Welcome back to the special series where I feature students from our first-ever 200K Mastermind pre-enrollment. It’s been a little while since we had one of these episodes, so as a reminder, we ran a contest to see who could have the highest percentage of growth in six months, and we saw results from 180% to 442% growth increases. So I’m bringing my students on to share how they did it before even stepping foot into the mastermind room, and you get to hear it all.
Jeanine Mouchawar is a certified life coach who helps parents have better relationships with their teenagers. With access to just the member portal, the library of past events, calls, and the 200K process, Jeanine has gone from making $3000 in 2020 to $64,000 this year, and in this episode, you’ll hear how she leveraged the 2K and 200K process to make it happen.
Listen in this week to discover what can be possible when you get the 200K process in your hands. Jeanine is sharing how she reverse-engineered the PSPR tool to ramp up her selling to the next level, the difference getting access to the mastermind six months ahead of time made, and how her self-concept has changed since.
Click here to sign up for the waitlist for the next round of the 200K Mastermind!
If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!
What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
- How Jeanine made her money back before the 200K Mastermind even started.
- The mindset shifts Jeanine experienced when she joined the mastermind.
- How to share your value with your potential clients.
- The conversation around money that Jeanine has with her clients.
- Jeanine’s insights on how she used the PSPR process without any drama.
- Why you shouldn’t be in love with your sales copy.
- The difference being in the member portal ahead of the mastermind made.
- Why the three-year plan keeps everyone at every income level from overworking and burning out.
- Jeanine’s five foundational steps that she teaches.
Listen to the Full Episode:
Featured on the Show:
- Join my 2K for 2K program where you’re going to make your first $2000, the hardest part, and then $200,000 using my proven formula.
- Follow me on Instagram!
- Jeanine Mouchawar: Website | Instagram | Facebook
- Ep #197: Protecting the Profit
Full Episode Transcript:
Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.
Hey coaches, I’m really excited to bring you a special series on the podcast over the next several months where I will be featuring students from our first ever pre-enrollment for the 200K Mastermind. We ran a contest to see who could have the highest percentage of growth from each of our income categories, 25K, 50K, 100K and 200K plus. We had students increasing their revenue 10K a month for seven months straight. We have 180% growth increases, 442% growth increases. The results were seriously more than we ever remotely anticipated.
So, I’ve asked them to come on the podcast and share with you how they did it. Their mindset that they approached the materials with and how they leveraged the 200K process to make a lot of money in their business before they even stepped foot into the room for our mastermind. They had this growth just with access to our member portal and our library of past events calls, our 200K process and all of our bonus courses over six months between January and July of this year.
These conversations were so intriguing to me and inspiring for what can be possible when we get the 200K process in the hands of more coaches quicker. There are so many mindset nuggets that await for you inside so let’s dive in.
Hey coaches, welcome to our special episode today. We have Jeanine Mouchawar on, who is one of our 200K students who joined during a pre-enrollment period or an early enrollment period. So she got extra time with our 200K member portal before we actually met, a lot of extra time. And she’s done some incredible things with that extra time. So we wanted to have her on and find out what her thoughts were, the ones that contributed to that and looking at your face. And we want to mind for that so that we can help other people get faster results and get started making 200K much faster.
So, Jeanine, would you start with introducing yourself. Tell everyone who you are, who you work with.
Jeanine: Okay, yeah, sounds great. Well, thank you for having me. I am Jeanine Mouchawar and I’m a certified life coach who helps parents have a better relationship with their teenagers.
Stacey: That’s so good, okay. So now it makes even more sense. So before the episode we were talking about her lovely background of beautiful black and white photo frames of all of her children. And now I’m like, based on our conversation this makes perfect sense. That’s a lovely niche and I’m going to need that in about 15 years.
Jeanine: I’m there for you.
Stacey: Or 13 years, I bet it starts earlier now.
Jeanine: It does start earlier than you think.
Stacey: So you joined in January of 2022. And you were part of the August class. You submitted in your application, you were at 26K. By the time we did this podcast, I don’t want to call it competition but this podcast, to have the highest earner from each category come on and talk on the podcast, whatever we want to call that. This bonus as part of the Mastermind, you submitted that you were at 46K and that was around June. So it could be higher now but that is almost, that is double your income.
Jeanine: Okay, so yeah, when I applied for the pre-enrollment I had just made a little over 25K. And then if we’re just looking at this year in June when you said, “Submit your application if you’ve made your money back.” So in June I had made, from January to June I had made 28,000. So maybe the number you were looking at was…
Stacey: It was the 12 month, yeah.
Jeanine: It was the 12 month rolling.
Stacey: Yeah, so good, yes.
Jeanine: So I made my money back a couple of months before the live event even started.
Stacey: That’s so incredible.
Jeanine: I was so excited. And now today I just looked at my numbers before hopping on, I’m at $55,000.
Stacey: Yes, that’s so great. And that’s for, is that for 12 month, is that for the year?
Jeanine: No, that was just since January.
Stacey: Just this year, whoa. Okay, so I’m curious what your 12 month is.
Jeanine: My 12 month is 64,000.
Stacey: Yes.
Jeanine: I know, but the number that I get really excited about is in 2020 I made $3,000. In 2021 I made $22,000. And here we are in 2022 in October, and I’ve already made 55,000,
Stacey: Yes, that is so incredible. And you all, we’re not talking about, listen, I know we’re all entrepreneurs, but I just have to say it because this is the thought that’s coming up is I sometimes think that we compare these numbers to, I’ve just been talking to a lot of 200K people and just coaches in general lately, having all these conversations. And we compare these numbers to corporate jobs, what we would be making, I get a lot, I never worked corporate, but I just get a ton of clients who did.
