Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | 5 Steps to Becoming a Millionaire

Are you ready to take your coaching business to the next level and create a million dollar empire? In this episode, I’m sharing the five essential steps to becoming a millionaire coach.

Scaling your business from multiple six figures to seven figures requires a different approach and mindset. It’s not just about working harder or doing more of what got you to six figures. You need to create a scalable offer, master marketing and selling at scale, deliver incredible results to your clients, and embody the million dollar self-concept.

Join me as I dive deep into each of these five steps, sharing insights from my own journey to multiple seven figures. You’ll learn how to create an irresistible offer that you can sell to unlimited clients, the keys to effective marketing and selling at scale, how to over-deliver to your clients without burning yourself out, and the critical mindset shifts required for millionaire success. If you’re ready to play a bigger game and create massive impact and wealth, this episode is a must-listen.


The 200k Mastermind is open for enrollment! We start this month but you’ll get access to the entire process right away when you join. Click here for more details.

Join us now in the 2k for 2k program with a new 12-payment option — just $200 a month for lifetime access! Click here to sign up. Don’t miss out!

The 2 Million Dollar Group enrollment starts from January 21st to 26th, 2025! For all the details and to get on the waitlist, click here.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • How to create a scalable offer that allows you to serve unlimited clients without changing your delivery or working more.
  • The difference between marketing at multiple six figures vs. seven figures and how to attract clients who aren’t already familiar with you.
  • Why selling is the most important skill to master at the million dollar level and how to sell with integrity and impact.
  • How to deliver better, faster results to your clients the more people you enroll in your programs.
  • The critical elements of the million dollar self-concept and how to embody the leadership and emotional capacity required for seven figure success.


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Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hey, coaches. Welcome to Episode 316. Today we are covering five steps to becoming a millionaire, to creating a million dollar, 2 million dollar business. Are you so excited? I am. I’m going to walk you through all five steps today. And we’re just going to dive right in. And I’m going to share a lot about my journey on this episode as well and how it applies to you and your business, especially if you’re at that place around $250,000, $300,000, and you’re really thinking about scaling that up to your first million.

I will tell you that I’ve ran the 2 Million Group room for many years in many iterations. And I’m constantly telling my students, whether it’s 2 Million Group or 200K, or even in the 2K room, I’ve done the same thing. We just don’t have the same conversation. But I’ve talked a lot about how it takes getting in and delivering the work over and over and over again to lots of different people with lots of different circumstances.

And eventually what happens if you’re willing to just get in and coach your way to the result and develop ideas and concepts along the way and get your work out into the world, eventually your simple process will emerge. And that’s really what’s happened.

I filmed my first iteration of the 2 Million Group process in 2024, early in 2024. I want to say February, but I can’t remember. But I spent two full weeks recording what is now the 2 Million Group process. And that process hasn’t changed. But as I taught it, once the process was created, after I taught it a few more rounds, I realized that it just needed to be reorganized, that suddenly there were only five steps.

There were several more in its first iteration, but really there are just five and everything I filmed that week fits into these five steps. So I’m so excited to share them. They feel pretty obvious now that I have also created the 5 Steps to 200K a few years ago. It feels a little bit like, how did I not see it? But that’s sometimes what happens when you are creating your body of work is it takes a little bit of time to get there. And I am always looking at every offer very holistically.

I don’t just necessarily match them up to mirror each other in any way. But this so happens that the 2 Million Group process and the five steps to becoming a millionaire just so happens to be very similar to the $200k process, but at a very different level. So let’s dive in.

So the five steps to becoming a millionaire, creating your first million dollar business or your next million dollar business. The first step is the scalable offer. So in 200k I teach the simple offer. This is the scalable offer and it is very different. And I will say this step isn’t always the very first step when scaling because you actually can scale an offer that isn’t truly scalable.

So I have a client right now in 2 Million Group who sees a path to $750,000 this current year in 2025. And that is just her current group offer. Like if she didn’t change anything, $750,000 just in her current group offer. And right now we’re spending time talking through what that truly scalable offer will be.

So what is a truly scalable offer? Because I know there’s lots of definitions out in the world, But the one that I think is the most universal, if you asked other people as well, that have actually scaled their business to millions of dollars, it’s an offer that you can have unlimited clients in that offer without having to change the delivery model or work more. So if 100 people or 1,000 people or 10,000 people buy, you have capacity to serve them and the engine doesn’t change.

These offers, your scalable offer, can be created in an hour. That is literally how long it took for me to create 2K for 2K. Or sometimes they require thoughtful consideration. And everybody’s different. There is no one size fits all here.

So what happens is with 2K for 2K, I kind of burned down my whole business. So nothing I was doing before I took with me on my millionaire journey. That’s typically a little more rare than I see when students come to me, but that was my journey. We just weren’t taking anything with me from the past. And so I had the luxury of thinking about my business from nothing, the ground up. I changed niches. I was working with network marketers and all entrepreneurs at the time. It wasn’t really a set thing.

And I moved into just coaching coaches, which is really what I had always wanted to do. But then I never made an offer just for coaches. So we were able to think about it from a place of, if you wanna bring coaches in, what’s the largest group of people you wanna serve? What’s the foundational group you wanna serve? What do you want to be like that first entry point into working with you?

And when I thought of it that way, it’s like I wanna help life coaches make their first $2,000, they’re signing their first clients, become a paid coach. Like that’s the first thing is going from, I wanna be a life coach to I’m a paid life coach. And so creating 2K for 2K didn’t take a lot of time because we just asked, like, what would it take? If, you know, what are the most important things someone would have to do in order to make that, that first $2,000?

