Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | Offers Q&A Part 2I had so much fun coaching last week on offers and answering all your questions that I wanted to spend a second week answering them. I have received so many amazing questions so I’m offering you my input to guide you to making offers and securing more clients this week.

Whether you’re concerned about running out of tools to help your clients, whether you should be holding on to your best ideas, the thought of someone “trying out” your offer before committing, or you simply want to hear more guidance on offers, you’re going to want to listen in this week. Many of you might be hearing different things from different people, so I’m giving my answers to your questions considering other viewpoints too.

Join me this week to hear more of my answers to your questions about creating amazing offers. Remember, keeping things simple is everything, and there is no right offer, only the offer that you make right. So tune in to hear how to create amazing offers, land more clients, and generate optimal results this week.

I want to invite you to Making Offers Bootcamp, starting January 27th! We’re continuing Offer Week inside 2K for 2K with six weeks of a constrained focus on making offers, in addition to our regularly scheduled weekly live coaching call. If you want in, make sure to join us by clicking here. 

Click here to sign up for the waitlist for the next round of the 200K Mastermind!

If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • The only reason you’re not making more money as a life coach.
  • Why your brain always produces a negative thought first.
  • The problem with the idea of your clients “trying out” your services before committing.
  • Why it’s quite normal for the client to disagree with you and how to coach them through this.
  • The only way you will get to the better, clearer, more useful tools in your coaching.
  • Why you never have to worry about running out of things to teach your clients.
  • How your thoughts could be holding you back from making more offers.

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Full Episode Transcript:


Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hey, coaches, welcome to episode 161. I had so much fun last week coaching on offers and answering questions for you all for the podcast that I wanted. We had so many questions come in during offer week, that I wanted to spend a second week answering your questions. I have really gotten myself worked up, fueled up and ready to share all the things about offers and help you all be committed to what you’re selling. Are you guys ready? I’m going to do a rapid-fire Q&A today.

And remember, whether you joined us in offer week or not we want you to join 2K for 2K now. There has literally in the entire history of me having this program, never been a better time to join so that you can get access to offer week. You get unlimited lifetime access to the entire 2K program, but you’ll have offer week, you can watch that. And then you can join us in Making Offers Bootcamp. If you’re not making the money you want to make as a life coach, it has to do with what you’re offering and how you’re selling it. That’s really it.

If you want to make more money, you have to get good at being very clear about what you’re offering and loving that offer and selling it really well. So, offer week we got very clear about what we’re offering and all the thought errors that keep us from being committed to our offer or offering the thing that’s the best offer for your client. And in making offers we’re going to go out and sell those offers.

And what’s going to happen is lots of thoughts are going to come up from making those offers and whether people take you up on them or not, their reaction to your offer and the things that they tell you on the consult. Those are all going to be opportunities for you to find out the thoughts that you are still believing about your offer, the objections that you still have about your offer that are keeping you from selling it.

So, I’m going to give you an example that I was just coaching someone this morning on offer week. And she was telling me that she had an offer, and her thought was, I wasn’t really feeling the passion behind this offer, so she changed her offer. And then when she changed her offer all of a sudden she started having niche drama. And then when I started coaching her further, this is what I told her.

I said, “So here’s the problem. You’re changing your offer instead of creating intentional thoughts about your offer. So, every time you change your offer you think that’s going to change your thoughts and it doesn’t. You keep those thoughts, come with you with every offer change. So, what you have to do is you have to just choose one offer and then you have to create intentional thoughts about that offer, otherwise your brain of course is going to offer thoughts like I’m not feeling the passion. I’m having niche drama.

It’s going to offer so many thoughts for you to think that don’t serve you in making powerful offers.” And so, I asked her, “I want you to tell me, what percent of the time do you spend thinking thoughts that don’t feel good about your offer?” And the thought that she lands it on that she spends 90% of her time thinking about, she was like, “I believe the value of my offer. I believe it’s valuable. But when I think about the price of my offer I wouldn’t pay it and I don’t think other people would pay it.”

And so, I told her, I said, “So you don’t actually believe in the value of your offer, the result of the belief of value in your offer is that you can tell people the price easily. You can overcome objections about the price. And you never have a negative emotion when someone has a reaction, or you rarely have a negative emotion when someone has a reaction to your price.” So, if someone said, “Oh my God, that’s very expensive,” or “Oh my God, there’s no way I can afford that.”

You wouldn’t have a negative emotion that came along with that when you truly believe in the value of your offer. It wouldn’t affect you at all, which makes you so much more talented, so much more skilled in overcoming objections and talking people through their brain and their brain’s first negative thought that it’s going to offer, which is what our brain always does. It always produces a negative thought first. It’s like the first thought it’s always going to give you is going to be something negative.

So, you can handle that so much better when you’re sold on your offer, when you’re in full belief about your offer. And so, the result of full belief becomes you have amazing thoughts about your offer but you’re also easily able to deliver the price and handle objections about the price. So, she said 90% of her time, 90%, she’s thinking that she wouldn’t buy her own offer, that she wouldn’t pay that much money, and neither will other people.

And I told her, I said, “Okay, so if 90% of your time is spent thinking that there’s no way people are going to take you up on your offers. There’s no way anyone’s going to buy coaching from you because you’re asking them to believe something that you don’t believe.” So, I said, “The goal for offer week and then going into Making Offers Bootcamp is for you to flip that, for you to believe 90% of the time that your offer, you would pay that price, other people will pay that price and here’s why it’s valuable for that price.”

