Make Money as a Life Coach® | Black Coaches Making 100K and Creating History NowWelcome to a surprise bonus episode this week! I have four students from my very first round of the 200K Mastermind on the podcast today to talk about crossing the 100K mark in their businesses as Black coaches in this industry. This is a milestone that is so pivotal for every single coach, and I was so delighted to hear that these four women had done it together.

Brig Johnson, Dr. Chavonne Perotte, Dr. Sonia Wright, and Jennifer Brown are four students who have been killing it in their businesses over the last year or so. I recently received a message from Brig informing me that they had been keeping each other accountable and supporting each other all the way to the 100K mark, and I can’t wait for you to listen in to hear the transformations they’ve experienced along the way.

Tune in this week to hear what the biggest contributor was to all four of these coaches earning 100K, the thoughts that created the biggest shifts for them, and the challenges they’ve each had to overcome to get to this point. They’ve all now set the standard and proven that it can absolutely be done, and I hope this inspires you to keep going on your own journey, even if it feels hard right now.

If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • The biggest contributor to all of these coaches crossing the 100K line together.
  • How these women starting holding each other accountable.
  • How Dr. Sonia has cultivated so much belief in her business.
  • The thoughts that helped these coaches gain traction in moving towards 100K.
  • How to make your schedule work for you.
  • What you need to know about owning your niche and going all-in on it.
  • Jennifer’s experience of going through the river of misery.
  • The power of doing the work of feeling a sense of belonging.

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Full Episode Transcript:


Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast, where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Stacey: Hey coaches. Welcome to a surprise bonus episode that I have for you today. So I have four students from my very first 200K mastermind who are here today to talk about making 100K as a Black coach in this industry.

So I have Dr. Chavonne, Dr. Sonia Wright, Jennifer Brown, and Brig Johnson, all in the house today. And so here’s how I want to start the conversation. So Brig, you messaged me on Facebook. You and I have been just kind of messaging back and forth here and there over the last year.

Can I read the message is that okay? She’s shaking her head. We have to have everyone muted. We’ve had some echo for this episode so far. So Brig reached out to me. I just have to tell y’all, this message that I got literally brought me to tears. It was like, the most – I’m going to try not to cry when I read the message but it was really, really exciting for a coach to get this message. No matter where you are in your career, this message will be impactful.

So Brig messaged me. She said, “Hey queen, I just wanted to report that after one year of not working with you but still using all of the shit you taught us, all but one of your Black coaches from the first mastermind have crossed over the 100K mark. We may have had more mind drama to deal with, but we got there.”

And then she went on to celebrate all of the money that all of you made here on the podcast. And I was really floored for a couple of reasons. Number one, significantly, or what this signifies for my own personal business, you all are my first Black coaches to cross the line. And the way I think about that is you all have now created proof of concept.

You all have now set the standard, the tone, you have now proven that it can be done for people in my community. And several of you are in the LCS community and for the LCS community as well, and so it’s such a monumental thing.

Any milestone, like my first 100K clients, my first million-dollar students, Simone just crossed the line of a million dollars. It’s always impactful but I think this year more than ever, my students have really told me how important it has been, especially after we did that series of podcasts back in, I think it was June, people have told me how important it’s been to have representation of someone who looks like them and has been through their walk of life, showing up and having what they want to have and doing what they want to do.

So for me, this was just such an impactful message to receive that it’s no longer me just saying it’s possible. It’s no longer people saying I want this but you all have done it. You all have crossed this line.

So I also thought, the second thing that was so important about this message was that you all didn’t give up. You did – I think most of you did the first two classes. We’ll talk about it. Most of you did the first two classes of 200K, the standard’s changed.

Some of you couldn’t continue on just because of the standards and you all didn’t just go out there and say okay, well, I’m not in 200K anymore so let me just throw my hands up in the air and do nothing. You went out there and you kept going.

And the third thing that felt so impactful to me is how you banded together. And how you continued to support each other through this, which I think is so powerful. The people that you meet in masterminds are literally everything. They become your people forever. And I can’t wait to hear more. Jennifer’s doing a little hug. I can’t wait to hear more about that too so we’re going to talk about everything.

But those three things really astonished me. I literally felt astonished at all of you and just so inspired. So I was asking Brig, we went on and we had a conversation. I was asking her what I thought or what she thought contributed to this, how did this happen. I just think it’s such a story that you don’t hear every day. So do you care Brig, if I read the rest of what you sent back and then we’ll just start the conversation? Okay, she’s like, go ahead.

So I said what do you think was the biggest shift or contributor? What were the cumulative things that led up to all of you doing it? Like all of you guys doing it together. And you said, “I think we finally realized it was our thinking and not that Black people don’t have money or it’s unfair that we have to work or that they don’t get it, that they don’t understand. And we literally just attacked our thoughts and that’s when things started to shift.”

So okay Brig, let’s start with you since you sent me that message. You said you were going to talk to the girls about it and you guys had been talking about it and having lots of conversations about it. So what do you think has been the contributor to you all crossing the 100K line together?

Brig: I really do think it was the community that we created of us all doing it and seeing it. And it’s like, every time one of us chipped away at it, it just chipped away at our belief that it was something else other than our thinking.

Stacey: So let’s start there. What were – I read some of the things that you told me, but what were some of the things that you all had to chip away with that you felt like it wasn’t your thoughts, it was this over here? What were those things for you?

Brig: I can talk for me.

Stacey: We’ll ask everybody.

Brig: Right. But for me, it was it’s easier for other people than me, I have to work…

Stacey: When you say I have to work, you mean your full-time job, right?

Brig: Right. I have to work my full-time job, I’m not in it full-time.

Stacey: And first of all, I’m going to keep stopping you. What is your full-time job? Because I think this is important for people to know because you have a very successful, important full-time job and I think that a lot of people who are in your position struggle with this. Not just Black coaches, but all coaches that have very important jobs really struggle with that. Like I have this other thing that’s very serious that I’m also dealing with. So tell them what you do.

Brig: I’m a nurse anesthesiologist.

Stacey: Some serious shit right there. Putting people to sleep, bringing them back. Just like, taking them to the edge of life.

Brig: That’s alright, taking care of the mamas and the babies.

Stacey: Okay. So you put people to sleep. That’s the actual thing you do. It’s not the doctor. It’s you that does it. Okay, so you have to work. What are the other things?

Brig: For me, it was I have to work, I had this belief that people that I’m talking to don’t value it as much. There was thoughts about this is harder for me for whatever reason and it just seemed like it was just impossible. And as long as I kept thinking it was impossible, of course, I kept creating the impossible.

Stacey: Yeah. And do you work specifically with Black people or do you work with anyone or do you – tell me about that because you said that you were thinking that the people you were talking to wasn’t connecting with them or they weren’t going to pay. Tell me about that.

Brig: Right. I work now specifically with Black people, even though I do have others. But like my niche, my defined niche is Black high-achieving women. But then at that time, it was just anybody. But because of my community, most of my people were Black because that’s who I talk with.

So of course, my consults weren’t converting or they were saying no or whatever, and so instead of saying it was a problem with me and my consult process, I was saying, no, they don’t get it. So as long as I kept thinking they don’t get it, then I wasn’t working…

Stacey: Like your clients.