And it evolved over time, but really the main thesis has always been the same. It’s like, they’re going to have to get out and talk to people and make offers and introduce the world to who they are and give value. And they’re going to have to know how to sell and close on a consult. And that really became the beginning of the 2K process. And then it evolved into the five steps that it is after a few years that it is now.

And then after marketing, selling and delivering 2K for 2K, for almost seven months, eight months, I then created the 200K Mastermind. And it was easy to do that because now I knew what the foundations were that I was teaching. And by then I had students who wanted to take it to an advanced level. And so I got to think from scratch about what I would teach them at an advanced level.

But I have a lot of clients that come to me with small group programs with higher ticket prices. So maybe they’re running groups of 10 or 20 people for anywhere from $2,000 to $10,000. But they’ve done this for a while and this is where this has become like their mainstay offer. Not their foundational offer, but their mainstay offer. And so this is where they’ve created maybe their own process, their intellectual property, their body of work, and that offer is working. And so then we have to spend a little bit more time working through whether or not the work stays the same and the offer changes, so it becomes a bigger actual scalable offer but you’re teaching the same things, or does the work expand and become two more constrained sets of teachings and two more constrained offers based on more micro results that they help people create and how they envision the business evolving.

And this is something very holistic that I do with each individual student right now, which is why I currently keep this group a little bit smaller. I really love to help people create that offer suite that is going to be their offer suite for the next X amount of years while they scale and make eventually these offers should make millions of dollars.

And so what we want to work towards is the goal of having a foundational offer and an advanced offer. The foundation offer is an offer that is typically affordable to the masses and teaches the most important foundational steps of your work. Not always the beginning steps of your work, but foundational steps of your work. So it’s not necessarily your beginner’s course, because some people have memberships and they teach everything to their memberships. But if they were to think about what they’re going to put in their membership content, it’s going to be the foundational steps to whatever result they offer.

So again, this can be a membership, it can be a program, 2K for 2K is a program, that’s mine, or it could be courses. Then the advanced offer is for the people who want their next level. So my offer suite, my foundational offer is 2K for 2K and my advanced offers are 200K Mastermind and 2 Million Dollar Group. And now I have an additional offer that is the Entrepreneur Series, which are a series of mini courses that really anyone can join.

So can you make millions of dollars just selling your face off with a bunch of offers that haven’t been fully thought through? The answer is yes. I want to be very clear about that. Can you work three days a week, take lots of vacation time, eventually with a business like this, I didn’t make my first million working three days a week, but I did transition to that around $2.5 million.

Can you do that with lots and lots of offers? I don’t think so. If it were possible, it would be extraordinarily much harder. Your delivery to your students would dramatically suffer. So just like the simple offer from the 200K Mastermind, when you put a lot of intention into your offers, a lot of thoughts, a lot of thinking ahead and creating a big vision for where you’re going, the result you create in your body of work, if you put a lot of energy, a lot of time into that, a lot of thought into that, you don’t just like pull the trigger really quick so that you can get an offer out into the world.

If you really are intentional and you have that one scalable offer and that one advanced offer, scaling up your marketing, selling, and delivering just becomes a whole lot easier because for every offer you have to create that business engine, that marketing, selling, and delivering engine. And so if you want to make more money, but also not have a million dollar business that runs you into the ground and makes you never be able to take a vacation, the less offers you have that you’re actually taking you to, that are actually taking you to a million, the easier your job becomes.

And when you invest in creating a lower ticket, higher volume client offer, so like an offer that’s anywhere from a couple hundred dollars a month to a couple thousand dollars for a year or lifetime access, but when you create that for a higher volume of clients, what you’re also doing is creating a natural funnel to your advanced offers.

So the energy eventually that you have, you wanna put into a scalable offer. And I know it’s hard for people to think about this, especially if you’ve been making a lot of money with a group offer that’s selling for $10,000 a person. And you’re like, but every time I launch, I make $100,000 from this offer. And if I do that four times a year, I’m at $400,000. Why would I go and sell a $1,000 offer or a $2,000 offer? But it really is flipping. It’s like to six, to multiple six figures, you can do that, you wanna do that, whatever’s the easiest to get there, I’m all for it. But to scale, you really wanna create your lifelong client base, your future client base.

You wanna have an offer that you can get as many people into as possible. It becomes all of your future client funnels. And also, you really wanna be intentional and think it through and give it space and allow yourself to be patient with it because it’s a very big decision. It’s where your business is headed for the next many years. It’s where most of your intellectual property will be created. Most of your marketing will be geared towards and it really is that offer that’s made to help the most people.

So this really isn’t a time to throw things at the wall and see what sticks. That’s six figures. Methodical, intentional, slow, calm, well thought out, well thought through. This is million dollar territory. So that is the scalable offer and it has mostly to do with figuring out where your business is going, the vision you have, who you’re going to help and how you’re going to help them at the foundational level.

And some people already come into the room having that, but many people that are at six figures are typically at six figures with smaller groups at higher prices. And so it just requires a little more work. It’s not a problem at all. We make it happen.

The next step is marketing at scale. So I talk about your three-part business engine a lot. It’s marketing, selling, and delivering. So those are the next three steps of the five-step process. And I intentionally talk about it as marketing at scale versus scaling your marketing? Because I really love at this level to reverse engineer.

