Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | Creating BIG Returns on Investments

Have you ever made a big investment in your business that felt both exciting and terrifying? How do you guarantee big returns on your investments? I recently invested $88,000 in a 12-week mastermind, and this experience taught me some powerful lessons about doing everything possible to create a return on my investment.

Making such a significant investment required me to tap into a new level of commitment, energy, and self-belief. I had to confront my fears and doubts head-on and decide to show up fully, no matter what obstacles arose.

Join me as I walk you through the steps I took to generate a massive ROI before the mastermind even began, and discover how you can apply these principles to your own business investments. Whether you’re considering investing in a coach, a program, or your own growth, this episode will inspire you to go all-in on yourself and get a return on any investment you make.


Join us now in the 2k for 2k program with a new 12-payment option — just $200 a month for lifetime access! Click here to sign up. Don’t miss out!

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I’m making some big changes in my 2 Million Dollar Group! For all the details and to get on the waitlist, click here.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why investing in yourself and your business is crucial for growth and success.
  • How to overcome fears and doubts when making significant investments.
  • The importance of enrolling your family and support system in your vision.
  • Why taking fast action on coaching advice is essential for generating results.
  • How to create value, service, and connection to ensure a positive ROI.
  • The power of tapping into coaching replays to maintain a high-vibe mindset.
  • Why celebrating your wins publicly is key to embodying the identity of a successful entrepreneur.


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Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hey, coaches, welcome to episode 301. I mean, I’m really excited to talk to you all today. I don’t know how to describe that, but it feels like it’s been a long time. I did a podcast interview last week and then I pre-recorded some episodes ahead of time. And then we used a couple of my Facebook live streams that I really thought were very important for everyone to hear. So, it just feels like it’s been a minute where I’ve gotten to actually talk to you and speak with you in this way. So, I’m excited about that, but I’m also really excited about the topic.

And I’m also feeling really proud of myself. So, I have been running my 25K in 30 day challenge almost every round of my 200K Mastermind since the beginning. In the beginning it was the 10K in 30 day challenge because that’s how much the cost of the mastermind was and then we increased to 25K. And now we’re back at 10K with the unbundle. And we have just kind of kept it the 25K in 30 day challenge. But I’ve always taught it semi live and done the coaching every time we run it.

But this time I have been in the current of inspiration and connection and been really tapped into my vision and the infinite game of what I want my students to learn, where I’m taking them. And what has poured out of me over the last three days I have been non-stop recording. And I have now officially recorded the official process of the 25K in 30 day challenge. And I am so proud of what I’m going to be teaching my students and the conversations we’re going to be having from here on out.

It’s just a culmination of six years and 12 rounds teaching this idea of making a certain amount of money in a certain amount of time, and what energy is required, how to make it feel really good. And how to create a ton of value for your people in the meantime. One of the things I just recorded that I talked about is the idea that it should be, if you do the challenge, it should be a win/win. It should be, if I decide to make X amount of money in X amount of time, I’m also going to create more value than the money I make.

So, it’s going to be a win/win because I’m going to show up more, which means I’m going to create more value and so my people get more. And I’m just so, so, so excited. I created, I think, 11 modules and some of them are very short and some of them are longer but what I teach is just it, it’s the name of the game. It’s literally the skills that I have developed that have allowed me to sell out launches, create $100,000 launches, create $1 million launches, create $4 million launches, sell 800 people in a container all at once in a week.

I mean, it’s really, I am just lit up and I’m selling like crazy. And I feel like I got all of my genius and what I know recorded and it feels freaking amazing. Also, I don’t know why but I want to laugh at myself because I thought it was going to take a day and a half to do this. It has definitely taken me, I think, not even three days, really an entire week. I started recording on Monday. I recorded Monday, Tuesday, I recorded some on Wednesday and today is Thursday when I’m recording this and I also have to record tomorrow in couple hour chunks.

So, I’m laughing at myself for thinking it was only going to take a day and a half, but I’m very, very proud of the outcome. So, I’m feeling proud and I have something really exciting to share with you all that’s kind of along the lines of this. So, I made a post on Instagram a few weeks ago, maybe a month ago. Who knows at this time? It feels like time is just going lightning fast and very slow all at the same time. I’ve done a lot in a two a half month period and I’m just really feeling on fire.

