Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | High Value and Low Value Cycles

I often receive questions from people who are interested in joining the 200K Mastermind. They want to know the types of concepts that are taught, what they can expect, and whether they’re a good fit for my programs. Today, I’m diving into a key concept from inside the 200K Mastermind called high value and low value cycles, and it’ll change the way you approach your business.

As entrepreneurs, we will all inevitably go through high value and low value cycles. This is a normal part of being a business owner. However, I often see coaches who don’t understand what they are, how to operate within each cycle, and how to move through them, and it’s preventing them from cultivating the kind of consistent growth they’re after.

Join me this week to learn what high value and low value cycles mean, the defining characteristics of each, and, most importantly, how to get out of a low value cycle. You’ll hear why there is no better business strategy than getting intimate with each cycle, and make sure to listen all the way to the end to hear my answers to FAQs about the 200K Mastermind.

here to sign up for the waitlist for the next round of the 200K Mastermind!

I’m making some big changes in my Two Million Dollar Group! For all the details and to get on the waitlist, click here.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why it’s vital for you to understand what high and low value cycles are.
  • The defining characteristics of high value and low value cycles.
  • What will happen when you are able to identify your high and low value cycles.
  • How to avoid the trap of constantly switching up your offers. 
  • The one skill you must put time and energy into building.
  • Why you must learn how to get intimate with your low value cycle.
  • How you can help people get results even when you’re in a low value cycle.
  • The key to getting out of a low value cycle.
  • My answers to 8 frequently asked questions about the 200K Mastermind.


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Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hey, coaches, welcome to episode 254. Today, I’m going to be talking to you about high value and low value cycles. And this is going to be either a really great episode, totally brilliant or a disaster. It’s hard to tell. I am so sick. But I really, there are times where I just am willing to do a replay of a most valuable podcast episode or we already have some episodes recorded that were in the queue. And so there are times where I’m willing to just do that because I’m sick and I want to take care of myself.

And then there are times where I feel deeply passioned to give you a message at this specific moment. And even if I’m terribly sick, I want to give you the message and I want to share this with you. So this is one of those times where I could easily, we have some interviews that we’ve queued up and already recorded that I could easily just take care of myself, go lay in bed. My son is napping.

By the way, can I just tell you all, once you have a baby and so many of you are going to laugh at this, but once you have a  baby, you get no days off. It’s so miserable to be sick with a baby. You have to take care of them. It doesn’t matter how sick you are. So I’m just struggling to sit up and formulate sentences and stay awake. And then I have to play with my kid. I’m like, what is happening? And we don’t live near any family. So, my mom is on her way down to help us this weekend and give us some much needed rest, but it’s hard when you don’t have help.

We lost our nanny and we’re so sad. So I don’t have help and we’re sick. The whole house is sick and we’re still taking care of a baby. My son has been sick for 30 days straight. My concierge doctor calls it virus stacking. He said it happens in the fall a lot with babies and toddlers and kids, young kids, where they just get virus after virus after virus. And he was like, “Now, the good news is luckily or likely, if he has been virus stacking the whole month of October that he will not be as sick in the winter.”

But every time he gets sick I get sick. So now I am virus stacking. How many viruses can I have back to back to back? So I have an episode actually in my mind. After we get all of the queued up episodes out into the world, I want to do an episode for you all and talk to you all about how to manage a business when you’re sick a lot or when you go through a health crisis and how you can do it well. Because I do think I’ve managed to get things done and handle it well.

And I have lots of great support and a lot of people fear having 20 clients at the same time or going to a group or having a big business because they have all these life circumstances that feel in the way of being able to be consistent. And I have been able to have a consistent business and be consistent even with all of these things. So I think that will be a helpful episode in the past. But here we are today. We’re going to talk about high value and low value cycles. It’s a really important message that I think everyone needs to hear, particularly now.

However, my brain is a little foggy and my voice probably sounds awful. So just bear with me because I don’t have any notes. We’re just going to fly off the seat. Fly, I don’t even know what the saying is. I’m too tired and sick to know what the saying is, but we’re just going to go with whatever comes out. Now, before I dive in, I also want to offer that if you either fast forward to the end or you listen through the end.

If you have questions about joining my 200K Mastermind, I have an enrollment, at the current release date of this episode we have an enrollment coming up. But no matter when you listen, there will likely be an enrollment coming up. We enroll every six months, twice a year. And we’re about to enter one November 13th, 14th and 15th of 2023. And at the end I’m going to answer some really typical basic questions that we get about this mastermind, where people have a lot of thought errors or confusions about when to join, who can join, all of those things.

Really just simple questions. There are eight of them that we’ve gotten consistently over the years that I’m going to answer at the end of this episode. And this is a concept from my 200K Mastermind that I teach a lot to my students, is kind of integrated now. It’s something I teach in the process, but it’s integrated now into who we are as a Mastermind and just what we do.

So if you come into the mastermind, you will hear this language used a lot and hear us talking about this a lot because it’s so vital that you understand what a high value cycle is and what a low value cycle is. Because as entrepreneurs, we get into them. We enter moments of high value cycles. We get into low value cycles. A lot of times we get stuck in low value cycles and we don’t even know what they are, how to operate within them, what it means, what causes it and then how to move through it.

And when you have this knowledge and you deeply know how to identify a low value cycle in yourself and in your business. What will end up happening is you will have such deep awareness of yourself operating in business that you will catch yourself much quicker and you will be in much greater control over the outcomes in your business. Because you will understand what’s happening to yourself and your problem solving and your decision making.

And even how your email content goes out, the energy behind your selling, so much of it has to do with high value and low value cycles. And so you’ll be able to understand your results so much deeper and be able to evaluate so much better.

So let me start with a high value cycle. So a high value cycle is, this is how I would directly teach it in 200K Mastermind. A high value cycle is when you set, determine, decide on the circumstances of your business, your business model, your business plan. You decide your offer, what it is, how long it is, how much you’re charging, all of the details of your offer. You decide your marketing plan and your marketing strategy. And then you go to work to sell that offer. And you create a sales strategy for that offer.

