Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | What We Learned Coaching 25k-200k Earners in 200k Mastermind: Interview with the 1:1 Coaches

We’ve made major changes to the 200k Mastermind that we’ve been rolling out over the last few weeks here on the podcast. Our data study showed that the faster you get in the room, the faster you’ll achieve the results you desire, and that’s why we’ve unbundled the Mastermind to drive the price down so it’s more accessible for all of you.

Now that the 200k Mastermind is unbundled, you get to invest in one-on-one coaching as an add-on to your experience. My team of 200k coaches have been trained in the 200k method, and I asked them to come on today to speak to what it’s like coaching with them and why you might want to add it to your investment.

Join us on this episode as my 200k Mastermind coaches Courtney, Karen, Clare, Igor, and Jille share their insights on the value of one-on-one coaching inside this container. We’re exploring what students typically bring to these coaching sessions, how they differ from our weekly calls or breakout rooms, and what you can expect working with them. 

The 200K Mastermind is open for enrollment from May 13th to May 15th, 2024. Make sure to mark your calendars for these dates if you want to join.

I’m making some big changes in my Two Million Dollar Group! For all the details and to get on the waitlist, click here.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • What students typically bring to one-on-one coaching sessions.
  • The difference between one-on-one coaching and the weekly calls inside 200k Mastermind.
  • What they’ve learned having coached hundreds of other coaches.
  • How coaches tend to bypass their own emotional work.
  • What it means to hold space for others, and what it’s like to have space held for you.
  • The value of processing emotions with a one-on-one coach.
  • My one-on-one coaches’ thoughts on why you might want to add one-on-one coaching into your 200k Mastermind experience. 


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Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Stacey: Hey coaches, I have a surprise episode planned for y’all today. Are you ready? We have made some major changes in the 200K Mastermind. And you’ve heard of them being rolled out over the last few weeks here on the podcast. 

If you’re on our 200K waitlist, that’s, or if you’re in the $2 million group waitlist, that’s, then you maybe know all about the changes that we’re making. But I’m going to give you just a little tidbit in case you are just joining us for this episode. 

So previously in 200K Mastermind we were bundled together for one $25,000 investment and you would get six months of group coaching, the guided curriculum and access to our entire 200K process, a three-day live event, and coaching one-on-one every week with our 200K coaching team that I personally trained and they have been coaching in our program for the last 18 months, I think. And now we have unbundled. 

So now we have driven the price of the Mastermind itself down for our students to make it more accessible since we have run our data study and we want to help coaches make as much money as possible as quickly as possible. And the data has shown the faster you get in the room, the more results are available for you. 

So we’ve driven the overall price of the Mastermind down to $10,000 and we’ve taken the added cost of the Mastermind on my end as a company and we’ve made those available a la carte. So if you love the live events, we’re still going to be doing them, but we’re going to do them once a year. By doing them once a year, it drives the entire price down. 

So for those of our students who want to do multiple rounds with us, their overall price in any given year with us will now be a little less by only doing that live event once a year. And now we have made our one-on-one coaching available as an add-on as well. And that will be for $5,000 for the six months. 

So today I have asked for my one-on-one coaches, some of them, to come on the podcast and talk about the one-on-one coaching because prior with the $25,000 investment, you got that as part of the investment and you could just book your calls weekly. Now with your investment, you can add it on. And so it’s an actual decision to purchase, to invest in a one-on-one coach during your time. 

And for some of you, you know it’s the way you want to go. You are already like, I would love to have a Mastermind experience that is paired with and learn the $200K process and get coaching from Stacey and peer coach and do the entire 200K Mastermind, but also being paired with a one-on-one coach. I already understand the value of what that would be like every single week. 

But if you’re curious, we’ve gotten so many customer service emails asking us specifically about one-on-one coaching. So I asked my coaches to clear their calendar and come on and have a discussion about it, what it would be like and why you might want to add one-on-one coaching to your investment. 

Now, before we dive in, before we get to talking about how amazing it is, we’re going to totally sell you on one-on-one coaching. But before we do, I just want to assure you of a couple of things. Number one, the results that we got in our data study are mixed. So we did not add one-on-one coaching until August of 2022 in Orlando. 

Oh yes, that’s the class where we sold the Mastermind without it. And then I surprised them on stage that as a bonus, included in their investment, they were getting weekly one-on-one coaching completely on me, which was so fun. Okay, so that is when we started it. And then it’s been going since. 

So we had students getting unreasonable, amazing results prior to one-on-one coaching. And we’ve had students getting amazing results after one-on-one coaching. I really think it’s based on the individual. It’s such an amazing thing to have, but know that students were getting results without it. 

So if the 10K price point for 200K Mastermind has become accessible to you in a way that was never accessible before, I don’t want you to use this episode against yourself to say if I can’t add on the one-on-one coaching on top of getting in the room for the first time, or I’m going to wait to get into the room until I can do one-on-one coaching, I really think you just want to get in the room. 

Because in the room, you’re going to learn how to make a lot more money that would allow you to easily add on a one-on-one coach and do all of the investing you ever wanted to do in your business to become as skilled and take you as far as you want to go. 

So please don’t use what we’re going to talk about against you in any way. You will still have an incredible Mastermind experience. Since we’ve started doing one-on-one coaching, since August of 2022, our students are still peer coaching with each other. We see them posting that every single week in the group, so you can still access this. 

But for me, I remember when I first hired my first one-on-one coach. She actually offered to coach me for free, but it was one of those things where I had to reach out to her and set up a call whenever I felt like I needed coaching. 

And I remember telling her, I want to pay you. And the reason I want to pay you is because I want to know I’m on your calendar every single week at the same time. I want to know my calls are scheduled ahead of time. I want to look forward every week to knowing we’re going to talk. And I want to make sure that you also know we’re going to talk and that you’re looking forward to talking with me and you’re thinking about talking with me. 

And I just wanted to have that experience where there was a coach in place. And so I do understand that some people have that desire. So this episode is all about desire. We’re not going to hard sell you. And I really just want to make sure you know that you’ll get everything you need and feel totally supported if you don’t add on the one-on-one coaching. 

