Make Money as a Life Coach® | Who to Sell to During COVID-19 (Selling in a Crisis Part 6)We’ve covered how to sell during a pandemic over the last couple of episodes, and today, I’m bringing you another livestream I did on my pop-up Facebook group that I did around who to sell to right now. You already know that selling during a crisis is no different than selling at any other time, and today, I’ll be coaching and answering questions around who you should be marketing and selling to.

A lot of you are facing objections from your clients around money because they’ve lost jobs and can’t afford to continue paying for coaching. I’m offering some really key points to consider around your ideal client, and how to identify if your current clients are actually your ideal people. I’m also showing you how, if you’re in the same position as your clients and struggling to pay for coaching, thinking from this place can bring you a new perspective when you speak to your people.

Join me on this episode as I give you the lowdown on who you should be selling to during this pandemic. If you’re in a place of fear and scarcity right now, knowing if you’re marketing to the right people is crucial to actually selling coaching effectively, so I’m breaking down how you can identify who your ideal clients are, as well as my thoughts around discounting your services and offering free content.

If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Who to sell to during a crisis.
  • How to identify if someone is your ideal client.
  • One thought I want to challenge you to think about when it comes to spending money.
  • What’s going to happen if your own financial situation is creating fear for you.
  • One of the biggest breakthroughs I had around money.
  • How I continued to show up as a product of my product, even at rock bottom.
  • My thoughts on discounting and giving things away for free during a crisis.
  • How to know if you’re only focusing on your ideal clients.

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Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast, where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hey coaches. I hope you’re enjoying this Selling in a Crisis series. Today I’m bringing you another livestream I did in my pop-up Facebook group, How to Sell During a Crisis, leading up to my masterclass, Wednesday, April 1st, How to Sell Any Offer.

So in this livestream Q&A where we did teaching, coaching, and I answered some questions, I covered the topic of who to sell to during a crisis, during a pandemic, specifically during COVID-19. Who should you actually be selling to? Who should you be marketing to? This is a really interesting question and we dive in in this episode. Enjoy.

Here’s what we’re going to talk about today. We’re going to talk about who to sell to during the crisis. Are y’all ready? Alright, let’s do this. Number one, who to sell to during a crisis is people who have money. I know this seems pretty obvious, but I feel like I have to tell you that that is who you have to be focused on selling to. You have to focus on the people that have money.

So many of you are focusing on the people who don’t have money. I just coached someone in my 2K program today who was like, “Just did a consult with someone and they said that they just lost both their jobs and they got another job and then they lost that job and there’s no way they can pay for coaching.”

And my client was asking like, how do I overcome this objection? And my answer was you don’t. That’s not your ideal client. Your ideal client has money to pay you. That is the truth. If they do not have money to pay you, they’re not your ideal client. Don’t spend a second thinking about them. It’s not that we don’t care about people who don’t have money. That is what our free content is for.

Our free content is for people who don’t have money, who can’t pay for coaching yet. We give them free content until they can pay for it. But your ideal clients, the people who pay you money have to have money to pay you, otherwise they’re not your ideal people.

So don’t try to spend all this mind energy thinking about how do I overcome this objection when they don’t have the money. Like, how do I overcome the objection if they have no savings and they have no credit and they don’t have a job and they’re losing money. It’s like, you don’t.

You do an amazing consult for them because that is who you are, and then you don’t spend a second thinking about it. I had a client once who signed up for a consult with me and soon as we got on the phone, she said, “I don’t have any money to pay you but you said you would do a free call and I’m taking advantage of it.”

And I was like, alright, I’m not going to try and overcome that objection. I was like, okay, we’re going to be on the phone for the next hour. I’m going to coach you really hard. I’m not holding back at all. I coached her hard. But I didn’t try to make her my client and I didn’t spend time sitting there trying to figure out how to be better at sales to overcome this objection for this person who should never be my client.

It’s what a lot of you think that you have to do is push your client, convince them, and take them from having no money into – some of you even try to come up with ideas for how they can come up with money on a consult. You don’t need to do that. Your ideal people have money.

So this is most important when you’re marketing. This is most important in your thoughts about selling. So I want you to just take a second and think about the people who you have been thinking about, specifically since everybody got sent home and is home quarantining. I want you to really think about your client.

Are you thinking they’re out of work? Are you thinking they don’t have money now to pay you? Seriously, take a second and think about it. I’ve not thought that one time. Not one time have I spent any second thinking about my client is out of work and they don’t have money.

