Make Money as a Life Coach™ with Stacey Boehman | Selling with WebinarsSelling with webinars is not a requirement to make a lot of money in your business, but it can help. I’ve made millions in my business with and without them in the 2K and 200K Mastermind, where we’ve turned the webinars evergreen, and it’s an amazing way to make money and for your people to get incredible value while you sleep.

The coaches I work with want to learn how to sell with webinars, but they don’t think it’s for them. They might be selling one-on-one coaching, or still doing consults in their business, and they believe they aren’t at a level yet where webinars would be an asset for them. But once you learn how to use them, it doesn’t matter what level you’re at. So this week, I’m offering you a mini-lesson on selling with webinars so you can immediately amp up your sales.

Join me on the podcast this week as I offer my top 5 tips for selling with webinars, why I believe you should start mastering this skill, and my own personal experience with it. You’ll discover how webinars can become a profitable asset for your business, and what you’ll learn inside my bonus webinar course inside the 200K Mastermind. 

Click here to sign up for the waitlist for the next round of the 200K Mastermind!

If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • How webinars can become an incredibly profitable asset for your business. 
  • 3 reasons trying out webinars is worthwhile.
  • The power of doing the work required to get people to attend your webinars. 
  • What my journey of doing webinars looks like. 
  • My top tips for selling with webinars.
  • 2 skills I developed in pitching that can be implemented in webinars. 
  • What you’ll learn inside my webinar course in 200K Mastermind. 

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Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hey, coaches, welcome to episode 172. Today we’re going to talk about selling on webinars. Are you ready? I’m excited about this one. First, I want to give you guys an update. I feel like it’s been a while. I am getting ready to give birth. What is happening? Third trimester at the time of this recording which I think this is coming out pretty soon after I record. I have five weeks to go.

And I just found out from my mom, I went to the doctor, and we were just talking about birth plans, and labor, and delivery. And I had asked my doctor about inducing because I don’t want to go past my due date. I’m very ready to not be pregnant. And my doctor said she will not let me because of my age. So, she’s so funny. She said, “He’s either coming early or we’re scheduling him a birthday party.” And I was like, “Yes, I’m all in.” So that’s what we’re doing.

But my mom then drops this on me, and tells me, which I have no idea, I have not researched at all, if this impacts anything. If it’s what your mom goes through, if it has anything to do with your birthing and birth experience. But apparently I was the latest child of her three to arrive at 12 days early. And my sister was four weeks early. And my brother was three weeks early. And I have been a little bit like, “Oh my God”, ever since. I’m like, “Wait, so that would mean I could potentially, if it drops down and”, what’s the word I’m looking for? If it’s passed down.

If it’s passed down from mother to child, if I get any sort of how she delivered or the timing that she delivered, I’m like, “Wait, what is happening?” That’s a week from now. I can’t even handle it. So, I’m definitely wrapping things up in my business and getting ready for maternity leave. And we just hired seven new people for our business and trained them in Palm Beach.

And it’s so exciting because I’m leaving for maternity leave, but my team has literally a list of projects that I’m delegating to them to work on and create while I’m gone. So that when I come back we are going to hit the ground running starting with the biggest and best live event we have ever put on for the 200K Mastermind. I hired two people whose full-time job is to plan the 200K events in person. And someone to plan the virtual events. We’re going big. So, whether you come live or you come virtually, it doesn’t matter, you’re going to have the experience of your lifetime.

We have two people whose full-time job is just to make sure you guys get everything you came for, that your minds are blown, and you have the most amazing experience ever. And they’re really talented. They have given me ideas that I couldn’t even think of that blew my mind. And so, we have actually a whole team for 200K now. We have a program manager. And then we have someone that is overseeing all of our project management. It’s intense. We’re so excited. So, they’re going to be working really hard on lots of projects while I’m gone.

I’m giving them lots of authority and releasing lots of control. And we’re going to hit the ground running and have such an incredible August through the rest of the year. So that’s what’s happening. I’m about to birth a baby. We’re about to birth lots of new projects and the best 200K event that we’ve ever done.

Alright, so that’s what’s happening. Are you ready? Selling on webinars. I am excited about this topic and here’s why. So, here’s the first thing I want to say about selling on webinars is it’s not a requirement to make money at all. I just want you guys to know that first and foremost before we have a conversation about webinars. Just know that I have been, the only time I have opened my biggest selling program, which is 200K Mastermind with a webinar was the very first time I sold it. I did a webinar on the three year plan.

