Make Money as a Life Coach® | Monetizing Tragedy (Selling in a Crisis Part 9)The training that I’m doing today ties in with the episode I did on sales shaming. Some of my clients, as a way of sales shaming, are being told that they’re monetizing tragedy. While it can feel like you shouldn’t be selling in a crisis because you’re making money off of someone else’s pain, I’m breaking down the truth of what this statement really means.

If you’re in business, you’re helping people in one of two ways. When you’re selling a product or service, you’re helping people either avoid pain or gain pleasure. This applies in every single industry, in every single business. In the coaching industry specifically, we are either giving our clients a joy solution, or we’re giving them an answer to their pain points, so I’m showing you what those people who hate on coaches selling aren’t considering right now.

Join me on this bonus episode as I show you why monetizing tragedy isn’t a bad thing at all, and how you can start thinking about selling in a way that serves you best. I’m showing you how it is impossible to convince someone to buy from you if they don’t want to, and how you can always feel great about the money you make.

If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • The truth about monetizing tragedy.
  • Why all of life is up for being monetized.
  • What happens when we don’t monetize tragedy in this crisis.
  • How you have a choice in feeling bad about monetizing tragedy.
  • Why monetizing tragedy isn’t fear-based marketing.
  • What the people who hate on coaches selling their services don’t consider.
  • Why you never have to fear taking advantage of people or convincing them to buy.
  • How to enjoy the money that you make.

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Full Episode Transcript:

Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast, where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

How are y’all doing, coaches? Are you all selling? I hope so. Here’s what we’re going to talk about today. We’re going to talk about monetizing tragedy. Sounds really fun. I wanted to actually do this training separately from the podcast episode that I did on sales shaming because this is kind of like a different flavor and I’ve seen students come to me saying that people are telling them they’re monetizing tragedy, and then they’re feeling shame about that.

But I wanted to talk about it because I think it’s a mindset about selling that actually needs to be specifically addressed on its own. Stand alone. So we’re going to talk about it today. This idea of monetizing tragedy. So if you have had someone say that to you, or you have felt that way, like you shouldn’t be selling in the crisis because it’s monetizing tragedy, if that has been coming up for you or for other people around you, here’s what I want to offer.

Half of the products in the world help people avoid pain. Half of the products in the world help people gain pleasure because life is 50/50. We experience half of our life as fun and exciting and joyful and we’re feeling great, half of our life, circumstances happen. Tragedies happen. People get sick, people die, we experience job loss. We experience things playing in a physical world that are not things that feel great to us all of the time. That’s part of life being 50/50.

So when you’re selling a product or a service, you’re selling to one of those things, avoiding pain or gaining pleasure. The 50% of life that’s amazing or the 50% that sucks. But it’s all of life. All of life has a little bit of both, and I think even all of you can think about even in just one day, it’s not just specific days are joy and specific days are pain.

We experience joy and “tragedy” or suffering or crisis, we experience that in one day. Levels of both. We go up and down, up and down. Things happen that are good, things happen that are bad. That’s just life. When someone says you’re monetizing tragedy, I’m monetizing life. And all of life is up for being monetized, for creating value and offering a service that helps other people experience more joy and gain more pleasure, or avoid less pain or handle pain in a more productive way.

I’m just playing with life’s rules. That’s just the way of life. And I was thinking about this and I was thinking about the industries that are there. I think that the coaching industry plays so well to both. We help people avoid pain, we help people gain pleasure. But there are specific industries that are specifically born to monetize joy or monetize pain.

So if you look at monetizing joy, we have the wedding industry, which I personally feel like I am holding up during this time. Just me alone, my wedding I think might be sustaining the entire wedding industry in California. But I have no problem with that. I love that I get to spend money on my wedding.

The reason the industry is so huge is people want to spend money to monetize their job. People want to buy all the things at Christmas time. We have no problem monetizing Christmas. We’re like, I love to Christmas shop, I love to buy Christmas wrap and ribbons and ornaments and I love to decorate my house and buy lights and buy Christmas trees and buy stuff to make cookies and bake. I love all the things with Christmas.

And then think about all the other holidays. Easter, Mother’s Day, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving. How much money gets poured into those industries? That’s monetizing joy. We don’t have a problem with that. We’re like, I love spending money during the holidays. Let’s do all the holiday things. Let’s go to the light shows. Let’s go to take mom to lunch, go to the restaurants.

And then you have companies that monetize tragedy. Drug companies, pharmaceuticals that take an illness and create a solution for that and make money off of it. Funeral homes. Ever thought about that? Funeral homes monetize tragedy. No one has a problem with it.