It’s very important to think about where you wanna be and get really clear on what that picture is, and then figure out what are the steps that I need in order to get there. It’s just easier to build knowing what that clear picture is.

So what I share with my students in my 2 Million Group is what the picture should look like when you have a business at scale already. When you’re already at millions, this is what your marketing will look like or could look like. This is what your selling will look like. This is what your delivery should look like. And then we figure out for each individual person, it’s a very similar process for every single person, but we figure that out on their timeline of what they have the capacity to learn, implement, how fast they grow skill sets.

Everybody’s kind of on their own timeline, but we all work towards that bigger vision of this is what the marketing should look like when you get there. And how you get there is how you’ll be there. So this is also a big reason why we talk about it at scale versus how do I scale the current marketing I’m doing. That’s not what we do in the 2 Million Group room. We don’t take what you’re currently doing at multiple six figures, not always, and just do more of it. A lot of times it’s a whole different ballgame. It’s a whole new car that you’re building. It’s a whole new support system in your business that you’re building.

So marketing at scale really consists of you building a reliable system for marketing, and it can be organically or through paid ads. So organically is typically if you are on any type of social media platform, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, but that is a typically an organic strategy if you’re really good at social media or through paid ads. And to make millions, what’s the most important about marketing is that you are consistently nurturing and bringing in new leads into your one scalable offer funnel. It’s the most important achievement in marketing at scale.

And this is really the challenge for multiple six-figure earners who typically come to me because they’re either running ads already and feeling at the top of what they can do, or they are organic marketers and they don’t have any more energy or a path that they think that they can take to go bigger. They don’t see the pathway there. They’re already doing the max of their capacity.

And then some do see the path and they really just need support and expertise simply to just keep them moving towards it and energized and focused on the right things to get them there. And sometimes I get this too, where they are doing well in both ads and organic marketing, but they’re all over the place and really extended with all of their marketing efforts.

I have a marketing duo right now who are going to have their first million dollar year in 2025. And they came to me saying, you know, we’re really great at marketing and we do all the things, organic ads, but we’re kind of all over the place and we have lots of ideas and we tend to over commit to things and overextend ourselves.

And we want you to just help us find the best, most essential paths and make the most of those and stay focused and stay constrained. So I do get that too. The key about marketing at scale that I think is true in all of these cases is energy is what is needed to go bigger in any area of business really, but marketing is all energy. Like that’s what it is. The energy you have to be more visible and the energy you bring to visibility, to your work.

One of the biggest transformations for me on my million dollar journey was going from feeling overwhelmed at the idea, because I was one of those people that kind of was all over the place already, but at the idea of how to control the messaging that everyone gets when they’re kind of coming from everywhere, all these different points into my “funnel” and knowing that they all get the message they need and have the same information coming to the program and capturing those leads. I just felt very overwhelmed by it. How do I know who’s in my program and who knows what? How do I make sure that they all get what they came for?

One of the very first things that we learned in my million dollar mentoring was how to solve for that. How to have everyone coming in to the same place, receiving the same information, getting the same call to action, the same nurturing ongoing, and it was a game changer for my sanity. And it was one of the things that allowed me to feel like having 10,000 clients could be the same as having 1,000 clients. And it was really super simple. A few tweaks to your website, your social, your podcast, and you’re there.

So one of the things that I learned is a customer narrative. This is something I teach in 2 Million Group in marketing, selling, and delivering so that your customer’s journey, everything they hear in your marketing matches what they hear when you’re selling and then matches what they get when they deliver. And when all three of those things happen, you have a great customer experience.

So learning a customer narrative at this level was hugely helpful, and it is still to this day, and after selling almost $40 million of coaching, it is still how my company operates and how I teach my clients.

So first we look at the customer narrative, that’s their journey, and this is kind of a bigger concept, but I’m just kind of mentioning it here. And we optimize for everyone getting that same information so that your onboarding work becomes much easier. You can’t worry about and be thinking about and be personally onboarding everybody that comes in your business at a million dollars.

And then if you don’t have a working funnel, which is an evergreen, something that could be bringing in leads, serving leads, and selling leads, or customers, whatever you want to say, whatever you want to call them, if you don’t have something that can create sales for you in your sleep, that’s on your millionaire’s list to create one, a whole marketing and sales engine that someone could go through while you are on vacation, off work, having dinner, and still get the help that they want and need without you having to contribute to it. Now, that’s not always right away in the million-dollar journey, but that goes on like if you’re marketing at scale, that is what’s happening.

So I can encourage you to go to my, if you’ve never made money as a life coach and you’re listening to this and it’s very interesting but you’re like, oh, how do I, I just need to get my first client. It’s like I want to make a million dollars one day but how do I get my first client?

So then I can send you to and you can click the button that says Make Money or you can go to and you can go into my marketing funnel and it gives you my free five-day training where I teach you the three simple steps to make money as a life coach. And you can take that training and then you can go all the way through and it will offer you to join 2K for 2K and give you some fun incentives if you do it in a short amount of time.

And so that is my way of being able to serve people whether I’m working or not. They can take that training. It’s very robust. It actually used to be in the 2K for 2K program. It might still be in the bonuses section, but it used to be in the introduction. Everybody had to go through that training.

And it was the only way to get on my list. That is one of the ways that I made sure that the messaging was across the board the same. And I kept, I was able to really deliver a great experience because I didn’t have people coming from all over the place into all these different marketing funnels. And it was just really easy to see what was happening in my business and control it with having such a simple business.

