Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | Working Full Time and Transitioning to Entrepreneurship

If you’re currently working full-time and you aren’t sure when to make the transition to be fully in your coaching business, and what that process even looks like, I’ve got you covered. I’m sharing my own story, and giving you my best coaching for making the transition to entrepreneurship.

I recently discovered a Facebook Live I created the day I packed up my stage for the last time and left my pitching job, detailing my experience of leaving my job and fully committing to entrepreneurship. So, if you’re wondering when it might be the right time for you to transition into becoming a full-time coach, this episode is for you.

Tune in this week to discover everything you need to know about working full-time and transitioning into entrepreneurship. I’m sharing my thoughts on when it’s the right time to leave, how to manage your thoughts during the transition phase, and all of the challenges you’ll face when going full-time in your business.


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What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • The most common issues that come up when transitioning into full-time entrepreneurship.
  • My own experience of moving from my pitching job to becoming a coach.
  • How to keep yourself motivated while you’re still working your full-time job, knowing you want to leave.
  • Why you never need to do anything.
  • How to see joy in the choices you’re making, even when it feels like you have no choice.
  • Why making the leap to entrepreneurship is going to take power you didn’t know you had.
  • What it means to leave your job with integrity, honor, and gratitude.
  • How the struggle of your job will serve you in your future as a coach.


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Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hey coaches, welcome to episode 236. I have such a fun episode planned for you today. I stumbled on a Facebook Live from 2016, I think, where it was the day that I left my pitching job. It was the day that I was in Michigan in a Meijer grocery store and I closed my stage down, packaged it up, put it on a pallet, wrapped it up and sent it back to corporate. And then I had some coaching calls and I did this workout and then I took a walk and did a Facebook Live and talked to my audience at the time about what I was thinking about and my experience.

And I watched it and it was just, it literally brought tears to my eyes and it reminded me of how much wisdom I have to offer when it comes to working full-time, when to transition into becoming a full-time coach and how to not be miserable in the in between, how to manage that. And so what I thought I would do today is I thought I would give you my best advice, my best coaching if you are working full-time and when to make that transition and how to think in the in between.

And then at the end of this episode, I’ve asked my team to kind of cut out some of the, hi, Tracey, hi, Morgan, that stuff out and keep the heart of the message. And so I asked them to pull that from Facebook and add that to the end of this episode. I think it’s also fun to just see me and how I’ve evolved from that moment until now. And then a couple of people ended up commenting on that post and it kind of has now been circulating through my programs. So a lot of my clients have also enjoyed listening to that and it’s really helped them.

And so anyways, so I’m going to add that at the end. I wanted to share my thoughts first. But first, I just want to shout out my client, Janae Young, who ironically just in the water, has now transitioned from full-time student and full-time coach at the same time. She is a student at Stanford University. So basically I think she’s an amazing genius and much smarter than me. And she teaches other students how to raise their SAT and ACT scores to get into ivy league schools.

And oh, my God, all of her marketing, we’ll link it up, she’s been on the podcast before but we’ll link it up, her marketing is so good right now. You just have to go see it on Instagram. But she had a goal to graduate Stanford and have a $300,000 business, which she has achieved.

And this week I think was her last final week. She’s actually moving across the country and starting her life as a full-time coach. And we have been having all of the vibes over here. She’s in our 200K Mastermind and we’re just relishing in what a fun journey that is and for her at such a young age, it’s so inspiring to me.

I wish I had been that focused and constrained and powerful at that age. So without further ado I wanted to shout her out. Welcome to full-time coach-hood and congratulations on graduating from Stanford.

But now let’s dive into my thoughts on when you’re working full-time as a coach and leaving, when to leave and all of your thoughts in between. Because I do know that so many of my clients struggle with, specifically this comes up a lot once you know you want to coach and maybe even once you get a few clients, but I think it could happen even before that. You love coaching so much, you want to be an entrepreneur so badly. And it’s so fulfilling that doing anything but that feels very difficult.

And what it felt like for me in the beginning was life sucking. I just, who cares about Master Cut 2 knives, who cares about selling mops? I can sell life coaching. I can coach clients. Who wants to walk in and demo in Walmart all day when you can be selling life coaching? And so I really do, in the depths of my soul understand how you feel. I cannot express that enough. I used to literally cry in my car for an hour before I could get myself together to get out of my car and walk into Walmart.

I used to do shows, I remember there was a Sam’s Club in Louisville, Kentucky off of Blankenbaker Parkway, if you all are familiar. But I was pitching this $100 slicer and it was a stainless steel one, super high-end and the people were so mean. The meanest of the mean. Just hated me, hated the product, hated the idea of shows but still showed up to tell me about it.

And I was so miserable. And I would literally convince myself to do a show, do a show and go out to my car and cry, dry my tears, convince myself to make another announcement, go do a show, cry my eyes out in my car. And that was on repeat for 10 days straight.

And then I remember one day specifically, I had coaching calls. I was coaching free clients at the time. I did 12 clients that I coached for free for six weeks to get coaching practice. And I would literally be having to get myself together from crying my own tears to get on a coaching call. I’d be like, “I really do 100% know how you feel if you are in this situation.” And maybe just hearing this for the last few minutes will help you get through another day at work.

I used to play all the motivational YouTube videos I could possibly find, Les Brown, all of his stuff. I mean I would just listen to anything I could, that really deep motivational work. I would just have that playing in my ear. Tony Robbins just playing in my ear. I would listen to Lewis Howes’ School of Greatness and just over and over and over putting it in my ears to keep myself going. And so I totally get the struggle. And I feel like I employed every single possible thing to keep going. And so here are the things besides that.

I think that’s all valuable, just plug into your ears every second you possibly can something that moves you forward towards what you want, 100%, but here are the most transformational things.

So the first thing that I actually got from my coach at the time, I had a life coach at the time and she said, “Every day when you walk through those doors of Walmart, you have to choose to be there. You have to remind yourself that it’s your choice to be there, you are choosing it. It may not feel like a choice, but it is a choice.” My coach, Brooke Castillo, said this years ago. And somebody just recently brought it up on call and it reminded me.

