All of you know that my philosophy around selling is to meet people, tell them you’re a life coach, and make offers to help them. There is a lot of misunderstanding around what I mean by this, and it results in many of you feeling sleazy and graspy, trying to convince people to come work with you.
I’m clarifying exactly what I mean when I tell you to do this, and how letting your people come to you is what is going to end this cycle of desperation and the feeling of icky-ness that results from selling hard to your potential clients and forcing a positive outcome. Nudging them and being desperate to help only pushes them away, and I’m highlighting why showing up in this way makes you feel even less in control.
Join me on the podcast this week as I show you how the way I teach sales and consults can have your clients initiating the call and deeply committing to your work together, instead of you dragging them along. I’m giving you some concrete examples to show you how the energy and feeling are so different compared to when you’re forcing someone to work with you, and understanding this is going to have you approaching your potential clients in a completely new way.
If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!
What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
- What I don’t mean when I say meet people, tell them you’re a life coach, and make offers to help them.
- Why you’re not in belief when you’re reaching out to people.
- What I’ve found any time you go after clients instead of letting them come to you.
- The most common reasons people reach out to potential clients.
- How showing up this way makes you feel less in control.
- Why you are misunderstanding life coaching at the core when you’re reaching out to people.
- How your client showing interest is the first step in the coaching process.
- Why you will lose people when you try to nail them down and get them to commit.
- The differences in a managed mind and a mismanaged mind.
Listen to the Full Episode:
Featured on the Show:
- Join my 2K for 2K program where you’re going to make your first $2000, the hardest part, and then $200,000 using my proven formula.
- Follow me on Instagram!
Full Episode Transcript:
Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.
Hey coaches, welcome to episode 74. So today we’re going to talk about the long-time debate of whether to reach out to people and tell them about coaching, which is what sometimes you guys think I’m saying. I say meet people, tell them you’re a life coach, make offers to help them.
You all think I’m saying reach out to people, start a fake conversation, bring up your life coaching, ask them if they want to buy, ask them for referrals. That is not what I’m saying. So we’re going to end desperation and graspyness today, okay?
Listen, I think that this is something I naturally did when I was working towards my first clients. I let them come to me. I didn’t try and force it. And every time my brain wanted to, which was a lot, I caught myself and pulled back. I learned when my emotions felt graspy when I wanted to force an outcome and I learned how to sit in that and not take action from it.
Now, some people in marketing teach that you need to reach out and call everyone you know to get referrals and tell them what you’re doing and ask if they are interested. People do teach this. So sometimes, you guys aren’t necessarily thinking that you’re feeling graspy, you reach out because you think you’re supposed to, or maybe you’ve done it in the past and you think it just works for you.
And sometimes it actually does work for you, which is like, when you just fuel a negative habit almost and that you don’t even understand really is a negative habit. So we’re going to dive into all of that today and unwind it for you because what I have found is any time you go after clients, you start calling people up and sending DMs, even when you’re like, it really works for me, what is actually happening is you’re not aware of how you are thinking and how you are feeling and how you are truly being in that client-coach relationship, in that seller-buyer relationship.
You don’t see your own energy behind it. So the rule here today is reach outs never come from belief. Here is the simplest way for me to prove this to you. If you believed everyone you wanted to serve would come to you, why would you then come to them?
If you believed that person that you want to DM so badly, direct message for those of you that don’t know what DM is. Direct message on Facebook, on Instagram. If you believed that person that you have that desire to reach out to you wanted to coach with you, if you actually believed that, why would you also not believe that they will reach out and ask you about it if they are really interested?
Audi doesn’t call me and ask me for referrals, for people I know who might want to buy an Audi. People who want Audis know it and they walk in ready to buy. And their salespeople know this. They know that people in the world know what Audis are. They see the commercials. They know that.
So they don’t need to call their customers and ask if they’re happy with Audi and if they know anyone that wants to buy and they’re an Audi. They’re not doing that. And I think I understood this principle from all the years that I had with selling.