But funeral homes make a lot of money during a time of tragedy. There are books that teach you how to overcome grief or how to deal with grief. That’s monetizing tragedy. What’s interesting is your thought about it will dictate how you feel doing it.

Monetizing joy or pain, it’s just your thought about it. For me, I sell to both. I sell to the pain of not making money and I sell to the joy of making money. Because this is the way that I think about it. Especially when it’s selling to the pain of not making money or to the pain of being in quarantine, for those of you that are offering solutions for the quarantine, for the fear that’s being brought up with this crisis of the coronavirus pandemic.

The alternative to not monetizing tragedy and the coronavirus is that people continue to suffer. And I don’t know about you, but if I can help suffering, if I can help that, I’m going to. So if anyone tells you that you’re monetizing tragedy and you should feel bad about that, I want you to respond to them and say, “I don’t know about you, but if I can help suffering, I’m going to.”

And tomorrow, we’re going to talk about why pain matters. Why we don’t just do it for free. Pharmaceutical people don’t do it for free. The funeral homes aren’t doing it for free. Everybody has a business that has to be ran like a business. But we’re going to talk about why pain matters.

But I think that using something exciting to promote your product is the same as using something scary to promote your product, and I want to encourage all of you to think about that. To just consider that for a second. And then I also want you to consider this as well.

Another way to phrase monetizing tragedy is answering demand. That’s what it’s actually called. Monetizing tragedy or monetizing joy is just answering demand. Because the only way to monetizing tragedy is if people pay you. They aren’t paying you against their will. They’re paying for something they want. Just think about that for a second.

When people want what you have to offer, you don’t have to feel bad about offering it. You’re meeting the desire of the marketplace. They’re buying something that brings value to them. A lot of people like to hate on us selling coaching. They’re always considering what we’re gaining. They’re never considering what our clients are gaining.

For all of the hate that I’ve ever gotten on any of my Facebook ads, no one is ever thinking about the people that I’ve helped. They’re assuming that I haven’t helped people. They’re assuming I’m taking advantage of people. But offering value, exchanging value, giving value to someone and then taking payment for that is a trade.

It’s a value exchange. This thing I have that brings you value for this thing you have, money, that brings me value. We’re doing a trade. I’m trading you my brain and skill for your money and you’re trading your money for a skill you want to develop and use the rest of your life or to feel better or whatever it is that you’re offering.

But people don’t think about that. People don’t think about what the person on the other end is gaining that would be wanting that purchase, and that the only reason and possibility of us ever monetizing tragedy is because people are buying. People don’t buy, there is zero way to monetize tragedy. No sales means you’re not monetizing anything.

So people want it. People want what we have to offer. People want what the pharmaceuticals, people want to have a beautiful funeral for their loved one. People want to have Christmas decorations and buy Christmas gifts. People want to do Easter egg hunts. We want these things. That’s why there are industries that are thriving is because of the demand of human beings.

If there’s no demand, there’s no industry. The coaching industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world because of the level of demand and the level of demand has never been higher than ever before. So I just want you to consider these things if you’re hearing this. Some of my clients are not hearing this at all and some of them are hearing it a lot.

And I just want to offer to you that you get to decide how you want to think about it, and I really encourage you to ask yourself questions and think about this and unwind it for yourself. I just sat there and thought about it. I’d never even heard that term, monetizing tragedy, and then I heard it a couple of times in the last week from all different areas.

And I was like, wait a minute, what does that really mean? And I really broke it apart and I’m like, it means nothing. It just means you are offering something. You have a product or a service that you’re charging for and you’re either going to sell to someone’s desire to seek pleasure, or you’re going to sell to someone’s desire to avoid pain and you’re going to do that always, and you’re probably going to do both because both equally motivate us.

Actually, I think we have a greater desire to avoid pain than gain pleasure. So it’s not that it’s fear-based marketing. It’s marketing to the demand that people have. People want to avoid pain. When they look for solutions, most often people are looking for solutions to help them avoid pain. What they’re Googling to get help is not how do I seek pleasure.

Sometimes they are, but a lot of times, it’s how do I overcome this thing, how do I handle this pain I have, how do I get better. Think about that. If you’re “fear-based marketing,” no, you’re just answering the demand of your clientele and the way they would describe their problem is it’s a fear problem. It’s a pain problem.