Not one time have I entertained, even though I coach coaches, a lot of you all have full-time jobs. It doesn’t matter that I’m business coaching coaches who work virtually. Half my clients come to me not having a business, not having signed clients, not having made money. Half my clients come to me, they have full-time jobs that are supporting them.

I still haven’t spent one time thinking about them being laid off and not having money to invest in coaching. So that’s number one. If they don’t have money, they’re not your ideal client. You don’t sit there and try to pull apart every second of the consult to figure out how you could have convinced them to buy coaching, even though they lost their jobs.

You point them, you direct them with love to your free content. It’s the same that I would do for all of you. Great, I have a ton of free content. Use that. Keep using it until you can invest in coaching. You don’t have to sell those people.

So number two, I want you to think about truly yourself and the people that you know and the conversations you’ve been having. I want you to think about this; people, regardless of whether they’ve been laid off or not, if their businesses on hold or not, their money is on hold or not, regardless of the home quarantine situation, people in the world want to spend money right now.

I want you to challenge that for yourself. Challenge yourself to think about that, the fact that people do actually want to spend money. And most importantly, I want you to think about what they want to spend money on in this crisis but also always because that’s what we learned yesterday is that always the world is the same, it’s always 50/50, there’s always a crisis going on.

So this is how the human brain thinks always is we want to avoid pain and seek pleasure so we want to spend our money on things that help us avoid pain and seek pleasure. Right now more than ever, because remember, everything that was already there is just being heightened. It’s just being maximized.

So just like our pain points are being maximized, so is our desire. Have you guys thought about that? The world’s desire to seek pleasure and avoid pain has also been heightened by the drama and the fear and the anxiety that’s been heightened. People are looking all over the place.

I was just watching Ryan and Kelly this morning. I watch it every morning to be quite honest. I was watching Ryan and Kelly in the morning and they did a whole sequence of things that you can buy that will help you get through the pandemic. That’s what everybody’s thinking.

What books can I read? What apps can I purchase? I was literally thinking I really want to learn to salsa dance for my wedding. I mean, I know how to salsa dance. I want to learn how to salsa dance with my fiancé. I want him to learn. I actually want him to learn, I know how to do it, but I want us to learn together and I was thinking like, are there people who would offer virtual salsa dance classes that are really good that could teach the guys?

Because I know how to do it but I don’t know how to tell him how to spin me. I just know how to spin. So I’m like, I wonder if someone would do that virtually for us? I want to think about ways to not be bored in my house, things that we could still do. I want to buy movies, I want to buy books, I want to buy the Peloton. We just bought a weight bench.

I want to buy things to make my life easier. So does everybody else in the world. They want to spend money. Even if they’re not working right now, they want to spend money to seek pleasure and avoid pain, whatever they can do to make themselves more comfortable, whatever they can do to enjoy this time.

People are actively looking for those solutions right now, and they’re going to spend money on it. Especially the people who have money to spend. I want to speak to those of you who maybe are in the situation that your clients are in, where you were working, you got laid off or don’t have work now, things were already tight. Now they’re more tight.

You’re experiencing in your life, financial distress. I want to talk to you for a second. Because you’re going to be the person because I’ve been there, where you start using your thoughts to get into the pockets of your clients. You assume that their financial situation is the same as yours.

And I just want to bring awareness to that for you, that whatever your financial situation is, if it’s already creating fear for you, what’s going to happen is you’re going to transfer that fear, you’re going to project that fear onto other people and assume they don’t have money either. You’re going to assume they are afraid of money too and afraid of spending money, afraid of buying.

You’re going to think all of the thoughts about them that you think about you and your financial situation, but you don’t have to. That was one of the biggest lessons I learned when I was broke with a negative bank account, no furniture, spending half my time in Super 8 motels, the biggest breakthrough I had was when I stopped thinking that my clients were as preoccupied with money as I was.

And I started looking for and finding clients who had more money than me. Then I started signing clients, I was making 100K and I was signing clients that were in network marketing businesses making 500K and a million. But I still had something to teach them. I was teaching them this tool that I use, that I still coach my clients to this day called the model, and I was teaching them how their thoughts create their feelings, not their circumstances, and that that’s what actually drives their action and creates their results.

And I was teaching them how to feel better and more motivated and how to handle the stress of their business better. But I was just thinking about there are people out there who have large teams of network marketing businesses, and I can contribute. I can contribute to a lot of people.

So it had nothing to do with my pocket book. It had everything to do with theirs, and I specifically spent time thinking about how do I find and connect with people who have more money than me. Because they can buy coaching. And I stopped thinking that my situation was the same as theirs.

