Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | Ask a Coach Q&A

We launched Ask a Coach in 2K for 2K recently, and I’m so proud of myself and my team for achieving this goal. It wasn’t easy to plan and implement, but I am so excited that it has come to life and that it’s going to act as another avenue for me to help all of you guys.

Today, I’m doing the first Ask a Coach Q&A here on the podcast where I’ll be answering some great questions that are going to be super useful to all of you new coaches. The questions are so relevant to the experience all new coaches go through, and I get so revved up helping you see your beliefs and give you a new perspective.

From common things that happen during consults and the biggest lessons you can learn from them, how you might be manipulating your potential clients, to mindset shifts you have to practice to sell expensive things, I’m giving you a taste of what’s happening inside Ask a Coach. I’m loving it so much and I hope you find this useful!

I’m hosting a live event at the Four Seasons in Las Vegas next year with Brooke Castillo called How to Sell Expensive Things. If you want to learn how to sell expensive things, make sure to get on our lists. It’s going to be first come first serve and we’re not taking very many people. Get on it!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • The common things that occur during consult evaluations in the beginning of your business and why they happen.
  • One of the greatest learning lessons that you have to look out for on consults.
  • How you might be manipulating potential clients on consults and how to avoid doing that.
  • Why changing your niche while you’re in 2K for 2K is the worst decision you can make.
  • How to coach yourself through thinking you aren’t a good coach.
  • Why I ask my clients to always answer their own questions first before I coach them on it.
  • The thought work you have to practice if you want to increase your prices or sell expensive things.

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Full Episode Transcript:

Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hello, welcome to episode 48. Today we’re going to talk about Ask a Coach and I’m going to do a Q&A. So recently in 2K for 2K, we launched Ask a Coach. It is truly my pride and joy for this year.

It was the hardest thing for me to conceptualize with my audience and my clients, and the hardest thing for me to hire for this year, and the hardest thing to plan for and to make decisions for and implement. My team spent months preparing this rollout, to do it well, really with what I would call pristine execution.

And I will say that it was the “hardest” because it felt so difficult in my mind to execute from scratch. It was a really big thing for me. I feel like this and I created a book called The Consultation Code and I feel like those two were the hardest things for me to bring to life, other than the actual 2K process. To actually take something from your mind and bring it to life. It was hard.

So now that it’s done, I was sitting here thinking it is truly the best thing we have ever done for 2K for 2K and for my company. It feels like such a huge up-level and this is something I didn’t expect, which is so fascinating, the things that you think before and after. I love going in there. I love working with and mentoring the 2K Ask a Coaches.

It has helped me step out of my coaching brain to teach why I would coach something a certain way versus another. What’s the reasoning to coach this specific way, which to me has developed this next layer of deep understanding of the work I do when it comes to selling, when it comes to making money, coaching with the model, coaching clients on getting results, everything.

I’ve been taking it so much deeper. I just really love it all. If you are in 2K for 2K, I highly encourage you to get in there and get coaching. Okay, so answering these questions and teaching my new coaches how to answer these questions and coach on these submissions has really fired me up. And it feels like every question, I’m like, everybody has to hear the answer to this, which is probably why I love Ask a Coach. I’m like, all of these questions are so good.

So I wanted to pull some of them and share them with you today, just a few of them that I think are so relevant to what so many coaches go through and we’re just going to dive in and I’m going to read you the question or as much of the question that’s pertinent because sometimes they’re a couple paragraphs, and then I’m going to talk about it on the podcast. I think it’s going to be so fun. Okay, are you ready? Let’s dive in.

So question one, the title – can I just say the headline made me die laughing? Not at the coach, I just want to clarify, obviously, but it felt like the epitome of being a new coach. I was right there with her. I’m like, oh yeah, been there, done that.

So the title of it was, “Consult eval: client was driving and crying.” I just feel like this is what we’re working with sometimes, especially when you’re a new coach. You get these types of situations.

Okay, so she submitted, “First of all, the call went to voicemail. The client called me back 15 minutes later saying that she’d been on the other line yelling at her boyfriend. She was driving back from a medical appointment crying because she was worried about her dog and fighting with her boyfriend.”