When I was pitching, if I pushed someone to buy or to come to my show, they always ended up taking the product and setting it down somewhere in the frozen food section. That’s how I always used to joke about it. Like I’m going to find that slicer somewhere in the frozen food in about an hour.
Or they just don’t take it at all. I had to let them come to me and tell me that they wanted it. So the question I have for you today, the thing I want you to think about is why don’t you – if you’re this person that’s doing this, this is for all of you to get very clear about your actions you’re taking.
If you’re someone who’s DMing people, if you’re someone who’s personally reaching out, calling people on the phone, asking for referrals, why don’t you let people reach out to you? You need to find the answer to this for yourself. Why do you do it and why don’t you not do it?
And I want to offer that these are the most popular reasons. You think you don’t have time to let people come to you. You are very desperate to help the people and you just – you’re like, I got to just tell them that I can help them. You think they won’t come for the help on their own. You want to give them a nudge.
And you have to ask yourself why you want to do that. You think they just don’t know what you have to offer, and if they did, they would want it. Listen y’all, please, this one is the worst. People know what they want to buy. If you were showing up, adding value, they know.
And some of you guys are asking like, “Wait a minute, but if you say I have to meet a bunch of people and tell them who I am and make offers to help them, if I’m not doing this, what am I doing?” You’re meeting a ton of people, you’re showing up in service, you’re giving value, you’re constantly either emailing, posting, connecting, you’re being you as a life coach, taking you everywhere and every interaction, you’re being interested in other people. You’re helping other people for free, giving them transformations ahead of time. That’s what you’re doing.
And then you’re making offers to help when you’re writing posts, when you’re writing emails, when you’re out speaking in public, when it feels natural, when it’s normal, when people ask you. That is what you’re doing. Not calling people up and telling them that you’re a life coach and asking them if they want to work with you, if they want to buy a package from you, asking if they know anyone that this would be a good fit for.
Asking them to call their people and tell them about your business. All of that stuff. In all of the situations where you’re thinking you don’t have time for this, you’re desperate to help them, they won’t do it on their own, you just give them a little nudge, you think they just don’t know what you have to offer and if they did, they would want it, in all of these situations, this is all about you.
These motivations are you trying to feel better about making money, trying to escape how you’re feeling about not making money, trying to feel more in control. But notice when you do these things, it actually makes you feel less in control.
You have to test this this week. Go out there and just notice. Pay attention. When you’re trying to drive the needle and you’re trying to take control of people reaching out to you and you’re trying to take control of getting interest in your business, that’s really what it is, taking control of getting interest in your business, notice how it always makes you feel less in control.
These actions, the way that you’re showing up when you’re doing this are about you not believing people are seeing your stuff. You not believing in the value of your stuff, your coaching. Not believing in other people’s ability to take action on their own.
I think this is a big one for me. I really believe people have the ability to take action on their own. They really do. They’re resourceful. If they want it, they will come for it. Truly.
So I want to go a different direction for a minute and I’m going to swing back around to this. This is the number one thing that I wanted to spend actually the most time talking about on this podcast. The number one thing that has you reaching out to people, even when you do believe – I’m going to say you’re the person that totally believes in your coaching, you totally believe people want what you have to offer.
You just think that’s the way you do it is you reach out to people and you ask them for referrals, you ask them to coach with you. That comes from a misunderstanding about something inherent about life coaching. That’s the number one thing. You’re misunderstanding something inherent about life coaching.
I’m going to tell you what it is. Here is what you need to know about selling life coaching. Clients need to be bought in to life coaching. It needs to be their idea. It has to be their idea. Because you cannot do the work for them. When you’re reaching out and you’re pushing this process of someone becoming your client, what happens is you start doing the work for them and once they buy, you can’t commit to the process for them.
You can’t do the work for them. They need a compelling reason for themselves. For me, this was always so important with coaching. And I’m going to tell you why really. I’ve thought about this a lot. Because when you’re helping someone make – and this goes back to even, I always say selling is coaching and coaching is selling.
So these principles are the same for when you’re coaching someone. There’s a difference of convincing someone to do something or believe something, versus coaching them on their decision-making. When you’re helping someone make decisions, they will fail. Or it will take longer than they expect, or they will get pushback from their own brain or the brains of their loved ones.
