Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | Demand Compounds

Do you believe that the more you sell, the quicker demand decreases? Like the more sales you make, the harder it becomes to make future sales? If you think you have to rebuild your funnel after every launch, giving your email list or audience time to rest before pitching again, this episode on demand compounding is exactly what you need.

The truth is, demand never runs out: demand actually compounds. The idea that demand decreases after selling is a thought error that directly dismisses the fundamental truth of demand and keeps you playing small. Demand exists always and it compounds, grows, and gathers momentum.

Tune in this week to discover the compounding effect of demand. I share why the more you scoop up, the more demand you create over time. Learn about the three types of leads, and why, when some people buy from you, there are always two additional buyer types already warmed up by the selling you’ve already done.


Want to step up and claim a new revenue tier, expanding your capacity for what’s possible in your business? Join us in The Revenue Challenge by clicking here!

Join us now in the 2k for 2k program with a new 12-payment option — just $200 a month for lifetime access! Click here to sign up. Don’t miss out!

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I’m making some big changes in my 2 Million Dollar Group! For all the details and to get on the waitlist, click here.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why selling to your audience doesn’t have the negative impact on demand that you might think it does.
  • Measurable proof that demand compounds the more you sell.
  • My own experience with compounding demand at all different stages of my business.
  • Why, for every person you sell to, there are 4 more people interested who just need a little warming up.
  • Stories from my clients who have seen how demand compounds every time they launch.
  • Why you don’t need sales pages and website analytics to see increases in demand.
  • How to see that demand for what you’re selling is increasing, not decreasing, regardless of your capacity to measure it.


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Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2k, 20k, and 200k using her proven formula.

Hi, coaches welcome to episode 304. Today, I have a really awesome concept to teach you, the idea that demand compounds, that it doesn’t run out. This is a thought error that we have, that it runs out, that the more you scoop up, the less there is. That you have to build your funnel back up every time you sell, that you have to restart over, that you’ve scooped up all there is and so now you’re starting from scratch and you’ve got to build it back up.

And you need time and you need space between launches and before selling new things, and that you’ve got to let your email list or your audience rest. And then give it a good amount of time to fill up and rest before you start again. These are thought errors that we have that directly dismiss the fundamental truth of demand. The fundamental truth of demand is that it exists always and that it compounds, that it actually grows. It’s momentum, there’s a compound effect.

So, the more demand you scoop up, the more demand you create over time. But in fact, the more you’re selling, every time you are scooping up, you’re actually scooping up just one type of lead. There are three types of lead, and you’re actually just selling, the people who buy, when they buy or it’s one buyer type. There are two additional buyer types and those buyer types are warmed up as you sell more and more and more.

So, I actually did a Facebook live about this exact topic and I wanted to share it with you all today because I’m going to dive into examples of what I mean by this and how you know it’s true. Because there’s actual measurable ways to find out how demand compounds. You can actually, for some of you, if you have email lists, if you have landing pages, there are actual measurable ways to know that the demand is actually increasing, not decreasing.

And what I talk about in this live stream, for those of you who maybe don’t have ways to measurably find out that demand is increasing, you don’t have sales pages and you don’t have email lists. I didn’t have that until I was making hundreds of thousands of dollars. So, what I believe is that even though you can’t see it, if it’s measurable once you do have sales pages, and once you do have websites and once you do have information you can pull to verify that demand is compounding, it has to be true before you have it too.

And I’ve had experience with this at so many different levels. My first $100,000 launch, I didn’t have a sales page. I didn’t have a website. I don’t even know that I was emailing people. It was purely, I was showing up on social media, I was connecting, I was live streaming. And I remember being blown away that two weeks prior to creating my first $100,000 launch, I didn’t even believe it was possible because there was no possibility 20 people were ready to buy from me right then and there, except they were.

So don’t use that against yourself as you listen to this live. I’m going to talk about some measurable ways to prove that it’s true that demand compounds, but you don’t have to use that against yourself. You just have to know if it’s true one time at the place in my business where I have the capacity to measure it. It also has to be true before I have the capacity to measure it. It is true always.

So, I want to have you listen to this episode. I really love the examples I included in this live stream and I think it will be highly valuable if you can get past the sound and the audio. And you can stay with me through the parts of live stream that aren’t quite podcasting dynamics like saying hi to people that are there. Then I think you’re going to be blown away by this idea. And it’s going to really change your life and your business and the way that you’re thinking about selling.

