Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | Finding Your Purpose in Entrepreneurship with Megan Wing

I’ve been thinking about the students in my 200K Mastermind room who have the most fun, get the most value out of the container, and are the biggest community contributors. Their experiences have been so incredible that I selfishly want to glean their thoughts for myself. This week, I’m introducing you to Megan Wing.

Megan Wing is a business coach for entrepreneurs who want to efficiently make an impact and scale their businesses. Her Six Figure Systems framework helps her clients create protocols and organize their businesses in a way that allows them to scale up to six and multiple six figures, and she’s here this week to give you a peek into the work we do inside the 200K Mastermind.

Join us on this episode as Megan offers her insights on finding your purpose in entrepreneurship. We’re exploring what it means to step into your CEO self-concept and become a thought leader,  how to live your business purpose and manage the rest of your life at the same time, and the thoughts that have her contributing to our community in such a big way.


I’m making some big changes in my Two Million Dollar Group! For all the details and to get on the waitlist, click here.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • What Megan has learned from being in the 200K Mastermind four times.
  • Why it’s important for women entrepreneurs to be in a coaching container.
  • Megan’s thoughts on why there’s a lack of work-life balance in the entrepreneurial space.
  • How to get better results faster.
  • The thoughts that have served us very well in our businesses. 
  • How to stop using coaching against yourself.
  • Megan’s thoughts on how to create your unique CEO self-concept. 
  • Why Megan feels more genuine and authentic as her business has grown.


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Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hey, coaches, welcome to episode 242. Today I have another interview scheduled with my 200K student, Megan Wing, so excited to have her here today. I just told her before we hit record, that I wanted to have her on because I’ve been really thinking about the students who have the most fun in my room, that get the most value out of the room, who are the biggest community contributors.

And I’ve been trying to mine their thoughts for myself because I want to have in my spaces the experience they are having in my space. Not that I don’t, but just it’s very interesting to me, I’m always thinking. I have some friends who are like this when it comes to travel and experiences. I told my CTO that when we were at Derby together, I took him to Derby and I was telling him, we had these amazing seats, we spent so much money.

And I was saying, if Brooke Castillo was here and she had been at the top of the Bleachers, everyone would have thought that the party was where she was. And I am really in my own personal life, on a deep dive of how to be living that way all of the time, no matter what, because I tend to be someone that has really high expectations and then I get super disappointed.

So anyways, I haven’t let you introduce yourself yet. But I wanted to have you on to selfishly, to glean a little bit of how you think for myself. But then I thought, if I’m really interested in that, a lot of other students or followers that I have might be too. And also you had wrote in and submitted some really awesome things to talk about on the podcast too. So we’re just going to have a good time. So without further ado, introduce yourself, Megan.

Megan: Well, hello everyone.

Stacey: The longest intro ever.

Megan: That was a long intro and I am so honored. It’s funny because I didn’t think that’s why you were going to have me on. I wasn’t sure.

Stacey: That’s so interesting. Okay, tell me, what was your thought about how I was going to have you on or why I was going to have you on.

Megan: Yeah. So my thought was that I have been in the room four times and I thought you were looking to glean the perspective of people who haven’t maybe hit the 200K mark.

Stacey: Let’s do it here.

Megan: And I was like, okay, this was my thoughts. But I really do think that a key aspect is the joy and fun that the more fun that you can have as you build your business and the more joy that you can bring into these opportunities. I think you’re just going to get so much more out of it. So I wanted to talk about as well, so I think we’re just going to hit on a lot of really valuable things today. I think it’s going to be good.

Stacey: I agree and that’s so interesting, because I actually didn’t know that. But what’s interesting is I’ve been thinking about because we have created, thanks to one of our 200K students, we have created now a new process where people can just submit from 200K to be on the podcast and three topics that they might want to share with my audience. So we’re going to be rolling that out.

But I have been thinking about on the episode on the podcast, I’ve only ever had the $200K earners, anyone that crosses the 200K mark. And then now there’s just so many of them, we can’t get everybody on. But it’s starting to feel like, not that it’s redundant but I’ve been thinking about there’s so much more to the room that we haven’t shared. 100K is a huge freaking milestone. I remember that was the milestone. I’m the one I think in the industry that created 200K to be a milestone, no one was talking about that.

And I just created the 200K Mastermind and decided it was the milestone to hit. But before that, it was 100K was the milestone. And even the people who are at 25K and doubling their revenue in six months, that’s a conversation that is deserving to be had on the podcast because it’s such an incredible result. So I have been thinking, forward thinking, that I want to have a more robust group of people on. So I love that that’s what you thought you were on, you just picked up on my internal messaging.

Megan: Yeah. That’s literally what I was thinking. And it’s funny that you say that because for me, six figures was also my benchmark and I really called my business Six Figure Systems because I’m like, “Oh, this is something that is just such a wonderful benchmark.”

But I wanted people to think about it in a different way and is something that brings me so much delight in my business is that one of the things that I want to convey to everyone that I see that is starting a business and is creating this impact in the world is that as you scale your business, you scale your impact too.

Actually I wrote down right before I started this, I just wanted to thank everybody who is listening to this right now because as you listen to this podcast, Make Money as a Life Coach, you are doing something that is so, so needed in the world. Mental health is something that is so insanely important. And the fact that even just chose to have a business in the first place. I mean so many people never even get the inkling to start.

But now that you’ve decided to start this business, every single penny that you make in your business means someone’s life has gotten better because of you.

Stacey: That’s such a great thought.

Megan: Everything else is just a bonus and I think that’s what makes me so truly happy to be a part of a movement like this, that we are creating businesses that help people. And it was really interesting this round because every single round something that has come up is that we go through and we talk about our personal struggles in the room and we’re sharing, it’s almost like group therapy. It was like, no, we’re getting everything out.

Stacey: In your breakout sessions?

Megan: Yeah, in the breakout sessions.

Stacey: That’s so good.

Megan: And one of the things I realized is that, I don’t realize this every round, but it really hit me this round is that every single person has gone through some serious true struggles and they’ve chosen to use those struggles to serve other people. How amazing is that? And at any scale of your business, even if you haven’t made a penny, that’s what you’re doing. And I think that’s awesome and I want to celebrate that.

Stacey: I love that so much. I also just have to say because I’ve been thinking about this a lot, not to take this a completely different direction.

Megan: We’re going in all directions.

Stacey: But I’ve been thinking a lot about why it’s important to have some segment of, because I think in some rooms you could find people who are business and life coaching who their entire teaching process is group therapy where that’s the entire experience. And then I think my room is very business and entrepreneurial and strategy, not strategy focused to where we don’t ever talk about thoughts. We only talk about thoughts, but we create really great strategies from those thoughts.

But I was thinking about the new age of business, especially specifically women and especially women coaches, why that is necessary, why people need to have an outlet, whether it’s in your peer coaching or in your one-on-one coaching sessions or in your small breakouts. And we even had someone get some pretty deep coaching on stage in the large group this past round. And why is that important? Because sometimes I think people think it’s a waste of time so they don’t want to bring it up for themselves.

Or they just feel a little bit like I’m taking space that I shouldn’t be in a business mastermind, or why it’s important to have in any way. I’ve been thinking about this a lot. I think it’s because without that, you can still become radically successful. I truly believe that because there’s so many people making millions of dollars, building billion dollar companies that don’t have emotional training, mindset training.

But the standard of what you see is people shoving those emotions down and becoming successful in spite of them but then it’s showing up in net negative results in their lives, whether it’s carrying extra weight. Just it shows up in your body, if you believe that, that when you shove emotions it shows up in your body. Overworking, overspending, doing things, over-binging Netflix, all that buffering that people do that are really, really, really successful, it comes at such a big cost.

And so I’m at the beginning stages of reading Indra Nooyi’s, I think that’s how you pronounce her name. She was the PepsiCo CEO and she talks a lot about how much she’s had to sacrifice from being the CEO and having children but running a huge business. And it wasn’t her business, but I just think a lot about there is this mentality in the world, if you’re not checking in with thoughts and feelings, then you build in really unsustainable ways. And so not that she did, it just made me think of her and some of her struggles that she talks about.

And how I think there is this new age of women business owners coming through that are going to have much more powerful tools than we’ve ever had in the history of humankind having access to this type of thought work and emotional work.

Megan: I could not agree more. And I think that you have been reading and thinking about things that I have also been thinking about. So I’m glad, it’s kind of serendipitous.

Stacey: Synergy, yeah.