But I made a post and I talked about how this year, since December of last year, really, I have invested $233,000 into my business. What? Now, I’m not suggesting that you need to invest $233,000 into your business. Disclaimer. I bring in millions of dollars of revenue. I’ve sold almost $40 million of coaching. So, this is not a suggestion for you. But for me, $233,000 did feel like a lot of money at a time where I’ve been restructuring my business and rebuilding it, and taking back management and operations and redefining it for my new chapter of my new mom era and just a lot of things have been happening.

And so, this is a time for me where it still felt like a really big deal. I was talking about that, but one of the investments I made was the highest amount of money for the shortest amount of time that I’ve ever invested. So, I invested $88,000, so basically $90,000 into a 12 week mastermind with eight other people or seven other people. So, I’m the eighth person. There were eight of us. It was $88,000 and it’s a 12 week mastermind. So that would be the equivalent of what, $270,000 ish if I did that regularly for a whole year. It’s a lot of money.

And before I invested, I was a little terrified, I was a little scared. I had a big story that if I got pregnant and didn’t have the energy to really do something with it that I would be devastated. And that was one of the biggest things that held me back. And I’m going to talk about that in just a second. But what I wanted to do this podcast on is the fact that in the last two months and I think, I actually think I might have paid for it three months ago, maybe it was two months. But it started a couple of weeks ago and so there’s been some lead up.

And yeah, so I would say two and a half, it’s probably been two and a half months. So, in the last two and a half months since I signed up for this mastermind, I have already created a return on my investment, that’s what ROI means, a return on my investment that matches what I invested. So, I talk about this a lot, the importance of making your money back when you make an investment, especially for my women listeners, for my women clients. As a woman, I think it is very important. We are socialized to feel irresponsible around money, to not be trusted with money.

I think we’ve had this conversation on the podcast that even when my mom was in high school, she wasn’t legally allowed to get a credit card in her name. She wouldn’t have been able to start a business in her name. And so, there are generations of women alive right now who were not able to get things in their name. And that sends a very strong, clear message to women that we are not good with money and that we shouldn’t be handling money and we shouldn’t be trusted with money and we shouldn’t trust ourselves with money.

And so, I feel very strongly in women investing in themselves, but also women making sure they get a return for each investment they make. And I think it makes you a very savvy investor. So, in my programs we talk a lot about making your money back. And that being the first thing you should focus on, the moment you invest you create a plan for how you’re going to make that money back. And I do this in my own life. I walk this talk. I live this. I am a product of this product.

So, I want to do this podcast and I want to break down how I did it while I’m in the moment. It was a very big investment for me. So, for you, you might be thinking of making smaller investments, but they feel the same to you as the 90K did for me. I don’t know why I can’t just say 88K but there’s something about rounding up to that number. I’m that person that when I listen to the radio, it can’t be on volume 17. It has to be some kind of OCD thing, we’ll move past it.

But anyways, so I want to walk you through my process for this. And I also want to just rewind a little bit because I do think that there is a compounding effect at play that I want to kind of also tie in. So how I even ended up making this investment because I almost didn’t make this investment. How I ended up making this investment is in December of last year I watched a free training, a five day training while I was actually driving to meet a colleague who was going to help me with my profit and loss, my P&L, help me understand how to read it.

I had been delegating that out to bookkeepers who were not good at it and didn’t really understand where the money in my business was going, how it was being spent, what the expenses were. And how to really just manage it as the CEO. And I had a colleague whose husband used to do this for a living and so he was like, “Come down and I will help you with this. We’ll just go over your P&L and you’re going to leave and you’re going to understand how to really make good decisions based on what your P&L is telling you.”

So, as I’m driving down, it was a three and a half hour drive and as I’m driving down, I turn on this training and I watch the whole training. And immediately I started tapping into a different level of power in myself, a different level of capability. This training happened to be something that really connected to me, the journey when I first got started in my business, there was a certain level of mindset. And I just remembered what it felt like to really work hard for something and to be excited to work hard for something.

