As coaches, the most important work we do on ourselves – as well as teach our clients – is all based on breakthroughs. The bottom line to making money in your business involves helping your clients get the transformation and growth they came for, and so this is what we’re diving into today.
This concept of breakthrough cycles builds on some of the other ideas we’ve been talking about over the last few weeks, and it goes hand-in-hand with learning how to fail on purpose and harnessing having-done energy. Helping your clients get their breakthroughs means you have to be getting them in your life too, so I’m sharing my three-step framework to help you get started.
Join me this week to discover new ways of getting over indecision drama in your business, and to see how you might be stalling your own growth by preventing breakthroughs in your life. Learning this process will not only get you results faster, but it’ll also save you so much more energy and resources that you’re unknowingly expending by sitting in fear.
If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!
What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
- What breakthroughs are and how we teach them as coaches.
- Why you have to be in a cycle of breakthroughs to sell a lot of coaching.
- Two of the most important things you’ll always do in your selling and coaching.
- The 3 main steps to the breakthrough cycle.
- Why you want to complete your breakthrough cycles as quickly as possible.
- How dawdling in between making a decision and implementing it can be exhausting.
- The most common reasons my clients use to prevent themselves from continuously creating breakthrough cycles.
Listen to the Full Episode:
Featured on the Show:
- Join my 2K for 2K program where you’re going to make your first $2000, the hardest part, and then $200,000 using my proven formula.
- Follow me on Instagram!
- Ep #55: How Vs Having Done
- Ep #57: The Massive Fail Plan
Full Episode Transcript:
Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.
Welcome to episode 58. What is up, coaches? How you doing? I am doing a mix of terrible and amazing. Has that ever happened to you? Depends on which moment you ask me. Really, I am experiencing what I know to be true is breakthrough. I’m on my way to a breakthrough. That’s what I should say.
So like, when you’re growing and you’re experiencing growth, you always go through that really hard – we like to call it the river of misery, that really hard, just like, you feel like everything is going wrong. It’s all terrible. You’re never going to get it, it’s so hard, and then on the other side, if you keep pushing through, you have a breakthrough.
And then you have an entire shift in how you feel and the way you see life and what you experience and that is what I’m going through now. It’s been like, a rough couple of months in Staceyland. My coaching – some people are like, “But you’re coaching amazing, your podcast is amazing,” but it’s like yes, of course, I’m teaching shit I’ve already done. That’s easy.
Sometimes we feel that way – we coach our clients and we’re like, how can I just so clearly coach them and in my own stuff it’s like, the best brain surgeon in the world can’t do brain surgery on himself. I am experiencing the drama and the growth. I’m hoping for a breakthrough.
Now, it’s happening. It’s coming, I know it, I’m already starting to see that energy from the other side, but it’s been rough, y’all. So in light of that, in honor, my growth and my upcoming breaking through, we’re going to talk about what I call the breakthrough cycle.
So I want you to think if you’ve ever heard this saying, the quality of your life depends on the quality of your decisions, what if that were true? And not only the quality of your decisions, but the frequency and the speediness to which you implement those decisions into your life determines the level of results you create in it.
So in this case, we’re talking about making money as a life coach, the amount of money you make is determined by the level of decisions you make, the speediness to which you implement those decisions and what you learn from them to help you make the next decision. That’s what we teach as coaches. We teach this. This thing that we struggle the most with, as humans, we teach breakthrough.
Breakthrough is simply deciding something different, following through on it, and getting new results in your life. You breakthrough old thoughts, old sets of thinking, old belief systems, old habitual feelings that you struggle with, we breakthrough the inability to feel something. We breakthrough old habits, old things that we do, old decisions we make.
So if you want to sell a lot of coaching, you have to sell a lot of breakthrough. You have to be in the breakthrough or be in a cycle of breakthrough to be selling that well. You’ve heard me talk about being a product of your product. You have to walk the walk. Is that the saying? I always mess those up.
But this is what I’m talking about. You’re selling breakthrough so you want to be in breakthrough. You don’t have to be in the success of the breakthrough. I feel like so much of my teaching and my concepts and my ability to get through to my clients happens when I’m really going through it because I’m able to bring my awareness and walk myself through it and see what’s happening in my brain and write it all down and then go teach it.