Megan: Yeah, it is, but when you’re thinking about, why do we start these businesses and I’ve been thinking about this a lot. And I think that one of the reasons why we start these businesses. This is just a personal belief, you can take it or leave it. But for me, one of the things is that I think we have these innate gifts within ourselves, when we figure out a business.

The reason why I became a business coach was actually because I realized that the stereotypical careers that we had in society didn’t fit these unique gifts and talents. It was something that was okay, this is a very niche thing like I’m really good at interior design. I’m really good at coaching. I’m really good at creating personal styling or something like that. And these are things that we really feel good about. And then our traditional jobs don’t fit that.

And so when we go to create these businesses, when I think people have created businesses in the past, it has been because it’s your purpose. You feel this innate sense of purpose, wow, this is something I’m really good at, this might be why I’m here on this planet doing this thing. We give so much of ourself to that business. And that’s why I think there’s such a lack of work life balance in the entrepreneurial space. But I think that by, what you were saying, that the level of thinking that we’re creating as coaches is that ability to have both.

And that’s one of things that I really love is that the systems within a business, they can give you the ability to have both. And your quality of life is created and intensified because of the level of thinking and feeling you’re able to have. And I think that we get so caught up in, we can only have one. We have to go all in on our purpose or we have to completely just enjoy our lives. And trust me, that’s been the flow of a lot of 200K. I go tornado to potato a lot of the time.

Oh, my gosh, I’m going to work all the time and then I’m not. And that’s one of the things that I think I’m learning because of being in an elevated state of thinking around my peers and seeing you as an example of how you can live your purpose and have your life and do both and live both.

Stacey: Yeah. And I think that the only way you create that is if you insist on it, such commitment. And I have conversations with my executives all the time and the number one thing I’m always telling them is, “Listen, guys, I’m not working more than three days a week. So how do we make this work?” This is my thing. Now, sometimes I do work more depending, it could be a project, just something like that. But on the regular I don’t see myself ever being like, “We’ll take it to 100 million, that’s when I’ll cave. That’s when I’ll start working five days a week.”

No, I don’t want any amount of money that can’t fit into three days a week. And so because I insist on that, I keep challenging it and pushing it forward and seeing what I can do. And I think that we should all start doing that. I think we have to start doing that because from what I think we know about the past with women who are succeeding in a really big way, is many of them aren’t thriving. They are suffering behind the scenes, they are missing out on things that are devastating to them. They are not able to do the things that they want to do.

And if there is another way, isn’t it worth us pioneering that? Isn’t it worth us figuring that out, deciding to make that happen. And you’re seeing it happen more and more. You’re seeing more workplaces than ever before go to four day work weeks. I’m not seeing three days yet, but I am going to be the one to be willing to pioneer that along with Brooke. So I do think that you’re seeing it. I think we’re seeing that you get less productive the more you work.

And I just think, especially as women, there was something else you said. You got into business to unlock this purpose or to follow this purpose that you feel called to do. And I think that the work that you’re really, truly called to do, you would have already been doing it if it wasn’t being covered up by so much fear, the imposter syndrome. Who am I to do this? Who am I to teach this, to lead in this way? The fear, there’s so many people that come to you into 200K and their work is contrary to a lot of things out there.

Or even my colleague, Rachel Hart, she’s kind of contrary to the idea of AA. She teaches people how to stop over-drinking and why AA may not work for everyone. And so there are a lot of ideas that are maybe taboo or polarizing or against the grain of society or thinking. And so I think it does require a lot of working through and processing emotions. And so that does tend to come up. I see it come up the most in the Two Million Dollar Group room. And those are my calmest entrepreneurs.

So the things that are coming up are not like I’m trying to grow my emotional maturity in my failures, my emotional regulation. That’s not what they’re talking about. They’re emotionally regulated through failures. We have really neutral conversations about failed launches. They’re really brilliant in their work. They’re super savvy at marketing and selling but there’s a lot that comes up when it comes to females stewarding lots of money and managing and budgeting and all of that.

So I know it was just such a small little piece that you mentioned, but I thought it’s so important to just shed light or give light of why that’s important in a business space or to have access to that in a business space. It’s not everything we do, but we do, I think, especially this last round, I feel like we really nailed holding space for people in appropriate times when it was really needed and doesn’t go overboard to the point where you’re like, “Okay, are we at a feelings seminar?” But it’s just enough to really be important for growing entrepreneurship I think.

Megan: And I think especially at the beginning of your business, I think we’re just really trying to get our feet wet and then just kind of like, okay, I have no idea what I’m doing. Let’s just try and throw spaghetti at the wall and it feels really frantic and necessary. And what I’ve been learning is that in order to actually scale my business, I have to make more time for feeling the feelings and making sure that I’m processing things at a very higher level so I can think higher in order to serve more. Does that make sense?

Stacey: Yes, 100%. For me, it’s always if I want to open up capacity inside of myself, I have to figure out what’s weighing it down, always. That’s just the work at every single level.

Megan: Okay. And I also, that just reminded me of something because I think we were talking about scaling back in time in our business. And one of the things I just saw you as such an example of what’s possible, is that you have scaled back the time in your business. And I think another reason why I thought of it was why are we overworking, what’s going on? Why are we thinking that we need to keep working?

And I think that there’s a thought that if we work and do more then we can help more people. So there’s always this hustle that we have to do the things. Trust me, I’m the queen of the A line I’m like, “Let’s just do all the things.”

Stacey: Do all the things, yeah.

Megan: Just do all the things. And then what I realized is that at a certain point, there’s physically not enough hours in the day. And I feel like what you’ve done is you have really shown that when you think at a higher level you can get results at a higher level. And I think that the way that you’re able to get results and the way that you can catch our thinking really quickly because you’ve learned how to think at a higher level. Then we can get better, faster results at a higher level faster, if that makes sense.

Stacey: Yeah, 100%.

Megan: So one of the things that I thought, I thought that it was going to take a long time for me to get there. And this is my second year full-time in my business. I’ve had my business since 2020, but this is my second year full-time and one of the things I saw that you did is, I would just see people the second they signed up for 2K, they would get a result. And it was like, oh, my gosh, I signed these people, I got 10K. It’s all these great things. And I thought for me in my business, it would take a long time for me to get those kinds of results for my people.

I thought it would be like I need to do this. And I just had an instance where this happened where someone signed up. This is to give people confidence, keep up the work, it’s going to get better and faster as you go because she signed up for a consult on Wednesday. We did the consult. We had our first session on Thursday. She had a consult by Friday. Oh my God, this really does work.

The more that you up-level your thinking, the more people you can help even faster. And that’s why this work of being coaches is so important to do in any, not just business coaching, but for everything in the world.

Stacey: That’s so good. One of the thoughts that I have, that has served me really well, so originally I just had 2K for 2K and 200K Mastermind, those were the only two offers. So now I have 25K Group to kind of bridge the gap between 2K and 200K. And now I also have Two Million Dollar Group for the people beyond the 200K. But before it was just those two offers and there were lots of people who wanted my help that didn’t fit exactly in that.

I get lots of emails from people who are, “Well, I’m at this amount, should I do this? Or I don’t fit in this one, but I don’t really fit in this one.” And one of the things I was always willing to do, to be able to insist on my three days a week and my clean business that doesn’t stress me out and keep me up at night, where I have really great boundaries. I thought to myself, the people who are meant to be served by me now will figure out how to be served by me with whatever I have available right now.

There was a time where we were creating $200K earners and there was no workbook, no modules. They had nothing. You guys have the most incredible volume of resources to help you at any given moment, to never be confused. And there were no breakout sessions. There were no one-on-one coaches, the event was just me on stage all day. It was so simple and people were making 200K because of the people who just decided to do that with whatever they have.

And so in my mind, that’s the way I thought about it is, I don’t need to have all of these offers up and running right now to serve the people I want to serve. The people who want to be served now, and I’m the right person for them now will make use of what I have available to me now. And I had that thought layered with what you just gave, which is when I’m rested I think higher. I do actually, I think this is so interesting for everyone to experiment with is what is the point, what’s your declining point?

If everyone knew where that was, the point at which my production, my thinking, my ideas, my creativity, my excitement, at what point does my problem solving, my energy and my thoughts start to decrease, after how many hours? And that could be in a day, that could be in a week.

I know for me, if I try to work four or five days straight and it didn’t used to be that way but I think because of how much now, how much space I hold for how many people I coach, it really does start declining after a couple of days in a row. Three is really, I can go three straight days in a row, but it’s really challenging to keep going beyond that. I have to coach myself really hard. And I can only see through maybe even five days.

