Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | Launching with More Profit and SustainabilityEnrollment for 200K Mastermind is opening in April this year, and I always love doing a series of podcasts in preparation, introducing concepts and strategies that I teach in the mastermind, along with interviews with clients, like last week. So, today, we’re talking about all about launching with more profit and sustainability.

Inside 200K, we have a whole course teaching you how to launch, covering the process from beginning to end. So, if you’re ready to launch, thinking about it, or in the process of launching, you’re in the right place. I’m giving you everything to consider for how you can make your next launch your most profitable and sustainable one yet.

Tune in this week to discover everything you need to know about launching, and how we take this work even deeper inside 200K. I’m sharing the biggest mistakes I see people making during and preparing for their launches, and what you can do to get crystal clear on the best launch strategies and processes for you.

Click here to sign up for the waitlist for the next round of the 200K Mastermind!

If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • The most common questions clients have when it comes time to launch.
  • How I choose to think about launching in a way that takes a lot of the pressure off.
  • The common strategic mistakes I see entrepreneurs making when they’re opening up sales for their offer.
  • How to see where fear or a lack of commitment are leading to an unsuccessful launch.
  • The different stages of your launch you need to consider in maximizing your sales potential.
  • 8 things I do to make sure my launch is as successful as possible.
  • The only 2 things that have gone wrong if your launch is unsuccessful and how to find the simple solution.
  • How we work inside 200K to get clear on how to have a profitable and sustainable launch.

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Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hey, coaches, welcome to episode 169. Today we’re going to talk about launching. 200K Mastermind is coming up, our open enrolment this April 18th, 19th and 20th of 2022. And I always love doing a series of podcasts, a good mix of concepts or strategies that I teach in the Mastermind mixed with interviews from inspiring students who are examples of what’s possible with the Mastermind whether it’s 200K or $2 Million Group. Last week we heard from Kristen Boss.

I have two other interviews lined up that are going to be so incredible by some incredible students in 200K and $2 Million Group. So those are coming up. And I have a couple of episodes planned for things that I’m teaching in the Mastermind, things that you will master in the Mastermind and so this is one of them. I’m not sure what I actually want to call this episode yet. Either just Launching or maybe something like Sustainable Launching. There is an element of that. We’ll see once the episode actually comes out.

But I wanted to do this episode because we actually have an entire course inside the 200K Mastermind teaching you how to launch from the very beginning, every single question you ever have about launching. And I’m going to actually break it down in this episode how that course, what it covers and how it’s laid out. So, stay tuned for that. I will talk about the things in this episode.

But before we dive in I just want to say some of you might be listening to this episode or might start listening to this episode and have this question. You might be listening and you might think, wait, should I be launching? When do I launch? What do I launch? How do I know what type of launching to do? And I will say that I could do a whole episode about just that. But for now, just know that all of those questions are covered extensively in the beginning of the launching course in 200K Mastermind.

For this episode it’s more for those of you who are already launching or who are about to launch maybe a new offer, a group, a mastermind, a program. You have a launch coming up. Or if you know that that will be in your future even and even if you don’t have these exact answers right now. I do think it will still be worth the listen. I’m going to drop lots of thoughts and a really great strategy here on this episode.

So, I wanted to start the conversation off, I jotted down some common mistakes that I see made often by coaches when launching and when opening up their sales for an offer. And that’s really what launching is. So, we’ll start with that, the way that I think about launching is you’re just opening up sales for an offer that you have, sales were closed, now they’re open. So here are a couple of common mistakes when opening up sales for your offer. The first one is that there is no official opening and closing.

So, you’re undecided in your mind and you don’t commit to a close date. And for many of you that comes from fear because you have thoughts like, I’m not sure how long it will take me to sell or fill these spots. Or what if I tell them a firm date and then I don’t fill it? Or you just think you’ll see how it goes and you’ll figure it out along the way especially if it’s your first launch. You might have the thought, I don’t know how long it will take, again, to sell these. So, you just think we’ll see how it goes. We’ll sell until we fill it out.

And so, I just want to offer that that is a mistake to not have an official opening and closing. Another common one is when you’re in your sales process and you’re in the launch, you’re putting out content on the fly as you go, as you think of it, as it inspires you. And let me just say this, a lot of you do that. Some of you do that because you think that it will be more inspiring if you write them when inspiration happens and inspiration will happen when you’re in the sales process.

I’m going to talk about this more in when I talk about how I do my launches. But I just want to offer this thought right here before we get there is that I do always save room in my calendar for inspiration hitting me when I’m in a launch and for creating content, or sales emails, or selling, or having an idea to add to the process while we’re in the launch. I do that because inspiration does hit you, you do get amazing ideas.

But I really highly recommend that your actual sales plan, and your sales launch, and the content for your launch, you’re not waiting for that inspiration to create it. You have to create that ahead of time and then you create more with the inspiration that you might have in the sales process. But many of you have that, you either are just doing it because you didn’t plan correctly and you ran out of time to get things done or you think it’s actually beneficial to wait until you’re in a launch to create the content because it will come from this greater, higher place of inspiration.