And when you create a relationship where you are the driving force moving the relationship and the work forward, when you’re the one doing all the committing, they will want to blame you. So it’s important that every decision is truly their idea, that they are truly leading the way and they are taking ownership of the relationship, of the reaching out, of the decision to coach, of the decisions when they are coaching.
A lot of people think that I teach overcoming objections as in convince and get a yes at all costs. But I’m never saying that. It’s like, one of those things that I think you 100% misunderstand until you do it right and you feel the difference. And then you can just never go back.
You have a massive breakthrough where it all starts to make sense. And this is one of those things. Overcoming objections, the idea that people have to come to you. Once it happens, you’re like, “Oh, I get it.” Everything has to be led by your client. Not by you.
Their energy cannot be directed by yours, or you will not get an outcome that’s great for you or for them. Very rarely will you convince someone to do something and then they will show up with enough responsibility and ownership that they will create an outcome they are happy with.
It just doesn’t work. So if that’s true for the buying process, you cannot forget that reaching out to you is the first part of that buying process. In fact, reaching out to you, this is the thought I want to offer is that your client reaching out to ask about coaching is actually the first part of the coaching process.
What? Hear that again. Your client reaching out to you, your client showing interest in coaching, your client being the person driving that interest is the first part of the entire coaching process. So important that you don’t influence that. Otherwise, you have to be on them all of the time and you will have clients that you feel like aren’t showing up, aren’t doing the work, you’re dragging them along. It’s a miserable coaching relationship.
The other thing you want to think about is you always want to be putting yourself in the shoes of the buyer and how they would be thinking and feeling based on how you show up and what you’re doing. Buying is more fun when it’s your idea as the client. When the client believes it’s their idea, it’s more fun for them.
In 2K for 2K, I teach a sales process that is designed – the entire time you’re on the consult, it’s designed for the buying to feel like it’s the client’s idea step by step. And when I was pitching, every part of the process was also designed to give space for the next part of that sales process to be the audience’s idea.
I’m going to give you an example of that. So when we would do the show and then we would do a transition from the show into the selling, there was a different part. The first 10 minutes was demonstrating the product, and then the last 10 minutes was selling the product.
So in between those parts, I would start cleaning up the demonstration, like cleaning off the table, looking like it was closing down. And I would take a really long pause and I would say, “So that’s the show.” And I would take another really long pause.
And I would say, “Does anyone have any questions?” And inevitably, every single time when I did that part right, when I was in the energy of believing someone wanted to know how much that product was and wanted to buy that product, inevitably, someone would say, “Yeah, how much is it?”
When the audience asks me how much it is, the next part of the process, the sales process where I tell them where they can buy it, how much it is, what they get with it, that part becomes me simply responding to their question. The energy is a lot different doing that than when I’m trying to get them interested in my sales pitch, when they don’t ask that question.
When I have to ask the question for them and say, “So you’re probably wondering how much is it,” which sometimes I had to do but the energy was never the same. And let me just offer that I always had to do that because I messed something up in the first part of the show.
We’re never perfect. You will always have these scenarios come up. But the energy is so different when the people are leading it. So I want you to just question, when you ask for referrals, when you reach out to someone, when you DM them and they haven’t asked, if the situation were reversed, how would it make you feel?
This is why network marketing gets a bad rap. Like, direct sales, network marketing, multilevel marketing. Everybody has a different name for it. When they have Amway or Beachbody or whatever it is, right? And if you’re a network marketer listening to this, I buy lots of network marketing products. This is not a knock on you being a network marketer.
I’m saying the reason the industry gets a bad rap is because they all teach their people to direct message people and to reach out to people and tell and invite them or Amway teaches people to invite – you invite people to a meeting. They don’t know what the meeting is about, all of a sudden they’re in a sales situation.
They teach you to kind of like, get people in, in really kind of a dishonest way. A lot of them. Or to directly go after them. And I want you to think about if you’ve ever been on the receiving end of anyone DMing you about their product or about their training or about anything, it feels icky as the customer when you get a message selling you something that you didn’t ask to buy.
