Make Money as a Life Coach® | Signing Clients in a Pandemic Interview with 2k for 2k Students(Selling in a Crisis Part 12)Coaches, I have a really exciting bonus episode for you today. I’m doing something I’ve never done before, and I know this is going to be so valuable to all of you. I interviewed four of my 2K for 2K students who have signed clients during this pandemic to show you that it is totally possible – one of them has even made her highest net sales yet during this time.

I’ve been on here every day over the course of this bonus series, telling you that coaching has never been more valuable than right now and that it is possible that people want to buy from you. These 2K students have come up with creative ways to network virtually and continue selling coaching, and I know you’ll find their insights super inspirational and motivating.

Join us this week as four of my students bring you their wisdom around selling in a crisis. Their thoughts have been mind-blowing to me, and so I know that if you try them on for yourself, you’ll start seeing your own business thrive in this pandemic. They’re not doing anything intricate, fancy, or complicated, so you have no excuse not to go out there and practice some of their tips for yourself.

If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • How my students made the switch from in-person networking to virtual networking.
  • The key to coming up with creative ideas to sell coaching.
  • Some of the self-coaching my students have been doing around clients wanting to do payment plans or pay per session.
  • How detaching yourself from objections can help you sign clients.
  • Why people who sign up for consults have the intention to buy.
  • How it’s possible to have your highest net sales during this time.
  • Thoughts about selling from my 2K students that you can practice during the pandemic.
  • How to offer free coaching without pressuring people to buy.

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Full Episode Transcript:

Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast, where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Stacey: Hey coaches. I have a really exciting bonus episode for you here today. We’re doing something that we’ve never done on the podcast ever before. Are you ready? I have brought some of my 2K students, some of my 2K coaches onto the podcast today to talk to you about how to sign clients during this time.

So you may have heard me say before that we have a text chain now that’s going on that’s like, 200 comments long. Every time someone signs a client, they post in the thread that they signed the client, how many clients they signed, and then I ask them what their thoughts are that contributed to them signing a client during this time where a lot of people have the thought that it’s not possible to make money.

I’m seeing so many coaches come to me and they’re like, “I lost my full-time job,” and I’m like, “What? Now is the time. Don’t go back.” And I don’t want you guys, again, using now is the time against yourselves, but in a way, that’s really motivating as I just want you to see how possible it really is and I want you to hear – because what was profound to me reading the text thread in 2K, and these coaches will be able to say it in their own words, but they weren’t doing insanely fancy things.

Their thought process wasn’t intricate and complicated. It was really simple. And so the thing that I want you to take after you hear these coaches and their experiences, I want you to be listening for how possible it is for you, how simple it can be to do it, and I want you to find yourself in each one of these coaches that you’re going to hear from because we tend to think that oh, other coaches can do it but I’m different.

And I just think every person on here represents every coach in the world. We’re all the same and everybody starts out the same, everybody grows the same. And I’m just so excited for you guys to hear their take. So the first time ever y’all are going to hear from some 2Kers.

Alright, so Jewel, I’m going to have you go first. So you posted in the Facebook group that you signed two clients and you had more consults booked, and you said the way that you did it was by just simply continuing to make offers, promote your free call, and doing creative things by coaching someone live on a topic on social media, and you said you’re feeling really motivated, you’re full of love and deep commitment, plus this work is fun.

So tell us a little bit about that. Did you have any drama at all when the pandemic happened? Did you have any thoughts? Or were you just the whole time like, “I’m going to keep signing clients?”

Jewel: When it first hit Michigan, I definitely had some existential thoughts of my own. I was like, wow this is here, this is crazy. But really, I got myself coached on that right from the get go and I think that really helped. Besides that, the only mind drama I had was no longer being able to go to networking events. So I did have some mind drama about that, but the way I saw it was I could still network with people online.

So again, I didn’t do anything fancy. I don’t do Facebook ads or I don’t know how to do any of that. But I did do virtual coffee dates. I coached a couple people live on Instagram and Facebook. So I did stuff like that.

Stacey: I love that so much. People are going to want to know how you made the switch from in-person networking to figuring out how to network online. How did you come up with these ideas? How did you switch so quickly and just get implemented? Tell us a little bit about that.

Jewel: Yeah, well, when I wasn’t in my anxiety about it, your mind is a lot more open. So stepping out of that, you have such a block on just operating in that anxiety kind of state. So I think the one thing that’s been consistent is since I started the 2K program, I’ve been all in. All in, just listening to the videos, and I think that’s been so helpful for me.

