Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | Dynamic SellingLast week, we dove into the concept of selling intangibles and how gaining proficiency in this part of the sales process gives you new energy and capacity for attention to be spent on your clients. The concept of dynamic selling that I’m introducing to you today plays on that idea and takes it to the next level.

I’ve been relaying many stories from my pitching days lately because it goes hand-in-hand with what we do as coaches. I’ll be sharing many more stories on this episode because you simply cannot underestimate the importance of keeping the buying process fun, especially because the temptation to be serious and heavy is prevalent when coaching.

Join me this week to discover what it means to be dynamic in your selling and why focusing on the three components that make up dynamic selling cannot be overlooked. There are so many opportunities for us to get derailed when we’re coaching or on consults, and honing in on this process will help you connect deeper with your audience while keeping it light and fun so they can’t help but buy from you.

In honor of launching our brand new 2K for 2K process, all throughout the month of January, you’ll hear from a coach who has made their money back and successfully launched a coaching business using this proven formula. So make sure to stay tuned all the way to the end for some words of wisdom every single week and start seeing the possibility that you can do the same!

If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • What it means to be dynamic in your selling.
  • Why being dynamic when you’re selling and coaching is so important.
  • 3 key components of being dynamic.
  • What creates positive selling intangibles.
  • 2 reasons you don’t let a client go down a rabbit hole when you’re coaching them.
  • The biggest obstacle that derails your ability to be dynamic when selling.
  • One thing that makes honing in on dynamic selling simple and easy.

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Full Episode Transcript:


Hey coaches, we wanted to do something special through the month of January in honor of launching our brand new 2K for 2K process and our brand-new member portal. So we asked our students to record a video of how they made their money back inside 2K, so that you can learn from them and see what’s possible to sign your first client, make your first 2K. So listen for their advice and their words of wisdom at the end of each episode this January and start really seeing that possibility for yourself.

Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast, where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hey coaches, welcome to episode 107. How are you doing? Happy New Year. Listen, did you listen to last week’s episode? At the end, we featured our 2K student Sterling Jay, and her experience of how she made her money back using the 2K process and I really want to make sure and bring your attention to these stories that we’re going to be having at the end of each episode in January because it’s so helpful to hear in other people’s words how they did it, what stood out to them, what was the thing that really clicked for them.

I really want you to hear it in their words so that you can really see and hearing their voice and their energy, I want you to see how possible it is for you to make money this year, whether you’re working on your first 2K, or you want to make 200K, whatever that is, whatever brings you here to the podcast, I just want to offer whatever you want to create this year, no matter how impossible it seems, it is available to you.

And we’re really going to be sharing a lot of stories and interviews on the podcast this year to get you hearing the message from other people who are out in the field doing the work, coaching people, making money, just to create so much more possibility for yourself and what’s possible for you.

Alright, so let’s dive into this week’s episode. We’re going to talk about dynamic selling. So last week, we talked about selling intangibles, the energy behind what you do, the belief that fuels that energy, and how that matter-of-fact way that you sell to people creates the fact, matter of fact, creates the fact of them buying.

And how when you focus on just one sales process and you focus on getting what you need to say in your marketing and your selling and 100 different ways to say it and you know exactly what you’re doing on a consult in any given moment after doing many of them, even if they’re no’s, when you really get that down in your habitual memory, your body and your brain just knows what to do without being prompted, then your brain is free to focus on other things while you’re on a consult or a webinar or even if you’re in person and you’re just meeting people, whatever you’re doing, selling, coaching, whatever that is, your brain can really focus on what you’re doing and be present and make a stronger connection and a stronger impact.

Your brain gets to focus on the other person and what they need and what experience they’re having, and you adjust your sales process to accommodate where they are, and to give them what they need to really make that connection happen. That’s what creates the impact.

So for example, I talked about I think last week when I would pay attention and notice that asking people to participate in a certain store made them resistant. So you can notice things when you have the energy to look for things. And when we don’t have the energy to look for things, it’s just because we haven’t practiced enough and gotten confident enough with what we’re doing, this new thing we’re learning.

So it’s very typical in sales and in marketing in the beginning, even when you’re learning how to coach, in the beginning, those skills of coaching and selling and marketing, they’re not wrote for you. Is that the right word? They’re not in your memory deep down in your subconscious, they’re not these habitual things your brain can do without exerting energy.