Brig: My clients, right.

Stacey: And I don’t know if you remember this moment, but I know this as your coach, this is one of the things that you struggled with. We did – what was this? Maybe after the first one, after the first 200K. Gosh, it feels like it’s been years.

But after the first one going into the second one, I did a special VIP day for people who continued on. It could have been after the second one going into the third one. I don’t remember. But you came to Louisville. We had a small group of people.

And I remember coaching you on – you also had a fear of leaving your community, your people behind and not being able to serve them if you – if I remember correctly, your thought was that Black people won’t be able to afford it, and then if I raise my prices or if I don’t have super cheap offer that I’ll be leaving them behind, I won’t be serving them, I won’t be helping them. Tell me about that. Do you remember that?

Brig: Yeah, I was in two years. Because I just looked around the room and everybody was talking about what their price was and the answer was okay, well, it’s time to increase your price, and now it’s time you increase your price.

And I kept going, if I increase my prices then I’m out of my sphere of influence is what I thought. I won’t have anybody to coach. Like there won’t be anyone that will want to pay that money in my sphere, which didn’t make sense because I think once you coached me it was like, you’re in this room and so-and-so is in this room. But I had this belief that it just – our people weren’t going to be able to pay or wanted to pay at that price and it just wasn’t true.

Stacey: Well, it was so interesting because I remember what I asked you. I think your coaching was – was it $3000 at the time? I think it was. I have the weirdest ability to remember conversations. It’s so crazy. Maybe because I’m a coach. But I think it was $3000 at the time and I said, well, let me ask you this. If they got taxes back for example and got $3000 and they had the option to spend it on coaching, do you think they would or would they spend it on something else? And what did you say?

Brig: I don’t remember.

Stacey: I think you said they would probably go on a vacation. And I was like, see, it’s not about having the money, right?

Brig: Right. And I think at that point it was literally understanding that it was my job to show the value of coaching. That was the problem is I wasn’t showing the value of coaching. And because I had that belief, then I just never would get past being able to show the value of coaching.

Stacey: Yes. That’s why I think it’s so important for everyone that’s listening that’s in 2K, and if you’re not, just join 2K and you’ll know what we’re talking about. But what I teach on evaluations and I say that you can’t – actually I think I also talked about this recently in a podcast.

But when you do your evaluations, you can’t have other people in your evaluations. Your evaluations can only be you. So you can’t say they didn’t have money, they weren’t ready, they didn’t want it, they didn’t think their problem was serious enough. You have to say, I didn’t help them see how serious their problem was, how effective the solution could be, I didn’t show them the value of coaching, I didn’t do this.

And not to like, create a shame storm for you, but just so that you have a list of things that are in your power. You only take stock in your evaluations of things that you can control, just like when we coach our clients, only coach them on things that they can control, right? Which is so powerful.

Okay, so tell me how this little mastermind formed. I’m curious about this. How did you guys – I don’t know that it’s a mastermind, but how did you guys stay in touch and hold each other accountable and start having these conversations and unwinding some of this? How did that happen?

Brig: I just think it was a natural thing. I think Jennifer and Chavonne were pretty much always in contact with each other and then Dr. Sonia and I were in contact. And then I was in contact with Jennifer. So it was like, we were always at least one degree away from one another, so it was like, how’s she doing? How are they doing?

And for me, it’s always important – I’ve always created containers for women to support one another. That’s one of my biggest things. And I’m just realizing that I’ve done that throughout my entire life. And so then when COVID came and I realized I was off the deep end and came back to Earth, I realized that we could do something for our community.

And so I put a call out to each and every one of them. And there’s a couple of other ones that weren’t in 200K that we asked too. So that’s kind of how we stayed in touch.

Stacey: I love that so much. I just have to acknowledge you because I think that this is a special skill that you have and you’re starting to see it. But you really stay connected with people. And you’re really good at forming movements, which is what we talked about in one of the 200K calls.

But you were one of the first people really to jump in and start having a powerful conversation around equity and inclusion with The Life Coach School. You and I had many conversations. I remember posting in 2K right when everything exploded and George Floyd had been murdered, and I remember posting how can I help, and you were the first person to respond.

And you were like, actually, I think you could do some extra coaching calls for us, this is what I think you can do. And it was so powerful to see that and so I’m seeing it kind of everywhere now. Everywhere there is success, Brig is somehow involved in it. And I love that. I think it’s so powerful. You jump in so quick in 2K to help people, you’re so quick in LCS to lead and to come in and teach. And I just have to acknowledge you for that because I think it is creating ripples far beyond what I think you get to see on a daily basis.

Brig: That’s great. Thank you.

Stacey: Okay, so tell me some of the thoughts that started to unwind that really started to help you gain traction moving towards 100K. What was it for you?

Brig: I think it was that it’s possible. Just really going no matter what my circumstances are, I still can choose the belief that it’s possible. And I think seeing Dr. Sonia do it first. I was like – because it was this big huge thing in my mind, and then seeing her and watching her do it in the amount of time that she did it, I was like, okay, maybe it is possible.

So it went from this is impossible, this is crazy, because I know Dr. Sonia, she and I work similar times and similar hours. I’m on call, you’re on call. She’s calling me at six in the morning, I’m calling her at six in the morning. You’re still up at midnight, yeah, I’m still up at midnight because we’re both on call and everything.

So I’m like, wait a minute, she’s doing it. Maybe it’s possible. So then it went from it’s impossible to maybe it’s possible, and I think that’s the thing with – when we say diversity and inclusion, it’s just seeing someone that’s similar to you doing it. It doesn’t seem like this big thing that you have to solve. It’s not this rare sighting.

It’s like, oh, this is possible. And so it just helped me shift into possibility. And talking to her every day, in supporting her and how can I support you, as she was doing it, and just watching her just continue. She is a belief machine. And just borrowing her beliefs. I’m like, okay, well I’m going to borrow the beliefs too.

Stacey: I love it. Are there any specific ones that you borrowed?

Brig: You know, it was just like this is happening, I don’t know how, this is possible. I was always going with I’m an amazing coach, but I remembered the time that I realized that my thought – because I used to say I’m an amazing coach that no one knows about. And I said that all the time with a sense of pride.

And I was like, wait a minute, I’m creating the fact that I’m an amazing coach that no one knows about. And I was like, how about I change that thought to I’m just an amazing coach? And I’m an amazing businessperson is the new thing because I was like, if I can create the amazing coach, then I can create the amazing business too. And just stepping into that. But it was just instead of acting as if – I did an exercise of feeling as if. If I was at 100K, how would I feel right now? And then try to figure out what went with that.

Stacey: I love that. So I want everyone to hear that. So instead of acting as if, feeling as if. That is it. That’s why fake it ’til you make it doesn’t work because you can’t fake your emotions, but you can feel your way to whatever you want to create. it’s so powerful. I love that so much.

Brig: And it was just giving away the how, giving up the how. Like I don’t know how. And being okay with the uncertainty and the discomfort and realizing that the discomfort doesn’t go away. It’s like, I used to think that when everything is going to line up, the discomfort goes away. Like oh no, it doesn’t.