Since then, we have been launching and filling this group, making millions and millions of dollars without ever doing a webinar for 200K. Now, I have some plans in the future and for Two Million Dollar Group. But for now, we’ve not done any webinars. We’ve made – I don’t know – 10 or 12 million dollars off the 200K Mastermind program itself without doing webinars.

I will also say on the other side when selling 2K, we’ve done lots of webinars. And those webinars have made us millions and millions of dollars for 2K, especially we’ve done them live and then we turn them evergreen. And so, people can watch them, opt-in through ads and join 2K and be doing that in my sleep which is so fun. So, webinars become an insane asset in your business when you’re ready for them.

Now, I’m just going to speak to the people, and I think that that – let me just backup. I think that when they can become an incredible asset is when you get really good at them. When you have something you can sell, that you can sell in your sleep it becomes an insane asset. And that could happen at the 200K level, the 400K level, the million dollar level.

However, for a second before we dive in I want to talk about those of you who are signing one-on-one clients. Sometimes you guys think webinars aren’t for you. Or if you’re doing group coaching or selling a mastermind or something like that. And I want to offer that I remember several webinars where I was selling a mastermind at the time, that was $8,000. And I did a webinar and I think two people signed up. But I made $16,000 off of a one hour webinar. That blew my mind that that was possible.

So, I want to offer you that even if you’re selling one-on-one coaching and even if you’re still doing consults, you can do webinars. They can make you money. I also want you to know that you don’t have to. You can just meet people and tell them you’re a coach, and offer to help them, and do a really great consult, and sign a client. And you can do that all from meeting people in person, content on social media, very easy.

But I want to tell you, I think there’s this in between of when webinars can be really useful for you and what they can bring you when you’re at that level. Where maybe you’re selling one-on-one, or group, or a mastermind before you have your program, and your big, your evergreen things that you’re selling all of the time. Before it becomes that level of asset for you. Here’s three things that it does help with if you choose to do them. Again, you don’t have to.

If you choose these are the things that early on for me when I was kind of at the six figure level that this really helped me is, it was a great way for me to meet people, and tell them who I was, and how I helped. It was a really great way to get the message out. It was a container to invite people in to have a conversation with me in a contained space where they could come without, I think a lot of times people are nervous and scared to do consults. It puts them on the spot. They’re not 100% sure about you or coaching.

So, to take the step of signing up for a consult might be a big step for them especially if they haven’t followed you for a really long time. And so, a webinar can be, or a class, you can call it a masterclass. You can call it many different names. I’m just going to call it a webinar, but let’s just say for all in this conversation we’re talking about an hour ish, 90 minute ish class that you put on, maybe on Zoom, something like that. So, it’s a great way to invite people in to interact with you and how you work without a lot of requirement from them, without a lot of buy-in from them.

They can silently watch without you watching them. And they can feel unseen in a helpful way for them. So, it’s a great way to get out there and let people know who you are and what you do without them having to take major vulnerable steps to engage with you. So that’s one.

And then number two, in the beginning, so many of you will not do webinars because you don’t think you have a funnel to get people on your webinars, meaning you don’t have an email list to advertise the webinar to. You’re not running Facebook Ads. So, in your mind you’re like, there’s not a lot of people that I would invite. I would just have to be inviting people on social media and it wouldn’t very many people. And here’s what I want to offer.

The work that you do in the beginning to get people on your webinar, to figure out how to organically get people on your webinar, meaning not paying for leads because you don’t want to pay for leads to get people on your webinar until you’re really good at webinars otherwise you might just flush a lot of money down the toilet. So, the work that you do to get them there organically without having paid, grows your problem solving skills times 100. Your creativity, it challenges your copywriting skills, your content that you put out, your belief in what you’re going to teach and your work.

It requires so much for you to execute it in this kind of like, it’s like gorilla marketing, just this very bare minimum way. And it really grows your problem solving skills. But what it also does, which is really incredible is it gives you the opportunity to tell people to invite people and to grow your audience. Every time I did even Facebook Lives if I scheduled them in advance or whatever. If you do an hour Facebook Live you could even say that’s like a mini webinar.

But every time you’re inviting people in you have the opportunity to capture new people. So, it’s a great way to build your audience and it’s going to require you to be very creative and resourceful. And the lessons you learn in that will grow you as an entrepreneur and make you so much money in the long run. It does require a lot of work, a lot of thinking, a lot of creativity. Again, you will work hard to get those organic people to your webinar, and it won’t be that many people, maybe 10 people, or 20 people, or 40 people.

But in the end that practice of you teaching, that practice of you getting people on the webinar, it’s going to grow you so much.

