Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | What We Learned from 10,000 Questions AnsweredWe’re celebrating on the podcast this week because we have crossed a huge milestone inside 2K for 2K! Coaches in our community are able to use our Ask a Coach function inside the membership, and we have officially answered 10,000 Ask a Coach questions!

So this week, I have my Ask a Coach coaches Gabrielle, Meagan, Robyn, and Olivia on the show to share the knowledge and experience that has resulted from reaching this milestone. The answers provided through Ask a Coach are available for everyone in the community to go back to at any time, and you’re about to hear how beneficial it has been not only for our students but for these coaches too. 

If you too want to take advantage of the resources inside 2K for 2K, you need to come join us. I’m quizzing Gabrielle, Meagan, Robyn, and Olivia on the unbeatable value of Ask a Coach, why we encourage everyone to utilize it, and some of the top coaching questions we see, and how we answer them to give you a little taste. 

If you want to be a part of our next 200K Mastermind, applications will be open for only three days from November 1st to the 3rd! Click here to sign up for the waitlist and to get all the info necessary to apply!

If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • The results we see when people in 2K for 2K commit to the 30-day Ask a Coach challenge.
  • How being part of Ask a Coach has brought value to these women. 
  • The biggest difference between posting a question in our Facebook community versus in Ask a Coach. 
  • Why we encourage all our students to use Ask a Coach to get their questions addressed.
  • The top coaching questions we see and how we coach on them. 
  • Why written coaching is so powerful.

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Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hey coaches, welcome to Episode 140. Today I have a really exciting episode for you. We have crossed a huge milestone inside 2K for 2K. My Ask a Coaches notified me of this milestone, and we thought that it was such a huge milestone we had to get all of the Ask a Coaches to come on this podcast and share all of the knowledge and the experience that has resulted from this milestone.

Which is we have, and now we’re a little bit behind so it’s probably way more by now at the time of recording, but we have officially answered 10,000 Ask a Coach questions inside 2K for 2K. So the coaches in our community have asked for coaching 10,000 times, have asked 10,000 questions. And the best part if you’re in 2K is you get to learn from all that knowledge because we archive and categorize all of the questions that come in.

So you can come into 2K and learn from 10,000 coaching questions from real coaches and see the answers that they got and how they were coached and grow your mindset so rapidly being engaged just with the Ask a Coach aspect in 2K for 2K.

So here’s what I wanted to do, I invited them on to come talk to you. And this is our intention, I’m going to be really clear with all of you, if you’re not in 2K, our goal is to sell you so hard on this episode that you want to be in 2K. And you want to come and get all the coaching in Ask a Coach.

I know so many of you, what holds you back is you’re like, “I really need a one on one coach. And I really want to get one on one coaching. And I want to have individualized help. And I want to make sure I’m seen.” And that is what happens in Ask a Coach every single day, for all of our coaches with all of our Ask a Coaches.

So I want to really sell you on how valuable and how much coaching you will get when you join 2K. So how valuable it is and how much coaching you really have access to. And then if you’re in 2K, we want to sell you on using Ask a Coach.

So I’d actually like to start with that right now. You guys don’t know I’m going to do this, but before I have you guys introduce yourselves, I want to read a couple of testimonials, really like I just want to honor you all and read them and congratulate you on 10,000 questions answered.

So this one, and I’m just going to read them anonymously. That’s one of the great things about Ask a Coach, you can ask things and you can send all the love anonymously.

So, this one says, “I have built, and continue to do so, an amazing business with all of your coaching and help I have received over the last six months or so. I don’t attend the live calls as they are in my nighttime, so I want to pass on a big thanks to all the coaches behind this screen for the immense help I have received and this resource to tap into 24/7. So amazing, what a gift.”

So this one is so amazing because I do think a lot of people are like, “What time are the calls? And if I can’t be on the calls then I’m not getting the value.” So we should all talk about that at some point on this episode. But I love that this person really uses Ask a Coach with the intention that I see in my brain, which is coaching that is available to you literally 24/7.

Now, we don’t respond 24/7 but you can send in any coaching you need all day long, all night long and you do get a response back within 24 business hours.

Okay, and this one says, this was posted in our Facebook community and this one says, “This is a plug for Ask a Coach and a friendly nudge to anyone who hasn’t utilized it yet. Run, don’t walk, run to AAC with your questions. Seriously, I just posted in there for the first time recently and the level of support, encouragement, and high quality coaching I received has left me feeling mind blown. I have shifted so much in so little time on an issue that I’ve been struggling with for months.

My coach helped me to see,” and I love that she said my coach and then in parentheses she said technically your coach too to all the 2K’ers. “My coach helped me with what seems like the basics, and I couldn’t be more grateful. If you need a little extra support and haven’t given AAC a try, do it today. You won’t regret your decision.” I love that one.

And then the last one I wanted to read is, “Yesterday I went to Ask A Coach for the first time to be coached. It felt awful, and the response is kicking my butt. But today I sold my first six month package of 2021. Correlation? Causation? Either way, coaching is the real deal. Also, who else didn’t realize the wealth of Ask a Coach entries available to us all? Holy moly.”

I just love reading these. We have a whole file folder of Ask a Coach testimonials and I love reading them. And I wanted to read them to all of you here on the podcast to just acknowledge and thank you for how much love and support you’ve poured into our community.

So with that, why don’t we go around and let you introduce yourselves. And you guys do this part time, you know, 10-ish hours a week and you have your own businesses on the side. So if you want to tell them who you help in your own business as well, feel free to do that.

So Meagan, let’s start with you.

Meagan: Hi, my name is Meagan Bunner and I – Oh my goodness, first of all, thank you so much, Stacey, for this opportunity. It’s such an honor to be a part of this community. And being behind the scenes and seeing it happen. Y’all it’s just as magical behind the scenes, as it is when you’re just in 2K. It’s amazing.

So I help coaches get past their own roadblocks. So what that means is, coaches are seen sometimes the worst at beating themselves up and using the tools against themselves.

Stacey: Yes.

Meagan: I’m a coach, I should already know how to do this, and I just can’t get past this. And I love providing a space for them to release that and just to find the ease. Because I really truly believe that ease, and peace, and calm, and love is like our fundamental state. And anything that’s blocking us from that, from experiencing that, we can just get curious about and find out how to move it away.

But not with rejecting it, but like deeply understanding it and then loving ourselves through it and just getting on the other side. So we don’t use our tools against ourselves and then we can better for our clients and all of that.

Stacey: So good, I coach with my coach, Bev, all of the time. It’s like I do it so subtly because I’m so smart and know the tool so well that I just love to use them against myself. And she’s always bringing me back to not doing that, which is so fun.

Meagan: Yes.

Stacey: She always says like, “Don’t pile on the injustice with the injustice of using the tools against yourself.” And it’s just so good. Like if you have something massive happening in your life and you’re using coaching, but then you use it like you’re like, “Oh, but I should be better. I should be faster. I should be moving through this thing.”