So how you know this is happening for you is your emails are going out as you write them. You’re getting off a webinar and writing emails as fast as you can. Or your emails are very sporadic. And this will happen, especially, I want you to think about it from your client and your audience’s perspective. Sporadic emails, how that affects them. But what happens is you send out a lot of sporadic messaging because you waited until you were in the launch to write your content. And then when you’re in the launch that’s when the fear and the freakout about your launch happens.

So, I want you to imagine or remember when this has happened to you, when you’re trying to think of what to say to sell people in real time, but you’re having to coach yourself about the failure you’re already predicting, coach yourself off the ledge, out of the freakout. You imagine it’s going to be such an inspiring time until you’re on the ledge trying to figure out what to say to sell people. It’s the worst place to try to sell people from. So, you never want to be creating content on the fly.

Another mistake that I see happen a lot is coaches launch too long, their opening, the opening of your sales, opening and closing is too long so much so, it’s open so long that you exhaust yourself from holding space for those sales. That’s really important. You’re holding a lot of energetic space in your mind and in your body. And you’re pushing your brain very hard during a launch. So, you don’t want that to be such an extended period of time that you literally have to take a break from your business.

And that’s how you know that you’re launching too long is if you need a break from your launch. I will tell you, I’ve gotten very masterful at launching. And I don’t need breaks when I’m finished launching. We are just moving on to the next thing, it doesn’t take any more energy than really any other work week. In fact, most of the time it takes less energy. So, if you’re exhausting yourself and you’re needing to take days, or weeks, or even months off you’re probably launching too long. And you may have other things at the same time happening.

It might be all of them, you’re launching too long with no official opening and closing, putting content out on the fly. If that’s happening for you this is for sure why you hate launching, why it sucks, why it’s not producing the results you want and why it’s wearing you into the ground.

And then the last common mistake that I see is from those of you that actually do complete your work ahead of time and then one of two things happens that neither are useful. You either complete your work ahead of time and then sit back and just hope that your belief will be enough at the end to bring the results in. So, you’re just kind of waiting to see what happens. Or you start panicking the moment it seems like it might not be going the way that you want and obsessively checking email open rates, and click rates, and applications, and payments.

Both of those things come really from one core issue which is incorrectly estimating the amount of effort needed to create the result you want either in overestimating or underestimating. And then when you’ve either overestimated or underestimated what you often do to make up for that is you overcorrect or you under-correct. So, neither of those things are useful, a very common mistake.

I recently had a client whose MO was to obsessively check notifications and the stats of her launches. And she wanted to stop doing that so she joined 200K Mastermind. And she went into her next launch and even though it wasn’t going as she expected, she thought the only other solution was to sit back and see and to work on her belief that she had done enough work ahead of time to bring home the numbers. So, I also just want to highlight that for a second.

That’s another common thought is that what you are doing in the launch is just working on your belief that you’ve done enough work ahead of time to bring home the numbers. That is also a common mistake or a thought error and I’ll tell you why in a second. But I told her that either obsessively checking notifications or sitting back and just waiting to see is just very all or nothing thinking. And what’s so interesting is she was in this all or nothing thinking and sitting back and doing nothing but she felt grounded and calm.

She didn’t feel lost by any means, yet it wasn’t serving her. And I’ll tell you why that it really wasn’t serving her in just a second as well. I’m going to cover both of the working on her belief that she hadn’t done enough work ahead of time and that sitting back and doing nothing even though you feel calm and grounded, and sometimes calm and grounded isn’t serving you. We’ll talk about that in just a second. But for now, I just want you to know that the couple of mistakes that I just gave you are not a complete list of launch issues that I see coaches face.

Really I wanted to put together a very short list of the most common mistakes. I could talk about the mistakes all day long. These are the most common ones that I think take coaches out of the game and keep them from hitting their revenue goals the most. It’s the biggest ones that if you effectively solved those and started with just those it will make a huge difference in your launching.

And I want to offer that the 200K launching course is really a simple, simple solution for all of these things. And I wanted to walk you through that solution that I offer in the course. And then walk you through my process for what I do while I’m in the launch which is also in the launching course. So, when I’m actually in my cart open so to speak.

And I just have to say, I’m going to say cart open a couple more times in this episode I’m sure. But I used to be so confused on what that term meant because when I started launching I didn’t have a cart to open. I had a PayPal link to send clients and an invoice. So, I just want to say really quickly, if that is you, no sweat, that’s where a lot of us start. So, we’re just going to refer to the cart open being the time you open the doors, to selling, to the time you close them. That’s what we’re going to consider cart open but you might not actually have a shopping cart.

You might not have an actual payment page. It might be a PayPal link and an invoice and that’s okay. It’s just if you’re selling something that you’re in fact opening and closing like we do for 200K, or for 2K our cart is always ‘open’ but we do bonus periods that open and close. So again, in the launching course, I really dive into when to be launching and how to decide whether to actually have your offer open all the time. And then maybe you do, like we do for 2K, the many open closed periods with incentives, bonuses, or webinars, or paid trainings.

And then when to do an open close system where you might launch x amount of times per year. We cover that in the launching course. I don’t want to dive too deep into that.