And you go out into the world and you implement that with high belief. And you keep implementing it and getting feedback in the form of results. You take those results, you evaluate and theorize what worked, what didn’t work, what you could do differently, the top three theories of what you think you need to implement to get better engagement, higher reaction from your customers. And then you go implement again without changing any of those circumstances, without changing your offer, your pricing, your structure.

So what happens a lot of times, and we’ll be going into low value cycles, what happens a lot of times is we decide, we make decisions about our offer and about our business, our business model, our business plan. We make decisions, we go out into the world to sell it. The selling experience is not what we expected. it doesn’t feel great or we don’t get the result we want. And then we decide that that is because of how we structured our offer, what we’re selling.

So then we change that in order to try to get a different result, in order to try to change other people’s behaviors, specifically in order to try to get people to buy. And if you do this as a strategy, it will have you changing your offer so much, it will have you constantly putting out new offers. And it will really have you at the mercy of what I like to think of as 20% buyers. So 20% of people that watch you will likely always buy no matter what you offer, because they’re just buying you, they love you.

20% of the people are never going to buy. It literally does not matter what your offer is, they’re never going to buy from you whether they love you or hate you, never going to buy from you. 60% of the people are up for converting. They’re up for being sold properly. They’re up for you and your messaging matching what they are looking for in that current moment. And what happens is people will try to manipulate their offers or manipulate people by changing their offers to try to get yeses.

So they’ll be like, “What’s the right offer? What is the offer that if I land on the right pricing, the right length of time”, six months, three months, 12 months. There’s no right amount of time. And when I offer that right amount of time, that I offer it at the right pricing. Then I will start getting buyers. Or if I get on the right platform. If I were just on TikTok I would get more engagement and people would be buying from me. And the more often you do that, you will get, this is the problem is a lot of times you will get a reward if you offer this new offer.

Let’s say you’re like, “This is it, this is what people want. I’m going to sell this.” And people jump on it, the 20% who always buy. You all of a sudden get a hit of that worked. I landed on the right offer. There was a right offer. When really all that’s happened is the 20% of the people who just buy from you because they will buy anything that you sell because they love you and they’re just buying you and the relationship they have with you. That is what’s giving you that false result, that false belief that that’s what worked.

And that can lead you into offer switching endlessly throughout your career. And what happens is it will keep you from having consistent growth. I’m going to tell you why, but consistent growth and amassing a certain amount of compounding effect of the work that you’ve done. So if you’ve been listening to my podcast for a really long time, you probably know my offers. I sell 2K for 2K, 200K Mastermind and Two Million Dollar Group. And I have a new offer, the 25K Group.

But you likely know to some degree those are what I sell. Now, I offer many classes every once in a while that feed into my other offers. We just did Higher Converting Consults. It was a four hour masterclass on selling and then I sold 2K for 2K from that masterclass. I give a ton of value ahead of time, a ton of value in the class. And then gave the option for people to continue on into 2K for 2K if they wanted to keep doing that work. So that’s not really an offer, it’s a marketing strategy.

So my main offer is 2K for 2K, 200K Mastermind, Two Million Dollar Group. If you’ve followed me for a long time you have seen that I have not changed those offers since 2018. It doesn’t mean I never will. I’m actually rethinking and redreaming up my business from a blank slate right now and seeing if I want to make changes. But I haven’t made them since 2018, five years. So what has happened in five years is I have offered consistent containers, 2K, 200K, Two Million Dollar Group at consistent price points.

My pricing hasn’t changed or hasn’t changed very often for consistent amounts of time. So 200K has been lifetime access. 200K Mastermind has been a six month program that you can do over and over and over and Two Million Dollar Group has been the same. And that consistency has led people to know about my offers and understand my offers. And then be able to consistently be thinking about whether they want to join me in those offers and consistently consuming content that is directed towards those offers.

So this podcast has been a five year testament to content that leads into all of my offers. And so while I am creating content and if you’ve listened from the beginning, you’ve seen how my content has gotten better, it’s evolved. My teaching has gotten more clearer maybe than other days than this one. I don’t know, I’m doing a pretty good job right now. But it’s gotten consistently clearer, that my students in my 200K Mastermind, one of the things if you ever watch the before and after’s that we send out on our email list before enrollment.

One of the things that the returning students. We like to do a mix of new and returning. And one of the things that returning students often say is every time they come to one of our events or they do our mastermind. They’re so surprised at how I’ve come back and delivered similar or the same content but from a different perspective. It’s clearer, it’s more simple, it’s more tangible, it’s more doable. Their brain is blown every single time. The result of that is because I’m not switching up what I’m teaching all the time.

I’m teaching the same things over and over and over, so I get better and better and better. The content that I’m offering, I’m offering similar content, the same content over and over and over but I’m changing and I’m getting better every single time. My audience is consuming the same thing over and over and over, so they’re getting better every single time. The better they get, the more transformations they get little by little without having paid me, because I stay consistent, they stay consistent.

So now the entire time that they haven’t paid me, maybe you’ve been listening to this episode, you’ve been listening to this podcast for all five years that I’ve been producing it. And has it really been that long? No, I started this in 2019. So I started my offers in 2018. And a year later, I started this podcast. So it’s been four years.

So if you’ve been listening for this entire time, what you’ve been doing, even if you’ve never paid me, is you’ve been implementing these things. You’ve been developing these belief systems and these mindsets over and over and over, which have created a compound effect of your results. So many of you tell me, “I’ve made so much money just from listening to the podcast before I’ve ever even paid you, before I’ve ever even hired you.”

If you are thinking of hiring me, let’s just say you took a break for a year, you came back, you started listening to the podcast again. I just got a message actually from someone, Susie, shout out to Susie. I just got this message from her, she sent me some voice messages. And I’m not usually on Instagram, but for the last month I have been on it, in my DMs, on my page delivering content.

And I listened to this message and she said, “I’ve been listening to you forever and then I took a break. I don’t know why. But I came back and I was like, “I’ve made so much money listening to the podcast, why have I not ever joined 2K for 2K?” I’ve got to get into 200K Mastermind.” I want you to imagine that this person who disengaged and then reengaged and decided, you know what? I don’t even know why I hired other people and didn’t go straight to you.

