Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | What It’s Really like to Sell a New Offer at Any Level

At this point, I could sell 2k for 2k, the 200k Mastermind, and the 2 Million Dollar Group in my sleep. After six years of selling these programs, I have a deep understanding of the fundamentals of selling and have developed precision in communicating their value. However, I’m currently launching a brand new offer series, and this is the perfect teaching opportunity for me to show you what it’s really like to sell a new offer at any level.

The problem most coaches face when they go out into the world to sell their offer—whether it’s their first-ever client or they’re branching out into new containers—is the discomfort of not being perfect. If you’re in the thick of your brain convincing you that no one will ever buy your offers, you’re in luck because this week, I’m sharing the secret to selling mops in Walmart… which also happens to be the secret to selling coaching online.

Join me this week as I reveal what it’s really like to sell a new offer at any level. You’ll learn how to develop precision in how you talk about your offers, the importance of being willing to be imperfect, and the power of cultivating a calm, loving, and patient inner monologue. 


Join me for SERVED: a transformative, accessible live coaching experience I created especially to help you serve your audience at the highest level!

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I’m making some big changes in my 2 Million Dollar Group! For all the details and to get on the waitlist, click here.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • The importance of being precise in how you talk about your offers.
  • Why selling something for the very first time at any level will be uncomfortable.
  • How the PSPR method helps you develop your offers. 
  • Why I love the idea of a simple offer.
  • How your energy, confidence, and connection to your people can sometimes get lost in the selling process.
  • The power of choosing one person to think about as your avatar.
  • Why you must find ways to make selling and marketing fun.


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Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2k, 20k, and 200k using her proven formula.

Hey, coaches. Welcome to episode 296. Today, I wanna share with you a Facebook live I recently did on my business page about what it’s really like selling a new offer. I walk through a very honest experience that I find with every offer I’ve ever sold at every stage of my business regardless of your skill level and the revenue you’ve produced all time or in the last 12 months, this episode will be for you.

I think people have a different expectation of what it might be like to sell a new offer. And the way I explain it here is really powerful to show you what to expect, what is normal to normalize this experience, and to help you get better faster. So make sure you dive into this episode. It’s going to be a really unique perspective that maybe you haven’t heard before.

And then I also wanna invite you to join me in Served. As this episode airs live, we will be on day 3 of the served training, but this training goes all the way into next week. We have 7 total classes plus a welcome training that ended up becoming a whole module in itself, a whole 60 minute training. So there are technically 8 trainings available for this entrepreneur series course, 8 classrooms on showing up and serving at the absolute highest level possible to impact your people and create a wave, a momentum, a compounding effect for your business.

You can sign up at, and you still have plenty of time to join us. If you join us on Wednesday, you will be able to join Wednesday, Thursday, Friday’s classes. Then we’re gonna take a 3 day break so you can catch up on replays, and then we’re gonna come back and finish up the final two lessons, and then you will still have a remaining few days to catch up on all replays and get up to date before we close the program. So make sure to join us at

But for now, let’s dive in to what it’s really like selling a new offer.

Hello. Hello. Hello. How are you all today? I have not been live on my Facebook page in so long. So, I’m glad to know where you guys have come from. Since we have some new people, I’m going to be cognizant of that during this live stream. And I have really well prepared so I’m going to get straight to the point because I think this is a really important conversation.

I was talking with, I have a weekly life coach that I work with as some do, that I just love to get weekly coaching every week. I’ve done that for 10 years. And I was talking to my coach and we were talking about my launching the entrepreneurial series and she was asking how it’s going. And my answer prompted her to ask more questions about it and be curious about it. And the answers that I gave her to the questions that she asked, I felt I cannot believe that I’ve never talked about this before and it’s so important. It’s so important.

I’m actually going to turn this into a podcast. The recording of this, I will put on my podcast because it is so important. I really think every single person needs to hear this conversation. So, what she had asked me is, how is it going? And I was telling her, I hadn’t talked to her for a while, so I was telling her that I have launched a brand new offer series that I have been building for two years, so it doesn’t feel brand new to me, but it’s brand new to the world and we are getting ready. We’re selling right now our first course from that series.

