Make Money as a Life Coach® with Stacey Boehman | Offering Lifetime Access Pros and Cons

Have you considered offering lifetime access to your coaching program? As a coach, it’s a tempting model that can fuel fast growth, especially in the early stages of your business. But is it the right move for you and your clients? In this episode, I share my experience with lifetime access after six years of exclusively offering it for my foundational 2k for 2k program.

I dive into the key pros that made lifetime access a game-changer for my business growth and client success. From the ability to charge upfront and create a lean business model to fostering a thriving community and fueling an Ascension Model, lifetime access has been a powerful catalyst for my success.

However, it’s not all roses and sunshine. I also share the cons I’ve encountered along the way, including client entitlement, complacency, and the challenges of maintaining a safe, focused community. Tune in to weigh the pros and cons for yourself and decide if lifetime access aligns with your coaching business vision.


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Join us now in the 2k for 2k program with a new 12-payment option — just $200 a month for lifetime access! Click here to sign up. Don’t miss out!

I’m making some big changes in my 2 Million Dollar Group! For all the details and to get on the waitlist, click here.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:


  • How lifetime access enables you to charge upfront and create a lean business model, perfect for scaling quickly with a small audience.
  • Why coaches who don’t love marketing can benefit from only having to sell a client once.
  • The power of lifetime access in establishing a thriving community that fosters client growth and fuels an ascension business model.
  • How lifetime access can attract clients who get too cozy or complacent, missing opportunities for growth.
  • Strategies for maintaining a safe, focused community and handling clients who try to poach within your group.


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Welcome to the Make Money as a Life Coach® podcast where sales expert and master coach Stacey Boehman teaches you how to make your first 2K, 20K, and 200K using her proven formula.

Hey, coaches, welcome to episode 319. Today as promised, we’re talking about lifetime access programs or giving lifetime access, really I should say that, it doesn’t have to be a program, and the pros and cons. So excited to chat with you all today. I’m actually recording this episode back to back from the Ascension Business Model episode, so I’m very warmed up for this episode.

I am here with you on a Sunday afternoon because I have Mastermind Week for 200K Mastermind starting tomorrow. And then the next week I have 2 Million Dollar Groups mastermind week and I typically move everything off of my calendars for those weeks because I like to be really present with the coaching for all the new incoming students. So I’m super jazzed and excited for these next classes. We have a lot of amazing people in both, so I’m very excited.

Okay, so we’re just going to dive right in. I don’t even need to warm up. Are you ready? Let’s talk about the pros because I’ve had so many people ask me about this and I just think if you ask me, if you’re in 2K, 200K, 2 Million Dollar Group, and you ask me, the answer is too complicated for me personally to give you a little quick one-liner. And I just think if I create this episode, we can talk about it individually for each student, but you’ll have this episode here to hear my overall thoughts, and then we can coach on what is specifically right for you. So that’s the goal, that’s the plan. This episode is going to be really beneficial for all of my students.

So here are the pros of having a lifetime access program for the last six years, which is my 2K for 2K. And it’s the only lifetime access offer I’ve ever had and probably ever will have. I won’t say never again. I could easily give lifetime access in the future for something, but it’s the only core offer I imagine myself having. So people ask me that a lot as well.

So here’s the first pro. I chose this model six years ago, seven years ago. Is it almost seven now? It was six last year. We are in 2025. What is happening? Because it allows you to charge upfront. That’s if you don’t have payment plans.

I offer payment plans for 2K occasionally now, but I historically did not. And that was another whole decision to keep my business really lean and to not need a bunch of employees and to be able to handle my business and work at three days a week. It’s an administrative nightmare to do payment plans unless you have the people and the processes and the things in place.

We’re like killing it right now. If you charge up front, it allows you to do that. So you charge up front for access rather than collecting money every month as part of a membership or again a payment plan, which is really good if you are scaling and you have a smaller audience.