She said this in this message, she’s like, “I don’t know why I hired all these other mentors. Why did I not hire you when the podcast was working for me?” Imagine if she sent me that message and re-engaged with the podcast and reengaged with me and found that I had all new offers. And all of a sudden she’s like, “Wait, crap. Okay, so I was sold, I realized I needed to join 2K for 2K. Now she has all new offers.”

Now, in the lifetime of your business, this may happen. If I restructure my offers next year to just reinvent my business and reimagine my business for where I want to go and who I am now. That’s okay, if you’re doing it once every five years. But imagine if you were doing it all the time. And so people are constantly, I believe our people are always disengaging and reengaging, they live their own lives.

If you’re in any of my programs, you will see me do this regularly. I never assume my clients consume my content. So I’ll be like, “I don’t know if you guys listened to the podcast this week, but you should listen to this episode if you haven’t. Or I don’t know if you’re following along in my email list but I sent an email out about this.” I just never assume because they are busy in their lives. They’re not living Stacey Boehman coaching. I mean some of them might be, some of you might be.

But for the most part, you’re not just consuming every single thing I do every single day. You’re engaging and disengaging all the time. And so what we want is for you to be able to come in and out and still have consistency when you come back. So I’m reading Onward by Howard Schultz and it’s about how Starbucks kind of fell apart. At the recession of 2008 they really started not performing well. And so he had to transform Starbucks into what it is today or re-find its roots and get it through a recession and out on the other side.

And one of the things is if you are a Starbucks customer and you hadn’t gone to Starbucks for a year, let’s just say you haven’t gone to Starbucks since last November. And you walk into a Starbucks, you bet your ass, they’re going to offer the pumpkin spice latte unless they’re sold out. They’re probably going to have some kind of eggnog latte, gingerbread latte. I don’t know. I’m actually not a holiday drinker. I just drink standard almond milk lattes, so I don’t actually know.

But I can order an almond milk latte, if it had been a year, I know they have it on the menu. I know their sizes are venti, grande, tall, I only get the grande. But there’s the consistency of that. So I just know that Starbucks, I’m not going to walk in and be like, “Wait, is this Starbucks? What are the drinks on the menu? I’m so confused.” I’m going to get a similar experience.

So when people are engaging and disengaging all the time, in and out, in and out, in and out. We want to consistently be providing the same content the same offers so that eventually it’s going to click for them and they’re like, “Okay, now I’m in.” We want to always be nurturing that experience for them, of them deciding whether to work with us or not. Engaging and disengaging is I want to work with them. I want to do this. I don’t want to do this or I don’t have time for this now. I’m doing this now.

It’s whatever’s happening in their brain, we want to foster a sense of consistency, a place of reinforcement of what we offer and what result that we help people get over and over and over and over. We don’t want to interrupt this cycle for the buyer. We don’t want to have them deciding, you know what? Imagine this woman decided I’m joining for 2K for 2K, and then she comes back and it’s something completely different. And she’s like, “Stacey’s doing this now.”

And then it takes her, let’s just say, six more months to decide, okay, now I’m going to do this offer. Now I understand this offer. I’m on board with the content around this offer. I think this offer would serve me. I’m sold on this offer. And then I changed it again. And she’s like “Crap, I had just made up my mind.” I’ve seen clients do this at the 200K level, the Two Million Dollar Group level. I have seen literally people get stuck in not being able to break the $1 million ceiling because they can’t stay consistent in their offers.

And they’ll do an offer for a year and then they’re bored and they go into another offer. And then they do that for a year and they get bored and they go into another offer. This is what I would consider a low value cycle is just breaking up the consistency of your offer. And specifically coming from the place of trying to land on the right thing that will get the sale from a reaction to not having the sale, from a reaction of not liking the sales experience.

So for example, when I started selling 2K for 2K, it was really hard to learn how to sell a program to amass people without consults through webinars. It was very difficult. It took me a full year to figure out my PSPR, which is my sales messaging to my clients to get them consistently buying. It took a full year. Imagine if I quit after that year because I thought it was too hard and I was like, “It’s never going to get easier. This sucks. I hate this experience. I’m changing my offer. There’s got to be an offer that people buy more easily than this offer.”

Instead, I stuck with it and in the January of 2019 I had a massive breakthrough. That is what ended up creating this podcast. My first three episodes were meet people, tell them you’re a coach, offer to help them. Actually I think my first four episodes were about that. I did a training, a five day training on that same thing and then I turned that into a funnel that made me millions and millions and it’s still running and still makes me millions of dollars from people joining that funnel and buying 2K straight from that.

I would have missed out on all of that if I would have thought that the selling experience was hard, I didn’t like it, I was bored with my offer, people aren’t responding, so it’s clearly the offer, they don’t want it. Instead of my ability to sell the offer. So in a high value cycle, we keep all of the offer and the things about your business the same.

And what changes is you and your ability to communicate the value of your offer, your ability to communicate your PSPR, your clients’ problem. The simple solution, the process you’re going to take them through to arrive at that solution and the results that they will create through it. To be able to simply communicate that. To make it doable from where they are right now. That is literally learning the language of your offer, of your product that you are offering to people, the results you are offering.

Mastering that language through the filter of who you are and who your best clients are. That is the skill set you want to put all of your time and energy into. But you can only do that if you let your offer be consistent enough to spend enough time to get really good at that. It’s not an overnight thing. It took me a year to get really good at that with 2K for 2K. Now, I still made 200K that year through that offer. I had other offers too, so I made a lot more money.

But through that offer I made 200K that year selling it. What I would say now is terribly, not knowing my PSPR. Not being really great and tapped into that communication to my client. Not offering the right value in the right way that they needed to hear it in order to get them to buy it. I think there is a right way to communicate your offer. There is right value to offer, but you find that through practice and repetition and discipline, not by changing things around to try to land magically on the right compound, the right ingredients.