It feels uncomfortable at best. And if you happen to respond, most likely it will be as the customer because you feel obligated. Not because you feel interested. So do you want your potential client feeling obligated or interested?
And then especially I see this – I used to coach network marketing, if I haven’t talked about that. I can’t ever remember. But that was my second niche. I did just general life coaching, then I coached network marketers, and then I started coaching just life coaches. So I coached 100 network marketers at a time when I was doing group coaching and one-on-one.
And what I noticed is that even when they did get someone to buy or sign up for the business. So again, sometimes it works and like I said, it reinforces a bad habit is even when they did get someone to buy their product or sign up for their business, because that person wasn’t truly committed and it wasn’t their idea, they were doing it because their friend asked them to, then the person that owns that business is constantly having to convince their network marketing team to work the business, and it was always exhausting for them to have to convince people to create results.
And I think the same is true for coaching. And I talk about it in the network marketing just because I don’t have as much experience with the coaching industry being like that. Because I am leading the narrative in my little world of the coaching industry, in my little sector of the coaching industry. I’m leading that narrative, so I get to stop people before they do this type of behavior.
And I don’t really follow anybody that teaches this and I don’t really pay attention to anyone who does this. I get a lot of reach outs from coaches but I just don’t pay attention to it. It’s like, I create a strong narrative in my part of the world. So I just want to say that because I’m not picking on network marketers. I want to be very clear.
I just think there’s a problem and the root problem is the way that they’re being taught. And if you’re experiencing this in the coaching industry, the same will always be true. They’re the exact same. Building a network marketing business, building a coaching business, building any business, if your client is not truly committed and it isn’t their idea, you will have to convince them to create results.
If your client isn’t interested and committed, you will drag them along the entire relationship and it will feel like a drag to both of you the entire time. And then the other thing to think about is – and I will tell you, the thought I have most often when people message me to sell me their shit is literally they don’t know a thing about me.
That’s my thought. They literally don’t know a thing about me. It’s always true. But when I reach out to someone to buy something or I engage with someone’s post, my thought is, “Oh my god, they know me so well. This is perfect for me. I have to have it.” As the client, do you feel how different those things are? They literally don’t know a think about me versus this is perfect for me, they totally get me.
Okay, so I want to give you a vision for this. I want to put this all together for you in an example, in a scenario. So you start your business. You start emailing or posting or connecting to people in groups. You share a lot of value. You share how people can work with you. You make offers to everyone through your posts and your emails in a really safe and inviting way.
Let’s say Erin, she will be our made-up client today. Erin starts following you. She’s busy but she sees your post and she likes what she sees. And over time, she becomes more and more interested and invested in what you have to say. She starts looking for what you’ve posted. Like actually intentionally going to your profile when she’s got downtime, and she starts commenting on your stuff.
You never jump at the interest that she’s showing and try to get her on a consult. You never DM her. She starts feeling safer and safer to engage with you. She starts commenting frequently. All the time. She never asks about your offer at the end of your post or your email, but she’s definitely thinking about it.
Then one day, maybe she asks you a question. She DMs you. She’s curious if you can help her with her problem or the results that she wants. She tells you all about her situation. You respond cool, calm, and collected. You say, “I totally get that. I do help my clients with that. I know it seems very far away but I will tell you, often you can achieve it much faster than you think. It really is just about using the right tools in the right way.”
And that’s all you say, and you still don’t offer to hop on the phone or do a consult. You don’t tell her all about your consult and what you’ll achieve together. You don’t send her information. You don’t solve her problem in one message. You don’t start coaching her.
You are a professional. You acknowledge her pain point; you offer that it might be simpler than she thinks to solve. You end it by putting the ball back in her court. Now, let’s say she doesn’t respond for a month but you don’t try and follow up. You aren’t checking your DM every five seconds, your direct messages. You don’t send her another message to try to pique her interest again.