So okay, so here are the parts of the launches that you really want to start thinking about. There is, and this is what we cover in the launching course, the pre-launch, this is where you warm people up to the selling that is about to happen and prepare their mind for buying. Then there is the launch itself, the open selling time. And then there is the post-launch for your audience members who didn’t buy and for your new clients this would be the onboarding phase. So, there is either post-launch for people that didn’t buy or the onboarding phase for the people who did.

So, pre-launch, launch, post launch/onboarding phase. Then within these three phases here are the only four things you’ll ever be doing. Planning, executing, coaching yourself and evaluating after the fact. So, this is how the course is set up. And I’m really just walking you through, when you join 200K you’re going to get so much information on this because launching is literally an art that can make you so much money. We make millions of dollars on it.

But I also want to give you all tangible things to use in this episode right now especially if you’re listening when we’re not in an open phase of our launches where you can start implementing some of these things right now. So, this is how the launch course is set up. We cover each of these three phases of a launch and then the four things that you’re always doing during those phases and every step along the way.

And here’s why this is important. If you are not planning your launch correctly, if you’re unclear about your open and close dates, if you don’t have the entire launch content done ahead of time, we’re going to talk about what I do during my launch. If you’re not doing what I do during my launch as well. I just want to offer that this will be your biggest obstacle to selling and delivering. You’ll get less sales and you’ll have less over the moon clients because balls will get dropped all over the place, especially when it comes to onboarding.

That’s a really big thing when I say your selling and your delivery. When we talk about launching, we never talk about selling without delivering. And how you onboard your clients is very important. It’s literally, I want you to think about onboarding, such a good thought that I’m about to offer you here. I want you to think about onboarding as your way of helping your client think, hell yes, I made the right decision. That’s what your onboarding does. Your onboarding helps them identify that they made the right decision. What?

I will tell you, we have gotten far less buyers remorse, changed minds, wanting to back out from all of our selling because of our onboarding process, from the moment they pay, actually the couple of moments before they pay, the steps before they pay, the steps during pay and their steps after pay. We’ve really given that so much attention that our people really are able to allow themselves to think, hell yes, I made the right decision. And so, we get a lot less of people changing their minds.

Okay, so these three things that you’re doing in the launches, the three phases and the four things you’re actually doing, these are here to ensure that you do not drop balls all over the place. And when you don’t do them you will also, I will tell you, you will also make your work very hard, you will work very long days and you will stress out and burn out very quickly. This is also why I abhor – is that the right word, abhor, like hate? I don’t know if that was the right word. I might have made that up.

The whole idea of launching while you’re on vacation or while you’re traveling. You will never hear me teach this, talk about this. You’ll never see me do it. I just do not, it’s not something I partake in. Lots of coaches are selling this where you go somewhere fancy, up the energy of your social media, inspire the hell out of people with new or interesting content and then sell. No. No. No. No. And here is why, it’s not even about my thoughts about the clients. It’s my thoughts for you.

Too much of your focus will go into your launch to enjoy your vacation or not enough focus will go to your launch while you enjoy your vacation. So, one will suffer or both. So just don’t do this. I really want to recommend this. I think I recommend this multiple times in the launching course, but really, no one’s ever been able to sell me that this is a good idea or that it’s working for them.

So don’t lie to yourself and tell yourself that you’re setting up everything ahead of time and you’re just letting it play out while you have fun and your business manager and your team is doing the launch for you. No. You’re never going to sell me. Have fun and be all in while you travel and then have focus and be all in while you launch. I feel like that could be a whole other episode too but it’s just my rant for this episode. But I do feel it’s so important when we get to what I do during my launch.

It’s so important because so many of you plan shit while you’re in your launch. And I’m like, “What’s happening? You don’t have time for anything in your launch. Plan nothing. Everything, remove everything from your calendar.” We’ll talk about that in a second. But this is one of the big ones I coach people on a lot is no travel, no vacations, no major projects, nothing that requires dramatic amounts of your attention while you launch. Because you’re going to be focused on the things I’m about to cover for you.

Alright, so you’re going to learn why I feel strongly about this in just a second and why my launches go very well most often. Because here’s what I do. Are you ready? There are eight things that I do.

Number one. I make all decisions ahead of time about when the pre-launch and the cart opening and closing are happening. So, all decisions made ahead of time. There’s no ambiguity about when the pre-launch, the launch and the onboarding, none of that, everything has very specific dates, decisions ahead of time.

Number two. I prepare all content that we’re going to use across all platforms that we utilize in order of importance ahead of time.

Number three. I prepare all onboarding and post-launch communications to my clients. So, the emails that they receive after they sign up, any communication they need to know after they sign up, all of that. All of that is prepared.

And then number four. My team and I test the delivery of this content.

Number five. We schedule it ahead of time.

Number six. We deliver it.

Number seven. I coach myself through the entire launch.

And then number eight. I evaluate as an individual, for myself afterwards and then we evaluate as a team afterwards, for those of you who have a team.