With COVID or no COVID outbreak, just because it’s changing the way I’m thinking. Listening to the 2K videos, listening to the podcast, I’m going through The Life Coach School right now for training…

Stacey: Oh, awesome.

Jewel: Yeah, so I do my thought work every day, but it was months ago, I started building this deep sense of commitment for what I’m doing. Because I wrote a post about this today, like, I still have doubts. In the beginning, my doubt was my age. I was like, I’m too young, but…

Stacey: How old are you? Will you tell us? Because you seem really young and I think it’s amazing.

Jewel: I’m 24 today. Today is my birthday. I’m so excited. So my thing was my age. I was going to networking events in the beginning, I had all these thoughts about it. And now, it’s doing it, that work. Doing it with the thought work and just keeping showing up and creating that commitment. Because it didn’t seem like that big of a deal to switch to online once I got…

Stacey: Because you were so committed.

Jewel: Yeah.

Stacey: Yeah, that’s so interesting. I love that so much. So you just started firing up different ideas. How did you come up with – because people are always asking me to come up with all the ideas for how to market, and I’m like, I don’t know. I tried everything. I did a call on International Women’s Day where I had people write a manifesto live, and then we all read them live. I did coachathons on Facebook Live where I coach people online.

I did all kinds of shit. There was not – it felt like just throwing everything, whatever idea I had, I tried. I feel like that’s the only way you figure out what works for you is that you try an idea and you’re willing to just express your idea. Like if you come up – I always say don’t come up with an idea and then shoot it down.

That was a precious gift from your brain. No matter how crazy it seems, if it’s there, move forward. Try it. Because you don’t know if it’s really a good idea until you get the result. There have been so many ideas I’ve had that were horrible when I got the result. I was like, oh, that was not a good idea.

And then there were so many ideas that I was like, I don’t know if this is going to work or not, and they were amazing ideas. It’s like, let the result be the test. So people always asking me that, what are all the ideas, so how did you come up with these creative ideas for yourself?

Jewel: Yeah, I think again, not having that block of anxiety or whatever it is, but I think as well, I am so unattached to the outcome. Like I said in the post, I’m having so much fun. I’m putting in so many hours, even in just this little room right now, during the quarantine, and I’m having the best time. So just doing that and being in that zone, I don’t know…

Stacey: It’s simple, right? You’re literally saying I don’t know because it’s not complicated. But I think you’re right. You can’t have the anxiety come with all of the things that you’re trying and all the marketing that you’re doing. That is when it stops working and when it stops feeling fun. But when you’re just having fun, it isn’t complicated. That’s the thing that confuses people the most and why it’s so hard to explain when I ask people is because we’re like, because it’s not doing a lot. I’m just doing it having fun and being committed to doing it.

Jewel: Yeah. And just recently I would say, a couple months ago I was kind of in consult purgatory and I think it’s because I was so attached to the outcome. Because I was like, oh my gosh, I got to make money. And I almost had this weird I have to prove to people that they can take me seriously even though I’m young.

Stacey: I hired my first coach, she was 24. I’m pretty sure she was 24.

Jewel: Really? That’s amazing.

Stacey: I had no thoughts about it. When you can explain their problem and why they’re having it better than they understand it themselves, you don’t care about age. You don’t care if someone is 70 or 24. And the people who do are just not your people.

Jewel: Right. And I learned that when I take myself more seriously, I don’t think about it anymore. I don’t have the time to think about it because I’m too busy thinking about not only what I want for myself and for my business, but for all the people that were like me, that are still emotionally suffering. Because I don’t really have a niche. That’s basically just what I do right now is work with people on their mindset and building up self-discipline…

Stacey: Hold on. Because people are going to ask. Well then, what do you talk about if you don’t have a specific problem you’re solving? So what do you talk about with people?

Jewel: Oh my gosh, everything.

Stacey: In your marketing, how do you position it?

Jewel: I just truly – emotionally suffering, unnecessary emotional suffering. I talk about anxiety, I talk about following through and how hard that is, I talk a lot about the brain.

Stacey: I love it. Everyone on the podcast, we’ll link up in the show notes everyone’s information. So if people are confused about how to market life coaching, a broad general no niche life coaching, they can follow you and figure it out.

Jewel: Oh my gosh, love that.

Stacey: Alright, awesome. Thank you so much and happy birthday.

Jewel: Thank you. Thank you so much for having me.