And I was telling her that it’s feeling a little vulnerable. I’m feeling a little exposed. I’m feeling a little uncomfortable. And she asked why and not too much, but a little bit, and she asked why. And I said, “Well, I’ve stepped out of my comfort bubble.” I have been selling my standard offer suite, 2k for 2k, 200k Mastermind and 2 Million Dollar Group for six years. That is a lot of practice at communicating the value, talking about who the perfect person is, knowing exactly what the steps are, having taught the steps for six years, all of the things.

I feel that selling any of those programs, specifically 2k for 2k and 200k Mastermind because 2 Million Dollar Group is still a newer offer for me in comparison to all of them. But selling 2k for 2k, selling 200k Mastermind, I could sell that in my sleep. I could sell that to anyone at any point. I’m just so practiced, not only in explaining the value and talking about what the steps are and what’s inside. And I’ve watched the process so many times and I have written so many emails.

My 200k Mastermind students get these copy books of all of the emails that I wrote in order to learn to sell that program and make my first $1 million. And the book is this thick, it’s so thick. I have talked about that offer endlessly. It’s very, just easy for me to do it in many different contexts. So, I could train on one subject and then do a webinar on another subject or an email on one subject and I can tie anything into those offers, just I’m very skilled.

The selling that students receive from me is very precise. That’s the word that I always love to think about, is something that’s really important to me when I’m selling is precision. And I’ve gotten really precise in how I talk about my offers and that has created a lot of comfort.

So, for my 200k Mastermind students, those of you that are here, hello. I teach them a sales method that I developed called PSPR selling. And it’s where for every offer that you have, you get clear on your client’s problem in a way that they would describe it themselves and the main problem. The way even really what they would say is the problem and then what the actual problem is. And then there’s also the solution that they try based on what they think the problem is.

And then there’s a reason why it doesn’t work or it hasn’t worked and the reason they don’t have their results. And then there’s the actual problem they’re experiencing and the actual solution, and why that works. And then there’s your process for making that solution come to life. And then the value of the results and what it’s like to have those results and what impact it has on their life, if they implement it correctly. And when you sell using all of those components, the selling is more precise so it doesn’t require as much energy. It doesn’t require as much thought.

I love the idea of teaching people to sell without having to use emotions. So that if you are having a really hard time or you’re not feeling especially motivated or you’re tired or you’re sick or any outside influence is affecting your energy and your ability to really expand your energy out into the world. When you’re selling, PSPR really helps you anchor into that. However, PSPR is an advanced skill set. It requires a lot of thought. It requires a lot of practice and typically it can take up to a year to truly develop your offers, ESPR, depending on your skill level.

And I’m always telling those students, people are always just talking about how amazing I am at selling and how much they love interacting with me when I am selling and how my selling is so inspirational to them. And it’s so compelling and they just want to run and enter their credit card information whenever I sell something and they’re always so impressed. And they look at my selling of 2k for 2k, 200k Mastermind, 2 Million Dollar Group. They look at that selling as the measurement for what their selling should look like in order to be successful.

Do you guys see a problem with this? The problem is, if you use my precision after six years of marketing, selling and delivering an offer as the standard, as a sales expert with also 12/15 additional years of selling before I come into this industry. If you use that as the standard for what will produce you money and help you get clients, it’s a really big gap. And I always tell them the story. It’s so important to know the story, especially, I ask you all how you found me and how you came this way.

And PSPR, yes, Leslie, you’re right, PSPR is really a game changer, it is. But I tell people this story all the time. I launch, right now, actually let me rewind. Right now, what people know typically if they’ve been following me for a while or if they’re in 2k for 2k, what they know is a three step process that I made famous. And many people are like, “It’s so brilliant. When you say this, everyone knows that this is so simple and so perfect and will work.” So, there’s five steps to the 2k for 2k process that help you do two essential things, get consults and sign clients.

And the first step is organic marketing, so not having to pay for leads. And in that step I coined a three step process that made the program famous. Do you all know what it is? For those of you that are in 2k, comment below, you know what the three step process is to get clients. Are you ready? You have to meet people, tell them you’re a life coach and offer to help them.

