Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | Humble Change

I’ve been running the 200K Mastermind since 2019, and we recently held our ninth event. It was not only the best version of this event that we’ve ever conducted, but it was also the most humbling experience, and you get to hear all about it this week.

If you know me at all, you’ll know I am loud and proud, and far from what society might call humble. I don’t use this term to diminish my success or apologize for the visibility my business has. However, I am currently in a place of creating some very deep, humble change that is inspiring and fueling me towards a business I am excited about, and I’m sharing exactly what sparked this sense of humility in me.

Join me this week as I pull back the curtain on how I created the best 200K Mastermind event yet, and the humble changes I’m making in my business. You’ll hear why I feel extremely humbled by the business decisions I’m making, the biggest takeaways from our latest mastermind event, and why I know humble change is going to create massive results for me and my clients.


I’m making some big changes in my Two Million Dollar Group! For all the details and to get on the waitlist, click here.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • What I mean by humble change.
  • 3 things that helped me create the best 200K Mastermind event yet.
  • What sparked a sense of humility in me.
  • The endless possibilities that coaching offers.
  • 9 takeaways from the latest 200K Mastermind event.
  • Some of the changes I’ve made that have humbled me. 


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Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hey coaches, welcome to episode 241. Today we’re going to talk about humble change. I actually didn’t know what to call this episode. I was thinking about what I was going to talk to you about and really what that overall idea is that I want to impart on you. And so I’m coming to you today having just spent a week with my 200K Mastermind and my Two Million Dollar Group and it was my ninth 200K Mastermind event, nine.

I mean I started this program at the beginning of 2019 and this event over the years has been my most humbling and my happiest and my best event yet. I know it, I know it, my team felt it, my students told us. And I typically do not use the word humble a lot because I think a lot of women use that against themselves. It’s something that society is always telling women specifically that we should be more humble. It’s not something that society is telling men, you never hear that, that men should be more humble.

But any time we dare to feel proud, be seen, be heard and be visible in our success we are often told that we should be more humble so I don’t talk about it a lot. However, as I have done this work over many, many years, I would even say just naturally in my personality, that’s not typically been my struggle. I had it come up in some degrees as I’ve really gotten more and more successful. But my issue is usually not necessarily the opposite but I just don’t have a hard time being loud and proud and visible.

But I think I really can struggle to drop into my heart sometimes and get out of my business mind and my operations mind and result focus. I tend to be just even in my own coaching, just very result focused. And that can sometimes take away my humanity just a little bit or me being in my heart a little bit. So I think for me, in this way, humble has made me feel incredibly grounded, very peaceful, very purposeful, extraordinarily happy and it feels like the right emotion for me.

So I just have to say it depends on, you always have to check in when someone’s offering you an emotion is if it serves you, no matter how it works with other people. I did an entire coaching call on this emotion before my event and really checking in that this is the emotion that I want to be moving forward with and that it does actually really serve me because I’ve already exercised the other emotion.

And to me, when I talk about humble in this way, this does not feel like a diminishing of my success, does not feel like me making up for visibility or apologizing for visibility. It feels the exact opposite of making me small. This emotion has made me feel bigger than I can communicate to you and really connected to my purpose and my mission and my clients and the change that I want to make.

It’s really truly been incredible to access this emotion and use this emotion to make some really big changes and decisions and to show up in a really different way that I think was very obvious and well seen and received to my students.

So this is the title, Humble Change, but I just wanted to do that little caveat of don’t use this episode against yourself or as a way of reinforcing the way that society might be telling you to be humble because that’s not what I’m reinforcing here in any way. So don’t just adopt this, well, Stacey said I should be humble and Stacey said humble is the right emotion to move forward and make change. Don’t use that unless it really serves you.

I just really don’t typically have the experience that a lot of my students have, of being willing to feel safe and being loud and proud, I feel very safe being loud and proud. So this is the way that I’ve just explained it, it’s just a way that’s really been useful for me. And then as I talk about what I’m going to talk about today as we actually dive in, I think it will be even more obvious what I am talking about, what I mean. And really this isn’t even me directing you to this.

It’s just kind of sharing with you in a very vulnerable way what I am going through and where I’m at and what I’m working on and the way that change is happening inside of me. Just to give you an idea and to kind of pull back the curtain a little bit. And my students, especially in Two Million Dollar Group, they’re always asking me, “Well, what are your thoughts that are having you do this or what’s your thinking behind this?”

One of my students asked me this past meeting what my thinking was as to why I haven’t launched a business certification yet, and helping people be better business coaches. Which is something that I think could be something I do in the future. I keep talking about it. I haven’t pulled the trigger. She asked why? I gave her my reasons. It made me realize, people are very interested in what I’m thinking and how I’m thinking and often not correct if you just assume.

I’m always fascinated to see people go out and make decisions in their business when they haven’t actually either learned from me and they’re not using my process. Or they’re just seeing something I do out in the world and just inferring what my thoughts could be and then adopting those thoughts that they have just completely made up and then gone out and made decisions with them. And I’m like, “Wait, just, if you have any questions about what I might be thinking, just ask me.”

So I thought this could be a really useful one especially for my students who just went through the event. If you’re wondering what were the thoughts, what were the feelings that got Stacey to this result and to this experience that we all just had that was so amazing? And for some of you that have just kind of been watching me. Last year I got some bad publicity. This year I got some criticism. And I’ve been listening and I’ve been paying attention and I’ve been thinking about my own business as I’m also wanting to grow.

And so there’s just been a lot of things happening and I think that it could be useful to hear the way I’ve been thinking. So when I think about how I created the best event yet there were really three things that I feel converged all at once. Number one, we had a lot of operational mistakes the round before this one. So when I say operational, that has nothing to do with the content, the coaching, the conversations.

I remember my CTO went around when we were in Cabo, he was in person and he was asking people. Some of the operational mistakes were noticeable. And many of the students that were in person were like, “I mean yeah, we saw this but who cares, the event was so good, the content was so good.” When you do an event, there is the content, the teaching and the coaching and then there’s the operations that makes the experience seamless and smooth for your clients. And we missed the mark on seamless and smooth in a couple of different ways.

We still got the job done, but it felt far from the kind of work that I want to produce and that matches with my company values, which is really well planned and very highly executed. And I think it’s helpful. I was telling a couple of people in personal conversations, they were very shocked to hear some of what had happened in the background.

And so I thought it might be useful to just tell you if you were at the place where you might be running events that these things can happen and so you can see how we’ve kind of worked through them. But we had hired a full-time event planner for our company and then she was amazing, but she got a really awesome non-profit job offer that felt like the work she really wanted to be doing in the world. She loved what we were doing, but really felt called to help in the non-profit space.