But if you’re someone who already knows you want to do it, if you’re already someone who is like, I love individualized support. I love having a one-on-one situation and it would be a dream to have one with someone that has gone through the entire 200K process, been to the last four live events, coach hundreds of the 200K coaches, and knows so much about the 200K room and has been personally mentored by Stacey, I want that for a reasonable price, then this is the episode for you to totally sell you on the value of going through with that decision. 

So without further ado, let’s introduce some of our coaches. Courtney, do you want to start at the top? 

Courtney: Well, hello. I’m so happy to be here, Stacey Boehman. 

Stacey: Yes. I’m so happy to have you. 

Courtney: Thank you. Yeah, I’m very, very honored to be one of your coaches. I private messaged you even before I knew you were having coaches and I said, girl, you need to hire me to help you run your business and coach in your business. So I’m so excited to have had this opportunity. 

It’s been an amazing two years. It’s been hundreds and hundreds of people that I’ve coached in your program. I think it’s a no brainer because again, just like I’m just going to replicate what you just said, we’ve been through the process. We’ve been through the portals. We have been using the 200K processes on our own businesses and creating a lot of money in our own businesses. We all have. 

And so just to be able to coach coaches in this space and help them achieve their goals has been absolutely amazing. 

Stacey: That is so fun. Thank you for sharing that. I forgot to say that so many of our one-on-one coaches, maybe all of you, I’m not sure, but have your own businesses or do other coaching. So we can talk about that as well. 

Karen, why don’t you introduce yourself? 

Karen: Hello everyone. Hi, Stacey. I am Karen Warren and I have been here with you since the beginning and I love, love coaching our 200K students. They come ready and excited and freaked out and nervous, abundant, all the things. And it is really the Forrest Gump of business coaching. You never know what you’re going to get, but we’re always ready for them. And I appreciate them and it’s been just a great, great opportunity. 

Stacey: That is so fun. So I love that you guys are each saying things that I haven’t thought to say. I love it. So good. 

All right, Clare, what do you got? Introduce yourself. 

Clare: Hi, I’m Clare Ochoa. And, Stacey, I’m also honored to be here. It’s so exciting. Every round is actually a little different, every time it just gets better and better. And I would say that the one thing I would also want to bring up that I don’t think has been brought up is the community of friendships and business support that goes on. 

You see they have peer coaching, but a lot of times we’re watching their masterclass or we’re commenting and sharing and liking and giving that validation and feedback. Like behind the scenes there’s a lot of support. And I know all of us coaches do that because we’re loving and supporting each other. 

And I think that the beauty of that with us coaches knowing like where their journey is, is that we all rise together. And it just feels so good when each of us know what’s going on behind the scenes. But then we’re out there supporting them, like I know this feels uncomfortable, but you can do this. 

And all of that is just really beautiful. Like you may not even know as much that goes on behind the scenes with all of us coaches, like supporting them and lifting each other up. 

Stacey: I love that. That’s so great. So combined with that, I just realized when Karen was saying she’s been here since the beginning, and then I’m listening to you talking about all the things behind the scenes, I’m realizing all of you have been here since the beginning, right? 

Courtney: Yes. 

Karen: Yeah. 

Clare: Yeah. 

Stacey: That’s crazy. That’s so good. 

Clare: One of the things with us all being here, I was thinking of the word I would use like the grueling onboarding of, which that’s not the right word. I’d call it more like really intense hours and hours. I mean everybody should know that I saw the value of coaching when I saw how much value you pumped into us. Like 40 hours of onboarding, training, us knowing everything in and out before you ever let us coach one person. 

Stacey: Oh, I love that. 

Clare: Lots of onboarding. Even the interview process was grueling and everybody will agree. But it was that we were ready, set to go. We knew everything in and out behind the scenes. And I think that really prepared us. That’s the difference for exceptional coaching. 

Stacey: So good. Yeah, that’s so great. And so for everyone listening, the one thing I will say is I think this speaks to this group and what you’re saying as well. We pared down for this class to about half of the size that we did have of the one-on-one coaches, while I kind of reinvented the program and figured out what we were going to do and how we were going to move forward. 

And I had talked to all of the coaches on a call, I invited them all on a call and kind of just said like, hey, this is where I’m at and this is what’s happening. And I wasn’t sure if I was going to offer it as an add-on. And so now that we know we did, we invited all of the coaches that were from the original group back. And from what I have heard, they have all said yes, which, to me, is just speaking so much to what you’re saying here. 

And just everyone going through such intense training, it clearly was really valuable training, not just like hard to be hard for the sake of hard and making you guys coach yourselves through an intense hiring and onboarding process. But really to make sure that the quality of people that we have is so, so high. I don’t think people really buy it. I don’t think they buy how much energy I put into the people who coach for me or how much energy we put into selecting students to be in the room.

After we go around and have everyone finish introducing themselves, I’d be curious for you guys to speak on that because I do think people think that we just let anybody in. And one of the students that got accepted this current round was like, I was for sure that was a sales tactic until I got the first rejection letter. And then I was like, oh, she means it when she says that. 

And it’s not from a place of, you know, not trying to put complicated friction in unnecessarily, but it is really important to me to have high quality coaches working for me who really understand the process where we’re all aligned, we’re all working towards the same goal. I want the experience of one-on-one coaching to be seamless where they’re not like, oh, I didn’t have the same experience over here and learn the same things that I learned in the guided curriculum or that I learned on the weekly coaching, or even in the peer coaching. 

I spent so much time round after round teaching our students how to peer coach with each other. So the peer coaching also has a consistency to it. And that’s part of my commitment to keeping things on track and working towards 100% results. But also people don’t realize this, like I’m working with y’all all the time. I’m working with my students all the time. So I’ve got to like, love, and enjoy every single person around me for the happiness of my business. So I love that you spoke to that. I love that you are each speaking to new things. 

And I see that, I really do in the way that people talk about you all as one-on-one coaches. I know the behind the scenes that are happening for you all to support each other and for you to support the students. It just shows in everything that they talk about with the one-on-one coaches. So I love you bringing that up. 

Igor, you want to introduce yourself all the way from Germany, right? 

Igor: All the way from Germany. So first of all, thank you for having me. When I heard that you were looking for one-on-one coaches, I was thinking like, would she take any male coach? I don’t know, but I’m going to apply. And as Clare said, it’s been an amazing journey through the onboarding process and coaching the students that you have selected. 