I recorded the Two Million Dollar Group content and we did five eight hour filming days in a row, it was so intense. And we ended up doing eight total but we had to take a break for a couple of months and come back at it. It took that much out of me and I was able to do it because I knew it was only one week and we were in and out and that was it. But I couldn’t do that level of thinking that I put into the content if that was just how I lived my life all the time. There is just a point at which it becomes, you start declining in your productivity, in your ideas, in your problem solving.

And then that gets worse and worse and worse and worse and that’s where you see at the bottom of that, people burning out. And so if you can recognize what that point is and then work on believing, if I only operate before that point and I insist on only working in this point and I believe that my people will come and take the offers that I have available in this time period before my declining point.

And they’ll make best use of everything I have, which also kept me from not over-creating content and over-creating resources. Then everybody’s getting what they need. I get what I need. They get what they need. And I always believe there’s plenty of money on the other side of both of those things happening.

Megan: I couldn’t agree more. And I just think this is one of the biggest things that as entrepreneurs we’re learning. And I would encourage everybody that the way that you figure out that point for you, a lot of trial and error. [Crosstalk] just try to figure it out. And you’re like, “Okay.” There was a point last year when I had 18 one-on-one clients and I was like, “This is a lot for me, this is a lot.” And I know that there are some schools of thinking that are like, I think it’s awesome.

But within the 20 client standard, I think that a lot of us use that, or it’s the same thing with 100K or 200K, we use numbers that are intended to help us, not hurt us.

Stacey: Yeah. Never do that, if you’re listening.

Megan: Please don’t do that. That’s actually one of the things I want to mention, we’ll hit on it later. But one of the things that I felt like I was not a good coach if I didn’t hit 20 clients.

Stacey: Yeah, I just made that number up. Actually I think I got that number from Brooke.

Megan: Yeah, exactly. And I also am with LCS and it was one of those things that I was like, “I have to get this number.”

Stacey: I have to just say really quick, there are also so many coaches who are like, “I can do way more than that.” I know a coach [crosstalk] 28 clients and I was like, “What?”

Megan: [Crosstalk] and I’m like, “That is wonderful. Don’t use anyone else’s business ideas, things they offer you or coaching or hearing about their businesses to hurt you in your business. Only use things to help you.” And I was talking actually with Marianna, who is another, I think former 200K person. And she was like, “I just didn’t feel like me anymore.”

And so I want to encourage anyone who’s listening, that the you that you bring to your business, and this is something that actually Charlotte and I were talking about is she goes, “That’s the reason why people work with you is they want the you.” And so if you’re working to the point here you lose the you, at what point, and a concept that you have is picking up pennies.

It’s almost like you’re taking all of these clients on, but you lose the biggest factor in your business, which is you. You’re going to mess it up. I’ve done it twice now, and I’m like, “I’ve learned and I’ve recalibrated and figured out my burnout point.”

Stacey: I think you have to be willing to do that. I think so many people also aren’t willing to see what they’re capable of either. So I think you just can’t approach it in all or nothing. So for me, I’ve challenged what I’m capable of getting done in one day so many times, that that’s also why I’m able to insist on my three day work week is because of how much I put into a work day or even a work hour. And the way that I’m thinking in that hour, it’s come from being willing to challenge myself so many times.

It’s not just, well, this is what I have and this is what I can do. It’s, let me just keep challenging this and my productivity and my level of thinking. So many times it can take me two hours to do a podcast and then if I’m just in the right thought process, it’s done in 20 minutes. I’m like, “Oh, that’s interesting.” How many other tasks are there on my schedule on any given week that really only take 20 minutes.” If I just had access to the thinking that inspires me to do that.

But I do think you have to be willing to underwork, to overwork, all of those things to find your true workflow but for sure, I love the idea of not using anything against you. I think that’s so easy for all of us to do. I mean, I know even I’m guilty of using things against myself and just even becoming super aware of that, how do I know what’s my awareness of when I’m using something against myself?

Megan: Okay, well this has been a huge revelation for me this round because one of the things, I’m in around 140K right now rolling 12. And for anyone that doesn’t know, we do rolling 12 month revenue reports. And that is so helpful for your self-concept. If anyone is not doing the rolling 12, please do that. But one of the things that I realize is that sometimes in past rounds of 200K I would hear a lot of ideas for what my business could look like and the opportunities. Again I was saying like you’re an example of what’s possible and I would totally use that against myself.

And I’d be like, “Because I haven’t written a book yet.” I was like, “Well, my business must be really crappy and this is not great for me.” And the way that I’ve been able to hack my brain around it is thinking about this concept that I came up literally at 200K where it’s the idea of going from good to great. And so I think that when our brains are thinking my business is bad and I need to do something to make it good, it’s very difficult to bridge that gap.

And that’s when you’re going to see, for instance, I was thinking, before this I was like, “Oh, my gosh, my website is trash. I need to get rid of it. I need to totally start over”, which it goes with the all or nothing thinking. And then the way that I’ve been able to shift it is being like, “My website is honestly good, if not great. I have signed so many people from it. It displays who I am and who I’m transitioning to be.” And it’s going to get even better.

And the same thing with my marketing, I was like, “Oh, my marketing isn’t very good. It’s not working.” It’s always a fun thought. And I was like, “No, my marketing is working so well. It is so badass. I have signed so many people from Instagram and it’s about to get even better.” And that good to great is, I think, the way that you can stop using coaching against yourself. Think about who you are, get present and grounded, and then think about where you want to grow, if that helps people.

Stacey: Yeah, that’s so good. I love that. I stopped into Sarah Fisk’s breakout room. I actually don’t remember what revenue they were at, but she had a conversation. They were creating their marketing plans, their one sheet marketing plan. And she started with, “Okay, let’s dive into what’s working, which we talked about this on stage but what’s working and then what’s an improvement on what’s already working.” And she just spent so much time there before moving on to, okay, and now what are we going to add to it from what you’ve learned in 200K?”

And I think that’s so important for anyone listening, I think this is no matter what investment you’re going to go out and make in the world, what you just said is so important. Find what’s working, how you’re going to use that investment to improve what’s already working. Be very clear about what that is before you layer on other things. And we kind of guide you in 200K but in case it’s a different scenario, figure out what you’re going to be adding to so that you still remain the CEO of your business and you still remain in control of that decision making.

And what I loved is that you had written in, but I think we should definitely talk about is you said that, because I love that you’re a business coach, do you tell people what you coach, have you told them your niche?

Megan: Fun fact, friends, so sorry, I don’t think we’ve talked about that, we just got into it. I have a business called Six Figure Systems where I help people create systems and protocols, organize their business and mine so that they can scale up to six figures and multiple six figures.

Stacey: I love it. And do you work with everybody?

Megan: Currently I work with pretty much just service based businesses that occupy an online space. I’ve actually worked with some products and things like that and people who are multiple six, even seven figures, which has been so cool.

Stacey: This is so fun.

Megan: My dirty has been so, so fun and we can maybe talk about that later. But the fact, that I’ve been able to help people at all these different stages and scales. I just love helping people get organized because then their life is so much better, easier because of it.

Stacey: Yeah, so good, okay. So I think this is interesting. So one of the things that you had written in and proposed that we talk about that I think is really good is that you were able to come into 200K. And I think it was in maybe your breakout sessions, where you all actually pulled what your systems and structures were that made your business work while you were in the 200K room. Versus, what I think a lot of business coaches do is they’re like, “Well, if I come into 200K I can’t really commit to the process because then it will affect my process.

I’ll either want to just throw all of my process away and only use Stacey’s or it’ll become a replica of Stacey’s. I’ll lose my authenticity.” And when I read that line from you, I thought it was so interesting that you were able to come in and you actually used the systems and structures. You were able to find the ones that you’re actually using that work for you in participating in someone else’s process and structure.

Megan: Absolutely. And I think that’s a pivotal part about developing, I think you talk about your CEO self-concept, being a business owner. The way that you become a CEO of your unique business, because every business is different is by hearing someone’s structures, looking at your own things that you have in place and doing kind of like a merge of the two.

And I think that you were talking about Sarah Fisk’s room. And I think that she just did a beautiful thing that Melissa actually did in her last round as well, where she would help coach you. And said if you ever had a question, it wasn’t like you got your question answered right away. You would be able to answer that question yourself. She would coach you to get into a regulated mindset. You would be able to answer the question yourself and then you would be able to receive other ideas and things from people.

