Many coaches, myself included, have the desire to be free of mistakes and immaculate in all we do. Public mistakes are one of the most common fears I hear from my students and clients, but what if being a coach doesn’t signify perfection? And what might happen if you were focused on growth instead of trying to prevent mistakes and failures?
This week, I’m inviting you to consider how willing you are to experience mistakes because this is the path to creating your future body of work and tons of money, my friend. Creating an ecosystem of growth mistakes is exactly what’s propelling me to my $30 million reinvention and beyond, and I’m showing you how.
Tune in to discover why, if you want new and up-leveled results, you have to shoot your shot, make mistakes, get messy, and let other people see you. You’ll hear the difference between preventing mistakes and creating wins, why the results you want are built on a mountain of growth mistakes, and how I’m embracing this in my own business.
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What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
- Why mistakes are different from failures.
- How trying to win without making mistakes holds you back from growth.
- What growth mistakes are.
- Some of the judgment errors I’ve made in my business.
- The difference between attempting to prevent mistakes versus creating wins.
- Why us coaches often want to be free of making mistakes.
- How I’ve had to let go of the story that I’m always a hot mess.
Listen to the Full Episode:
Featured on the Show:
- Join my 2K for 2K program where you’re going to make your first $2000, the hardest part, and then $200,000 using my proven formula.
- Follow me on Instagram!
- When the Chocolate Runs Out by Lama Thubten Yeshe
- Brené Brown
Full Episode Transcript:
Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.
Hey coaches, welcome to episode 216. Today we’re talking about growth mistakes. Okay, so growth mistakes or just mistakes, in general, are different than failures. You could consider them failures, I think the results of a mistake is a failure potentially because I think failure is about the mindset of the result. It’s a thought about the result, I failed. But I want you to think about a mistake is about the action you took that either you shouldn’t have taken or you wish you hadn’t taken.
Sometimes a mistake happens from not thinking things out, it’s completely unintentional. It’s like you’re walking and not looking where you walk and you run into something. And sometimes you have to make a decision, you think about it very intentionally. You weigh all the options you can possibly see. You put them all on the table. You plan out everything in your awareness to be planned and there are still mistakes made or things you missed.
When this happens I think it’s different than just talking about failure. That could be simply a failure to achieve what you want to achieve. You get on a consult, you don’t sign the client. You consider that a fail. But the way that I want to talk about it today, I actually looked up the definition of what a mistake is and there were lots of them and I loved all of them because it feels like it encompasses everything. A mistake is an action or a judgment that is misguided or wrong. A mistake is a decision made from a misunderstanding.
A mistake is a wrong action or statement perceiving from faulty judgment. I’ve made a few of those this past year. A mistake is an action taken from inadequate knowledge or an inattention given to a project or a part of a project. My team has made lots of those mistakes, is inattention given to a project or a part of a project. And even on my end, I would say that if they’re able to have inattention on it, it’s only because I had inattention on it.
It can be improper planning, this wasn’t in what I looked up for the definition of growth mistakes but for me the way I think about it is it can be improper planning, improper training or improper implementation. And these things, all of these things tend to create a lot of shame for us especially when we have our awareness or our will set on not making them.
And feelings like embarrassment, humiliation and shame intensify when people see us do it when it’s a public mistake. That’s how a lot of my clients and myself think about it, it’s like a public mistake. And that public mistake could either mean your audience facing or just your clients within your programs. So either way it feels like a very public mistake, people are watching you make it. And our resistance to this, our trying to win without mistakes, trying to always create a plan that has no mistakes, trying to avoid mistakes. This holds us back from our growth.
So my husband and I watch a lot of sports and to be clear only because he watches a lot of sports and I want to spend a lot of time with him. But there is a saying in the sports world called prevent defense. Where teams focus on preventing a loss versus creating a win. They might even be winning, operating with a strategy that is winning but then they switch strategies. They score points, they get ahead and then instead of continuing to drive forward with that same strategy they suddenly focus on keeping the lead by preventing loss.
