Make Money as a Life Coach® | How to Sell During COVID-19 (Selling in a Crisis Part 4)I’ve touched on the fact that selling in a crisis is no different than selling at any other time. On this bonus episode, I’m bringing you a livestream I did in a pop-up Facebook group about how to sell during a crisis, where I’m coaching as well as doing a Q&A session at the end to address some of your questions around this topic.

The urge to get into a state of panic and want to change up your strategies and marketing might come up for you, but I’ll be discussing why, for the most part, I don’t suggest my clients do this. I’ll also be showing you how the three major problems that we face in a pandemic are the same three reasons that people buy coaching to highlight how there couldn’t be a better time to be a life coach and sell your services.

Join me on this episode as I do a deep dive of all the reasons selling right now is going to benefit not only your clients but your own growth too, and how honing this skill is going to make you unstoppable. Make sure to stay tuned all the way to the end for the Q&A session too!

If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • The three problems that we face in the midst of a pandemic.
  • 3 reasons why people buy coaching.
  • How the three problems that we face in a pandemic are the same three reasons people buy coaching.
  • Why, for the most part, I don’t suggest my clients change their strategies.
  • What you’ll find when you show up and sell no matter what.
  • A new way to think about the areas you struggle with and need to work on.
  • 2 things we can offer our clients always.
  • Why you shouldn’t get stuck on selling in the “right” way.
  • My opinion on whether talking about the coronavirus is serving your people.
  • One of the most transformative things I did as a new coach.
  • How to sell a course you don’t have 100% belief in.
  • My thoughts on directly approaching a potential client to sell to them.

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Full Episode Transcript:

Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast, where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hi, welcome to another bonus episode where we’re talking about selling in a crisis as part of a daily podcast series that I’m creating to help you sell during our COVID-19 pandemic, but really, also to sell all of the time and in any given circumstance that we face personally or in the world.

So here’s what I wanted to do today. We started a pop-up Facebook group where I am actually live-streaming and coaching and teaching and answering questions, and I wanted to bring some of those livestreams here as part of this series. So that whether you join the group or not, you can hear some of the wisdom I’m sharing with my students and so that you can benefit.

So this live recording, this live training, we talk about how to sell during COVID-19. What changes, what doesn’t change, and how you need to be addressing your marketing, your clients, and your coaching on overcoming objections. Alright, please enjoy.

So here’s what I want to talk about today. So I’m going to do a little bit of teaching and then I’m going to open it up for Q&A. So just save your questions for now. Otherwise, they’ll get lost in the feed and I won’t see them.

There are three crises that – we’re using crisis loosely. It’s a thought that we’re in a crisis. But it’s also like we’re all experiencing it at the same time. So I find it super helpful to just label it. That’s what it is. We’re in a pandemic. We can call it a crisis. Not a problem.

And when we’re in a crisis – we’re going to talk about the world and then personally. In the world, there are three problems that we face. We face an economic problem, we face a physical problem, the actual illness, and we also face an emotional problem.

So all of the stress, all of the anxiety that comes with fearing illness, fearing economic issue, and being home quarantined with kids, without kids, all of the things. So we have the anxiety of the world, we have the physical element in the world, and then we also have potential economic issues.

I want to offer, your first lesson was selling in a crisis, is selling in a crisis is the same as selling always. There are three main reasons people buy coaching. Those three reasons are money issues, so they want career coaching, they want money coaching, they want business coaching. Falls in the money category.

There are emotional reasons someone might hire a coach. They have personal issues, they’re having family issues, romantic issues, relationship issues at work, or they’re having emotional distress issues, like they have anxiety, depression, productivity issues.

And then they have physical issues. They have a weight issue or they have a diagnosis. But the same three problems that we see in this pandemic right now are the same three reasons that people buy coaching. The same three categories that help us sell coaching, that are the most popular when it comes to life coaching, they’re the same.

So a lot of my clients have been coming to me and they’ve been questioning like, because of this pandemic, should I do this x, y, z? Should I change my strategy, should I update my strategy, should I be doing something different?

And my answer for the most part is no. You want to proceed like you’ve always been proceeding because your clients, whatever those problems are, the only thing that’s happening is those problems are being heightened now, because they have heightened anxiety, because they might have a heightened stressor.