So this was the number one reason we chose to do a program, to have it be lifetime access, and to charge the whole $2,000 upfront is that it made my business super lean and really easy to manage the books, to manage the payments, to manage everything. And it made it easy for me to make a lot of money quickly with having a smaller audience.

So I sold 200 spots in my 2K for 2K program. I think my first full year of selling it, or my first year that I sold it, and was able to bring in $400,000 cash because of that. If I had been offering payment plans, then it would have been a lot less money and my $860,000 a year would have been a lot less, and there would have been a lot more to manage.

With a membership to create enough revenue monthly to get to seven figures with a smaller audience, it’s just a much longer play than a $2,000 paid-in full offer, right? If you wanna make a million dollars and you have a $2,000 offer, that’s just 500 people. You just sell your butt off for a whole year and get 500 people in there, you’ve made a million dollars. What? I know that sounds simpler than it maybe feels but it really is that simple.

Okay, the next pro is for those of you who don’t love marketing. So if you don’t love marketing, a program with a one-time fee with lifetime access not only means that you take the money up front, but you don’t have to keep marketing to your clients to stay in the membership and to stay engaged in the membership.

One of my dear friends asked a room full of people many years ago to raise their hand if they loved marketing. And I think two people raised their hands and she said, all right, none of the rest of you are ready for a membership because that’s all you do all day long for a membership. You market to the new people who come in and the current people to stay each month. And for me at the time, that was definitely not what I wanted to do. I loved only having to sell someone my program one time and then I had them as a client for life. I loved that.

Another pro is it also allows you to establish a base community for your people. This is a huge on my pro list and one of the other reasons we chose this in the beginning of my scale. This will also end up being a con on my list. So we will talk about that in a second. There are sometimes two sides to the coin. But on the pro side, you have a community to coach, to foster growth, and to build up year after year, like really multiplying, compounding success.

And I will say when you’re scaling, the single most important thing is getting people results quickly with a lower-end foundational offer. If you want to get your name out into the world, if you want to skyrocket your visibility, get people in as fast as possible to a lower-end foundational offer and show them a really good time. Give them great results and they’ll go out and become your army of people marketing for you, which is fantastic.

So this community base where I foster growth in my 2K for 2K program, it directly fuels my mission to help coaches get to their first $20,000 and then go into my 200K mastermind, the second program in my Ascension model. And really that’s my main goal. I know that there’s going to be a lot more people that will make less than $200,000 statistically of the thousands and thousands of people that become coaches, and there will be less who will make it to a million statistically.

So my drive is to get the people to $200,000 as fast as I can and to get as many of them can. Like my drive is so high. I’ve said this before on the podcast, but I genuinely take on the responsibility of I want to raise the overall median average income of a life coach.

Like when you Google the average income of a life coach, it used to say $40,000 to $60,000. And I want that number to say $200,000. I feel so strongly about that. And so I really put a lot of energy there. Because my foundational offer helps people get there.

This lifetime access community allows me to always have a place where regardless of how slow of a burn a student is, how slow they grow in their revenue, I can keep helping them get there. That takes being really focused on a bigger vision, an infinite goal, but I don’t care if it takes you three years to get to $20K and you were distracted for two years.

I don’t care if you never saw yourself selling anything ever in your whole life and it’s the biggest leap ever to imagine making an offer, I am going to keep coaching you and I’m going to keep being there for you regardless of how long it takes.

Now again, that’s not the median or the average student. Many people, we’ve had thousands of people come in and just make $2K and they’re so excited and they make it so fast. But I’ve also had people that have come in and it took them 18 months or two years and it’s not always because they were actively building their business in that time.

They sometimes they sign up and then they get a big promotion at work or they sign up and I’m going to talk about this in a second because it’s also a different type of pro but if they fall off for any reason, go through a divorce, lose a relative, have to care for a relative, have things come up with their kids, like 2K is there, I really love having that space.

