Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | 7 Figures and Liberating Women of Color with Dielle Charon

I’m joined on the podcast today by a very special student, Dielle Charon, who has just crossed the million-dollar mark in her business! Dielle went from having just one client in 2018 and making 2K in annual revenue, to crossing the seven-figure mark not even five years later, and she did it by being calm, coachable, and going all in on her mindset.

Dielle Charon is a sales coach for Women-of-Color coaches. After almost five years in this industry, she has boiled her business down to two amazing offers: Five-Figure Freedom and Six-Figure Liberation. Dielle is the first Black coach to cross the million-dollar mark in The Life Coach School community, and she’s an undeniable example of what’s possible for BIPOC in this industry.

Tune in this week to discover what it takes to become a million-dollar coach with a clean and lean business. Dielle Charon is sharing how she uses The Model to account for her lived experience as a Black woman, how her mindset has evolved as she’s become more successful, and why your identity is just the thoughts you think about yourself, regardless of any circumstance.

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If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Dielle’s income journey over the past five years toward her first million dollars.
  • Why $1 million wasn’t even Dielle’s goal for 2022, and what changed just four months into the year.
  • How Dielle is leading the way in this community as the first Black coach to reach seven figures.
  • Dielle’s story of deciding she was going to sell out her first launch, and how she created that result.
  • Some of the ways The Model and thought work gets misunderstood.
  • How Dielle uses thought work in a way that accounts for her lived experience as a Black woman.
  • Why you can honor your own work and process while still learning from and being mentored by others in the same industry.
  • How to start treating your coaching business as a place to share your gifts, without any rules or limits.
  • Why, when someone asks Dielle what she does, she always leads with how much money she makes.
  • How Dielle had to start thinking differently as she went from making six to seven figures in her business.
  • Diele’s message to any Women of Color out there listening who wants what she has.

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Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hey coaches, welcome to episode 213. I have the most special episode planned for you today. I have a guest with me here, my student, Dielle Charon, who just crossed the million-dollar mark. I’m so excited about this for so many reasons, but let’s start with, I think, one of the ones that will be the most important for so many of my listeners here. Can you introduce yourself first? Tell everyone who you are, tell them what you do and we’ll go from there.

Dielle: I am so excited to be here. Hi, everyone, my name is Dielle Charon. And I’m a sales coach for women of color coaches. And yeah, I have two amazing offers, Five Figure Freedom, Six Figure Liberation. I’ve been doing my coaching business for the past four, almost five years. And I made a million dollars. I keep trying to say it to remind myself and integrate it into my body. But yes, I made a million.

Stacey: That’s so exciting. Okay, now I have lots of questions but the first one being, so I want to dive into your actual programs and what you teach people too, and how that affected your journey. So everyone, if you were like, “What’s liberation, what’s freedom, what’s she teaching?” I want to get into that but before you dive into the whole journey can you just tell everyone, can you remember what your just income journey was, what year you’re in now to have crossed that million dollar mark?

Dielle: Sure, yeah. So I started my business in 2018 and I signed one client that year. And that was only a $2,000 client. And then in 2019, I made $40,000 and then in 2020, I made $300,000.

Stacey: So good.

Dielle: 2021 500,000 then I doubled it and I did a million, almost just shy of 1.1, 20,000 short of 1.1, super, super close, I wanted to say 1.1.

Stacey: You can just claim 1.1, I think it’s fine.

Dielle: I think I can do and I know I did it in sales, but cash I was just shy of it. And so I did almost 1.1 in 2022.

Stacey: We did almost 12 million this year, I get the frustration and annoyance. We ended at 11.67.

Dielle: Oh my gosh.

Stacey: And at this level of money you’re like, that’s just stupid. I could have set out a book bonus and crossed that mark, what’s happening here? We’re claiming 12 million and it’s fine, it’ll happen. Okay, so that’s so fun. First of all, I just want to point out to everyone listening, if you are at $40,000 if you finished last year at $40,000 and I’m talking to the people who are listening actively now because we’re at the beginning of January. But really if you made 40,000 last year, just imagine, do you think it’s possible for you to make 300,000 the next year?

What? I just feel like no one at 40,000 is sitting around thinking this is my 300K year, most of them aren’t. And it’s not even that you should shoot for that in any way. I just think what hit me is what is possible. I want to talk about that too, so that’s another avenue. I’m going to try to remember all of these things. But first I just have to celebrate you for a couple of things. Number one, to me there’s a couple of things, you’re the next Two Million Dollar Grouper to cross the million dollar mark. And because that is a program now that I’m working actively towards.

It feels like every one of you that crosses that million-dollar mark is just more proof of concept of how many coaches can make millions and so it’s exciting for me as the coach. This is now what gets me going. But I want to acknowledge you too because I don’t know, maybe this is just the way you get coached. But you have been so calm on the journey. You didn’t come into the Two Million Dollar Group room and spin out or lose that, it was just like you’re one of the most coachable people in the room. It’s fascinating to me when you come with this big thing and then I give you some coaching.

And then you’re like, “Okay, yeah.” And then you just go take it, no big deal. So I do want to talk about that. That’s one thing I want to talk about. And then the other thing I just want to acknowledge you that I do think so many listeners, this episode I think you know is going to change so many people’s lives because you are the first Black coach to make a million dollars in my community and that we know of in The Life Coach School community. So those are two really big communities in the coaching industry for you to lead the way and say, “Listen, this is possible for us, let’s go, let’s do this.

I’m just curious. I want to acknowledge you first and then I want to just ask how you feel about that.

Dielle: Yes, well, as soon as you said that I get a little misty because I’m still just trying to integrate that. And I think really I work one-on-one with Brigg Johnson. And something that she said to me a long time…

Stacey: Shout out to Brig.

Dielle: Shout to Brig always, always, always. And one of the things that she said is, “Dielle, you’re going to be the first but I never want you to forget about the 100 that are coming after you.” And I just loved that so much. So I was like, “Yes, I’m the first but I hope this episode and everything that we both are doing will just inspire the 100 to come with us.” But I do take it seriously and I have thought about the gratitude. And a little bit of this is like it’s about damn time. It’s 2022, I want this to happen, it should have happened a long time ago. I’m glad I’m the first but it’s about damn time.

And then the second thing is it’s so possible for us. It’s possible for us if we do it our way. If we do it while keeping our lived experiences at the forefront if we do it while keeping all of the things that our ancestors did at the forefront it’s completely able to happen our way and we’re totally 100% here to do it.

Stacey: So good. How much do you think – I’m just curious, I don’t know if it was a big part, or a little part, or a part you tried to not focus on so much because it could be really heavy. But how much of being that first Black coach to cross that line and not in the industry but in those two communities which I think is just so important, because there are thousands and thousands of coaches in the LCS community, in my community and in your community.

To be that first person and the first example, was that on your mind a lot or was it something that pulled you forward? I’m just curious, what the experience was like, knowing you were getting close, that whole journey from what was it 400K, 500K? 500K.

Dielle: 500. So I remember, a million wasn’t even my goal for 2022. I decided it was going to be 750 and then I got to mastermind at LCS. And I saw everyone up on that stage and I did not see someone who looked like me. And so many other groups were represented, so many amazing groups were represented but I was like, “I do not see a Black woman.” And I was like, “I’m going to be the first Black woman, I’m going to do that.” So I changed my goal in April.