In the beginning, when you market and you sell and you coach, it takes so much energy because you’re not used to doing those things. A lot of coaches tell me they finally book their first 10 clients and they’re like, oh my god, I’m doing coaching calls all day and I’m exhausted. Will this ever end? I can’t keep going with this level of energy I’m outputting.

And I always tell them of course. You’re going to get to a point one day where your coaching calls will energize you. You’ll do eight coaching calls a day and you’re going to be like the Hulk afterwards, like what do you want to do? Let’s go smash some stuff. You’re going to be so excited.

But it’s because your energy will be being created by that connection, which I want to offer all of you introverts, connection actually gives you energy. It really does. What takes away, zaps your energy is the resistance to connecting. I feel like that could be a whole ‘nother podcast, but I’ll stay on topic today.

So you want to get to that point where you’re practiced and failed enough that your brain and your body knows what you’re doing, when you’re coaching, you’re selling, and you’re marketing, and after that, that’s when all the shit gets good.

That’s when it gets real good. That’s when you start having fun. That’s when you can pay attention to your selling intangibles when you’re on the phone with someone, when you’re writing an email. That is when you can start paying attention to your people. You just have so much more space in your brain for it.

So this next concept plays on that idea. When you gain proficiency in your part of the sales process, you have this new energy and attention that can be spent elsewhere. So I want you to imagine, I’m going to give you actually a perfect example of this. Imagine driving and talking on the phone, or driving and eating, or I know a lot of us do this but dear god please do not be texting or worse, scrolling Facebook when you’re driving.

I know that it happens a lot. Actually, I’ve been telling Neil I’m on a whole tangent. I used to do this too. Listen, I get it. But then I got my new Audi and I drive a sports car and it really does require – you have to have both hands on the wheel, at least for me. I can’t drive it one-handed. It’s like a beast.

And I’m also aware that I’m driving a really fast, powerful car, it’s very expensive. So I don’t do any of that stuff anymore. But now lately, it’s in my reticular activating system where you’re like, once it’s in your mind you see it everywhere. It’s in my mind, I see it everywhere, and it’s really freaking me out, y’all.

I was driving down a road, I think I might have even told this story on the podcast before, but I’m driving down the road, there’s this person driving so slow in front of me, like so under the speed limit. I’m like, what is happening? And I pull out in the other lane and I pass them and they have both hands on their cellphone. Both hands on their cellphone and their entire face is on their cellphone.

They aren’t looking at the road at all, and they’re operating a motor vehicle. And I’m like, what is happening? And then I get past them and I see another car that’s driving slow. I’m like, what’s going on? I’m not kidding you, I pass this car, same thing.

So then I switch lanes and get in front of this person and as I’m passing the next car, seriously, you can’t make this up, same thing. So there were three – I was very aware that there were four cars on the road moving, I don’t even know how many tons cars weigh, but these giant massive vehicles, powerful vehicles driving on the road, and three of the four people weren’t looking at the road.

They were texting. Not even one eye on the road. Totally in their phone. And now I see it everywhere. It happens all the time, and I’m convinced that we have become zombies while driving and it’s very scary.

Anyway, so I just had to go on that rant. Please don’t do that. If you’re doing it, seriously, it’s very scary. What’s happening? Alright, so the reason we’re able to do this, the reason we’re literally able to drive while not even looking at the road is because we no longer have to think about it, because of the proficiency that we have gained driving.

To the degree now that our brains get so bored driving that they’re like, I must scroll Facebook or respond to this text because I’m so bored driving. I notice mine actively try and seek other things to do and I have to redirect it back to paying attention.

So that’s a bad way – when you have extra energy, how it can go wrong. But it can also go right if you imagine being on a consult and having so much awareness because of your gained proficiency that you can focus on everything but the sales process and everything but your need to make money and what you’re going to say next. When you’re not having to think of any of those things, think about the amount of energy you would have.

And you’re able to focus out on your client and their brain, especially when you’re coaching. What you can do is start listening really deeply and finding patterns and thinking of solutions. That’s what you spend your energy on instead of obsessing about whether you’re going to get a sale, stressing about what you’re going to say next, making sure you hit all the five steps of the sales process, all of those things.

But there’s something that is equally important to selling and coaching because selling and coaching is the same. And that is – so there’s what you’re doing that’s really important, you listening, you finding patterns, you thinking of solutions, you focus completely on your client, being very present and connected with them.

