Make Money as a Life Coach® | Why Paying Matters (Selling in a Crisis Part 10)A question that many of my students are coming to me with right now is around whether to focus on their free offers or their paid offers. This particular comment shows me your thinking around the value of paying for coaching, and on this bonus training, I’m going to be providing questions you can ask yourself to check if you’re sold on your own coaching and offers.

If you think deeply about the money you invest in a program, there is an unseen energy that compels you to commit to that coaching. The same applies to taking care of an expensive item you’ve spent a lot of money on. So when you think about offering free stuff over your paid offers, you have to consider why buying or paying for something matters to you.

Join me today as I show you why paying for coaching creates better results for you and your clients, and how paying actually allows you to help more people. There is a different energy between being ‘interested’ in something and being invested, and I’m outlining all the ways that investing and paying for a product or service can produce results that are simply unmatched compared to consuming something for free.

If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • What you don’t fully understand if you’re wanting to give your coaching away for free.
  • How to check if you’re sold on your own offers.
  • What to consider when you think about why buying matters for you.
  • One of the most powerful reasons to invest in coaching.
  • What being ‘interested’ really means.
  • The difference between being interested and invested.
  • Why paying for coaching creates transformational results for yourself and your clients.
  • How paying actually allows you to help more people.

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Full Episode Transcript:

Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast, where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hello, hello, hello. Hey coaches. How you doing? Welcome to another How to Sell in a Crisis livestream bonus podcast. For those of you that listen outside of the Facebook pop-up group, welcome, welcome, welcome. Today we’re going to talk about why paying matters. Are y’all ready?

So a lot of coaches have been coming to me and we’ve seen this a lot in the 2K Facebook group, we’ve seen this in the Facebook pop-up group. During this time, during this pandemic, a lot of coaches are thinking the best way to help is to give their coaching away for free.

That’s the comment I’m getting a lot is, “But I could help more people if I were just giving things away for free, so should I focus on my free offer and should I focus on giving things away for free and doing things for free and just help everybody I can for free, or should I be focusing on my paid offer?”

So I wanted to unpack this today because here’s what I know. For those of you who are thinking you could help more people if you were offering things for free, for those of you that are thinking that, here’s what I know that you don’t fully understand, which is the value of paying for coaching, which is not a problem.

The more you pay for coaching and the more that you show up to get what you came for from your coaching, the more valuable coaching will be to you, the more you will think it is valuable and believe it is valuable. believing that your offer and what you provide, the service you provide is valuable is one of the greatest selling intangibles that you could have on your side.

It’s this unseen energy that compels people to follow you, engage with you, reach out to you, want to work with you. The more that you deeply believe in your offer, the more that you will sell your offer. Literally, if you’re not sold on your offer and the value of your offer, there’s no way you’ll sell other people on the value of their offer.

So a good way to check this for yourself before we dive in is the amount of money that you’re currently making is the direct result that directly reflects the amount of belief you have in your offer. But I want to talk about why it matters to your clients to be investing.

So when you want to think about a free offer versus a paid offer, when you want to think about why it matters for your clients to pay versus why it helps them more if it’s free, I want you to turn it around to you. I want you to think about why buying matters to you.

I actually thought about this for myself. I sat down with my coach and we made out this entire list of why buying things matters to me, why spending a lot of money on things matters to me and serves me. We even brought up sunglasses. And I will give you an example of why buying has mattered to me when it comes to sunglasses.

I used to buy cheap sunglasses and then I would lose them or sit on them, break them, they would drop on the ground. All of these things. Then I bought my first pair of $400 sunglasses. Then I bought a pair of $700 sunglasses. And I have had those sunglasses for five years.

They have no scratches on them, they stay in their original box, I put them on, I put them right back in their case. I take care of them because how much I invested in them. So when I think about why buying matters for me and when you think about why buying matters for you, this is the first thing I want you to consider.

You can’t get the same result with free stuff as you do paid stuff. You guys might know this. When you do a consult and your client is like, “I think I’ll try it on my own for a while,” you know that if they worked with you for six months, they’re going to get a very different result than if they do one consult with you.