And then number three and this is for everyone at every level, watching your webinars back is a great roadmap for finding the models, the thought models that you have, the thought errors that you have and where you need work. Is literally the best way you could ever, it’s like listening back to your consults. You could do that with your consults too by the way. But seeing you teach, whether you do this on – I use flipcharts. I don’t do PowerPoints.

I don’t know how to do a PowerPoint to this day. I made $10 million in the last 12 months and my video producer still does my PowerPoints. I have no idea how to edit them or any of that. So, I just want to offer if that part of webinars makes you feel overwhelmed do a Zoom. You can just do a Zoom class and you could just get a flipchart and you can write your presentation out and you can speak. Now, if that freaks you out and you’re great at PowerPoints then you can do a PowerPoint, you don’t have to do the flipchart. It doesn’t matter.

But watching yourself teach and sell to a live audience will give you such a great – you will be able if you watch yourself back to pick out why did I say that? What was I thinking when that was coming out of my mouth? What was I thinking at this part where I see my energy changed? What was I thinking when I can tell I’m visibly uncomfortable there? What was my thought when I had tech issues? And how do I think I handled that? You can write down all of the things. These are the thoughts I was thinking.

Thoughts that you have that you just don’t know you have. You have them no matter what. You’ve always had them. And the class can be a container for you to see how you show up as an entrepreneur, as a coach, as a salesperson in a very small container. And I actually want to give you an example of this. It is the best ever. So, when I created the webinars course for the 200K Mastermind it took me a long time to create it. And one of the reasons why is I did a lot of initial research and legwork into webinars.

And what I mean by that is I first of all learned how to make hundreds of thousands of dollars and millions of dollars on them myself. And I will tell you about my journey in a second, but I failed miserably a lot. And we’ll both laugh together in just a second when I dive into that. But I watched a ton of my students and my colleagues webinars. There was a 200K class where I said, “If you post a webinar I may choose your webinar to give it feedback. And you will help me build the webinars course.”

And so, lots of people posted their webinars, I chose five or six of them, watched them, dissected them and then I posted the feedback for everybody to see and for those coaches to implement. But then I used that to build out the webinars course so that it wasn’t just, these are the things I struggled with and the things that were successful for me. Because that can be very limited to only coach on your experience because my experience is very different. I’m already a public speaker. I already have so many skills under my belt.

So, to see other people do it gave me a window into what are frequent problems I see popping up, common problems coming up on all of my students and all of my colleagues. I watched several of my Million Dollar colleagues webinars as well. And so, what was all of the common themes I was seeing, that showed up in a lot of my content for the course. So, I want to give you an idea though of the roadmap for the models and where you need to work on.

So, my client, I’m sure she won’t mind me sharing this. But my client, Samantha, I had given her feedback. And a year went by, and I don’t know that she did the webinar again until a year later. And then she was ready to do it again. And so, she pulled up the feedback that I gave her, and she now is in Two Million Dollar Group. And so, she posted it on our group, and she said, “Reviewing the script that I wrote for the webinar that I’m doing in a couple of weeks. I wrote it actually two years ago and then I made edits in August after Stacey gave me feedback.”

She said, “I thought it was so good.” And she said, “I’m amazed two years later at how differently I sell now. I can see things like I was adding lots of different confusing things, trying to make it seem more valuable. My teaching now is so simple and clear, and the selling is, when it’s not, it’s a really obvious shift.” And she was not even talking about some of the aspects of the program. And she was in convincing language and energy. And she said, “Overall I can see how I wrote the selling from thinking they don’t want it.” That was her main thought.

“And how my predominant thought now is that they do and it’s exactly what they want. And it’s so much easier to sell when I believe they want it.” And so, I commented underneath and was just so excited for her. And she said, “I am laughing out loud. These are some of your reactions to quotes from my selling. You said, “Don’t tell them, international shipping, it might take a while but eventually we will get it in your hands.” And then don’t tell them the best part of this program is its price.” So, we both had a really good laugh.

But these are things she actually said on the webinars, “The best part of this program is the price”, when she was selling. And international shipping, we offer it, it might take a while to get it in your hands but eventually it will get there. And these were things that she was just saying because she was nervous, because she was unpracticed and because her thought was they don’t want it. And so when you watch your webinar back you get to find these things. You get to see these awkward things that you say, that you’re like, “Why did I say that?”

And you get to find the thought that created you saying that to someone when you’re selling. So, it’s super useful. I highly recommend dabbling in webinars for those three reasons. Again, I just want to keep stressing, lots of people have made lots of money without ever doing them. They’re not a requirement but they’re a really great way to create a container for new people to come in with less buy-in. And it allows you to problem solve and grow your problem solving skills, grow your audience and find your roadmap. So those are the three reasons why.

