Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | Lessons Learned from 10 Million Dollars RevenueWe’ve officially crossed 10 million dollars in revenue in the last 12 months, and in this episode, you’re getting a look into all the lessons I’ve learned along the way. I know many of you aren’t quite at this level yet, but what I’m sharing today is going to be applicable and relevant to you right now, no matter what stage you’re at. 

I’m walking you through a complete review of the four quarters of 2021 for our business and the moves that made this milestone goal a reality. The truth is I didn’t hit this goal the first time I tried, the process was messy at times, and I didn’t work for a whole quarter due to my pregnancy sickness. And yet, we made it happen.

Join me this week to hear the biggest discoveries on my way to 10 million dollars in revenue, and some of the surprising things I’m still finding at this level in my business. If you’ve always wondered how I’ve grown my business so quickly, you’ll learn the philosophies that have made hitting this goal possible. 

Click here to sign up for the waitlist for the next round of the 200K Mastermind!

If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why our goals are actually arbitrary. 
  • How your goals should never be used as a determiner of your self-concept. 
  • The lessons that caught me by surprise on my way to $10 million revenue. 
  • A review of our four quarters last year and where our company’s main focus was. 
  • How you might be making decisions that are keeping you stuck. 
  • What’s possible when you’re willing to do the work that currently feels really hard. 
  • The erroneous beliefs about time and effort in relation to hitting your goals. 
  • How I made 10 million dollars in revenue this quickly. 
  • What it means to humble my ego. 

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Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hey coaches, welcome to episode 163. I have a really fun episode planned for you today. I feel like I say that every week, but I feel like it’s true this week, and every week. We’re going to talk about the lessons that I have learned after crossing the $10 million revenue mark in the last 12 months, so, we did it.

I just have to tell you guys, I have said this I think before on the podcast going from – and I didn’t even have to do that big of a jump, 6.4 million, and then we, like I track based on, we’ve talked about this, a 12 month period. So as long as I make it in 12 months, and I’m not concerned about it being a calendar year. And so, we did 6.4 in a calendar year, and then I got to 8 million in a 12 month period. And then we sat at 8 million for a while, much longer than I thought.

So actually, I want to tell you guys a couple of things. Number one, so many of you guys are so consumed by I didn’t hit my goal. You can’t handle the feeling and the space of being at a place where you didn’t hit your goal, that in between where I didn’t hit my goal, and the time it takes to hit my goal. So, if you had planned on making 100K last year, and you made 70K, and then there is this time, maybe it takes six more months before you get to 100K in a 12 month period. That six months is so incredibly painful for you.

And I really want to offer that – we were just talking about this on my Million Dollar Mastermind group that I’m in, that we were literally like, “Raise your hand if you have had a goal that you haven’t hit.” And we all raised our hand, and almost all of us were like, “We didn’t hit our goal this year.”

And so, as you make more and more money and you get better, and better at setting and achieving goals, you’re going to set bigger and bigger goals and you’re not going to achieve all of them. And sometimes that happens in the very beginning. Goals are arbitrary. We just set them so that we can do the work. So, we have a marker to work towards and we can do the work to become the person who we need to become to achieve that goal. It’s all for self-growth.

So, it’s arbitrary, we decide them, we choose them. No one tells you what your goal has to be. You can hear people’s goals like 100K a year, or 200K, or 25K in 30 days. You can hear goals like that out in the world, but you don’t have to adopt them. You always get to decide what your goal is, and you just need to know that it’s just for your growth. It’s never to be used against you and your self-concept, and to be used to determine your self-concept and decide that you’re less than instead of whoever you decide to be.

So, there is this piece in the middle where you’re going to be in these awkward stages where you might go six months were you didn’t hit a goal and you’re still working to achieve. You passed the deadline and you’re still working to achieve it. The people who are able to be at peace, and focused, and just get to work in that time period, are the people who achieve their results the most consistently the fastest. You have to be able to find peace in that. You have to stop berating yourself, belittling yourself, rejecting yourself, whipping yourself.

I’m trying to think of all the ways that I see it happen. But you have to stop discrediting yourself. We were just coaching one of our colleagues that she was so close to one of her goals, so close. And she was using the 10% that she missed it by to decide her self-concept, instead of the 90% that she got there. She achieved 90% of her goal. But she was using that 10% that she didn’t achieve to decide what she was going to think about herself and what she was capable of.

And so, I want to offer to all of you because I feel like I’m the queen at this, it’s like I always, I feel like very often I miss my goal in the original time I gave, but I always achieve it afterwards. And so, I have just less attachment to the timeframe, and more commitment to the accomplishment. And for me it’s all about who I’m becoming in the accomplishment and how I’m accomplishing it. I’m more committed to those two things. And I’ve talked to my Two Million Dollar group about this a lot. You have to, especially at the million as you make more and more money.

I think beyond 200K, I would say beyond 200K I always say, “You’ve got to have a little hustle, a little grit to get to 200K, you’ve got to get yourself moving.” And you’re going to have scarcity and you’re going to have hustle, that’s fine. Keep going, keep making money. But as you start making multiple six figures, and multiple seven figures you do have to slow it down and really think about the business you want to have over a lifetime, and how you want to have it.

And so, for me I’m more committed to the how, and what’s sustainable, and who I want to be. That’s the most important, the goal feels arbitrary. So that’s the first thing I want to say is I didn’t hit this goal the first time I tried. And I thought I would be at 10 million in a 12 month period, by June. I remember being in Vegas with my mentor. I wasn’t with her, but we happened to be in Vegas at the same time. And we met up, and she asked me, “When are you going to make $10 million d?” And I was like, “By June. I’ll be there by June.”

And then I wasn’t. And I got here, so I projected June of 2021, and I got here in January of 2022. So, I just want you to think about, are you willing to sit with something you want to achieve? And can you enjoy yourself in that awkward seven month phase of I didn’t achieve it when I thought I would, and I’m keeping going? I would say that’s probably my biggest lesson right here, beginning of the podcast, first six minutes, biggest lesson for you is you have to be able to find peace and joy, and calm, and decide who you want to be in that period.