And I needed that because I had been telling myself I’m a new mom and I’m exhausted and I shouldn’t have to work this hard and it’s not fair that I am a CEO and I have to take charge of so many things. And I’ve got to take over management. I’ve got to take over operations and I’ve got to go more into my business instead of less into my business at a time where I have a new kid and none of it’s fair. A very entitled place. And this really, it just tapped me into the challenge of it all and the excitement about the challenge.

And how I actually feel the most alive when I am stepping up to this type of challenge. And it really motivated me. It just connected me to a version of myself that I’m really proud of. And reminded me that I love to be that version of me that is willing to work very hard and figure out very hard problems that I don’t think I’m capable of figuring out. And do things bigger than the way I currently see myself. And taking over my operations and my management and really just figuring out and getting a hold of my business and being the one that really leads every single aspect of it was very powerful for me, very, very powerful.

Long time coming but best decision I ever made. And the hardest decision I ever made was to really just decide I’m going to be the one that is heavily involved and leading and I’m not going to delegate that out to a COO or to any kind of manager. I got rid of all managers in my business and I’m going to be the manager. And so, connecting and tapping back in was super important. It was at a time where I really wanted to disconnect. I really wanted to not have to do all the hard work.

I really wanted to just not have to do it and at the same time, I think this was really important. I made $10 million and then I’d gone through two years of people saying the worst things about the things I teach and the worst things about me and me seeing a lot of that. And I remember that I had a thought that crept in that was a version of what’s the point? What’s it all matter? And I had really thought about closing it all down. I’m not kidding.

My husband and I had had so many conversations of what it would look like for our lifestyle to match me now retiring. And so, it was the combination of, I don’t want to tap in because I want to be with my baby and all the joy of my baby. And then finding out that it’s possible for coaches to say hateful things about other coaches online was a very eye opening time for me. It was a very difficult time for me.

I call this now when I coach my students on this, when it happens to them, any type of wound, any type of wound that you experience in the coaching industry at this thing. I say we start off with these rose colored glasses and the best intentions, totally in love with coaching, in love with having been coached, in love with passing on this thing to people. And then we get wounded whether it’s from failures or wounded from interactions with clients where we loved them and then they do something really terrible to us, in our mind that we can’t rationalize it.

We get our feelings hurt, which is essentially what the wound is, we get our feelings hurt and maybe a little or a whole lot. And maybe we even experience grief and sadness and confusion. And we sometimes disconnect to protect ourselves. And I was kind of going through that where my brain was just like, let’s just disconnect it all. What’s the point if I’m going to help people make millions of dollars and then they’re going to somehow turn around and start trashing me, what’s the point?

Why would I help people make money if this is how they’re going to respond, when they get in their powers to diminish my power and what’s the point? And I want to say this is so important because I just came off of coaching in my Served course. And one of the thoughts, and I signed 800 people into that course and one of the thoughts that happened along this journey leading up to this $90,000 investment was this is important. And I really made peace with, I could help people make a lot of money and I could help people find their power in a very big way.

And then before they have a total handle over that power, they could use that against me. They could use that in a way that disconnects us instead of connects us. That’s possible and I have to be okay with that. And once I really figured that out, I got back to this is important and who’s important too. And let me focus on it being important, the work being important and who it’s important to.

Because at the end of the day, I also realized that I truly believe anyone that is a coach that was part of saying hateful things about me, they also are probably serving their people. And so regardless, they’re out there fulfilling the vision and the mission that I have, which is helping coaches make money and go out in the world to help more people than I could ever help by myself. And so, I started connecting back into my business last December, connecting in a really powerful way and healing.

Then there was a moment, as it does when you decide, when you’ve been working very hard, this entire year I worked so hard to learn every aspect of my business, really know what’s going on. We have worked so hard to improve our customer service, response times, every aspect of our business, really up-level, really step it up to something that I feel genuinely very proud of. And I have become a completely different person. I’ve become a person that’s like I don’t know anything about payroll and Gusto.