I haven’t heard it in so long but she coached someone one time or maybe she said it on the podcast where she said, I don’t even remember the circumstance. Maybe they were struggling with being a parent or not feeling like they were a good enough parent, whatever.

And the coaching was, “Well, you could just not pick up your kids from school. You could just choose not to but you do, you do every single day.” And we think that we are doing these things in life that aren’t choices.” And I’m probably getting it a little bit out of context.

But the idea was sometimes we feel like we’re doing things against our choice but if we’re doing them, it is our choice. There is nothing we have to do. And we know this because there are parents who choose not to be parents. They leave their babies in the safe boxes or they put them up for adoption or they just don’t pick them up from school. They don’t choose to care for them. They go run around at night.

I knew someone’s ex-wife, so I knew the guy, his ex-wife would have their kids in their house and when they would go to sleep she would go and leave the house and go hang out with her boyfriend. She eventually got her kids taken away because of that. But there are people in the world who make those choices.

And so the idea was, just I’m probably not nailing it, but the idea was that if you are picking your kids up, if you are caring for your kids, it is this choice that we’re making. And so you get to just own it. You get to decide, I’m choosing this.

I don’t know if that’s helpful to hear in a different context. But there are things that we feel like we’re doing against our will and to be able to remember that we’re doing them by choice is super powerful. So my coach at the time said, “I want you to come up with all the reasons why you’re choosing to go to work, why you’re actually actively making that decision every single day.” And you can remake it every single day. This is why I gave the child analogy, is it can’t be because I have to, because I have to pay bills, because that’s what we do because there are people who don’t pay their bills.

So if you’re going to walk into work, make sure it’s a choice and be very clear about what your reasons are. So I would walk into Walmart and I would say, “I’m choosing to be here today so that I can pay my bills and invest in my coaching business. And so that when I get on coaching calls to sell coaching to people that I’m not selling it from a place of needing their money. And that I’m allowed to let people walk who aren’t a best fit for my offer or who have red flags that I don’t think are right for coaching.” I can send them and advise them to go to therapy.

So that I am properly holding the space or what we call it in 2K and my programs is clean selling where my mind is clean. I’m not being attached to this person paying me. And that was the biggest reason I kept working. So pay my bills and not have the stress of not paying my bills. And pay for my coaching. So I made all of my investments from a combination of the money I made once I started paying from clients. I just invested all of that money back into my business.

And then also I supplemented also with money from my full-time job instead of spending it discretionary on other things like vacations or new clothes. I stayed in my tiny 600 square foot apartment to $300,000, because I just didn’t even want to put money into moving. I wanted to put it all in my business. So I choose to be there to pay my bills, to pay my coach, to invest in my business and to be clean in my selling. And every day I would say that to myself as I walked through the doors.

And every day I would say that before I picked up the phone to make an announcement, I’m choosing to make this announcement because there’s literally no one in the store even watching me. I didn’t have a corporate job where people are seeing how productive I was being online. I didn’t have to do the shows.

And you might think that that would be easier but it was actually harder because I had to self-motivate to do something I didn’t want to do while I was building my coaching business. It’s the hardest thing ever. I could literally just go sit in my car and I could have done a 2K program all day and no one would have known. And I could have made up a reason for why my sales were low. No one would have known. There would have been no one there.

So I had to say, “I choose to do this show today because I want to make money for x, y, z.” So that’s the first thing that really shifted for me and made it so much less combative or such a fight internally inside of my soul was I choose to be here for these reasons. The other thing that I think could be really, really, really important is to find joy in what you’re doing. You’ve got to do that.

And the one thing when we add this video at the end of this episode that you’ll be able to hear is I do really think I exemplified that. I found the joy in pitching so much. And I did, I loved it in the beginning, I really did. I was all in, in the beginning. And then after seven years it wore on me. Customer service is hard, being really customer facing can be really taxing when you’re selling mops in Walmart and not feeling fulfilled. But I would find all of the things I enjoyed about it and enhance that in my mind.

I enjoy the travel. I enjoy getting to talk to people from all over the country. I enjoy seeing places of the country and knowing things about all of the areas of our country that no one else would know about. You tell me an area of the country and I can tell you what grocery stores you all have and what department stores you all have and how the people are and what are the personalities of the city.

And I love that. I love that if anyone asks me where I should go in towns, if you ask me about Clarksville, Tennessee, I could probably recommend some places to you. There used to be this really awesome Indian restaurant. I could just tell you the places.

So I would find all the things that I enjoyed about the job. And in this video you’ll hear me talk about how much I’m going to miss it. And I still to this day eight years later, I’m like, it would be kind of fun to walk into a Walmart and make an announcement and be like, “Could I just do it for a day for old time’s sake?” That’s how it feels. I practiced that. I knew that I was going to leave one day and I wanted to feel nostalgic about it.

I wanted to remember my past life in this current lifetime, not past lives as in lifetimes before, but my past life existence, I wanted to remember that with reverence. So that’s something that you can work on is to actively find the joy in what you do, that’s not connected to this next thing that I’m about to say, but just the pure joy in what you do in a way that you want to leave feeling a little sad that you’re leaving. And you want to have reverence for who you used to be and what you used to do. That will be super profound.

The third thing is choose to see the benefits of the job as equally as the obstacles. That one’s really interesting because once you decide you want to become a coach and once you start getting coaching clients, I think that what happens is the obstacles become much, much, much bigger in our brain and we give way more air time to them than the benefits. So what are the benefits of your job?

And these next two things kind of build on that is choose to see the parts of the job that contribute to coaching and entrepreneurship. See the benefits of the job like how do they contribute to who you’re going to be as a coach? How do they give you wisdom moving forward even if you’re not going to be coaching, yes, eventually I went into sales but in the beginning of my business I was a general life coach.

And I remember before I went to coach training, I remember saying, “I never want to think about sales again. And I for sure don’t want to coach on it. I just want to get out of sales, I’m tired of sales.” Then I coached myself so much that by the time I went to coach training I was singing the song of I want to teach life coaches how to sell.

And then my coach was like, “Well, why don’t you sell life coaching first and then when you get really good at that then teach people.” Which is what I ended up doing and so here I am now. But I just decided to see the parts of the job that contributed to me being an amazing coach and helping me in entrepreneurship. I’ll give you an example, because I was on 100% commission, moving into entrepreneurship, that did not freak me out. There was no like, “Oh my God, this company isn’t going to be paying me hourly anymore.