I love that there’s medical appointment, dog, and fighting with her boyfriend all in one sentence. It’s fantastic. So she says, “I suggested rescheduling for a time when she could focus, when she said there was no time like that in her life. I explained the coaching relationship would require that and it would be life-changing for her to show up for herself in that way.

She wanted to argue about this but I stood firm. I’m second-guessing this now. I think next time, I would consider sending a reminder message to come to the calls undistracted. I could have continued the consult even though she was driving and freaking out and crying. I understand that sometimes people freak out and cry, which I can support them through, but I didn’t think she was in a good place to be trying to make a decision about coaching.”

So I’m going to coach on this a couple different ways. I have a couple of different bullet points here. But the first two things I want to point out and I’m going to point them out again in a minute is that she explained that a coaching relationship would require focus and not having distractions, and that it would be life-changing for the client to show up for herself that way, and that the biggest thing is she didn’t feel like she was in a good place to try to make a decision about coaching.

So number one, here’s what I’m going to say. This happens. That’s why I think it’s so funny. Nothing has gone wrong. This is a common occurrence. I remember having a consult with someone going through the McDonalds drive-through and I was like, what is happening here?

I had a lot of this in the beginning of my business. I find most of my clients get this in the beginning of their business too. So here is why this happens. When you are new at coaching, you have a lot of uncertain energy. Uncertainty about yourself as a coach, about your tools, about the effectiveness of coaching itself, about whether you’re going to make it as an entrepreneur, whether your clients can make it and get the results they want.

It’s just a lot of uncertainty. And when you are selling from uncertainty, you will attract a high level of very uncertain people. The clients who you attract just show you where your mind is. So you attract a lot of uncertainty, then on top of that, you don’t know what your business practices are.

You haven’t decided ahead of time how you’re going to handle things like this because they have never come up and there is no playbook for this. You have to learn this stuff on your own. You’re going to want me to tell you all of the things ahead of time so you can make your decisions ahead of time and you never ever have to experience this, but the truth is there are a million ways that this will show up.

In fact, I really think this is part of the whole process. You get clients that show up crazy on consults, and when I say show up crazy on consults, I mean they’re crying hysterically, driving through the drive-through on their way back from an appointment, fighting with their boyfriend. You get consults like that. They don’t pay on time, or you get clients that are late to calls or they’re eating on calls.

You get all of this. They’ll be so distracted. They’ll be so non-committal, they won’t do the work, and all of that is your learning opportunity. How will you handle it and why will you handle it that way?

So the second part of my answer to this is how you handle it and why is in itself such a great learning lesson and what I really wanted to share with you today. So you get a client, they’re crying and driving, or you get a client not paying on time, you get a client doing behavior that you think they shouldn’t be doing.

It’s very subtle, but you have to catch it, like what you think they should be doing, even if you have really great reasons for it, and then what they shouldn’t be doing, you want to be really clear on this right here. You ready? Be ready. Write it down. Stop the car and take notes.

Coaching is always for them. It’s never for you. Boundaries, decisions ahead of time are what is for you. The coaching, anything you offer, them as a coach is for them. And you can really only enforce boundaries that are for you when you are willing to act on the consequences.

This is why I love the Ask a Coach and why I’m so excited to share this on the podcast because I feel like this question being asked, someone taking the time to ask this question is now giving everyone the opportunity to decide ahead of time what that will be for you. What your boundary or what your decision ahead of time will be if a client gets on the call and is driving, and even if they’re not crying, they’re just driving.

They’re like, oh yeah, I’m just on my way to take my kids to soccer practice. This is the only time I have available. And you get to decide how you’re going to handle that and know – I think this is important to just know is that you can decide with each of these situations in the moment. You really can.

You have that ability to kind of say, okay, in this situation, I felt it was appropriate, and in this situation, I didn’t feel it was appropriate. You get to decide that as the coach. You just need to be aware that that is a decision that you need to make.

When you don’t like a client’s behavior, and instead of having a boundary or a decision and a standard, that’s what I would call it. I call them my standards. When you don’t have that and you get a client’s behavior that you don’t like, you try to coach them for them to change to be better people, you try and coach them to show up the way that you want. That is manipulation.

You just want to be really careful. You don’t mean to manipulate them, but that is what you’re doing. And so here’s the giveaway in this question. She said, “I explained that a coaching relationship would require focus and it would be life-changing for her to show up for herself that way.”

