine you don’t coach with them every week, you coach with them every other week.

Now, they’ve had two weeks for their brain to be an asshole to them in between calls. And it’s going to be even harder to build them back up on the next call. Versus if they only have six days maybe they’re able to hold their own for three of those days and then their brain has kind of taken over for the next three days. But then you meet again and you’re like, “That’s okay. We’re going to clean it back up.” And they’re going to get faster, and faster, and better, and better at that, as you coach together they’re going to be able to sustain it longer and longer.

But you for sure want to be meeting with them weekly. The other piece of this is most of the time, especially if you’re just a general life coach, but even if you’re a niche and you offer weight loss, or money, or relationship, or whatever. Your clients are going to come to you in their most distressed state most often, with the biggest pain point on their mind and that’s what they’re going to want to spend their entire session on is their biggest pain point. If you’re only coaching every other week that is all you will ever have time to address is their biggest pain points.

You’ll have no time to have a call where you recognize their growth, and you celebrate it. You’re never going to have a call where they actually feel neutral and you can explore something that isn’t top of mind, but maybe is actually something they’ve never considered as something that constantly comes up in their life. I have recently had this exact thing when I went through my pregnancy illness.

I had a call, and I was like, I don’t really have anything to talk about. And I get on the call with my health coach, and we started talking because I don’t have anything distressing on my mind. She starts asking me questions and we just started exploring things, finding things to coach on and kind of just talking through things. And she asked me a question and we uncover that I have never thought this about myself and you guys, it’s going to blow your mind, but I’ve never actively told myself I’m important. I’ve created a belief about myself that I have a lot of value, that my brain is very valuable.

But I’ve never actively told – and I do believe I’m worthy, there’s a lot of thoughts that are close to it. I believe I’m very deeply worthy, I’m very worthy of love, I have a strong lovability. I feel good about myself. But the one sentence, it was just so strange, I’d never said, “I’m important.” And why that mattered is I do have a tendency to people please and put other people first especially with my family. And one of the things I had to do was ask them to drive – all of them to pack all of their stuff up and drive to Louisville for thanksgiving because I wasn’t feeling well.

When my mom and my sister had massages the next day at 10:00am in Indianapolis, my brother had to work the next day in Indianapolis, so it would have been convenient for my entire family to have thanksgiving in Indianapolis. And I asked them instead to pack up, bring their dogs, bring their family, all the things and come to me in Louisville and then leave that night and drive back up. And the only way that I could ask that is if I had the thought, I am important, I matter too.

Because there’s been many times I have had things and I’ve driven up to them and had to drive home that night to get back to work or to get back to something. But I have a habit of putting other people above me. I would have never ever found that thought if we didn’t have a session where I wasn’t highly distressed and needing focused time on something specific that was a current pain point.

This was something that was – I didn’t even know how we got into it in the conversation, but it was something that was very below the surface that we just wouldn’t have gotten to in any other normal session. But we got to it because we had a session where I didn’t have a ton of stuff to talk about. And it was one of the profound things that I got coaching on that has really changed things for me.

Some of the other more distressing stuff didn’t actually have as much impact in my longer term of actually changing how I feel about myself and the way I make decisions as this call did that was like, I don’t even have anything to talk about. So that’s another reason why you want to meet with them weekly is you want to have those calls. I also don’t celebrate myself, I teach this to you guys because it’s something I have to actively remind myself to do. I don’t actively remember to celebrate myself all the time.

So I’ve had calls where I’ve just been with my coach and I’ve been like, “I’m celebrating this, and this, and this, and look how amazing I am.” And I got on the call, and I was like, “Oh my God, I’m amazing. Life is incredible.” You want those calls too. So you want to have time to mix those calls in. You can’t do that if you’re not meeting weekly. There are a lot of other reasons, I could literally come up with reasons all day to have your clients meet every single week. But this one kind of ties into the reason number one of creating habits, those habits compound.

And you’re going to get faster compounding results when they’re doing the work more consistently. The results you have are from your most consistent thoughts, feelings, and actions. And so if you’re meeting biweekly you’re not having consistent thoughts, feelings, and actions. So you’re not going to have consistent results. So I have not found a reason to meet not every week that makes sense in most coaching relationships. I think it serves the client, it serves to always be in the flow, always have your hand in the game with your client.

I just think everyone is served better when you’re meeting every single week. And I want you to just coach yourself on why you wouldn’t want to. It’s usually your brain trying to make a shortcut. You want to fit more clients in, you want to try to make more money, you don’t want to be on the phone every week. It’s all of those reasons that, again, not in service of you, not in service of the client.

