Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | Creating vs Having Momentum

Do you know the difference between having momentum versus creating momentum? We often think our biggest efforts should create demand and have a big payoff quickly. But this misunderstanding is actually one of the most common reasons coaches fail to reach the revenue they want in the time they want to create it.

Whatever level of revenue you’re at right now, this is the secret to up-leveling your understanding of what it really takes to make big money in your coaching business. If you think you’re going big in your business but you aren’t getting the results you want, this episode is for you.

Tune in this week to discover where momentum really comes from, and how to sustain it in your business. I show you where you’ve probably misunderstood momentum up to this point, and you’ll learn how to embody the standards required to keep ramping up momentum over the long term with every milestone you hit.


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What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why your brain doesn’t see the difference between having momentum and creating momentum.
  • How making a massive effort and creating bold offers aren’t what creates momentum in your business.
  • The most valuable way of looking at the concept of momentum in your business.
  • What is actually required on a regular basis to create real, sustainable momentum in your coaching business.
  • The level you need to play at to get momentum started in your business.
  • How to sustain the level of momentum required to make big money in a short amount of time.


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Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2k, 20k, and 200k using her proven formula.

Hi, coaches welcome to episode 305. I’m recording this episode from my hotel room in Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. We have been on vacation for days, today’s our day six. And my little guy is playing at the kids club and I am here recording a little quick episode for you. This one is going to be a highly valuable episode, so make sure you really listen and you don’t pass this one up.

So, I am in the middle of running two revenue challenges right now. I have a 25k in 30 day challenge that I run with my 200k Mastermind students and we started at the beginning of October. And then I also am running a revenue challenge publicly as part of my entrepreneur series. And so, we have 250 students in that. And then I’ve also invited my 200k Mastermind and my 2 Million Dollar Group students also into that challenge. And so, we’re all focusing on one specific revenue goal in a 30 day period. So that recently started. So, when you hear this episode we’ll be about a week in.

And I was coaching a 200k Mastermind student very recently during the challenge. And what she brought to the table, it was a post that she posted in our Facebook group. But what she posted felt to me, it landed to me like something that I encounter all of the time, that would be so helpful to have a conversation around. And then if you really get it, if you really take it in and you hear it and it clicks and sometimes it takes a couple times to click. But if it really clicks, I really think it could change your life.

It could change everything about what you understand is required to make money, especially big money in a small amount of time, not necessarily what it takes maybe to sign your first client. Although I wouldn’t say that, I think it applies at every level, but for those of you that are in the revenue challenge or if you listen to this a year from now and you’re in your own launch or you’re in your own goal setting period where you’re trying to make something big happen. This could be the missing component.

So let me start by just reading what my client posted. But just know that this is one specific example of a very common occurrence. And so, we really don’t want to make it about the one situation and say, “This doesn’t apply. This isn’t my specific situation.” We really want to think about how does this apply because I see it as I would say the most common reason coaches fail. Actually, I should just say humans fail and how we don’t achieve our goals and we don’t create the revenue we want to create in the time that we want to create it.

Okay, here’s what my client said, she wrote in our group, “My fear at the beginning of this challenge was that I don’t have an audience. I decided if that’s a circumstance, and it’s true that I don’t have an audience, I need to go to work on building one. I’ve been determined as hell. My engagement metrics have skyrocketed in every way. I’m showing up in all the places. I have an audience, they’re watching. Right now, I can honestly say this has been my biggest launch effort to date. I’ve never worked so hard in a good way, been this committed or sold this boldly and directly.

It’s definitely expanded my capacity in a massive way. I’m holding belief that they are coming. They’re literally talking themselves into working with me right now, and I’m going to blow my own mind with how many people end up joining. Today I got to work on setting up emails every day until we begin. I’ve got posts scheduled daily. I’m selling daily on stories. My podcast this week and the last few episodes have been directly selling the program. My A line, my actions have been packed.

I even had the idea to release a sneak peek of my welcome video, which I also released today and posted in all the places. Right now, I’m repeating to myself, it’s enough. It’s enough. It’s enough. It’s enough and I want to cry because I’m scared it isn’t. And there’s a big part of me that feels like I’m in a big auditorium and the seats are currently empty except for three people. And I’m nervously smiling, saying, “It’s okay, they’re coming.” But I really don’t know.”