So, I’m going to actually walk you through some tips for selling on webinars. I’m going to walk you through what is in the webinar course, what you will learn. But first before we dive into that, I just want you to know that I’ve been where you are. If you’re learning to do webinars, if no one’s showing up, if they’re going wrong, if you’re not making money on them, I have been there. So, I just want to tell you my journey so that you understand that I have been there.

So, I remember my first webinar I did was very, I did a PowerPoint. I’m not sure who actually did it for me, maybe my assistant but it was not fancy. It had lots of stuff on the slide, every slide was crammed. It went way over time. The teachings were very confusing. I want to say, I still made money off of it. I still sold people into my group coaching. And then I started dabbling in webinars here and there.

But when I joined Million Dollar Mentoring, one of the things my coach, Brooke, wanted me to get really good at is webinars. And she wanted me to develop my own webinars course. So, she didn’t want me to buy anyone else’s webinars course and learn how to do webinars from anyone else. She wanted me to develop kind of my own process for it. And so, it was a lot of me going and doing webinars, failing miserably, getting very tough feedback from her, and then implementing right away.

And I always joke, you have to be really willing, I think, especially at the million dollar level to take criticism and blunt criticism, blunt coaching. But I remember there were webinars which she would be watching the replay and commenting at the same time in Slack. And be like, “Oh my God, this is so boring I can’t even finish this.” Or “Why on earth are you doing this? Why are you saying this? This is 100% wrong.”

So, there was lots, and lots, and lots of failure but it really, really grew me. And not just the teaching aspects but the tech stuff, all the tech stuff was very difficult for me. And I remember there was one webinar where I had advertised it. And my entire mastermind and Brooke had put in their calendar to be live on the webinar. And I did not set the proper amount of people in the Zoom class. It had 100% capacity. We didn’t change that. And they all got locked out.

And I just had a text message after the webinar that said, “Was going to watch your webinar, couldn’t get on. Fix this immediately.” And I remember my heart dropping into my ass, oh my God, my mentor who makes, at the time probably $20 million a year, set aside an hour of her calendar to watch my training and she was locked out. I was mortified. So, I have gone through all, all, all, all of the failure.

And I remember one specific webinar, I think I have even talked about this before maybe in emails or on this podcast, I can’t remember. But there was a webinar where I thought I did such an amazing job on the teaching part. And I was so proud, everyone talked about this webinar for months and months. Said, “It was the most valuable thing they ever had a part of.” They were like, “This was insane.” They were sharing it with everyone they knew. But no one bought. I remember getting off that webinar and crying my eyes out.

I was in my apartment with my – he wasn’t my fiancé yet, my husband now. But we had just gotten our first apartment and I remember being in my brand new office and feeling so good about myself. And then no one buying on the webinar, no one buying any hours after. I had very few sales. But everyone was saying it was so amazing. And that was so frustrating for me, to have people say the teaching was so profound for them but then they didn’t buy. And that’s when I realized there’s actually a formula for this.

There is a way that you have to give content and sell on a webinar that actually inspires people to buy. And that’s when I then went on – that was actually before I started working on webinar feedback with my coach. But that was another thing that inspired me going on that journey, to figure out that balance and to understand that. I remember that was so painful. I did 10 webinars and just kept failing, and kept failing. And I remember the predominant thought I had was I just don’t understand this balance.

I just don’t understand how I’m supposed to be teaching, and how I’m supposed to be laying this out in a way that gets people to buy. There’s something I’m missing. I keep doing the same thing over and over. It’s not getting me the result I want. I feel crazy. And then it clicked. And now it clicks so well that it’s just the way I sell. My webinars make hundreds of thousands of dollars. And so, if you’re willing to go through that uncomfortable period of selling on webinars you can make hundreds of thousands, you can make millions of dollars learning to sell this way.

And this is what I teach in the 200K Mastermind, there’s an entire course where I break down step by step how to do it. And I’ll go over that with you in a second. But first I wanted to give you some tips that if you’re selling on webinars right now that you can implement that will help you dramatically improve the delivery of your webinar, therefore your sales.

So, number one. You have to know your content. When I mean know your content, this is something that I did frequently is I would write it on my flipchart one time and then I would just wing it in the delivery. And Brooke used to call me out on it all the time. “Did you practice this? Did you go over this? How many times?” She would ask me, “How many times did you go over this?” And it was such a callout because I would never practice. I never had the practice of practicing. You have to write your content out and practice, practice, practice, practice.

