Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | 200K to 400K in Six Months with David Vox

Today, I have a special guest from my 200K Mastermind. His name is David Vox, he hasn’t even completed his first round yet, but his results are incredible and his energy is so contagious. He’s been bringing the party to 200K, so we’ve got him on the podcast to share his wisdom and show us how we can adopt the mindset and strategies that are working for him.

David Vox is the Spiritual Business Coach. He helps other coaches, therapists, and healers bridge the gap between their spirituality and success. He’s worked with some big names, helping them launch their great ideas into the world, making tons of money for his clients and himself in the process.

Tune in this week to discover how David Vox made $200K just during the pre-enrollment stage of the mastermind. He’s worked on some serious thought errors and made the kind of mindset shifts that will help him at every stage of his business moving forward, and he’s sharing his tips for working on all of it for yourself.


Click here to sign up for the waitlist for the next round of the 200K Mastermind!

If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Where David was in his business and the struggles he was having when he first signed up for 200K.
  • How David applied during early enrollment and earned $200K just with the member portal.
  • The level of success intolerance David had to work on when he joined 200K.
  • Why it’s impossible to grow and scale without encountering the occasional unhappy customer.
  • David’s experience of dealing with his first unhappy customer and what he learned in the process.
  • What changed for David when he first got into a room full of people talking about and celebrating the money they’re making.
  • David’s advice for anyone at the 200K level who is considering joining the mastermind.
  • How David is planning to reach the next level so he can join the $2 Million Group.

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Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Alright, hey coaches, welcome to episode 221. Today I have a special guest, David Vox. David is in my 200K Mastermind and he has just started his first round, hasn’t even completed his first round yet but his results are so incredible. His energy is so contagious and his life is just bringing the party to 200K. So we absolutely had to have him on the podcast to share his wisdom and what’s working for him and the way he thinks so that we can all adopt his mindset and what is working for him and how useful his strategies are. So, David, welcome to the podcast.

David: Thank you so much for having me, what an honor.

Stacey: I feel the same way. So do you want to introduce and give a little bit of your background and maybe who you coach and just a little bit about you so people understand who you are and then I want to talk about your results. And we’re going to hook them really early, okay, so that they listen to the episode. So later on we have to have a discussion about Tina Turner and blow drying Tina Turner. And so we’ll just hook everyone with that conversation and they’ll know it’s coming up but first introduce yourself.

David: Yes. My name is David Vox from Norway. I’m the spiritual business coach, so I help other coaches, therapists and healers bridge the gap between their spirituality and success. And I work with clients like the AstroTwins, psychotherapist Terri Cole, to literally launch some of their great ideas into the world and help them make shit tons of money.

Stacey: So fun. And you’re making shit tons of money so that’s fun.

David: Now I am.

Stacey: Well, okay, so let’s talk about this. I’m always thinking of what order do we want to discuss this. So can I just tell them how much money you’ve made since you started the mastermind, is that okay? So you applied at 200K?

David: Yes.

Stacey: Okay. And you joined during an early enrollment so you had a little extra time with the member portal and you made 200K just with the member portal.

David: It’s correct and it was such a good offer because you have everything available for you. So I went through the whole platform three times, just looked at all the content. And I’m still now reviewing it because every time you go through it you learn something new at the level you’re at.

Stacey: When you say you went through the whole entire content because someone else recently said something about 200K, I’m not going to get her words correctly but it was basically a robust very valuable content portal. The way she said it was incredible. I just can’t remember it.

But when you’re saying you went through it three times, do you mean when they login they’ll immediately see the 200K process, the 200K philosophy, life coaching calls, things like that? But then there are also bonus courses, webinars, launching, creating big things. Was it the straight 200K process and philosophy or was it everything available?

David: It was only the 200K process, yeah, and now that I’m doing a webinar, I’m doing the webinar program and I’ve done lots of webinar, converting really, really well. Making hundreds of thousands of dollars in an hour. But your webinar program is extraordinary.

Stacey: I’m so glad. I’ve just never had someone tell me I don’t think that they have been through it three times before they even come to the live event. So I have so many questions. Can we just rewind and tell me about your business beforehand because a lot of people don’t understand, number one, that 200K is for people who are at 200K. And so I really want to get your insight on where your business was and what struggles you were having. And then what that 200K process solved and what it’s like now.

If we can kind of take them on a before and after, I think it would be so inspiring to just hear how you actioned, how you implemented on these things.

David: So it’s really interesting because I talked to Maggie three years ago and I said to her, “I am always at 200K.” I’d been so for five years then. And she’s like, “You need to join Stacey and 200K, stop the bullshit.” I wasn’t ready then but I followed her lead and I finally joined 200K. I wish I’d done it three years ago because I would be a millionaire by now. But I plateaued at around 200K and I didn’t know there was something called success intolerance. I listened to your podcast and I was like, “Why is this woman so rude to me? She’s calling me on all that shit.”

Stacey: A rude way that produces lots of income.

David: Yes, my hubby when he sees me looping out he’s like, “Go and listen to Stacey.” So that’s like a thing. But I plateaued at 200K and I couldn’t really figure out how to change it. So when I joined 200K and I started seeing, okay, there are definitely some thought errors going on. There is definitely an inactions type of paralysis that I just keep doing over and over again. And I sort of told myself that you shouldn’t be making more than 200K because you don’t need it. So I was only working a few hours a week. I was charging 3,500 per session.

So I filled it up to only work a few hours a week and then I was fine. So I sold my $3,500 for 12 session packages and I just felt like, why would we need to work more or make more money? And I didn’t understand that this was a lot of shame and yucky, weird thoughts in this about making more money, but also becoming a real CEO. Also creating a structure and a backend and also calling out some of the bullshit that you’re telling yourself that is literally not giving you any space to grow.