Like when my honeymoon got postponed, that was the time when she said that to me. I’m like, “Oh, I should just be having this reaction and it should be perfect and amazing. And I should just be grateful we’re going, and I should just snap out of it and enjoy the two weeks we’re home.”

And she was like, “What are you doing? Stop adding the injustice to the injustice that’s already happened.” And that was really powerful. So I love that that’s your niche, that’s so great.

Meagan: Thank you.

Stacey: And we’ll make sure to link everybody’s information up in the show notes. Okay, awesome. Robyn.

Robyn: Hi, thanks so much for having us.

Stacey: Yeah, you’re so welcome.

Robyn: So I’m Robyn Michon and I coach on relationships. I coach the person who’s anxious attached. So they’re the person that is like, “There’s something wrong with me. Why do I keep attracting the wrong relationships?” It’s funny, because just on your last conversation it’s like the same thing in relationships where we think there’s something wrong with us, and we’re trying to prove.

And we kind of, from that place, are attracting the wrong people and making bad decisions. So I help those people kind of learn to love themselves more, as cliche as that sounds. And really understand why do I keep ending up in these situations?

Stacey: Yeah. Oh, I love it, that’s so good. All right, Gabby.

Gabrielle: Hi, I’m Gabrielle Smith and I help corporate women find fulfilling work and take action towards it. So I am a life and purpose coach, I help women find their purpose.

Stacey: I love it.

Gabrielle: That was my story, I was in corporate America and dreading my job every single day and knew that there was something more that I was supposed to be doing in the world. Something bigger, something more impactful. And so, yeah, I live right now to help other women find that for themselves.

Stacey: Oh, I love that. And do you prefer Gabrielle or Gabby?

Gabrielle: I don’t have a preference. I just never refer to myself as Gabby.

Stacey: Oh, well then, I’ll refer to you as Gabrielle as well. It’s a very beautiful name.

Gabrielle: Oh, well, thank you. But everybody calls me Gabby and it’s not a problem at all. But thank you for asking.

Stacey: All right. And Olivia. And before you introduce yourself, I have to tell everyone that you are like in charge of the entire Ask a Coach program. So you oversee training new people to come on.

Hopefully, if we sell enough people in this episode, that they all want the coaching in Ask a Coach we’ll be able to hire even more Ask a Coaches and they get to go through training with you. And you get to help people when they get stuck and they’re like, “I don’t know how to answer this question. What would you say?” Or they just want –

I love how we do this and the Ask a Coach channel, how we will say, “This is what the way I was going to respond, but does anybody else have ideas?” And then we all brainstorm it. I love that aspect as well.

So if you’re listening and you wonder, how do they come up with these amazing answers? Sometimes it’s by we contribute, and we discuss, and we come up with the best answers of all of the answers. So Olivia, thank you for running that program for us, and also your own six figure business.

Olivia: It’s been my pleasure to run Ask a Coach and kind of pick up where you trained both Robyn and I when we first started. So that’s been an amazing experience. And I keep talking to people about the power of 2K for 2K. And I’m in 200K now, which is amazing.

But I don’t want it to be understated, I know that there have been people that are like going into FOMO through seeing everything about 200K recently. Because we were all just in Cabo and seeing everything on social media. I invested $2,000. And I made $178,000.

Stacey: Yeah, you did.

Olivia: It’s the craziest ROI that you could ever imagine. And the people that take advantage of the resources that you’ve created inside 2K for 2K, that’s possible for every single person in that program. You can invest $2,000 and you can make six figures, multiple six figures. It’s so amazing.

So thank you for everything you’ve taught us. Being part of Ask a Coach has made me an infinitely better coach. My clients thank you to.

Stacey: Oh, that’s amazing. And who do you work with?

Olivia: Yep. So I am a former attorney and now I’m a life coach for lawyers who are over the overwhelm and want to live lives with less stress and far more fulfillment.

Stacey: I love that, so good. Okay. All right, so here’s what we’re going to do, I’m going to ask them questions, audience that’s listening I’m talking to you now. I’m going to ask my Ask a Coaches questions and we’ll kind of get all of their feedback and then we’ll see where the conversation goes.

So, here’s the first question, so in Ask a Coach, if you are not in 2K yet, we suggest doing a 30 day Ask a Coach challenge where you go everyday – And listen, you can be as hardcore as you want, you can go everyday even on the weekends, or you can go every business day and then do 30 business days, totally up to you.

But we suggest doing a 30 day Ask a Coach challenge because of how much growth can happen in your mind when you are cleaning it out and seeing it on paper every single day. You can make monumental leaps in your mindset doing this.

Especially when it comes to your business when you’re trying to develop beliefs like, “I’m a life coach and I have value. And people would pay me for that value. And I know that I can deliver that value on a consult.” And all those little beliefs like that. Coming to the Ask a Coach and bringing up all the things that come up every single day as you go through the program will change your life.

So, I am curious from all of you what your experience has been? What are the typical results you see when people commit to that 30 day challenge? And what do you think really happens for them when they go through that? Does anyone have something they would want to share with that? Yes, Olivia?

Olivia: I’ll go. I love the 30 day challenge. And the people that, whether they come in and do it right from the get-go or they learn about it after being in 2K for a while and they undertake the decision to commit to the 30 days, they come every day. You’re going to get follow up coaching, so that’s one of the things that I really wanted to pinpoint.

We will tell you to bring your answers to our questions back for follow-up coaching. And usually it’s because there’s a couple other things we want to show you or teach you, but we need you to work through the first part of it first.

So when people commit to the 30 day challenge, they completely transform themselves and their businesses. And you get to see it happen in real time where they have no belief in themselves or their clients or in the services they offer.  So we work on the belief triad first.

And then they’re not getting consults, so we start to work through that. Then they start to get consults and they’re not overcoming objections the right way, so we work through that. And then they come back and they’re like, “Woo-hoo, I signed my first client!” And there’s literally a couple people, I wanted to send them bottles of champagne and just be like, “I’m just so proud of you. I’m so glad that you showed up every day, you worked through it.”

We give tough coaching so sometimes it’s a little uncomfortable. But we are so in the same corner as you and we want you to succeed. And the people that commit to the 30 days, at the end of the 30 days they have a totally different business.

Stacey: That’s so fun to think about. You can literally get individualized coaching on every single module, every single step throughout the 2K process, and again, and again, and again, there’s no limit.

But to do that work, I love how you explained that where they’re like, “I don’t believe in myself.” And then, “Now I’ve got to get consults. And now I have consults but I’m not overcoming objections. Now I’m overcoming objections.” I love that, that is 100% the growth funnel that you should go through when you join 2K for 2K, so that’s so great. Anyone else? Meagan.

Meagan:  What’s so interesting is so often they don’t even recognize their own growth. And so they’re at a new problem and they’re like, “Oh, now I can’t overcome these objections, this is so hard.” And they don’t even realize all that they overcame just to get to that point.

And then it’s kind of fun to celebrate that with them. Because we can tie the coachings together and follow it along. It’s like, “Hey, remember, this is a big deal. Let’s celebrate it.” And then when they calm down about it, then that’s when they’re like, “Oh, I can see how I can do this.” And then they do it and it’s just, it’s so beautiful to watch.