And then she said, “But I didn’t think she was in a good place to be trying to make a decision about coaching.” So the coaching this coach gave was really about the coach. Not the client. She wanted her client to be in a good place to make a decision about coaching.

Now, I agree, but that is about you. So you don’t want to sell the client on how it’s so great for them, when really, it’s just so great for you. You can own that. It’s okay to just own that. Stand alone. This is so great for me, this is not so great for me. That’s all okay, but don’t say this is not so great for me, if you change, it will be so great for you.

That’s where you get into a little bit of manipulation. So this is where the decision comes in. You either set a boundary for yourself and you follow your rules but you make it about you, and you can either end the call and reschedule or not.

So the boundary is I don’t do calls while you’re crying or while you’re driving. And maybe while you’re crying and driving is the only problem that you don’t do. I don’t know, you get to decide. But it’s like, I don’t do these calls when you’re not prepared to have a conversation about making a decision to buy. I just don’t do that.

And then you get to ask them to reschedule or tell them you need to reschedule, and then you have to be okay with if they say I’m not going to reschedule and then you say, okay, then I think this call is over. That’s where you have to be okay with the consequences.

Or you can coach the client for her or him and really coach her on what she’s having happen in the moment, and then at the end, you can see where she is about scheduling a consult or you can offer her coaching and let that be like, a mini session and it be enough. You have options. But don’t coach them on how they should show up for you, disguised as it will be life-changing for them if they showed up that way.

Because the turnaround really is no, it will be life-changing for me if you showed up that way, dried up your tears, and paid me some cash. That’s really what it was. That’s what you’re saying when you try to get a client to change their behavior.

I just coached someone actually on the 2K page about this with payments. I was like, no – she said, I’ve coached the client several times on where is this coming up in her life and where else is this affecting and what other results is it creating and all this stuff. And I was like no, paying late works for her. She loves it. It’s why she keeps doing it. It works.

She doesn’t have the money when she has to pay on time. She pays you late when she has the money. That is working for her. Who it doesn’t work for is you. So don’t coach her to pay on time. Tell her she has to pay on time or you don’t coach her anymore.

And maybe that’s not even the decision you would make once you knew that was really the choice. I had a client in the very beginning, and I’m not saying this is the right way to handle it, but I had a client in the very beginning who always paid late. She always paid though.

And it wasn’t even that she didn’t have the money. She would just never make it a priority. And I had a full client list and I loved coaching her, and I was just kind of like, yeah, this is the client. She just pays late. And it was totally fine and I just kept myself out of having to have that payment to go pay something.

I just never let myself rely on that money. And I was just like, yeah, this is just my client. I coached her on it a couple times and then I realized, oh, this isn’t a problem for her. It’s just one for me. And then I was just willing to get over it. And then as I grew, I wasn’t willing to get over it. I was like no, I just don’t do this.

And I did this whole manipulative thing unintentionally in the beginning. I remember I had a client that would always pay late and I did the same questions. How is this showing up in your life? What results is this creating for you? And what would your life be like if you paid everything on time?

And all this stuff, and it’s like, she was like, no, I’m fine with it. And it really hit me like, oh, yeah, I’m not fine with it. This is just a me issue. And so then I got to decide, you know what, this doesn’t work for me. You can never pay late again. We can’t be in this relationship.

But you have to really decide like, you can’t do the manipulative thing. It doesn’t serve you or your clients. So just know, number one, you’re going to get crying and driving and going through McDonalds in the beginning. And then number two is you have to be really clear of what’s for you and what’s for your client.

Okay, question number two. This was titled, “New niche drama.” So this is what the client writes in. She says, “Changing my niche from career coaching to business coaching. I believe that career coaching and business coaching are different and that I can make more money with business coaching. I just reached $5000 months in my career coaching business with the help of 2K for 2K, charging $500 a month for coaching.

I found clients don’t stay too long because they find a job and then they think they don’t need coaching anymore. With a business, I believe they will stay long-term because they will always want to up-level in their business. I would like to make a decision without all the drama. I have all these thoughts come up about how hard it will be to change things.

Then I go back to keeping things the same and just broaden the niche and not change it at all. And so I want to decide whether to make the transition or not, feel good about the decision, and then move forward with whatever I decide without flip-flopping back and forth like I’ve been.”