So that’s my process. Again, it requires decisions and work ahead of time. That’s it. But that is hard for many of you which is why coaching is so important. We have to find out why you aren’t committing to a date. Why you aren’t getting the work done ahead of time. Why you’re making it up as you go. Why you’re selling on vacation or scheduling tons of things during your launch. So, the launching course, again, I’m just going to keep talking about it but it gives you a lot of structure to reveal the thoughts that you’re having and the beliefs that you believe that you’re losing sales because of.

I take a lot of hits about my structure and how process oriented I am. But I just want to say, yes, I am because that’s the way that you reveal your brain to yourself. That’s why I also get results so quickly and only work three days a week. It’s because I’m always creating circumstances and processes to reveal my brain to myself. That’s it. So, your launch, it should be very easy to reveal your brain to yourself.

And this actually leads me to another mistake that I see coaches make a lot that didn’t make it in my top list but I did want to talk about it at some point in this episode which is launching impulsively and acting on inspiration. I’ve talked about it a little bit already. But if you tend to do this, you launch impulsively, you sell things impulsively, because that’s what launching is, is opening selling to something. So, if you sell things impulsively or you act on, you get an idea to sell something and then you just immediately start selling it.

A lot of people do this because that energy can be contagious to others and they will want to hop onboard because they get absorbed and influenced by the amount of your energy. They get really pulled in and carried away with your energy. But it will suck you dry of your energy. It will be messy for you and your clients and mostly it isn’t sustainable or repeatable especially as you get to the millions and have a team. I could never launch anything impulsively because I have a team and they would literally quit. They would be like, “Done, out of here.”

I will just tell you this quick little story, side rant. In October, I think it was October, September or October, I knew that I wanted to do a big January. I knew I wanted to have a 2K launch. I knew something might change with 200K, that I wanted to do some – I don’t know that pre-enrolment, maybe it was in my mind. I don’t know that it was but I just knew that there could be a potential for 200K. I knew there were big things coming for January and I didn’t have it all ironed out what it was. But I knew that it was coming.

I knew how much money I wanted to bring into the business in January. I had goals I wanted to hit. I had lots of reasons for wanting to be launching a lot in January but I didn’t have the exact plan that felt right for me and our business. And so, I told my COO, Michelle and had her communicate to our team to work as far ahead as they possibly could to where their calendars were completely clear by thanksgiving. So that after thanksgiving and through December and through January their calendars would be open to implement whatever I created.

So even though I didn’t have – I was waiting for the inspiration, the idea, the perfect alignment for what I wanted to create to make sense with the goals I have and how I like to do things. I was waiting for that and I didn’t have it quite yet. But I prepared my team for it because if I had just thrown it on them, I think the idea finally hit me towards the end of November. And I remember I was planning on taking off this whole week, I think, after thanksgiving. And I realized if I want to do this I have got to get everything they need to start working done before I even tell them what the project is.

Because it’s last minute for what we normally typically do, we plan so far in advance. And I’m like, “I’ve got to give them everything they need.” All the sales emails, everything they might need, step by step of this is what’s happening. Here’s the information you need, here’s how we get started. And so, I did that because I really respect my team and I don’t want them to hate working for me and hate their life, and feel everything is always a fire and everything’s always an emergency.

So, as you grow your team, you have to work so far ahead to not affect them because they’re working ahead too, that it’s really hard to launch impulsively and be acting constantly and selling on inspiration. And you will really have a hard time keeping really good people on your team as you grow that. It will get harder and harder the more people you have. So, another little tangent. But I just want to say it’s very important. So, it will suck your energy. It will be messy for you and your clients.

If you don’t believe me just sit down and ask yourself if Stacey were right, how could that be true? But mostly it’s just not sustainable and repeatable. Inspiration is not a process. Hear me. I’m going to say that again because there’s a lot of coaches teaching that. Inspiration is not a process. It’s a feeling. I think it’s what you rely on when you lack a process. Launching as a process, it takes a more mature energy. You have to do things when you don’t feel like doing them. And you have to do them minus inspiration much of the time.

But here’s what will happen is when you are not relying on inspiration is you’ll have access to your more strategic brain when you don’t have that inspiration. And you will actually produce more value for your clients that requires less of your energy. And will burn you out less frequently and you’ll need to take breaks from your business less frequently or take breaks from selling less frequently. So, if you have to take breaks because of exhaustion you’re doing it wrong. And let me just say, not wrong, you’re just not doing it sustainably which is why you have to take the breaks.

My goal is to help you learn how to sell sustainably so you don’t have to take breaks, so then your selling is more fluid, it’s more constant, it’s more reliable, which creates demand, it creates safety for your clients. So again, I get a lot of flak about how systematized and process oriented my teachings are from more of the creative types. But I want to just say, I’m going to say it hard with love. I love you so much.

Because I used to consider myself very creative. So, if that’s hard for you to believe I just want to say I have worked through a lot of my habits that exhausted me from being creative. But I used to consider myself creative. And I will tell you that those are always the coaches burning out and needing breaks. Not always that’s the only. But it’s often creatives who are acting on impulse, acting on inspiration, who are burning out and needing breaks. And that used to be me, so I get you, I love you, I understand you, I know the thought errors creating that.