If someone already buffers with food when they’re uncomfortable, they’re going to be right smack in the middle of being uncomfortable even more because they’re home quarantined with their kids, they’re going to have an even stronger urge to eat. But that was always there to be begin with.

So for the most part, I was just telling – I have a program called 2K for 2K, and I was just live coaching in that right before this, and I told one my clients to make sure to think about that the only thing you might want to change is if you client is thinking about the pandemic and it’s on the top of their mind and they’re experiencing a lot of anxiety, say you coach anxious people and they’re already experiencing a lot of anxiety because they’re anxious, then you might be able to use the pandemic in your marketing to talk about their problem and how it might be exacerbated now.

So you can use it if it’s relevant for your client, but what you want to think about is is it relevant to my client? Does my client want to talk about it? Otherwise, you want to keep selling how you’ve always been selling. Another one of my clients said well, I just wonder if my clients still have body shaming issues, if that’s even a thing that they’re concerned about now.

I’m like, what? Of course they are. If you wanted to lose 10 pounds, that didn’t go away because coronavirus happened. That was always there. It’s just maybe even heightened more, or maybe it’s even easier and there’s more time to think about it and talk about it and work on it.

But be careful and make sure that when you’re selling coaching, that all of a sudden, the world didn’t just change for you and all of a sudden all of your marketing is changing and all of the way that you’ve been handling things and all the ways you’ve been solving problems and marketing your business, make sure none of that is falling off the rails because we have a new circumstance in the world.

It’s all the same shit. The other thing I want you all to think about is that you will always have the opportunity to be going through one of these crises yourself. Life is 50/50. 50% of the time life is going to have a circumstance that’s going to be uncomfortable, that we’re not going to like, and we’re going to have thoughts that don’t serve us that make us feel like crap.

And 50% of the time it will feel like rainbows and daisies and butterflies. That is always true. What’s also true is that 50% of the time, you’re going to love selling, you’re going to feel really connected to your offer, you’re going to feel really motivated, you’re going to love your clients, and you’re going to want to sell like crazy. 50% of the time, you’re going to hate selling to your clients. You’re going to hate your clients. You’re not going to want to market at all.

You’re going to think life sucks because you’re going to be going through your own personal crisis, whether it’s money crisis, whether it’s a relationship crisis, whether you’re suffering from your own anxiety, whether it’s a physical crisis where you’re struggling with your weight, you’re struggling with a diagnosis.

You’re going to have your own life stuff happening. So 50% of the time you’re going to love selling, 50% of the time you’re going to hate selling, and then 50% of the time you’re going to be having your own shit that’s going on in your life and be trying to sell, and 50% of the time you’re not.

And then 50% of the time the world is going to have a crisis and 50% of the time it’s not, and you have to learn to sell and show up no matter what. Even when the world’s having circumstances, your clients are having circumstances, you’re having circumstances that feel like a crisis, when you start showing up and you start selling no matter what and you figure out how to sell no matter what, you get good at selling even when your clients comes to you in a crisis and says the crisis is what makes it hard for them to say yes to coaching with you.

When you get good at that, when you get good at figuring out how to leave your own personal stuff to the side and focus on your client and sell coaching, even when your life doesn’t feel like it’s the example of what’s possible for life coaching, when you figure that out and you get really good at that, somethings going to happen.

There’s going to be a compound effect of you showing up and you selling regardless of the world’s circumstances, regardless of the personal circumstances, regardless of your clients’ circumstances. When you start showing up and you start selling no matter what, you’re going to have a compound effect of all of the times that you’ve sold and the return that comes from that over and over and over.

But I want to make sure that you guys are in the mindset for it. Your brain isn’t filled with what about coronavirus, but what about this, but what about that. I see a lot of that happening in the coaching industry. It’s like, all the rules stopped applying because coronavirus happened, which is never true.

The other thing that I want you to think about is that this is the perfect container. Any time there’s a massive crisis that happens for you, for your client, for the world, it’s the perfect time to figure out what was already there that needed to be worked on.

So for those of you that were already struggling with sales, the coronavirus has just increased that. So if any problems that you’re having feel exacerbated right now, I want you to think of them as instead of they’re bigger, I want you to think about they’re just more clear. It’s just more clear and more obvious exactly what my work is.

And when I figure that out, because I’m forced to right now, because it’s exacerbated so much because of this pandemic, when I figure that out, now the only time I’ll ever run into this problem again is if the problem is bigger than a world pandemic. It’s fantastic.