And I just decided all year, I’m a $10 million earner, I’m an eight figure earner. That’s just who I am. So that’s the first thing. I just let my self-concept be there. That’s actually number two. But let’s just say that’s number two, I just let myself – it’s kind of part of number one and then into number two is I left my self-concept be there.

And then the other thing I just want to say in the very beginning is one of the things that kind of caught me by surprise was, even though I had been practicing my self-concept. And not even practicing, it just felt like who I was, I’m a $10 million earner. And even though that really did feel like my self-concept, and the way I talked about myself, and the way I thought about things, the way I problem solved things in our business. Everything my self-concept was, I’m a $10 million earner, but it surprised me, actually achieving it.

I don’t know, I felt like when I achieved a million dollars I was like, “Yeah, I’ve been there, done that.” It was already so deep in my self-concept. But this one caught me by surprise of how exciting it felt, and I don’t know, I don’t even know how to describe it. It just felt a lot more exciting than I thought it was going to feel. And I’ve felt like celebrating it a lot more, and talking about it a lot more. And it’s delighted me a lot more. Maybe that’s the – I did not have an expectation to be delighted. And I’m so delighted. And just, yeah, taken aback by how excited I would be to make it happen.

So, I know that it means a lot to me, and I think that it’s even more powerful I think for me now that I am pregnant and have a baby on the way, to be a mom. A soon to be mom, who runs a $10 million business, you all. I grew up with nothing, $10 million earner, per year, not just earn $10 million total, a $10 million earner per year.

I grew up with very – I mean when I say nothing, I don’t want to say discredit the things I did have. I just want to say, I just didn’t think it was possible to grow up from a very lower middle class income family, shotgun house, just no one in our family has ever done, made this kind of money, and to be – there’s not a lot of money I feel like in the Midwest, or not a lot of talk about money and entrepreneurship. So, I just had such a deep self-concept that it wasn’t possible, or that it was only possible for a very select few people.

So, it just feels profound that I did it. I could spend all day talking about that. But it just really blows my mind. I just don’t feel like I had an extraordinary life by any means. So, it just feels like, what, this is possible? I just want to let you guys all know that it’s possible for you too. I know if it’s possible for me, it’s possible for you. And I know you guys hear people say that all the time, but it’s so true. All the markers that I imagined you had to have in order to be successful, or all the circumstances you had to have to be successful. I had none of those and yet I still did it.

So anyway, so that just kind of blows my mind. So, before we dive into the lessons I’ve learned. I’ve already shared a couple with you. So, let’s just recap already. Your self-concept can be a 200K earner, a $1 million earner, a $10 million earner, no matter what. Now, I do recommend choosing a self-concept that you actually believe, a goal that it feels very attainable to where you are. Don’t go from zero to my self-concept is I’m a $10 million earner. Choose something that your brain can actually believe.

So, you can have that self-concept even if you miss the mark by just a little, or by halfway, or by a lot. And then it matters as you’re scaling the how and the who. I just can’t stress that enough. That has to matter beyond 200K. And the journey between the goal deadline and actually achieving it, that’s where all your work is, who you’re going to be, and how you’re going to act during that time. And sometimes goals can surprise you with how proud you feel of yourself.

Okay, so those are just my immediate thoughts. And I’ve actually jotted some down that I’m also going to cover with you all. So, I wanted to do two things now that we get into the episode. I wanted to do a recap of the four quarters this year, and where my brain was, and our company’s main focus was. Just to give you an idea, what does it look like at $10 million? What’s that work that you’re doing And how are you spending your time?

And then I also, because many of you who are listening are not at the $10 million level yet. I didn’t want to get so in the weeds of the conversations I would be having with my $1 million group, where it really is applicable to them. I wanted to think about what can I tell you about the lessons that I’ve learned from $10 million that would applicable to you right now. And I’ve come up with a small list of those that I think will be really relevant to you. So, I want to share that as well. But on the fly I also already shared some that were not on my list, which is perfect.

So, I’m not going to spend a ton of time with this, but I did just kind of want to show you, like this is what it might look like. So, for quarter one we actually, we always have funnels going, that’s something once you make – I started at I think 500K I started my first Facebook ads and funnels. So, it’s not something you have to worry about. But we have those running all the times. They’re always running, and we sell, we do trainings to sell 2K.

So that’s always running. So, we are always making money every month because those are running, and we spend a lot of time to make those profitable and make those work. So, I’m going to say this, which is in Q1 we didn’t focus on making money, we didn’t sell anything. And what I mean by that is we didn’t do any launches. We didn’t do any added things other than the funnels that are kind of running in the background, which don’t take a ton of maintenance to, at this point to keep going. Q1 they did require a little bit of maintenance, but we focused on that instead of launching new things.

So, I just want to offer that, January, February, March. Okay, January, February, March, I just want you to imagine, could you still believe in your goal if the first three months of the year you did not have any major sales? Because the sales that we did bring in from our ads were less than what our business expenses were. I had to pull money out of our reserve to pay all of our business expenses. So, could you still believe in your goal? For me I knew we had other things to focus on, mainly hiring. We hired several people in that first three months and I knew we needed to do that.

And then we also worked on some Facebook ad stuff. But it was the stuff we needed to work on, I didn’t want to make more money because it’s about the how. I didn’t want to make more money until we cleaned that stuff up. So, we spent an entire quarter doing that, three months, I just want you to think about that. Because one of the other things that was fascinating to me this past year that when I made $9 million, I took over five months off. So, I only actually was in my business seven months of the year.

And so many of you, this is one of the things I’m going to give you guys a lesson on, but so many of you all, if you’re out a week or two, you’re like, “I just can’t hit my goal”. If you have a bad month, you make that mean that you can’t hit your goal. And the lesson here is in holding belief that time is not what creates your goal, it’s your thoughts. Some of the thoughts that you have predominantly thought throughout the year, that is what achieves your goal.