I did not get paid unless people bought mops at Sam’s Club or those slicers. And many times I didn’t get paid. So I was also already used to the ups and downs of it. There were times, I remember one time I pitched in a Yonkers in Appleton, Wisconsin. Oh my God, they have the most amazing Italian restaurant in Appleton that serves the most amazing cheese platters of your entire life. My mouth could literally fill with saliva thinking about their cheese platters. Those of you that live there will know probably if it’s still open, the restaurant that I’m talking about.

But every time I went there we were like, oh my God, we had to have reservations at this place. But Christmas time I would work the store every year and make $10,000 in a week. And one year I flew my boyfriend and I to New York and we did Times Square New Year’s Eve, VIP. It was $1200 and we got unlimited drinks and food in a bar in Times Square. And then they walked us down 30 minutes before the ball dropped and we had our own private VIP spot, watched the ball drop and got to go back to the bar. So we didn’t have to stand out in the crowd. One of the best experiences of my life.

And then six months later it’s the summer and we’re literally eating Ramen Noodles and tuna out of a can. So I was prepared for the ups and downs of entrepreneurship because of this job. So that is an example of how this is going to contribute to coaching and entrepreneurship.

So then the next one is to choose to see how solving for the obstacles in your life, I’m going to give you an example of that, will make you a better coach. So I had to solve for the obstacle. Here’s what I want to say. Full-time moms or full-time working women or full-time working women who are also full-time moms, the biggest obstacle you will face is how do you fit your coaching calls into the time you already don’t have. The Rubik’s cube of all problems in entrepreneurship is starting a business when you have children and a full-time job and now where does the time go?

Yes, it does actually go into your free time unfortunately. I saw my 25K group, I have a new program called the 25K Group and my students were talking about not having time to implement in their business. And someone was getting coached on it and she was like, “All I want to do is watch TV. I want to just unwind my brain but that’s the only time available to work in my business.” And someone had said, “Well, listen, you’ve got to relax and take care of yourself.” The truth is, there wasn’t a lot of that when I was building my business.

I love to drive and listen to music. That’s another way that I kind of clear my mind, that got replaced with podcasts and coaching programs. My nighttime TV got replaced with my coaching work and building my business and my marketing. My lunch break got replaced with coaching calls and marketing. And I had to just train myself that those activities were what were filling me up. Those were my self-care times.

It was the most caring thing I could possibly do for myself to build up my own business so that I can never work again. Never have to work for someone else’s dream again. Have you ever heard the saying that you can either work for your own dreams or someone’s else’s?

So for me the greatest self-care thing I could do was work for my own dreams and do that in my free time so that one day I would never have to work for someone else’s dream again. So choose to see how solving for the obstacles will make you a better coach. Because of that I am such an amazing coach because I’ve really seen how to use every little, tiny pocket of time, I’m talking podcasts in the damn shower.

Every pocket of time for my use, every work trip I used that. I had to drive six hours to go to work because we lost all of the contracts that we had in the Louisville and Indianapolis area and so I had to go to Michigan. And that was the only place I had near me to work. So I would use that six hour drive to just fuel my brain with all of the coaching, all the books. I read Brené Brown’s, Daring Greatly. I’ll never forget where I was driving.

And that moment in time when I was listening on audio to Brené Brown’s, Daring Greatly and Pema Chödrön and Byron Katie and Eckhart Tolle. All of the greats filled my ears for over a year, trudging my stage up to Michigan to work. And in between every show, Tony Robbins, Brooke Castillo, every person I’ve ever learned from, Marianne Williamson, The Divine Gift of Compensation, that book. Just listening to all of these ideas over and over.

Outwitting the Devil, Napoleon Hill. Seller Be Sold, Grant Cardone, I listened to him driving home from Chicago from working a store in Chicago, a Walmart when I first got trained is when I first listened to him. So all of these amazing things that hold up my coaching philosophies and my knowledge and my experience, I had the time to do that because of my extensive drives.

And then me being there, all of a sudden because I was traveling to all these different cities, the more cities I could get to, the more networking events I could go to and the more people started following me on the internet that were from all over the country.

So find the thing, find the benefit. It’s not going to be the same one as mine but find the good parts of the job that will contribute to your coaching and your entrepreneurship of you being a coach and an entrepreneur. And then see how solving for the obstacles will make you a better coach and give you a better life.

Because I will say now, I’m so good at time management for the most part. It’s been a struggle implementing a child into my life. But I’m pretty good now, so good at time management that I’m not showing up to places late. My schedule’s never overextended. I can’t tell you how many people I meet who make a lot less money than me, who are so frantic with their time.

And typically the experience is, I just got off a 200K Mastermind call. And it’s from 3:00pm to 4:00pm Eastern. And sometimes I have meetings and stuff after the call but typically I don’t. And so if I have time I’ll just coach people for an extra half an hour and instead of a 60 minute call, it’s a 90 minute call because I’m never in a hurry.

If I’m recording a podcast and I have an interview scheduled and we have tech problems I’m always like, “If we go over is that okay? I don’t have anything after my schedule.” I’m rarely getting on the calls with anyone and saying the words, “I have to go, I have another call.” But because of the time management skills I built, having to balance the job I had and coaching and I kept that until full-time. I remember coaching on the weekends, coaching at night, coaching in the mornings.

So those things can all be benefits. So you’ve got to choose to see the benefits at least as equally as the obstacles, choose to see how solving for the obstacles will make you a better coach and choose to see the parts of the job that contribute to coaching and entrepreneurship.

Now, this is another one that you’re going to hear in my Facebook Live, you’re going to hear these trends, these things I’m teaching you. They came out kind of randomly, off the cuff, that’s the word I’m looking for, off the cuff in the live but they’re the same things I would teach you now, which is choose to work hard and to find and create more energy.

Choose to work hard and to find and create more energy. Choose to find within you, power sources that you have never thought you had, that are far greater than what you think you’re capable of. That is, I will tell you, from coaching my 25K group very intimately over the last six months, I’ve done almost all of the calls.