And I don’t know how to do any of these things to I know how to do all of these things. I had one of my team members that forgot to submit a reimbursement and she really needed that reimbursement and she messaged me after hours. And we have an HR department that usually handles that. And I was like, “I’ve got this.” I’ve become the CEO that can just say, “I’ve got this all figured out for you. I’ll make sure you get it.” And I did. So, there’s been a lot of that happening. I’ve worked very, very hard.

But when you’re working really hard to create something really big, inevitably there are a lot of setbacks. And I had a particular setback that really triggered the pain and the wounds and the grief that I had felt in my business. And I reached out to one of my good friends and my very first coach, and I said, “I really need some help here.” And I told her what was going on. And she said, “Well, listen, I’m about to jump on a call.” And this was a $20,000 program that I had also bought into and it has 150 people in it. I hadn’t participated at all other than watching replays.

And so, she said, “I’m getting ready to get on this call. I could coach you on the call.” And my ego immediately said, “I absolutely cannot do that? Are you kidding me? I can’t talk about this very sensitive thing that I’m going through in front of 150 strangers at my level. There’s people that are probably going to recognize me in this room. That will be so embarrassing to me. I just wouldn’t feel safe. I wouldn’t feel like I could really say everything I needed to say. I don’t know who’s in there, and I don’t know who would share this.”

And she said, “I promise you, this is a safe space. And I want you to really think about what if being this willing to get the coaching you need and being this vulnerable was the transformation of your lifetime.” And so, I got on and I got coached in front of 145 strangers in the most vulnerable way, crying my eyes off, snot coming out of my nose. Having to blow my nose over and over and over, looking a hot mess, wearing a Jessie from Toy Story t-shirt. It was my day off and I’d been playing with my kid, looking a hot mess and I took up a lot of space.

And that moment was a chain reaction that started everything because the coaching I got immediately, I processed through and healed two years of a lot of wounds, a lot. And I still had a couple of wounds from my labor and my pregnancy and my delivery. But having let go and processed through a lot of grief in my business, I was able to also then go to my one-on-one coach and process my grief of my pregnancy and my labor and my delivery and my postpartum. And all of the ways I thought it was supposed to be, and what it wasn’t, there was so much pain.

I’m sure for those of you that have had traumatic pregnancies and labors and deliveries and postpartums, the things you don’t expect when you’re having your first baby, that you’re just not even aware are possible, all of that. It was in a matter of just a few weeks, I removed out of my heart and off my shoulders and my back so much pain, it was insane. And people were telling me, they were like, “What has changed about you? Oh my God, I can see it.”

The reason I want to talk about this on this episode and I want to share this with you is because while I was in Served one of the days in Served we coached on wounds. And it also came up in almost every other day when we were talking about service and we were talking about connection. What came up is how many coaches felt incredibly disconnected from their business and incredibly hurt and so much grief for so many different reasons. Maybe a hurtful interaction with a coach, maybe a hurtful interaction with a client.

One of them was a hurtful interaction with their church. Several of them were hurtful interactions with colleagues and feeling diminished, hurtful interactions with spouses, things that when you’re so excited. I told them the story of when I remember finally really feeling grateful for my life. And it hadn’t changed, but when I first hired my first coach, feeling really grateful, starting my business and a big part of it was sharing my gratitude process. And I remember the first time I saw colleagues make fun of me for that, and I was humiliated and so upset and so frustrated. That’s what I mean by a wound.

And so, it happens for a 100 ways, failed launches, investments they made that didn’t pay off or that they didn’t show up to and shame they had. So many different reasons. It really all kind of came out and was up for healing in that space. And so, I wanted to say it here that I don’t think that when we think about getting big returns on investments as women in business or even business people, because I do have men that come into my programs.

When we think about getting big returns on investments, typically we’re not thinking about healing pain. Yet I will tell you it’s one of the things that set me up to even be able to make the decision to invest. Because when your body is bogged down with grief and sadness and wounds, it’s very, very hard to show up in other ways and show up big and feel like you have something to give when you feel like things have been taken from you. So that was a big first step to even becoming the person that can make that kind of money is just being willing to show up in the container that I had invested in, in front of people to talk about the very painful thing.

