Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | Making a Million as a General Life Coach with Edie WadsworthHaving access to the thoughts of the amazing coaches making an obscene amount of money in different ways is incredibly valuable, and this week I’m bringing you a coach who’s made a ton of cash. She’s done it exclusively as a general life coach who sells a membership, not a business coach.

Edie Wadsworth is a general life coach, and she’s here to erase some common thought errors I see so many coaches having around making lots of money. Edie runs a membership that has made her close to a million – she’ll be a millionaire by May – and how she did it has totally blown my mind. But it hasn’t been an easy ride.

Tune in this week to discover the reality of making a million as a general life coach. We’re discussing why people think they can’t make money as a general life coach, why Edie knew she could make it happen, and what we can all learn from Edie about overcoming adversity, setting goals, and taking on challenges.

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If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • The thought errors so many coaches have about what it takes to make money.
  • How Edie got the absolute most out of being in 200K.
  • Why Edie decided to be a general life coach.
  • The challenges Edie has faced as a general life coach and how she’s overcome them.
  • Edie’s advice to anyone listening who is marketing their service but isn’t ready to niche down just yet.
  • The thoughts and beliefs about what’s possible that Edie has found the most valuable as her business has grown.
  • Where to start if you want to start overcoming the obstacles in your path and create amazing value for your clients.

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Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hi, coaches, today I have a really special episode. I say this every time we have a podcast interview but I really do mean it. Because I think the value of having access to the thoughts of the coaches and the women making an obscene amount of money and doing it in different ways, in different timeframes is so incredibly valuable. So, I say that a lot but I really am very, very, very excited about this episode. We have Edie Wadsworth here on the podcast.

Now, let me just start by saying that is how you pronounce your last name, correct?

Edie: It’s Wadsworth. It’s fine.

Stacey: Wadsworth, oh no. Okay, let me say it again. Today we have Edie Wadsworth on our podcast. And she has a really incredible story of money and making lots of it. And she’s not a business coach, folks. And she sells a membership. What? So, we have a lot of things to cover today, a lot of things that you might have a lot of thought errors about what it takes to make money, how long it would take to make money with a membership. And lots of other things that I think Edie is going to completely just erase from your brain today.

So, buckle up, get ready, let’s start with an intro, Edie, tell everyone who you are, what you do and a little bit about your work.

Edie: I’m so grateful to be here. It’s very surreal to be on your podcast. I am a life coach, a general life coach and I run a membership called Life Mentoring School which is two and a half years old. I have lots of babies but this is my newest baby and I love my program so much. And I love that by divine providence our paths crossed and now you’re my business coach and you’ve taken my business to just all kinds of new levels.

Stacey: Okay, well, first of all you have taken your business to such incredible levels. I will tell you, the one thing that blew me away. I remember when we were – and we have to rewind but I have to say this now before I forget. I remember we were on a 200K call. You had just done one round of 200K. And you were coaching on whether you should join Two Million Dollar Group or not. And you said something to me, because you hadn’t asked for coaching the entire six months. I had never spoken to you at all.

I had just seen your numbers and someone who doesn’t ever ask for coaching and then I see the numbers, we’ll talk about the numbers. Don’t worry for everyone listening. But when I see that I’m like, “What’s happening?” It’s just so abnormal that it really is even from my own brain I’m so curious about it. But then you said something when we were talking about whether you were going to do 200K again or do Two Million Dollar Group that just felt like pure evidence for your resourcefulness which is I have to throw that compliment back at you.

Is you said, “I have watched every single coaching call from the member portal that is available in 200K.” And I was like, “Damn, that’s impressive.” You really went to work and were like, “There is a lot of value here and I’m going to make use of all of it.” And that you didn’t make that value mean that it had to be personal one-on-one coaching, not, it’s not a problem. You see lots of people get coached in 200K. No one’s like, “I never get coached.” But to be able to be like, “I don’t even need that because there’s so much here.”

And to utilize it, to me that is really – I’m like that too but it’s just very, very impressive. So, I have to throw the compliment back at you because you put the time in and you put the work in.

Edie: Yeah, I think at one point I was like, “If they’re checking stats on this they’re going to be like, “Is that girl even working? Because she’s literally watching all of our calls.”” I promise I was working too.

Stacey: That’s so good. Okay. So, you are a general life coach. So amazing. For everyone listening, did you know that you can be a general life coach, and you can have a membership, and you can make close to a million dollars? We’re going to talk about the money, but did you know? I just want you to explore, sit for a second with that thought. Edie is the perfect example of that. Let it simmer for a second because people are afraid that if they’re a general life coach they can’t make a 100K. So, what are your thoughts about that?

Edie: Well, here’s the funniest story ever. I went to medical school. So, I was a family doctor before I became a life coach. And I practiced in medicine for many years. And then I came home to homeschool my kids. But when I was in medical school, every rotation I did I was like, “This is what I want to do. I’m so supposed to be a surgeon. No, wait, I’m an ob. gyn.” And I could never choose one path. So of course, I did family medicine so I could do it all.

So, when I became a life coach I was like, “Oh my gosh, I have to coach on what”, you know, I went through all the same things. I love this field of it and I love this. I’m going to be a relationship coach. No, I want to be a marriage coach. Maybe I should be a money coach. And then I was like, “No, of course, I should be a general life coach.” Because I love all of it. I love the variety. It can be challenging a little bit as your people listening might think with the marketing piece.

But it just makes your brain work a little extra, a little harder to figure out how to market something that feels vague and that piece of it I think can be challenging. But it’s my favorite thing. I honestly feel sorry for everyone else who specializes. I’m like, “You don’t get to do what I get to do.”