And I also know that there’s so much available on the other side and so much creativity that you didn’t even know was available once you master the process, you literally open up a new portal of creativity. Again, that you’re not even thinking about it being available to you. And it’s more dependable because you learn to give yourself luxurious amounts of time to play, and create, and dream, and envision, and plan.

You just do it ahead of time without the spontaneity that also I will tell you, even though it feels really great and you think it’s really amazing. It makes your selling and delivery sloppy as hell and again it exhausts your energy. That’s the most important thing, when you’re riding on energy ups and downs, highs and lows, inspiration, divine guidance, whatever it is.

When you’re riding on that up and down you will always be exhausted and you will lose out on, I promise you, a portal of creativity that is available when you master selling with a process, and launching and actually planning it very well and executing it at the highest level. That’s when your highest creativity is going to be found. You just have to trust me. So, I just want to offer as a former impulsive creative seller, you all, I sold something, let me just say really quick.

This is a prove it to you that I am an impulsive creative seller in the past. I sold something, a sold a retreat called Midnight in Paris in Michigan because my soul called me. This was the right offer to offer people. I get you. You might not think I do but I get you. So, here’s what I want to say. On the other side I still feel on top of my game of creativity but again I don’t need a week or even a day off after my launches. What? I’m going to let that sink in for a second. I don’t even need a day off when I get done with my launches. That’s right.

And I want this for you. I want it more than your creative inspirationed life. And if you’re listening before you have even started launching, someone recently asked me, “Why have people enroll in 200K at the 25K mark instead of further along when they might be more calm and prepared for the room? Why push them to get in right away?” And the answer to this for me is to learn the sustainable way the first time around because I didn’t do that. And once you are in unsustainable habits it’s so much harder to break them.

Your brain gets very good at hiding patterns from you and disguising your unsustainable decisions as your most genius ideas. And selling you on how you aren’t hustling or acting from an unsustainable model. And it took me three years to unwind this. So yes, if I get you at 25K in 200K you’re going to be frontloading the hard work. That’s what I’m going to say. Frontloading the hard work. It’s true.

It’s like buying a house, most of your first payments on that house are just going to interest. So, for you it’s hard work, the drama of playing in the big leagues. And maybe even what seems like slower growth in the beginning. And only because of the drama by the way. But then when you learn a sustainable model from the get go, you might sell slower than some of your peers hustling, but you will speed up and far surpass them in the end.

Or even if you don’t surpass them because it’s not a competition. What you will end up with though is similar numbers to your peers with a lot less work, a lot less overwhelm, a lot less burnout, a lot more time in your personal life with your family doing things you love. And for me that is just as valuable as the money you can make. So really surpassing people should not even be the goal. I know how so many of you compare yourselves to your peers. And the only thing you tend to compare is revenue, not the how.

So, I just want you to consider too, if you are going to compare, you need to compare not just revenue but the how, and the lifestyle, and the inner workings of the business as well. Because I will tell you, I could making double or triple what I’m making now. I have no doubt about that. But the how and the way that I have my life is working only three days a week. I took 20 weeks off last year unintentionally, I got pregnant. You all know. But I didn’t work for 20 weeks, I only worked three days a week on the weeks that I did work.

I had lots of amazing big life events happen, also my team, I hire the most amazing people. My hiring game is on point. We have the best people, my business is very easy to run, very easy. I’m not stressed at all about having a baby and adding a baby to my life at the $10 million level. I would completely give up $10 million and not be at $20 million.

I would rather have what I have now at $10 million than be at 20 but have no systems and processes, never be able to truly leave my business, not be able to take three months maternity leave, be working five days a week. Be having to take lots of breaks from exhaustion, not being healthy. All of those things. To me the money is not worth it. Okay, another rant. Lots of rants on this episode.

Okay, so bottom line, if you’re not looking at your revenue and your how, you’re missing out on a fully developed picture. And if you’re like me and you have made a muck of launching and selling maybe in the past, let me just offer that there’s also no better time to unwind that shit. Each launch you do without a sustainable process strengthens your habits for unsustainable work and takes longer to unwind. And trust me, it’s much more painful to be going fast and have to hit the brakes than to slow and steady ramp up your speed.

Because when you’re slow and steady, here’s what I will say is you’ve yet to fully see the money on the table versus when you’re going too fast you see all the money is on the table. And then you have to really work on allowing the urge and saying no to grabbing it. And I just think that is so much harder.

Okay, so back to launching. You want to start working on this process as soon as you can to create more sustainable energy and money in your business. It’s truly that simple. So, we make all the decisions ahead of time, prep everything, test it then launch it. And then here’s what I do during my launch. So, let’s just say, it’s 200K and what I consider 200K, we have several weeks of preselling that we do and then we have open cart, you can actually apply to join 200K or going through applications. We’re watching three minute videos.

We’re actually curating the breakout groups and the lists of people, and who will mastermind with who. We’re doing all of that. So, here’s what I do during that week of my launch. I have already talked about this. But I clear my schedule as much as possible. I want my whole launch period to be open for me, my schedule to be open, for me to be open to watching the launch. This is why you also don’t want to launch too long because think about, how long can you actually dedicate to nothing but watching your launch?