So if your client would describe something as a pain problem, then you have to sell to them and give them the solution to what they’re seeking. If they’re trying to avoid a pain problem and you sell them a joy solution, there’s a disconnect. They’re like, what? There’s no way I could have that joy solution. I have this pain problem.

And then if they are actively seeking a joy solution, they’re going to be like, I don’t want to deal with this pain problem. I’m looking for a joy solution. So whatever your specific clientele is looking for, you have to tailor your marketing a little bit to what they’re looking for.

Now, if you know that answering the pain problem is through a solution that will bring them joy, that’s fine. Sell them what they want, give them what they need, but I used to think – actually in the beginning, I used to think that marketers who addressed fear – and I do think I’ve seen a lot of coaches who market to extreme fear. I’m not going to name names, but there is one specific coach in the industry.

And every time I read their article, I’m like, oh my god – there are always headlines like, the life coaching industry is going down. The life coaching industry has peaked. Coaches will be out of jobs in six months or less. They’re really dramatic. And then you click on them – I’ve actually been to a couple of his webinars and his trainings and I’m like, oh, interesting. It’s just a way to get people in.

And I don’t love it when they’re exaggerated headlines like that. That feels a little bit over the top of the fear-based marketing. But I’ve started thinking recently, but it gets people to click on it and it’s answering what people are most afraid about, and it’s answering the solution they’re looking for. There are people who feel like they believe that the coaching industry is going bust and they’re looking for someone to help them with that.

So that person is the perfect coach for those people. I actually market mostly to the joy side of it. If you go to my 200K sales page, I talk about coaches are going to sell you on how making money is hard and only the top 1% do it and you have to buy their program because they’re going to teach you the exact secret, and if you don’t have that secret you won’t make money.

And I’m the complete opposite. I’m like, listen, money is available like the ocean. You can go and take buckets of water out and the ocean will never notice the water is gone. That’s how money is. And I really feel that way, so I market, especially my 200K program, I market that on a lot of let’s make money and it can be easy and it can be simple and it’s available to everybody and there are lots of ways to do it.

But if you want to come work with someone who’s going to have fun and make it easier – I have such a unique marketing around it that I could equally market it for my clients’ pain points. I could equally do that. I just think it’s interesting. It’s the same kind of question as are poor people more worthy than rich people to get help?

Is it better to offer a high-end program? Are you a better coach, are you a better human if you offer low-end coaching versus high-end coaching? These are things I want you all to think about for yourself. You don’t have to just take my philosophy around it. I offer it to you because I think maybe no one has ever offered it.

And these are the types of thing, since I think about coaches making money, that I think about, but I’ve spent a lot of time thinking over the last two weeks about this idea of monetizing tragedy and I feel neutral about it, almost a little bit like, yeah, that is why we do. Why is it a problem? I don’t think it is. I don’t think it’s any more a problem than selling Christmas cookies. I don’t know. Whatever.

Selling Christmas trees. There’s no difference. It’s all the same. I’m going to give them the solution that they’re asking for, that they’re searching for. I’m going to sell it to them in the way that they want to be sold, but that’s not a problem because no one’s buying with their hands tied. No one’s buying handcuffed. They’re not doing it against their will.

If anyone buys from you, you didn’t take advantage of them. They got a trade. They got value in exchange for value that they wanted. And trust me, some of y’all are afraid to overcome people’s objections because you’re afraid to convince them to buy, and I just want to offer that it is impossible.

You never have to worry about that ever. You can never convince someone to buy coaching from you. They will never buy because they’re convinced. Can you guys just let that go from here on out? I’m going to tell you why. If they do buy because they were convinced and they felt pressured and I just did a podcast about creating positive selling experiences based on a negative selling experience I just had.

And so I talk a little bit about that there, but if someone were pushed and uncomfortable and said to yes to buy because of those things, if that ever happened, they will not make it all the way through the coaching. They will quit before you start or shortly after. They will ask for a refund, which is what happened in my case.

I felt so pressured, which I felt a little silly about it having happened to me since I’m a sales expert and a really fierce businesswoman and I have very strong opinions, but I felt so pushed and pressured and awkward that I literally spent money against my will that I did not want to spend. Literally felt the same as when you don’t want to eat a cookie but the craving is so strong that you eat the cookie. That’s how it felt in this sales situation.

But you know what I did? Immediately asked for a refund. I had my assistant reach out to the person and be like, she doesn’t want to do this, we need a refund. So that will happen. You never have to fear taking advantage of people. You never have to fear pushing or convincing them to buy. Because if you do, they will ask for a refund. They will not go through with it.