And once I started marketing that, I started selling this program like crazy. And people know this program and those three steps, they know, they associate the program with those steps. Meet people, tell them you’re a life coach, offer to help them. They’re very simple steps, yet many coaches are not doing them. And I often tell people, what you see now is not where it started.

People don’t remember this, but when I started 2k for 2k, it started in 2019 and I started a podcast called The Diva Business School Podcast. And I created the 2k for 2k program. And we kept, in fact my program at the time was, I’m getting all of the comments much later now, I love that you’re commenting. I’m seeing them much too late, but that’s okay, I love that you guys brought it, you know what it is. So, I had a podcast called The Diva Business School Podcast and I had a program called Diva Business School. And in the beginning we did not change those things.

I’d just created the 2k process and the 2k process inside of Diva Business School for the entire year of 2018 and I sold and sold that program. And for a solid year, I did six launches for this program for 2k, six launches. My goal for each of those launches was to sign 50 people. And the most I ever sold was on the sixth launch at 32 people. Most of them were 16 people, 12 people, 24 people, 18 people, very little numbers, not even remotely close to the 50 people that I had a goal for. And it felt incredibly uncomfortable and confronting and difficult.

I struggled to get the language out of my mouth. It was difficult to nail the problem and really explain in the beginning what the 2k process was and how it was valuable to people and the impact it would have on their business and why they should do it over other offers. And what those six launches were, and even in between the launches, what that entire year of 2018 was, was developing the language of selling that offer, developing the language of that offer as if it’s its own language.

You’re right, Kim, I did not stop, and I did not change my goal. You are correct. So then at the beginning of 2019, I created a five day training called The Three Simple Steps to Making Money as a Life Coach. And I created that training and that is where, meet people, tell them you’re a life coach and make offers to help them, emerged. In 2019 I changed my podcast and started brand new with the Make Money as a Life Coach podcast.

No one remembers this, that I sold 2k for 2k for a year without having the Make Money as a Life Coach podcast, without having meet people, tell them you’re a life coach, offer to help them. Without having testimonials, without having results from people in the program, without all the things that people see me sell with now and then, without the confidence. In fact, at that time period, I have the best story of that time period.

One of my best clients who went on to make hundreds of thousands of dollars with me, top client, unsubscribed during that time period. She was like, “I don’t know what this is, but I’m not feeling it.” And then in 2019, someone told her, “You’ve got to get back on Stacey’s list. You’ve got to get in 2k for 2k.” And she did and the rest has been history. I love that you’re here from The Diva Business School days, Sandra, that’s amazing.

Kate, it was so hard, that’s the truth, it was. It’s hard. Think about, I would love to know how many of you speak another language. I majored in Spanish, I double majored and that was one of my majors. I actually also did a show for my senior capstone project in Spain, which was crazy, in all Spanish. I have lost so much of my ability to speak that because I’ve no one ever to talk to in Spanish. But if you speak another language, you know how hard it is to develop that language. Greek, ooh, I love that.

It takes a lot of work, and in fact most people that, Russian, so good. Most people, if you ask them how to learn another language, Miriam, five languages, that’s insane. They will tell you the best way to learn is to go live in a country where they speak it so you’re immersed in it. Which is also why I teach the idea of a simple offer, because it gives you this opportunity to keep selling the same offer over and over to develop that language.

And so, I’m telling you this story because I don’t think people understand how much work is involved. And because we don’t understand how much work is involved and how hard it is, when it doesn’t work the first time or the second or the third or the fourth or the fifth, I mean what people will tell me. They’re like, “Stacey, you don’t understand, I have launched this four times and people have not bought.” And I’m like, “Yes, that tracks, seems legit to me. That’s the way it works.”

So back to the conversation with my, Debbie, hello, Debbie, Hebrew, Spanish. Ukrainian. I love that. I love it. Look how smart and brilliant all of you are. I think learning another language is so hard, it is so, so difficult and also worth it.

So, I’m telling my coach that where I’m at, is, I know that I’m the sales queen. I know that I know how to sell. I have a very high skill level in selling. So, I know the fundamental pieces that go into selling. I also bring my confidence in selling and coaching and what I’m going to be coaching on and my confidence of working with clients and my confidence of their results. And my confidence in just the coaching, just the process of coaching, I bring all of that to the table.