And they’re like, “Well, in corporate I was making 100K.” And I’m like, “But it’s so different to build something from scratch and this money is you built this money.” You had to go out and create this from nothing. It’s so different than just getting hired by a company. It is very different in my opinion. So I just have to say I’m always so excited because I think the first 25,000 and then the first 50,000 and then that first 100,000, those three markers I think start telling our brain, this is happening, I’m doing this. This is here to stay, I’m making actual money.
Jeanine: No, but I think you have a great point about corporate. I worked in corporate in my 20s. And it was really a lot of the thought work I had to do was make that shift from wait, I am not an employee, just sort of climbing the corporate ladder. But like you always say, I’m the CEO of my business and I’m building a business from the ground up. That’s very, very different. And I had to definitely, your programs helped me shift into that mindset.
Stacey: So good, I love that. So I want to talk about this, this is not something I was planning on doing but it’s just a thought that came to me. I think it’s really interesting, we have a lot of business coaches on the podcast. Just because I’m a business coach I think I attract a lot of business coaches especially with the level of money that I’m making and the level of money that the program brings in for students. But I love to feature people who are not business coaches, who are offering other things of value than just a revenue return, or even career coaches.
There’s no revenue attached to the result. And then talking about how do you have that conversation of value with the people you’re selling to. So I’m thinking about this, teaching parents to have a better relationship with their teenage children, whatever you charge, they have to believe that relationship and it can change. And that it’s worth what they’re paying to do that and you’re finding people who believe that it is.
So I just thought, maybe we could talk about that for a second because I want to just for everyone out there, there is so much money to be made to help people solve emotional pain points that have nothing to do with money. And this is a brilliant one in my opinion.
Jeanine: Yeah. Well, thanks. I mean I love it, it’s easy to do and stick with, because it’s my passion, having raised three kids. When they hit the teenage years I was struggling. And so I went to a program where I learned new parenting strategies that really just had this dramatic impact on my relationship with my kids. And then I found coaching as sort of the medium to deliver the information and share this knowledge with other parents. So they too can have the relationship they want. So I think that was sort of my driving force.
But I have to say, just about your comment on business coaches. My mind definitely initially was swirling in that drama of you only can have a business if you’re a business coach. And getting into 2K which was I think April 2021. It was so inspiring to just be connected and watch Siobhan’s journey, who’s a marriage coach, or Maggie’s journey who’s a marriage coach. And I just thought, you know what? This can work too, and this is what I’m passionate about. So I did go through some drama. First I started as a parenting coach, then I’m like, “This is never going to work.”
And I became a general life coach. And then eventually when I started 2K, I’m like, “No, no, this is what I’m passionate about.” So I think in terms of like you mentioned, how do you share that value with potential clients? It really comes down to what I’ve realized is what you like to say, their PSPR. So what problems are they struggling with? And just in general, parents of teens, there’s a lot of conflict going on. There is a lot of tension going on, a lot of drama, a lot of chaos, they’re so busy. Parents have these expectations of what life’s going to be and it’s not that way.
Stacey: I have none of those. I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Jeanine: Exactly. So I think just what your whole program starting with 2K and then getting access to 200K earlier is what really made me sit down and do the thought work of what exactly is the problem everyone’s experiencing. And thinking about what was I going through. And then the solution that I then was doing that dramatically changed my life. And so that’s the solution I’m offering and then the results and the value I can just really just speak from the heart as to what happened in my family.
And then as I’ve built this business and got more and more clients, it’s enabled me to see that that’s happening for my clients. And just really lock in that problem solution process results.
Stacey: So do you find that when you’re talking to people, do they have financial objections? Are they pretty like, “Yeah, this is worth this?” What’s the conversation around money that you’re having with your clients?
Jeanine: Yeah. I think it’s interesting, Stacey, because in the beginning when I was first doing 2K, I got more money objections. But I think that was because I wasn’t clear on what I was offering, and solution I was offering. And so now as I’ve gotten more clear on that, it’s trickled into my marketing. So I feel like most of the time people come to consultations and I’m not getting a lot of money objections.
Stacey: It’s so good. I love that. And I do think that that’s the success of doing really great selling in your marketing, when your marketing is very clear and simple, and it makes the solution feel doable? They can actually have it no matter where they’re starting. Some people, I think we think the problem’s really big. Therefore the solution is very complicated and difficult. And then a lot of coaches attach their value to their ability to walk someone through a very difficult process.
They’re like, “This is very difficult. Which is the reason you need me. This is very complicated. There’s a lot of steps. There’s a lot of work to be done.” And they think that that ups their value but what it actually does is stress the client out because the client isn’t thinking, it’s going to be lots of steps, it’s very complicated but you’ve got me. They’re thinking, there’s lots of steps it’s going to be very complicated, it’s very difficult. I’m going to fail at this.
So the more simple and clearer, and doable you make it, it’s like you take their problem that feels like the size of the Earth, and you shrink it down to like a mini globe that’s sitting on your desk. That’s what makes you valuable.
Jeanine: Yes. And that’s in essence what 2K and 200K did. Your voice was always in my head, how can I make this more simple? How can I make this more clearer? How can I make this more doable? And I ended up synthesizing the solution down to two words, communicate differently.
Stacey: Yeah, that’s great.
Jeanine: Yeah. And everybody resonates with that because there’s this huge shift going on with my clients where when their kids were little, the phase you’re in and the whole toddler phase their kids are so curious. And you get to provide your wisdom. And you get to help them, and fix their problems, and keep them safe. And it’s so fun.
Stacey: And they love that.
Jeanine: They love that. And you get rewarded with the snuggles, and the kisses, and their faces lighting up when you share your wisdom. Well, when you hit the teenage years they think you know nothing, and they don’t want to hear any of that. And yet we’re still just naturally in this phase of parenting that way because we did for so long and we got all this positive reinforcement. So our brain gets wired to have these habits. And what happens is, is their teen’s transitioning, you have to transition too. You have to communicate differently because they need something different from you.