I would do it at least three full times through. You should be able to know exactly how long delivering that content will take you, how much time you need. That is, I can’t stress it enough, my first tip for selling on webinars is that you’re getting on and the people watching you, you’re not using their time to practice. That a live audience is not the first time you deliver content. The more you know your content the more confident you’re going to be.

And the less you know the content the more nervous you’re going to be, the longer you’re going to talk, the more likely you will be to vamp and say a bunch of stuff, and add extra stuff, and go down rabbit holes. And it’s not respecting your audience’s time. You really want to respect their time. You want them to believe that every second they spent with you was highly valuable. And if they believe that on the webinar, they will also believe that you won’t disrespect their time if they pay you. So, I will just give you a couple of extra tips that weren’t in my little outline for this episode.

I don’t ask people where they’re from when they get on the webinar. I don’t do any of that small talk shit. Because when I get on a webinar and someone’s doing small talk stuff, I’m like, “Get to it. I’m busy.” I get in and I get started right away. The time when everyone’s joining, that’s where I just talk about, you’re in the right place if, here’s who I am, here’s why I have the authority to teach you this content. Here’s a little bit of my story. I take five minutes to get all of those points across.

But I get through them in the time where everyone’s joining because you don’t have to have that information to get value out of the content. But it lets people know right away I’m taking their time seriously. And that it starts seeding the belief that every moment they spend on the webinar will be valuable and it will be taken seriously. They’re less likely to leave in the middle. I don’t have huge drop off rates. And then it seeds that belief of when they pay you that they will have the exact same experience.

So, practice so that you know exactly what you’re going to say. So, you use your time well. Side little tip, don’t get on there and ask them where they’re from and ask them cutesy questions. Just tell me what they’re going to learn, why you’re the expert to teach it, a little bit about you. And let them know they’re in the right place, this is for them if. Just any of those things but just start with that and then go right into the content.

You also want to end on time. This is something Brooke taught me as well, is respecting their time. I have found a happy medium, and Russell Brunson does this too. He will sell for three hours. He’ll do a webinar and literally stay on there and sell for three hours straight. So, my rule is I end the content at the time I’ve promised. So, if it’s an hour I will do a 40 minute presentation or 40 minute teaching. I will do 20 minutes of selling. And have some of that time be Q&A.

And then I will stay on as long as other people are on. I will stay on up to 90 minutes longer if I schedule the time for myself and I almost always do, if people are still asking questions for additional Q&A. But I never ever, I’ve worked myself into making sure, I used to go over all the time. But I’ve worked myself into making sure that the content ends in at least 40 minutes, that there’s 20 minutes to go over. I’ll do the sales portion of it where I’m walking them through what I’m offering for 10 to 12 minutes.

And then I’ll open another eight minutes for Q&A. And then I’ll tell them at the time that it’s supposed to end, I will tell them that I’m going to stay on to keep answering questions. And I’ll reiterate that they can – the call to action, whatever it is. And I have a link for them to buy whatever it is. I’ll reiterate that and I’ll say, “Okay, I’m going to stay on for additional questions. But if you’re ready to sign up just make sure you go to this link.”

But you want to make sure that at least they’ve gotten what they came for by the end of the time promised. If it’s an hour masterclass, again it’s about respecting their time.

My third tip is that you prepare your sales pitch first. This is mostly what people do, this is one of the biggest things that people do wrong is they spend all their time on their content. And then they just kind of throw the sales pitch together. I will tell you, on that webinar where everyone loved my content and no one bought, that is exactly what I did. I put the sales pitch together literally 10 minutes before the webinar started. I was still writing it out, I think I dotted the last I at the exact time the webinar was supposed to start.

That’s now how you do it, folks. That’s how you fail. I’ve done it. Listen, if you’ve done it, I’ve done it. So, one of the lessons I learned from that one is you prepare your sales pitch first. Here’s what I will tell you, the reason you do it first is that will tell you how much time you really have or how much time you need for that to actually prepare for that webinar because I promise you, you will never ever, ever get on. I hope that you will not get on and wing your content.

Usually when I coach coaches on this, we’re so terrified about delivering our content that we always have that done. But it’s easy to let the sales pitch just kind of wing it, whereas we’re not as much willing to wing the content. So, if you do the sales pitch first and you’re not willing to wing your content then you will be willing to do both and give both your full attention, the amount of attention that they actually need from you. So, prepare your sales pitch first, because it’s the first thing that you’ll likely try to wing.