There’s that, and then on the other side, and remember, you have lots of energy now because you’re not thinking of any of the stuff you’re thinking about now when you’re on consults. So there’s that, and then at the same time, you still have enough energy to do this other thing. And this other thing is keeping the buyer’s brain engaged and interested, or keeping the student’s brain engaged and interested.

This is an actual skill. And I want to say it’s really important, it’s not about tactics. It’s about your brain and your body’s state of being. So I’m going to bring you back to pitching. Now listen, if you’re like, okay, so is Stacey trying to make me a pitch artist here? I just want to let y’all know the answer is yes.

Because this is what we do as coaches. We pitch ideas. And the more interesting you are when you do it, the more engaged people are, the more you get through to them. So the more dynamic you are, the more interested your audience will be.

If you join 2K, or if you’re in 2K, you are learning this from osmosis. It’s just how I teach. You don’t have to be like me in any way. I’m a little bit larger than life when I’m teaching and coaching. You guys always comment that you listen to podcasts on – usually, you typically listen to podcasts on 1.5 and 2.0 speed and I’m the only podcast that you can’t do that with. You have to listen to normal speed because I talk so fast already.

Listen, that’s just my normal way of being. I used to have a friend that would joke that I should have a sign around my neck that reads this is a dramatization. I’m very dramatic to begin with. You don’t have to be that way. That’s not what dynamic means.

But in 2K, we keep it fun. I keep it fun. I keep it lighthearted when I’m teaching, when I’m coaching, when I’m here on the podcast with you. When learning is fun, you want to do it more. This is not rocket science. The same is true for buying.

When buying is fun, you want to buy more. Literally, we have people in 2K that come to my webinars and say, “It makes me wish I could buy again.” They’re having so much fun they’re sad they can’t spend money because they’ve already done it. They’re like, I want that experience again.

They want in on the fun of buying. When your coaching calls are fun, you leave in a completely different space. When you can laugh, and I mean you as a client, when you can laugh even through the hard stuff, it makes the hard stuff so much easier.

So the first company I worked for pitching, they had a contract with military bases. I was known as the queen of military bases. And to be clear, I did not give myself that term. I was just the best at selling on bases. I made a lot of money because I really understood how to connect with military people and how to command space and how to be dynamic.

So anyway, the bases dubbed our company and it really stuck as retail-tainment. Selling that’s entertaining. So that’s how the job was pitched to me. You’ll be part of a retail-tainment crew, entertaining and selling at the same time.

I was obsessed. I was like, this is perfect for me. Now, I want to give a caveat that this doesn’t mean that you are a clown selling knives, okay? You doctors and educators and psychiatrists, I just imagine all of the professionals cringing right now, imagining clowns selling knives. We’re talking about a dog and pony show. Elaborate is different than dynamic.

The definition of dynamic, there’s actually two. I’m going to read you both. But the definition of dynamic, the first one is positive in attitude and full of energy and new ideas. Remember, positive selling intangibles. It gives your brain higher access to ideas in the moment.

Now, I want to also caveat here that I talk a lot about how you don’t have to feel positive to make money, and I do think that I want to be clear on what positive selling intangibles are. Positive selling intangibles happen when you are committed, present, and engaged in the current moment. It’s impossible not to have fun if you are committed, it’s impossible to suffer if you’re truly present and engaged in the current moment.

Because in the current moment if you’re really engaged in it, there’s nothing you actually need. So you don’t need status, or significance, you don’t need to sign a client, you don’t need to make money, you don’t need money for rent, you don’t need anything when you’re in the present moment. It’s literally total commitment to the moment.

So even if I was feeling super negative coming into a store, I could still find positive selling intangibles by connecting, being present, and engaged. I literally used to think of the stages in opportunity to leave all of my problems behind and just be present with my crowd and have a good time and forget everything.

And often I would actually end up leaving the show feeling so much better about myself and my life and I find that to be true about coaching calls and consult calls. You can set all your stuff aside. You don’t have to be positive Polly in life and in every given moment.

But positive selling intangibles happen when you’re truly connected, engaged, and committed to the moment. And so we talked about in pitching, that was everything we did. Everything came back to connecting to the moment, connecting to the moment, connecting to the moment. That’s all we were focused on doing.

And every time something was going wrong in the show and every time I wasn’t selling and every time people weren’t participating, that was always the solution. Connecting back to the moment.

I feel that like could also be another podcast. But that’s what creates those positive intangibles. So I don’t know if you remember this story, but I’m pretty sure I told you this. When I was selling knives during a tornado, that’s a real thing.