When you say you’ve got to meet your clients where they’re at, that’s like a parent has to meet their teen where they’re at. And that means it’s your turn to be curious. Your child’s no longer curious. You have to be curious what’s going on with them and let them come up with their own wisdom. So as I was thinking about this and listening to you on that simple, clear, doable, it’s like, okay, well, really if you have to sum it up you’ve got to communicate in a different way.
Stacey: You’re literally making my eyes well up. It’s the craziest thing. I have chills all over my body. I’m actually going to cry and everyone’s going to think I’m crazy because why would I cry at this? But I’m going to tell you why.
Jeanine: Tell us why.
Stacey: First of all, I’m just very hormonal to begin with. But I don’t know, ever since 200K live on stage and that award ceremony, I have been crying instantaneously at the work that you all are doing in the world. And it just anchors me to my why, when I see someone like you out in the world, you just described this to me in a way that I’m like, “That’s industry disrupting. You’re going to be, your work is so needed in this world.” I see books happening. I see I am going to need this.
And I automatically know that’s true even if I haven’t gotten to that journey yet because I was just telling my husband that this cycle that we’re in, I’m like, “But then when he becomes a teenager.” We were talking about, we did a photoshoot and we cut out a pumpkin, the top of the pumpkin and then legs in the pumpkin and sat my baby in the pumpkin for a photoshoot. It was so cute, but we were all joking that one day he’s going to come home at 4:00am way past curfew and we’re going to be mad as hell and he’s going to be like, “Pumpkin photo. Pumpkin photo.”
And I’m like, “And it’s all going to change.” But the way, seriously, the way that you described it, it’s so geeky but for me this is why I do what I do because I know that there are so many micro and not even micro but just giant problems we face as humans. And all of you that are able to get to this place where you describe what you do in a unique and innovative way, the way that you just did, the whole damn world changes. And this was, I don’t know, the way you described it. I’m also in a place of mothering right now.
But the way you described it, yes, that’s it, that’s 100% correct and I’ve never heard anyone ever talk about it like that.
Jeanine: Well, it’s just very inspiring. You’re inspiring just the way you make things so simple. And so I kept thinking, well, how can I relate this to what I’m doing? So when you created in 2K the three simple steps. Meet people, tell them you’re a life coach, offer to help. I’m like, “Okay, how can I do that?” If my big solution is communicate differently, I then came up with the five simple things you need to do. And so just the structure, the process, the philosophy you’ve created, you can take that and apply it to any niche.
Stacey: It’s so good, hell, yeah, you can, so good. I think people forget, so I just want to say, this is a great time to talk about this. I think people forget too that I created the three simple steps after selling 2K for over a year, or for a year. So I sold 2K all of 2018 and 2019, it was December of 2018 I was creating a training for that January. I had the Diva Business School podcast for an entire year while I was also selling 2K for 2K. So I hadn’t actually shifted my marketing and my branding because everybody wants to do that stuff first instead of just figuring out the PSPR.
And instead of changing the podcast, and rebranding, because I wasn’t even there. We hadn’t even come up with Make Money as a Life Coach yet, which is so crazy. That hadn’t even been created. We literally created the program first and then I created the content. And I just got out and started selling it without a rebrand, without having my three simple steps, without having my PSPR done. I had to just keep selling it until I figured that out and got clearer and clearer, and better at it.
And then I was launching the podcast and Brooke had told me, “I want you to have your first 10 episodes be the main teachings.” And then every teaching, the first, second, it needs to be in order, sending order, whatever order I’m trying to say but it needs to be the most important ones first. And so I was trying to create this five day training and the podcast at the same time. And I had a month of just trying to figure out what is this content going to be, iteration, after iteration, after iteration.
And I just remember being at my desk one day and I was like, “Wait a minute, this is what they need to do, meet people, tell them they’re a coach, make offers to help. This is it.” And it was like, but people forget the work, they just think I have just created that. And so what happens when I think people and I’m going to ask this to you next, but I think when people interact with PSPR, especially when they come in at 200K, their expectation is that they should learn PSPR in the way that I teach it through the program.
And they should do the exercises in the program and arrive at their three simple steps the first time around. And if they don’t, something has gone wrong. And so the way they approach it with that tiny thought error makes it so much more difficult for them to produce the work. So I want to say that just for everyone listening. And then I want to ask you the question because you haven’t had that much time. I mean it’s relative based on everybody’s expectations.
But from January until now to have the growth you’ve had means that you have had thoughts about doing your PSPR, about getting clear in your business on exactly who you help, what you help them with, what their exact problem is in their words, what your solution is that’s different than what they’re trying right now. What the process is that makes them arrive at that and then what results they’ll create with it. You’ve had thoughts that have been really useful for you.
So I’m curious, did you have any thoughts that it felt complicated, what were your thoughts if you did? How did you work through that from the first interaction with the process of PSPR to where you are now that’s so clear and defined that it literally moved me to tears? How did you do that?
Jeanine: Yeah, okay, yeah. PSPR, that’s interesting, yeah, a lot of people do have drama about it. I did not. And maybe when you were talking it reminded me of yeah, wait, that was my journey. So initially when I was just trying to look at what you were doing and do the same thing I did come up with three simple steps. And then as you were saying, the more clients I got and the more interaction I had with my people, and the more thought work I did, like you said, it evolved into the five steps that I have now, when I saw what people needed and what worked.
And so I think at the same time, I’ve a marketing background. So I had a general idea how to write copy. And so I started writing copy and then I think when I got access to PSPR in January, I almost reverse engineered it. So what happened is I would write a post for the week and then I would go back after I’ve written it and make sure, wait, did I hit the problem, the solution, the process, the results and sometimes the value? And so I kind of used that tool to make my marketing and sales ramp up to the next level.
And then the way also somewhere in 200K when I got access to the information there was something, somehow I got into that mode of going back, pulling up all the consults I’ve ever done, writing down a list of all the problems and then making sure, okay, am I hitting that in my copy? So I kind of used PSPR in the reverse. I wrote the copy first and then I went back and did it. Because now that we’re talking about this, I remember trying to start a new post or email with PSPR in mind. And it took me quadruple the time to write it.