Stacey: So good. Were those the main thought errors that you had or were there any additional thought errors? I’m curious about two things, the thought errors that kept you from feeling ready because you were like, “I wish I had done it three years ago.” What made you not feel ready? And then was it just the money stuff that felt like thought errors that kept you from making more than 200K or were there more that you discovered as well? Because I find that a lot of people struggle with this.

David: Yes. I had a spiritual belief that to be an honorable good person you should be at this income bracket. And the minute you go above it, you know, I’ve gone so far from my biological lineage, growing up also in foster care. I think I had so many beliefs from the past that was like it feels a bit shaky to me to be a person that has that much wealth.

Stacey: Yeah. I do feel like, don’t you think in the 200K room, we spend a lot of time as a group becoming people who have lots of wealth? I think that’s part of being in the room is being around other people who are also normalizing having lots of wealth and are also working on those same insecurities and those same feelings about it.

David: Yeah. And we get to hear so many stories that will just blow your mind on how people have healed generational trauma and created so much wealth and it’s so inspiring. But I come from a culture in Norway where we don’t talk about money. You’re not supposed to be rich if you are not playing soccer or won the lottery. Also making more money felt like a lot of responsibility because then suddenly you have a team and you have to be consistent and committed.

And I had a big fear about losing control, someone getting unhappy with my services, that I’m scaling and someone is canceling you. So when I was in Cabo and you were actually speaking towards this subject, it just transforms so much for me. I’m like, okay, if she can do it this is a human problem and it has a human solution. And I need to stop using this as an excuse not to grow my business but also grow my life. I’m growing my life right now.

Stacey: Yeah. I have been thinking so much about that, about just, I do think the more visible you get the more you enter a space that not a lot of other humans are experiencing. I was thinking about, when you’re at work and you work a full-time job or you’re corporate or wherever. Even when I was working at restaurants there was always those politics, the favorite people and just people not liking me, people talking behind your back. There was that kind of stuff but it was in such a small level. It was contained to your department or your small company.

And I’ve been thinking about when you do grow, what I think happens is a lot of times you think well, it will never happen to me. Some people think, either they’re terrified that it will happen to them or they think it won’t happen to me because I’m just so ethical and I have such good values and I do everything from the best intention. And I’m coming from service and I’m so spiritual. It’s one or two things.

I’m terrified it’s going to happen to me or it would never happen to me and then it does to everyone for the simple rule that the more people that interact with you, the more opportunities there are for people to think differently than you. And for that to trigger them. We live in a kind of a world where if someone has a different opinion, people think, well, you should just go die. If you have a different opinion you are an extreme threat to my life and I must go after you with all ends.

And we see this not just in big businesses, we see it everywhere. And I’ve been spending so much time thinking about how do I help my clients develop an emotional system, a thought system, a support system, physical people to help them when that inevitably happens because it will. And I do think that it’s such a real fear. So that’s the only reason I’m kind of going on this tangent is I think it’s such a real fear. And I think that it’s not, in my brain it was kind of like, am I being weak because I’m affected by this?

And I think it’s just I’m being human. We’re just being human. Our psychology is meant to fit in and to survive. We have pack mentality. And so it is a really scary thing and I think one of the things I’m noticing is now a lot of my students at your level are starting to go through it. You get your first unhappy customer around 200, 300, 400K, maybe before but really unhappy customer. And it’s that first of it, and I’m just curious, has that happened to you?

And since you kind of worked through it at the live event and since it kind of opened up and allowed you to move forward or if it does happen to you, how have you prepared yourself moving forward?

David: Well, I actually experienced this very recently which was very interesting. I wanted to model for myself if I was in someone’s mastermind, how would I love someone to handle it? Because I experienced it negatively with another coach. And I wanted to try to do it in the best way possible but you will meet different challenges because every person has their own expectations even though there are clear agreements. And every person has their own motivation.

And at the end of the day I need to honor your truth because that is my job no matter what my ideas are and no matter how much I want to serve you and trade solutions. I need to honor that if you choose to be complete you are complete and I need to be very clear on my boundaries in that space. And it’s such a shaky space to be in, yes, but I also have support by [inaudible]. So I have my mindset coaches, I have my breakout room so I also have some support to get the feedback because what you don’t want to do is go into that situation being super reactive.

So I just prepared myself for hours, going through everything that the client said and it worked quite well.

Stacey: That’s so great. I will say, I want to just tell everyone, if you do handle it reactively that’s okay too. I sometimes think it’s hard for us to notice when we’re in a reactive state, we don’t catch it right away. And I for sure know I have handled things reactively in the past 100%, know regardless of whatever their reaction is. And I also was thinking when you said that, what’s really interesting is we never know, when you were like, “I’ve had someone handle that in the past in a way that wasn’t the way I would have done it.”

What’s so interesting is that I’ve handled it so many different ways and you just never know what a person would want it to be handled. And at the end I’ve been working with my team on let’s just find the answer that’s the most true for us, the response that feels the most true for us and then allow it to be in their hands and always come from that place of we want there to be a win for both of us and this is how we’re going to handle the best that we can.

And I have found that lately even the people who maybe still aren’t happy for whatever reason, maybe there isn’t a win in their mind, it’s gotten so far there’s not a win, there’s still respect there which is super powerful. And how do you feel after that, after making it through the first maybe unhappy customer? Does it feel like, okay, I did it, I can do it again?