You don’t send her any additional resources. You don’t make it mean, in your brain, that you lost a prospect and failed to close her and something went wrong. You stay in your energy that you are valuable and you spend your time proving that belief by creating more value in the world. Not focusing on this one person who reached out.
She keeps reading. She keeps selling herself every day that goes by that she looks at your stuff. Her desire starts to grow. Your energy captivates her. She starts building a relationship in her mind with you. She trusts you more and more.
Then one day she talks to her husband. She says, “I’m thinking of hiring a coach,” and he asks what that is. And she says, “I don’t really know, but I love this girl and I really think she can help me.” And he says, “Okay honey, find out about it.” And she messages you again. And she says, “Hey, I know it’s been a while, but I’ve been thinking, do you offer any kind of call to talk about working together? I don’t know if it’s something I can afford or not but I definitely think something needs to change.”
Now, you don’t freak out that she said she doesn’t know if she can afford it. You are calm and collected and you respond, “Yes, for sure. We can set up a time to chat and see if any of my offers work for you. Not a problem at all. When do you have available this week or next?”
And let’s just say for this exercise’s purpose, she doesn’t respond again. Again, you are letting her drive the car. A few weeks go by, you don’t check in. She messages again, “Sorry, we’ve been so busy. I really do still want to chat. What about this Tuesday.” And you respond, “Oh my gosh, no worries at all. This Tuesday works for me, why don’t you give me three times that work for you. I’ll make one of those work. And I’d say let’s just block off an hour or so, so we aren’t rushed.”
She writes back the three times and you give her a time that works for you in those three times, and you say, “Okay great, I’ll talk to you then.” Do you feel the difference? A lot of people think that you will lose someone if you don’t manhandle the conversation and get them to commit, nail down a time, lock it in.
But you will lose someone when you get needy and you do all of those things. You try to get them to commit, you try to nail them down, you try to lock it in. At any point, if you had responded to Erin saying, “Hey, just checking in, wanted to circle back, see if you still wanted to chat. I can definitely help you with so and so. I have a few times open this week if you’d like to jump on a call.”
Now you have put pressure and obligation on your client to respond to you. You have changed the energy of this exchange of the selling. You have started driving. In fact, truly, you have changed the entire dynamic of the relationship as a coach and a client. You’ve stepped over the line.
If you do get a response, it will be out of guilt or pressure or obligation. And maybe out of some sort of remaining desire, but the emotions of pressure and guilt and obligations will be heavier on the client. And you don’t want to ever have your client feeling obligated, pressured, or guilty to work with you, to have done homework for you, to have done work in between calls with you. None of that.
You want to be the one place your client feels safe. Now, you’re probably thinking, “But this could take forever.” And just thinking that thought lowers your selling power instantly. First of all, you have to be willing to be in it for life, truly, for as long as it takes, so you don’t get in convincing energy.
People who are afraid that it will take forever often make it take longer than forever. It becomes never. Because of that convincing energy. I know that you deeply want to control and for this episode, I want you to just consider working on not needing to control. You need to work on trusting.
This situation with Erin is happening with hundreds of people right now and they’re like, must make a change point will all be different. That point at which they actually feel compelled to reach out to you. That will all be different. So you just want to be creating relationships everywhere to make sure you have lots of people in your audience, even if you don’t know that they are there, and even if they’re not actively engaging with you yet.
And then you want to be showing up and giving consistent value that they can rely on with trust and commit in the process. And allowing them to come to you and drive that relationship because it’s the first part of the coaching relationship. They have to be driving it to be committed.
And they will be more committed and eager to buy that way. And you will feel less sleazy and graspy. And for every reach out that goes to you, I want you to realize that there are like, 10 to 20 other people just like them that are also considering working with you right now too.
They just need you to keep showing up, keep being in their brain, keep nudging them with value, keep selling them on the idea that they can achieve what they want. And you have to know that when someone goes to you, it means nothing about you and everything about them being busy and nervous and unsure and impulsive without the commitment to follow it all the way through, without knowing how to commit to something and follow it all the way through.