So the more breakthrough, the more change that you have, the more your thoughts, feeling, actions, and results shifts, the easier it will be for you to coach and sell. And I would say most of you listening who aren’t selling, it’s probably because you aren’t living in a state of growth and breaking through, and that’s not coming through in your selling and in your explanations of coaching.
So two of the most important things you’ll always do in your selling is explain a problem better than your client understands it themselves, and then explain the solution to that clearly and simply and make it seem very doable to your client no matter what stage they’re in. And it’s so easy to do this when you have a lot of experience yourself. You get better at explaining it when you’ve done it over and over and over again.
It’s so easy for me to teach 2K, how to make 2K and 2K at a time because I’ve done that – what is it? 1000 times over now? More than 1000 times if you count all four years. I don’t know, my math is terrible, I should never do it. But you get the idea. I’ve made 2K a lot in my life. I make 2K at least every single day. Isn’t that crazy? So insane.
So today, I want to break down the breakthrough cycle, that’s what I call it, and how to stay in it so that you can sell more coaching and be a better teacher of life coaching. Having a better life. You want to put all of your energy into this. And it’s actually pretty simple.
So there are three main steps to the breakthrough cycle. Making decisions, implementing, and evaluating. And I want you to imagine this as a continuous circle that goes round and round and round. So you make a decision, you implement, you evaluate. You make another decision, you implement, you evaluate. You make another decision, you implement, you evaluate.
The more times you go through this cycle, the more times you make decisions, implement, evaluate, the faster you do this, the more breakthrough, the more growth you get, the faster you get to your result, except most of y’all get stuck at phase one. You don’t want to make any decisions because you’re so afraid of failing.
You don’t want to choose a niche or choose powerfully not to have one. Y’all know how I stand on that. Make a decision, stick with it. You don’t want to choose a price in case someone can’t afford it. That’s why you have the massive fail plan. If you haven’t listened to that episode, so back and listen to it. You’ll never get out of indecision until you stop fearing it.
So making decisions, the first thing it requires is you having your own back. We fear making decisions when we don’t trust how we will handle the result on the other side. So how are you going to react to failure? How are you going to treat yourself in failure? What are you going to make failure mean? A great thought to think about failure is it’s part of the breakthrough cycle.
Alright, so the second part of making decisions is making them from having done energy. Again, make sure you go back and listen to that podcast if you haven’t. This concept of the breakthrough cycle is just building on all the things that we’ve already talked about.
So once you’ve set a goal you want to achieve, the goal is to learn to make decisions as that person. Once you start consistently making decisions as that person who has say like, made 100K, you will start producing results getting you closer to 100K. But you have to know that you won’t start making decisions as that person consistently in the beginning. You’re going to have to make a lot of decisions to practice making great decisions that mirror the result you want to create.
You have to be able to be okay with that, that you’re going to get the having done energy not right in the beginning. You’re going to struggle to get there. When you do get there, it’s still going to be slightly influenced by still being graspy in the how, by not believing you’re going to hit your goal, by being afraid to fail. Getting into pure having done energy will take practice. And making decisions from pure having done energy will take a lot of practice. So part of this making decisions is also making them so that you get better at making them.
Now, the third part of making decisions is is there a framework that is successful that I want to follow to make my decisions easier. So examples of decisions you have to make as a beginner coach are your niche, your pricing, your offer. Seriously, every other decision you make is pure drama. If you’re in drama about should I show up on Facebook on my business page or a personal page, that is drama.
If you’re still struggling to decide if you want to work with people over the phone or in person, that’s a drama decision. If you think about what I teach about the only three things you really need to do to make money as a coach is meet a bunch of people, tell them you’re a life coach, make offers to help them, the only things that you have to decide before you do that is your niche, your pricing, and your offer. That’s it.
You don’t have to decide whether you’re going to have a website or not. You don’t have to decide what email server to use. The only three you have to make is your niche, your pricing, and your offer. So does someone have a framework that you can follow to help with these decisions? I’m going to give you one here for this scenario to make it easier.
So I always suggest in 2K for 2K that you start with one-on-one coaching. That is your offer. You decide how long you think you can guarantee a client will get a win with results. So it could be three months, six months, 12 months, you decide based on what you’re offering what you think. And then you decide what you want to charge.