Stacey: I love that so much. I love the doctor analogy. That’s so great. There is space to be specialized and there is space to not be. And this is so funny because you’re going to laugh but when I think about Gray’s Anatomy, some of the doctors on that show, what were they did when they general medicine? I think Dr. Gray was one of them.

Edie: I can’t remember the details but I wrote a blog post one time that was like, I’m for sure, Izzie.

Stacey: Yeah. But you can be, you can be someone who dabbles in all of it and has expertise in all of it. And Brooke’s been such a great example of that too. And her marketing is a little bit vague sometimes but it works. So, it is possible. And I think it could be fun to talk about that, is to not be so specific and specialized in your marketing, in your copy, in your free trainings, and your content, the things that you do. So could you maybe for the people, because I feel in 2K this happens a lot where people are like, “I just don’t understand how to talk to people if I’m talking about everything.”

Are there a couple of tips that you can give them, if they are passionate like you about all the things in life coaching. They want to be a general life coach. Or maybe they know that they’re going to specialize eventually but they’re just not ready yet because they don’t know exactly what that lane is. Can you share with them a couple of tips that maybe have worked for you on how to be marketing if you do have all of the things to talk about, to all of the people?

Edie: Right, I know. So, one funny thing is I had a funnels, a business strategist specialist take a look at my sales page. And she’s critiquing it, “This is really vague right here.” And then she said, “Hold on a second. What’s the conversion rate on this page?” And I said, “44%.” And she goes, “On your sales page?” So first of all, I will just say that I totally do believe this, that the thoughts and the energy behind how I approach my business I think is so much more important than the rest of it, of course it informs it.

But I just have such a strong belief in what I do. Life coaching changed my life. I think people can feel that in everything I do and say. I totally believe in this. And I think it’s urgent for so many women that I serve that they get the help they need. And so, I think just trust that when you really are living in the belief and the transformation of what you’re living in the product. You are the walking transformation. It’s hard to get it wrong honestly.

Stacey: That’s so good. So, everyone listening, her two thoughts that really fuel all of her marketing is I really believe in this, and this is urgent for them to get help. Again, it’s urgent that I help them. And then whatever else you say when you’re in that thought and you’re feeling that, you feel it in your whole entire body. What you say after that you could literally buy the perfect copy formula if it’s out there. I haven’t seen it. But you could buy the perfect copy formula and you could say all the right things.

But if those thoughts aren’t fueling the words coming out of your mouth, or onto the paper, or into the screen, you’re not going to have the same result. You’re not going to have the same conversions. They fall flat. And we’ve all read copy that falls flat. And it could be technically brilliant but it has to have – for me, this reminds me of when I was pitching. We had the same sales script, everybody across the company. Literally every word was scripted, every motion was scripted, and every second that you’re in front of people was scripted.

So, you literally, the motions were spoken that matched the cadence of your words, that’s how meticulous everything was. So, you weren’t making the words up, you weren’t having to think about what to say to market the product. So, what made the difference between me that could go in there and just sell 100 in one show and then someone else could come in the exact same store and sell nothing, to the same exact people. And they’re using the same script, they’re saying the same words. What’s the difference? And it was my thoughts fueling it.

I loved the products. I thought everyone genuinely did need them. I thought they were a great value. I had so many amazing thoughts fueling that and then on top of that I was being present and connecting with the people in front of me. That matters more than anything that you logically think to say.

Edie: So true. And even when I’m occasionally even coaching people in my 200K breakout session. I can feel whether or not they actually believe what they’re saying. Do you believe what you’re saying? Do you believe that you really can help people? And if you really believe it then go help them.

Stacey: Yeah. And if you don’t yet, that’s the place you have to work. I think that coaches spend a lot of time working on other things in the beginning that are more comfortable and feel more tangible and concrete. It goes back to selling tangibles versus intangibles. And it feels very productive but it doesn’t yield results which is very frustrating because then you can clock a lot of business hours in without a lot of business results.

And it all comes from not focusing on the one thing, that’s very intangible. And it’s not sexy. And it doesn’t make you always feel like you’re gaining traction because you’re not specifically out there maybe doing things. But working on, and I also want to say, I’m not saying sit in your house all day and coach yourself. But really finding that connection to that belief. If you don’t believe you have to start there first, you just have to.

Edie: Yeah. And I will say to add to that, I had that portion of it before I came into 200K. What I got when I came into 200K is, okay, we can feel your passion for this. Now slow down. And really work on the value. And you teach this concept, PSPR, really work on how to deliver that message with so much value. Can you speak to the problem and solution that your clients have? So, I feel the belief piece I was really strong with.

And what I needed was exactly what you gave which was okay, now that you have that let’s really work on articulating the problem that your client has better than they can. And for me that’s easy because that’s me five years ago, seven years ago when I first found coaching. And I can remember feeling hopeless. I can remember feeling resentful. I can remember feeling like I’m never going to get past my past. And the coaching tools felt like miracles to me. So, getting them in the hands of people is just such a joy, it really is.

I get sad, we’re finishing a launch today and I just kind of get sad. I’m like, “This has been such a good week.”

Stacey: I love that so much. Oh my gosh, I had a question when you were talking. Yes, okay, so I want to say this first and then I want to ask the question. So, I do want to say because Edie just explained it more beautifully than I ever could have. I get, I think a lot of flak about the 200K standard. And how we require you to have made $25,000 before you come into the Mastermind. And a lot of people think that’s unfair. And they’re like, “Well we don’t understand what I am capable of.”