Stacey: Yeah. That’s so great. That’s such a great hack for everybody listening. And also the thought process you have to have in order to do that, what you just described, and I talk about this in 200K a lot. But you can’t be in love with your copy. You can’t be in love with or just you can’t have because I recently had this happen for myself, so I’m going to go do what you said as soon as we get off this call. I’m going to do it for myself.
We’re opening up the November launch, we’re opening up Two Million Dollar Group. And I wrote the sales page and felt so proud of it and was like, “Okay, here we go.” I knew it was my first iteration, but I was like, “This is pretty damn good for my first iteration.” And then I sent it to my friend Kara, I was like, “Can you just look it over, let me know if you see anything.” And she’s like, “I wrote the comments in the doc, let me know if you have any questions.” I go in and that entire doc, the entire thing is highlighted.
And then there’ll be a third of the copy and she’d be like, “This is confusing and chunky for me,” and blah, blah, blah. And I’m like, so I wrote her back and I was, “So basically write the whole thing over?” And I remember I had so many thoughts about it that I told her. And she’s like, “Listen, you just asked for my help. Don’t do it if you don’t want to.” And I’m like, but I had to sit with my resistance of it. And so sometimes it’s like I love it so much and sometimes it’s like I finish this, and I just want to move on and do something else. I don’t want to go back and redo the work.
And so I just want to offer for everyone listening, be aware of those two things, I’m either in love with this copy and I don’t want to let it go or I just don’t want to redo the work because I’m going to do this, if you are willing to go back and do it, if you’re willing to write the copy and then look at the PSPR and say, “Did I hit these places? Does everything make sense? Does it flow?” When I think about the reader reading it, am I missing anything? That work and then being able to redo the work like that, that is I think what produces the money.
I do that naturally for my 200K sales copy but sales pages, she was like, “You’re the sales queen, Stacey, what’s happening?” And I’m like, “I know but sales pages, I hate writing them. They feel very different than emails. I have lots of thoughts about them.” So I can just identify even at this level with, people might have thoughts about doing that process. But I think if you can get past it, you’re going to get the result that you’ve gotten.
Jeanine: Yeah. And so interesting, when you’re saying that, I have my own actually friend who helps edit my blogs whose name is Kara coincidentally. And just before 200K it was the same things, Stacey, there’d be so many edits, the whole thing was highlighted. And I definitely get into perfectionist tendency which just then it’s such a time sinker writing copy. I was definitely in that low value cycle a lot.
And so then when I got access to PSPR and I could just look at my copy and look at this, I was able to not be like you’re saying, so emotionally tied to what I wrote or in drama at all the comments. And just could take it very much more matter of fact, really quickly. And now she has very few comments on my copy.
Stacey: So good, I love that, that is brilliant.
Jeanine: Yeah, I’m out of the drama hopefully at least for now.
Stacey: Yeah, for now, you’ll get back in it, I promise. Okay, is there anything else that you feel was – what was the difference, I guess, now that you’ve been through the live event and now we’re into masterminding together and applying the work you’ve learned through the portal. You’ve been at the live event, and you’ve had it presented maybe a little bit differently than you heard it through the portal which I love. And now we’re in the application and we’re actively coaching people.
When you think back to where we’re at now, having had extra time with the process, whether, you know, some people get three months, some people get six months, depends on when they enroll. But having that extra time just with you in the portal, what difference might that have made for now being in the mastermind and actively masterminding?
Jeanine: I mean for me it was just liquid gold. I am a learner by nature, straight A student, I went to Stanford. I love learning. And so for me getting access to this information six months in advance, it was just really was what I needed. I almost think of it as I went to high school, I’m six months in advance. And when I got to August at the 200K it was time to go to college. But I’d done all this prep work and formation work, so I was ready in August.
And actually before we hopped on the call I went back and pulled up the self-concept work I had done in your workbook in January when I got access to it. And I was so confused and so insecure. Some of my thoughts were, I don’t know how to sell, because in my mind marketing and selling was completely different. I don’t know how to communicate my results clearly. I don’t know how to make it simple, doable, I suck, I don’t like this. People don’t want this. Literally these were all of my thoughts when I first started the work in January.
And then I pulled up right in the first week or maybe it was the live event, or I’m not sure but I did the same exercise in the new workbook after the live event. And it was like these thoughts of being so compelled to sell and so confident, some of the thoughts I wrote down is my copy is really good. I offer tons of value. People are listening, they want to hear what I have to say. My thoughts about myself and my self-concept were so different, and I thought those thoughts in January would have been my thoughts and my self-concept if I hadn’t gotten access to the information six months earlier.
And I would have brought all of those crappy thoughts with me into the live event in August.
Stacey: Yeah. And it just makes it a little bit more of an uphill battle. It’s not impossible or doable. I was looking back to copy from when I was selling 200K a few years ago. And even from when we started offering just the member portal ahead of time because there was a time where we didn’t anyone to have access to the teachings until they came to the live event, and it was laid out the way I wanted for that round. And then they could do extra training.
And we flipflopped that and I was thinking about that and just this idea of you can do it for four rounds, five rounds. We had people coming in with all those thoughts. And they figured it out, they made lots of money. But if you can get past it, I’m just really into this working this result of upping the return on investment for every student every round. If I can up it 10,000, 20,000. So every change that people see me make from here on out, for at least the next, I imagine 18 months, two years, it’s going to be working that result.
How can I just increase the return on investment little by little, $10,000 here and there for every student? And for me it is getting these thoughts out of the way as soon as possible just allows you to interact in the first round, or your second round, or whatever it is so much, at such a higher level. You stay in higher value cycles much longer.