So in a low value cycle you will change a bunch of things to try to get your results, change a bunch of circumstances. In a high value one, you will keep everything the same and you will be the one that changes. Your mind set, your communication skills, the way you talk to someone about your PSPR, the content you give ahead of time. The engaging opportunities that you offer for people to come in and interact with your work, webinars, popup, Facebook groups, TikTok challenges, whatever it is you’re doing. Those marketing opportunities to get people engaged in your work.

And then give them the opportunity to buy. All of those things will improve over time with consistent application. Now, another thing that really defines a low value cycle over a high value one is in a low value cycle. This is the number one indicator that you are in a low value cycle is you will not want to evaluate. It will feel so terrible that you will get lost in the emotions of how terrible you feel about the results you have and you will not evaluate. You’ll be just processing through the emotions, dealing with the emotions.

Really just resisting the emotions a lot of times happens in a low value cycle, we are just resisting them. Sometimes people will avoid work altogether and shut down and just ghost their business or distract themselves with their personal life. And go on vacations and connect with family and it will all feel very lovely but it will be very disengaged from their business. So it will either be lovely and disengaged from their business or feel terrible and disengaged from their business.

Or they will overwork and burn out from just trying to sell, sell, sell to get out of the emotion of not making the money they want to make. All of that happens in a low value cycle from the resistance of not liking the results you have. And then from when you are resisting or swallowed up by the emotions of a result you don’t want or avoiding the emotions you don’t want, all of those things. What you will not do is give yourself the top three theories of why you are where you are and list them out, and then go take action on them.

What you won’t do is evaluate what’s working, what’s not working, and what you’re going to do differently. And then develop your belief in your plan so much so and strengthen it so much so that you will actually go out and take action on it consistently until you get a different outcome. That’s what you won’t do in a low value cycle.

So we can keep ourselves in low value cycles for literally years. It could be six months, it can be a year, it could be very long periods of time if you don’t understand what’s happening. If you don’t understand how to navigate being in them and how to get out of them. That’s so much of what we do in 200K Mastermind is just normalize low value cycles. I call it being intimate with your low value cycle.

Really knowing who you are, how you show up, how you think, how you feel, what you do, all of your sets of behaviors when you’re in a low value cycle because you may not notice it in your mind. But if you can catch, wait a minute, I know that this behavior is a low value cycle of mine. Now, I need to check in with what’s happening in my brain and my body. When you can be intimate and identify a low value cycle, you’ll be able to get out of it so much faster.

One of the things that we teach in 200K Mastermind is that it’s not a no value cycle. This is part of being intimate with your low value cycle is you can’t resist them. You can’t get down on yourself because you’re in them. We all get in them, sometimes for long periods of time. We go through really hard things in our business. We go through lots of failure in our business so we have to be able to navigate them. We have to be able to be intimate with them. And we have to be able to still operate and sell within them. We have to know that the show goes on.

So it’s not a no value cycle. So what people do is they tell me, “I’m in a low value cycle. I don’t want to market to my audience and I don’t want them to know so I’m just going to ghost them. I don’t want that to show up. I’m not going to get the result I want because I’m in a low value cycle, so there’s no point in writing the sales sequence.” No, it’s not a no value cycle. Your low value cycle is someone else’s high value cycle. I repeat that statement so often in 200K Mastermind, your low value cycle is someone else’s high value cycle.

So where you are now, you can still help your people even if it is a low value cycle for you. And even if it’s your lowest value cycle ever, there is still some value in it. So you keep working while it’s happening with the knowledge that you’re also working to get out of it. The way you get out of it is you have to evaluate. My evaluation process is designed to keep you out of the most low value thinking, which is all or nothing thinking. All or nothing thinking is either everything’s working and I just have to lie to myself and rainbows and daisies and butterflies. And I just have to keep going.

We’re not Dory from Finding Nemo, just keep swimming, just keep swimming. That’s not what we’re doing here. We don’t just keep repeating to ourself, it’s working, it’s working, it’s working. It’s going to pay off in the end, it’s eventually going to pay off. We don’t do that. That is all or nothing thinking. The only answer could be that it’s working and I just don’t know how yet and so I have to just keep going.

The other side of the all or nothing thinking is it’s not working. There’s nothing that’s working. It’s all terrible and awful. I might as well quit and go work at McDonald’s and live in a box. My brain offers that to me all the time. Not really, but it does. It would be like, “I should just go work at McDonald’s.” I would never actually do that, but my brain offers me that all of the time in my low value cycles. I don’t want to be an entrepreneur anymore. I’m just going to go get a job.

So there’s the all or nothing thinking of it’s working or it’s not working. And then there’s an evaluation process in the middle that says, there are always things that are working. Let’s start with those so that we don’t go down the tunnel of doom. You start with what’s not working. You’ll be so depressed that you can’t even find the what is working. So you have to start with what’s working. Get yourself in that lens, in a higher level of emotion.

And then when you see all the things that are working, you can look at the things that aren’t working. And then you get really clear on those and very specific. We go through a troubleshooting process in 200K that is very detailed. We find out what’s not working and then we decide what our top three theories are of what we need to do differently. And then we look at and then on a scale of one to ten, how much do I believe if I actually implement this that it will work?

That’s very important because it determines whether you actually, there’s one thing to evaluate, and it’s another to actually take action on the evaluation. Taking action on the evaluation has to do with your belief in that your theory is even correct in the first place and that it’s impactful enough and that it will matter.

This is something that I have learned from reading the book Onward, is the entire book is basically him evaluating the business. And he goes through in great detail the evaluation process. And the emotional and mindset toll it took on creating what he called the transformation agenda. He created his transformation agenda, which was basically his top seven things that were his best theories to move forward with Starbucks, what wasn’t working and what they needed to do differently.

And then he had to work not only to believe himself, that that was enough and that it would transform Starbucks. But then to lead literally thousands of people to believe that too, to believe in him as the CEO. He calls them partners, everyone that works for Starbucks. So he had to make all of the partners, all of the shareholders, all of Wall Street, he had to get them on board and believe in his transformation agenda too.

And so the whole book is him coming up with the transformation agenda, starting to execute on it while things are still not working and basically managing his mind and the entire company’s mind around doing it. It’s solidified everything that I believe in business to be true as yeah.