I used to be overwhelmed by fear. Like, trapped in my body with fear and anxiety. And then I jumped out of a freaking airplane. And then from that moment on, everything that felt really big and scary, I compared it, I’m like, it’s not jumping out of an airplane. I think I can do it.

So if you can learn to sell in a pandemic, you’re going to be like, well, this client is struggling with this personal life crisis, they’re going through a divorce, they’re not sure if coaching is the right time, but you know what, I figured out how to sell to clients during a pandemic. A world pandemic. I can figure this out. I can figure out how to help this woman or this man come up with the resources to invest in coaching, even through a divorce.

Everything is going to pale in comparison when you figure out how to sell during this pandemic. I want you to use this as the best opportunity of a lifetime to become hyperaware of the work that you need to do, the skills that you need to develop, the thoughts that you need to work through, especially when it comes to selling.

Your thoughts that hold you back from selling during the pandemic were always there, they were always holding you back, that was always a problem for you, that was always creating lack of sales. That was always there. Now it’s just here and you can’t not look at it. You have to look at it. It’s imperative. You won’t sell in the pandemic if you don’t look at it.

So it’s the perfect container. It’s also the perfect container for your clients. I promise you, no matter what makes it hard for them to say yes to coaching, it was always there and now it’s just super heightened. They’re super aware of it, but now it becomes even more important for them to work through it.

We just talked about in 2K, one of the clients brought to me an example of a client who – she had a renewal coming up and the client said there’s no way that I could keep going with coaching because I’m a chiropractor and we’ve had to close down our business, we’ve already lost $40,000 this month and money’s really tight and I don’t know if we’re going to be financially secure.

That problem, I pointed out to my client, was always there. He thought he was financially secure before the pandemic, before he had to shut his doors to his chiropractic business. That’s what he thought. The problem has always been there that he doesn’t have enough money in his business and in his savings to support any type of client fluctuation and any type of income fluctuation.

But that was always there. He just didn’t realize it. He was expecting $40,000 to come in, he was relying on it, he was spending it ahead of time on bills, on keeping his business up and running, because he just assumed incorrectly that the money would always keep coming in. That was a pattern of how he was thinking and the way he was making his decisions and the results he was getting.

And she said, “Yeah, and he just bought a brand-new house.” So here’s another problem that was always there. The problem was he was buying things instead of having savings for his business for a rainy day. That was the problem. Now it’s exacerbated.

But it doesn’t make it any more important to solve it or any less important to solve it now. So this is a thing I want you to think about when you’re out there selling. Some of you are asking questions on the page already about what about people who aren’t working right now and who don’t have the money to pay for coaching and they want to put it on hold or they don’t want to invest right now, the problem is still the same.

They didn’t have enough money to pay for the things that they want to spend money on, but that was always the problem. And now it’s even more important that we learn how to solve it, that you teach your clients how to solve it. Now, it’s more important than ever. It doesn’t become less important that you learn how to manage money in your business because there’s a pandemic. It becomes more important.

The thing that makes it hard to pay for coaching, the things that make it hard for your clients to say yes to coaching are the reasons they need to do it. I told my client in 2K, “Listen, you need to tell your client he made a bad decision. He should have never bought a new house if he can’t afford a $40,000 fluctuation every month. He should have never done that.”

My business, the way that I think about my business, the decisions I make in my business keep my business running month after month after month even if we bring no income in. I’m prepared to keep paying my employees. I don’t have to lay anybody off during this pandemic.

My employees, my contractors, they get to keep making money, they get to keep spending money, they get to keep contributing to the economy because of the thought process that I approached my business in. My client’s client didn’t have that thought process.

So he was spending every dollar. He wasn’t prepared for a $40,000 fluctuation, made it really hard for him to decide if he should keep going and keep paying for coaching. But the thing that made it hard is the reason he 100% needs coaching. You know why? Because he hasn’t figured out how to manage his money with his brain. He hasn’t figured out how to make decisions to support his business no matter what happens in the world.

There’s two things that we can offer our clients always. We can offer them to learn how to set their life up in a way that they’re prepared for any life circumstance, emotionally, financially, physically. We can set them up to be prepared, and we can also set them up to be resourceful no matter what the given situation.