Jeanine: No, that’s exactly what I’ve experienced. And I think to your point, because I have a math brain, I kept thinking about the ROI and so the fact that I was able to make my money back in a couple of months, again, before the live event even started it was like talk about delivering value to me ahead of time. It was that insane. And really allowed all my money, my money drama to be lifted as well, so I think a huge impact.
Stacey: Yeah, so good. Something you said earlier too just a minute ago that I just want everybody in case it didn’t land for the listeners. I want everyone to just sink in with the belief or the thought that people are listening. That is a huge impactful, power statement, people are listening. Because I think what makes copy so difficult to write, what makes you sit down and spend I think, perfect, and spend hours, and hours, and hours writing one piece of copy is you’re just thinking people aren’t listening.
So you’re thinking, how do I get them to listen with my copy versus people are listening, so when I write this, they’re hearing it immediately because I’ll just type something up and just post it on Instagram or send it out in an email. I don’t put as much thought into it anymore. But it’s because my thought is that people are listening and they’re waiting. And they’ll take it in whatever iteration I’ve got. They just want it.
Jeanine: Yes. And my sister comment or thought to that is they want to hear what I have to say because it’s going to help them.
Stacey: Yeah, that’s so good. Okay, so that’s another thought as well is it’s going to help them. When you believe that you’re also not focused on you and your critiques. You’re thinking about the other person and helping them, which is so good.
Jeanine: Yeah. And you always get stuck when you’re in your own head about yourself versus thinking about them.
Stacey: Yeah. And forever. So is there anything else, when you were thinking about this interview that we haven’t touched that you think would be really powerful for people to hear?
Jeanine: Yeah. No, I had lots of notes.
Stacey: Let’s talk about them.
Jeanine: Okay. So I think when I was thinking about when I first jumped into the material on 200K, the first thing you talk about is the success guaranteed. And to do your ITC twice a week, your self-coaching every day, your evaluations. And I thought this is where I’m going to start so that I’m building these new habits, and these are easy wins for me.
Stacey: Yeah, so good.
Jeanine: And so just doing that alone it also when you were talking on the podcast the other week about protecting the profit. And I was thinking about that, and it was the way when I got access to the information I was able to kind of constrain and learn, take little bits at a time while I was still trying to build my business. And like you were talking about, protect the profit. So I guess, listening to the podcast, thinking about what I was doing, I was like, “Yeah, that really resonated for me.”
Stacey: So good.
Jeanine: Yeah. And the other thing, my business growth, this one. I listened to the August live event when I first started.
Stacey: So that was the Cabo event from 2021?
Jeanine: Yes. Because that’s what was available when I got the information. And you talk about the three year plan. And this for me was so impactful because it took all of the drama out of it’s not happening fast enough which was really my drama. And it talked about the compounding results when you looked at the math. And your ROI, when you look at it over three years and that just really settled me and grounded me. And it gave me this framework for what was coming next in my business. So okay, right now I’m focusing on one-on-one.
But you gave me the framework to understand next is group, and next is the course. And exciting to think about what intellectual property I was going to create and so I think at one of the podcasts or in one of the videos, you talk about when you have these thoughts that this would, you know, what my clients need to hear, I want to make this in my course. I could write it down and put it on my nightstand. And not look at it and be like, “Well, that’s part of my three year plan.” And pull myself back into right here right now.
Stacey: That’s so good.
Jeanine: So just kind of doing all your work and listening to your videos on the three year plan, I felt that really settle me.
Stacey: Yes. That really does settle me too. I think the three year plan is brilliant. We operate through it as a company a 100%. I just had a meeting with Michelle and one of our newest team members, Kristen, who has been just such a boss in our business. And we were talking about hiring and the hiring process. And Kristen’s next job is to work on our language for our hiring so that we find the perfect people that are really the right fit for our company for all the new positions that we’re hiring for.
And one of the things I told her is I was like, “As we grow, our hiring, our training, our onboarding needs its own three year plan. So that our team knows, this is a process as well as we grow. And we know and we’re not trying to do everything all at once. And I think that that is what the three year plan keeps people out of is everything all at once. Everything’s urgent, everything’s important. That’s what makes you hustle in your business, whether that is at 25K, 200K, or two million, that’s the hustle thought, everything is urgent and important right now. Nothing can wait.
So the three year plan for me just allows us to say, “This is what I want to have accomplished at the end of three years.” And then what it also does too that I love, I’ve been thinking about this myself, now I’m in Brooke’s, Reinvention Mastermind. It’s not been this hugely – it was just something she offered at her Reinvention live event. But one of the things that we talked about was what do we need to clean up by the end of this year to have a really impactful next year?
And when you’re thinking about what I find a lot of coaches do is at the end of the year, they exhaust themselves and their energy trying to hit this year’s goal by the deadline. And they give it so much that by January they have to recover, January, February, March is just recovery from the end of the year. And the way that I do it to keep myself out of that space is October, November, December starts becoming a shift for me and these months are dedicated to preparing for next year.
So I was talking to my team about if we don’t do 15 million this year, I’m all in, let’s do it, let’s make it happen. I’ve been thinking about how to make it happen. But also no matter what, we’re doing 20 million next year. And so what do we need to do in the last quarter of this year as the priority to really be ready for 20 million next year. And no matter what, even if we, let’s say we do 18 million next year, I’ve given myself an extra year to get to 20. That’s the other brilliant part of the three year plan.
So I wanted to say that because I think that sometimes we think planning like that and thinking like that is relevant at the million dollar level. But I think if you can calm yourself down and you can focus on what’s the work that I need to do right now and have that art of all of the ideas I have are going to go on the nightstand.
And be able to sit with that, the urge to just create, create, create every idea but to have it sit on the nightstand and say, “I can sit with this urge and let it just marinate while I do these other things that are more important.” And know and trust that I’m going to get to the things on the nightstand because my three year plan is holding it together. That is magic, it will keep everybody at every income level from overworking and burning out.