And also I will also tell you if you’ve been through a lot of failure and you’ve been through a hard year. I have cried so many times in this book from having so much shame about mistakes I’ve made or failures that I’ve had or thought processes that led to outcomes that I didn’t want or that maybe caused my clients to be disappointed in me. And one of the predominant thoughts I had about myself is this is because I’m not a good entrepreneur or it’s because I’m lacking in experience as an entrepreneur or I don’t have what it takes as a CEO.

And to see him make the exact same mistakes and talk about them from a human perspective, and he’s the freaking CEO of Starbucks. I was like, “Oh my God, okay, if Howard Schultz made these mistakes, it’s okay that I made them. If the CEO of Starbucks lost his way and made mistakes here and there and had these thought errors and didn’t pay attention to these things.” One of the things he talks about is how operationally they had been operating on a lot of just hopes and dreams.

And it’s one thing that my CTO has said to us over and over for the last year is, “A lot of your decisions have not been made using data and metrics and actual measurement things that help you grow as a business. It’s just been on a hope and a dream.” And to see him say that they also were just so growth focused and so expanding focused that they also were operating on hopes and dreams. And they also weren’t paying attention to the nitty gritty of operational expenses and things like that has been so, so powerful for me.

To understand that not only is that the low value cycle I’ve been in and to reaffirm what I know to be true about the evaluation process and getting out of a low value cycle and getting out of outcomes you don’t want and how you solve for them. But also, it’s been so reaffirming to hear, other people who are dramatically further along in their CEO journey also are experiencing these same low value cycles.

So that is something else that I think is so powerful in doing low value cycle work in a container where other people are doing it, who are making much more money than you. Is you’re like, “A $200K earner just posted that they’re in this low value cycle, this is my low value cycle. This doesn’t mean I’m never meant to make 200K. It means I’m a CEO, I am a business owner. This is what it looks like to grow your business.” It’s so powerful.

So how you get out of a low value cycle is you have to evaluate what worked, what didn’t work, what I’m going to do differently. You have to pose your theories, then you have to go to work to believe. You have to create your transformation agenda. You have to go to work to believe in it and then you have to execute it all the way through. And there will be a lot of time in the middle, this entire year has been us creating our transformation agenda as a company with my CTO and my COO and my new VP of Client Experience.

We’ve been constantly transforming, looking at what is working in the business, what’s not working in the business, what we want to do differently. And implementing that while also not seeing massive changes. We’re seeing 1% changes here and there. We know it’s going to add up at the end, but the timeframe it’s taken to kind of rework everything has been much longer than we anticipated.

Which is also another aha I had from this book because it’s been eye opening to see that he saw the problems happening in 2007. It took him all of 2007 to decide to come back as CEO to fix them and to be in charge of them. All of 2008 is him trying to implement them and starting to implement them and formulate. It took him almost the entire year to just formulate the full plan and start implementing some of the things. And then 2009 was really going to be the year where there was the critical work to execute the agenda and also seeing some of the fruitions of the early work come into play.

So to see that take that amount of time, it’s so powerful to know it’s okay that it took that time. So for you all with much smaller businesses, it likely won’t take that long. Just want to put that out there. If you’re like, “Oh, my God, wait. It’s going to take me three years to get out of this low value cycle and this failure.” No, the smaller the business, the faster the turnaround. I want to offer that, if you’re doing the things, if you’re actually doing the work it can be a faster turnaround.

It takes a lot longer when you have lots of employees and contractors and lots of programs and thousands of clients and lots of infrastructure and there’s tons of moving pieces. It takes much, much longer to solve things. But for those of you that are 200K and under, some of your low value cycles could be solved over a weekend, they really could be. They could be solved in a week, in two weeks. I remember being where a lot of you are and my low value cycles when I was actually actively working to get out of them would last two weeks.

Seriously, one fail, two solid weeks of work back at it and getting different results. That’s possible. Again, all of this has to happen though, without changing your offers because imagine all the work I’ve just outlined and imagine how much more difficult it would be to see the areas that are working and aren’t working if you keep changing the circumstance. Makes it very hard for you to get a constant, for you to actually get measurement, to actually see client behavior, to see what they’re responding with and what they’re not responding with if you keep changing your offer.

I’m going to give you a caveat, though. Sometimes people come into 200K and they’re newer in business and they’re still figuring out what that offer is. And maybe they’re general life coaching, but it really clicks what they want to do in 200K and they’re like, “Okay, from this moment on, this is what I do.” That’s okay. That’s not what I’m talking about. That’s a similar circumstance to if I change my offers next year and decide to restructure in any capacity.

That’s coming from a place of, I am evolving, which is a little different than I’m changing my offers to get a different result because I don’t like the experience I’m having or the results I have. And I don’t want to do the diligent, tedious, disciplined work of evaluating, managing my brain and my emotions, creating a plan for change, and then effectively going after it. That’s what I am talking about here.

That’s what we want to do when we want to foster as entrepreneurs, being able to go through this process to navigate low value cycles, to leverage high value cycles and to get more out of them. And to be able to learn a lot about yourself in a high value cycle and when you are to know, this is who I am and this is where I need to get back to when I’m operating at the highest value output possible. To me, there’s no amount of strategy and I teach a lot of strategy in 200K.

A lot of my work in 2K and 200K is very focused on strategy that is built upon thinking about how the buyer, the client responds to being sold to. That’s the way all of my stuff is presented. I’m thinking about the buyer. The buyer is going to have this or even the high value and low value cycles is me thinking about the buyer and how they’re engaging and disengaging. And how they need that consistency to foster them moving through your sales experience, moving through the client journey from interacting with your free work, to hiring and paying you.

I’m always thinking about the client. I’m thinking about their experience. And what we need to have in place in order to move that experience along and for that experience to be really great. So knowing how to operate that, I would say is the core to go, to understand high value cycles and low value cycles is literally the core and matters more than any strategy that you put in place. You being able to be an effective business owner, an effective salesperson, an effective CEO matters more than anything, it’s the most important.