But sometimes we don’t consider that when you’re actually on a consult and someone tells you, “I think I’m going to just try it on my own for a little bit and then I’ll come back if I need help.” And you’re like, okay. Because in that moment, you have a thought error and you believe them a little bit. You’re like, oh, maybe they can do it on their own, I don’t know.

The result I got from the sunglasses, which is such a small thing, is spend a little money, buy cheap sunglasses, result, broken or lost in a matter of days. Pay a lot of money, result, glasses still shiny and new five years later. It’s a completely different result.

I want you to think about this when it comes to coaching, it takes nothing to consume free stuff. It requires zero investment. Literally, the only thing it requires is time, which most people have. I know we tell ourselves the story that we don’t, but most people have time and that is all it requires. And for stuff that’s free, you have to think about your own behavior. Do you show up for it every single time consistently? Is it a major priority in your life? Something that you think about every day? Something free?

I know even the podcast that I listen to, I listen to them every week consistently but they don’t play a massive part in my life and in every decision I make. Not in the same way that my coach who I’ve paid does. So it takes nothing to consume free stuff. Requires zero investment.

And when you have zero investment, I want you guys to think about the thought process that your clients or yourself might be in when you have zero investment. You’re operating with the thought, “I am interested.” That’s what I came up with for me.

I listen to a lot of podcasts so this is exercise I did for me. The people’s podcast that I listen to that I haven’t actually invested with, I’m interested. I’m interested in what they have to say. But I’m not invested. There’s only one podcast that I listen to every single week always, and I pay that coach. Everybody else’s I’m interested. I listen to it every once in a while.

And if they say something I might try it, but I’m not getting the full picture. So I want you to think about for you, you have to understand this for you because if you don’t understand it on a deep mastery level when it comes to you, you won’t be able to coach other people on it.

Because here’s what will happen; if you don’t know why buying matters to you and they come to you and they tell you that, “I’m just going to keep – try what you said on the consult on my own for a little bit,” when they say that, but you haven’t investigated truly why buying matters and you don’t feel it as a truth in your life, you will really struggle to talk them through that. Not out of it. Through it. Because you won’t understand the magnitude of that decision, the decision to be interested or to be invested.

So I want you to think about how does it feel when you’re thinking that you’re interested in something. How does that feel in your body to be interested? And then how do you show up when you’re interested. Take a second to really think about that. I wrote a couple of things down. I made a little list.

When I’m interested, I show up when I think about it or not. So either I don’t think about it or I do think about it. When I do think about it, I show up. When I’m interested, I’m trying some things. I’m curious. I’m like, yeah, we’ll see how that goes. When I’m interested, I stop the moment I’m uncomfortable or I’m confused.

When I’m interested, I’ll move onto something else if it doesn’t work the first time around or the first couple of times. I’ll go find something else to solve the solution. When I’m interested, I might quit. And here’s what it boils down to; when you’re interested, you just don’t move past the things that you don’t want to do.

You just do the things that you do want to do. You learn the things you want to learn, you try the things you want to try. You work the amount of effort that you want to work, that’s easy for you, that stays in your comfort zone, rather than focus on the things you have to learn.

I was thinking about this with my trainer. The workouts that I do on my own, I work pretty hard. I feel like I get a sweat going, I feel tired after I workout. I get some movement. But when I go to that trainer, halfway through the session, 30 minutes in, I’m like, dying and I’m looking at the clock like, when is this over?

And they don’t let me stop. I have to keep going, and I have angry thoughts sometimes at them, and I sometimes make angry faces at them. And I sometimes complain because it’s pushing me so far past my comfort zone. Not just physically but emotionally. It’s fascinating to watch my brain in that situation.

Today I went to the trainer and I woke up so tired. And I told my trainer – I complained through the whole session. I was not a great client today. But it was really hard for me today. It was just not a great training day, but at the end I looked at my trainer and I said, “You know, today was really hard and it was not my best day for me showing up and for the workout we did and the result I created. It was not my best day, but if I hadn’t been scheduled with you today, I also wouldn’t have worked out today. The only reason I got a workout in today is because I was scheduled with you to get a workout in.”