If I’m traveling I bring in an amazing 200K instructor to share their wisdom or if I’m sick or whatever, but I am delivering those calls. And one of the themes that I’ve seen over and over and over is how low people’s energies are when they’re trying to get to that first 25K and how everything feels so exhausting and for many reasons that you’re not properly managing your mind. It’s exhausting to learn how to market. It’s exhausting to learn how to sell for the first time. It’s exhausting to learn how to coach.

I have my people who sign eight clients in a row and then all of a sudden they’re like, “Crap, I have 15 clients a week and I get off the calls and I’m exhausted.” And I’m like, “Yeah, because it’s taking a lot of energy to do something you’re not proficient in yet. But when you become proficient in these things you’ll get all of that energy back times more.” You actually gain energy at the end of that exchange.

So one of the things I talk about in the live that I think is so powerful to think about is when you do learn to self-care in a mighty way by doing the most loving thing you could do for yourself which is learn how to create financial freedom for yourself, through making lots of money and working for yourself and your dreams instead of someone else’s. When you figure out how to fit say 10 or 15 clients into a full-time workload as a mom potentially.

When you figure that Rubik’s cube out, in order to figure it out it’s going to require you to find energy you did not know was possible. This was true for me even when I had my baby and was breastfeeding and came back to work. I was trying to figure out how feeding a child every three hours fits into coaching calls. And I was also not sleeping because you’re still getting up every three hours in the middle of the night. And so it’s like how did I fit all of those things?

And one of the things that I did at that time that was so challenging, I did this training called Creating Demand. It was a free training and still to this day my students are like, “Oh my God, that was the best, most valuable training ever.” And I did that while I was breastfeeding, not getting any sleep, figuring out how to take care of a human, missing my human, developing a training. And I found that week within me a power I didn’t know was possible. And I do truly believe it’s why the training was so good and why people still talk about it to this day.

Choose to do that, not because it’s imposed on you and because you have to and because it’s not fair and entrepreneurship is so hard and it’s so much harder for you than other people. Choose to find your own power that you didn’t know existed. Choose to let that obstacle mold and shape you into the person you’re going to be now.

I’ll tell you another story I remember that was before this moment for the Facebook Live you’re going to listen to. Flash forward to eight months prior, I think. So I remember I got certified in March of 2015 and my goal was to leave by June of 2015. That did not happen. I think I left in June of 2016, so a whole year later.

But I remember coming back from coach training, going straight into a Walmart, and my friend who got certified at the same time was an actress and she had been cast in an equity show in Texas. So she went straight into performing as a singer that she always loves. And then she sold coaching to like all of her castmates and was instantly full of coaching clients. And I have none and I’m in my Walmart.

And so now her and my coach, we had all three gotten very close. Her and my coach are going and they’re traveling all across the country together, going to all of the coaching seminars and learning all these things. Like how to teach on stage and how to invest their money from their business and all of these really fun exciting things. And they’re going to do these incredible physical feats to grow their mindset. And they’re coaching in between and they’re hanging out together.

And I am extraordinarily jealous and distraught and feeling like it’s the most unfair thing in the world that here they are having the time of their lives and getting clients was so easy and it’s so difficult for me. And here I am stuck in Walmart by myself with no coaching clients.

I cannot properly explain to you how difficult that was, like how hard that time was. And that I remember thinking, having this moment of recollection when they went to the seminar conference and they created all these friends. And so then they had this whole group and they were all masterminding together and I didn’t get to be on the mastermind because I wasn’t going to those same seminars.

And I remember thinking, well they have their people, maybe I just need to create my people with my following. And so I started showing up even bigger online to create my own following. And that’s when Diva Business School was created. And I started engaging with my clients and my audience like they were my people.

And then, boom, 100K, 300K, 860K. And to this day I look back and I’m like, I’m so good at teaching you all how to make money because it was so hard for me in the beginning. I’m so good at coaching my clients on how to make the transition if you’re in any of my programs because I did the struggle. I’m so good at helping people create time because I’ve had the struggle.

The struggle, the obstacle is always what molds you to become who you are going to be in this coaching industry. So choose to see that ahead of time so that you can really learn from it and hunker down and experience all of it and get the most out of the experience. Not just enjoy the experience, like it’s not just finding the joy in the process, but it’s like really understanding the process for what it is and finding reverence for that.

Finding reverence for what’s shaping you even when it’s extraordinarily difficult. Like I used to write in my Super 8 motel room, I used to write on the mirrors in lipstick my affirmations. I am a money magnet. I find value everywhere I go. I get rich doing what I love. Just writing affirmations, just that level of commitment really did help me change other people’s lives. Because it was so difficult for me, I was so good at holding the space when it was difficult for other people.

You’ve got to find your thoughts that support your journey as well, even when it’s really hard. And seeing all of your obstacles as opportunities moving forward, like what you’re going through right now, you’re just building your own personalized coaching tool kit. And there’s no other human on the planet that has your exact same circumstances. They don’t have your exact same obstacles. And that’s not a bad thing, that’s a great thing because they also don’t have your exact same tool kit.

And your tool kit, your custom tool kit that only you have, that you’ve filled your kit with your very personalized obstacles and experiences, that is what’s going to create your very own audience and your very own work in the world, like the people who want your work and the work that you deliver.

It’s a good thing that no one understands you, if you’re having those thoughts. It’s a good thing that no one has your experience exactly like it because it’s shaping and molding who you’re going to become. You’ve got to choose that with the choice to see it that way.

Okay, I’m going to stop preaching and move on. This was one that I forgot a little bit until I watched this video that you’re going to get to listen to. And we will also link the video up if you just want to watch me, young Stacy from seven years ago. If you just want to see what that’s like, we can link it up in the show notes. And by the way, how you access the show notes. You can access them by going to my website, clicking on podcasts and the latest one will be up.

Okay, so this is the thing, leave with honor, integrity and gratitude. One of the things that I remember watching that video so deeply is it would have been so easy for me to leave contentiously. I just told this story on 200K, where when I decided to become a coach before I went to the Life Coach School, my coach, how I met her is we were both selling for the same company.