Stacey: Yeah. So good. I will say I’ve seen you move towards a lot of discomfort this year. A lot. And I’ve heard that you’ve done really uncomfortable things. So it’s really been kind of out there I feel like in our little community that Brig’s doing uncomfortable things and she’s killing it, which I think is so fun.

Okay, I have one last belief that I remember that you had, and I’m curious how you tackled this or if you’re still working on this. And then I definitely want to hear Dr. Sonia, about your ninja belief work. Okay, so I don’t know if you remember this, but I remember coaching you on – because you do make so much money at your – I think we were in Miami together and we coached on this.

You make so much money in your career that it was really hard for you to feel like you could ever make as much money as a life coach in that all the money that you did start making – because I think there was a time where you were at 30K or 50K and you were like, yeah, but like, that’s not even close to what I make now. So how could I be excited about that or how could I believe that that could ever be sustainable because it was always feeling like it wasn’t enough compared to how much money you make in your current career.

Brig: I think for me the biggest thing was to start identifying as a life coach, as opposed to identifying as a nurse anesthetist. As I started work – it took me like a year and a half to create that identity. And I remember the first time I did it is when someone introduced me to someone that was kind of cute. I’m single, so it was somebody that you would want to impress.

And I literally just said yeah, I’m a life coach. And I didn’t say anything else. I just noted to myself, tick. Like check, I have switched into identity. I didn’t feel like I needed to explain it or anything. So I knew then that I had the identity. So now it was like okay, now create the money and understanding that I can create money in that field also.

Stacey: So does it feel now like making – what you make in your career is inevitable as a life coach? Are you close to matching that income? Where are you at with your result and then your belief? I’m putting you on the hot spot.

Brig: I know, right? Well, currently I’m making more in my life coach business than in anesthesia.

Stacey: That is incredible.

Brig: I know, which blows my mind. And it was always – because I remember telling you because I used to say 100K is not going to do anything, what is 100K going to do? And you looked at me like, what are you talking about? But I was like…

Stacey: We have to say that 100K for me, I had never made 100K in my life so it really blew my mind to make 100K. So I appreciate that we have different starting points. But when I hear people say what’s 100K going to do for me, I’m like, what?

Brig: Right. And so for me it was I had to cultivate a love for what I had. I had to love what I was creating, I had to love where I was, I had to love the money that I made. And really love what I had and like it was enough and live in abundance in my life coaching business.

Because standing in that scarcity of I’ll never – that thought, I’ll never get out because this isn’t enough was going to keep me there. So I had to cultivate a love for this is work, this is exactly enough, this is great, and I just started going I’m living my life, I’m living my dream. I’m working a full-time job and coaching 22 clients and doing master coach training and I’m living my dream. There’s no scarcity. I’m like, yes, bring it, let’s go.

Stacey: I love that. I was just thinking about this yesterday. I was thinking how much I love to hustle. It’s actually something where I have to – where my business is now, I have to actively work towards not doing that. But I am someone who could work day and night and be happy.

I have to go to a place in my mind where I’m like, but there are other things. I do want to foster friendships and I do want to spend time with my family, and I do like to have a weekend where I don’t do anything. But really, I could be one of those people if I didn’t have awareness and if I didn’t have coaching, I would just work seven days a week all the time because I love that grind.

But anyway, I was thinking about I think that was one of the things, for everyone listening who maybe has a full-time job and is using that to be like, kind of poo-poo the whole I have a full-time job and also, I’m building my coaching business and it’s all so horrible and awful, there’s this other piece where you could really love the grind and the hustle and know that it’s not going to be forever.

But I look back on that moment and sometimes I miss it. I miss the energy of getting off work and going to work in my business and getting up in the morning and going to work in my business. That hustle, that grit, that grind, you don’t get that back after it’s gone. Once you’re on to other things and you’re at a different level in your business, I always tell people you will look back to that grind and you will feel nostalgic and you will miss it. There’s an energy about it that I think is so good. Not forever, but for a time it’s so good.

Brig: I’m looking forward to parring it down but right now I’m like, no, I created this shit and I’m loving it.

Stacey: I love that so much. Alright, awesome. So good. Alright, let’s just say doctor. Dr. Sonia. Why am I having such a hard time with that? Okay, Dr. Sonia, let’s hear about your ninja belief work.

Dr. Sonia: Stacey, you know, actually I have to start – I have to go way back to November of 2018, which is when I did the consultation with you to do the first 200K mastermind that you had. And at that point in time, I had been a physician coach and that’s what I was focusing on.

You were the very first person that I told that I actually wanted to be a sex coach. So you have a special place in my heart because I let you in, I told you what my dream was and you were like, yeah, sure, of course. And I start with that because I had zero belief. Zero belief that I could be a sex coach.

And also, I had not – even though I had been a coach for a couple years, I had not made any money. I didn’t charge anybody anything and I was doing the mentorship stuff. So I wasn’t really a business. It wasn’t even a job. It wasn’t even a hobby. It was nothing.

And so I entered your mastermind with zero belief and zero dollars. So for me, being in that 200K mastermind was everything and just being introduced to that concept of belief and I was like, this is the key. I’m going to have to figure this out.

I didn’t necessarily have issues around being a Black person in terms of being one of a few or anything like that because in so many different arenas in my life I had already been the one Black person, the one Black person that’s in the pre-med courses, one of a few Black students in medical school.

So I had been in that place. So specifically being in the mastermind and being – actually, I looked around and I was like, woo-hoo, there’s five. I’m like, this is huge. And all of the people that were in the mastermind, I kept in touch with all the Black coaches out of the mastermind and some of them became my BFFs, that we are in this and doing this together.

But belief became something that was really important and I recognized that that was a key factor. So going into $2000 and focusing on that belief, and like Brig says, going to the future and that future self, and feeling what it felt like to be there, I knew that I wanted to be a 100K coach and I’m a pretty determined person.

So I was only actually able to be in your mastermind one mastermind because of my work schedule. You had kind of shifted things around where you had to show up for every session, every group session, and since I work in a hospital in the middle of the day I couldn’t do it.

So I was only actually able to be in your group for one round of the 200K mastermind. But that was what I needed to introduce me to the concept of belief. And I just stuck with that, I went to the future, to that place where I had made the 100K. And then I brought that feeling back and I just worked my ass off and did the hustle thing like you said.

But I don’t have a problem with hustle and I worked my – I work night and day. I was going to say I work my day job but it’s kind of night, day, afternoon, and weekend. And then in between, I stuck in the clients that I could coach and I figured out my coaching program as well.

So yes, belief is everything. The thought for me that’s the most important thought was always the universe rises up to meet my belief and my efforts. And that was the thought that got me to 100K.

Stacey: That is so good. Okay, so I feel like I have to explain because I wanted to say a million things and have all the sounds interjecting while you were talking. I was like, over here just freaking out. But we’re having issues with our mics. So Dr. Sonia and I cannot be unmuted at the same time or there’s a crazy echo.

But I was freaking out the whole time. I had no idea that I was the first person that you ever told that you wanted to be a sex coach. I remember the trifecta in talking about that. I remember still to this day and probably because it was the first round, I remember you all sitting in the room, I remember that first class like it was just everything.