So this is a great example of how positive selling intangibles will give you higher access to ideas and a higher level of response when things happen in the world. So I’m doing this knife show in a Walmart in Colorado, which I’m pretty sure never gets tornadoes.

And we’re in the middle of the store and I was already so annoyed about the location. We were several days in now and I had made peace with it, but originally I was like, this is the worst location ever. And I’m selling these knives and I have all of my positive intangibles going. I’m so committed to the moment, I’m having so much fun, literally I feel like the tornado could have came down on Walmart and I would not have lost my connection to the show. That’s how connected I was.

And the store manager comes up in my show and I’m getting ready to tell them the price. I’m at the most pivotal moment of the show. One of them. And he comes up from behind, he’s like, “Just so everybody knows, there’s a tornado in the area and the whole store is made of glass, so we’re asking for everybody to stay in the middle of the store.”

And I think at the time all of their cellphones were going off with this emergency response and everyone was like, what’s going on? And I think I had even said don’t worry, if there’s a problem, the manager will come and make an announcement or will come say something, and then the manager walked up.

So the manager tells everyone the safest place to be is in the middle of the store, and we’re in the middle of the store. And so I’m in this connection to the moment and I hear that and I know where we are, and the manager starts to walk off very briskly and I go, “Wait a minute sir, hold on. What you’re saying is the safest place we can be in Walmart right now with the tornado is right here?”

And he stops and he’s like, yeah. I’m like okay, great. And I look at everybody and say, “Everybody, squeeze back on in,” and I just keep going with the show and I ended up selling everybody in that show. I remember at one point they made us go to the back of the store after it got very close to us and there were people back there just clutching their knife sets.

So I didn’t even let – no matter what happened, I didn’t let something in life even throw me off and my intangibles allowed me to take authority over that moment and to not lose that moment and to not succumb to that interruption and lose all of the sales in that moment.

It allowed me to quickly think on my feet and have a response and it was funny and it was light-hearted and it was – it really created this positive experience for the people at the show. So I had access to those creative ideas and responses because I had positivity flowing through me.

I could also always handle hecklers better when I had positive intangibles. Hecklers, by the way, are people who purposely try to say something to hurt your show or hurt your rapport with the audience. And so I could come off funny and in control with authority and people would shut up immediately and the entire crowd would get on my side.

Or I could come off angry and defensive and I would lose everyone, just depending on where my mind was. I could deliver the exact same line I always delivered. I had a lot of canned one-liners. And the energy determined the impact.

So I want you to think about that sentence. The energy determined the impact. So that’s the first definition. Positive attitude that will make you full of energy and ideas. That’s what dynamic is. Positive in attitude, full of energy and new ideas.

The second definition of dynamic is characterized by constant change, activity, or progress. And this one is also very important. One of the fundamentals, we had seven fundamentals in pitching, and one of them was step five was the rollercoaster. And this literally symbolized to us the idea of a rollercoaster, of ups and down, and twists and turns.

It symbolized the importance of a dynamic show. A show with constant change, activity, and progress. It’s very easy to stay connected and engaged and pay attention when things are constantly changing and there’s a lot of activity and there’s progress.

So we’re going to break that down. All three of those things. Constant change, activity, and progress. So constant change, in 2K I teach a five-step sales process. It’s five very specific things that you’re doing over an hour with a client.

Part of this, not all of it, but part of it is to that there is constant dynamic change through the consultation process, so that the brain can be engaged. The other part of it is you need to do all five of the things I teach to walk someone into comfort to buy.

But to have a clearly defined process, even if it’s not mine, a process of moving through a consult and doing it with purpose, you’re in this stage, then that stage, the next stage, that creates a dynamic experience for the client, creates movement for them.

You don’t let a client go on and on and on down a rabbit hole when you’re coaching them or on a consult for two reasons. It heightens their drama and also, you both get lost. So you have to cut the client off and stick with one thing to coach on.

Your brain disengages when a client gives too much story, and their brain disengages if you stay on one part of the process too long. It makes the selling flat, like very one dimensional. And your client will leave the call feeling stressed about their problem, rather than relieved they have a solution.

So if this has ever happened to you or you did a consult, you thought it went really great, and then they message you and say how much stress it created for them, how they’ve been freaking out ever since you talked and if you’ve ever had that situation, that is because you missed some dynamic moments in your show and you didn’t have constant change and it allowed the client to really ruminate and stress out on one specific or lots of specific problems if they spent most of the call talking about their problems.