And if you’re asking me truly how long is too long, I’m going to say anything beyond two weeks for sure of an open cart. And really I think even anything beyond a week can be really long. I usually do anywhere from three to five business days. But again, that gets addressed in detail in the course. And the exception I will say is when you’re selling something for the first time depending on where you are in your business. I sold 200K for three months the first time. But I will tell you this is how I did it. I made that entire quarter first of all a lesson in mastery in selling 200K. That was my only goal.

That quarter was I’m going to master selling 200K but then how I actually did it is I did a webinar followed by a very specific timeframe for consults. And then closed it out with time between the next webinar. And then I did the same process for the next two months on repeat. So, it wasn’t necessarily three straight months of selling. It was webinar, consult period, close, and then webinar, consult, period and close. And my goal was to do 10 clients each month. And I did that because I needed time to do enough consults to sell 30 spots because I’d never sold it before.

I wanted to get in and do those one-on-one consults. That’s a little bit more advanced strategy, again, you get a lot of it in the launching course. But for this example, let’s just say it’s five business days. So, for five business days I clear my schedule. I watch the launch. And what it looks like is different depending on the components of your launch. For 200K mine is actually three days and then we have two days of taking payments and things like that. So, for three straight days I’m watching for reality meeting my expectations.

There is what I propose will happen, what I think will happen, my theory of what will happen, my theory of what I needed to say to get my audience to buy, what they needed to hear and how it actually goes. So, what they actually need to hear and buy. Now, my theory is comprised of past experiences, my current belief, my future desire. But basically, it’s very arbitrary and completely made up.

I was talking to my friend, Kara about this. And it’s something we both do and she called it something like a selling fantasy. That’s how you fantasize about it going versus how it actually goes. And I love to fantasize. I will give you one of mine for example. I was telling her, “I love to fantasize that the goal of my applications for 200K is met on day one. Everyone just applies on day one.” And trust me, it never happens that way.

So, in the past I’ve always been totally surprised and had to coach myself. Many rounds were spent just coaching myself on the fact that people didn’t buy on day one. So, I have never been exempt from the drama. Now, you won’t have to coach yourself on the same things every time. I’m not coming into this launch expecting everyone to apply on day one. But that used to be a thing. So, your human brain mixed with selling will always produce drama.

So, day one for me or for you of your launch might be coaching yourself out of your fantasy and into reality. And this is a little tricky because the launch just started if it’s day one. So, you don’t actually know what the reality is until it closes. You only have the theory of that too. So, you might have a little fantasy about how it will go ahead of time. The level of nightmare you experience when it doesn’t go that way is dependent on how you coach yourself those first few hours. And then how you view the information coming in after that.

So, there is the theory of how it will go, how you’ll perceive it going and then the theory about why it’s going that way. It’s all made up. You do get better at theorizing the more you launch, and the more you sell, and the more you understand buyers. But mostly you’re going to be going on hunches. And there are going to be specific indicators that get you more useful hunches. So, for example, if on day one we see a lot of unqualified applicants come in or a lot of coaches who didn’t fit our filters for 200K. That could tell us something that happened five launches ago.

So, we can look back and look at our copy, and look how often and in what way we communicated our filters and the required income to apply for example. If we get a lot of applicants that say they have no idea how they’ll pay for 200K, that could tell us something about who we’re writing to. If we get mostly new people or mostly renewals we can look at did we forget about a group and not really take care to address them in our pre-launch and immediate sales emails?

If there aren’t enough applications coming in we could look at how many emails we are sending and the robustness, if that’s a word, of our social campaigns. These are all things over the past – I don’t know – how many times have we launched 200K? Eight times. I don’t know at this point.  Six, six or eight. I think it might be eight. Those are all things that have come up over that many launches, that have actually been hunches that we’ve played into that have worked in our correcting. So that’s just to give you an idea.

These are things when you’re in 200K that you will present to the group with your theories and your why or your evidence, and get feedback on that moving forward. And I do this even in my Mastermind. So, once you have a theory of what’s happening and why then you pose a theory for the solution. Here’s what I’m going to try to do or how I’m going to fix it. And then you may redirect your marketing, create some more content, put forth a new direction in your selling.

And then you go back to watching to see if your solution worked. And if it doesn’t you continue this cycle all the way through to the end. This is what I do every launch. I’m not exempt and neither are you. This is the work of launching. I used to do this, this is why I’m so good at selling.

I did this when I was pitching. If we did a show and I didn’t sell what I thought I should have sold I would pose a theory of what went wrong, call a trainer, talk to them about it. We would both decide, what do we think the main issue was or the main couple of issues. Then we would go back and try it again. And either it fixed it and I would be like, “It worked, it just sold 100.” Not really, 20. Or I’d be like, “That didn’t work at all, I go the exact same result.”  And then we would start over. And we would do that over, and over, and over.