You’re always going to have 10% drama, your brain just always wants to deliver some negative thought, some advisement that you’re about to be in danger and going to die. It’s like I want to warn you about this. That’s it’s job. That’s what it does, it’s just doing what it does when it offers you negative thoughts. But you have to intentionally start thinking thoughts every single day about your offer that feel good, that fuel you, that match the price you’re charging, that compel you to make an offer.

And then when you do make offers and people have thoughts about your offer that keep you certain, and powerful, and convicted even when that happens. And you have to do that every single day.

And one of the ways that we do that in 2K, I will tell you is that we have a workbook for the program, it’s literally a self-coaching worksheet for every module and every classroom in the program. It’s called Mastering Selling Your Offer. If you’re in 2K, it’s already in the portal, you already have access to it. It has a self-coaching sheet and it’s designed for every classroom to walk you through self-coaching to be able to come out the other side where you flip that 10 to 90%.

So, in the beginning you might have 90% negative thoughts about your offer. And by the end of the self-coaching through that book you will have 10% negative thoughts and 90% positive compelling powerful thoughts about your offer. And when that is your reality, when that’s how you’re walking around in the world and you’re making offers from that place you’re going to sell a ton of coaching. And when you are on the consult, you’re still going to have objections, people, again, expect that their first thought will be negative.

But when you are in that state you will be able to also talk to people about their objections and talk to them from a place that isn’t giving into that thought. And some of those people will then be yeses, some of them will still be no’s. But you’re going to sign so many more clients from that place. It really is that simple. So, I want you to just take that in with me before I dive into the Q&A.

Take that in with me is that the only thing that’s keeping you from having people sign up for consults consistently, and people signing up for your coaching consistently. And you making money is the percent of time that you spend thinking intentional thoughts about your offer and about making offers, when you’re selling your offer, 90%. When 90% of your thoughts are intentional and you feel good, and you’re compelled, and nothing breaks that 90% up. No matter what circumstance happens in the world, no matter what other people say in the world, you maintain that 90%. That’s when you have $100,000 business.

And I told them this, I said, “Listen, you’ll make money along the way.” You up your positive thoughts about your offer even 10%, 20%, you’re going to make money. You’ll make money along the way. But people who have 100K, 200K businesses their thoughts about their offer are powerful 90% of the time, or 80% of the time. I’ll give you 80%. But that’s really what it is. That’s why mindset and getting coached is so important. It’s not about mantras, you guys have heard me say that a million times. It’s, let’s find a very specific thought.

My client’s very specific thought in offer week was that the value of her offer doesn’t match the price. And she wouldn’t pay it and other people wouldn’t either. That was running through her head as she’s out there in the world making offers. So, we’ve got to find for you what thoughts are swirling around in your head, what thoughts are coming up. When people give you objections, what are things you’re agreeing with, and we’ve got to clean that up so that you can make more powerful offers.

Okay, let me tell you this first before we dive into the Q&A, one more thing. One of the things that I told the offer week students, that I wanted them to do from the beginning all the way through the end for one week. Is I wanted them to work on believing one thought. And so, the first question is an extension of this thought. So, I’m going to tell you what it is. That there is no right offer. And I’m sure you’ve heard me say this before. There is no right offer, there is only the offer that you make right.

Many of you really do believe that there is an offer that is better for your clients that will make them more likely to buy, whether it’s three months of coaching or six months, whether it’s 4K or 5K, whether it’s one-on-one or group, you believe there is a combination out there of pricing, and terms, and what you’re offering, what you’re helping them with, results. You think that there’s a magical combination that will make people be more likely to buy. And that isn’t true. You can literally sell anything.

And my clients are the examples of that. I have clients selling coaching to farmers, weight loss coaching to quilters. I mean there are so many unique, sex coaching, there’s so many unique niches out there where people are making a lot of money.

I said in offer week, I just bought a program where the promise was – I don’t remember what it was called but it’s by an OB-GYN and the promise was that she’ll help me understand all the different pains that could come from labor, all the different ways that labor can go. And she’s going to help me prepare to manage those pains for all the different scenarios of the labor. Whether you end up having to have a C-Section, or a vaginal birth or whatever it is. She’s like, “There’s stages to labor, they all have different pains associated with them. I’m going to walk you through all of them.”

It wasn’t even like, I’m going to take your pain away. I’m just going to tell you what to expect and prepare you for it. And I was like, “All in, let’s do it.” So, you can sell all kinds of different coaching at all different price points. So, there is no right offer out there. There’s not a magical offer that’s going to compel someone. Something else I told my offer week students is, “If you are selling something for 10K and someone tells you that’s more expensive, you dropping the price to 5K isn’t going to change their mind. Their thought is it’s too expensive.”

You think oh, no, no, no, they just didn’t like 10K, but if I gave them 5K they would say yes. But every time my clients do that they always come back and say no to the 5K as well because that was never the real thing. The thought was, it’s too expensive, you have to fix that first. So, there is no right offer. There is only the offer that you make right, meaning you create intentional thoughts for that offer, and you go out and you make that offer and you build belief even through rejection and you believe that 90% of powerful thoughts about your offer until people buy it.

That’s the only thing there is, I promise you. I’ve coached thousands of coaches to make money in 2K, in 200K, in $2 Million group and I see this at every level, everyone always thinks there’s a magical equation for an offer. I do give an irresistible offer protocol questions to answer that will be in service of your client. And will be the best decisions you can make that will then require the least amount of self-coaching on your offer because it’s set up in a way that already feels good to you and has been well examined.