Stacey: Oh my God, you’re going to make me tear up again.

Dielle: Yeah, I changed everything. I went back to my team and I was like, “Look, this is what we’re doing.” So it was a big part of my strategy last year, I was like, “No, we’re going to make history.” And I love that thought, I want to make history. I’m going to make history. My company is going to make history. Me and my clients are going to make history. That was the main thought driving everything.

Stacey: For everyone listening, because I’ve had people get coached with me before and that felt heavy for them instead of inspiring. So how did you create that to be something that worked for you rather than against your or something that was exciting versus full of pressure and do you know what I’m saying?

Dielle: Totally.

Stacey: Curious if you could speak to that.

Dielle: I think thinking about the larger community helped me kind of kick out of it’s all on me, I’m the main one, really thinking about the community. I remember speaking with several people at Mastermind, I was like, “After mastermind, what if we got all of the Black coaches together and we did a mini group or something.” Or what if we provide more resources? Or what if we can do some more community-building activities to pour into one another? And so I always had the community in mind, not necessarily me and my only company at the forefront of it.

And again I wanted to be an example. And I’m like, “No, there are 100 other Black women behind me, 100%. I am just the first but I’m not the only.” So I think breaking that apart helped me a lot.

Stacey: That’s so good. And listen, those mastermind moments, this is not the same but I do remember being – this is when it was really small but I remember Jody Moore being on stage teaching sales. It wasn’t her niche, they just wanted people up there helping coaches make money. And I remember thinking, no, no, this should be me. This should be what I do always. I’m going to be on stage next, I’m going to be doing that. I just think that’s such a powerful experience, in general, to just see something and be like, “I’m going to do that.” And it changes your entire trajectory.

And I just cannot wait and now I’m thinking about your post about when is the next mastermind. And I’m like, I don’t know. Now I’m thinking about what a monumental moment that’s going to be for so many people in that room. Even when Brenda got up on stage, that whole thing just was so choked up that she was – I think Brooke had said only you get one sentence. And she was like, “Listen, my work is to take up space and give myself the space, give myself the voice.”

And she just went on and I just thought it was such a brilliant example as a thought to lead people from, it was so exciting. So I can’t wait till you have your chance to speak on stage in my room too.

Dielle: Me too, I’m excited, yes.

Stacey: So good. So let’s go back to, and this may be kind of intertwined with some of the things I want to talk to you about. But let’s go back to the 40K to 300K journey, what happened in that time period? Because that really is insane.

Dielle: So during this time period when I was making the 40,000 I was being a course hoe as I call it. I was just consuming all the courses.

Stacey: Stop. That is the greatest.

Dielle: I was just taking it all in, buying all the things, overinvesting as you call it, thinking if I just paid somebody money to teach me something then I would get a result and it would never, ever work. And then eventually I learned about the model. I learned about the model. A friend sent me a podcast from Brooke and that’s where I learned about the model. And I was currently in a launch at that time, I had no business launching at $40,000. That’s a different story but I was in a launch, in a very hustly launch.

And I remember it was not going well, the pandemic was just announced, it was not going well. And I went to bed very, very frustrated. And then I woke up and I was just like, “What if thoughts created my results, just what if possibly?” And I remember putting a sold-out launch in my T-line and I got to work embodying the feeling of committed and actually going out and closing those clients. And that’s exactly what I did. I sold out the launch. And then from that moment on I was like, “Okay, it’s my mind, it’s my identity.”

I then, later on, learned how to incorporate thought work into my experience being a Black woman because I realized that I needed to put the model in a way that took my lived experience into context. And once I was able to do that, once I was able to realize that I do have power, I do have agency, even though there are circumstances in the world that are not my fault, that make it difficult for me to navigate in this space, especially the very white coaching industry.

When I put all those things into context I was able to use the model for me and that’s when I saw the majority of my work. And I really doubled down on mindset work. I hired a mindset coach. I went all in on mindset for the first time. And then something fascinating happened. Once I started just focusing on my mindset my own business philosophies came out to be true. I started implementing my own sales frameworks that weren’t from other people. But I started actually developing my own intellectual property.

And I realized, for anyone who doesn’t know my story, I started out as a social worker. And I realized that social work and sales go hand in hand, it’s always just about relationships and it’s always just about trust. And that’s when I started really developing my own intellectual property.

Stacey: So good. Now I have so many follow-up questions from that. Okay, so can you go back and spend some time on – because I think people, I’m trying to think of the people that might be listening that aren’t from the LCS world, who aren’t proficient in the model. Or when we say, I do this on my podcast all the time where we say T-line, or F-line, or R-line. So what’s she saying is the model, there are circumstances in the world that are factual, or measurable, or everyone would agree with them, you can’t change them and those go in the circumstance line.

And then based on that you get to decide what you’re going to think or what you want to think, what you choose to think. That will determine how you feel once you believe it. And then that drives your actions which create your results. So in the community we often say the T-line or the F-line, we’re meaning the thought line or the F-line because when you change one it changes everything including your results.

So I’m curious, if you wouldn’t mind spending some time, especially for my Black coaches listening, what does it look like when you say you integrated your lived experiences into the circumstances and how you made the model work for you as a Black coach? I’m just curious if you could kind of break that down a little bit so we don’t lose the conversation from there and everybody goes with us.

Dielle: Sure, absolutely. And so I think when it comes to the C-line, what are circumstances that are just factual? I really had to put, and this is also during 2020 where George Floyd happened and so many things were happening in my world, where just literally I felt like it was a dollhouse and everyone was shaken out. That’s how I felt. It was very difficult for me. I had to take time off from work, it was really traumatic for me. And I had to learn that racism goes into the C-line. Racism is a circumstance, it’s not something that I have to change my thoughts on.

But also my thoughts about the coaching industry, the coaching industry is very white. The coaching industry was started from this certain group of people that had a lot of money and now they’re looking to expand it and to being more accessible. The coaching industry was designed for a certain person and now all of these new people that are learning about it, BIPOC people, so many different groups of people were trying to see, well, where is our place here?

And what does this look like? And it’s okay if it doesn’t look like every single other person’s out there. That was totally my journey. I was just speaking to a friend and she was like, “I remember a long time ago I shared the story how I was jealous. I was jealous of these coaches that had these big beautiful communities and I was struggling to grow my audience and I was struggling to do so many things to get that same traction at that same rate.”

But then I realized, well, what if I just did this my way? What if I wasn’t trying to look them, how would I be able to still sell, hit all my goals and create a beautiful amazing community? And that’s exactly what I was able to do. And so I think it’s just realizing that there are some facts in the world that as Black people, as people of color that we have to interact with. And that doesn’t mean that you’re wrong if there’s just a fact in the world. It’s like, okay, well, what do you want to do with that fact and how do you still want to accomplish your goals even though those facts are still living in the world?

And so that’s definitely what I did for growing my business and showing up. It still blows my mind that I did a million with only 700 email subscribers, just a small, small community.

Stacey: That’s so great.

Dielle: Yeah. And so I never needed to look like someone else. I never needed to do it exactly like someone else. I got to do it while being me.