I think about that with my 2K students. The only reason sometimes that they get consistent coaching is because they show up to a coaching call every week. We create that consistency for them. So many coaches, I’ll ask them, how many times a week did you actually coach yourself? And it’s so small when they’re on their own compared to when they’re in a container where everybody is coaching themselves all the time and they have lots of access to show up and do that and they’re doing daily coaching and weekly coaching.

The same is true for your client. If they don’t hire you, if they don’t pay you money to coach them, they are not going to work on this once a week. I’m just going to assume that you’re selling one-on-one coaching and you’re going to work with your client once a week for an hour. We’re just going to say that’s a container.

Many of you have other offers and other ways of doing things, but let’s just use that for an example in our brain. If they don’t pay you from that consult call, you need to know that what’s going to happen is they’re going to leave the call and they are not going to work on their problem for one hour every single week. They will not do it.

They will complain about their problem, they’ll feel frustrated about their problem for many more hours than one hour a week. They will half-ass trying to fix their problem, but they will not consistently proactively work on a very productive solution for their problem or towards the result they want.

They want to start a business, they want to write a book, whatever it is, they will half-ass it on their own versus having one hour every week where they’re dedicated to working on that result that they want. Paying for forces them into consistency. It’s one of the most powerful reasons to invest in coaching for yourself and for your clients, but you have to know this for them.

When they give you all these objections, remember, we talked about in selling in a crisis, now that we’re in a crisis, people’s money fears are going to be higher than ever, their time fears are going to be higher than ever. Their fears of not getting results will be higher than ever. Their uncertainty in the world is going to be higher than ever, and you need to know that if they leave that call, they’re taking all of that with them. Without a dedicated hour every single week, they won’t have that.

If coaching wasn’t a more powerful way to get a result, no pro athletes would have coaches. Why do Olympic athletes have coaches? They’re experts. Why do they have coaches? Because they couldn’t push themselves past a certain point the way that their coach can. They’re missing perspective on themselves that a coach can provide.

So even the best of the best of the best have coaches because they understand perspective, awareness, and consistency. And you can’t get the same level and the same amount of awareness, perspective, and consistency when you’re interested. You’re interested in getting better at soccer is not the same as if you have a soccer coach that trains you every single week.

If you’re interested in learning how to make money is the same as having a coach teach you that every single week. It’s not the same if you’re interested in losing weight, then having a coach is going to teach you how to lose weight every single week and you’re going to focus on it every single time.

And the other thing is the trainer doesn’t let me quit. I want you to think about when someone isn’t invested with you and you’re not able to walk them through every time their brain wants to quit, they won’t have anyone to do that. They will just quit. One of the most important things.

So here’s the way I want you to think about interested. Interested means not sold. When you’re interested, you’re not sold. When your client is interested, they’re not sold. And when you’re not sold, think about the result that you create. I’m not sold. That’s the thought. How does that feel? How do you show up when you’re not sold? What’s the result that you create?

The bigger the investment, the bigger you’re sold, the bigger the return. I am invested in this. So I made another list. The invested list. So the interested list is I’m interested, I show up when I think about it to not, I try on some things, I stop when I’m uncomfortable or I’m confused, I move onto something else, I quit.

The invested list is I show up with invested effort. I put a lot more effort in it because I have something valuable of mine on the line. That’s what invested is. I put something valuable of mine on the line. So I have a lot more invested in the effort I put into it. I have invested consistency. I’m going to show up even when I don’t want to.

There are many times I wouldn’t show up on my own but because I’m invested and there’s someone there to help me show up, I show up. You have invested support when you’re invested and you work with a coach and when your client hires you, they have invested support.

I remember when my first coach – I met her at my job. We both worked for the same company. She had just started her coaching business. I helped her get a huge promotion in our company and I blew the CEO away and he was like, if you can change Stacey and Stacey and I’s relationship working together, you can change anybody.

And she got a huge promotion, so she offered to coach me for free whenever I needed it. I could just call her and text her and any time I wanted, I could get some help. When I was interested in getting help, I could reach out to her.

And then my best friend at the time started paying her and I started talking to my best friend and my best friend was always talking about these coaching calls every week, these consistent calls every week. She had a time every week that she could look forward to to talk to her coach.