Jeanine: So good, yes, and the thought that always came up for me when I was thinking about the three year plan is trying to tap into time is irrelevant. I have luxurious amounts of time. I have three years. And so what do I need to do now to hit my three year goal? Not what am I going to be doing in year two and year three?
Stacey: Yeah. Okay, that’s such a good distinction, everybody hear that. It’s like I don’t have to have everything figured out of what I’m going to do in the three years. The three year plan just tells my brain over, and over, and over that I have luxurious amounts of time. That is a brilliant distinction.
Jeanine: Yeah, because I was really getting stuck in the thought, this isn’t happening fast enough. I’d always when I was working before kids or getting to college it was always, I could do things super-fast and super effective and see results and it was happening so quickly. And it’s like, yeah, but I’ve never been the CEO of a business, starting a business from the ground up. And one of the thoughts that I got a coach, brilliant coach that I had offered was think about your business like you thought about your babies.
Your business is your baby. You had 18 years to help them become contributing members of society, happy, thriving kids. And to think about your business as your baby. And that really calmed me down and helped me tap into that. I have luxurious amounts of time. You talk about I’m in this, I’m committed, I’m in this for the long run. This will happen, I will make this happen. And it enabled me to really get into that mindset which was so impactful.
Stacey: That just blew my mind. I’m sitting here thinking my business is an eight year old. I want everybody to think about, is your business a newborn? If you’ve had kids, listen, I will say, if you haven’t had kids, I had no ability to imagine what that was like and all of the things I did imagine were completely wrong. And I had no, I mean just no reference point at all for how hard it really is. I don’t know if you’ve seen those, they’re going all over TikTok and Instagram, tell me you’re something without telling me you’re something.
And today I was, I could post today tell me you’re a new mom without telling me you’re a new mom. I’ll go first. Mine is I washed my face with shaving cream this morning instead of facewash and realized after the consistency was all over my face. I was like, wait a minute, I might need to be in the shower a little longer and have some extra coffee this morning.
Jeanine: What did I do?
Stacey: But I have a five month old, I’m just not getting the sleep that I’m used to getting and I’m just exerting so much more energy especially with nursing. So if you have a five month old business, you’re probably going through some version of that. You’re experiencing that newborn phase where it’s very stressful, it feels life or death, everything is fight or flight, you’re just trying to survive. If you have a new business and you’re in 2K, that’s probably what you’re going through.
And if you have, it’s so interesting, I don’t know yet, you can tell me. But at eight years old I could see that we’re okay, we’re good, we’re not at the teenage stage yet so they’re not arguing back yet. We’re out of the newborn so I’m getting sleep but there are some things that we can start working on that are new in the journey.
Jeanine: Yeah, absolutely. Eight is a sweet spot because you have this ginormous learning curve in the first few years, first months as you’re experiencing. And then when they get to eight you’re kind of like, “Yeah, I kind of know what I’m doing.” And you’re feeling pretty good about yourself. Things are going really well. You get that from me, I had that from maybe three years old to the preteen years. And that’s what I hear you saying kind of where you are in your business right now, so I love that analogy, seems like it’s really working for both of us.
Stacey: Yeah. So anyone who does have the capacity to really connect with the parent journey, if you’re a parent, and you can connect to that. Ask yourself how old your business is and then have compassion or understanding for how old it is and where it’s at. And then what you’re going through as your business’s parent. That is so great. I love that. We have a little extra time. I’m wondering just because this is selfish, but maybe I think it will also help a lot of people listening as well.
Can you share anything with us about your work as far as for the people who have teenagers and you’re like you have to be the one that communicates differently? You have to be the one that changes, can you share a couple of little tidbits with us? What’s different about when you have the little baby and you’re parenting versus when you have the teenager and you’re parenting and you’re the one that’s changing and shifting? I’m just really curious about that.
Jeanine: Yeah. Okay, you’ve got it. So well, I’ll just tell you real simply the five simple steps that I teach.
Stacey: Okay, tell us.
Jeanine: That are my foundational steps that I think just make it a gamechanger. So when we were talking about the solution was to communicate differently. I think we touched on, before when they’re little, they’re curious, you’re providing wisdom, now you’ve got to flip that, and you’ve got to be curious about what’s going on for them and ask them the questions. So the five simple steps are, it starts with managing your emotions.
Stacey: Yes, okay.
Jeanine: Okay, so that whole emotional wellness piece and teaching your thoughts drive your emotions which create the actions. And parents of teens, their actions tend to be problem solving, fixing, helping, giving life lessons. And your teens, like I said, they think you know nothing.
Stacey: I don’t want any of your life lessons, gross.
Jeanine: Right, exactly. But we tend to do that because we’re scared. We see behavior that’s alarming or not what we expect, and we get scared.
Stacey: Or just not in our manual. We probably just have a manual for how they should behave.
Jeanine: Completely. So much based of that is also based on how we were parented, that’s all we know. So yeah, that is kind of our manual. And so this piece of realizing if your child is smoking pot or drinking and you’re getting scared and you’re like, “You can’t do that, you’re killing your brain cells.” Or you see them fighting with their siblings and you get so angry because you’re like, “How did I get here with this chaos and this conflict and confusion?”
And so when your anger skyrockets, or your worry kicks in, or your stress kicks in you tend to communicate from this emotionally charged area. And so you’re reacting emotionally to the behavior you see versus responding intentionally. And so that’s why step one is just working on managing your emotions.
Stacey: Okay, so hold on, I have to just say this because I always think of everything with my sales brain. And my sales brain is always thinking of the customer and the buyer and their experience. So when I’m hearing you say this I’m thinking about the teenager who thinks you know nothing and then you respond highly emotionally. So now they’re like, “This person knows nothing and they’re coming at me very emotionally.”
Jeanine: Yes, it’s like a lose/lose situation. You create this result of disconnection where your teen wants to pull apart.