Stacey: Yeah, that’s so good. I love that so much. Yes, I think that’s super important because there are a lot of people who don’t know the model or who don’t use the model, or who might think the model isn’t for them, for those reasons. Or I think what I’ve seen a lot in the industry is it’s just misunderstood, it gets kind of passed down from one line to the next, to the next, to the next. I’ll see something said and I’m like, “Wait, that’s not what they’re teaching at The Life Coach School at least in rooms I’ve been in.”

So I think it’s helpful and then there is that piece I think that Kara’s so brilliant about this too, is there’s the model and then there’s how you want to use it and how you want to teach it in a way that really resonates with you and serves you. Because it really is just someone’s lived experience and their knowledge thus far. It’s like what we were talking about in Two Million Dollar Group when I said, “There is how you teach early and the days will be just your tiny lens.” And I’m seeing that even now when people come to me and they’re like, “Well, you had that but doesn’t this apply to me or this right here.”

And so I have to think about – this is a great example, this is just pretty mundane for the coaching industry. But I don’t tell anyone anymore you have to have a one-on-one coach to sell one-on-one coaching. Or you have to – I don’t know, those typical things like that where they’re like, “Well, I can’t believe you would teach.” Or you don’t have to have a niche, or you don’t have to be certified. That’s the most triggering one for people. And I’m like, “Listen, I’m not saying don’t get certified. I’m just saying in my community that was my story to get certified.”

But in my community, there are people who are not getting certified and that works for them. And their experience of coaching has been maybe they hired a coach, got results that way. So that’s the way that they feel like they’re in integrity. So I think it’s helpful to just to know your journey with that, with the model. And then just see how you use it for yourself.

And just to kind of put that out there I guess that it’s like whatever it is that you stumble across, the way your beautiful brain is working is how can I make that work for me instead of use it against me, or fight against it, or I’m just going to make this what is accessible to me, what works with me in my lived experience for me. For me when I got certified with LCS, again, this is not the same. But they’re teaching everyone to have funnels and websites. And I’m like, “I have two pennies I’m rubbing together. I can’t do any of these things but I can get out, and I can meet people, and I can tell them I’m a life coach.”

And that’s how my process was born. Can you speak a little bit on because you said something that everyone needs to hear? So I’m a sales coach, I teach a sales process. You came into 2K, came into 200K, came into Two Million Dollar Group but you’re a sales coach and you have a different process. But you don’t make me wrong to make you right or there hasn’t been a conflict in that for you. And I see that a lot where people think I have to do it Stacey’s way. But then I’m also teaching so then that means I can’t teach anything because that’s just Stacey’s way.

Or now that I find my way, Stacey’s way is wrong so you can’t coach me anymore, I don’t have that with Brooke so I’m always really fascinated by it and you don’t have it. So can you speak to that and how did you be in a program that’s so sales heavy and you have your very own process and philosophy and you are rocking it, you’re making that work for yourself so I’m curious about that.

Dielle: So I think just knowing what am I using the container for has helped me a lot. Every time I’ve made an investment I know that in 200K I want to use it for this. In Two Million Dollar Group I want to use it for that. So just coming in with the plan has helped me so much to not get confused or to not have any conflict of interest, if you will, or feel like Stacey’s stuff’s going to end up in my community. I never have that thought because I’m like, “No, I want advisement. I want mentorship. I want this to do strategy. I want people to be looking at my business in a way that helps me.”

And at the end of the day, I’m like Stacey made $10 million or you just made close to 12 million. And I’m like, “She’s got something to teach me at the end of the day.” And I also put it in perspective like do we do this in other niches or if you’re a chef and then you get mentored by a chef, is that so conflict of interest? No, it’s very normal for you to have a mentor in your industry in the world, any professional, if you’re in corporate, if you’re a lawyer, whatever it is, people have mentors. And so I never look at it that way.

And as far as making sure that I always respect your intellectual property, respect my intellectual properties, I just look to my own story and my own lived experiences [inaudible] my clients, when I’m creating for content, podcasts, live events. I do live events now. When I’m creating all those things I’m like, “No, what’s just my lived experience?” And what has worked for me has been really, really valuable.

Stacey: The chef analogy is really brilliant because to be clear, I’m not saying, this is not me being like, “You can’t ever use anything from my stuff.” It’s people thinking if I’m a business coach I can’t learn her process because then I won’t have anything to teach her. It’s just weird things that people say. But what I’m thinking about is let’s just say, one of my favorite chefs is Thomas Keller. And let’s just say, Neil got to go study with Thomas Keller, well, he actually has done a masterclass with him and learned to make his omelets. They’re insane.

Okay, so let’s say Neil opens a restaurant, maybe Thomas Keller’s omelets are one of the things that makes it on the menu among 30 things that make it on the menu. That’s how I kind of feel when I’m getting mentored by Brooke because I do think she has different business values, different philosophies, different processes than me. I have different ones. There is also a lot of overlap and it’s very useful for me to have actually both of those things.

So I get clients on here in my programs that are really funnel and ad-heavy but because I have learned that from her and done that in my own business I can also coach on that. But it’s not the predominant, if you come into 2K or 200K you’re going to learn organic marketing. So I just think that’s helpful to hear. It’s such an inspiration for you to be able to honor your own work and still get what you came for and get what you need. I think that’s brilliant.

Dielle: Yes. And if anybody needs something super, super specific, Stacey talks a lot about your experience selling mops in Walmart and I never did that. But instead, I look at sales as relationship building and I got a lot of my strategies from being a social worker and having to connect with any person. I worked in prisons. I worked in non-profits. I worked in schools. And I had to build a relationship with someone in 10 seconds or less or they were out of my office.

And so both of those things are valuable and the lived experiences behind those things are completely different but they both produce results for our clients. And so yeah, I think it really just comes from your unique story.

Stacey: It’s so good, so good, I love it. Okay, let’s dive into your story along with, I just want you to tell them about your offers, Freedom and Liberation and tell them, the way I imagine this is you tell them about what you teach your clients and what you help them with at each stage. And then you talk a little bit about your own experience with those stages. I think that could be highly valuable for our listeners.

Dielle: Yes, totally. So I have two offers, Five Figure Freedom and Six Figure Liberation. Inside of Five Figure Freedom, we primarily help women of color part-time coaches, emphasis on the part-time, we help them create 5 to 10K months so they can quit their job. And we say quit their racist job around here in my business.

Stacey: That’s great, I love it.

Dielle: One of the main philosophies that I learned when I was side hustling, I was a social worker at Duke University. I made $2500 a month for three years which is practically no money. And I commuted three hours a day. I took two buses and I walked half an hour each way to go into my office because I couldn’t afford gas to drive and the bus was free. And so I had very small time, a little bit of time in order to sign clients. And so the strategies that we teach inside of Five Figure Freedom all have to center around part-time coaches and the woman of color experience.

And that was mainly because I remember I’d just graduated with my master’s from UNC Chapel Hill. It’s one of the top social work programs in the country. I got in on a scholarship. I killed it. And then I started this amazing job at the Duke University, I thought I hit the lottery. And I realized I couldn’t pay all my bills, the salary was so small even though I loved the work. And I realized that I was struggling with my mental health at the job and I couldn’t figure out why. I was like, “I have all the experience, I have the degree, why am I not successful here?”