So I’m so excited for you and I love the idea that you didn’t have – you had already – it’s like, kind of like you were meant to be the person to do it first, right? Because you already had so much proof of concept and belief of I can be the only Black person in the room and I will still succeed. You had so much of that inside of you.

And I think that that’s so powerful. I love that you have trail-blazed that. So I have two questions. So number one, Brig had mentioned that you made a lot of money quickly. So I’m curious to hear about that. And then the second thing I’m curious to know about is are you still working at the hospital, and if you are, or even if you aren’t, when you’re in that period where you are working with a ton of clients, making a lot of money, and still working day, night, day, night, there are so many people who are coming up against that.

That’s like, they don’t have those consistent schedules. It’s like there’s the layer of I have to work full-time and so I have to fit my business in beyond a 40-hour workweek. And then there’s the extra layer of also, I have no consistency with my schedule so how am I going to have client calls and how am I going to do this and how am I going to do my coaching calls and how am I going to do that? So how did you figure it out?

Dr. Sonia: I’ll answer the second question first since I have that on my mind. So I use Acuity and honestly, it takes me about four hours to figure out my schedule for the month because I have to look at all these different schedules. I have to look at okay, I’m on call right now so that means I’m going to be overnight until 7:30 in the morning.

And then I’m going to need a couple hours just in case I need to sleep. And then I’m going to be working this weekend, so this is going to be – yeah, so it takes a lot but it can be done. I’m going to be shifting out of radiology and shifting into doing coaching full-time. And I just did my schedule for February. It took me 10 minutes.

Like, what is this? And I was like, wait, I get to sleep overnight. I’m so excited about these little things that you don’t take for granted, then you realize, wow, I could actually get a consistent night’s sleep and things like that. So definitely figuring out your schedule may not be easy but it can be done.

And I would just put it – I had a client that I coached at 5am for almost a year. So that meant I had to be up at 4:30. And then I would tell her, okay, I’m going to be post-call on this day, so if I get called into the hospital, I’m not going to be able to do this. But you work with it and my clients worked with me. They understood what my schedule was as well.

So I just kind of made it work and I just did what I needed to do. So that was in terms of doing the scheduling. It can be done. No matter what your schedule is, it can be done. You can make it work for you. And it worked sometimes because if I was doing the overnight shift then I was coaching my clients during the daytime. And some needed more daytime hours.

And if I was working the day shift, then I was coaching my clients in the evening. But yes, I was working from about 4:30 to close to midnight with getting the business stuff in there. So yeah, this last year was the big hustle year, I have to admit. And that’s okay. That’s okay. It was worth it. It was worth everything that I had to do. It was definitely worth it.

And then your other question was how did I do it and how did I make a lot of money in a short period of time. Well, COVID hit and that impacted a lot of doctors. It definitely impacted myself in a number of ways because we’re in the frontline with that but also some of us were furloughed or some of us got our wages cut and things like that.

So what used to be something kind of fun to do suddenly became something where I have a son that’s in college and there’s no way that I was not going to meet his tuition. And so my why became very strong very quickly. And it’s all about your why. It’s about your belief and it’s about your why.

So for me, my son was going to stay in college and he was going to get what he needed. Don’t mess with the babies. Don’t mess with the mamas. Just don’t. So for me, I said to myself, I said, okay, COVID is hitting and especially then with the murder of Mr. Floyd, a lot of things were going on. And I was like, who do you want to show up as during this time and in the future?

And it was very clear. I wanted to be there to serve my patients, and my coaching clients, and be there for my children. And I knew who I wanted to be on the other side was somebody that had gotten through it, who was stronger, and I made a commitment to people and was there.

So I ended up creating an online course in about a month and a half between April and into May. And I took it as a beta online course called Own Your Sexuality Now, which is a 12-week – I’ve since extended it to six months, but a 12-week program for women to learn about their sexuality and all different aspects of their sexuality.

And to be comfortable with it, and to recognize that they can empower themselves with their sexuality. So I created this online course in about a month and a half, and then in May I brought it into beta. And then in July I opened it full, and I made between that May to July, made 100K.

Stacey: That is seriously incredible. First of all, I was laughing so hard when you said you were looking at your schedule and you’re like, in case I needed to sleep a couple hours. I’m like, you and I are not the same. I’m like, wait, where’s the nine hours? I got to have all nine in my schedule.

My sister is like that where she can just be work all night, a 12-hour shift, and then she’ll sleep for like, an hour and a half and get up and go do her day and take care of the kids and go make dinner. And I’m like, I don’t know how you do that. I got to have full nine every single night.

But I love that you were like, let me check my schedule just in case I need to sleep. In case I need to sleep a couple of hours. I love that. But this is what I love so much that I want to really, everyone listening, I want you to hear this.

I love how you said you just openly communicated with your clients about your schedule. You openly communicated that you have another job and that you have things that may shift and may change. And I think that there are so many people that are listening that probably would never – it would never occur to them that they could do that.

And I had a coach – my first coach that I coached with for three years, she traveled a lot, she was a nomad. And her schedule always changed. But I was so honored to work with her and I wanted to do the work so much that I didn’t care. I’m like, okay, we can do it this day, we can do it this day.

It didn’t have to be – we had our weekly call but it moved around all the time and it was not a problem. And so I think people don’t – it doesn’t even occur to them that they could just tell their clients I have this other job. And it doesn’t have to be that you work at a hospital. You don’t have to be a doctor like Dr. Sonia. You could be a pitch artist like I was and still tell people I’m working this week and whatever the case, I think you can be honest with your clients and you can – I think that people are, your clients will be so okay with that.

And they’re going to also have stuff come up in their life where they’re going to need to reschedule. And if you’re someone who’s willing to work with them, they’re going to be even more willing to work with you and I think that that’s such a beautiful thought that I just wanted to make sure everybody heard.

And then the second thing that I really love that you said is within that period, so many things happened, and you could have said this is too much. You could have gone to the complete opposite. There’s too much going on and really – I don’t know the way I want to say it, but you could have collapsed under the pressure of this year.

I’ve seen people feel that – so much pressure that they really can’t take productive forward action. And you went the complete opposite and said my kid – and I think I heard on the podcast that you did with Brooke, he’s going to an Ivy League school or something, right? He’s very smart.

You’re like, he’s not missing college, I’m making this happen. And you just put that course together and then sold that shit. Like, that is so powerful. And I love, love, love, I have to acknowledge you for this, that you said I have this passion, I want to make this niche work, and you fucking made it work.

You didn’t excuse it away, you didn’t say no one will pay for this. You made it work. The thing that you want to do. And I see so many coaches struggle with that, so I wonder if that’s the last thing you could touch on is for the coaches who – because there are so many coaches who don’t know what they want to have as their niche. They don’t know who they want to help.

And I always say that’s not a problem. Sell general life coaching until you know deep in your bones. But then there are people who know deep in their bones but they don’t own that. And I don’t blame them. I always say you just want to get your first 100K and I don’t care how you get it in. Just get it in so you have the belief that you can make 100K.

But after that 100K, they’re so afraid of losing money and they don’t – instead of directing their belief work to the only option is to make this niche work, they dabble and then they prolong that niche working, if that makes sense. Because they don’t commit, because they don’t say – and I just did an email about this where really having a niche is saying no to money.