But I didn’t create that first real funnel until my second year into Million Dollar Mentoring. So this isn’t a like, do this in six months, which is one of the reasons I created this to be a 12-month program at least, is because it takes some time to develop the assets and the skill sets required to create your first real funnel. And so I created mine in my second year. That’s okay, not a problem. And it really was perfect timing for me.

So this isn’t, again, it’s not a rush. I focused on what I call now special events marketing, which is creating live webinars, challenge weeks, five-day trainings, whatever you want to call them, but things that people can come to live and learn from me and then have the opportunity to join 2K for 2K. So a really firm launching model is what I did the first year while I was attempting to scale for my first time.

That year, I went from $325,000 to $860,000. But it took a big part of that year just to create my scalable offer and figure out what it was. And then I spent that year, that first year, launching it like six times, I think, trying new webinars, trainings, figuring out how to email, write emails and get people to buy via email, and just really figuring out the language of it.

And that took time. You don’t create perfect language for an offer and nail your marketing until you’ve talked to hundreds of people about your offer. You get them talking, you hear how it’s coming out in their language, you figure out how you need to say it to them.

I think we created my scalable offer three or four months into the year and then it took me a couple of months to get it up and off the ground and then I just started selling it like crazy.

And then by January of that next year after I had launched it six times and written hundreds of emails and talked to lots of people and got lots of no’s, lots of no’s, I created my first funnel, unintentionally really. It was just a five-day training that I had created and it went on to be so successful in that launch that we made it evergreen. And at that point, then I had the self-concept and the knowledge and the experience to even create an evergreen funnel. And then it eventually went on to create millions of dollars.

So this is why I feel so strongly again about the program being one year because this isn’t a quick action taking to increase revenue or sprinting to the finish line. A sprint to a million is really unsustainable. So this is more of a slowing down and building an engine to put in a car to then drive across the finish line. That’s how it was explained to me when I went to a million and it really clicked for me. I was very good at running very fast and I was the fastest and I would win all the races like that. That’s the imagery in my mind at multiple six figures. And then I had to slow down and learn how to build and then drive a car across the finish line.

So it does take time. Also worth it. So it’s launching and doing kind of special events marketing until you nail your messaging and your funnel and then you focus really strongly on your funnel and then you sprinkle in marketing events throughout the year for the people who don’t buy in your funnel the first time they go through it. So that’s where we’re working towards, that’s the goal.

And in the program, we really reverse engineer each individual’s business of what are the skill sets you currently have that will help you create this model and then what are the ones you need to develop. And some of those take time and there’s just, there’s no shortcut. You got to develop the skill sets that allow you to create this marketing engine. But then once you have it, you’re marketing even when you’re not working. It’s fucking brilliant. So good.

Okay, the next step, the third step is selling at scale. So what are you, how are you selling? What is different about your selling? And what really creates a millionaire salesperson. Like what is the difference between someone who makes $700,000 and a million?

The difference really is how well they sell, hands down. I say this to people all the time. I’ll read their sales page or their marketing emails and I’ll tell them the difference of hundreds of thousands of dollars is cleaning up these things happening in your communications.

And so selling at the million dollar level, I wanna be clear is not something that you can market your way out of. Meaning, just get more leads. It’s a numbers game. That kind of mentality or advice only takes you so far. And it will have you working double what you need to be working all of the time to compensate for not being really good at selling.

So the less honed your sales skills are, the harder you will have to work because the more people you will have to reach, so the more you will have to market. You’ll have to be a marketing freaking machine every day you will be thinking about your freaking marketing. Or you can get really good at selling. You can figure out the actual psychology and mechanics of selling, especially when it comes to the seven figure level.

And there really is a difference between selling it multiple six figures and selling it seven. I’m going to explain what it is here on that this episode. But first, there are a few parts to selling at scale.

The first one is knowing your client’s PSPR. I have talked about this on multiple previous podcasts, so I’m not gonna dive into PSPR here, but just know if this is the first episode you’re ever listening to from me, might not be the best first episode, but if you don’t know what PSPR is yet, the short version is it’s the language of your offer. And articulating, being able to articulate your value impeccably to your client. So that’s the first part of selling at scale.

Then there’s overselling. That’s creating demand for each of your offers for years to come, every single time you show up to sell, teaching your brain to think infinitely about the result you’re creating every single time you show up to sell. It’s staying fully in every sales cycle and not giving up and not quitting and not giving your all because one launch isn’t going your way, but thinking about I’m selling for this launch and the next launch and the next launch right now. It’s really just showing up for a bigger mission and purpose. And then there’s making sure every step of your customer’s journey, the sales narrative, that you are answering what they need to know, again, mastering that, oh, sorry, let me go back. Then there’s making sure at every step of your customer’s journey that you are answering what they need to know, mastering the customer sales narrative, having everything, every link anywhere and everywhere you direct people to working and going where you want it to go.

I remember in the beginning that was a big task. It felt like there were just so many things that could be not working, functioning properly. And I had already a strong aversion to technology. So just making sure anytime anything goes out, it’s working and tested, and is directing people where they’re supposed to go. And there’s not a 404 page. I mean, every once in a while still, you know, things happen. But for the most part, at a million dollars or 2 million dollars or even 5 million dollars, those coaches are typically not having those types of mistakes regularly.

And then at the million dollar level, figuring out your unintentional sales pitch and the unintentional audience and who you are as the unintentional leader and salesperson speaking to your audience is one of the most important things you’ll ever discover.