But there’s only the thoughts that you think in making the decisions about your offer and then the thoughts you think after you’ve made the decisions. That’s it, that’s what makes a right offer.

So, question one was, when we decide our result is it the same, whatever result we decide is the right one? And I want to offer that the answer to that is yes. Just like there is no right offer, there is no right result. Now, I will say a simple result is often better, but I have seen people sell complicated results and people buy. Even if the way that you’re talking about your offer – it’s like this. I’m going to give you this example.

If I go to Mexico, me and Neil love to go to Mexico. We go to Mexico. I love to try to practice my Spanish. I don’t have very many people to practice it with anymore, I majored in it in college. I listen to a lot of salsa & merengue, and reggaeton, and bachata and so I love to be able to talk to somebody in Spanish. But my language is probably at this point with not having very much practice since college, is probably like a seven year old’s speech. It’s not super clear. It’s not super succinct. The grammar is not correct.

I’m going to say la when I should have said lo, or el, or whatever it is. I’m going to mess it all up. But people still understand what I’m trying to say. And when I am genuinely trying, and I am engaged in the conversation they will hang with me and pay attention and they’ll understand what I’m saying. They’ll get it. So, they’ve got to understand the gist, I know what you’re asking.

The same is true for when you’re describing what result you’ll get for people and how you will help them. In the beginning it’s going to be messy and you’re going to talk about your offer like a seven year old, in the language of selling and offers. There is advanced language, and there is very beginner language. And you’re going to sound like a seven year old. But if you have the right person in front of you, if you have someone that’s qualified and interested, that’s not going to stop them. They’re not going to care. That’s not going to be the barrier.

So, you’ve got to be able to just start talking about the result that you offer or what you think you offer. And you just have to have deep belief in that. And when you are fueled with deep belief and you are compelled, you feel compelled emotions. You feel powerful. You feel clear. You feel decisive. You feel confident. You feel assured. You feel energized. When you have positive emotions fueling you talking about your offer, what people experience is the feeling of what you’re saying, not the actual words that you’re saying.

So, I say this is like early modules in 2K in organic marketing. I said, “It’s not about the how, it’s about the who.” It’s not about what you say, it is literally about how you say it. Marketing is a transference of energy. So how you say the result and whatever result you say, there will be someone who wants to buy that. And in the beginning you can set your pricings where all you need to do is find 20 someone’s who are compelled enough to change their life, that whatever result you’re offering, they’re in.

And so, I always give this example. When I was selling Diva Business School, first of all, Diva Business School did not have a result disclaimer. I was coaching network marketers. I was coaching coaches. I was coaching people who had standalone brick and mortar businesses and people who didn’t have businesses at all. It was like if you have a business this is right for you. If you don’t have a business and you just want life coaching, this is right for you. Everybody was in the group. And it didn’t matter.

There were people who just felt my energy and wanted to work with me. And they were like, “How do I work with you?” “Okay, Diva Business School, I don’t own a business is that okay?” And I’d be like, “Yeah, sure.” And they’d like, “Okay, I’m in.” So, the result I was offering them was some sort of mindset coaching for business at the time. And they didn’t even need that result and they still wanted to work with me, and they signed up. So, I just want to offer that to you all is, don’t get too caught up in it.

But I want to give some concrete examples. We talked about offering the result of feeling better, going from distressed on a daily basis to feeling better. That is a result people will buy. In fact, I think that’s the main pain point of most humans on the planet. Offering a result of you’re going to be able to manage your food cravings and you’ll never have to stress about being out with friends and overeating again. I just gave two examples. But you can give specific examples of specific results.

You can give more ambiguous results like you’re going to feel better. I’m going to help you think intentionally and make better decisions. I’m going to help you manage your time better. Whatever result, as long as you feel confident that you understand the problem that your client has and why they want that result. That’s all you have to do. It’s not more complicated than that.

Okay, question two, what if you have some clients paying your higher amount than the price that you think would create more demand? It’s not a big difference 425 a month versus 350 a month, which do you go at? So, one of the things I taught them in offer week is that a lot of coaches are teaching for you to create high ticket offers. But many of you aren’t in a place yet where you have enough experience, where you feel confident in a high ticket offer. So, you could just listen to them blindly and what many coaches were saying is, “It doesn’t feel like it resonates for me.”

And if it doesn’t resonate for you, if you’re pricing, whether you listen to me or someone else, and it doesn’t resonate with you, you’re never going to sell it because your feeling is – I don’t know what emotion that would be, but lack of resonation. In your mind that doesn’t click for you, and it doesn’t feel good for you, it doesn’t matter what expert told you what price to charge, you’re not going to sell.

So, for this question what I want to offer, so what I offer them is that they want to choose a price that they don’t need to coach themselves into, that they just feel is a no brainer  for what they’re offering. And it’s just an easy yes for them. And so, this coach is saying that a cheaper price would be an easier yes for her. So, for me what I know to be true is if the 425 a month isn’t resonating with you and doesn’t feel like something you want to keep selling, then those thoughts are going to impact your selling in the future.

So why would you keep a price that will impact your selling in the future in order to try to manage thoughts of other people for the few people that you have working with you? First of all, they will only know if you tell them. But let’s just say they do know, let’s say you have three clients and they paid 425 a month and then they find out that now you’re charging 350. First of all, you can refund them if you wanted. Or you could say, “Yeah, that was my price then.” You have so many options, but I don’t think that’s an issue.