Because they don’t say no to all the other things, they don’t get the yes’s they want that quickly in that quantity of that thing they really want to do. So would you speak to that? This is a rare occurrence where I’m going to say let’s talk about owning your niche for a second and not mixing them and not being general.

For the people, they have a niche, they know that that’s what they want to do, what words can you tell them about owning that and going all in with that, even if you haven’t seen that be successful before? Even if you don’t have people to look to and say, well, they did it so I can do it. How did you do that?

Dr. Sonia: Yeah, this is a great question because for me, being a doctor, pediatric radiologist and switching to being a sex coach, there’s a lot of drama that goes on. A lot of drama that went on in my mind, and there’s a lot of drama that goes on in the world about this.

But knowing in my heart that this is what I was meant to do and this is how I could actually serve. I could serve people being a physician life coach and I love doing that, but I knew that there’s – I have the ability to make people comfortable when talking about sex.

And I love talking about sex. It’s just – whatever somebody comes to me with, I’m there for them. So I knew that this was my passion, that this is the skillset that I have been given, and this is what – and when I’m focused on me and I’m thinking about me doing this niche or whatever, then I can’t help anybody.

But it’s so easy once you think about the people you’re going to serve, that makes all the difference. And if I’m not here, yes, there will be somebody else that would do it at some point, but not necessarily the way that I would do it. And maybe I resonate with one person and they would not necessarily resonate with somebody else, and maybe they wouldn’t get what they needed.

And honestly, what upsets me and makes me actually cry is if I have to think, and I might just cry, sorry, about women having sex and not enjoying themselves. Just slapping on the lube and going. And if I could make a difference and that does not have to happen, then I really don’t care what I have to think and sort out. I have to be there for my clients and do this work.

And if it takes me doing the belief that I need to do so that woman doesn’t have to suffer for a number of years and not having intimacy in her relationship, or not having painful sex or whatever it is that she would come and talk to me about, then this is what I am supposed to do.

So for your listeners that are out there, whatever your niche is, if it’s calling to you, if it’s in your heart, then listen to that and go out and make a difference and focus on the people that you can serve.

Stacey: Oh my gosh, that’s so good. You have me in tears. That level of passion, for everyone listening, that is the level of passion that you have to have to serve your people. And that is where you have to be focused is every day, if you don’t show up, it does make a difference in someone’s life.

And just everything. I want to be like, throwing my hands in the air, everything you say, yes, yes, yes. It’s so good. You have to show up for them. It’s impossible to suffer when you’re focused on service and you’re focused on thinking about other people.

And I would say also, there’s this micro belief that I want everyone to catch who’s listening, which is that there are people out there suffering with whatever it is your specialty is. Sonia had to believe there are people out there who are unfulfilled in their sex life, having painful sex, not having intimacy.

She listed so many different types of people and so many different types of problems that they were having within her niche and believing that there are people out there actively suffering right now and that her job is to get to them as quick as possible. That is this little micro belief I think that you have to have.

And you can have that even if you sell general life coaching is there is someone out there who is suffering right now because their internal world is combusting and they don’t know how to fix that. And they don’t know who to go to. So it’s just having that – knowing that there are actively people out there, even if it’s just one person, and taking action towards that is so powerful. Thank you so much for sharing.

This moved all of us. They can’t see it just listening, but we’re all very moved. We’re all ready to cry. It’s amazing. I love you. I love your passion. I love it all. Alright, Ms. Jennifer, what is up? I feel like, first of all, I have to say that I feel like I coached you during what must have been your biggest longest river of misery ever. I’m curious what your thoughts are. But I knew you were going to get it, but I also knew you were in it. When you were in 200K, I’m like, she is in it.

Jennifer: That’s so funny that you recognized that. I was very much in the river of misery that whole entire year of 2019. But it was the best thing that could have ever happened. And when I think about my experience in 200K and why it was such a hard time for me was because I came into 200K as a management consultant.

That was my identity. That was my job. That’s what I was doing. I was still working full-time. I hadn’t yet identified myself as a full-time life coach and I recognized, I was thinking, I was like, I had a manual for myself of Black girl Jennifer in corporate America and that was the manual that I had been operating with for like, 17 years at that point.

And then I come into 200K, which is a different environment than corporate America and my manual didn’t fit. My manual of how I’m supposed to act, how I’m supposed to interact, how I’m supposed to navigate the waters of being around all the white people, it didn’t fit, and I started to feel very, very uncomfortable.

And I didn’t know what the discomfort was, but it was me becoming my authentic self, me learning how to be myself and be okay with who I am no matter who’s in the room. But it took me a year to figure that out.

Stacey: That’s so good. So can you tell me a little bit more about the manual that you’re talking about? What was the biggest difference between the manual – what was the job again?

Jennifer: Management consultant.

Stacey: Consultant. I couldn’t think of the second word. What was the manual from going from being Black girl Jennifer as a management consultant to life coach? What was the difference in manuals there?

Jennifer: Well, for me being a Black woman in corporate America, I always felt like I was behind or I didn’t have enough or I was inadequate, and that was simply just old programming from when I came into corporate America, I was in a special group where they taught Black and Latino kids how to interact in corporate America. So it was always kind of like, I always felt like I was always behind or always not enough.

And so because I had that feeling of inadequacy all the time, I didn’t show up as myself. I was very quiet. I never – I felt afraid to speak up and truly express how I was feeling. I got passed up for promotions. It was a whole thing.

Stacey: Was that what they taught you is to not speak up? I’m so curious about what was the class that taught you – what did you need to be taught? Tell me a little bit about this. You’re breaking my brain a little bit. Brig’s over here dying.

Jennifer: Let me educate you, Stacey.

Stacey: This seriously blows my mind. There is a class that you have to take for how to behave in corporate America.

Jennifer: Let me back up and explain.

Stacey: Okay yes, tell me everything.

Jennifer: It wasn’t a class. I was in a program, a national program for Black and Latino children, kids, high schoolers who wanted to go into corporate careers and corporate America. And so I applied for this program. They put me in a corporate internship. I went and worked at major companies every summer doing my college career.

And in between, we would go to these workshops and they would teach us what to wear when you go to work and what fork to use on the table and how to carry yourself in a place where there’s not a whole bunch of people looking like you. And so because my…

Stacey: I heard it completely wrong. I’m on board now. Okay, keep going.

Jennifer: Good. I guess it was an affirmative action program that was created back in the early 70s.

Stacey: Yeah, okay now 100% makes sense. I definitely imagined something completely different and I was like, wait a minute, what’s going on. So what was – so tell me the difference between the manuals. Showing up to corporate America versus showing up in a room with a lot of white coaches building your coaching business. What was the biggest difference for you?

Jennifer: The biggest difference for me was in both places, in both scenarios, I was never in my authentic self. Because my initiation into work and my work life and making money was to – what’s the word I’m thinking about? To change myself and to assimilate, thank you Brig. Assimilate into corporate America.

I never was able to show up as my true authentic self. I didn’t even know what that was. And so when I came to 200K and I’m around all these coaches and it’s a different environment, it’s a more accepting environment and I actually remember one person in the first 200K, she came up to me and she just paid me a very nice compliment.