David: I hope that it doesn’t happen again because it’s never a pleasant situation to be in but I will definitely clean out some of the…

Stacey: It definitely will, David.

David: It will. I just don’t think that it’s possible to grow without that being a C, a circumstance that could happen. And I am proud of myself for being able to ask for support, receive support and feedback and handle it in a way that I feel no matter what the other person thinks about it, I feel that I can stand in my truth and my trust and my transparency and that’s who I want to be at the end. And if I was reactive, I call my reactive self my $1 self-concept because it just wants to be right.

And to be in my $2 million self-concept I need to look for the solution. And I also need to respect also the boundaries not only for me but my company and my group.

Stacey: Yes. So good. So good. The other thing I was thinking about kind of switching gears is when you said there was a certain number where your brain was like to be spiritual you shouldn’t make more than this number. And I was just thinking, if we could get a group of spiritual practitioners together and say, “What’s that number for you.” It would be so different. Which would prove that there’s no circumstance, that it’s a thought because yours might be 200K and someone else’s might be 50K. Someone else’s might be a million, it’s just a million is too far.

So it’s so interesting for whatever reason, whether it’s spiritual or not to consider what’s the amount of money that feels not okay to make.

David: And it’s so interesting how that shifted for me after joining 200K because you meet a ton of people like, “I made a million last year. “I made two million.” “I made just 800,000.” And you’re like, “Are we talking about this? Is this happening?” Can you tell me more? This is so interesting, how amazing.

Stacey: One of my favorite things about the live event is you sat in the front every single day. There were so many favorite things. But first of all, I was thinking about this when I was getting ready for this call. Number one, I don’t think people realize that they contribute as much as they do to an experience when they are in the audience. They’re thinking about the audience member and then there’s just the speaker. But once you start speaking in front of audiences, whether it’s a Zoom call or a stage you realize the energy is created also by the audience and their participation.

So when you look out into a crowd or into a Zoom and you see someone, I will see people’s faces sometimes and I always assume they’re just in their thoughts about something, they’re thinking through a problem in their head. But when their face looks, I just say when it looks crazy but when it looks like they’re angry or when they’re just blank face, it is different than when you have someone sitting in the front row like you. And you were just nodding the whole time taking rapid notes, screenshotting things. I could see you talking to someone next to you, “That was really good.”

And then every joke you would die laughing and I just felt the whole time I was just anchored to David Vox. I was like here we go, best audience member ever, so alive.

David: Oh my God.

Stacey: But one of the other things that I thought about is when we did the award show, you were like, your face you were so incredibly happy for every single person. It was just like you were their personal cheerleader experiencing the joy with them in such a profound way. I literally saw it on your face. It’s an interesting thing to have such an open heart because so many other people get triggered by that’s not me or that’s never going to be me. And you could just tell, you were all in for them, just all in. What’s coming up for you?

David: Already crying, I just hear Melissa saying, “The plot twist nobody saw coming.” To get to know your colleagues and get to also understand some of the challenges that they’ve been through and then they go up on that stage and they just own their success and they own their power. It’s just so humbling. You get to see the depth of human experience but you also get to see how fucking epic it is and fun it is when people break through the glass roof over and over again and they can just shine and serve and sell without any shame.

Stacey: Yeah, so good. Yeah, it’s so fun. It’s really fun to watch people really take that in. I am also that way. I just remember the first time my colleague, Jody Moore spoke on stage at The Life Coach School and she was teaching about sales. And I remember whispering to the person next to me and saying, “That’s going to be me one day.” And not from a competitive state at all. I just thought she just showed me the path of something I want and it feels so exciting.

So I just wanted to acknowledge you, just your participation all in, in that room and then Lindsay Dotzlaf came up to me at the event and we’re really good friends. And she’s always telling me the people that I should look out for. And she was like, “Stacey. David Vox is amazing. You must get to know him.” It was so sweet. And it was really amazing to see how many people were affected by your presence and your support and your participation. That to me is my favorite part of a mastermind.

David: Wow, that’s a lot of positive feedback.

Stacey: And in your results. And your results are just such an example of what’s possible.

David: But to be also in Cabo at 200K, it’s a little bit like going to coaching heaven because everyone is succeeding and everyone is supporting each other and everyone has all of these amazing mindsets and ideas and nobody’s trying to sell you anything. They’re just actually interested in serving you and that was so different from other masterminds that I’ve been in. It was just like we’re all just jumping around, people are laughing, supporting, crying, being open, being vulnerable. I broke through so many limiting ideas and thought errors that I had in just a few days. Unbelievable.

Stacey: That’s so fun. Okay, so two places, so I want to ask you about your business now and what feels different than six months ago. So maybe let’s start there and then I have another question after that.

David: So right now my business has a mastermind and I’m opening up to some more one-on-one coaching because I also want to fulfill on my budget and my promise to myself this year. And it’s changing drastically because before I didn’t do any social media at all. And I built a $400,000 business just through relationship marketing. I come from a small village in Norway. I grew up next to a mental hospital and a cow. So I didn’t really have a big success network.

Stacey: A mental hospital and a cow.

David: Yeah, it was not really the network that gets lots of clients in New York and LA. So when people come to me and they say, “I don’t have any possibility to create any network”, I’m like, “That’s bullshit.” If you can see them you can sell them. It’s possible and you can build a network anywhere.

Stacey: That’s so good. So, okay, one of your thoughts was, you shouldn’t make more than 200K and that it would be a lot more responsibility. And so I’m curious just with everything that was keeping you from 200K, you’ve doubled your business. How is that transitioning going for you, just the being at a double the size when your original thought was I can’t make more than this or I shouldn’t make more than this and making more than this will be a big responsibility?