Stacey: That’s so fun, I love that. I love that you guys follow along with their journey and you have them come back for coaching. And then it’s the same coach that responds to that question in that follow-up. That is so fun, it really is.

I love how that one testimonial was, she referred to you all as my coach. She probably has that experience because she got the same coach each time helping her through a specific problem. And so I love the idea of it helping you track your growth.

That’s one of the things I teach them on the podcast and in the program so often. And I just think that that’s probably the number one thing that holds people back from growing, is they don’t see the growth they’ve already done. So then it feels really futile and useless, they give up and then they quit on themselves.

So I love, love, love that. Okay, and Robyn, what were you going to say? And you guys could just shout, you don’t have to raise your hands, you could shout out too if you want to just unmute yourselves.

Robyn: I really like that you’re not alone in it. So I know that having your own business, being in your house, it’s like you’re in your head. And it can be so hard. And you feel like, you don’t feel crazy but kind of. You’re like, “Am I? Is this a problem? What’s going on?”

And sometimes just having that, like you type up your question, you really get to think about it. And then you have another human actually responding and actually thinking it through with you. And I love that about the 30 days, it just keeps you going and you’re like, “Oh, people care. And there’s someone else, it’s not just me.” And it’s so much easier to not give up when you have that and it’s not just like, “Well I’ll wait till next week or whatever.” I really like that about it.

Stacey: I love the thought, there are people who care. Yes, when you see that you’re going to show up for coaching every day for 30 days, you submit your coaching, you get that response back every day for 30 days, you do 100% create that belief that there are people who care about my success.

And I do think that that is – When you start your business most of your family and friends do not ask you about your business, right? And they don’t celebrate you, they don’t support you. They’re not well equipped, even if they tried to, they’re not well equipped to support you in the way you need to be supported through your successes and your failures.

So to know that there is – And we have the community for that as well. And so we’re going to talk about the difference as well in just a minute. But I think it’s like having that constant support from the Ask a Coaches, I think that really does solidify that feeling of I have a coach and my coach cares. And they’re on that journey with me. And they want me to succeed. They care about this coaching, that I’m getting this coaching. They’re going through that river of misery with me, I’m not alone. That is so huge, I love that. That was a great one. Gabby, what you got?

Gabrielle: I don’t have anything; I think everybody covered everything that I thought about.

Stacey: So good, I love it out.

Gabrielle: I would just add that, us coming from the place where we believe so much in our clients. Like we believe so much in them and what they can do.

Stacey: That’s so good.

Gabrielle: Yeah, and we just come from that place with coaching them and helping them through it all the way.

Stacey: Yeah, I love, love, love that. That’s the number one thing that we do as coaches, is we come from belief in you. We see you; we believe in you more than you do yourself. And so we’re all holding that space when you come with your, what seems like, insurmountable thought or problem that you’re like, “I’ll never break free of this. This is never going to get better.” You have people who are like, “This is not even a thing for you. You’re so much bigger than this. And you have so much more value than this.”

And so I think it’s like we minimize the problem in a really good way. Neutralize, maybe that’s the better word, is like neutralize how big that problem feels for you. And I think that that is a huge piece of it when you come and you’re frantic, or however you come, you’re really in your own drama to have someone approach it with that calm and that ease and that belief in you is really, it’s a big deal. I love that. See, you did have something.

Olivia: You’re having someone hold belief for you though, right? I coached one person on her price, I think it was 997 for 12 weeks of coaching. And I coached her on it for maybe 60 days, it just kept coming up.

She committed to 30 days, and she continued the 30 days after that because she saw so much value. But she had no belief in her ability to sell that. And I was like, “You’re totally going to sell that.” And she eventually did but having someone hold belief for you when you aren’t there yourself, I think is really powerful.

Stacey: Yeah. And listen, just because the 200K masterminders just came back from Cabo and we require them to decide what their offer is going to be for six months. And then the only thing they’re allowed to do, instead of changing it a million times, is sell themselves on the value of that offer, and loving that offer, and loving that price point, and all the things.

So I want to just say that as a little tidbit for the 200K people, is if you’re in that space where you’re not sold on 997 for 12 weeks or whatever your offer is, would you be willing I guess is what I’m thinking of, is would you be willing to commit to getting coached for 60 days straight on that to break free of that forever?

And what I teach in my 200K mastermind is once you develop the belief that you can sell any offer at any price point because you know that you’ve had to sell yourself on let’s just say the 997 for 12 weeks.

Like when you go through that process of selling yourself on that and once you’re sold you realize, “Oh wait, it has nothing to do with the pricing. The clients buying or not buying isn’t coming from the pricing, it’s coming from how sold I am myself on that price and on that offer. And if I know that, I know I can sell any offer at any price point because all I have to do to get people to buy is sell myself on that.”

And to learn that skill, that’s so crazy, like would you be willing to get coaching every single day for 60 days? And you don’t even have to join 200K mastermind for that, you can get that in 2K, which is so amazing. You can learn that foundational skill set. And then we take it to the next level in 200K.

But I want everyone, like if you’re a student in 2K, if you would have not gone for 30 days straight to sell yourself on your price and your offer, get your booty in there and get to work. And be willing to do it for 60 days, for 90 days because then you have the skill set for life. Which is so great. I love that.

Okay, now that I’m done with my soapbox, I have another question for y’all. Okay, what do you think is the biggest difference between asking – Because when you join 2K you can get coaching two different ways. You can post in the Facebook community and get coaching from all your peers who have gone through the process before you. And then you can also go to Ask a Coach.

And let’s be honest, if you have the Facebook app, often it’s much faster and easier to post in the Facebook community and just ask your question quickly there. Which is why we’re in the group saying, “Have you taken this to Ask a Coach?” And there’s a reason we do that, there’s a reason we encourage you to take something to Ask a Coach.

So I’m curious from your perspective why that is? Why do we encourage them to take that question to Ask a Coach? And what is the benefit of taking that extra step to log into the member portal, go to the Ask a Coach tab, type up your questions, submit and then wait for that response?

And you literally get an emailed response that your question has been answered. So you don’t have to go back and check and see if someone’s answered it, you get an email when someone has answered it. So what is the benefit of that?

Robyn: So I think it’s the confusion, like a lot of new coaches are really, really confused. And the community is great, but you’ll get a lot of different viewpoints and different answers.

Stacey: Yes.

Robyn: So it’s super useful sometimes. But if I’m really confused, and I tend to go to confusion, so this is like close to my heart. If I’m really confused and I get like five or six answers I can’t process it. And so that’s where Ask a Coach, and Olivia sort of said, we’ll just take like one thing at a time and work you through it. And we’ll teach you how to not be in that confusion.

And then sometimes we’ll send you back to the community to ask from not confusion if you’re actually looking for information.

Stacey: Oh, so good. I love it. Does anyone else have anything?

Gabrielle: Yeah, it’s kind of like what you said earlier from the feedback, the testimonials that we received, where it’s like having your own one on one coach. And being able to have someone to go with you on that journey and kind of guide you through each step until you get the answer that you want and until you feel great about whatever it is that you’re asking for coaching for.