But this is why I titled this the way I did, at every level the first time you sell something, it’s going to feel uncomfortable, possibly, if you’re paying attention. It’s not going to feel like precision. It’s not going to feel like a fluency in a language, the way that something you’ve sold for a really long time does. And that comes with an exposure or a discomfort. And I said I know that my offer series, I’m going to end up selling it really well.

But right now, because I haven’t ever delivered it, I don’t have that second piece of knowledge to help me sell it, which is really having experienced the entire container, even myself, having delivered it. Which is what makes it really easy for me to sell 2k for 2k and what makes it really easy to sell 200k Mastermind. And for those of you who are trying to get your first clients, if you have not actually done a lot of coaching, that’s part of the difficulty is that you don’t have the knowledge of the actual container and the experience of your coaching.

Or if you’re selling a group for the first time, you don’t have your knowledge and experience of what that group is going to be like because you haven’t done it yet. You have a vision for it. You have a commitment to creating it and to giving it everything that you have. And I teach my students, focusing on everything that you can control.

I always tell people, if you teach people what they need to think and how they need to feel and what they need to do and why it’s so important that they do it with those thoughts and those feelings and those exact actions. It will be really easy for them to get the result, especially if you also imagine all the obstacles and things that might come in their way and then also plan for that. And teach them how to overcome failure and teach them how to evaluate and pick themselves back up and go again and learn and grow in the process. Literally if you teach them all of that, it’s really hard not to get results.

But if you haven’t experienced it yet, you don’t have that knowledge and that language of that experience to offer people yet. So, because you don’t have the language of that experience to offer people that, in your sales process, the language is a little bit bumpy. You have to just get it out of your mouth however you can get it out of your mouth. You’re imagining this experience, but you haven’t actually done this experience.

It would be like if you were traveling, if you wanted to go to Greece and you’d never been to Greece, but you were trying to talk someone else into coming with you. And you’re like, “Well, the ocean is really beautiful and I’ve heard the food there is amazing. And I want you to imagine us strolling through the whitewashed buildings, those cobblestone streets. I want you to imagine standing on the ocean view and we’re taking photos of each other and we’re shopping.”

But you haven’t actually been, so you can’t say there’s this really amazing restaurant here if you’re ever there. One of my favorite places that I’ve gone to is Ibiza and we stayed, my friend and I stayed at the Nobu Hotel. And if I were inviting someone to Ibiza, I would say, “There’s a Nobu Hotel there. So, you could have Nobu sushi every night for dinner.” There’s this amazing health restaurant for breakfast, they serve the best eggs Benedict and green fresh smoothies. The pool is incredibly gorgeous, it’s overlooking the ocean.

And then there are all of these lounge chairs facing the ocean as well, and their rooms are a dream. The breeze comes in and the entire experience, it’s the highest vibe that you’ve ever experienced. It’s so different, if you’ve experienced it and you’re explaining it. But everyone has to be able to sell it without having that language and that experience yet in the beginning and that’s uncomfortable. And a lot of people experience the discomfort and then they back away. And it’s actually a completely normal experience. It’s completely normal. It’s typical, it’s average.

It’s just the way that you have to develop the language for your offer by doing it over and over. And so, I was thinking about this because I think that although I might be rocking a higher level of confidence and deeply understanding the fundamentals of selling. I am selling a brand new offer and I will be now, often. I will be as this is an offer series, I will be often selling something I haven’t sold before. And I think this is a really big opportunity for me to teach you and for you to watch me do it because it’s not going to be as precise as my other offers.

And when I sell those, you’ll be able to see the difference of something that’s brand new versus something that isn’t quite as precise and I’m not quite as skilled at and I haven’t developed the language for quite as much. So right now, I know the content. I know what I’m going to teach. I know how impactful it’s going to be because I already teach it laced into all of my programs. There’s concepts of it in 2k for 2k, in 200k Mastermind, in 2 Million Dollar Group. It’s the conversations I’m having in all of those rooms. It’s like the conversations in those rooms, constrained, focused and on steroids.