Stacey: Alright, who’s next? Natalie Fisher. Where you at, girlfriend? So you posted in the group and you said, “I signed one client last week and she just had her first session today. She said yes and then she emailed and said that due to the uncertainty right now, she wanted to pay per session. I said I understood her concern but I would be doing a disservice to her to let herself up and quit even before going into it and that if she didn’t want to commit to six months, I understood. But she came back and said okay, I understand, and I’ll do it. She paid last week right when this all started. We had our first session today and it went amazing. This did a lot for my belief that it is possible to sign clients. My belief right now is coaching is the best investment to make for using this time wisely and it’s proving true. Consults keep coming.”

Okay, so tell us about your experience. I loved hearing that because so many coaches are hearing people ask if they can do payment plans, if they can do month to month, and so many coaches are afraid to say no because they’re afraid to lose the client. So let’s just unpack that a little bit. When you have that client come to you, what were your thoughts? Did you immediately say no? Did you have to coach yourself? Tell us everything.

Natalie: Yes, so thank you Stacey. I did have to coach myself. I was thinking to myself, yeah, I understand, she went and talked to her husband and he had said no. And so it was coaching myself on not wanting her to not get the result because I felt that if she was only half in, she was only kind of dipping her toe in, being like, can I pay per session that I wasn’t going to be able to see her through to the results and she wasn’t going to be able to get the full transformation, and that that wasn’t going to be fair to her.

And so I detached myself and was like, okay, I’m not going to change anything. People ask for exceptions all the time. Not even during uncertain times because people never have certainty really. So I’ll get people asking for exceptions all the time and I decided I’m just going to stick to it, and if she says no, then that’s completely fine.

So definitely had to coach myself on that, and definitely just had to say, not that I don’t understand where you’re coming from, I get it, but I want to help you get the full transformation and that’s what I’m all in for, for you. So if you’re not all in for that right now, that’s totally fine. But that’s the deal. And I was surprised because I didn’t actually think she was going to.

And her exact email was, “I understand. I’m going to commit and invest in myself. Please resend me the payment link and let’s keep our meeting for the scheduled date and time. Thank you.”

Stacey: That’s so good. I love that you – so tell everyone a little bit about how when you say you detached yourself, how did you do that? Because people are going to want to know.

Natalie: So in the beginning, I did have thoughts like when it first started becoming real and happening, I had all those thoughts like no one is going to want to spend money right now, everyone’s just hanging onto their money, nobody is spending it, and just all the crazy came in. I got coaching, so I was like, I need to get coaching, this is not serving me.

And then I had just come off – I was on a roll signing clients. So I had just signed six clients in the last two months and then this happened and I had the thought of like, oh no, this is going to stop everything. And then I had a very nice thought that my brain gave me was like, “What if it doesn’t actually?”

Stacey: That’s a really amazing thought. What if it doesn’t?

Natalie: And so I then I started looking for the evidence and this consult happening, I went all in with the consult thinking, what if it actually doesn’t change anything? And then I started to see that this particular client that I signed, she was not affected by it at all. She works in the school system so learning doesn’t stop, it’s just virtual now.

So lots of people are not affected. Lots of people are not losing their jobs. They’re just kind of wound up in the panic of everybody else, but their situation actually hasn’t changed. So then started to look for that evidence and then decided to be like, no, I’m just going to stick to everything the same because your situation hasn’t changed, there’s no reason why you can’t get this full transformation now. So that’s kind of where I went with it.

And then the detaching was if it doesn’t have to stop then it just means that – and I also saw evidence of more consults coming in for me because I have my business set up online anyway, so I do get consult requests coming in fairly consistently. And so that was still happening.

So it was like okay, well, people still want to get on calls, so that must mean that people still have money. So just started kind of to coach myself, look at the evidence, and then was able to detach myself saying okay, well if she says no, then that’s okay because I still have these other consults coming in and I still have all the evidence to show that maybe it doesn’t have to stop my roll.

Stacey: Yeah. I didn’t have my business set up online in a way where consults were just flying in to me when I started my business, but I still kept that thought. Even if I had no consults, if I had someone on the phone, I’d be like, listen, I’m going to risk the relationship, I’m going to serve this person, I’m not going to hold back, and if it’s not them, it will be somebody else.

And I want to challenge everybody listening, whether you have consults coming in, whether you don’t, you can think the way that Natalie thinks. You get to just choose to think that way. And you get to choose to think that way because of how it makes you feel. How does it feel when you know you have consults coming in?

Natalie: It feels pretty good.

Stacey: It feels pretty good.

Natalie: It feels certain, right? And I’ve had the thought too that – because I’ve been working on attracting my ideal person and I have attracted a lot of people in the past by the way that I’m doing my marketing, people that don’t have money, and so attracting that even before this happened. So I’m still on the same path of attracting the people that have money. They’re just different people now. But they’re still out there.