So I’m actually really proud of myself for not having an outline and being sick and delivering this episode with what I feel like is pretty decent clarity. But now I hope you can see why I felt it was so important to give you this message today and not put it off until I feel better. And why I felt like it just had to go out now. It feels like such a deep, important message. And I cannot believe I have not talked about it on the podcast in depth like this until now.

Actually, I had someone recently, they wrote in and they asked what are the concepts and what are the things we teach in 200K? And my team had kind of created some episodes. And said, “Here are some episodes that Stacey’s done.” And they were like, “Stacey, are there any other episodes?” And they were all, none of them were recent episodes. They were from episode 120 or something. It was that far back and I go, “That can’t possibly be right.” I talk about 200K concepts all the time. There’s much newer episodes than that.

And then I went through and looked and I was like, “Oh my God, other than interviews there aren’t. So I will also tell you that now I know I haven’t been teaching as many of my more advanced concepts as I think that I have, which is so weird. So I’m going to be doing a lot more of them in the future, I promise. I just thought that I had been. I don’t know what happened there. I just really was, yeah, I had a thought that I teach about 200K all the time and I teach advanced concepts all the time, and I haven’t. The podcast has shown me that it’s circumstantially not true.

So I’m going to offer more in the future. I promise once we are going to release all my queued up episodes. And then I will add some new stuff. I promise it’s coming.

Now, if you’ve made it to this part of the episode. I am going to answer some frequently asked 200K questions that feel just really simple for me to answer, that we get a lot. Which is also, I think, a testament to why navigating high value cycles, to really stay in them and be outputting, keeping your offer the same and being outputting content consistently matters so much.

Because as much as I have talked about my offers over the last five years in emails, on the podcast, on my social media, it is wild to me to still talk to people who are like, “I don’t really know what 200K is. Or I don’t really know, you do this and is it in this offer or is it in that offer?” I just recently, a couple months ago went to my Life Coach School Mastermind and I held an event, it was a networking event for coaches after one of the sessions. And so many people asked me the most basic things about my offers and it just struck me as nothing wrong with them at all.

It struck me of the importance of consistently offering this information to people because they’re not living and breathing you and your business. They’re getting bits and pieces here and there. So we have to just keep giving them the same bits and pieces of information for when they are engaged so that they know what’s going on. So that’s what I’m going to do here. Are you ready? There are eight frequently asked questions.

Number one, do I have to have done 2K first? This is a two part answer. The short answer is no, there are lots of people who go straight into 200K Mastermind. They’re just making a lot more money. They find me and they’re like, “I just know it resonates. I want to be in this room without a shadow of a doubt. This is the right move for me.” And that has not had any significant impact at all on results that they’ve gotten in the room from not having done 2K. I even have people that come into Two Million Dollar Group and they’ve never done 200K and they’ve never done 2K and it has no,t again, had significant impact.

Is it helpful? This is a different question. I always think no matter how much money you are making, 2K, I just told my Two Million Dollar Group students, “You should definitely buy 2K as well.” He’s working on consults right now for a different segment in his business. And I’m like, “There’s just, you’re already making $3 million, there’s zero chance you’re not going to make a lot of money from this 2K investment, it’s nothing. And it will be everything for you.”

So that’s kind of the caveat of that is I just think it’s, I’ve never had anyone that’s ever joined 200K and Two Million Dollar Group and not have done 2K. And then fall in love with my work and say, “Should I join 2K?” And I tell them yes and they join 2K. They’ve never been like, “I shouldn’t have done that.” It’s just such a good program. And it is just so good. It’s the foundation to beliefs about selling and building a great client sale, buyer client relationship. But is it a necessity? Absolutely not, and don’t let it be. I really feel called to be in 200K.

Don’t let it be the thing then that keeps you from doing 200K or prolongs getting in 200K. Now, I guess my third caveat to that is if you’re nervous about the 200K investment and you’re like, “I don’t know, it’s a lot of money. I don’t know.” If you have any reservations and you haven’t done 2K first, if you have reservations about what it would be like to work with me, if you and I would jive. If you would be a good fit for my programs. If you’re not sure about my teaching, the balance that I have between mindset and strategy. You should for sure join 2K first if you have those reservations.

I just told this to someone who reached out to me on Instagram. I said, “Listen, if you’re trying to decide between the two and you’re not sure, why not do 2K first. It’s such a lower investment and it will definitely tell you if I’m the coach for you or not.” So if that’s your reservation of whether I’m the coach for you or not, the style of coaching is for you or not, what you’re going to get is for you or not within how I teach and coach and deliver. 2K is such a smaller investment to try, if you want to try me out, try me out at 2K, not 25K. That is always going to be my stance. So that’s the first question but you don’t have to have done 2K first.

Number two, do I have to be a full-time coach? The answer used to be yes and is now no. And I really wanted to take the time to talk about why. People have a misunderstanding about this and not by, I want to just be clear, very much so not by what I have said. I have not led this directive. I have not led people to believe this. But people have assumed that the reason I didn’t let people who were not full-time in the room is because they aren’t as serious. They aren’t as good of coaches. They aren’t as good of entrepreneurs. They’re not as committed.

None of those are the reasons. We had someone email in when we first allowed people to come in that were not full-time coaches and she was like, “I paid to be in the room with people who are committed and serious about their business and full-time coaches, not part-time coaches.” And I just thought that was really interesting to have that belief that you’re better or more committed because you are a full-time coach.

I have so many very successful people in my world who are full-time corporate doctors, lawyers who make a lot of effing money, a lot, 200K 300K, 400K, 500K. That they have to replace that level of income in order to go full-time. There are amazing coaches who are still part-time in their business. There are brilliant entrepreneurs who are still part-time in their business. There are very committed people who are still part-time in their business for many reasons. That is ridiculous as someone saying that someone who pays in full is more committed than someone who does a payment plan.

In reality, in actuality, someone offering payment plans or not offering payment plans, having a filter, this is a filter. Not letting people in who were not full-time coaches was a filter for me, for my brain for two reasons. Number one, I was guaranteeing my work at the time. I guaranteed you either make 25K or we give you your 25K back for the Mastermind. I’m no longer doing that because I have proven that over the last nine rounds over and over and over, we’ve gotten everyone across the finish line.