Here is my answer. If you’re encountering a similar situation, my answer is, in shouty caps, “NOOOOOO.” Do not change your niche, absolutely not, not until 100K. This is the worst decision you could make. Think about this, you’re making 5K a month, why? You really have to answer this question, why would you change it when you are so close to 8K a month, which is what six figures is?

You’re more than halfway there. And the reason, this is what I think the reason has to be, is because you don’t think you can make 3K more a month with your current niche, and possibly without it being a headache or hard or taking a long time.

Your brain is like, that’s a cap. It’s not true. That is the real thing. It’s just not true. The truth is, your brain doesn’t want to go to work to figure out how to make 3K more a month without changing anything, without changing the circumstances, without changing the business. It wants to go change the business so that the mind doesn’t have to work so hard.

You never want to do that or you will always be at the mercy of your business and things and other people. You will not have learned that a business is created with your mind and with your problem-solving, at least a business that isn’t a hot mess, right?

So you have thoughts that career clients don’t stay long enough because they find a job, and that business clients will stay longer because they will always want to uplevel their business. You think there is more money in business coaching, right, 3K a month more. You think longer term clients equals more money.

What if that weren’t true? Your niche doesn’t do long-term coaching, even if that were a circumstance, that is also not an issue, right? It isn’t easier to coach long-term clients. I want you guys to all question your thinking around that.

Long-term, short-term, both are just choices. You can make money with both.  But I’m not going to change your belief here. I just want you instead to see that it is just a thought. When you think business coaching clients coach longer, are better clients, and you make more money, you’re in trouble. If that’s your thought, you’re in trouble.

Really, all you need is just more clients. And this isn’t a problem. If you’re in this situation where you think you need to change your niche to make more money, you need to know, it isn’t true. What you need to think, instead of changing your niche, is in getting more clients and just expanding your reach before you go and change everything that’s working completely.

Let’s just really look at this. Before you throw away the thing that’s working that’s probably unique to you that no one else is doing with your tools and expertise, if getting clients weren’t a problem and you believed you could make just as much money career coaching, and the fact that they get results with you which is why they stop coaching with you is they find a job, if you believe that’s an amazing thing, that you have a list of clients who got results with you and you use that for fuel in your marketing, if you believed all of that, what would you do?

If you believed your niche worked and you could make as much money as you ever wanted in that niche, the thing that you’re most passionate about, what would you do? I would first look at not changing your niche and how are you going to create 8K months with that current niche, 10K months even.

Think about this, whatever number you will be easier to make with business coaching, however much money, whatever that amount is that you believe will be easier to make with business coaching, what if you only let yourself make that amount of money with this niche? It would change everything for you.

Like, I know a coach making six million dollars a year with a $50 product. It’s not about the high price. It’s not about the long-term. It’s not even about the short-term or the short price – that’s not the right word – low price, right? You have to investigate your stories because that’s really what they are. You’ve got to really see them.

And for the record, I just want to say, I see a lot of coaches try to jump on the making money train, and for reasons that are great and true for them. Like, only jump on the business coaching train if you have something you feel so deeply passionate about with tons of experience in the area of business, like sales or marketing, something that you love so much you eat, sleep, and live for it.

That’s the only time to do it. I love selling. I did it my whole life. I love telling stories about it. I love reading books on it. I love going to conferences on it. I love talking about it more than anything else. I’d rather talk about business than anything else, except maybe relationships, I like talking about that too. But even in my personal life, if I can get together with some friends and talk about business, I am happy.

But not – I didn’t become a business coach because of this thought that you can make more money in business coaching. I think I actually had the opposite thought, which is like, it’s going to be so much harder to make money when I only teach life coaches how to make money. That was one of the biggest things that stopped me.

That thought that you’re going to make more money because you’re business coaching, it’s not true. I made my first $250,000 life coaching. And I know a lot of life coaches out there making as much if not more than me right now and their niches aren’t business, so you just want to question the hell out of that, is that really who you are and what you want to do?

Because again, I could argue for the opposite. I think business coaching can be very saturated and it’s like a red ocean. You’re going to have to go out there and find a lot of big sharks, especially when you go into Facebook ads. So it’s not like I’m saying you shouldn’t do it either if you absolutely love it, but, like, don’t make your decision because you think something will be easier. The grass is never greener.