And I realized it was because of white supremacy, the tenants of white supremacy were all around the community inside of Duke University and I couldn’t escape it. Even if I wanted to find a whole other job, the tenants of white supremacy would just follow there. I got job interviews other places and I just could not find myself being successful in a nine-to-five. So I was like, “I’ve got to get up out of here. I’ve got to go. I have to leave. I need to become an entrepreneur.” And the best way for me to become an entrepreneur was to be a life coach. That was my first niche.

And I was able to book out and then all of my friends said, “Well, how are you able to do this?” And that’s when I got into business coaching and sales. I said, “Well, just do a sales call.” And they were like, “Do a sales call?” And was like, “How do you do that?” It’s the same as a social work assessment. And then I was able to translate that experience into our sales calls process and that’s what we teach inside of Five Figure Freedom.

Stacey: So good. Can you talk about why it’s so important for women of color, that journey of building that business while you’re full-time and getting to those five-figure months? You and I have had conversations about that. And I think that some listeners might be experiencing what you experienced and your lived experience but maybe they haven’t had someone ever talk about it before to them or explain it the way that you might explain it, in a way that gives them permission, freedom.

Because I think sometimes people, I’ll give the example of my own. I have the filter that you have to be a full-time coach before you join 200K. I love my reasons for that in my program but I also, it’s not coming from a thought that a part-time coach is wrong, or bad, or anything like that. But then when I see people who listen I can’t say enough how many times I’ve said, “I still, I worked until I made a 100K, I had a full-time job until I made a 100K.” There’s no shame in that. There’s no nothing in that.

That’s my story, that’s what I did. But they tend to make it mean something bad or I don’t know, something that’s othering of them and this is all coaches really. But there’s that filter makes them feel a certain way. And so I love, you come in and you have the program where you’re like, “Listen, the point is we make money while we still work.” And so I just wonder if you can speak on that a little bit.

Dielle: Sure. So a couple of things. I first want to say that 300K year was with a nine-to-five. I did $300,000 with a nine-to-five.

Stacey: Hold on. So anyone listening because I just coached someone in 2K, I’m pretty sure, on this. For anyone listening who’s like, “I work a full-time job, there’s no way I can make more money or have more clients.” No, it’s a no now that Dielle has been on the podcast.

Dielle: No, not at all. And so many of my clients in Freedom, they do six figures with a nine-to-five all the time. And I think it’s because me making money in my business, in my part-time business was like a middle finger to my job in the most inspiring empowering way, not in an angry way. That’s a really big distinction. I wasn’t trying to do it to prove myself but I was doing this, I’m making more money with my brain, with my ideas. People are paying me thousands of dollars for my ideas, for my advice, for my mentorship and that was so empowering for me.

So to answer the question I would say let it be empowering to you that you have this whole other way of taking care of yourself, taking care of your family, creating wealth that is not dependent, I call it, off of the white man’s money. That’s not dependent off of your racist job. And so that’s something that I always think about.

And another angle to this is thinking about your coaching business is a place for you to share your gifts, share something that you feel called to create, share something that you feel skilled to create without any rules, without any limits. And I personally, I know there are a lot of people that they found the coaching industry, they sign a few clients and three months in they quit. That wasn’t my story. I side-hustled for two and a half years and I really worked on that identity of being an entrepreneur versus having a career.

And that was such an empowering identity shift and my whole life changed because of that. And so I’m saying all that to say let the journey mold you into the person who you want to be. There is no shame if you have a nine-to-five job, it actually can be really cool that you’re able to balance both.

Stacey: My predominant thought when I was working was I didn’t want to be on sales calls and be scarce and freaking out and needing the sale to literally pay my bills or eat which that was the situation early on with my job. I needed to get those mops out and in the hands of customers so that I could literally buy lunch. I can’t tell you how many times I would call my manager and be like, “I need a”, what do you call those, an advance? I’m like, “I need you to give me an advance. I need you to wire me $100. I’m at the store, I can’t buy produce for the shows but also I can’t eat lunch.”

And that was my reality for a long time. So I didn’t want eating lunch to be dependent on whether someone said yes on my consult. That was my actual story and I wanted to be able to invest a lot of money in myself. I didn’t, thank God, for whatever reason have this – maybe it was because I was so poor that I wasn’t used to having money so the money that came in felt like such a bonus that I wanted to just use it to grow my business as fast as possible.

So as soon as it came in it went out to something that could help me to inform my mindset, my business skillset, my coaching skillset, getting certified with The Life Coach School. I wanted all of my money coming in to go to that. And my deal with myself was I’ll leave whenever it’s costing me money to come in and clock in. That was my goal with myself. And I also had a different situation I will say. It’s not the same as someone who has a corporate nine-to-five. I got to choose how often I worked. And there was no one in there to know if I was coming in at noon and leaving at six.

I had a lot of freedom in that situation but my mindset was very much, I will say the other side of that is I had to talk myself into walking into fucking Walmart every day and being, let’s go sell some mops in Walmart. That’s a whole another piece of it. But I did that because I wanted to invest in my business and I always told myself that was my choice and I don’t think anyone should ever feel bad about wanting to make the jump feel secure.

You all know and I think we’re both the example of that is your transition from full-time to CEO entrepreneur can be a comfortable safe experience. It doesn’t have to be you jumped off a cliff and hope you grow wings on your way down. I know some people are on that vibe. I’m typically not. So I’m always really worried when people in 2K posts, “I quit my job, going full-time with my business. I have no clients, let’s go.” And I’m like, “What?” But everybody’s risk tolerance I guess is different. But mine was not high and so I love that you’re another example of that.

I also love that you help people do that, that you help women of color transition and make a lot of money while they quit their racist job. So good.

Dielle: It’s so important I think to give examples like that because of what you just named. People have shame about it about saying that they have a nine-to-five and a business. I was always so open. I was like, “Yeah, you all see me on the bus headed to work.” I was always so open with that and that was one of the reasons why people were investing in me. Yes, because I was a business coach. But I see my clients who are doing it in other niches and they’re like, “I want to be able to pursue something even though I have this other thing that I’m responsible for.”

It can be an aspiring moment for your clients too. And you get to decide if you want to talk about that or not but it doesn’t have to be from a place of shame.

Stacey: That’s so good. Yeah, I was recording videos for my first group program I ever did. I literally still have the video of me sitting in bed in a Super 8 motel using the backboard of the bed as my background and I’m coaching people. And I wasn’t telling them I was in a Super 8 but clearly, they knew I was somewhere not my house and they didn’t care. They were inspired by that. I remember Lindsay Dotzlaf, maybe it was her, I’d been her coach for a while and then she came down to visit me because we just live in close cities.

And she just came into my apartment and it was an old rundown apartment and she was so, I don’t even know what the word is, but inspired or curious at how I was just rocking it. It didn’t apologize for it. I didn’t warn her ahead of time. It was just like this is my best-lived experience. And I think that that can be transformational for people to be, they’re doing that and this is their circumstance, I want to come along. I think one of the things she said was something about, “Well, she still has what I want. Her emotional world is what I want. So she has something to offer me.”