So that’s constant change and why it’s so important. Activity – if you watch me do webinars, this is one reason you’ll see me use – I do flip charts but slides I feel like are the same thing. Where you’ll see me constantly be flipping the chart.

You want to be changing what your client is seeing if they’re watching you. Not on a consult but on a webinar, or if they’re watching you on a training video. You’re creating content for them. Every 60 seconds or so-ish. Sometimes it works out to be a couple minutes, but no more than three or four minutes you want to be changing what’s happening.

The same is true for the consult. The process is a little bit longer, you might be in one part of the process 20 minutes, but you wouldn’t be there any longer. So again, it’s not always this perfect science, but the idea is you want to keep it moving and have their brain in the activity and present with it, and then moving on to another activity with – I want to say quickly is not quite the word, but I would say with intention.

You want to be moving with purpose and intention in a quick manner. So every client that I didn’t sign when I was first selling coaching was because the consult was slowed way down and didn’t flow with change and have enough activity. By me and my drama or my ability to do uncomfortable things, like cut the client off, say the hard thing, challenge their response, ask a pointed question, I often think we have a lot of dead space on consults just because we know what we want to say, we’re just too afraid to say it.

So then we’re thinking about a nicer way to say it, or we’re thinking about a different way to say it, or a better question to ask, instead of just the basic one that came to our minds. So in the 2K consult process, we actually start the call with an activity that allows you to get all the information you need to help your client.

And I always call it diagnose the problem, but also gives the client this sense of progress. So that’s the part where in the five steps, there’s a 20-minute period where you’re getting information but within that 20 minutes, it’s really broken down into two-minute segments that keeps the activity moving along.

And it doesn’t allow them to stay on topic very long and go down a rabbit hole. It keeps them out of the details that make that happen while you still get all the information you need, just by changing up the activity every few minutes within that chunk of even that 20-minute period of customer intake.

And another thing that’s super important to think about here is when you’re in this stage of activity, knowing that what creates something to be dynamic is constant change, activity, and progress, you want to be thinking about the things that could slow, progress, activity, and change down.

So when I was pitching, one of the easiest ways to completely derail a show was questions. So we only ever answered questions during our shows if the answer was very short and we were able to move the show along within a matter of seconds.

We answer the question and then would re-grab everyone’s attention to the next activity. And if it wasn’t a short answer or if it wasn’t a place where we really wanted people’s focus to go, we would just tell them to save the questions to the end. Especially if it didn’t apply to the whole group.

So the same is true for you, dynamic selling can be derailed by rabbit holes, tangents, questions, or taking any part of your sales process out of order. And a lot of times we do that because we want to allow the client to dictate how the consult goes and how it flows and we’re too uncomfortable to command that authority and really direct the consult or direct the coaching call the way it needs to go.

Whether that’s the way the client wants it to go or not, that space feels really uncomfortable. And it’s one of the things that will keep you from having a really dynamic experience is letting other people dictate the flow, dictate the change, dictate the activity. You want to be completely in charge of that.

Okay, so the third part of dynamic selling is progress. Our goal, from the second we got to that stage to greet the crowd was creating the space of moving right along. I want you to really practice this if you take anything from this episode, this one nugget right here. Just the idea of moving right along, how you behave when you have the thought, “Moving right along.”

We aren’t here to waste anyone’s time. This is going to go quickly. Not rushed, just urgency behind what we did, pointedness. There were no pauses between one thing we were doing and the next.

So I’m going to give you an example of this in how we did this in the show. So when I worked for the second pitching company that I worked for, we always gave the free gift away at the end. And so this is how we would do it. We would make an announcement for them to come get a free gift.

We would start with the free gift, and then we would move into the product we were going to demo. This is how we would do it. So we would say these normally sell for five dollars, today everyone here gets one for free. Who’s going to say thank you when we hand these out?

And everybody would raise their hands and we would say okay, great. So Walmart, whatever store we were in is asking for your thanks just a little bit differently. We have a new item in the store today and they want me to take a second, show you how it works, and then we’ll hand your free gifts out and send you right back shopping, how’s that sound? Okay great.

Item number two is, and then we would pull it out. That exact speed. Wasn’t rushing my words, but I wasn’t allowing any seconds of dead space in between there. It was just this idea of even when I walked up to the crowd and we would greet them, I would say we have a lot of great things to show you today, we move through this very quickly, but I have to be able to reach you so that it can go faster.