And she started telling me things she was learning and I’m like, wait, I’m not learning those things when I reach out to her. I don’t get a consistent time every week. And then one day I was talking to her on the phone and I said, “Listen, I want to ask if I can pay you.” And she was like, “Wait, what? You want to pay me? I said I would coach you for free for up to a year.”

And I said, “Yeah, but I want to pay you. I want to give you money because I want to feel like I have you consistently. I want to feel like I always know when our call is. I want to feel like I have that call to look forward to, and I want to feel like my best friend feels when she gets off the phone with you. I want to feel like my life is deeply changing the way I’m seeing hers change. I want to feel that level of investment and I want you to feel that level of investment with me.”

When a client gets on the phone with you and they just do a consult and they’re just interested, they’re also not getting your highest level of investment in them because you don’t get to work with them every week. You don’t get to think about them all the time. You don’t get to create different ways to help them.

I think about my clients, I was thinking about one recently and I was like, I think I need to explain this to her. I think this is where she’s not understanding. You don’t get that. You don’t get the level of investment from the coach when you’re just doing a consult. You have to know these things because you can’t let your clients leave with some half-ass plan and with some bullshit story about why they can’t work with you.

They have to know that what they’re actually saying is I’m going to go keep being interested on my own instead of invested. I’m going to not invest effort, I’m not going to invest consistently, I’m not going to get invested support. And the next one is invested is comfort. I’m not going to invest in my own willingness to be more uncomfortable than I currently am.

There’s only a certain level of discomfort you can push yourself to. You have to have someone else pushing you further than you believe you can go. If you don’t have that, you will never go further than what you believe you can go. You have to have that person there that tells you you can go further.

It’s just the human nature. You battle your own mind. If I want to do something, I don’t want to eat the cookies but the urge and desire to eat them is too strong, so I eat them. But if your coach was standing right there you wouldn’t. It’s fascinating.

I work on eating no sugar and no flour for the most part. It’s so fascinating to watch the way I eat around my coach and my colleagues than when I eat at home. I noticed that in January and I really started working on that. I’m like, that’s so fascinating. But now I have a coach that I work with every single week. It’s a different level of investment.

So now I’m really uncomfortable but I’m willing to do that because my coach pushes me past my discomfort level every single week. So you invest in your own discomfort, to push yourself beyond where they want to go. Your clients will never do that on their own. You have to make sure they understand that on a consult.

And then you have invested care. It’s the sunglass story. I’m invested in taking care of my sunglasses. I noticed this with one of my 200K students in my mastermind. She wrote a list – I actually had her on the podcast if you’ve listened to the episode with Samantha Siffring, Making 200K Even When.

We talk about this list that she made. She is one of my best students because she has so much invested care in what she’s learning from me. She goes through and takes insane amounts of notes, and then every single week, she goes back over those notes.

She says for all of our 200K mastermind calls, she watches them at least twice. She’s been through the 2K process multiple times and she takes meticulous notes and then she goes back and looks at those notes, and she goes through every single thing. She puts so much care into the coaching that we do because she’s so invested.

Your clients will be the same way. They’ll put more care into the result they want because they’re more invested. And the last one is invested resilience. That’s what they’re going to have. When you’re invested and you fail, you keep going. When you’ve paid a lot of money and you fail, you have to get back up. When you’ve put money on the line, something that you value and you care about, you have to get back up.

When I buy 12 trainer sessions, 24 trainer sessions in a row, but I have to miss two because my muscle spasms and I can’t go, I don’t just completely quit, whereas I used to do that when I was only working out on my own. I would just totally lose motivation. Sometimes I’ve been out two weeks at a time.

And before, two years ago, I would have just completely given up on it. I would just go six months without working out again. But because I already paid for the sessions, I’m like, as soon as this heals, I’m getting right back in no matter how hard it is to get back up and get back going again. So I’ve grown my resilience.

Your clients will be able to grow theirs when they invest with you, and you will be able to grow yours the more you invest. Paying actually allows you to help more people. I want you to consider that this could be true. Because the more people who pay you, the more invested people pay you, the more invested your clients are, the people that you spend your time on, the more invested they are, they get greater results.