Does it feel like a big responsibility and if it does do you feel equipped with that responsibility or does it feel like something you’re working on and you’re capable of working on? I’m really curious to just kind of dive into that because so many people also are afraid to make a $1 million because their thought is it’s going to be such a big responsibility.

David: It’s so funny that you’re asking this because I was trying to explain this to a client yesterday. I’m not sure when you grew up, did you have lots of trees around and then your friends would try to trick you to climb a super tall tree?

Stacey: Well, I am terrified of heights. I actually went skydiving to break this fear and I remember it’s the craziest story. I didn’t intend to go at all ever, it was my first transformation moment where I just saw all my friends skydiving and having the biggest transformation. And I was so trapped in my fear and I just decided to do it and get on the plane before I could change my mind. But I remember calling my mom afterwards and I said, “Mom, I just jumped out of a plane.” And she goes, “Oh my God, did it crash land?”

Because she was like, “That’s the only way my daughter would jump out of a plane is if it was crashing. This is what I know about her.” So no, no one would ever be able to even try to talk to me. We do have lots of trees in Indiana Kentucky which is where I’m from, that area. But no one would ever talk me into climbing it.

David: It’s so funny because if they were pushing you to climb a tree and you were looking at all the branches and you couldn’t really figure out in your mind how to get to the top or how to get to the fruit you would probably come up with a very good excuse. I would be like, “Dinner time.” And then run the fuck home and just hide. And every time I ask a client this question they all have different strategies. They’re like, “No, I would try to climb it even if I couldn’t reach the branches.”

And I feel that has been the biggest mind shift here in my business is that I thought it was this humongous tree that I would have to climb and I had to be like Tarzan, jumping from one branch to another, not knowing how to get there. But then you come into a room where it’s just a simple structure. And a number doesn’t have that much power, it is how you’re perceiving it and how you’re dealing with the challenges that are coming, as you’re saying, we’re trading problems for better problems.

And I’m trying to trade them for profitable problems and not just sitting at home in inaction, meditating, and hoping that I can manifest my clients. I’m just showing up more and I’m being open and clear and I’m saying, “I can help you with this. This is easy.”

Stacey: That’s so good. I love that so much. Okay, so another question that I have is two really, it’s a two part. And we’ve already kind of touched on this but if someone were at the 200K level and they were thinking about joining this room, what could you tell them to expect? Or if you could just have a conversation with them about it, what would you say to them?

David: I already had it with a few of my friends that are, one of them is at two and a half million. And I said it’s the perfect room because there is so much of the foundation that you want. So when you’re at 2K you have a small tree and you teach them to go over and just pick the fruits, you don’t even have to climb. That is a very simple process.

Stacey: This is so good. You don’t even have to climb.

David: Go towards that fruit, just pick the fruit, just very easy. Don’t think about it. And in 2K you will see people creating more advanced structures around their business so that they have access to more fruit. It’s all good. But I feel a lot of us as entrepreneurs, even if we’re jumping into the million or two million, there can be parts of the foundation should be there. And then also if you look at just the value, the one-on-one mindset coaches, every single week, are you kidding me, I didn’t even know. I was like, “How much is in this success buffet?” I am full after one day, we have more.

So you have the mindset coaches. You have the breakout rooms with extraordinary people that are at your level, what I see in many masterminds is that you might want to play with the people that are at your level. And our coach make two million in that breakout room. So there are different levels and they all have gold for you. Everyone is sitting with diamonds and little gold bars and they’re all free to trade it for something that could help you succeed.

Stacey: So good. Okay, so you did 2K before coming into 200K. I don’t know that I knew that.

David: Yeah, I’m in 2K as well.

Stacey: Okay. Alright, that’s so fun. Okay, so my next question was, for someone who’s in the 2K room, maybe they’re at 25K, I try to impart to them how important it is if you have that risk tolerance and that willingness and desire and that work ethic to come into 200K at the 25K in 12 month range what the benefit is versus staying in 2K. And I’m curious, I know you weren’t at the that stage but if you were thinking about some of the people you’ve interacted with that are around that range. But if you were thinking about them and their experience having just been in that community what do you think you would say to them?

David: I think it’s really important to have one-on-one support and also know what is the best practice to take my business further because at 25K you have already built a business and there’s lots of clients giving you money. So you want to start building the container for how that can grow. But without the building the skills on, hi, saying to people, I’m a love coach, I can help you. It’s so interesting that we will meet people even at 200K level that are scared of doing that.

So I just really would love for everyone who is thinking, this is a very advanced tree, just follow the system of 2K first and get that foundation going. Because otherwise I think it can be challenging in 200K but you will definitely have the support to take it to the next level.

Stacey: So good. So it’s almost like the way I heard you say that is for me the way I’m interpreting that, is skiing felt really scary to me and I almost didn’t go. The first time I ever skied, my husband wanted to go and I told him, “There’s no possibility that I’m going.” And I was working with what I considered real fears, I actually lost a friend through a snowboarding accident. And so I was like, “This is dangerous. I’m not doing this. I will book you a session but you have to go to a private instructor.”

And he’s like, “Okay, Stacey, do you just want to come on the mountain and watch me?” And I’m like, “Okay, I’ll come on the mountain and I’ll watch you.” And remember, I’m scared of heights too. So it’s a lot to get me up onto the mountain. I literally will just cry the whole way up on the gondola, it’s very embarrassing. I have to really just make peace with I’m just going to cry the whole way up there. Before we left they were like, “Well, why don’t you just try on the skis in case you want to go, you’ll have them. Let’s just rent them in case you get inspired.