And it became just the way that you sell, just the process of selling. Nothing has gone wrong, this is just what we do. I had a theory for how I needed to communicate with these people in this particular store. I had a theory for how fast I needed to go. I had a theory for the things I needed to tell them to make the product seem more valuable. And I missed. It was a miss. I had a theory for what energy, I don’t know if I said that, but what energy they were looking for. I missed. So now let’s work it out.

And then we would do that. And sometimes 10 times in a row over, and over, and over until we figured it out. This is the work of launching. So, you might be wondering, this is a question I thought some of you might ask is what if your theory is wrong? And this happened to me recently with a launch. I imagined, it was for a 2K launch we did, and I imagined a problem that wasn’t actually there. Actually, this might have been a 200K launch. I don’t remember now. I’m losing my mind. Pregnancy brain.

But I just remember that whatever it was, I found out later with the actual stats from my team that it wasn’t a problem at all. But I had already proposed and implemented a solution. So, I imagined a problem, wasn’t actually there, I had asked my team to give me measurable stats. That’s always a good idea, to see if I was even correct in my problem. And in the time between when they got me those stats I had already created and implemented a solution.

And what I will tell you is rarely if you are making small changes at a time and you’re not burning the whole damn thing down all at once, any changes you make, regardless of the correctness of your theory will be positive ones. So, for example, with the theory that I recently made for this launch, actually, you know what? I think it was 200K now that I’m thinking about it. There has been several that have been similar to this. But the one I’m thinking of now, I just wrote one email to my email address and addressed the issue that I thought we were facing.

And the email was so good and spot on that we use it as an ad now currently and will from hereon out. So even though I was wrong, the theory that there was something wrong and then the correction produced value that we use from hereon out. We didn’t need to do it but where I took my mind in problem solving was so useful for creating valuable content for our best clients that it keeps creating it moving forward. Because there are really only two results that you ever get that you don’t want when you’re launching.

So, I want you to know this, hear this thought, stop, if you’re entranced for a second. Stop and write this down if you can. If you’re driving it’s fine, just come back and listen again or grab the show notes. But there’s only two results that you ever get that you don’t want when you’re launching. You’re either not getting enough sales or you’re not getting the right people for the offer that you’re selling. So really the ultimate problem is you’re not getting enough of the right people for your offer to hit your goal. That’s the result you want. Your goal of the best people for your offer.

So, any time you pose a theory for what’s not working and the solution to that it will always be a theory of why there aren’t enough of the best clients for your offer buying. And then the solution will always be to create selling content that inspires the best people to buy at the rate you want. What? I’m going to say that again.

Any time you pose a theory for what’s not working and the solution to that it will always be a theory of why there aren’t enough of the best clients for your offer buying. And then the solution will always be to create selling content that inspires the best people to buy at the rate you want. That can never lead you astray unless you do one of two things. I have thought of everything for this episode. Unless you do one of two things, you theorize and create a solution from lack, and insufficiency, and powerlessness, meaning your brain has not been coached up first.

And/or you burn it all down instead of making one little tweak at a time. So let me give you an example of this with myself. I had a round of 200K where I noticed right away that our renewal rates were down, not a little down, down by half of our normal rate. And what was surprising was the income levels of the people who didn’t renew. It was some of the highest earners. So I went back, and I started looking and I realized that I hadn’t sold them on why it is literally leaving 10 times the amount of money of 25K on the table to not keep going.

And I hadn’t sold them on continuing on, in fact I’m pretty sure I had been pretty blasé about it. My COO was like, “Yeah, I feel you’ve anti-sold them.” And I hadn’t given them the opportunity to express and get coached on their totally normal brains telling them that their current results weren’t enough and money issues they were facing at that next 100K level, and thoughts of insufficiency around money. When they really truly had successful businesses. I had just assumed if they’re making lots of money they have their heads on straight.

So, some of the things I worked to correct in the moment of the launch, some I just had to kind of eat the result and work on it for the next launch. But what I didn’t do and this is so important, is I didn’t switch my focus to only the people who didn’t renew and losing several high earners and change the whole launch based on them. I gave that a percentage of my energy while also noticing and realizing how many people that were new were coming to the table and the success of that. I didn’t rewrite all the sales emails.

I didn’t change what I offer and add something to be more compelling to the top earners. I didn’t try to convince them to stay. I got coached, I coached myself, I made small adjustments. I watched the result of those adjustments and made more. And mostly I didn’t subtract, I added to the launch, to my efforts. Because usually the issue with all launches is you have simply underestimated the amount of effort required to sell the number of the best clients that you want for your offer.

So in the launch during that week you find out how much you underestimate, and you get to work which is why you have to have a clear schedule, why you can’t be creating as you go and why you have to have your main launch material scheduled ahead of time. And not running up to the open of your launch, it’s not do it the week before and be testing shit, and editing, and remembering things you forgot until midnight the day before you open.

You have to do it in enough time ahead of time to recover from the planning, with enough energy to execute, coach yourself and problem solve during the launch at full capacity. So I recently coached a 200K student, the one who was in all or nothing thinking, I told you I would come back to this. That was either obsessively watching from lack or going to this placed of grounded and calm, or she sort of threw her hands in the air and sat back and watched. And it wasn’t going like she thought and she wanted.