Stacey: Yeah, I think what triggered for me when you said that is, I think what it is, is buy in. So I always say you have to make sure that someone wants coaching before you give it to them. Like you don’t want to give unsolicited coaching. And I think sometimes, and this is totally 100% on the responsibility of the person asking the question.

So let me be very clear, it has nothing to do with the community. The person asking the question, you have to be prepared if you post in the community, you have to – And this is my rule, is if you post in the community you have to be prepared to take every single feedback and utilize it.

I will do that, I’m in some Facebook groups that have nothing to do with coaching but if I ask a question in that group, I will literally – I recently did it and I got like 200 comments on the question that I asked. And I went through, and I responded to every single person. Everything that they suggested that I order and try, I did. Every supplement, everything.

Every advice they gave me, things that they said that I could ask my doctor, I screenshotted everything. I utilized every single piece of advice. But I was in the place where I was bought in. And before I posted in the group I was like, “Okay, some people are going to say some things that you’re going to be like, that’s not what I needed to hear. And you’re going to receive it even if you thought you didn’t need to hear it.” I’ve been bought in for whatever they respond.

But I do think that a lot of times, especially if you’re in confusion, not 100% bought in and prepared for the plethora of answers that you’re going to get from well-meaning coaches that all have different perspectives. They’ve all been educated, and they’ve learned to coach in different ways, right? We have certified coaches, we have noncertified coaches, we have very woo coaches, we have very model LCS certified strict coaches that are more thought-based, right?

We have so many different types of coaches, Human Design coaches, so you might get so many different opinions. And you have to make sure you’re bought in for all of them. Not just the one you want, all of them.

That is the only way that I would ever utilize the community, is if I’m willing, I want to get lots of answers, lots of perspectives, and I’m going to look at all of them and take them all very seriously.

If you’re in confusion, or you’re not ready for that, for many reasons you might just want one answer. And when you take the time to log in and go to the portal and type out your question and send it off and then wait for the response, you’re highly bought in for that response. You’re so much more open to the coaching that you receive because you asked for it, for the most part.

And you’re in that space where you’ve said, “This is my coach, this is my person I’m asking for help. I’m ready to receive.” And then you do only get that, going back to Robyn, that one answer that you can then go on.

And it may be that there are five answers, there’s a five parter to your question. But they’re going to likely only give you no more than a couple of things at a time to think about. Then you can absorb that, and you can go back and buy back in for more coaching.

And I think that just happens at a higher level with Ask a Coach. And the more bought in you are for the response and the answer, and to do the work on the coaching that you’re given, the more you’re going to get out of it if you’re more bought in. Okay, that was my soapbox. Olivia, what were you going to say?

Olivia: I have two points on why I think Ask a Coach is where you should start at least. And I love what Robyn said about eliminating the confusion. I’m going to be a little bit more candid and direct.

Stacey: Do it.

Olivia: Sometimes the coaches in the Facebook community, like they’re well-intentioned but they’re in the pool with the person asking the question.

Stacey: Yes.

Olivia: And that’s great, they’ll totally make you feel – They’ll give you a hug, but you don’t want a hug, you want a successful business.

Stacey: They’ll give you a little coddle.

Olivia: Yeah, we’re not doing that there. So we’re not doing that in Ask a Coach. So if you really want to get to the root of the problem with someone who’s going to hold space for you but not get in the pool with you, and not commiserate, and not let you complain, and not let you kind of spin in self-pity, Ask a Coach is the place for that.

So we’re not bringing our messy minds to it, we’re really able to approach it from an unattached place, but totally willing to hold space for you. And we want to be part of your transformation and we want you to get the transformation. But we’re not bringing our own mind drama.

Second thing, this cannot be overstated, we are experts in the 2K process. Stacey trained us, I’ve trained other coaches. We know this material like the back of our hand.

Stacey: Yes.

Olivia: And there’s such power in constantly bringing people back to the process of the belief triad and meet people, tell them what you do, and make offers, and the five step close. And going back through those specific processes, which we’ve answered over 10,000 questions, we know this stuff.

So if you want to talk to an expert and get coached by someone who really does have the expertise in this process that you’ve signed up for, or that you will sign up for after listening to all of us, you want to bring it to Ask a Coach because we know this material so deeply.

Like I can coach people on belief triad issues or five step close issues in my sleep. And all of these coaches can too. So Ask a Coach is where you want to come for the expertise.

Stacey: That’s so good. 100%, we do see that in the community where if you ask a question, and I think there are times and places to post in the Facebook community and you’re not necessarily maybe wanting a specific – I mean, I’m not thinking of any specific examples now, but there might be something where you’re not 100% wanting – It’s not a question about the specific process necessarily, or coaching on that, but maybe you –

Olivia: We just had a question like this in the Facebook community. I think you commented on it too. But it was someone was asking, “How do you guys close out your final sessions with a client?”

Stacey: Yeah.

Olivia:  And I’m like what a great question to ask the Facebook community. We have over 3,000 coaches in here that can come with all their amazing ideas.

Stacey: That is the perfect example, I couldn’t think of a good one. And I was like, but I know there are some good ones. That is the perfect one. I have a little joke too, by the way, I said, “How you close them out is you sell them on more coaching.” I gave a serious answer as well, but that might have been my serious answer too.

Olivia: I liked that one.

Stacey: I did like that one. But yeah, so there are times where you might want to poll 3,000 amazing coaches and be like, “Yeah, how do you guys end your sessions?” That’s such a beautiful way to use the Facebook community.

But when you do go into Ask a Coach you are getting experts who are always going to bring you back to the process. And so if you get a response from one of us in the community that says, “Have you taken this to Ask a Coach?” It is likely because we want to guide you back to the process and we see that some of the comments might be taking you away from the process.

So I think that’s a great differentiator. Is it a process oriented question or coaching that you need? Or is it something that isn’t addressed in the process that you might want to just poll opinions and get ideas from the community versus like coaching or get help with the process? So I love that.

Anyone else? I didn’t know if anyone else raised their hand? We good? Okay, next question. Y’all ready? All right. Okay, this one will be really fun. And this could be a broad question, but I know you guys have answered 10,000 questions so you might have a very specific answer. It’s what are the top coaching questions that you all see? And how do you address them?

So if you could give like one of the top things that you see a lot and then how do you coach them on it? That might be super helpful for everyone listening. I know it was a big one, you guys got to think about it. Meagan, what came up for you?

Meagan: I see this so often and it’s sneaky, where someone will say, “I’m so nervous about giving my price.” And they have no idea why. They’re like, “I feel the nervousness, my body heats up, my fingers are tingly, and I’m shaking.” And it goes back to attachment. They are attached to the person’s answer.

And if they are wanting that yes and they’re attached to it, then they’re going to be nervous about just saying it, otherwise it wouldn’t be an issue. And showing them that and having them buy into that idea. It’s not like I’m going to hammer it over their head like, “You don’t see this.”