So that’s what I did. And then things started really moving. I started really connecting back. I started having massive ideas. I’d had ideas for the last two years. I’d been keeping notes of things I want to teach my people and holes that I see of things they need to learn, but they don’t really fit in my process. And one day, when I have more energy, maybe I’ll do a course on this and maybe I’ll do a course on that, but it was always one day when I had more energy. And suddenly it was today’s the day I have the energy.

And so, I started going back to those things and thinking, okay, how does this fit into my business model? How can I make this work? Because I really want to share this. It feels really important and fun and exciting and I feel connected to it. It feels like the greatest sense of service ever. And I was still trying to solve that problem when the opportunity to make this investment came up. And I remember feeling very terrified of this investment because I didn’t have a strong belief in my ability to show up and feel healthy to show up. I’ve also been sick a lot this year.

We call my son now a petri dish of viruses that he just brings home and gives to us all the time. In fact, I took him to the doctor this morning. We all got sick a month ago and he still has a cough that just will not go. And then he started rubbing his ear and we thought he had an ear infection. So, I literally was at the doctor with him this morning. So, one of my big things has been, I don’t know if I can show up because my kid’s always sick and I’m always sick. And I might get pregnant, and then I might be sick again, and who knows.

And so, I think this is all very important to look at what are the things that hold you back? What are the things that make you not be the person that can make a big investment that you really, really need? And so, the opportunity came up and I hadn’t been the person that maybe I trusted to fully go to the next level in my business. I was the person that trusted I could maintain where I was at. And I started talking about this investment and thinking about this investment.

And I had a conversation with my husband and I told him about the investment and I told him what I would use it for and why I think it would serve me. And then I had a very serious conversation with him where I said, “If I make this investment, I’m going to do everything my coach suggests of me. I am going to do all of it. I will leave nothing on the table. I will not pooh, pooh or say that I don’t have the capacity or I have an obstacle or I just couldn’t possibly.” I’m just not going to say that to myself.

And I also told him it would take a time investment to really commit to this. And so, it might require us scheduling because I didn’t even know when the call times would be or how many calls there were going to be. I didn’t know any of that. So, I was like, “Whatever it ends up being, how many ever many calls it is and how much time it requires and what we end up doing, we’ve got to find a way to work around that for our household. We’ve got to make that work and I need to know that you’ve got my back. Even if I get pregnant and I get sick and I can’t make full use of it, I need us to make this decision together really powerfully.”

By the way, that’s how you have a conversation with your spouse about making an investment. And my husband because I’ve become the person who always gets a return was like, “I have seen you struggle since you had Jackson in your business. And I want you to get the shine back in your eyes. I want to see you light up again. I want you to have fun in your business. I want you to love your business again. I want you to feel confident in your business again.” He was like, “If you think this is going to help you then I want you to do it.”

And so, we made the decision together because it was a lot of money and I signed up. And as soon as I signed up and spent the money, I paid in full, I made a very fun plan to make the investment back. I have the skill, I have developed the skill of knowing what needs to happen as an entrepreneur to make that investment back, and knowing that can only happen through value, service and connection.

So, I started thinking about what’s a fun way that I could do this, that I could deliver value, service and connection and make sure that I get a return on my investment very quickly. And so, on my very first call, one of the things I did was brought up all of these courses that I have built over the last two years and told myself I don’t have the energy for. And coached on having the energy for. Coached on, what am I going to do if I get sick? What am I going to do if we get a positive pregnancy test? What is going to be my backup so that I can believe I can do this even when?

And I really created a solid belief that I’m capable, I have the capacity and now I have the support, even if. My coach and I created the entrepreneur series and how I could do that as many courses and I can do them as I have the capacity and as I have the energy and I launched the first one. And one of the things that I do that is really valuable for me, but you should never use it against yourself is, if I get coached on a call, whether it’s in front of other people or one-on-one or whatever. I make sure I’ve done everything we talked about on the call before the next one.

I’m a very fast action taker. It requires me to be highly committed and just go. That is a skill you develop. Not everybody has that capacity, but I don’t go back for coaching on the same thing twice. Because then I’m just coaching on the willingness to just go out and do it. I want to come back and I want to coach on having done it and here are the results, even if they’re a fail. So, by the time I got coached again, I had already launched the entrepreneur series and sold Served to 800 people, delivered Served.