And he always says when you go into prevent defense, the only thing it prevents you from is winning. So good. This is what we do. We focus on trying to be so intentional with our thinking and our decisions and our actions, we focus so hard on preventing mistakes or creating perfection that we prevent our growth. So I really want to change the way that we think about mistakes. I want to just reframe them, not just as mistakes but growth mistakes.
Growth mistakes are mistakes that come from an attempt to grow. So this is super important, they aren’t haphazard mistakes. They aren’t reckless, they don’t come from being reckless, from not caring, from not paying attention. They are either unintentional, you just didn’t think about something and didn’t see it coming or you had to call your shot as a CEO and you made the wrong one.
If you watch football, I was thinking about this, again, I love a good sports analogy. If you watch football you’ll follow this, if you have never watched football you might not. But if you score a touchdown, let’s just say there are only a few seconds left on the clock, the coach has to make the judgment. You have two options, you can either kick a field goal and you get one point.
Or you can go for a two-point second touchdown conversion, I don’t know if that’s what they actually call it but you can try to do another touchdown and if you achieve it you get an extra point. And if it works you win the game. If it’s super close if you don’t you either tie or lose. And sometimes the coaches make the wrong call. They make a call. It’s not the right call and it causes them to tie and then lose or just lose. Sometimes in your business, you will have to do that. You will have to call the shot as the CEO and it won’t be the right one.
And it will either affect just you or it will affect you and your team or it will affect you, your team and your clients. Or it will affect you and your clients. It could affect other people. You need to know that that’s possible. Sometimes you’ll be thinking a really lovely thought, this happened to me a lot this year. Because I think we’re so good at being able to coach ourselves into any situation and finding thoughts that feel really positive about any decision we make.
And I have noticed one of my biggest judgment errors is I had in the past, I’m working on this now but in the past, I’ve made a lot of decisions thinking about myself as the client. Well, if I were the client I would really love this. If I were the client I wouldn’t need this. If I were the client I’d be totally fine with this decision, it wouldn’t matter to me. That’s a big one that I’ve had. If I were the client, it wouldn’t matter to me. For me, I don’t need a lot as a client. I just make myself happy, I get what I came for.
Structural things and things I buy don’t matter. I just don’t complain as a client. I go with the flow. Someone could sell me something and then be like, “It’s not this anymore, it’s this.” And I’d probably just be like, “Okay.” And I’m going to get my result that way. I just have a really easygoing very, very full responsibility on my self-mindset when it comes to investing. And as a coach that’s a great thing, as a business owner I’ve had to learn not all clients are going to think like me and they don’t have to.
So that’s what I mean by it could be a really lovely thought that you have that feels super powerful and super great and it feels like your higher self or who you’re going to be when you achieve your result. It just feels like a lovely thought that will produce lovely results and sometimes it doesn’t, it creates an unlovely result. But all of it, I want you to consider all of the mistakes you make in an attempt to grow yourself and your business are part of the game of growth.
I think if we can make mistakes feel this way or we can think of them this way we’ll be more willing to make them. And not we intentionally want to make them. I don’t think anyone really ever wants to do that but I think we want to stop intentionally trying to prevent them. We want to stop playing prevent defense in our business because how we show up in business is very different when we play prevent defense versus when we are focused on growth and winning.
I want to challenge those of you who are really hard on yourself and have a lot of fear of making, and I’m putting air quotes around ‘public mistakes’, to see what’s different about how you show up when you are focused on preventing mistakes versus creating wins. Preventing a fail versus creating a win. Who are you in those two scenarios and what results do you create? I think one of the big things we do with trying to prevent mistakes and prevent failure is we hold ourselves back and we move slower than we need to. We don’t play full out.
Remember, you might prevent the mistakes but again you also prevent the win. And listen, newsflash, I think everyone needs to hear this. We are not perfect, we are human. A lot of us coaches again myself included, want our persona as coaches to be immaculate and free of all mistakes. I teach a lot about being the product of our product. And I think we get being a product of life coaching mixed up with perfection. That’s not what I’m saying when I say be a product of your product. I’m not saying that you’re perfection.