So I suggest $100 a session within the three, six, or 12 months. You can even round up if you want. So six months, 3K, three months, 2K. You literally get to choose, but you just choose one. You make that decision, you decide your framework because it’s so much easier to get into having done energy to make all the little everyday decisions when you use someone else’s framework for the bigger decisions and you spend no time questioning those.
It’s like leaning on someone else’s success. That’s okay. If success leaves clues, you aren’t more noble for ignoring them. And the last thing to consider when making decisions, that’s the simplest thing. If you’re like, I don’t know what decision is Stacey talking about, one of the things you can ask yourself is what is my next growth? Like, where do I know I need to grow? What decisions do I know I need to make?
If you think about it right now, you know some decisions you need to make. You could even start with things just in your life, like getting better at firmly deciding something and not putting it off and not waiting. I did this actually once with emails. This changed everything for me.
My emails used to pile up and I’d be like, oh my god, I have to respond to all those emails, and I started using a process where if I opened the email, I made myself respond to it immediately. I also used to do this with reach-outs because sometimes people reach out to us and ask about our coaching and then we’re so afraid of even success or of doing it wrong and saying the wrong thing that we ignore it for like, a week, or two weeks.
Or we do this with networking events. We get people’s business cards and we say we’re going to follow up and there were so many times I would just ghost. I would never follow up with anybody. And so some of those things you already know. If you can just practice opening an email, deciding what you’re going to say and sending it, opening up a Facebook message, deciding immediately what you’re going to say and then sending it.
You guys get the idea. You know the decisions that you are and aren’t making, the ones that you’re struggling, the things you’re struggling to decide. Start there. Just like, my growth is the places I already struggled to decide to make decisions. I even have that right now in my own life. My wedding, what is happening?
Never getting married again. This one must work. It’s like, all the decision drama and I’ve realized how exhausted it’s made me because I’ve even slipped into this, “Oh okay, this is a decision I need to make, I’ll make it later,” and then it just swirls around in your head.
So your growth is really making any decision, any at all that you have not been making. You just have to make it. The way that you make it again is, is there a framework that you can follow that someone else said do this and just believe them, take them up on their suggestion, and get into where you want to go, that 100K result, maybe it’s even just the 2K result, whatever it is, get into that having done energy to help you decide.
After you do that, after you make a decision, I recommend for this podcast that you go ahead and just make a decision now. Figure out something that you’re not deciding on and make that decision right now. Pause the episode if you need to. You’re going to want to have an example in your mind for the next part.
So the next part of the breakthrough cycle is implementing the decisions you have made. Now, that might seem like the same step. It is not. Actually, I know I told you to make a decision that you need to decide on and you can keep that one, but I’m going to ask you to think of something different for a second.
For this example, I want you to think of a decision right now that you have already made. So you know you’ve made it, but you haven’t taken action on it yet. I remember deciding to start a new podcast when I changed my brand last year. And although I had decided it, I let it go another six months I think at least, it could have been longer, before I actually stopped recording it and started recording something else.
Here is where this is everything. For every breakthrough cycle that you complete, you become closer to the person you want to be with the results you want to have. And since selling is coaching and coaching is selling, the more you break through, the more you grow, the easier it is to sell breakthrough.
The more you believe in breakthrough enough to sell it, the more you will break through. It just keeps you hearing cha-ching, cha-ching, cha-ching. Keeps you becoming a more evolved person day after day, which will make you the ultimate life coach.
So you want to complete your breakthrough cycles without dawdling because you can’t move onto the next breakthrough cycle until you complete the first one. So when I had decided to stop my old podcast, I stalled myself in a breakthrough cycle for six months, sitting on a decision that kept me from helping you on this podcast right now.
I’m using this example on myself here so that you know this happens to everyone at every level. And I really believe that the reason we were able to take my business from $325,000 to 2.5 million in two years – are you kidding me? It’s so crazy – is because of how many breakthrough cycles I completed. While I also see coaches go years where their income is the same or they make no money, they’re struggling to sell coaching and the only reason is because they didn’t complete enough breakthrough cycles.
I always tell my clients in 200K, you want to get the most out of your investment in this mastermind, complete the most breakthrough cycles. Now, you might think that what I’m talking about, going through all these breakthrough cycles and not dawdling and getting through as many as you can, you might think that that sounds exhausting. But what’s exhausting is what happens in between making decisions and implementing.