I was actually thinking about this with my podcast versus my 2K program. We have a gajillion listeners on the podcast. And we have a little over 1000 people in 2K, and I was thinking about if we put these two groups together, who makes more money? And I bet it’s the 2K group even though it’s a lot less people.

And the same is true for you. You could do livestreams every day to 500 people and if you worked with 20 clients one-on-one, you would probably help more people in that one-on-one client list. We love the free stuff, we put that stuff out there so that people can get a taste, so that they can start getting results ahead of time so that they can grow their desire to be invested. That’s why we do that, to give them little wins to grow their confidence to go after the big wins.

But make sure that you really understand why it’s not good enough to just let your clients consume the free stuff. Because they’re going to tell you that on the consult. They’re going to not ask for consults because they’re going to be consuming your emails and podcast if you have one, and your Facebook posts, or your livestreams.

This is what a lot of my students will come up to me and say is they’re like, waiting for their audience to reach out to them and understand why paying matters and why buying matters. They think they should just know. This is something you have to educate your people on.

I can’t believe we haven’t even talked about it on the podcast or I’ve never done a training on this before because it’s so important, but I naturally educate all of my students all of the time on the importance of investing in themselves. In 2K, we make it a really big deal to get a return on that investment.

Because it’s not just enough to get an investment. You have to teach your students, to teach your clients, whatever you call them, you have to teach them to be invested and why paying matters for them, why it’s important that they buy to get greater results, and then you have to teach them how to use that investment and guarantee their results for themselves. How to show up and get their results no matter what.

When you teach those two things, you will make an obscene amount of money, I promise you. The first step that you have to take is you have to figure out why buying matters for you. People see my business making millions of dollars and they’re like, how do I get there? I’m like, invest in yourself. I’ve invested over $100,000 in my own brain.

Not my business. Not marketing. My brain. And now my brain is capable of producing millions of dollars. You want to invest in your own brain and I love that someone said this in our group. Someone said, “Investing in me is actually investing in my clients.” And I was like, what? That’s crazy.

Another one of my clients, they were talking about their results and they said investing in herself was all about her and all for her, but it’s impacted her family in ways she could have never known. So not only is it important for you to be investing in your brain for your clients, your skill set, the way that you think will also impact the level of results that your client gets, but it’s important for your client to invest because whatever changes they make, it will impact every single person in the lives they touch.

Anyone that is around them, it will impact them, especially in this quarantine. A well-managed mind is going to be really a lot more fun than an unmanaged mind in quarantine. A managed mind around a parent with their child or a wife with their husband, husband with their wife, a managed mind is going to be a happy home.

So I want you guys to just think about this. I ask myself these kind of questions all the time. Why does paying matter? Why is it better that someone actually pays money versus gets free stuff? Why is it important that I invest money instead of just consuming free stuff?

And maybe ask yourself that every day for 30 days and come up with as many answers as you can come up with. I thought about it for the last couple of weeks knowing I was going to do this podcast, and I talked to my coach about it and I wrote lists.

So I really want you to think about it for you, and don’t just take my thoughts about it. Really ask yourself why it matters for you, so that you’re super clear, so when you have to go explain that and teach that to someone else, you can from a place of you’ve really investigated it and you’re super clear on why it’s so important.

And maybe even challenge yourself to think about all the objections they might bring you. Money, time, they lost their job, they’re feeling stressed about what’s happening in the world, they’re feeling uncertain. Maybe take all of those potential objections that you could get from people or it might be the reason they’re not reaching out on consults and see how why paying matters applies to teach one of those objections.

Even when someone’s lost their job, why is it important that they invest in themselves and get a coach? Even when someone is feeling really uncertain in the world and they don’t understand what’s happening with the economy and they’re feeling afraid, why is it important for them to hire a coach?

Do this exercise for yourself. It’s so powerful. It will change the game, but just make sure you’re not telling yourself that you could actually help more people if you were offering all your stuff free. If you can only go all in on one thing, go all in on your paid offer.