Stacey: Yeah, oh, that’s so good. I really think it’s such a powerful thought to think that you’re right, when people sign up for consults, so many coaches really need to know that that means they intend to spend money. Unless you get them in from the belief that they’re doing free coaching and you haven’t positioned it in a way 100% that they know that it’s a consult, they’re signing up intending to spend money.

I always say when you get someone on the phone that says I couldn’t afford that, or some other well now is a really hard time, I always ask them, “Well, did you think about investing before you got on the call? Had you thought about that? And if you did, how much have you thought about investing?”

Because there’s a number that they really had thought about consciously, and if they say no, then I’m like, well, what about let’s just think about it now. If you were going to feel great about investing in coaching, what would the amount be? And you find, it’s like their baseline number. You find that and then that number and your price, the only thing you have to coach on is that amount in the middle. But people don’t realize that they sign up for a consult, they planned to spend money.

Natalie: Yeah, and I have to say that I did some work around that too because I was doing my marketing where they could have had the impression that they were signing up for a free call and I didn’t want to keep doing all these free calls. I wanted them to know what they were signing up for.

So I have changed that now, which has made me a lot more confident in just selling proudly. And saying like, this is where we’re going to make a decision as to whether or not we are going to work together or not. And just saying that, and continuing to say that at the beginning of the call and just make that super clear to them, so that when it is time to have that conversation about money, then I’m very open about it and I’m happy to ask those questions too because we already set it up right from the beginning. And people still want to get on the calls with me. We’re talking about making an investment and they’re like, still signing up to talk to me, so I’m like, sweet.

Stacey: But it’s almost like people want to pay for coaching.

Natalie: Yeah. Well I was thinking before, I’m like, oh, well I don’t want to because what if they don’t – they’re not going to want to get on a sales call. But it turns out they do.

Stacey: That’s fantastic. Turns out they do. I love it. Awesome. Thank you so much Natalie, I really appreciate it. That’s going to be helpful to so many people.

Natalie: Thank you. Thank you to your program, which helped me. All the consults that I did followed the 2K process to the letter. Very good process.

Stacey: I love it. I love it. I know, people who aren’t in 2K, what are they thinking? Alright, Miss Jessica.

Jessica: Hello.

Stacey: Hello. Okay, so you posted something simple and I felt like it was so profound that I had to have you on the podcast to talk about it. I think it’s going to blow people’s minds just a little bit. So you posted, “I signed two new clients at my new rates in the last two weeks and renewed three existing clients whose programs were ending. I think this is my highest net sales I’ve ever made in that short of time.”

I think some people are thinking, “Well, maybe I can make a little money.” They’re not thinking that it’s possible that you have your highest net sales during this time. Tell us about it. We got to hear it. We have to know everything.

Jessica: That is true. I did sign two new clients at a new rate. I did renew three clients. At that time, that was what I thought was the highest amount that I made in that sale, but I actually wrong about that because I actually created another group coaching program that I just launched last night, which just sold out. So with that included, that’s really the new net most money I’ve ever made in this period of time.

Stacey: So you thought it was the most money you’ve ever made, and then you just went and blew your mind and made even more money?

Jessica: Yes. The thought that flew into my mind first, like I think we all can appreciate there’s always that oh my gosh, and then there’s the other thought that comes in. That thought was like, oh my gosh, maybe this is a fluke. And then I really coached myself hard on this idea that actually, what if this is the new norm? What if helping people double down on themselves and their coaching and make money during this time is the new norm?

I really believe you show up everywhere you go and so this circumstance is just the magnification of other things that I’ve been struggling with, and so now more than ever, the value of coaching and helping people get to that next place is more valuable than ever.

And I think when I double down on my belief in myself around that and my ability to get people where they want to go, help them do that, then my clients were able to see that too and they are getting results. That ripple is growing. So I think this is just another circumstance that everyone has different thoughts about that. But we can shine and grow and make a lot of money in spite of the circumstance, depending what we think about it. And it’s an incredible feeling to feel like you’re impacting so many people’s lives, including your own. It’s just such an amazing experience.

Stacey: I really, really feel that. We could just all be sitting in our house and stressed about our business and all the things, or we can just get our hands dirty and help as many people as possible. And the more students I help, I feel like we have never had a higher interaction in the Facebook community than now.