I’m going to create a movement with this. It’s not just going to be, I took this training. It’s going to be, I was impacted by an actual movement and I am forever changed. I know the feeling I’m going to help generate for people. I know what it’s going to do for those coaches who come in and are impacted by it in their businesses. But I haven’t actually done it yet, so it’s not going to be as laser sharp. So, I have, for those of you that are asking how you bridge the gap, it’s coming. I have you covered.

There is a process that you can lean on, what am I doing if I’m talking about an offer for the first time? What am I leaning on if I don’t have that perfected precise language yet? And the first thing is you have to just be really, really willing to experience discomfort. And the discomfort isn’t necessarily vulnerability, it’s just, imagine for those of you that have this, if you can remember what it was like the first time you used the language.

And I remember once when I was actually in Spain, in Madrid, I did a show called Bodas de Sangre by Federico Garcia Lorca. I was the ingenua, the heroine. And in the play I am betrothed to someone and I am in love with someone else who is also married and has kids. And then after we get married we run away together and then someone dies. Maybe, no, I think that both the guys killed each other and then I’m left to be stuck with the mother of my groom who now hates me.

And who I am now, best friends with and she lives in New York and we see each other all the time. It was such an incredible experience. But when I, now I’ve forgot what I was saying, I got so excited about that experience of being in Madrid. Where was I going with this? Someone help me. This happens a lot now with my brain. I don’t know if you all know, we had to take my kid to the doctor today. He has toddler insomnia. He just stopped sleeping for the last three weeks. He’ll get up and be up from twelve until four in the morning, six in the morning. It’s crazy. So, they gave us a prescription plan, though, and we’re excited about it. We’re excited about it.

Yeah, okay, I was in Madrid for the show. I only need one word and then I’m back in. I’m in Madrid for the show and it’s part of my senior capstone project as a Spanish major. And so, the point is to be there speaking the language. The whole show, the whole script, everything was in Spanish and not just any Spanish, in Castellano, which is different than others, it’s a specific dialect. And we’re at this restaurant that serves el menu, which is the special of the day in old Madrid.

And I’m trying to remember how to order something and I’m having to think about it really hard and I’m stumbling a little bit. I don’t even remember what I was ordering, but I was trying to order something and I’m thinking of the words. And the guy gets so annoyed and he goes, “I speak English.” And then my New Yorker friend, true to how New Yorkers tend to be. She said, “Yes, and she’s learning Spanish so you’re going to have to bear with her. That’s the point of her being here.” But that’s how it feels.

To get out and offer your offer for the first time. It’s like ordering something and someone is waiting on it and you’re having to pause and think about it. And you can’t let that experience equal you are not good at selling, you are not worthy of selling your offer, that your offer isn’t going to be good, that you aren’t capable of making money. These are the things that happen.

My clients go out there in the world, coaches go out in the world to sell their offer. And this thing happens in their brain, where they’re having to think really hard on the consult or on a webinar or in a conversation or on a live stream, or anywhere where they’re talking about their offer and they’re having to think about it. And instead of being patient with themselves and taking a deep breath and calming down and thinking about the words and what they want to say and how they can say them. Their brain starts attacking them with, you are terrible. You’re never going to get this. This is so hard. No, they’re not going to buy this.

And that process is where you actually lose your confidence and your energy and your connection to people and your purpose and what you’re offering in the world. And that is actually the thing that you sell when you’re first selling an offer. The first thing I do when I’m selling a new offer is, I think about how it will serve others, how they will benefit. I spend a lot of time here. I think about actual people in my programs, I always pick a couple of people in each of my programs as my avatars.

You could choose something you see online, you could make up in the beginning. You might need to make someone up, but you choose one person to think about specifically, not a whole group of people. You choose one or two people that are representative of a group of people. And then you spend a lot of time thinking about how it will benefit them. And if you spend enough time thinking about how it will benefit them, you will get very fired up. Something will ignite in your stomach, a fire inside of your belly, you will feel it in your core.