And it’s going to have you take showing up and selling a lot more seriously and empower you to keep doing that in a way that creates momentum for you versus has you having to recreate it every single time you go to sell or every single time you go to launch. Because I think people think it’s so hard to launch and it takes so much energy simply because they keep recreating momentum for themselves. They have to keep recreating demand.

They have to keep rewarming everybody up because they do this. I only show up when I’m here to sell and then I hide or then I softball play it because I don’t want to let my email list rest. All of these thoughts that are the opposite of the truth of demand are actually creating us all to work so much harder. So, make sure you give this episode a listen. It is going to be a game changer. Let’s dive in and find out how demand compounds.

If you are watching this, my name is Stacey Boehman, if this is the first ever live stream that you find of mine, if you’ve been following for a while though, say hello. Or if you’re brand new, say hello. If you’re watching in replay, say hello. We have this thing now that we do in society where we watch things and we consume content, but we don’t engage with it. I’m the worst about it too, but I would really love to know if you’re here and if the message is helpful and what you want to know more about. The more you can engage with me, the better I’m able to serve you.

So, if you can say hello, tell me where you’re coming from, how long you’ve been following and how the content lands, I would just love to know. So, I have 15 minutes to give you a really powerful message before I arrive at my destination. So, this is going to be a quick one and we’re going to talk about demand compounds because I have been coaching in my 200k Mastermind. We are in our 25k in 30 days revenue challenge right now and I’m coaching them three times a week. So, I added 15 calls or something crazy to our schedule.

We normally do one call a week and I decided I really wanted to support them big time in the challenge so I’m coaching them three times a week. And we have had a lot of really amazing conversations. At the same time, also, all my students in my 200k Mastermind and my 2 Million Dollar Group get launch audits or sales page audits and email audits as part of their program. And so, I’ve been auditing my students’ sales pages and I’ve been auditing their emails.

And what I do when I’m auditing is I always find the beliefs they have that are glaring out at me through the sales copy. Or I’m like, “What are you thinking that made you say this?” And I point it out to them and it’s super valuable and useful. And then we come on a call and sometimes we coach about it. So, this topic came up in both my 200k Mastermind and my 2 Million Dollar Group rooms. So, these are students who are wanting to make their first 200k or their first $2 million. And a lot of times the topics overlap just in different ways.

And this topic came up a lot and we’re also about to launch our public revenue challenge. So that is available even if you’re not in my high level masterminds right now until Monday at midnight, October 21st, 2024 midnight, you can sign up. All you have to do is comment ‘challenge’, and we’ll send you all the information. But we’re about to start that challenge and I’m going to be talking about this and we’re going to be coaching on this in the challenge as well. And this is the idea that demand compounds.

So, what that means, demand compounds, this is the thought error that I see a lot of coaches have. And if you have a coach friend that needs to hear this message, send this video to them. Just send a little message and be like, “You’ve got to listen to this. I bet this will be really helpful for you.” So, I’m going to give you an example of what this looks like.

I was coaching my 2 Million Dollar Group student on this. She’d just made $80,000 in three months. And she did a launch and sold the most students she’s ever sold in one time, which was 22 students into her group program. And we were talking about the challenge and we were talking about the ability to do it again. And we were talking about how her next launch isn’t until January as she was like, “I need that time.”

And I asked her, “Do you think you need that time so that you can refill up your funnel, so that you can refill up your audience?” Because that’s what typically people do is, I’ve sold a certain amount or I’ve made a certain amount and now I have to wait and kind of refill the pipeline. This is the biggest thought error you could ever have when it comes to marketing and sales in your business. There is no such thing as refilling the pipeline. It is the biggest misunderstanding of the way demand works.

So, this is how I showed her this and not everyone, when you’re first starting out, you may not have an email list and you may not have a sales page and you may not be able to get these numbers. But it doesn’t mean it’s not true, before you have a sales page and you can tangibly see these numbers. But I asked her, “I want you to find out how many people clicked on the sales page that didn’t actually check out? How many people looked at the checkout form, because you can find this information, but didn’t actually purchase?”

I said, “Because I just did a launch, an opening of my 2k for 2k program and we sold 94 spots in one week and brought in almost $200,000 into the business in one week.” And even though there were 94 sales, what I also knew, there were 400 people going to the checkout form. They were actually checking out the checkout form. That means 400 people wanted to buy. They just couldn’t convince themselves to buy in the one week that we were open but they wanted to buy.