And I want to just say that the reason we have that is exactly what Edie just said, it requires you to have gotten to the place where you have that core belief first. And then when you come in, you’re so successful at implementing PSPR and selling with value. And actually, working on your message and honing that and being a lot more clear on it and a lot more simple in the way that you say things.

It’s hard to do that when you’re also going in and out of belief that people want what you have to offer, that you can deliver it, that people are actively looking for that solution right now. That they will get extreme value from it more so than what you’re charging. If you don’t have those basic beliefs you’re going to work a 100 times harder than every single other person in the room for less results in the beginning because you just don’t have that foundation. And I believe so much in the 2K process to create that foundation.

That for me why would I discount the 2K process, the extreme value there and your ability to have that, to get that piece under your belt by saying, “Yeah.” I know 2K, I know that you didn’t want to do 2K, or you didn’t want to do the work of 2K, or you don’t feel it’s working for you. So, let’s just put you in a higher investment and a higher plan, and up the ante of all of it. That’s for me, I’m like, “No, no, no, that’s just going to set you up for failure.” But when you come in like Edie, and I want to talk about your before and after.

When you come in and you have that foundational belief then you just hit the ground running with every other tool that’s in the program.

Edie: And let me say this really quick. I don’t know if you know this but I got declined the first round I applied for 200K.

Stacey: What?

Edie: Because it wasn’t the income, it was, I was late submitting. I can’t even remember all the details. I was devastated.

Stacey: I did not know this.

Edie: It was one of the best things that happened to me because after that I’m like, you’d better believe, I am getting in next round. I will listen to every podcast. I will come in. I will be her best student. And I did. I just made myself a student of your work. I listened to all the podcasts. And so as soon as I got access to the portal, I mean I had had six months of buildup. Now I’m here. But yeah, so I figured you didn’t know that.

Stacey: I did not. That’s so great. And I’m always really impressed by the people who don’t get in the first time and they come back more committed then the second time. That to me is also, that’s something I would do as well. I remember almost getting kicked out of Million Dollar Mentoring. I’m like, “Listen, I will do whatever I have to do.” And I ended up doing that master coach training and the 100K Mastermind all at the same time so that I could catch up.

It was not cash wise, so which is again what you said. It had nothing to do with how much cash I had made. It was where I was mentally and emotionally. I wasn’t emotionally calm enough and mature enough to be in the room where everybody else was.

Edie: Well, and come to find out, I don’t think I was either. I do have this firm belief that things work out how they’re supposed to. So even though I was devastated at first. I was like, “Oh man, I’ve got to wait six months.” I was like, “No, this is for me. This is my growth. How can this be exactly what was supposed to happen?” And so yeah, I came into it I think pretty revved up.

Stacey: So crazy. And then you ended up being, I’m pretty sure, don’t quote me on this but I’m almost 90% sure you were the top grosser from that class, right?

Edie: I think so. I think so.

Stacey: Yeah, so crazy. Okay, so let’s talk about that. We haven’t talked about that yet. So how much money had you made when you applied and then how much money did you make in the mastermind, do you know those numbers or just an estimate? Because it was pretty impressive.

Edie: Yeah. So, from the first of the year until I got access to the portal, and the reason I count that is because then I started, I learned and implemented so fast. I made right around 130K. I got access to the portal on May 7th, in case you’re wondering what day it was.

Stacey: I think that’s my due date for this year. What a great number.

Edie: Cool. And I, from then until the end of the year I made a total of 773, which means I made $640,000 from the time I got access to the portal till the end of the mastermind.

Stacey: And that’s one class.

Edie: It’s one round.

Stacey: So that’s a total of what, nine months? Six months in the mastermind and you probably got three ish months, could have been less.

Edie: Yeah. So, from May, from May till December, so maybe seven months, yeah.

Stacey: Wow. 600 and what, 40 thousand dollars?

Edie: 40.

Stacey: Holy cow. That’s insane. I really think that might be the highest amount ever in one round.

Edie: Wow. For a round?

Stacey: Yeah, especially going from – it’s one thing if you come in and you’re making – I don’t know – some people, we’ve had a couple of millionaires that applied for this round. They’re going to do one round of 200K and then I don’t know what their plans are. But I assume they’re either going to go into Two Million Dollar Group or maybe they’re in 200K to tighten up their selling. But when you’re already making lots of money, that level of growth is not quite the same as when you go from 100K to 700 and something K in a seven month period. That is really profound.

Edie: It amazes me. Yeah. And right now, I mean just to let you all know, my 12 month right now is 912, so I’m very close.

Stacey: Oh my God.

Edie: I know, it’s crazy.

Stacey: Oh my God. So, you’re going to be our next millionaire.

Edie: Yeah.

Stacey: What?

Edie: So exciting.

Stacey: That’s really, really, really fun. When do you think you’ll hit it? Do you have an idea?

Edie: I think it probably will be in the middle of May, yeah. So, I’m thinking in the middle of May, crazy town.

Stacey: That is absolutely insane. So, in August you can accept your million dollar award on stage. What do your kids think about that?

Edie: Well, it’s funny. I have a big family. My husband and I have nine kids and so my kids are really proud of me. They know that what I am doing is pretty cool because it’s pretty public. But also, at the same time I’m just mom to them. And so, in some ways I feel, do they remember I have a job? They’ll call and go, “Call me back right now.” They’re so cute though, yeah.

Stacey: That’s how I feel sometimes. I mean we don’t have kids yet but my husband sometimes I feel like that, I’m like, “Do you know who I am?”