It’s going to be a much smaller hill that you’re going to start on than you think. What if we just fitted you for the stuff and you just take the stuff up with you?” And I’m like, “Okay fine, just fit me but I’m not skiing, I’m not doing it.” And then we get up there and I’ve got my skis and then they’re like, “Okay, so if you were going to go, you’re going to go up the magic carpet. And then there’s just like we’re just going to learn to stop. You’re not even going to go down a hill. And then you’re going to do this.” And so he’s talking me through it, “Just if you wanted to try it.”

And I’m like, “Okay, I’ll go up the magic carpet and I’ll try some of the things but I’m not doing that over there.” And so we do that and he’s like, “Okay, now you’re just going to learn to do this.” And it’s these tiny things. So he keeps getting me by and, “Okay, fine, I’m going to do this.” And then all of those little things start adding up and he’s like, “But if you wanted to, you could take the next lift and we could try this. I’ll be right next to you the whole time and I can grab you.” And I’m like, “Fine, okay, I’ll try it.”

And by the end of the day I was skiing. I think that it is, I could have not done it at all. I don’t think I could have done it without having that instruction. I think it would have been too big of a tree for me if I had just gone, taken the skis and me and Neil had gone by ourselves. I for sure would have just watched him ski. But having that person that could say, “Okay, but this is just the next thing you’re going to do. And then once you do that you’re just going to do this next thing right here.” And giving you that buy in every time.

I don’t know if that’s what I heard but that’s kind of what I took from it is I do think that you’ve got to be willing to get on the gondola, you’ve got to do that. But if you do have that structure and that support, you really could take one little step at a time up a big tree.

David: Yeah. And that’s also the beauty of 200K because you’re not doing a million things at once. You are focusing and you are getting clear structure around it. So it’s not like you’re going to sit there in action or confusion.

Stacey: And also I think the other thing that I heard you say is if you’re not at that place where you’re not meeting people, telling them you’re a life coach, offering to help them, if you haven’t gotten those things out of your world. Stay in 2K, practice that because that is the foundation of everyone in that room, most of them, not everyone but most of them are at that point, they’re getting that out of their mouth and they’re wanting to add things to that, they’re wanting to add tools to their toolbox beyond that.

David: Yeah. And I many times I felt like what if I built the social media or the email list instead of just going one by one and building my network. But today I’m really happy that I had a foundation. I just wish I took the step into 200K before so that I could go to the next level and not just stay at the same level for many years.

Stacey: Yeah. How are you feeling about that? Have you considered The Two Million Dollar Group room and the Million Dollar [crosstalk]?

David: No. I have already asked them to keep the seat warm because I’m coming for honoring money and everyone else. I need to be in that room. I want to play at my highest potential. And now that I’m not scared of making money and I know I can serve and I know I can stay in integrity. I think this is going to be the perfect room for me, I just need to get there. So that’s what I’m working on now.

Stacey: That’s so fun. So your before and after is essentially money, these are my words thinking about what you said to me but money isn’t safe or it’s not spiritual for me to make it to, I belong in that room. And I’m ready to make a lot of money. That’s a big deal.

David: It is a big deal. And the irony is that getting stuck in the gap between spirituality and success is what happens to so many of my clients. But I was probably deepest down the hole but I was still sort of managing and having [crosstalk].

Stacey: But you were so far ahead I’m sure of many of them. I mean $200,000 is also not – gosh, I remember when I made $100,000. I literally thought I was rich. I didn’t know anyone making that kind of money. No one in my family was making that kind of money. That’s so crazy.

David: Yeah, 200,000, it just became also normal. And it’s strange also when it comes to expenses to have a way of catching up with whatever you’re making.

Stacey: I feel that. I feel that right now. That is literally the thing we are working on for the first quarter of our year is leveling out our profit margins. And I do think that’s important to talk about and think about too. That is one thing that we really speak about in Two Million Dollar Group is not scaling an unprofitable business because however you get there is how you will be there. And I’m constantly talking to my team about that too when we talk about budgeting and how we’re operating.

I really believe that you’ve got to use your brain to solve as many problems and create systems and processes and use technology to create and solve as many of your problems as you can versus manpower and buying solutions. Because then it can get really heavy in the overhead if every time you have a problem your temptation is to spend money to solve it versus having the mindset to solve some of that stuff and processes and systems and the way that you think. It just gives you so much money back in your business.

David: Absolutely. And another thing that I see has been the biggest gamechanger from joining 200K is that we’re not allowed to change our offer.

Stacey: Listen. I don’t police it but that is the idea.

David: And there is a really good reason behind the idea because I think I’d change my offer every Sunday. It’s like now we’re a healer or now we’re a marketer, now we’re a business coach, now we’re this, now we’re that. And when I started really staying with our offer and becoming loyal with our offer I love the analogy you had in Cabo when you were talking about the fishing boat and going out to get the fishes. And I just riffed on that one, Stacey, because I was thinking, every time you change your offer you’re changing the God damn boat.

And then you have to figure out how to maneuver it and then you’re also changing the harbor where it belongs but they’re speaking a new language so I have to learn the language to market it and to sell it.

Stacey: Yes, that’s so good. That’s so good.

David: And so many of us, we have been to coach harbor so we speak this language of like sounds like French, you’re going to have your amazing potential and it’s going to be so incredible and you’re going to be a bit of that, and you’re going to be a bit of this. And the normal market doesn’t get it because they don’t speak coach harbor, they don’t get the language. So we have to actually learn the language for our offer in the harbor and we have to stay loyal to that boat because we already have fish, we’re coaches. We have our experience and our association.

The boat has fish, we just need to get to the harbor and give the fish to the people.