And one of the things I actually recently coached one of my 2K students, I recently coached him on one of our live coaching calls. He was really afraid of taking people’s money and not getting them a result. That was what was keeping him from making offers is I’m going to take their money and then I’m going to not get them a result and I’m going to feel like I took advantage of them, I’m going to feel like I didn’t serve them and I’m going to feel horrible about it.

And I said, why wouldn’t you just give them their money back? And he was like, wait a minute, what? And I said, you know you always have that options, right? You always have the option. You never have to fear that. I told him, you never have to fear taking someone’s money and not delivering a result, which is the number one reason coaches don’t make offers and don’t sell coaching and chicken out at the offer part of the consult and back off.

I just coached someone in 2K about this too where she does an amazing consult and then she gets to talking about the program and her client buying from her and she hesitates and she tells herself she’s not sure if she can get them the result. That’s not a problem. Just don’t spend their money until they have the result. That’s an option.

That’s why I tell you guys to work full-time or work a side gig but make money that doesn’t make your business dependent on it and treat your business like a baby. Treat your coaching skills like a baby that just needs lots of love. But you never have to be held to that.

If you take someone’s money and they don’t get results and that makes you feel horrible, give them their money back. That is always your option. That’s what I do in 2K. If you coach with me and you come into 2K and you do 2K, and you don’t make 2K, I give you your 2K back so that I never have to feel like I roped someone into 2K. I never have to feel like I took their money and didn’t give them the result.

So every dollar I have, I have a podcast about sales shaming which will have come out before this one. I talk about deciding what you’re going to think about the money that you get from coaching and it being your money. Because I actually had a client once that tried to shame me for using the money she paid me, which she described it as her money, to go experience joy in my life in the form of traveling.

I went to Paris and Barcelona and Madrid and Ibiza and I just spent three weeks traveling Europe. And she quit while I was in Paris and she said, “I just think it’s really awful that you’re using my money that I am struggling to pay you, that you’re using that money to go travel.” I’m like, that’s fine, you don’t have to coach with me. We can be done today.

But it is my money once it’s my money, but I get to feel amazing about my money. I buy the most ridiculously expensive stuff. I take care of it. But I love to travel, I love to have nice things, I’m spending a lot of money on my wedding, I have a really nice car. I love to spend my money. I get to feel amazing about my money because I will give it back to anyone who doesn’t feel amazing about working with me.

You guys get to make those decisions for yourself so that you can enjoy the money that you bring in. You never have to feel like you made money by monetizing someone’s tragedy, that you made money off of taking advantage of someone. You never have to feel that way. You get to own your own business and make decisions for your business.

You get to decide how you think about what you’re selling to begin with, how you think about what your customer is getting, the value they’re getting, the value they signed up for. You get to decide. You can give them their money back. And I just offer, I don’t recommend that people – by the way, this is another tangent that we could talk about on a whole separate podcast and training about the money back guarantee that I offer.

But if you’re not making offers because you’re afraid of taking advantage of someone, specifically with this kind of flavor of you’re monetizing their tragedy, whatever it is, whether it’s their divorce, their weight gain, they being laid off and needing to find a new career, they’re losing someone.

I know many grief coaches. If you’re in the beginning stages of your business and you haven’t seen a lot of results yet from clients to believe how valuable your coaching is, if you’re not there yet, I just want to put that in your hands that you do have the power to kind of overwrite that fear a little bit with how you’re going to take care of it if that were to happen.

You think the worst-case scenario is you take advantage of someone and you monetize their “horrible situation that they’re in,” because that’s a thought, but their situation that they’re in, if you feel scared that you’re not going to deliver, you get to decide how you’re going to take care of that if that’s your worst-case scenario.

You can decide to give a half refund, you can decide to give a full refund, you can decide not to refund at all. You get to just decide. And I would never let the fear of taking someone’s money and not delivering hold you back from helping people.

And I told my client in 2K, I said, “What if you just decided if you signed someone on and they don’t feel like they got amazing value, you don’t even have to tell them ahead of time, you don’t have to make a deal with them like I do with my 2K students. You don’t have to do that but let’s just say in your brain you know the deal. The deal is if you don’t feel like the client got value or the client doesn’t feel like they got value, when that actually happens, in that moment, you’ll just refund them the money.”