So, whether you’re actively selling, whether you actively have consults right now, whether you are in a launch, or you’ve hit your launch goals. I have several clients in 200K, they’re starting to launch for the first time, they’re launching groups, their first group. We’ve had several people who their goal was 10 people in their group, and they did four. Can you maintain your belief even if you have one bad launch, one bad month, or you have to take time off for any reason?

For me, I have really achieved that ability. I believe that I can always make money, I can always figure it out. And the time is not what determines how much money I make. It’s the sum of predominant thinking throughout the year. So even when I’m not making money I’m still believing that money is coming, clients are coming, we are making money. As soon as we’re done with this we’re going to start making money again.

Q2 I had to learn a really painful lesson. I don’t even feel like I remember a lot about Q2, which would have been, I think, what? May, June, July, something like that. I don’t remember a ton about it. All I remember is the massive thought work that I had to do. So, we did a 200K launch and it did not go like I thought. And what’s so fascinating is we still made a lot of money and the numbers were really good.

But it was the first time where we enrolled more new people than returning people. We have had a 90% return rate for almost the entirety of the program. And it was the first time where that number slipped, and pretty dramatically, 50% something, it was a big drop. And it was very shocking to me. And I had to really coach through that because I have, although I do think it’s really helpful, I always, I focus on deliverables all the time in my business. I focus on returning students and helping them get bigger, better results especially because I business coach, I want to help them get all the way to millions.

And so, for me, I have put a lot of energy and focus into that, so much so that I’ve put a lot less focus on new people. And the problem with that on the flipside, there’s a lot of amazing things about it. That I don’t want you to be like, “I’m going just to throw this out.” On the flipside, you can go too far with it where you make yourself and your program not successful if people aren’t returning.

And what happens at every level as you grow, is you do lose people, they fall off. It’s like they no longer become an energetic match for you, or for your container, or the way that you’re making business decisions, or the new way you’re headed, or your new philosophy, your new coaching style, whatever it is. There can be a million things that shift within you. You grow, and they resonated more with who you were, not who you are and where you’re going. That happens in one-on-one, that has happened to me at every level of my business.

But it didn’t happen for a while in 200K. So, I think I had a sneaky thought it was just done happening. But we are growing, 200K is growing. And there are, my guess is several things happened. And I don’t want to make the whole podcast about this. But I’ll give you a couple of main things. I do think that there was an energetic fall off with several clients who were used to, they wanted a small group, they wanted lots of me, they wanted lots of hand-holding.

They didn’t want to mastermind and get ideas from other people. And so, as the group grew they decided that they couldn’t get what they needed, or they weren’t being seen. Instead of, look at all these people to see me. And so those people fell off naturally. Then there were people that were in there for the wrong reasons which I ended up rectifying that. We changed our standard, our processes, our code of conduct.

We no longer allow. For a while I let people sign. If you were in 200K I didn’t really make a big deal about signing, if someone hired you one-on-one in 200K. And now we have a rule, you can’t sign any clients in 200K. You can’t join 200K as a business coach or any other coach, and be signing one-on-one clients from the room. The rule is you give your coaching for free as a peer, just like you take coaching for free as a peer. And everyone’s a peer together. So, no one’s being sold on peer coaching calls and things like that.

So, there were people who were not a good fit for my business, just weren’t healthy for my business. And there were people who were not energetic fits. Then there were just people that didn’t continue on for many reasons. But I had to coach myself so deeply. So, it feels like Q2 was all about letting go of who’s not coming with me for whatever reason. And I’m sure there are reasons that I don’t know. But who’s not coming with me, and being okay, and who am I taking moving forward, who’s that new person?

And so, I had to really burn down the way that I thought about 200K and who that person was that has been with me, and decide who’s coming with me now. And I will tell you, it was the most painful work. I will just be open and honest about it, my clients tend to be my wubbies. I love them very much and I get very attached. And I always have to coach myself if I’m going to raise my prices, or if I’m going to change things about my business, or whatever. I always have to coach myself about people not coming with me because I just love all of my clients.

Even as the number grows I just want to take them all with me, all to millions of dollars. I want to just be on a yacht dancing and talking about all the monies. I just love them, they’re my wubbies. So, this is continual work for me. But Q2 felt very painful, I mean it took months.

I coached myself so deeply. I got so much coaching on it. And really dissected where are we going and who is this person. And all I can tell you is it’s totally worth it when you go through these massive periods of burning things down, and feeling like things are not going the way they’re supposed to go, and having to say goodbye to people, or let go of people energetically. When you go through that it feels so painful. But on the other side we have done two enrolments since and damn, that’s all I can say. Damn.

The level of people applying for the room is astonishing. Their energy, the value that they’re giving to the room, the conversations that are happening. It’s truly morphed from a group coaching to an actual mastermind where there is intense levels of insane thought being put out into the room. And everyone is up for getting it from everyone. There’s just value everywhere. Everyone wants it, everyone wants to get, they want to give it, they want to receive it.

The ideas that are presented, the results that are being created, the money that’s being made, it’s really truly blown my mind. Okay, I’m going to get emotional, it makes me very weepy. Because it’s so hard when you up-level and people don’t come with you, and you do feel – I was just coaching someone in 200K about this. You do feel a loss and it’s okay. I don’t even think you need to coach yourself out of that. We’re life coaches, we care about people, that’s who we are. Even if people don’t think that.

I think I sometimes come off as a little bit of a hard exterior. But my entire team can tell you, we have to create rules and standards. Bottom line, when we do launches all kinds of things, we have to create rules and standards, where my team honors them, and they don’t come to me because I will break all my rules.

All our client filters in 200K, if you ask me, I’ll break them all. When it comes down to it, I’m like, “But she was so nice.” And like, “But I liked her energy so much.” But they’re like, “But she didn’t make the minimum.” Or “But she has three business coaches”, or whatever it is. Whatever our filter is. Or if they want to like, someone applies after the deadline, and they’ll send a story about what happened. And I’m like, “But just let her do it this one time.” I am a softie, I really am.