Then go back and do your content and then practice, practice, practice the whole thing. Write it out. And I suggest in my webinars course, and I do this, I actually do this myself is write out your sales pitch conversationally. Type it out for yourself as you imagine saying it. And imagine people engaging with it. So, imagine the questions you think they might get. Imagine yourself answering those questions, write your answers out. Write out your calls to actions and the link that you’re going to give them so that link is memorized in your head.

I write it all out and then I read it over and over to myself. And then I record myself. And if I’m showering I will literally listen to it and listen to myself selling so that when I get up there it feels natural. It isn’t the first time it’s come out of my mouth. If you get up and your content and your sales pitch, it’s the first time it’s come out of your mouth, you’re likely going to lose sales because of that, a lot of them, a lot, a lot, a lot. You don’t want to be winging it when you get on there.

Again, yes, this might sound like a lot of prep, but again, think about if you make $16,000 in one hour. Maybe you prepped for five hours, so six hours total but you made $16,000. It’s a lot of money. And that money stacks up. It goes from 16 to 20, to 30, to 50, to 100, all the way to millions. I’ve made millions of dollars off of some of my webinars running them as funnels for the last few years. So, you’re going to know your content, be very well practiced in it. You’re going to end on time. You’re going to prepare your sales pitch first.

What you’re also going to do is you’re going to write your invite emails after. So, your invite emails are what you invite people to the webinar. You’re going to write those. I recommend writing those after you have written your content and your sales pitch and here’s why. This is a little lesson I learned. I told you, I have done a lot of webinars and I’ve failed on a lot of them. One time, this was for how to sell any offer for any of you who happened to be on that webinar, how to sell any offer.

I wrote these amazing invite emails that fired me up and made me so excited to do this webinar. And I think I actually wrote the content first. And then I wrote the invite emails. And loved the invite emails, was obsessed with them. And then literally an hour before I was going to deliver the webinar I realized that the content and the invite emails didn’t match. And I was like, “Wait, hold on, what?” And I realized it, I was like, this isn’t the same vibe. It’s not the promise that I offered them. How did this happen?

And so, what I do now is I write the invite emails and then I do my content and my sales pitch, and then my content, and I match everything up. And I make sure that all of that is done a couple of days before I’m going to delver it. That way, if anything needs to be adjusted, I literally remember frantically rewriting an entire hour long webinar with one hour to go before the webinar to make sure it actually matched the promise of the invite emails that had already gone out.

So, once you have the invite emails gone out, you can’t change those. So, you have to change the presentation. So, you write those first and then you make the presentation from the invite emails. And then you double check to make sure that it matches. Then you also write your sales emails ahead of time. This is so important because here’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to do your webinar. You’re going to have lots of thoughts after the webinar, likely many of them will be all of the things you did wrong and all of the things that didn’t meet your expectation.

And at that point the mind drama can become so extreme that how could you possibly be in your highest thinking, in your best-selling energy to write sales emails and invite people to work with you? It’s the worst thing ever. So, you want to be writing those sales emails when you’re in the hope, when you’re in the expectation, when you’re in the excitement, when you’re in the belief. You write those then and then you schedule them, whatever you have to do. I schedule mine ahead of time. We test ours. I didn’t always do this.

But now that I have a team we test them. And I’m not doing them on my own, but I used to just write them and send them out and it was the worst thing ever. And then it would be like, it was never with a specific process. It was never any sort of proper intervals. It would just be like as soon as I could get my shit together and stop crying to write an email, my audience would get one. That’s what I used to do. And now if there’s drama the emails are scheduled, they go out and then I can just sit with myself and get coaching from my coach, from my mastermind, from myself.

I can get the coaching I need and it’s not interfering with the selling. I say this in the webinars course too, is that the webinar is just the beginning of your selling. So, when you get off that webinar, when you finish, that’s not the end of your selling. It’s truly where the selling starts is in your sales sequence after the fact. So, you’re going to have your content, your sales pitch, your invite emails, and your sales emails all written ahead of time. Those are my best tips for selling on webinars. I can’t stress it enough. And then you practice, practice, practice and you end on time.

And then the last tip I want to give you that will make you the most uncomfortable is that you sell longer than you think. This is what I do. If I still see people on the webinar, I keep selling until I literally start to run out of energy, or I just can’t devote any more time to it. I have sold for two hours before on webinars. My clients, they’ll get off and a lot of my clients watch them, and they’re like, “Holy shit, Stacey, you just schooled me on selling.”

But the way that I’m thinking about it, I got this from pitching, is you would get to the end of the show and if people didn’t throw their hands in the air, but they stayed and stared at you. You knew that they wanted the product, just something hadn’t been said, or you hadn’t snapped them out of their – I don’t know – reverie, their thoughts. And so, I just would keep selling until the last person walked off. If there was one person standing in front of me I would keep selling to them. I would ask them if they have any questions.