Being a life coach is not a title that ever signifies perfection. It signifies that you are willing to get messy in life, make mistakes, learn from them and grow in the name of creating something bigger than what you’ve created now. I will tell you, I’ve been thinking about this a lot. I’ve been talking to all my students about growth mistakes but mainly because it’s my growth for sure. I told you all I was going to take you on the journey with me on my $30 million reinvention and I have really discovered that this right here is my growth for sure, 100% it’s never been clearer to me.
I’ve been thinking about what I make mistakes mean and how it’s holding me back. And what it will be like for me in my brain and my coaching work if I were to move forward and reframe these mistakes as growth mistakes, be willing to make them and then have my own back when I do no matter how other people react to them. In my Two Million Dollar Group I talk a lot about winning strategies. Winning strategies are the way that you succeed in business and life. So your winning strategy for getting what you want.
Our brain once it considers a strategy winning wants to hang on to it for dear life. And sometimes it’s a healthy winning strategy. For example, I’m really good at selling. So my brain wants to solve problems by selling and sometimes that helps me make lots of money, so that’s awesome. But sometimes the winning strategy is I people please to get people to like me. That’s a not-so-healthy winning strategy. But in business sometimes the useful winning strategies, for example, selling, things that worked for you at some point of growth, become the strategies that hold you back.
So for example when I went to start scaling I wanted to just sell my way to $1 million, that’s what my brain was like, that’s the winning strategy, just sell your way to a $1 million but I couldn’t launch enough to make $1 million. I had to stop, build funnels and start ads and have those working for me versus just constantly working my organic marketing if I didn’t want to work endless hours every day of the week. If I didn’t want to burn myself out. If I wanted to grow in a calm way I had to switch strategies from my winning strategy.
And right now I’ve really noticed that one of the other things I had to do when I started building my car on my $1 million journey was I created a self-concept of I don’t make mistakes. That became my self-concept because it was, I’m a hot mess and I make mistakes everywhere and it’s fine because I’m just a hot mess. So I repositioned myself from my Diva Business School brand and I positioned myself as this premiere business coach for coaches.
And when I was in master coach training I really stepped into this very mature energy, letting go of that hot mess story. And in anything I was doing from that self-concept that was messy, from the thought, I’m a hot mess, created lots of actions that were hot messy like sloppiness, tardiness, hustle. And I let go of all of those actions, we slowed me way down and this is where I developed really clean business practices. We don’t make mistakes because we plan so well and we execute at such a high level there just aren’t mistakes.
There are no rough edges because we’ve stress-tested everything. We’ve considered every possible scenario. We’ve been strategically pessimistic. We’ve solved for everything before we execute. And that strategy going to a million from where I was, that I’m a hot mess and things are just messy because I’m a mess, that really made me stand out as a business coach in the industry. It inspired a lot of people to work with me. They wanted to have a business that was treated as seriously as I was treating mine.
They wanted a business with client experiences like my clients were having. They could always rely on me. They could always rely on an overdeliver. That’s still true to this day. Everyone always says, “I never know how she’s going to take it to the next level and overdeliver, but she does every single time.” So it really separated me and I do believe 1,000% that was a big part of what allowed me to command huge premium prices. It slowed me down, got me out hustle, and it really made all of my work just higher value, higher quality.
And then if could not do a sales attempt or a launch, whatever you want to call it if we couldn’t do it at that standard of being so well planned with enough time in advance to stress test everything and execute flawlessly, we cancelled it. I made a lot less money but the money I made was stress-free, it was calm, in control. I was well rested. My team was well rested. We really created a well-oiled machine as long as we could control the speed of the machine.
And me learning to hold that machine back and not let it just go, was my work at the time, to be the entrepreneur and the coach who had self-restraint and control. That was my work. My launches became something people yearned for and looked up to. I worked three days a week. I had luxurious amounts of time between launches and live events to plan the next one. Everything was smooth. And the results came rolling in. We scaled from 325,000 to 860,000, to 2.5 million, to 6.4 million. And I kept this winning strategy to 10 million.