I heard this on the radio too that it’s really bringing people together in a way that’s so strange because we’re social distancing, but really, it’s bringing so many people together on such a deep level virtually because now we’re all lonely and isolated. And so it’s so inspiring for me to connect with other coaches in this time and see the power of our industry. That is what’s been blowing my mind more than anything is the power in our industry and how it feels completely untapped.

Jessica: Yes, totally.

Stacey: People think all the clients are sold. But I think none of the clients have bought yet.

Jessica: Yes, I agree with that. And to that, and I think there is that belief that what we had to offer as coaches was so valuable. I think as coaches, we believe so deeply in the value of coaching and if you look at the transformation that people as a whole are going through right now, you could argue that it’s never been more valuable than right now.

Stacey: Yes, I love that. It’s never been more valuable than right now. I really believe that. If everything that we’re experiencing are heightened, like people who overeat and struggle with that, that is definitely heightened right now. People who are struggling in their marriage, that is definitely heightened right now. If you struggle parenting your children, that’s heightened right now. Everything is heightened in such a way that truly coaching has never been more valuable.

And again, I also want to just offer because some people are starting to use this against themselves. They’re like, I have to make use of this opportunity. And I just want to say to everyone listening, don’t let your brain go there. Yes, this is such an amazing opportunity, but you can’t take advantage of it when you’re shut down by thinking it’s an amazing opportunity.

And I think that the way that you switch from this is an amazing opportunity that I don’t want to miss out on to getting effective is that you focus on serving. You just think, this moment, people want me to serve more than ever. It’s just an amazing opportunity, an amazing chance for me to serve when people want it the most.

More people are on social media than ever before. People are seeking solutions at a higher rate than ever before. And it’s so fun to think that for everyone, they could choose the thought, “This is the new norm.”

Jessica: Yes, totally. And to your point about what do I do, how do I market, all of those things, when your brain is really in service to other people, you’ll know what to do. I’ve never done a group coaching program. I just sold out. I knew that was what my clients needed and I thought I’m just going to go with this. I really want them to hear me. And that’s the way that I showed up and they did. Period.

Stacey: So good. So you guys have to catch her thoughts. They just – what was the last one that you said? They just really want to hear me or hear from me.

Jessica: Yeah, I just want them to be able to hear me, and so I need to speak to them. And you know what they say when you’re thinking of them.

Stacey: Yes, 100%. I love that so much. I love that you just threw a group out there. For everyone listening, you just don’t want to get caught up in the what and the how. It’s like you have to start thinking about filling your brain with belief in the value of coaching and the desire to serve and the rest will unfold.

Everybody here has a different story for how they’re getting clients, the way that they’re connecting with people, the offers they’re making. None of these coaches are like, yeah, we’re all doing the exact same thing, but it doesn’t matter. When they’re just jumping in full of service, believing that the value of coaching has never been higher and we have something that we can contribute. It’s so fascinating.

I heard my coach Brooke say and I was just telling my mom this on the way home from the trainer today. She was talking about how desperate she is and stressed she is when she thinks about how many people are dying. And I said, “Well mom, Brooke said something pretty interesting the other day. She said that 150,000 die a die. 150,000 every single day in the world.”

She said the difference is we’re not turning on the news morning, noon, and night, hearing about the death tally. We’re not waking up and saying there were 750 car accidents yesterday and 4000 heart conditions and people passed and 7000 people died from cancer. We’re not getting the tally of that and thrown in our face all day every day.

We’re choosing that now but that isn’t what we normally do and that is why everyone is experiencing such chaos and such extreme reactions to this situation is we’re just throwing that thing that’s always been there, and I was like, mom, if you think about 150,000 people, it doesn’t diminish it, but if you take 150,000 people and then you take how many people on top of that that are dying of coronavirus and you take that total, in a totality, it’s not that much different.

And I offered her that she could think just a little bit differently about it. Like, you can just choose the way that you want to think about it. But I think that that is what everyone is going through is they’re just being shoved into this heightened sense of what is either reality or has always been or isn’t at all. And they don’t know how to cope with it, and we have that opportunity to just go in and help people.

The fear problem has never been higher. Ever. We have a physical problem that is very real, it’s very scary. I have a sister who is working in the ICU with COVID patients. That is what she does. And so I’m talking to her about it every day before she goes to work and when she gets off work.

But aside from that problem, the fear problem of millions of people throughout the world hearing about all of the deaths, morning, noon, and night, fearing their own mortality, fearing for other people’s mortality, fearing for their economic problems, fearing for other people’s economic problems, it’s never been greater because it’s just being shoved in our face all day every day and I think what an opportunity for everyone to learn how to manage their mind.