And he was like, wait, what? Yes, he. A lot of people think men aren’t in 2K. They are. He was like, what? I can just give them their money back. And I’m like yeah, you could decide that. And I said, “Here’s what would happen if you made that deal with yourself. You don’t have to make it with other people, but if you made that deal with yourself, what would happen is you would coach people, you would make offers when you wouldn’t normally make offers, you would help people when you normally wouldn’t be helping people, and even if you refunded the first 10 people that you worked with, and even if those people didn’t get as much value as they hoped and you refund them, you’re going to get better at coaching because you had the opportunity to practice. And fewer and fewer and fewer people will not get results and more and more and more people will feel like they won the lottery and they’ll feel like they totally love the value that they’re getting.”

For me, I don’t feel like I’ve ever – I’ve only been maybe one. Maybe one coaching situation where I feel like I paid money and didn’t get the value that I received, but it was because I didn’t show up. I didn’t show up because I didn’t like the program and I didn’t even ask the person for the money back because I was still like, yeah, but I could change my thoughts about liking the program.

It was like I didn’t like the live coaching calls. It felt like everyone was just really negative. But there were modules and I could have just done those. But I got really busy in my business and I thought I needed to learn how to do funnels to make 100K on the launch and then I did the launch and made 100K and I was like, oh, I don’t need funnels. So I just didn’t do the program.

But that’s not the coach’s fault. I didn’t show up so I didn’t ask for my money back. So I’ve just never had an experience as a client buying coaching where I felt like I was taken advantage of or I didn’t get value. If you’re afraid of taking someone’s money and them not feeling like they got value, think about what you think about the coaches you work with.

Do you always feel like you’re getting value? I had a client in 2K once say that value, our perception of whether we got value is totally from the thoughts that we think and I was like, yes. That’s so good. Are you kidding me? Our perception of value just comes from our thoughts.

And you can’t control your clients’ thoughts, but you can control yours. You can decide to think that your coaching is valuable and then you can make a deal with yourself that you’ll never let someone feel like they got taken advantage of because you would handle that, so that you can always feel good about every offer you make and every dollar you bring in.

And when you know this – I’m going to end with this. When you know this to be true in all of your bones, if anyone ever tries to shame you around taking people’s money for coaching, you will never have a reaction to it. You’ll feel completely neutral. You’ll feel almost a little like, oh, they’re just confused.

You won’t even feel offended. You’ll feel nothing. You’ll be like, oh, they’re confused, they don’t understand how coaching works. They don’t understand how the world works. They don’t understand how business works. It’s not a problem. They’re just confused.

Alright, that is monetizing tragedy. Make sure you go out and listen to this again if you need to, but answer these questions for yourself. What you’re going to decide to make it mean with whatever offer you’re offering, are you going to monetize joy, are you going to monetize tragedy, are you going to monetize both? What are going to make that mean?

How are you going to decide to think and feel about the value you’re giving and the value your clients will get? What will you do to have your own back? Answer these questions for yourself. Okay, let’s do questions. You guys have any questions? You can pop them in the Q&A box. I’ll stay on just a couple of minutes to answer any if you have them.

You can ask a question on this or any other topic really. Alright, Karen says, “How do you feel about consult selling techniques where you’re told the price but also told that there is a significant discount if you sign immediately or in 24 hours?” I have never done a selling discount. I’ll tell you my thoughts about it and why, but I do bonuses all the time. I’m doing one right now for 2K if you sign up within 72 hours roughly. If you sign up by Saturday at midnight, you get The Consultation Code, hardcopy, printed and sent to you.

So that’s a bonus. I think it’s a similar thing to a bonus. I don’t have any thoughts about it. I don’t have any thoughts that are negative about it. Like, I don’t have anything against it. But here’s what I will say; I have never done a price reduction. It’s so simple but I went to life coach certification at The Life Coach School in 2015.

In 2015, I went to The Life Coach School coach training. My coach Brooke said – she talked about this and about how she doesn’t do fast action bonuses because she always wants everyone in the room to know that they paid the same amount, that she doesn’t treat anybody differently. So she doesn’t do scholarships.

People in 2K ask if they can come into 2K and pay after they’ve made the money. And it’s always a no. There’s other reasons for that, but mostly it’s like no, everybody pays the same. We don’t do payment plans either. It’s just everyone pays the same. So everyone in the program knows that they paid $2000 to get in that program.

And I loved that. As a student I was like, oh yeah, it would feel shitty to be in this room and know that some people paid $597 and then I paid $2000. That would feel bad to me as a consumer. And I just loved that concept of everybody pays the same. I think bonuses are a little different.

If I’m sitting in a room and someone got something extra for free that I didn’t get, but we paid the same, that, to me, feels important to me. But I think you get to decide however you want to think about it. So you said it happened to you and you felt pressured.