I don’t do all my spaces like that, but I love that being a space. This brings me to my next point, which is if I had a shorter container for my 2K offer and those slow burns, let’s say I did a… Really, you can make $2K in six weeks, right? So I could easily make 2K a six-week program. I’m not saying that. I’m just saying I could. It would be very… I don’t know what the word is, but it would make a lot of sense and it would work really well if I just did it in six weeks.

Actually maybe people would make money faster if they only knew they had six weeks. That’s another con that we’ll talk about in a little bit, but maybe that would actually help them. But the reason I haven’t pulled that trigger and the reason I’ve had it be lifetime access is because if there is a slow burn student that doesn’t create the result, some of them would keep investing and keep going.

So if it was a six-week program, maybe someone would be like, or a 12-week program or a six-month program, maybe some of them would be like, okay, I’m gonna go again. I see what I did. I see what I could do better. I’m gonna go again, but it’s just less likely at the beginning stages.

So with lifetime access, I just I can’t tell you so how many times someone has bought 2K, again 18 months, two years, three years later, they actually decided to build their business and because they still have access to the program, they finally decide to use it and they make their money back. And suddenly, they’re on their way to the bigger vision.

With a membership, this was another option for me to have 2K be a membership, you might have someone who keeps paying monthly for 18 months or two years, even though they’re not actively growing their business, but at some point in that two or three year period, they probably will fall off.

So again, it’s about personal preference, but in the lifetime access model, those people stay and get results with my model. I have the ability to still help them and that happens, not like frequently, but it does happen.

And every time I see someone post and say, it’s been 18 months, or I had a client that recently just made her money back and she bought two years ago, but she had to caretake her mother who was dying. And so it became a big obstacle for her for starting a business, which obviously makes sense.

And so I love that she was able to just re-engage when she had processed her grief and had been able to come back to her life and back to her desires and reignite wanting her business. And we were there. So I love that.

Okay, so the next pro is I do think, this is not a strong one so don’t make your whole business model on this, but I do think consumers of coaching tend to love lifetime access so it’s also a great selling point. I don’t typically make my decisions based on what I think will be a great selling point because I’m good at selling everything and if you’re in my 200k mastermind we work on the self-concept of being good at selling anything so that you make better decisions for the things that you sell. But I do think that people tend to love it, and so it is also, as a cherry on top, a great selling point.

And I think for the people who love it, they love the idea of being able to brush up when they need a refresh. And I really love it for that reason. That’s why I’ve only done it for 2K is I really do think you could be killing it in consults. And I’ve seen this thousands of times where people just hit a consult purgatory for whatever reason, and then they go back and they realign with the process and they hear something they need to hear again and they’re back to getting yeses again.

And so that was one of the thoughts behind also offering lifetime access for the skill of learning consults is I think you can kill it for a while and think you’re amazing and you know how to sell on consults and then one day you can be like, I’ve lost the ability to sell on consults, what is happening? And 2K is there for you. So being able to come back to the basics to do a realignment is a really good thing to think about. Will that be good for your people.

Another pro is some of your students will pop back in with success messages and create hope for students working through it. They let them know where they are and where they started when they joined the program and then where they are now and how far it’s possible to go. And that creates a lot of goodwill and belief for the people still trying to make it, oh, someone was once where I was and they’ve gone on to be really successful. I should keep going too. Now there is a con side to this as well that you would not expect, so I’ll address that later. But when this is coming from a really genuine place, a place of true service, it is really good for your community.

And then finally, and really this is like the second most important thing when scaling, lifetime access allows you to over-deliver like crazy. So when you’re able to do that, over-deliver like crazy, people tell everyone they know. Referral is the number one way that new people come to me still to this day. Even with my podcast, even with ads, even with my social media, even with my funnel, all the things, it’s like the word of mouth advertising, It’s like the best evergreen funnel you could have without ever having to create an evergreen funnel.