And she had taken the job, but she was building her coaching business. And what she wanted was to become a coach for the company and get to coach all the sales people. And she ended up using me as proof that it would work. She helped me develop such a different mindset than what I had, that eventually she and I got promoted to this, I forget what they called it. But it was like a specific name, we were going to be this unit.

We were going to be national something trainers and we were going to be above all of the people in the company directly under the CEO and we were going to get to go out and coach the sales force. Like go into the stores and then coach their mindsets and help them have a more positive attitude and get more out of the selling.

And they flew us out to LA and we worked with all the sales associates who were all so grateful. And they were like, we’ve needed this for so long. We need emotional support in the field. And we developed this entire training program. And then the CEO who hired us, before he announced our jobs and our positions, got fired.

And the new people that came in and took over basically fired us, but after they asked for our training materials. And then they took our training materials and delivered it at this conference in front of us and then removed us from our positions. And it was just the most awful, like contentious experience. It was so terrible. It was very sexist. It was men versus women, of course, like the workplace. Not obviously and of course, but kind of. It just didn’t surprise me.

It was a very male dominated industry. We were the women, our sexuality got kind of used against us, things were said about our – Anyways, whatever. It could have been an extremely contentious ending. And instead, I decided this was the push I needed to become an entrepreneur. And I decided to go to coach training. I decided to get certified. I wanted to have all the tools in my toolbox and I was going to become an entrepreneur. And I was done with trying to think corporate people were going to hire me.

And I look back on that moment and then from that moment on I decided, okay, now I’m not training for the company anymore, but I’m going to be the best salesperson. I’m going to just enjoy this. And I’m not even going to have a contentious relationship with these people. So much so that now I’m friends with the people who did this. I’ve just forgiven them completely. I get it.

It was either going to be us or them and they were in survival mode, they chose themselves. There was only space for, I guess, for us. Like for one group to win out and the boys won. But I’m not even angry, I’m grateful for them. Because if they hadn’t done that I would have gotten the job and I might have been comfortable and stayed there for a long time. And not went and got certified and not started my business.

And so it wasn’t just that moment, but that was one moment. There were a lot of moments where I just decided I didn’t want to leave contentiously. I want to leave with honor. I want to leave with integrity. And I want to leave with gratitude. So I could have even blown off my last two store runs because I had already made so much money. Instead, I came to them and I said, listen, I’ve signed so many clients.

I had been telling them all along, you get to decide whether you do that or not. I did. I told them because I was on social media and I was also the top salesperson, so I knew they couldn’t get rid of me. So I didn’t have that factor, like that fear of being fired. I knew they couldn’t part with me.

But I told them I was building a business. And so I just came to them. I said, listen, you have me scheduled the last two store runs. I want to give you the opportunity to either replace me or I am going to have to work limited hours because I’m going to have to leave the store to do coaching calls and come back. And to balance that, I’m happy to come in early and stay later to make up for it, but it won’t be the consistent flow that you want.

So it’s up to you, but I also want to honor that I have booked these stores. I don’t want you to have to back out of these stores. And they were like, I’m so grateful, just go do them. Do the best you can. And I ended up selling out of the product. So it made the company look really amazing.

I want you to think about knowing it’s your last week. Knowing it. Knowing you don’t need the money because you’re making so much more in your coaching business than you possibly could selling slicers in a Meijer, right? Like I was probably going to make, I don’t know $1,200 for a good week, maybe $2,000. But I was making, I don’t know at least $2,000 a week in my coaching business because I was making 100k. So I didn’t really need the money at all.

So imagine not needing the money and still showing up to be the best employee there is. That’s what I mean by leaving with integrity and honor and gratitude. I was grateful because remember, I was choosing to believe that it was a choice for me to go into Walmart and choosing to be grateful to this company for the fact that I was able to get paid by them and build my business at the same time.

That they were able to help fund my coaching education. They were able to help fund my investment in my business to hire a one on one coach to do business masterminds. That money funded that. So I was so grateful for that money, even if it wasn’t what I wanted to do and wasn’t highly fulfilling. What it was, was a means to an end that I was extraordinarily grateful for.

And so because of that, I wanted to show them that gratitude by being the best employee I could be while I was l working for them. Now, was I working all the hours at the end? No, that was a thing they were willing to do with me. But the hours I did work, I gave it my 100%. How I know that is I sold out my last store run, meaning I was scheduled to be there longer and ran out of product because I sold it so well in the times that I was selling.

In fact, I talk about this in the live, every show that I would pick up the phone, I didn’t know if it was going to be my last show because I was selling so many. And I would get choked up and sometimes I’d have to pause the phone so I didn’t cry on the phone. Like that level of nostalgia, like what would you need to be thinking? How would you need to be feeling to cry on your last day of work knowing that you’re moving into your full-time coaching business?

That’s something to really consider because then the journey becomes so much more enjoyable. When you’re like, I’m just so grateful and I loved this experience and it molded me. And I’ve enjoyed the ride and the journey. Not all of it, but I’ve worked really hard to get to this place where I really genuinely feel reverence enough to be crying thinking it’s my last show and getting choked up.

And I would get choked up in my shows. I remember telling a couple of the crowds like, “I’m sorry, y’all, you’re probably like, why is this girl getting choked up? But today’s my last day. I’m an entrepreneur and I built my business and so I’m leaving. This is my last day and I’ve done this for seven years.” And I remember telling my last crowd, “You guys are my last crowd ever. This is the last time I ever did this, I’m out of product, I’ll never do this again. Thank you for being here and sharing this experience with me.”

And they were so moved. I mean, it was just such a beautiful experience. Okay, so leave with honor, integrity and gratitude. I promise you’ll never regret that. I believe that about everything. Even coaching, I just want to give this little rant here.

I believe that even with coaching relationships, even if I’m not going to continue working with a coach, or even if something happens, I’m going to talk about this on an episode, what happened between my first coach and I. We’ve since really mended our relationship, but it didn’t end as greatly as I wanted to. Because of the way I chose to leave, we were able to mend our relationship moving forward and now have a relationship now because I chose to leave with honor, integrity and gratitude.

And so I just believe that with everything. I’m always going, I’m going to try to, like my best romantic relationships, I’m going to do my best to leave with honor, integrity and gratitude. Even if I get cheated on. I’m going to do everything I can in my power to do that.