That’s something you’re going to teach them. And then this is the thought you really have to think about. The thing you really have to know that I always told myself and still to this day choose this thought is they will be back. I don’t need to chase after someone when I believe they will be back.
I don’t need to respond again and check in with someone again when I believe, “Oh, even if it’s three weeks from now, they’ll be back.” It’s the same really with payments. I never chased anyone for payments either. I always told them that they should pay in the first 48 hours because excitement has a half-life and your brain will just let all the fear come in the longer you wait to pay and to sign up.
Some of you experience that with 2K. You just wait and wait and wait to sign up and the fear just has more and more time to marinate. So I always gave them that option, but if their call was a week from when we talked and they didn’t pay in the 48 hours, I never checked in with them. I checked in with them the morning of their call.
“Hey, we have our call today. See you at 11. I noticed you haven’t made your payment. Make sure you get that in before our first call.” Whatever, right? I never did it before that moment because I always have that thought. They will be back, they will make their payment.
When you genuinely believe that, the way you show up is completely different. So I’m going to give you this hilarious analogy my client Kathryn Morrison and I don’t even know where this started. On some 200K mastermind call.
We were talking about how business is like hunting deer. Now, neither of us actually do that, which makes it even funnier. But my dad is an avid deer hunter and a really good one. And so I know a lot about deer hunting. And I really do think getting clients is exactly like hunting deer. So I’m going to tell you how that’s true.
When you’re hunting deer, you have to let them come to you. Now, you can be very smart and do very clever things to increase your chances of them coming to you. So you can scout the days before leading up to your hunt and find the paths that they normally take.
Deer will mark trees with their – I almost wanted to say horns. Antlers. With their antlers. They will mark trees, they will poop. There will be poop markings. There will be brushes where they’re eating. Like you can tell a deer has been through a path. There’s a lot of very specific ways to tell. My dad would know them.
I just am going off of things I remember from him. But you can be very smart and figure out where the deer are and the paths that they take. Then you can put up a deer stand. And as I was joking with Kathryn, you can put deer pee all around that deer stand and make it really enticing to the deer.
And you can lay very still when you see a deer, until they come into good range and you have a good shot. But if you move too soon, you spook the deer. Now, you can also – this is a side note – work on your precision with your shooting. That’s one thing I knew. My dad was so good at his precision. He never missed and it was always a direct kill. It was never – they never suffered. He was so precise with his shooting skills.
So when you’re so precise with your shooting skills, you don’t need very many deer to come by you. You just need one. That’s your consult abilities for coaches. So when people ask me if they need to study consults before they have people reaching out to them, before they’re “ready to hunt,” I’m like, “What? Yes.”
Imagine if you decide to deer hunt and you spend all that time setting up your tent thingy and getting all your gear on and doing all the scouting days before and you see a deer and then you realize you have no idea how to shoot a gun. That would be a colossal waste of an opportunity.
So yeah, if you decide if you want to hunt a deer, the first thing you need to learn is how to shoot the damn gun. Then start your scouting, then start your waiting, then start enticing deer to come your way.
Now, I know this is a little ridiculous. Also, a funny side note, I was a really big tomboy when I was a kid, which I’m sure is some Indiana word that is not allowed in these days, so no one take offense. But I used to go deer hunting with my dad. I am really good at shooting. I am very precise.
I’m precise on my consults. I’m precise in my shooting. I never killed a deer though because I hit sixth grade and puberty and became a vegetarian and lost all interest in getting up at 3am, so I always joke with my dad that it was the greatest tragedy for him the day I grew up.
But this analogy works, y’all. Okay, so let’s swing back around to this idea that if you believed that your coaching was valuable, that people wanted it, they know where to find you because you communicate that all the time in your social media posts and your emails, if you believed you were Audi, if you trusted people were coming to you, if you trusted that people were thinking about working with you right now and that they would reach out when the time was right for them and when they were finally sold on you and themselves, and when you had finally offered them enough value that they couldn’t help themselves, they felt compelled to reach out to you, if you were focused on getting transformation in your content ahead of time, knowing that that would lead to more people wanting more, you would have no problem being the coach in this scenario with Erin and you would have no problem waiting for the deer.