And so then we decided to try event planners, which I actually do think is the better option for us for many, many reasons that I won’t get into here. But for us, where we are in our business, definitely the right move. However, the first event planner that we hired, I have no idea. It just must have been the worst personality fits, I don’t know, I really don’t, but her team were very highly combative with our team, and then she ended up abandoning us not even halfway through the event, left the premises and was gone.

And left our team scrambling to pick up the pieces and working until all hours of the night to make sure that that wasn’t felt as much was felt for us with the students, to really just keep their experience going. And that was just very, very, very stressful for me and for my executives and for my entire team.

And then we had issues with our breakout sessions, the AV team at the hotel, which we were required to hire, had assured us that they had tested the virtual sessions and they had not. They tested one computer in one room versus all 10. And then there was a language barrier for the people they’d put in the room in order to help our instructors with the technology part of it. And I think because the rooms were so big and the equipment we had was good, but there was just a lot of echo. So it just wasn’t, the sound was not great for virtual participants.

And so having said all of that it just felt like it was very glaringly my least highly executed event. And when I talked to my team, Something I was telling them is I just feel very unwilling to ever do it again. We talked about taking virtual off the table and not offering it unless we could really problem solve this and make sure that no matter what hotel, what we’re working with, the circumstances that when you work with a hotel. We can bring in a certain amount of our people, our production team, but you are typically required to hire their AV people and use a lot of their AV equipment.

And so if that’s the circumstance that we can’t change, first of all, how much of it can we change? And then second of all, what do we do then to make sure that this doesn’t happen again even with that circumstance? Because that was really what I put on the table is we can just not offer virtual anymore or we have to do better because this was stressful. So a lot of our energy and focus between last round and this round went into making sure that we made some pretty big fixes that would be very noticeable to students, virtual and in person.

And it was very important to me that I noticed a change in how my team operated at the event. I wanted to see well rested, happy, excited team members that were available to have conversations with students, not overworked and stressed out, frayed team members. That was probably the most important thing to me. Students are always going to be a huge priority but the team is what helps make their experience seamless. So you’ve really got to make sure the team is taken care of so that they can make sure the students are taken care of. So that was really important to me.

And then when I see all of that which I did this past round, the calm I felt and the mental capacity I had to engage with my students and engage with the work was drastically different. So that was something we’ve put a lot of energy into. We had to pause a lot of planned 2K for 2K launches and not be out there actively selling that program so that we could just put a lot of energy over the last six months into this program and this experience and making sure that we were really moving forward the way we wanted to. So that was the first thing.

And then the second thing was as I have set my $30 million goal and I’ve taught this before on the podcast. So I just want to be very clear that this is what I teach in the three year plan. If you join 200K or you join Two Million Dollar Group you will get access to the three year plan course and the three year plan workbook. And it’s something I stress over and over and over, which is, and I’ve said this for years and years and years, it’s how I scaled to my first two million and my process.

Every time I try to grow my business what we do first is we always look at what we are doing now and if we 3X’d to that or 5X’d that or whatever, I don’t typically try to grow more than double or triple. So typically if we doubled it or if we tripled everything we’re doing now, what would be double or triple the results good and bad or positive and negative or useful and not useful, however you want to look at it. There’s so many different ways to look at it.

But I just take stock at everything and I think about if I want to grow, what I want to grow with me and what I might not want to grow with me. And when I started 200K Mastermind, we were a really small group. We were very highly focused on making 200K with the most essential least amount of work to get there. It’s what’s actually required and that’s what we focus on and do, we make more with less.

That has always been a philosophy of mine, because I think it’s so easy when we try to go achieve especially big goals, we try to speed our brains up. And our brains try to solve that by over-actioning and that is what creates hustle, that’s what creates overworked entrepreneurs and life coaches who aren’t really being a product of their product. And most of us, we got out of corporate or out of working in the world and working for other people to work for ourselves for a better, more enhanced life experience.

So it’s very important to me as coaching life coaches that we continue to live that model as we make more money. So that’s what my philosophy has always been. However, we have to set values and philosophies for ourselves so that we have a place to come back to too when our brains maybe speed things up or put too many things in the way between where we are and what we want to achieve.

And so as I grew, I seriously can’t even tell you the reason, I’ll have to go back and watch some of my own stuff and listen to some of my stuff. But I decided at some point that 200K needed to be luxury, it needed to feel like the Oscars, a huge production and every time we had to go bigger and better. I think I teach this idea of creating a winning the lottery experience for my clients. And I think at some point I created that in my brain to mean a fancy experience instead of a useful experience, an essential experience.

So I just really noticed the last few rounds that it started feeling very non-essential. And a lot of things that we were spending, we’ve been doing kind of an audit internally in our company of what are we spending our time, our energy and our money on as a team, as a company? And a lot of the things that we’ve been spending our time and energy on were creating the Oscars, putting on the Oscars.

And so I’ve been evaluating, if we weren’t putting on the Oscars with our time, our energy and our money, what could we be doing as a team, especially as we’re embracing becoming a technology company, a technology enabled company. And thinking about helping coaches make money by being better entrepreneurs and making more money, more, essentially making more with less, what would that look like?

So this live event we really made a very conscious purposeful but direct bold decision to move away from the Oscars and move back to the essentials, making money, doing business really well. Making our jobs as a team and as a company less about creating a production and putting on a luxury travel experience. And just more about delivering to our clients what they need in a simple, clear, doable way. Making what feels intangible about entrepreneurship, tangible.

And I really do think, I’ve been watching over the last year and as our economy has constricted a little bit, I think it has made people, even in my life, personally, professionally, every conversation I’m having. It’s not that it’s created lack as much as it’s created people being more essential. It’s created people being more careful, more thought out, more meticulous with how they spend their time, energy, and money. It’s just made us be a little less careless. I actually think it’s been a beautiful thing.

And so I really wanted our company to lead in that and to show people that that’s what people want and them having their own experience, taking away some of the fluff, some of the fancy and getting back to what we were focused on what we were really there to do. So that if you also are thinking about what do my clients want and kind of starting to see this shift but not really knowing how to put your finger on it or how to name it, I do think your clients care less about a gift box that you send them in the mail. I think they care less about welcome gifts or ending gifts or fancy VIP days.

I think what they care about is how can you get me what I want with the least amount of time and energy and investment and how can I get the most with the money that I’m going to spend? I think that’s the way a lot of humans are thinking right now. And I actually think it’s great, we’re all just getting back to the what’s the most important. We’re navigating our priorities and we’re going to be more and more strict on honoring those. I just think it’s such a beautiful thing for us all to be doing.