Stacey: I’m so glad that that landed for you. My husband was like, “What are you doing?” For everyone listening, I did a Deadliest Catch analogy for marketing based off of just watching one video from The Deadliest Catch that my husband showed me. I have never actually watched the show but in that one video I was like, “This is marketing. I can explain it this way.” And I also do think 200K, this is the one thing I will acknowledge about the room, one of the many things is I think my secret source to teaching marketing is I speak in such a layman way.

And when I can teach other people to speak as a layman then their copy starts landing with more people. If I can get them out of coach speak and out of industry or even out of the way just they would explain something because they understand the sub context behind it. Versus but if no one had any context behind it, what would you say to them? The other thing I was doing recently on offer week that you kind of reminded me of is we were coaching for a whole week for free on their offers.

And they were coming and they would be like, “I don’t know how to say what I do. Here’s what I do.” And basically presenting what they do is the problem of how they explain it to me. And so they think they’re explaining their problem for me to coach them on like, “Okay, here’s my offer, here’s what it is.” And the way I’m explaining it is the problem I want you to help me solve.” And what I would do is just say, they were speaking to me layman because I’m their coach. And so I said, “Well, why wouldn’t you just tell them that?” And they’d be like, “Oh.”

And then I’m like, “What if that was good enough?” I think we think we have to fancy things up for people to be interested and it’s really the opposite. We have to not dumb it down but we have to approach it, make it approachable in that way.

David: Yeah, and I feel at least a lot of us who have been in the industry for some years, we start having [inaudible] medicine [inaudible]. We have been coaching a lot of different people and then we try to sort of make a soup with all of those different spices and ideas and experiences. And it just becomes really mess and really hard to communicate. So I needed to find my burger and I want my clients to find the burger, what is the result, what is the burger?

Because people want to go into the store and say, “I want that result and I need to know that I will get it.” And not have a salad or a soup that might give you something like a maybe burger or a soup that is very unclear. It sounds really beautiful but I don’t speak French. I haven’t been to coach harbor.

Stacey: Oh my God, I have the best story for this. It’s so ridiculous. It’s also another example of when you have mom brain or when you’re just so tired you’ve stopped thinking and also when you’re unclear. So my husband yesterday was out and I said, “Are you bringing lunch home?” And he was like, “What do you want?” I said, “Do you want to just hit Chick-Fil-A?” He’s like, “Great, text me you order.” I get almost the same salad every time. It’s this cobb type salad with eggs and tomatoes and all these things and grilled chicken.

And so I had told him on the phone, “Get me this cobb salad.” And then I don’t know what I was thinking, I literally don’t, I think that I forgot that I ordered a salad and thought I ordered a sandwich, I really don’t know. But I text him and I said, “Also get me a side of kale salad with apples.” First of all there was no kale salad with apples. The kale salad does not have apples on it. But because I’d already ordered a salad my husband was extraordinarily confused.

So he comes home with this fruit salad that has apples and strawberries and mixed berries and cold chicken and all these things that I couldn’t eat. I just look at it, I’m like, “I can’t eat that.” And then I opened the bag and this wrong salad that I didn’t order with a side of an additional salad. I was like, “What’s happening right now?” So I just think about when people are writing copy, they think they’re being so clear and I was mad at him for a hot minute. It was so clear, I said cobb salad.

I said, “Kale salad with apples.” And he’s like, “But there’s no kale salad with apples.” And so I feel that’s how we fall in love with our copy and we think it’s so brilliant. But it’s literally the wrong salad order with a side of salad that nobody ordered. And we’re like, “I don’t understand why I got this in front of me, it doesn’t make any sense.” And so just that clarity of depicting to someone, this is exactly what you want and why, it’s so important.

David: And it makes it so much easier because if your offer and your copy is unclear it’s like that boat is sinking all the time and you’re leveraging your personal energy trying to get water out of the boat so that you can get to the harbor. And if that offer just has a structure to it and you don’t change it, you don’t have to revisit that, as you say in the program. You can just focus on doing your job and I think that’s so much better.

Stacey: Yeah, so good. Okay, I have two final questions, one of them is going to be an open ended one but this one I think could be really important from your experience because I’ve been thinking about this a lot with people at the multiple six figure level and the million dollar level especially. One thing that I think is a misconception that happens not as a whole but in the individual’s mind is that because the 200K and the Two Million Dollar Group process are structured and laymen, everything’s very just I give you the strategy, I give you the mindset.

Everyone’s going to go out especially at that multiple six figure level and make it their own. In the beginning you’re going to be a lot like mine, for people who aren’t making as much money but as you make a lot more money it’s going to be going through your own filter. But I do think that one thing that people think when there are spiritual coaches is that it doesn’t translate or I couldn’t possibly understand them because I’m not a spiritual coach. I just did a launch on it for one of my spiritual clients and she was a little bit shocked.

She was like, “You are writing my copy better than me. I’ll just go with your copy.” And I was like, “Yeah, I could sell spiritual coaching because I do understand it even though I’m not a spiritual coach, I understand how to sell it.” So I’m just curious, when you think of someone who is in that spiritual coaching realm, what are maybe a couple unexpected things that they might find or that might be thought errors they’re having about this room? Because we would love to help more of them.

David: Yes. And I think in the spiritual realm they get stuck in that gap between success and spirituality and there are a lot of thought errors. And a beautiful thing with the room is that you get a structure like a safe container to turn things into completion, your offer is complete and how you’re showing up in the world is actually complete. You’re not standing there being paralyzed.