I also got sick and got a virus during Served and had to take a five day break to heal and come back. And it ended up being the best thing ever for the group because everybody got a whole extra week to devour the content. And they were so sad when it closed, they wanted more and more time. So, if I hadn’t gotten sick, they would have even had less time. And so, they got more time and then people who joined late were able to catch up before we kept going.

And so, it ended up being the best thing ever and I ended up realizing I can do this. I can do this. If I get sick I’m capable of changing plans. I can make this happen. And I ended up having to deliver the rest of Served still sick. And then I sold 2K for 2K live, which was another idea that I had when we talked about when I got coached. And I was still sick when I had to promote that. I made it happen. I was so fueled with excitement and connection to my people that I just did it. I found the energy. I found the capacity.

So, one of the things I did is, if I did get coached, I did every single thing we talked about before I asked for coaching again. Now, again, I say don’t use that against yourself. Don’t be like, “I can’t ask for coaching if I haven’t implemented all the things.” That’s a rule I have for myself. But I also did everything suggested to me. Every idea that I came up with or we came up with together, I actioned on. I decided to have the capacity to action on it.

The other thing I decided was to temporarily let it be the priority, which means in order to get some of these off the ground quick enough to be able to action on it before my next coaching. I put some nights and weekends in and I didn’t make it a problem. I made it work for me. I would decide to be fully off until I’m not. So, one of the things that was suggested of me is that I do a special webinar to people who hadn’t worked with me ever before and really slow down and explain my 2K for 2K program. It was the first, last and only time I ever talked about it.

And I had people on there that even after I’ve been selling it for six years, had no idea what 2K for 2K was. I made that so valuable. I decided, if I’m going to do this, I did it on a Sunday night. I hate working on weekends, but the only time to do it was on a Sunday night. And I said, “It’s got to be so valuable that I want to use this forever and ever and ever and I want my clients to see it.” So, I created this incredibly valuable webinar and I got to talk to people that have never worked with me before and teach them.

I created the most valuable class. I called it the five week business plan, all of the things that you would need to learn the skills you need to develop, the things you need to do to make money in a five week period. And I did that at the pool on the weekend. And I just sat at the pool in the sun and made my webinar and made one of the most valuable webinars ever. So, I made working whenever I had to work, I made it work for me. I made it fun. I made it exciting. I was connected to who was going to receive it.

I was thinking about it, creating value infinitely, not just the finite time. That’s really the only way I can get up for really hard work is I have to believe it’s going to be highly valuable. So, I did everything that was suggested of me. I decided I had the capacity. I decided for it to be the priority temporarily. I made the extra work, the fast actioning work for me. I didn’t let it run me into the ground. I decided everything I do even when I’m doing it fast has to be highly valuable and I’m capable of creating that in a small amount of time.

I enrolled my family in the plan. So, for example, I had a call that one of the calls was two hours at night. So, I was like, “Hey, honey, we need to have dinner by five. I’m going to need to turn Jackson over to you by six. I’m going to be gone until eight.” And my whole family is like, “Alright, we’ve got this.” We ended up hiring a babysitter. We haven’t had a nanny in over a year, and we’ve kind of loved having our house quiet, but we hired the most amazing babysitter and Jackson loves her so much.

So, during this time my husband has also gotten a break and we have started to be able to have date nights. So fun. I’ve increased the value of my business and I’ve increased the joy in my life all at the same time from this investment. And I really got myself up for the challenge, really up for it. I think I’ve been really thinking about this as getting yourself enrolled and ready and excited about the challenge is one of the most important things for creating an ROI that you could possibly ever do. It’s being ready for the hard work, feeling like it’s a worthy challenge, a worthy grind. You’re ready to go to the max for your business.

And I faced a lot of restrictions and inconveniences, but I faced them instead of giving into them, and there were a lot of them. And one of my students asked me recently, she said, I was talking to her about a launch I had done where the numbers were dramatically different than what I expected halfway through. And then I ended up being exactly where I wanted to be at the end and she was like, “What did you do in the in between?”