Edie: Do you remember I work?

Stacey: “Do you know what I do?”

Edie: I know it looks like I’m just sitting in my office but I’m actually working.

Stacey: My favorite is, I always tell my husband this. He will, this cracks me up, he will come to me and tell me little things he’s done around the house or something he’s accomplished. And he’s fishing for me to be really impressed.

Edie: Proud of him, yes. Of course.

Stacey: Yeah. He’ll be like, “Well, I did this.” Or I don’t even know how to explain the vibe of it. But I’m always like, “And you know that I worked today and made us a couple of hundred thousand. Hit $3 million today, just so you know.” I never fish for those compliments so why are you doing it.

Edie: Well, the funny thing about our situation is my husband and I were in practice together. So, he’s a physician as well. And so, he spent the last 20 years just, I mean he’s just so amazing. Just providing for all these kids. Sending a million kids to college, going to work day in, day out, taking good care of people. And I feel like, he’s so enjoying this. He’s not retired yet but we’ve talked about it. And he works part-time now. And I just love that. I feel, in a way I just feel proud that okay, it’s my turn, let me do this for a while, I’ll take care of us for a while.

Not totally, like I said, he’s still working but he loves it. He just loves it. He’s started to cook now and just takes good care of me. “Are you having a hard day?” And so, it’s been really neat because the roles have been pretty much reversed. I’ve been pretty much in charge of everything at home and all the kids. And when I gave up my job as a family doctor it was really a crazy bit of a crisis for me trying to figure out who I was, if [crosstalk]. And now I’m at home. And I think he treats me different because now I’m home all the time.

So, we’ve been through a lot of transitions together, but this has been really cool, [crosstalk].

Stacey: Yeah. I love when women make a lot of money. And we joke in Two Million Dollar Group about retiring husbands. It’s the group where you come to retire your husband. But I love that not everyone’s husband’s going to want to retire, some people love what they do or they might want to just cut back. I don’t know. But I think it’s fun to have the option. For two people to meet in a partnership and to take away this idea of the gender role, and creating, and providing for the family.

And just say, “Which one of us wants to do it right now? And which one of us would get the most joy out of bringing home the bacon?” And so, for me, I never feel resentful. I mean we’ll see once the baby comes.

Edie: You won’t, [crosstalk].

Stacey: But I have yet to feel resentful. I’m always telling my husband, he’s such a hard worker keeping our house running. But I’m always telling him, “Why don’t you go play golf this week? Or why don’t you go to this with your friends?” And he just doesn’t, it’s not in his DNA. But I love that, if he sat around and watched – it’s March Madness so he does watch all of the basketball games. And I have no thoughts about being in my office working while he’s watching basketball because I love what I do.

And so, I think you take so much resentment out of a relationship and maybe you’re both working and you both love what you do. And it’s still, okay, so we’re both doing this by choice, not by have to. But if we do have a choice, which one of us doesn’t feel lit up all day every day, or might just want to do something different or whatever. I just love the option in a partnership. I think it’s so fun. I think it enhances the relationship.

Edie: Yeah, it’s been so fun. He’s so fascinated by the whole thing completely. It’s so different than anything. And I’ve been online for 14 years. I had a blog for a long time. I ended up getting a book deal. I’ve had a lot of interesting things happen over the years. But since I found coaching, I’m telling you, it has just been an incredible huge blessing to us. And I just can’t shout it from the mountaintops loud enough to get people to get coached. I’m like, “Get yourself a coach, even if it’s not me.”

Stacey: Yeah. I feel the same exact way. So, who do you help within your membership? I know that you do general life coaching. But do you have a specific group of people that you coach? Do they have a specific thing in common? I’m curious about that. I think I know the answer but I want to ask too for everybody listening.

Edie: Yeah. I would say that we tailor our marketing toward women who are in transition. Usually, it’s my age woman whose kids are about to go away to college. And they often feel, well, now what? I gave up my career and I have all these skills but I don’t really know what I want anymore. They don’t really have any goals and they feel resentful. They feel resentful that they’re at this point and they either gave up something in order to raise their families or whatever.

And so, I tend to draw a lot of people that are in that transition that I was basically in. And I came from a really difficult childhood. And took me a long time to work through that. And I honestly, after I worked through that with my past, I’m like, “I can get over anything. If I can get over that, I can work through anything.” So, I just started working through all the issues, the issue with my relationship with Steve after, again, we had been through so many weird changes.

And then our kids all leaving after I had felt I gave up, whatever, to be home with the kids. And then they all leave. How can they do this to us?

Stacey: It will be a very sad day for me.

Edie: I know. And then we had this really interesting twist in our lives. We were about to be empty nesters and then we got custody of a six year old whose mother who is actually his great grandmother who was raising him, passed away. And we got custody of him. It was the same month that I started my life coaching business. And every step of the way has felt like I can’t even tell you. Maybe it’s just the way I see everything but just miracle, after miracle, after miracle in my own life. I watch it happen for my clients.

And I just think that what group of people should be using their gifts, and their wisdom, and pouring out into the world more than my age woman. Because we’ve been through so much. We’ve worked through so much. We have so much left to give. And I find that so many people my age are like, “Well, I guess that, now I guess that’s it.” No. The younger generation needs us. Get back in the game.

Stacey: It’s like saying, “That’s it”, when you have half your life still left.

Edie: Yeah, that’s what they’re doing. So, I’m like, “We’re not having it on my watch, not on my watch.”