This is the part of the post that I think is really relevant to everyone. So, as I sat and contemplated my client’s coaching, and this is what I shared with her and what I’ve been sharing in the revenue challenge that I think will be hugely helpful. And it’s the difference between our understanding of having momentum versus creating it. So, if you think back to all of the actions that my client said, she’s never been more committed. She’s never made such bold, big offers. She’s never sent so many emails, scheduled so many posts. She’s gone live on, stories. she’s shared, sneak peeks.

The effort that she has put in has been beyond her normal capacity. It’s been bigger than she has ever done before, the most energy effort and commitment that she’s put into a launch ever before. And I see this happen a lot. Our brains think, okay, I’m finally showing up for my business. I’m finally going big. I see now. This, I know in my bones, if someone were to ask me, “Are you all in?” I don’t have to say, “I don’t know, what does it mean to be all in?” I just know I am.

When you’re taking that amount of action that you wouldn’t even question whether you’re all in because you know you are and you’re like, “I am giving it everything I’ve got.” And I want to say with the caveat of right now. Any time we say, “I’m giving it everything I’ve got,” you’ve got to add, “Right now,” at the end of that sentence. Right now, in your current capacity. Right now, in your current skill set. Right now, in your current mindset. Right now, with the tools that you have, you are currently right now at your capacity.

You’re above your capacity, where you’re maybe even at a point where you’re like, “I couldn’t sustain this forever. Something has to give.” This, this is the actual effort and energy required to start momentum. We believe this is the amount of effort and energy required to usher momentum in. I like to think of momentum and demand as kind of the same. Momentum is you’ve created so much effort and energy and value and visibility around your business that people start showing up like crazy. So, momentum is created by you and then demand is how you know you’ve created the momentum.

To me, they’re one and the same. Don’t get hung up on that. But we think that this burst, this big effort should have an immediate payoff, because it wouldn’t make sense otherwise. Because we’re giving more effort than we’ve ever given, because we are making bolder offers than we’ve ever made, because we’re all in, in a way that we’ve never been before. We’re showing up, we’re sending more emails. We’re on social media more. We’re interacting with more people. We’re focusing on our belief more than we’ve ever had to.

We’re really giving it our all for right now and so our brain naturally believes we’ve finally entered the zone. And so, in the zone, there are results. I think it would change everything if you saw it instead as I’ve finally found the value equation. I’ve finally found the amount of effort. I’ve finally found what is actually required on a regular basis to create momentum. I’ve finally started to create momentum.

Because until this moment where you’re really giving it your all and you’re 100% all in and you’re showing up bigger than you’ve ever believed that it was possible for you to show up. Likely because you’re holding a big enough belief that you finally are willing to invest effort in this way. You’re finally willing to put yourself at risk for failure in this way. You’re finally willing to make enough offers and be bold enough in your offers because you’re starting to believe in yourself for the first time.

But this first wave of energy and this first wave of effort really is the result of the first time that you’re really taking yourself seriously at the level you want to be at. And so, it’s the first set of actions. It’s the first burst of energy. It’s the first amount of effort that gets the ball rolling, but it’s not necessarily always what ushers all of the demand in. Now, sometimes it does. Sometimes you show up bigger than you’ve ever shown up.

We’ve had this happen several times in the revenue challenge where people just invested in a really big way, not even the money, but it was mostly, they put themselves in a room and in a context of coaching that was very scary for them. And they immediately signed clients and immediately started making more money and had their biggest months than they’ve ever made. You see this happen. I think that those are the exceptions, not the rule.

I think the rule for most people, including myself, when I have created moments where I’ve catapulted forward in major changes in direction, big income jumps. The time that I went from 100k to 300k, or actually when I made my first 100k or when I signed my first clients or when I made my first million or when I made my first 10 million. All of those times were the result of having created massive momentum by having sustained the energy, effort, commitment, belief and overall actions required to create it. We have to sustain this level.

So first you have to find it and that’s the most important because I coach coaches at all levels. And the ones that are typically in my 2k for 2k where they’re making their first dollars, typically they don’t know what this feels like. They don’t know what all in is. And I know this, not as a judgment, but because I get asked about it a lot. How do I know if I’m all in? Or how do I know how much it’s going to take? And I just see this pullback or this hold back where we’re not really putting it all in because we’re so afraid. We’re so terrified that it may not work.