I’ve been in situations – I just want to clarify because I talk about this on positive selling experiences and I talk about positive buying experiences. And as a client, I have been there where I’ve felt pressured and I didn’t like it. But I’m always torn when I talk about that because as the coach, I also know that that is just a thought. And I can look back and see in hindsight, how I could have just been willing to feel uncomfortable and speak up for myself.

I didn’t have to pay that person money. I did not have to do that. He did not take money out of my purse. I willingly handed my card over, I willingly signed, watching myself do it thinking, “What a lunatic? What are you doing right now?” I saw it. So as the coach, I just want to offer that the only reason you felt pressured is because you chose to think something that made you feel pressured. You never have to do that.

Now, sometimes we have to learn that in hindsight like I did. I know that I just totally gave all of my power in that situation, and I could have also just felt fine about the situation. I could have just had thoughts that were like, this is totally fine. I was thinking about that.

And you guys just have to listen to the podcast to know the whole details, but essentially, I went to a trainer who – the gym was just not my vibe. It was in a really sketch part of town, but if that gym had been really nice and felt like Equinox in LA, if it had felt like that and had been closer to my house, I would have been throwing money at him because of my thoughts about it.

So you get to choose your thoughts. And in the moment, you can’t always prevent those situations. We don’t just walk around with managed minds 100% of the time. But you can always change the way that you talk about it in hindsight and the way that you think about it.

I don’t feel like I got taken advantage of or was pressured now. It did help me create a whole podcast about how to create positive buying experiences and how not to fall into the same things that this salesperson did with me. And I used it to serve me, but just know that it’s your thoughts and you get to decide how you want to feel about, which is such a powerful thing because I think a lot of people are, as the customer, afraid of buying because we’re afraid that we might be taken advantage of, that we might have been manipulated or that we might be manipulated.

I was actually just coaching with my coach the other day and I said I felt manipulated about something completely different, and she was like, well, you know that your choice. No one ever manipulates you. It’s impossible for someone to manipulate you. That only happens when you let it because of the way that you think and how you feel and the way that you take action and how you show up.

And when you start to feel like you could never be manipulated, you could never be sold against your will, you could never be pressured, you will never feel afraid of buying and that, as a life coach, I want you all to know that working on that and not being afraid of ever buying is one of the most powerful things you could ever do for your business because then you’ll never fear investing.

And when you don’t fear investing, a lot of you guys think if you didn’t fear investing and you didn’t fear being manipulated, your brain tells you it’s got to look for all the things that could go wrong that could happen. Because you think if you didn’t have that, you would end up spending money on things you shouldn’t have, but it’s actually the opposite.

When you aren’t scared to buy, it doesn’t mean you go buy everything. Just like if you think that you had more money you would buy something that you aren’t buying now, it’s never true. When you have more money, you actually buy less things. You just buy what’s the most important to you.

You buy what feels the most empowering to you. It’s just the opposite thinking. When you don’t let yourself ever feel manipulated, when you don’t let yourself ever feel pressured, then you don’t ever fear buying things. And for the most part, I mean, this trade situation, I just totally lost management of my mind for a little bit.

It was a very unique situation. Actually, it jarred me to be like, wow, I need to talk about this as a thing because it hasn’t happened to me in so long because I feel so in charge of how I spend my money because of the way that I think about it. So if you don’t ever feel – like, if you always feel in control of that decision, you’ll never fear making decisions.

So good. Make sure you guys ask me questions if you have any more specifically about that. “No question but I just joined your 2K and I’m so excited.” Awesome Casey, that’s so fun. Leah has a question about joining 2K. Okay, I’ll take those two. That’s fine.

“If 2K right for someone who doesn’t have their offer set and ready? Should I do my work to get that solid first before joining?” I would join and then use the program to decide what you’re going to offer because you were prepared to just set your offer. You could do that right now. There’s something in your brain and if you were on the masterclass yesterday, I talked about selling intangibles.

There’s a negative selling intangible in your brain right now that’s keeping you from just making your offer. There’s something that you believe, maybe more information that you need or coaching that you need. There’s something in the way, otherwise you would just already have it set.

And the other thing that I will say about – on that topic, just because I get a lot of questions about it and this is for 2K or for anything that you’re seeking coaching on. I just want to offer this because your clients will say the same thing. When you say should I do this thing, should I go make some money, should I be ready to start my business, should I have my offer, should I have my pricing or my niche, those are selling tangibles. They’re really just decisions.