I think that were in the mastermind with us and I think that’s one of the really important things that I think that I learned so much from 200K is that there was really the how. I feel like when I was in the small groups and things, it was okay, I want to hear your how first. How would you solve this? As your business owner, how would you go through and go and figure this out? And I literally was like, “Oh.”

And I think one of the things that you do is you teach us how to mine the answers within ourselves, which I think is very unique. And a lot of different containers, I’ve been given a lot of the how, I teach a lot of the how, but I think one of the ways that you do it is you also help us step into being that CEO ourselves, stepping into being, and I know it’s [inaudible].

Stacey: That’s alright, everyone listening is a coach, so it’s fine, [crosstalk].

Megan: It’s going to be good. But when you are becoming a thought leader, I think that’s one of the biggest things that I got from 200K is I saw myself as a leader. And funny enough, before this podcast, I was so tempted last week to go back and listen to every other person who has done an interview. And I think a fun exercise for people is without other people, just to glean from this podcast to give you a small of the big work that we do in 200K.

I didn’t listen to any other podcast before this. I was like, “I’m not sure.” I saw that there were other interviews and I was so tempted, but I wanted to see what I could glean and give to your community just from me. 

Stacey: Mind your brain first. 

Megan: Exactly. And I want everyone that’s listening, if you’re listening to this podcast you are a thought leader. I just want to offer you that thought that you are a developing thought leader at whatever phase you are in your business. And how would you respond if you were asked, even if you’re just listening to this podcast, even if you haven’t done 2K, 200K, two million, how would you show up? What value do you have to give already to your community? And then how can you grow from there?

Stacey: When I was working on believing that I was a thought leader, that is one thing that I got really good at doing is if I was coming up with a concept, I didn’t research the concept. I can remember one week and this happens now very frequently, but I was doing an episode on the value of a coach. I don’t remember what I actually called the episode, but I had written the episode, but I hadn’t recorded it. I had gotten all my ideas together.

And then Brooke came out with the same thing. I don’t remember if it was the value of a coach or the value of a coaching session but it was so similar. And I was like, “Oh my God, do not listen to that episode.” Because I know if I listen to that episode, I’ll think, I did mine wrong or I said it wrong or she said it best. And I would have lots and lots of thoughts so I just ignored it. And I listen to hers religiously, l every Thursday, I do not miss. And still to this day eight years later, or however long it’s been.

But I just recorded mine and then once I submitted it I went back and listened to hers. What was so funny is they could not have been different. Even if I had listened to hers ahead of time, it would have been fine because it wasn’t even close. We weren’t talking about the same thing.

But I really have gotten really good at doing that. If I’m going to come up with a module I’m like, “Okay, before I go research things or before I go look in my community, before I go do anything, let’s just see what’s already in my brain.” And then the work is can I believe that’s good enough? And if I’m willing to do that, then I will put my ideas, my original ideas out into the world, and then people will interact with them and I will increase my value because of the frequency of being willing to do that and then the sharpness I get from mining my own brain that way.

Megan: Well, and I think it’s interesting because even if ideas overlap, one of the things that I think can help people who might be experiencing imposter syndrome and thinking in that kind of way. Everything that I feel, there is a quote that is, everything that we’ve said has been said before, in some way, shape or form. But you are a unique person who has something to give the world and no one has ever heard anything the way you say it.

The way that you say it and you say this a million times, but someone else will say the exact same thing in the room or just you’ll say it on the same podcast. You as a human are saying the exact same thing and it’s just a different episode or use at a different time in your life to actually be able to get that message. And you’re like, “Oh, I understand it now.” It clicks because you’re ready for it. And so just being willing to get out there, say things that maybe someone else has said before, but unique flavor that you’ll give to it is going to set your business [crosstalk].

Stacey: Was it Maggie on stage this past round where she said something to the whole group? And I was like, “Oh my God, that’s so brilliant, yes.” And I was like, “Somebody from my team write that down or screenshot that.” And she was like, “You said that, you said that in the past.” And I was like, “I needed to just hear it from you, Maggie. Hearing it from myself was not effective, I needed you to say it back to me.” But that’s the best example ever, so good.

And then, okay, so you had also said that, this made me very curious that Charlotte is your instructor this round just for your small breakouts, which, by the way, everyone’s so immensely lucky. I pick the best people ever that I think are just such examples of my work and their own work, but you’re really lucky. You know, when someone hits their growth stride and you know it?

They’re going through it. They’re in their upward trajectory. Anyways, you’ve got it, you’ve got it, girlfriend. You’ve got a great instructor. But you had said that you guys had coached on something that you had been hiding in your busy, you discovered was actually your strength in helping people. Will you tell me about that?

Megan: Yeah. So, like I mentioned before, I have found a lot of safety within the A line. I, within being visible in my business, and I do really think, I don’t know why my brain thinks like this, but my brain really does think in systems. And I think it’s probably to do with my ADHD, but I get, I think that our weaknesses are our strengths unrealized. And I think that because I have to be so hyper organized in order to be productive, I always saw that as a strength.

And so I felt like every system that I had was something that I could offer people, whether it was a marketing calendar. I’d be talking about how the marketing calendar is something that’s really valuable or creating an annual plan or having financial projections. And I would harp on those a lot. And I still think that they’re insanely valuable. It’s just your modules and things like that.

One of the things that I realized that I didn’t speak to as much is the way that my personality and my brain, I really do think I can see the best in people and I can bring this love and levity and light to people in a trying time in their life when they’re trying to develop something that they feel really passionate about. And maybe they’re not getting the support from other people and I am a true supporter in them through thick and thin. And I was always trying to be really professional and talk a lot about, I mean it is a lot of strategy, it’s very strategic. 

Stacey: Do you need new batteries in your mic pack? It’s getting sticky.

Megan: Interesting. I think I’m just getting really passionate and spitting on the mic.

Stacey: Stop it. I’m not prepared for that level of realness in this moment.

Megan: That was a lot of just wow. But I do have extra batteries here. I came prepared, so I’ll keep an eye on it. Pavel, I hope you enjoy that. And also if you keep it in, keep it in, there’s a lot.

Stacey: Okay, that’s so great. I’m just so excited I’m spitting on my mic thing. So good. So go back. So I wanted to hear it all, having me laugh so hard, I had a little tear come out. You had said that you realized that that was your piece in that moment. I love how you framed that too, about it’s a really trying time for them when they’re trying to bring out something that feels so important to them.

And then of course the first stages of business are just all failure. So they’re in that space of trying to make this thing that they love so deeply work and then you’re tying that into how your personality along with the systems is such a benefit. But I missed what you were saying around it.

Megan: Yes, okay. So within my business, the way that I would speak about it before was all about the actions they could do to mitigate and create ease in the failure essentially. So it’s creating a lot of ease within those struggles at the very beginning, it’s a really hard time. And I was like, “Here is just something that can help you. Here’s something that can change the way that you think about yourself.”

And I was not talking about, I think one of the reasons why I’m harping on it on this podcast was a really big shift was that I realized that the value that I bring to my people is from not just my systems. But it’s also the light and levity that I bring to them and the way that I can see their purpose. And the way that they are uniquely gifted to create an impact in this world. I feel like that is a huge strength of mine. And I was avoiding that because I didn’t think I would be taken seriously and I wanted to make sure that people are investing a lot.

I want to make sure that they’re not just like that, I take it so seriously. And I mean, it’s just making sure that people knew that I was going to take care of them, in my brain meant that I had to be really serious. And I think that now I’m realizing that people really do feel the love and care for them that I have for their businesses, and I want them to grow so, so much. And that’s actually why people trust in me and what I do. It’s the light and levity that I’ve been trying to systemize. Actually that’s my strength and the fun and the joy that I bring. I was like, “I make systems fun. Who does that?”

Stacey: Well, that’s why it’s so interesting. When I think of someone who teaches systems and everybody has a different interpretation of that, but if you just said someone who teaches systems, my immediate thought is it’s someone that’s going to be very stern, robotic. Just there’s an energy that I imagine there. And what I just wrote down, it’s almost like you’re the anti-serious systems coach. I’m going to be the fun systems coach.

And then that opens up an entire new market of people who would not be interested in thinking and operating in a systematic way because of the way that it’s been approached, maybe by people who are systematic in their brains normally. But they’re like, “Wait. This girl, if she’s able to do it, maybe I’m able to do it because she seems light, she seems fun.” So I do think there’s that.