So I was telling my client like, her client wants to become a life coach, and I’m like, this is the perfect time for him to learn how to launch a business and start making money right away. That’s something I teach my clients. How to make money no matter what.

I teach them how to be responsible for their money and be prepared for circumstances, but I also teach them how to take massive action and make something happen when they have to make it happen. If someone gets a $40,000 tax bill, you could figure out how to go out and make that $40,000 so the problem goes away.

So you can combat it two different ways. You can be prepared for a $40,000 loss, you can also learn how to be so resourceful that you can make $40,000 in any given moment when you have to. You can teach your clients if it’s weight loss, you can teach your clients how to prepare for such a big mental trigger that would make them want to eat, you can prepare them, you can create a foundation within them that they’re so strong mentally that whatever comes their way, they’re not going to eat.

But then you can also teach them what to do and how to correct if they do eat, or to where they never even think about eating. I want you guys to actively think about how does this apply to my niche. You can always prepare your client for the worst case, and you can teach them how to be resourceful in that worst case. That is always there.

But that’s always true for all of your clients. The pandemic is not making problems arise. They’re just heightening problems that were already there, and that is always true. So here is something that I want you to think about. Selling is teaching people to buy. That is what selling is.

So here is why I say the pandemic is the perfect container for learning how to sell is the pandemic is an opportunity for you to teach people to buy in a crisis, when their brain is going crazy with all of the fear about money and all the fear about getting sick and all of the fear about not having enough time because the kids are home.

Now is your time to sell to them even when they’re having all those fears. They were going to have those regardless. They were going to come to your consult, they were going to read your marketing, and not sign up for a consult for all of those reasons before, but now they seem really big.

So if you can help your client and you can help them make a decision to take action even when, you’re going to be able to teach people how to buy always. Because you’ve gotten so good at doing it and you’ve learned to do it during a really difficult time. Just like jumping out of a plane.

I learned to face that level of fear, now I can face it everywhere. There’s nothing that feels bigger than jumping out of a plane. This is actually true for when I started my coaching business too, and then I’m going to open it up for some questions.

But when I started my coaching business, I went and got trained as a coach and I put all of my eggs in that basket. I spent all of my money. And I was pitching at the time, I was doing live infomercial, selling life infomercial products across the country. Our biggest chain was Walmart. I made a ton of money in Walmart.

Walmart is not my jam, but I made a ton of money in Walmart. There was a ton of people in Walmart in any given day, so I made a ton of money. And then I came back from my coach training and I was ready to get my business off the ground and I was paying for my certification month to month. I was also paying my life coach month to month and paying for business coaching every month.

I had all three of those things coming out, and then our company lost the Walmart contract. And now I had to start driving six hours to the nearest state where there were store chains that I could work and make money. I didn’t want to find a new job. I’m going to be out of this job soon, I’m going to be a life coach. I’m going to be a paid life coach.

So I’m driving six hours, I’m living with my partner of seven years at the time. We have an apartment together; we’re splitting the bills. And I had actually hired my first life coach to work on my relationship because we were not in a happy relationship but I kept trying to hold onto it and solve it and fix it.

So I hired a life coach and I’m working on me. The relationship is slowly getting better, but then I fall in love with somebody else while I’m working in Michigan. So I leave my partner and I lose the person helping me pay half my bills. So now we’ve lost the Walmart contract. Now I’ve lost the person paying half my bills and all of my furniture.

He took all of it with him. So I have a bed and I’m like, I have my laptop on my apartment floor. And that’s where I used to work and do my marketing posts and try to get clients. And so I’m driving up to Michigan, but I’m in love, so it’s all going to be okay, until he breaks my heart.

So now I have to drive six hours to work, the money is starting to dwindle because I’m only working every other week. I’m staying in Super 8 motels instead of my hot new love’s house. I’m staying with my dog. I have to bring my dog because now I don’t have a dog sitter.

I have no money; I have no furniture. All of the circumstances of my life were the hardest of my life. When you learn how to sell no matter how imperfect your own life is, when you learn how to rely on coaching tools to get you through a life crisis and you believe in your tools, you lean on them harder than you’ve ever leaned on anything in your life, you are going to start becoming such a product of your product that people are going to line up to literally throw money at you.

People were looking at me like, when the ground fell out from underneath me and I found through coaching the kind of calm where I was like, I could be happy living in a box, literally. I could feel happy living in a box. I know how to do that. I know how to connect to myself; I know how to choose thoughts that make me feel how I want to feel, I know how to show up the way I want to show up regardless of any circumstance.