I think it matters for you and your experience moving forward. And to this day, because of the way I left my first coach, again, I’ll do a podcast in the future to talk about this. But because of the way I ended that relationship and moved into a different relationship, I did leave room and opportunity for things that needed to be healed for them to be healed and for me to be able to have that relationship in the future.

Okay, here’s the next one. There’s only a couple more. So this is my advice, leave when it’s costing you to stay. This is how you know when it’s time to go, is it’s costing you more money to work for your company because your business has grown to the point where you’re making more money in your coaching business. So at the time when I left, it was literally like I had so many clients I couldn’t work full-time for them anymore.

I had maxed out my weekend coaching and my night coaching and my day coaching. Now, that’s not the experience you have to do, I’m just giving you suggestions. Everybody’s got a unique experience. You may not be able to do nighttime if you have kids. You might not be able to do full weekends because of kids. But you might be able to do some. You might be able to do one coaching call a night maybe or a couple coaching calls on the weekends.

But whatever it is, there’s a point at which you will no longer be able to do your full-time job in the capacity that they require, and that’s a good point to leave. Signing clients under your belt is my biggest recommendation because leave when it’s costing you to stay or leave when you can fully stand on your own feet. Okay? Because taking a leap before that, you just need to know that taking a leap before that comes with the feeling of falling, okay?

I see a lot of people say like, I’m taking the leap, I’m starting my coaching business. And then not all of them because I don’t want to say this, it is not 100%. Not all of them, but many times I then see six months later the strange circumstances and the feeling of freakout that comes because they’re now falling because they didn’t account for it taking as long as they thought and they’re running out of money. They’re running out of resources.

So you just want to factor that in. Account for it taking twice as long as you think. I wanted to leave. I got certified in March of 2015, I wanted to leave in June of 2015. I left in June of 2016. So account for it taking much longer than you think. What if it takes six months longer? What if it takes a year longer?

Just know it took me a year longer. And I’m not saying that to impose a limiting belief. I’m saying that because I think we take the leap not thinking that we are going to feel the feeling of falling. That we’re going to have possible strange circumstances.

If you are okay with feeling the feeling of falling and having possible strange circumstances, then by all means. But just know that that might be part of the experience. And would you still choose it? Which is the heart of this message today, choosing things.

I have a student who’s coming into 200k, she’s created a $300,000 business working full-time, and she’s leaving her job around the start of 200k. And I asked her, I was like, I want you to think about all the possible obstacles that could happen when you leave your job that might freak you out when you’re now standing on your own feet. What’s your protocol going to be? How are you going to handle that? Thinking of it ahead of time.

Because my first day, right, the day after I made this Facebook Live, the day after, one of my clients quit first thing in the morning. I had an 8:30 call scheduled, 8:30am. So I made that Facebook Live that you’re about to listen to and then I went to bed that night. I think I made that live around 6pm at night. Went to bed at night, woke up the next morning for my 8:30am call from a text that my client was quitting.

So you need to be prepared for that. You need to have that generated, a belief system in you that you can stand on your own two feet. That even if a client quits, you would be okay even if that job is gone. I have a really high risk tolerance in a lot of areas, investing is one of them. Business, like doing big business things, taking business risks is another one of them. But this is not one of them.

I actually think it’s not a risk that serves us most of the time. Because when we start freaking out that we need money, we start selling from that place. And I think clients can feel when you’re selling from freakout. They can also tell when you’re selling and you’re unattached and you genuinely want the best thing for them. And you’re coaching them and you’re talking about making the decision from more of a coaching place and unbiased place versus a please buy from me place.

And then the final things are, so leave when it’s costing you to stay. Leave when you can fully stand on your feet. And this is the final thing, are you ready? Believe that you will get there one day. A lot of us try to shortcut all of the things I’ve offered on this episode for fear that we just won’t get there one day or that it will take too long. It’s going to take too long. I could do these things for like a month, but not a year. Not two years. Not three years.

Like I think of my Stanford student, Janae. She started her business, I think, as she started college. So it was like the entire time she’s at an Ivy League University, she’s also building a business. But she believed she would get there one day, which is why she didn’t quit on all of the things that I’ve offered. Using it to her advantage, choosing to do it. So believe you will get there one day.

Okay, so this is my advice. Now, if you would like to stay to listen to the Facebook Live, we will add it now here at the end. All right, let’s dive in.

Hey, everybody. So I am feeling a little emotional right now. Wow. Where to even start? So I’m going to have to be quick because I have a coaching call in like 10 minutes. Oh my God, but today has been a day. Today has been an incredible, incredible day. I don’t even know where to start. It’s going to be so emotional for me.

So, first of all, I busted my ass today. I had coaching calls in the morning. Today was my last day at my sales job. And, oh, that was the end of an era for me. I thought I would be so excited and like throwing a party to leave. And I was so nostalgic all day. I was just like all day, I’m like I sold out of product, so all day it was like this could be my last show, this could be my last show.

And I didn’t really know because I was selling a lot on each show, but I wasn’t really exactly sure which one was going to be the one. And so I did that, so I’m going to talk about that in a second. But then I literally left work, threw workout clothes on and got to Fit Club in Michigan and just, like this is my second night in a row to do a major workout. So I worked out. And I had coaching calls during the day too.

So I would be doing shows and then have a coaching call and then do shows and have a coaching call. And I didn’t really have time to stop and just breathe for a second. So I just now said goodbye to everybody in Michigan because I’m heading home Wednesday, but I’m going to be at a friend’s house all day tomorrow.

And I sat in my car to get my thoughts straight before my call and I just pulled up Facebook. And one of my clients, Lindsay Dotzlaf, I love you so much – I’m really going to be emotional – posted something really amazing about me. And my gratitude is on high right now because Lindsay was one of my first clients and me and her have done amazing things together. It’s been so incredible.

And today is the day for me that I am officially fully stepping into who I’m going to be as a coach and the mark that I want to make on the world and it’s a really amazing moment. And I was just so aware of it like all day. And I don’t know, I just reflected back all day about the journey that I’ve been on as an entrepreneur and how when I first decided I wanted to be a life coach, it was just, I just wanted to be a coach so bad.