You have to give value to make an offer anyway. You have to give content in a Facebook post if you’re going to make an offer. You have to give content on a podcast or on a training, so do that. Alright, going to take some questions.

Liz says, “How do I help them understand why paying and buying matters on the podcast without driving them away or something?” So it’s really interesting. I would that turn back on yourself. If I am teaching you this and it feels like it’s driving you away, why would that be? What would be the thought that would drive you away?

Or just what is the thought that you imagine they’re having that would drive them away? That’s what you have to think about. It’s a really interesting question. One of my colleagues always jokes that every email you get from me has an offer in it, and I’m like, yes, of course.

If it drives them away that they get an offer in a value email that I send out, they can unsubscribe. Who cares? That’s something else I would think about Liz, is if someone is going to not listen, if they want to consume your free content without ever being offered anything or taught why it’s important to take you up on your offer, those are not your people.

Remember what we talked about on one of the previous trainings. You can’t find your people without going through the people who aren’t your people. You’ve got to think about who your people are. My people want to know this stuff. They want to be taught this stuff. They’re like, “Oh my god, I’ve never thought about this before, this is incredible, this is going to change everything for me, this is going to change everything for my clients.

They want to hear everything I have to say. And the people who don’t, it’s fine. They can stop listening. You have to be in charge of your free content. My free content does not come without offers. No ma’am. Because it’s something I do for free. Of course, I’m going to promote my business on the thing I do for free. I want all of you to feel that way.

If you don’t feel that way, of course I would promote my business on everything I do for free, of course. I want you to coach yourself on that. Why is it a problem to promote your business with your free stuff? The only people that will ever be uncomfortable with it are people who are not your people.

There might be some people on this podcast, on this livestream that listen to it and they’re like, I didn’t like that. Not my people. They can stop listening to my free content that I give out every week and spend hours and hours – sometimes it takes me four hours to do one podcast. Four hours of a multi-millionaire’s brain going into teaching something for free. Of course, you’re going to get offers.

I make an offer on the end of every single one of my podcasts. If you really genuinely believe that it’s harming your clients not to be working with you, if you believe your offer is that valuable, why would you not? I think in 2K was where I did it, but I’m like, why would you not shake them? Like, I want to shake coaches who are like, I don’t know if I should join 2K or not.

I’m like, what? Because I know how much more money they’re going to make. It’s the most insane question to me. That’s how I feel about my offer. Doesn’t mean everyone has to buy my offer, but that’s how I feel about it so that’s how – I’m going to make lots of offers, I’m going to be like, what are you talking about you’re not sure if it’s going to help you?

You have to feel that sold on your offer. That passionate about your offer. You will never feel bad. If you believe that about your offer, you will never feel bad offering that offer. All of you right now, think about if you would feel bad if you had a vaccine for coronavirus. Would you feel bad getting on Facebook Live and talking about it every day and then asking for payment for that?

You best believe if there is a cure for coronavirus, they are going to charge for that. It’s not going to be free. A cure for headaches isn’t free. It’s $2.99. They sell it in a bottle. It’s called Advil. We have to pay for those things. You should never, ever, ever feel fear for making offers and talking about why they should buy. I think you have to educate them.

I was thinking about this today. I’m like, I think there’s a lot of coaches in the world that don’t understand that they have to invest in themselves at a really high level. And I know that’s true because I have people come to me and they ask if 2K will help them make $200,000.

I’m like, what? Why would you ever ask that? Why would you want to try to use a $2000 to make $200,000? They don’t understand. For me I’m like, of course I want to invest as much as I can to make as much as I can because I’m always going to make a hundred times more than I invest.

So I want to invest $200,000. I want to pay $200,000 to coaches. That’s how much I want to invest. I want to invest a million dollars in coaching. I remember my first year, I mean, I’m walking the walk right now. Is that the saying? Walking the walk?

My first year I could not make money fast enough to send it back out for an investment that I needed. I was obsessed. I had a whole list of all the investments I wanted to make and all the reasons I wanted to make each one and who I was going to become with each one and how each one was going to help me in my journey.