And so, my team is like, “We just don’t tell you about these things anymore. We just make the decisions.” Because I always make them have to add so much work onto themselves. And so anyways, we just let them honor the standards. They’re always well thought out. And so, my heart gets in the way. So, it is okay that your heart gets in the way. It’s okay that you get attached. It’s okay that you feel loss and you feel sadness. None of that is a problem. It’s okay to have your heart in your business. It’s okay to want to break your rules because you just like someone so much.

All of those things are okay.  However, what I think makes us not make the decisions we need to make and stay with the wubbies, with our security blanket, with our lovies. What makes us stay there is that we’re not thinking about the next version and what’s available there. And I’m so glad I was willing to do the hard work because it’s beyond what I could possibly have imagined. Even if I had taken, like, I spent more time in the allowance, and in the grief, and the disappointment, and working through the negative emotions, I didn’t spend a ton of time in trying to force new belief.

So, this is also another lesson, is it doesn’t matter which one you do, both are equally powerful and will get you where you’re going. But the last two enrolments have really, I mean just been an incredible example of what’s possible when you’re willing to do the work.

So, for those of you that are currently in 200K, damn. And if you have left 200K and you’re coming back, we’re going to take you. That happens too, all the time. I always talk about how Maggie Reyes unsubscribed from my list at a time where I was in very hustley energy, and then she came back. So, there is many reasons your clients might fall off because they weren’t an energetic match, but then they come back, and they are. They’ve done the work to become a different, like their energetic matches, you guys are matching again. Things like that happen all the time.

But if you’re willing to stay with it, it is so worth it on the other side. So that’s what Q2 for me felt like, that was it. That was all it was, just allowing emotions. And then Q3 I got super sick because I got pregnant, and you guys have heard that story. And so, all I’m going to say about it is Q3 for me, I did not work the entire quarter, literally two hours a week, maybe, four hours a week if it was a really good week. Very, very minimal work being done. No selling, no creating content and ramping up for something, nothing. It was 12 hours a day in a cold dark room.

And so, the lesson for Q3 for me was it’s okay to take this time. I think a lot of you guys have, you get sick, whether it’s just you got COVID or you have an issue with your family, maybe one of your children or one of your parents gets ill. Or you just want to take time off to go on vacation and take a road trip for a month, or whatever. You have these things, and you don’t think it’s okay to take time. And if you don’t think it’s okay to take time that’s always an indicator that you’re believing time is what creates money, and time is what creates your results.

And effort is what creates, you’re being in the – we talk about this a lot in $2 million group, we feel so calm and comforted when we can have our finger on the pulse of our business, and we’re in it. And we’re constantly checking Facebook, and constantly checking emails, and constantly seeing what our clients are doing, and constantly checking in with them. And constantly checking in with our teams. And just very in, I know everything that’s going on in every given moment.

And it’s next level when you don’t need any of that information to take care of your clients, to take care of your team, and to take care of yourself and still achieve all your goals. What? Next fucking level.

So that was Q3’s lesson for me, is to be fully removed, finger off the pulse, and to watch my clients still make so much money. I’m lying in bed sleeping, and they’re making so much money just was such a testament to my belief in your intellectual property when you’re scaling and how important that is, and focusing on client deliverables.

And I talked about this at the 200K live event that we just did in January. We talked about client delivery narrative. And basically, going through every single step from the moment the client pays you until they’re finished with the coaching. And making sure you account for every single thing along their journey. And when you do that, and when you document it and you create processes for it as you grow bigger, you won’t do this in the beginning. In the beginning you have to do the work and you have to gain the experience by doing.

But when you have the experience you can turn that into assets, and deliverables, and a streamlined process. So, you don’t have to have your finger on the pulse.

So, I learned in Q3 it’s okay to take this time, and can I still believe in $10 million with taking this time? So, I got to learn a next level of you can believe in being able to make more money in less time. And that all of the things I’ve previously said, that time doesn’t equal money or your goal, and your potential for your goal. It has to do with your most predominant thoughts. So, I really spent Q3 working on, I am important and it’s okay for me to take this time. And everything will be waiting for me when I get back. And this is just the part where I step out.

And in Q4, which is so interesting. I think this only happened because I allowed Q3 to be what it was, and I didn’t fight it and resist it. So, what happens when you fight and resist being sick, or being down, or whatever. Maybe you have some major life event. When you resist the fact that you can’t actively pursue your goal, or be in the business, or be working and try to action your way to creating your result.

When you can’t do that, but you allow the negative emotion that comes with that and the experience of it. What happens is you don’t burn extra energy. You burn only the energy required, absolute necessary energy. So Q4 came, I started feeling better. And all of a sudden it thought like my predominant thought is we have the bandwidth to ramp up. We have the bandwidth to ramp up. Let’s go. And I want to say that that really happened around end of November, which is when I started feeling better, end of November, December. So really not even Q4, more like a month and a half left in the year.

And we have had the most insane January. I think, I haven’t checked the numbers in the last couple of days, but last time I checked we were a couple of days away from the end of the month and we were at $1.4 million for January. We created so much freaking value this month it was absolutely insane.

And so that was a really big piece of my also coming out of that very subtle shift of I don’t have the energy and it’s okay, to, I have the energy and it’s okay. Because I have slowed myself down for so long and allowed for so long that it felt weird to speed back up at that rate. And I just constantly told myself we have the bandwidth, let’s go. And we did, and we freaking killed it and it was so incredible.

I also want to share with you guys just a couple of things that I feel like I worked on for the whole year, they felt like themes for the whole year. One of them I’ve already talked about, which is letting people go. And so, we had, and I’m going to talk about $2 million group as well. But we $2 million group, I think this was the first full year that we ran $2 million group. Everything just seems to be blending together now. But I think this was the first full year.

And I always tell my students, when you launch a new offer, you have to get in and deliver that offer in order to understand what you’re going to teach, what your standards are, who your best client is for. You only can learn those things through experience, that’s it. It’s the only way you cannot possibly anticipate all the things that could happen or the things that you need to know in order to just execute something perfectly and flawlessly and nail everything and just know exactly what the process was without ever delivering it.