Stacey: That’s so good. I hope everyone listening hears the passion in your voice. And when I teach, being a product of your product, this is what I mean. Can you light yourself up the way that Edie does every day about the miracle of life coaching? There’s the miracle, it’s not just the miracle of your business, and the opportunity, and the ability for us to make money doing this. But just the miracle of what you’ve received from life coaching.

I know for me when I was marketing my business and I was just starting out, I had no measurable results yet that showed that I should be teaching anybody anything. I was behind on my bills. I was in a terrible relationship. I was living in a tiny little dingy apartment, just all of the things. If someone looked at my life and actually knew all the things I feel they would have been like, “You’re a life coach, what?”

But what allowed me to sign clients that made a lot more money than me, that were a lot put together in their lives. They owned homes. They were married. They had kids. They had money. They could afford to go on vacations. They had nice things. For me I was signing those people not because I had done more than them in life but because I was writing like your exact feeling of this is a miracle. I would walk in any room and be like, “It doesn’t matter what anybody else, how successful they are or what they have that I don’t have.”

What I have is the model. And I always say, for everyone listening, because not everything is an LCS certified coach, it can be any tool. It doesn’t matter what it is, whatever tool or way of doing things in life coaching that has changed your life. You have that. You have that knowledge and that experience that other people don’t have. And so, for me, I’ve talked about the difference between emotional freedom and financial freedom. And I think that emotional freedom is the most important thing that we can have and I had that.

I didn’t have the financial piece yet, but I had the emotional freedom. I really genuinely was at a place where I could be happy living in a box. And I could manage my mind and my emotions. And I felt like I had the secret to the universe. And I walked around with that miracle energy of everyone should have this. It’s the greatest, the secret to the universe. It is the answer to every question you will ever have in your life. You will go from feeling you know absolutely nothing about how to get ahead, or human behavior, or anything about life to everything, knowing all of it.

And to me it just felt like that. It felt like I had gone into a cave and discovered a magic lamp or gold. And that’s how I walked around and not in a creepy cultish way, you know what I mean? Not overzealous, but in a space of I really can help people. I’m here to serve. And I was just so fueled to do the most uncomfortable things based on that, what you said earlier of we’ve got to get these people help. Everyone should have a coach. Everyone should have access to this information.

And I was so compelled by that, that it got me through all the meeting people, all the telling them I’m a life coach, all the making offers that were very uncomfortable. Saying the hard things on consult calls and talking people through their objections, calling them on their BS, all of that was fueled by that. So, I just want to point that out for everyone listening. If you’re not getting yourself to the space of where Edie is and what she’s talking about, that is where you’ve got to go first.

Edie: Yeah. And I think the thing that my clients struggle with which is kind of what we all struggle with is that we think, well, if I had her life, if I lived in that house on the lake. And if I had her husband who has this great job. Or if I had, we think that and it’s such a lie because there are a lot of people.

Stacey: It’s such a toxic thought, yeah.

Edie: It’s such a toxic thought. There’s so many people that I know personally that have way more than I have and they do not live with this mindset at all. It doesn’t come from that. It comes from you deciding how you want to see your life. And because I came from such a difficult background. And I got to this point, this was right before I found life coaching, I got to this point where I’m like, I just thought I was a person who was sad and depressed, and struggled because I had had such a hard past.

And then I had this epiphany where I’m like, wow, I could see it that way. Or I could go treasure hunting in my past and find everything that was beautiful, and everything that was right. And I could just decide to see that it was exactly what I needed, exactly what God had for me in my own life. And when I did that it felt like such an incredible gift to give myself that I thought I can do this with anything. I can do this with my marriage. I can do this with money. I can do this with how I raise my kids. I could just do it with anything.

It felt like, I can’t even describe it but it just felt like, we say sometimes in coaching, taking your power back. But it’s this humble, if it’s a power and I guess it is a power. But it’s this humble power to be willing to resee everything, renegotiate all of it. Redecide what you’re going to think about that thing because you can have exactly the most magical miraculous human life. And it’s not that, because some people do accuse me of being Pollyanna. Listen, I’ve been to hell and back in my life. I am no Pollyanna.

But I will tell you this, I just decide every day that no matter what happens, and lots of bad things happen, that it’s for me. And it’s exactly what I need right now. And I can show up to it however I want. And I just love that. There’s so much freedom in that. You’re exactly right about the emotional freedom. I mean we’ve had money for years. The money is not what does it for me. We paid our house off a couple of years ago. It doesn’t matter. I don’t care.

But what I do care about is when I coach my clients and they wake up to the miracle that they’re living in that they don’t even see it as a miracle. And that epiphany, that moment that they wake up to their lives and decide to just not numb through it, or resent everybody, or feel sorry for themselves. That moment to me is worth $10 million, every time it happens. It happens all the time. And I think to myself, how is this even real? How is this life even real? I mean it’s crazy.

Stacey: It’s so amazing, yeah. What I was thinking when you were saying that, that I want to point out to everyone that I was thinking of how you are and how you interact with life coaching. And then how I am. And then a good friend of mine, how she is. And I’m going to describe some of these different coach personalities. And I want to say because I think it’s so important that you can’t do coaching wrong. And you can’t be a wrong coach. And I’m going to explain what I mean by that. I guess you could, but if you weren’t holding space, if you were judging your client, things like that.

But I’m going to explain what I mean. There isn’t a specific – when you said people accuse you of being a, what is it, a Pollyanna?

Edie: Pollyanna, yeah.

Stacey: Yeah, it’s like positive Polly, right?

Edie: Toxic positivity.