Alright, question three. So this coach submitted, “I’m working through a few things and I’m hoping for some coaching here. Background, I got my coaching certification in 2007 and was unable to really get my coaching business off the ground. I had literally six clients in three years and then I left coaching, hated my insurance job, and left all careers to raise my two boys. Flash forward nine years, I re-launched my coaching business almost a year and a half ago and it has been more successful.

I average four to five clients a week, but I am not getting the referrals I feel like I need or should be getting. I know bad coaching words, but try not to be a coach here for a second. When I think of why I’m not getting referrals, only a few things come to mind. There were a few clients who just stopped calling, which can mean that I’m really not good at this, or that I sell individual packages and perhaps people aren’t getting enough coaching for lasting results. I honestly have no idea and I honestly feel that 90% of my clients are happy and achieve success, any ideas? Most of my clients attained have been through Google ads, which I do not mind spending money on if I get referrals and it grows. Help.”

So, here is my coaching on this. And this is interesting, and I included this question for a good reason. When you submit to ask a coach, you might be – we call this the yarn. You might be having the yarn, which means you have a lot of stuff going on. There are 100 ways I could literally coach on this. There are so many things to coach on in this paragraph.

But one of the things that I do and I’ve taught my 2K coaches to do is coach on the heart of things and really give you one specific thing to move forward on, or maybe two in the event that it’s super helpful. And one of the things I like to do is I tell you – not everyone follows this, but I tell them to answer the questions themselves first because then I get to really see what’s happening in their mind.

And I really love when you answer the question and then we go with your answer, like we believe your answer, because it helps build self-trust and it helps you build this idea that you do always know what the problem is. Like I don’t ever think that, when we guess what we think the problem is, I don’t ever think we’re wrong, ever. There’s always something there.

Now, it may not be the thing, but it is something to work on. So the coach that wrote in thinks the problem is one of two things; that they’re chagrining individual sessions, or that they’re not a good coach. That’s what they think the two problems are. And here is my coaching on this; what if you aren’t good at coaching?

I want you guys to all sit with that for a second because I get a lot of coaches that come to me and their go-to self-defeating thought is, “I’m not a good coach.” Or, actually, I see coaches do one of two things, and I think neither of them are useful.

They either just sit there and believe pretty thoughts about their skill of coaching, or wallow in how terrible they are. And there is middle ground here. Here’s the middle ground; get better at coaching. What? Some of y’all, if you were coaching this answer, you would be like, “You’re probably amazing, you’ve got to build your belief that you’re an amazing coach.”

No, just get better at coaching. It’s okay to say I’m not a great coach right now or I’m working on becoming – like, if you’re being honest with yourself and you think your coaching skills need help, if that’s what your honest answer is, “I’m not a good coach,” don’t wallow and don’t lie to yourself. Just go get better.

This might be an unpopular opinion, but I’m just saying it. So how do you do that? I’m going to give you some suggestions. Number one, coach more people. And I’m going to talk about that in my second part of the answer to this question, but coach more people. And when you coach them and you get stuck, spend time figuring out the solution after the fact. Like, go over the call in your brain, or even better, on paper.

I used to do this. I would literally write out entire conversations that I just had and then go back through them to see where I could have improved. Ask yourself how you would do it again. If you were presented with another opportunity with more time and perspective when you’re not like on the spot frozen with a client on the other end, how would you walk someone through it? What are five ways that you would walk someone through it?

Be willing to spend time with your client’s problem and be in the solution or figuring out the solution, even if you don’t have it right away on the call. That is what I spend my time still going. When a client is struggling to get something, I spend active time thinking about the different ways I could coach them, thinking about why they’re stuck.

Like, for example, I teach my 200K students the simple offer and they have to go out and implement it. And when they aren’t implementing, when they’re stuck, I am sitting here thinking about all the reasons why. Why do we all get stuck there?

I problem-solve it out all day long and then I come back to the next call ready to teach my clients something new that I’ve uncovered about it, or I look for it in my own life, like where am I having the same problem where I know what I need to do and I’m just not doing it? What am I believing there? What am I unwilling to feel there? What am I doing instead? What am I doing instead of following through?