But the results, what’s interesting is around 6.4 million, they started to slow down. Here is what happened. I got really comfortable and my confidence started coming from how my action line felt. So when I say the action line, I’m talking about the model. And what I mean by that is I started getting my confidence from how it felt to give myself luxurious amounts of time to plan a launch and luxurious amounts of time to execute it, and then luxurious amounts of time to evaluate afterwards. And then to rest and then to plan again.
I did maybe four launches total in an entire year. Last year I only launched 2K for 2K. We have it running and open through ads. You can go through a training of mine and be able to join and you get a bonus and it’s super fun. But I only did one actual live training last year. Then a handful of 200K launches. And everything was just lots of luxurious amounts of time.
Over the last, I would say nine months any time we would want to start to grow quicker in an effort to achieve bigger goals and help more people more quickly we would start to speed up the machine but then it would start to break. So I want you to imagine, we would speed the machine up, we want to go from, last year I think that my real goal that I didn’t commit to was 15 million. I kept in the back of my head, I was like, “For sure, do 12.” Which is what we did, which is really funny. Our thoughts always create our results.
But we would start to speed up thinking about 15 million and it would be like a screw would start to wriggle a bit. And then as soon as that screw wriggled just a bit I would pull back. And when I look back at the last three years or the last two years, 6.4 million to 9 million, 9 million to 12 million.
What I see is two straight years of trying to push just a little bit faster and then stopping tightening, each screw becomes loose, every time it does, pulling back, taking a break, being like, “Hold on, we’ve got to figure it out, a screw came loose. Everybody on the team, look at the screw. One came loose, we’ve got to fix it before we push forward.” And what really I did is on that multimillion-dollar journey at some point I started preventing instead of creating.
So what’s been happening is, especially since I started my goal to 30 million is when I pull back and I make us look at the little screw that’s loose and fix that little screw, I’m not revealing to myself or my team, we’re not finding out what it really takes to run at the speed we need because we’re not ever letting ourselves push it to that speed. $30 million is going to require pushing the machine faster. And what’s going to happen is more than one screw is going to come loose because we’ve already tested. If we push it just a little bit faster the screw comes loose.
So to push it to $30 million fast, it’s going to require lots of things coming unscrewed. It’s going to require pushing to the speed that we want to be making money all the way, letting all of it break. I think that’s another version of burning it all down, is just letting the machine break. And then seeing how the new machine needs to be built to sustain that speed. We have no idea right now. We don’t know what is fully going to fall off and why, and what’s not going to work until we get to the speed we want to get to. We’ve got to see what that looks like.
So my winning strategy that got me to multiple millions of dollars has now become my hindrance to growth. My resistance to growth mistakes is keeping me from growing. And I want to just offer for all of you, I don’t know that this has anything to do with income level. Some of you start out, the way that I had to grow to millions, you already came in calm. You don’t ever think of yourself as a hot mess. Everything is highly planned. Everything is well executed. You’re more of a slow burn. Maybe that’s who you are. And so early on in your business, this is going to be your process that’s super painful.
But for me, my personality I tend to just start moving at 100 miles an hour without knowing the direction and I just figure it out as I go. I tend to be that personality. So I don’t know that this has anything to do with how much money you’ve made. It just has to do with where you are in your willingness to experience growth mistakes. And is it useful for you to be willing to push for them or is it useful for you all to look at cleaning yours up? You’re someone who is totally fine with making lots of mistakes. You tend to hustle really quickly.
Your work might be my work three years ago of slowing down. Either way, I think changing our thoughts about the way that we think about mistakes is super useful and super beneficial. Because one of the big things when I stopped calling myself a hot mess and I reversed that, everyone’s always asking me, “How did you reverse that?” I’m like, “I stopped shaming myself for all the ways I was referring to myself as a hot mess and all the actions I was taking from that thought.” I just stopped shaming myself for those things and all the story behind it.
