Make Money as a Life Coach® | Responsivesness (Selling in a Crisis Part 7)I’ve been experiencing a lot of technological issues lately due to the high demand of everyone wanting to take their businesses virtual, and I had an epiphany. Whenever we face issues in our daily lives, pandemic or not, wanting to shutdown and wallow in it isn’t a real solution. As we work to our upper limits and do more than we’ve ever done before, we have to manage our brains to operate in times of slow responsiveness when our energy is being depleted.

Your lack of responsiveness to an upper limit issue is always a good thing because it shows you your next level that you’re working towards. The key to improving your response time is practice, and I’m also showing you how taking responsibility is crucial to staying out of victim mode, which is where our brain wants to take us when things start to fall apart.

Tune in today as I show you how to fix your responsiveness in times when you want to stop working and wallow in the issues you face, whether in your business or elsewhere in your life. I’m also giving you two ways to start thinking about any problem you face, and showing you the importance of being willing to be messy and produce B- work.

If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • How to fix your responsiveness.
  • 2 options you have when you are experiencing a problem.
  • Why you have to be willing to have a lack of responsiveness.
  • The best way to deal with your upper limit issues.
  • Why you have to learn to solve problems with your brain, even when you experience a lack of responsiveness.
  • How having responsibility gives you back control and takes you out of victim thinking.

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Full Episode Transcript:

Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast, where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hey coaches. Welcome to another daily podcast about selling in a crisis. So today, we’re going to talk about responsiveness. So our ability to respond determines our ability to stay ahead of the curve in this pandemic. Our ability to respond in the pandemic determines our ability to stay ahead of the curve in the pandemic, to think of solutions, to then go implement those in our business, to evaluate and problem-solve while we’re implementing those and then to ultimately create solutions in our business for ourselves and for our clients.

As life coaches, I want you to think about this is our ability to create and meet demand, to meet people to tell them who we are and how we can help and to make consistent offers to do so. That’s our ability to meet people, tell them who we are, and make offers.

Right now, a lot of my clients are experiencing graspyness and urgency to get their work out into the world due to this pandemic. But the energy that they bring makes the action they take counterintuitive. It’s like, spinning in circles or chasing your tail or the way that I just described it to my podcast producer was swimming against the current.

I’ve been experiencing a lot of technology issues. Platforms like Zencastr and Zoom and Facebook who are normally 100% reliable most of the time have been struggling to keep up with the demand for everybody wanting to take their businesses, take their classrooms, take everything virtual.

And therefore, I’ve seen myself struggling to deliver the volume of work I want to deliver right now in the same standard as I like to deliver it. I went to do a live training in a Facebook pop-up group that I’m doing right now, and in the 30-minute livestream, it kept freezing and then shutting down. Literally my entire computer, I would have to log back into my computer. It kept doing that. It did that three times in one livestream.

Then I’d get off that livestream and I’m like, okay, I’m going to record a podcast. I go to Zencastr to record my podcast and once again, it isn’t working. Then I get on Safari to check my Facebook group and I get a message from Safari while I’m on my Facebook page and it says, “This webpage is using significant energy. Closing it will improve the responsiveness of your Mac.”

And I literally had a thought in this moment after all three of these things, I think my brain is using significant energy right now. I think managing it might improve the responsiveness of myself in my business. My first thought was I literally want to cry. Like I just want to sit here and cry at my desk, nothing is working, I want to start Monday over, I feel like I’m swimming against the current in everything I do.

That’s what it felt like. My brain was just entering idle mode or entering shutdown, power save mode. That’s what it felt like. Like I want to go take a nap. But unlike Safari, closing it, going and taking a nap, that’s not the right solution. It’s managing my brain. I have to manage my brain to operate in the slow responsiveness of technology. That actually isn’t even a problem.

But the way that I think about it is definitely a problem or a solution. So some of you might be thinking that you don’t have time to manage your brain. That’s what a lot of people tell me. But I want to offer the less time you have, the more you need to do it.

I was feeling that way today. Like, I don’t have time for this, it’s Monday, I have back to back stuff. I have to stay on task. But the task itself suffers when my brain is already using significant energy to do everything. So you have to fix that before you troubleshoot anything else.

I was thinking about how painful it must be for tech companies to be down right now, to not be functioning at all, or to not be functioning properly, to have to be working. And I’m sure they’re working on overdrive to fix the responsiveness issues. They can’t afford to just sit there and wallow in it and focus on the problem.

They have to fix it. As coaches, we do too. Sometimes we let wallowing and crying and taking a nap and eating cookies on the couch be an option. And I want to offer that if you’re serious and committed to building your business, you cannot let that be an option. You really can’t. Those days are gone. You have to stop them completely.

And I wanted to so bad. Like, I really felt my body being like, nope, let’s just go take a walk, let’s just go take a nap. It’s like, I really had to bring myself back to know, that just can’t even be an option. So how do you fix your responsiveness? This is what I was thinking today.