And I think that’s the biggest challenge for all of them. And that’s also so painful when you have a big heart and you have a big spirit and you want to be out there serving but you’re getting stuck in your mind. And you’re trying to climb this tree that doesn’t actually lead anywhere.

Stacey: Why do you think they get stuck in their mind?

David: I think when we do a lot of spiritual work we are expanding our consciousness quite a bit. And what we sometimes don’t pay attention to is that our ego is expanding as well. So we also need to train our mind as much as we train our spirit. So are you meditating for 30 minutes? Great. Are you also focusing on training your mind for 30 minutes so that your mindset is cleaned up? And I think a lot of us have just missed the memo.

Stacey: That’s so brilliant. I will literally not have put words to that in a million years. That’s so great, so helpful, yes, I love that. The other thing that I think just in my experience and I’ll say it, I’m curious what your opinion is. I also think when you’re in that spiritual realm at least some of my friends and some of my colleagues and people I know in that realm, there is an important piece of coming back down to earth and implementing where I operate in multiplanes versus but how do I make money on this plane, in this paradigm?

And I do think that it may not be the end all be all in spiritual coaching obviously but I do think that my rooms give opportunity for people in that realm to anchor down to a physical plane.

David: Yes, because what I see for a lot of us, are doing retreats and ayahuasca and doing a lot of inner work is that we become so visionary. We’re so high up in our thoughts and ideas and then we’re unable to ground and as you’re saying into the earth. What’s the first step? You can’t be all the way there so we have to sort of reach those two together so you’re actually able to take action.

Without doing that we get completely paralyzed because you’re staying in this visionary thing where you want to heal the whole world but you’re not able to logon to Zoom or get out of the house and actually share that service with anyone.

Stacey: Yes, 100%. I love that. I wholeheartedly agree although I have to say, my colleagues and I were just joking recently that I don’t know if that’s just for visionaries or just for the spiritual people with that problem. Because we were talking about something that someone had implemented in my mastermind and someone else had asked, “Did it work?” And she was like, “Oh, I should probably get the stats on that. I should probably check and see if it worked.” And she’s like, “It’s almost like we’re visionaries and we have a problem with follow through.”

And I really felt that. When you are focused on creating where you’re going you tend to be less focused on how you’re getting there and those specific pieces. And I think when you go into the multiple six figure, seven figure range, around where you are it’s a really good idea at some point to get someone on your team, your right hand person who’s going to act as your operations person or your integrator, either integrator or someone who’s in operations. So you get to think of the vision and they get to think of the operations.

So I don’t know if that’s just for spiritual people because I struggle with that too so do some of my colleagues.

David: But it’s so important because if you’re only chasing for the fruits and never attend to the roots it can easily also fall over. So you need tend to both as the CEO and making sure that okay, I have the backup and the support and the team that I need to be able to grow. And that’s been the biggest thing in 200K and I’m still cleaning up my backend. I’m still getting really clear on how to grow this but I’m doing it in a much more structured manner.

Stacey: Yeah, so good. Okay, we have to talk about Tina Turner. So I heard about Tina Turner through Lindsay. She told me I had to go to your Instagram right away and see for myself, you blow drying Tina Turner. And then I watched and then I had to show my husband because I thought it was just the greatest thing on the internet and I’m like, “Why has this not gone viral yet?” So tell everybody who Tina Turner is and why you were blow drying her.

David: So, Tina Turner, she is a chicken and she looks like Tina Turner, she walks like Tina Turner and she shakes her head like Tina Turner. And she always gets caught in the storm because she can barely see because of all of her feathers. So she got caught in a storm and chickens are not supposed to get wet so I just took a blow dryer and I was just not thinking about it, just blow drying the chicken on the kitchen table and then my hubby comes and films me and of course I had to upload it because it was a bit hilarious but it’s just a normal day at the farm.

Stacey: But she looked like she loved it. She was like, yes, yes, yes, dad, get that hair, get it, yes.

David: She’s just amazing. It’s just the best thing to combine a farm and be able to work from home and having lots of beautiful animals around, it’s just for me the perfect match.

Stacey: First of all, how do people follow you on Instagram because they should definitely go look you up you are a spiritual coach living on a farm, where do you live, is it in Spain?

David: So yeah, we lived in Spain before but then my hubby got a job for Tesla so now we moved to Amsterdam, yes.

Stacey: So fun.

David: So it’s a bit of a change but it’s also really, really beautiful because now we’re two people getting to live our life together and both be successful so it’s amazing.

Stacey: Oh my God, that’s so fun. Okay, so how do they follow you on Instagram?

David: Just by name @davidvox. And Tina and many other animals will make their presence but I will be sharing much more content going forward. That’s a part of my 200K formula now. I’m going to share more content.

Stacey: Yeah, you’ve got to be because you have really, really, really great content and you have a really fabulous story. I read the post about your mom and just hit me in my soul, your ability to forgive, to see past other people’s stars and paths and mistakes and to just be open. I won’t share any more than that. Other people can go look unless you have something to add, but I just really was very moved by that post. And I thought I want to see more of this. I want to hear more of David’s story. And I want to get more glimpses into his life.

David: Thank you so much. I’m building the self-concept that my content has value and that what I’m sharing has value, so thank you for saying that. I shared after many, many years the first picture that I ever shared of my biological mom was on Instagram where I shared what I felt was my biggest shame growing up because she was in prison for murder. She was mentally unstable. I changed homes three times. And when she came into prison I also felt a part of me went to prison because we are so connected and we feel that it’s my mom.

What she did in this world also impacts me because now my mom is a murderer. And it took me such a long time on my healing journey to not only forgive her but also see that I didn’t come into this world even as her child to tell her what she is supposed to learn in this lifetime.