My coach Brooke says the person invests the most wins. You want to invest, especially for your first 100K, you want to invest as much as you possibly can to break even. We try to invest – literally at this point, we’re trying to spend as much money on Facebook as we can, on paid ads for investing in my business and literally, we can’t do it.

We have more money available that we want to spend than Facebook allows us to spend. We’re like, we want to spend all of the money. I want to spend all of my money on my brain because I understand why paying matters. It gives you a bigger result. So the more you pay, the bigger result you get.

If you don’t have this awareness, you want to start small. That’s why I created 2K. I created 2K for people to have a start, to learn how to invest in themselves, to learn how to make that investment back so that now they have a skill for every dollar they spend from that moment on. But I’m always confused like, why wouldn’t you want to join 200K mastermind? Why would that not be something you’d want to do?

Or some other person’s mastermind. Doesn’t matter if it’s not mine. But why would you not want to up your investment game? Why would you want to try to get everything you possibly could out of one investment? I also thought that about my coaching. Why would I not want to continue with my coach?

I coach with her one round, she raised her prices, but why would I not want to keep coaching with her and pay her more money? I’m going to get better results every time. Just grab those thoughts and think about them for yourself. Whether it’s me that you invest with or someone else, just grab those thoughts and think about it. Why wouldn’t I want to spend a lot of money in myself, learn how to use that money to become better?

I also think why paying matters is when we spend money on ourselves, we grow our self-worth. That’s a big one. When you put money in yourself instead of a vacation or a house or a thing, a car, I put money in myself and I stayed in a 600 square foot apartment until I was making $500,000. I had make $500,000. I did $150,000 one year and $325,000 the next year, I was still living in that 600 square foot apartment because all of my money went back into myself.

I don’t want you guys to be afraid to make offers and talk about this with your people. It’s not a bad thing. And I want you to coach yourself on everything that makes you think it’s a bad thing. How can you help people get through their money drama of hoarding, especially during the COVID-19 time?

Hoarding is an action you take when you feel insufficient, based on what you’re thinking. I’m getting ready to do a podcast on this, on money insecurity. But it doesn’t make them feel better. Ask them how hoarding makes them feel. Hoarding money, hoarding toilet paper.

If they’re being honest, there’s zero chance hoarding makes them feel good. It’s not useful. They think they’re trying to solve a problem but it makes them feel bad. Hoarding does not feel good. Hoarding money does not feel good. It does not come from a positive place. It comes from a belief in scarcity. There isn’t enough resources.

Your predominant thought is there isn’t enough to go around. That never feels good. They just get to decide. Do they want to keep feeling like there’s not enough resources? There really could be no toilet paper and they could have to use magazines to wipe their ass and still feel happy and good about it.

You never know what I’m going to say. I was like, I could live in a box and I would feel happy. I love that. The people who live a life where the world has to change for them to be happy are going to be miserable this entire time, and they’re going to be just bracing and bearing through it. The people who learn how to manage their brain and feel happy no matter what, any time they want or peaceful or calm or whatever the fuck they want to feel, because they get to decide, it doesn’t even have to be happy, the people who understand that that’s in their power will leave this quarantine and this pandemic better people. And they will have better lives because of it.

Hoarding is not the natural way that we are supposed to be as humans. It’s going against everything, like, the universal laws of the world. And how we know that is because it feels terrible. The truth of the world is everything is very abundant.

it’s fascinating our first-world take on things. We’re like, oh my god, I can’t be quarantined in my house and possibly go without toilet paper, but there are people who live in Africa in huts with no running water or electricity, and those people are statistically I think more happy than Americans. How can people be happy living in huts with no water and no electricity? Because water and electricity and housing is not what makes us happy.

The way that we think about the world makes us happy. And you guys can work with people. So the question they just have to ask is does the hoarding make them feel great? Do they want to spend the next eight weeks hoarding money, time, toilet paper, food? Do they want to spend the next eight weeks feeling scarce, feeling out of control and uncertain, or do they want to feel certain and in control and have a little more power over their life?

Do they want to leave this not feeling like, oh my god, thank god I just survived quarantine? Do they want to survive or do they want to live and thrive? That really is what it boils down to. They get to decide and there’s no judgment about it. But you’ve got to be able to show them that that’s what’s happening.