I had never spoken to her before and I was like, taken aback. I was like, she sees me? She’s noticing what I’m wearing? I was just shocked because I’m so used to being in the environment where I’m just not seen, not heard, just play small.

And so that was kind of like – and I remember you coaching me and looking at me very intensely and that made me uncomfortable. And because I was uncomfortable, I couldn’t even get the language together to keep asking for questions and asking for more coaching because I was like, oh my god, she’s paying attention to me, she’s asking my questions.

Stacey: Interesting. So what began to – there was the discomfort and all of a sudden, this new environment where I’m paying attention to you, other people are paying attention to you, and you said you started to feel like you could be your authentic self. Tell me what started to emerge from there. That seems like that was the beginning of your journey and how did it progress to where you are now? How much money have you made? 100K, right?

Jennifer: $110,600.

Stacey: Yes. I love it. So tell me – bridge the gap for me. What happened in between there?

Jennifer: In between me joining 200K and me making all the money?

Stacey: Yes.

Jennifer: One, accepting myself as I am just as a quirky little Black girl who sounds white when she talks with an accent from Philadelphia with a weight issue up and down, just accepting myself and being okay with sharing all of that with my audience and sharing all of that with my clients. That was…

Stacey: And that took time, right? That wasn’t something that just happened overnight. I remember seeing you actively work on that.

Jennifer: Oh, it took me over a year. It took me over a year to one, shed the identity of being a management consultant, and then just to see myself as a full-time life coach. And then to be okay with who I am as a coach. And really connecting, like somebody was saying if she doesn’t show up for – she needs to show up for her clients.

I really, really, really connected with that and when I got to that point where okay, if I am not my authentic self and I am holding myself back because I’m having all types of mind drama about myself in my head, I’m not helping anybody. I’m not helping anyone.

And so that summer when Black Lives Matter movement really took off, I took an emotional – I went down the rabbit hole and we talked about it on the podcast. And that was when I really discovered the power of coaching myself and reaching out for help. And I think in that process, being able to talk to you, being able to talk to Brig, being able to talk to everyone just about what was happening personally and what my thoughts were about it, that was the talk therapy I needed to really show up as my true self.

Stacey: I love that so much. And I do think it’s like, for every positive there’s a negative, and for every negative there’s a positive. And you never know what that byproduct is going to be. But I do think that of all the horrible events that happened this year, one of the positive byproducts is it’s gotten everybody talking.

And I think created a community where maybe there wasn’t one before or it wasn’t pronounced. And I know you and Brig were the first two to really step out and Chavonne, and really all of you, and jump into 2K and start – I just remember you telling your story of suffering so much but you were just there serving other people alongside. Just let me just jump in and help.

And I think that that is so powerful. It sucks that – and we never want the byproduct, the positivity to come from such horrible things, but we can look and say this is something profound that came from it. This mattered. His life mattered and now we’re all here together and it’s like, these little things, these were – it was just such an opportunity to really show up and I want to acknowledge you for doing that. Not just for your own business and for yourself, but really for leading in my community as well.

Jennifer: And the thing is I didn’t do it for myself. I didn’t do it for notoriety. I did it because at that point, I knew that other people were suffering and I didn’t want them to suffer the way that I was suffering. So I can figure this out myself, I’m going to show you how you can do the same. Specifically talking to Black coaches. Because the Black coaches, if their brains are in the gutter, they can’t help our community.

Stacey: Yeah, 100%. 100%. I love that. Well, thank you so much. Okay, so Dr. Chavonne.

Dr. Chavonne: Stacey Boehman.

Stacey: Boehman.

Dr. Chavonne: Oh my gosh, how wrong of me.

Stacey: It’s okay. Everybody calls us Boehman. I’m like, no, it’s Boehman. It’s fine. Alright, Dr. Chavonne, tell us how much money you’ve made, who you coach. I should have done that for everyone. We will go around and do that at the end. And tell me what has been the biggest – what were the biggest shifts in your belief moving from when you left the mastermind to now that helped you make this money?

Dr. Chavonne: Yeah. So I have made in 2020, I made $144,621. And I coach women and couples to enjoy and love being married again. So I’m a marriage and life coach. And I think the biggest shift for me in between masterminds has been my self-concept.

So I am one of those people that has sort of always been high achieving and I entered the first round of the mastermind sort of on this high of even on our first consult, I came to the call as a no. I’m one of those notorious people that had already spoken to my husband, he had already said if I was going to do something like that I needed to make the cash.

I had never made that much cash in my life in coaching. And I did it. I did it to join the first round of the mastermind. So I came in really feeling on top of the world, like anything is possible. And I was so excited to be a part of that group of other all women at the time, achieving the same.

But what ended up happening between the first round and the second round is I was using my results of making the cash to join the mastermind mean what my capabilities were. I was using that sort of as the crutch. And then when I had those months where I wasn’t making that same amount of money, my belief in myself quickly deflated.

And so by the time the second round came around, I was in the bottom in terms of revenue generated and I lost who I was. I lost the belief that I had in myself. I was in major compare and despair and I think the year of not being in the mastermind, I had the opportunity to decide who I was with nothing.

With literally nothing. And I went back into 2K, I did that interrupt training, and that was when I really learned how to believe in myself and know who I am, regardless of the external accomplishment in my life. And as someone that has a doctorate degree, I’ve never had an opportunity and I’ve never needed to do that before.

And so having that moment of what at the time felt like a failure was really the set up for my greatest success because the success is really how I see myself, who I choose to be in a moment. And so that has been the biggest shift of being out of the mastermind for an entire year and to watch my colleagues and my friends soar and to decide I am one of them.

That was the biggest shift in seeing those before and after videos and knowing like, no, I am one of them. Those are my peers as well and I will be joining them again.

Stacey: That’s so good. I love that so much. And I remember that call. The consult call that we did where I said, “What?” And totally called you out on coming to the consult a no. And I also remember you really doing the work to make the money to get in it. I remember you would email me constantly like, I haven’t forgotten, I’m still on it. I haven’t made it yet but I’m still working on it.

And I’ve never had anyone do that before. And so I would just email you back with more encouragement and give you a little bit more like, I’m in this with you, we’re in it together. And you did it. And I love that you decided like – it’s so interesting because you just joined the next round and we’re getting ready to start 200K this week actually.

And we do a pre-event week ahead of time for everyone listening, where I release pre-event videos that really coach people’s mindset to be in the room. Because it’s a double-edged sword. It’s really great that people are very nervous coming into 200K because I want them to take it very seriously, but then sometimes they have so much drama that they end up screwing themselves over with their mind drama about being in the room.

And so I see so many people be in the room and tell themselves they don’t belong in the room. And what I love is that you weren’t in the room and you told yourself I belong in the room. So I want everyone to hear that.

Whether it’s 200K, 2K, whether it is a room full of white coaches and you’re a Black coach, no matter what the scenario is, you can say I belong in the room. That’s a thought that you can have regardless of what the circumstance is and where you are and what’s happening. You can tell yourself I belong in the room.