Great product and it is very inexpensive, especially for what you get and it works. You’re going to get word of mouth like crazy. It’s why I’ve never raised the price of 2K for 2K ever, not $1. It’s why I made it 2K and not 5K or 3K because I could have made it 5K for 5K or 3K for 3K. I know it sounds weird hearing me say that now because it’s been 2K for 2K for so long, but I could have done 5K for 5K or 3K for 3K.

I wanted it to be a mostly easy yes for a lot of people. I was living in an apartment making $50,000 a year. I paid $2,000 to get my dog professionally trained. So I just figured when we were thinking about pricing, if I could do that, it’s highly accessible to a lot of people. And then people tell me regularly that there’s $20,000 worth of value in there. Their words, not mine. And so people just, they really do tell everyone they know.

So I think lifetime access is a move that is for the long game, the infinite game. When you’re thinking of your overall vision, the overall health of your business, especially if you do have an Ascension model and your foundational offer is not the stopping point. For me, it’s the very beginning. And I’ve made well over $10 million with this offer. And more importantly, it fuels my 200K Mastermind success, having sold over $20 million in that offer.

So, typically, my 2 Million Dollar Group students’ biggest reservation for a lifetime access program is that they won’t be compensated for the work that they do and the value they give, so they want to go to a higher price to make sure they get compensated. But y’all, I’ve been well compensated, don’t you think? It’s an illusion that a higher price point or a limited access will bring you more value. Get them in, get them results, give them an amazing experience. Do it always for way less than you could have charged and you will have clients for life. If you’ve taken anything from the podcast, take that.

Okay, so now let’s discuss cons. After six years, I have found a few and I was really thinking about this episode and when people ask me, I genuinely want to give you my experience, the good and the bad to help you make your decision. But it’s important to note, I don’t think there’s an offer that exists that has no cons ever. So you’re just picking your poison a little bit in this context.

Okay, so the first con is that sometimes people think lifetime access is that you will coach them until you die. Literally, I will not be running 2K when I’m 94. I can promise you. I 100% know this. But people have asked over the years. So we’ve gotten clearer and clearer. It’s for the lifetime of the program as long as you run it. Be clear with that.

Although I will say I do think it is in great taste if you do close a lifetime access program to give students a way to download the content and resources. So this happened with a lifetime access program that I bought that ended a few months ago. And they sent out the option to download the program. And I thought this was really lovely, top-notch, very classy.

Also note, I feel like I need to say this, this is something to think about if you have offer commitment issues. If you’re someone that historically has not committed to offers and likes to bounce around, this may not be for you. I have been married to 2K for 2K for six years, seven years and counting. I think in 2025 it makes my seventh year. So this will be my seventh year married to 2K for 2K and counting.

Commitment is required if you also want to build audience trust and dependability. And if you want to have lifetime access and not be like closing your programs down and offering something else lifetime access, it’s something to consider. Do you see this being work that you will be doing for a very long time?

Okay, so that’s one con. This one is probably the biggest con for me, just because of my values of wanting to help people get extraordinary success and do it very quickly, is people get cozy in lifetime access programs that have continuous live elements, which mine does. They stay cozy and comfy at their own detriment to success and they sell themselves that they are slow burns. They create that instead of like, I used to be and now I’m working on a different self concept. They just decide that’s what they’re doing is they’re slowly growing or that they’re being thrifty, that they’re getting their values worth, that they have it so they might as well keep using it, especially if money feels tight. These are all things that people say to me.

But ultimately, it becomes a really good reason not to take on more risk for greater reward. And this one I will tell you, especially recently, it started to nag at me a bit because I don’t love creating environments where it’s easy to take it easy with yourself, when it’s easy to not go for more. I wanna create environments where there’s friction that make you become more self-aware and grow and learn and go through hard stuff and gain experience so that you become way more successful than you ever imagined you could be. So it nags at me a little bit.