And I often used to think about that because I would attract people who had lots of money and had lots of opportunities to feel less than. I had this one client, she was so rich and so beautiful and so classy, just everything. And I always would be like, “Why does she want to coach with me?” And I would always be like, “She wants my emotional world. She wants the model. She wants the coaching tools. She wants to feel better.” And to her, that’s all that matters about me is that I’m able to facilitate that for her. So that was also a super useful thought along the way.

That’s so good though, okay. So will you walk through, once you take them, so the freedom is building a five-figure month or five-figure months while working their part-time job, tell me what about that is freedom, describe that to the people listening. I think that’s really curious and interesting.

Dielle: I think we can define freedom as time freedom, financial freedom. But the main source of freedom is knowing that you can take care of yourself without needing anyone but you, without needing anyone but you. You don’t have to rely on a degree. You don’t have to rely on a job. You can do whatever you want with just what you are creating. You are literally free. I talk a lot about it now. I was diagnosed with a chronic illness in 2022 and it’s very expensive. I go to all these holistic doctors and I just sit and think about, I’m able to pay for all of my doctors.

And I was just telling my friend on the phone, I take these really expensive Chinese herbs that are shipped from Shanghai. The most boojiest doctor I found was able to get these herbs. So expensive. And I’m able to pay for them and not a problem. I think to myself all the time if I was at Duke University there would just be no way I would be able to even pay to see this doctor. And so it’s freedom on so many levels. You are able to take care of yourself. You are able to provide for you and your family at a way that you can never ever describe if you’re in a job.

Stacey: So good, yeah, and you’re literally on your way to freedom from your job. And what I love too is when you get to – a five-figure month is the best example of this, when you get there or when you get to five figures in your business period, you’re making enough money. It might be uncomfortable but if you did lose your job or decide to quit really because you just don’t want to go to your racist job anymore, you have the option to just go. You might have to make it really frugal.

But I remember at 25K I was like whoa, I mean this would be a really low standard of living but I could do it. I could do it, if I had to I could do it. And that is when I started feeling that sense of freedom, that sense of I’m literally able to create money from nothing. Someone said it to me earlier, someone said this week that they were so impressed that I was able to rub two sticks together and create an eight-figure business.

Dielle: Oh my gosh.

Stacey: That feels like what I did, I rubbed two sticks together and here we are seven years later. Okay, so talk about the transition then to liberation and what that journey is like, let’s talk about that and how that, what you do with your clients but also how you’re influenced by your journey.

Dielle: Absolutely. So Six Figure Liberation is my mastermind when we focus on three key areas in order to scale. We focus on leadership. We focus on launching. And we focus on money. And so those are really the three goals that I had once I quit my job. And I said, “Okay, I want to scale, I want to continue to grow. I want to have half a million job business.” And I realized that those were my three gaps. And the first launch that I did once I quit my full-time job was a hot mess. I was doing live videos. Didn’t have any of my emails for a period.

It took three and a half weeks and I just want to be clear, if this is your experience launching there’s no shame, I was right there with you. And Stacey has shared so many stories too, just that way as well. And I was struggling so much in that launch and I was completely exhausted, so exhausted that I had to take a whole month off afterwards. I was just so tired. And so I was like, “I cannot continue to launch this way. I have to clean up my launches.”

And with that, I also said, “If I want so many people to work with me, if I want to scale my business I want to learn how to be a leader and particularly I want to feel like an expert.” And I remember it was actually after a 2K call, I was in 200K at the time. A 2K call you gave someone the exercise of I want you to work on this particular thought. I can’t remember what the thought was, but I want you to work on this particular thought for 30 days and clean it up for 30 days.

So that’s what I did, I remember sitting in my very small apartment balcony, it was in the summer and I remember journaling in my notebook, I am an expert, here are all the reasons why I’m an expert. I’d just quit my job, I was brand new, I was feeling also, I wasn’t comparing myself but I was just like, “There are so many other business coaches, there are so many other people that do amazing work, why would someone want to work with me?” That was where my mind was at too. I wanted to feel like a leader. I wanted to feel like an expert.

So I really dove into that experience of believing that I’m a leader and an expert. And then I also wanted to buy a house and buying a house was very, very special for me because my parents foreclosed during 2008 and they didn’t buy a house afterwards. And house shame is what we call it in my family. They really had so much house shame and they were saying that how they were tricked into buying the house and how the housing market manipulated them. So I had so much fear around being a homeowner and I was also newly married.

And my husband, he had a lot of thoughts around buying a house too. And so I remember the day where we were doing all of the paperwork for the house. And I was gripping the seat of the bank, just petrified, are we going to afford it? And really I was afraid of what the bank teller would tell me but I was more afraid of the experience in my body if I wasn’t able to take care of myself.

And so when they said that we were able to afford it and, plus the down payment was three times what we had saved from my business. I was like, “This is liberation, where I’m able to be a homeowner, I’m able to have easy launches, I’m able to feel like a leader. This is liberation.” And this is what it means to be a wealthy woman of color. That’s how I felt.

Stacey: So good. You’re going to make me cry again but I’ll tell you why. I just had a premonition, thought from the future, whatever. You were going to pay your house off and you were going to buy your parents a damn house. You were going to pay cash for this house and it’s going to blow your mind. I just know that that’s going to be true.

There’s going to be a time where you are pocketing in a quarter, a $1 million, $2 million. And you’re going to have the option to be like, “Hey mom and dad, do you want a house? We’re just going to pay cash, which one do you want?” How exciting is that? I just feel that in my bones.

Dielle: It’s so funny that you’re even talking about that because my parents are thinking about moving down here to North Carolina. And just this past Christmas, I told them, I said, “I’m going to be able to get you whatever house you want. Whatever house you want. We’ll finally be in the same state again and it’s like, we’re going to get you a house and we’re going to be neighbors.” I was just telling them that.

Stacey: It’s the best feeling ever. Do you think they’re going to be open to receiving that, they’ll be [crosstalk]?

Dielle: My mom, yeah, no, my mom will, yes. I know you’ve talked about your parents sometimes and sometimes don’t, but my mom would, yeah.

Stacey: Yeah, it’s the best feeling ever. I’ve had, with my family I have to do a little bit more of navigating what is the fine line of an amazing gift that can be received versus over the top that makes them uncomfortable. And I recently, my mom had this car for 20 years. No one in my family ever buys new cars. That’s not a thing. They think Neil and I are off our rockers for leasing our Audis and getting new ones every three years. They are like, “You guys have literally, you’re on the moon. I don’t even know where you’re at.”

And so my mom had this Toyota RAV and she drove it for 23 years I think, she hit a deer and she wrecked it. And so she went to buy this new car and Neil and I had been talking for years about how it would be so fun to buy her an Audi. And it was at a time where there was a crazy car shortage so we couldn’t buy her the Audi. But when we were even thinking about it when she had this wreck, she had said she had already found her car and she wanted a very specific car. And my mom, you can’t give her something unless she asks for it.