I would keep talking about whatever I was selling because if they’re still there, and this is the other thing, I will give you this tip. I’m sure I said this in the webinar course, but if I don’t I’ll give it to you guys here. This is a skill, I developed it in pitching. But two things. You can either not look at the number of people because what will happen is when you finish your content that number of people that were attending live, it will go down. So, you either don’t let yourself look at the number or you only let yourself focus on the people who are there.

So, this would happen, it’s so much more – what’s the word I’m looking for? But just visceral I guess maybe is the word, in person, you feel it so strongly in person. When you have 100 people at your stage, and you get to the selling, and they all start peeling off. There’s a much more strong reaction in your body to being rejected when you focus on the people walking off when they’re literally in front of you. And I always had to – the only way to not crumble in that moment in my mind was to focus on the people who stayed.

I would even let myself pay attention, I would make eye contact with the people who stayed. So, I do that on my webinars as well. I might start with 800 or 900 people or 1,000 people. And then that number will drop. And it might end up dropping to 300 people once the full hour is over And I’m just into the Q&A. But what I’m thinking is, there are 100 people or 300 people, or whatever that number is, that want to buy from me. So, I’m going to keep focusing on those people. I’m not going to think about the 600 or 700 people who already logged off.

I’m thinking about 100 sales or 300 sales. That’s a lot of sales. If it’s just 10 people but you’re selling a group or one-on-one, that’s a lot of people to buy from you. So, you keep answering their questions. Now, there is a point of diminishing return where you don’t want to be desperate or convincing. But I find that you can sell for a full 90 minutes after your initial hour is up without crossing that line. And Russell Brunson has done it for three, so maybe there isn’t. I don’t know.

But as long as people are there and they’re watching, there’s a reason they’re watching. And I just keep thinking about that over and over. And I keep selling, you reiterate the sales process, you answer questions. You reiterate how to buy from you. You reiterate what they get. You answer questions, you reiterate what they get. You just keep going through that process. Basically, you keep talking. Alright, so those are my tips, the reason why I believe you should sell on webinars and my experience with it.

So now I want to end with talking about if you are thinking about joining 200K. If webinars is something you’ve always wanted to learn, if you’re at that place where you think it will help you in the three ways I shared or because you’re at the place where converting even 4% more would be a lot of money for you on your webinars. You can make your entire 200K investment back just by raising your conversion rates on webinars. People have done it.

So, I wanted to just walk you through everything I cover because I also think people don’t do webinars because they’re afraid of all the unknowns. And they think that putting one together is very overwhelming. So, this is how I’ve laid out the course. I teach you how to establish the learning container within the webinar, so how to create a really massive container for people to get a lot of value. And then I walk you through all of the formats that you can do to fit your teaching into. So, I give you six different formats of how you can fit your teaching in.

And if you remember in the beginning I said that that balance of how do you not teach too much, but teach enough for it to be valuable, to keep everybody’s energy up to buy. What’s that balance of teaching and selling that gets people buying. I’ve set up the six different formats to fit into that balance so that if you just follow the formats you’ll be doing it right. You don’t have to spend the year that I did failing, trying to figure out what is that balance.

You just input what you want to teach into the formats. And one of them will match the way that you’re putting together the information in your head, the way that you kind of want to teach the information, one of the formats will match and it will keep you out of teaching too much, too little, giving too much value, not enough value. It will keep you out of all of that.

Then I teach you how to successfully end your webinar and segment into selling. And then how to set up your sales pitch to where you don’t lose a ton of people and that you execute at the highest level to engage people the most with your selling. Then I cover how to actually start, I call, calling people to action, calling people to buy right then and there on the webinar.

And I teach you how to do that and the things that you say. And that rhythmic balance of answering questions, reiterating what they get, telling them how much it is, telling them where to buy and how to buy, and why to buy right now. And how to really create that experience where every word you say is extremely valuable and is making use of all the time you have to sell. And then I teach you how to create comfort to buy in a webinar setting, which is really important because I always say this, this sounds harsh but it’s totally true.

No one wants to be the only person who doesn’t buy, and no one wants to be the only person who does. And in the pitching industry, we always used to say, “No one wants to be the first asshole to buy, and no one wants to be the last one either.” Just a very roughneck way to say things but it’s true.

People work in numbers on webinars and livestreams and things like that. So, when you’re selling it’s really important that you get people buying and then people see that other people are buying and they hear you talking about other people buying, makes them feel safe to buy. So, I cover how to do that on a webinar.