I didn’t want to work. I didn’t want to do anything. It was just like, oh,= no, none of this. I just want to be a coach and help people. And it doesn’t really work that way. I decided, well, okay, I worked my ass off through some mental gymnastics to commit to staying at my job until I replaced the income or surpassed the income. And for a long time it was just all about leaving the job, all about getting out of the job. Oh, that’s the mark of your success is getting out of work, you know, getting to live your purpose full-time.

But I think that when you have that mark for success, you miss all the other successes along the way. And you can’t miss those and then make it to the end mark. You just can’t. So I really had to just fall in love with every single second of the journey. And I created sales programs from that. I thought that this would be the mark of my success, like leaving this job. And now I’m sad. I’m going to miss it like every day.

All day when I did my shows, I thought this is going to be the last one, this is going to be the last one. And I showed up in a big way, I did every single one like it was going to be my last one. And because of that I sold out of product and just killed it. I had an amazing day. And then here I am like, holy crap, this is it. I’m just 100%, like I’m just on my own, self-employed like killing my business.

And so what I was saying is that I think that oftentimes as entrepreneurs we think that that’s the end goal. That’s the journey, that you should be able to replace your income, quit your job, and then you’re a success. And in reality, like Lindsay especially, you were one of my first clients and I was a success then, you are a success, right? And so if I had thought that I couldn’t be successful until I could quit my job, I can’t imagine how many people I wouldn’t have helped.

So I’m so grateful for that job. I’m so grateful for the opportunity that it gave me. It made me, like for those of you that don’t know what I do, I do live in-store marketing. Like giant product demonstrations in department stores and retail chains. And I’m one of the best in the industry and it made me a badass in sales.

I was already good before, but it taught me really how to break down the mechanics of human connection and behavior and what makes people buy, what makes people not buy. Like the energy that you put off, the way that you speak, your tonation, all of it just matters. And it made me an incredible, incredible sales coach, a sales trainer.

I met incredible people along the way, like just the most amazing people on the planet that I’m still friends with that are also killing it in their new ventures in their life. I met my best friend Nicole and my life coach Melanie. I met some really incredible people. Katie, I met Katie at my old job. I met her husband who trained my dog at that job. I met my good friend Peter, who we hated each other for five straight years and now we’re such good friends.

Kylie, oh my gosh, my manager for the longest time who put up with all my shenanigans. Just incredible people, Evan Sobalsa in LA. I know I’m going to forget people but it doesn’t even matter. Just for all the people I met, everything I learned along the way, like I stepped up into adulthood in this job. This is a full era of my life. I became a responsible adult in this job.

I learned, you know, my trainer, I still like to give him credit all the time. I think about him all the time. I would not have been as good at this job as I could, but I auditioned for this job a long time ago, seven years ago in Atlanta. Nicole Lopez hired me and they said this famous guy from LA is coming out and he’s an actor and he’s going to train you, he’s the best in the industry.

And he was. He just showed up with this larger than life personality and I saw people go nuts over him like it was Christmas time and they would be fighting over products and he would hoop and holler and people just loved it. And he broke down the mechanics in such a way that it just resonated with me so deeply.

I’m actually not scared, Tina at all. I’m so excited. It’s really just more of closing an era of my life. I’m so excited. I’m so ready. At this point, I just don’t have time to work the job. I have too many clients, I’m doing too many calls.

This week was insane, that’s why you have not heard from me on social media a lot, because I have just been working my business so much and then doing my full-time job, hanging out with my friend, Heidi, seeing people who live in Muskegon and trying to keep sane in the meantime, and planning a family vacation with my family. And I have my dog with me, so I am taking care of him, too.

So anyways, it’s been kind of a crazy week. But it’s just mind-blowing to me that it’s really here. And I could have left a long time ago. So this is the message I really wanted to give you guys. I could have left a long time ago. Like I could have quit in January. I could have. It might have been a little bit sink or swim because I make a lot of money at my job. So to say I’m replacing my income is a big deal. And so I could have quit, but I didn’t.

I didn’t because I, first of all, wanted to choose to invest in my business. I wanted to keep investing as much as I could in my business. I didn’t want to drop my quality of life because I really believe that how you feel every day and the energy you carry with you is important in building a business.

And so, for me, I didn’t want to come from a lacking mindset. I wanted to be able to show up for everybody. And I just wanted to do it the right way. And sometimes I didn’t, sometimes I still wanted to quit and my coach would smack me and be like, nope. Not really, I’m just kidding. She’d be like, nope. Nope, get it together.

And so I was telling one of my clients today that I was in Vegas having my live coaching call with my coach Melanie, and we were at the MGM Grand pool. And we were going over my budget for my business and my life. And basically taking everything, how I would want to live my life like all the way I would want to live it, like with all the things I wanted to do.

Like all my fancy skincare products and all the trips. Like if I wanted to stay in a hotel every single day of the week, what that would look like in nice hotels. If I wanted to buy all the Herbalife products I could buy, and if I wanted to just do all the things. Like take all the trips, do everything, if I weren’t going to be encumbered by income, then we came up with a number that I would have to have.

And so I was like, reality hit like, oh, I’m going to have to stay in my sales job for a long time. But we came up with this big number that I was really intimidated by. And then I just stayed in the right vibration and the right energy. And like flash forward, I had already given my notice by the time I left the road trip. And by the time I got home, I’d already gotten really, really, really close to that number.

So I’m really, really excited about that. So it has me, because I did the work and I worked so hard, it has me in a different place than I would have been if I had left in January. It would have been totally fear-based. It would have been lack-based. I would have definitely had to struggle. I would have definitely had to push in my business and I just never wanted to work my business that way.

And so it goes down to choice. And I’m really proud of the choice that I made. And I really thought when I got to this point that I would be just so excited. Or not excited, but I thought that I would just, like I would party. Like it would just be like, “Eff this place, I’m out.” And in reality, I have been a little bit sad all week. Like I can’t believe that there’s not going to be another show, that’s it.

And that was a huge part of my performance like heart, doing the shows. And there’s not going to be any more traveling. There’s not going to be more randomly meeting people in stores and making friendships and making connections. There’s going to be a lot of other amazing things coming from my business, I’m so excited. But it’s just the end of an era. Seven years, it’s a long time to be in that industry and travel for seven years and have that lifestyle and for it to be over and me fully stepping into my business.