And know the best client without ever working with anyone. And that just doesn’t happen. You have to get in there and deliver it. And so, this was the year to get in and deliver Two Million Dollar group. So, I had an insane client filter for that. You can’t get into the room unless you’re coming from 200K. So, I knew that all of the people in there. The one thing I knew I wanted them to know was all of the advance selling principles, and everything I teach in 200K. I wanted to start there. I didn’t want to have to go back and redo any of that.

But for the most part, I didn’t know what’s the minimum they need to have made, where their business fully needs to be. I hadn’t really developed that yet. So, this past year, that’s what I spent my year doing. Is just getting in there and coaching people who I set an original minimum, I think it was $250,000. And get in there and coach them. And through the year I did learn what’s the process I want to teach them. Who’s the right fit emotionally and mentally for the room? That’s been the biggest lesson I learned is this is one room.

In 200K there is room for you to freak out and not have your self-concept down and question your belonging. And you will work that out in the room. You’ll be forced to, and you have a lot of love, and you get lots of hugs. Two Million Dollar group feels a little bit like a slap in the face if you haven’t done that work. The people in the room were thinking at such a high level, they have no tolerance for indulgence, for any kind of emotional immaturity.

Just this is how you know you’re ready for Two Million Dollar group is you have to be able to take the toughest coaching by 12 different people all at once, or however many it is. It’s different every time. But by all of these people all at the same time and no one is going to pity you. And no one is going to take it easy on you. And no one is going to treat you like you’re suffering. It’s going to be hard coaching all at once. And if you can take it, you’re ready.

Not counting all the things in your business to have to be ready, but that was one thing I noticed is you have to have a certain level of emotional maturity, stamina, coachability to be in that room and not crumble.

And so, I’m going to be working on how do I frame that to get the right people in the room. I will say, I have done a really great job because this current class that we have, this current group of Two Million Dollar group students, they’re all at that place. And we just met, and we were like, “What the fuck is happening? This is insane.”

We got through the meeting so fast, everybody was so coachable. It was absolutely insane, the quality of the conversation, the calmness in the room. It was really an incredible meeting. And everyone gave so much value. Everyone jumped in and it was really just mind-blowing to see that result as well.

But we had to let people go from that room. And the was another level again, of letting my wubbies go and saying goodbye, and grieving that for where we’re headed. And hopefully, my biggest hope is that the people that couldn’t continue on with us because I raised the standard and changed some of the things around, my hope is that they go back into 200K, they clean up what they need to clean up and then they join us again.

But that was a lesson for the whole year, is being willing to get really messy with Two Million Dollar group, and get in there and be willing to figure out what the process is and who the best client is, and what the standards are. So, lessons I took form that were, again, about the emotional maturity. And also, I learned that the best fit for that room is someone who already has their scalable offers ready. So, I’m having people do that in the 200K room.

They’re not going from one-on-one to group coaching or to a program in the Two Million Dollar group room at that high level investment. They’re doing that in 200K. They’re creating their proof of concept, they’re creating their self-concept, and then coming into the room. I’ve raised the standard for how much money you have to have made to $400,000 in your scalable offer. For someone like that, I just know they’re ready to go.

And then we also have some other things like profitability requirements. You can’t have no profit in your business. You have to be able to pay for the room, and also your life, and your own expenses and live. And any other business investments you have to make, you have to have profitability. I always say 50%, which is not counting what you pay in taxes. But your business should never have more than 50% expenses beyond the 500K level and maybe even the 300K ish level.

But the first couple of 100K you’re investing most of what you make, that’s pretty normal. But as you scale, I don’t want coaches to grow that way. Because you could just grow broke forever indefinitely that way, and we teach if differently.

So, I learned a lot of lessons about that. I spent a lot of time just getting in there and delivering that. So, what I want to offer to you is I coach a lot of my 200K people on this, is they want to get to where I am with Two Million Dollar group where I know exactly who’s the best fit. I know all the standards. I know exactly who I need to talk to. I have that perfect ideal client. And we know this because the room’s filled with it now. And they want to get to that place before they ever deliver it.

And I’m like, “No, you’ve got to be willing to get messy at every level.” Even as a $10 million coach you have to be willing to get messy and to let people go who as you do figure things out, then they don’t fit that new mold anymore, right now yet and so, you have to say goodbye. And one of the things I coached my student recently in 200K about. Is she was like, “But I feel like who else will take them there if I don’t? It’s my responsibility to take them.”

And I coached her on it’s not your responsibility to take your clients everywhere. It’s your responsibility to take your clients where you’re going when it’s a right fit for you and them. That’s the only thing. Otherwise, if it’s not where you’re going, it’s not good for you. And if it’s not where they’re going, it’s not good for them. You want it to be a win/win, hell yeah situation.

And I had given her this thought, which is, “You’re not leaving them behind, they’re just choosing not to come.” Some of our Two Million Dollar group students spent the entire year indulging in pity and not believing in their self-concept, and discrediting themselves, and beating themselves up. Or not working, just not doing the work. And that wasn’t me not saying, “Come with me.” That was them saying, “I’m not ready to come yet.” And I love putting that yet on the end of it because I always believe in people’s capacity to get there.

Sometimes you have to be out of the room and have that painful experience to realize how bad you want to be in the room. I’ve had so many clients have that happen for them. Not qualifying to be in the room was the best thing that ever happened to them, and now they’re back. And they’re like, “Hell yeah, I’m ready and I have made that mental jump.”

The other surprising thing that I wanted to offer to you all that I don’t think you guys would expect at $10 million is I’ve really had to work over the last year and I’m still working on it, is the compacity to invest. Because I will tell you all, all day long, invest, invest, invest. You should invest all of 100K up until you make 100K, or as much as you can. I always put my business first. I always, always, always take care of the baby.

I was just telling my husband this, it’s what I do think sets me apart from a lot of other people is although I spend lots of money and I love nice things. I will never sacrifice the safety of our business and getting what I need for the business in order to have nice things or live my fantastic life. It will never happen. My business is always first.