Something else I was telling my students on stage is when it comes to writing copy, fancy equals friction for the buyers. The more fancy the language, the more you create possibility of confusion and misinterpretation.

We actually had a really funny ironic example of this. We had a student who, I believe, is from France. She doesn’t live there anymore, but she speaks French as her first language. And I was telling them to make sure you always write your copy in layman’s terms so that you eliminate confusion and misinterpretation. And she got on the mic and said, “I just want to let you know as a native French speaker, I had to look up what layman’s terms mean.” She said, “I think what you’re actually trying to say is direct language.”

And we all died. It was the funniest moment ever because it hadn’t registered to me that there was a simpler, more direct way to communicate layman’s terms. I didn’t have any idea that that was a maybe English speaking terminology that someone else would understand. It was the perfect example. I loved it so much. So we want to be speaking with copy and direct language so that we create less friction, less misunderstanding, less confusion for our clients so fancy equals friction for buyers.

So I think the same is true for my fancy events, the same could be true, you could see it this way that the more fancy the event, the more friction with learning. So someone told one of our team members that they loved spending time with their peers in the pool and in the hot tub in Cabo and that whole experience is just so everything they needed. But this time they didn’t have that, I’m paraphrasing by the way, from what I was told through the telephone.

But because this time they didn’t have that, they focused on what they came to get and they got so much more out of it for their business. And that’s what I want. I think that’s what we all really, truly want. We want to get more out of our businesses. So I feel so much lighter and more purposeful after seeing this and making this shift to get back to the most essential, back to the basics of what this mastermind really was grown, how we grew this mastermind and what made it so amazing.

And to catch that before I tried to triple fanciness, I don’t think we ever want to be tripling fanciness. My opinion. Okay, so that was the second change and I’ll actually talk a little bit more about that in a little bit.

But the third thing that kind of made this humble change in me kind of converge all at once or created this humbleness inside of me. Last October I was presented by my coach with some things to consider when moving forward in my business and some opportunities for some changes. I’ve also seen some opportunities for myself and some changes in my business that would make me happier. And so since last October I have been working in my brain on making these changes and really finding peace.

People always ask me, “How did you go from charging 10K to going to 25K?” And I always told them, “I made peace with I would rather coach four people at 25K than 30 people at 10K.” I really felt that way and I felt so at peace with my price increase before I ever made it. I was just totally, completely there in my mind and really at peace with even my best clients walking away if they didn’t want to pay me 25K. I just felt really good about it. And so I’m making some big changes in my business to all of my programs and some of them I’m implementing now.

Some changes I’m still working on in my brain and I’m not ready to announce or make any time soon. But I have been making changes and I’ve been working to make peace in my brain with my decisions. And choosing the future I want over the results I have now and being willing to really just let the business I have now go for what I want to have in the future. And really less about revenue and more about just what it feels like for me every day to be working in my business.

I think before I had my baby, that didn’t matter as much because my business was my baby. And now that I actually have a human baby, it does feel very important that the time that I am spending away from him is exactly what I want to be doing and with who I want to be doing it with and it feels very good to me. And so I’ll talk about that in a little bit but here’s what I want to say, so those things are happening.

So I’ve been with my team working very purposely over the last six months to improve our operational issues from the last round. I’ve been thinking about how we can get back to essentials with this mastermind. And then also knowing I’m going to be making big changes and just coming from a place of love and peace with those decisions. So coming to the welcome event, I got this amazing coaching session with my coach and we talked about the feeling of humble and how it’s really serving me.

So of course I walk into our welcome event and I’m immediately so humbled. I met our event planner and the team and her warm smile. And the things that she had to say about working with my executive team and my executive team’s assistants and my assistant and then our team members that were there. The way she talked about our students, I just felt so immediately held and felt so good, just I couldn’t believe it. It blew my mind.

It was a 30 second exchange, but it shifted something in me so deeply because the experience with our past event planner was so negative and so bad. The only way I can explain it, was it feels like I was gaslit by this event planner. I say that kind of lightly but it literally rocked my world and made me question everything about myself and my team. And it was really shocking. I just thought, I immediately walked up to one of my executives and I said, “Was it really just that bad of a personality fit?”

I really don’t understand how we can have two very different exchanges. But the event team that we hired this time, we just want to keep moving forward with them, they were so amazing. We all worked so well together. And it was just the owner of that event team, she would have no idea, but it really just truly set me off on the right experience of just feeling like it was such a breath of fresh air.

The only exchange I had with our last event planner was me walking through the hallway with my family and the event planner purposefully shoving her shoulder into mine with her purse and me going, “Oh, my God, who was that?” And my husband saying, “Someone on your team, I saw them at the welcome event.” And I was like, “That’s not any of my employees.” And I’m like, “Oh my gosh.” This is the event planner I’ve heard so much about before even hitting the ground and not in a good way.

So it was just a really, can’t describe it, immediate just lifting of my heart and the unwinding of a really nightmare experience. So I went in just feeling really, really excited about that shift. And then I started talking to people and I think just because I was going in with the emotion of humble, the universe connected me with the exact students I needed to be connected with.

And I heard for the next two hours the most incredible stories of how badly people wanted to be in the room, what they did to get there, how excited they were, what it meant to them. It was truly so humbling. One of the students really blew my mind so hard that I pulled my production team aside and said, “You’ve got to figure out a time and a way to tell this coach’s story because it’s so powerful I can’t even wrap my own head around it.” And don’t worry if you are on our email list and our social media, we will be sending this story out because it is so mind blowing.

But one of our students lives on a different continent, in a different country, and she was struggling to get a visa to come to the US to come to this event. And she came to tell me, it was her birthday that day that she met me for the first time in person and she was there. But that she had traveled to five different countries in order to get a visa to come to the United States. So I think she had traveled to three different Asian countries to get a visa. Her country was just a year behind, there was a year waitlist. So I think it was three different Asian countries who all told her no.

Then she went to Italy and Italy said, “Well, you’re not part of the European Union, so we can’t give you one.” And so she begged them, “Please tell me another country that I could potentially get a visa from.” And they suggested Poland so she took a 14 hour train ride to Poland. I get so emotional thinking about it. The fifth country just to get a visa to come to our event and I have not been able to stop thinking about how incredible that is. And at the time I laughed and I said, “Oh my God, tell me your thoughts.”