So now where I’m at in my current growth, I’ve been really investigating why it’s so painful for me to make a mistake and why it’s so painful for me when my team makes a mistake and why it’s so painful for me if my clients see a mistake. I mean I’m talking about even as far as links not working in an email or a misspelling in an email, formatting errors in an email. It could be small. It could be big. We don’t tend to make really big mistakes but the small ones I could think of 100. I won’t go into them but I could think of 100 small ones that drive me as crazy as a big one.
And so I’ve been thinking about why that’s so painful for me. And what’s coming up now I think is different than what used to come up for me. What I used to make it mean is that our clients weren’t going to get the experience or the coaching that they needed to create the results. And they weren’t going to get the coach they needed as me who I was showing up. I needed to be an example of what’s possible that was different than anything else they were seeing in the industry.
And I really needed to make sure that my delivery and the quality of my work was higher than anything they had ever experienced in the industry. But I’ve already done that. That’s established now. People come into our programs and they’re like, “This is not happening anywhere. I don’t know of any other rooms where I’m seeing this level of conversation, this level of strategy, how well thought out this is, how well taught this is, how well our time is used. Every second we spend in your containers, how that’s used.
I’ve never seen anyone spend time curating a container the way that you have. I’ve never seen anyone offer such constraint, have boundaries the way that I do.” That comes up a lot in 2K because I’m so fierce about protecting the space of 2K. And people have really said, “I commend you on that. I’m not seeing that in other groups. I see other coaches afraid of losing money so they won’t hold students to boundaries and they let selling happen in their group. And they let complaining happen in their group and they just let a lot of messy things happen out of fear of just saying no.”
So all of that is done. None of that even requires effort anymore, amazing content, amazing coaching. Making great use of all my students’ time. Creating amazing containers. Having really strong standards and boundaries and filters for our clients. That’s just how we operate now. So my thought is if we have a growth mistake and any of my clients use that as a reason not to absorb the teachings which are truly in my opinion, the best in the industry. If they use a growth mistake not to get the coaching they need for themselves if they use that not to make money as a CEO in their business that’s on them.
We could be hugely messy in our behind-the-scenes operations but our teachings, our content, even our delivery, you will rarely see too much of anything happening behind the scenes that is messy. That is typically constrained to what’s happening in the team. But that’s not a good reason anymore, the teachings, the content, the ability to achieve 200K, it’s all there. So when I look at what is it then, I don’t think that it’s any harm to our clients whatsoever when I look deep it feels so silly to say it because it feels so just run of the mill.
But it’s really fear of what people will think, that they will think I’m not in integrity, that I’m not practicing what I preach, that I’m not ethical, that I am choosing money over, I don’t know. These are just things that people have actually said about me. And I’ve had a lot of resistance to I don’t want to make any mistakes and people publicly see that and think less of me is basically the bottom line of it. And what I’ve really been working on is knowing my truth which is none of that could be further from the truth.
I need to push the machine not only for myself to challenge myself to become that $30 million earner but also so that I can help more people quicker. It doesn’t feel good to me anymore to not help people make 2K or 25K or 200K or two million and get what they need for the reason of me not wanting to look bad. And it doesn’t feel good to feel shackled to what other people might think if I make a mistake even if it’s public. To be bound by what my worst clients might say.
And especially for me, I can’t believe I’m going to say this but I’m saying it out loud so you guys can all hear it. It doesn’t feel good any more to not make $30 million so that I can feel perfection in my business. That’s been a feeling I’ve gotten to just ride for many years is there’s perfection here. Everything is great. I read a book once called When The Chocolate Runs Out and it’s all about our addiction to feeling good and having things go as planned. And I feel like I’m there.
So, again before it got me out of hustle to really focus on having things well-planned and well-executed. But I’ve been really dissecting what’s going on with me now and I don’t fear hustle anymore. I’m not afraid that I’m going to go back to that person anymore who was pushing the machine really hard and letting it fall apart out of believing I was inadequate and me just simply not knowing how to make more without selling more.