Stacey: Yeah, they’re like wall up.
Jeanine: Wall up, wall up. And then if you’re following that right in with their punishments, grounding them, taking away their social media it’s like you’re creating this environment which is the exact opposite thing you want. You want that connection. You want the cooperation and when you come at them with these fiery emotions, and these life lessons you get the exact opposite result of what you’re looking for.
Stacey: Yeah. And don’t you think parents, they want the connection their way. They are like, “I want to have connection with you while you behave exactly the way that I want you to behave, that will make me feel like you are safe so that I can be safe.”
Jeanine: That is such a good point. It’s like getting out of your own head and thinking, how does my child, how does my teenager want to connect with me? And meeting them at that level.
Stacey: And then my guess is there’s a lot of vulnerability with that as well because how they want to connect and how they want to be, and the way that they’re operating in the world, if that makes you feel like something is going to happen to them. That’s what makes you try to control so then you have to surrender to this is starting to become their life. This is the beginning stages of their decision making and their philosophy and the way they want to do things.
So if I want to connect I have to give up the control that is my perceived safety. And I have to sit in this discomfort and this vulnerability, oh God.
Jeanine: Yeah. And that’s so beautiful and it is so tough.
Stacey: I have palpitations thinking of it.
Jeanine: I know. Yeah, one of the first things that we work on, or I work on with my clients is what’s in your control and what is not in your control because we think as parents of teens that we get to control their thoughts, and their emotions, and their behavior. And so it’s having that aha moment that you actually don’t. And when you try to you’re going to get the opposite result of what you really want.
Stacey: So good, okay, so step one was the emotions. Did we cover some of them already in just our conversation or do we need to swing back, step two is what?
Jeanine: Yeah. No, step two is it’s learning how to talk to them where you’re stating the situation objectively. You’re just describing what you see with no judgment, no tone, just like you’re saying, simply and clearly. It’s taking that same process. So it might be like, “You got a D on your test.” Not, “Why did you get a D on the test? You didn’t study.” That’s the normal response. But learning how to just state the behavior you’re seeing from just a simple place of observation. “I noticed you came home late from after curfew last night.”
Stacey: Okay, so then what do you do after that though?
Jeanine: Okay, so that’s step three.
Stacey: Okay, I could do that but then what?
Jeanine: Okay, yeah. So step three is getting curious. So I noticed you got a D on your test, what’s going on? What happened? Keep it super simple, and clear, and you’re trying to get them, listen, as parents of teens we focus on their behavior. But what we know as coaches, their behavior comes from what they’re thinking and they’re feeling.
Stacey: Yes. You wouldn’t understand what they’re thinking and feeling.
Jeanine: That’s how you get to the root of the problem. That’s how you find out why they’re fighting with their sibling, why they’re smoking and drinking, why they did poorly on a test. But as parents of teens we just focus on the behavior and try to fix that versus this process helps you understand, what are they thinking and feeling that’s causing the behavior that’s frustrating you?
Stacey: Okay, so I have a question, but I want to know what the next step is first before I ask it because you might answer it with the next step. You’ve done so, so far, okay.
Jeanine: Okay. So the next step is I teach a client how to validate, how to validate their kids’ feelings.
Stacey: Okay, not validating the action, validating emotion.
Jeanine: No, the emotion because we know as coaches when you validate the emotion it helps normalize for your teen what they’re feeling. And then they feel like you understand them, you get them, that nothing’s wrong with them, that you’re on the same team when you’re validating their emotions. So when you ask them, “What happened?” You then are listening for what are they feeling, what’s going on underneath the behavior? So let’s say they say something like, “Well, I was just so busy, I had no time to study.”
So then you’re like, “Okay, it sounds like they’re feeling overwhelmed.” Or, “Well, I just had to get it in, that test and I froze because I just completely froze.” And then you’re thinking, okay, they’re putting a lot of pressure on themselves. They’re feeling pressure. Or maybe they’re disappointed that they got a poor grade. So you’re listening, when you ask them what happened you’re listening for the energy, the story behind the story, their feelings. And then you’re validating those feelings so that they can breathe. They’re not anticipating you punishing them for their actions.
Instead they can feel like that what happened it was perfectly normal and my mom or my dad get me.
Stacey: So this is so interesting because for example if someone gets a D and then we ground them, but the thought that created the D is I’m just so busy, I don’t have time to study. And they’re feeling overwhelmed, what we’re really doing is grounding them from feeling overwhelmed.
Jeanine: Yes, exactly.
Stacey: Oh my gosh, this is so good. Yeah, that’s awful. I just feel so bad, and I haven’t even done it yet.
Jeanine: I know. Believe me, I did it for 17 years and when I finally learned this stuff I was like, “Oh.” First I just beat myself up but then I’m like, “You know what? We’re just taking it from now and moving forward and getting things going in the right direction.” But to your point, they stay stuck in overwhelm.
Stacey: Yeah. And it doesn’t get better if you don’t help them with it.
Jeanine: Right. They’re still stuck in that feeling and so your grounding them might change what they do in the short term. But in the long term you’re missing helping them with their emotional wellness and wellbeing, and their thought work so that they really start internalizing. Gosh, I want to feel like a success. I want to feel like I can do this. I don’t want to feel busy. I don’t want to feel disappointed or overwhelmed because when I do that gives me results I don’t like. So validating them and having these conversations, helping them make these connections.
Stacey: Yeah, we’re at the final step, right, what’s that one?
Jeanine: So the final step, you invite their solution.
Stacey: Oh damn.
Jeanine: Which is so hard. We want to give our solution to fix the problem.
Stacey: Okay, you’re good. You’re good, alright, okay, that’s really interesting.
Jeanine: But when we do this, you already know how to solve for the fact when somebody gets a D. You know, your brain, you’re wise, you know how to solve for that. But again, remember, your teen thinks you know nothing. They don’t want to hear you tell them how to solve for that. And we don’t want to. We want their brain to do the work to come up with the solution, so they don’t get a D again. It’s your evaluation process. It’s step three in your evaluation process.