I just had to talk myself into flying to San Francisco for a mastermind, so ridiculous. But I literally booked the tickets at the last minute and then was really just pushing myself to go. And then I almost decided the week of, maybe I’m just not going to go. I had to overcome the most resistance in my mind to go from Kentucky to San Francisco. And I just thought I wanted whatever she was thinking. Or they always say if you’re drinking the Kool-Aid, “Whatever Kool-Aid you’re drinking, I want some of that.” It really blew me away.

And she has a couple of reasons but one of the things that she said is, “I’m here to overcome hard things. I’m here to overcome obstacles. I’m here to do hard things.” I’m paraphrasing, but she asked for a hug, which also blew my mind that just it was so humbling. It was humbling to know that this work is that important to coaches in the world, that they would go to five different countries to be able to be in person at this event, but also this was her second round.

It had taken her 10 months with pre-enrollment, I think to make her money back the first time. Then she took a round off and I think she did 25K group and then she came back and she had already made her money back before walking into the live event. So that was just one of many, many humbling stories.

I also heard, one of my male students also told a really humbling story about how he had wanted to be in 200K so bad that in February of this year we had announced, he had not been accepted into early enrollment. And he had joined the 25K group to get his revenue up. And he had come to Nashville with his wife in February. We had our event at the Renaissance Hotel in downtown Nashville and he actually went to the Renaissance and sat in their lobby and had a cup of coffee to work on just the energy and the belief that he would be there in July.

And then he applied again in July but his revenue was still not where it needed to be and so he had gotten denied again. And then he kept working at it and he passed the 25K mark. And something we started offering in my new 25K program is that as soon as you make 25K in 12 months you get a golden ticket one time only to join 200K Mastermind immediately. So if you cross the 25K mark you can reach out and if we have room for you, we will fit you in immediately.

And so one month before the July event he got the golden ticket and joined 200K and was there with us in July. And he’s been such a fun coach to have in my programs. He really stood out in 25K, added so much value to the room. He’s already added so much value to the 200K Mastermind and so that was really so incredible.

And then one of our students who joined, who was working full-time and I allowed for the first time, I’ll talk more about this in a little bit, but I allowed coaches who are working full-time to join 200K for the first time. I think we only ended up accepting three or four people but one of those people said that, I guess with COVID she had gotten to work from home. And then her company decided, we’re going to bring everybody back into the office. And she started stressing about her business and really being able to make it work with now adding a commute and all of the things.

And she had decided to check with her financial advisors and kind of thinking retirement age was much further away from her corporate job. And she said that because I had allowed her to join 200K Mastermind and then she met with her financial advisors and they said she was actually fine to retire now, that we are going to speed up her retirement by years. And she feels safe to do that because she’s now in the 200K Mastermind working even harder to increase her revenue in her business. And so that was very humbling to hear.

And then there were so many pregnant women. I really wanted to get a photo with all of the ladies, we just never made it in one place together to make it happen. But it meant so much seeing them all there, knowing that they chose me during this sensitive time in their lives and their business. I just felt so humbled, I just keep saying it but that emotion just kept coming up for me.

I felt so honored, so humbled and so inspired to keep going and to be an example of what’s possible to be a new mom and running a business. And to be battling things like postpartum anxiety or postpartum depression to really be going up against a lot of the things that we don’t talk about of being a mom and running a business. So I will continue to have those conversations.

I also had a physician tell me she had lost her sister to mental health issues and that she was so grateful for me to be talking publicly about my postpartum and we just cried so hard together. And it was amazing to hear that because it’s really scary to share those things. And I keep talking about it mostly to normalize it for myself and release shame or stigmatization for myself. And so to hear the impact for other people was humbling. And just to go out and talk to so many coaches doing incredible, important, interesting, creative work with their niches was really just so mind blowing.

We have a coach that’s helping people build their dream homes and save money and time and stress in that build. And she was like, “I want to pick your brain because you’re going to be building.” And so it was really fun to help her and to think about how valuable that will be for people. We have two coaches who are helping moms with children who have autism. And that to me is probably some of the most incredible work I’ve seen and heard of coaches doing in this industry, that type of work, I mean it really is life, life changing.

Another woman shared with me that she is helping women in Japan create financial independence for themselves. Another one of my students is a coach for principals. And what I thought was so inspiring is that she is teaching her clients how to pitch their district to pay for the coaching and she said they do, every single time. She’s growing a group and I was thinking about how different it will be for the principals who run entire school systems to have access to coaching and connections to other principals going through coaching all across the country. That felt really inspiring to me.

We have another student helping students of color get into the ivy leagues. What? I was telling her, if I had found her work, the way she teaches it, how approachable she makes ivy leagues. It made me wonder would I have even considered that for myself because I just assumed that was for a very small percentage of people and not me. But no one had ever made getting into the ivy leagues even remotely doable and that’s what she does for a living.

I had a conversation with another coach who’s coaching people on trauma and just the conversation we had. I just felt so excited for the people that she’s helping. And we have marriage coaches and we have career change coaches. And we had another one who’s helping service based businesses be the go to local business in their city. I thought that was so cool. Any service based business like photographers, that’s what they want. They want to be the go to local business of their city, they want to win those awards.

And so that felt really exciting, just the possibilities that coaching has for people, just the only word I can keep saying, is humbled. I want to also say, one of the things that I think also made this event the best event ever, I’ve talked about the things that converged. But it was the most comfortable I’ve ever been on stage. I think because over the last six months I’ve had to do so much growth inside of myself and go through so much changes and listen to criticisms that I was hearing. And really thinking about people just in general in this economy and how they are prioritizing how they spend money and what they get from the money they spend and wanting to be in service.

There was just, I’ve done so much internal work on myself and my business that I just walked on stage, I’ve just never been more comfortable. I don’t think I’ve ever coached better than I coached on stage. I felt really at home with myself in my body on stage in front of lots of humans, especially after 18 months of getting a ton of bad publicity and people saying a lot of untrue things online about me. Some things were true, many things were very untrue or just mean, very mean hurtful things.

There was a point over the last year where I really felt, I noticed a freeze response happening with me that hasn’t happened since childhood. I experienced a lot of trauma in my childhood and my response would be to literally freeze, lay in bed and go mute for entire days. And that kind of response was happening and it started making me feel very self-conscious on my coaching calls and self-conscious when I was writing sales.

Just any interaction with a public facing audience, I was starting to feel a lot of anxiety and self-conscious and thinking people were judging me and that they were looking at me with a negative bias and feeling very frozen. And so the work I have done internally and I will talk about in the future. But the work I’ve done internally to make peace inside of myself and feel at home in myself, really allowed me to just be on stage in such comfort that it was really transformational for me.