And then the other piece of it is your ability to see people in their after, who they’re able to become. I think the value of that, I think it’s interesting that your thought is they wouldn’t take you seriously. Because really the value of doing that is that you anchor their why. How you get through the river of misery, how you get through the hardest times and all of the failure is by knowing what you’re doing it for, who you’re doing it for, knowing that you are achieving your purpose and your dreams.

And the more that you can see that in them, the more they can develop that resiliency to get up and keep going again. So I think that’s such a huge value add if you could help someone do that while they’re doing something that might be extraordinarily challenging.

Megan: Yeah. Well, thank you. I have a positivity document and I’m just going to add that.

Stacey: I love that, a positivity document.

Megan: Because, you know systems, but literally, that’s what I feel like.

Stacey: You know systems.

Megan: It’s one of those things that I think is so difficult at the beginning. and primarily I do work with solopreneurs. And so when you’re thinking about you at that beginning stage, you’re wearing all the hats, you’re trying to do everything all on your own. And when you’re thinking about, you have to be grounded to that bigger why. But I mean even for you Stacey, when you talk about that 30 million version of you, 100 million version of you, I can see it so clearly. I know it’s going to happen for you. I just believe it so much.

I feel like that is something that I’m really excited for people to actually see within themselves too. And it just takes one person believing in you and seeing that for you. It was so funny at the mastermind, people were like, “You need to change your goal for this year.” They’re like, “No, no, no.” I was like, “No. My goal was 150.” And Janae was like, “If I hear you say that again, it’s 200, no.” Tanner is another one of my new friends and Charlotte, they’re getting me to dream bigger than I ever thought was possible.

Stacey: How fun is Tanner? [crosstalk].

Megan: He is so fun, and literally we were at dinner and he was like, “So what are the numbers to make that happen?” He’s like, “Megan, you’ve just got to do that.” And I’m sorry Tanner, I’m doing your accent really wrong. But just hearing someone believing in me so much I was like, “Maybe I could.” And I think that a lot of us stop dreaming at a very young stage. And I just want to encourage all of us, that if we can dream bigger and better, the world will get better as we go for it and why not.

Stacey: Why not, so good, yeah. Okay, so, so good. Tell me, I’m trying to make sure we get all the things I wanted to ask you about. So this is the whole reason I wanted to have you on the podcast and I haven’t asked you yet, but I want to know about your thoughts. I don’t know what thoughts it is. I don’t know if it’s thoughts about the community, if it’s thoughts about 200K, just the entire mastermind. I know if there’s a 200K call, I’m going to be tagged on Instagram in a photo by Megan Wing. I know she’s coming. It’s every Wednesday, I know it. That’s just one little thing.

Or the fact that you had your luggage lost and showed up to the welcome event in a dress from the gift shop and spa slippers. And you’re like, “Here I am.” There’s just a certain level of just I’m like, “What is that? I want that.” I’ve been thinking about this because again, my analogy of Brooke would have the party in the top of the stands and it wouldn’t matter.

And so I’ve been thinking, if I were in that situation, would I have shown up, let’s say it’s Mastermind, let’s just say that all my clothes get lost. They lose my luggage again, or someone steals it again. Would I buy slippers and show up in whatever they had available at the gift shop? Would I just show up and be like, “Yeah, I’m here. I lost my luggage. But hello, what’s going on?” And it’s not that I wouldn’t want to. I don’t know that that thought would have even been available to me necessarily.

So I’m just curious, what are the thoughts that have you showing up so joyously and contributing in such a way that people just want to be around you in the Mastermind? Like what is the thinking that creates that?

Megan: Oh, my gosh. Okay, well, by the way, this is the other dress I got at the gift shop, I had to wear it today. I was going to wear it at the Mastermind and I was like, “No, I’m wearing [crosstalk].”

Stacey: They had good things at the gift shop so it wasn’t [crosstalk].

Megan: [Crosstalk]. No, it was a very fancy gift shop. And I think that one of the things that I think everyone can use but this is something that for me especially, I’ve gone through some stuff in my life and I talk about this in the breakout room and feel comfortable sharing. If I made it past 12 years old, there was some really hard stuff I was going through at that point, literally everything else is a bonus. Every year after it is a bonus. I didn’t think I’d make it here at all, there was no part of me that thought I would make here and I’m here.

I am on the Make Money as a Life Coach podcast with Stacey and that’s [inaudible]. I remember I was driving to school listening to this podcast using it to keep me going as I was trying to start this business, while teaching through the pandemic, coaching after school. Doing certification till 10:00pm, other coaching until other 10:00pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. This is one of the things that really got me through.

And one of the things that I want to offer to everybody is literally after the pandemic and this could be your, who knows, I think this is just a helpful thought, but it’s every day in this life is a freaking gift. And we are using it to help people, which is just amazing. So literally anything else that we’re able to do in this life is a cherry on top of something amazing that is never guaranteed.

And that just always helps me get back into such a grateful state of mind to be like, “Wow, I’m just so honored to be here. I’m just glad to be here.” And it just makes me so thrilled for the opportunities in the future, anything is just a cherry on top.

Stacey: It’s so interesting. I do feel like that’s the thought that you embody coming to the welcome event, the coaching calls, even the way you talk about the people you mastermind with. It’s just the way you speak of them, it’s so highly, which I think that the coaches in the room are some of the highest thinking and doing coaches in the industry, I really do believe that. But that thought I can see running through all of how you show up.

Megan: Yeah. You talked about something at the beginning. You were talking about, I am trusting people to come to me at whatever stage and there’s plenty of money to go around. And I am just trusting that the people along with that, which thanks to Johanna, when you’re talking about that. I just know that other people probably think this way too, but they just don’t articulate it like I do maybe. And she said that, “I’m learning to manage my business with trust instead of control.”

Stacey: So good, Johanna said that?

Megan: Yeah. She’s a genius and amazing. So that’s one of the things that is a core value of mine.

Stacey: And so how do you know her? Because you guys weren’t in the same breakout rooms.

Megan: No, we just met in 200K in that first round, we met in January of 2021. That was my first round and we became friends. And I was roommates with someone else, Johanna, who’s also amazing. She completed her round. And then Johanna and I think I was going to be roommates with somebody else. And then their room opened up and I was like, “I need a roommate.” And Johanna was like, “Let’s be roommates.” Her room opened up, my room opened up, and it was just serendipitous. And she is, really every person that’s in this room is a rock for me. I really do think so.

And it’s trusting that everything that I heard, I’m hearing this for a reason. Whatever coaching it is, I’m going to get something from it. Whatever person I run into in the hallway, it’s for a reason. Whatever person I’m getting dinner with, there is a purpose for this. And I like to think of, not everything happens for a reason, but you can find a reason for everything. And because there are some really not great things that happen in the world. And I think that you can just find reasons. I don’t know what the bigger picture is.

But that thought that I’m here for a reason. Something is important in this moment that I’m supposed to learn, it’s going to make me better. I can either directly give back to the world or it’s something that is just going to expand my emotional and mental capacity to grow better. Always felt like I fit in. I was always very joyful. That was kind of a key part of who I was, in middle school, I definitely shifted a lot of personalities. Your girl was emo or seventh grade, which can you imagine. [inaudible].

Stacey: So good.

Megan: If you guys meet me you’ll be like, “I’ve got so many questions.” And within that, within being in a lot of different communities and things, I was always looking for a place where I belonged, where I felt like I could truly just show up and be my weird, enthusiastic self. And I found bits and pieces of that throughout the years. And the second that I walked into the 200K room in that January of 2020. actually, I got there a day early and it just really was these are my people. And I felt like I was home, if that makes sense. I was like, “Oh, this is what’s been missing.”

And I get emotional thinking about it because I think a lot of us start these businesses and we don’t necessarily fit in with what society might have in place for us. And I think that just to be around these amazing high achievers and being like, “I belong here. I was picked to be here. I actually get to be a part of this.”

Stacey: So those are two other really amazing thoughts for everyone listening, because I am a huge introvert. If I were at the welcome event, my thoughts were probably very, I’m going to say something weird. Everyone’s going to think I’m awkward. How do I start a conversation? They don’t like me. Those would probably be my thoughts. I have those thoughts even when people have flown thousands of miles to come see me.

My husband was making fun of me last round because I was walking around introducing myself and he was like, “What are you doing?” The next round I walk in and I’m like, “Is there a name tag for me?” I walked up to the orientation booth and they were like, “I don’t think you need a name tag.” And I was like, “There’s that socially awkward self coming right out at my own event.” But I don’t think I would choose that. So I just want to offer that some people can simply find those thoughts.