It’s a really special group of people that are on a journey of growing themselves and their business. And I think the structure of the program, how you have put it together, it’s like looking at, okay, we’re focusing on the business, but also looking as the CEO, you know? 

Stacey: Yeah, entrepreneur. 

Igor: And I would say one of the beautiful things that the one-on-one brought is a different facet or a different conversation or coaching that people want to have with a one-on-one coach. So weekly they get it with you, with the peer coaching, but there are times where we would all want to have something, you know, personal or bring it first to the one-on-one coach and then to you. 

Stacey: Yeah. Oh, yes. Yeah. I’m so glad you brought that up. That is actually my first question to ask everyone. So I’m going to start with you, but I want to have Jille introduce herself first. So we’ll come back to you. But that is one of my first questions, what do people bring to one-on-one coaching? 

But first I just have to acknowledge you because I think this is so fantastic. So we have a student in $2 million group who just went from $200K to the $2 million group. And every time I’m coaching him, he’s like, well, Igor was coaching me on this thing here. And I was like, this is so fantastic. 

This comes up all the time where people are like, oh, and someone coached me on this. And it’s not a huge group of one-on-one coaches, right? I love that we’ve been able to create that environment where people are coming to me and saying, well, Igor told me this. And then they might be coming to you and be like, I got coaching from Stacey on this. And we’re all on the same page. There’s rarely been a situation where the coaching has been completely different. 

And one of the things that Maggie said recently, I think in maybe a personal conversation I had. Or no, I think it was a 2K post where she was responding about how she had learned to coach or something. And she said, even when the coaching is very, very different, it’s so fun to explore why. It’s so fun to see what one avenue takes you, what the other avenue takes you. 

And ultimately I think that helps you be the business owner, right? The CEO, the one that ultimately says, no matter how experienced Stacey is, or no matter how many students Karen has coached, Stacey gave me one advice, Karen gave me another advice, and I get to decide which I think is the most relevant for me and why and love my reasons and move forward. 

And I always say that is so valuable for me. Like I have a ton of people who give me advice. And I think in the beginning, too many cooks in the kitchen can be a bad thing. But if it’s all cooks following a similar process, then it’s just different viewpoints or they’re picking up on different things in your brain. And you really get to decide, okay, which one do I think is the thing that is easiest to move forward with, that makes the most sense for me now? 

And I do that now often in my Mastermind, even. I’ll get conflicting advice or different perspectives and I’ll mull over everything. And sometimes I end up somewhere completely different and I’m like, oh my God, this was all so valuable because it forced me to explore my brain deeper. 

Anyways, I just had to give you that nod that I love when people are like, so and so told me, and they’re always referring back to their one-on-one calls. I think that’s so great. 

Okay, Jille, introduce yourself. 

Jille: Yes, I am Jille Dunsmore. I’ve been with you for almost two years now. It’s so exciting. 

Stacey: So wild. 

Jille: I remember before you even talked about hiring coaches, I had actually written down in one of my self-coaching journals that morning I’d written down, I work for Stacey Boehman. And I didn’t know how or when, I didn’t know what that would look like. And then six months later you posted that and I just was like, hey, this was it, right? I mean, not having any idea. 

Stacey: I love it. 

Jille: So I was so excited to be able to come and work for you because I’ve just listened to you and followed you for years and loved you. And I don’t know, I just had this feeling that someday I would work with you. 

Stacey: Here you are. 

Jille: And so I have loved it so much. And I just want to say, as everybody else is talking, I just reiterate what everyone else is saying. But I also just want to say, we fall in love with your students. 

Stacey: Yeah, they’re so great, right? 

Jille: We just love them. They’re ours. Like, I feel like they’re mine too. Some of them they continue, most of them, round after round after round as they grow and expand and just keep improving. And so we’ve been with them, some of them from the beginning, right? And we’ve just grown to love them. 

Even if we’re just with them for six months, we remember you, right? Like we get to know you, we care about you. We cried, you know, it’s like, we’re there for your tears. We’re there for the celebrations. We’re part of your journey and your students are amazing. Like they’re just so easy to love 

Stacey: They’re just so good. 

Jille: Because even if they’re struggling, which of course is what a lot of times they bring. 

Stacey: Yeah. Yeah. 

Jille: You’ve got to bring the struggles, that’s why you come to the coaching. But just being able to know, like even in their low value cycles, when they’re struggling and we get to help them move through that, like they’re still so committed and driven. 

Stacey: There’s nothing like it. 

Jille: Yeah, they are amazing. This room is amazing. So we just love being a part of it. And we fall in love with your students. Yeah. 

Stacey: Thank you so much. 

Okay, yeah, let’s dive in. Igor, do you want to kick it off? I am curious what students typically bring to the one-on-one sessions and how that might be different or how it stands out from maybe coaching that they’re getting on the Facebook page and in the weekly coaching and through their peer coaching and from me, again, on those weekly calls or in their breakout groups. 

Like what is different about one-on-one coaching? What comes up on those sessions? 

Igor: I would say people are sometimes hesitant to raise their hand in the group, especially when they are struggling with something. 

Stacey: Yeah. 

Igor: And as life happens, we all have difficult situations. 

Stacey: Yes. 

Igor: And then people come and they’re not even sure what they want. And for us to be the witness of the thing, it could be a loss. It could be something happening for them. Like how their personal life is intervening or slowing down their business and certain priorities, then something needs to give in or to change. 

Like the process of making a decision, I see those types of things that people bring to the one-on-one call, rather than raising their hand like in the group. So they might, let’s say start with us, then they get more going and then they’re going into the group and raising their hand to go further with you. 

Stacey: That’s so good. I do actually find that in my own one-on-one coaching. I go a lot to my weekly calls. The decisions I learned by watching coaching, by being in a Mastermind, by going through a program or curriculum, and then there’s places where you just get stuck and you’ve really investigated a lot of your thoughts even. And you’re like, I could go this way, I could go this way. 

And I even think just for everyone, whether it’s with our one-on-one coaches or just in coaching in general, I do think there is a next level of ownership in your life and unlocking results through coaching when you can get so clear that you can say, here’s what’s happening. Here are my predominant thoughts. Here’s how far I’ve gotten in coaching myself. Here’s where I’m stuck. And here’s why I think I’m stuck. These are all the different things. Like here’s one solution, but then I have thoughts about this. 