But so many students came up to me and said, “There’s a change I feel being around you. You feel so calm that it’s made me feel safer than I’ve ever felt in this room.” And that was really, really big. And then the other thing was we really spent time thinking about what is the result of every single training we do at the live event, every single training we do in this program. What are the tangible things that we want our students walking away with and we actioned on those. We put those into action and our students felt that as well.

They felt like they were leaving with very tangible things, that at the end of day one in their breakout sessions by the time they left, they left with a one page very clear, very direct marketing strategy for their business. The end of day two, they left with a very clear direct one page sales strategy for their business with their PSPR. And on day three they left with a one page very clear, very direct where they are headed with their three year plan and why it matters now and their three essentials that they’re going to be working on over the next six months.

And many people said that was very impactful, they were always learning a lot, but this really focused the learning in a way that felt very actionable to them. My team was the most calm I’ve ever seen them. I was checking in with them and saying, “Are you off, are you guys going to bed? Are you getting rest?” And the answer was yes, which felt so good.

I also taught a lot less than I ever have. I really constrained my teaching down. I taught marketing for the first time on the 200K stage, what it means to market in 200K and where that plays in your sales strategy, how that impacts your sales strategy and I had so many people come up.

I had one student come up and she told me that she’s had businesses and ran businesses for 40 years and been investing in personal development for 40 years and she’s done Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar. And she said, “The way you broke down marketing today was the most tangible and doable I’ve ever experienced it. I really felt the most value I’ve ever gotten in any investments from just what you taught on marketing.” And that was really just seeing the result I was working towards being reflected back in our students.

And I coached a lot more than I’ve ever coached. We really took time to work through some coaches’ models and how it would impact their businesses and being in the room over the next six months. And so that was really valuable for all of our students to see someone really go all the way through a model and me really take my time to do that with them.

And I also think that even though the hotel, it was a Marriott, it was fine. My CTO always says, “It was satisfactory.” But something that was shared a lot with us is that it was approachable, that they didn’t feel they had to be someone else to be there and that they belonged there.

Some of our coaches are coming at 25K, 50K, 100K. And they’re telling us, The Four Seasons and these luxury five diamond resorts, they weren’t financially approachable for them. But also it brought up a lot of feelings of not belonging or I have to be someone else in order to even stay here. And so I felt like the hotel actually did create a container of the work being more approachable, the mastermind and the people being more approachable and being more result focused and people took more out of it.

We also surveyed our students each day after the event and implemented direct feedback, which was super important and it allowed us to really fix things in real time. Something that happened is their internet was absolutely terrible at this hotel. And the hotel kept telling my Chief Technology Officer, “It’s just the internet.” And he kept saying, “Well, no, it’s not actually just the way the internet works. Having bad internet isn’t just a thing of the internet.”

So he ended up going on day two in the morning while the live event session was happening to T-Mobile and buying five home internet hotspots. I’m now paying for five home internets so that we can use those as hotspots in the breakout sessions on the rooms that were struggling with the internet and just solving that problem so creatively, which was so great.

And one of the things we also did that I think made the event really great is we went out, me and my executive team and we talked to our students. I shared our vision of where we’re heading on stage, I shared it to them personally. And it really felt like they understood on a deeper level or maybe for the first time really where we’re moving and what we hope to create for them in their businesses. And I’ll be sharing more about that.

I actually want to have my CTO on and do a podcast interview with him and share more about how we’re going to use technology, how we’re using it in my business to empower me as a CEO in a way that I’ve never felt empowered before. But then how we can pass that on to our students as well.

The last thing that I will say I think made this event really well is I didn’t sell on stage this time and it doesn’t mean that I won’t ever. There’s been many times I have and many times I haven’t. So it doesn’t mean I won’t ever again but because I know some of my students really love to see this and they’ve told us, “Seeing you sell on stage in person has been so helpful and impactful to feel it coming out of you.” And it feels like part of the experience that they’re at a sales conference seeing the sales pitch live in action is something tangible for them.

But this time around with all the other work that we were doing, it was feeling rushed for my team. And I really wanted my team to be really focused on the students and being there for them. And I really wanted us to truly model our commitment to working through some of the criticisms that we have received and putting all of our current paying students first.

And what it did was it created a lot of space to have powerful conversations instead of working on a launch in the background and to hear what felt important for our students now, which could be different than what it was in the past. In the past a lot of our students wanted to see me sell on stage. I don’t know that that’s true anymore at least right now in this moment. And plus there are lots of past examples in the live event replays that we offer inside the member portal.

So people can see that if it’s important for them to see me sell live because I don’t do consults anymore, it’s in the live event replays. But for now, what we’re really focused on is making sure that what we’re delivering is we’ve got a really great handle on it and that my team is really using and myself, all of our brain power to deliver content to our students.

And so some of the feedback that we got from all of this was, I’ve shared some of it, but that after 40 years of business investing and working with coaches that I made marketing the cleanest, most precise and doable explanation ever. That our one sheet takeaways created more tangible applicable direct results for the time that our students invested there.

Remember, people are looking at where am I spending my time, my energy and my money and is it the most useful way that I can be spending all three? And I think that we showed this mastermind to be a resounding yes after this event. Something else I heard a lot of is I’ve never been in a room with people like this, students coming up to me saying that. And that really showed me that we have improved our application process.

Another thing that was surprising that I’ve heard before in each round, but never so resoundingly was students saying on the mics to everyone, to me that they’ve never felt so held before. And that was humbling, coming from growing up, never feeling like the cool kid, never feeling like I belong. Having had to work so hard to feel like I belong in other rooms, not because of the rooms at all, but because of my own brain and not feeling good enough.

To hear my mastermind be talked about in that way, that they’ve never felt so held, accepted, they’ve never felt like they belonged so much, that was humbling. And again, someone said before this event, the other hotels, I always feel like I had to be someone else just to attend. That, even though they love the past events and they loved the luxury events, they learned so much more and were so much less distracted.

So many people are telling me that their experience around me has changed and just they feel the calm in me, they feel safer around me. And we heard a lot of people saying they could tell how much effort that we had put into the criticisms that we’ve received publicly over the last year and how that couldn’t have been easy and it’s the example of what’s possible to see us start to make those changes. And I’ll talk about that in the future as well.

People have said on the internet, on the internet that I’m avoiding talking about it and that’s not actually been true. I’ve just had my head down working on it. And I don’t feel like when I’m working on it that I have the space yet to lead or teach on it. Let me say this, I don’t think I personally and I don’t think you do either, owe anyone an explanation or to talk about something when you’re in the middle of it.