I was telling them today, I went from charging $36,000 for one-on-one coaching to a $2,000 offer. None of my clients were mad about that. But let’s just think about this is if you have a couple of clients but you don’t feel like you’ve been selling consistently because you don’t feel great about that price, don’t stay with the mistake. Don’t keep going. You’re like, I made a mistake in the past, but I don’t want the people who took me up on that mistake to be mad so I’m just going to keep with the mistake. And I know, mistake’s not the right word.

Let’s just say I created a price from a limiting thought or from a place that didn’t align with me fully. And I did sign some clients but that doesn’t feel like it was the right move so I’m going to keep going. This is maybe a clearer example, is if you move to group too quickly and you didn’t actually have the demand for it and you sold four people and you wanted to sign 10. And you realize now, I didn’t have the demand for that. But you were like, “Well, but I’ve already started group selling and I’ve told people so now I cannot go back.”

No, unwind the thought error that had you create the decision in the first place, unwind the decision and do the thing that makes the most sense for you now. Don’t stick with a past experience that isn’t working for you in the current moment.

Okay, question three, I’m scared of big commitments because I wonder if I’ll run out of tools to help them, so it’s fear. Some of you guys do this with your marketing too. You’re afraid to give away things. You’re like, “No, no, no, I’ve got to save that for my coaching. I can only give them my least good stuff, not my best stuff because I only have a certain amount of best stuff.” So, you hold back in your marketing. You hold back in your freebies, whether it’s content, or emails, or a webinar, whatever it is.

You hold back from the thought, I only have a certain amount of best work. And I’ve got to save that for the people who are paying me. It’s a very similar line of thought. I can’t do a 12 month coaching package or a six month coaching package because I’ll run out of tools to help them. Here is what I want to offer. The more you coach and the more you market the more ideas will come to you and the more tools will come to you.

So that’s the first thing I want you to know is the more you market, the more ideas will come to you. And the more you deliver the more ideas will come to you. You only have to hold on to your best ideas if you never create more best ideas. And I promise you, the best ideas in the beginning are going to end up becoming your worst ideas. You’re going to be like, “Wasn’t that cute that time I offered something called Diva University?” I think about things I used to teach my clients and I’m like, “Oh man.”

My teaching is so much better now but the only way you get to the better teaching, the better content, the better, more clear, more useful tools is if you practice, and give away, and do all of the ones you have and you’re willing to keep going past that point. When you have a client on the phone, first of all I want to be clear too, what you’re doing is not just giving them tools every call. You’re coaching them and you’re never going to run out of content to coach someone on their brain, never, I promise.

I’m making millions of dollars, I’ve been coaching for seven years and every week I’m like, “When is my coaching call with my coach?” And I never run out of business coaching things to ask in my mastermind because we have human minds. So that’s not a thing.

So, you don’t have to worry about your clients will run out of things to be coached on. No, for sure is not going to happen. And that you’re going to run out of things to teach them because as you coach them they’re going to tell you things, you’re going to come up with more things to teach them as they give you more problems. Right now, you only have the tools you have imagining the problems you think they have. But they’re going to give you a plethora of them.

So, I want you to lean into, I want to give my best stuff away. I want to use all my tools. I want to keep coaching and develop more. That’s the best mindset to be in. And I never even worry about what can I give away for free? What do I have to keep for selling or for delivering to my clients who pay? I never think about that stuff. I just teach all the things.

And here’s the other thing, let’s just say you do only have five tools, your people will need to understand those tools over, and over, and over at every level, deeper, and deeper, and deeper in order to get results. So, for example in 2K for 2K we have the five step process. We don’t need it to be more than that. We don’t need more tools. We don’t need it to be more complicated because those five things take my clients a lot of work to master, to make a lot of money. There’s the initial understanding that helps them get the initial results like making their 2K back.

And then the deeper understanding helps them make more, and more, and more money. So many of them have gone through the 2K process multiple times, three, four, five, six different times to make more, and more, and more money. We don’t need 1,000 tools, we need five or six really good ones, or three or four really good ones. So, keep that in mind too. Just because someone learns something once doesn’t mean that they’ve integrated it into their mind, and their body, and their soul, and their self-concept and it’s who they are, they never need to learn it again.

Been working with the model for seven years since I got certified with The Life Coach School and still there are times when I run a model and it’s like, what, my mind was just blown. I just understood that deeper. That just took me to the next level.

Alright, question number four, is the first coaching consult the opportunity for us and the client to try it before the commitment? I coached someone on this on offer week, something similar and here’s what I want to offer. You should never ever make an offer with the thought of someone trying it. Someone mentioned that to me about offer week. They’re like, “See, offer week was an opportunity for us to try it.” And I’m like, “That’s your thought, not mine.” Offer week for me in my mind was not about you all trying it, not trying out coaching with me, seeing if you like coaching before you join 2K.

Offer week was about me getting you results ahead of time. That’s the way I think about it is me giving you value and getting you results, not trying it. No, accomplishing it, doing it. I don’t do any webinars or any trainings where my goal is for you to try it, it’s to accomplish it. So, if I do a consult, we’re going to accomplish something on that consult. We’re not trying it out. Your coaching consult is a sales opportunity for you to help your client believe the things they need to believe to say yes to working with you and getting results.

And when you join 2K I walk you through the steps to creating an extraordinarily valuable consult which doesn’t actually include you coaching them. If you just coach someone, you’re like, “I’m going to just coach you for an hour to try it out.” They’re not going to buy, I promise you. They’re not going to buy for so many reasons. And I could go into all of them but for many reasons. I’ll tell you a couple of them.