So if you’re experiencing the distress, just make sure you’re not projecting that onto potential people who could buy your coaching. So the other thing that I want you to think about is a lot of you have been asking me about discounting and should you discount your services or should you be giving things away for free.

Number one, just like always, selling in a crisis is selling always. You always want to be giving stuff away for free. Always. You should definitely give stuff away for free. You want to be giving value all of the time, just like I’m doing this training here. But I’m always giving stuff away for free.

I have my podcast, I send out emails all of the time, I do webinars, I do masterclasses, I do five-day trainings, we pay and spend money for Facebook ads to send my trainings that I’ve already done out into the world so people can have access to them. I’m always doing that. But in this time, when anxiety and the need to seek pleasure and avoid pain is heightened even more, I’m going to offer even more free content.

But just make sure if you’re offering free content that you’re doubling down on your offers too. If you’re going to double down on free content, you’ve got to double down on your offers. You’ve got to double down on the value even that you’re going to give in your paid offers.

If you’re going to double down because of the crisis, I’m not saying you have to, but if you’re going to double down because of the crisis, because of the pandemic, double down with everything. Double down with your free stuff, double down with your paid stuff. But don’t discount because I want you to think about this.

What you’re doing is verifying the fear that they already have. And when you verify the fear that they already have that there’s an actual money problem right now, there’s an economic situation, times are tough, when you verify that, you’re not going to be able to help them overcome their fears.

So if you’re charging $1200, you discounting it to $600, that extra $600 is not going to change the fear that was already there. Their thought has to change in order for that fear to change. And then the decision to change. When you discount, you don’t change their thoughts. You reinforce them.

Do you guys feel me? I want you guys to ask me questions on this livestream if you do not understand that and you want me to expand on that. Ask me questions about that. Because it’s so important that you know.

My clients always come to me and they’re like, “My client said no, this potential consult said no. Should I go back to them and offer them – they said no, they couldn’t do every week. They couldn’t do three straight months. Should I go back and offer them a month and a half?” I’m like, no.

Should I change my price? No. Because the price isn’t the reason they didn’t buy in the first place. They didn’t buy because of their thoughts. You discounting is not going to change their thoughts. It’s going to reinforce them. You have to stay strong in that.

People have money to spend, they want to spend it to feel better, discounting isn’t going to change anything. It’s only going to verify their story and their thoughts. Someone who just lost two jobs is not your ideal client. So here’s the point I wanted to make that I don’t think I’ve made yet is if you were committed to only signing ideal clients and finding those people, you would spend no time thinking and convincing the other people.

So this is the test, the measurement for how you know. Because sometimes we think that we know that, but then our actions show something completely different. So this is how you know. You know that you’re not spending time on people who aren’t your ideal clients if someone comes to you and has a money objection during this pandemic and says I’ve been laid off, I don’t have money, this, this, and this, and you say, okay, I want to offer your my free content. Let me tell you all the ways that you can keep working.

You get off the phone and then you start immediately going towards the next person and you start thinking about the person who does have money. If that is your actual genuine reaction, you’re good to go. If it is not and you’re like, how could I have fixed that? How could I have overcome that? Every consult that I’ve scheduled is going to say the same thing.

When you start anticipating that that’s the objection they’re going to have, that is just a big red flag to show you that you’re not thinking about your ideal people. And if you tell me, yeah, but my ideal people are these people and they’re really struggling, you have the wrong ideal people. You need to change your ideal client. You need to change who you’re marketing to.

If your ideal group of people right now does not have money to pay you, they are not your ideal people now and they never were. You chose the wrong group of people. One of my clients came to me once and they were like, “I’m helping people get out of debt and I’m having a really hard time overcoming objections.”

I’m like, that’s a horrible niche, no, stop that. Why do we know it’s not a good niche? Because you’re marketing to people who don’t have money. Don’t do that. But seriously, I want you to think about this. The people who – another example I always give is like, don’t market to college people who don’t have any money and you’re going to teach them how to pay off their student loan debt faster.

That’s going to be an impossible niche to market to. You’re always going to be overcoming a deep money fear. Who could you help that has money? This is triggering for a lot of people because a lot of people think that it’s bad if you only help people who have money and you’ve got to help people who don’t have money.

But remember, you help the people who don’t have money with your free stuff. You are a business. So if you want to make money, you have to have a business that is for profit, and you have to find people who have money to invest and pay you for that. And then if you want to love the rest of the world and help those people, go do it with your free stuff.