People are always asking me, “How much is too much to share?” And I always say, “if you’re still working through it, don’t share it.” You have plenty of things that you have worked through that you can share to serve people and then serve when you feel safe, when you feel through it and when it feels like you actually have something valuable to share.

And I was telling one student, I feel like the people who want me to share about the bad publicity I received last year and how I handled that, or even what it was. A lot of people just want to hear what it was, what happened. I don’t think people are coming from the right reason. I think they want to know the gossip to try to feel safe. Some people have said, “I really want to learn from you because I have experienced this as well.”

But a lot of it feels like I’m just waiting for you to publicly announce it, talk about it and sort of acknowledge it so that people can have a conversation around it. And that just doesn’t feel like the right reason for me. When I talk about it, it will be because I feel safe to talk about it. I’ve worked all the way through it. I’ve already learned through it and implemented all of the changes I want to implement and from the other side then I will talk about it.

And I think that’s going to serve my students and be the least self-focused because it’s always easy to be like, “I’m going to go talk about it so that other people see my side and can take my side.” And that’s not why I’m ever going to talk about it. I will talk about it when I have lessons that will be highly valuable for you to learn. But right now I’m working, I’m getting to work on it. I’m working on my thoughts. I’m working on fixing things in my business. I’m working on leading my employees and our company culture and I’m not done.

So when I am done, I will more publicly talk about it and the references that happen just naturally because it does come up sometimes and because it is part of some of the changes that we’ve made. So we are listening, we are hearing, and we’re just busy implementing and working.

Okay, so I also said that I would talk about some changes and part of me kind of really feeling grounded was in these changes, I announced them at this live event. And that part of my humbleness has been working through the changes to really make peace and feel really good about moving forward no matter how anyone receives them is what made me feel so calm on stage. And the last piece I’ll say, part of the humbleness that happened is to see the students when I didn’t need them to be on board with them or even feel positive about them or have a really great reaction.

It was really humbling, especially the changes to who I’m letting in the room, that surprised me, how much openness my students had and how much lack of ego they had about the changes. And just truly how open minded they were to how I want to change the rooms. They were all so excited for the new people who will be able to join us moving forward. That surprised me and humbled me again.

So overall, I just wanted to kind of give you my takeaways for what I learned from this event. And then I will cover the changes that I am making and you can hear my thoughts about those changes as well. They will impact some of you and also I think it will just be helpful to be able to know the thought processes that went into changes if you need to make them as well. But here’s what I learned from my best event ever.

Number one, people want to pay you. They want results so bad and they are willing to move mountains to get it. If you take anything from this episode, I know it’s a long one, take that.

Number two, being client focused, over-fancy is always the way to go. Focus on coaching, teaching and results first.

Number three, I have the best group of clients I have ever been in a room with. They are so brilliant and so moving, I cannot wait to spend the next six months together. And I really think it’s worth all of the time and energy that we pour into our thoughts that create containers like this. To our thinking about our best clients who will make the most use and bring the most value to our coaching containers whether that’s one-on-one or group or programs, so worth the effort.

Number four, our students want to see us navigate mistakes. Our grace in falling, in making mistakes and not measuring up is the transformation itself for our clients. The people who were privy and who saw some of the online criticisms and bad publicity and heard the murmurs, those students said, watching me has really been a transformation in not seeing me engage in arguments or turn my entire content into a rebuttal to criticisms. And just seeing me keep going, really just to keep going has been really powerful for them.

So our clients want to see us navigate our mistakes. They want to feel our grace in falling and failing. They also want to see us learning so they can store it for themselves. So many of my students, watching me grow through my mistakes that they’ve seen me make, seeing us make them, the students who came back from last round, seeing us come out the other side having learned and really have leveled up. Some of them have said that that was the value they got, all 25K of what they paid, that was it.

Some other students have said that watching me navigate mistakes was the reason they signed up with me. So I want to offer that thought to you when you make mistakes or when you fail publicly. Some people will sign up with you during that time because we want to believe in the hero, in the hero’s journey. We want to be a part of that journey because heroicness recognizes heroicness.

One student said, “When I think about people who are in the mess, what I think about is how much I’m going to learn from that mess, how much I’m going to learn from them versus from the person who’s always winning.” I also learned that you can learn so much from asking and listening. We have been surveying the crap out of our students. If there’s an opportunity for a survey, we’re taking it.

And you don’t have to do everything everyone wants if it doesn’t make sense or it isn’t aligned with the ultimate result you’re trying to create or it just isn’t what you can spend your time and energy into, or what the group needs best. That will be impossible, to just do everything everyone wants, that will be impossible. Some of the things won’t line up with your mission. Some of them may not be what you’re focused on, and you’ll have great reasons  for that. But you can iterate on the things that you do think matter most.

The seventh thing I learned is that you can make small changes here and there to your business, small business changes. We’ll talk about mine coming up. And you can walk yourself into the comfort of those changes. You can really prepare your audience or you can powerfully turn the page. There’s so much freedom and peace in powerfully turning the page. And that’s something that one of my executives said to me is, “I’ve seen people kind of tiptoe into changes but it was really profound to see you just turn the page all at once.”

And that is what I think people felt at this event is me powerfully turning a bunch of pages all at once. I told another student that I kept thinking about some of what felt like were online attacks for the last 18 months. And I told them, I kept saying, “I need to move on. I just want to move on, I just, I have to move on. I have to move on.” And I had a thought maybe three weeks before the live event of who’s in charge of me moving on? What? Me, I am in charge of moving on.

It doesn’t mean I’m not listening. It doesn’t mean I’m not working to change things, but I do get to move on from the drama. I do get to move on from the shame. I do get to move on in my brain from the negativity, I get to move on. And moving on helps me be more powerful moving forward. And so this past event was a powerful turning of the page for me in so many ways, where we’re going in our company moving forward, but where I’m going in my mind and in my heart moving forward as well.

The eighth lesson I learned is the bestselling you can ever do is taking care of your current students.

And then the final one is we are an entrepreneurship company. We teach life coaches how to run businesses and make money, to be better CEOs. Everything we do from here on out has to align with that mission. And our north star metric of helping our students make their money back in the first 30 days. I feel like for the last four years I’ve worked to get my students, all of them across the finish line by the end of the mastermind and now we’re just upping that.

We want to put in our result line of the model all of our students making money back in the first 30 days. I feel so excited to start working on that result and bringing technology along to improve that result.

Okay, so now I will walk you through some of the changes. One of the things I told my students on stage and I will tell you, is that some of the changes that I made that have helped me turn the page and powerfully show up, that have humbled me in being willing to be vulnerable and make big changes. And do so knowing that everyone’s going to respond differently to them and just the humbling came from making peace in myself to do that and I’ve just felt so alive afterwards.