And along with this, sometimes people get wild results in your foundational container. I mentioned that in I think the previous episode, but sometimes people get wild results with your foundational container. And then sometimes it leads them to believe it’s the only thing they need, because they just had such incredible results and they don’t need to move up and learn anything else and go into the advanced room. And so they miss out on their evolution again. They miss out on having bigger, more expansive conversations with people that are at their income level and growth level. They miss every coaching call being tailored to something that’s super relevant to them and exactly where they are in their business and where they want to go and bigger conversations.

So I’ve just found this to be like also something that kind of just, it’s both ends of the equation, getting cozy and slow burning or getting cozy because you were so wild out the gate, neither of those are like what actually aligns with full possibility of potential in my experience. Now this is like slightly tricky when I say this, I just have to say, make a little note. I do have some high-income earners who join or like they’re in my $2,000,000 group and they buy 2k and they do that not because they’re trying to be like cozy or they think it’s the only thing they need. They do it because they want to improve their consults and they want to improve their selling.

But those people typically get in, get what they came for, and they move on to the next thing they need. That is how a millionaire thinks. That is how someone highly successful thinks. They don’t have time to stay anywhere. They’re not hanging out anywhere. They’re not milking anything.

I can buy… I’ve done this year a lot. I bought this bigger investment program that was a ton of little courses. If I sold my entrepreneur series at a lump sum price. And I will go and watch one call of a 10 call series and get everything I needed and be so busy taking action that I don’t make it back to all the calls. And I don’t make that mean anything. I just move on to the next one. I don’t be like, oh, I got to do all of that one and make sure I get my values worth. And before I move on, I’m just like, oh, no, I got it. I only needed that one lesson.

Or sometimes I’ll take four of the lessons out of eight of the lessons. And those are what I needed to hear to spring me into action to go really start producing in my business. And then by the time there’s another thing out, I’m interested in that other thing. So I dip into that other thing. And I don’t make that a problem.

I really do when I look at my colleagues and the people I coach at the highest level, this is how we tend to operate is we’re getting in, we’re getting what we came for, and then we’re moving on to the next thing that’s highly relevant to growing our businesses.

That is, again, it’s just how millionaires think. We don’t typically get cozy. So that is a big con for me.

Another con that also really bugs me because the safety and integrity of the space is what matters most to me, like very deeply, With lifetime access, you just have to be really on top of it. You will get people who think your community is their client funnel. And so they will, because they get lifetime access, they will hang out in there to get clients. And sometimes they’ll be really big contributors, but big contributors with motive. And that’s where it starts to feel icky, where you might get customer complaints of people noticing it. And it just for you as the coach will start feeling like not aligned with the energetic space.

And for me, I’m in my groups all the time, so, and I want my clients to have such an amazing experience. So for personally, this for me is really important. The way I feel energetically being in a space is the most important. And I personally, as a student, hate being in spaces where people are lurking for clients and I can always tell in all the spaces I’m in. Even if they’re not lurking, I’m not the type of client they’d be trying to sell to. I’m like, this post felt salesy. This post felt like they were trying to position themselves as an expert, but this is like someone else’s paid community. What’s happening? Why would they do that?

But because this is something that really goes against my philosophy and my values, we’re pretty diligent about handling it. I’m actually working now on a standardized process and communication for when it happens. So I never personally have to think about it again, and my team is empowered to handle it as gracefully as possible. But this does happen. So if you have a lifetime access program, especially if you were a business coach and you teach business, you’re going to have to be on top of this.

And I will just give you like a little quick how this shows up because this shows up for us in two specific ways. Again, remember I’ve put almost 6,000 people through this program and I’ve been doing this for now my seventh year.

So the two ways that you will see this happen, so just so you know to look for it is number one, people who post constantly about their income earnings, and they’re wildly beyond what anyone else in the program is making. But they never will typically break down the how. They will only attribute it slightly to the program because they want the people reading it to be really curious about how they’re succeeding so much. And they will also typically talk about how easy it was and how they did it even though, and then you can like input lots of extraordinary circumstances. And so this really hooks people. And they will do this, only this, like never student posts, never like, I want help, here’s my vulnerable post, but it’s only this and it’s often. And so this is typically when we catch on to people.