I just posted my Mastermind yesterday and I was talking through a decision I’d already made. And you know how you do that? You make a decision and then something comes up and requires you to stick to that decision and test your commitment to that decision. And I was like, okay, so I’m just posting to test my commitment and here’s one way I lean and here’s another and here are the thoughts I’m having. 

And they weren’t even drama thoughts. I think they were high-quality thinking as a CEO. And then I was like, okay, now that you’ve seen this, what do y’all got? I got lots of different feedback and lots of different coaching. And then within even an hour I was decided and I was like, okay, this is it. Now I know, I just needed to be able to express all of that happening in my brain and get it out on paper and look at it and then have someone just give me feedback on it. 

I think that’s so valuable. So I love that you brought up just decision making and processing the thinking around it. So good. 

I have a lot of questions, so we don’t have to have everyone answer every single one, but Courtney, do you want to add on to that? 

Courtney: Yeah, I’ll add on to what Igor said and what you just said, you know, how you will really self-coach yourself and get some clarity. A lot of times the coaches in your program will come and they’ll be like, I’m feeling like I don’t even really know what I need coaching on it. And you have told us, and we do this, where we just hold space for, I’ve got you, let’s figure it out. 

And I think that is so valuable because there’s so much information in the portal, there’s just so many different ways they can help their business and work on their mind. Sometimes they come like, okay, in this moment I’m feeling like I don’t even know what I need coaching on. And we can be like, we’ve got you. What are your two or three essentials? We have the knowledge of the program so much that we can now help them figure it out. 

Stacey: That’s so great. So you have a coaching protocol when someone comes and says, I don’t even know what I need coaching on. Deer in headlights, I don’t know. You’re like, okay, let’s go over your three essentials. Let’s hear about your offer. We did cover that in training. I forgot, it’s been a couple of years, but we did cover all the different ways. Like we used to call it a C sheet. 

Oh my God, you guys, we have the most amazingly beautiful member portal that’s custom built for us launching for this class. I’ve already approved the designs. It’s like high-end editorial vibes. So amazing. But because it’s custom built by Patrick and our software team, they are going to be able to put their information for their profile on the website. 

So like anything that we would ask them from the C sheet, which is really, for everyone listening, the circumstance sheet, right? So we would have someone fill out like, here are the circumstances of my business, my offer, its pricing, how much money I’ve made. That way, when we get into the thoughts and the drama, we know what we’re working with. 

And so I trained them, even in the peer coaching, I trained everyone on asking for those circumstances ahead of time, right away to start navigating the conversation, which is so helpful. And people that are in 2k for 2k, they will see me do this all the time. I’ll be like, okay, let me grab some circumstances. And I just start asking them questions and writing those down. 

It’s so helpful to start the coaching conversation with circumstances. I love it. 

Courtney: Especially when someone says things are just not working. And then you get the circumstances and realize that things actually are working. 

Stacey: I know that one’s really good too. I got coaching on this. At one point in my Mastermind I had gotten an email about whether I offered something and my brain told me everyone wants me to offer this. 

And I was getting coaching in my Mastermind and they were like, so how many people emailed in and asked if you were offering this? Um, one. And they were like, okay, how many people are on your email list? A hundred thousand. Okay, maybe this isn’t the thing to just change all of your offers for. 

But it’s really interesting how your brain can do that. So yeah, finding the circumstances first, and then just having someone so that you don’t have to navigate the plan. You don’t have to navigate, that is really valuable. I’ve done that with my one-on-one coach a ton too. I’ll say I’m having a really hard time, let me just word vomit on you and then you tell me where you want to go. And she’ll be like, I got you, let’s go. Like that is so useful. I love that. 

Okay, anyone else want to add anything? Clare? 

Clare: Stacey, I just wanted to add that I had a couple calls throughout the last round, actually, where they felt uncomfortable bringing celebration to the group. 

Stacey: Oh, that’s a good one. 

Clare: So they’ll get lots of consults or they’re struggling in the group and then they’re not wanting to actually step into their bigger version of themselves. So kind of going through that comfort and wanting success and tolerance and actually stepping into being that person and working on that identity, that self-concept together in that container, just where they feel a little safer. 

And then they can go out in the group and celebrate a lot of what they’re actually experiencing in the container. 

Stacey: I actually do see that. That’s so great that you brought that up. We get a lot of people that say I’ve been having a hard time celebrating and I did a one-on-one coach call and here I am to celebrate. Or I’m not typically someone who does celebrate, but I’ve gotten some coaching on this. So that’s really great. 

I need to do a podcast and maybe think about why do we have such a hard time celebrating ourselves? It’s like we get so stuck in discomfort. Even for me, I was thinking about something that we have happening in our lives that’s really, really amazing, but I’ve had such a bad two years with just all the things, motherhood – 

Clare: I was thinking that a part of it that we uncovered in that call with a couple of them that we were starting to notice was this sense of being outed if you don’t belong. You know, we kind of bond when we’re struggling together. 

Stacey: Oh, like trauma bonding. Failure bonding. 

Clare: Yeah. So when you’re celebrating that you’re winning, it’s like, oh, I might get pushed out and not feel like I belong. So being able to do that together, I think, in those smaller one-on-one is so helpful. 

Stacey: And here’s the thing to think about, this is so interesting. It’s like, you can have that happening at every income level, right? Because you’re always going to be working towards a new goal, so you’ll always be failing at a goal, right? Whether it’s to get to a million or get to 200K or to get to 100K and it could be really easy to get stuck in the struggle and forget to be in the celebration. 

Even in the rooms I’m in, we’re just so focused on those bigger results and so focused on what we want to accomplish and the mission we’re creating. Sometimes we have to be like, okay, let’s start by everybody going around and celebrating something. And then we’ll joke because some of us will look confused. Like what do you mean? 

But I do think, what I was saying is I do think it’s important because if you are in a low value cycle or just like the river of misery, right? So for me, it was learning how to incorporate being a new mom and what that means for me and navigate postpartum anxiety and go through some business struggles and all of that at the same time. And I’m finally coming completely out of it. 