But some of these changes are for the direction I want to move my mission, my vision and my legacy. Some I think are going to make the room better, they’re going to change the conversation to a higher level, create more value and will be more result focused towards making 200K. And some of them are just going to make me happier. And that was actually one of the most unexpected things.

I prepared so much ahead of time to come in and be transparent and come from love for myself and for my students without expectation that they would get it. And so many people came up, I told them some of these things are just going to make me happier. And some people came up and told me, not only did they really get it, as far as how it promotes my mission and my vision and my legacy and how it will make the room better and more valuable.

But that it was transformational to see me model making changes for what excites me and who I want to work with and what I want to do and spend my time doing and my own happiness. And so I do think there’s probably more to come from just that space of me making decisions that just make me happier. And for you too, I will teach you to do that as well.

So change number one that I’m making that I announced on stage is I’m no longer offering my 25K guarantee for the 200K mastermind. I offered this for the last eight rounds and this was really a circumstance that helped me become the best coach and solve my students’ problems the most efficiently. It helped me learn what I can control and be fully committed to getting every single student across the finish line. And I loved it, especially when I was new, take people who are on the fence and get them off to join and get more people in the room because of that.

I didn’t have to just get the hell yeses in, I could get everybody in. What happened though over eight rounds is it also started changing the conversation in the room and changing subtly the problem solving for some students. It took students who weren’t fully confident in themselves, it took them from being focused on making 25K or even more important, off the result of making 200K, which is what they’re in the room to do, 25K is the minimum.

What they’re in the room to do is make 200K and think like a 200K earner and it took them from doing that to, as one of my instructors said, qualifying for protection. It was seen, it was seen in the conversations in the room. And I created a 25K room for my 2Kers. So if you join 2K and you make your money back, you can join the 25K room and start focusing on making 25K.

And in that room we’re working on growing confidence and emotionally regulating during failure and believing truly that you know how to make money. And everyone’s going through it all at once together at similar income levels. So it makes the stress of going after a much bigger goal when everyone’s going through it at the same time at the same level, creates so much belonging and so much normalization of that process. Versus when you’re in the room and you’re still trying to emotionally regulate yourself during failure.

And you don’t know if you know how to make money, you’re still questioning how you make money. And then you’re in a room with someone making 200K who’s super confident and becoming a thought leader in their space, it can magnify the stress. So I really want the 200K Mastermind to really be reserved for those students who are really ready to make the commitment and are ready now. They know how to make money. They’ve had that thought about themselves, even if they’re at 25K, they have the thought, they know how to make money and they’re ready to dial it up.

And they feel like they can fail and emotionally regulate themselves through that failure, they aren’t going to spin out and disappear for six months. I want that to be the 200K Mastermind room. And I do think it’s going to up-level the coaching, the conversations, energy in just the entire container. So that’s the first change.

The second change is I’m allowing students with full-time jobs and more than one business in the room. I originally set this rule because I was guaranteeing 25K and I didn’t feel like I could do that if people weren’t coming to the calls and weren’t coming to the live event. But back then we also didn’t have an entire learning management system online like we do now. We’re having people now that are joining and they only want to do the live event. They don’t even care about the mastermind, they just want the member portal.

They just want the process and the system and they want to do it right then and there, again, they’re looking to save time and energy and money. So that’s how they’re approaching the investment and that’s what they care about the most is the process. And now our clients are making their money back before they even come to the live event. The importance of each thing is shifting and changing.

At the time I was also really trying to manage the conversation in the room for myself and make it easy to solve problems. The problem I didn’t want to solve with my brain when I was thinking about how I could 100% over-deliver, I didn’t want to be solving the problem of coaching coaches into leaving their jobs and making the leap and then coaching them through the leap and I still don’t. I wanted to be focused on if I just took a coach who was in a full-time coaching position to 200K, what do they need to learn? And I wanted my process to be very constrained.

However, two things. I did that, my process is very constrained, it’s very solidified. And then I also created the 25K group where most of the coaches, I’m running my second round now, most of the coaches are full-time moms or working full-time. There are very few who are just childless and independently wealthy with nothing but time on their hands. And I’ve been surprised at how little any of those things ever got brought up, almost never.

So I really think the people I’m attracting now and how I curate the room, the coaches who are joining me, working full-time or not, they don’t want to talk about working full-time. They want to talk about making money in their business. So I really think the filter moving forward is, do you as the student want to join a room where all you think about is your business and making money doing only the most essential things? If the answer is yes, let’s go.

And also because I attract some really high aptitude, high achieving women, I have women coming from careers where they’re making 300,000 plus and they have to replace that level of income before making their jump because their family depends on it. My client avatar has somewhat changed, so we’ve been keeping coaches out who are making $350,000 a year doing the most incredible work in the industry just because they have a full-time job. That doesn’t make sense to me anymore.

If I want to learn from these women, if I want to be in a space with them, if I want to spend more time with them and hear them talk and hear them think, if I’m inspired by them I think my students will get value too. And this was never ever a you can’t sit with us at the table kind of rule. I think that has been a little, a little misunderstood. I’ve seen just tiniest amounts of chatter, but worth talking about here.

My thought process has never been that you’re a more serious coach because you are full-time. I disagree with that, not from what I’ve seen at all. I think it takes a very serious person, a very committed person to be working a full-time, high powered job, making hundreds of thousands of dollars or not, just to be working full-time and building your business, it takes a lot. So that’s never been my thought when I created the rule and it isn’t my thought undoing the rule.

If there’s any lingering-ness of that in your brain, any thought around that just anyone in my audience in general, I want to invite you to clean up that thinking that might have you feel superior to another coach for any reason. It’s just not our vibe in 200K, it’s not how we roll.

Okay, the third change, I have already talked about this, but we’re just no longer selling luxury retreats. We’re selling a master’s in business and entrepreneurship. And I want to offer because some people have said, “Will it always be in Nashville?” Staying close to Kentucky right now and I am moving to Nashville in the next couple of years. We have already bought land and we’re building, so staying close to my home is easier on my family and me. I know that you may not love that part of the country, you may not love that city, it may not be exciting to you.

So many people told me they’d never been to Nashville, which I thought was so crazy because it’s I think one of our biggest cities in the Midwest and it’s so fun. It’s been coined Nash Vegas. That’s where all the bachelorette parties in the world are happening. But listen, I get it. I don’t want to go to San Francisco and to be fair, I have to explain why. I don’t want anyone inferring things that are not being inferred. I am an LA girl, so I also don’t like Chicago because I’m a New York girl. So I would never ever, ever for any reason to go to San Francisco or Chicago because I want to go to New York or LA.