But when you think that you have to have those in place before you get started on the work, your clients, it’s the same as if they said, well, do you think I should go ahead and start losing weight before I start working with you? Should I go ahead and file for divorce before I hire you?

It’s like, should I start taking action that I don’t know how to take or haven’t been able to get myself to take before I take action with you, but the purpose of coaching is to help your clients take action to help yourself take action. We all know what we need to do. Your clients know what they need to do, so they’re going to tell you that they need to try it on their own first.

They should probably just use what you said on the call, they should just try it on their own first. They’re all going to say that, but if they knew how to do that, they would have already been doing it. Or if we knew how to get ourselves to do what we know that we need to do, we would already be doing it.

No one is sitting around not losing weight on purpose. No one is sitting around not making money on purpose. No one is sitting around not fixing their marriage on purpose. We either know what we need to do and we can’t get ourselves to do it, or we are in confusion about what we need to do and can’t figure out how to find the solution. Those are the only two things ever that keep human beings from getting the results they want. That is always going to be the case.

So for yourself, make sure you don’t fall into that trap. And if you do, it will be really hard to walk your clients out of that trap. Someone just commented on my Instagram and it’s not a problem at all. I don’t want you guys to feel called out in any way. But someone just commented on my Instagram and she said, “I’m loving your podcast, I love that I have this opportunity,” which I want everyone to love my podcast and I want it to be a free resource and I want it to be an opportunity for people to learn from me for free before they invest if they can’t invest right now.

But she said, “I’m loving your podcast and I have this option. Someday I’m going to join 2K.” And I just want to offer, when you have thoughts like that, your clients have thoughts like that. They’re like, I would love to work with this person, someday I’m going to but right now I’m doing this other thing. Just know that we can’t overcome the objections that we have.

I actually have a podcast on that called Circumstance Resistance. But any time that we’re taking decisions one way, people are like that so we will have people in our own businesses that come to us and have the same thing and we won’t know how to overcome that objection or coach them.

I don’t want to say overcome that objection. Sometimes when I say overcome objections, you guys think I mean convince people to buy. And what I just mean is coach them through an objection and coach them through a thought error that’s in the way for them getting what they want.

That’s all overcoming objections is. It’s just helping someone see a thought error that’s in the way of them getting what they want. But we are unable to do it when we have thought errors ourselves that are in agreement with our client’s thought error. So just make sure y’all notice that.

The only reason that people need coaches is because we don’t know what to do and we need someone to tell us what to do, or we feel confused and we need someone to help us be unconfused. Or we’re not taking action and we want to be taking action, or we know what to do and we’re not taking action and we want to be taking action.

That’s the only reason. Even if it’s something – you can be totally loving your life and want to create something, like write a book, but you don’t know how to do it, and you feel confused, and so you hire a coach to help you be unconfused and tell you the steps of how to do it. You could feel totally amazing, but just be like, I want to write this book and I don’t know how.

You could also feel totally amazing in your life and be like, I know exactly what I need to do to write this book, I’m just not doing it, which is very interesting. I’m going to hire a coach to help me figure that out. Those are the only two reasons people hire coaches. To get them to do what they know they need to be doing, to help them figure out the things they don’t know that they need to be doing.

So for you all, you’re never going to feel like you’ve got it figured out and then you should join 2K or hire a coach or do a life coaching certification or whatever it is. Just know that’s why you buy is so that you can get help doing the thing you know you need to do, or finding out what you don’t know that you need to do. And it’s usually a mix of both.

So just know that because your clients will say that kind of stuff to you too and you want to be able to talk them through that. They’re going to say that they’re going to go try it on their own and you want to be able to help them do that.

Okay, I don’t know how to pronounce your name. It looks like Prayer. It says, “My question is about marketing on Facebook. Should I be doing this? I have no paying clients and I’m feeling stuck.” Yeah. I think everyone should market on Facebook or Instagram.

It’s free marketing. It’s kind of brilliant. How amazing? Mark Zuckerberg, thank you. He deserves to be a bajillionaire. He’s giving all of us this incredible opportunity to market for free. It’s amazing. In the beginning, I think you want to learn how to market for free. You don’t want to pay for Facebook ads or any other kind of paid marketing because you want to use that money to put into your brain and make you better at problem solving for your clients because the better you get at that and the better you get at selling to your clients, that’s how you show them that you can problem solve is that you sell to them, the more money you’ll make.

And then eventually, you’ll have more money than time, and then you can go do paid marketing. But for most people when they start a business, they have less money and more time, so you want to learn how to market for free. I call that organic marketing. That’s what we teach in 2K. But you want to learn how to at least get your first 10 clients for free.