She’s very picky and she will not like it if it wasn’t her idea. But she had picked out this brand new Toyota Camry, she was going to buy it brand new and we were talking about, we could just buy this car for her. And I didn’t know if that would be over the line so she had told me she was going to pay half of the car, the total of the car as a down payment. And one morning I just woke up and I was like, “Hey, Neil, can we call the car company before she gets there and see if we can pay the down payment?”

And I was like, “I bet she would be cool with that, that would probably be the line.” It would be too much if we paid for it but I think this could be the line where she would really appreciate it. They said that they had never had it happen before. They didn’t even know what to do. There was no process. They were like, “I’m going to have to call you back.” They’ve got to talk to people. They were going to send someone to drive down and pick up a check to make sure we were legit from two hours away.

We ended up figuring out how to do a wire and then they couldn’t get over it and they told my mom. She went to go turn her check-in. They said, “Your money’s no good here. Your daughter has taken care of it.” And she broke down sobbing. She was just over the moon, it makes me emotional to think about when you create the type of liberation, I’ll use your term, where you can start liberating other people. She just got to take that money and put it straight back in her account. It’s so fun.

And going back to 200K where we talked about choose goals, big money things that would blow your mind and then find out how to start doing them now. Even if you paid your parents’ down payment for their house and was like, “Hey, in the event that you ever have a hard time making this payment, I’ll be able to do it for you.” Whatever I just see that you’re going to do that and it’s going to be your next level transformation when you do, you’re going to blow your own mind.

Dielle: Yeah. And that’s exactly how I talk about liberation is, liberation is about generations. It’s about yourself and it’s about the generations that you have and the generations that you came from. It’s all about generations. I love that for you and your mom, I love that story.

Stacey: No. Well, I love the story for you. These are the things I think about now is just when you guys have these big goals, I put them in my little notebook and I’m like, “I want to help figure out how to make that happen for anyone.” It’s way more fun than anything you could ever buy yourself, for sure, other than your first house. So good. Okay, so did we miss anything on the way to liberation, is there anything that they need to know?

Dielle: No, for liberation I just often feel the biggest thing that we talk a lot about too is identity, they’re like, “Okay, I have made, my income requirement’s 50,000, I made my 50,000, now what? Okay, I made my six figures and then that’s when their identity starts to shift. And the way that I talk about identity is identity is just the thoughts that you think about yourself regardless of any circumstance, regardless of how much money.

Stacey: Damn, that’s a good one.

Dielle: Yeah, regardless of how much money is in the bank, regardless of how many people signed up for your program, regardless of any goal that you have or haven’t hit, identity, just the thoughts that you think about yourself regardless of the circumstance. And so what is your identity and you get to be in charge of your identity? I think for a woman of color, for me in particular I struggled so much with the labels that society put on me. And so it was revolutionary to be like, “Wait, I have the pen.”

There’s literally a blank space and I get to put what I think about myself. I get to create my identity. And yes, when I step outside of my house, I tell my clients, when I step outside of my Zoom screen, the world sees me as a Black woman but I get to rest safely in, but this is who I am and I chose that. I didn’t adopt what society told me that I had to be, I get to choose that.

It’s funny, sometimes I take these, speaking of really amazing experiences. After every launch, I kind of take a solo trip somewhere very fancy, and I stayed at the Four Seasons not that long ago and I remember.

Stacey: Tell everyone where.

Dielle: Charlotte.

Stacey: Okay, a Four Seasons in Charlotte. Charlotte’s so beautiful. Okay, keep going.

Dielle: It’s growing a lot too. We’re thinking about moving there. But yes, I stayed at the Four Seasons in Charlotte for a little trip. And I got there and I entered the elevator somewhere and then a man entered. And he looked at me, he was like, “What do you?” I said, “I have a million-dollar coaching business.” He was like, “Of course, I never would have assumed that.” I’m like, “Well, this is just my identity.” And then I just walked out of the elevator. I just walked out because that’s a thought that I decided to think about myself.

Even when I was a side hustler and of course now after I’ve made a million dollars.

Stacey: That is so interesting because I have never introduced myself as, “I own a $12 million coaching business.” I always say, “I own a coaching business or I’m a life coach.” But why not lead with how much money you make?

Dielle: I like to do that too especially because I’m only 27. And so I’m so young as well. And so it just blows people’s minds. But I mainly do it, the reason is I want to instill possibility. I want to instill that any Black woman walking in this world can be a millionaire, you never know who you’re talking to.

Stacey: Fuck, that’s so good, that’s so good. Yes, I’m going to start doing that. I am just thinking about this is what happens when I am out I am always with my husband always. And they always ask him what he does. They never ask me and so he’s so great. He’s always like, “I’m retired, she retired me.” But then they’ll ask me what I do and I just say, “I’m a life coach.” And then people can’t grasp it but really I used to say it in a way that I wanted to just be kind of like that, a little bit, leave them hanging and be like, “What?”

But why don’t I just say because I’m young too? I mean I’m not as young as you but in my brain, I feel young still. But why don’t I just be even just representing women? Yeah, I run a $12 million coaching business, that’s what I do. That’s how my husband describes me. If he’s alone he’ll be like, “She created this business.” He will literally tell anyone who will listen, my story of how I went from my 600 square-foot apartment to now I run a $10 million business. He’ll tell everyone. I don’t know. This just blew my mind.

I’m going to think about why I don’t lead with, “I run an eight-figure coaching business, that’s what I do.”

Dielle: Yeah. And anyone could do that as well and just put out so much possibility to everyone around us.

Stacey: Yes, oh my God. I don’t know if I’ve ever told anyone this story, at least on this podcast. But we went house hunting in Nashville and we went to this amazing gated community that has, it’s really heavy kid friendly. It has, I don’t know, 400 kids that live in the neighborhood or something. And we were looking at it and the guy was selling us and pitching really hard. And he looked at me and he was like, “And you’ll love it, there are so many stay-at-home moms.” It was my realtor, me and my husband and it got dead silent.

And you could tell what just happened. And the realtor was like, “She works.” He just totally assumed it was my husband. I should have followed up with, we just left it at that as, “She works.” And I kind of disengaged from the conversation after that but I should have just said, “Yeah, I run a $10 million coaching business, what do you do? How much do you make?”

Dielle: No, literally.

Stacey: Yes, so good. Okay, I have some more questions for you. What do you think was the biggest shift for you personally in your thinking, just in your thinking, going from six figures to seven figures, what’s different about the way you thought in those two different spaces?

Dielle: Yes. And so one of the things I also teach in liberation is building a movement. That’s how I describe scaling is building a movement. And I did this because I think, and we have talked a lot about this in Two Million. When you start to go to seven figures you start to also have things on your plate that are not the most exciting like systems, like team, like analyzing profit margin, like looking at expenses. Your plates start to look like that. Versus at six figures, you’re coaching. You’re loving every minute. You’re in the miracle of it. It’s so exciting. Oh my gosh, I’m making so much money.

And then at seven figures, I’m like, “I’ve got to do some SOPs, Standard Operating Procedures. I need to figure out a job description. Okay, this doesn’t sound fun.” And so I had to anchor so much in, this is my movement, this is the legacy that I’m creating and I want every woman of color to feel free and liberated. That’s what I say to myself almost every day. “I want every single woman of color coach to feel free and liberated.” And so anchoring in my movement to keep me going was something that was really, really powerful for me.

