Make Money as a Life Coach® | Money Insecurity (Selling in a Crisis Part 11)Of all the things that this pandemic has brought up for almost everyone, money insecurity has to be high up on the list. Both my clients and their potential clients are displaying a lot of scarcity around money right now because of all of the uncertainty about the virus and what life will be like after. However, just like people’s insecurity over toilet paper, money insecurity is just the result of your thoughts.

I’ve coached people with millions of dollars in the bank who feel a huge sense of money insecurity and fear over that money just disappearing. I myself have experienced this with plenty in the bank. I’ve also been in debt to the tune of thousands and felt abundant, like paying it off wasn’t going to be a big deal.

Tune in today to discover what thoughts you might be having that are generating money insecurity in your life, and how you can transform your mindset around what you do have and what is within your capabilities to make. Once you master this work for yourself, the way you approach your client’s money insecurities will change forever.

If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Where your money insecurity comes from.
  • Why money is a neutral circumstance, but what we often make it, or a lack of it, mean.
  • How to identify your predominant thoughts about money.
  • What is going on for your clients when they have a money objection, and how you can help overcome it.
  • How you can feel confident and secure about money, even if you’re in debt.

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Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast, where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hey, coaches. Welcome to another special bonus episode of the Make Money as a Life Coach podcast, diving into selling in a crisis. So, today, we’re going to talk about money insecurity.

We’re coaching on a lot of this in 2K for 2K because the world is experiencing this. We’re all experiencing heightened experience of what was already there in our brains. Whatever was in there is already coming up, so my students are experiencing money insecurity. Their potential clients are experiencing money insecurity. It’s just kind of in the water.

And it’s the perfect time for us all to overcome that money insecurity and work through it. and we can all come out of the pandemic with a different sense of security and a different foundation around money, around everything in our lives. I think this is really truly possible, if you’re willing to do the work.

So, I wanted to share my thoughts, just some of them. I feel like I could talk about money and money beliefs all day long and especially when it comes to insecurity and security around money. It’s the biggest thing I worked on early on in my business.

I’m going to keep it really basic for this episode. I think that the hardest thing to grab onto is the basics. That is where we make our missteps in our brain. That is where we struggle the most; the most basic stuff. So, that’s what we’re going to talk about today. We’re going to keep it basic because that’s where the work is.

Okay, so, let’s dive in. money is a neutral circumstance. I know we know that in theory. Realizing it deep in your bones will change your life, like knowing it. Security and insecurity are feelings that you have about money coming from how you think about money.

Scarce, sufficient, abundant is how you feel about money. Spend, save, invest, have, blow money is what you do. And then your money result will always prove your most predominant thought about money.

Now, you might think money causes your feelings, that you see your bank account and have a feeling. You might think that having it means that you’re secure and that not having it means you are insecure as a person or in this world. But you are just having a thought, a sentence in your brain about the numbers you’re seeing.

I think it’s important to know that because even if your circumstance was negative-$30,000, you could still feel secure. You could choose that. You just have to find a thought about that that makes you feel secure, about money in general. I remember being $12,000 in debt and having the thought – it was the second time I had been in that much debt – and having the thought, “I’ve paid this off before. I know how to do this.”

I also remember having the thought, “I have everything I need right now in this moment.” In debt, I had that thought with a negative bank account. How is that possible to feel secure looking at negative-238, in the red? Because our thoughts are what create our feelings.

I’ve also coached clients who have had millions of dollars and felt insecure; scared every day of their life about losing it, not having it. every thought was constant scarcity, that that money was going to go away. They were feeling insecure at the idea of losing money because they thought if they lost money, they would feel insecure. They were just feeling, ahead of time, their worst-case scenario.

This crisis is the perfect time to learn this idea about money, about how to feel secure even when, and why you don’t feel secure even when… When you start knowing that money doesn’t cause your feelings, you stop being trapped by it. You stop making all of your decisions because of it. And you will be able to coach your clients through it.

Many people think that you can only overcome an objection if your client is going to buy an opportunity that will allow them to get a return financially on their investment. But that’s simply not true.

Your client, when they have a money objection, is just having a thought about money and making a decision around money without knowing that they can think any way they want to about money and feel any way they want to about money.

“It’s not in the budget…” is a thought we can think when we have $1000, $10,000, or $100,000. We can feel scared about the money coming in at $1000, $10,000, $100,000, a million dollars.

It was fascinating for me when I could see several hundred thousand dollars in my account and feel scared and feel irresponsible and think there should be more. It’s fascinating that I was able to feel joy and light and calm and peace and secure when I had negative-$238 in my account and no money in its way. Although, I will say no money on its way is also a thought too.

But how could I feel happy and safe and secure with negative-$238 and feel suffocated by not enough with $500,000? Because not enough is a thought that we can choose to think at any point. And happy and safe and secure is the way that we feel based on how we’re thinking, even about negative-$238 because money doesn’t cause our feelings; we do by what we think.