We’re going to talk a lot about this in Served, building emotion from your core and not up here in your chest. Excitement tends to be up here in your chest, but deeper, more grounded emotions that impact people come from your core. And so, every time you think about how something will benefit your people and you get really clear on it, the more convicted you get. The more convicted you get, the more passionate you get, the more you care. And the more you’ll be willing to be uncomfortable to get the language out of your mouth.

The more that you will be willing to sacrifice yourself to put yourself up for emotional sacrifice, being a little uncomfortable, getting it wrong, stumbling on your words, being slower, not saying it perfectly. Not having all the answers to the questions that people ask you, having to answer them in real time. All the things that happen on consults, on live selling, you will strengthen your conviction to do that.

Then I start feeling into the vision of my offer. I get really in my body, feeling connected to my people going through that offer. I imagine what the experience is going to be like for them to be going through the offer and for them to be learning what I’m going to teach them. And having the transformations that they’re going to have and the way I’m going to feel coaching them and the way we’re going to co-create magic together. And I just spend a lot of time there, lots and lots of time. I’m not saying days and weeks, but sometimes days and weeks.

This offer, the first offer of the series, Served, it has to knock it out of the park. It’s the first offer in the series. It’s the first impression. I have been spending months thinking about it. I’ve been putting together the content and what I’m going to teach meticulously, precisely. And the entire time I’ve been thinking about the vision of this offer and what it’s going to do for the whole entire industry, for any person who takes it. And I’m willing to be uncomfortable and not precise to sell it.

It’s great to get to sell things that you’re comfortable in selling if you have, for example, if you’re almost full in your one-on-one coaching practice and you want to do group. It will feel amazing to sell one-on-one and it will feel miserable to sell group, but you have to stick with it. You have to stick with it because that’s the only way to figure out group is to learn the language of selling group. So, you have to be willing to be imperfect and not know the words and describe it the best that you can in so many different ways that you make sure every single person hears it the way they need to hear it.

And eventually you’ll really nail it, but until you do, you just want to keep explaining it as many ways as possible. This is why for my 2k for 2k students, I recommend that they actually get out of their houses and go talk to live people and go to actual networking events. It’s not necessarily because clients are going to be at those networking events. It’s because every single time someone asks you what you do, you get the opportunity to explain that, to get it out of your mouth and practice that language of what the value of a life coach is and how you work with people and what you do with people and the way it impacts them.

And then you have to be willing to keep talking about your offer until you find the words, no matter how long that takes and it takes time. Remember, I sold 2k for 2k the entire year of 2018 and people don’t remember that. They remember the 2019 version of 2k for 2k. They remember the Make Money as a Life Coach podcast, not The Diva Business School Podcast, unless you all have been around a long time.

They remember the meet people, tell them you’re a life coach, offer to help them, but that wasn’t introduced until a year after I sold the offer. And then this is the most important thing and then I have a story and then I’ll answer some of your questions about Served. The most important thing is you have to have fun. We’ve been talking about this a lot and we’re going to talk about this in Served.

But when I tell people they have to have fun, they’re always surprised, “What do you mean? What are you talking about, fun? I’m selling. That can’t possibly be fun. I am selling, don’t you know? That’s not fun.” Selling and marketing cannot be a means to an end. It can’t be the thing you have to do to get to the thing that you get to do, it can’t be because people feel that. You have to have fun and the more fun you have, the better ideas you have, the more inspiration you get. You have to find a way to have fun. We’re going to talk about that in Served.

I want to end with this because this story is so important. So, I have a pitching story, so I asked you guys in the beginning how familiar you were with me. So, before I became a life coach, I used to sell infomercial products in stores, live in front of people, so Walmart, grocery stores, membership clubs, BJ’s on the East Coast, Sam’s Club in the Midwest, Ralphs. There was a big famous chain in Seattle. I don’t think it was Ralphs, it was something else.

Anyways, there were lots of different chains, we would, military bases, be everywhere. And one time I went to Colorado for the second company I worked with. So, I sold every product that the company offered in both companies. I would always learn all the products. It made me very versatile. I could go anywhere because typically you only could go to markets in states and different areas where they were selling a specific product, you had to know the product. And I could go anywhere because I knew all the products.