When I started showing up that way, people were like, what is happening? I want to know that level of calm and peace and groundedness and certainty. I want that for me. Then it made me amazing at selling life coaching. And now because I was able to sell with all of those personal crises happening in my life, I’m like, corona-shomona. Doesn’t matter. It’s all the same. It’s always hard 50% of the time. Let’s do this. Let’s get the result we want.

And so it’s so easy for me to teach people how to buy coaching because I’m like, I bought all the coaching when I was poor. At one point I had a negative bank account all of the time. The game was just figure out how to keep it positive and then how to take money out and live off that while it’s negative until more money comes back in.

I became an expert at surviving. So we’re going to survive this pandemic. All of your clients are too. But who do you want to be and who do they want to be on the other side? Do they want to have the results that they still wanted before the pandemic happened? Do they want to have better results? Do you want to have better results? Do you want to be better at selling at the end of this pandemic than you were before?

We got to get to work. The first step is to not see this as anything different than regular old life. 50/50. It’s just a new flavor of the 50% that doesn’t feel good, but it’s the same thing. 50% of the time it sucks, 50% of the time it’s amazing, 50% of the time you’re not going to want to sell, 50% of the time you are, and you got to do it no matter what all the time, just like we have to live life even when it sucks.

We don’t just get to be like, you know what, I’m going to take a break, I’m not going to live life today. No. Selling in a crisis is literally just selling in life. Welcome to it.

So Britney says, “How do you sell on a follow up with someone who isn’t sold yet?” So the thing that you have to think about is why they’re not sold yet. That’s the question you have to answer. And I don’t want you to assume that you know the answer to that. You don’t ever know.

Sometimes we have judgments or assumptions of why they aren’t sold, but you always want to assume in your marketing, you want to take a guess and answer that when you’re writing Facebook posts or sending emails or live-streaming or whatever method that you use for marketing your business, you always want to think about and guess and assume what their objection is.

But when you’re on a consult and you have the opportunity to ask them, you want to make sure that you ask them. Like, why aren’t they sold? I would just ask them. Always a fear that they’re not going to get the results, always. It’s just like a different flavor of it. It’s always that they’re not going to get results.

And there are going to be a couple of people that might say even if I got the results, I can’t afford it, and that’s fine, but the thing that I would ask them is why do they do a consult then? Anyone that signs up for a consult intends to buy coaching. You guys have to remember this.

If they’re on the coaching call, they intended to buy coaching. You can point that out to them. “You got on this consult, I’m guessing you intended to buy coaching, so is it the investment is out of what you prepared in your mind?” I even sometimes ask my clients, “What did you think it was going to be? What did you intend to invest?”

And then I’ll give you guys a little tip. Just a little one that might blow your mind. I never coach them on the total coaching price. If they’re like, I’m really stuck on the price, I never coach them on the total coaching price. I coach them on how much they intended to spend because they signed up for a consult. They did intend to spend money.

How much did they think it was going to be? And if they’re like, “Oh, I hadn’t even thought about it,” I’m like, well, think about it right now. If there was a hell yes price, what would it have been for you? And then once we have that number, I coach on the difference between that number and my coaching price. That’s really the difference.

One of my clients in 2K recently said that – I don’t remember the exact numbers, but it was a difference in Canadian money versus US dollars. When it converted over, she had said yes at $2000, but then it was going to be $2800 and I’m like oh, you just coach her. She just has thoughts about $800 extra. $800 extra, she has some thoughts, figure out what they are.

And also figure out what that $800 means to them. If they’re not sold yet, is it because they don’t actually understand the magnitude of what’s available to them? Do they not understand how valuable that will be in their life? Those are the things that you want to figure out.

I don’t know how to pronounce this name and I’m horrible at this. This is something you guys are going to learn from me. I think it’s Cladra. That’s what I’m going with and I apologize. It’s not a you thing. It’s a me thing.

She says, “I’ve been doing Lives daily. Should I take them to a group or directly to my offer?” I’m not 100% sure what that question means. If you already have a Facebook group, you could take them there, but this is what I did. I would offer value on my personal page and then I would pull people into my group when I had one.