And I said, “I took responsibility and I focused on only what was in my control every single day, what’s in my control here. Where is the value I can add here? How can I influence this result?” I can’t think of anything else that I can’t control, only what’s in my control. I have to take responsibility, if the sales aren’t where I wanted them to be, it’s on me. And I always say that, I always say, “People who sign up for consults, they want to be yeses.”

And especially if they do a follow up, people think all the time follow-ups are, they were a follow-up so of course they were a no.” What? Think about the person who invests time to come to a consult and then invest time to come to a follow-up, they want to be a yes. And I started thinking about how many people were showing up to my live streams, how many people were opening my emails, how many people were clicking on the sales page. I was like, “Clearly people want to be a yes, I’ve got to figure out how to get them there right now.”

And I only focused on that and I’ve been focused on only that for two and a half months straight. The other thing I did is, I really showed up. I’ve been showing up, getting in front of my people way more, literally in the last two and a half months more than the last two years. Think about that. I have shown up live, I’ve been live streaming a lot. I’ve been showing up on Instagram a lot. I’ve been doing ask me anything’s. I’ve been posting a lot.

I’ve been running a ton of stories and just engaging with people a lot online in my messenger and in the comments. But I’ve shown up more in the last two and a half months than in the last two years it feels like. That’s how my experience is. And whether that’s actually showing up in action or showing up in energy and commitment and focus and connection and being of service, that feels like I’m locked in.

And the other thing that I’ve done that I think is really powerful that I wanted to share with you all is, I’ve listened to all of the replays from my coaching programs that are available every single time my mind started slipping. Every time I told myself I didn’t have the energy, I wasn’t excited to do my day, I was tired, every time I felt myself telling myself I didn’t have more capacity, I turned a replay on. I watched somebody get coached and I extracted value from the coaching they were receiving.

Any time I slipped from being in the current, in the energy, feeling like I’m being propelled and pushed forward, every time I fell out of the miracle of it all, every time I fell out of service and connection. Every time I gave myself a restriction or focused on an inconvenience, every time I felt tired and I didn’t feel up for the day.

For whatever reason, the allergies are so bad right now where I live. I have woken up every morning after nine hours of sleep, feeling absolutely exhausted and my sinuses are draining so bad. Do you guys have that happen where it feels like they’re draining so hard that just your whole energy is suppressed? It’s been every day this week, at least very strongly for the last three days. And every one of these days I’ve planned to record and my brain has wanted to push it off and tell me no. I’m tapped into a bigger mission and a bigger vision.

I’m like, “We don’t have time to skip a day because next week I’m going to move on to something else. And then the week after, I want to move on to something else. I’m creating a lot right now and I want to make sure it all gets created so we don’t have time for this.” So, I’ll turn on a replay of a coaching call regardless of what it’s about and extract value, extract energy, extract a different level of mindset, a higher level mindset, extract the idea of a solution.

When you’re in a problem mindset, when you’ve listened to a coaching call, the coach is in a solution mindset. They’re focused on you taking responsibility and just that is enough to tap in and get more energy and get more capacity. And so that’s what I’ve been doing, even if it’s not the whole call and it’s just the first 10 minutes or the first 20 minutes, I’m like, “I want to get in the zone. I want to feel coached. I want to feel a higher level of responsibility. I want to grow my capacity. I want to just tap into someone else’s belief, someone else’s energy. I want to tap into solution focus. I want to tap into what I can control.”

And what I find is people could go, I have coached people on this, they can go six weeks or even six months without tapping in and just doing, doing, doing and exhausting themselves and not supporting themselves with coaching and we’re coaches. How does this happen, you all? It’s because we all have human brains, I’m telling you. It is so hard to see your own shit. It’s so hard. It’s so hard to recognize when you need to be coached or when you need to get coaching, when you need to tap in. It’s so hard to ask for help because we’re used to being the ones that give help.

It’s so hard to be vulnerable and say, “This is what’s really going on.” But the people who do it get the best results. And listen, if I had just made $90,000 in the last two and a half months, I would have considered that making my money back 100%. I would have considered that a win because it’s my responsibility, money is never guaranteed to come in. I don’t believe in, even if you have recurring payments set up. Trust me, I know people sometimes don’t make those payments. Sometimes people use payment plans as a way to get out of contracts and things that they’ve committed to. So, I know they’re not guaranteed.