And I was telling my husband that I’m noticing that my body is trying to tell me it’s unsafe and I’m like, oh, that’s so interesting. So the alternative was like being in the muck is safe. So I really love that. That’s a really good one to bring up, if you get into failure bonding or forget that you’re failing your way to a much higher goal and you’re in a much different place than you used to be, and like being able to regulate your body in success. 

Or we’ve been coaching on this in the group a lot, one of our students has, I keep saying unreasonable, but it just feels like that, an unreasonable amount of consults. And she’s like really struggling with that should be a good thing, right? And yet it feels very stifling. And she’s worried, like if I don’t make use of all of this demand, it’s going to dry up. And so there’s thoughts that come. 

And one of the things that she had really struggled with is coming and speaking in front of the group about it because she was like, well, I don’t want people to think I’m ungrateful for all of these consults that I’m struggling through. And I’m like, no, no, we coach on all of the things. So I really love that they can come to you and work through that and then come to the group. 

And every time they do, someone always says, I’m so glad you came here. I’m so glad, this was valuable for me. I needed to hear this. I needed to see that. So the more you all get them to be comfortable enough to show up to their peers or to me and be seen, the more they are shown and the more value it creates for other people. 

Jille: Stacey, just to add really quickly onto that, there have been times when people have come to their one-on-ones, there’s things they’re embarrassed to even bring up to their breakout group, like their small group. Because it’s just what you’re saying, like sometimes they just feel embarrassed because like I have this stress coming from like I have too much demand. I don’t know how to handle this. These things that are going so well, I wasn’t prepared for this much growth and good things happening. 

And so we really just do a lot of work on creating that safe space, even if they choose not to bring it up. We do a lot of mindset work on that so that they know they can, because that creates safety for everyone. But also just knowing that this is a 100% confidential space, like everything is 100% private. Calls are not recorded. It’s done that way by design. Like whatever you need to say, whatever you need to talk about, we’ve got you and it stays right here. 

Stacey: Yeah. And there have been a couple of times where I really like to be able to communicate with you all and ask like, have you seen this coming up as a trend in the group? Or do you have anything you think I need to know to coach the group on, but you don’t tell me the student’s name. 

So I never know the specifics, but it is helpful for me to say, are you guys seeing this trend or what’s coming up? You know, every once in a while I’ll just check in and see what’s coming up on the calls. And I do think that’s super helpful, but I love that. 

And the other thing I was thinking is that there have been a lot of people I’ve been coaching in the last year or so, and maybe it was happening before that but it feels a little bit like it’s been more in the last year where people just had a really hard year. And a lot of it was personal stuff. 

And I was just coaching someone in the $2 million group on, she said, I feel like you guys aren’t seeing my business, like everything I know about business and you’re not seeing me shine and you’re not seeing the value I have to deliver in business because I have all these other things happening. And we were all like, wait, what? Like watching you navigate this is very valuable for us. Like just you continuing to show up, seeing all the things you’re tackling as a business owner and normalizing all of that for all of us is hugely valuable. 

But I can see why so many students, if they get a diagnosis, if they just have something life altering, their marriage ends, right? Like something life altering that they feel like they can’t share with the group, maybe not even because there’s shame, but because they’re not ready to share it. Like, it’s just, there’s the things that we all go through where it’s hard to tell a single person, let alone a whole group of people. 

And I do love that you guys get to do that for them. Like they might not even tell me that, even if they had a one-on-one conversation with me about it. So it’s awesome that they have that outlet with you all. That’s so great. 

And Karen, you might as well just give us what you find because now we’ve already gone around to everyone. Let’s get you in here too. What have you found they typically bring to the calls? 

Karen: Definitely celebrating, for sure. That’s one of my superpowers. So I love to help them celebrate because what they just did last month, and so to be that reminder I think is really important. And just holding the belief for them as they walk through a new thing, their first launch or the launch process as we teach it or webinar. 

To just really hold space for them and to be curious about what their approach is and how they’re going to do it and to help them to think about what they want to think about. If you’re doing a new thing or if this is your first launch or webinar, how are you going to take care of yourself before, during, and after? We get to decide that now. I’m just going to let you tell me what that looks like so that we have a plan and a decision ahead of time. 

Stacey: Oh my God, that’s so, so good. I mean, I do that with my coach as well, where I’ll be telling her my best laid plans and then she’ll ask me a question that I hadn’t even considered. I’m like, what? What do you mean, how am I going to take care of myself? Or what do you mean, like just whatever it is. That’s so good. 

It just reveals, you know, as CEOs, I think we think of all the things that we can control or try to control all the things that we can influence in our favor. And we don’t have the magical powers to catch all of the things. So it’s really helpful for someone to hear your plan and see something that maybe you’ve missed, whether it’s in taking care of yourself or something else. Like, just, hey, have you considered this? Or here’s a thought to think. I really love that. That’s so good. Yes. 

Okay, awesome. Are y’all ready to move onto my next question? They don’t know at all what my questions are going to be. Okay, I would love to know, this is an ambiguous question, so however you all answer it is fine. But I’m curious after coaching hundreds of our coaches, and that’s not an exaggeration over two years. I imagine half of the 650 students that have come through our room came through in those two years as we’ve grown. 

So what have you learned coaching our students through the process or just coaching in the room? What have you learned having coached all of those people? And I’ll let you guys just volunteer for who wants to go first. Courtney, you’ve got it. Let’s go. 

Courtney: I think that the most profound thing I have learned is you start in the 2K process teaching everyone the model and how our thoughts create our results. And you expand on it even more in the 200K process. So we can know that, we can sit in the beautiful space of knowing, yes, our thoughts and our beliefs create our results. We can understand that. 

But then as these entrepreneurs, they’re not only coaches, they’re entrepreneurs. And many of them being entrepreneurs for the first time, as they start making more and more money because they’re learning how to sell at a higher level, there’s space where they have to be willing to feel discomfort, fear, and inadequacy and all those feelings. 

And it really is both. It’s believing big things are possible, right, because we want to create those results, but also knowing that there’s going to be insecurity and doubt and fear. And it’s like holding space for both. 

Stacey: Yeah. And that doubt stays there until you achieve it, and sometimes a little after. You don’t anticipate that, but sometimes it’s there a little after. Some version of “it’s a fluke” or “I can’t repeat this” or whatever it is. Yeah, that’s so great. I love that. Okay. Who else? 