We feel so self-conscious of our abilities and our skill sets as a coach and as a marketer and a salesperson. So, there’s a long period in your business where you’re signing your first clients and you actually don’t even know what this high state of massive action, I call this a high value cycle in my 200k Mastermind. We don’t know what this even feels like or looks like. I think you can make your first $25,000 not knowing what this is like. I think you could even make $50,000 not knowing what this state is like.

But when you want to go make big money in a small amount of time, there’s knowing what playing at this level, what it feels like, and the energy output required to get the momentum started. And then there’s the work in your brain to sustain it, which is why coaching is so important. I’ve been coaching my revenue students to really be tapping in all the time. The way I set up the challenge was really made for them to be able to tap in every single day into getting some form of coaching whether it’s live coaching or whether they’re going through the process.

I created a curated list of past coaching calls. I also included a creating demand training that was five days of just coaching on the belief I am in demand. I created a bunch of ways that they could tap in, but the idea is, you keep tapping in, you self-coach, you get coached. You stay in an environment where people are being coached, where you are having the opportunity to either have your brain cleaned out or witness other people’s brains being cleaned out and energy being restored because belief is restored.

And then you keep doing that until you get to a point where your brain’s natural response, your body’s natural response, your natural level of work ethic becomes this high value cycle where my client is in. Where it’s the standard that you would be releasing podcasts and running Instagram stories and posting and emailing and making bolder offers than ever and being in full belief and being in full commitment. That has to become the standard to have momentum. It’s the beginning to create it, to start it, the standard then of operation. That’s what’s required to have the momentum, to produce it long term.

And I think so many of us give up and quit because we do the initial burst. We find the starting gate of the momentum. We think it’s the end gate. We didn’t get what we wanted and so we tell ourselves it didn’t work. We tell ourselves it wasn’t worth it. We tell ourselves I couldn’t possibly keep going. I couldn’t possibly sustain the energy, why would I? There was no payoff. Instead of, I found it, okay, this is what a high value cycle looks like for me. This is what my energy output could be all the time.

Of course, I may not be able to sustain it immediately now, but now I’ve found it. It’s like being in love for the first time. I remember there was a time when I was young and in that phase where you want to be in love, but you haven’t fallen in love yet. And I used to be like, “Am I in love? Is it love? I don’t know if it’s love. How do I know if it’s love?” This is when you all ask, “How do I know if I’m all in? How do I know what fully committed means?” If you have to ask, you haven’t landed on it yet.

And then the moment you first fall in love, you’re like, “Oh my God, this is love. I’m in love. This is what it feels like.” There’s not even a question. It’s not even a doubt. I know exactly how it feels. The same is true for finding how you operate in your high value cycle, how you operate in a cycle of energy and output that will create momentum. I call these high value cycles. But whatever you want to call them, full belief, I call it being in the current, whatever connects.

But finding that set of thinking and feeling and action taking that is bigger than your current capacity to the degree that you would feel it’s possibly unsustainable. That is the beginning. Then you have to stretch yourself in your brain, in your emotional capacity, in your energetic output and your ability to go and then rest and recover and go and rest and recover. You have to find, how do I make this sustainable? How do I grow in myself? How do I have inner growth so that this becomes my standard? Because when it’s your standard it is sustainable, it’s just something you do. It’s just who you are.

And then I focus, when I’m in this high value cycle, when I’m creating the momentum, when I know, this might be the best thought you could think is, I’m in the hard work of creating momentum. Because it is the hardest work possible to create momentum. I like to think of it as I’m literally moving life force. I am taking something that is not tangible in the world yet and I am creating it with my brain. I am moving the world, I am moving energy. I’m moving myself. I’m moving other people.

I am literally the biggest life force possible that is required to move and create something completely tangible, to bring it into reality. That is the biggest ask we could ever ask ourselves. And so, it is hard work. I call it a worthy grind. I’m in the hard work of creating momentum and it’s going to be hard for a while. It’s going to be hard because it’s going to require a lot more energy than I’m comfortable giving. It’s going to require more of myself than I think I have and I’ve got to be the person.