I don’t have a free group anymore. But when I did have a free group, I would pull people into that group, and that’s where I would do all of my offers and my selling so that I could keep my personal page just value and service, and then let people opt in if they want to. I would constantly offer my group, and then they can opt into my group.

And once they had – it’s kind of like a double opt in, when you join someone’s email list and you have to go into your email and confirm that you’re joining to confirm that you really want to receive emails. When someone has to join a group or join a webinar or join your email list to get a freebie, whatever free offer you’re giving them to join your Facebook group or your email list or your webinar, they’ve opted in once when they read your post on your personal page or they watch your livestream, but now you’re giving an option for them to double opt in and say I really want to be sold to before you sell to them.

So I hope that answers your question, but I also think you can make direct offers. I also did that sometimes. I want you guys to be not getting stuck in there’s a right way to do it and just get dirty. Get your hands really dirty and get in the grind of trying all of the things and being willing for you to decide that whatever you do is right because then you’re going to have more commitment going into it.

You’re going to have more energy behind it. Your clients don’t know if you should be offering them your offer on a livestream, on your personal page, or taking them into a group to make the offer. They don’t know what’s right and wrong, and there is no right and wrong.

Literally, we were just talking about this in 2K yesterday that some people direct message people and it works for them and people buy from them. I do not like that at all. That is not my jam. I do not do it. I don’t teach my clients to do it because I don’t like when people DM me selling me shit.

But just because I don’t like it and it’s not my flavor doesn’t mean it didn’t work for some people. For some people it works. And for me, I let people come to me. I focus on a lot of value, a lot of service, I made offers to the general population through a Facebook Live or through my post or in an email. I always made offers. I wanted them doing that extra opt in, that extra commitment to reach out to me.

So I never did it, and my way was successful, and I teach tons of people to do it that way and it’s been very successful for thousands of my clients. But there are also people who DM people and it works. So every way that you go out and make offers and sell your coaching is the right way. What if you really genuinely believed that?

It’s the right way. There’s no wrong way. You just have to think about it being the right thing. You have to commit to it being the right way and go all the way in on it. When I was pitching products, that was the most important thing I did. I was the best in the entire industry y’all. I can’t decide if that’s something I should brag about or not, but I was the best.

They used to call me the queen of military bases, everyone called me if they were on a military base. I’m only 5’3. I’m a really small girl. I was really young at the time. They could never figure out how I commanded such presence with military people. It’s all about direction.

I would look them right in the eye and tell them exactly what to do with zero fears, with all the confidence in the world, like this is what’s happening. And the same has to be true for all of you. That’s what made me so good at pitching is I’m just like, this is the way that we’re doing it, let’s get moving.

You got to tell people what to do. And so in your mind, you have to tell yourself what to do. You can’t tell other people what to do when you’re like, I don’t know, I don’t know if this is the right way to do it, I don’t know if I should be doing it this way or if I should be doing it that way.

I want you guys to just decide, commit, and be like, that’s the way, and go and tell people what to do. And what you tell them to do is buy coaching. Alright, let’s take a couple more.

Casey says, “I’ve been coaching with the topic centered around the virus. Like meditation and journaling. Should I continue to coach using the virus or just do regular coaching? I feel like people get sick of how to manage the anxiety of the virus.” I think it just depends on your client. There is not a one size fits all answer for that. You’ve got to think about your client.

Personally, I freaking hate talking about the freaking coronavirus. However, I get a lot of questions in my 2K community about it. A lot of my clients want to know how to sell during this time, so I’m going to talk about it in a really useful way because it’s relevant to my clients and they want to know.

Some of them do and some of them don’t. The other thing that you guys can pay attention to is make sure you’re getting my emails. If you registered for this, you’re on my email list now. You’ll get my emails. I want you to pay attention to the way that I do it because I don’t personally want to talk about it a whole lot. What I’ve done is intermixed it enough to make it relevant for the people who are highly preoccupied by it and have lots of questions around it, which is not a problem, by the way.

If that’s you, that’s not a problem. But because I don’t want to make it the center of – if you guys listen to my podcast, I’ve been talking about how, for me, it’s been really important that I don’t forget the goals and the things that I was working on and the things I wanted to create. I don’t forget that stuff because there’s a pandemic.

I’m showing up to serve in a way that I wasn’t before, but for me, it’s so important. So I think all of you have to answer that for yourself. You have to decide, is it super relevant to my client? And if you know people, if you know where to find your ideal person, say you’re a business coach for coaches. I’m going to give two examples.