And so, I go to a new company and although I had been selling infomercial knives for a long time, I had never sold this company’s knives. And so, I was going to learn the knife show at a Walmart in Aurora, Colorado. And so, at this point, I’ve been in the industry for a long time. I am the best of the best.

They headhunted me to come to this company because everyone in the company was like, “If you want to make a lot of money, you’ve got to get Stacey.” At the time my last name was Smith. “You’ve got to get Stacey Smith on board. You’ve got to get her here. If you don’t have her, you’re not going to the top.” I’m not even kidding. This is how good I was at being the mop queen. And so, I wanted to learn all of their products. So, I went out to this Walmart in Aurora to learn their knife show, which was very different than the past company’s knife show.

And I was with a bunch of other really good sales reps that were also learning this product for the first time. And they give you a script and they tell you exactly what to do. You’re cutting through a tomato, you’re cutting through a knife, you’re cutting through wood, you’re doing all this crazy stuff. But there’s specific actions you’re taking and specific words you’re saying and specific pauses. I mean, everything is choreographed, there’s nothing you’re improvising.

The show was not, from the moment you made the announcement, not one second of it was improvised unless you were adding in a little joke here or there. The interaction with the crowd would be improvised and that was your moment to really shine, but everything was choreographed very perfectly. So, I had the script down completely memorized. I had the motions sound completely memorized. And I would go up for my turn and not sell. And I was like, “What is going on?” Because I actually do have the precision down. So, this is the interesting thing.

I actually do have the precision down. I do have the language. I actually do know exactly what to say and do to sell this, and they’re not buying. Yet this other guy would go up and every time he went up, he would sell like crazy and everyone in that store was making a ton of money. In fact, I think we made so much money that at one point they told us we had to stop making announcements. Because we would just make announcements every 20 minutes because there were so many people in that store, and we were making so much money. They were, I was not in the beginning.

So, this is what I did. So typically, when we were watching someone else’s show, I was a trainer at the time too. So, if we were watching and critiquing someone else’s show or learning a new product, you would stand further back so the audience didn’t see you and it wasn’t weird and creepy. And I remember saying, “Okay, listen, I know that we don’t always get in the show because sometimes that can be distracting, but I need to get in your show. I need to be in the audience. I need to see what you’re doing because there’s something I’m not doing and you’re doing it and I’ve got to figure out what it is.”

And so, I went in the show and I was a participant, in the back row, just watching and feeling the crowd. And as soon as he was done, I said, “I know exactly what it is. I know exactly what I’m doing. I’m not connecting.” It’s the most simple thing. But when you’re thinking about your offer because you’re learning how to sell it in the beginning, this is one of the fundamentals that I actually have.

So, if you’re watching me sell new things as I sell the entrepreneur series, this is one thing that you’re going to see me do really well, that’s going to help me sell a brand new offer before I have the language precise and completely developed. This is what you’re going to see me do is connecting. You can connect without having language. You can connect without having precision.

But connection requires you to not be thinking about yourself and how you look and how you’re being received and if you’re going to make money and if people are going to buy and what the result will be and how you’re doing, and if you’re doing it right. It requires calming the inner self monologue and just being with your people. That’s what it requires. And so, I went up to the next show and I said, “Okay, I know what I’m supposed to say and I know what I’m supposed to do, but I’ve got to let that go and I’ve just got to be with these people. I’ve just got to connect to these people.”

I want to know every single person. I want to feel like I get them by the end of this show. I want to feel like every single person who’s touching my little booth, that I’ve made eye contact with them, that I’ve really had a conversation with them. And I went up and did it and sold a ton of knives from then on out. That was it.

So, if you don’t have your language yet, if you don’t have the experience of having done your coaching container and actually delivered it. If you’re still working on developing your language, or if you’ve been selling for a while, but sometimes what happens is we get a little stale. This also used to happen to me on products I did really well and I knew really well. Because I knew them so well, I would stop being present and engaged and connecting.