Kelly says, “Question. For those of us who are ready to move from one-on-one coaching to group, what advice would you give? What are your favorite thoughts to think about group work? I’ve been doing one-on-one for years and I’m ready to start group coaching.”

Okay, so actually, here’s the thing that I will just offer. The amount of time you’ve spent one-on-one coaching is never the decision I teach my clients especially whether it’s 2K, 200K, that’s never the – I’m actually going to do a podcast on this too. It’s on an upcoming list. There’s so many I want to do, but about when to move from one-on-one to group.

I never make the decision based on how long I’ve been one-on-one coaching. I make the decision based on supply and demand. The best time to switch to a group is when you have so many one-on-one clients and so many people waiting to work with you one-on-one that you can put them then in a group.

When you’ve grown your audience and your demand that is now greater than the supply you have, that’s the best time to go into group. So I don’t know what your situation is, I just want to offer that. The way that you presented the question is like, the time, and I just want you to know group becomes a no-brainer when you have so many clients that you literally can’t help them anymore all one-on-one.

My client Maggie has so many one-on-one clients, I was like, “Maggie, you have to start a group.” She has a huge waitlist for her one-on-one. She only has two spots opening up. They don’t open up for four, five months. I’m like, “No, these people want help now. You better start a group. You got to put them in there.” So it becomes this no-brainer thing that you have to do when you have enough demand to do that.

And then up until then, you have to focus on creating that demand. You have to learn how to sell enough one-on-one coaching to create that demand. That’s my advice to you. And it’s so easy to think about a group and sell a group from that place.

When you do it that way, you create a circumstance where it’s really easy to have a thought that a group is a no-brainer because people either have to wait six months or a year to work with you one-on-one, or they can jump in a group now and work with you. And they will always choose to jump in a group now and work with you.

So that’s what I want to offer on that. But that’s not something I specifically cover in 2K. Those are little decisions that you just get coaching on. What I teach you is how to get people on the phone, how to market your business and get clients, how to make offers to where you have people reaching out to you, how to sell from a clean place where you’re not feeling sales-y and pushy, so you want to do it more often and you’re more effective at it, and then how to run a consult step-by-step-by-step from minute-by-minute to sell clients the way they need to be sold to.

There’s a specific process. They have to be sold in a certain way, otherwise it’s no dice for them. They can’t feel comfortable to do it. And then I teach you how to walk someone through an objection and how to talk people through the crazy shit their brain comes up with while they’re on the call.

It’s just all thought errors and I teach you how to overcome those and you can do that for every offer you have at any level that you have it. I have people that have never made a dollar and I have people that are making 400K that come in and they want to get tighter on their sales so that they can sell more to larger groups of people.

Kelly says, “Follow up, I think my main concern is being able to hold space for a group coaching.” Again, I don’t know where your business is but the thing that I would think about is how do you feel holding space for one-on-one and it could just be a thought in the way, or it could be that you really haven’t coached enough people.

Because I felt super comfortable as soon as I went into group after coaching 100 people one-on-one for several years. But also, you could start small. I always recommend when you go into group starting small and then growing. You don’t want to just go into a 30-person group.

I have a 30-person group in my mastermind but because I started with like, eight people and then 10 people and then 15 people and then 20 people and learned how to hold the space and get results for that many people at the same time. That’s the skill you’re trying to create when you go into group is creating group results for your clients.

Selling to groups and then creating group results. And you’re going to have to think about what level of thinking will allow me to sell to groups and deliver to groups and make sure everybody goes across the finish line.

Alright, there’s going to be some more daily podcasts. The way that this goes out, there are still a couple more that will be released. So you can listen on the podcast. I have one coming up about money insecurity. I have a couple interviews coming up that you’ll really love. And then of course, if you do want to take this work deeper, make sure you join 2K for 2K. Alright, thanks for joining. I had so much fun this week. Bye.

Hey, if you are ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2K for 2K program, where you’re going to make your first $2000, the hardest part, and then $200,000 using my proven formula. It’s risk-free. You either make your 2K or I give you your 2K back. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

Enjoy the Show?

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