What would you say to people who are really struggling to tell themselves that, no matter what the – whether it’s 200K or something else, or even I belong in this industry. Because I remember walking into a room, I didn’t have the experience of being a Black coach walking into a white room. But I had the experience of being a poor person walking into the LCS certification where every woman had a Louis Vuitton bag and was a doctor or a lawyer or something.

And I’m like, all of these women that are so put together and they look so beautiful and you can tell they have so much money, and here I am, I’ve got onion smell in my trunk. And I remember having to tell myself you paid the same amount of money that they paid to be here, so you deserve to speak up as much as they do, you deserve to ask as many questions to have a full experience the way that they did.

So that was really powerful for me. So I’m curious for you, if you could tell everyone who might be experience that for various different reasons, where that work of belonging, even when you’re not in the room.

Dr. Chavonne: Yeah. I think it started first with recognizing I have value as a human being. And there are things that I have learned, there are experiences that I have, there are tools that I’ve acquired through coaching that I can share.

And I know you talk about your inherent value as a human versus your business value. And for me, at the time, initially those things were intertwined. I didn’t know the difference between them. And so as I think about coaches who are questioning their belonging, questioning what they can offer the world, it really is a matter of no, you know something.

If you’ve read a book, if you’ve listened to a podcast, if you’ve read a quote on the internet, you know something that someone else in your sphere doesn’t know. And so because of that, there is no place that you don’t belong, there’s no place where you’re not contributing valuable information, where you’re not making an impact.

And so you get to choose what is valuable all of the time. And it was really recognizing that I have things that I know and things that other people don’t know, and I get to bring that wherever I go, and I belong because of that.

Stacey: That’s so amazing because I started my business just posting quotes from Pinterest. Like finding motivational quotes and I would post them on Facebook. Sometimes I would say things, sometimes I wouldn’t, it would just be the quote, but it started brightening people’s day and when people are scrolling on Facebook, thinking about the content you’re sharing, it may not be anything to do with coaching, but just how you show up on social media, there are so many people – I don’t really spend any time on social media now, but even when I log in to look at 2K or whatever, every once in a while, my newsfeed will populate.

We’ve tried to delete everyone, but it eventually will populate new people. And the stuff I see, I’m like, I have an immediate ugh, unfollow, ugh, unfollow. The things that people post on social media are so negative.

So even just posting something positive, even if you’re not an experienced coach, saying you know what, I found this quote today and somebody else hasn’t seen that quote today. And I have the ability to show them that, I have the ability to tell them this one thing, I have the ability to share this story with them and maybe they don’t know, or they’re not looking at the world the way I’m currently looking at it. And the way I’m looking at it may help them.

Finding those moments in the beginning of your business, you have to be able to find value in that right there. You have to find those little moments where you create – it’s not the big things. It’s not like I created this workbook so now I’m valuable, or I’ve coached a ton of people, or I have this certification, or I have this declared niche.

It’s not like once I have all of these things and a body of work and a ton of blogs and a podcast, then I can say I’m valuable. It’s like no, how do I find this micro moment where I find my value, that thing that I know in this moment that somebody else doesn’t know and share it?

You could not have explained it better. That is so perfect. I’m so glad everybody heard that. Okay, so last question. I’m curious because everybody’s had kind of a different experience with whether they had seen representation for themselves and whether that mattered or not, what was that like for you to – did you have representation of other Black coaches that you were looking at in the industry that you had seen be successful and do what you want to do? Had you not seen that? What was that journey like and what is it like now having been the person that’s created – you are the representation now.

Dr. Chavonne: Yeah, that’s a really great question. So, I think joining the mastermind, I had Jennifer with me. We were friends before. And so, I didn’t feel isolated as a Black person in the mastermind. And kind of like Dr. Sonia, I had grown up in environments where I was used to being the only one. And so, I think what did end up happening though was because most of the people I serve are also Black people, I kind of had some of those same thoughts Brig did, where it’s sort of like they don’t see the value, they don’t know.

And I also serve a lot of people of faith. And so, it’s sort of like the need for coaching was another thing that I was like, “Well, they’re not going to see the need of this because they’re getting spiritual development at church or whatever.”

And so, I think, like, representation does matter. But for me, at the point where I was introduced to you and this community, what mattered the most for me at the time was just I could actually make money being a life coach. And that’s what I latched onto first.

I also had a very successful career making over six figures, and so the idea that I could make that much money or more doing exactly what I loved was amazing. And so, that was all I needed to blaze the trail and be an example of what’s possible. And so, now, it is a mantle that I carry with pride because seeing so many other of the Black coaches come into the community, it really magnifies the importance of me showing up for them, so showing up not only for my clients, but showing up for them because their clients are waiting for them just the same.

Stacey: I love that so much. And I have to say, just even in the week that we’ve had our Facebook community open and in 2k, like, I see you – I don’t know if you seek them out, but any time we have Black coaches join in 2K or 200K, I just always see you’re one of the first people to welcome them to the community and I think that’s so incredible to have that, to say, “I have someone like me in this group that is seeing me, that is caring about me and my journey.”

I love how you have really – that may not have been an agenda in the beginning, but I definitely see that you’ve seen the importance of being that example and being the proof of concept, like all of you, and you’ve really taken that and owned that and seen the importance of doing that for other people and showing them what’s possible and giving them a helping hand.

And I love that you’re coaching in 2K now and such a ninja with consults now after all of the fails over and over and over. It’s so crazy because it sucks when you’re in it. Like, when you’re in it you’re like, “I’m going to die. I need to start signing clients.” But I look back now and even my drought of noes and all of the consults I failed on, that just set me up for being so masterful at teaching it.

So, I just want to acknowledge you for really stepping into, “I’m an example of what’s possible and I am a proof of concept and I’m going to take that with responsibility and show up for others and give to others,” and to do so just so abundantly within my community. I really appreciate that.

Okay, so, let’s go around. So, Dr. Chavonne teaches, or coaches women to be happy in their marriages, women of faith, correct?

Dr. Chavonne: Yes, that is a really great question. I’m sure we’re going to flesh it out…

Stacey: In 200K, fantastic. I love it. Awesome, okay. So, what we’re going to do is I’m going to have everyone say who they help, in case you’re one of the people listening that they help or you want to get to know them more. And then we’re going to link up all of their information in the show notes. But also, we have a really fun surprise that I’m going to let them all go around and tell you about in just a second. So, first, let’s tell everybody who you are and what you do. So, Jennifer, who do you help?

Jennifer: I am Jennifer Dent Brown, I’m a life and weight loss coach and I help women learn to stop dieting forever.

Stacey: I love that. So good. Alright, Miss Brig, who do you help?

Brig: I’m Brig Johnson and I’m a life and mindset coach and I help high-achieving Black women uncover their shit so they can manage their shit, so they can produce epic shit.

Stacey: I love it so much. That’s fantastic. I mean, the curse words, add them in there, I love them. Alright, And Dr. Sonia, we did talk about it but I want to just do one more of who you help and what you do.

Dr. Sonia: Sure, I’m Dr. Sonia, right. I just go by Dr. Sonia or Sonia. You can call me whatever you like. I am the Midlife Sex Coach for Women. And I am on a mission to end the emotional pain and isolation associated with sexual difficulties and to help women create the sex lives of their dreams.