Well, okay, what do you want to do differently? So after you’ve validated and they have a chance to kind of process their emotions, they then have the thought, ability, the brain power to think about what can I do differently so I don’t get a D on the test? You make their brain do the work because they want their brain to do the work. And then they walk away with all these beautiful life skills, problem solving skills. Because as we know, well, it’s far off for you but when they head off to college their problems just get bigger.
And so you want to lay this foundation work of them using their own brains to solve their problems, to slowly adjust their behavior in a more productive, fulfilling way.
Stacey: Oh my gosh, so we’re at time now but I have so many more questions now. So you’re going to have to answer these in your copy. And I’m going to have to follow you on social media. But I’m really curious, but what happens when their solution isn’t okay with you or what if they’re like, “Well, I don’t think a D is a problem, mom,” and then what happens? I don’t know. I don’t know that that would happen.
My thought is also that they probably have an internal guidance system where if they’re able to have this open conversation with you they can probably have it with themselves which will guide them to this probably isn’t okay. But I’m curious if there’s conflict there and once they make their decision. But the thing I was thinking about too is this is very similar to relationships where talking to men specifically, women love to make our partners responsible for our emotions. And then we want to tell them that their behavior is making us feel a certain way.
And the way that I studied a lot on relationships and one of the things they say is they talk about having the vulnerability to state how you’re thinking and feeling and not make the other person responsible for it. And then just be open to that conversation. That’s what I’m thinking, your middle steps are as well is just being open to listening and hearing. And kind of like now we both know a little bit more about each other that from a place of not trying to control one another, we’re just getting curious about each other.
So that makes sense to me, but I definitely have some, but what if it’s still not the same. And I think it’s probably because I would still be in that situation of thinking it has to be my way for it to be right.
Jeanine: Yeah, I mean and that’s a lot of the work we do in coaching. It’s tapping into my child is on a journey and I’m not going to focus so much on the outcome of the A, it’s more like yeah, maybe if their solution is not what you would do, it’s just getting comfortable that they need to grow and learn. And when you do this when they’re in high school, when they’re in the safety of your home, they can start building those skills so that by the time they leave you feel confident, and they feel confident in their problem solving skills.
Stacey: So good.
Jeanine: And then you start tapping into really trusting that they’re going to be okay.
Stacey: Oh my gosh, this is fabulous. I want to throw all my money at you, so good. So okay, if anyone’s listening that feels the same way I do, how do we follow you so that we can read all of the things and how do we connect with you?
Jeanine: Yeah. I’m on Instagram and Facebook @jeaninemouchawarcoaching.
Stacey: How do they spell that?
Jeanine: Okay, it’s J-E-A-N-I-N-E, that’s Jeanine, it’s all one word. My last name, Mouchawar M as in marry -O-U-C-H-A-W-A-R Coaching. Or at my website is just jeanninemouchawar.com.
Stacey: I love it. I see a podcast coming in the future.
Jeanine: Do you want to help me?
Stacey: And books, and programs, and all of the things. This is seriously really, really brilliant. I am very dialed in. I’m very interested. I can even see some of this stuff applying to where I am right now. I have so much anxious attachment with my son. I just had a coaching call with my coach, well, with Brooke, I don’t want to assume that she’s just my coach. A lot of you guys coach with Brooke too. But I just had a coaching call with her, and she asked me what the most debilitating thought in my business is right now.
And I told her, “It’s I feel like I need to be with my son 100% of the time. I just get so anxious when I’m not.” And she was like, “Well, we’ve got to fix that because I don’t want your kid to be a weirdo.”
Jeanine: I love it. Yeah, no weirdos. We don’t want weirdos.
Stacey: I was like, “That’s so true.” So I was just realizing how much of my own stuff I’m projecting onto him already at five months old. And I’ve got to clean it up or he’s going to be weird. And I don’t want him to be weird.
Jeanine: [Crosstalk] so natural, that’s just what we do as parents.
Stacey: Yeah, but I’m so grateful to have thought work because I really am, I’m thinking about your niche and I’m like, the teenage years can make or break your entire grownup relationship with your parents, truly. And so why wouldn’t you throw all the money at that and really want to make that the best experience possible for the rest of their lives? Although you had them for the small amount of time in your home, there’s more of their time that you will have with them hopefully when they’re out of your home.
Jeanine: Exactly. It’s 18 years in your home and then the rest of their lives, so you want to tee yourself up so when something exciting happens in college they’re calling you. They want to share it with you. Or when they have babies, you are, they want you involved. Why do we put in the 18 years of all that work if we don’t get all the benefits later?
Stacey: Yeah. it’s literally like you’re running the race and you stop half a mile before the finish line or a quarter of a mile before the finish line.
Jeanine: Yes, I love that analogy.
Stacey: Okay, everybody, if you are into her work at the level that I am, please look her up, do a consultation, hire her. This work is, this is brilliant. From my own personal experience of being a teenager, now having a kid, this has just given me a lot to think about already. So thank you so much for giving my students so much value and me so much value. And then just being an amazing example in our 200K community. The fact that we have coaches, this is the work that our students are doing in the world, it’s fucking brilliant. It’s so good.
Jeanine: Yeah. And thank you, I mean you’ve given me the tools to be able to get where I am now. So I’m just so grateful to you and your 2K, 200K process, it’s really just gold, gold mine, love it. Thank you.
Stacey: Thank you so much. Alright, I will see you on our call today.
Jeanine: Okay, sounds good.
Stacey: Okay, bye.
Jeanine: Bye bye.
Hey, if you’re ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2k for 2k program where you’re going to make your first $2,000 the hardest part using my simple 5 step formula for getting consults and closing new clients. Just head over to www.staceyboehman.com/2kfor2k. We’ll see you inside.