I work with three kinds of life coaches.

Coaches who want to make their first $2,000…

The beginning stages of any business requires a different strategy and thought process.

Getting your first clients is all about the hustle,  TAKING ACTION, MAKING OFFERS, SELLING YOUR FACE OFF.

It’s about making money and getting those first clients however you have to do it.

I give my clients the foundational work to market themselves, get clients on the phone, and get them signing up for coaching.

This isn’t entry level information though. It’s sales mastery. I set my clients up for a fast track to their first six figures JUST from the work they will do to book those first few clients.

…coaches who want to make $200,000.


When you are ready to get serious in your business and really make some money, when you are starting to bring in consistent income , it’s all about creating the business that will take you to 200k and beyond.

I show you how to look at your business from the future and start strategically planning how to build wealth.

Having perspective, for your six figure scale, from someone that has done that TEN TIMES OVER is everything.

I have helped clients make six figures in 6 months, 8 months, 10 months, helped them have six figure launches, and  create signature courses and brands,  for their next level, and I will help you too.

Six figures requires an all out mentorship and this is what I give you when you join the 200k Mastermind.

…and coaches who want to make millions.


A lot of coaches attempt to scale to millions by working more and doubling, tripling, and quadrupling their prices.

But I show you how to grow your revenue exponentially to millions of dollars while only working 3 days a week and getting your clients better, faster results than ever before.

I’ve sold 30 million dollars of coaching and helped clients cross the one million dollar mark in their business calmly and strategically without a lot of drama.

It’s where CEO’s are born.


“I made $5ook in 2.5 years.

I started a brand new life coaching business working with Stacey in 2016 and mentoring with her over the last two and a half years has not only helped me create a $500k business but also my dream LIFE. She taught me how to BE in the world to have a successful business and really LIVE my life. She helped me navigate crucial client conversations, she helped me really plan for where I wanted to be at 500k and she saved me from making critical mistakes with my growing business. My profit is high, my time is totally in my control to enjoy my life, and I have really learned how to solve any problem in my business. Mentoring with Stacey will change everything in your business and life.”

- Lindsey Mango

“During my first round of 2 Million Dollar group, I crossed 1 Million in 12-month revenue! I’m still pinching myself.

I have so much love and gratitude for Stacey for so many reasons.

I joined the mastermind to get better at marketing and selling, which she delivered on in the most profound ways. I NEVER imagined that I would double my business in one round or that I would become a 7-figure coach just 9 months after working with Stacey.

But even more surprising to me was how deeply her teaching would transform me as a coach and as a person. She is one of the most gifted coaches in the industry and a masterful teacher of the art of selling and delivering coaching at the highest level. Do whatever it takes to get in this room. You will be blown away."

- Dr. Edie Wadsworth