So everyone leave the carts off to the side, head on up to the counter, we’ll get started right away. It was just that idea of everything is moving quickly, we’re not wasting time. This will show up on your consult. If your clients are trying to get off the phone with you, if they are impatient, if they start doing other things or talking to other people, it is because there wasn’t this pointedness.

There wasn’t this urgency, they weren’t sold the idea that you were not going to waste their time and that you were going to – every moment was going to count of that consult or that moment that you had together, that you were going to use that very wisely, there was a lot that was going to be happening, and that everything had purpose.

Purposeful. I think that’s the word I’m looking for. Progress comes from this idea that every moment we have is purposeful. So you never want anyone to feel like you’re wasting your time or taking more time than you need, or that something you’re doing isn’t important.

Everything we did in our shows and everything I teach my students to do on a consult has a reason and importance and the reason and the importance lends to the dynamic experience. So remember, progress equals dynamic.

So I want to say purposeful progress means your selling will be dynamic, it will create dynamic selling, which remember, creates fun for the client to buy. And really, it’s just easier for the mind to stay engaged that way.

Think of a sitcom like Friends. We’re obsessed with that in my house, we watch it a lot. I’ve probably seen every episode 100 times. It’s our show to fall asleep to. So one of the things that I think is really interesting is how the show progresses quickly and efficiently, mostly because they are often all in the same apartment together.

So it’s really easy to get sucked into the episode because things are progressing and happening so fast, but because of the limited space. So just kind of start watching out for that. When your brain stays engaged versus when it checks out.

Okay, so we’ve covered what has to happen and why. So let’s now talk about the how. We’re going to bring those positive selling intangibles back into the conversation. So what makes the most dynamic show? What will make all of these things fall into place without you having to think about it really hard?

The goal of this episode is not for you to go out into your consult and start stressing about having to move things along and rushing your client. That’s not the point of it. It’s not for you to start thinking about breaking all these things down while you’re also trying to learn the show.

I’m going to tell you one thing that makes it very simple, that makes all of these things come in line. We’ve already talked about it, but having fun. Your ability to have fun will naturally create – when you’re having fun, you will naturally create change, activity, and progress, purposeful progress when you’re having fun.

It’s very simple. But I want you to think about right now, if you are having fun in your marketing, your selling, and your handling objections. Be very honest. What parts don’t feel like fun? You can have fun even when you’re learning a skill, even when you’re developing it.

But also, I want you to just have that awareness that the more you’re willing to practice and be bad and go through the part where it’s not fun, you will build proficiency to have that experience to create fun as well, to have that space to even think about having fun on the other side. But you can also have it when you’re learning.

So you want to really find out, are you truly having fun? Are you feeling lighthearted? The answer for a lot of coaches is no. And I know this because when people finally click in their brains, the 2K process starts to really make sense, they start posting in 2K about how much fun they’re having and how they even look forward to overcoming objections.

And they’re loving consults, and they’re not being cultish and they’re all like, having that experience and that thought process. It’s what actually happens. It’s so hard to believe that you can have a lot of fun overcoming objections when you’re not having fun. I get it.

Even if you’re proficient in the sales process, you can stop having fun, I feel like we forget how to do it. But it is true, when you’re in the energy of fun, you will approach overcoming objections completely differently. When I was pitching, I could always tell if I was going to have a good show or a good bad or the opportunity to make a lot of money by if I was in a fun mood or not.

When I took everything as fun, the dynamicness of my delivery always went up. So the experience of being sold was more dynamic to my audience, and therefore it was more fun to buy. And people want to have fun again, when they buy things. Even if you’re frugal, what holds you back from buying is not feeling fun.

So we spend a lot of time in 2K on what keeps us from having fun and having dynamic and engaging marketing and webinars and sales calls and coaching calls. We really want to get back to having fun.

Even in my mastermind, at the multi-million-dollar level, one of the things my coach is always saying, are you having fun? Doesn’t sound like you’re having fun. If you’re not having fun, scrap it. Seriously, think about – this is a great example. Think about when you think a client is being difficult and it feels very serious.

When you don’t think it’s a problem at all and you’re having fun, you will handle it so differently. One of the things that I imagine is holding back many of you in your selling, I guarantee is you’re taking the whole selling process way too seriously. You take coaching too seriously, the decision to coach too seriously, selling coaching too seriously.