Number one is when you get into the coaching you’re going to bring up your client’s resistance. That’s part of the coaching. You’ve got to bring it up, you’ve got to coach on all the thought errors, all the limiting beliefs. You’ve got to coach on the emotions, they need to be able to – there’s so much that happens and that’s not the brain that makes a decision to buy. The brain that makes a decision to buy is a brain that’s hopeful and excited. So, you can’t go deep into, like going deep into their problem. And most of them will want to go down 10 different rabbit holes.

And you could end up and have no idea what the client’s problem is and how to help them if you try to go down rabbit holes of trying out the coaching. It’s not going to be good. And if they disagree with you, which your clients will disagree with you in the coaching relationship, that’s not a problem, that’s normal. They’re going to have resistance. If they disagree with you in a selling situation where they have to say yes or no. The more their brain disagrees, they’re saying no. So, you don’t want that.

So, in a sales conversation, your goal, the transformation and the value of a coaching consult is explaining their problem better than they understand it themselves and giving them a simple, clear, doable solution to guaranteeing the result that they want to create. We talk about that in bridging the gap inside the 2K sales process. But it’s not an opportunity to try it out. We’re not trying it out. We’re accomplishing things. We’re accomplishing understanding the problem and describing and talking through what the process is to getting the solution.

That is extraordinarily valuable, that is a strategy session, mastermind session, although I don’t recommend you call your sales calls that. We did a whole podcast on that. Call it a sales call, call it a coaching consult. They need to know that they’re going to make a decision to buy. But most people don’t know why they don’t have the results that they want. They don’t know why they have the life they have. Many people feel like life’s just happening to them. They have no intention behind it.

So, to sit down and intentionally walk through where they’re at now and where they want to be, why they’re there and how to get where they’re going is super fucking valuable and powerful. And it’s mastering and laying out a plan and it’s not taking them into the brain where they can disagree, or resist, or go down rabbit holes. But that’s not about trying it. If you were thinking about ‘trying,’ the only thing you’re thinking about is I do say sometimes you’re making sure it’s a good fit.

And really what I mean by that is you’re looking for red flags of them not being a good fit for having a life coach. They might need therapy instead, are they functioning or not? There might be other red flags that say maybe if they have an addiction, maybe that’s not the right type of client for you. Are they going to actually show up and do the work? You’re looking for those things. But you’re not trying anything out.

Okay, number five, can you please talk about using courses to create one-on-one demand, is that a reasonable expectation? I don’t know who’s teaching that. Maybe someone taught you that but for me the 2K philosophy is all about making money simply. What’s the easiest path from point A to point B? So, if point A is I’m not making money or the money I want to make. And point B is making the money I want to make. So, let’s just say, zero to 2K, or 2K to 25K, or 25K to 100K.

For me, the way I coach is what is the simplest, least amount of steps between A and B. And for me, the easiest thing is a sales call to one-on-one, if that’s what you’re doing. That’s the simplest, fastest route. When you go to creating a course, you’ve got to have a platform to house it. You’ve got to create content. Your content has to be good. If you want to convert someone on a course to say a couple of thousand dollar coaching package, that course, it has to be good which means you have to be experienced.

Yet if you haven’t coached a bunch of one-on-one clients and you aren’t super experienced, then how is the content going to be at the level it needs to be to sell them into a multi thousand dollar package? I now sell 2K in an evergreen funnel from a five day training on making money as a life coach in three simple steps. But I had five years of experience when I created that. And the content is really good, and it walks people into a $2,000 investment. And many people are in 2K from that funnel because the content is on point.

But if the content had been terrible, people don’t think, I didn’t get what I came for so let me buy in. They only buy in if they got what they came for. That’s why also your free stuff is not about trying it out. If they don’t get what they came for they’re less likely to buy, not more likely to buy. That’s again, we think we have to withhold information, we have to withhold transformation so that they pay you for it. No, no, no, if they don’t get it with your free stuff they’re not paying you for the paid stuff. So, it’s just a lot of work and a lot of extra steps.

And then if you think about your client, now they have to go through the course, they have to believe in themselves enough to get all the way through the course. If they don’t believe in themselves to get through the course, they’re not going to believe in themselves enough to hire you one-on-one. Some people will and they will be your worst clients. One-on-one coaches love to do this. They love to sell my clients. They love to sell my 2K students and my 200K students that are not getting results or not as quickly as they want or not self-sufficient through the process.

They love to try to find those people in my programs and sell those people one-on-one support and they’re always their worst clients, always. I’m like, “Why would you do that?” I’m like, “My worst clients should never be your best clients.” It’s not the way it works. I’m not going into my coach’s community and I’m like, “Who isn’t able to be resourceful and use this program the way it’s meant? Who isn’t able to do the work? Come work with me and I’ll help you.” What? No. It’s a very similar idea. So, we want to be really careful that we’re not trying to sell in that way.

And that’s what ends up happening a lot of time when you’re trying to use a course to create one-on-one demand is you’re going to end up, if people do buy because they didn’t get the result to go into one-on-one, they’re not going to be your best people. But then to get your best people in that funnel you have to be super experienced. And if you were super experienced likely you would have already filled your one-on-one coaching which is what made you experienced. And then you’d be moving into a group, or a program, or a course as your next offer.