Igor: So I’ll add something. So, you know what I have learned that I have found fascinating? So people at 30K level or people at a half million level, they come with the same type of problem. 

Stacey: Okay, give us examples. I believe you and give us some examples. 

Igor: So we all think that people have different problems at different levels, but what we all forget is that humans are executing that business in different variations. So it’s the trusting in themselves, like having a new offer or raising their price or being full or having earned that. Like that was my goal, but I’m not ready for this goal. So the result is there, but the identity is not. 

The identity is still there as the struggling coach, as thinking it wasn’t me, it was somebody else, right? Not taking ownership or participation of their own results that they have created. 

Stacey: Yeah. 

Igor: I have this to be fascinating with every single earnings. 

Stacey: Every single income level. 

Igor: Income level. 

Stacey: Yeah. I always say that too. I’ll be like, why is this happening at this level? Because you have a human brain. That’s like always my answer when people say, why is this happening? Because you have a human brain. 

Almost always, like we think at some level of success the human brain will stop being the human brain, but it doesn’t. Like I see myself get coached on some of the same things that happen in the rooms as well. So I think that’s really good. Yeah, I love it. 

I think we all universally have a hard time processing failure and disappointment. I think that we all struggle to believe things ahead of time. Like that is another one. We all have competing life priorities that are etching our calendar away. And we all care what other people think, right? Like just in the most basic general thing, we all have some form of people pleasing tendency or worry about visibility. 

And so some of those things, there are very specific strategies, I think in business at different levels, but the mindset. I’m always telling 200K people, oh, I just coached someone about this in the $2 million group room. Or I’ll be in 2K and I’m like, yep, I just coached someone in the $2 million group on this. 

And I do that not as a constant promotion of my other programs, but because I want them to understand this isn’t unique to you’re a beginner. It’s just that you have a human brain. And so I sometimes think it helps for them to hear someone who’s making a lot more money than me also has the same thing happening in their brain, which is just such a big piece of why it’s so important for everyone to speak up and for everyone to be seen and heard. There really is such value in coaching at every income level. 

Jille: Well, just to add on to what you’re saying, it’s so true because when people come to us, a lot of the times they’re trying to be the coach while they’re getting coached because they’re thinking like, I’m a coach. I should know better. Like, I know that thought isn’t true, right? They’ll hurry and just say that. And we’re like, okay, but right now you’re not the coach. You just get to be coached, right? Because this is what your brain is telling you. 

And letting them know, like just normalizing that you are a coach, but you also have that human brain that never goes away. And when you’re in it, when you’re in those emotions, it feels very different because you’re experiencing it and you’re in that. And we aren’t, so we can look at it and see things you can’t see. We can help walk you through that. 

And what I have learned is that the people who are willing to just keep showing up and doing that, and just let themselves be a client.

Stacey: Be a client, yeah. 

Jille: Like just open up. And I’ve heard you say this before too, but when we coach, it’s like we pretend like they know nothing about coaching. 

Stacey: Yeah. 

Jille: We don’t just assume like, well, of course you know that. No, we’re going to walk you through and treat you just like what your brain needs right now, right? We’re not going to assume that you should know this. No, right now when you’re in this and you’re in these emotions, like you get to be the student, you get to be the client. We got you. 

Stacey: So good. I think that is a way that we as coaches bypass a lot of our emotional work, is we have a thought that we “know” we shouldn’t be thinking or shouldn’t have, or by now we should have worked through it, whatever. And we tell ourselves that should, instead of just being with the thought and the emotion and sitting with, you know, maybe I know something different. My brain is still believing this very deeply. 

Again, I love to just bring it back to experiences I’ve had to help people see like this happens even at the eight-figure level. But I was just coaching with my coach, Trudy, we were just coaching on something and I was like, listen, I know I have presented my brain with all of the circumstances. And logically I understand I am safe. And my body, like it can’t get there and here are all the reasons why. And we just coached through it and I just felt so much better after. 

But I think it is very powerful to be able to say, yes, we have lots of logical knowledge, right? Parents know that logically they shouldn’t yell at their kids. And yet, you might yell at them if you get really, really scared and they do something really, really stupid that you think is going to harm them, right? Or whatever. Or they do something really, really bad or whatever it is. It’s like in a moment you might still do it. 

And logical knowledge is not the same as what your body is believing. That’s the way I frame it to myself. Like there’s the logical thing I know, then there’s what my body is believing. And because it’s believing that what I’m experiencing as my emotions around it, that’s how I’m going to show up. That’s what’s going to drive everything moving forward, so we have to address that. 

Which brings me to my next question. So I have a two-part question. So, Karen, since you brought it up, I would love for you to answer this in your words. What holding space means, because I don’t know that everyone knows what it means to be holding space. And I wonder if you could also talk about what it might feel like for the space to be held for you as a client. 

So like, what does it mean for a coach to be holding space? And then as a client, what is that experience like? And we can all think about it if anyone else wants to add to it. I don’t think this is something that everyone just knows right away as like, oh, we all know this. I don’t think that’s true. 

I think the Life Coach School teaches holding space really strongly. Like that’s a big part of the coach training. I don’t know about other coach trainings and then they might be framed just differently with different language. So how would you describe it to someone? 

Karen: So if I was describing it to some of my non-coach friends and I’m like, oh, holding space, I would say in my Zoom room I create an environment of grounded, calm energy that is completely nonjudgmental. 

In that space when I hold for you, I have mastered my own thinking to where I am unattached to what you’ve got going on so that I can ask empowering questions, show you your thinking, take a look at those thoughts in your brain, put them in the palm of our hand and examine them with compassion, love, curiosity. And like I like to say, we’re not going to be mad about it. 

Stacey: I love that, we’re not going to be mad about it. Yes. Or create shame around it. That’s so good. Like, how would you describe what it’s like as the client for space to be held for you? Especially if you’re in an emotionally triggering or vulnerable space, which happens even in business. So how would you describe it if space is being held for you? 

Karen: Okay. If space is being held for you, I think you are able to feel or understand that the space is safe. We’re talking a lot about safety, and to me that means you get to say whatever you might not have said out loud before. You get to bring the tears, bring the cuss words, your full emotional experience is allowed, appreciated, understood, recognized, high-fived, whatever. Acknowledged is really the key of that. 