Okay, another question I got is, she said, “You talked yesterday about having,” okay, I always say she just because I think I’m a girl, I actually don’t know who asked this question, so could have been a he. Alright, “You talked yesterday about having one offer and sticking with it. Is it okay to have multiple offers? I have a course, a membership program and individual design consultants, could this be confusing? I feel like once someone purchases they are clients for life, but my offers don’t convert like I want them to.”

Okay, so I want you guys to have strong awareness of your own knowingness. This is one of the things I talked about today on the call. I’m like, “I’m not telling you.” Someone asked me about – she said, “Another coach I work with is always saying, “You’ve got to give them this and you’ve got to give them this, add this on, throw this in, throw that in.”” And she’s like, “And it feels really gimmicky to me.” And I was like, “Okay, so I never talk negative about other coaches, I don’t believe in it.”

I was like, “But what I do want to point is that you feel it’s gimmicky so why would you do it?” I’m like, “Just because a coach tells you to do something doesn’t mean you have to do it.” Whether it’s gimmicky or just doesn’t feel like it’s for you, you can say no to some things. You want to listen to your intuition, your intuition and what your inner knowing is always on, I think is always right on, it’s always on point.

So why I’m saying this is because this question is, I want to have multiple offers because this coach loves all their offers, they love their course, and their membership program, and they’re design consultants. And I want to offer to you all again, a lot of times you guys don’t want to have a simple offer because you’re afraid of being bored and that you won’t love it. And what makes you love something and not be bored is your thoughts and you’re in charge of those.

I have never ever, I promise you, there has not been, I’ve seen other people have this happen at millions of dollars where they feel bored with their offer. I have never once felt bored with 2K or 200K, never. And I sold 2K for six or eight months before I ever started 200K because I wanted to get good at selling 2K before I added something else. And it took me that long to get good at selling it.

But you’re in charge of being engaged with your offer so don’t fall in love with multiple offers and be so in love with them that you can’t part with them even when it keeps you from making money. You guys are doing this so often that I want to smack my head on the table, just bang it over and over on the table. You’re like, “I love my three offers, and I’m not making money.” What?

No, trust me, if you can only love your three offers or money, which one would you prefer? Love your money. Roll around in it. If you have lots of money you’re going to love that offer that created it, I promise. You’re not going to think about those other little things. And sometimes if they’re complementary you can combine them. I do lots of trainings that I feel really excited to do and I just give them to 2K. Making offers bootcamp, I was like, “That sounds really fun, I really want to do that.” I didn’t charge for it. I’m going to offer it in 2K.

Or I offer it as a training, I wanted to do offer week. I’m offering it as a training, as an intro way to work with me. It’s not another offer, it’s just a one off thing. So I get my creative jollies all the places, but I constrain into the offerings of either it’s a marketing offer or it’s my sales offer which is 2K. But here’s what I want you to notice is you know that this is confusing. You asked the question, “Could this be confusing?”

If you have that question, what you’re actually believing is this is confusing, you said that, not me. I can tell you it’s confusing to your clients, for sure it is, but you already know that because that’s the question you asked, “Could this be confusing?” Any time we have a question, you just answer it. If you’re saying, “Could this be confusing?” You think it is. And then you said, so pay attention, you guys, I’m talking directly to the person who asked this question, but you guys do this.

You will tell me how much you love your offers and then the next sentence you’ll say, “But they don’t convert like I want them to.” You know it’s not working, don’t be so attached to your love for your offers that you’re not willing to constrain down when you’re losing money over it. Don’t lose money over getting jollies, that’s a hobby. Go paint some pottery and make money with your one offer.

Choose that, whichever of those three offers that you have made the most money in and where you want to take your business, if you think about one to three years from now, choose that offer and sell it. And I would recommend if it’s between a course and a membership, those two, first of all, you could put the course in the membership, easy solution, the course goes in the membership. So sell the membership.

Or if it’s individual design consultants, if it’s between a membership and the individual design consultants, then you have to decide do I actually have the audience. This is the way I instructed them in offer week because I said, “Take what your offer will cost.” So let’s say the membership’s $49. And then how much money you want to make realistically for this year. And let’s just say it’s $100,000. You need to decide, so how many of those $49 offers would I have to sell to make $100,000. And then ask yourself, do I really have an audience that’s roughly 10 times bigger than that number?

I don’t know what the math is, some of you guys have already figured it out, but whatever that is. You might convert 10% of that, especially if it’s a membership, one-on-one you’re going to convert at a much higher rate. You can convert one-on-one, 70, 80, 90%. And that’s why I say sell one-on-one first, because you have less people in your audience. So for me, I made a $100,000 with 20 people. I sold a $5,000 package. That made sense for where my audience size was. Now my audience size is much bigger, but I still don’t sell a $49 offer, I sell a $2,000 offer.