And the answer is through responsibility. Because responsibility is what gives you your ability to respond. And responsiveness is how long it takes you to do that and the energy you bring to it. How long it takes you to respond and the energy you bring to your response.

Responsibility takes you from the despair of life is happening to me and outside of my control, that I’m a victim and I just want to cry and feel sorry for myself, and I don’t even want a solution, I just want to wallow in how bad the problem feels and my story of how it shouldn’t be happening to me, just me, it takes you from that to oh, I can see how I created this. I can see how I could have prevented this. I have options and I can see that it happening itself isn’t a problem in the first place.

And that is what you have to do. You have to see how you contributed to the problem without judgment and or how you can contribute to the solution no matter what, even if you didn’t contribute to it at all. Sometimes I experience the most resistance with technology, I’m like, but I didn’t contribute to that at all.

But sometimes it’s not about if you contributed to it. You can contribute to the solution, always, no matter what. We didn’t cause the pandemic but we can determine how we respond to it and how we feel responding and how fast we respond and what we do in response. So how you contributed and or how you can contribute.

And what are the options to contributing? So for me, my options were in this crazy Monday experience, my options were – I was thinking about them. Actually, I’ll give you an example with my Facebook pop-up group. We’ve determined, based on all of our troubleshooting that it has to be a Facebook issue.

All the other things, we were going down the list of all the issues that it could be, like check, cleared the cache, check, on ethernet, check. Not only is Chrome not working with the livestream, but Safari is having issues even processing even having a Facebook page open, so it has to be Facebook.

So we went through all of the troubleshooting, and so once we knew what the problem was, we’re like okay, so here are my options to contributing to a solution. I can just slow down my output. I can slow my output down so much that we have time to think about how to solve for these potential issues ahead of time and have them in place ahead of time. We can do that.

We can roll with interruptions and the tech issues like it’s just not even a problem. Or we can change the strategy and the implementation, so what we’re going to do is we’re going to roll with interruptions and tech issues always. That’s just a philosophy that we have in our business, and that’s not just with tech issues. That’s with any issue that comes up. We roll with all of them.

Issues that come up in business, obstacles that we face, that’s just part of doing business and life. Life is 50/50. 50% of the things that come our way are going to slow our responsiveness. That’s okay. We’re just going to roll with it. But we’re also going to change our strategy and our implementation.

So instead of just live-streaming on Facebook, now we’re going to take it to Zoom and livestream, so we have two different options, to hope one of those works. And if it doesn’t, we just – whatever we got for the training is what we got for the training. It’s better than nothing.

So sometimes you won’t even want to change your contribution to the problem. Like I thought about this and I’m like, I could change it, I could slow my output, but I don’t want to. I don’t want to change the volume of output that I’m outputting right now, but I can change the strategy and I can decide it’s better to have disrupted value than no value. B- work is better than no work, especially in the case of a pandemic.

I was thinking about the people on the frontline. Everyone is doing the best they can. And this pandemic, I think, is an upper limit problem for our world. Like, our government, the healthcare system, the citizens, business owners.

This is truly why we can become better because of it, all of us. Because we’re all dealing with our most upper limit issue. And the answer when we’re dealing with our most upper limit issue my opinion, is that the best way to deal with it is to do B- work, C+ work, do whatever grade of work that you’re capable of doing, but keep doing that grade of work until you can raise your grade, just lie in school.

You can’t just quit trigonometry because you’re getting Ds. You’ve got to keep doing it. You’ve just got to get tutoring if you need to. But you’ve got to keep doing it and raise that grade to a C+, then a B-, then a B+, then an A-. You just keep at it until the upper limit issue is no longer an issue. So, you keep working at the responsiveness until it levels out, until it’s no longer causing significant energy that requires you to output B- work, until it allows you to use less energy to contribute to creating A- work.

So, here’s what I want you to think about now and always. Everything you do that is greater than what you have done will create slow response times, a lack of responsiveness. Your brain will use significant energy. It will want to shut down in order to avoid the energy use. That is what our brains do.

Instead, you must manage your brain and fix the problem, causing the significant use of your brain. A lot of it is solved – I’m going to give you a couple of ways – but a lot of it is solved with practice; continued exposure to the thing that is overloading your brain.

You have to make as many offers as you can. You have to show up every day. The more you do, the less energy you require. Then you have to problem-solve. You have to fix your sales issues. You have to improve your coaching. You have to find the root problem and solve for it no matter what it is. And by the way, it’s your thinking. In case you wondered, it’s your thoughts. So, you have to problem-solve your thinking.

But, for some things, there are actual tactical solutions. In the case of technology, in the case of selling, for a lot of results we want, there are people who have found successful processes that you can learn. You can follow a protocol for eating, for selling, to better your relationship, for managing your mind. You can hire people and or invest in yourself to find those solutions.

Although, I do not recommend solving problems by hiring people until you have learned to solve the problem first with your brain and then, and only then, you just don’t want to use your energy to do so because you have more money than time. We could do literally a whole other episode on that.

