Make Money as a Life Coach® Podcast

Ep #258: All or Nothing Thinking

Ep #258: All or Nothing Thinking

While the thoughts “it’s working” and “it’s not working” seem innocent and factual enough, they are insidious forms of all-or-nothing thinking. I believe these sentences are the only thing keeping...

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Ep #257: What to Do When You’re Stuck

Ep #257: What to Do When You’re Stuck

Even after eight years of running my business, I still have moments where I feel stuck. I’ve been stuck many times at different points of my journey, but I’ve learned that it doesn’t mean anything...

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Ep #254: High Value and Low Value Cycles

Ep #254: High Value and Low Value Cycles

I often receive questions from people who are interested in joining the 200K Mastermind. They want to know the types of concepts that are taught, what they can expect, and whether they’re a good fit...

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