If you weren’t thinking that you don’t have time for this and that you’re desperate to help them and you know you can really help them, you see it glaringly obvious that you can help them, that if you weren’t thinking that they won’t do it on their own or can’t do it on their own, that you need to give them a nudge or they won’t take action, that they just don’t know what you have to offer and if they did they would want it.
If you weren’t thinking those things, the truth is you wouldn’t be reaching out. You wouldn’t be checking in and reminding. This is why your thoughts and your feelings and the energy of how you’re showing up is so important. It’s not just something. It’s everything.
When you have a mismanaged mind around money and around getting clients, you will be salesy and graspy. Or a mismanaged mind is also an unaware mind. So you’ll just simply not be tuned into your client and how they need to feel in order to buy. And how you’re feeling truly. You can be completely unaware of that.
And when you have a managed mind, you will not push. You will not awkwardly ask for referrals and ask your friends and family to market for you. You will not check in with people who don’t get back to you. You really have to work on becoming aware of when you want to lean forward and drive the car and why.
When you feel compelled to shoot before the deer is crossing your path, right? You have to work on becoming aware of the energy that you would have if you had clients and were a successful coach getting people results, and how you show up in both equations.
This is a lot of the work we do in 2K. We learn how to shoot also before the deer comes in our path. So important. We learn how to take advantage of every single person that does reach out without pushing and trying to move the needle forward and trying to get the person on the phone.
And I know it’s the opposite of what you are hearing in the marketing and the selling world. But that is because this level of thought work and this level of sales mastery is often missing from marketing and sales training until now.
My client Maggie always says that working with me and my programs, it’s like the Navy Seals of selling, of sales training, and it really is. I don’t want you to listen to what everybody else is saying. I want you to listen to this and think about test it for yourself. Be like, is what Stacey’s saying make sense?
How am I showing up? Why am I taking these actions and trying to move the needle myself? Why am I not being patient and believing that clients are going to come to me? Why am I not just allowing myself to trust?
Why am I not just showing up and being responsible for meeting people, telling them I’m a life coach, and making offers to help everyone and telling people how they can reach out to me but not individually calling people up on the phone or messaging them on Instagram and Facebook? What is the motivator when I do that, when I don’t do that? What would I be doing if I had a full client list? What would be that energy that I’d be showing up?
You have to really test this stuff. I’m not even saying blindly listen to me but test it. See if what I’m saying could be true because 100%, every single time I’ve coached thousands of coaches on this, it’s always the case. Every time they’re reaching out, it’s always because they’re not in alignment.
They’ve stepped out of belief. And they’re not in service thinking about their client and their clients buying experience. They’re thinking about them. They have a mismanaged mind. They’re trying to get their needs met. They’re trying to feel better by getting somebody else to take action in their business. Always. That is the truth. You’ve got to test this, y’all.
And if you want help with this, join 2K. We will help you. I give you a sales process that is designed to let it be the client’s idea and let the client come to you. I teach you how to market this way. I teach you how to sell this way on your consults. I teach you how to have your clients feeling like it’s a really fun experience to buy from you.
And then we also coach on your mindset. All of the modules reveal your mindset. I give you specific exercises to find that. We coach on it every single week in the live coaching calls. We coach on it daily in Ask a Coach. You have other coaches. Thousands of other coaches in the community that are able to point out what you don’t see when you ask for help and you talk about what is happening in your business.
They’re able to point it out and say hey, you don’t even realize you’re having this thought that’s influencing the way you’re showing up and influencing the way you’re selling to your client, the way you’re pushing and convincing your client.
All of that is designed to line you up to really be in the right mindset to give value that is compelling for your client to reach out to you, for it to be their idea, for them to feel in charge, for them to be committed, for them to be compelled and excited, and for them to have a positive, exciting buying experience from you. Alright, this is hard work y’all, but it’s totally worth it. Alright, I’ll see you next week.
Hey, if you’re ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2k for 2k program where you’re going to make your first $2,000 the hardest part using my simple 5 step formula for getting consults and closing new clients. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.