When you are in between, when you aren’t implementing, you either haven’t made the decision or you’ve made it and you just haven’t implemented it, here’s what you’re doing instead of implementing. You’re constantly having to make the decision over and over. You question yourself and the decision constantly. You get lots of coaching around the decision.
I was just coaching one of my clients on that recently. She’s gotten coaching, she kept saying, “I know, I know, and I’ve gotten so much coaching on this,” I’m like, “But you don’t know because you keep getting coaching on it.” Or you spend a lot of time in back and forth about the decision, in indecision. But I want you to think specifically about the brain power and how much spinning and energy you dedicate to going back and forth about a decision.
That’s what I’ve been doing for my wedding planning. I’m like, I’ve got to get out of this fast. Oh my god, I can’t even say. We’re planning our honeymoon and like, the drama. I reached out to at least four people to coach me on the drama of whether to stay 10 days or 13 days. I hesitate to say that. You might judge me.
But it’s like, I have all of this drama and I actually think it’s the funniest example because this is what we do as humans. I’m like, but if we’re there too long we’re going to miss our dogs and we’re not going to have fun, and all we’re going to be thinking about is the puppy. But if we don’t stay long enough then we’re going to be so sad that we’re leaving.
Seriously y’all, seriously, you know what I’m talking about. I’m not the only crazy in the room. We spend so much time in the back and forth and a lot of time on stupid shit like that. At least I do. Alright, so the other thing you do is you rationalize, you justify, and you excuse not following through, why you haven’t taken action.
So the longer you go between making a decision and even starting the implementation process, that space between what you do in the meantime is what exhausts you and you want to be super clear about that. You want to really know that that is what exhausts you. Not taking action.
A lot of you experience this with raising your prices or launching your coaching business. You’ve decided to be a coach but you’ve told no one. And then you exhaust yourself in between about that, and you’ll even justify it by being like, I just don’t know exactly how to tell everyone, I don’t know the right words to say it, I don’t know what to call myself, I don’t know which clients I’m helping, I don’t know what my prices are so I’ll just tell no one. I’ll just zip my mouth shut.
Instead of committing full on to that decision the moment you know you need to make it, and then acting upon it, that is everything. You will experience so much growth. You will get so much further when you do that. Seriously, with the wedding stuff, I know I’m using the most ridiculous example, but I was like, “Enough, Stacey, make a freaking decision and implement that shit.”
And so I made a decision, I sent the emails, I mean, it was like, in one day. I was using credit card points to book part of it and then I was hemming and hawing about I don’t know if they’ll let me combine points. And I was like, you know what, let me just make a decision, get on Chase, log in, go to ultimate rewards or whatever it’s called, look at all the options, get a phone number, make a call. I didn’t even have to make a call.
Turns out there was a little button that said combine points and I was like, oh. It ended up taking me like, five minutes. I can’t tell you how many times I thought about what if I can’t combine my points? So ridiculous. I had part of our honeymoon booked in minutes. And then I set my planner, everything else. I’m like, okay, here are the things I didn’t book, let’s move forward.
She sent me an itinerary and now all I have to do is reply back as soon as I get done with this, she said she sent it over, and say yes, let’s do it, and then it’s planned. It’s like, weeks of the drama. Y’all, this will change your life. Telling you. I already feel that holy shit of like, coming out of the indecision.
So for some of you, it’s like, the smallest little decisions that move you forward will give you this momentum. You could be stuck in indecision, if you just make one small one like, the next step in front of you, get online, log onto Chase. Click on ultimate rewards.
You sometimes have to do that and then it’ll start pulling you into a breakthrough cycle and start moving you through the making the decision and the implementing. We’ll talk about the third step in a second, but you will start to feel the momentum of being pulled into a breakthrough cycle just by making the slightest, tiniest decision and acting upon it. It’s everything.
When you make decisions, what will also happen is you will stop fearing making wrong decisions. The more you make, because you know each decision isn’t so heavily weighted anymore. It will actually take less of your energy. Even if you don’t get the result you want, you will just make another decision and keep it moving.
When you never make decisions, it will feel like everyone is very important and needs lots of careful consideration. You will see this with your clients too by the way. Let’s say they’re on a consult and they say they need to think about it because it’s a really big decision.