Because if people don’t learn how to manage their mind, everyone’s going to go crazy over the next eight weeks. That is what is going to happen. And we have that opportunity to just – they talk about flattening the curve. We can flatten the fear curve. That is what we can do. Whether someone ever pays you or not, every single post you make, every single email you send you, every livestream you do, every effort that you put into sending your message out into the world is flattening the fear curve. I just think that is so important to do.

Jessica: Agreed. And it’s something that people, whether it’s their circumstance or another, will be able to use for the rest of their life in so many different ways.

Stacey: Yes, 100%. Thank you so much. I love all of the thoughts that you gave everyone. This is the new norm. I love it. Alright, Machele. Am I saying it right? Is it Machele?

Machele: It is, yes.

Stacey: Okay, I’ve never seen it spelt that way. I kind of like it.

Machele: Thank you.

Stacey: Alright, so you posted in the group that you signed two clients last week and that what helped was cleaning up your weirdness around selling. You said, “I dropped my official goal and I just decided to help any and every person that needed it. I offered free one-on-one coaching to anyone who wanted it and I was surprised that I signed new clients.”

You said, “One was a previous consult that changed her mind, and another was one of the free coaching session. She emailed later inquiring about working with me going forward.” So I’m going to read the rest but I’m curious to hear about that because it sounds like you didn’t make an offer, you just did a free coaching session. So just put a pin in that. I’m curious about that.

And then you said, “I emailed my list, gave everybody one free session per person, including my paid clients,” which I thought was pretty brilliant, “so they were able to add a second call at no charge and I gave my existing clients first dibs on appointments.” This is what everyone that listens to this podcast is going to take away is how creative all of you have been at serving people.

It’s so fascinating to watch everybody just come up with ideas and try them and put them out in the world. So let’s start one by one by one. So let’s talk about – we’ll go in order. Cleaning up your weirdness around selling.

Machele: So obviously, in the 2K program, a lot of the content is about go out, make offers to help, and the sales kind of follow naturally. And I’ve been trying to work through my weirdness around, yeah, I’m trying to help, but I can tie it to a sale this way, kind of thing. And so, I sat down to do my thought download after this all came out. I was like, oh shit, I am going to have to do a lot of thought work to get clear around selling my coaching right now.

Stacey: Which is perfect, right? This is the perfect container for all of our stuff to come up and for us to work through it, 100%.

Machele: Totally, and I stepped away from it and I said, “Okay, what do I know right now that I can do to help? I was like, I know coaching anyone and everyone that wants it will help and I could spend a lot of time managing my thoughts around selling or I could just drop the damn goal and just go help people. And so, that’s what I did.

So, I reached out to my original clients first and said I’m offering a bonus session, pick your spot. And then I sent out an email to my full list and offered free one on one coaching.

Stacey: That’s amazing. So, how many people took you up on that? I’m curious.

Machele: I think I had 23 coaching sessions.

Stacey: That’s amazing. You know why that’s kind of brilliant is because the more you coach, the more you believe in coaching.

Machele: Yeah, and I was totally prepared. I was like, they’re going to be worried about getting sick. They’re going to be worried about going to the grocery store. Nobody even brought it up but one person. And the only thing they were concerned about is how annoying it was that their coworkers wouldn’t stop talking about the coronavirus. So, I was like, okay, so this circumstance is just making it harder for people to hide from their problems. So, not only are they heightened, they’re having to face them when they usually would run from them. So, that was really interesting for sure.

Stacey: I love it. Okay, so you dropped the goal and you just started serving. So good. You coached your booty off. So good. I love that you offered it to your paid clients too. That is the best because I also offered free extra coaching for my paid clients first. Before I even started doing the daily podcasts, I thought about who could I serve.

And I just did a training about this, about why paying matters. And I talked about how there are the people who consume your free content and the people who consume your paid content. The people who consume your free content, that number will always be greater. But the people who consume your paid content, the impact will always be greater.

When I thought about, like, right now in my schedule in this immediate week, I can do one of two things. I can start doing daily podcasts or I can start adding coaching calls to 2K. I served my clients first, and then I got my schedule worked out to add the daily podcasts and serve everyone else as well.

So, I love that you thought about your paid clients and started out with them, and they’re always the ones that want to take advantage of everything you offer. So, it gives you a little bit of a bump in your own brain, that people want the coaching and it gets you coaching. And I just think that the more you can get yourself coaching, the more you’re going to be sold on coaching, the more you’re going to want to sell coaching.