I see it with my Ask a Coaches sometimes. I have to coach them that they can’t be serious and scared about someone quitting or making someone mad. They have to be willing to kind of poke the bear a little bit with a little bit of fun. They have to be willing to risk the relationship and have fun doing it.

And it’s just so much easier to risk the relationship when you’re feeling cheeky, having fun, feeling lighthearted. And it’s not just about – I want to be also clear, it’s not just about loving your client because you can love someone in a really creepy, dark, obsessive, heavy way.

Loving your client, yourself, and the process in a fun and light way will make your selling lighter. So someone will write in talking about something that feels very serious, and then when I show my Ask a Coaches how I would respond, they’re like, oh my god, I didn’t even see that.

And I just think the most clear answers are always when you’re having fun and not taking the process so seriously. So the more serious you take making money, the harder it will be. Being serious and heavy on a consult is like, telling a guy on the first date that your biological clock is ticking.

It might be true, but let’s save that one for a later date, shall we? The more fun you have, the more money you make, the better you will coach. So you have to get coaching on all the things that keep you from having fun.

Side note, I want to give you another caveat. I know there are a lot in this episode. But the idea of progress and constant change and activity, when there’s a specific process backing that, it doesn’t mean you’re being reckless either. Because some people, they’re afraid of having fun because they think that will interpret reckless.

But when you’re following a process and you have rules, for example, if you’re coaching a client and you have a specific method that you’re using to coach them, then you’re not being reckless by having fun. You’re just having fun while you’re using the tool to coach your client.

Same is true for selling. You’re not being reckless when you’re selling and saying whatever you think and just letting yourself go. You’re following a process and having fun within that process that keeps you from being reckless.

I didn’t lose myself in too much fun in my shows or on my consults because there was an activity to do and change coming up, and we had to be progressing along and I was paying attention to that. So I always tell my students and I always told my trainees this concept of the progress in the show when we would talk about that step of the rollercoaster is I would say it’s like you’re on a road trip with friends and you’re the one driving and they’re all listening to really loud music and the hot song comes on.

And all your friends are singing at the top of their lungs and they’re dancing, you can kind of glance over and laugh at them, you can sing along if you want, you can still play a little bit and have a good time, but you can’t lose your focus on the road and you have to pay attention to your GPS and you have to be looking for that next exit that’s coming up.

You have to be checking for cars, and if you’re switching lanes. You have other things to be paying attention to as well. So you can’t lose yourself in the show. You’ve got to also make sure the show is progressing. So just that piece of having that process to be progressing along and knowing exactly what’s coming next, that’s the piece that lets you have fun, that isn’t reckless that you don’t lose yourself in.

Every time I was in a show where I let the steps and the progress escape me and I let myself have too much fun and basically started singing along without my hands on the wheel of the car, every time that happened, the people would love me and none of them would buy.

So it’s so important that you also have that focus on progressing along and I’m the one that progresses this along. So I have fun but my duty is also to create this progress and make it purposeful.

So that’s the third and last caveat. Okay, so let’s talk finally, last thing about the things that keep you from having a dynamic, fun experience. Really in your entire business.

Focusing on what you want to get instead of what you want to give, being in lack and scarcity, focusing on your own suffering, having intolerance to failure, not wanting to fail, trying to get away with not failing, being really attached to someone saying yes, rather than committed to showing up and serving them at your highest ability, having bias, you’re listening to your client’s problem and judging them, or judging yourself and your potential ability to help them, thinking that there’s a right outcome that should happen on the consult or in your marketing, thinking that your client should buy, so when they give you an objection they’re wrong, you think they’re wrong, thinking that you need them to buy.

These are just some. And the thing I want you to really think about is the moment that you need anything from anyone, you stop having fun, period. So again, if you take just one other simple thing from the episode, I know it’s full, you’re going to listen to it many, many times over, but if you take one other simple nugget, it would be that when you stop having fun, you’re needing something from someone or the universe.

The moment you stop needing it, you’ll be able to have fun again. So you have to work on all of that. Some of you I feel like feel a little bit entitled. You don’t want to do all this work before making money. You don’t want to study sales like this. You don’t want to go through your consults and break them apart and figure out where you stopped having fun and what’s the moment and work on all those different things that keep you from having fun.

You just want to get to the part where you’re kind of introduced to the land of clients. You’re told where those are. And you can just go sign them and make money and coach them. But really, this is the work. It was even the work when I was selling mops in Walmart.