Stacey: That was the line, that was it that got me.

David: And also I think it’s so easy for us sometimes because who we are now, I just listened to this podcast from [inaudible] with Maggie, who we are now when we have better mindsets and we’ve got amazing coaches and we join 200K. And we have grown our potential, who we were maybe five years ago, 10 years ago might not have been with the same integrity or the same mindset or the same cycles. And I don’t really have a right to judge anyone’s process.

And if I choose to have compassion for myself, when I choose to have compassion for those around me it becomes a little bit easier to navigate this world.

Stacey: It’s so good. You have no idea. I have family stuff myself and reading that really put things in perspective for me and has helped me on my adult healing journey. I went through the coaching experience really healing a lot of stuff from my childhood with my parents and then I had my son. And one of my parents, really it’s been hard since I had my son and I had a lot of expectations for how they should behave.

And they are not meeting them and that line that you said I don’t know the exact way you said it but that it’s not my place to take them on their journey or to show them what their journey. It’s not my job to say this is what you should learn in this lifetime or this is your lesson. It’s my job to be focused on what my lesson is. And that was super powerful for me. So I want to just offer that we all, including myself want to see you post more and share more.

David: Thank you. Oh my God.

Stacey: Yeah, your voice is very unique. Your story is very unique. And people need to learn and heal from it.

David: Thank you. Wow, that is a dream that this is happening today with building also the self-concept to share more of myself. And Maggie told me in Cabo, “No more hiding, David.” Almost screaming to me, “No more hiding.” So I will unhide every part of myself and share more from Tina Turner and the rest of my family.

Stacey: I love it so much. Okay, I lied, I have one more question if you have time.

David: Yes, of course.

Stacey: Okay. My last question I always ask people who are on the podcast. When you get invited to the podcast, I don’t know, I do this when I get invited to podcasts when you think about what you might say to someone’s audience or what you might say on that episode. Is there anything that we haven’t talked about that you thought I should say this or this would be really valuable or I want to tell this story? Is there anything at all that we didn’t cover that you might have thought would be valuable or useful to coaches listening?

David: So a lot of my clients have also been within general life coaching because maybe there had been a billion dollar lawsuit against Johnson and Johnson. Or they’re dealing with something where they need someone who can understand the business side of things but mostly it’s focused on their personal life. And since I don’t like to show up on social media before, I will do it now. I’ve found this very simple thing that I do at the end of each coaching journey where I call it the celebration circle. And I call in 20 of their friends into celebration circle where everyone…

Stacey: What?

David: Yeah, where everyone gets to share not only what they see has been a transformation over those three to six months but also how grateful they are. And literally show every single side of that diamond that that person represents of what is right here in the room. And what I’ve seen when I do that is there is 20 new people potentially as a client and 20 new people that are also in connection with you and are able to connect you to another client that would look for the same transformational journey.

So it’s just a tiny tip, if you want more referrals it’s easy, call in a big circle, it’s also so transformational for that client to really own their transformation and to own the people that are already in their life loving them, appreciating them. And it’s an easy way for you to connect with 10/20 more people in their network.

Stacey: That is so fun. I love that so much. We have actually played around a lot thinking about 200K in the years to come, how we want to change the award show or what we might want to do. And a couple of people at the Cabo event brought family members to come watch them get their award. And I got to meet [inaudible] sister’s, Jasmine, so shout out to her. And there was someone else who had a family member there too that came and watched the ceremony. And when I got my award at LCS for making $10 million my husband was also in the back.

We just talked about what if we did an award show at some point where people could invite someone or their family or whatever. And so we’ve been kind of in talks of that so I think that’s really interesting to think about especially if you’re a general life coach, that’s brilliant. So good. Thanks for sharing that with everyone.

David: I’m so happy my content has value.

Stacey: Course, what are you talking about, you’ve made $400,000. $200,000, my mind still gets blown that you made $200,000 with just member portal access and just with the content in there. And even more blown that it was just with the 200K process and philosophy and not diving into all of the things. I think that’s literally not new standard to set but new example for what is possible for anyone who doesn’t believe a big jump like that can happen. You had all the things in place, you just needed a few things here and there and that’s so fun.

David: And it’s not over yet.

Stacey: No. I know, I can’t wait to see what you’re income is and where you are in your brain and in the backend of your business, what all of those pieces, how they come together after the live event, after the six months together. And all the one-on-one coaching and all the group coaching and just all of the different aspects of the mastermind. I think we really have nailed all the different pieces. Even the group focus times have really, people asked us for that for so many years and then we finally had the space and ability to implement it.

And now it’s become one of the most valuable things that the group does together is just spend time working together and talking together.

David: So good.

Stacey: I love it.

David: I’m so excited to get into the Two Million Dollar Group as well.

Stacey: It’s going to be so fun. I’m actually recording the content next week for the Two Million Dollar Group process. You’re the only thing on my schedule this week and I’m spending the entire week just creating content.

David: It’s because you’re creating it for me.

Stacey: Exactly. Okay, how can they follow you or reach out to you or learn about you other than Instagram because that’s not your main place, so do you have other places they can find you?

David: Yeah. So my website Instagram also on David Vox and David Vox on Facebook. Going forward I will be sharing a lot of content because this has already been so transformational for me, thank you, Stacey, thank you so much.

Stacey: Yes, you’re so welcome. Thanks for coming on and sharing your experience and your story with our listeners.

David: Thank you so much for having me.

Stacey: Yes, you’re welcome. Alright, I will see you soon on our calls.

David: Yes. See you later.

Stacey: Bye.

David: Bye.

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