So even if I had signed $90,000 of business prior and had money coming in on payment plans and it was stuff I sold before, I still would have counted that as having made my money back. However, what I’m saying here is, I’ve actually attributed, I know that $90,000 of business came in that would not have come in if I had not invested in this container and in my business and in my own brain. The money just wouldn’t have been there, 90 extra $1000, and it’s probably way more than that.

We’re still reconciling my books for this month and I would need to go back and really look, but my guess is it could even be double that. And I’m just getting started. I’m just gearing up. I think we’ve done four total coaching calls for this container. So, I even made my money back before we started, which is so exciting when you can become this person. Even for me, now I do not have to fear $90,000 investments for 12 week coaching programs. I don’t have to fear it.

I’m like, “Yeah, I’m capable of doing that regardless of being sick for two and a half weeks. Regardless of being tired. Regardless of my baby waking up in the middle of the night.” Last night, he woke up. I had to rock him for an hour at two in the morning and I was reminded, he only wanted me and I was reminded for those of you that have done the baby thing. Even if you get eight hours of sleep, when it gets broken up like that, four hours and four hours, especially if you’re older. I’m like, “Man, having babies in your late 30s, early 40s.” I’ll probably be 40 by the time I have my next baby.

I’m like, “This is why people have babies young, it’s hard.” So even in the inconveniences, even in the lack of sleep, even in an interrupted sleep, even being sick, even all the things. I’m now the person regardless, I can make a $90,000 investment for a 12 week program and make my money back before I even get started and really know there was $90,000 of return that came that would not have been there if I hadn’t done the coaching program. I know I’m capable of showing up at another level. This is a level of showing up I’ve never accessed before in my entire nine years of coaching, such a powerful knowing that you can do this.

So, I want to offer this to you. Take whatever of my process that you connect to, that you feel inspired by, that you could see improvement in, that you could see, you could take more seriously. Whether it’s enrolling your family, having big conversations with your partners, whether it’s deciding and telling your spouse what you’re going to do with your investment like I did with Neil. Here’s what I’m going to do, I’m going to listen to every single thing they say.

I’m going to action on everything, no matter how uncomfortable or silly it seems or how small it seems or how big it seems. If I feel confused, I’m still going to take action. If it feels like that wouldn’t be enough, I’m still going to take action. If any of these things landed, take them. Listen to this when you make a big investment and you need the reminder.

But what I want to offer you is if you’re not where you want to be, if your business hasn’t taken off yet, if you haven’t signed that first client, if you’re stuck at 100K and you’ve been there for three years. If you were on track for a million and now you made half of what you made last year, and so now you’re not making a million. If you were really great selling one-on-one and then selling group you started face planting and failing every single time and you think you’re never going to do it, whatever it is, figure out what you need help with and get the help.

Don’t be afraid that you can’t get a return, focus on the return when you go to invest in yourself. When it’s the hardest to invest in yourself, that’s usually when you need it the most. When it’s the hardest to find time to get coached, that’s usually when you need it the most. When it feels like it would be the least helpful to just watch a coaching replay, you probably need to be watching a coaching replay. Basically, do the opposite of what your brain tells you because your brain’s got you where it’s got you. It’s gotten you in the situation you’re in. Do the opposite.

Alright. I really hope this was helpful. I have been dying to share this with you. I’m so proud of myself. And I think it’s important because I teach this to my students, that I celebrate myself publicly when I do it so that you guys see me walking the talk. And you really see that I am a product of my product and how important this really is that I don’t just tell you all to do it. I really live it. It’s very important. If you want to go far in business, especially as a woman, you’ve got to start investing seriously, taking yourself seriously and going all in to get a return on your investments.

Alright, have an amazing week. I will talk to you next week. So much love to you all. Alright, bye bye.

Hey, if you are ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2K for 2K program where you’re going to make your first 2,000 the hardest part and then 200,000 using my proven formula. It’s risk free, you either make your 2K or I give you your 2K back. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

Enjoy the Show?

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