Back then I just didn’t truly know how to scale. I didn’t know how to build a machine. So slowing down was really important to allow me to build the machine, I know how to do that now. I’ve got all of the things supporting me but I do have to learn to build a whole new one. I feel like for the last at least again eight months, maybe a year I’ve been trying to push a Toyota to drive 110 miles an hour instead of building a Ferrari that can go that speed without ever feeling it.
Or I was talking to my vice president and he said, “I don’t actually think you need a Ferrari.” He’s like, “I don’t know if you know about Ferraris but actually most of them, every year they get recalled for something. They’re not built to last.” He said, “I think we need to build you a forerunner that can handle off-roading down dirt roads, something that can handle, impact.” Which PS, by the way, what if you thought of creating your brain to be that way, that your brain can handle off-roading, it could handle impact, your body can handle impact, your emotions?
That’s what I mean, your emotions can handle impact, thank you, Patrick, for that gem. But what’s so important here is that I can’t know what to put in the Ferrari or the forerunner, whatever it is that we’re building. I can’t know what to put in it without ever finding out everything that breaks on the Toyota. So I have to embrace the mistakes and the mess long enough to let it actually break and then rebuild it. I can’t freak out if a screw comes out. I can’t pull back and stop that if a screw comes out.
I told my team, I’m meeting with my VP and my COO tomorrow actually. And I told them in a meeting prior, I said, “I have decided I want to do 12 launches this year.” I want to do 12. We need a figure out how to build a team that can keep up with that because in the last two years, I’ve had all these amazing ideas and all this value I’ve wanted to create and I’ve heard constantly, “Well, we’re not built for that. We can’t do that. We can’t sustain that. There’s too much on the team.”
And I’m like, “No, let’s bring on people as we go but I want to do 12 launches and let’s push this thing. And then let’s see what we really need to be there. Let’s get messy with it and build as we go. Let’s do this.” And I have to also work on my willingness to rebuild. I think some of you need to work on that too. We get entitled to having the car, having the vehicle to produce comfortable results. We want it to always be that way. We never want to have to pick up all the pieces and reassemble that feels like wasted time and energy and money.
That’s what you guys tell me, is if you have to reassemble or rebuild it’s just a bunch of waste of time and money. We think we should just get to use the same car forever. You can as long as you want to race the same track and win the same prizes. I want different prizes. I have to keep reminding myself of that. I want a $30 million business, not a $10 million business. You have to remind yourself too. You want different prizes. They come from being willing to shoot your shot, make your mistakes, get messy, let other people see you.
Your win will be built on a mountaintop of growth mistakes. You climb the mountain. The way you get up is by having your own back on your way up. And listen for the people who may not handle your mistakes well, I love this quote by Brené Brown. She says, “If you’re not in the arena getting your ass kicked on occasion I’m not interested in or open to your feedback.
There are a million cheap seats in the world today filled with people who will never be brave with their own lives but will spend every ounce of energy they have hurling advice and judgment at those of us daring greatly. Their only contributions are criticism, cynicism and fearmongering.” Yes. Listen, get coaching on your growth mistakes from your coach and your peers, not your neighbors, your sisters, your grandmas, coworkers or that person on Facebook that you used to be friends with in high school.
I even think about this with clients. I received a lot of criticism and advice about how I should do things or handle things over the years in my business. And some really hard accusations about my values and ethics. Oh my gosh, I got it like crazy. I don’t know if I have said this on the podcast before, so forgive me if I have. But I got a lot of criticism during COVID when I didn’t COVID test for my events and when I did.
And I remember thinking when you have hundreds of people’s lives, values, their beliefs and your own beliefs to contend with at this level, come see me and talk to me then about it, when you’re in this position. It’s one thing to say what someone should do, it’s another to have lived their decision, forced medical testing to attend an event, letting people attend, who could possibly make others sick. Neither of those decisions felt compelling to me.
And we had people in our ears on both sides. People literally, emailing in saying they weren’t coming because we were testing and how disappointed they were that we were giving in to fear. And people appalled that we weren’t going to require people to be vaccinated. And I just kept thinking, just wait until you have to make that decision for other people, just wait. I made the decisions that individually felt best in that moment for each event in those three years or two years or whatever it was. I loved my reasons.