So, let’s just say that those people that wanted to buy, now, in this case, they do actually have to wait because I have other things I’m launching. But let’s say if you think about them waiting for the next six months before I open it again, they have to wait six months. It’s actually going to take more energy for me because they have to wait. I’m going to have to do an even bigger build up and sales period than I would have had to if I would have just launched it again the next month and helped those 400 people hear what they need to hear to say yes.

So, I was telling my student, “If you turned around and offered them another webinar, if you offered them something else to engage with you and to learn about your offer again and then you made them another offer. This month, you’re going to help those people who are watching, who are engaging, who went all the way to your checkout page but something held them back. You’re going to help warm them up and make them feel safer and get them more compelled and more excited. And it’s another opportunity for them to hear the things that they need to hear to say yes.”

And you don’t want to wait because if you think about it, I was telling her, it’s like boiling water. If you have the water on medium height and you start to see the bubbles, the natural inclination if you’re cooking is, let’s turn it up high and let’s get it boiling. Not, let’s turn the simmer down and hope we still create a boil. Creating demand is creating boiling water. You’ve got to have the heat turned up high. And the longer periods of time that you keep the heat up, the hotter the water stays. That’s what we want to do. Demand compounds, it doesn’t run out. We think it runs out. I have scooped up all the demand possible.

I was just coaching a student in 200k Mastermind through the 25k challenge. And she said, “I did the challenge last month and I made $26,000. I don’t think I can make $26,000 this month because I made $26,000 last month.”

And I said, “What if you can make $50,000 this month, and what if that were possible, what if you could do it again? What if there was more available? Because you just scratched the surface. You cherry picked the $26,000 of money that was available. There were $26,000 of students ready to say yes that were hot during that month. But there are equally probably $50,000 to $100,000 of students who are ready to say yes and who are ready to take action and they’re ready. They’re just on the fence. They’re just not over the fence.”

And so, if you decide to believe there’s another $26,000, another $50,000, another $100,000 of business, of people who want to do business with you right now. If you decide that the first sales opportunity that you did, actually just created more demand, it created more awareness of your business. It created more buy-in for your students, for the outcome that they want, your client and the result they’re wanting.

And now is the time that they’re more warm than ever to make another offer to them, to give them more value. To say, “Hey, that first round of value didn’t quite get you over the fence so let’s do another round of value.” That’s the actual truth, that the more you make offers, the more value you give and the more you sell, the more you compound demand. That is actually how it works.

I teach this idea of something called a three year bi-cycle, sometimes it’s longer for people. But essentially in the simplest explanation of this, we talk about this in my 200k Mastermind. We’ll be talking about this in the revenue challenge for my public challenge. Is that every time you’re selling, there are three different types of people engaging with you. There are people who find you for the very first time.

There are people who have been following you for a while, and every time you offer something they feel more connected to what they want and it just takes them a little bit of time to step into that. And sometimes for some people, it’s a couple of weeks, a couple of months, a couple of years. That can happen. I’ve had people that have signed up after two years of following me, three years of following me, six years of following me, eight years of following me. It just takes people a little bit of time and some people buy right away.

So, it’s not about, I have to work for eight years before someone buys from me. No, there are people who buy right away. Then there are people who take anywhere from two weeks to two years to buy. And then there are people who find you right away and they just need some warming up as well. So, we don’t know where all of the people that are paying attention to you, we don’t know where they are and thinking about themselves and taking action on what they want and thinking about you and working with you. We don’t know where they are.

But what we do know is the more times you show up to engage with them, the more value you offer them, the more offers you make to them, the faster you get them moving, the more the demand compounds. So, this is part of the challenge and why it’s so important that the sooner you can get yourself in the belief that you could take a challenge like the revenue challenge. The sooner you get yourself to believe that you could actually create a return in your business in 30 days, that you could actually make money in 30 days.

This challenge really blows people up, if they are able to make a couple thousand dollars a month. If you could just think about doubling that or if you want to do a 10k in 30 day challenge or a 25 in 30 day challenge or a 50k in 30 day challenge. Whatever it is that you’re trying to create, if you could believe that you could do it in 30 days based on this idea, that it doesn’t matter what you sold and how long it’s taken. It’s about energy generation. It’s about how many touchpoints you’ve created for people to engage with you, how many spaces you’ve created for them to come in and learn from you, how many offers you’ve made to them.