Machele: 1000% because the big difference, I noticed, with my existing clients is they weren’t as shaken, in their original goals. They were like, let’s figure this out. Where the people I wasn’t coaching that just took me up on the offer, they felt so powerless, not around the coronavirus necessarily, but their particular problem.

Stacey: Yeah, so good. So, when you offered the free sessions, I just think people – listen, I don’t want anyone getting caught up in these details, but I’m thinking, as a podcast listener, trying to preemptively ask what I think they’re going to want to ask you since they can’t. So, I think they’re going to be caught up on, “So did she offer free sessions? Did she offer consults? How did she do that?” So, will you tell us a little bit about that? Were they consults or were they just straight free coaching and you didn’t make any offers?

Machele: Straight free coaching, no offers. And I put that in my email. I said, this is a straightforward coaching call, no sales whatsoever. And the woman that emailed me after the fact said, “Hey, when you start taking clients again…” and I’m like, maybe I made it too hard for them to actually sign up with me.

Stacey: I love that. So, you just need to fix that with an email that’s like, by the way, I have spots open now.” I love that. I think that it doesn’t matter if you do necessarily a free coaching versus a consult. I think as long as the people are super-clear about what it is, and I think that if anybody else wants to steal your idea, I’m sure you don’t mind if they do…

Machele: Not at all.

Stacey: But if they do, one of the things that you can do is do the free coaching, and in the beginning say this is a free coaching call, we’re not going to sell at all. But if you want, at the end of the coaching, to ask me questions about coaching, I am willing to do that, or we can set up a separate call. But I think, especially when you’re building your one on one coaching list, even if you just give them a taste of coaching without an offer at all, that is going to stay with them. That is going to have someone say, wait a minute, I want more. Or the next time you make an offer to your email list, they’re going to be so much more interested in what it would be like to coach with you because they got that.

The thing I want people to take away from this episode is the willingness to try anything and everything and not get stuck because you see this happen in 2K. People get stuck on doing the right thing, where they’re like, should I offer free coaching or consults? Should I offer this or should I do this? And it’s like, just go with whatever your heart desires, that gets you moving, take it and run with it because the result will always be money. I love it. Alright, so, any advice that you have for anyone listening if they want to sign clients during this time?

Machele: Go out and make the offers. Give value. That has been a challenge for me, to make offers without feeling salesy, and by dropping that, I was like, oh this is what you’ve been telling us to do the whole time; just go help. Go serve and go offer value. We can always offer value. We’re just changing what that looks like a little bit right now.

Stacey: Yeah, and I think, to Jewel’s point, like, what allows you to go out and just make offers and just serve and let go of the goal is you have to clean up your own anxiety and thoughts and scarcity around, “I have to sign clients, I have to make money, I have to get my business off the ground during this quarantine.”

Like, any thought that makes you feel scarce or anxious or graspy, that has to be cleaned up first, and then you can go serve other people. Otherwise, you’re just going out in the world preaching coaching but not living by it and people feel that and experience that, and they don’t engage with it. They don’t react to it the same way. So, I think it’s so important to do that. I love it. thank you so much for coming on.

Okay, so, I asked Machele what her advice was. I want to go through everybody else one quick time, and if you think of something that you could offer the podcast listeners, advice you could give them to help them sign clients during this time, to help them serve more, what would it be? I’ll start with you, Natalie.

Natalie: Okay, so I was trying to come up with it really quickly when you said that you were going to ask us all one thing…

Stacey: You have a second to let you think if you need to think.

Natalie: Okay, well, I think I know what it is. So, I would say that the biggest thing is, selling is – it’s okay to do it. The thing that I had to do – I mentioned it earlier when we spoke, was just being really clear that this is a conversation about buying something. And what you talk about in your podcast, what me having my own coaching experience and having the worth and having all the value that that’s brought into my life, I really shouldn’t have any qualms about selling that same experience to somebody else.

And then making that clear in my marketing. And I’m saying, like, this is a conversation about whether or not we’re going to work together, and that’s really exciting actually. It’s not scary. It’s not like, “I’m going to take your money.” It’s like, that’s really exciting. So, I think the shift that I did, proudly selling has changed the way that I show up on consults, and then just not having that discomfort around talking about money openly.

Stacey: That’s so good. I love that you brought that up, that it feels exciting as a client to spend money on coaching. I have never spent money on coaching that I was not so excited about. Like, it feels good to people to buy coaching.

Natalie: Yeah, and the reason is because I’ve bought coaching and I’ve had the value tenfold, like, I think about that and it’s like that’s what I’m offering. So why wouldn’t that be exciting? So, it comes down to your own coaching experience and you talk about that a lot as well throughout your materials. So, I think that just brings it home to me, and especially right now because people are at home, like, why not use the money for coaching right now?