And then how to use your Q&A not just to be coaching people for 90 minutes. That’s not what a Q&A is for. A Q&A, a well done Q&A will walk people right into buying. And so, I cover that. I cover how to overcome objections on webinars, when you can’t talk back and forth with someone. And you can’t ask them questions and wait for them to answer and think about. It’s not the same as overcoming objections on a consult.

And then I teach you strategically how to prepare what to include on your invites and how to properly invite, especially once they’ve already signed up, how to get them on the webinar to actually show up. A lot of people do that part wrong. And then how to name your webinar. This is something lots of people spend lots of useless drama on. How to create your sales sequence. I teach you a 9-12 email sales sequence to start selling after your webinar is over.

And do’s and don’ts on the webinars, from all those webinars I watched I literally wrote down all the things that I was like, “No, what are you doing? Don’t do that.” And then do, do this. So, you get all of my do’s and don’ts from all of the webinars that I’ve watched coaches do. And then you get a three part teaching on dynamic selling, literally how to make your webinar highly engaging. These are things I learned pitching that you won’t learn anywhere else of how to captivate people’s attention, to keep it, and to direct it where you want it to go, to end in a sale.

And I really break that down moment by moment on the webinar of where your energy should be and how you bring it up and down. And create for yourself a really dynamic exciting presentation. And then I also cover, the last thing is tech do’s and don’ts, what to be looking for with the tech setup of your webinar and my philosophy behind those do’s and don’ts.

Alright, so you learn all of that, as just one bonus course inside the 200K Mastermind. It will make you so much better at selling literally everywhere, but you can use this to do masterclasses, webinars, livestream presentations. The world is your oyster when you learn this. So, if you’re excited to sell on webinars join us for our August 200K class. You can use this little mini lesson on the podcast to immediately amp up your sales on your webinars. But then you can actually go through the course.

And when you go through the course the last thing I’ll say is it sets you up from beginning to end to create a webinar. So, you will actually go through the course and just like the launching course, you will literally, just like you will do your launch, you will create the webinar as you go through the course. So that by the time you end you have a webinar, all of your invite emails, all of your sales emails, your sales pitch. Everything is done. You even get access to my sales pitch, I give you my script and how I have formatted my sales pitch.

But you get access to all of that. So, it’s done when you finish the course. And then you go deliver it. And what I recommend is that you deliver the webinar and then you go through the course again and you evaluate that webinar, and you do the same exact webinar again, but you just do it better. And you see all the things that you missed when you went through it the first time because your brain is just interacting with all of this information for the first time. So, the more you do it the better and more proficient it gets at each little piece.

To where in the end there will be a point where you’ll be teaching the content, but you will have so much brain space to think about your dynamic selling, to think about your presentation, to think about how to maximize every second on the webinar. And then when you actually get into the sales portion you’ll be able to think so clearly on how to answer the questions and how to sell in such a strategic way because you’re not thinking about just getting through the webinar, and your nerves and all of that has gone when you are well practiced in this.

Again, it could make you lots, and lots, and lots of money in your business. And you can combine webinars with launching. And you can do a webinar to start the beginning of a launch which is what we do with 2K a lot. So that is my tips, that’s what you’ll learn in the webinars course. Come join us in 200K Mastermind. Enrolment begins April 18th, 19th, and 20th. It is the last class of this year. If you want to be in 200K this year, you have to enroll in April, April 18th, 19th, and 20th. And we’ll see you at the Four Seasons Resort, Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. What?

It’s one of the fanciest Four Seasons and it’s really incredible. You can see the Magic Kingdom firework show from the property, absolutely insane. It’s going to be a very extravagant time. We hope to have you. And whether you’re planning on joining us in this April class or if you listen to this a year from now and you want to get on the waitlist and find out more information, if we’re not leading into an actual open enrollment. You can get on our waitlist at I highly recommend getting on the waitlist.

We send out emails every single week where we talk about what we teach in the mastermind and advice from 200K earners and what their thoughts were and how they made 200K. You get lots and lots of value from being on that waitlist, if you’re trying to make your first 25K to get into the mastermind, so much value in the waitlist emails to help you get there. That’s the whole purpose of our waitlist is to give you lots of value in between our mastermind openings, so that you can make more money and make it easier for you to join.

Alright, have an amazing week, folks. I’m going to go keep making my baby. I’ll see you next week. Bye bye.

Hey, if you are ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2K for 2K program where you’re going to make your first $2000, the hardest part, and then $200,000 using my proven formula. It’s risk-free. You either make your 2K or I give you your 2K back. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.


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