And I always basically invest. But the way it’s shown up for me at $10 million is this fear of, I don’t even know how to exactly explain it. But it’s like this heaviness of now the business is, I think we have 3 or 4 million dollars of overhead. I would have to check with our CFO, but somewhere between 3 and 4 million is what it costs to run the business now at $10 million. Which is, by the way, really fucking good. That percent, our profitability is always insane.

But this thought keeps creeping in of, but you have to keep doing that every year. And it’s going to grow, eventually your overhead will be 6 million, and eventually it will be 10 million. You’ll be spending $10 million a year to run your business. And there’s so much responsibility with that. And I think as women especially we are socialized to call ourselves irresponsible with money, and believe ourselves irresponsible with money, and not believe that we’re capable of making that level of money decisions.

And so that’s what I think has been coming up for me a lot. And so, I’m having to grow my capacity to really invest in my business. So, this year I did this activity, and I’ve been really coaching myself through it, is if I was willing to spend everything I wanted to spend to have my business really have the most abundance it could possibly have. If I could just provide it with everything it needed, what would I want to spend in all these different categories, marketing, on our payroll, everything?

And I made up this list, it was $6 something million, $6.5 million. And that number’s very scary, especially for me since I just made 10 million, that’s more than half. And when I get into the more than half range, that feels scary. But we’re not going to 10 million, we’re going to 20 million. And I’m not going out and just spending that money right away. But I am coaching myself on I have the capacity to run a business that requires $6 million of overhead. And I have the capacity to manage $20 million of money.

And so, for me it’s been really increasing my capacity in my mind and in my emotions of investing and spending that much money in my business, and managing that level of money. So that was another one. And then the biggest thing that I was just coaching one of my colleagues in my mentoring group about, that I think carried the whole year with me was – and I would say the entire journey to scale from 1 million to 10 million. This has been a theme that my coach, Brooke, taught me in some capacity.

I know that she for sure, this just felt like a theme that she teaches. But it took this new life inside of me. And took it like I’ve taken it over as it feels like the number one thing she taught me. Which is this, that before you change any C’s, and you guys will recognize this in my philosophy around the simple offer. You just attended offer week. Before you change any circumstances you have to change your belief first until you create the result.

So, I’m going to give you a specific example. So, there are a lot of ideas I have for where 200K is going, and a lot of things I want to do and add, and things I want to change to make it better. But it’s really easy to hustle, this is when you hustle is when you think you can’t achieve a certain goal until you do all those things. When you’re like, okay, I’m going to try to achieve this big goal. I decide what the goal is. I’m going to try to achieve it. And now here are all of the things I’m going to do to make sure that happens. That’s hustle.

When you go immediately first to what I’m going to believe, and that’s the only thing I can change, and I have to keep my structure of my program, my container, my pricing, all of those things that I can’t add a ton of value. When my clients want to raise their prices, their immediate thought is I’ve got to do a bunch of worksheets, and modules. And I’ve got to add calls, and I’ve got to add instructors, and I’ve got to add this. And not letting myself add those things, each thing at a time until I achieve the goal that I was set out to do has really been profound for me.

And one of my big goals, I have some changes I want to make for the better and some things I want to add. But one of my goals was, I can’t do that until I enroll 100 people. And we got to that 100 people. And why you want to do that is because then you see what you actually do and don’t need to change. And there are things that I thought I needed to change that I’m like, “At 100 people this actually works beautifully and is perfect. And shouldn’t change at all.” And then there are things that you’re like, “Okay, I could see adding this, but it doesn’t feel like I’m doing it from the place of if I don’t I won’t hit my goal.”

So that was huge for me to see that I could take 200K all the way to 100 people with the basic container that I’ve always had. We do a live three day event. We do six months of coaching. We allow peer coaching in the group, and yes, I have developed the process. Yes, it’s very streamlined and developed into assets. And we have a beautiful member portal. That has developed along the way. But I haven’t really changed the teachings that dramatically, or the container, or the price or anything like that. I haven’t really changed that.

And so, all that I’ve been able to change is my mind, and getting better at teaching, and better at holding space for the room. And that has been profound. I spent the entire year working on that. So those are some whole year things, is being willing to let people go. And to be willing to be messy, and learn, and grow a new program, and not know and be delivering it while you don’t know, and just be delivering what you do have in the moment.

And then growing my capacity to invest and to manage a certain level of money. And reinforcing that I can’t change a circumstance in order to create a result. In order to believe I can create a result. Instead changing my belief first until I create the result, and then deciding with the result what do I want to change. That one’s a high level, if it doesn’t land right away that’s okay, join 200K. You will definitely start being introduced to ideas like this, but it is a little bit of a deep idea.

Okay, and then here are some things that I think that I’m not going to spend a ton of time on because I think I’ve talked about them throughout the podcast in just various episodes. But I did want to say for all of you that I think here are a couple of things that if you said, “Well, how did you make $10 million so quickly? How did you get to a $10 million business very quickly?”

Here are the lessons that I would say that I think apply to you. I said this on stage in August in Cabo at 200K. And I said it again on stage this January, and I’m going to keep saying it. If you ask me how did I grow so fast, how did I get to an eight figure business so quickly? It would be that I found a process that worked, and I stuck with it. I stuck with one process this whole time which is really the process I teach you all in 200K, in Two Million Dollar group.

I’ve never deviated, and all my students can tell you. “She’s never deviated. She teaches the same process.” I don’t go out and learn nine million new things, I get really good over, and over, and over at understanding the process at every new level. And I can’t underestimate the value of that. Again, it’s about not changing the circumstance, but changing your thoughts to get the results. And so, for me I’m always teaching my students to commit to three years in 200K or six rounds.

Depending on how much, if you come in at 500K, you’re not probably going to do 200K for fun, for six rounds or three years. You might do it for one or two rounds before you go into Two Million Dollar group. But depending, if you’re coming in at that 25K level, being willing to commit to six rounds and three years of one process. And not just changing it up a bunch of times, but just really working on understanding that process at a deeper and deeper level every single time.