Stacey: Yeah, okay. So, there is, Edie has had an extreme background to life that has been very painful. And this is the way that she interacts with the work. And then I have a friend who interacts with the work the exact same way except she has not really had a lot of adversity. Or she has no deep things that have happened in her life that are really terrible and awful or that she’s had to work through. She’s just always had a really positive view on life. She was an athlete. She’s just always been taught to take responsibility.

And so, we always in our friendship group always joke that she’s – we have a joke at my wedding. We had breakfast catered and I was like, “Are these bagels toasted and is this cream cheese?” And she was like, “Yes, it’s so good.” And so, whatever I thought was cream cheese on the butter or on the bagel and I’m like, “Lindsay, this is definitely an untoasted bagel and this is butter.” But she just chooses to see everything the way she wants to choose. So that’s her experience, she’s not coming from this place of she’s had to work through insane demons.

But the forward focus of coaching was very impactful for her of how do I actually be intentional about my life? I’m positive all the time. How do I be intentional? And then there is my experience and I’m sure there’s a 100 others along the way. But my experience is my brain is highly anxious all of the time. And my first reaction often is either anger, or anxious, anxiety, something like, it has a negative reaction at first. I have to catch myself, pause, work through it.

And I’m the person that just fights for every positive thought that I have and every positive result I create. I have to fight for that pretty hard. And I like to be honest about that because I think if you, you know, I wouldn’t say if you knew me in my personal life you would be like, “She’s a life coach.” But I do think I present very human, I have very normal reactions compared to everybody else that’s having them around me as well. I don’t present, I guess, as a positive Polly but I fight really, really hard.

That’s the one thing my coach always says about me is, “You come to these calls and then a week later you’ve just blown the lid off of everything. You’ve done so much work. You’re in such a different place.” And I still have to do that. And so, I just want to say this message has been really be the example of the work. But I want to offer that the example of the work looks different for everyone. And there is no wrong way. And people will be drawn to all kinds of ways.

There are people who love my friend and her work, and they love how positive she is about everything. And there are people that love to come to me and they love the fact that I keep it very real. And I talk about a lot of the negative part of the 50/50. So, there’s no wrong way to interact with the work. I think that that’s something valid to consider while we’re having this conversation.

Edie: And I do think for someone like me that the growth is often being with the negative emotions.

Stacey: Yeah, and mine is being with the positive ones.

Edie: Right, yeah. And I have found that, and I’ve always, I feel like my life in some ways has been equal parts charm and curse. I’ve had a lot of terrible things happen and a lot of incredible things happen but that is life.

Stacey: Yeah, it’s 50/50 always.

Edie: Yeah, exactly. And so, I have to really work to stay in the negative emotion enough to let it transform me.

Stacey: Yeah, to process it. So good. Okay, so I have another question. I don’t know if this is too sensitive of a topic to talk about so you can tell me if it isn’t. Because you’ve told me this before and I think that this is really a story that people could benefit from a lot is when you were starting your business. And you have this opportunity to bring a six year old into your life. And all of that happening all at the same time. I’m curious if you mind sharing that experience. Because we have talked before and you had told me how easy.

You had had thoughts, I think if I’m remembering correctly that you had had thoughts about maybe this isn’t the right time to start a business. And then you had worked through that. And so, for everyone that has thought of starting a business and they find out they’re pregnant. Or they’re starting a business and then they find out they’re getting a divorce. Or they find out they’re getting fired.

I always say any time that we decide we want something the universe is going to give us an obstacle immediately for us to be able to overcome it, to prove that we have decided this is the most important thing to us. And overcoming that obstacle is how we become that person that creates the thing that we want. It’s literally like let me give you this obstacle, but the obstacle is the way to becoming what you want. If you can overcome this you can do everything you need to do to get what you want.

And so, to me this feels like that moment for you is this was your obstacle, this was your chance to either say, “I’m not ready for that obstacle. I’m not ready for what I want to create or I am.” And so, I would love for you to speak on that a little bit for everyone.

Edie: Yeah, it was really, the timing was unbelievable. I started my coaching business on January 15th, I think I hosted my first coaching call. And we got custody of Thomas on January 22nd one week later.

Stacey: Wow. How much notice did you have about that?

Edie: Not really any. She died suddenly. She had been ill. We had had this relationship with a patient of my husband’s actually and she was 77 and had custody of a six year old. And so, we had been helping her with him for a while. And there was nobody else in the family that could take him. So, we had agreed with her that if anything happened to her that we would take care of him. I mean she had been sick off and on but she hadn’t been sick the whole time we knew her. So, it just kind of, you know, it was a shocker.

And yeah, so I remember the day that we had to pick him up from school to tell him that she had passed away and that he was coming to live with us. And he had been through a lot of trauma before that. And it turns out, here’s the funny thing, yes, I did consider cancelling my program or putting it off. I thought there’s no way I can keep this brand new program going and be available in the way I need to be available for him. But the thing that I can say in hindsight is that it’s exactly the thing that was supposed to happen.

Stacey: You’re making me cry.

Edie: Sorry. I cry about him all the time.

Stacey: My momma hormones are like, oh my God.

Edie: Well, I know. I said this when I accepted my 200K award. But one of our biggest wins of last year was he slept in his bed for the first time. So, after he came to live with us it was just so disruptive to his life, to our life. I’ve been driving kids to school for 25 years and now you feel like you’re starting over. And I felt ill equipped. He needs a younger mom. I went to the first meeting at the school and I could have been the parents to the parents. I’m like, oh my gosh, poor guy, he’s got the two old people.