I also just want to say too, Stacey, your just example of how you run such a lean, clean, simple business was very inspiring to me as well. And I also just had a lot of the thoughts like clean it up, let’s continue to clean it up, let’s continue to make things simple and streamlined and easy to understand for my team, for my clients, for new people who are engaging in my community. So that was something that I focused a lot mindset-wise as well. And then I think because I literally doubled my income clean, the thought that I thought a lot was, I don’t need more people to do so.

I don’t need to focus a lot on lead generation. Now I am at the seven-figure level we’re getting into ads. But at that level I was like, I can sell the people who are right in front of me. I don’t need to have this mega audience to do so and then I think, I know I’m giving a lot of thoughts.

Stacey: No, this is brilliant. And by the way, you have to, the way that that happens, what you just said, you have to have the thought that there are people there. Because I think oftentimes what happens is people get to six figures or close and they think the answer to either getting to six figures or doing a six-figure launch is they have to expand their audience instead of their thinking. And I do think that that’s a brilliant answer to give when you’re talking about what’s that biggest shift at six figures? That is it right there.

And I’ve been thinking about a way to describe this, but you can’t solve all of your problems with external things to seven figures or that plate that’s already a little bit heavier than you would have liked, becomes so heavy you can’t carry it or you have to work extraordinary hours to carry it and it’s not so much fun. So creating a clean and lean business a lot of times is about solving those problems. How do I make more money? I sell to the people I already have. Okay, well what most people want to do is be like, “But I don’t have enough people.”

You have email lists of 7,000 people and instead, you solved it with a thought, there are enough people here for me to make x amount of money and I just need to focus on them. That’s what creates that clean and lean business as you scale, it’s so brilliant. Thank you for bringing that up.

Dielle: Yeah. And really just focusing on the selling, focusing on the selling. And I think the last thought and this was my takeaway after the fact but I wish someone told me before was, you don’t have to have a perfect business in order to hit seven figures.

Stacey: Yes, so good.

Dielle: You don’t have to hit this checklist of, I need these certain people on my team and I need to hit all of my launch goals. We were just saying, we had a Two Million Dollar Group meeting earlier today. And we were like, “Actually you make more money and you’re failing more too, perplexing thing, I wouldn’t hit a launch goal but I was still on track for a million dollars.” And my brain was so confused by that.

Stacey: Yeah. It’s the wildest, you’re going to fail more than you’ve ever failed in your whole life. But if you keep going and you don’t let that to spin out, you’re also going to make more money than you’ve ever made in your life. It’s almost like the thoughts at seven figures are you have to let go of the gratification of selling things out, everybody wanting your offer, everyone being happy with your offer, everyone coming with you, everyone staying with you the whole time.

All of those things, you have to let go of all of it because people are going to start quitting and dropping off left and right. Your best clients, you have to let go of all of them to go to seven figures. And that’s true for eight figures too, going from seven to eight figures. In that journey for me, it was right when I hit eight figures. I lost more best clients in Two Million Dollar Group, in 200K than I ever have. I mean it was flies it was so crazy and it was right after I walked the stage for 10 million. And I was like, “What is happening here?” That is so weird to me.

And now that I’m through it I’m like, “Wait, this also happened though at six to seven.” It just didn’t feel as big. But it really is, you have to let go of – one of the things we talked about, 100% conversion on sales calls. If you come from 2K for 2K or if you go through Dielle’s program, you’re going to have a lot, a high conversion rate on your sales calls. But then as soon as you start selling to more people your conversions are going to drop and you have to let go of that being the thing.

It’s almost like you have to transition from thinking about your successes as the wins to thinking about your fails as the wins which is just wild.

Dielle: Literally. And the more you fail the more money you make which is just…

Stacey: Yeah.

Dielle: Yes, especially at six figures and you say this all the time, you’re so used to winning and having waitlists for your one-on-one coaching and just maxing everything out. But at this level it’s like, yeah, I’m not going to hit my goal exactly. But there’s still money coming in and I have all these other ways of hitting my goal too.

Stacey: Yeah, that’s so good. Okay, so my other question which I think you kind of already answered but if there’s anything else that you want to add to it. You answered it a little bit with, at six figures you’re coaching all the time and you’re just doing what you love and at seven figures there’s a lot of these other things on your plate. I am known in my company to just constantly be yelling about, “Why is this on my calendar? Get it off. Gross. I don’t want this on my calendar.”

And I do think at seven and eight figures a big piece of it is figuring out as the CEO how to stand up for yourself like that and not have endless tasks and be able to delegate those. And my job feels like the number one thing I do is remove shit from my calendar. That’s my new job at eight figures. So my question is, what was different about the way you spent your time at six figures and how you prioritized work, the type of work you were doing versus now at seven figures?

Dielle: I think at six figures I had one-on-one coaching. I was very, I call it on the ground. I was doing all those calls. And at seven figures I have been trying to coin it as I’m trying to create one thing that will impact thousands. I’m trying to spend a lot of time on the specific training because I want to update my curriculum. I’m thinking about the webinar that I’m going to show to hundreds of people. And so I’m more thinking about what is the asset or the thing that I’m creating right now that’s going to be seen by a lot of people versus in the weeds with individual people.

I would say another big thing is team, I think I spend more time creating project plans and saying, “Okay, these are what I want my team members to do, updating trainings, updating SOPs.” Really I think creating a vision for the company and what are the people that I need to help me execute that vision. Versus at six figures you just do the vision. You’re like, “Okay if I want to create something I have to do it”, versus now I have a team that’ll help me do that instead. And so that’s what I think are some of the big differences as far as my schedule.

But at seven figures I travel a lot more. I spend more time with my family. And exactly what you teach, my clients just keep getting bigger, better results at the same time.

Stacey: Yes. I’m so glad you said that. That’s so good. I also at seven figures I’m like, the difference between six figures I literally had – I don’t know, 20-something one-on-one clients and then I had three masterminds running at the same time, 90-minute calls at night. So for me, multiple six figures was all-day coaching. Get off the phone. Run downstairs. Get in the car with Neil. He would whisk me off to dinner, P.F. Chang’s most likely.

And then we would come back to my apartment just in enough time for me to brush my teeth, reapply my makeup and jump on a call for 90 minutes until 10:00pm at night and then get up and do that five days a week. It was just I had three mastermind calls at night so I had two free nights only and then the weekends. And then my days, all my days, and then sometimes I was working on the weekends versus now on a Tuesday I’m probably sipping tea and reading a book which is so wild to think about but it is worth.

And I travel and take so much more time off. The other thing is at six figures you’re always making up the time you take off and at seven figures you’ve figured out how to take the time off without needing to fit the work into the time you are working which is super important too. So that’s really good. And I want to ask you one last question but I want to add to what you said with a great example of this is, when you’re thinking about, at seven figures you’re thinking about not just this one-off work but how you’re going to use something over and over and over. And I just did this.

So we have the 25K group that I launched for 2K for 2K to help them make the first 25K. And we’re doing breakout sessions with them but I’m doing it different than I’ve ever done it and I have a lot of rules around it. And we were going to make a video to have them talk about the rules or whatever. And I was like, “You know what, I don’t have time for that in my schedule today, I’m already so busy. I’m just going to tell them on the call.”