Also challenge your belief if you struggle with this, if you’re one of those people, that poor people, it’s not more honorable to help them and they’re not more worthy of help than rich people. Or people who have money and people who don’t have money.

People who don’t have money, they’re not more worthy of help than the people who have money. Money is just a circumstance. It’s neutral. All humans are humans. All humans are worthy. We help the humans that don’t have money with free stuff, people who do have money with paid stuff.

It’s always an option. So everybody is getting help but we’re a for profit business, so we have to keep profiting, we have to keep charging. So the people who don’t have money, they’re just not your ideal people. And if you want them to be, you’re going to struggle to sell to them because they don’t have money to pay you.

Think about Peloton. Peloton is not marketing to people who don’t have $4000. Their ideal people are people who have $4000. Now, the best thing is you get to decide your pricing. So if you want to help people who don’t have a lot of money, you can help a lot of people for a little. You could have a membership that’s $50.

But don’t decide to have that membership because you think people will buy it because it’s cheaper. It’s not true. I coached a client once on this. She was deeply afraid of leaving her people behind and she said, “My people can’t afford coaching and I’m deeply afraid of leaving them behind.”

And so I asked her this, I said, “If they came into money today, let’s just say they got a big tax return, what would they spend it on?” And she said vacations. And I said, exactly. They were never going to spend it on coaching. You have to find the people who want coaching and who want to spend money on it.

Someone who doesn’t like to run or spin is never going to buy a $4000 Peloton bike, so Peloton is never going to market to those people. Those people probably hate Peloton ads. People like me who will spend $4000 on a Peloton love the Peloton ads. They love the Peloton brand, they want a Peloton.

So your job is to just find the people who match what you’re offering and who have the money to pay you. That’s all you have to do. And you have to strategically think about how to find those and how to speak to those people. That has to come from your brain. You have to think about that. Where are these people at? How do I find them? What do I need to say to them to compel them to want what I have to buy?

How do I need to entice them? What do I need to offer them for free? What’s the paid offer I need to offer them? But it has to be people who have money. And think about this; just because there’s COVID-19 pandemic, Peloton isn’t offering discounts. Neither do you. You don’t have to. And if you want to, I just want you to challenge where it’s coming from. Don’t do it if you think it’s going to be easier to sell. It’s not.

Alright, let’s answer some questions. So Denise said, “I’m a life coach, yoga teacher, and trainer. I’m struggling with how to package and sell my offer right now. I believe that life coaching is so needed, but I also believe it’s just as important for people to stay paying attention to their physical health. Should I focus on one or both? Am I talking to too many people so no one hears me?”

So first of all, I’m going to teach you guys something I teach all of my clients. When you have a question, you need to answer that question. And my advice, my experience is every time you ask a question, what you’re really doing is stating a thought that you have in the negative.

So if you say am I speaking to too many people at once, what you’re really thinking is I’m speaking to too many people at once and this is not a good thing. So I’m going to validate that and say yes, you’re speaking to too many people. Choose one.

Yesterday we talked about how there’s no right or wrong. There really isn’t. You could help people with their physical health, you can help people with their mental health. What if you believed you could help people with both but you can only help people with one? What would you decide? Commit, go all in.

Denise says, “I have a client who can’t pay the rest of her agreement. She was an ideal client until now. How do I sell her to continue to pay for coaching?” So she was never an ideal client because she doesn’t have the money now and she’s not going to keep paying.

I know this is tricky. I have a mastermind that I charge $25,000 for. And I have 30 women in it, and they’re all my ideal people. Not one of them has asked me for their money back because of the coronavirus. Now, if any of them did ask for their money back and were like, I have to quit, I need that $25,000 back, this is what I would literally think.

My exact thought would be, “That was my fault. I missed that they weren’t ready for this mastermind. They were never ready.” And it’s neutral. I’m not judging them. They just were never ready. What if that were true? What if it’s just not a problem at all? Like okay.

What if you believed you could replace her tomorrow? That’s the other thing. I really believe if one person quits, I’m going to find someone tomorrow. If I lose $80,000 in my business, we’re going to go create it somewhere else. What if you genuinely believed that?

That is something that I carried with me, even in the early days of my business. So I know some of you might think that it’s easy for me to think that now because I have a multi-million-dollar business, but I didn’t always have that and I always believed that.

In fact, I always joke with my clients like, there was a time where I was signing one-on-one clients and I was filling my practice and I was raising my prices as my practice got full. I only had space for 20 and as I got closer, 15, 16, I started raising my prices.