And so it is the only space, when your space is being held, where the curriculum is you. 

Stacey: Oh, that’s so good. The curriculum is you, yes. And I don’t know about y’all, but so many times on my one-on-one calls, the words will come out of my mouth, don’t repeat this. Like I’m about to say something that’s going to come out of my mind, out into the world that I would not tell anybody else but you. And I know that they aren’t. Or I’ll say like, okay, this is going to sound really awful, but it’s in my brain, so it’s coming out, right? 

That is so powerful to feel witnessed. And also what I will say that I think is so powerful for me is presence. You’ve alluded to it several times in the way you’ve talked about it, but we don’t get to speak to someone very often, maybe once a week, where someone is fully and solely focused on us. 

And it doesn’t mean our people in our lives don’t love us and they’re not trying to be present. They haven’t been trained how to not turn the conversation into something about them. They haven’t been trained how to not be distracted if something else is happening. 

Like I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been on coaching calls where people have had something distracting happening in their background and they get very in their head about it and they’re like, oh my gosh, I’m so sorry and blah, blah, blah. And I am so laser focused on them. I’m like, I’m not even paying attention to that. 

It would have to be something very glaring, like, oh, this is a really loud sound or something like that. But little things, like if a kid is crying in the background or dogs are barking, whatever it is, it’s like that’s not distracting me because I’ve been trained to laser focus and calm all of my thinking, dump my thoughts before I get on a call and just be very, very present and singular to just you and anything that you want to use the time for, for me to be witness and help facilitate that growth or that processing in that space. Like, I think that is so powerful. 

I loved your explanation. It’s so, so good. I said it was a two-part, so my next question is, anyone can really chime in on this, what would you say to them is the value of processing emotions? I don’t think that that is something that happens in our business space. It can happen. It has happened. 

Like I will hold a really powerful space for people when emotion comes out and is there unexpectedly or they need to be coached through something that’s very emotional. But what I mean is actually sitting down, typically you do want to do this in a one-on-one environment where you are being with an emotion you’re having, and the only agenda is to feel it, experience it, and allow it to be there. Like to have that happen so that it can be heard and then pass through your body. 

So I am curious, maybe what your experience is from students coming and processing emotions on the one-on-one calls with you all. 

Jille: I think this is one of the most powerful things that we can do together because a lot of times when students come, they have this emotion and it’s almost like they’re trying to like just talk past it or like poo-poo it away and I don’t have time to waste on this, right? 

Stacey: Yeah. 

Jille: And when we slow them down – Or telling themselves, like we were talking about before, that they shouldn’t be in this emotion, like this is silly, like I know that, right? 

Stacey: Yeah. 

Jille: But then we slow them down and say, okay, but let’s just go ahead and be in it. And the value of that is because what we resist persists. 

Stacey: Yes. 

Jille: When we ignore those emotions and we just keep trying to shove it under the rug so we can get back to work, to making money, it’s like it doesn’t go away. It comes back bigger and bigger and louder because it has something to tell you and it has something to teach you. 

Stacey: Yes. 

Jille: And so when you come to us, like that’s what we help you do. And in that short time, you can come with this emotion and as we process and work through it and allow you to feel it and be with it however you need, and understand what it has to show you and teach you because emotions are little messengers, right? There’s wisdom in them. And we help you figure that out. 

And then when they leave the call, even in just 30 minutes, there’s such a lightness. Like just being able to wash that and process it through you, now you can actually step into the next phase you want to be in. 

Stacey: Yeah. Yes. Listen, I coach people all day long who cannot sit with an emotion for one minute. So 30 would be extraordinary, right? So even if it’s like five minutes of your coaching call, coming and sitting with that emotion, it’s still bigger than never having sat with it. 

And it is true, what you resist persists. So if it’s disappointment from a consult or a zero launch, whatever it is, you’ve got to work those emotions out, otherwise they will be plastered on your next sales pitch, 100%. 

Clare, what were you going to say? 

Clare: I was going to say that a lot of times they’ll even come to the call and say, well, I don’t know if we can do this here, like process emotions, this is a business. I’m like, no, no, this is where you need to regulate yourself so that you can access your creativity, access all of that, get back to work. 

And a lot of times us just holding space, us just not reacting to their emotion and just holding that grounded, loving space, where other people in their life are maybe telling them, don’t bring those big emotions, don’t do that here. And nobody wants to see when they’ve been taught that. So in this container, it allows them to almost mirror that back. Like this is how you do it and it’s okay here. Like this is where we experience all emotions. 

And just having that little space, then you can get back to work and really access all of your logic when your emotions are regulated. 

Stacey: So good. I love it. I just want to keep talking to you all today, but we’re at time. So I’m curious if everyone could go around and just answer the question some version of if someone we’re thinking of joining 200K and adding on the one-on-one coaching, you should add on the one-on-one coaching if, or you should add on the one-on-one coaching when, or adding on the one-on-one coaching is a good idea because. 

I’m curious what all of yours would be if we could just do like a quick round robin. Igor, do you want to start? Can I put you on the spot? 

Igor: Of course you can. If you want to add one-on-one coaching, which is an add on, it comes from your desire to go deeper with yourself, as we have mentioned, like processing emotions. It’s like being present and being witnessed with the emotion. And as you said, logically, I get it, I shouldn’t be doing this. But my body’s not ready. 

So this is an element where we can, you know, hold space and give attention to for you to access that. 

Stacey: So good. I love it. Okay, who wants to go next? 

Karen: The reason you need to add one-on-one coaching into your 200K experience is because we’re going to help you sit with the discomfort of being in and walking in your 200K self-concept. 

Stacey: Yes. 

Karen: You’re going to see bigger and better, help you see your own greatness when you need to see it most. 

Stacey: Oh, so good. All right, who’s next? Jille, you want to go? 

Jille: Yeah. So one of the things that I think is so valuable to add the coaching on is because you have that support and also the love, right? We truly love this program and we get it and we understand it and we live it. And we have not only that ability to hold that space for you and those emotions, but we also can help you take the disorganized messiness that you’re in. 