So, when you flip them what happens is your content is not going to be necessarily good enough to sell the one-on-one so you’re either not going to sell or the people who buy will buy because they didn’t get results and then you’ll have the worst clients working with you one-on-one.

And even if that weren’t the case, it’s just a lot of steps for the client and for you in order for you to create that one-on-one client versus just saying, “Hey, I can help you, let’s set up a call. What are free times that work for you? Great, this time. We have a sales conversation, you say yes, now you’re my client.” Simple, simple, simple, least amount of steps.

Okay, question six, do you break down the pricing and value of each component like some people do? I kind of find that irritating. For example, a private Facebook group valued at $1,000. So, I also answered this on offer week, and I wanted to answer this for you all. Listen, I’m sure there is a psychological sales reason why that works. I’m sure of it. If you look for it I’m sure you can find it.

Just like Walmart charges in 88 cents or something like that, and some people charge the 99 cents or end their product in 99 or 88. There’s some psychological value to that. I do not subscribe to any of that. Again, for me it’s all about simple. I really genuinely think that you can sell someone just by telling them, “Here’s the value. Here’s what you get.” So, when I sell 2K, I’m like, “You get the five step process. I’m going to walk you through organic marketing, making offers, clean selling. I’m going to step by step teach you how to do a consult and I’m going to help you overcome objections.

And then you also get Ask a Coach, so you can get daily access to all of the personalized coaching you want as often as you want. It’s unlimited, by certified Life Coach School coaches, who are certified in the model to coach you. And you can come weekly to our weekly coaching calls, and we do them every single week. You also get every replay for every call we’ve done in the past, and a private podcast to listen to them if you prefer to listen versus watch, or you want to listen to them again, many of our students do. And then you also get really amazing bonuses.

If you want to learn to self-coach using the model you can go through the five week course, making money with the model, and you can do the course and use the workbook to learn how to self-coach. You can do higher converting consults and learn the 14 mistakes that all coaches make on consults and how not to make them. You can do money mastery. We’re going to work through some of your limiting beliefs around money and pricing.

And you also have access to the Facebook community where there are thousands of coaches who have gone through the process who can help coach you, and who are willing and excited to help you make your first dollars. And you get all of that for $2,000. For me again it’s all about the simplest way from point A to point B. When I start talking about how much each thing is value, I think I’m just throwing pricing and money at you. Think about the thought, you just need to believe that.

I genuinely believe 2K is worth $20,000. And I love that I only charge 2K for it because I love watching all of the comments in the Facebook group of people who love it so much. It just makes me feel so good. I love that I do that. So, I don’t need the gimmicks. I need my thoughts about my offer which I know I keep saying over and over but it’s seriously, you need the gimmicks when you’re not willing to work on the thoughts. That’s what I truly think. Now, that’s not against anyone who teaches that. Maybe there’s some psychological thing behind it.

I just don’t subscribe to a lot of those things. I don’t do a lot of that kind of selling. Even when I was pitching, yes, we did some of that, it’s valued at this price, blah, blah, blah. But okay, this is the best way. So, we did this in pitching, we would be like, “This is worth $5, this is worth $10, this is worth $60, today it’s 39.99.” We would do that stuff. But if that stuff was the reason people bought, every sales agent in the country would make the same amount of money. That’s the best way for me to describe it to you.

Why did I make the best? I was literally the first, I was the top salesperson every year. They used to actually release the numbers and they stopped doing it after six months because people were just so just down and out because it was always me that was the top agent. So, I was the best. So, what was the difference between me being the best and me going in and grossing $3,000 in a day, which is a lot for a $30 product, or someone else that grosses $100 or $200, what’s the difference?

We had the same script, we were doing the same selling tactics, valuing at this amount of price and you get it today for free. We were both doing that. The difference was my thoughts when I was selling. The difference was my presence when I was selling. How clean my brain was, how well I was able to connect with the people in front of me. That’s the difference for you when you’re making offers and when you’re on a consult. Has nothing to do with the valued at price.

And I will teach you that in Making Offers Bootcamp, we’re going to uncover, everything I’m coaching on here, all this stuff is going to come up and all your thoughts about your offers when you’re out there making offers. So, we’re going to just keep coaching on it for six weeks straight. We’re going to coach on it in the Facebook group. We’re going to coach on it in Ask a Coach. We’re going to coach on it on the actual Making Offers Bootcamp call.

And we have another weekly call that we’ll be doing, our normal weekly call and you can get coaching on your business, and your consults, and your selling on that call as well. But we’re going to keep diving through things exactly like this until you genuinely believe that your thoughts are what make the difference in making offers or not. That your thoughts are what makes something a high value offer or not. That your thoughts are what make your offer valuable and your thoughts that help you communicate your offer clearly. That your thoughts are the thing that’s driving all of that.

You’re going to leave Making Offers Bootcamp deeply understanding that and deeply understanding that none of this gimmicky stuff like creating a course to create one-on-one demand. Or showing the pricing and the value of each component and then telling them they get it for free. None of that shit matters. Just like you don’t have to create false urgency. If you guys have listened to that podcast where I talk about urgency to buy.

People are always like, “2K for 2K, but it’s open all the time so how do you get people buying?” And I’m like, “Well, the urgency isn’t that I’m opening and closing 2K. The urgency is making money.” That is urgent. Every day you don’t join you make less money. How is that not urgent? I don’t need to create urgency. The urgency is there. The urgency to save your marriage, the urgency to lose weight, the urgency to feel better, that’s there. You don’t need added urgency.