And I’ve created a process that is now provable that works. And now I’m looking for people who don’t need that, who don’t need me to bet on them, who are committed to themselves and are going to do the work and are not relying on me to do the work for them. I was once using it as a promotion to get people in the room. I’m now using it as a filter to keep people who are not ready out. And to only have people who are serious enough about the investments they make that they’re not needing me to guarantee it for them. They’re like, “I guarantee it myself.”

So at the time there was a guarantee and I thought it was a fair thing to say, “If I’m guaranteeing this, I need you to come live to every single call, come live in person to the live events. You have to be all into the things I’m offering if I’m going to guarantee it.” I’m not guaranteeing it anymore. And because I’m bringing in a different level of person who doesn’t need me to guarantee it, I’m also believing that that person, even if they can’t come live to the calls because they’re working, is going to show up and get what they came for because they are serious about their business.

They would never pay 25K working full-time and not show up to the Mastermind and not figure it out. They’re going to be engaged on the page. They’re going to be engaged in the peer coaching. They’re going to make use of the one-on-one coaches. They’re going to consume all of the content, take it and go implement it into their business to get them to be able to be a full-time coach. So that’s my assumption. That’s what I’m leading with.

The other reason I had this filter at the time was because I really wanted to develop content. I did not want my content to be helping people leave their jobs, creating that infrastructure or coaching people on that. I wanted my content, I was thinking of my best client being someone who is only a coach, that’s just their mindset. They don’t have other businesses. They’re not doing other things. Coaching is the only thing they’re doing. That helped me, thinking of that person, that helped me create content that has created the result of 200K life coaches who go on to scale their business to millions.

That’s the circumstance I’ve given myself for the result that I wanted to create and the action line I needed to take to create that result. I don’t need that anymore because I’m so solid in my mind on my teaching and my content. And the people that have come in who have not been full-time coaches have not even gotten coaching on leaving their job or if it has, it’s been once. I think I did at some point have a thought that it would turn into, the page would turn into conversations about leaving their job and how do they pivot and it really hasn’t, it really hasn’t.

It has not impacted the community in conversation at all, letting people in. They have been showing up as I paid 25K to be here to learn about my life coach business. So that’s what I want to talk about in the room. That’s what they’ve been doing. And so those are the only two reasons that previously you had to be a full-time coach. It was never, never, never, never because you weren’t committed or you were not as serious or not as smart or not as savvy. None of those things. I think it’s absolutely ridiculous.

Please do not use being a full-time coach as a way to other yourself or other other people. Don’t do that. One of the things you will find when you come into my room is how completely accepting we are of everyone in the room, how we all do such a huge great job of making sure, of creating belonging for everyone. And when someone feels like they’re not belonging, we jump in to help them work through that. We are a place of people who genuinely, we don’t compete and we want people to feel like they belong and that is not, any type of othering.

There’s no mean girl, you can’t sit with us. We wear pink on Wednesdays. That’s not what’s happening in 200K. That is not who we are. And anytime I see that shit I shut that shit down because I hate it. That was my whole life growing up as being othered and not part of the cool kid group and being gossiped about. and that’s not what we do in the room. So I just have to spend so much time on that, because I have seen that language kind of talked about outside of the room for people thinking of joining or that email that we got of, I paid to be in the room with full-time coaches.

And I was like, “What does that mean?” You paid to be in a room where you make 200K, where you learn how to do that. You paid to be in a room with people who are very serious about doing that. No one’s paying 25K who’s not serious about doing that. So you do not have to be a full-time coach anymore and you don’t have to come to the calls. It’s just no, you’re paying a large investment. So if you are going to come, I mean, if you’re going to do your best to come or make sure you watch all of them and replay and make sure you do the work.

And I would do whatever you can to be able to come to the live event or do it virtually.

Number three, do I have to be a life coach? This is a simple and two-part answer. Yes and no, meaning we really only take coaches and we don’t take, I apologize if you’re a photographer, if you own a brick and mortar business. The reason for that is I just don’t have any experience building a brick and mortar business. I don’t have any experience building that. And my process isn’t, this particular container is not geared towards that. Now, I could definitely coach any entrepreneurs.

I’ve actually thought about creating a membership for entrepreneurs to teach them selling and to teach them my evaluation process and everything I know about entrepreneurship. But we’re not talking about that in the 200K room. We really are talking about building a coaching business. And so you need to be a coach. Now, the semantics of life coach, people get very stuck on. So people will be like, “I’m a finance coach.” I’m like, “I consider that a life coach.” Or I’m a nutrition coach. I consider that some form of life coach.

Unless you just really don’t use any mindset at all and any coaching, life coaching principles in your practice, then you might, maybe feel out of place. But really the room is geared towards helping coaches become entrepreneurs, to make 200K, to learn to market and sell at an advanced level. And really start running their business to get ready for even bigger growth. And it is geared towards the coach language. But I do know that some of you consider yourself a business coach, a nutrition coach, a weight coach.

And so  you get very caught up in, do I have to be a general life coach? And if I don’t call myself that, can I not join the room? And so as long as you’re a coach and you somehow identify with the coaching and the mindset piece that goes along, it’s not just strategy, it’s also not just mindset. But if you identify with that language and if you join other coaching programs, if you identify with being a service based coach then this room would be for you.

Number four, do I need to be making 200K? No. The room is to help you make 200K. So we start at 25K. So you have to have made 25K in the last 12 month period, so a rolling 12 months. So it’s not last year, it’s this November to the previous November. So November 2022 to November of 2023, you have to have made 25K. We do also look at, is that income mostly in the last six months? Is it evenly distributed?

Or if it is heavily leaning towards, let’s just say you made 25K between November of 2022 and then the first six months of this year but no money in the last six months. We probably will ask you to do 2K for 2K or give you some direction on what you would need to work on in getting your income up if you’ve made zero dollars in the last six months. So we need to see a lot of that revenue or at least half of that revenue coming in, in the last six months to show steady income coming in.