They can find those thoughts naturally as who they are. And for some of us, we need a little bit of a nudge to think all the thoughts. I belong, I was chosen to be here, which I give those thoughts to people now. I’m like, “Let’s give those thoughts to people.” Especially if you come in as a $25K earner for example, and you’re really intimidated by a $200K earner or a $500K earner or whatever. The thought you have to choose, you don’t want to think, no one cares about where I’m at. This problem isn’t relevant to these high earners.

You have to choose the thought, I paid the exact same amount to be here. So I’m going to show up and get what I came for. I was chosen to be here. There’s something that they see in me that adds value to this room. I’m thinking of some of our incoming students from the 25K group that have come in for the first round and they’ve already just been so like jay, just such a light in the room.

And everybody is just drawn to that person, but their thoughts are creating that. Their thoughts are having them show up at the level that a $500K earner would show up. And I just want to offer to everyone, if you struggle with that, I probably would too. I still show up to orientation booth at my own event. It’s just not a natural first thought so I think it’s worth investigating and talking about.

Megan: Well, and it’s funny because self-coaching used to be a requirement of 200K. But I actually had been getting coached by Jackie Murphy who was the one who introduced me to 200K years ago. And she was like, “You’ve got to be in the room.” She’s like, “You have to be here.” And she was my one-on-one coach just for life stuff. And I coached myself every day for three years before I even got into 200K. And since 2018 to 2022, yeah, so three years of every single day, religiously self-coaching.

And Johanna actually was like, “How are you like this?” And you all, self-coaching, it works. You really getting those thoughts about yourself, it was not innate for me. I was a social outcast. To feel belonging and feel like I was visible in any way was very much a struggle and I just keep learning it at new levels. But also the community that you bring is so strong in the way that we are all here to help each other and it [inaudible] immediately. And I chose to, I guess, believe thoughts that we are growing together. We’re a team, we’re a community.

And there are people in this mastermind, it has been a crazy two years of my life within, and that’s another thing that I think is just important that life doesn’t stop happening just because you decide to build a business. There’s going to be a lot of stuff and all the things. But these people know me deeper than anybody else. And you’re safe to go deep with these people. We’re here to help each other. We’re here to grow.

And I’m not mentioning nearly as many, I want everyone who listens to this, hopefully if you have helped me or just been a part of my life in any way. I just want to say thank you. I am so grateful for you. You have changed my life in profound ways, literally from plain conversations [inaudible] to really in-depth conversations where I’m sobbing on the ground, having people pass me to tissues, last round, this round.

Every single person is here to help each other grow. We’re going to make the world better by growing and being together and I think that’s a thought that can serve you, is that we’re all a team. We’re all growing together in this awesome, awesome community.

Stacey: That’s so good. That makes me think of, I remember the first round of Million Dollar mentoring that I did, at the last meeting we had. And I’m in a room with just the best of the LCS community and Brooke Castillo. And I had been intimidated just the entire year with everyone. I was super intimidated by Brooke. I was super intimidated by Corinne and Jody and just everyone. And everyone hit their million dollar goal except for me. And she had asked us to go around the room and to tell the room what our predominant feeling was about what we accomplished that year.

And I remember everyone had such lovely emotions. And I just started crying. And then I was thinking in my head, oh my God, I’m crying in front of Brooke. And then it was the true feeling, it wasn’t a pitiful cry, it wasn’t a feel sorry for me cry. It was me just unleashing what I felt was just deep shame and I told the room I felt inadequate. And then I was so embarrassed to say that in front of everyone.

And Brooke had been pretty hard on me that year. She had sniffed out all of the bullshit, 12 months of work, just everything, all of the hustle, everything, sniffed it out and just been really always been super tough on me but in the best way. So I expected, in my mind I was like, here it comes. And the room held such powerful, amazing space for me, it was everything. And it made me think about the difference of you can coach someone crying and coach them very, very hard if they’re self-suffering, if it’s indulging in negative emotions.

But to know the difference between indulging and when someone’s actually suffering, even if they’ve made $860,000 but they’re experiencing a moment of deep shame about that. And I felt like the entire room recognized that and honored that and held me in that. And it was a clicking moment for me of being able to say, “I do belong here. They want me here. They want to help me.” All of the being hard on me has been to help me. And really for the first time I recognized, she’s not being hard on me because she doesn’t like me.

She’s being hard on me because she recognizes a level of greatness in me that I have not met yet. And every second that goes by that she doesn’t tell me the very hard truth, I don’t get to that level of greatness. And I think that from that moment, I’ve really tried to foster that in the 200K room of we are going to, if you’re indulging, we’re going to for sure try to snap you out of that. But if you’re suffering, we’re all going to hold space for that.

I used to market as we’re just this elite room of powerhouses. And I have really worked to work into my marketing this other side of that, the truth of it, which is I don’t think an ounce of you can’t sit with us at the table in the room from even the highest earning people. You could walk up to absolutely anyone and you would, I think, get the experience that you’ve had.

Megan: 100%. And I think that that’s the reason why for me being in 200K has served me so well, because not only could I see that raising my self-concept to I belong in this room of high achievers. And I wasn’t even planning on talking about this but normalizing that we’re all humans. Have you seen the Outer Banks, the TV show?

Stacey: I haven’t.

Megan: I have not watched it. I’m on episode eight or something. And within the show, there’s a whole gang of rich people. And there’s the people, they have different classifications that are not as well off. And the stark contrast between the two and I think that a lot of times people who are in different incomes are considered, you are maybe not going to be kind, you’re not going to help me, you’re not going to show up for me. And this idea that you lose a bit of your genuineness and authenticity as you scale.

And I think that’s something that’s been really, really important for me to see in this world because I used to be an elementary school teacher. So as teachers sadly, in North Carolina, which our amazing union, is working to create better opportunities for teachers, but I didn’t have a lot of money coming in from my former career. And it almost felt like having money meant that I was bad and I was going to turn out to be someone I’m not and be less genuine and authentic.

And I think that I’ve learned that as my business has scaled, as it’s become this, I have become even more of myself, even more genuine and even more authentic and more giving.

Stacey: Yeah, I feel the same way.

Megan: And I feel like that’s something that’s really important about the community as well, yes, you belong. And unless someone is going through it, with the 200K room it sometimes does bring up people who are like, “Oh my God, I’m in it.” It’s not about you. Don’t make it about you. But the majority of the time, everyone is ready to be here for you in any way, shape or form.

Stacey: I think it’s extraordinary that you had lunch or dinner or whatever with Tanner making $3 million in the Two Million Dollar Group and he’s just helping you believe that you can make more money. Who gets access to that? That’s so incredible.

Megan: Yes, and Michelle was there too. It was the three of us and I’m like, “I don’t think that.”

Stacey: Michelle Rogers was there?

Megan: Yes.

Stacey: Yes, we all love her too.

Megan: Just the pureness of people’s hearts as well. I think that’s another important thing about growing businesses that really do serve people and life coaching and businesses like that are designed to serve people. So I think it really brings in a lot of people who are just really freaking good people. I mean no matter what you see on the exterior, Michelle has been texting me almost every day since then and is sharing different insights and things like that.

Stacey: So $350,000 earner for everyone listening, we’ll have her on the podcast.

Megan: Oh my God, but her heart is so good. She is here to serve people who have children, who are going through the unimaginable. And I a lot of times was a part of some of that diagnosis that she is now serving on the other side of things.

Stacey: That’s so good. You guys have lots to talk about.

Megan: So much to talk about and Tanner too. I mean, [inaudible] are humanizing that people who are creating this amazing impact are also people and they’re people who are giving and kind and want to help and are really just giving.

Stacey: And are not looking at you, even though we have the rooms and everyone’s in kind of their own income bracket just to make sure that the problem solving is relevant to everyone in those small breakout sessions, which are so useful and so valuable. And at the same time, what isn’t happening is people aren’t walking around looking at your income bracket and deciding if they’re going to talk to you or be friends with you, have lunch with you, spend time with you like. That is only relevant when it comes to the problem solving.

But once you’re out in the community, nobody cares, no one’s looking. Jay told a story. I actually want to use it in one of our 200K emails. But he told a story of Olivia just walked up straight up to him and was like, “Hi, I’ve been wanting to meet you. Can I give you a hug?” She’s making 500K and he came in at the 25K mark. That’s so awesome. That’s the way, I’m always just profoundly honored when I see my group behaving that way. Because I remember, Brooke said this years ago and it just stuck in my mind forever, which was when you think you’re better than someone else, it never feels good to you.