And really the things that happened after that were just, it’s unbelievable. The story is unbelievable. But what I know 100% for sure is that it was always the way it was supposed to be. And I think part of it was honestly, God’s protection of me because now as a, you know, I have this tendency to be a workaholic. I love my work. I always have. And when I came home to be with my kids for a long time and then I was about to be an empty nester I was like, “I’m going to do some good stuff again in the world. I’m going to make this coaching program.”

I just could see myself spinning into just wanting to work all the time and then it was this hard stop. No, at three o’clock every day you’re done girl. And it was such a protection and a gift for me too. I mean it was such a gift for him because nobody loves – I mean I think I always was supposed to be his mom. I can’t imagine anybody loving him more than I do. He basically lived my early childhood. And I feel we’re just perfectly paired to be together.

And he’s the little Tom Sawyer, he’s so mischievous and he gets in trouble at school. And he’s just hell on wheels.

Stacey: I was like that too.

Edie: But I love him so much. And because he’s so intense and requires lots of therapy, lots of outside play, lots of – three o’clock, that’s it.

Stacey: Yeah. So, you just can’t hustle in your business.

Edie: I can’t hustle. It’s the best.

Stacey: It’s so amazing. He’s given you the greatest gift ever.

Edie: Yeah. And it’s just, it really is incredible. And the other thing that’s such a beautiful gift too is that if I had a regular job, if I was still practicing medicine I couldn’t be available to Thomas like I can now. If he’s sick I’m home. If he has a field trip I can reschedule a call. I can just be there for him in ways that even I wasn’t able to be there for some of my younger kids, or my older kids but when they were younger.

So, it’s just, I just feel like if you just decide to see it as this is exactly how it was supposed to happen you’ll find all the ways that it was exactly how it was supposed to happen.

Stacey: So, is that the thought, I don’t know if you know, was there a defining moment where you decided I’m not quitting on this business? And was that the thought that created it for you?

Edie: I toyed around with quitting for several weeks I would say, trying to decide, can I actually? I was creating a brand new program. I was basically doing a beta launch of a small group coaching program.

Stacey: So, it would have been so easy to let it go.

Edie: It would have been so easy to let it go. But here’s what happened. The more I got into the content of delivering to my clients I could see the power of it. I could already see transformation in them after two weeks, three weeks, four weeks. And I just had this dilemma, I can’t quit on them now. And so, I just decided that, yeah, it probably was that thought. This was always how it was supposed to be and it’s going to be great for the business. It’s going to be great for Thomas to have me still available so much of the time.

And it’s been an incredible ride. It’s been the hardest two and a half years of my life, I will say that. Dealing with trauma like that in a kid is no joke. No joke.

Stacey: Yeah. How lucky that you’re dealing with it though, how lucky for him because I think so many of us gravitate towards coaching because we have had trauma in our lives that wasn’t addressed. We were just kids that had to deal with the trauma with our kid brain the best way we knew how. And then we became adults. We have belief systems and reactive systems that are based on dealing with trauma as a child with a child’s brain and a child’s level of emotions. And having to unwind all that and rewire all of that is a lot.

So how amazing, and he may still have to do that. I find that, every time I feel like I’m past that, something gets triggered again. Here’s another layer of it. But how lucky that he has you to be dealing with it, to actually be working through it.

Edie: Yeah. We have done a lot of therapy. And we had a sort of a breakthrough in therapy last year where we are sitting and he does play therapy. So, we were sitting in the playroom with the therapist. And he brings all these, like a dragon, and a snake, and a big giant rat and he puts them all over me. And then he just starts playing. And it was the first time that he ever had just played like a normal kid. Kids who have been through trauma, he played with the ambulances, and the police cars. And he just didn’t have normal play.

And after he put all of those things on me he went to play with LEGOs. And the therapist texted me afterwards and she said, “I don’t know if you noticed what happened today. But he just needs you to hold the scary things so he can play.” And I was like, “What? What?” And I feel like this is the reason too that I feel I’m so passionate to help women like me. This is what women like me can do when we wake up to our lives. We can bear burdens, real burdens for people.

We’re not created to sit around in our retirement or in our good life and eat bonbons. We’re really wired for this contribution. And at least I know that’s the way I’m wired. And so yeah, the whole thing has been completely lifechanging. And I will always associate him with my business because they grew up together. They’re my babies.

Stacey: I love that so much. You were making me cry so much. And I always have tissues in my office and they’re gone. I don’t know where they are. There’s no tissues so I’m using my sleeves. Immediately this dress has to go to the drycleaner. But it’s perfect, it’s amazing. We never know where these interviews are going to go and I love that this one went here because I have such a passion.

I talked about this a lot in the beginning but I don’t think I’ve talked about this in a long time, of just being in the miracle of the work and the power that we have to help ourselves, and to help other people, and to hold space for other people. And I really do think it’s miraculous, the space that my coach holds for me, that coaches in the past have held for me, that my friends hold for me. It’s miraculous. You’re just rubbing off on me, yes, let’s all be in the miracle.

Edie: Yeah. And I think about that too with him. I’ve had to come to terms with the fact that sometimes I don’t show up the way I want for him. Sometimes I do have to really process the negative emotion of what would my life have been like? I’m just a human. And sometimes I have the real human emotions, this is really, really hard. And holding space for myself. And getting coached is so that I can process this trauma well as we go along too, for both of us.