If any of those original people quit, I was always happy for them because they didn’t want to continue, and for me because now I get to go sell a space at a higher price and I’m going to make more money. So I literally had the thought, “If someone quits, I make more money. I make more money when my people quit.”

I want you to think about – just open your mind. I know it might feel like really crazy right now, but I want you guys to just open your mind just a little into that reality. That if you were like, listen, you’re going to quit, I’m going to find somebody else. Now, if you want to coach her through that, you absolutely can, but I would ask her first. Does she want coaching on it?

Because here’s what I also know to be true and everybody stop what you’re doing and listen to this. Think about you as a client. Think about it right now. If I all of a sudden couldn’t pay for my coaching, the first thing I would do is ask for coaching on that. I would ask my coach for coaching on that.

I would be like, listen, I am having a deep fear that I cannot afford coaching right now, will you please coach me on this? I don’t want to be in this space, this is not what I want. I want to keep going, I want to make money, I want to lose the weight, I want to work on my brain. I work with a coach every week who’s just a life coach and she just coaches me on all the things.

If I didn’t have the money to pay her, I would go to her and I’d be like, coach me, I can’t lose you. And I remember having conversations with that, with my first coach when I really had a negative bank account and I would be like, what do I do? I have to continue coaching with you, help me figure this out, help me solve this.

And we coached on it and we were able to get my brain in a place where I was able to go figure out my money situation. I don’t remember exactly even how I figured it out, but I kept coaching. So if she really was an ideal client, why isn’t she asking you? If she values the coaching in the highest capacity, if she feels like it’s one of the most valuable things, what did she believe about coaching before? What does she believe about it now?

You could ask her that. You could say, I just want to ask, what were your thoughts about the coaching before. How valuable did it feel to you? What is the priority that you find it in your life? Ask her. You have an assumption she was an ideal client. Ask her what her thoughts are. And then ask her what her thoughts are now, and ask her if she wants to keep them. And that’s all you can do.

We can’t force people to keep paying for coaching when they don’t want to. And we shouldn’t have to. That feels terrible. You know what feels terrible? Having clients that either never ask you that, or who are going to be, like, I’m having some major money fears, please coach me. I don’t want to have them and I want to get through this.

So, Lana says, “In sharing your story yesterday and how you became a product of your product, even in the worst times, what were your predominant thoughts that you were choosing in those hard rock-bottom times to be an example and inspiration?”

I don’t remember necessarily specific thoughts. Sometimes I do, but I’m going to give you a general thought; I have nothing to lose. Maybe that was the thought; I have nothing to lose. It could be worse, but it’s already pretty bad and I’m handling this, so I could deal with anything. I can handle worse than what is happening now. I’m already handling this.

The other thing is, I figured out how to be happy. That’s what a lot of your work is. You guys think you have a selling issue. What you actually have is a happiness issue. You haven’t figured out how to feel secure, even when you have no money.

You haven’t figured out how to feel happy and peaceful even when you have money. Or when you have no clients, you haven’t figured out how to love marketing when no one’s reaching out and no one’s validating that marketing.

When you figure out how to love your marketing, when you figure out how to love live streaming, how to love emailing, how to love posting when no one engages with you, you are going to be unstoppable. When you can find joy in the process of finding clients, to me, building my business felt like college.

I look back. I was so poor in college, eating ramen noodles and cold pizza. Everything you hear about college, that was me. And I loved it. And I miss it. I miss those days of the simpler times when you just went to class and partied on the weekends and the only thing you had to think about was finals and you had a job that you didn’t really need, you know, it was all about college.

I knew that there was going to be a time where I was going to look back and feel nostalgic about the grind of my business and I knew it then. I thought about it then, like I’m going to miss this. So, if I’m going to miss this, I want to make sure I enjoy this part of it as much as I can. And I do miss it.

I miss the beginning energy – I miss when everything used to blow my mind with coaching. Like, I would hear a concept or learn a coaching tool and it would, like, blow my mind. I’d be like, what? I remember, I used to listen to audiobooks and podcasts and, literally, brain explosion after brain explosion. I don’t get that anymore.

Every once in a while, I’ll have something that will be like, whoa that really got me, that’s good. But it doesn’t hit me like it used to. Literally, the first time I was hearing personal development, the first time I listened to the Law of Attraction audiobook, the first time I found Byron Katie’s work, the first time I started working with the model and being like, wait a minute, what is happening here? My thoughts create my feelings…

All of that, the first Tony Robbins videos I listened to, I don’t get that excitement. I don’t get the same level of excitement when people pay me anymore. That money used to hit my account and – the first time I did a six-figure launch, I literally fell to the ground. I had to sit down. Like, blowing my own mind, excitement, passion, conviction, I don’t get that anymore because it’s just my everyday life.