It’s a terrible thought, when we think we’re better than someone, when we think we know something more than them, when we are thinking that we’re further along than them, that we’re more proficient. Any time we put ourselves above someone else, it feels terrible. And ever since she said that because I also had that fear, I’m going to turn into someone when I make a lot of money that I don’t like. That was ingrained in me as a child. And people with money are bad people.

And so I’m always finding the thoughts that can anchor me to how I want to be making lots of money. And that was a such a useful one. So when I think about that when I go to LCS events, Mastermind’s coming up and so I think about that. I remember when people first started really knowing who I was, it was overwhelming. When people would see me in the hallways, I couldn’t use the restroom without someone talking to me while I’m peeing.

And so that was really overwhelming and my brain wanted to complain about it. And I just remembered what you said, everything’s a bonus. There’s a reason this is all good. I don’t need to have my brain complaining about that. I want to have us be on the same level. I want to imagine how I would have felt if I would have ran into someone going to the bathroom as well. I think when we put everybody on the same playing field, the way that that translates into a community is so important.

Megan: I really think so too. And I’m writing stuff down. I’ve got just so many thoughts because the other thing is it takes time and so don’t stress yourself out to be like, “Oh my gosh, I have to be pure and genuine and authentic.” Because anyone really who’s perfect all the time, never, please don’t think that’s what I’m saying.

Stacey: I am pure, genuine and authentic all the time. It’s such a tough job.

Megan: Perfect. Why wouldn’t that just be [inaudible]. No, that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that when you are showing up as your authentic genuine self and I was talking with someone about this but you just kind of bring in your people and that comes into the trust for your business. But also for the relationships that you make as you build your business with your peers and things like that. I really do think that does bring your people.

And it’s just fascinating because some of last round, I realized that you can self-sabotage and be in a low value cycle and it doesn’t feel as bad as it always used to. So it’s not as clear at different levels of your business and I was like, yeah. And so this happened and this happened and I’m fine, I’m doing great, everything is fine. Maybe it’s not fine, maybe I’m actually. And it was so interesting.

So Olivia reached out to me just randomly and we are very good friends and we also have an agreement, fun fact. We’re better about communication with our business but as friends, I’m not always checking in on people. I’m working on it. Again, it’s good, where I’m at it’s good, it’s going to be great later on. But I’m not always great at checking in on people and being like, “Hi, how are you doing? I’ve been thinking about you.” And she just randomly reached out to me and was like, “Hey, how are you?” And I was like, “I’m fine. I think I’m fine.” And I was like, “oh, my God, maybe I’m not fine.”

And literally within that, so that was on Monday, we coached Monday night. She literally was just like, “Let’s coach.” And then Janae came over on Tuesday or something and we coached again. And then Christina Langdon, we really had it, we’ve peer coached a couple of times. Or maybe, I don’t even know if we peer coached before that. Christina would probably know better, but we literally, we loved each other. I was like, “Oh my God, I love her.” And apparently she was like, “I love this girl.” It’s like ships passing in the night, and that’s the saying.

And she just reached out to me and was like, “Hey, are you doing okay?” And we peer coached and it was this summer. And I feel like the more you can show up truly yourself, your people are just going to come. And those are some people that you guys might have heard on the podcast, but there are so many more people that I’ve had relationships with that you might never hear of, but we’re all in it to support you. And the more you can show up as you, your people are going to come, not just within business coaching but also just in your base days.

So the more you can just be genuine and authentic and really yourself, your people are going to hear you and they’re going to come in.

Stacey: So good. I love this so much. So I told you when we chatted before we hit record that I would give you an opportunity because you had made some notes. Now, I know that you thought you were coming on for a different reason, which is totally fine. But is there anything when you were thinking about getting to be on this episode, you’ve listened to it for so long, you’ve been in 200K for four rounds. I didn’t know that you had come in as a $25K earner, so you’ve gone from 25K to 140,000?

Megan: I also was like, “Holy shit, this is happening.”

Stacey: So good, in four rounds, that’s so amazing.

Megan: Well, actually I applied at 25K the first round and I didn’t get in. Fun fact, you all, this is actually my fifth round of applying, fourth round of participating.

Stacey: But technically your fourth round just started. So you’ve done three rounds, and then it’s three completed rounds, you’ve gone from 25K to 140K.

Megan: Yeah, I think it was actually, at that point I think it was 47K so I take that back, but I was an underdog. When you had us stand up, if you guys watch the recording [inaudible], I thought I was going to be the majority. I was like, “Hey everybody, here’s what we’ve been doing.” And it was like, oh, no, this is not. And I was like, “Alright, rise to the occasion. Let’s go, it’s time.” But yeah, you said that I was going to have time to talk about a couple of other things I had made notes about.

So I think that within my 200K journey there have been so many things that I have experienced in my personal life and in my business life that I’ve been needing extra support for. I have needed mental and emotional support, therapy, getting counseling and things like that. And I want you to know that as you scale your business, life doesn’t just stop happening. If you decide to l just start your business, there are going to be things that are going to happen within your time that you are running your business. And I think it’s really, really important to support yourself through all the things that are going on in your business.

I use 200K for my business only. We talked a lot about thoughts and feelings that come up specifically to business. And there are some even deeper thoughts and feelings that might come up as you try and grow your business. For me, some visibility issues that I was scared of things that happened in middle school and third grade. And there was all these different kinds of things that came up that I was like, “200K is a place for a lot of things and there’s also a place, go and get support for your life stuff outside of 200K as well.”

It’s really, really important to make sure that you take care of your mental health and support your business through that. And if you’re experiencing other parts of life, I went through a breakup, I actually experienced some very serious trauma that was unrelated to the breakup. There was just so much that happened in that 2021/2022 year.

Stacey: You still went from 25K to 140, which is so great, because you process emotions and get the help you need.

Megan: Yes. And I think it’s the thought I want to instill in everybody that no matter what, you will support yourself. And sometimes you don’t even know what you need. A lot of times you don’t know what you need, but if you can just start to listen to that internal voice inside of you that’s, I’m unwell. It’ll sound different as you grow. It’ll be with yourself, you’re like, “Hey, we’re not doing so great.” But if you can start to listen to that voice within yourself, just go and get support.

And another thought that I have about myself is I’ll always figure everything out. The second that I realized that I felt like I could help this amount of people I was like, “I’m going to figure out a way to do that because I don’t think I’m having this feeling for a mistake.”

Stacey: Can I ask you? I know we’re definitely out of time but can I ask you what your thought was? Because I think a lot of people, I’ve just seen this happen a lot where when they have traumatic things in life, whether it’s health issues, loss in their family or friends, when they go through something, a break up. They go through something that’s really hard, their tendency will be to pull back. And so they’ll take a round or two or three off, or we just won’t see them again, and maybe they do, maybe they don’t get continued business coaching.

I’m always a huge advocate if you have decided to be a CEO that you have to think of your business like a child. So if you were sick, you would need childcare to take care of your business while you were not able to, or if you were going to be out of the country for a funeral or whatever it is. You would have to arrange care for your business and just thinking that way. So no matter what I go through I have always hired help to help me specifically in my business and then always gotten help I needed in my life as well.

And I’m just curious because I think it could be helpful for other people to hear again, whether it’s the 200K container or a different business container, I think as CEOs and entrepreneurs. Not because I’m telling you, Stacey says I have to, not for those reasons. But I think it’s important to think about always having support in your business and always having help in your business if you want a business that’s forward growing, upward growing. And so I’m curious what your thoughts were that didn’t make you hold back, check out during that time when it was so incredibly hard.

Megan: Yeah. So first off, it wasn’t easy. And I did have those thoughts at the beginning. And I realized so the first, literally, it was right before the first round of 200K, my business was starting to scale and I experienced some severe trauma. And then I was able to work through it with a lot of help. And then I actually applied, I felt I was October 5th through to October 31st, I was really, really struggling of 2021. And the due date to apply for 200K was on November 5th.

So [inaudible] was really, really close and I really considered not doing it. Janae told me a thought that DL said, that the thought that shifted for her is that as she scaled, the biggest thing has been from six to seven figures is the time she thinks about herself versus the time she thinks about other people. And so I was like, “This is important, I know I can help people. I want to serve and show up and I’m going to make this investment for them.”