I’ve got to figure out how to become the person that can keep going until I get the result I want, until it becomes the standard, until it becomes who I am. Because when it becomes who you are, you get what you want because think about it. If you want to make say 25k in 30 days or you want to have a $200,000 a year business, you have to become someone different to have that. This is what’s required. Creating that momentum and then sustaining it.

And then when you’re in the sustaining it, the final piece because it’s not just constant energy output, the same energy output over and over and over and eventually it catches up. Because sometimes people have this thought error as well is, they think it hasn’t happened yet, but it will and they wait for it. But it’s not that either. It’s not that you’re waiting to have momentum. It’s that you’re putting enough energetic output and commitment and belief into so much output, that you’ve created momentum, momentum has begun.

And then you’re working to sustain it. And then you start evaluating. Then you start figuring out why isn’t it here yet. Then you start really looking at honing the skill sets, improving the skill sets, figuring out this belief I didn’t quite believe. So, what do I need to do to really believe it? Or what additional thoughts could I be thinking that would open up more energy inside of me? How could I explain this differently than I’ve explained it before to where it’s clear and it clicks with my people?

How can I compel them to take action right now and not tomorrow? That skill set, how can I get better at calling my people to action? How can I get better at selling on consults? The things that you’re actually doing in the high value cycle, in the creating momentum in the beginning they’re going to be a little, sloppy is not the right word, but messy. Because it’s just taking so much of you to produce the effort to actually do the actions that you don’t have the brain space to then also figure out how to do them well.

So, then the work becomes, now that I’m sustaining this and it’s not taking so much of me to just simply do it. Then I get to start looking at how I’m doing it. And I get to keep building and every time, I want to offer, this is so important to hear is the whole time you’re doing this, you are creating value. You are adding value. That’s why it eventually, whether it takes 30 days or 60 days or 120 days, whatever it takes, it does catch up if you are doing this process.

If you’re staying in the energetics output, if you’re producing the effort that my client is producing, if you’re doing all of the things, if you’re in the big commitment, if you’re making the bold offers. If you’re evaluating the whole time, if you’re checking in with yourself to make sure you’re sustaining yourself energetically with belief and sufficiency and not lack. And then you’re getting better and better the whole time, you’re going to be making money along the way but there is going to be a burst. There is going to be a having of the momentum, that does come.

But the reason so many of you haven’t had it is, you haven’t sustained the high value cycle long enough. You haven’t been in the creating of the momentum long enough. You haven’t worked hard enough. And I know that can be kind of a triggering word. So, I was trying to think of a different way to say that, but let’s say this. You haven’t been in the hard work long enough, let’s say it that way. You haven’t been in the hard work long enough in that worthy grind. You haven’t evaluated enough. You haven’t improved enough.

That’s the only reason, which is a very different feeling even if hard work kind of triggers you because you worked hard in the past and haven’t gotten results or you’ve worked hard in the past and you’ve burned out. That’s not what I’m talking about. Even if it triggers you, which is a far better problem or a far better reason to not have been succeeding than what you all make it means so often, which is I’m not capable of it. Or people don’t want what I have to offer. I’m never going to be able to do it. I’m the one.

I’m the one that’s just going to be the person of all the people who doesn’t make it. I don’t have the success factor. It doesn’t live in me. I’m not able to be a 200k earner. I’m not capable. People don’t like me. The world doesn’t want me to be successful. Whatever version of that is, so much of our energetic output is lost sucked up by those thoughts. And when I’m coaching people, I’m like, “You would have so much energy if you just stopped allowing that to be the reason you’re not succeeding.”

And it ended up being, I’m either not thinking the right set of thoughts and believing that I’m going to succeed and being in sufficiency and service energy. And I’m not feeling and being who I want to become ahead of time. And taking enough action and the right set of actions in a way that connects my people and they start buying. One of those things is the problem. It’s my thoughts, my feelings, it’s my actions, it’s my skill level. There’s not a lot.

Those things are all things we can work on. Being innately unable to be just not having the capacity, not having the capability, not having the worthiness, not being smart enough, all of those things. Those things aren’t things we can really work on. And those are the things that make you go, “Well, maybe I’ll just pull back because I put a lot of energy into it and it didn’t work. I’m tired. I’ve worked very hard and not gotten what I want.”