So let me tell you what those things are. The unintentional sales pitch. That’s all of your limiting beliefs about your offer seeping through your copy and your trainings. We always think that we’re going to hide our deepest thoughts, but we don’t. They come out. I see them every day, all the time.

We do audit calls in 200K and in 2 Million Group and I’m always finding people’s unintentional sales pitches. And a couple of examples of that is when you believe it’s a lot of information that people need to learn from me and it requires a huge commitment. So you’re constantly selling how committed they need to be. Or it’s complicated or it takes a long time or I don’t really believe they can do it quickly. Those type of things come out in the things you say when you’re talking to your people.

The unintentional audience are people who are not your best people to buy from you. They’re not the people who are your buyers. They’re people who are risk adverse. They’re people who need convincing.

They’re people who want a quick fix, people who don’t want it. So a lot of the convincing energy is selling to your non-ideal, non-best client. And then the unintentional leader and salesperson might be an example of this could be I had a client in 2 Million Dollar Group who was on a webinar and her energy was all like, I’m just your best friend, I’m the girl next door. When her positioning didn’t match that. She’s actually selling expert level guidance to experts.

So if you’re selling expert level guidance to experts, you can’t be their best friend and your girl next door because experts are looking for experts. They’re looking for expert energy. So that’s unintentional leadership.

So within my clients copy, within their webinars, within their sales pages, within, you know, when I say copy, I typically mean emails. I have found unintentional judgment, unintentional arguments and convincing, tones that are total turnoffs, anti-coach hostility, trying to keep out the worst clients, like all of these types of things cost conversions.

And here’s the deal. The problem isn’t as evident at multiple six figures. You can be doing all of these things at multiple six figures and still make multiple six figures. And then they become exasperated at the million dollar level. Is that the right word, exasperated? They become very big and obvious at the million dollar level.

And the reason why is going to make so much sense and also kind of going to blow your mind. At multiple six figures, your audience has more proximity to you. They have more personal touch from you. They are familiar with you.

So when someone is familiar with you and they already have a positive bias towards you and personal touch from you and proximity, they are more likely to be sold by you on you before they even read your emails because of that confirmation bias. They overlook the ick of some of these sales communications because they already just have a strong relationship with you.

So they either don’t read it with a skeptical eye and don’t receive the thing you said in that way or they just don’t see it at all or they didn’t even need to read it because they were just they weren’t reading your emails or they didn’t come to the webinar and they still bought because they know you.

But when you first start scaling, you start attracting an audience that is less familiar, more skeptical, and has less proximity to you. You can’t do consults to a million dollars. So your sales and marketing become the only impression they have of you. The emails, the webinars, the marketing funnel that you put together, your social media, your online imprint may be the only proximity they have to you. So now it really matters.

And I know that people get very stuck. It doesn’t actually matter what type of value you give people, what type of sequence you give people of value, the email templates you learn and the email structures you learn, none of that matters. You can learn all the best marketing techniques about emails and webinars and learn the best methods. This bleeds through it all. You can’t hide it. It doesn’t matter how perfect the “format” of the pitches. You can’t hide it.

You have to grow your skillset in this way of being able to identify your unintentional sales pitch and unintentional audience you’re speaking to and the unintentional person you’re being while you’re speaking to them. You have to figure this out. And then everything gets easier when you’re able to speak to that person who has no proximity and no personal touch from you and is less familiar with you.

Maybe they just found you in the middle of the night with an ad or stumbled on a live stream you did on social media or someone sent a post of yours and they don’t know you at all and they go to your link tree in your social media and they click on your free thing that you offer them and they start going through your funnel, when your unintentional sales pitch is cleaned up and your PSPR is nailed, you really start making a lot of freaking money.

Even if you do have a smaller audience, it’s just the people that come your way. I’ve always made millions of dollars with a smaller audience compared to industry standards, I would say. And a lot of my colleagues and people that I know, I know that I have a much smaller audience, but I make use of every single person that comes my way and it allows me to not have to be marketing all of the time and not have to be on social media all of the time and not having to be spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on ads all of the time. It’s the most, in my opinion, the most important step.

If I only taught one thing it would probably be selling. And then the fourth step is delivering at scale. And delivering at scale has a few components and some of them are emotional. We’re going to talk about that next week, holding space for larger groups of people. But when we talk about delivering at scale, one of the most important things is the customer narrative. It is making sure that everything you’ve sold them is in the delivery of what you give them. This is the fastest way and best way to make people happy when they work with you.

But then there’s also learning how to get, no matter how many people you have in your scalable offer, learning how to get them all results. The fourth step is delivering at scale. And there are a few components to this, but one of the most important is that customer narrative and your company’s timeline. It’s making sure everything you say in your marketing and your selling gets delivered to the client. It’s the fastest way to create really positive word of mouth.

I will tell you that one of the ways that I scaled the absolute fastest was not my funnel in the beginning. It was not some fancy marketing method. It was word of mouth. I recently even, I think six months ago, asked my 2K for 2K community where people found me. I was genuinely curious. Did you find me from the podcast, from ads, from the social media? And the predominant resounding overall answer was referral.

That happens when clients are happy. That happens when you have an amazing client experience where everything you expected to get, you get. And that’s not just in the content they get, it’s in the coaching that they get. It’s making sure that the coach I engaged with and met in marketing and who sold to them is the same that delivers to them. Like you coach the same way that you market and sell. Your voice is the same.