And then I go investigate. And when I solve the problem for me, I know how to deeply solve it for them. But don’t wallow in, “I’m not a good coach.” But I would spend all of your time becoming a better coach. And remember, coaching is selling and selling is coaching. It’s not a coincidence that this coach believes that they are not a good coach or that their coaching isn’t great for their clients and is also struggling to sell them more than one session, right?

Like, one-off sessions are a no. That’s how my coach always says it. She’s like, “It’s a no.” I find myself saying that like her all the time now, “It’s a no for sure, no one-off sessions.”

If you build a coaching session off one-off sessions, it’s going to require you to either constantly be reselling them, or constantly be finding 20 new people every single week and actually more than that when you factor in the people who do the consults and say no, right? Or do you even do consults for those? I don’t even know how you would do that. So, like, if you’re doing consults for one-off sessions, it’s even more of a waste of time. Definitely don’t do that. It’s definitely a no.

But I would not do fewer than six sessions. And I recommend at least 12 at a time. Get good at coaching and selling and be able to give them the value of six to 12 sessions and then sell them on that value.

Alright, question number four is about expensive things; my favorite. So the coach’s question, “I have thoughts before the consults that most clients are going to be surprised at the price and not willing to pay. I want to feel so confident in my value that clients are eager to work with me even if it’s expensive.”

So, here’s my coaching on this – two things really actually. Number one, how do you show up when you believe they are going to be surprised and not willing to pay? I think many new coaches have this going on. And even when you raise your prices a lot, right? I just did a huge price increase for my 200K mastermind and one of the thoughts that really served me is they are not going to be surprised about this. They’ve seen this coming for a really long time.

They know I’ve been over-delivering immensely and undercharging immensely for a while. They’re going to be like, “Yeah, for sure, I should have paid that much for this mastermind,” right? Those thoughts have served me so much in selling my mastermind. But I want you to think about this from beginning to end.

When you go to market, when you go to write copy, write like a social media post or an email, when you go to write to your people, how does it show up when you believe they won’t be willing to pay? How does it show up when you set up the call, if they reach out to set up a call, how does it show up when you believe that?

I had a client once that would be like, every time someone messaged me to set up a call, I’d be like, well here’s somebody else that’s not going to pay. So it shows up even then.

When you get on the phone with them, when you’re on the call, how does it show up? From the very beginning, what are all the ways that it shows up? When they have an objection – I want you to get as detailed as possible to really see how this thought of they’re going to be surprised at the price and not willing to pay, how much it’s creating the result that you have right now, which is, of course, they get on the call and they’re surprised and not willing to pay? And how would you show up if you believed they were willing to pay and they wouldn’t be surprised at all?

Now, I want to just say this – I think that this is very important – we can’t control other people. So it doesn’t mean if you decide to believe that they won’t be surprised and they will be willing to pay, it does not mean that they won’t ever be surprised and that they won’t ever not pay if you show up believing they will.

But if you do this consistently, you will change and it will be guaranteed when you change, that your results change. And I do bet half of the people that you don’t sign when you’re believing this thought – this is for all of you – at least half were because of who you showed up as, the person that has this belief.

No matter what they say the reason is they didn’t buy, 50% of those people aren’t buying because of your beliefs, how you show up on the call. So really think about that.

Okay, part two of this answer is that if you want to feel confident in your value and for that result in your clients wanting to buy expensive things from you, how did you need to be thinking about your value and about your expensive coaching? Belief doesn’t just happen to us. You have to practice it. That is what beliefs are, our most practiced thought.

So you need to practice thinking that every day. I would start at the place of, like, people might like buying expensive things. People do buy expensive things. People will buy my expensive thing, and my expensive thing is worth it because of this value.  You have to practice that all of the time. You have to believe that you can find the people who like expensive things.

You don’t even have to change your belief about it being expensive. You can keep that. I love expensive things. I think they’re better than all the other things. PS, I am doing a live event at the Four Seasons in Las Vegas next year with Brooke Castillo called How to Sell Expensive Things. If you want to learn how to sell expensive things, make sure to get on our list. It’s going to be first come first served and we’re not taking very many people; get on it. I love it. I could talk about how to sell expensive things all day long, and my love for buying expensive things, to be clear.

Alright, question five – so this coach writes in that she did a consult on Wednesday and today is Monday and the person has not paid yet.  Okay, so we’re talking six days, ish, my math is correct. So six days have gone by after the client said yes and she’s not paid yet.