But just presenting that and them saying, “Oh my goodness, I had no idea that I was attached here.” It’s just one of those sneaky ways that the scarcity can creep in on us.

And once we realize it, figure out how to get unattached. What’s causing that attachment? Why am I attached here? And then oh, okay, finding out the reason being so patient with the whole process, “Oh, of course I was attached.”

And then the next time that they do they feel that nervousness creep in, “Oh, wait, that’s just because I’m forgetting that I don’t need the sale. I just thought I needed it for the moment,” And just going through that.

Stacey: That’s so good. I was just thinking when you were talking about that, it’s like if you went to, say like a retail store, and you found something you wanted that didn’t have a price tag on it. And you walked up to an associate, and you were like, “I have a question. How much is this?”

Imagine if the associate started shaking and was like so nervous to tell you the answer. The reason they’re like, “Oh, I’ll go find out.” And they scan it and they come back and they’re like, “It’s $99.” They’re saying that because they have no attachment to whether you buy or not. They’re just giving you information.

You can approach your own offers and telling people how much your services are as if it’s information as well. How much is it to work with you? It’s $2,000, it’s 12 weeks.

Meagan: Because the associate doesn’t make it anything about them. If the person says no the associate is not going to go home and say, “Oh my God, I’m not good enough, I better quit. I’m never going to be good enough.” The associate has no attachment.

Stacey: Right, they’re not taking your desire to buy it personally.

Meagan: Yeah.

Stacey: And so the only difference is they didn’t make the price, and they don’t make the commission necessarily, it depends on what store you are going to. But maybe a jewelry store where they do get commission, but they still don’t make the price, right? Where we get in our head is because we make the price.

And I think that is like a little bit tricky. Even with a CEO, my colleagues and I are always talking about the rules of running a business and being a CEO when you’re like hiring people and deciding things. Like do we provide company equipment, like laptops and such? And what class of seats do we buy our people when they fly? And stuff like that.

And you always have this kind of feeling a little bit, like there’s got to be some right rule. And there totally isn’t, you just make it up and love your reasons for it. And that’s a very similar thing as well. I love that. Really realizing, I think I said that because I want to kind of communicate to everyone that the nerves are a little normal since you’re just making something up and there’s not a rule.

Meagan: Totally.

Stacey: But the only reason you would be so shaken up and nervous and having a physical, it sounds like a really physical response is because you’re so attached to how they might respond.

Not even necessarily always the sale, but how they might respond to you. If they might be like, “Oh, that’s so expensive.” Or be offended or whatever it is. The only reason you would be nervous is your thoughts about their response and your desire for that response to be a great one.

Meagan: Totally. And it’s different for everybody. So once we’re uncovering it for people, no two people’s answers and reasons are the same. So when they do bring that to Ask a Coach, we can help them find their specific reason. And then help them defuse it.

But it always comes down to a thought error. It’s like, “Oh, I was believing this thought error.” And once they identify it, “Oh my God, I can totally move on now.”

Stacey: That’s so good. All right, who else? You guys had plenty of time to think about it now.

Olivia: I’ll go. So I see people come in, and I know because I’ve seen it in the Facebook community, people will be like, “I don’t know what to bring to Ask a Coach. Or they’ll kind of come in and maybe it’s their first question –

Stacey: Which is the number one reason they don’t come, right? If they’re in 2K and they don’t utilize, I mean we have a lot of people utilizing, but we want to encourage you to utilize it every day. Because that’s how valuable it is. So yes, that I guarantee is the number one thing that keeps people from going, is I don’t know what to ask.

Olivia: Correct. They either don’t know or they think their question is stupid. And I promise you it’s not. And because we have a searchable database, please bring your question because someone else gets to read it.

And we share them in the Facebook community, anonymously, of course. But we share them, and other people benefit so massively from seeing someone else has the same exact problem as them and they get to see the coaching.

So bring your questions, no question is inappropriate for Ask a Coach. And what I like to tell people, kind of like do a thought download or empty out the junk drawer that’s in your brain, word vomit if you need to, but bring that. And normally what I do is I’ll walk them through two processes.

One, we will do thought downloads if they’re just kind of in the middle of the river of misery and they don’t know what the problem is. And they’re really overwhelmed and frustrated.

Stacey: Yeah, so like they have a problem, but they haven’t actually addressed any of the thoughts that are around that problem.

Olivia: Correct, yeah, they’re like, “I’m not making money. I feel like a failure. This will never work.”

Stacey: So good, I love it. So you might suggest to them let’s do a thought download on your offer, or let’s do a thought download on your business or whatever. You might direct them to a specific, give me all your thoughts on this specific subject.

Olivia: Yeah.

Stacey: So good, okay.

Olivia: So I do two things. My first exercise that I do with them is we’re just going to do three thought downloads, on meeting people, telling them what you do, and making offers. So we’re going to start there and you’re going to bring those back with all the thoughts.

And then the second exercise we’re going to do, and anyone who’s listening who hasn’t used Ask a Coach yet, do this yourself. Bring your three thought downloads, and then follow the second exercise. And I walk them through the belief triad.

So you’re going to rate your belief on a scale of 1 to 10 in these three sentences. I help my clients get the results that they desire most. Coaching helps my clients get the results they desire most. Third sentence, my clients help themselves get the results they desire most by showing up and doing the work.

And I tell them to bring the ratings, whatever they rated on a scale of 1 to 10, and the reasons for each rating back to Ask a Coach. And like you just see their whole brain and it’s so easy for us to pinpoint. Like, “Oh, there’s your issue. You think meeting people is hard.” And it’s like, we’ll start there. Or you think people will think it’s stupid when you tell them that you’re a life coach.

I used to think that when I was around all my big law colleagues, right.

Stacey: Yeah, me too.

Olivia: So I’m like, oh, there’s your issue. Or you’re petrified to make offers because you have all this mind drama around consults. We’ll see that too so then we’ll be able to go into working on what’s valuable about a consult.

But those are the two exercises, the belief triad and the three thought downloads about meet people, tell them what you do, and make offers.

Stacey: And I just feel like if you do that, you literally have like six months of coaching.

Olivia: For sure.

Stacey: And it doesn’t mean that you have to coach on all those things and that it will take you coaching on all of those things to make money. But what I mean by that is you’ll never ever, ever have the thought again that I don’t know what to get coaching on.

You could really keep your lists and everyday pull one of those things out and explore it a little bit deeper until you unwind, it’s like a big ball of those tight rubber bands and you’re just pulling one out at a time until they all fall out. That’s the whole power of getting coaching every single day. I love that. That’s so great.

Okay, anyone else? Yes, Robyn? I actually remember, I think it was you that said – I have one if you don’t say it that I will say next that I think that you were the one that told me about. But tell me first what you were going to say.

Robyn: Oh, I was going to say so I think if you’re not in 2K, you should get in 2K just for the evaluation process. It’s under start here if you’re in 2K.

That’s what I find the biggest because I think lots of times they’ll come and they’re just like, “I’ve tried everything, this isn’t working. I’ve told people.” And they’ve started to turn it on to like, “What’s wrong with me?” And then it’s like, “Is it my energy? What’s wrong with me?”