Like, at one point, this moment and the excitement and the anticipation and the possibility of it will be gone. And I remembered that. No matter how hard it was, I also, in my hardest times, really genuinely believed I would get out of it.

And I spent a lot of time dreaming. I did vision boards. I used to tell Neil, we were in my 600-square-foot apartment making my bed and I was like, “Oh my gosh, someday, I’m going to do a six-figure launch.” And then I remember popping out of the bathroom at that same apartment and being like, “Neil, I just realized, at one point, sometime, I’m going to make a million dollars in my business.”

All of that stuff, to me, I loved that, even the grind. I wasn’t afraid of being broke. Some of you guys are afraid of money, afraid of not having it. I just wasn’t afraid of not having it because I didn’t have it for a long time in my life.

I loved my life and functioned in my life and enjoyed my life without it. So, whatever your worst-case scenario is, make peace with it, know that you’re never going to get this moment back. All of these firsts that you guys are experiencing, you’re never going to get that back.

And then, think about the future and believe that it’s happening. I know that that seems kind of basic life coaching, but it is basic life coaching for a reason. It’s effective. It works. That is the work.

Rene says, “Question, as a love dating coach, what do you recommend I say to people who think they can’t date right now? I’m recommending that they work on themselves and their profiles and go on virtual dates.” Yeah, nailing it. I would go on virtual dates if I couldn’t go on real dates. I’m doing virtual dates with my friends. We’re like, let’s set up a dinner date and bring wine and have a virtual coffee chat, why not? I would 100% do that.

Okay, so Jennifer says, “Law of attraction. What about offering discounts to the first 100 people to get it out there to people who need it, and then it comes back to us?” So, if you’re putting out discounting, that’s the action you’re taking. What’s the thought behind that? That’s really the energy you’re putting out there, not the action you do, but the thought you think when you do it and how you feel. And the only reason to put out discount services is the thought that you need to, to get clients.

Think about it. If you can come up with a different thought that has you discounting that doesn’t come from lack of belief about your clients having money, your clients wanting to pay you in general, that you could get 100 clients without it, then go for it. But just really investigate that. You want to be super-careful. It’s a sneaky thought.

I believe I can sign 100 clients during COVID-19 without putting out a discount. And so, the thought behind that is people want to pay me, people want to pay me right now, people will pay me right now and I’m going to sell to those people and they’re going to buy. That’s the energy I put out, so then that’s the energy that comes back.

I also believe I want to help and I want to serve people as much as possible. It’s why I’m doing these live streams. We are doing a podcast a day every day on my podcast on top of our weekly podcast. We’re emailing out and every email, even when I write sales emails, they’re all very valuable.

I always teach things. I always give my thinking. I always give and serve in value in those emails. So, I’m giving out a ton of stuff for free to people. But I also believe that people are going to pay me, that my service is worth what I charge, there are people that have that money and will spend it right now. And so, that’s the energy I put out. That’s what I attract back.

Alright, I hope you enjoyed this bonus episode. Again, if you want help and you want to take this deeper, if you want to be serving clients at your highest level, if you are struggling in your marketing or your selling or you want to tighten up and make more money and raise your conversion rates, now is not the time to sit on the sidelines because of COVID-19.

Now is not the time to be conservative. Now is the time to be aggressive. Be aggressive in your investing, aggressive in your marketing and making offers and who you’re meeting, the people that you’re letting know, the world that you’re telling you’re a life coach. This is our time. Now is the time to double down.

We will help you do that inside 2K for 2K. Just go to Once you join, you get access immediately on demand to our five-step 2K for 2K process where we take you from meeting clients, all the way to cash in your hand, serving clients.

You get daily coaching in Ask a Coach as often as you want. We have coaches standing by to give you the support you need. You get access to live group coaching every day all the way from now until the end of April to support you in serving at your highest level during this pandemic. And you get access to our Facebook community where we are, every day, having powerful conversations around serving our clients and making money, even when we’re in a pandemic. Alright, I’ll see you inside.

Hey, if you are ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2K for 2K program where you’re going to make your first $2000, the hardest part, and then $200,000 using my proven formula. It’s risk-free. You either make your 2K or I give you your 2K back. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

Enjoy the Show?

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