And again, sometimes women use this altruism and selflessness in a way that’s really negative and doesn’t serve us, we go too far. There’s a nice little gray area in the middle where it’s like I’m going to do this for them, that helped me that first time. And then I did 200K, things were going awesome. And then the business went down, and then I did 200K and the business is going up. And then my partner of eight years decided to complete our relationship and I was like, “Ah, we’re moving back home with mom and dad, we’re going to figure this out.”

And yeah, it was a whole thing and actually, we had picked out the ring, I had all these dresses ready to go. So I ended up wearing them to Mastermind that year, it was very fun. And so within that shift, at that point, I was like, “I’m going to invest.” Because he had thoughts about me investing, again, people will have other thoughts.

Stacey: I was just thinking that, when you said that, I literally had the thought, just because I’ve been there too, ending a seven year relationship a couple years into coaching. 100%, the universe knows how successful you’re going to be and 100% knew that that person wasn’t the person to get you there. Because I will tell you, my partner before Neil, we’d been together seven years. My family loved him. They were actively angry at me when I ended the relationship. My sister was so upset, she cried and her kids cried. It was so dramatic.

Megan: Oh my God.

Stacey: And then my mom said to me recently, “I’m so glad you found Neil. I don’t think you could have become as successful as you are today if you didn’t have him. He creates such a space for you to be your highest self and reach the success that is possible for you, and that would not have happened with my ex.” The fact that my mom knows nothing about personal development and the fact that she would see that and notice that and say that.

So I just want to say that to you, 100% if he had issues with you investing in yourself. I’ve just heard that come out and then people are going to be like, “My husband has issues with me investing in myself, am I in the wrong relationship?” No. Don’t use that statement against yourself, but the fact that he had issues and ended the relationship with you just shows that he wasn’t in the space that could hold you as you grow.

For the ladies who are already, or gentlemen who are already with spouses who are having issues investing, I want to call you to be able to hold that space for both of you as long as you both want to be in the relationship. But the fact that he wanted out, those two things are clearly tied together. And so just you knowing the universe is preparing you for someone that can support the next level.

Megan: Yeah. And so the interesting thing is to, again, think about, okay, I don’t know if everything happens for a reason, but you can find a reason for everything. And he really pushed me to become the version I needed to be at that time to become that version of myself. And now my current partner is amazing, shout out to Rob. He has done such an amazing job of just expanding my ideas for what’s possible for myself.

And we met, it was so like the universe, you don’t have to believe in these kind of things but for me it was, this just makes sense. It was, this was supposed to happen. And we’re literally thinking about, we just went to Greece. I was able to go to Greece and we’re going to do a digital nomad year, we think in two years. And we’re just going to be in Europe for a year.

Stacey: So fun. You’ll have to connect with Jenny Blake, look her up on Instagram, her and her boyfriend.

Megan: Oh my God, the nutritionist?

Stacey: Yes. Jenny’s a nutritionist.

Megan: I love her.

Stacey: Well, you’ll have to reach out to her because she is also a digital nomad and she has lived in Indonesia and Colombia. And just I’m always like, “Where are you now, Jenny, what’s happening?” So you’ll have to look up Jenny, the nutritionist and message her and just say, “We want to be digital nomads, tell me about it.” Have lots of tips for you.

Megan: Well, containers like this is, you get connections with these people that make you think even bigger and, oh my gosh, I’m totally blanking on her name. Also, she lives in an RV with her family, [crosstalk].

Stacey: No.

Megan: I think you had her on the podcast, but I’ll figure it out, I’ll message you about it. But it’s just expanding your ideas and dreaming of what’s possible. So at that time, speaking about investing again, I was like, “Well, if he had a problem with it, I’m going to do it and we’ve got to figure it out.”

Stacey: The best way to invest $25,000.

Megan: Amazing, yeah, it was crushing it. But, again, you can find a reason for everything and I realized that I had this thought that as I scale, I’m going to experience trauma. Every time, it was every six months, I got bigger, really bad stuff went down, six months better, went through a breakup. And it was like oh my gosh. And so it was just a stinky thought. But again I think that the universe had me invest because Olivia was able to call that out last summer and she was like, “You have not shown up at all.”

And then Olivia and someone else. They coached me, both of them that week to get through to be like I’m actually going to continue this business. So if you have thoughts where you’re scared, it’s very normal. But also knowing that you’re investing as a business owner for you to feel safer, if your partner doesn’t understand it, finances as an entrepreneur are extremely different than personal finances. I have built this business on credit, loans and depleted a lot of savings to make this happen because my belief in the future is so big. And so just knowing that if your partner is [crosstalk].

Stacey: Now you have a six figure business that’s on its way to multiple six figures. I know it’s so scary to do. I did all that stuff too, but gosh, I think where I am now, I mean I’m literally, I mean it doesn’t even make sense, the life that we have access to now makes absolutely no sense for where I started. And just my willingness to keep investing in myself was a big part of that, just so good.

Megan: 100%.

Stacey: Yeah. and I just want to offer you if this helps, and anyone else, I’ve thought a lot about this too. I feel like a lot of my biggest successes have also come with a lot of really painful things, a lot of painful life events and I think it can be a subconscious thing where our brains are reacting to things in a way to offer us a turnaround. Turn around, turn around, turn around. And we have to decide to keep going. I think that is some part of it in some circumstances.

But the other part of it is I also think what you said earlier, if you’re going to be a CEO for life, if you’re going to have a business. As long as you have a business, life is just going to keep happening. And we don’t often track the times where we’re doing bad in business and sometimes we do and things are not great in life either. It just feels really magnified. If we are afraid of visibility and if we are afraid of money and success, then our brain is always going to want to equate it with, this terrible thing happened because I reached this next level.

Instead of, well, I could have been poor and this terrible thing could have happened as well. And I look back and I’m like, “Oh, yeah, lots of terrible things happened to me when I was poor too.” But I wasn’t equating them to, you made an extra $5,000 selling mops and then stubbed your toe, that must mean that you’re not supposed to make $5,000 extra.

But as business owners, we do that. We’re like, “I had the best launch ever and then something happened.” Can’t even think of all the dramatic things that have happened to me along the way but something dramatic happened, it must be because I had this successful launch. No, that was always going to happen in some capacity because life is 50/50 and you were always going to have terrible things happen in your life at the same time as making money.

Megan: That was literally the thought, as my life goes on, trauma is going to happen again. Trauma is going to happen at every level, and sometimes it’s not even just going to be something that’s happening in my life. I’m going to mess up. I’m going to do the wrong thing, probably maybe in my business even. And I’m going to be like, “This was not the right move.” And I’m still going to trust. Actually been learning a lot about the psychology behind it, it’s called the major conflict.

Your brain’s desire to stay safe, and then your brain’s desire to fulfill your purpose. And this is designed to get me to that next level, but don’t think that you’re pursuing your purpose is wrong. You have to create safety as you scale for both which is I think awesome.

Stacey: So good. Okay, thank you so much for sharing that. And how do people reach out to you if they want to follow you or know more about you? They’re like, “I love this Megan girl, her personality is so infectious, contagious”, whatever word we want to use. “And I want to just follow along her journey.” How can they find you?

Megan: So I would love to just be a part of your life in any way, shape or form. Instagram is one of my favorite ways to connect with people and it’s super simple. It’s just Megan Wing Coaching spelled the basic way and Wing.

Stacey: And what’s the basic way?

Megan: Megan M-E-G-A-N, Wing.

Stacey: Someone is spelling it M-E-A-G-A-N and they’re very offended that you just said.

Megan: Well, my mom said after labor, “We can’t have any extra letters.” So it’s just M-E-G-A-N and then Wing like a wing of a bird or a chicken wing, which is ironic because I’m vegetarian and then coaching.

Stacey: So it’s M-E-G-A-N, Megan Wing Coaching on Instagram. So good. Thank you so much for being on here and for just being in 200K and being such a light and joy. And then just contagious, positive influence in the community. I love it so much. It really does make a difference I think.

Megan: I’m so, so glad and I’m so honored to have you on here and literally this has been just a dream come true. And if this is something for you guys out there building businesses, I know that it is not easy, but it is so worth it. Please keep going because the world needs more of what you do.

Stacey: I love it. Thank you so much.

Megan: Oh my gosh, of course. Thanks, everyone.

Stacey: Alright, we’ll see you soon.

Megan: Bye.

Stacey: Bye.

Hey, if you’re ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2k for 2k program where you’re going to make your first $2,000 the hardest part using my simple 5 step formula for getting consults and closing new clients. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

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