Instead of like when we bring it back to the process it’s really like you need to meet people, tell them you’re a coach and make offers. And we get really factual and that’s what the evaluation process helps you with. It’s like, “Okay, well, are you meeting people? Okay, are you meeting all the same people that aren’t in what you help with? What’s going on?”

And we really can help you go from that like, “I don’t know why this isn’t working,” to “Okay, this might be why, this is what we’re going to try.” And then you can try it out.

Stacey: And increasing your evaluation skills, right? Because the better you get at evaluating the less you – Here’s what I think about the evaluation modules, we teach almost like a whole course inside 2K on evaluating.

And why we do that and why it’s so important is because when you don’t evaluate and figure out what worked and what didn’t work and what you’re going to do differently, the opposite of that is victim mentality. “It’s not working, I don’t know why. It’s not my fault. It’s other people’s fault.”

And the goal of the evaluation is you don’t get up until you see 100% how you created the result you created. And you know so clearly how you created it that you now know exactly how to fix it. And you get up literally leaving more confident than you sat down to look at say a consult that didn’t end up in a yes, you get up –

And literally we talk about this in the group all the time, that every evaluation you do that you get up feeling confident from like, “I know exactly what I need to do differently next time. I know exactly why I got that no.” That is worth the same amount of money that yes would have paid you in the long term of your career.

And your ability to sell and you getting better and better at selling your offer and understanding what you need to be doing to get those yeses, whether it’s on a one on one consult or through funnels or ads or whatever it is. Being able to have that skill of evaluating in your business will create compounding ripple effects for the rest of your career, it’s so important.

And the thing that I was going to say that you had told me one time, I still need to do the podcast on it. I have yet to do it, but I keep thinking about it. It’s like this hanging open cycle in my mind, is people come a lot – I think it was you, it could have been Olivia.

But you said people come a lot because they’re not sure what the difference is between attachment and commitment. And they don’t know how to bridge that. They don’t know how to be committed without being attached. Really quick does anyone want to speak on that? I know I took us in a little different direction.

Robyn: I always send people, under frequently asked topics you have a video on it that is gold.

Stacey: So good, I don’t even remember that I did that. So pat myself on the back, didn’t know that was in there. Frequently coached topics, I already addressed it. That’s great.

Olivia: I want to reference, this was like really early on in Robyn and I working for you, like when we first started Ask a Coach. And someone was in the river of misery, and they were kind of in a victim mentality. And they brought this question and I love your process of we have to come up with an answer first, and then you’ll coach us either on our answer or tweak things a little bit.

And you did this, you approached this question from – It was such a great learning opportunity for me. You approached it with such curiosity, absolutely no judgment, no attachment. And one of the last questions that has been so beneficial in my own business, and I’ve asked so many other 2K’ers this question over the time that we’ve been answering questions since.

You asked the question, “How would you approach this process if you could not quit?”

Stacey: Oh, that was a good one.

Meagan/Olivia: And one of the things that has been so instrumental in my own business is that I made a decision to take quitting off the table. I said I would be bad at it for however long I needed to be. I would feel all the negative emotions that come from being bad at a process in the beginning. I just would not quit.

And I think you posed this question in response to, this Ask a Coach question kind of around the same time that I was going through that myself. So it’s just haunting me in the best way possible. But how would you approach your business if you couldn’t quit? And I think there’s something about attachment versus commitment there.

Stacey: Yeah, attachment is like I might quit, right?

Olivia: Correct.

Stacey:  Like I’m not fully in like, there is something that can take me out. So all of these no’s are danger to my dream, right?

Olivia: Correct, exactly. Where if you’re truly committed, you’re like, “Oh, the nos are fine because eventually I’m going to use the evaluation process and solve for what’s not working. And I’ll figure out what I need to do differently in order to create a different result.” And that’s commitment. And there’s no drama when you just decide to never quit.

Stacey: All right, everybody hear that again. There’s no drama – Gabrielle, I love you, you’re like, “Mm-hmm, yes.” there is no drama when you decide never to quit.

Olivia: Because you can’t fail if you decide to never quit. That’s one of the answers that I give so frequently in Ask a Coach too. If you take quitting off the table, you’re always either winning or learning. And I know that sounds super cliche, but it’s the truth.

Failure requires an endpoint from which you measure. So if you decide I’m just never going to quit this process, I’m either going to learn it or win, like learning or winning, winning, or learning, then there’s no risk of failure. You don’t have to have any of that drama.

Stacey: I love it. That is great. Okay, one last question, y’all ready? Okay, what is the difference, do you think for you all, because I’m guessing that you all have at some point had, just because I know you all, have had some form of one on one coaching with a coach, or been coached, right? Like if you come to the live coaching call, or you guys are all LCS coaches, so I know you went through certification, so you’ve been coached by peers versus written coaching.

Okay, let me rephrase that. Not what is the difference, but why is written coaching just as powerful? Because I think a lot of people think – This is the other thing that keeps them out of it, is it’s not as powerful as just hiring a coach. That to them seems easier, to just go out and hire a one on one coach would be so much easier than fully utilizing the 2K investment and using Ask a Coach for their coaching.

And I have my answer for this. But I was curious if any of you had an answer of why is written coaching just as powerful? Or just what are your thoughts about written coaching?

Meagan: I love written coaching because a part of I think, the power of a thought download, just putting everything out on paper and seeing your thoughts. Sometimes, once you’re in a safe enough place where you can read it and not make it mean anything about yourself, “Oh my goodness, I didn’t realize I was thinking that thought.”

And so when you’re putting all of that out there in written format, we approach the written coaching the same way as we would in a like a Zoom call one on one, we’re still trying to feel like, “What is this client going through? How are they saying this? What’s the emotion coming through the words that they’re saying here?”

And we can still do all of that through written coaching, it’s just as powerful and we can have even more fun because we get to put it a little different spin on it maybe depending on how they’re saying it. But yeah, written coaching, it’s fabulous and it’s completely effective.

And I love being able to look back because I have a visual record of the growth because that is even more of like, “Wow, go me.”

Stacey: I love that so good. Who else?

Gabrielle:  Yeah, and to add to that I think the written coaching gives you more of an opportunity to be with yourself and your thoughts and feelings around that issue. I think there’s more space for that.

Stacey: Yes, I was thinking that. I get coached every week by my coach Bev. And we have a Slack channel, and I don’t utilize it that often, but when I do use it, what happens is she will send me some thoughts and some coaching. And not being able –

Like if I were on a call with her, especially because my brain fires so quickly, I could easily not let that coaching land. And I could easily start firing more story to tell her. That’s what I like to do, she’ll give me something and I’ll be like, “Hold on, you don’t understand. Let me just throw some more story at you and some more thoughts.”

When she’s responding on Slack, I can’t do that. I have to sit with that. And I don’t let myself respond to her until I’ve taken that in and really sat with it. And sometimes that’s a couple of days, like sometimes I can’t get there right away. And sometimes I don’t even need to go back after that.