So 25K is the entrance. We have lots, we have about, of the people who join, a third of the room are $25K earners trying to get to $100K, 25 to $50/60K earners trying to get 100K, 200K, $100K earners and 200 and $300K earners. If we had to create three income groups, it would be our $25K earners, our $100K earners and our $200K plus earners. I now have opened Two Million Dollar Group up. To get into Two Million Dollar Group, there’s a couple different ways that you could get in.

If you’re at 200K, but all of that money has or most of that money has come from group mastermind, membership, selling a program or a course. I look at that as a good candidate for the Two Million Dollar Group. Or if you made 300K and let’s say 50K of that was in group and you’ve shown that you know how to make group sales. That’s really what I’m looking for as a Two Million Dollar Group student is if you have multiple six figures in your business and a good portion of that is coming from your ability to sell many people at the same time.

Because that’s what we focus on in Two Million Dollar Group is the one to many model. And moving from selling one-on-one on consults to selling through webinars and email and social and non-one-on-one consult methods. So if you’re already making 200K, but you really haven’t mastered group which is question number five, what if I’m already making 200K?

If you’re still doing one-on-one consults and you’re making 200K, then I would join 200K and use the launching course, the webinars course, the PSPR selling that I teach. And all of the things that I teach the upper level earners, I would use that to start selling group and then maybe do a round  in 200K and then move into Two Million Dollar Group.

Number six is what exactly do I get? This may be changing next year as I’m reimagining my room. But for now you pay 25K. You get to come and participate in a virtual or live event where we spend three days. And I am teaching on stage and teaching new concepts, reinventing concepts that I have been teaching like this is my updated version of this. Last round I taught advanced marketing. For the 2024 January class I’m to be teaching about what’s changing in the sales environment and how selling is changing in 2024.

There’s a lot of things that are changing. I’m going to be teaching the things that I know to be true, that I’ve seen, that I’m talking about with my mastermind and the things I’ve learned in my business. I’m going to be sharing a lot of that. And we’re going to be teaching about selling products and how to think of your coaching as a product and then how to sell that to get better and more sales. So I just teach a lot of new stuff at our three day event. And so I’ll be teaching that.

And then you also get six months of masterminding weekly. We also do a two hour every week group focused time where you guys come together, it’s optional but you can come together and work on copy or creating your launch, your PSPR selling. You can work as a group. So they basically have a 30 minute conversation about the topic and then they just silently work together. For people who struggle with feeling alone and struggle to get things done in their business, that concentrated space to get work done has been highly valuable to people.

So we do a weekly call every week of coaching and strategy. And then you have the weekly group focused time that you can come, if you want to work, co-work together. And then you also get one-on-one coaching with our group of 200K coaches where you can really dive into your specific mindset and thoughts and strategy and things that you want to really work through on a one-on-one level.

And then we also do breakout sessions based on income. And we do, I think eight of those every round where we either meet weekly or you meet in your breakout. And it’s a smaller group than the main group based on income where you get to talk about your very income specific things. And then you get the entire library of content that I have created. So you get the 200K process and then you also get every live event that we’ve ever done, all of our content that we offer and then all of our past live calls.

Then the last two questions are number seven, what if I feel overwhelmed? What is the structure? So number one, feeling overwhelmed comes from how you think. And typically what creates this is if you think I have to come in, I only get one round. I have to learn everything right now. I have to get this right to make money in my business. I have to be Stacey’s favorite student. I have to do the best job. I have to make use of every single bit of this investment. All of those feelings, I have to, it’s very important, everything is riding on this.

That type of thing creates overwhelm, and trying to do it all, all at once creates overwhelm. What we do at the live event is we create your three essentials, three main things you’re going to focus on each round to be constrained and focused and get it done. We really, really focus on doing more with less and not over-consuming, just choosing three things that the mastermind teaches to really go all in could be the difference of where you are and where you want to be.

So the structure is you decide those three essentials and then you come to the call and you say, “Okay, my three essentials are this. This is what I want coaching on.” So it’s very based in the community. Everyone’s going to ask you what your three essentials are if you’re asking for coaching. When you’re looking at strategy, they’re going to ask what your three essentials are. So the whole community really focuses on helping you constrain so that you don’t get overwhelmed.

And then the last question is, when is the best time to join? How do I know if I’m ready? You have to tell yourself you’re ready. You just have to know I’m ready to spend 25K and I’m ready to show up and get what I came for. If you’re going to get easily distracted, if you’re going to potentially not show up, I don’t know, you have to decide. What are the things that would make me not ready and could I potentially succumb to those versus what is ready? What is my high value cycle of being ready? How am I going to show up?

And really the best time to join is when you’re going to do that, when you really want to go all in, in your business. I also think the best time to join a significant mastermind like this is when you really need support. I’ve had a hard year. So some people think I should only join a business mastermind, especially an expensive one if I’m riding high and everything’s working. I cannot tell you how valuable being in a mastermind, a really high level one, has been this year coming into my business as a new mom.

I would have probably been swallowed up and drowned if I had not had really good coaching and a really good mastermind. So it’s not always when my business is amazing and everything’s working. Sometimes it’s when nothing’s working. Sometimes it’s when everything is working. and sometimes it’s when I’m just having a really hard time and I need a lot of support, I need a lot of direction, I need someone to tell me maybe what to do or give me direction into where to go.

I need someone to help me evaluate what’s happening in my business. I need to understand my business better. I need to understand how to make money better. I need to understand how to communicate to my clients better. All of those times I want lots of support. I want help constraining. I don’t have as much time so I need help to utilize that time with the best of my ability. These are always really great times to come into a mastermind and figure out the plan of how to do this.

Alright, so those are the questions, the top eight that we’ve been getting. If you have any more you can DM me on Instagram @staceyboehman or you can email in at support@staceyboehman. And we are happy to answer them. You can also join the 200K waitlist to get lots more information on the mastermind at Alright, I’ll see you next week.

Hey, if you’re ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2k for 2k program where you’re going to make your first $2,000 the hardest part using my simple 5 step formula for getting consults and closing new clients. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

Enjoy the Show?

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