If you’re willing to believe that you could take a lot of action in 30 days and compound a lot of demand. And then you can take what you learn from the challenge and keep applying that month after month after month all the way through the end of the year and then into the beginning of the next year. You’re going to be in a completely different place in your life in a very short amount of time, in your business in a short amount of time. I’m seeing this for me. I’m making offers like crazy. I’m showing up to give value to my audience like crazy.

I’m teaching more than I’ve ever taught before. And the demand for my work keeps skyrocketing. People want in. They’re asking, “When is the next time you’re doing 2k for 2k? When are you opening 200k Mastermind? When are you going to do Served again? Are you going to do the revenue challenge again?” People are watching, they’re paying attention. And some people will miss out on the first offers you make because they won’t be able to get themselves there, but it doesn’t mean that they’re not ever coming in. It just means they need more time.

And so, you keep creating opportunities for them to warm themselves up, for them to warm themselves up in the belief of what they could accomplish and their desire for the things they want. And then you’re also building trust with your business and your brand. And you’re also showing them what you’ve got and the value that you have to offer every time you show up to speak to them, whether it’s in a poster, an email or a live stream like this or a podcast.

Whatever it is, you’re showing up to give them value. They’re consuming that value. That value changes them and then makes them more ready to say yes. So, try this idea on, that demand actually compounds, it doesn’t deplete, it doesn’t run out. You can take breaks for yourself, but you don’t need to take breaks for the sake of the fact that there’s no more demand because you’ve scooped it all up and that was all there ever was. No, you scooped up the people who are actually ready right now in this exact moment.

And you didn’t scoop up all of the people who still need a little bit of warming up and who still quite aren’t there. And that number of people is always far greater than the number of people who sign with you every month, every launch, it doesn’t matter. It’s typically quadrupled or more the amount of people who actually sign up with you, that actually are thinking of signing up for you. So, if you thought about it like that, actually if 10 people signed up with me this month, it means 40 are thinking about it.

If two people signed up with me this month, it means four people are thinking about it. And that is a powerful thing to know. How would you show up, what would be different if you were thinking of those people instead of the people that were ready instantly? Because not everybody is ready instantly. And if you only make money in your business and you only serve the people who are ready instantly, you will have a much smaller business.

So, the more you can think about the people who aren’t ready yet and how you can help them get ready, what you can say to them, what you could teach them to get them ready. And the more you can make an offer for them to take action right now, the more people you will work with, the bigger your business will grow, the bigger impact you will have.

Alright, I did it, I said I was going to do a short message today. If you know of a coach who needs to hear this message, if you have a little sales friend that you guys text back and forth. I have a couple, that we have a text chain together and we’re always sending things that are super valuable to each other. So, if you need to send this to someone, please do. Any coach you can think of that needs to hear this message and needs to stop playing small and thinking of just the people available right now, the bigger picture, please send this to them.

And if you are interested in the revenue challenge, comment ‘challenge’ and we’ll send you the link in the information. You have till Monday at midnight October 21st to join us. That’s when our first call officially starts, but the entire process is prerecorded and it’s already available to you. So as soon as you sign up you get the process to get started thinking like this in your business and towards your revenue goals.

Alright, have an amazing Friday and rest of your weekend. I’m going to go get 1,000 photos taken of me and be very tired by the end of the day. And so again, comment ‘challenge’, if you want information to sign up. Francis, will make sure to get that over to you right away. I have the mini chat set up, so anytime you comment ‘challenge’, it’s just going to automatically send you the link. And if you have any questions, you can drop them in the comments here but I would love to have you.

These are the powerful conversations. This was one coaching segment from one call and I coached, I think, five or six different people on that call and you get six live calls with me in this revenue challenge as well. So, we’re going to be having conversations like this. I’m going to be on the page. I also have my trained coaches who I taught, they coach my 200k Mastermind students. And they’re also going to be in the Facebook community coaching. So, if you’re not coached on a challenge call, you can post in the Facebook community.

And there’s going to be so many people to help you with your thinking to stay in the highest value cycles to get as much value as possible over the next 30 days. And actually, the challenge, you get an extra week for the challenge too to see it all the way through the finish line. So, it’s really 40 days of intense support to help you show up and give an insane amount of value and scoop up all the demand that you have of people desiring to work with you. And really wanting the outcome for themselves that they’ve been waiting for in their lives.

It’s going to be the most insane container of support you have ever experienced, so comment ‘challenge’ if you want the link and I will see you all soon. Bye.

Hey, if you’re ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2k for 2k program where you’re going to make your first $2,000 the hardest part, using my simple five step formula for getting consults and closing new clients. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

Enjoy the Show?

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