But it’s also in communities. This is a really big thing for me. I’ve spent a lot of time and a lot of deep intention and spent a lot of money on coaching on running communities. And I have different, unique, sometimes contrary rules to my community. One of them is that I don’t let people just talk about anything and everything. We don’t have political discussions. We don’t have like things that you would see in your news feed. Lots of negativity and complaining.

We don’t have that. It’s not a general life coaching community where you can post anything. It’s not even a general business coaching community. We only allow posts that fall within our 2K for 2K process. And the reason would really shock you. It’s actually not about trying to like, you know, drive a conversation or make things look a certain way.

It’s that when I market 2K for 2K and when I sell and I tell people, here’s what you’re going to learn in 2K for 2K and here’s what we’re doing and here’s the result you’re creating. When they buy in the middle of the night, when I’m fast asleep and not available and haven’t been available for the last six hours to moderate my Facebook community, when they join that group, the first five to seven posts tell them if they made the right decision, if they’re in the right place.

So we want them to see 2K conversations, things that are relevant to them. We want every post they scroll past to be valuable to them. We want them to be like, oh, I got to get out of here. I could spend all day learning from just these posts. That’s the vibe that we’re looking for. And because of that, people tell me routinely, even though there are specific rules garnering what you can post and what we allow, people tell me consistently it’s their favorite space on the internet.

I call it the business, I’ve been referring to it as the business spa recently, right? Tell people, you know, if you go to the spa or hot yoga and they have rules like you can’t have cell phones because you’re in a space where everybody’s trying to be very calm and mindful and peaceful. And I think of my 2K for 2K community or even my 200K Mastermind or my 2 Million Group, all of my communities are places where people can come no matter what’s happening in the world, no matter what’s going on their news feeds, they can come in and just focus on their business.

Even if they feel like, oh, there’s shit going down in the world and I feel guilty for selling in my business and I probably I should be like, I shouldn’t be selling in my business. They find solace, is that the word I’m looking for?

They find reprieve by coming into the 2K community and seeing so many people focused on their business no matter what, figuring out how to sell in every environment, like showing up and being committed more to the infinite game of their business than whatever is happening always at all times in the world. And they don’t see a lot of complaining, they don’t see a lot of negativity about the coaching industry, we don’t allow that stuff, like doomsday industry posts, we don’t allow that. They just see people asking and getting help from the 2K process. So it’s highly valuable and it tells them I’m in the right place. I made the right decision.

So if I see a post and it doesn’t align with this, someone saying I made the right decision, I’m in the right place, I delete it. It’s out of there. Now, it doesn’t mean that like my students can’t, you know, have a bad day. Like we talk like that’s the work, right, of any community is coming and posting when you’re having a really hard time. But it’s purposeful, useful communications and conversations towards the result I’m working towards and teaching.

And that is so important. I don’t see a lot of people at this level putting that much intention into it, but I do believe that the way I run my communities, the way I deliver my offer, the value that I give, part of the delivering at scale is really figuring out how to over deliver, no matter how many people come into your program. All of that creates this irresistible referral network that people are just, they can’t help themselves, they’re so excited to tell everyone they know about you.

So really nailing that customer narrative and you figuring out how to make sure everything you promise is exactly what you deliver, exactly what they expect, and exactly what will help them create the result they want is a huge part of delivering at the scale level. There’s also a fine art to learning how to over deliver without adding a ton of crap, without having to say every time I add people, I’ve got to add more things.

One of the things that’s also been so profound about my foundational scalable offer, which 2K for 2K is really my only scalable offer. It’s the only offer I have that I can add unlimited people and everybody’s experience stays the same.

And the genius of that offer is that I don’t pack a ton of crap in the program. It’s not like course after course. The magic of this program and the reason people have gotten such good results, so many results, the reason so many people, thousands of people have been so successful with this program is it stays constrained to only the most simple, basic, doable things that you need to do to make your first $2,000 and all the way up to your next $20,000 in your business. The five-step process.

There are a few bonus courses in there but they’re very specific to learning how to market and sell, like Hire Converting Consults, which is a big deep dive into specific things that can go wrong on a consult that didn’t fit in the 2K process. Or Offer Week, which is a deep dive into the Irresistible Offer Protocol and really selling people on a much deeper level, or coaching people on a much deeper level on how to create a really irresistible offer that they feel powerful and confident to sell.

And even though I have a module in the 2K process that covers the free offer and the paid offer, having that week-long training has been really helpful for my students. So everything is just very constrained. And that’s one of the things I see that is a challenge for a lot of people is they just want to give everything to everyone in order to create value and to say they’re over delivering. Or they want to over deliver so they want to add a bunch of personal delivery things that will eat up your time like Voxer coaching and email coaching and personalized note taking and all of these things that you need that time to be working on your marketing at scale and your selling at scale. You need that time back. So you can’t be doing that.

In fact, we’re gonna talk about million dollar self-concept next, but one of the parts of the million dollar self-concept is learning how to unbind yourself from your business and learning how to look at what are the things I do over and over that I could think very deeply about how to create a resource or an asset and teach people how I think, which is how I created the Consult Code, the Consultation Code. Is it the Consultation Code? I call it the Consult Code, but I’m pretty sure it’s the Consultation Code inside 2K for 2K.

I taught everybody in that book how I think about consults and how I evaluate them. And then I provided so many examples that people say when they read that book, they feel like they got like a master’s in learning how to sell on consults. And I spent like, I think, 64 hours creating that asset. But it’s the asset that is the most asked about and most loved of my entire 2K for 2K program. People say that they would literally pay $2000 just for that book.