But at this point, you mostly want to be investing in you learning how to solve problems by you learning protocols and processes that will help you solve your problems. So, you might have to just learn a tactic or a strategy or a process that you didn’t know before.

So, there’s the thoughts that you need to problem-solve for, but there’s also the skillset that you have to problem-solve for. You also have to be willing to not be as responsive as you would like. That’s the biggest conclusion I came to today.

You have to be willing to do it bad, wrong, or in the case of technology, interrupted. You just have to be willing to go with the lack of responsiveness. And while you’re doing it all, you have to constantly be bringing it back to what you can control; taking responsibility, giving yourself the ability to respond.

You have no ability when you are feeling like a victim to life, or a victim to tech, or to money circumstances, or time circumstances. You have no power, no responsiveness at all when you’re the victim to something outside of you.

Okay, so you have to practice and be willing to be bad and interrupted and messy. You have to problem-solve your thinking. You have to find tactical solutions and problem-solve skillsets and invest in those skillsets. You have to be willing to not be as responsive as you would like. You have to constantly bring it back to responsibility.

Every time you do one or all of those things, you will become more responsive. You will become more responsive in faster amounts of time. It’s so fascinating to have watched the coaches in my million dollar mentoring group that I’m a part of with my mentor – it’s been fascinating to watch my mentor’s response time to this pandemic and how she was going to help, and then to watch my clients and their responsiveness following my lead and to watch everybody’s responsiveness and to see it trickle down, and then to watch other coaches start their campaign to help during the pandemic.

I’ve been kind of watching everybody’s response time and watching my own response time. And I have felt many times like there was a period of time where I had so many ideas lined out for these daily podcasts, but I was sick. So, I was watching everybody else respond and I was watching my inability to respond and my desire to be responsive and not be able to. And I was just careful not to let my mind run away feeling like a victim about it. I was like, okay, as soon as you feel better, you get up and you get going. That’s it. That’s all you can do. That’s it.

For some of you – I was just coaching someone in my 2K who was feeling this graspy, like, I have to be using my time, feeling like her time was very urgent. And what she has to do is take the time to coach herself and get herself in a better place so that she can respond. And she has to be willing to watch other people respond while she’s taking care of herself first before she responds.

She has to be willing to be in that time where she’s not responding. There’s a time where these platforms are not responding and they have to be okay with that while they focus on fixing it. So, it’s really fascinating to watch everybody’s response times and then watch their response to their response time.

I think it’s like this neutral observation. I’m just watching it all happen and watching my brain and watching how my brain is responding to me and to the world and I just want to offer, it really hit me today how much power we have over that, and how important it is to work on it. The thought that I have had going through all of this is I really want to create a business that allows me to be responsive instantly.

I want to have a team that can respond to things so quickly and without causing them a lot of distress and anxiousness and without us having lots of little oopses here and there. And I’m going to work on that. We’re at our upper limit problem and that’s not a problem because it reveals to us what we need to work on in order to go to that next level.

And so, I want you to just know that your lack of response time, your lack of responsiveness to an upper limit issue is always a good thing, as long as you don’t let yourself go take a nap. As long as you manage your brain and you go take action for one of these things I’ve outlined in the podcast.

And lastly, I want you to think about this. Your responsiveness creates responsiveness for other people. You are the first domino. When you respond, when you’re in that energy, you create that energy all around you. The same is true when you are in chaos and graspiness and urgency and shutdown mode. You create that all around you. And then your audience has emotional responsiveness to your marketing and your offers.

I was coaching a client in 2K today and she gave this analogy. She said, “Having belief when selling is like working out with proper form.” And 100%, she nailed it. When I’m in proper form, when I get tired and I stop thinking about form, I use my back to carry the weight, and it spasms and I’m out of commission.

I have lost the ability to keep working out. My body responds negatively. When I’m in alignment, I feel the muscle moving; the one that’s supposed t be moving. I feel that alignment and I know it’s the right alignment because there is no pressure being put on my back. I am sore, but I’m not spasming. I can keep working out.

You can work out for years and not know that you aren’t in the right form, which is the case of me. But once you get in it, you know and it’s like magic. Your body responds and it keeps responding.

I often tell people that you won’t know the difference of being in belief or not until you are. And then you won’t be able to un-know it. But it takes time finding where that is and then finding where it needs to be. By the way, having someone to help makes the finding easier. But then, when you keep at it, even when you are tired – and your audience, they might be tired too.

Their computer might also be moving slow; not operating at peak sufficiency, at peak responsiveness. You’ve got to get your responsiveness up, and then serve the collective responsiveness of the world. And when you do, you will know you have because the world will start responding back.

So, during this pandemic, make sure you’re focusing on your responsiveness and the solution to that responsiveness. Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow on the next bonus Selling in a Crisis podcast.

Hey, if you are ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2K for 2K program, where you’re going to make your first $2000, the hardest part, and then $200,000 using my proven formula. It’s risk-free. You either make your 2K or I give you your 2K back. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

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