And I’m so excited because I’m rolling out some really cool stuff with my current clients and anyone who wants to join. So this is an amazing day. There is going to be so much more traveling actually, but it’s going to be a different kind of traveling.

It’s going to be like the kind of traveling on my road trip where I get to just do whatever I want all day, except for my coaching calls. And there’s going to be traveling with you, traveling with all of you if you guys want to come. I am in the process of planning a retreat right now. And I might even have some really cool surprises for that retreat.

So you guys are going to have to just be watchful, because I’m thinking like September, October. Maybe, maybe, maybe, we’ll see. I’ve got to find a great place, which is what I’m going to be doing this week. So stay tuned, because I have learned a lot of stuff along the way. And a lot of the things that I’ve learned have gotten me exactly where I’m at here and I just want to help everybody else get here.

So this is my celebration day. Today is the day. I’m so excited. Today’s the day I’m leaving my sales job behind and things are just happening for me and it’s so amazing. Yes, it is such a big day. And it’s just crazy because I could have had, like Mondays are give or take. You just never know how Mondays are going to be and this Monday was incredible and I killed it. And then I just went and worked out and killed that. And I did cardio drumming last night and killed that.

So, anyways, I have so much more I want to say because I feel like I’ve been so silent this week. I’ve just been working my little booty off in more ways than one, look at these legs getting the gains here. But I’m just, I’m so excited. I’m so grateful for all of you that have been watching my journey. I’m so grateful for all of my clients. This year has been incredible. I wouldn’t have even known that I was going to take this road trip at the beginning of the year.

I had no idea what I was going to do and how things were going to form. And so now, I feel like I’m here. Every single day I wake up more and more excited to live my life. And every single day it gets harder and harder to go to sleep at night. And for someone that used to sleep 12 hours a day and be drained all day and like I would sleep all day, get up, go to the grocery, buy food, come home, make dinner and be exhausted. It would be like four o’clock and I’d be so tired and I didn’t get up until noon. And then I would just watch TV all the time.

So, anyways, I’m going to have to jump off because I have a coaching call now. My client just texted me that she is ready. So I’m going to jump on the call with her. But I just have to say, based on what the first six months of this year has been, six months. Like in six months I have taken trips, like gone across the country by myself. I have fallen in love and had my heart broken. I have created Diva Business School, created Becoming Badass, my fitness joint venture with one of my clients.

I have just done some incredible things I don’t even have time to list off. But now I’ve quit my job. And I did it with integrity and I’m really proud of that. I mean, I haven’t worked for them really over the last eight weeks. I’ve only worked two store runs, but I booked those months ago. And I was in Vegas and I was sitting there thinking, I don’t want to go back. I just want to hang out here and keep traveling with you guys.

But I did it in integrity because I didn’t want anybody in my business to ever do that to me. I don’t want to create in my life, in my business, like who you are in life is who you attract in business. So I wanted to be in integrity and come here no matter how hard it is and no matter how much sleep I lose, I wanted to be in integrity fully with leaving this job. I wanted to give them notice, I wanted to do it right.

I really gave it my all. I could have just blown it off and been like, too bad. It’s my last week. But I didn’t blow it off. I worked really, really hard. And here I am and I’m just going to celebrate. So tomorrow stay tuned because I don’t know, we’ll see, but I might be doing something crazy tomorrow, so we’ll see.

Anyways, I love you. I’m going to jump on my coaching call and I will talk to y’all later. Thank you guys so much for celebrating with me. Well, I love everything about you, Lindsay, you inspired this entire post because your timeline post just blew my ass away and really just blew me away. I’m so grateful for your energy and your sweetness and your love and your friendship. You are the best, you’re the most fun and the most incredible human being on the planet.

Just thank you guys for celebrating with me. Thank you for just watching all the time. I am so eternally grateful, like this has brought more joy to my life doing these Facebook Lives and having you guys follow me. I don’t know if you guys know, but I’m in two masterminds. In one of my masterminds before I started doing Facebook Lives, one of the things was like working on my social media. And she challenged me to do a Facebook Live. A Facebook Live.

And I was like, oh, I could do that. And then I did it and was like, oh my God, I love this. I’m going to do it all the time. And I think just because I love it so much, I think that that’s what makes you guys – Don’t make me cry, I’ve got to get on the phone. I think that’s what makes you guys want to watch. And because you guys want to watch, it means even more to me and so I keep doing it. And it’s this amazing circle.

And so I’m just so grateful that you guys show up and watch and comment. I can’t tell you how much this fuels me and makes me excited to bring you along with every single thing in my journey, good and bad. I will bring you all here with me because I want you to see what this is like to really stand for yourself.

What Lindsay said, like really stand for yourself and who you are and the dreams that you have and the things that you want in your life. Because I can tell you what, I never believed this was possible for me ever in my life. I would have never thought that I could have the life I have, that I could have the friends, the amazing people I encounter every day, like all of you, I cannot be more grateful.

I just want you all to know that at the beginning of the year I set an intention to build and form 100 new relationships. That I wanted to make 100 new friends. And I mean it, not just random social media friends. Like the kind of friends where I will drive to see your ass. I will drive to you. Lindsay knows, I stay with her sometimes.

I will drive to see you. I will drive to go to networking events with you. I will come to your cool freaking parties. I will go to your retreats. I will do all the things because I want to form 100 new real relationships because at the end of the day, if you don’t have relationships, if you don’t have people in your life that love you, and you don’t love them, what the hell are you living for?

Anyways, I’m just in a very high state of gratitude right now. So I love you all. Thank you all for celebrating. This is the most incredible moment of my life. I’m going to get on this coaching call, I’m going to go watch the sunset on the beach. I’m going to take another coaching call and then I’m going to get dinner because I’m going to be dying at that point. But I love you guys. And if you see me post tomorrow, it may or may not be for something totally insane that I’m really excited about.

Hey, if you’re ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2k for 2k program where you’re going to make your first $2,000 the hardest part using my simple 5 step formula for getting consults and closing new clients. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.


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