But what her thought was is, well, I’ll just make it up in a future launch if this doesn’t end up pulling through, something similar to that. And she told me that her thought was that 300,000, that was her goal, is inevitable at the end of the year. And I told her that she didn’t really believe that thought. Because when you really believe it’s inevitable, this is what I told her, you do the work to make it inevitable with every single selling opportunity, with every single launch.

It’s like a basketball game. We’re Duke fans in this house. If the players truly believe a national title game is in their reach, every game matters. So before the game they plan their offence and their defense, then as the game unfolds, if it unfolds differently than they expected, if they’re down they know the changes they make to their plays based on what’s unfolding in the game. That the process of doing that with the goal to win every game and troubleshoot all the way to the buzzer. They know that that’s what actually creates the national title talent needed to win the big game.

They know they can’t just lose some games without attempting with all of their might to win and just expect the final game to not be difficult and to just play and win. The final game will be just like all the little games along the way, even to the lower talented teams. And they can’t do it from hustle and urgency. That’s when you see sloppy play. I’m always commenting to Neil, I’m like, “Their mind left. Their mind’s out of the game. They’re trying to hustle to win. They’re speeding the game up.”

They have to buckle down. They have to think. They have to create solutions, get their head fully in the game, find their power and go. That’s what we’re doing here every single launch. This is why you see me making millions of dollars in my launches. This is why you don’t just work on your belief that what you’ve done in your launch is enough all the way through the end. There is belief, you have to have that.

But you also have to be willing to problem solve along the way, to theorize and adjust. That’s how you make tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of dollars wherever you are in your business. I make so much money because of the structure I have in planning and executing launches. And the process I use to coach myself and solve problems in my launch.

And when you join 200K Mastermind you get access to how to do this, how to properly plan your launch. I walk you through every stop of your customers’ buying experience, how to create a plan and a timeline to make sure you get everything done and walk them seamlessly through that experience. And I walk you through executing at the highest level, how to prepare for your brain for the selling experience, that open cart. And how to coach yourself all the way through it and how to evaluate after the fact for the next one.

And I walk you through the pre-launch, the launch, and the post launch or the onboarding experience. And you actually build out your entire launch as you go through the course. And then on top of that I also teach you PSPR selling to form your content, what’s actually in the sales emails. And then there is the webinars course. And it’s built the exact same way. So if you wanted, I don’t always start my launches with webinars, but sometimes I do.

And so if you want to master webinars you can take that course and create your webinar as you go through the course. And then that’s how you can kick off your launch. You will have everything you need to sell sustainably. And you have me and the 200K instructors, and your breakout group. And all of the peers in the Mastermind to help you troubleshoot at the highest level during your launch. This is why 200K keeps producing moneymaking machines because the processes that we teach are sustainable and they work for everyone, even the creatives, lovies and I want that for you.

I don’t want you to have to take a break after every sales cycle. Sales cycles don’t have to exhaust you physically or mentally.

Okay, so the last thing I want to share is a testimonial from one of our students already at the $1 million level who signed for 200K during our pre-enrolment six months early and went through the launches course, and the PSPR selling. And here’s what she messaged me. She said, “Oh my God, ‘before’ and up to now I pretty much would write my emails as sales week was happening, unless I happened to be going on vacation or something. So of course there wasn’t any time for editing. And for this launch I have written the emails out weeks in advance.

Today I have in my schedule hours to go back and reread and revise. And also I wrote those emails with my $2 million self-concept and using PSPR which I created the most amazing Google doc as my go to resource. And today as I’m reading through these I have barely any edits and I’m literally looking around like who wrote these emails.” And then she said, “I mean I know I wrote them but damn, damn. Anyway I’m obsessed.” She said, “I’ll keep you posted on the results but I already know that this is an insane up-level. Thank you.”

So, listen, even at the $1 million level, from the 25K to the $1 million level this process doesn’t change and that’s fucking beautiful. It means you can learn it one time and then just get better, and better, and better every single time. Open enrolments, again, for this current class if you’re listening in real time is April 18th, 19th, and 20th for the August 2022 class. Join us. You get immediate access to the launching course in April as soon as you make your payment. And every other part of our 2K process and the PSPR selling.

And if you’re listening to this after April, after our cart close, after we have closed enrolment, or if you’re planning on joining us in April and you’re listening to this in real time but you’re not on the waitlist, you can join the waitlist at When you sign up for that waitlist we will have the next opening dates listed on the first email you receive. And then every week you will get insider coaching like this from the work that we’re doing in the Mastermind.

This episode here is based off of coaching directly from the Mastermind based on an email I actually wrote teaching my troubleshooting method to the waitlist. So again you can join the waitlist at And make sure that you get in 200K Mastermind as soon as possible to get these sustainable business practices under your belt as habits that produce money all of the time consistently sustainably.

The faster you do that the less bad habits you have to unwind, the easier it is. Okay, have a great week. Happy selling, my friends.

Hey, if you are ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2K for 2K program where you’re going to make your first $2000, the hardest part, and then $200,000 using my proven formula. It’s risk-free. You either make your 2K or I give you your 2K back. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

Enjoy the Show?

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