But just being able to sit with that and have space with that and not be able to barrel over it in a conversation, to let that wash over me and then let my brain contemplate it. Or even like most of the coaching that I got from Million Dollar Mentoring, from Brooke, was on Slack. And she’s very short and sometimes it’s very ambiguous.

And the effort that I put in to figuring out what she meant and how to utilize it without asking her additional questions, which we let you ask additional questions, you can do it all day long. But I will just give you that like what – Sometimes that feels so painful, and I remember in the beginning I’d be like, “Why doesn’t she just make it more clear? Why doesn’t she just give me more coaching. Where do I go with this?”

And then over a couple of years of doing that consistently, I honed this incredible skill. And let’s be clear, I made use of it very early on. But over years of doing it, I honed the skill of being so highly coachable and not needing a lot of direction. And being able to take very little guidance and run with it. Because I was able to sit and figure it out in my mind like, “What could she have meant selling myself on that coaching is the right coaching? And I just need to find how that’s true.”

All of that was so beneficial and I think you only get that, many times. in written coaching, where you have that time to just sit. So I love that. That’s so good. Anyone else?

Gabrielle: Yeah, and I’ve had people wait a few days before they respond back after I coached them on it because they’re like, “At first I got defensive, and that’s how I know that you hit the nail on the head, because I got defensive. And after a couple of days of me thinking about it I realize that I get your point and maybe I need to think about it differently.”

Stacey: Oh, that’s so good. Yes, anytime you get defensive in coaching, you know that you’re on to something really juicy and good. And something that’s going to create a lot of growth for you. I love that. Okay, anyone else?

Olivia: I’ll go. I was the biggest skeptic about written coaching in the beginning.

Stacey: I love it, tell them all the things.

Olivia: I didn’t think that there was any way that it would be one on one, over video working through issues together. And let’s be honest, we do work through issues together. And when you were training me originally, I’m a lawyer in a past life, I’m verbose, I like long wordy answers. I want to cover all the things. I was trying to coach like I was –

Stacey: I would like chop out entire paragraphs of your response.

Olivia: You were like, “Do it again, but like a third.” And I was like, “A third? What? No, we can’t lose all this good stuff.” And you’re like, “You’re going to confuse them. Break it down, say less, say less.”

And now I’m so laser focused when I coach in writing. So, one, we’re going to address the heart of the issue where you need the most focus. We’re not going to overcomplicate it. It’s so direct, it’s so pinpointed for you to get the most transformation the fastest. That’s what I think is the power of written coaching.

Second, and I know all the Ask a Coaches have had this experience, but sometimes people will bring what they think the problem is. And then you see a thought that they’re not even paying attention to. And you’re like, “That’s actually your issue.”

Stacey: Yes.

Olivia: And you kind of take the wheel and you steer them and you’re like, “Okay, we’ll get to all of this. But we need to address this first.” Like the thought, “It’s not working,” right? They might say that, but then they’re like, “But I’m bad at consults.” And you’re like, “Okay, but if you’re thinking it’s not working, or if you think no one wants a consult but then you want to work on overcoming objections, you need to address no one wants to be on a consult first.”

Stacey: Yes, so good.

Olivia: So we get to see the thoughts that you might not identify as being the problem. And we’re able to go through it slowly so you can really narrowly focus on these specific issues and coach directly on them.

Stacey: That’s so good. So good. And what came up for me when you were saying that, and I just want to like, I don’t even know that it ties in, but you inspired me.

For everyone listening, hearing their answers here’s an exercise I want to give you if you’ve never given Ask a Coach a chance. Or if you’re thinking about joining 2K but you’re like, “No, no, I really need a different support, Ask a Coach won’t be enough.” Or whatever your thought is about it.

I want you guys to really think about and consider whatever your thoughts are about getting on the phone one on one with someone every single week, what if you did a thought download about one on one coaching every week on the phone. And you looked at what would my Ask a Coach experience be if I took those thoughts and had them about Ask a Coach.

If I decided to feel that way about Ask a Coach, and then how would I show up, what would I get from that experience, and what would be the results I would create from that? Because for me, I’m on this journey right now where I am just becoming the most highly coachable version of myself.

So I don’t have any requirements where people don’t have to make more money than me to coach me. It doesn’t have to be on a phone, it can be on Slack. Whatever it is, whatever form of written coaching, or voice coaching, or who’s giving me the coaching, utilizing all the coaching that’s given. Not just the one I like, like all of them.

Even if it’s like a direction that I’m like, “No, no, no, that’s not right, for sure. You took me in the wrong direction.” And I’m like, “That’s 100% not it.” I’ll be like, “But if I went there, what could I see?” Like really going all in on being the most highly coachable.

And the way that I’ve done that is I took what my thoughts were about getting coaching from Brooke, which are all like, “She’s so good. She’s the best, she’s always has the right answer.” I took all of those and I’m like, “What if I apply that to everyone that ever coaches me, that ever offers me a thought in any way that I get it?” Because I used to think too, being in person with her and getting her coaching one on one was way better than doing it on slack. And so I just took it and I transferred it over.

So I want to offer that to all of you. Is whatever thoughts you have about the style of coaching that you prefer, what if you had those about this amazing resource? Because so many coaches are making so much money from the work that they’re doing in Ask a Coach.

And you can apply that in a million different ways. You can apply that in the Facebook community. You can apply that everywhere. But it will really make you so much more coachable every time you come to Ask a Coach, so much more open to hearing lots of different answers and getting coaching in that way will just blow you open. And the more coachable you are, by the way, I think the easier it is to sell coaching in all different forms.

Okay, any last final thoughts that you all have when you were thinking about this podcast and you were thinking about talking about Ask a Coach and the 10,000 questions and coaching that you’ve answered and given, and all of the students who have come through Ask a Coach, and all of the wisdom you’ve gained, is there anything we haven’t addressed that needs to be said?

I feel like we covered a lot of ground, but I want to give you an opportunity if you’re like, “Oh, I’ve got to make sure I say this on this podcast.” Meagan, what came up for you?

Meagan: I have noticed that the coaches that are asking for help in coaching, the ones that are getting the most results are the ones who are able to take responsibility for their results.

Stacey: Yes.

Meagan: So they’re not coming back saying, “Yeah, I felt scared, but I’m not scared of meeting people and making offers. I’m not scared.” You know, they’re saying, “Okay, the coach identified something, where is that true?” Just like you were saying about being coachable.

And at the end of the day, coaching is all a C, it’s all a circumstance for us. And how we think about it will determine the results that we create. And so many times we think, “Oh, I have to go hire a one on one coach because that is higher quality coaching,” or whatever, that’s going to create my result.

And all we’re doing is we are putting our results in someone else’s hands, that’s who is taking responsibility for them. But if we’re able to sit back and say, “Okay, this coach gave me this. Where can I find this in my life?” Identify it and then see the result. Because once you see exactly how you created the results that you don’t want to be creating, that’s when you see, “Oh my God, I can so create new ones.” It’s no longer a blame thing.