Stacey: Oh my god, I love it. Okay, so, we have a surprise for anyone. First of all, I have to say, we’re recording this on Martin Luther King Jr. day which I love the symbolism of that. So, I reached out to Brig and I said I wanted to do a podcast and I want to bring everybody on and I want to talk about you all making 100K as Black coaches in this industry being examples of what’s possible and the thought work required to get there.

And then, I had this idea that could be really fun because I know that there are other Black coaches in the industry who – and everyone is going to benefit, but I do know that there is a need. I’ve been told it and I’ve seen it. There is a need to see representation in the industry of people who have the same backgrounds and have been through the same walks of life or similar walks of life to see that representation.

So, for the Black coaches listening to this podcast, to have that representation in the industry, I think it’s so important. So, what I wanted to do for Black History Month and – because I also told Brig that of course it is so important to celebrate the people who have paved the way for us to be here now. But also, I think it is so important as thought leaders for us to think about we are the history-makers making history now. We are the people – we’re all making history right now in this moment, for the history that will be told 100 years from now.

So, I wanted to, in celebration of Black History Month, I wanted to have these coaches come on and teach on my podcast. So, each of the incredible women that you have heard on the podcast today are going to be teaching you, throughout the month of February every Wednesday, a concept that they used to make their 100K that was really profound for them. And they’re going to share that knowledge and experience with you.

And I’ve asked them to do that with the lens of speaking to Black coaches specifically. I want everyone to listen because you will clearly, based on this episode, be able to take so much from it. But I did want it to be directly speaking to the Black coaches listening to this podcast. Like, I wanted it to be an episode specifically for them.

So, I gave everyone on the podcast free reign. You get to decide how long the podcast is. You get to talk about whatever you want to talk about. You can do a concept or you can just get on and riff. You can do whatever. I really kept it like whatever felt like it served their creative spirit the most.

So, I asked them before this episode if they knew what they were going to talk about, and they all have already come up with their topics. So, I thought it would be fun on this episode – Brig, what are you making that face for? We already decided what you’re teaching and it’s amazing. I wish you guys could see her face right now.

So, they all are pretty clear on what they’re going to teach. Maybe we should say to be determined or potential for change. But for now, I’m going to have them go around and tell you what to expect and what to listen for so that you can get as excited as I am. Having heard their topics and what they’re going to teach, I know that everything they’re going to teach you, you’ve got to listen to over and over and over because every time they would tell me what the topic was I’d be like, “Oh my god, everybody needs to hear this.”

So, they have created some really amazing episodes for you for the month of February. So, let’s go around. We’ll just start at the top. Dr. Chavonne, what are you going to teach them this month?

Dr. Chavonne: So, I am going to be teaching on the topic of created realities. And I first thought about this having so many conversations with coaches where when you’re first starting out, you actually don’t have any evidence one way or the other in terms of your success.

We are all working to believe, like, we’re going to sign that first client or those first 20 clients. And you don’t know. You don’t know if it’s going to happen on the timeline that you set or the timeline further down the road. And when I think about this concept of created realities, it’s using the uncertainty to your advantage, where you can look at something and say, “Okay, I don’t know. There’s a 50% chance this can work exactly the way I’m working towards and a 50% chance where I might not it my goal, where I might not sign the client.”

And more often than not, people choose the 50% in the negative direction, when I think you could just as easily choose, in the positive direction to serve you. So, I’ll be talking more about exactly how to do that and how you can create the reality that you want.

Stacey: So good. I’m really looking forward to that one. Alright, Miss Jennifer Brown, what are you teaching?

Jennifer: So, I’m going to be teaching how to build the skill of self-coaching. So, Stacey and I, we had our conversation in the beginning of last year about my journey through self-coaching. And I went from making very little money and no self-coaching to making six figures and becoming a self-coaching master. And so, I want to talk about my journey not being able to self-coach into how it has created the income I have created in 2020.

Stacey: I love it so much. I was telling Jennifer in the beginning of this episode that when we did the podcast, I think it was in June, when we did the series of podcasts with the Black coaches, one of the most commented-on episodes was on really learning how to self-coach. So many coaches were telling me they have no idea how to self-coach.

And there are so many different methods to self-coaching, but really understanding, “How do I actually make change within my self-coaching?” That episode was so popular. So, I know, if you’re taking that idea deeper, people are going to freak out and get so much value from that. So, we’re so excited to hear yours. Alright, Miss Brig Johnson. What are you talking about?

Brig: Okay, can I just take a moment and say I am just so happy that we did this podcast. I know, when I sent you the idea, I just knew – I just remember being in that room and going, “What is it?” I remember even sending you a text going, “What is it about us? Why are we not making money?”

And I’m so glad that we just get to confront it and talk about it and have the conversation. So, on that note, my topic is going to be from scarcity to sufficiency, money.

Stacey: So good. Listen, you just said earlier that you were going to talk about Black coaches and money, right? You’re talking about all of the money beliefs, from insufficiency to – I love it, this is so good.

Listen, one of the other things that people always ask is to talk about money and money beliefs and limiting money beliefs. And I love that you have such a different journey of having – I actually have a couple of students in 200K now who are experiencing that same thing of they make so much money in their day job that they’re like, “It’s going to take me so long to get there in my coaching career. How could I ever do that? It’s like starting all the way over with all this effort.” So, I think this is going to be so good. I’m so excited to hear your podcast.

Alright, Miss – I want to do it again. I’m like, Miss Sonia, Dr. Sonia, and then I try to combine them and craziness happens. I don’t know what’s happening. Dr. Sonia.

Dr. Sonia: You know, I’m going to do my podcast on belief. I’m like the belief ninja. Belief is the key for me and I think it’s a key for a lot of other people. I’m going to focus on belief and the future self and bringing it all together and how to use that, at least how I used it in the last 12 months to make 180K. So, I’m like, let’s do this, belief.

Stacey: Oh my gosh, I love it. Alright, we get a lot of people asking about – when I did the episode on belief plans, so many people have said that that’s one of their favorites, so they’re going to want to dive deeper into using belief to become your future self with you for sure.

Alright, so look forward to these episodes. I feel giddy too. I get to listen in on my own podcast and not know what the content’s going to be. Like, it’s going to be Christmas morning for me for four Wednesdays in a row. I’m so excited.

So, we want to thank – I’m going to speak really quickly on behalf of everyone listening to the podcast. I’m going to say thank you ahead of time. We are all so excited to hear your episodes, grateful that you would invest your time, because you don’t have to. And so, we really appreciate that. And then, I also want to just acknowledge all of you for being examples of what’s possible, being the proof of concept that Black coaches can make money in this industry, BIPOC students can make money in this industry.

We’re seeing Simone just made $1 million. Juliana Garcia just made $1 million. So, we are over here in coach land, all the BIPOC coaches making money. That is happening right now and we want you to come along on the journey.

Thank you all so much for being on tonight. And we went a little over, so I appreciate your time. Alright, we’ll see you next week. Bye

Hey, if you are ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2K for 2K program, where you’re going to make your first $2000, the hardest part, and then $200,000 using my proven formula. It’s risk-free. You either make your 2K or I give you your 2K back. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

Enjoy the Show?

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