And I would go into, our brain loves to be in automated mode, it loves to be in power safe mode. And so, it will take you out of presence and have you doing things just automatically. And any time I would do a show automatically, it could be the most on the books, I would call and be like, “I just did the perfect show.” I would call a trainer for help. And I would say, “I just did the perfect show. I said everything right. I nailed every moment. The timing was perfect. I did everything I’m supposed to do and they didn’t buy.”

And every single time the trainer would ask, “How present were you? How connected were you? What can you tell me about the people in the audience? How aware were you?” The connection to other people is what holds up your selling when you are selling for the first time. That’s the easiest thing to do because we’re humans. Now, some of us have to develop that ability to connect and we’re going to talk about that in Served. But that is actually a core fundamental ability for humans to do is to connect to each other. That’s what we do. That’s how we survive.

And that is how you can make money as a life coach when you’re selling a brand new offer without the language being perfected is, you get on a consult and you deeply connect to your person. You get them. You have compassion for them. No matter what they say, if your brain wants to say, “This isn’t my person or this isn’t my type of person, or this person is never going to work with me or this person doesn’t have any money, or this person doesn’t sound committed, or their problem seems way too big for me, or their problem seems way too small for me.”

How can I love deeply this person and how can I find a piece of me inside of me that matches what I’m seeing in them? Human to human, that’s right, Kate, human to human. How do I get human to human? That creates safety for people who are thinking of working with you more than any amount of precision ever can. That’s the good news. Precision helps you when you want to reach more and more people. The more and more people you want to reach, the more and more precision is required of you.

And the reason for that is, I always say, it’s a game of telephone. So, if there’s two people in between me and the person, I have one end of the telephone and then there’s two people and then someone else has the telephone. And I say, “Hey, I’m going to do this offer and we’re going to talk about this.” And then that, whatever I say will make it to the person at the end. But if you add 100 people, whatever I say, unless it’s, meet people, tell them you’re a life coach and offer to help them, it’s probably not making it to the end.

So that’s why precision is required, but for so many people that is not required in the beginning. The connection is, the service is, the energy to which you show up in your coach hat, that is what actually sells most of the time, almost all of the time. That is what you can lean on, and it’s such a powerful thing to lean on. And if you learn this and you develop this then you have it forever for all of your offers, which is why I can sell an offer that I’ve never sold before and still sell it well. It won’t be the same as selling something I’ve sold for six years straight.

But I can sell something really well because I know how to connect to people. I know how to see my people. I know how to think about them on such a deep level that when I talk to them, my people are messaging me and they’re saying, “The things you’re talking about, I know I need them. It feels like I’ve been looking for this forever. This is what I need. I know I need it. As soon as you said it, I knew I needed it.” That feeling is coming from connection because my language isn’t developed yet, but I know to focus on that.

I know to focus on the connection and the service and the impact. I know how to think about my client benefiting and let that carry me. To where I have so many ideas, I’m like, “Let’s do a live stream today, I have this idea. Let’s do one. Let’s do it on Thursday. I also have another idea.” I’m able to keep coming up with ideas because I’m so tapped in. That’s what you have to be, you have to be tapped in when you don’t have the language for it or when you have the language too well and it’s easy for your brain to turn off because you know it so well. You have to tap back in. You have to turn back on.

That is the secret. It was the secret to selling mops in Walmart. And it’s the secret to selling any type of coaching on the internet to any type of people. People want to feel that you can help them and so much of that happens from the way you are feeling when you deliver the message, not the message itself. Alright, that is my message for you all today. We’re going to practice this in Served.

Hey, coaches. What a fabulous lesson on what it’s really like to sell a new offer. If it’s a little bumpy, if you struggle to communicate the tangibles and the intangibles, it’s okay. That’s normal. It even happens to me at almost $40,000,000. We’re getting closer and closer y’all. The celebration is coming.

I really want to normalize this so that you just get out and start talking about your offers. You let the imperfect action create perfection and precision, and you know that no matter what, connecting to your people matters more than the explanations, the precision, the exact explanation of who you are and what you do and how your offer helps. The connection matters most.

Alright. If you want to dive further into the connection, join us in serve at, and I will see you inside.

Hey, if you’re ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2k for 2k program. Where you’re going to make your first $2,000 the hardest part, using my simple five-step formula for getting consults and closing new clients. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

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