And then the second is they’ll be really huge contributors in the comments. And so they’ll just build relationships in the comments. So you’ll see them being like every single person that posts will get a comment from that person. And so that’s typically how we find that it’s happening. And I will also tell you, every time one of those two things happens and my team goes and researches, it is always business coaches or life coaches who coach coaches. It’s always that.

I’ve never seen it with anyone else. Now it’s also not all business coaches. I am a business coach. I didn’t do this and I have a lot of other business coach clients who don’t do this and have never done this. So even when my coaching school had like a robust slack of all my potential ideal clients, I always had the thought I can spend time in there or I can spend time building my audience and being in my program. And so it just always felt like I didn’t want anyone ever in 2K to see me in the LCS Slack coaching when I could be in 2K. So I was just always in 2K.

Now, eventually people sought me out from my school and by then I had built the skills I needed to bring in other coaches from other communities and other schools as well. And I never burned the relationship or bridge with my coach, which incidentally, being constantly invited to speak probably brought me more clients than I could have ever gotten doing sneaky things like this. So not all business coaches do it.

I have lots of clients who don’t. They move into 200K, they make a lot of money in 200K, and they only occasionally tell people what it’s like in the 200K room and give them celebrations and motivation, but they’re not doing it in there constantly and they’re not staying in there. I’ve actually done a whole podcast on this before.

I know marketers are out there teaching you all to do this, to get around the no-selling rule in a group by creating a value or a celebration post. But when this is a paid learning group, it’s very obvious. And again, depending on your values, this is just a big one for me. And for me, it goes back to my prior point. I want the space to be clean and energetically aligned for me and my students who came in to learn the 2K process not to be sold to.

But what also ends up happening is the people who do this never move up into the advanced room and they never learn the 200K teachings. I think that they know it would have to come to an end if they did because it would be really weird to keep being in 2K and keep hanging out there if you were in the 200K room and you were learning those advanced concepts that it wouldn’t make sense to still be in there. And then that’s where all their money comes from. So it keeps them smaller than they could be, even if they’re already making outrageous amounts of money on their own on the down low, they could be making so much more and it could be such a more robust business that’s not reliant on someone else’s.

I’ve coached in the millionaire room, in the 2 Million Dollar Group room so much on when people come in and they have a referral partner or they have a system where some other company is feeding them clients, I’m always telling them, end that as fast as possible. You’ve got to go out and have your own income stream if you want to have a sustainable, reliable, consistent business that stays in business forever, endlessly. You’ve got to create it on your own. And you want to always be in a room full of your peers having mind-blowing conversations. You can make $100K or $200K.

The people that have done this historically in the past, they could make $100K or $200K and think that’s like they’re making a bajillion dollars, but it really keeps them from making $300K or $500K or from becoming millionaires. Like no millionaire that I know is hanging out in someone else’s community helping their people. They’re on their space marketing to help their people and then in their communities helping their people.

So I have just found that this happens more in lifetime access situations or low cost investments. This also happens in free trainings. You have to moderate it in free trainings when you have lots of people too. But it feels very lucrative for people to do this because they pay once and then they get access to your community forever.

So if you do lifetime access, this is probably my biggest con. You got to be shrewd about it. If you want to have a healthy, vibrant, safe community, you just have to be willing to end that stuff very quickly and be very shrewd in your process.

And then my final con, if you were to ask me, this one isn’t as big, but I have seen it come up. So it’s something that I think when you do lifetime access, you just want to be on top of it in your marketing, and you want to talk about it to your clients, and you want to weave it into your messaging. Which is, I’ve started having people expect lifetime access for everything.

And again, this has been more recent than in the last few years, but I’ll have people asking me if 200K Mastermind is lifetime access and then using it as a reason not to grow, like it should be. But really, you’re meant to keep investing and growing in your business to learn new skills and make more money.