And so that’s part of delivering and a million-dollar self-concept is I’m not going to over-deliver by adding a bunch of me or adding so much stuff that people can’t get through the program because they’re inundated with long modules and too many steps in a process and all the extra curriculum, but creating just what they need to be highly effective, and then creating assets that support their journey without you having to personally do it. That is delivering at scale.

I like to think of it as everyone gets results without you being driven crazy. Without you, like I remember it multiple six figures, like I would be responding to all my clients no matter what time of night it was. It’s like if someone posted in the group, they were very dependent on me responding in order to get what they needed, but I didn’t have results or I didn’t have resources. I didn’t have assets. I didn’t have things that were very thought out that taught them how to think like me so that they didn’t need me thinking for them.

This is part of also, we’re going to talk about the million-dollar-self concept in a minute, but I really do believe that there is a piece about the delivering that when you are at scale, the balance of value should never be on you. So it never should feel like you are making all this money and people are getting less value. It should always feel like the more money you make, it requires you to create more intentional value. It requires you to teach people on a be better at teaching people. Teach people more impeccably and clearly how you think and help them develop their skill sets on their own so they just become the skill set. They have it in them. They don’t need you to do it. It’s like you could give people the fish.

Isn’t there the thing you could give people the fish or you could teach them how to fish? You got to teach people how to fish when you’re delivering at scale. You’ve got to show them how to do it without you needing to. And then when you do, when you pop in, then it’s just the icing on the cake.

And then this kind of falls between selling at scale and delivering at scale, but there’s a fine line when you’re selling. One of the big things going from multiple six figures to seven that also matters when you have an audience that’s less familiar with you and not just buying because they love you. You also have to get really good at figuring out how to teach the what and the why of your work but not the how in your marketing and in your selling. And then you have to get really good at actually teaching the how very succinctly in your delivery.

And these are things that I’ve broken down for my students and it’s really cleaned things up and blown their mind of like, oh, I see what I’m doing here. There’s a response in people where they’re not able to buy if you teach them the how. And like if you’re teaching them the how, they just get overwhelmed and confused and it creates more questions than answers. But when you’re actually just telling them the what and the why they need to do it, then they’re able to create a lot of hope and then they’re really excited to move forward.

But in the delivering then, you actually have to be able to teach the how. And there’s been a lot of people who have kept that same thing where they’re like, oh, well, when they buy, what else am I going to teach them? That’s either because you haven’t figured out actually how to teach the how or you’re teaching everything up front and there is that like, I don’t know what comes next.

And so that fine line is very important going to millions of dollars. So for me, everybody gets what they came for. Better faster results for everyone. We’re about to talk about that. It has a lot to do with delivering at scale, but I think the fifth step is the million-dollar self-concept, and I really believe that this is a large-part self-concept, and then there’s the action and the actually doing that becomes delivering at scale.

But the fifth step is the million-dollar self-concept. And this is the single most important self-concept I had to create to my first million dollars was that I could produce better, faster results in the one-to-many model, meaning I’m the one and I’m teaching to the many. That delivery concept was one of the biggest ones that took me to a million dollars. And here’s why.

I loved one-on-one coaching and small group coaching. And I felt it was very important that my clients got results. I still believe that hasn’t changed, but at the time it felt like one-on-one was the best delivery to do that. That had always been a value of my business and it just really hung me up when thinking of starting a program.

I had no desire to start a program. I had so much proximity to all of my clients. They’d all become my good friends. Many of them were in my wedding party. And I just didn’t see how I could enjoy a business where I didn’t have that type of proximity with people. And I truly believed that the more people I added to my program, to my scalable offer, the less results they would get. And I believe this was like 100% true.

You could not have, I couldn’t have even seen a window where that could have been different. But I decided to explore how I was wrong and how, if it was possible, that my clients could actually get better, faster results, the more people that were there. And exploring how that could be true, just deciding it could be true, and if it were true, how would it be true, that decision became one of the most important ones I ever made.

And it’s now what I teach called my scaling equation. And the scaling equation is more people, more revenue, getting, so you increase your revenue by working with more people and those people get better, faster results. And this happens in less time than you currently work at multiple six figures.

Which is, by the way, I know I’ve talked about this before on my Mission Millionaire podcast, but one of the best things about having a million dollar business and doing all of this work is you do create an engine that can kind of run without you. And so you’re not working as many hours and having to be on as often as you are at multiple six figures.

Like I never worked harder than at multiple six figures. So the reason this is part delivery and part self-concept is that believing you are the person who can figure this equation out, I think the more you believe it and the further you do actually figure out the equation, it unlocks higher levels of revenue. So the more you believe it, the more results you create in alignment with it, the safer and the more, I don’t know, moral, ethical that you feel selling to more people.

And I, as I have coached over the years, thousands of coaches, literally, I think I have right now about 7,000 clients. And so I have coached a lot of coaches over the year. And I see this, it may not be your hangup, but I see this as one of the biggest hangups for coaches. Our coach heart wants to help. It’s less interested in becoming a corporate giant. But we also wanna reach our highest potential.

And especially for those of you listening who are women, we wanna become the top 0.045%. Did you know that’s the percent of American women who make $1 million a year? I don’t know what the percent is on the world. I bet it’s less. One, it’s like 0.045% who make $1 million a year. I remember reading that number one year at the Life Coach School Mastermind, along with .0049 percent of women who make $10 million a year. That was the year I had actually just received that award and it was astounding to me. Like this was a life-changing moment to see those stats and see that I had become those stats.