But I have enough people to sell to make millions of dollars in that offer every single year because now I’ve grown my audience. So you might want to stick with individual design consultants for now and build up your audience into that membership. You can always save the content. But listen, let me just tell you all, I remember when I – you guys are going to laugh.

When I had Diva Business School, and then I wanted to create something called Diva University. I wanted it to be my – it was – what I was imagining – what ended up becoming 2K for 2K, a program and I imagined it as a membership. I think I even sold it ahead of time for $97 a month. And I had spent one year, I have told this story before on the podcast, one year going to this videographer’s house, which was 30 minutes away from my apartment.

Every Thursday I would drive to her house, set up, record content for four hours, paid $250, that’s every week, so that’s $1,000 a month and an entire day. So five full hours by the time I drove back home. I got nothing else accomplished that day, for an entire year. And I had all the content ready, I was designing the membership and then I went into Million Dollar Mentoring. And we decided on 2K for 2K, helping coaches make money. I burned all that shit, never used it. I didn’t repurpose it. I didn’t put it in 2K.

It was shit, how to feel like Beyonce’s song and how to feel like Christine Aguilera’ song, dear God. I didn’t use any of that stuff. That was $12,000 and 52, probably less than that, probably 50, 40 to 50 days of my life completely gone. And that’s just part of the game, you all, that’s just what happens. And when I think about the 2K process. I recorded the entire process and then we redid it. I mean I saved 1.0 for my people because it made sense. I’m like, “Here, you can go into the portal and still access my old content.”

But I have new and improved content. You have to be willing to let offers go, let niches go, let content go, stop holding on so tight. You are infinite in your potential for what you are capable of creating. And all of your beginning creations are your baby creations, let them go. They were only there to serve you in becoming who you’re going to become, the person that creates the highest level of content that you create, that is the only reason, that entry content, that’s its only purpose.

So you can’t stay attached to it and make bad decisions based on – that keep you from making money, based on just, I love this offer, I really care about this offer, it’s my little joy. Let it go. You’ve said yourself, if you guys say to yourself, “They’re not converting like I want them to.”

Think about this, okay, this is another way to describe this. You have three offers, none of them are converting like you want them to. Do you want to do three times the work and figuring out evaluating your sales process and improving three different sales processes at the same time? Does that feel fun? It can’t, it’s so much work. And you’ll be so scattered and your audience, think about this, if you want to educate your audience and create value for your audience but you’re offering them three different things, they don’t know what to buy. They don’t know what message to follow.

They don’t know how to engage with you and a confused mind always says no. So it’s more difficult for you to problem solve the selling. It’s more difficult for you to learn how to sell it in a really powerful way and make it simple, clear, and doable. And it’s really hard for your audience to focus because they don’t know what to focus on. So now think about only offering your audience one message and you only having to be responsible for being clear in one message and evaluating your sales process for one offer. Life just got more simple, it’s why we call it the simple offer.

Okay, someone else asked, “What about offering a higher price point and if they don’t take it, down-sell?” I want you to consider that this question is you asking, what if I believe and then when I don’t I just believe something different. I have a best intentions offer and then the one I actually believe in, my down-sell. And then think about it like this – oh my God, I could riff on this all day, but I want you to really consider.

When you consider something a down-sell, how excited your client will be to buy it. Here’s my down-sell, you want it? It’s really fun, it’s my down-sell. It’s the offer I think is less than this offer, want it? Want it? You like it? Are you excited about it? Think about the way down-sell feels, you all. It doesn’t feel exciting or enticing for you or for them. Don’t offer them a less valuable offer. You’re like, “I’m going to offer you this value and if you say no I’m going to offer you less value.”

You guys sometimes do this with one-on-one and group. You think your group is your down-sell. If you think your group is your down-sell, you are doing it wrong. You need to get in 2K or 200K right away. Your group is not your down-sell, it’s just as valuable as your one-on-one. So if you ever do more than one offer, you have to sell them like both of them are valuable in their own unique ways. You don’t have a down-sell. You don’t have an up-sell. You have one offer and it’s amazing for this reason.

I have 2K for 2K and it’s amazing to learn all of the foundational sales experience and knowledge that you’re going to need to make you millions of dollars. It’s the foundation, you have to have it, even if you think you’re going to join 200K, we’re probably going to tell you, “You need to get in 2K.”

Learn that process because if you get to millions and you don’t know the foundational selling principles, likely what’s going to happen is it’s going to be harder for you to compound your millions and scale your millions. Because what’s going to happen is your conversion rate will be constantly bleeding. And you’ll never know how to plug it and you won’t have – your ego will be so high you won’t be willing to learn the foundation anymore.