I know I’m saying that over and over and over, but really, you want to break this apart. This simplistic message is the only message you need to transform your life around money.

The best thing that you can do for you is start experimenting with your own power to think anything you want about money. You can believe it’s coming to you. Did you know that? You can believe you’ve already created it. it just hasn’t arrived. That feeling makes me feel so accomplished and good and calm.

I’m like, “Five million dollars, I already created that. That’s done, it just hasn’t come yet, but I’ve already created it. It’s already happened by the effort that I’ve already put in.”

You can believe that what you have is always enough. I love that Byron Katie always says that we have the exact amount of money we need always. What if you experimented with that truth? Because how do we know that that’s true, that you have the exact amount of money you need always? Because everything you need to have to survive, you have.

We are always meant to have what we have when we have it because it’s what we have. How could it be true that we need more? Because we don’t have it. We have what we need. And what we need will always fit into what we have.

It doesn’t mean that we can’t create more and want more and save more. But we are never meant to have more than we do right now because the reality is, we do not. Not to mention that if we had more than we’re meant to have now, we would lose the lesson of learning what we’re supposed to learn to have more than what we have now. There’s a lesson there; a reason we have it.

I really believe that from my own money struggle. There was a reason I had no money. There was a reason that I had to be the more resourceful I’ve ever been in my life and challenge that to the maximum of my capabilities when I started my coaching business because now that’s what I help other people do.

And now, I help them overcome objections from other people over and over and over. And I’m able to do that so effortlessly because I learned what I was meant to learn with the money that I had when I had it. And it’s really like fighting with the reality of Coronavirus, when we think we should have more money when we have, when we think that the Coronavirus shouldn’t be here…. Just me?

No matter how much we think it shouldn’t be here and no matter how much we resist it, it’s here. We’re in it. We get to decide how we want to think and feel about it. and every time you think that it shouldn’t be what it is, you always feel terrible. You lose every time.

How we show up when we believe we are meant to have more is never in a way that creates more. I want you to hear that. I’m going to say it again; how we show up when we believe we are meant to have more right now in this moment and we don’t have more is never in a way that creates more. Desperation, lack, graspiness, insecurity, scarcity always creates more scarcity, lack, insecurity, graspiness.

It’s easy to create more when you believe you have enough. And that is true with money, love, and time. And if you don’t believe me, just play around with it. The best way to create more is to believe you don’t need it.

And I know a lot of you think that if you believe you don’t need it, then you’ll just lose the motivation for it. But it’s not true. Think about how motivating it is to feel like you don’t have enough. There’s no less motivating thought to have that I don’t have enough.

Think about how productive you are when you think you don’t have enough. It’s the least amount of productivity that will come from not having enough. The most productivity you could ever have is believing that you have enough; that you have enough listeners, you have enough people watching you and reading your content, you have enough clients, you have enough dollars, you have enough knowledge.

When you believe you have enough, you always do more. Really experiment about this. Think about your money decisions. Ask yourself how you want to feel when you make a decision about money. What do you need to think that you could already believe in order to feel that way, to make the decision that you want to make about money?

Did you know that you’re in control of that? You can decide anything that you want to decide. I watch people who want to join 2K. I watch them say, “I want to join so bad. I really want to do it.” But they don’t feel in control of that decision.

Did you know that you could decide to do it? You’re just one thought away from deciding you could do it. You just have a find a thought that makes you feel good about the decision or powerful or clear or committed.

How do you want to feel about the decision? What thought could you think right now? Did you know it’s available to you? There’s no such thing as a right or wrong decision, a good or bad decision, or a responsible or irresponsible decision.

Did you know that? It’s not true, no matter how much you’ve told yourself. An irresponsible decision is only a decision you make feeling irresponsible. A responsible decision is only a decision you make feeling responsible. What?

And we’re not even talking about making thoughts up that you don’t believe. We are talking about finding a thought by taking the time to think on that thought, to ask yourself, to explore, to find something already in that brain of yours.

The thought you may produce may not feel as true as the one you are thinking now that makes you feel uncertain, insecure, or scarce, but only because you haven’t practiced it as much. The more you think a thought, the truer it feels. Not the truer something is, the more you think it.

You might feel your money situation is very true. I want you to try on the idea that it’s just a more practiced way of talking to yourself about money. I did so much work in the beginning of my business, and I recently had a lot of money sitting in my account and it really freaked me out.

I was spending more money than ever before on things was my thought, and my brain started freaking out. Not because you shouldn’t spend money on things, not because you shouldn’t have money, but because I was thinking that this is a lot of money, I have to be very responsible, maybe I shouldn’t be making these decisions around money, maybe I shouldn’t be buying these things, maybe I shouldn’t be saving in this way, maybe I should be doing things differently.

All of my thinking about how I should be handling my money, not deciding ow I wanted to handle my money was causing me to be a mess. I was thinking that I needed to make the right decision about money so that I could be secure.

I wanted to create security for me and my family. I wanted to create security for my business. I was thinking that, if I had X amount of money in my business working capital account that it would make my business more secure.