She said, “She’s texted Friday saying that she asked her mom for a loan and her mom was skeptical and she had to think about it for a few days. She said, “I’m excited for this new chapter in my life. She is my trainer and I just saw her for a workout and she was happy to see me and she told me about this meeting that she had with her mom and how it went and she said her mom still has her own stuff and hasn’t gotten the money yet.  She also said, I’ll keep you in the loop. So I’m just curious, what is the learning for me here, because the action in her model is not paying, but just being excited?”

So I think what the coach was hoping for is for me and the coaches to explain how to take a client from being excited but then they’re not showing up and paying and so they’re not fully committed. I think that’s what they’re asking, but here is my answer, which is not always what you ask.

I never think about a client who hasn’t paid. That is actually the rule for 2K for 2K. Never spend any energy on clients thinking about it, trying to get the money, asking somebody else for it, waiting for their taxes, paying in two weeks, getting back after vacation, none of it. I only think about clients that want my help now.

They are out there. What if that were actually true? They are out there but you can’t find them when you’re busy thinking about the people and trying to control the people who aren’t ready, period. Also, don’t coach your trainer. Go get trained when you are at the trainer. It’s a no. That’s another no.

I actually told my trainer about this question and I was like, “Listen, I’m never going to coach you.” She didn’t ask, but I’m just saying, I would never, ever coach my trainer. I go there for me. I’m getting my training. Don’t mix those two. That’s my opinion on that.

Okay, so, I wanted to give you a taste of what is happening inside of Ask a Coach. I am loving it. Seriously, I just love reading the titles. I know it’s going to be juicy before I ever even get inside to the submission itself just based on its title. They get me so excited, I just have to share a couple of them with you today.

So, these were some of the titles just from today. LATE PAYMENTS, in all caps. Another submission was Not Believing They Will Pay. Another one was Being 34 Weeks Pregnant and Having Mind Drama Around Creating a Course. Another one which was so good How to Do a 15-Minute Consult. I mean, these are all the topics for my next podcast. Another one was Clients Saying Yes and I Believe Them. I’m like, what is this going to be about? It’s so good.

I bet it’s about the client. They believe their client said yes on the consult, and then they don’t pay. I bet that’s the punch line, because you miss stuff when you believe your clients. Anyway, I just had to share that with you. Ask a Coach is just so fun. When you are in 2k for 2k, you get to go through and read all of those submissions, all of the previously answered questions, and even search your question topic, because likely it’s already been answered and you can get immediate coaching on it.

And what I also love is that when you submit a question, you put your email in, it emails you when we answer it. You don’t even have to go hunt it down. You can get the answer in your email. What? Best decision I ever made for my business, seriously. Worth the investment. Worth the months of hiring and training and backend website changing.

I love it. I love you guys. I love your questions. I love answering them. I love helping our 2k coaches. I love reading their answers. It’s the best. And shout-out to Kenna Parker who got coaching in Ask a Coach and then coached herself on the coaching all week, like took the coaching and took it deeper with herself and signed a client.

She just posted in 2k. She said, “Last Monday, I was let go from my main source of income, which has never happened to me. And up until this point, I had been working in my business for two years and clients were coming but I wasn’t fulltime. I went home that day feeling frustrated and thoughts poured in such as, there are women like Stacey who would decide to make their business work. They would decide there is no other option. Why can’t I believe and make that happen?

And the next morning, I went in and I got coached through Ask a Coach Portal which is literally amazing. And then from what the coach told me, I self-coached all week on everything that came up. My belief has fully stepped into, I can make this happen, which is completely different energy from, I’m waiting for this to happen. This is truly just the beginning and it feels freaking amazing. Thank you to Stacey and the other coaches. You have helped change my life so that I can change others.”

Boom, that is how it’s done, Kenna. I love it. But take away from that, like, listen, that’s the difference, seriously. “I can make this happen.” Better yet, “I will make this happen,” is very different than, “I’m waiting for it to happen.” Alright, coaches, go get it. I’ll see you next week.

Hey, if you are ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2K for 2K program, where you’re going to make your first $2000, the hardest part, and then $200,000 using my proven formula. It’s risk-free. You either make your 2K or I give you your 2K back. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

Enjoy the Show?

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