I don’t know a single millionaire, and this is how I always just judge everything, I don’t know a single millionaire, both personally or online, like that I know of, that has ever gotten where they are by looking for a deal. Like I’ve never heard that conversation within the investment conversation. I’ve never heard of a millionaire only buying what’s lifetime access. This, like I’ve just noticed, it’s created a little bit of entitlement, a standard, if you will, to which some people decide everything should be set.

I will also say again, I saved this one for last, it’s really the smallest, but I have seen this get bigger in the last few years. And I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about what makes someone get really big returns on the investments they make and what makes someone be a great investor of coaching. And so this one has started to nag at me just a little bit. I have to like, I think I can solve this. I think I can solve this through education, but offering the point of a lifetime access program isn’t so that everything you get is lifetime access or that you like feel entitled to always lifetime access or so that you can feel really good and cozy with having it all the time, but you’re meant to play bigger and have a lot more growth.

But I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about what makes someone get bigger returns on investments and just being a great investor of coaching and growing really quickly. And it’s for sure not having this kind of consumer expectation of everything should be lifetime access and I should only have to invest once and I should only have to invest very little and I want to invest as little as possible and I want to stretch my investments as much as possible and I want to get the most out of them.

It’s not quite the same as saying I’m going to extract a ton of value out of every investment I make while also being an aggressive investor. I’ve done a podcast with my coach, Brooke, on that exact thing, aggressive investing. I think that’s worth going back and finding in the feed and listening to, but the people who typically are the most aggressive investors are the most successful people.

Okay, but at this moment, at the time of recording, here’s what I will say to end. Maybe I should have done the cons first so that I could have picked it back up, but I wanted to start with the – I always do in my evaluations what worked, what didn’t work, what would I do differently. And so even when I do a pro and con, I’m going to go with the pro first.

I still believe if you’re asking me, should I start a lifetime access program for the beginning of my scale for creating a seven-figure business, depending on, again, it has to do with what your vision is for your business too and what your overall business model will be and if you love marketing more and you want to have a membership. All of those things matter. But if you’re considering lifetime access, if you’re like, I’m thinking about doing it, I still believe the positives outweigh the negatives dramatically.

And if I only looked at, if I only said, what’s the measurement for that? It would say the number of students I’ve helped and the amount of money I’ve made. And the amount of money they’ve made. So it’s not just the amount of people helped, but the amount of money they all made and the amount of money I made. There’s just not, I don’t know that there’s a con right now in this exact moment of recording that outweighs any of that.

And I think you have to always build based on the good and not the bad. But I also think they’re worth considering and you’re not married to it forever. I highly recommend staying with your offers as long as possible so you can build large communities and really become known for your offers and then it gets easier and easier to sell them. But you’re not married to it.

You could do one for three or four years and then close that offer. Again, I recommend giving your people the option to download the resources. But if you’re into commitment and you’re into making a lot of money and you’re into the long term vision and you really want to help a lot of people for a low cost have an amazing experience. Lifetime access could be the way to go.

All right, coaches, this is my take on lifetime access offers. This will be an amazing resource from here on out. Every time someone asks me to have this conversation, I can direct them to this episode and then we can get into the nitty gritty of their specific things that they’re thinking about. And if you want to share your thoughts with me, feel free to @staceyboehman on Instagram. You can send me a DM and say, here are my thoughts.

I am always, we can have a conversation if you’re in 2K or you’re in 200K or 2 Million Dollar Group, I am always down to have conversations around this and think even more expansively about something or have ideas considered. But this is my kind of like hot one-time take. If I just sat down and wrote my pros and cons, this is it.

All right, I hope you all have an amazing week. I’m so excited for Mastermind Week if you’re in 200K or next week if you’re in 2 Million Dollar Group. Have an amazing one and I will talk to you soon.

Hey, if you’re ready to make money as a life coach, I want to invite you to join my 2k for 2k program where you’re going to make your first $2,000, the hardest part, using my simple 5-step formula for getting consults and closing new clients. Just head over to We’ll see you inside.

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