And then I’m like, “Wait, I can tell them on the call and then rerecord that video later to where it works for everyone, not just this one group. Or I can just do it now, make the video one time but now it’s done for the next endless forever.” That is thinking and action but thinking about how do I make this one thing that I do work from hereon out not just immediately in this current moment. That’s so good.

Dielle: I love that.

Stacey: So good.

Dielle: I love that.

Stacey: Okay, so my final question. I always ask everybody this question is, we’ve talked about a lot of stuff and you’ve dropped a lot of juicy nuggets including the identity is just the thoughts you think about yourself regardless of any circumstance. I’m taking that with me, thank you very much. But is there anything that you were thinking about with this episode that you wanted to share about your journey, or share to everyone listening especially women of color with your accomplishment, with thinking about their dreams?

Is there anything we haven’t covered that you’re like, “They’ve got to know this?”

Dielle: I think just it’s so simple but just realizing that this is available to you too in your way and it doesn’t have to look like someone else’s. I know I said at the beginning but I just really hope that everyone realizes that. And this is also very cliché but very powerful, you can literally get started with what you have. One thing that I fell in love with, Stacey, one thing I fell in love with you was you were doing that, building your business while selling mops out of Walmart. You did not have the most ideal situation or circumstance.

I think so many people try to fix their life before starting their coaching business.

Stacey: That’s so good, yes.

Dielle: You want to work on your life, you definitely want to do that but they try to make their life complete pristine before they think they can start. And it’s just there is no perfect time. I was writing posts on a smelly bus writing Instagram posts, making offers. It was not ideal. It was not picture-perfect. I did not have my morning routine down, none of that, none of it. And so I think you can start right now and it also goes to scaling as well. It’s like I’ll scale, I’ll work on launching or I’ll work on my backend when I have this thing taken care of either. There is never a perfect time to.

Stacey: You just gave me such a big transformation. I have been thinking about forever, at least six months of solid what is this? And this wasn’t like this in the beginning but I’m starting to see the students at the level where they’re really, they need to be in the Two Million Dollar Group room or in a million dollar room talking about million dollar things and strategizing in that way and changing their thinking completely from six figures. They want to stay in 200K and they don’t want to go. And every time I talk to them they have these very specific well thought out but elongated plans.

And I wonder if this is what they’re doing, is back to the beginning of the coaching business, they’re trying to make their business perfect and pristine to get it ready for the journey. Don’t you think it’s the opposite? You have to be willing to get messy and get at it because the faster you get it, no matter whether it’s messy, clean, whatever it is, the faster you learn what you need to learn to get there.

Dielle: 100%. And I was going to say, one of the biggest things that I did that changed a lot for me was join Two Million. I did one round of 200K and I was going to do another round but I was like, “No, I think my butt needs to be in Two Million.”

Stacey: I thought you were going to do another round. I was so shocked when the application came in. I don’t know why. You were sending vibes off clearly. I was like, “She’s already done one round, she’s probably going to do two.” And then when you sent that application I was like, “Hell yeah, let’s go.” Yeah, I do think that that’s what it is, they’re making their business perfect and pristine for the scale.

Dielle: Yes. And I realized that’s just going to slow me down. Not being in Two Million will slow me down. Not being in a room where those conversations are happening will slow me down.

Stacey: Do you know what it is? Sorry, I didn’t mean to cut you off. But you know what it is? This is why it’s not a good method, just what we’ve been talking about between the difference of six and seven figures is you’re trying to make your business pristine and you do for six figures. You’re going to burn it all down anyways at seven. So the effort you spend making that business pristine, getting your skillsets sharpened. You’re sharpening skillsets for six figures. So you’re doing potentially an entire year’s worth of work that is not going with you at all no matter how perfect it looks. That it.

Dielle: Literally, the things that you told us to do in The Two Million Dollar Group room I never would have done on my own. I never would have had the strategy and the mentorship to figure that out on my own. And so I needed to be in that higher level room to figure out what was it to get me to seven. And repeating six is great, but I wanted to go to seven. And so I think that was the big difference between 200K and 2 million.

Stacey: That’s so good. I love that. Okay, anything else that we’ve forgotten, we’re good, we covered it, I feel like we covered so much?

Dielle: We covered a lot. I do have my notes here, literally, we touched on every single thing, yeah, we covered all of them, yeah. This is available to you. You can be a seven-figure coach as a woman of color.

Stacey: That’s so good. I’m so glad, I’m very excited to have you on. I was excited for a long time because I wanted to have you on way earlier just because your entire story has been so monumental. But once I knew you were on the track to make a million I’m like, “Let’s just wait. Let’s have her on once she’s done the million. It’s going to be gold no matter what.” But I’m so glad we waited and this is just the best. I’m so excited to get this in people’s hands and for them to hear your story. And they should definitely check you out. How do they do that?

Dielle: Yes, you could go to my website,, just look at the title of the podcast to know how to spell my name. And you can also visit my podcast Black, Banked and Booked Out is my podcast name.

Stacey: Stop. I did not know that. That’s so good.

Dielle: Yes, it was scary to put out but I was like, “No, this is my brand, this is who I am. This is what we talk about.”

Stacey: Yeah, so good.

Dielle: Yeah, so that’s my podcast. And then I have a free training, you could go to And yeah, that’s where people can look at all the goods.

Stacey: So good. And it’s D-I-E-L-L-E C-H-A-R-O-N?

Dielle: You nailed it.

Stacey: Yeah, we might as well just tell them here because we’ve got to make it easy for them.

Dielle: Yes.

Stacey: Thank you so much.

Dielle: Thank you, Stacey. I just want to say, I remember getting on the bus, I had these Thrift Store pants because I couldn’t afford to go to Macy’s to get real ones. I had these terrible flats that hurt my feet all the time with my big old bag, hauling on the bus every single day and I had this podcast in my ear. So, thank you. Thank you for being my mentor. I’ve loved all my experiences in your programs and I’m just so excited to keep making lots more money.

Stacey: Well, thank you for being such a star student. I’m honored, I always feel that way, just honored to be able to be on the journey with you. But you have been such a delight to coach and just to watch how onboard you get with things. I aspire to that. I want to get on board with things as quickly as you do or be so open to exploring things. That’s what I’ve been working on, my goal for the year is to just get on board with whatever circumstance comes my way as fast as possible because my brain likes to just stomp my feet like a child all the time.

And so that’s my goal, it’s $30 million Stacey gets on board with things quickly, she doesn’t argue with reality, she just gets on board and moves forward. And so I’ve been thinking a lot about how coachable you are and just the way that you receive coaching in the room is with such calm grace. That’s the only way I can describe it. I think everyone else in the room would say that too but it’s really a pleasure to have you masterminding with us.

Dielle: I wouldn’t be in any other room.

Stacey: And as an example of what’s fucking possible in this world. What? I love it. Thank you so much.

Dielle: Thank you.

Stacey: Alright, bye.

Dielle: Bye.

Hey, if you’re ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2k for 2k program where you’re going to make your first $2,000 the hardest part using my simple 5 step formula for getting consults and closing new clients. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

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