So let’s just say you’re in a group that is a bunch of coaches and they’re all talking about it. Maybe you should join in on the conversation. That’s the way I kind of thought about it is I don’t want to let my resistance to talking about it keep me from serving my clients and having the conversation they want to have.

But then let’s say you’re a weight loss coach and you’re in a weight loss Facebook group with all these weight loss people that are your ideal person. By the way, if you’re like, wait, I don’t have one of those groups with all my ideal clients hanging around, I didn’t have that either. Not everybody has that. That’s not something to freak out about.

But let’s just say you do. So let’s just say you’re in a weight loss group and none of them are talking about coronavirus and they’re all talking about weight coaching, or maybe only some of them are. If you have an ability to go somewhere and find your clients, just use your best judgment of whether you think it’s relevant for them.

And if it’s not, business as usual. But for all of you, even for your people that are consumed and worried and anxious about the coronavirus, what I also want to offer that’s so important when you’re selling in a crisis is that remember, selling is teaching people to buy. Selling is also a transference of belief.

So it’s teaching people how to believe. It’s teaching people to believe that they can invest in coaching. Most people – here’s a fun fact. Most people will think they can’t afford coaching and it’s not in the budget because it has never been in the budget. They’ve never thought about affording coaching.

There are things in our life that we think about spending money on. Vacations, homes, furniture, clothes, food, our children. Your children. I don’t have children. Your children. Pets. We spend a ridiculous amount of money on our pets every month. It’s shameful.

Whatever, and then this new thing that they’ve never heard of comes into their life, of course they haven’t budgeted for it. Of course they don’t have money for it. Of course they can’t understand how they’re going to pay for it. They’ve never done it. That was one of the transformative things I ever did as a new coach was learn how to afford coaching.

I had to learn how to do that. There were some times where I didn’t pay my car payments. I had to learn how to make coaching the number one thing that was the most important that I spent money on. It was the first thing I paid. You pay the most important thing to you.

If I’m going to be a life coach, life coaching has to be the most important thing to me, otherwise it’s going to be hard to sell it. Your clients are going to be like, they’re not going to feel like they just have the abundant money. So you have to teach them how to think about investing all the time. You have to teach them how to think about paying for life coaching.

You can also teach them to not think about the coronavirus. So you can market to the coronavirus, you can market about it, you can also teach your clients like, one of the things I did in 2K, we sent an email out, we’re like, listen, this is a corona-free zone. If you have to get coaching about coronavirus because you’re really consumed and it’s affecting your business, we can do that.

And I really directed their brains back to the goals they had and what they were working on and the things that they were trying to develop and the goals that they had before that happened. So you can do that too. So I know I spent a lot of time on this, but I think it’s a really great question is use it if it’s relevant to your clients.

Also remember that your job is to teach them how to think to get the results they want. You can teach them to stop thinking and talking about the coronavirus. Not from a resistant place. I always think about it as bringing them back home. That’s what I’m doing with my students. I’m just bringing them back home to making money. I’m bringing them back home to focusing on learning how to sell.

Okay, so Laura asked, this is the last question I’m going to take today. “How do you promote a course you 100% believe in right now?” Okay, maybe the question is actually how do you promote a course you don’t 100% believe in right now, because if the question was how do you promote a course that you 100% believe in right now, the answer is you have to 100% believe in it.

And then you have to show up and take action from that 100% belief. You just have to execute it no matter what. No matter what’s happening in the world. And it’s your job. I always say selling is your responsibility. A lot of times we want to delegate that responsibility to clients. So we’re like, I can’t sell because clients are concerned about coronavirus right now, they’re not thinking about my weight coaching program.

But it’s your job to make them think about it. It’s your job to sell them on why it’s so important right now. It’s your job to give them all the thoughts that they need to come back home to what they want. The number one thing you’ve got to do is sell yourself on your offer first and then you go out and sell the world.

And while you’re selling the world, you’ve got to be confirming selling yourself on it. The moment you stop selling yourself on your course, your program, your offer, the moment that you stop believing in it, no one is going to buy it.

You’re not going to magically find people to buy it and then you get to believe in it. You have to believe in it first and you have to sell yourself so hard, just like raising your prices. Don’t raise your prices until you’ve sold yourself that that’s the only price you could ever charge. You literally couldn’t take a client for a different price. You’ve got to sell yourself on that level every day. You have to practice thinking thoughts that make you feel amazing about your offer, amazing about your price, amazing about life coaching.