So I think we want this. I think we want to do something so rare and so big that it becomes generationally changing. My husband and I talk about this all the time that we have changed the generation of our family. From here on out, our children will live such different lives than the generations before us on both sides of our family. Like that is deep, like deep purpose in one lifetime. And so I think that we really want it, but it’s gotta be a way that feels in alignment with our core values. And I think becoming the person who masters the scaling equation is how we do it. I have walked people through this over and over.

And when you can figure out how to get your clients better, faster results, the more people you work with, the faster you will grow. And I will tell you it’s so crazy because I remember what a difficult transition this was and it’s so crazy to look at people who buy my program now. Maybe they joined 2K in the middle of the night. I have never met them. I’ve never coached them. I’ve never talked to them. They could be brand new in the program and to see them post, I made my money back or I’ve made, I’ve had people pop in and say like, oh, I’ve made $100K with this program and they’ve never even asked for coaching on the live calls before. And I’m like, whoa, who is this person? What? This is amazing.

None of my one-on-one clients ever got results like that. That’s like the craziest thing for me to think about. People had the most insane proximity to me. Like I would spend every week with them for an hour and sometimes do in-person coaching days with them or coaching weekends or VIP events. And it wasn’t until I created my foundational offer and 200K Mastermind and 2 Million Group when I created my intellectual property and I worked on scaling my scalable offer and then marketing, selling and delivering those offers that people started getting results like crazy.

And the more people that join 2K, the better I get at coaching. There’s so many reasons for this. I really break it down in 2 Million Group. But the more people that join, the more battle-tested my work becomes. The clearer it becomes, the more actionable it becomes, the more different types of people, the more diversity we have, then the more, not approachable, but the more it applies to more people.

In the beginning, it didn’t, the process and the way I taught it, it applied to people who were like me. But now I’ve had so many people that are different than me and they think about the world differently and they have different life experiences and they have different types of businesses and they sell differently and they live different places in the world. My work has become more widely able to be used. I’m not finding the right words right now. We’re a little sick in my household, but it becomes more widely used because it’s more applicable. That was the word.

It becomes more widely applicable. It’s gotten better and better the more people who have come in to test it. And so I really think that is it. When you can figure out how to get your people better, faster results, the more people are in there, the more money you’re going to make.

But then when we think about self-concept and you being an emerging leader, that is, you really are like stepping into leadership territory in the million-dollar level, you also have to grow your emotional capacity in many ways. And I’m actually going to do an entire episode next week about the emotional capacities of millionaires, but signing up to go to a million is actually signing up for a much bigger leadership task than I think a lot of people expect. It requires deeper regulation skills, a wider emotional range, and having a bigger capacity in general to feel really hard things.

And then the final element to your million-dollar self-concept, and the fifth step, is the actual transition from six to seven figures. And it’s really switching from hunter’s mindset to farmer’s mindset. It’s no longer about the quick kill, the quick infusion of cash, but creating a lush garden to keep growing carrots even when you’re asleep.

And that takes constraint, emotional maturity, thinking bigger and further ahead, and it really requires stepping out of six-figure mindset and into how seven-figure earners think. Instead of solving something quick, it’s solving something as if you never ever wanted to have to solve it again because you solved such the root issue of it.

It’s thinking of the work that you do daily, and again, I mentioned this earlier, but how to unbind yourself from it using resources and assets that you create, standard operating procedures, organization, and other people that you hire and the help that you bring on. Those type of things create a business that can thrive whether your finger is on the pulse of it every second or not.

Okay, so these are the 5 steps to creating a million dollar business and becoming a millionaire. The scalable offer, marketing at scale, selling at scale, delivering at scale, and the million dollar self concept. It is not for the faint of heart, y’all. It’s a very small percentage of people who actually do it. But 2 Million Group is for those of you wild enough to try.

And beyond that, I truly, if you’re willing to try, if you’re willing to shoot, if you’re willing to believe you could do it, beyond that, it just requires commitment from there and learning these skills. Learning these skills gave me back so much time in my life and my business. It was a big investment. I personally stuck with this process, was a very similar process that I followed to millions of dollars, and I stuck with it for three years. The same process over and over, getting better and better.

And now I work mostly three days a week and have a multi-million dollar business and a really great work-life balance. I’ve been able to have a child while having a million dollar business. I’ve been able to travel. I’ve done some really incredible trips. I’ve taken time off. So it’s not just being there, but it’s being there how you wanna be there. How it will be the most inspiring and sustainable for you and your family.

Businesses don’t have to run you into the ground. I am entering my 10th year y’all. 10 years. I’m just getting started. Come with me. Enrollment starts January 21st. That’s a Tuesday. This January 21st, 2025, because that Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day in America, and my company observes it. So Tuesday, January 21st, 2025, through January 26. And then we’re going to start right away, February 7th, with Mastermind Week, an entire week of calls dedicated to your scalable offers.

You can sign up for the waitlist and make sure you get notified when we’re open and get all the information you need at All right, I will talk to you next week. We’re gonna dive into the emotional capacities of millionaires. See you then.

Hey, if you’re ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2k for 2k program where you’re going to make your first $2,000, the hardest part, using my simple 5-step formula for getting consults and closing new clients. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

Enjoy the Show?

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