Like a lot of students come feeling overwhelmed. Like there’s so much, especially if it’s new, right? There’s just so much, where do I start? What do I do? And like, and there’s all these things. They’re almost like paralyzed, like there’s so much to do. It’s like, well, I don’t even know and I feel so inadequate in all of this right now. And when you leave, like you come to your session with that and when you leave, you have a purpose, you have a focus, you have a direction. 

And we do that with you every single week. It’s like, wherever you are, we lift you back up and we’re like, okay, and this is where you’re going to move forward now. And we’re not telling you that, we’re helping you uncover that for yourself, what it is for you that you most need. And then we help you get there. 

So it’s going to help you through this journey, through this process to make the most of it just faster and be able to move through it in a way that truly helps you get what you came for. 

Stacey: I love it. So good. All right, who’s next? All right, Courtney, what you got? 

Courtney: Yeah, I’ll sell it, Stacey. I think the most powerful – I’ve got no problem selling it. I think the most powerful thing about Stacey Boehman coaches in the 200K Mastermind is we know the process. We know the program. We have been exposed to it for such a long time and coached on it for such a long time. 

So it’s different than just having a one-on-one coach. This is a Stacey Boehman one-on-one coach for the 200K Mastermind. And I just think there’s brilliance in that. We’ve kind of heard it all and we know what they are trying to do. We know where they are trying to get, and we know the processes they are implementing to get there. 

Stacey: I love that. That’s so great. I do think it’s so highly valuable to have someone that’s specific to this room, that knows the students, knows the process, knows how I coach and how I think, like all of this. And then you guys all still bring your own individual uniqueness to the space and all the skills you all have that might be different than what I have. And so I really, really love that. 

I love when, I think it was Jenny who asked, like in our early trainings and said, well, I do this thing that’s about emotional regulation or something. And I was like, well, just explain it to me really quick. Like walk me through what that is. And I was like, yeah, why would that not be valuable to our students? 

So there are little modalities within each of our coaches where they have this extra toolkit that they will also pull out. They’re not regulated to stick to, this is the only thing you can do. So they get to bring their creativity as well to the equation, which I don’t think we’ve talked about yet, but is a really powerful thing. 

Okay, Clare, what you got? 

Clare: And I’ll just add on to that, that the training that we had and the experience, like coaching everyone and the questions they brought is being able to walk them through ITC. You know, not let them get stuck in a PSPR. And sometimes it’s really just us really evaluating their evaluations or helping them walk through an evaluation. 

And they use the time however they need that week. Like maybe they just want to go through a consult evaluation and we just walk them back and forth. So it’s really using it for whatever is coming up in their unique, specific struggle that week or celebration. Having that container is really good. 

Stacey: So good. One of the things I did with the new process, well, and I started doing this on stage, I think the last couple of times I said, the result of your PSPR is directly informed by your thoughts about your PSPR, just so you know. 

But I actually started, all the new modules we’ve started doing the very first module is advanced marketing, your marketing self-concept, advanced selling, you’re selling self-concept. Because I’ve noticed that the difference between me and all of the students that come through my rooms is when I fail, I don’t immediately go to, it’s because I suck at marketing and selling. I am terrible. I’m never going to get this skill. I’m so bad at this skill. It’s never that. 

So my problem solving is so much higher because I go to, okay, so I missed something in the communication. My energy or my words were off in what I was trying to communicate. Something in the selling itself was not aligned with what my clients needed to hear. I go to the communication. And so because of that, my communication has gotten so much better, so much faster. But because I’m just never blaming myself or my lack of skill set as the reason I’m not good at something, I get very, very specific. 

And so although we teach these amazing strategies, PSPR, the one sheet marketing plan, a hundred percent results, and an actual method to get there, there’s so much that happens in the way you interact with how you think of yourself as a marketing person, as a salesperson, as a coach, that plays into how you actually execute these things. 

And I do think that you can get that in peer coaching. We do that every week on the weekly calls, but having a one-on-one coach to actually work every single week with along your journey is highly luxurious. 

So thank you all so much for coming on and taking your time to do this podcast. And all of the things you shared were so, so brilliant. I just want to reiterate a couple of things as we end this episode. 

Number one, don’t use this episode against yourself. Don’t use this as a reason to not get started now. One round of 200K, if the Mastermind itself is the thing that is accessible to you, one round and improving your income can dramatically change the next round and how you’re able, if you wanted to go from 25K all the way to 200K with us, and you wanted to do that over say, four rounds. Your next three rounds and having a one-on-one coach through those could be dramatically informed by just being willing to get started. So know that. 

And then the other thing is that the coaches, there is a finite number of them and they have a finite amount of time that they can coach for us. So this is first come first serve. You’ll want to check out, when you apply you’ll have the option to apply for the main Mastermind, and then you’ll have the option to add on the one-on-one coaching. You’ll want to do that at your application. And it’s first come first serve with one-on-one coaching. 

And then the other thing I wanted to also offer is the way we’re going to do this. I think this is very important if you are investing in this as an add on. The way we’re going to have this set up is you’ll be able to come in and say, hey, I want to work with all the coaches. I just want different perspectives every week. And then you’ll be able to do that. 

And you’ll be able to schedule with the different coaches. You can say, I want the first available, or I want this specific coach this week. Or if you get in and you start coaching and you love Igor and you want Igor to be your one and only coach, then you can say, I want to move all my calls and just coach with Igor this round. And that will be a flexible thing that you’ll be able to choose at checkout. 

We’re currently building up all of our systems to make sure that that goes swimmingly at open enrollment on May 13th, 14th and 15th. So that is the time to select your one-on-one coaching and we will walk you through the process. 

You’ll actually be able to start coaching as soon as a month out from the next round. We’re going to be working with the coaches to get their availability to make sure that happens. That way you have more time, almost seven months, to get your 26 sessions in and you can prep for Mastermind week and kind of get your mindset right to enter the program if you’re a new student. 

All very exciting. We will have all the information linked up in the show notes if you want to join the 200K waitlist, I highly, highly recommend. Thank you all so much for being on this call and I will see you all very soon. 

Jille: Thanks for having us. 

Clare: Thank you. 

Karen: Thank you. 

Stacey: Bye.

Hey, if you’re ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2k for 2k program where you’re going to make your first $2,000 the hardest part using my simple 5 step formula for getting consults and closing new clients. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

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