I was actually just dependent on a lot of circumstances since I didn’t have thought work to help me. I didn’t know that was available. I used to literally boil inside. My insides, my blood would boil. When I was crying in my car and the coaching the company would give me would be, “Go watch a cat video.”

Ever feel like you want to murder someone? It will 100% happen if you make no money for an entire day and you deal with angry customers and you have no emotional tools to help yourself and you’re crying in your car and someone tells you the solution is a cat video.

And I still persevered and still made a lot of money, so I want you to imagine if my coaching to you was always cat video, go watch a cat video. You could still make money as a life coach. Just a thought. But listen, this is why I give my students the ability to ask questions in Ask a Coach every day because I don’t want you guys having to watch cat videos when you’re going through it and not having fun.

There are way more useful solutions in the world now. But you do have to take having fun seriously. Kidding, sort of. But it is super important. The more fun you have, the more dynamic your experience will be, the more energy it will have behind it, the faster you will move through each part of the sales experience, the lighter your client will be.

The more fun you have, the more dynamic your experience is, your selling is, the more fun your client will be, the lighter they will feel, and the more likely they will be to buy.

Now, if this was an episode that gave you nine million nuggets and you’re like, oh my god, I have to listen to this 500 times, instead of listening to this 500 times, join 2K. There are five modules and eight to 10 classrooms inside each module that walk you through this experience, that walk you through cleaning up your mind, walk you through all of your negative selling intangibles, help you create positive ones, one step at a time.

This is like, I’m showing you the puzzle and then we give you all of the puzzle pieces inside 2K so that you can use both to put it together faster rather than slower. So if this is really intriguing to you, if you’ve never thought about selling this way, just join 2K and we will walk you step by step through this process and you will naturally go through the modules, start selling more dynamically.

I see it happen with my students as they start signing more and more clients and I’ve seen them do the work. They always come back and report that they’re having more fun, they’re looking forward to objections, their clients are leaving lighter, they’re signing more people, their conversion rates are going up.

It’s just all about cleaning out all the cobwebs of your mind so you can have fun and really create an engaging experience for your client. Alright, so listen up for the next 2K made-my-money-back experience and hear from our next student who can lend a little bit of advice and encouragement to you and know that you could be a student we’re featuring on the podcast. This is available for you in this new year. Alright, so listen up for the next story and we’ll see you next week.

Hi, I’m Kira Taylor and I started my life coaching business at the beginning of this year. I’ve been listening to Stacey’s podcast, and after a few months in, I knew I needed to join 2K because I needed help to get my first clients.

It took me months before I did sign my first client. I was struggling with the belief in myself and in my ability as a coach. But being in the 2K community and learning and implementing the 2K process gave me what I needed and took me where I needed to go to sign my first client.

Even though it took some time, the number one thing for me was that I used the community and Stacey as evidence of what was possible for me. I knew that if Stacey could go from having two spoons to creating a multi-million-dollar business, which helped life coaches create successful businesses of their own, I knew that if they could do it, so could I.

So holding on to the possibility and then eventually the inevitability that I would be able to sign my first client and create a successful business was a thing that got me through those months of mind drama and struggle that I had within myself.

The next thing that really helped me was the clean selling. That clean selling module and the idea of clean selling, of getting out of my head and really being of service and focusing on my client. I believe that was the key to my success in my consults.

I have a very high close rate and I’m definitely out of my head and thinking solely about my clients and how I can serve and help them, and I believe that’s why I was able to sign as many clients as I have this year.

And the last thing that I think really impacted me in my business this year and from the 2K process was evaluating. Even when I was struggling to get clients, I would evaluate and I could see what was working, what wasn’t, and what I needed to do differently.

So I was able to grow and implement along the way, and I know that I will continue to use that through the life of my business. I am so grateful that I took the risk of investing in myself, which was after being a stay-at-home mom for 18 years, was something that was a challenge for me to invest in myself.

But I’m so grateful that I did and that I had Stacey and the whole 2K community to help me get to where I got at the end of this first year of my business. I’m so thrilled and proud of myself and I can’t wait to see what I will be able to do in 2021 and how 2K and eventually 200K will help me grow my business.

Hey, if you are ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2K for 2K program, where you’re going to make your first $2000, the hardest part, and then $200,000 using my proven formula. It’s risk-free. You either make your 2K or I give you your 2K back. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

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