It saves you so much time and energy, and makes you grow in your mind so much faster because you become the common denominator. And you can’t blame programs, and coaches, and your offer when you decide your simple offer, you can’t blame that. You can’t blame a lot of outside circumstances for why you’re not creating the results, so it forces you to look inward. And you keep refining your own brain, which becomes your most valuable asset.

And then that valuable asset of your brain that you’ve honed approaches the process new, like a brand new brain every single time. And so, you learn things, new levels of it that blow your mind, genuinely. And take you, blow up your results, and take you to the next level.

The other thing that I will say that I’ve noticed with some rockstar people that have been coming out of 200K and Two Million Dollar group. And what I’ve noticed with myself, that I think it very valuable is that I believe is the reason that I got to 10 million so quickly. Is how willing I am to humble my ego. I will learn anything I need to learn, nothing is beneath me. And I will go back and go take beginner things that I need to know and do.

So, I’ve used the example before of being at $860,000 in revenue and being told, I was in master coach training, and I was in Million Dollar Mentoring, and my coach was like, “I want you to do this 100K group.” And it’s basically like taking people from zero to 100K and all the things they taught in there. And I went in that, it was a weeklong event that was, I don’t even know, 18 hours a day. We literally ate breakfast, and lunch, and dinner in the room.

And the rooms were rented until midnight. And you just were in there working with web designers. And it was the most intense thing I’ve ever done. And I approached that like I should be in the room, want to be in the room, there’s no better room to be in. And took, I mean I really played full out. So, I don’t let myself say I’ve made too much money to be in a room, I have made too much money to be coached by this person, that I’m too far along to start here. I will humble myself to get what I need.

And I was really struck, we just did a 200K pre-enrolment, for the first time ever. We’ve never done a pre-enrolment. We only did it for our waitlist, so if you’re, “Wait, what?” You’ve got to get on the 200K waitlist. We do amazing things on there. I give incredible value every week with emails. And we give insights. I literally just coach in the emails on things I’m coaching my 200K students on and I offer it to the waitlist.

And we gave this incredible behind the scenes experience, and we did interviews, and we let them into the teachings. I taught how to create demand for an hour, and I let everybody watch. Insane, insane. And then we opened pre-enrolment. And we’ve never done it before. It was insane the level of people that we attracted from that pre-enrolment. So exciting. So, we already have part of our class selected for the August class. They’re already in. They’re already in the member portal. They’re already learning the lessons.

And they will be joined by the best applicants from the April class. And then whether it’s the best underdogs, the best highest earners, all of the people. We’re just looking for the people who are going to be the best fit for 200K. And we’re going to combine those enrolments for the best class we’ve ever had. But what struck me is that someone applied, and she has already made $2 million in her business. We actually had $2 million earners apply for 200K.

And one of them had already made $2 million in her business. And in her video she said two things. She was like, “Number one, I know this is where I’ve got to go first to get into Two Million Dollar group, and I’m willing to do it.” And then she went and said, and even at two point or 2 something million dollars, she went $4 or $5 million. “Here are all the things that I’ve heard you talk about on the podcast that I think I could learn from the room. And that I think could help my business at this level. I think there are some holes that I maybe missed, some skills that could be tightened, and I’m going to apply those. And it’s going to for sure blow up my results.”

And she said, “I’m going to be willing to give value, but I’m really going to be there to receive value.” And it just connected me to me, my mindset about it. I’m like, “Yes. Yes, hell yeah, you’re in, let’s do this.” I would be willing to do that. I could look at a room that was – I don’t even know what you would say. But a room that you would consider yourself too advanced for. I would never say that. I would never consider myself too advanced for a room. I’d be like, “hat value can I get from this room?” And I’m going to show up and I’m going to get it no matter what.

And I will also say that I’ve been on this journey to be highly coachable, the most coachable I could possibly be. I have been I think for a while in this mindset of only certain people can coach me, they have to be really good at coaching. They have to be master coach level coaches to be able to coach me. And it’s hard to coach me because I’m very smart and my brain works really fast.

And I can see the coaching way far ahead. And so, someone has to be able to add all these stories of why someone has to be really amazing at coaching. And they need to be further along than me and made so much more money than me. So, I’ve been on this journey of I could be coached by literally anyone. And that I think has also been another level of humbling my ego. And I taught this on stage at 200K too, is I said, “Don’t be in the room and only asking the 200K and 500K earners to peer coach you. Be willing to be coached by someone who’s an underdog.”

For me you can take my brain, there’s literally nowhere you can take my brain where I’ll say, “I’m not willing to go there, you’re wrong. I can’t find what you’re trying to show me.” Even if I can’t find what my coach is, I have a couple of coaches right now. And even if I can’t find what my coach is trying to show me or say to me, I’m like, “Listen, I can’t find it right now, but I promise you by the next call I will have done the work.” I will explore that, and I will find something.

If you were right, if this could be true, if there was something there to find, what would it be? I will do that. It’s all about humbling your ego. The less ego you have, the more money you’re going to make. It’s about being an endless student. There’s always something for me to get.

I just got on my Million Dollar Mentoring, we had a call. We meet once a month and I got on the call and I didn’t actually have anything to be coached on, I was just going to show up and usually I do. So, I was just going to show up today to coach. And one of the students was – we ended up coaching two people for the whole call. And one of them had a lot of thoughts that we were coaching them on. But I joined and they were mid conversation already and it was the first three thoughts I heard.

I was like, “Whoa, yes.” I was writing them down. It was exactly what I needed to hear that I didn’t know I needed to hear. I was just so available and so open for it. And I got off the call and was like, “Damn, that was a good hour.” I needed three things. I didn’t even know I needed them. I got them, it lit me up. I got to give value as well. I took so much from the call. But I just didn’t even know that I needed to hear the three things that someone said.

But I’m always looking for how can I take them. How can I – even if someone’s getting coached on a problem I don’t have at a level that I’m further along than. I can listen to that coaching and find what blows my mind and what I need. And so, it’s all about humbling your ego. So, I want to offer that to you if you’re someone who finds it hard to listen to other people. You guys are honest with me, people will be like, “I don’t like listening to so and so. It’s really annoying.” Or “Her problems are just not my problems.”