I was thinking, “I have to make these decisions and create the security for myself and my business.” What I wasn’t thinking is that I get to feel secure and then make any decision I want and have my back with that decision.

I got coaching by my colleague Kara and she said to me, “You know money can’t ever make you feel secure? You’re seeing that because, at one point, you thought 100K would make you feel secure and you would be rich, right?” And I said yes. And then she said, “And then you got 100K, and then you thought you needed how much?”

I said, “500K for sure.” And she said, “Now you have 500K and how much do you think you need?” And I thought about it for a second and I answered honestly, “Probably a million.” But that is when I realized, at one million, I would need 10 million.

And I remember a time where 500 would have made me feel secure and rich. That was really powerful in breaking my connection between money and my feelings. You have to do this work on yourself, on you, before you can do it on other people. That is what being a product of your product is about.

Money is neutral. Everyone has different thoughts about it. Yours aren’t the truth. They feel true because you have thought them over and over and over again. And they’ve created results for you that are either in your opinion bad or good, but only because you choose to think that way about them, not because it’s the reality that you have bad or good results.

Try that one on. You feel secure around money when you think thoughts that make you feel secure. You make secure decisions around money when you think thoughts that make you feel secure around your decision that you made. You keep thinking them after you made the decision.

And you can do that always. You feel insecure and uncertain around money when you think thoughts that make you feel insecure and uncertain. And what I want to offer is that certainty around money is as available as uncertainty.

We actually carry both sets of thinking in our brain. We are just used to accessing the most used thoughts. I recommend finding all the thoughts you have that feel uncertain and insecure when you think about money, and then do the opposite and find the thoughts that make you feel secure and uncertain around money.

You have them both, you just have to ask yourself. And then you get to decide which one you want to continue using the most, which one you want to be your truth. Because whatever is your truth, that is the decisions you will make and the reality you will create.

I recommend asking your clients too what they’re thinking when they tell you that they’re just feeling really uncertain about money or the world right now, with the pandemic that’s happening. What are they thinking exactly? Find out the exact thoughts. Find out all of them.

I might really ask them, like, what are all of their thoughts? Then I might ask them, do they have any certainty? Any at all? What would that be? What do they know for sure?

What I know for sure, regardless of what my clients believe, is that I can help them, that their investment will be worth it, that they are taken care of always regardless of their situation and that the decision they make can be the best decision they ever make, they’re just one thought away from thinking that.

The last thing that I want to cover and talk about is hoarding. A lot of people are doing it. You might be doing it; hoarding money, hoarding resources. Hoarding resources comes from holding onto scarcity thinking; thinking thoughts of scarcity over and over.

You feel scarce, so you try and gather resources and keep them. Notice this for you and your clients. Hoarding doesn’t feel good, Hoarding simply reinforces the reality of not enough.

We are seeing this in the supermarket. We are seeing it with toilet paper. Hoarding doesn’t make you feel safe. When your client is hoarding money or resources, ask them how they feel doing it. Is it safe? Does it feel safe?

They might think it is. But it cannot be. Because they are believing they are in a world with limited resources. Even if they have them right now, they can only feel safe when they have them and they believe the world is running out of them, which means they fear running out. Which is why they are holding on.

It is impossible to feel truly certain and safe while taking an action that represents the inherent belief that you are not. Let me say that one more time. It is impossible to feel truly certain and safe while taking an action that represents the inherent belief that you are not.

Coach yourself on this. You will be clean and clear to coach the world. And what I’m doing during this current pandemic to help my clients unwind this story is offering daily coaching the entire month of April, Monday through Friday inside 2K for 2K.

I’m in there three times a week, my 200K students are in there twice a week. And we are coaching everyone. We are unwinding all of this yarn inside our heads. When you have a coached brain, you will make money coaching others’ brains and we all need it right now. So, make sure you join, And remember, you either make 2K or we give you 2K back. There’s no need to hoard your money here.

This is an investment to create more money, an investment to help you coach your clients to feel safe and secure around money. You can feel safe and secure this entire quarantine, this entire pandemic, even if you’re out of a job. Plus, the job doesn’t make you feel safe and secure. Your thought makes you feel safe and secure. Your job doesn’t make you feel insecure. The lack of one doesn’t make you feel insecure. Your thoughts do.

Try it on. Experiment. Take your circumstances. Take all of them in the world. Play around with how you want to feel about them and how you would need to think in order to feel that way. And don’t give up on that until you can actually genuinely feel that feeling thinking that thought.

Try it on like an outfit. Don’t just take it off immediately. See if you can really see yourself in that outfit and keep trying on different outfits until you find the one you love.

Alright, have an amazing day. Go out and sell some coaching. I’ll see you on the next daily podcast.

Hey, if you are ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2K for 2K program, where you’re going to make your first $2000, the hardest part, and then $200,000 using my proven formula. It’s risk-free. You either make your 2K or I give you your 2K back. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

Enjoy the Show?

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