Candace says, “I know you’ve said you wouldn’t approach a client. If you know there is someone in a huge need right now, still don’t make a direct offer?” I think if you know they have a huge need and you feel sold and like, really confident that it is your duty to reach out and tell them, do so. I have done that a handful of times. Literally five times in my whole life.

I’ll give you two examples. I have the mastermind for students that want to go and make hundreds of thousands of dollars and turn that into millions of dollars. And I met this girl at my coach school’s yearly mastermind. They get all their certified coaches together and do a yearly mastermind.

And I didn’t even meet her, I heard her speak, and she was talking about having made $100,000 as a network marketer, but she hadn’t made any money as a coach and she wanted to make money as a coach. I used to coach network marketers. That was my second niche.

So I sold general life coaching until I 100K, like, I’m just your life coach. And then I started selling life coaching to network marketers. And so I really understood the whole network marketing thing and it was exactly how I built my business, which was meeting people everywhere. All over the place.

Online, networking events, I just met everybody. I told them who I was, I made offers to help people. And I positioned myself in a way that made me an authority to sell that. I was a product of my product. I was always talking about coaching, I was always talking about my transformations. I was just being in service all the time. People are attracted to that. They want that, so they show up for that.

So that’s how network marketers sell too. They just talk about – they are a product of the network marketing business model and then people are like, I think I want to have a side gig, I think I want to make an extra $1000 a month, I think I want to work from home.

Same thing. So I couldn’t understand why she wasn’t making money. I was like, it’s the same thing. So I reached out to her because I thought it was literally so ridiculous that she wasn’t making any money. I messaged her, I said, “Listen, if you’ve made 100K as a network marketer, you should be making more as a life coach. I can help you do that. I’m not sure why you’re not doing it now, but I know 100% that I can help you do it. Consider joining my mastermind, I know I can help you.”

Unattached. If she was offended by it, I wasn’t going to be. It came from service of like, I literally don’t know how you’re not making money, it’s ridiculous, I know I can help you, I’m going to tell you that I can help you. If it comes from that place, 100% make that offer.

But don’t make that offer if you’re like – if I had been in the space of like, I need one more person to be in my mastermind and what if I don’t get them and I may not get them and I’m like, really freaking out, this person really would be good, I think they’d be good, I should reach out to her. If it’s coming from fear or it doesn’t feel good then definitely don’t do it.

But if you are like, I know I can help this person and you’re totally fine if they don’t want your help, then reach out to them. You have to be willing too to experiment with it. The only reason why I know I didn’t like it is I tried it a couple times and I’m like, this doesn’t feel like it’s for me, but it doesn’t mean it’s not for you. Just be willing to go out and try things.

Try it and keep trying it and try it some more. You’re going to have to do a lot of trying. You’re going to have to decide that what you decide is right and go out and take action on it with full commitment. Then you’ve got to get the result from it, and if you didn’t get the result you want, you have to look at what worked, what didn’t work, and what you’re going to do differently.

And then you go out with that knowledge and you try it again. Learning that skill is more important than learning any other skill in the world. It’s just the skill of being resourceful and trying new things and getting better and better and better until you get the result you want. Learning how to take massive action without quitting on yourself. It’s the most important thing you could ever do.

Okay, I hope you enjoyed that livestream teaching, coaching, and Q&A from our popup Facebook group, How to Sell During a Crisis. If you’re loving this topic, this support, and you want to take it deeper, make sure you join 2K for 2K.

We’re actually doing live group coaching calls where we bring students on camera, myself and my 200K earners that have made that money with the 2K process, we come on, we coach you personally, and you learn by either being coached personally, or by the coaching that you’re watching other people get. We’re doing that now every single day until the end of April.

So all through March, all through April, we’re offering live coaching daily, Monday through Friday to support you to get out there and sell and coach and serve. We have so many clients showing up for this pandemic and giving their heart out and signing clients and making money and serving the world. We want that to be your experience too. So make sure to join us at I’ll see you inside.

Hey, if you are ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2K for 2K program, where you’re going to make your first $2000, the hardest part, and then $200,000 using my proven formula. It’s risk-free. You either make your 2K or I give you your 2K back. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

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