You only need added urgency when your thoughts aren’t compelling enough to compel others. What? Boom, mic drop. Rewind that, listen to that again, go back 30 seconds. Play that over and over. Put it on your little post-it on your screen. It’s really important.

Alright, question number, I think we’re on six or seven at this point, and last one. Alright, is one month, 30 days too short of an offer? I just answered this today in offer week and I want to say the answer for me is yes, it is too short. Can you get results in 30 days? Hell yes. If you join 2K many, many, many people make their 2K in their first 30 days. I just pulled a post today from someone saying, “I joined in December, and I’ve made my 2K back.” And it’s only January 13th. So, they’ve been in either 30 days, or less than 30 days, or around 30 days.

Some people make it back in 24 hours. One of the things I said with offer week is that we are going to create your offer and you’re going to fall in love with it by the end of this week and then we’re going to move on to selling it. You don’t need six months to fall in love with your offer and self-coach yourself to death. That’s something else I have talked a lot about on offer week is you guys self-coach yourself way too much. I love to create shortcuts and make decisions that don’t require lots of self-coaching.

And that is I think kind of the magic of 2K and how I’ve set it up, and the way that I coach in 200K, it’s all based on that. I don’t want you guys coaching yourselves endlessly for hours, and hours, and hours. I don’t do that. Everyone’s always wanting to know what my self-coaching practice is. And I’m like, “I make really good decisions that are thought out, that are based on service to my client. I love those decisions. And I choose intentional thoughts every day about them. That’s my self-coaching practice.”

I don’t have notebooks and I don’t fill notebooks with self-coaching. Sometimes I do have self-coaching days. I’ll go in, I’ll dive in if it’s something really tough for me. I just know based on what I hear from other coaches, my colleagues, my students, I don’t self-coach near as much as everybody else is, yet I’m making tons of money. The reason is I think about, I make really good decisions. I think about those decisions ahead of time and then I go sell them.

So, I really love that you guys make these decisions from this place where you’re thinking about your client and you’re thinking about that. So, with a one month package, yes, they can get results. But can they maintain them? Can those results become who they are? Can they develop a self-concept that lasts with them beyond 30 days into the rest of their life? And I think the answer to that is no, based on understanding the human mind. I think based on understanding the human mind it’s going to take much longer than that. That’s why we give 2K lifetime access.

We want you to make your 2K in the first 30 days. But we know becoming a coach who makes consistent money, who signs consistent clients, who has consistent consults, who feels like I know how to sell, and selling is now fun, it’s not stressful, it’s fun. And I enjoy marketing, and I enjoy the process of selling, and marketing, and coaching, and being a coach. And my business is fueling me and feels good. That is going to take time because in the beginning you’re learning how to coach, you’re learning how to sell, you’re failing, you’re not good at anything, you’re learning.

You’re trying to be proficient in two major things, selling and coaching, you’re failing at all of it, you’re not your best at it. You’re trying to create content. You’re not your best at that. You’re trying to write copy, you’re not your best at that. In the beginning it’s a lot. Will you get results? Yes. Also is your first year and all of that, failing and hard work the best time of your life? I just talked about this on offer week. It really is. I look back from that first, you have the biggest transformations in that, you’ll never get bigger transformations than that time, when you’re going through all of that.

You’ll never have a time where coaching blows your mind as often and as frequently as it does. Just being in the trenches, getting dirty and going at it. There’s just never a better, I look back on that time, it was very hard. And also, I look back on it so fondly. So, my long answer to that question is I think it’s too short. I want to set up my consults or my offers in a way that don’t, again, don’t require lots of self-coaching and lots of talking myself into believing something is highly valuable.

So, for me I want to know that my clients will be able to get results quickly, but then also I have accounted for enough time in my offer for them to become the person who continues to get those results consistently for the rest of their life. So, what’s that time for you guys is, what’s the time that will allow them to get the initial results plus maintain those results and it become the predominant habitual results that they create in their life based on who they now are?

For me, I lost 25 pounds in 90 days. I took my coach, Brooke Castillo, I took her – she has a couple of weight loss programs. I don’t remember which one it was. But in her Self-Coaching Scholars I took one of the weight loss programs that was – I can’t think of the name for whatever reason. Anyways, I took one, it was taught, no sugar, no flour, so I did no sugar, no flour for 90 days.

And I lost the weight, but it took an additional six months to a year to really become the person who can eat sugar and flour now but it’s not a big part of my life. And I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about it. Even pregnant, I was so worried that I was going to get pregnant and have crazy hormones, and not be able to control my cravings. And my cravings are strawberries. I don’t really have cravings. I’m in a cereal kick right now and I don’t ever eat cereal. So, I’m like, “Am I low on folic acid?” But I’m in a cereal kick right now but I just don’t have a lot of drama.

I’m not overeating. I’m still eating, there was a time where I’d eat six meals a day where I would just be so nauseas and vomit. But now I’m back to eating three times a day. So, it really has become who I am. Self-Coaching Scholars is a membership, so you just keep renewing. But I needed that time to process that information. So be considerate of that in your thinking.

And if you are, if you’ve thought through your decisions, if you join 2K you’re going to get the irresistible offer protocol. And it’s five questions that are very similar to that on how to create the best niche for you right now for where you are and the best type of client for you to work with, the best timeframe, the best pricing for you, because there’s not a right offer.