So taking massive responsibility is just magical. And those are the coaches that are coming back saying, “Oh my god, guess what I did?” It’s so fun.

Stacey: Yes, that’s so good. And I want to say too, the impression I don’t want to give is that we’re like, “Never hire a one on one coach, you don’t need one, they’re terrible.” Because our coaches sell one on one coaching. So that’s not what I want to make sure that people think we’re saying.

But if you’re not in 2K, if you’re in 2K you will definitely understand this, but if you’re not in 2K, one of the biggest parts about our container is I teach coaches something that I didn’t see being taught in the industry. Which is responsibility for your investments.

Everybody in that group, everyone in the Facebook group, everyone in the program, everyone that comes to Ask a Coach and goes on the weekly calls, everyone has the goal of making their money back. Making use of the investment. And once you make your money back, your goal is to then compound your profit of what you invested to get a return on your investment, a much higher return maybe then you even expect.

The way that you do that, like whether this is a 2K investment, the 200K investment in the $2 million group, I want you to utilize whatever you spend your money on to the absolute highest capability that you have. Like go all in, utilize every resource given, take all the bonus courses, do Ask a Coach every day, watch the replays or come live to the calls, utilize the Facebook group. Like go all in, make sure you go through the modules and the process more than once. Fully utilize that investment. I don’t think that’s taught very often.

So what we do sometimes see in the Facebook community, and we just delete if it comes up, but coaches will come in and they’re not fully utilizing the resources. And then where their brain takes them is, “I need to spend more money to solve this problem. I need to hire someone else. I need to hire a one on one coach.”

Which for the one on one coach selling coaching, you never want to sell coaching to someone that’s in that mind space. Because they will totally, like Meagan said, you will become their C that they believe is responsible for their results.

So even when people come to us and they’re like, “Oh, well, I joined this program, and I wasn’t getting my results. And I’m thinking about joining 2K.” I never sell them like, “Oh, well, this is why and 2K is so amazing.” I’m like, “Oh, you should listen to episode, whatever number it is bad program PTSD, make sure you listen to that before you join to 2K.”

I will send people away because I know that their thought is not going to magically change overnight. It’s not going to they join 2K or whatever and it just like all the sudden they’re responsible for the results.

So I want to teach people how to do that. I want to teach people how to get the most out of their investments so that ultimately, they never fear spending money on their business or their brain because they know they’re capable of fully utilizing the resources that they have. And they’ve become resourceful, and they believe in their ability to get a return on their investment for themselves.

So it’s not that we’re against one on one coaching, it’s just that the number one thing you’re going to be taught when you join 2K is how to utilize the money you invest in your business. It will save you thousands, hundreds of thousands of millions of dollars in your career when you learn that lesson.

So that is why, I mean really, I think the core of why I wanted to have you all on and I wanted us to sell Ask a Coach so hard because I do think even at 10,000 – This is the way I think about this in the best way, is that 10,000 questions, it’s still such a highly underutilized resource. Like I’m like bring it, let’s answer 100,000 questions. Let’s do it, we’ll bring more coaches on. Let’s get this party started for that reason. Let’s utilize all of these brilliant brains available to you inside this program. So good.

Okay, anybody else? That was like, I know, a whole sermon.

Olivia: I’ve got one more thing.

Stacey: Let’s do it.

Olivia: This is for people that are already 2K for 2K, I’ve seen them in the Facebook community and they’re like, “Sometimes I’ll go to Ask a Coach and I’ll type the question out. And then I’ve like coached myself to a point where they’re like, I’m good, and then they delete it.” No, submit that question. Submit that question.

Stacey: Get your amazing answer that you coached yourself on.

Olivia: Yeah, I love that idea. Submit both, what takeaways did you have? Now let’s kick it up a notch, let’s take it to the next level. We might see something that you didn’t, we might be able to guide you just a little

Stacey: Or even celebrate you for like, “Yes, you’re on the right track.” Like what they call it in 200K, which we didn’t really do it this round, but they got a little addicted to it, so I had to pull it back. But Maggie gave me a wand, like a little fairy wand and I used to give them the wand of approval. Like, “Approved, approved” They would just present their coaching to me, and it was very cute for a while, and then they started needing it, so we had to pull it back.

But it was like even just having someone look at your coaching, like I love when I tell my coach the work I’ve done or I post in Slack like, “This is the work I’ve done.” It’s so great to have that reassurance or the reaffirming word of like, “Good job. Yes, you’re on the right track.” My coach will always be like, “Oh, you always figure it out. I’m never worried about you.” Or she’ll always just say some compliment that boosts my self-confidence.

And I think that that is part of coaching too, is like having that person that sees the best version of you even in your ability to self-coach yourself. So good.

Oh my gosh, okay, thank you all so much for coming on and for being Ask a Coaches, and for giving your genius to my community and for just making it the valuable program that it is. I’m so grateful. I love every time we see someone loving Ask a Coach. And I love all of the questions that we share in the community that everybody gets to learn from.

I remember, you guys would not know this because I hadn’t hired you yet, but there was a time where I knew I needed to create Ask a Coach and it was like my biggest fear and my biggest resistance. Because I also had the thought that written coaching was not the same, and that it had to come from me.

And I had so much fear that my clients would not want to participate in it. Which is so ridiculous now, right? Like, it’s just our brain offers us what you said Meagan, like thought errors. And it took me six months of coaching myself to do the work to get this program up and going. And now I’m like, “Why were you so crazy? You should have just done it.”

Meagan: I love that you said It took you six months though. You worked on it, you were committed to six months of growth. That’s amazing.

Stacey: Yeah, and now I look at it and I’m like oh my gosh. So now this has been for me, I mean this was years ago, but looking back now it’s kind of my litmus test for all things that I know I need to do in my business. I’m like, “Remember Ask a Coach. Remember Ask a Coach.” Every time I’m like, “Oh, this is going to be difficult. Remember Ask a Coach.” Or they’re not going to like this, “Remember Ask a Coach because they love it.”

We just did breakout sessions for 200K, and I was so nervous about that. But I really felt like that’s what people wanted, is I put them in groups based on their – And you were there, Olivia, based on their income levels, like groups of 10.

So like the 200K earners were all together and then the 20K earners were all together. And then they got the coaching for half of the day that was very specific to where they were at their income level with the process.

And I was like I didn’t know how they were going to receive it, but I really knew it’s what they needed. And everybody came out of the room with like, “Breakout sessions were my favorite part of the day.” And I was like, “Oh, all right.” But I remember thinking about the breakout sessions, Ask a Coach, just remember Ask a Coach. So I love it.

Thank you, guys, so, so much for coming on, for sharing your time, for being a part of helping life coaches make so much freaking money.

Meagan: Thank you.

Gabrielle: Thanks for having us.

Stacey: Yeah, all right.

Robyn: Thank you.

Olivia: It’s amazing.

Stacey: Coaches, we will see you next week. Bye.

Hey, if you are ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2K for 2K program where you’re going to make your first $2000, the hardest part, and then $200,000 using my proven formula. It’s risk-free. You either make your 2K or I give you your 2K back. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

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