Stacey: Yeah, I love it. Alright, awesome. Jewel, wat have you got for them?

Jewel: Mine’s definitely going to go back to the commitment. So, in the beginning when I first got involved with you and what you do and what you talk about, I was like, okay she keeps talking about building the belief and I was like, I’m trying to think things, but I didn’t really believe them yet.

So, I think building that, I truly get it now because it’s been months and I really feel like it’s a snowball effect. So, if I were starting back at the beginning where I was having a lot of self-doubt and a lot of anxiety or scarcity, I would just remember, it’s just a snowball. You’ve got to keep building it because again, I’m so committed, I can’t not show up for the people that are suffering right now.

And again, it’s fun to think about it that way. And because I’m so unattached, people come – I was worried about people not taking me seriously and I don’t even care anymore. I have a client who’s old enough to be my dad. And it really doesn’t matter. I take myself seriously.

So, whether it’s during this pandemic or not, I would say that you’ve got to keep working on building up your belief. I recommit to this and have a deep fulfilment for it, but I do make sure I plan time for that every day.

Stacey: So, what does that look like, when you plan time for commitment every day?

Jewel: Like, I start working and even if I know I’m feeling like I don’t want to do something, I’m feeling apathetic, I really just do thought work right then and there. And that’s the biggest shift for me is, okay, why don’t I want to do this. And normally, it’s not because I’m lazy. It’s because I have self-doubt or something.

Working on that, recommitting to it and just getting myself fired up. I’ve gotten really good at asking myself questions that I can answer that can help me feel that commitment.

Stacey: Can you think of any right now that you could share with them?

Jewel: Like, what shifts have I had? Like, even in this past week, I’ll ask myself that sometimes. And because I’m so involved with you and so involved with Brooke and other great people, I’m constantly having shifts, so I think about that as well.

Stacey: That’s so good. I love that she said for everyone listening to really hear that again. People think that thought work is believing shit you don’t believe, and that’s the worst feeling in ever is trying to believe something you don’t believe. But I have a little hunch that if you ask yourself a question and you produce that belief, you do believe it. It just may not feel as true as the other belief that you have that’s causing a lot of havoc, but just because you practiced that one more.

Like, we think one thought’s more true than the other. It’s not. One thought is more practiced than the other. But if you ask yourself a question, you make yourself answer, that thing, that sentence that comes out of your brain, you already believe that. And then, when someone else gives you an amazing thought to think, you can try that thought on the way you would try clothes on.

You could try to think about that thought and what it would be like if you did believe it and let it – it’s like, just creating little cracks in the infrastructure of fear I your brain. And every little crack that you create, the hole gets bigger and bigger and it starts spider-webbing. So other people’s thoughts are so powerful to have, but finding your own is everything and making that a priority and a commitment to do every single day, that is where it’s at. So good.

Jewel: Yeah, and I think that’s why it’s been not necessarily easier, but why I’ve been able to sell – it’s so much easier to show up that way now during a crisis because I have that belief and I’m building it because there’s going to be future crises that I will have and that other people will have.

Stacey: I love it. Thank you so much. Alright, Miss Jessica, what you got for them?

Jessica: I’m going with what I think a lot of us are saying. Really double down on your belief in yourself and the results that you offer your clients. I think that now is a time where your people, and especially your people, need you more than ever and they will not be able to find you if you don’t show up as that version of yourself that you know you are, especially in this environment.

And I think the idea of tapping into what your new norm is, like bringing your superpowers, showing up as that person and really believing in yourself the way that you believe in your clients in this moment is so important. And the rest of it, everything, the thoughts you produce, it will all come from that space of just committing to and doubling down on yourself for your clients.

Stacey: I love it, doubling down on yourself for your clients. That’s so good. Thank you, ladies, so much for taking time out of your day to be on this episode. We’re going to link your information up in the show notes so that people can find you, follow you, find out everything that you’re doing.

These ladies are moving and shaking in 2K in their business and they’re serving people. So, I think it’s so fantastic to find as many people as you can and have them in your ears, in every aspect of your life, and just creating a network of people who are engaged in creating the same result that you’re creating. I think it’s so powerful.

So, we’re going to link your stuff up, if anybody wants to work with you all, if they want to find out more about you, we will make sure that we get linked up and they can find you. Thank you so much for being on today.

Hey, if you’re ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2k for 2k program where you’re going to make your first $2,000 the hardest part using my simple 5 step formula for getting consults and closing new clients. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

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