But what is a hell yes for you that will allow you to not have to self-coach yourself to death on your offer, so that you can get out there and sell your offer and then just keep creating intentional thoughts that fuel you until 90% of your brain is very intentional about your offer. That’s the goal of offer week and Making Offers Bootcamp. And the thing is, if you ask the question, is something too short, is 30 days too short? When you ask a question, this is what we do in 2K is we make you answer it.

And any time there’s a question what happens is your thought is actually a negative belief answering that question. So, if it was, is 30 days too short? If you ask that question, the reason you’re asking that is because you think the thought, 30 days is too short. So actually, in that case the answer for you would be yes. If you’re asking a question, answer it for yourself, that’s the thought you’re having. Is 30 days too short? Yes, you believe it is.

So, what’s going to happen is if you offer and likely the reason you would offer that is you have a thought error that it will be easier to sell a shorter, cheaper program. So, if you offer that but your thought is it’s too short, that’s what you’re coming up against every time you make an offer. So, if you’re wondering, why aren’t people buying? It’s because your offer you think is too short. And then you’re going out with that thought, that predominant thought, making offers every day.

So, if you’re constantly making offers and people aren’t saying yes to them my guess is you have some thought like that, about some part of your offer or the entirety of your offer, I wouldn’t pay this for this value. You have some thought that isn’t aligning, that isn’t intentional, that isn’t helping you create an easy yes for your clients. That is the only reason you would ever be making offers and lots of offers, and people aren’t taking you up on it.

And a lot of coaches are able to spiritually bypass over negative thoughts. So, they’ll be like, “No, no, I love my offer. I only have amazing thoughts about my offer.” But only because they’re so resistant to feeling negative emotions and thinking negative thoughts. They don’t even want to deal with them. I have clients even in my 200K room that will say, “It feels like if I open this can of worms, I’ll never get it closed.” They’re so afraid so they don’t even let themselves look at it.

And we’re going to talk about that too. We’re going to deal with those types of issues too. You have to be aware, equally of your positive as your negative thoughts. And when I say negative thoughts, what I really mean is thoughts that make you feel negative. You have to be equally aware of the thoughts that make you feel negative, versus the thoughts that make you feel powerful, it doesn’t even have to be positive, but powerful, to be equally aware of them.

And if you are just saying, “I only have amazing thoughts,” but you’re not selling, that means you’re unaware. That’s the answer there, you’re unaware. So, we have to get you aware. We have to find out what those thoughts on. One of the coaches I just coached on offer week said that when she’s on a coaching call she feels so empowered and is loving it and feels so in belief. And then when she gets off the coaching call, she’s a new coach, when she gets off she comes down and all of her doubt, and her overwhelm, and stuff, things, when she’s not believing it all creeps in.

And she was like, “So do I just go to my highest self then and channel other thoughts of when I’m further along?” And I was like, “No, why don’t you just sit with all of that uncertainty, and doubt, and negative belief, non-belief, why don’t you just sit there with it.” And I said, “Because this is what I do is I sit with my stuff, and I write it down.” And I’m like, here are all the thoughts that are happening in my brain and all the emotions that are happening in my body, and this is the reason I’m not making more money. This is the answer to my next level.

So, I want to know this is my roadmap, I want to know what that is. You guys have to uncover that. So that’s the final message I’m going to leave you with is in Making Offers Bootcamp we’re going to be looking at the thoughts that are keeping you from getting from point A to point B. And we’re going to create thoughts that get you to point B faster. But you have to be able to look at both. So, if you are feeling like I’m working all the time and I’m making offers all the time, and I just feel so positive and amazing, that’s a problem.

And if you’re making offers all the time and you feel like shit and every time you make an offer, it’s literally like you’re forcing yourself to do it, that’s also a problem. And if you feel ambiguous about why you’re not getting results, if you’re like, “I don’t know, I’m making offers I think, making offers but I don’t know why people aren’t buying. It doesn’t feel like either of those things and I don’t know what it is.”

I just coached someone today who was like, “I don’t really know what’s going on, but I haven’t signed a client in a month.” I went, “Okay, that’s a problem too, not knowing.” We’re going to uncover that. In 2K I teach you very specifically the reasons people don’t buy. So, you should always know. I teach you an evaluation process. You’ll never be left wondering why you’re not making money, ever. All of those things, either extreme positivity, extreme negativity, or ambiguity, we’re covering all of that, none of those three are good results to have.

I want you to know exactly what thoughts are keeping you from people saying yes to your offer. It’s going to put so much power in your hands. And so much belief that when you clean it up, people will buy. So, you’ll be so much more hopeful moving forward in your business and people will start buying, a lot more people.

Alright, that’s my podcast for you all today. I hope you enjoyed these Q&As. I’ve had so much fun doing them. I think I’m going to do more, maybe not in a row, I don’t know. But I am going to do more because we had so many questions come in, they were all really great. I know they’re all questions that you guys all have. And I’m going to answer them but most importantly, I’m going to teach you the way I think.

And that’s what I hope that you absorb, is not the answer but the way I think about the answer. That’s how I love to coach, so that you don’t depend on me, but you learn this philosophy and these strategies yourself to make money simply.

Alright, join 2K for 2K, join us in Making Offers Bootcamp, if you didn’t get offer week yet, you’ll have access to that as well so you can take the whole training and then you can join us in Making Offers Bootcamp, it starts January 27th. You do not want to miss it. Come live and take the entire journey with us over the next six weeks.

Hey, if you are ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2K for 2K program where you’re going to make your first $2000, the hardest part, and then $200,000 using my proven formula. It’s risk-free. You either make your 2K or I give you your 2K back. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

Enjoy the Show?

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