I might find out what they’re going to do in the in between of thinking about it and making the decision. What do they normally do when they’re trying to make a “big” decision? Teach them about this breakthrough cycle. Seriously, if I were you, I would rather a client say yes and try coaching and decide after trying it that it isn’t for them and have them quit than try and decide ahead of time what coaching will be for them even though they’ve never done it before and decide against it before even truly knowing anything about it.
Now, I’m also not saying to tell your clients, “It’s okay, just try a couple sessions, and then if you want you can quit.” That’s not what I’m saying. That’s copping out. You’ve got to say it exactly like I did. You just have to show them that they’re deciding against something before they’ve even tried it, or they’re in indecision about something that they couldn’t possibly know about.
Like, bringing it back to honeymoon planning, one of the things that helped me get into okay, let’s just make a decision is I was reading online – we’re going to the French Polynesia. And one of the things I was reading online is they were saying so many people have a hard time deciding where to go and what to do because they’ve never been to a place like that and they can’t even possibly imagine what it will be like and what they’ll want to experience and how long they’ll want to be there and all this.
And I was like, oh, I’m trying to make a decision from experience that I haven’t had yet. Like, I have to just be okay with the fact that not all of it might be 100% what I want to experience next time because I’ve never done it. So just make sure you help your clients go through that where they’re like, stuck in indecision about coaching, but they’ve never coached, so how will they ever know they’ve made a right decision or that it’s the right decision until they make it and try it?
They won’t know if they’ve made a decision that’s about coaching from a greater perspective. They won’t understand truly the decision of coaching if they just say no and don’t try it. They’re left with the exact same that they came to you in. They’re not growing at all. Nothing is shifting for them and they have no perspective to tell them whether coaching will help them or not if they don’t try it.
So, when you get used to making decisions, I will tell you, it will change everything about you helping other people make them. When it is this, like, daunting heavy thing for you to make decisions in your mind and your decisions can never be reversed, it’s going to be really hard to ask someone to make a decision about coaching in 60 minutes and hold them to it.
So, just know, if you’re struggling to help people make decisions on consults, it’s probably because you struggled to help yourself make decision in real life. So, when you don’t make a lot of decisions, you tend to have this attitude with the ones you make of, like, you better make a good one because I won’t be making another one for a while. But when you make and implement them all the time, it just becomes trial and error. You just try something. And if it doesn’t work, you try something new.
I learned this really deeply in pitching. We would call for adjustments when we weren’t selling the average that we needed to sell. And we were supposed to call after every show that this happened, and we did like 12 shows a day.
When I would call after every show and we would try and troubleshoot and figure it out, I just got into this rhythm of trying something and maybe it sort of worked and then we’d try something else until it worked. So, everything felt very impermanent. Like, each show just felt like – you guys think one consult is everything, right, versus, “It’s just one consult and there’s another one coming.” When you’re making decisions and you’re implementing and you’re constantly taking action, each one just feels, again, impermanent.
Often, what keeps my clients from making and implementing decisions and starting a new breakthrough cycle is you think, “I don’t have time to coach myself. I don’t have time to get into having done energy. I don’t have time to make a decision that will support and serve me in the result I’m trying to create.” You think you have to keep taking action because there is not enough time and time is running out and you’re behind.
I would do that too when I was pitching, I would get into this excusing, blaming, justifying attitude, saying it was the store’s fault and the clientele doesn’t have any money and they don’t like the product, you know, yada, yada, yada. And I wouldn’t call and I wouldn’t make changes and I would exhaust myself with inaction, or doing the same thing over and over again and getting a shitty result.
Like, I wouldn’t take the time to stop and get ahead of what I was doing. So, I think it’s important to know that you can take a lot of action without making new decisions, without changing the way you’re deciding, without changing your thoughts, without changing your feelings. Taking a lot of action is not the same as implementing a decision. You have to make new decisions as the person you want to be with the results you want to have, and then implement and take action.
Now, although you do want to not doddle in making decisions and implementing, I am also not saying hustle, hustle, hustle and make rash decisions. You do have to slow down enough to get into having done energy, to feel it, where you are going. Be there and then make a decision from sufficiency.