This is like me when I joined Million Dollar Mentoring, I had missed a lot of the foundational stuff and my coach, Brooke, had me go back and take 100k course that she was offering. And the only difference is, I think I’m kind of a unicorn in that, I don’t have to be, but I think sometimes I am as I put my ego aside always. I’m like, “Ego, what? No, I’m here to make money.” You can have all my ego, I don’t have any. Go, take it. I want to make money, that’s all I care about, making money and helping my clients, impact.

I care about the results, and I will humble myself in whatever ways possible to get there. So I went in, and I went all fucking in, I didn’t let it hold me back. I was at $800,000, taking a 100K course, learning how to make my own website. And I wasn’t allowed to use my assistant to help me do it. I had to figure it out myself and I did it. I went in there, I was like, “Let’s do it.” But most of my clients, I will see people come in and what I know to be true is they need to go through 2K. They need to go through the consult, and the overcoming objection, and the clean selling modules.

They need to go through those selling modules and their conversion rate will get higher on their emails and their webinars. But they don’t want to do it because it’s beneath them. They’ve already made their first 2K, they’ve made x amount of money. So I don’t consider my foundational program my down-sell. I don’t consider 200K my up-sell. I have foundational selling and then I have advanced selling. And to make millions you’re going to need both. You can’t just have the advanced selling, you’ll be missing some of the foundational steps.

And then once you have the foundational steps you do need to take it to the next level. You’re leaving money on the table. So if you don’t have foundational and advanced you’re leaving money on the table either way, no matter how much money you’re making. You see what I’m saying there? It’s not an up-sell or a down-sell. They are both valuable in their own rights for their own reasons. So never ever offer a higher price point and then if they say no, take it down. The reason you guys do this too, I’ll leave you guys with this.

The reason that you guys do this is because you guys think the reason they didn’t buy was price and time commitment. So you’re like, “If I offer them something less they’ll say yes.” But that’s never the reason people say no. It is a thought error that people truly said no because they didn’t have the money or couldn’t make the time commitment happen.

Even if, let’s just say circumstantially they don’t have the money, let’s say they don’t have $10,000 so you offer them $5,000, they’re still going to say no, because their thought, even if it’s true, that 5,000 is half the price, their thought is, I don’t have the money. Their thought is not going to change because you changed the circumstance. And I would say 90% of the cases their thought is not going to change just because you changed the price. Their thought is still, I can’t afford it, I don’t have any money. I didn’t have any money at 10K, I don’t have any money at 5K.

And every time coaches do this, they always test me on this, if you want to, do it, test me, it’s fine. But every time they do it they come back and say, “They said no to that one too.” And I’m like, “Of course they did, because you didn’t change their thought.” When you’re on a consult, and this is another little nugget, when you’re overcoming someone’s objections, don’t try to change the C for them to have a different thought and lose the objection. You have to find the thought that’s creating the objection and solve for that.

That’s what I teach you in 2K on overcoming objections. You have to solve for the thought creating the objection. Don’t throw them another circumstance to decide upon. That’s my lesson for you all today. I’ve been real fired up this week, you never know what I’m going to say. You can get all of the replays from offer week inside 2K for 2K, it’s under the bonuses tab. You’ll get the worksheets, you’ll get the irresistible offer protocol, you can run through the five questions yourself. You can see the strategy and the reason why I set my offers up the way that I do.

And then you can see the philosophy, what I believe about making money that helps me implement that strategy and make those high level decisions about my offer that make it irresistible. So you’ll get that. I walk through the zero objection strategy and guaranteeing results. You’ll get that all at the end of offer week, we are uploading the calls as we go. So by the time you hear this it will be over. So everything will be under the bonuses tab.

But I was just thinking, we’re in the middle of offer week, and I’m like, well, they’re not all there. We’re uploading them as we go. But by the time you hear this episode they will be uploaded. So you can do offer week on your own time, you can binge it all in one day if you want, spend a day, and just go ham on your offer. And then join us in making offers bootcamp, that starts January 27th.

You want to get in now though because you want to have time to either get through offer week or you can go through the making offers modules in 2K. You can go through, the first module is marketing and then we have an entire – even though making offers is marketing, I made them two separate modules because I wanted to teach you classrooms just on making offers because it’s so much drama for coaches. And so you can go through that entire module and be really prepped.

What I would love for you to do is come into making offers bootcamp. You don’t have to but what I would love is that you come, and you have your offer, you’re ready to go out and make offers, you’re caught up on our philosophy around making offers in 2K for 2K. And so you’re really getting the absolute most out of it. But of course you can join whenever, doing something when you do it is better than not doing it at all. But come join us, we’d love to have you inside 2K for 2K.

Alright, I’ll see you all next week, love you all. Bye.

Hey, if you are ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2K for 2K program where you’re going to make your first $2000, the hardest part, and then $200,000 using my proven formula. It’s risk-free. You either make your 2K or I give you your 2K back. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

Enjoy the Show?

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