I actually was telling another student recently, I actually think it’s a lot harder to tell ourselves we’re working hard. But we’re not actually in this high value cycle, really showing up and blowing our own minds with the effort we’re producing and the belief we’re having and the capability we’re seeing in ourselves. You have to know, is the hard work that I’m doing, does it feel like crumb and is it full of doubt and then I’m not going to succeed? And is it this kind of what feels like a slow, just steady difficulty?

Or is it, I am in this energetic burst where I am just exploding with effort, ideas, creativity, desire, commitment? That’s the hard work that I’m talking about, being in that. It’s hard to put out, give that much and put out that amount of energy when it’s not your standard. Versus I’m posting every day, but no one’s responding and it feels really terrible and I’m really miserable and it’s not a good time. That’s not what I’m talking about. But imagine if the solution, if the problem that you saw wasn’t that you’re just not capable, that it was, I haven’t created enough momentum yet.

And I haven’t created enough momentum yet because I haven’t even found the start of my momentum. I haven’t found the peak of my momentum yet. I haven’t seen what that’s like. And then I haven’t figured out how to sustain it. And then I haven’t figured out how to get better and hone my skill sets within it. And I haven’t been in the period of creating momentum for long enough to usher it in. And that’s really the only problem.

So, if you’re in the revenue challenge or if you’re not and you’re just listening a year from now, I really think this could be the game changer. If you want to make the money you want to make, if you want to really get your business off the ground, this is the work. Really understanding the difference between what it’s going to take for you to start the momentum. And then being able to stay and sustain that momentum and be in the hard work of creating it.

It can be a sustained period of 30 days, 60 days, 90 days. I’m right now in the middle of creating momentum in my business like never before. It’s crazy what’s happening. And I’ve also never worked harder in my life in the best way. It’s hard because it’s a lot of energy. I go to bed very tired. It’s hard because I have to manage my time and my calendar very concisely. There’s not a lot of room for error right now.

Even for my team I’m like, “Just so you know, as soon as we end this launch, we’re going right into the next one. So, we’ve got to be sustaining our energy. We’ve got to be taking care of ourselves when we’re not working really, really well. Because when we’re working, we’re working beyond full capacity all the time.” Now, we won’t be doing this forever, but right now I’m in a cycle where I’m creating big momentum and eventually it will catch up.

My standard will be higher, my capacity will be higher. And so, then it won’t take as much of the energy and my skill sets will be higher. I’m learning so much right now, it’s crazy at my level. I’m skyrocketing my learning. And my belief systems are expanding and so it won’t be like this forever.

But we are in a period where we are, one of my coaches gave me the example of when you’re riding a bike and you’re pedaling really, really, really, really hard and then you can coast. And then there’ll be a time where you have to pedal really, really, really, really hard and then you can coast and that’s it. That’s creating momentum versus having it. It’s not three cycles around the pedal. It’s not just a couple of pedals and all of a sudden you’re moving. No, you’ve got to pedal a lot before you get moving, but then eventually the wind catches you. The wheels get turning fast enough and you don’t have to pedal for a while, but it won’t be like that always.

So, some of you, I know I’ve been coaching this a lot too. Some of you right now are like, “Well, I created momentum and then it went away.” Well, it does if you don’t pedal every once in a while. If you keep coasting and then realize that you didn’t ever pedal and suddenly the bike comes to a stop. Then if the bike comes to a stop you have to restart pedaling again really hard to get the momentum up again.

And for me, that was a big part of what I went through over the last two years, I was just toddler stage, postpartum stage. It was so hard for me to take care of my students and be pedaling at the same time and to take care of myself. So now that I’m good and my students are good, now I’m pedaling again. And I can do it and you can do it too. We can all create big momentum together.

What I know to be true is in my communities, we’re doing it. I’m seeing it every single day, whether it’s the beginning of the momentum or we’re in the middle of the momentum or people are starting to usher the momentum in, it’s happening. It can happen for you too. Listen to this as many times as you need. This is the secret. This is the key, I promise.

Alright, have an amazing week. If you are in the revenue challenge, I’m sending you the absolute best of luck and energy and all of the things. If you’re my 200k Mastermind, same thing, and I will talk to you all next week.

Hey, if you’re ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2k for 2k program where you’re going to make your first $2,000 the hardest part, using my simple five step formula for getting consults and closing new clients. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

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