So, like, sometimes I would go and just try to throw up another show and throw up another show. Like, I’d sell nothing and then throw up another show and I’d be like, “I’ve got to make money, so I’ve just got to get in shows,” instead of calling for help, breaking down what’s happening, making a new decision about how I want to approach the next show, getting into the place of having sold and bringing that energy into the next show. That’s so different.
So, we’re not talking about hustling here. We are talking about making solid decisions from having done energy. But I just think, often, we give ourselves too much time. Like, there’s taking the time to get into having done energy and making a decision and taking swift action to get that implementation started. And then, there’s indulging in indecision and unproductively failing by avoiding taking action from fear of failure or success.
Some of y’all have that going on, “If I put my webinar together, people might come and buy, and then I have to be the person who has paid clients.” You’re afraid of that too. Rash decisions come from thinking in the now with graspiness and scarcity and thinking in the how. Decisions that serve you and move you forward through the breakthrough cycle come from having done and knowing where your growth is. I just think we all – if you ask yourself, you know what you need to work on.
Okay, so the last step of the breakthrough process is evaluating. So, you make decisions from having done using a proven success framework to help contain your bigger decisions, willing to have your own back if you don’t get the results you want. You only make it mean it’s time to make another decision.
But, before you make that next decision, you have to evaluate what worked, what didn’t work, what you will do differently with the experience you gained from having made a decision and implemented it. And for this, you want to be specific. The more specific you are, the more powerful your next decision will be.
So, for example, a client recently said that she didn’t hit her $120,000 goal. She made $75,000. And I asked her to get really specific with why she didn’t hit her goal.
She said, because she spent a lot of time specifically shaming herself and pitying herself and not really being specific with where, in her consults, she was struggling. So, in that, her next decision is to focus on every time she starts shaming and pitying when someone says no, to instead get specific with what she needs to do differently on her next consult. Like, where did she get caught up? What couldn’t she explain? What was her client thinking? What was she thinking that wasn’t serving her?
Did you know, it’s a decision to pity yourself? That’s a decision. Deciding in the split-second before you do it not to, catching yourself and moving it to more productive questions, that will lead you to a breakthrough cycle. That will take you all the way through one in seconds, the moment you catch yourself from the self-pity and move into productivity.
Now, here’s what’s really important when it comes to evaluating as well; you want to make sure your decisions stay within the success framework you chose. So, I’m going to give you an example from another client I recently coached.
She chose the framework of one on one coaching. She started offering one on one coaching. It didn’t sell like she would have liked. So, she decided to change her offer. She decided to offer group. Then that didn’t sell like she’d like. So, she offered a new group with a new focus. And every time she evaluated, what she decided she needed to change was her container, her framework; her offer and her pricing. You make those decisions ahead of time, again, preferably with a proven framework from your coach, and then you don’t change.
I gave this example to this client. I said, “I sold 2K for almost a year and it felt like a struggle. I was struggling to explain it. I was struggling to see the vison of what I was creating,” Again because, in the beginning, you will make decisions that won’t be fully aligned with the person you’re becoming. You won’t have the media access to yourself at 100K and your brain at 100K decisions. You have to practice those.
So, you might not fully understand the vision of your business. That’s okay. I was struggling to believe people would buy it. But the decisions I made weren’t to change 2K for 2K. often, I made the same decisions over and over with a deeper understanding of having done energy.
Sometimes, the decision you make from having done is not to change anything, but to reimplement with greater belief, more experience, and a deeper understanding of what you’re creating. And sometimes, your next decision is to figure out where you half-assed the last decision.
It will be easier to understand these steps, specifically this one, once you start doing it. So, you’re going to have to have a little trust in the process and just go do it. And as always, the best thing is to have a coach or a process to follow to help you evaluate these decisions.
When you join 2K for 2K, I give you an exact evaluation process to follow that doesn’t change your formula. The process helps you figure out what to do next within the context of the program.
So, you’re going to want to go out and experiment with this. You’ve got to practice this. This is something that you might struggle to understand logically, but the moment you start doing it, the moment you start implementing it, everything will change. You will totally get it.
So, make decisions, implement them, evaluate them. And then, just ask, where do I need to grow? That will help you make your next decision. Alright, I’ll see you next week.
Hey, if you’re ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2k for 2k program where you’re going to make your first $2,000 the hardest part using my simple 5 step formula for getting consults and closing new clients. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.