And I have executives that live in Chicago and they’re like, “You’re crazy, Chicago’s so much better than New York.” And I have people that are like, “Oh, my God, you’re crazy, San Francisco is so much better than LA.” But it’s a personality thing. I’m an LA girl, I’m a New York girl through and through. That is my only thought about San Francisco, don’t take any other thoughts about that, but listen, I get it. Sometimes we go places that we don’t love for masterminds.

And you just have to decide if it’s important for you, for your coach to come in and have a circumstance that allows them to give the best coaching and teaching they’ve ever done on stage and that’s what it felt like for me. I was very close to home. I got to drive in the day of, I didn’t have to strain my family for being gone 10 days at a time, they still got to come down and visit me on my day off in between 200K and Two Million Dollar Group. It was just so much easier for me. It really did produce me mentally being there in a way that I’ve never been before and I want to keep doing that.

And maybe it wasn’t as big of a deal when I didn’t have a family and I was traveling all the time anyways, but it is now. So if you’re wanting to learn from me and you want me at my best capacity, choosing a circumstance that works the most for me and you also want to be able to do that as a business owner and make those decisions for you of what is least stressful for you and your family. Then just consider that, you might have to go to places that aren’t your favorite. So it will likely be in Nashville from here on out.

It’s not in Kentucky right now, just because we have a hard time finding hotels that can fit us and Nashville has a lot more options. So I told my students, I want to teach you all how to make more money and I want you all to go on luxury vacations with your friends or family. We don’t need 200K to be a luxury vacation.

And then change four is I’m repositioning and restructuring the Two Million Dollar Group. I have talked about this already on the previous episode, but I’m lowering the price to 25K. I am opening it up to students making $300,000 in the last 12 months with at least $50,000 of that coming from a group program membership mastermind. I just need to know that you have some degree of proficiency in selling group formats and not to just one-on-one coaching because that’s what we’re going to do even more of and get better at.

We’re going to create your foundational offer, your advanced offer and start getting the masses through your work to get your work out into the world to more people.

There are three reasons I decided to lower the income requirement and the investment, and I’m going to tell you them in the order of how I made my decision. The first thing that helped me make this decision to lower my prices, because I’ve coached so many of my students to lower their prices and I’ve never done it myself but it’s never been because I don’t actually believe in it. I’ve just never had the circumstance or the reasoning to do it. I’ve never needed to do it or wanted to do it.

There’s just never been a situation until now and I will 100% model what I teach when it’s right for me and this feels really right to me. So here are the three reasons that made it feel very right to me to lower my price by half.

Number one, I wanted to be able to work with students who are ready now who are in 200K Mastermind or not joining 200K Mastermind because you really should be moving into the $1 million focused room and learning the process to keep your business growing in upward mobility. I think you can get stuck at the multiple six figure range if you don’t powerfully and purposefully decide to make a million and go for it and then shift how you think and what you do with your time and the result that you’re working towards and who you’re spending time with.

I think you can just get stuck and comfortable at 300 or 400K if you just don’t put, I’m making $1 million in my three year plan and then get in the room that helps you execute that. So I don’t want to create a bottleneck because people are afraid to make a $50,000 investment and that is what I’ve seen.

I have seen round after round people in my highest income bracket in the 200K room. We have breakout sessions based on income and they’ll be in the highest level breakout session and every single one of them should be in my Two Million Dollar Group room with very little exception and I’ve seen that for the last two years. And so I wanted to stop that bottleneck and get them straight into Two Million Dollar Group. So that was the first reason and that was good enough, I didn’t really need any more.

But the second reason was I really wanted this room to be staying in the room to be more sustainable, especially if you need to work on replacing all of your multiple six figure income with scalable offers. If most of it’s one-on-one and some of it’s group or all of it’s group but none of it is what you actually want to scale. That could take you an entire year just to reconfigure your offers, to make them scalable to get out from underneath the one-on-one model or to clear out any parts of your offer that aren’t scalable.

I just coached someone in the room who had offered some things, her offer is totally scalable, but she had offered some things within that offer that she didn’t want to take with her to millions. She’s at 700K now and it’s going to take her six to nine months to unwind some of those things. So I want this room to be the room where you can come to execute a three year plan into millions of dollars of revenue without hustling or putting an intense timeline on yourself because the investment is so high.

So I want to just take that away, I want to take all of the intense feelings about what your results are riding on because of how high the investment was. I just want to take that away and calm everybody the eff down and tell you, you have plenty of time. Get into the group as soon as you qualify if you are intending to go to millions and get working at it but give yourself the time and the calmness and the space to do it right without these intense emotions around it.

If you’re in 200K and you’re paying for 200K you can pay to be in Two Million Dollar Group. I love there not being a shift right now for that. So that’s the second reason. I really love that reason.

But then the third reason that I came up with after these first two reasons really anchored it for me personally, if I were being selfish this is what made me really freaking excited. Lowering the price helps me create demand, which of course I also teach, but I decided I wanted to undercut all of my competition in such a fun way. In me trying to join my own masterminds, I’ve seen a lot of examples of what’s out there.

And I thought, if I lower this price with the content and the coaching that you get, the directional teaching you get for your business, this will make this room the best room at creating millionaires at the most competitive price. This just got me so excited. I want Two Million Dollar Group to be the obvious choice. I was already sold on the move but this got me excited about the move. The first two got me feeling purposeful. It felt like the right thing, when you just do something because you know it’s right but this made me think, let’s go.

I’m creating my room to be the best, most obvious choice if you want to go to millions as a life coach. What? Let’s go. So excited.

Alright, so those are the changes I’m making, these changes along with all of the work that I’ve been doing to find safety in myself during a time where my business has gone through a lot of criticism and haters and useful criticism, not so useful hate and bad publicity. And thinking of the type of business that I want to actually grow that I feel happy and excited to grow. All of these things combining together has made me feel so humbled in the change I’m making, so excited, so purposeful and so ready to go.

So if you are already a student of mine, you’re going to see this just grow exponentially. And if you decide to become a student of mine, just know this is what you’re in for. I am in a place of making some very deep humble change that is inspiring me, it’s inspiring my students. And I just know we’re going to create massive results in my business and in my students’ businesses from this change, so I’m so excited. That is all for today. I hope that this was useful for you and I will see you next week. Bye bye.

Hey, if you’re ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2k for 2k program where you’re going to make your first $2,000 the hardest part using my simple 5 step formula for getting consults and closing new clients. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

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