Stacey: It’s so good. Okay, gosh, I just feel like this conversation has been so incredible. Okay, so I want to ask you if there was, when you were thinking – I always ask everyone this, when they’re thinking about coming on the podcast usually people have quite a bit of an advance to think about what they might want to talk about, what they might want to say. Is there anything we haven’t covered that you think people need to hear from you?

Edie: Yes. I want to say this because I hold you in the highest regard. I am so grateful for you. I really am. I look at the work that you have had to do in the last few years to create the containers that you create. And I see what it requires and not very many people are willing to do it. And I really appreciate it. The way you’ve changed the way I see myself as a coach, the high regard that I hold for my clients. I got into 200K thinking, I’ll learn how to sell and market my group. And really what I did is learn how to serve my clients at the highest level.

And that over-delivery piece I just can’t thank you enough. And all my clients, thank you as well because we have become so focused on getting our clients the results they come for. And making that delivery piece just as robust as the selling piece. And I’ve learned a lot about selling too. And creating demand, it’s one of my favorite things that you teach. But the over-delivery I just don’t think anybody’s teaching that. And it’s so important. And it just makes me so proud of what I’m creating for my clients.

I’m so glad that I took a chance because honestly, I’m 52 years old. I’m in the faith space. When I first looked at your program I thought, yeah, it’s probably not for me. I’m older than most of them. I’m not super woo woo. I mean I’m a little woo woo but not super woo woo. And I never talk about manifesting things. I don’t know. I just thought that I wouldn’t belong. And I just can’t imagine having another coach besides you. It has been really such a huge gift and I just want to thank you for all the hard work. I know what it must have taken to create it and it’s not easy.

Stacey: It is so my pleasure. What’s so interesting is I had this thought yesterday. So, it’s so crazy that you said that, about the over-delivery piece. And this is just the result of subconscious thoughts, 100%. But we just did a hiring and went to Palm Beach and we hired seven people at the same time and trained them over a week. And took our team from seven to 13, maybe. And we got team photos and I was looking through them yesterday. And I realized that of all of the people that we have hired for our team.

I think of those 13 people only three positions are positions that are new client facing. Meaning they do marketing, their job is to get new clients. Everybody else, their job is to take care of our clients. And I was like, that’s pretty profound, how the balance of that. And I teach selling and marketing. That’s what I teach. But I do think that when you come into 200K or now you’re in Two Million Dollar Group, the conversation to me that I think is missing from the industry, that is so important that you do really learn at the deepest level is the delivery for your clients.

It’s not enough to sell to them. We have to deliver to them. And the thing is, is it won’t actually keep you from making money either way. I have seen coaches, you can see people’s Instagram where they never post client results. And there’s always a reason for that. If they’re not posting client results, what’s that? If you’re not consistently seeing the result of someone’s work, unless, I guess, they just don’t know about it or they don’t think to post it. I don’t know. But that, when I see business coaches I’m thinking of specifically when I see that.

I’m always curious about that because we love to share our client success stories because it’s such a big piece of what we do. It can’t just be the money. For me it has to be that equal exchange of value is so important. And I think it’s what raises the reputation of the whole industry. And I think the more we deliver as life coaches to everyone the easier it is for everyone to tell other people about life coaching and how it’s transformed them. And then the safer new people feel to investing in coaching.

That’s what we do and we all focus on delivery as we focus on making it easier for new people to say yes to life coaching. And that’s it. One of my goals is to get two million people coached up because of me being able to help that 100,000 life coaches make money. And that’s it. That’s the piece. So, I love that you shared that. Thank you.

Edie: Yeah. The program is incredible. Yeah, and even being in Two Million Dollar Group now, I am amazed at the deep work. You’re such a good life coach. The deep work that we’re doing.

Stacey: So, I did that general life coaching in the beginning.

Edie: Right, yeah. It’s not what I expected at all. It’s just people doing the real deep work that it requires to be fully human and grow your business as a real human, so yeah.

Stacey: Yeah. And have a business that lets you have a life. I think that in Two Million Dollar Group. For me I’m less interested in making massive amounts of money very quickly. And I’m more interested in can you make a lot of money, and work less, and love your life, and be calm, and not hustle your way to it. Who you are outside of your job, I feel in Two Million Dollar Group that is one of the most important pieces of it is that piece. And we work that really hard. And we call each other out fiercely. Fiercely.

Edie: I love it.

Stacey: Oh my gosh. Thank you, Edie, so much for – oh my God, I have one more question. I know we’re over on time. But I just have one question because this will blow people’s minds too. And we don’t have to talk about it in depth. But how much is your membership?

Edie: $97.

Stacey: Yeah. So, you made how much money last year?

Edie: $773,000.

Stacey: Off of a $97 offer. We should end with that. But, listen, when people think there’s a right offer out there and there’s a right price point. No, there’s just the offer you decide on and you go to work to sell. And selling a lower price to more people truly it’s not harder or easier than selling a higher price to less people. We have lots of thoughts. And I’m like, “No, just choose one and go with it.” And make sure it matches your clients, who you’re selling to and how you want to deliver and the container and all of that.

But it really is just at the end of the day, there’s no right offer. There’s the offer you choose to make. So, I will end with acknowledging you for choosing your offer and making it right for your people for you and for the amount of money you want to make.

Edie: It’s so awesome. Yeah, it’s an incredible privilege to be here doing this and I’m really grateful to you. Thanks for having me today.

Stacey: Thanks for coming on. Oh my gosh, just crying on all the things lately. Thank you so much. And I will see you soon.

Edie: I will see you soon. I can’t wait, yes.

Stacey: Alright, thank you.

Edie: Thank you. Bye.

Stacey: Bye.

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