And okay, I also have to say I haven’t heard that in a long time. But I used to hear that a lot in my earlier group coachings. But I would always be like, “You’re missing so much when you think like that.” When you think that just because you don’t have that problem or you’re further along than that person, you really have to check. Those are all egotistical thoughts. There is so much value in every single thing someone’s saying, every single problem someone presents. So much value to be taken from your business.

So, I will say, those two, I think sticking with the one process and being humble, and being willing to just have no ego when it comes to learning and getting value, for sure why I made $10 million so quickly.

And then I will say a couple of other things quickly is another thing that I just keep coming back to, and I just have to say it again, even though I’ve already said it is no one can ever truly lead you away from your own wisdom, so, it’s always safe to trust.

And this year I finally broke the last strand for me, that was in the way of fully believing that with all of me. I had one bad experience, so I had told myself, from a coach and did not like where it led, and had built a lot of my business in a way that’s kind of making up for that. Not doing it that way and making sure that I don’t recreate that. And I had a lot of victim mentality around it that kept coming up as I was creating at higher and higher levels. And in one coaching session with my coach, it all came crashing down.

And it was just this subtle thing, but it had such impact that I’m like really – my coachability will be so much higher from this moment on. Because there is every ounce, if you were investigating to the bottom of a barrel of something. I have literally cleaned out the ring around the barrel, the green ring that’s left over from water, whatever it is, water damage or whatever. I cleaned that ring. I have literally every ounce, I’ve investigated all of it and it feels on the next level at the $20 million, $100 million level, I truly know no one can ever lead you away from your own wisdom. It is always safe to trust coaching.

And then I’ve learned, I’ve taught you guys a lot about scaling is more people, more money, and them getting better faster results. And I have just learned that now in more ways than I could explain deeper in my bones than ever. And I’ve proved it true just over, and over, and over to myself on my way to $10 million. No one is waiting for me to make 200K, which is what I said about my pre-enrolment, I didn’t want anybody waiting on me to make 200K. And people are not waiting on me to make 200K. Soon they will not be waiting on me to make millions.

And people are just going to be making money faster and faster. And that energy fuels even more money, and more people making more money. Just it’s this energetic cycle that keeps producing more and more value. So, I’ve learned that at a deep level. And I’ve already said this, but it’s on my list so I want to mention it, which is you have to invest in your business first. Your priority cannot be living your best most fabulous life now.

Here’s what I’ve learned at $10 million specifically is eventually, and you’ll learn this way before $10 million, I promise. But eventually your best most fabulous life will be really easy to fund without negatively affecting the business.

So, if you’re someone who really is dying to get to the best, most fabulous life and you really like nice things, and you want to live in a nice house, and you want to have nice furniture, and you want to have nice clothes and bags. And you want to take first class flights, or private flights. You want to go to fancy places. You want to have your best most fabulous life and you’re just dying for it to happen now, so you just want to make so much more money so that you can make it happen now.

I just want to offer, resist those inclinations, focus on your business. Give your business what it needs always first. And there will be a time, sooner rather than later, it’s usually in those upper 100Ks towards the million and beyond. And it depends for everybody where your spending desire is too. Mine is much higher than most people’s. But there will be a time where, even if you’re investing a 100K a year, your best most fabulous life is easy to fund without negatively affecting your business.

I just want to promise you that that does happen. It happens way before 10 million. But I’m really feeling it now at 10 million. Our best most fabulous life is always available on the other side of giving our business everything it needs.

And the final one. Are you guys ready? Here isn’t better than there. But it certainly isn’t worse either. What I mean by this is I can look back and appreciate this moment the same level that I can appreciate my journey to 100K, and my journey to 300K, and my journey to 800K, and my journey to my first million, and my first couple of million, and my first 5 million. All of those journeys, I miss them. They feel equally – me and Neil talk about how happy we were when I lived in my tiny apartment, and we ate dinner on the floor because I had no furniture.

And our first dates, we used to have to go on really cheap dates because I was investing. I was making 300K, but I was investing all my money in my business. And he was not making 300K and had a certain amount of disposable income, so we would get really creative. We would go to the zoo. We would go to the walking bridge. We would go get an ice cream. It wasn’t always fancy dates. And we look back and talk about those dates, those times in our lives so fondly.

Sometimes I just wish we could flash back and just experience a little bit of it again. And the times where we were able to blow our minds with the amount of money I made, or new moments. We’d get little Facebook updates and we celebrated me getting into Million Dollar Mentoring. I remember that feeling.

And so, I really genuinely – and I’ve also had some really, really hard things that I had to work through in my business this year with my team, with my clients, with my money, just all kinds. I’ve really been confronted with challenges in the last couple of years, with my mind, with my business, in my personal life. And so, it really is 50/50, but money does solve a lot of problems.

So, if you could have money or not have money, I would for sure say have it. But don’t think that when you get here you will be a certain level of happier than you are where you are now. The only thing that would make that true is if your mind and your soul has grown to where you are creating more happiness for yourself in your life. You’re more calm. You’re more strategic in your thinking. You’re less reactionary. You don’t get as outraged. You don’t get as worked up. You are able to enjoy working and enjoy being off. You’re able to be present.

Those things. Your ability to be with yourself, that certainly can make your life better as you grow. And I do think that’s what’s required to get to millions. But life will always be 50/50. It’s just you can use the money to pay for some of the 50/50 and so that’s always good. So, it isn’t better, but it’s certainly not worse either. Money is always good to have.

Alright, this was a little bit longer episode. I shared so much wisdom with you. Thank you for coming with me on my $10 million journey, whether you’re a past client, a current client, or you’re never going to be a client. Love you, thank you for listening. Thank you for being here. I always, always, always my goal is to help you grow your mind, make money, and be the life coach that I know you want to be. Alright, I’ll see you next week.

Hey, if you are ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2K for 2K program where you’re going to make your first $2000, the hardest part, and then $200,000 using my proven formula. It’s risk-free. You either make your 2K or I give you your 2K back. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

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