I moved on and offered virtual for anyone who didn’t like either of those decisions at different times. That’s the best you can do. As we grow, my team has made mistakes. Some of our clients have even noticed. The students who complain or judge or decide that we don’t have best intentions, one day that will be their employee making the mistake. Or we’ve had employees leave and we’ve had clients that have made that mean things. Eventually, they will be the employer who has employees leave.
By the way, did you all know, employees, don’t leave and say, “It was all on me.” That’s not what happens. We always blame the company and the boss. That’s the human nature. That’s what we do, all we do. I don’t know that I ever had a job where I was like, “Oh, it was on me.” No, I was like, “This company, this is what they’re doing wrong. This is what they’re doing wrong. This is what they’re doing wrong.”
Listen, that’s okay, your clients might have thoughts too. One day they might be in the position that you’re in making the decisions you’re making trying your best, evaluating, looking at what’s working, what’s not working, what you’re going to do differently. And for me the students who criticize they’re not the students I’m building a $30 million business around or for. I know my company will level out. We will do a better job at hiring. Get better people in that are a better fit for the job and for the culture. We will get our machine built.
I will help more people make 2K, 25K, 200K and two million this year than ever before. I will measurably be able to prove that at the end of the year, I guarantee that. And I will come out on the other side having so much knowledge and experience and wisdom from my mistakes and I’ll get to share them all with my students. The Two Million Dollar Group room now seems to be the room where everything that comes up, I’m like, “I made this mistake. Here is how I fixed it. Look out for this. I didn’t see that coming.” But I can save you from not seeing it coming.
But I gave this one example, one of my students had had their tax person, I don’t remember exactly what the story was but they weren’t paying quarterly taxes and they had been, I think advised not to pay quarterly taxes. And I said, “Don’t do that because it might not matter and it might not be a big enough penalty and it might feel better to keep it in your account now.” But there is going to become a point where you’re going to have to do quarterly taxes because the penalty will grow as your income grows and it will become something really big.”
And I said, “And if you’re not looking for it and your budgeting people aren’t looking for it you could end up unexpectedly owing $600,000 that you didn’t plan on having without having a major penalty.” My client, Serena always says, “Ask me how I know. Ask me how I know.” That’s happened to me. But now because I learned that painful mistake, that growth mistake. Now I caught it before my student ever even came close to having that a problem. She’ll never have to have a $600,000 mistake where she takes that out of her own personal profit. She won’t have to do that.
So if we really lean into growth mistakes, I want you to consider, coaches, that we’re just creating our future body of work. Growth mistakes are our future body of work, each mistake we are willing to make we will one day save someone else from making it, totally worth it, my friends and along the way we’re also going to make a ton of money and get where we’re going. And we’re going to bring a lot of people with us. Don’t try to figure out who it’s going to be. Don’t try to bring everyone. You go where you’re going, you think forward to who’s coming with you in the future and you create your business to serve them.
I am creating my business to serve 200 200K earners and I’m not slowing down anymore. I’m going full steam ahead and we’re letting all the screws come off and we’re going to fix them as they do. We’re going to build a new machine and we’re going to have screws and parts that work at the speed we want to go.
My vice president was saying, “What if you could just do a launch every week? What if we created a machine that supports that?” And that kind of blew my mind. That’s taking me to 100 million, where you could do a launch every single week if you wanted. It’s $100 million business, a business that can sustain that level of selling and delivering and operating, so good. I’m not even thinking about my $30 million machine anymore. We’re thinking about the $100 million machine.
So we’re going for it. We’re going for the growth mistakes. Everyone that’s coming with me I’m going to teach you everything I learn from them, I promise but let’s go at it together, growth mistakes here we go.
Hey, if you’re ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2k for 2k program where you’re going to make your first $2,000 the hardest part using my simple 5 step formula for getting consults and closing new clients. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.