It’s the hardest thing you’ll ever do but it’s the greatest thing you’ll ever do for yourself because once you know how to make clients from nothing, you’ll always know how to do that. I could walk into any room and sign a client. It’s a really powerful feeling.

My CFO asked me the other day if every one of my resources went away tomorrow, if I lost every podcast I ever recorded, every book I ever made for my program, every module, every coaching call replay, if I lost every email I’d ever written, if I lost my email list, if I lost my podcast listenership, if I lost my Facebook ad audience because you eventually, after you run ads for so long you have an audience that you can run ads to.

If I lost everything, how much money did I think I could make in the next 30 days? And I was like, probably like, 40K in the next 30 days. Probably. From nothing, I’ll just go to some networking events. I’ll just start a new business account on Facebook or a new personal page.

I’ll start over. I know exactly what to do, I know exactly how to do it. I could walk into any room and sign a client. It’s the most powerful feeling. And I feel so strongly about my students learning it so that no matter what the technology platform is, no matter how social media adapts and changes in the future, you will always know in a pinch exactly how to get a client without having anything.

You can learn how to do it on social media. I’m saying social media now just because we can’t go network in person. But I could walk into any Facebook group, I could make one post, I could sign a client. I could walk into any room when we’re not in quarantine and sign a client. And that’s such a powerful way to learn how to make money, so yes, I think you should definitely be marketing on Facebook or any other free platform. LinkedIn, Instagram, wherever you can get in front of people and connect with people, especially for free. You definitely want to do it.

Leah says, “I was thinking more like on Shark Tank they say it’s too soon, so figure that out and come back.” That’s a really great thing to also bring up. I agree that there are some things sometimes where you need to figure it out on your own, but I don’t ever think that coaching is one of those things.

Because that’s what we’re selling to our clients. So we have to be a product of our product of using coaching to get solutions. But when you do go to scale and you’re going to start – I think it’s really the difference of when you’re using yourself to be your main person that is marketing and yourself as the main person doing everything versus when you’re going to start using money, just like Facebook ads really, just like what I was talking about, get your first 10 clients for free and I even recommend up until 100K and then you can spend money on marketing.

What the sharks are saying is don’t spend money solving your problems until you’ve learned to solve your problems on your own, through trial and error. But I think that when you’re investing in coaching to learn how to solve problems, it’s different. You learning how to solve problems so that you don’t spend more money trying to solve them.

When I joined Million Dollar Mentoring with my coach and started mentoring to scale my business to a million, there were a lot of things I could have thrown money at. But one of the things that my coach said is that for every person that you want to hire, you have to do that job first so that you understand the job and you can communicate the job and tell people how to do the job, and not be at the mercy of people telling you how to do the job.

And so in that specific case, I had to learn how to manage my schedule and how to – I’m trying to think of the other things. I had to learn a ton about Facebook ads so that I could start directing the people that are helping me with Facebook ads.

I had to learn a ton of stuff that I wanted to hire out. I even had to learn – she made me learn how to do my own website even though I already had a website and I had a website team. She was like no, you have to create another one and you have to learn how to do it so you know how to edit that.

So some things you do have to learn, but I would have never been able to – I don’t know that I would have been able to figure out how to do a website from scratch without having someone show me how to learn how to do a website. Does that make sense? So she had people that came in that taught us how to build a website and then we built the website and then I knew how to operate it, but that’s a little different than paying someone to run the website, I guess is what I’m trying to say.

My 200K mastermind, I do tell them they can’t join until they’ve made at least 25K because they’re not ready. Because they need to go learn how to make 25K with 2K and on their own. They got to do the grind and they’ve got to do that first, and then they’re ready for the 200K mentorship and the things we coach on then. And that’s what I think the sharks are saying is you’re not ready for our mentorship yet, you have all these other things to do.

But it doesn’t mean those people shouldn’t be hiring a coach to help them figure that stuff out. Sometimes I watch Shark Tank and I’m like, they had a coach, they would be through all of this. This is just a mindset problem. So fascinating.

Alright, I hope that’s helpful. I will talk to you tomorrow. I hope you guys have an amazing rest of your day. Go make some offers, meet some people on Facebook for free. It’s the best thing you could ever do for your business. Alright, talk to you later. Bye.

Hey, if you are ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2K for 2K program, where you’re going to make your first $2000, the hardest part, and then $200,000 using my proven formula. It’s risk-free. You either make your 2K or I give you your 2K back. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

Enjoy the Show?

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